#naito x reader
saerayofsunshine · 2 years
Two Times; One Time
Summary: Two times Naito hated her, one time were he just couldn’t get enough of her, even when they were destined to fight each other. TW: Brief mentions of blood and death, but nothing too detailed. Word Count: 2.5K A/N: Enjoy the ride, enjoy the ride (final A/N also at the end of the chapter because I don't wanna spoil anything)
feel free to reblog + like + comment if you liked my writing and enjoy the reads!
cross-posted on ao3
chapter one / chapter two / chapter three (current chapter)
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The development of one’s life was fascinating. How someone could be affected by one’s environment so greatly, even if certain genetics had been inherited by the parents; how circumstances seem to affect a person more deeply than they might let on; how a child’s mental process changed with the flow of time, maturing alongside the physical vessel…such elements had a great influence on one’s being, or so Naito had learned.
Circumstances, whether those be good or bad, made him grow up faster: countless battles gave him scars that he wore as accessories, though that experience also made him wiser, which was useful as a teacher. Whether he had won or lost, Naito made it his mission to learn something out of the (mis-)fortune.
He had matured. He grew up both mentally and physically, expanding his knowledge and craving his own path. Whether that path was the right or the wrong one that couldn’t be known, but Naito knew was that it was the path that he chose to follow.
His principles, his choices, his actions. After so much time wasted, he understood what it was to stand for what represents his choices as correctly as possible.
With this realization came the flow of question that had no clear answer, other than his own opinion on the matter:
Could a momotarou and an oni ever love each other in earnest, as it was between lovers? Would it be possible for them to overcome the rotten history that stemmed in between them, for them to see the person who they are for, to cherish each other’s presence and find home within the other’s arms?
Was there potential for growth, for change?
So many questions and no clear answer.
Naivety was not a trace Naito possessed, for every trace of that had left him with his growth, but it wasn’t naivety that made Naito answer with a ‘yes’. Hope bloomed within his heart for the next generation: with every year that passed, with each school year he taught in the academy, he could only wish that the youth had a chance to spur this change.
Was it so wrong of him to want change? He liked the thought of not discriminating someone because of some physical (or psychical) attribution his partner might possess. The thought of not discriminating someone because of some physical (or psychical) attribution his partner might possess sounded rational, right to him. Why would he, or other people, care about such trivial things in the first place, when all that should matter in between lovers was the feeling they awoke within each other?
To love a person was to love them along their flaws they might possess, to gently right their wrongs, to tenderly take their hands into their own and walk the chosen path they craved for themselves. To be with a person requires effort, effort Naito was willing to give, instead of ignoring the butterflies that had been churning inside his stomach for ages whenever he thought of her.
Her face. Her voice. Those plush lips that curled upwards so deliciously into a wicked smirk whenever she was ready to spout a witty remark back at him. Her bright eyes, so contrast to her comments and practically a window to her soul, revealing the true feelings, showcasing her pain and suffering she continuously went through, her joy, her amusement, her love she was fortune enough to continue to experience.
She was like a book for him, easy to read and get lost in, and he was already too invested in her story long before he realized.
Sometimes, Naito questioned when his attraction even started. How he didn’t realize her ensnaring hold she had on his mind ever since they met each other for the first time had been beyond him. All he could recall was the churning within his stomach as he first laid his eyes upon her sauntering figure, black eyes crashing into her own eyes, unable to tear his gaze away anywhere else; all he could think of was the following adrenaline rush he experienced when he realized she was on pair with him, matching him in every step in their dance of death.
As much as it had disturbed him for harboring such strong intrigue towards his enemy, Naito tended to respect those who had worked to achieve the power they yield now.
Though, no matter his personal feelings or thoughts about her, one thing had always been clear to him: they were on the opposite sides in this endless war. That much had been apparent to him when he first encountered her, though the reality of their circumstance became more clear as he watched countless oni fall by her hand that second time they had met at the basement.
What a shame it had been, to see her on the other side of the board whenever they had an fateful encounter.
On rare occasions, when he had a moment to himself, Naito had ask himself, could they have been friends if it weren’t for this endless struggle, this continuous war they found themselves to be a part of?
In his younger days, Naito would ask himself such bizarre questions, and the answer and conclusion would come find him whenever he saw a glimpse of her blood smeared appearance, shamelessly looking him in the eye, a decapitated head gripped tightly its hair.
As much as she had effortlessly captivated his attention, Naito remembered the growing hatred he had felt towards her, remembered the anguish she had caused him by just doing her part of the job.
At that time, Naito had convinced himself that there wouldn’t, couldn’t, be anything between them. Considering their history and the emotional pain they had inflicted on each other (even if it was unintentional on their part most of the time), the damage had been long done.
Time flies and opinions (even hardheaded ones) change, like a leaf slowly transforming its color from green to brown with the change of season. Admittedly, Naito hadn’t thought this would apply to him as well (like the oblivious youngster he had been), but with growing up and learning to become an adult, starting to teach the next generation of onis within the academy, a change of heart was soon to follow him after.
Holding on to hatred that the conflict had been causing, on to rotten believes some of the older generation might desperately try to clutch onto was irrational, and Naito was anything but irrational. Being rational and efficient was one of his top priorities, and if holding onto principles some old geezers were trying to uphold, he would make the effort to escape those clutches.
And what a decision it had been. Definitely for the better, if he could say so himself.
It had been hard, at first, to not react he way he had been used to react, the way it was expected of him to, but a change of heart was what he desired, which required a change of structural changes in his thoughts and behavior; growth and patience for the process was needed to achieve such goal, something Naito was willing to practice.
Lost in his thoughts and unaware of his surroundings, Naito hadn’t heard the approaching figure, getting startled from the sudden question directed to him: “Hey, what are you doing?”
He slammed the notebook shut, quit to hide his scribbles and thoughts from the woman who had approached and wrapped her arms around him from behind, nuzzling into his neck. He felt lips graze his throat, softly traveling up and down the path of his neck. It was tingling wherever her lips touched, like a feather was softly grazing his skin. He sighed at the sensation, eagerly craning his neck to give her more space to place kisses across, basking in the loving bliss his partner showered onto him.
“Nothing concerning. Just got lost in my thoughts. Why are you doing up so late? It’s past midnight already,” he mumbled, gently squeezing the hand that rested on top of his shoulder.
He held his breath as the kisses traveled painstakingly slow from his neck, to the underside of his jaw, to his cheek, paying special attention to the tattoo on his cheek before she placed her chin on his shoulder. “Well… if a certain someone didn’t decide to leave the bed, I would probably still be asleep,” she whispered, tugging at his hands, coaxing him to get up from his office chair and leave the office behind for tonight. “I can’t have you walking around tired all morning tomorrow, love. What would you students say, hm?”
