#nagisa is too baby
sleepy-edits · 1 year
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xitty · 4 months
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Adosou were the cutest kids
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umbr3llaz · 2 years
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Bebe with a Bebebel 🧀🥺✨
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arienai · 2 years
Honest to god I never used to understand the posts on here where people talked about like "I want to put my blorbo in the air fryer" or whatever. until I started reading Otherside Picnic. And now I'm just like. You know. I get it. I don't know what it is about Sorawo Kamikoshi but I want to print a little cutout of her and scotch tape her to the ceiling fan and I can't explain it
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kierewrites · 8 months
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What Would Karma Do... when a cruel teacher attacks your class?
navi - masterlist
Karma Akabane x Reader
Mood Song: judas
Summary: Remember the beloved Assassination Classroom anime? This is pretty much that, except you enter the picture of Karma's chaotic school year. Let's see just how compatible the two of you are.
Warnings: depictions of violence, cursing, karma being a psycho (when is he not tho), angst with a tooth rotting sweet ending :3
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"Woah! Is that..."
"I..It's cake!"
"Hand made eclairs too!
That was just a few of the many comments from your classmates as you all ogled over the picnic blanket full of sweet treats from all around the world. 
Most of the time your P.E. classes consisted of intense training regimens or one-on-one combat lessons with Karasuma, but today played out so much differently than any class before.
Though even with this bizarre change, you couldn't say you were upset. Today had already started rough when you learned Karma was skipping class all day, even though you begged him not to...
"Karma.. staying up late.. isn't an.. excuse for you to.. ditch.. classes!" You whined in between kisses that were surely meant to shut you up.
Karma simply rolled his eyes before pinching your nose and smirking lazily.
"You're the one keeping me up so late angel~"
Pinching your lips together into that adorable pout he loved, you smacked his hand away and narrowed your eyes down at him, "Yeah but I'm still going to class tomorrow."
Karma let out a low growl at this, flipping you over so that he was on top of you now. He tried nearly every tactic he could to convince you to ditch school with him, but even he should’ve known nothing could stand between your academic resolve.
So since your little rascal decided to truly ditch as he promised, you couldn't help but smile for the first time all day upon seeing the lovely treats before you. There were even a few custom treats from back home that you recognized.
"T..These look sorta pricey sir, are you sure?" Isogai questioned nervously, seeming to be the only student that hadn't fallen under the trance of the sweet assortments.
The new P.E. teacher simply boomed with laughter, offering a warm smile to the class.
"Yeah! Chow down kiddos!" The teacher spoke with a large grin, "I didn't break the bank so we could stare at these babies all day!"
"You really know your way around branded sweets dontcha?" Yada spoke with a grin.
Your new teacher simply smiled before closing his eyes,
"Trust me when it comes to the good stuff.. it's love~"
All of the students were in awe at such a generous and kind teacher, not that Karasuma was mean or anything, but this was not your typical day in the Assassination Classroom.
"So you're gonna take over P.E. to help Mr. Karasuma get caught up?" Nagisa questioned, though his eyes were still glued to the chocolate eclair in his hands.
"Yup! Those are my marching orders!" The teacher declared as he looked back at the blue haired boy, "Poor guy needs some time to himself."
The students all seemed to smile at that. Admittedly it felt like Karasuma was running a one man show over here. Sure Korosensei and Professor Jelavic were around, but most of the time it felt like Karasuma was even babysitting them too.
"Wow these treats are truly amazing, thank you so much-" You began, only to be interrupted by a pink blob quite literally drooling over your new P.E teacher's shoulder.
"Ah! This fellow must be Korosensei!" Your teacher exclaimed excitedly, not even minding the literal drool dripping down his shoulder, "Please help yourself!"
Those words seemed to be the final string holding your teacher back as he wildly dug into the treats on the blanket.
"You know sir, being colleagues, you and Mr. Karasuma are night and day." Kimura spoke with a tilted head, Hara joining in with a smile,
"He's nice to us and all but you're like the neighborhood dad!"
The teacher's eyes seemed to light up at that as he let out another booming laugh before dragging you all into his arms with a tight hug.
"Dad.. I like the sound of that!"
All of your classmates seemed to laugh in unison, everyone enjoying the warm embrace and not seeming to worry about the strangely kind personality the teacher had.
"Alright everybody here?" Your teacher spoke with a smile, standing before your classmates ready for class.
"Now things are going to be tougher than usual but stick it out like the champs I know you are and we're talking more sweets!" Mr. Takaoka spoke with a grin.
"For us? Or are you really just saving them for yourself?" Nakamura sneered.
"Nope nope..." Mr. Takaoka said with a sheepish smile as he stuck his tongue out and patted his large tummy, "Don't wanna ruin this girlish figure!"
With that the class howled into laughter. This guy was almost too good to be true. Plenty generous, good sense of humor, a true care for the craft he's teaching. He really was like a big old papa bear.
Looking around you noticed your classmates seemed happy enough, nobody was ever really smiling during P.E. class, rather panting and trying to catch their breath. Maybe this would be a good change for you guys?
"Okay then, along with your new training regimen comes a new schedule!"
You along with the rest of your students looked up to the colorful paper your teacher was holding up before raising a brow as he began to hand them out.
The schedule before you was.. chaotic to say the least. 
Almost every period was P.E. class, many of your academic electives now switched to training. Along with that instead of your normal school day length, the training went on until nine o'clock at night!
Looking up with wide eyes you noticed your classmates all looking around with the same bewildered faces. Maybe he was just joking around with you again?
"We have ten periods now?!"
"We train till nine pm?"
Your classmates all threw thirty different questions at the man who stood before you, his smile never faltering as everyone expressed their concerns about the new schedule.
"That's the idea, little grasshoppers!" Your teacher exclaimed with a smile, his joyful personality contrasting with the reality of the situation, "Don't be glum, think of the payoff! This curriculum will turn you into lean, mean, killing machines-"
"Wait hold up hold up, this is ridiculous!" Maehara interrupted, Mr. Takaoka's smile faltering, "First off this is school, we gotta think about grades too."
Mr. Takaoka simply smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. Maybe this guy was just so hardcore he forgot you guys actually had to take academic classes.
"I mean come on we can't go by this! We're supposed to stu-"
The boy's words were cut off when the teacher placed a gentle palm on the top of his head. Everyone seemed to raise a brow until he lifted his knee up and slammed Maehara's chin down onto his knee with a painful crack.
The entire class gasped, your hand flying to your mouth as you backed up on your knees. Was this some sort of sick joke? Did he and Maehara practice this skit? The way his practically lifeless form dropped to the ground really didn't make it seem that way.
"Rule number one, we don't do can't." Mr. Takaoka spoke in a dark voice, his smile still spread across his lips proudly as he watched the boy twitch on the ground in pain.
"Rule number two, we are a family and I'm the dad," He continued to speak, his continuous use of the word "dad" suddenly backfiring on all of you, "Show me a family where dad ain't in charge and I'll show you a family in crisis."
The man began to lecture you all, ominous smile still spread across his face as he walked around your group with his hands expectantly behind his back.
"A father loves each of his children unconditionally, the thought of even losing one of ‘em breaks his heart. We're gonna save the world kids, and we're gonna do it as a family." Mr. Takaoka finished, gathering Mimura and Kanzaki in his arms.
All of you seemed to flinch when he did this, especially your two classmates in his embrace. The sight of both of their cringing faces made you feel hot inside, not in the good way.
"I.. Actually sir, to tell you the truth.." Kanzaki spoke nervously, tugging herself out of his embrace and standing up with her arms nervously clamped together, "I'm not much for P.E. If I have to do it, I much prefer Mr. Karasuma's class!"
You couldn't help but smile at Kanzaki. Even in such a tense situation she always made sure to remain polite and cheerful as she smiled up to the aggressive teacher.
But as soon as you saw Mr. Takaoka lick his lip you knew this wouldn't end well.
Without hesitation he smacked his hand across her face so hard she flew backwards and rolled against the dirt with a cry.
