#nahida would
d-thwish · 1 year
after rex lapis "died" lesser lord kusanali in all her great wisdom found a solution in case mora ever ran out...and that's how teyvat started using paper money.
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lionbearfox · 29 days
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sumeru governmental groupchat every morning at 6:45am
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quesadilla-day · 1 month
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delicious jade 😋yummy yummy 😍
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percyscart · 2 years
in her wake
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bonus head pat
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ymechi · 7 months
Who is the real Creator?
To be honest I had no plans of even adding Wanderer but he casually came in and inserted himself into this story and he is here to stay.
-TW: cult au, yandere, impostor au, mentions of being hunted down, mentions of trauma,
-Gn reader and darling (please tell me if I mess this up message me and I will fix it)
part 1, part 2, part 3, this is part 4, part 5
Reader woke up with a yawn stretching their limbs and with heavy steps going to the washroom. After they finished their business they turned the stove on to make some tea and prepared breakfast. The morning was rather lovely, the sun was shining again and the birds were chirping and the trees were swaying softly. 
They sipped their tea quietly as they watched the scenery outside. With a hum, they packed up their bag with books for today's classes and headed to the Akademiya. One of the perks of being promptly isekai-ed was the instant teleportation. They thought of the teleporter near the Akademiya and white light enveloped their eyes. After a few seconds, the sights changed. Most people had gotten used to their and the traveler's teleportation antics and paid Reader no mind. 
They hummed a tune as they headed towards class. 
In a rather unexpected surprise, they saw Wanderer, they did not expect to see them today. It looked like he was heading towards them. Reader gave him a wave but their smile fell as they saw the serious expression on his face and not his usual one. 
He looked at Reader and nodded. 
"I expect you know what this is about, Lesser Lord Kusanali wants to meet you at her office."
Reader tensed and their eyes widened. They tried so hard not to think about yesterday.
The sting of a cut, gold blood, broken old friendships. 
They rubbed the thumb they had cut off. Wanderer looked at them with an unreadable expression, he then turned away his head and spoke.
"We can take the longer way so you can get your bearings."
He turned away and started walking. Reader stumbled and could do nothing but follow along. Despite his harsh exterior Reader knew he meant them well. If the situation was not urgent Reader bet Wanderer would have told them to forget it.
Knowing it was a serious matter did not help things. All morning they were in an odd serene calm trying to dissociate from the revelations of yesterday. They rubbed their forehead. Reader hoped they had more time to process the situation and go about their routine before they came to a conclusion or answer or whatever. 
All the time while they were walking Wanderer was quiet leaving them to their thoughts. Reader was not familiar with the way to Nahida's office. They must have taken an even longer route as they kept taking certain twists and turns and Reader could swear they entered the same hall as before. It was honestly kind of sweet how he took care of them in his own way. 
The sun enveloped his figure causing the decorations on his hat to shine and casting a gentle shadow on his face. Wanderer's face was unreadable but there was something kind in his eyes Reader thought they could see.
Reader sometimes did wonder if he knew it was them who gave him his new name. 
Wanderer must have thought he gave enough time for Reader to prepare themselves because they stood still near tall intricately carved double doors. Reader gulped. They did not feel ready at all. Wanderer knocked on the door and Readers heart rate started going faster.
"Please come in."
It was Nahida's voice. It was oddly comforting, perhaps they had gotten too attached to the Archon without Reader knowing it. 
Wanderer opened the door and held it open for them. He still had that strange look on his face as he looked at Reader. 
As both Wanderer and Reader stood in front of the Archon, Reader took in the office. It was large and spacious and decorated with books (as expected), large glass windows let in the sunlight and it was decorated with plants giving it a welcoming feeling, knowing Nahida it was probably intentional. 
Reader tried to distract themselves from the topic that will be discussed. Yet the inevitable would happen.
"I am sure you know what will be discussed so I will cut to the chase," she looked at Reader with a sorry expression, "It will soon be announced that Darling is not the Creator, as you both will know this event will cause wide panic and confusion. I am sad to say this might affect you as well Reader for your safety I hope you will stay here with me until things calm down.
Reader nodded and said nothing further, they could still feel Wanderers staring at them from where he stood. Did. . . he know?
Nahida then stared and Wanderer who took his gaze off Reader to stare back at the Archon. It felt as if both were having a conversation in their minds in the end the Wanderer nodded and left them alone. 
Finally, it was just Nahida and Reader. 
Reader felt a bit uneasy despite feeling safe next to the archon.
"I know you might need some more time to process what happened yesterday but unfortunately we may not have the time. I want to ask you what you want to do now."