“They would have to deal with it, simple as that.”
“…That sounds incredibly inefficient for you, my love. You need to get some sleep in.”
Midnights were especially hard for him, his mind overflowing with memories that he was eager to note down. Nonetheless, he complied easily as his partner led him towards their shared bedroom and helped him get comfortable on their bed, eagerly joining him after and resting her head on his shoulder, shamelessly cuddling into his side. She was especially cute tonight, he thought as he shivered not only because of the cold, but because of the anticipation.
“What were you writing about?” she whispered curiously, as to not disturbed the quiet between them too much, tracing different shapes on top of his chest. The continuous coos of owls that lurk in the nature, along with the soft tingles of her finger wandering all over him was sure to lull him to sleep. “Something I should worry about? You won’t make me have to go through your stuff to know, right?” she added teasingly, leisurely moving her index finger over to the left side of his chest – right above his heart.
“Not at all,” he mumbled, slightly adjusting his position so he could play with her hair. “Just thinking about past evens and alike, you know how it is,” he confessed, nuzzling into her hair before placing a short kiss on top of her head.
“Oh, about what, exactly?”
“About our past…” he uttered vaguely, glancing down to the woman snuggling close to his chest. She looked at him, unblinking, urging him to spill the beans. He smiled down at her, slowly rubbing circles on her shoulders. “I just thought about all the events that brought us here. Kiyomizu Temple, to be precise.”
She huffed, squirming at the thought of the happenings. “Not really a bedtime story I like to think about, to be honest. It’s more like a nightmare.”
Naito hummed in agreement, still rubbing comforting circles on her shoulder and down her upper arm. “I know, but I just remember being surprised seeing you there all of a sudden. If it weren’t for Kyouya, who knows what would have happened.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t attack me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you didn’t but nonetheless, I was surprised.”
“Kyouya helped explaining the situation to me but even then, seeing you help the injured onis definitely helped me keep a cool head and not jump to conclusions,” he explained, his hand slipping from her upper arm to her hip, caressing as much naked skin as he could reach, before tugging and pinching at her, urging her to lay on top of him, which she complied happily by swinging her leg over his waist.
“I wasn’t expecting you to help anyone. I think that was the first time I saw you look so compassionate, and I think that was also the first time I admitted to myself that you weren’t just a momotarou trying to destroy all of us. You were just as lost as I was, I can see that now.”
“Hmm…” placing a peck on his nose, she teased, “That sounds like love at first sight to me.”
“Not at all.”
“It’s unnecessary to lie to me, I can tell when you’re lying or not, darling.”
Naito grumbled quietly under his breath, though a small smile was slowly etching into his face at her antics, far more amused and relieved than he liked to show. It would bother him far more if he saw her hung up on the past and lose her self-confidence and happiness because of it; he would rather have her annoy and tease him than her mopping around, overthinking all the fights and situations they had to go through to become who they are now.
“I thought of how different you looked compared to all the other times I saw you. I’m still curious on what exactly made you change your mind and help us out that day, but I’m grateful, nonetheless,” he said, absentmindedly caressing her cheek with his thumb, feeling her skin getting warmer as seconds passed by. “You were so gentle with Mei, I felt like it was the first time you dropped the pretentious act you seemed to put on around everyone.”
They looked at each other, unable to look away. Why would they, even? After witnessing such ugly events for a long time, he learned to appreciate the beauty in the smallest things, and her eyes, her eyes that were on him, the lovely crimson that slowly spread from her cheeks to her ears, was the prettiest thing he had the fortune to admire.
“Children have no business in this conflict. I’m just glad I could somehow, someway help… glad to have the opportunity to prove my worth.”
“You don’t need to prove anything,” he said, the intense stare practically daring her to disagree with his statement. “Anybody who can’t see your worth is a fool in my eyes.”
She smiled at him, his words meaning far more to her than she could ever try to describe.
Painstakingly slow, they inched forward, unabashedly making their intentions clear to each other.
She was eager to have his lips on her own, eager to reliving the excitement she knew he could give to her, her eyes darting back and forth between his eyes and lips for any sign of discomfort, but founding none. On the contrary, the small smirk told her just how much he wanted her, as well.  
Kissing her didn’t feel like fireworks going off; it felt familiar and smooth as she gently pressed her lips onto his, like a river that flowed nonstop, the current powerful enough to sweep him up alongside. He wouldn’t mind getting lost in it, more than happy to be swept away. Eagerly reciprocating, he moved alongside her, feeling his heart beating and fluttering like crazy with each drag of her mouth on his. His hands inched towards the back of her neck, and she gasped as he jerked her forward, pulling her impossibly close. Their bodies pressed together, breathing heavily, but unwilling to stop the shared passion. Her lips were soft, moving passionately against his, fueling his own desire.
Everything she was willing to give, he unabashedly took.
Naito couldn’t really answer the question of whether onis and momotarous could leave their dispute behind and love each other as they all deserve to be loved. Hatred was always going to exist, the past was hard to forget and even harder to forgive, but he was glad that he had found his own path, pleased that hatred hadn’t overpowered his heart and mind.
He couldn’t answer the question with certainty, but, tangled up in his lover’s arms and having her in his arms as well, he could say for himself that yes, it was a possibility, indeed.
A/N: Thank you all for reading my fic so far! Hope you have enjoyed my writing. I had something completely different planned for this fic because when the idea first came to my mind, I thought of a scenario where Naito and MC meet again (as the third time) but instead of fighting him, she helps him, which is them 'becoming lovers' part. So the first two chapter represent the enemies part (the first and second time they met each other) and the third repesents the lovers part.
I also had this idea in mind that with each chapter, the character are going to grow up and mature. So the first chapter represents the youngest Naito and him doing the things that is expected of him, the second chapter where he start to question everything a bit, and the third chapter where he is already on his own path. So yeah, I thought writing it like this would be fun and interesting.
Thank you all again for reading!
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xinhar · 9 months
Kiss me? Kiss you? [3]
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What; Part 3 of an Oni version of who'll initiate a kiss first, it is you? Is it them?
Warnings; Slight suggestive.......
Featuring: Mudano Naito, Oiranzaka Kyouya, Masumi Yodogawa
Note; a little spice at the end but not thatmuch because I said so🗣️🗣️🗣️. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Momo | prev
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♯ Mudano Naito
Hah??? You must've lost your mind💀 He won't. Won't even get a partner🗣️ But let's pretend that hehasone for the sake OF. THE. PLOT👯🧑‍🦼 He won't go first. I can SEE it. Sorry. You have to adjust. I mean.... It's YOUR idea, right?
"Naito~" You gave him a begging look as you absentmindedly lock your arms on his as both of you walked shoulder by shoulder. Him still giving an uninterested look while looking straight.