"Kanzaki!" Your classmates cried as a few rushed over to her trembling figure.
"Looks like we're having a bit of a communication gap!" Mr. Takaoka said with that same dreadfully cheerful smile. The sight made your fists clench, Nagisa already seeming to notice the gears in your head turning as he placed a gentle palm on your wrist.
"The only answer here is yes-"
Your sudden shout caused the teacher to pause, his head tilting as a sadistic smile formed on his lips.
"You can't keep hurting our classmates just because we don't do what you say. You aren't our real teacher and your training regimen is borderline insane! How are we supposed to pass our exams with your foot up our ass till the late night hours?"
Your teacher simply chuckled as he looked at you with wide crazed eyes through his hooded expression.
"Bothers you that much little grasshopper? Come show me what you're gonna do about it then!"
Letting out an annoyed growl you got low, ready to pounce until Nagisa grabbed your wrist more firmly this time.
"Y/n don't bother, he's going to seriously hurt you! This guy clearly isn't a regular gym coach."
Ignoring what he said, all you could do was glare into this man's beady little eyes that only fueled your fire.
"Let go, Nagisa." You hissed before snatching your wrist out of his grasp and darting forward.
Nagisa along with the rest of your classmates watched nervously. As sweet as you were, some of Karma's reckless traits were really starting to rub off on you. Ever since you all had gotten kidnapped, you swore you would get stronger so you could protect everyone, but of course that didn't stop the class from worrying.
Darting forward you blocked his first swing, quickly maneuvering your footing so that you spun behind him, forming your palm to be firm and flat before chopping your hand on the back of his neck right where the pressure point is.
After watching Nagisa and Karma train together, and even getting to train a little bit with them whenever Karma would finally give in to your whining, you learned a few tricks from both of them.
Nagisa was definitely a defensive fighter, more so focused on strategic attacks and blocking. Karma was a hands on offensive attacker, he wasted no time to give the opponent a moment to think.
Finally it seemed like your training had paid off as Mr. Takaoka let out a shout of pain as he stumbled forward onto his hands and knees, your strike seeming to make his vision blur.
"Nice hit Y/n!" Nakumura shouted, your classmates all cheering for you as you wiped a blade of sweat from your forehead.
"It's just like Karma taught me, it's not about the power of your strike but the precision!" You said with a smile, giving the gym teacher one last glance.
A small part of you felt giddy about the experience as you began to rehearse in your head how you would brag to Karma about taking down a grown man. Finally your training was beginning to pay off.
As you began to walk back to your cheerful classmates you felt life almost go into slow motion when you saw Nagisa's smile begin to drop, his eyes widened as he screamed your name and pointed behind you.
Before you could even turn your head back a quarter of the way you felt a strong grip on the back of your ponytail causing you to yell out in pain when the hand tugged you backwards.
"Not so fast you smug bitch." Mr. Takaoka growled with a psychotic smile as he swung his leg up and over your body before cracking it down on your abdomen hard.
The feeling alone had the breath knocked out of you before you could even hit the ground. You let out a sharp scream until your back hit the ground so hard you bounced up from the sheer force, a garbled choke escaping your lips before you officially fell to the ground.
"Y/n!" Your class shouted, Nagisa already sliding on his knees towards you as you struggled for air, loud chokes and gasps filling the air while you shriveled up holding your abdomen in pain. The lack of air wouldn't even allow you to cry as you felt your vision grow blurry.
Nagisa quickly lifted your shirt just enough to see a dark purple bruise forming across your skin, the feeling of something warm and wet being coughed up onto his hand that was keeping you upright.
His eyes widened at the sight of blood, his eyes frantically looking down at you as more of your classmates began to try and help you up.
How had your cheerful P.E. class turned into a bloodbath?
Karma continued to huff out profanities as he shuffled up the dirt hill, hands shoved deep in his pockets as a scowl formed on his lips.
"Dumb angel, always making me feel so damn guilty..." Karma mumbled as he kicked a few stones on the way.
It was weird, before he met you he never really cared about anything when it came to academics. He wasn't even depressed or stupid or even lazy, he just didn't quite care.
Where was school going to get him anyway? Graduate next year and go to college to take the same brainwashing classes he's taken since he learned to walk? To get a piece of paper that says congrats, now you can make money!
It was all ridiculous to him.
But ever since your stupid adorable ass showed up into his life, he saw things differently. 
He wanted to have goals in life just to impress you, he wanted to go to college wherever you were going so you could grow together. He wanted to see the world with you, always be at your side so he would never lose you.
He could see it now, both of you finally done with all this school bullshit and sitting along the edge of a cliff that overlooked a vast blue sea as the sun would set along the dazzling colorful sky.
You would be sitting in between his crossed legs as he held you in a tight warm embrace.
"I love you Karma." You would whisper ever so gently from those sweet lips of yours as you tilted your head back so your sparkling hues could stare into his own.
Karma would smile down to you, watching as the ocean breeze danced through both of your locks as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too Y/n." Karma whispered aloud, the sound of his own voice snapping him back to reality as he let out a growl and shook his head.
You were like a demon haunting his mind except quite the opposite, more like an angel from heaven always clouding his mind in the best way possible. You truly were going to be the death of him.
Once finally making it up the hill, Karma came up with the excuse that he forgot his textbook for when his classmates would surely ask why he decided to show up halfway through the day. He would never admit it was just so he could see your pretty face before the day's end.
As he shuffled up the steps lazily he raised a brow when he saw a few students outside, crowded around Mr. Karasuma and some other large man that seemed to be smiling a bit crazy.
Raising a brow he shrugged with a smirk, assuming they were doing some strange training routine.
Sliding the wood door open he walked down the hallway until he saw class 3-E and slid the door open, awaiting to see the rest of his classmates studying silently, only to find the room completely empty.
Freezing he narrowed his eyes around the room, something wasn't right.
There were only about half of his classmates outside training, you not being one of them, where could the rest of you have been? It's not like they split the boys and girls up, he saw a mix of them all outside.
Shutting the classroom door, he decided to make his way back outside until he heard a voice come from down the hall.
"Y/n you have got to stop being so reckless, it's going to get you killed one day!"
The very sentence froze Karma in his tracks, his ears perking up at the sound of your name.
Your weak cough filled the air sending chills down his spine as you spoke up.
"But I..I didn’t die, did I? I had to do something, he was going to hurt all of our classmates!"
The redhead slowly turned his head around with grit teeth, his eyes falling on the door where all the sound was coming from, only to see it was the nurses office.
Karma was praying for his sake and your sake that you just played some crazy prank on someone and that you didn't actually do something reckless. But knowing you, he was sure that wasn't the case.
"So you thought it would be better if he hurt you?" A voice spoke up, "You know Karma's going to kill you for this."
Crescent shaped moons began to form into the redhead’s palms as the very thing he worried about had been confirmed, someone hurt you. Quickly he began to storm down the hallway, ready to slide the door open before he heard your pathetic voice.
"Well I didn't plan on him crushing my spleen," You spoke out stubbornly with another cough, Karma's vision slowly starting to turn red with anger, "Besides, Karma skipped today so Karma will never find out about this. Got it?"
At this Karma froze as a sadistic smile quirked upon his lips, you sneaky little fox.
Putting on the most neutral face he could even amongst his slow boiling anger, he slid the door open causing everyone in the room to jump. His first sight was you, Maehara, and Kanzaki all laying down on the nurse tables. Sugino, Okuda, and Yada were also in the room which must have been the people talking.
"Oh Y/n dearest, am I interrupting something? Sorry I was late for class, just slept through my alarm!" Karma said in a gentle tone, sticking his tongue out to appear innocent.
The sight of your red headed boyfriend caused you to shriek as you forced yourself off of the bed with a grunt. Once you realized standing wasn't quite an option, you leaned on the side of the table, trying to appear as casual as possible. All that silenced your pained whimper was the harsh bite you held on your tongue while you forced a smile.