At Reader’s confusion, Nahida continued.
“You are the Creator as such you can take your rightful position and rule, you can live in the bigger temples or you can go to other Archons and live with them. Anything you choose I will of course respect.”
Reader was rather dumbfounded. They expected Reader to rule- a rightful position? It really went over their head. They did not want or desire to rule and they had no idea what they would do in a temple Reader was not the ascetic kind. What would they even do in other Archon’s places? Most of them were not kind to Reader.
Nahida was waiting for their reply. Reader wrung their hands and replied. 
"Uhh - well, is it okay if I just stay here?"
Nahida blinked.
"Yes of course if that is what you want. Sumeru welcomes you wholeheartedly," she said with a smile.
At that Reader let out a breath and relaxed their shoulders. It seems the daily life that they had built could still be protected.
"Once again I am sorry to say there are still problems that are unsolved namely your identity, I won't force you to reveal it but I do think it is best to tell the acolytes," she said looking regretful. 
At that Reader grimaced. Nahida said nothing further and looked and waited for Reader's reply. Reader looked down on their feet. 
It would be a smart decision as what they say would have a public sway and it would be best if they were told from the source rather than hear it second hand and later come here and demand answers. 
Reader was, still is, scared they were also frustrated. Just for how long are they going to feel like a helpless person? They did not want to continue to run away feeling scared all the time by the people who had wronged them. They should not be the one in hiding and being in fear all the damn time. Reader had enough of running away for a lifetime already.
"Fine they can know but I will be the one to tell them."
At their statement, Nahida looked surprised but she schooled her expression and smiled. She nodded towards them.
"Of course you can, if you need me I will be there with you."
Reader once again relaxed their shoulders and smiled. 
"That would be nice thank you."
"There is no need to thank me I would do that for any friend of mine."
Reader's chest felt warm. Honestly, Nahida was just so sweet to them. They felt happy that even in a foreign world they managed to get such a good friend.
"Ohh right since I am telling the acolytes I think I can tell wanderer as a practice run."
"That is a good idea let me get him again he should be waiting outside."
Nahida called over Wanderer who once again stood next to Reader in front of Nahida's desk. Reader glanced at him again and struck while the iron was hot.
"Apparently I am the creator."
Wanderer blinked at them but otherwise said nothing. It was Nahida who spoke. 
"How about we take it from the start," she said with a sympathetic expression aimed at the Wanderer.
Reader left Nahida to explain most of it as they had to take a break already from saying the truth and they honestly did not know how to properly explain everything that happened yesterday. By the end of the explanation Wanderer had a thoughtful expression.
"So the real Creator was the one hunted down what a twist of fate," he said and crossed his arms.
He looked a bit contemplative before Reader could say anything Wanderer faced Reader and bent down - no he kneeled.
Reader spluttered and felt like a deer in headlights watching the usually proud Wanderer kneeling.
"H-hey please get up there is no need-"
"I apologize for my earlier behavior it was unbecoming to act in such a manner in front of you, our golden lightning. I hope I did not offend you."
"Wait please get up this is so uncomfortable!"
After Reader said that wanderer got up and did not face them directly. Reader swallowed their saliva and tried to think why Wanderer had such a one-eighty in their personality. They did not think Wanderer would care about the Creator or the status of it from how they talked they were wrong by the looks of it. 
To make such a prideful person kneel on a flip of a switch. . .
Once again they had no idea what the weight of the Creator was and what it held for the people of Teyvat. 
"I understand I am sorry for the distress I may have caused you," he said and put a hand on his chest and looked down to the floor.
Reader gulped. 
"P-please just act as usual, I- you," they paused trying to think of the right words, "When I first came here I was a mess and you helped me, I am the one who should be bowing."
"Please don't it was the least I could do for you as the Creator. Back then if I should have done more."
Reader hated this. When they wanted to tell wanderer they did not expect it to turn out this way. They did not want this weird worship and formal attitude. 
"Please stop I don't want this, Not any of this. I wanted you to know because I see you as a friend," they said and clenched their hands.
Wanderer looked surprised at the admission, almost as if taken aback. Reader would have laughed at his face if the tension was not thick. He looked down for a bit and then back at Reader again.
"I will be honest I am not sure how I am supposed to reply, you are our Creator the one we all worship, yet you consider me out of all people a friend. . ."
He trailed off and Reader wanted to retort.
"Of course, I do, when I first came I was a mess and you still took care of chores around the house and bought groceries even if it was on Nahida's orders but you still did it all without complaint and you taught me a lot which you did not have to - all this to say you are a dear friend of me so please don't act so formal and weird. You are a precious person to me and I hope you think of me at least as a friend."