"Come on! Just one! I promise, like promise- promise I won't bother you!" You tried to persuade the male as he only hum in response, of course, he already knew that it was a lie afterall. The last time he had agreed with your needs, you pulled out that card on him yet still didn't continue your promises. Which he was pissed off about (back then).
"Do you really believe that I would give in? You have to try harder than that." He muses while giving you a brief glance, eyes locking with yours as you pouted. You frowned, "What do you mean?"
You know what he means, but still. "Don't play around. I'm not made for your games." Mudano Naito spat as he stops his walk, making you halt on your own too, looking at him in confusion before grinning and giving him a wink.
"C'mon. I know you can't resist me." You smirked and grabbed both his cheek, earning a raised brow and amusement gleam in his eyes- trying to figure out what you have on your cup this time. You tattered his neck with butterfly kisses as he immediately knew what you were up to. Seriously? This girl... She's wasting time.
"Seduction won't work." Is what he said, but you knew better than this. He might be unbothered to others, but to you is a different case. "It will, Sir. Trust me." You chuckled as you sensually clash your lips to his when he was distracted, giving him a peck at first then take an action of what is the main part.
"Seems that "Mudano-sensei" is very negligent after all."
♯ Oiranzaka Kyouya
Bitch will go without hesitation 2.0 HE will be BOLD about asking too Tease you first BUT STILL a gentleman Unlike someone 💀 He'll be 🧀 sy about it too😔🙌
"Got nothing else to do, Doctor?" You mused at him as you raise a brow at his leaning frame at the door. Looking at you with cheeky grin, he made his way towards you casually. Focusing your full attention to him, your head tilted to the side.
"Nope, sweets. That's why I decided to take a visit." He proudly stated and gave you a wink. "How about you? Miss me?" He wriggle his eyebrows at you as you scoff at him in response. Rolling an eye, you smiled. "No."
He then pouted and lean near the desk you're working on. Putting his chin ontop of your head- you stare as him with amusement.
"Isn't this a very intimate moment? I thought we could kiss." He dramatically sighed as you look at him dumbfounded, unable to get he point of the statement.
"Are you trying to ask me for a kiss indirectly?" You asked him as he grinned, taking your hand as he kissed while maintaining eye contact- "Got it right, sweets."
"... Fine. Only because you look adorable." You smiled and he didn't hesitate to connect you and him together. What a wonderful day to start.
♯ Masumi Yodogawa
Can I get a kiss? can I-🧑‍🦯 I actually can't fathom whether who's gonna go first or what But... Maybe Just maybe? You⁉️ His pride is very giving a vibe, but he won't take actions💋 He's a queen 👑 How dare you command him🗣️
"Please?" "No."
"Very very much please please???"
"No no no no, and no." Masumi gave you a dirty look with his creepy smile as veins start to pop on his face, pissing him off to the max- don't even beg on him. Who the fuck-
"Could you stop? I told you already." He sighed and gave you a head pat, trying to reduce his blood boiling and tries to be understanding instead. Somehow... He had gotten such clingy lover for TODAY, and it's somewhat suspicious.
"No. I'm not giving up. You've been like this since ages!" You stared at him with saddened eye, trying to guilt trip him (which you know you'll fail anyway)- you continued, "why can't you focus on me for once."
You huffed and crosses your arms to look at him. With the action, Masumi sighed and shake his head. "I swear if this isn't worth my time-" he paused and asked, "what do you want, specifically?"
"A kiss."
"...no." Masumi pressed again with a teasing smile on his face. Silently mocking how you're so desperate for him- he chuckled at your reaction. Although, he wanted to see more, it's time to tend some baby he picked up from somewhere.
"Alright, alright. Come here." He opened his arms as your eyes gleamed in joy, immediately running to him to give him a tightest hug- your lips are long connected to his as you try to deepen it but he stopped it eventually. Trying to tease you again- which he never fails at.
"Ah, ah , ah. Be a good girl for me, sweetheart, and you might be able to get more than that, hm?" He pat your head as you nodded without hesitation.
"Good girl."
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
Heyy, how do you think Mudano would react if one of his junior who got a crush on him so bad & even sometimes fangirls him in front of everyone, taking pics, praising him (bcs he is that famous), but when they’re both all alone, the junior got quite bcs they’re shy & can’t look him in the eye at all (he is their huge crush after all) Would he tease them with the difference demeanor they usually put with everyone & him alone?
I love this concept - literally me if Mudano were real lmao, btw sorry for the long wait, hope it is of your liking^^
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Mudano was used to being popular among the Oni - he was their beloved hero, the one who protected them from the Momotaro - so when you first approached him and told him how much you ammired him, he thanked but didn't think too much about it. Meeting Oni grateful for his work was an everyday occurance to him - one more student admiring him was no big deal. What he hadn't considered was how much you actually were fawning over him and saw him as your idol, always talking loudly about him in front of your friends - without realizing he could be listening too - trying to take pictures of him without him noticing (you failed, he knew exactly whenever you took a picture of him). Whenever you had the chance to see him fight it was a whole other story - you wouldn't stop talking about him at all - he honestly couldn't understand why your friends hadn't told you to shut up yet or find some new topics of discussion. He considered talking to you about it, but didn't really know how. Then, one day early in the morning, you two happened to be alone, since none of the other students had woken up yet but you didn't feel like sleeping anymore. It was awkward and he wasn't expecting at all you to be staying completely silent just staring at him. What he was expecting was you starting to make questions about anything - from his training routine to what his favorite food was - yet you didn't say anything at all apart from a "Good morning, sir". "You dont' have anything else to say?" it was Mudano who interrupted the silence between you two. "Aren't you usually talking about me? This would the change to talk to me instead of about me. Has the cat got your tongue?" he really didn't want to come out as rude - maybe - but he couldn't explain your shyness. "You shouldn't behave differently than usual just because I'm here, that's incoherent. Now, I'll be asking again, is there anything you want to tell me?".
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eldesperadont · 1 year
How...how have you lived....with these 2....being so insane about each other (ok mostly just Jay I think) I'm dying
Just like i did with pretty much every other insane feud involving Jay not really having fics etc 🥲 (SHOUTOUT TO THE STUFF THAT EXISTS THO yall are real ones) i just have a lot of thoughts, right in there 👉🧠 and sometimes i manage to scratch sth together and get it on (digital) paper
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lovelyangelxxx · 1 year
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beauty, love, and someone to call home | various tougen anki characters x reader
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
→ what you are to him
→ fluff, g/n reader
→ mudano naito, yodogawa masumi, momoka tsukuyomi, momokado ousuke
mudano naito ♡
~you’re his source of comfort when he’s feeling pressured or even worried. he’s unemotional most of the time and nothing seems to phase him. however as his partner, he opens up to you a bit more and feels comfortable around you. you assure him that things will be alright and that some things are out of his control and it isn’t his fault. you constantly remind him that he’s enough which gives him a reason to keep pushing forward. he cherishes you so much and hopes that one day he can create a perfect an safe future, with you. 