"K..Karma! I thought uh.. I thought you were skipping today!" You spoke cheekily, though it was clear to everyone how heavy you were breathing. Sugino looked at you nervously to make sure you didn't collapse on the floor as everyone else in the room felt the awkward tension.
Karma smirked down to you, though it wasn’t his signature cocky one, but rather a menacing one as he sauntered over to you.
"Oh you know, I wouldn't want to miss any lessons would I?" Karma spoke darkly, though he kept that same cheerful smile on his face, "Besides I couldn’t possibly make it through the day without a hug from my sweet angel.”
The sound of that caused your eyes to widen, quickly backing up the best you could as he neared you.
"Oh really? I don't know uh.. I'm not quite feeling a hug right now… I'm actually kind of hot!" You exclaimed, your classmates nervously watching as Karma neared you while you ran out of space to back into, "You don't wanna hug all my icky sweat d..do you?"
"Oh, I think I do." Karma growled, forcing his arms around you gently.
Sure enough as soon as he made even the gentlest of contact, you let out a cry as your knees buckled beneath you, Karma quickly caught you before lifting you up on the bed once more.
"Fuck Y/n, do you think I’m an idiot?” Karma growled, grabbing both of your fighting wrists that were trying to push his hands away with one hand, while lifting your shirt up with the other.
Though Karma knew you were injured, he never in a million years expected to see the wound that was displayed across your abdomen. A large maroon bruise stretched from either side of your stomach, the color getting darker at the center.
The redhead let go of your wrists so as not to hurt you any further, deciding to instead grip the edge of the metal bed, the sound of the cool material bending sending chills through your body.
"Who did this?" Karma growled, looking up at you through rageful hooded eyes.
Swallowing nervously you quickly placed both of your hands on either side of his shoulders, remembering how violent he got last time you got kidnapped, he couldn't have you killing your actual teacher, he would surely get expelled.
"Karma calm down, it's seriously not as bad as it looks I promise-"
The sound of his fist slamming down on the table beside you caused you to jump with a small yelp, his pupils narrowed to slits as he angrily glared at you.
"Damnit Y/n, stop trying to be the hero and tell me who did this! It looks like they crushed one of your fucking organs!"
"They made her cough up blood too." Yada spoke from over your shoulder, your head quickly whipping back to glare at her as her comment only fueled your boyfriend's raging mood.
Inhaling sharply, Karma tried to calm himself down so as not to yell at you before looking at you once more.
"Y/n, tell me who did this to you."
Biting at the corner of your lip you let out a defeated sigh and looked away sheepishly.
"We got a new P.E. teacher today, Mr. Takaoka, and he seemed really nice and cheerful... he even brought us treats!" You exclaimed trying to defend your reasoning, "B..But then when he showed us our new training schedules he took out all of our academic classes and was going to make us stay till nine pm everyday."
The sound of that made Karma raise his brow briefly, even to him that made no sense.
"So a few classmates expressed that to him, Maehara and Kanzaki..." You said softly, Karma just now noticing his two other injured classmates that only made him angrier, "But he lashed out and attacked them brutally… He was going to hurt every last one of them if I didn't step in, I swear I wasn't being reckless Karma I just…"
Karma's stern expression broke for a second when he heard you choke over words, you looked down before looking back up with glossy eyes once more.
"I couldn't just stand by again!"
The redhead flinched slightly at this, flashbacks to your conversation after you had gotten kidnapped flooding back to him. Of course you weren't being an idiot like him, you just wanted to protect your friends.
The redhead looked up to the ceiling in a poor attempt to hide the insane rage in his eyes, a ragged sigh escaping his lips before he looked down at you softly, his thumb gently rubbing against your thigh.
"So what you're saying is I need to put an old fuck in his place then, yeah?"
Your eyes widened at this as you watched him stroll out of the nurse's office, you quickly tried to follow after him but not before falling into Okuda's arms.
"Y/n you really shouldn't move..." Okuda said softly as you wrapped your arm around her shoulder.
Looking down at the gentle girl pleadingly, you glanced back at the door, "Okuda please, Karma can't fight that guy, he's going to get hurt!"
Okuda bit her lip before looking at her other classmates that shared worried looks.
"Let's all go out together so we can at least warn Mr. Karasuma and Korosensei."
Karma being "mad" was an understatement.
Admittedly he did snap at you which he certainly didn't mean to, but now he was angry for a different reason.
Like hell was some old fashioned pig of a man going to throw his classmates around. Especially after you still were recovering from the kidnapping scenario. He was getting so excited to see your combat skills were vastly improving, so to see you torn back down to square one royally pissed him off.
Slamming the door open he noticed a few eyes on him, but most of them were on the large teacher that was nestled in between Nagisa's legs. Karma’s eyes widened for a moment, impressed that Nagisa was able to take down such a beast.
Clearly the blue haired boy had gotten stronger, and he was sure Nagisa felt just as much rage as him after seeing you in such a state. Still though, he noticed the large teacher get up once Nagisa let go so he knew this wasn't quite over yet.
Soon after Karma began to head to the scene you and your other injured classmates slowly made your way outside, the sight of Karma getting closer to the man causing you to freeze.
Of course Karma could take care of himself, hell you wouldn't be surprised if he could take this man out with his bare fists alone, but it was clear Mr. Takaoka wasn't a fair fighter. Karma was skilled, but he couldn't be prepared if the crazed man pulled a gun on him.
You attempted to call out Karma's name but he pretended not to hear you as he walked to the scene.
Looking around you quickly shouted Mr. Karasuma's name, his concerned eyes moved over to you before looking over to an angry Karma as you pointed to him. Mr. Karasuma gave you a curt nod in understanding.
At this point all you could do was watch the scene play out and hope nobody else got hurt.
"You ungrateful punks." Mr. Takaoka growled, his fists clenched and his body flexed like he was a giant bear, "You think it's fun shaming your father figure, huh?
A pit sat in the bottom of your stomach. Even as beat up as Mr. Takaoka looked, he was still screaming his head off. The expression of pure rage he wore while looking at Nagisa made it look like he was going to rip his head off.
"Having the time of your life pretending you won? Hope it was worth it cause daddy's about to rip you apart! Mind body and soul-"
All of the students began to yell for Nagisa to move, Mr. Karasuma ready to run and stop this crazed man's punch, but Korosensei simply placed his tentacle on Mr. Karasuma's shoulder to hold him back.
Mr. Karasuma angrily looked back at Korosensei in confusion as to why he stopped him, but when a crack filled the air all eyes worriedly looked over to Nagisa.
Once the dust cleared up from the dirt beneath him, everyone gasped in surprise when they saw an unharmed Nagisa with his arm defensively up. If he didn't get hit then what was the cracking sound?
Sure enough the class' crazy redhead stood before Mr. Takaoka, his meaty fist caught by Karma's hand.
Mr. Takaoka let out a grunt of surprise, seeing that his quivering fist stood no chance against Karma’s simple block. To make matters worse, Karma lazily smirked up to the man and let out a sneer.
"Is that all you've got, old man?"
Mr. Takaoka began to shake in fury as he ripped his hand from Karma's grasp.
"Why you little-"
The gym teacher began to throw another fist with much more force, but Karma simply caught it once again and used the force to swing his arm around and pin it against his back so that he couldn't move.
"Nobody likes a sore loser~" Karma cooed tauntingly before his foot connected with Mr. Takaoka's spine, the kick pummeling the teacher into the ground as his face dragged against the dirt.
Everyone watched with wide eyes. No matter how many times they saw Karma in action, everyone seemed to forget his own raw strength beyond his insane ability.
You finally let out a sigh of relief you didn't realize you were holding in this entire time as you watched Karma walk beside the teacher.
Mr. Takaoka attempted to lift his head weakly from the ground, still mumbling out profanities but Karma simply grabbed the base of his skull and slammed his face into the dirt before moving his face real close to the teachers.
The P.E. teacher felt fear flow over his body, the same way he did when Nagisa made his cheap move on him in their previous fight. The red haired boy practically stared into his soul with those sinister golden hues that looked almost excited to have him in such a degrading position.