After they were done with their spiel they took a deep breath realizing they were out of air. Wanderer lowered his hat his face obscured but Reader could faintly see his face being red. 
. . .
 Reader felt the blood rush to their face and they looked away. 
Nahida who had watched it all laughed quietly.
"I must say I am quite jealous of you now. You know Hat Guy, it's not every day the Creator themselves expresses their gratitude like this."
At the mention of the silly nickname, Reader relaxed and also laughed.
Taglist: @resident-cryptid @probablynoposts @esthelily @mitsukashi @charming-mage @chaoticfivesworld @irisxiel @dulcedelechenginamo @yu-ulda @samohxt2-0 @pinkpainc @vianitry
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pigeon-noises · 6 months
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"Do I know you?"
Inspired by a particularly memorable scene in @isnt-it-pretty's FtCoR fic
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ellalalala · 6 months
I'm kind of glad Dottore doesn't remember Scaramouche. Can you imagine the sheer resentment and jealousy Dottore would feel if he found out a mechanical puppet from Inazuma received the acceptance he always wanted in his homeland? By the people and the God of Wisdom, no less? Insanity.
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lumaere · 2 years
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“Congratulations to Scaramouche” was trending on Twitter while it’s on fire and I couldn’t pass it up (o˘◡˘o)
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linkemon · 7 months
Would you still love me/like me if...? 
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you're interested.
Other headcanons from this series can be found here.
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Baizhu ✧ Animal
✧ Would you still love me if I turned into an animal? This was definitely not the question he expected to hear on a calm and beautiful evening. This amused him immensely. You, however, didn't seem happy with his laugh, so he would ask you what kind of animal exactly, to which you had no answer.
✧ He's not a vet but he's a doctor. First of all, he would promise you that he would try to cure you with all means possible. He would travel across the world to find some kind of treatment.
✧ You pushed him further. What if such a drug did not exist? Well... He has experience with Changsheng. The snake, of course, loudly protested that it was not the same but no matter how you look at it, Baizhu also had to feed him something and take care of him (Changsheng said that it was completely the opposite way and that he was his guardian...).
✧ You weren't entirely satisfied with the answer, so Baizhu took you out the next day to console you.
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Wriothesley ✧ Worm
✧ Would you still love me if I was a worm? Wriothesley is prepared for anything. I mean literally everything! Even for his other half's philosophical questions. It's not like he heard about this trend from someone in the Fortress and thought that you'd definitely want to take part in it soon, so he thought of everything in advance... He immediately replied that yes, he would still love you.
✧ When you asked what it would look like, he said he would prepare a miniature room for you in his office. There are a lot of different pieces of machinery lying around the Fortress, I'm sure he could make a nice set of metal furniture out of it.
✧ He could carry you around with him in a special pocket in his uniform. He wouldn't let anyone crush you. He would even make special warning signs in places you would frequently be. Everyone would adjust to them because, as we know, Fortress of Meropide has a lot of people obeying him and their sentences would certainly be extended to stay there for their whole lifes if they didn't.
✧ When you asked if he would like to change you, he said that no, just to see your reaction. He wanted to tease you but don't be angry with him, he loves you very much.
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Nahida ✧ Fungus
✧ Would you still like me if I were Fungus? This question did not raise a trace of surprise from the archon. To her, it sounds like any other. After all, it is not for nothing that she patronizes wisdom. She has to consider many concepts. Nahida would think for a moment with a finger pressed to her cheek. And then she would say yes, of course. She would also list every possibility.
✧ First, she would try to communicate with you. She can connect with living things, so why not with you? If you didn't like your condition, she would want to change it. By any means available. You can be sure that the students at the Akademiya would be wondering about your condition. Someone would eventually come up with some cure... or not.
✧ If your new form suited you, she would leave you in the forests of Sumeru in a safe place. She strongly believes that Fungus would be a different form that should be treated accordingly and would like to befriend you with other shrooms so you can settle in.
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Nilou ✧ Slime
✧ Would I still be your best friend if I was a slime? Of course you would, she said, grabbing your hands to emphasize the importance of her words. She didn't even have to wonder.
✧ She just hopes you wouldn't be a pyro slime, because she'd have to be very careful with her hydro vision. She wouldn't want to hurt you. Apart from this fact, Teyvat's laws are thrown out the window! She didn't think about anything that made sense or was logical.