“you’ve given me hope, so i promise to make you happy…”
yodogawa masumi ♡
~you’re the reason he comes back from every mission. he wants to be able to come back to you, to be with you and to hold you again. he’s extremely harsh on others at times and speaks his mind without worry, however despite his personality, he cares for you deeply. while he’s an absolute menace sometimes and pulls an unholy amount of pranks, he still loves you. your existence simply gives him the strength to come back home, back to you.
“the trip is never too hard when you know you’re coming home…”
momoka tsukuyomi ♡
~you’re a source of reassurance to him. you remind him that he is worth your time and love. although he may come off as confident and even arrogant, he does become insecure once in a while. his powers are powerful, but can be seen as “not good enough” due to its drawbacks, making him doubt himself. however, you’re there to comfort him and tell him that you’ll always be there with him despite those flaws. you remind him that everyone has flaws, but that’s what makes everyone beautiful. he sees beauty in you, giving him the courage to bring himself back up, in hopes that he can someday see that beauty in himself and one day give you that same courage. 
“always love yourself like how i love you.”
momokado ousuke ♡
~he feeds off your happiness and gains the ability to move forward just by seeing you smile. he’s definitely a bit crazy and overly passionate about fighting, but despite his eccentricities, he loves and cares for you more than he can say through words. his idea of displaying love is making you happy, and by making you happy, he feels more energized than ever. he’s always in awe of the beauty of your smile and it never fails to amaze him, giving him a reason to come back to you, just to see that smile again. 
“when i see you smile, i feel like you’re becoming my strength.”
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
MasterList - 55
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head cannon for Roman demigod - Reggie Mantle x Male Reader
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Say Love - Hailee Steinfeld X Male Reader
Under the dusk- Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader (SMUT)
Big Roles - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Hailee Steinfeld fluff alphabet
Desperate for the night - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Keystone - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Let me sleep with the lights off - Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
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headcannons for Emma Frost, Laura Kinney, Illyana Rasputin, and Kitty Pyrde being caught cheating by Reader
Being the New Spider-Man and dating Mayday Parker would include.
Laura Kinney, Emma Frost, and Jubilee jealous headcanon
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Headconon for being the supreme sorcerer (who has a similar origins to Doctor Strange) and dating Zatanna
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Natural Lights - Male Reader/Son X Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn
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I will never confess my sins - Yandere Edward Cullen x Male reader
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Shadow Flame - Male Reader x Hela
Head Cannon with yandere Hela and her S/O
Hela Yandere Alphabet.
The crown of thorns is heavy - Son! Reader x Hela
With throns to show - Hela x Female Reader G!P (SMUT)
Earth isn’t that bad - Hela x Male Reader
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Love on its own - Rogers!Male Reader x Bucky Barnes
Circles - Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Love Snow - Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Playboys - Male Reader x Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Ikaris (SMUT)
Let the sun be lonely - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Newcastle - Merman!Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Being Bucky Barnes’s boyfriend in the 1940s would include...
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Lay back. - Dean Winchester x Male Reader (SMUT)
Faster - Dean Winchester X Male Reader (SMUT)
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It begins somewhere - Midnight x Male Reader (SMUT & Mommy Kink)
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Light on my ego - Denki Kaminari and Eijiro Kirishima & Male Reader x Naito Monoma x Hitoshi Shinso (SMUT)
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Trance Love - Male Reader x Freya Allan
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Yeah I agree Sakuraoi and Ishimondo works but if you guys call them not forced but Satsuhiko is forced, you guys probably just trying to find a reason to hate that couple because it is m/f
Ishimondo actually works very well despite the limited and one night they had and I'm still surprised by that. They never felt forced I love it. *Trying to defend Ishimondo*
And well talking about couples in danganronpa. I need another ship bingo thing because talking about this ship often antis who hating them and fans overglorified them so i want to talk with a rational one: Komahina.
Oh I agree! You do not know how many hours of my life I've devoted to Ishimondo. The ship has legit influenced my life in a positive way. I just like pointing out how else things could have been done. I like taking my media apart to see how it works, that doesn't mean I'm a hater.
Komahina is... complicated. May I make two boards for canon and fanon Komahina? Its basically two different ships anyway. Its easier to talk about that way.
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A double bingo?? this is unprecedented.
Holy SHIT, I loved the Komahina dynamic when I first played Dr2. And I still love it when I replay Dr2. Nagito was just the star of the show, and both Hajime and I were drawn in. Its Nagito's killing game, Monokuma's just hosting it.
And despite the fact Hajime's been all "Naito WTF" all game, the big twist is that HE OUTNAGITOED NAGITO DURING THE TIME GAP. YES! AWESOME! DOES THAT SOUND SARCASTIC? IT SHOULDN'T.
my only regret is that they couldn't talk about it since Nagito was dead by that point. Oh, and that Hajime was a dumass (affectionate) in ch3.
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Nagito simp (platonic) here. So many Komahina fans are Nagito simps and it affects the writing of fanon Komahina. They either make Hinata an asshole or Tsundere, else its barely disguised Nagito x reader wish fulfillment fic. That not a bad thing, but I'm like absurdly picky about my characterization.
(almost) Nobody talks about them being foils. (almost) Nobody talks about Nagito's personality beneath his problematic coping mechanism. I feel like a disappointed lit teacher. What the FUCK.
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cursingtoji · 3 years
*cracks fingers* alright let's do it
I can see two situations where Mudano would praise you. The first one would be when he sees you putting effort into something. Maybe during trainings when you try your best to weaponize your blood, or when fighting the enemy. He tries to not lose focus on his own battle, yet he can't help the proud smile on his face when he sees his beloved one standing while your common enemies are down. Defeating numerous Momotaro using that little blood? So productive. By the end, when everyone is safe and you two get a moment alone he will kiss your forehead saying how well you did back there. The unexpected praise and display of affection making your face burn.
The second situation would be when you follow his instructions, trusting his words and his experience. He will probably remain quiet while watching you obey his commands, his heart skipping a beat when you turn your head to look at him expecting the next order.
Now combine these two situations. You are sitting on top of his thighs, more specifically on one thigh, face buried on his neck as you attempt to hide your embarrassment.
“Come on, you can do this. It was your idea anyways” he lightly slaps your bum, adjusting himself on the small couch and placing his hands behind his hand.