"Tell me Mr. Tough Guy," Karma spoke calmly before roughly yanking Mr. Takaoka's head to face you and your injured classmates, "Were you the one that harmed my classmates over there?"
The teacher let out a grunt through his teeth, words struggling to form to his lips out of a mix of pain and anger.
Karma simply laughed, sending chills to those around him as he yanked the man's head to face Karma once again, making sure to tug harshly on his hair making Mr. Takaoka scream out in pain.
"I said.." Karma growled with narrowed eyes, "Did you lay even a single finger on my angel over there?"
Mr. Takaoka narrowed his eyes back to Karma, a slight grin coming on his face when he realized where all the anger was bubbling up from within the redhead. Making eye contact with you for a second he let out a choked out laugh before nodding.
"I sure did, and I regret noth-"
The teacher couldn't get out another word before Karma slammed his head directly into the dirt.
"Then you can stay there like the filthy mut you are, teach!" Karma exclaimed with a smile, not even caring to hear what else the man had to say as he stood up and walked back to his silent classmates.
Even after all of that the teacher tried his very best, though wasn't very successful, to get back up to which didn't go unnoticed by Karma.
"Hmmm.." Karma said as if in thought before his eyes fell on Nagisa, "Hand me the knife Nagisa."
The blue haired boy knew better than to question Karma in this state so he handed the knife over, though as Mr. Karasuma yelled for him to stop he soon regretted it.
Karma simply ignored their cries and before they could reach him he threw the knife with such precision it landed directly in the center of Mr. Takaoka's palm causing him to cry out in pain.
"Just so you don't get any ideas of getting up champ." Karma spoke as he patted the man's cheek before standing up and brushing his hands off.
Everyone seemed to let out a sigh when realizing Karma was done. Even with the damage done, his classmates were expecting a much more violent scene to play out, so this was the best outcome that could have happened.
Not even a few moments later as Mr. Karasuma dealt with Mr. Takaoka, the principal himself came down to lead the teacher off the premises. The students were surprised to see the principal take their side for once, but he did once again remind them that he cared about academics above all else.
For now, it was a win for Class 3-E, and the class treated it as such.
Of course both Korosensei and Mr. Karasuma scolded Karma for his dangerous behavior, but given the bizarre situation he got off with a warning. Both knew how possessive he got with you and Korosensei especially knew it came out of a place of concern.
As Mr. Karasuma walked off to check on the other students, Karma moved to go meet with you and Nagisa, only for a tentacle to stop him.
"Y/n truly held her ground you know." Korosensei spoke, Karma freezing as he looked up to his teacher that was already looking at you.
"She kept up with him easily for a few minutes and was able to get him down on his hands and knees, your training with her is really paying off."
Karma glanced from Korosensei back to you as a proud smile flashed across his face. Even with your grotesque injury, you were joking around with your friends, a smile on your face even with the intense day you had.
"I'm really proud of her." Karma spoke simply, those words filling Korosensei's heart up with hope.
"With that said, though she has a lot left to learn from you, don't forget to also keep learning from her."
At this Karma looked up to Korosensei with a raised brow.
"What do you mean?"
"As much as you hate to admit it, Y/n has changed you for the better Karma. You may claim she's made you weaker, but she's truly made you stronger. You aren't as reckless and careless anymore. You truly care for your classmates and want not only the best for them, but the best for yourself."
Korosensei looked down to Karma, who for once all day was speechless.
"You two are going to build each other up into the best individuals you can be, so keep learning from each other young man."
Karma looked back at you with furrowed brows. How did this damned octopus always know exactly what Karma was thinking, but was too embarrassed to say out loud? Hearing it come from Korosensei really made the redhead feel better, but of course he would never admit that.
"Alright alright you big sap, thanks for the advice but it's nothing I didn't already know," Karma spoke as he rolled his eyes, beginning to walk off, "Trust me Y/n is going to learn real well from me, she'll be my sweet little assassin by my side in no time."
Korosensei smiled at that until he noticed Karma pull out the knife from before as he flipped it around his fingers.
"And you'll be our first target teach~"
Korosensei began to go off in a frenzy, trying to grab the knife from Karma but to no avail as the boy walked off snickering.
For some reason unlike the first traumatic event you had with your classmates, this one didn't hit you as hard as usual. Sure you wished you didn’t have to endure that, the wound across your gut proving that point, but at the same time you felt so warm and safe being surrounded by your friends.
You've learned so much within your time here and it wasn't even the end of the first semester.
"Uh oh, red devil alert." Nagisa spoke nervously, your eyes falling on Karma as he sauntered over to you with an emotionless expression.
Sheepishly looking away you played with your fingers, refusing to look into those disapproving eyes as you awaited the sure lecture he would give you.
Once you heard him sit beside you, you raised a brow when no words came out of his mouth. Just before you could lift your head up, you felt gentle fingers grab your chin and tug your lips towards his own.
The kiss was unlike his usual ones, but not foreign to you. It wasn’t rough or rushed, but rather sweet and coordinated. The redhead kept your chin in his hold even after pulling away, his eyes glancing down to meet your nervous gaze.
"What you did today was crazy and not well thought out," Karma started, his brows furrowing together as he looked at you intensely before a small smile appeared on his lips, "But it was also very brave of you. I'm proud of you for sticking up for your classmates."
For a moment your brain shut off. The words "I'm proud of you" sounded foreign in general, let alone coming from your stubborn boyfriend himself.
Once you processed what was said you couldn't help the blush that rose to your cheeks as your lips rose into the prettiest smile Karma had ever seen in his life. Quickly you gather Karma into your arms, the boy taken aback before welcoming your warm embrace into his arms.
"Thank you Karma." You whispered into his chest, appreciating his new found trust and proudness in you.
This wasn't the same Karma you met when you got here, but you're so happy with how much you've both grown.
"She did totally kick ass Karma." Nagisa said with a grin, the redhead pulling away from you just so he could look at his friend, "She straight up spun behind that guy and before he could even process it, she cracked him right in the back of his neck, it was insane!"
"Oh did she now?"
Smiling wider, you looked over to Karma with a grin as you slowly got up on your knees, grunting a bit as you were trying to be careful not to strain your abdomen.
"I did! He was all like ‘woah where did she go’,” You spoke, mocking the large man’s voice as you knit your brows in an attempt to look scary, “And I was all like, ‘surprise!’ before I chopped down on his neck.”
Karma watched your movements with a toothy grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement and pride as you explained your tactics.
“He was totally knocked out for like… a few seconds at least.” You said with a pant, smiling down to the two boys that watched with matching smiles.
Karma couldn’t help but snort at your final pose, his arms grabbing the back of your thighs and gently lifting you into his lap, so as to not agitate your wound any further..
"Of course my sweet angel kicked his ass, she learned from the best after all~" Karma said with a cocky grin, Nagisa giving an unimpressed brow raise as you stuck out your tongue to him.
You all joked around until the class seemed to finally calm down, all of you eating the sweet treats Mr. Takaoka brought before he went psycho on you all.
It wasn't until you hummed against Karma's chest that he felt a sense of deja vu. 
There you were, nestled between his crossed legs, your body cuddled up against his warm embrace as you nibbled on the flakey pastry in your hand.
Looking practically upside down backwards to Karma you stared into his beautiful golden eyes before offering a sweet smile, your lips quite literally covered in white powder from your pastry.
"I love you Karma." You whispered softly, giggling when Karma placed a quick kiss on your lips, only for his tongue to swipe those plush lips of yours to get the remaining powder from them.
Sure you weren't overlooking the large ocean on a dramatically beautiful cliff, and there were a few additions to the picture that Karma could've gone without. But he wouldn't have had it any other way.
"I love you too Y/n."
next chapter
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
Okay but in the fem tsuna that accidentally becomes a assassin with class 3e
That would be such a great crossover au!