✧ In her mind, it looks like she's taking care of the absolute cutie patootie, which is you as a slime. Her friend would still go shopping with her, spend all day together and perform on stage. Now you could create a one-of-a-kind performance or, preferably, a whole spectacle. Did she leave out the fact that you probably wouldn't be able to understand her? Of course but it didn't occur to her because she was too excited.
✧ You have to forgive her, over the next week she will come back to this question at various times and tell you how cute it would be if, in the form of slime you would... Ate cake with her, danced with her, wore a tiny dress? Finish it yourself, there are many options.
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fatuismooches · 8 months
Bit of random fragile reader lore that probably doesn't make sense, but it creates some angst which is my purpose now.
Reader's illness is a curse from Celestia themselves. If they can hand out Visions, there's no telling what else they can do. They have bestowed this suffering onto others for certain reasons, but you are the only one who's survived due to Dottore's forbidden research. It's also why he seeks every kind of knowledge there is, but also why he can find virtually nothing on your illness since Celestia keeps themselves well-guarded. Therefore, another reason why Dottore stays with the Fatui besides for his research is for the downfall of Celestia. Doesn't tell you this information since he knows you'll lose it because of how almighty Celestia is and that you'll think there's little chance or hope for you.
If you were ever to receive a Vision, you'd be angered to the point words couldn't describe it. Of course, you'd view it as a cruel joke and mocking from Celestia. You try to destroy it, toss it, anything to have it shatter in front of you, but to no avail, so Dottore stores it somewhere you'll never see it again.
Idk. Fragile reader is like my baby and i think they deserve some nice lore as a treat.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 7 months
What about a genshin event where Furina and Neuvillette go to Sumeru? Maybe as a way to improve diplomatic relations, since both Sumeru and Fontaine had a change in their governments?
Just Furina having fun, meeting Nilou and Nahida while thinking of enrolling in the Akademiya (she can be classmates with Hatguy in Vahumana), almost getting adopted by Faruzan, going shopping with Dehya and Candace....
As for the diplomatic meetings, it was just Nahida and Neuvillette drinking tea while Wanderer, Cyno and Clorinde acted as bodyguards. Neuvillette decided that Nahida did nothing wrong and gave up on judging her. The sages are being drowned, though.
They also take a detour and meet Apep, who is much nicer this time around. Mostly because she finally found another dragon sovereign. And that's how we get more dragon lore!
Apep decided that Focalors is the only archon that she likes.
Also Neuvillette has a new target: Dottore. He talked a bit with Wanderer and Collei and Sumeru almost flooded.
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lameow-l · 6 months
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i still have hope in getting the other boys too
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its ok they can be a band or smth.. at least then gaming wouldn’t have to be so disappointed in people not hiring him bc he’s just having fun with his boys…
#it took me soooo long to realize his name can also be 'gaming' and idk if i should be ashamed or proud lol#his hashtag is gonna get real funny real quick#is it actually an intentional business decision made by hyv#no way this was accidental#anyway im disappointed in his hair design but i stopped feeling much since all genshin charas always have the ugliest hairstyles#also him being another bennett just not as unlucky#he works so hard and still tries to achieve his artistic dream at the same time#but people just smile and ignore him…PAY THE DUDE!!!#ALSO ALSO.. chiaki 2.0 and they better add all other ryuseitai next#i just can get over how energetic and cool genshin concept designs are when the game keeps slapping us with a downgraded version every time#not to say current designs aren’t energetic or cool.. just not as much lol (still salty about red xiao and those flying nahidas)#now i know why they still not doing an art book yet.. they’re ashamed to admit of the amounts of good designs they never use#AND I LOVE GENSHIN DESIGNS honest (otherwise why would i keep doing fanart of this game and this game only for 3 years)#sorry i dont post all of them.... i have issues#but i cant help but feel robbed when i see these designs knowing what they could’ve been#and it’s in no way hyv’s fault *glance at leakers* and the new designs are getting crazier and cooler but#please for the love of god hyv stop with the mullets PLEASE!!!#gaming#ga-ming#gaming genshin#genshin impact
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lionbearfox · 26 days
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this one goes out to fern and fern alone
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ei is the only archon so far who could not competently run a dnd campaign
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avnasace · 7 months
for some reason i need furina and scara to be bitchy best friends
i need scara and furina complaining about arlecchino
i need them venting about how much their respective gods fucked them up
i need them bonding over reinventing themselves
they would actually be such an iconic duo
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echollama · 5 months
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why can't I,
hold all these Aranaras?
(inspired by a conversation with @adjoint-law on a Nahida 10 of swords tarot card, but with Aranaras)
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