You had managed to sweet talk Mudano into helping you relief the ache between your legs, using the being productive speech since there was nothing you would be doing until you have to leave the hotel and go back to the academy. The students you took to get familiar with the patrol unit were packing their things. You two had some minutes before the agreed time to meet at the hotel’s lounge.
“Naito~” you whine his name rolling your clothed core on his muscle.
“No, you gotta rub back and forth if you want some friction” without touching you he bounces his leg once making you yelp.
Taking a deep breath you do as he says, looking for that delicious friction while your face burns, you thought he would at least give you a hand.
And he can see the needy look in your eyes, wanting his help more than anything, but knowing he won’t oblige.
So you close your eyes, hands on his chest for support while rubbing your self furiously on his thigh.
“Keep going” he instructs flexing his muscle a couple of times as a reward for your efforts.
Once he sees your lips forming an O shape and brows furrowing he leans to bite your neck.
His name comes out of your lips as in a shaky moan as your body trembles on top of him, hands finally coming down to grab your hips helping you get off on your final moments of orgasm, once your done letting your head fall on his shoulder he caress your back, whispering in your ear “Good girl.”
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sacredsong · 3 years
happy ending
✧ summary: mudano dreads failing again.
✧ cw: angst, mentions of death, coma, tougen anki chapter 77 spoilers
✧ a/n: uh... yeah. sorry hehehe!
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“You’re here again.” It was more of a statement than a question directed at the black-haired man standing in front of the headstone. He turned his head towards your approaching silhouette, staring at you with dull eyes. “Rough mission?” you asked. He nodded in response.
“I almost lost two of them again,” Mudano revealed. He would have sounded composed to anyone else, but you, who had seen him in his worst times, knew better. There was an oh-so-slight tremble in his voice that would have been really hard to spot, had you not known him for ages. “But you didn’t. You protected them, right?” you inquired, approaching him. He turned to look at the tombstone again. “That may be. If I had arrived any later though… I don’t wish to imagine.”
His eyes looked so forlorn, the pain from long ago still gnawing at him. It was obvious to you that a thousand things but nothing all at once ran through his mind. It tore through your heart as well. “Listen, Naito. I know you still blame yourself for… what happened back then,” you started, “but you know it’s not your fault that it happened.”
“It still doesn’t change the fact that I was unable to save them,” Mudano retorted. He was often like this, and you despised it; always taking all the blame upon himself and suffering on his own when he didn’t have to be alone. You chuckled bitterly as you recalled the events, “If you want to blame someone for their unjust deaths, then blame me as well. In fact, blame the entire combat unit. We were there too and just like you, we were unable to protect our comrades.”
“Denki. Chiyo. Aoi. Katsu. Nozomi. Nanami,” he listed, by far not everyone who lost their life on that fateful day. You nodded with tearful eyes, “They were my friends too, Naito.” Wiping the tears away, you continued, “All we can do right now is to fight for a seat at the table, fight for a happy ending in this god-damn war. For their sake and for ours.”
It was your belief that, one day, Oni could exist without being witch-hunted by what felt like the entire world.
Yet, you were aware that deep down, Mudano was scared of losing anyone else. Above all, he seemed to treasure his students specifically. Most likely it was because he saw your former comrades and himself in them – and you did too.
Although it wasn’t visible through his t-shirt, you knew the spot too well. Gently, you touched his chest with the tips of your fingers. As though you were scared that he would break at the slightest touch. “I will never allow you to fill this spot with my tattoo.”
Without exchanging any words, his larger palm engulfed your hand that touched his chest and his eyes met yours. A silent promise to protect you, come what may.
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Those were your words.
Deep in thought, he twisted the ring on his index finger. It was one of your many gifts for him. ‘Practical,’ as you had called it.
In times like these, it was challenging for him not to relapse into his old and brutal habits. After all, who was there to be the voice of reason? Last time, it was you who stopped him from going berserk and destroying everyone who dared stand in his way – it had always been you who brought him back down to the ground.
But now? Mudano glanced at your slumbering figure in the makeshift bed. He would visit wherever you had been stationed and talk to you every day. Your hand had grown thinner and thinner. It had been several months since your eyes had been open. The only thing keeping you alive was an IV drip – not even Kyouya was able to help you any longer. To Mudano, seeing your sleeping form was torture. “I’m sorry for not being able to protect you either,” he murmured, rubbing your frail hand.
The door opened, Kyouya came in. “It’s time, Mudano.”
The black-haired man got up and was about to leave when he recalled what you said. ‘All we can do right now is to fight for a seat at the table, fight for a happy ending in this god-damn war. For their sake and for ours.’
“I don’t want a happy ending anymore. I just want an ending to this war.”
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tags. @cursedmoonchild
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Mornings are for coffee and second-degree burns
So this is my first story. It’s a Naito x reader. italics denotes Japanese while bold depicts internal dialogue. Please be kind.
Waiting for Sanda was getting ridiculous, the man would show up late to his own funeral. “Probably still sleeping,” Naito mumbles to himself. Heaving a deep sigh, he pushes himself away from the table and stands up to grab a coffee.
The shop was busy this morning with students from the nearby high school taking their time figuring out a more complicated way to order overpriced milkshakes. While glaring daggers into the backs of teenagers he’s startled by a high pitch squeal coming directly behind him. He swings his head around and observers two women; one gripping the other in a bear hug, while the other looked utterly baffled at the sudden turn of events.
The bear hugger is making that atrocious nail on a chalk board noise.  She looks like a typical office worker: non-descript blue blouse, tight but not to revealing skirt, high heels and pearl earrings. The other, a gaijin is pretty, but not that pretty. She’s wearing a similar outfit, but with a white shirt and tight black skirt that shows off her narrow waist and slim ankles that end in a pair of red heels.
As if feeling his gaze, the gaijin makes eye contact and gives a sort of lop-sided smile, he frowns, unamused at the intrusion to his thoughts, and spins around.
You walked into the shop with your co-worker Niko and came to a complete halt. The Japanese characters everywhere briefly overwhelm you despite the fact you regularly ordered from this coffee chain at home.
“Y/L/N-san, is everything okay?”
Being formally addressed like this breaks you out of your brief culture shock, “Niko, you don’t need to use san with me.”
The other woman frowns slightly, “Not using san is bad manners” she begins to educate you. You nod your head familiar with this argument. Hell, it had been made in every Welcome to Japan book your family had foisted on you before you reached Tokyo.
Blowing out a breath  and struggling to right this situation without offending your co-worker you start, “Even between friends,” while stepping into line.
“Friends,” Niko’s voice shakes a little, like she is about to cry. No longer sure if this if this is such a brilliant idea, you nod your head anyway doubling down on your gamble. “Oh! Y/N-chan you are so sweet,” she exclaims.