Also would her guardians change, would she have multiple for each element? Takeshi would probably learn more off of her lol.
But! Does Tsuna do the same thing that nagisa does? Is it a snake or lioness? Or lion?
I do think she'd end up with different guardians for the simple fact that by the time Reborn shows up she's not only been through everything with E Class but she's become the class baby/princess. So you best believe that these gremlins she spent that year with (who spent the year learning and growing in the dim, flickering light of her sealed flames that eventually became an inferno) have kept her tucked close in their lives.
I could possibly see her ending up with multiples for each element, with E Class being a bit older and having their own lives too before canon catches up to Tsuna.
I do think she'd be more aligned to Nagisa's snake style than anything lion-related by the end, just given the nature of their training and what she's been through. Or maybe she is something cat-like but more subtle in nature than canon.
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thequietkid-moonie · 10 months
Foster Parent comforting them after a nightmare
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Kotoko, Nagisa, Masuru, Jataro, Monaca ] [ Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls ]
⚠️ This contain spoilers about their backstory
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They are my babies, I would give the the sun, the moon and the stars if I can ❤️ Anyways, im FINALLY writing for them again!! IM SO HAPPY!!
I don't care what people think or say, I know Monaca suffered a lot too, the fear she felt when she sees Hanji again is REAL!!
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Kotoko Utsugui
Kotoko doesn't really like to talk about what happened to her, she gets pretty mad whenever someone or something reminds her about her past, and even so she prefers to act like it she doesn't mind it anymore, what happened in the past it stays on the past, and now that she has someone who cares for her why she will like to remember so disgusting things?
But as much as she tried to forget her trauma still hunt her down from time to times, that fear that exist deep inside her of one day the horrible parents she had will come for her and make her return to her old life (if she still continue going to the drama club she feels insecure about it from time to time too)
Saddly, all the feelings and fears she tries to ignore sometimes come to her as a dream, as a terrible nightmare where no matter how much she call for your name you aren't there, instead she just see her father, who with a big smile congratulate her for her amazing performance and remember her that there is something that she still have to do
Kotoko wake up all scared before something even can happen because she just couldn't handle all of that again, tears already falling from her eyes, her whole body shaking and trying to cover her body while trying to normalize her breathing
It depends on how bad her nightmare was to what she will do next, if it wasn't that bad she will try to calm down by herself, not really wanting to bother you and being anxious about going out of her room, but is more likely that at the end she goes to your room to at least sleep by your side, in the other hand if the nightmare was really bad she won't be able to calm down so she just runs to your room crying almost imediatly, also it could be that she scream while sleeping or when she wakes up what will alert you so you will be the one going to her room
Either way, Kotoko is just crying, she isn't able to explain what happened and she doesn't want to talk about it either (she even almost scream at you if you ask her about the nightmare just because she is scare), she just want to be in your arms, she just want to know that she is with you and that you won't let those perverts touch her again, if Kotoko manage to say something will be to either ask you to please hold her or to ask you if you will let that people reach her
Kotoko doesn't want to leave your arms so you will have to hold her for a long time until she calm down, as well sweet and soft touches (such as caress her hair or back and small kisses on the forehead) and reasuring her that something like that will never happen again help her calm down faster, still it will take her some time to fall sleep again and there is no way she will do it alone
The next days Kotoko will be more quiet than usual, even a little shy with her head down, she isn't really embarrassed about waking you up is just that the nightmare really affected her, but with some time she will feel better and will go back to her normal self again
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Nagisa Shingetsu
Nagisa doesn't really have problems with talking about what happened to him in the past and he even talk about like it isn't nothing or that it doesn't bother him, but in reallity all that he suffered affects him more that even he knows
Nagisa were exposed not just standards too high and a constant rejection but to the effects of drugs in order to make him work more and more, and even when he acts mature deep down he is still searching for the approval of the ones he loves and is startled by the the minimum errors
For being in a house where he is appreciated by just being himself and don't ask him to be perfect or to spend all the night studing the fear of messing things up or even disappointing you hunt him from time to time (not always but it still there), so having a nightmare related to it isn't totally strange
Dreaming about his father and all that he went through it doesn't really affect him, it bothers him and it startle him, but aside from that he doesn't have much troubles with it, is dreaming about you being disappointed of him what makes him afraid, you being mad, disappointed or even calling him a failer is what makes him afraid, is that what will make him anxious, desperate trying to explain himself and apologize for his error, even promising that it isn't going to happen again and he wil make it up for it (but if you don't seem to wanting to heard him that will lead him to a panic attack)
When Nagisa is finally able to wake up he is afraid and sweating, he may even jump a little in his bed, he is so nervous that he is even disoriented, it take him a moment to start to calm down and realice that he is in his room, that everything was just a dream, even so he isn't fully calm
The last thing he wants is to bother you (specially if the nightmare really affected him), so Nagisa tries to calm down, repeating himself that everything was just a dream and that you aren't like that, you'd told him a million of times that you don't expect perfection from him
He may be able to calm down enough to try to go back to sleep once again, but if the nightmare was specially scary or it affected him a lot he won't be able so he just goes out of bed and take a walk around the house, maybe a glass of water could help him calm down. He doesn't really want to wake you up, even if he know that you won't be mad for it the memory of your bothered expression and voice of his nightmare make him anxious, he doesn't want to see it in real life
Its okay if you find him in the middle of the night in the kitchen or you see him until the morning, Nagisa doesn't really craves for direct comfort he just need the reasurance that you aren't mad or dissapointed of him, so for him is okay just continuing with your normal routine (although he will be more talktive and clingy, like quietly asking for the parental love and comfort)
He doesn't want to talk about his nightmare, so even if you insist the most you will get from him is admitting that he had a nightmare, he not just doesn't care for it but he is a little embarrassed of needing/wanting comfort, so if you try he will complain at little at first but totally accept it (specially if is a hug)
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Masuru Daimon
Masuru normally don't talk about the abuse he suffered from his father mainly because he doesn't see a point on doing so, and since now he has a home and a parent that always welcome him with open arms he doesn't see why he should remember the bad past with the demons
Also, his past doesn't affect him directly, it makes him pretty aggresive from time to time but it is something he can change, he is just bother by it when he remember it but aside from that he normally just act as the energetic child he is
For Masuru to have a nightmare about his past of abuse is more likely to have been triggered by something during the day, something that had make him nervous or remember him about it. His new house is one where he is more free and appreciated, and even if he can desesperate you from time to time you never really decided to hit him, so having a nightmare where is again with the abusive father he had is pretty shocking for him and he doesn't like it, he want to be where he isn't attacked, he want to be with you so even in his nightmare he is searching for you, but you aren't anywhere, what makes him more an more desperate
When Masuru finally manage to wake up he is shaking and sweating, still it depends in how bad his dream was to how he will react, if it wasn't too bad he just wake up scare but still he will try to calm down, while if his nightmare were really bad even after waking up (probably with a little scream) he is so afraid that even will have a panic attack. But in both cases he is pretty scare and is pretty loud while trying to calm down (specially in a panic attack because he tend to self harm), so is more likely he ends up waking you up for the noises and you go to his room
When you enter in his room/knock on his door he is immediatly startled but by recognizing you his tears start to fall from his eyes because as much as he like to act all rough and brave, deep down he knows that he doesn't have to fear when he is with you, also it depend in how scare he is to his next move, either asking you what are you doing there or running to your arms, but it doesn't matter much his reaction because he wants your comfort
Is probably that Masuru start to have a panic attack, depending in how scare he was and he will try to hit himself to make him calm down unless you guide/teach him another way to be able to calm down (a less aggresive way), as well that he is able just cry into your arms depend in your relationship and how much he trust you, otherwise he will be trying to convice you that he isn't scare at all