Seriously? What is with the damned titles in this country you think. You aren’t used to the titles that everyone seems to have in the country as back home, life is far easier. Sure, you could say Mr. or Mrs., or occasionally Your Honor, but the Japanese have a title for the grandmother of your closest female friend since birth. Your train of thought is abruptly derailed by Niko literally squeezing you to death. “Oh,” you wheeze all breath leaving your body as your arms are pinned to your side.
“We’re friends,” she shrieks in a near inaudible level it is so high pitched.
“Of course,” you smile and try to disengage your new friend.
“This is the best,” she squeals. To your chagrin the man in front of you turns around and makes eye contact with you. You can tell he is not pleased by this and is eyeing up the situation in disdain. “Sorry,” you offer, but he isn’t paying attention any more.
“So, Niko,” you say extricating yourself from her grasp. “How do I order a Java-chip Frappuccino in Japanese?”
His phone begins to vibrate in his pocket. He pulls out the device and eyes the screen. Languidly he taps the green button and holds up the phone to his ear, “Hey.”
“Hey,” the caller begins.
“You’re late,” Naito deadpans. He is trying not to convey annoyance as he had also gone out late last night with the rest of LIJ and yet he was up, but he doesn’t say a thing. 
“I know,” Sanda’s laughter echoes from the other side, “Get a large cappuccino for me. I just got up from a rough night.” he rolls his eyes skyward as the other man brags, “…missing a shoe and I’m pretty sure a pint of blood from that girl we met at the bar.”
Naito makes eye contact with the barista and gives him a slight head nod as he retrieves his caffeine fix. “You can get it yourself,” he growls not amused by his stablemate’s lazy attitude.
Sanda tries to sound remorseful but comes off unconcerned with his friend’s frustration at his late arrival, “Sure, Sure, I’ll be there in a minute.”
Grunting in agreement he attempts to end the call while carrying his coffee and getting out of the shop. All of which is apparently too much to do at once and he collides with a solid force. “Oh shit,” a voice rings out. He hadn’t realized it, but when he turned around to leave he had run right into the gaijin behind him and spilled his hot coffee all over her.
Eyes wide she sucks in a deep breath and peels the now see through fabric away from her skin. He’s stuck dumb for a moment as registers her distress. “I’m sorry,” he mutters while trying to find something to wipe off the burning coffee. He sees a barista rushing over with a towel, grabbing it from the service worker’s hands and he begins to try and sop up the coffee.
“Oh fuck,” she whimpers pulling the ruined fabric away from her skin and fanning it in a futile effort to cool off.
He doesn’t need to understand English all that well to know she is in pain and it’s his fault. He doubles down on his efforts to dry her off. That is until he’s interrupted by the least menacing growl in history, “What are you doing?” Momentarily taking his eyes of the fabric in front of him he makes eye contact with the voice. It’s Bear Hugger.
“Admiring the stitching,” he deadpans while going back to the task at hand, except this time he picks his eyes off the fabric and looks at the woman in front of him. Her big eyes are filled with tears, her face flushed with heat or embarrassment he can’t be sure at this point. Realizing that the towel in his hand has cleaned up as much of the mess at it can, he pulls away, sees the faint outline of the bra, and her body’s reaction to sudden change in temperature.
He forces his attention elsewhere. Bear Hugger is speaking English with Coffee Gaijin who looks embarrassed. He can’t understand other than “okay”. But what he lacks for in vocabulary he makes up for in perception. She is breathing in deeply through her nose, warding off further tears and it strikes him as oddly brave. The words leave his mouth before they register in his brain, “Tell your friend I’ll buy her another blouse.”
Coffee Gaijin looks confused at the turn of events. Bear Hugger steps into the conversation, “What?”
“I’ll buy you another shirt,” he repeats slowly and with better diction. Sometimes women need things to be repeated.
Bear Hugger rudely replies, “She doesn’t speak Japanese.”
“Well then tell her what I said.” He doesn’t make the statement a suggestion.
They have a staring contest before she breaks eye contact and turns to Coffee Gaijin. Naito is now keenly aware that the entire coffee shop is watching them with morbid fascination. Fucking Sanda. They have a brief conversation before Hugger replies, “She says it’s just a shirt, no worries.”
He grits his teeth, “Tell the gaijin I’ll buy her another shirt,” he pauses his anger rising at being rejected, “One that isn’t so cheap you can see everything.”
Hugger’s black eyes widen, and her mouth drops open, “I can’t say that!”
“Well tell her something that will get her to buy a better shirt,” he seethes. Hugger glares at him he teases his lips into what could be construed as a smile. Coffee Gaijin is utterly confused at the tension between the two until Hugger sighs and begins a long and he guess a wholly inaccurate translation of his offer. Realizing that he won’t take no for an answer Coffee Gaijin looks at him and nods her head.
“We finish work at 5.00, we’ll meet here,” Hugger hesitates before adding, “and you’ll buy her whatever she wants.”
He raises an eyebrow, “That’s what she said?” Somehow Coffee Gaijin doesn’t strike him as the extortion type.
“No that’s what I said,” Hugger glares at him again, but this time he smirks and turns to the topic of their negotiation.
Holding out a hand, Coffee Gaijin needs no translation and digs into her purse. She pulls out a phone so new it still has protective plastic on it. Fumbling to unlock the screen she eventually places the phone into his hand gently. Her fingers momentarily brush against him and his world tilts just a little. Brushing it off he types in his number and calls his phone to ensure she has his number, but before he hands it back he briefly browses through her contacts, they’re sparse and mostly in English. He grimaces and hands it back to her. “Five o’clock,” he enunciates in English and turns away from the foreigner and Bear Hugger marching out the door to find Sanda.
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saerayofsunshine · 2 years
Two Times; One Time
Summary: Two times Naito hated her, one time were he just couldn’t get enough of her, even when they were destined to fight each other. TW: Mentions of Violence Word Count: 1.3K A/N: I am hyperfixated on this dude and I don't like it, but I am already down bad, so just enjoy the reading :)))))
feel free to reblog + like + comment if you liked my writing and enjoy the reads!
cross-posted on ao3
chapter one (current chapter) / chapter two / chapter three
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Was it possible for a momotarou and an oni to love each other? To overcome the deep hatred countless battles and the everlasting war had caused, to break the chains of that same hatred that had started with their ancestors and had taken root ever since then?
A typical and most rational answer to these questions would be no.
No, momotarou’s and oni’s could never love each other. With the way the two races were going at each other’s throats all the time, one could even bet that they could not even learn to love each other, even if they wanted to.
How could love grow in the first place, when two individuals were on the different side of a coin?
Whether you were an oni or a momotarou, similar beliefs would be drilled into the younglings: don’t hesitate to attack your enemy, don’t show mercy to your opponent if you don’t want to be fresh meat, kill the enemy that was in front of you, or you will be the one to get butchered instead.