However, not matter how much the nightmare affected him at the next morning Masuru return to his normal self and just be cheerful since the morning (but if the nightmare was really bad he will be a little startled when he does something wrong or you seem mad for a while)
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Jataro Kemuri
Jataro has been treated so poorly for all his life, not just for his mother but his friends used to treat him bad too, so it take him a long time to get used to being with someone that truly cares for him and loves him just for being him
Jataro doesn't has any problem with talking about his past of abuse, although he talk about it like if it is something normal for how used he is to it, he just repeat what his mother used to tell him (especially when he start to take a liking for you because he doesn't want to hurt you with his horrendous appearance)
As he slowly start to get more used to and comfortable with your kindness towards him it will be a while where he is more nervous about making you mad, being insecure of himself thinking that he won't be enough or that he will end up making you mad (he kinda expected it as something that will obviously happen)
For him to have a nightmare related to this is more likely to be caused because something through the day trigger him and is more common to happen when he is just getting used to his new life, it could be that he is with his mother, either that thinking that being with you was all just a dream or some kind or that you had throw him with her again because you don't want him anymore, also it could be with you the dream, making you so mad that you start treating him bad like her used to do, and probably even force him to wear the mask once again, or that he end up hurting you still somehow believing what his mother used to tell him
No matter what his nightmare was about he wakes up frighten, it take him a moment to realice where he is and still his anxiety doesn't fully goes away, the more the nightmare scare and affected him the more anxious he will be, leading him to start crying for nervousness and even to compulsive scratching his arms and head
He may not be really loud but is at least enough to alert you, and the moment you approach to him (either entering on the room or knocking on the door) he is immediatly startled and just stare a moment at you trying to decipher who it is between his anxiety, and when he reconize you he is mixed between wanting to be in your arms and feeling ashame of himself, so he just continue being troubled by his anxiety while saying little apologizes (but don't apologizing for something in concret)
In this ocations Jataro really craves for comfort but he isn't going to really ask for it because he feels ashame, just being able to be in your soft embrace will help him start to calm down and a direct reasurance that you aren't mad at him or that you don't think of him like his mother did comfort him a lot
He isn't completely sure if he will be able to fall sleep alone again but he is willing to try just because he doesn't want to bother you, but if you don't mind he will be happy for you to stay with him until he falls sleep (and will sleep with you only if you insist)
The next day he will still be a little nervous, not wanting to bother you with his presence so he will be a little quiet for a while, until he feel completely sure that he isn't bothering you
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Monaca Towa
It isn't easy for Monaca to trust in someone, she could be acting all happy and charming and even calling you her parent already but deep down she isn't fully used to his new life and even a little wary of you, is just that she goes carefuly, little by little
And as just as she doesn't fully trust you she isn't going to talk about what happened to her right away, she even cover it saying that Monaca was really loved by everyone (more specifically in her school) and that everyone wanted to be her friend, and even when she feel completely comfortable with you she doesn't know if she will tell you the truth
For her to have a nightmare related to this isn't really common, or at least no to be enough to truly frighten her, so is more likely during the day something trigger her and/or she is specially anxious. Her nightmare could vary, being about her abusive family, by just being there with them again and you were nowhere to seem, or even worst that you are the one leaving her with them or even mocking her for trusting you and starting to act like how her family used to do, ignoring her and even calling her a pest
When she finally wakes up she is really nervous and even sweating a little, her past afect her more that she likes to admit so having to relive it in a nightmare isn't something good for her, she is looking everywhere a little disoriented and really startled by it, still it doesn't take her long to realice that she is safe in her room, the room you designed for her and she was free to decorate at her taste, just that is really comforting for her and since she doesn't really make much noises while calming down it isn't a reason why you will know about it
However, it actually will affect her much more the nightmare if you are the one on the nightmare, she tries to make it seem like it doesn't bother her and that is nothing but it slowly make her pretty nervous and insecure, going as far as making her almost imposible to properly calm down, so is more likely that she end up going to your room and getting into your bed quietly to at least be by your side, even snuggling to you
Monaca doesn't want to talk about her nightmare nor admit that she was scare, so if you insist enough or she already trust you the more she will do is say that she had a nightmare, not really wanting to give details about it and she doesn't like to make a big deal of it neither
Monaca doesn't exactly ask for comfort but she wouldn't mind receiving it but still she prefer just doing the common things like any other day, from the outside it seems like she isn't bothered at all but deep down she is still a little nervous and will be a little wary not just of you but of her own actions, something that she does almost unconsciously, as well as insisting a little more on helping you in whatever she can or talking with you, even small chats she just need the reasurance that you still care for her
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sunflower-author · 9 months
Hello 😁🤚🏻
I hope you are in good health and have a full spirit 💖
I'm having trouble getting in a writing mood and reading others story always make me happy. I've never really sent request before so this would be my frist, I hope it's not much trouble, and if you can't find inspiration for it, I'll understand if you can't or don't want to do it.
I was hoping you could write a yandere assassination classroom, the entire class of 3-E or just a few like Karma, Nagisa, Itona (anyone really) with a reader that couldn't care less about their yandere nature, and someone blurts out (do to feeling guilty) that they have been stalking them home and had taking some of their stuff (the class thinking reader will get mad) but reader just shrugged and say they already knew and that they need to work on their stalking because she figured them out on day 2. Gender doesn't matter, but if you do gender fluid that be nice if not anything else is good.
If you don't wish to write it, please say no◇
Please have a good day/night. ♡
SO SORRY!! This took much longer than I anticipated for!!
I really hope you like it!! If not please lmk on things I can fix!!!
Also, somehow this was a bit rushed too sorry!
"Hey Ritsu, are you connected?" Tomohito asks, sitting down at a desk beside her.
"Yes, the girls put the cameras in, there are no blind spots," Ritsu answers.
"Wait, no blind spots? Wouldn't that be... I don't know..." Kaede says worried.
"The cameras are only in their living room, we didn't put any cameras in anything else if that was what you were thinking," Tomohito says reassuring Kaede.
"Well we did put some listening devices, in some of the plushies we gave them, isn't that right? Itona?" Rio asks, putting an arm around him. 
"Making them was a bit tricky, but it was a lot easier to make than the cameras," Itona says, playing with his remote car.
"You guys are seriously trying too hard," Karma says, in a mocking tone having his dumb smirk, plastered on his face.
"Really now? and what do you suggest we do differently?" Ryoma asks, clearly annoyed.
"You all a bunch of babies, if you really loved Y/N you'll skip this boring stalking thing, and just take things into your own hands," Karma says, with a statistic smile.
"If we were to do that Y/N would hate us forever," Nagisa counters back.
"Really?, Because I think that if we keep them long enough, they will eventually fall for us, I mean humans are social creatures, needing contact in order to survive, with us being their only contact they will eventually fall for us, right?" Karma says explaining.
"Even if that were to happen, if we keep them isolated they might break, losing themselves then loving us, I don't want that to happen," Nagisa says seriously, looking up at Karma.
"A small price that might be paid," Karma says, shrugging "But if it were just me, they wouldn't break, but now that I am sharing the chances would be higher," he says as if the class were all just a nuisance.
"Guys! Shut Up! Y/N just walked into the building!" Hinata says, panting a bit as she just ran into the room.
With that, the room goes silent...
"Takuya I'm sorry, but I'm busy after school today how about tomorrow?" you say walking in the room. All eyes are on you, ".....Um.. Hey guys?" you say unsurely. 
The tension in the room faded, and they all started talking like nothing happened. It was a bit scary how the mood can change like a flip of a switch. 
"Hey Y/N! What were you talking about with Takuya?" Manami asks, in her usual timid voice.
"Oh just if I was able to hand out at the ramen place later on today, but I'm hanging out with Rinka and Ryunosuke later," you say casually.
"Heh, sorry Takuya but there are already three of us, maybe next time we'll invite you," Rinka says teasingly.
"Hey Y/N,  do you wanna come with me to the teacher's lounge? Korosensei just came back from Germany yesterday," Kaede asks, popping her head out the door. "Sounds fun and good, I'm in," you say excitedly, as you head out the door.
Takuya waits for your footsteps to become gone before saying "You just want more pictures of Y/N that's the only reason you and Ryunosuke, are taking them out," clearly annoyed.
"Oh whatever, you always like looking at the pictures in the end, just like everyone else," Ryunosuke says rolling his eyes.
"I.. just make sure they're good," Takuya says embarrassed.
"Your talking to the best snippers in class 3-E, we always have good visuals on our target," Rinka says, hearing the pride in her voice.
"I thought you guys said that Rinka and Ryunosuke stopped taking pictures of Y/N?" Manami asks worried.
"I... well... it's complicated," Hiroto says, trying to explain it to her, as he was the one who told Manami that they stopped taking pictures of Y/N.
"He obviously lied to you," Karma says blankly. "Your too empathic, we needed you to stop worrying over Y/N, knowing that you would break, telling them everything... well ruining everything for all of us," Karma says explaining.
"I admit that I'm not the best actor, but you guys didn't have to lie about Y/N, I care about them, just as much as any of you guys, I even made the drugs you asked for," Manami says, as he holds up a bag of different bottles.
"Wait... what drugs?" Nagisa asks, confused and curious.
"You know the the drugs, I made my own chloroform, something that calms the mind, something that weakens muscles, and lastly something that can make them sleepy," Manami says explaining.
"We didn't... Karma!" Nagisa says, angry by the thought Karma would do such a thing.
"So what if I was, I promise I won't do it alright, especially now that you know," Karma says as he puts his hands up.
"Hey guys! We're back," Kaede says, walking through the door. Signaling to everyone that you are nearby, it became a habit sometimes when they talk they become so engaged in the conversation, that they lose track of anything else, including your presence.
"Ah Y/N, just the person I wanted to see," Karma says, with a sweet smile. You know something is up when he smiles like that, just when does he normally smile sweetly?
"Karma... what do you want?" You ask hesitantly, staying cautious. 
"You know, we barely spend time with each other, most of the time you just hang out with everyone else... it seems like your avoiding me," he says hurt, clearly acting.
"Karma you know that's not true, everyone just makes plans with me every single second of the day, you know this, so what's your point?" you ask, wondering what he is trying to say.
"It's just that...don't you think it's a bit odd... that every day you have someone that wants to hang out with you, it's a bit abnormal behavior? Ever noticed how everyone treats you slightly differently? Or the fact that they know small details about you, that you've never shared before? Do you wonder why is that?" Karma says still smiling, but with a mischievous face.
"Karma..." Nagisa says, with a dark look, warning Karma.
"You messed up my plan, I'm just returning the favor," Karma says looking at Nagisa, then turns to you.
"Well, don't you?" Karma says in a smug tone.
"... I wonder why, on my first day of school, Rinka and Ryunosuke were following me home, I wonder why Kotaro somehow knows when I'm going to mess up on things, I wonder why Nagisa has a whole notebook dedicated to me, and lastly I wonder why you act so innocent when you are the worst one out of everyone, do seriously think I don't know that you hurt people that I talk to that is not in this class? And a whole lot more things of you and the rest of the class," You say, calm and collected.
"You knew this whole time?..." Nagisa asks with wide eyes.
"Anyone would have been able to see and know what you all were planning," You say turning to look back at him. (Any normal person would be oblivious to it all)
"Heh, I knew I couldn't fall in love with just any normal person, turns out you truly are unique," Karma says proud that you were conscious of what they were doing.
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mellianart · 2 months
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Meet my Naruto OCs - the representors and heirs of the Hoshiko clan.
Kyara Hoshiko and her older brother Nagisa Hoshiko.
Hoshiko is the clan that long time ago separated from the Uchiha clan, that's why the main line of succession resembles Uchihas in appearence. Their distinctive feature is violet, pink or dark violet eyes (that's canonic for pure blood Hoshiko). The stronger the resemblance with Uchihas and Hoshiko founders - the stronger their Kekkei Genkai.
Through dangerous scientific manipulation with the Sharingan, they invented their own Kekkei Genkai technique - Mugen Kai, the Infinite Eye, the one that sees right through people, read minds and manipulates consciousneess.
The drawings are pretty old and simple, but i need them here too see the progress. And introduce my OCs babies. Kyara is probably my oldest OC heh, love her. Btw she is half-blind, because awakening of the Mugen Kai is not a pleasent pastime.
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tuulikannel · 2 years
I was bored and played around with the incorrect quote generator. The names I put in: Nagisa, Karma, Gakushuu. Some of these fit really well, some are pure crack. All pairings at least hinted at, I think XD
Nagisa: What do you think Karma will do for a distraction? Gakushuu: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. Building explodes and several car alarms go off Gakushuu: … or they could do that.
Nagisa: Hey, Karma? Can I get some dating advice? Karma: Just because I’m with Gakushuu doesn���t mean I know how I did it.
Nagisa: If Karma and I were drowning, who would you save? Gakushuu: You two can’t swim? Karma: It’s a hypothetical question, Gakushuu! who would you save? Gakushuu: My time and effort.
Nagisa, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Karma: You did WHAT– Gakushuu: William Snakepeare
Nagisa: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Karma: The car takes a screenshot. Gakushuu: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Nagisa: Karma and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Gakushuu: Sighing What did Karma do? Nagisa: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Karma: Who wants a steering wheel?
Nagisa: Gakushuu and I are having a baby. Karma: That's gre- Nagisa, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Nagisa: Karma, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Karma: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Nagisa: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Gakushuu.
Nagisa: What did you do with Gakushuu's body? Karma: What didn’t I do with the body? Nagisa: Karma: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully.
Nagisa: Are you sure this is the right direction? Karma: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest! Gakushuu: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Nagisa: Tell Karma about the birds and the bees. Gakushuu: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Nagisa: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Karma: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Gakushuu: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Nagisa, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Karma: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Nagisa: Orange soda, please! Karma: I'll have the strawberry soda. Gakushuu: Me too, strawberry soda. Nagisa:
Nagisa: HELP! I TOLD GAKUSHUU I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Karma, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Nagisa: If you had to choose between Karma and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Gakushuu: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Karma: Gakushuu! Nagisa: 63 cents. Gakushuu: I'll take the money. Karma: GAKUSHUU!!!
Nagisa: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Karma: The cow??? Nagisa: What? Gakushuu: Karma, W H Y?
Nagisa: I know you snuck out last night, Karma. Gakushuu: Play dumb! Karma: Who's Karma? Gakushuu: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Nagisa: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life Karma: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Nagisa: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Gakushuu: edible
Nagisa: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Karma: Just rip the bandage off. Nagisa: It’s Gakushuu. Karma: Put the bandage back on.
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 10 months
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Tournament: Kawoshin (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Vs Dirkjake (Homestuck)
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(Vote for whichever ship you like more.)
Propaganda under cut. Note: spoilers for these medias may be below.
Kawoshin propaganda
"One of the most iconic toxic yaois. They can't both live. Either Kaworu kills Shinji and the rest of humanity, or Shinji kills Kaworu and saves the rest of humanity. Shinji is so thoroughly affected by the loss of Kaworu. He regrets it, he wants to go back and let Kaworu kill him. It's the last straw for Shinji in all honesty."
Dirkjake propaganda
"they are the definition of autism to autism miscommunication. neither of them want to actually be in a relationship with each other yet they stay together. because they're all either of them has ever known."
"Dirk and Jake date for like five months and then they break up because Dirk was too clingly and Jake was too ignoring everyone. They break up while Jake is doing drugs and saying he's going to marry two of their other friends and have a million babies. They talk on screen one time in canon and it's them breaking up. Dirk also made a robot that beats up Jake."
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karmagisa2024 · 4 months
It's that time again! Yup, that's right--
Hosted again by yours truly, Solarsavoy!
Details: Karmagisa week will take place from 7/14/24 - 7/20/24
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Be nice and respectful of submissions and others!
Be nice and respectful of the characters! (Referring to the feminization of Nagisa mostly… please don't do it.)
All submissions accepted! Art, fanfics, edits, long drawn out letters of how Karmagisa saved your life, you know, whatever. 😉
All submissions must credit the original artist, especially if you're the original artist. You deserve credit too!