In a world where it was kill or be killed, how could love prevail between two different races?
That typical ideology was what Naito had learned in the earlier days as well: show no mercy to your enemies, for your enemies weren’t going to have an ounce of mercy for you either. This principle was the norm in both momotarou and oni training, and since his early practice in the academy and his early recruitment, Naito followed it to a tee.
So, he did what he had to do to survive, to prevent the extinction of the oni: he killed.
He had become a devil for his enemies, but a beacon of hope for his people.
That was Naito to his people: reliable, diligent, efficient; vicious, cruel, a menace he could be to his enemies. And he was fine with it. If it meant he could contribute in any way, he would gladly become a devil that needed to be feared.
Ever since his early missions in the combat unit, Naito had been someone who was considered undefeatable. Just the mention of his name brought shivers down his opponent, caused fear to manifest in the unfortunate momotarou that had the misfortune of facing him.
Victory should have been his; it was within his hands. What could mere creatures infested with bacteria do to him?
Maybe, he had been overestimating himself. Maybe, it had been time for someone of his caliber to drag his ass down from the cloud it had been perched on, for as much as Naito had been powerful enough to deal with even hundreds of momotarou, he couldn’t beat that young momotarou who had arrived as backup, waltzing into the scene as if she was walking into a fashion show.
Naito had been unmatched for a long time…
…until he finally met his fated match.
He hadn’t anticipated someone like her in the field, as the momotarou hadn’t been anticipating someone like him in the field, either.
Having newbies in the field wasn’t anything that should have been surprising, though. After all, he had been there, too. But it still had surprised him, seeing a newbie climbing the imaginary ladder, already having been promoted to be a deputy commander. How impressive, indeed.
That should have been the first telltale sign for him to not underestimate her. He could only shake his head now whenever he thought back on it. He had been overestimating himself and severely underestimating her, which had been an amateur mistake, one he had reflected on severely.
He had been one step away from finishing his victim off without batting an eye, when the momotarou had been snatched from underneath his feet by a thin trace of black string that was made of bacteria, practically flinging the person far away from Naito.
“So, you are the one that had the higher ups acting up,” were her first words, flouncing towards him as if they weren’t in a battlefield but in an exhibition, and she was a piece of art that had to be admired. She might as well have been a piece of carefully and thoroughly made craft, the typical suit and pants for the momotarou was stunning on her; she would had been mistaken as a model… if it had been a fashion show.
“…and I don’t know who you are, unfortunately, but that doesn’t matter to me, for your demise is near.”
Younger Naito had been so full of himself, now that he thought about it. He had smiled jauntily at the way her pink lips had curled up, finding slight amusement at the clear aggression and cockiness she was showing. Aggression, an emotion that could make oni, momotarou or human temper flare, making them act more irrational than they were used to; Cockiness, a behavior that could led to someone’s downfall relatively quick. He would play her like a doll that she was.
Naito might had severely underestimated her during that fight, but looking back at it, he could console himself at not being the only one who had done that grave mistake.
“As if you could kill me that easily, don’t confuse me with the usual momotarou! If you don’t want to die, I advise you to take this fight seriously,” she had said, her voice silky smooth, as if they weren’t about to fight each other. “Now, shall we dance?”
And dance they did, a dance of life and death, that is. He had gone all out with his attacks, aggravation leaked into his movements; the usual calculated and calm strikes replaced by impatient, nonstop onslaught. Though, no matter how fast he struck, with that damn ability of hers, he was reduced to nothing but a gawping speculator, unable to do anything but watch as she dodged and moved in pure elegance, as if she really was ballroom dancer, performing tango with her partner.
Naito would never admit it to anyone else, but she had managed to impress him with that one encounter.
Not only had she been able to keep up with him, dodge his attack in wonderfully strange ways, she fought back as well, manipulating her summoned weapons and using her underlings in the most effective way with the help of her strings. With a mischievous glint in her eye and a never faltering smirk on her lips, she had pressed on, eventually resulting in their dance to end in a tie.
Often times, he thought back to the lady that had been fighting him that day and wondered, will I see her ever again? Not because he wanted to see her, but because she could become a rather bothersome pest for the oni’s. His job as a combat unit member was to eliminate the momotarou that stood in the way of the oni’s goals, therefore it was his duty to remove every obstacle that tampered with their goals.
What an exciting night it had been for the young adult. Someone could actually keep up with him. It had stirred something within him, she had managed to move something deep within him. A flicker of fire she was, a motivational factor that fired Naito on; the conclusion of their fight had been a clear sign that pointed out the fact that he needed to be better; he had to practice more, become stronger, for if she could keep up with him, that meant that she would improve in her techniques as well, to follow through with the momotarou’s plans.
How tragic. The more he thought about it, the surer he was that they could have gotten along particularly well, if only they had been on the same team.
Too bad she wasn’t an oni.
How sad it was: they were each other’s obstacles that needed to be finished off.
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xinhar · 2 years
♯Clothes Hunter.
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mudano, masumi, tsukuyomi and ousuke reacting to you having their uniforms/shirts?
Requested by: @chigirihyomaa
Masterlist | •
Hi! Sorry for the long long long break lmfao. I don't have the motivation and so busy with school! But I hope this is what you're looking for!
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Mudano Naito
Mr. The night changes
He won't say anything,
But surely inside he is jumping.
or just
Be the opposite
Way around💀🤟🏻 and
"..." It's in the middle of the night and here he is standing with his usual poker face. With a face, people doesn't really know what he is thinking about or what he's planning around, nonetheless, his judging stare are just there. Looking at your form up and down with a crossed arms.
"Why is my uniform there on you?" A simple question, with a face that is as neutral as a black color and his voice that sound so unmoving, you will definitely crumble if you don't know him that much. But too bad you know who and what character he is. Thus, grinning at him worldlessly with a playful eyes.
"Does it fit me?" Asking a question that made him deadpan, he paused and hum.
"Quite well." A short reply he gave yet you know him, by just staring at his eyes─ and you know how he deliver the word, he's not good at it but you know that is big for him.
"Come on! Don't you have something to say? heh, I know that you're just basking there like─"
"Shut it."
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Masumi Yodogawa
Don't expect-- no lmao
He'll sue you😟😔
Why tf are you wearing his shirt⁉️
It's yours now btw👍🏻.
Masumi just walked in the room you two shared when he halted on his tracks at the scene he is seeing. His round eyes just stare darkly at the form, which is your form. With a smile on his face, he opened his mouth to chuckle.
"Well well, look at this." Snatching your attention, you gave him a slight hesitant smile, unable to recognize his reaction and too shocked to say anything.