Feel free to submit them to any platform, but just know that unless you reach out to me on Tumblr first, there's a high chance I won't find them… 😅 Use the tag #karmagisa2024.
Feel free to explore more adult themes, but please refrain from any sexually explicit content. Implied is fine for adult characters, but please focus on the other aspects of the relationship, thank you.
If you have additional questions, reach out to my main blog @solarsavoy on Tumblr.
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chuluoyi · 30 days
i just had a horrible thought. spoilers for clannad and tw for death during child birth. in the second season of clannad, one of main character dies during child birth and her hubby is voice by nakamura (the goat), so im just replaying the scene in my head thinking about gojo and le!reader if in some alternate universe she dies giving birth to baby!gojo or baby #2 🙃
this is like the 3rd ask i got about this HAHAA🥹 i watched clannad too long time ago and omg i cried while watching it :’) tomoya is so inconsolable when nagisa died and on top of that their daughter also died too later— i thought then, why is his life so hard like :’)
…wait i’m seriously asking, do you all want the reader to die in LE? 🥹
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mahou-furbies · 8 months
My Precure season ranking is here again! Series within tiers are in the order I watched them.
Top tier
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Go! Princess Precure - Great characters and a particularly lovable heroine, handles its dream theme well and the princess motifs support it and give the show a memorable and consistent visual look.
Star Twinkle Precure - Mostly great characters, the message is a bit muddy but the space theme holds up well and traveling to other planets gives a nice chance of pace.
Tropical Rouge! Precure - A lot less ambitious than the other two, but has excellent characters and was just a lot of fun for what it was. Has the single best episode in the franchise.
Ok tier
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Kira Kira Precure A La Mode - I like the character designs and the main theme is consistent, plus sweets visuals always earns some points from me. Not particularly interesting characters though.
Fresh Precure! - Alright characters plus Setsuna has a great character arc and the story doesn’t do anything offensively stupid, but also doesn’t particularly stand out, introduces a major theme out of nowhere at the end and the colours are really ugly.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart - Slow as molasses and Nagisa and Honoka don’t have a lot to do, but Hikari’s story was unexpectedly good and also unique for the franchise.
Smile Precure! - Fun characters and surprisingly enjoyable "filler" episodes, but not enough substance for top tier.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star - A memorable theme and a great villain side. Main duo is ok but not particularly well developed.
Hirogaru Sky Precure! - I really want to like this because 4/5 of the cast is so good, the character designs are excellent and the ending is great but the story is just so nothing. And Ellee baby form detracts from every scene she's in.
Mid tier
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Healin’ Good Precure - Nodoka’s story is one of the best in the entire franchise, however I found pretty much everything else about it boring, and find it has the dullest character dynamics and Asumi is to be the blandest Cure overall.
Futari wa Precure - Nice chemistry with the main duo and a main heroine who feels fresh at this point, but is otherwise kind of generic and especially the second half was pretty weak.
Mahou Tsukai Precure! - Ha-chan is great but otherwise felt pretty plodding, really weak villains.
(lower tiers under readmore)
Meh tier
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Delicious Party Precure - Memorable theme but otherwise doesn’t have much that stands out about it. Has disjointed plot elements and I didn’t particularly care for any of the characters.
Yes! Precure 5 - No glaring issues (aside from the fact I don't like Nozomi) but also no particular highlights either, kind of meh all around. Has some nice character dynamics.
Bottom tier
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Happiness Charge Precure! - Hime is lovely and the concept of the International Precure is great, but I also find half of the main Cures awful and in the end the show is a directionless mess that doesn’t do anything with any of its unique ideas.
Doki Doki! Precure - Great Cure designs and props for trying with the lore, but the show is far too busy making everything about how amazing Mana is, which consumes everything else.
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo - Unnecessary sequel with a generic story and doesn't really add anything worthwhile to the Cures' character arcs.
Kibou no Chikara: Otona Precure '23 - The stuff on the Cures' adult lives was good but a letdown on all other fronts. Nostalgia pandering without properly delivering. And no new Cure forms!
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thatanimewriter · 1 year
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➳ request: May I please request headcanons for the Style Five reacting to their female S/O who’s a famous singer performing a surprise duet with another singer and showing great chemistry with them?
➳ character/s: nanase haruka, tachibana makoto, hazuki nagisa, ryugazaki rei, matsuoka rin
➳ warnings: some jealous boys (haru, rin)
➳ notes: what wonderful days is a good style five song, big bops, big dance energy
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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he's always backstage at your performances
quiet with a small smile on his face
but not tonight >:((
he knew the plan because you asked him beforehand if you could be a little closer to the guest singer
n as an avid supporter of your career
he said yes
but now he's got a lil frown on his face as he watches you slow dance with this person
he wants to be the only one you slow dance with :((
you now owe him mackerel for making him endure this
maybe he will sacrifice the privacy of your relationship for this-
he thought he wanted to be entirely unknown to the world but he's having second thoughts now
can't bring himself to say much to this guest singer after the performance
too salty
won't be clingy around them
but at home, you're never escaping his clutches
oblivious smiling in the front row
just happy to be in your presence
he trusts you, so this doesn't bother him
also knew about this guest singer before it happened
he thinks they're super talented and nice
no qualms here
thinks it's great that you have on stage chemistry with other artists
means a better performance and more convincing performance for the audience
he's always making sure you have a successful career
will take any post-show photos of you n the guest singer for your socials :))
maybe even get some for himself-
but he'll slow dance with you back home when you're out of stage makeup and costumes
lots of praise for the performance
husband material, truly
probably cares more about the guest singer at this moment-
he saw the guest singer appear and just
isn't backstage and had no clue you were doing this
he is HYPE
has a video of it, but the whole time he's either cheering or mumbling to himself
kinda wishes he was you tbh
he wants to dance with this singer now
definitely runs to you after the performance and asks for the singer's autograph
also snaps a photo of him with the guest singer but also of all of you together
gushes about this performance on the way back home
and wants to recreate it when you are home
who's who, you're not entirely sure
are you yourself or are you the guest speaker?
it's a cute moment nonetheless
is probably just seeing it as art rn
you're beautiful
the guest singer is beautiful
the song is beautiful
he is crying
both inside and outside
for sure has filmed the whole thing
he managed to find a seat in the perfect spot to not be too close but not too far away
he invested in a nice camera, either on his phone or a dslr for moments like these
he's not jealous, because he understands that this is a work thing
but he can't help but imagine himself in the guest's position
he won't ask directly though
that's so embarrassing
but next time he hugs you, he may or may not start swaying a little bit
he won't tell you, but he'll give you hints
pouty baby
he can sing, why isn't he up there >:((
scuffing his shoes on the ground in silent anger
but still pouting
he's super salty
happy that you're just this talented you can make this performance believable and immerse the audience
but now HE'S immersed and he's sad that it isn't HIM
he does well at karaoke, he could be this other singer??
he's bad at hiding it though, you can sense his inner bitterness
his inner koala comes out when you go home
clinging to you like nothing else
angrily muttering about how you're his and he doesn't wanna share
but he does give you his phone for you to look at the photos he took of the performance in your honor
maybe it's not SO bad if he gets a wave of affection for this (no, it's bad-)
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gentrychild · 2 years
What are the Anyone Inner Circle reactions to canon!Izuku New Year’s Cosplay?
Would be horrified because Izuku is a baby and showing too much skin!
Wouldn't react because that's how teenagers are and he remembered that time in his second year where he technically got naked and changed in the middle of the class and yes, in front of his classmates.
And yeah, what I am talking about is canon.
All for One
He would immediately try to cover Izuku up out of sheer parental concern. He got tricked into letting Yoichi expose one sliver of skin once and he had to beat all the suitors with a stick until he stuck his brother in a vault! He won't make the same mistake twice!
Would set himself on fire and passes out.
Would make fun of his brother.
Would be very amused and kinda regretful he can't show any photo to Miruko.
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