"Why are you wearing my uniform?" Masumi asked as he stare intently at the clothes you have on right now. The smile on his face, boy, no─ he is not pleased at that at all.
"Uh... Because- " You don't have to continue what you were saying because he won't take that clothes back anymore, he's too grossed out like you're the most grossest people he doesn't trust and met just now.
"You want it back?"
"? Yuck, no. It's yours"
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Tsukuyomi Momoka
Myorinpa-senpai, duh🙄
✨ Expected it ✨
You expect him not to😟
Aren't you?👴😏
"Hoooo, would you look at that." Tsukoyomi sat casually and comfortably at the couch as he eyed you up and down with his squinted eye, holding a book (we all know what is this already), he grinned and opened his mouth to say something.
"It looks good on you, darling. As expected." His words is filled with saccharine sweetness as you sighed at him. Head shaking as you stare at him with aura that is pastel pink.
"Just a plain reaction? Really?"
"What do you expect me to do? I saw this coming." Shrugging, he held out Myorinpa-senpai's work.
"Tsk tsk tsk, 'yomi."
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Momokado Ousuke
This man👏
He will SMIRK ok.
He won't let it slip.
Like fr.
Tbh I could see him shouting and then getting sly the next💀💀💀💀
Twirling as if you are in that games inside the android phone that it getting customized, you grinned and then take a hop to the door, turning the doorknob as you we're greeted by none other than your lover─ who seemed to look at you up and down and try to register what is going on.
Moment of silence has passed, he finally opened his mouth.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YO─" His voice almost boomed the place but then you slapped his mouth before his voice could be heard out of the roof.
"Shh Ousuke! You're being dramatic!" You pouted and stared at him. He, of course, raised a brow with a "what are you doing?" look and then took your hands away from his mouth.
"Didn't know you're wearing someone's shirt now." He smirked and kissed your knuckles, you rolling your eyes as you loop your both arms on his neck.
"Technically, you're not 'someone', Ousuke."
"Sure sure. You should wear my shirt more often, dove." By then, he carried you to God who knows where.
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lavandar-castle · 2 years
He’s a 10 but…
╰┈➤ ❝ [Tougen Anki x reader] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [characters: Masumi, Mudano, Ousuke, Tsukuyomi ] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [crack and fluff] ❞
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He’s a 10 but he likes to make snarky comments when your pissed off
He’s a 10 but is 100% a menace
He’s a 10 but will send you photos of you somewhere being like “I see ya” but you won’t see him
Legit 👻 irl
He’s a 10 but will move all your cups to the higher part of the shelf if call him short
He’s a 10 but will always have a ⚫️u⚫️ face
He’s a 10 but if you do smt stupid he will hold it against you for life
Masumi: remember that time when u told me about the THIRD GRADE-
He’s a 10 but will dress in a shark onesie and dance to California girls
He’s a 10 but gets very petty
He’s a 10 but for ur bday he’ll make it like a very extreme scavenger hunt
He’s a 10 but his a Gemini
He’s a 10 but will jumpscare you 3 times in a row in the same seconds
He’s a 10 but is taken by me ofc
He’s a 10 but is a Capricorn
He’s a 10 but has children
He’s a 10 but no one will want to be near you because your near death himself
He’s a 10 but your family is scared shit less
He’s a 10 but will have a long list of rules you must follow
He’s a 10 but you will never know what he’s feeling due to his resting bitch face
He’s a 10 but will point out your grammar mistake in every text
He’s a 10 but if you send him a meme he will lecture you
He’s a 10 but you have a bedtime and it is 8pm even on the weekends
He’s a 10 but if you ever feel like he’s watching your every move…it’s because he is
He’s a 10 but is fight club
He’s a 10 but will tornado kick a man who cat call you frfr - one moment he’s next to you the next he threw a man out of his car seat
He’s a 10 but is banned in most places bc he kept throwing chairs at everyone
He’s a 10 but will take play fight seriously- don’t come after him if your don’t want ur knees to be snatched
He’s a 10 but if you ever bring him to a family gathering he is staring fights with your relatives
He’s a 10 but he prob flip off your elders and call them a bitch in front of the kids
He’s a 10 but will pour 10 pounds of peppers in all your meals
He’s a 10 but he’s a Virgo
He’s a 10 but aggressively does things not on purpose but it happens - like closing the car door that sounds like a slam
He’s a 10 but you have to stop him from causing fights
He’s a 10 but will purposely wear sweatpants and manspread just to see you malfunction
He’s a 10 but is a gym bro
He’s a 10 but his love for fights to the point you think he on drugs
He’s a 10 but will judge you based on your birth sign
He’s a 10 but will do a whole analysis of you based off your birth chart
He’s a 10 but may or not try to predict your death just saying
He’s a 10 but always has to bring whatever lucky object he has due to his luck
He’s a 10 but if you want flowers, nice dinner, jewelry he’s the type of boyfriend who you have to ask him that
He’s a 10 but if his cards says you both need to break up- welp looks like your single now
He���s a 10 but will judge your friends and family based off their birth signs
He’s a 10 but is an astrology lover
Tag: @sscarchiyo
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radioactivesweet · 2 years
Hc of words, actions or signs that Masumi, Mudano, Jin and innami that they want you to be their partner?
I may have been a little off topic but I hope you like it anyway^^
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Masumi isn't as snarky towards you - which isn't going to last once you become his partner. He seems to be more pensive, whether you are around him or not. Your companions are worried about him, because of how distracted he is - and nobody can find the source of this behaviour.
Masumi is also considerably kinder toward you, he is always here to watch your back during missions and reassuring you when you are scared, keeping you close when you need someone to confide in.
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Mudano is stricter toward you only, not because he wants to appear mean, but because he is worried about you. He has responsibilities and can't always be on missions with you and personally make sure you are fine - if he could he would go with you on all of your missions, but he can't.
He always feels relieved when his colleagues come back fine after being on a mission, yet with you it's different - the way he smiles at you only, barely keeping his composure, restraining the temptation of pulling you close in a hug.
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Jin is awkward and get either completely silent or can't put two words together when you are with him - which leads Shiki to makes fun of him, muc to Jin's annoyance.
Despite this, everyone has noticed how he seems to be in a better mood when he is together with you and the way his smile can almost be seen under his mask. His whole face lights up and it's obvious you are the reason.
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Innami's feelings are the hardest to understand. He is always praising everyone so at first it's complicated to see how you affect him differently. He is even more passionate about you, complimentting every single thing you do - to the point of exaggeration.
For you to understand the extent of his feelings, he will proclaim them out loud, but for your ears' only.
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sscarchiyo · 2 years
attractive things they do
paring(s): mudano, kyouya, karou, masumi, ousuke & mikado
contains: gn!reader, suggestive themes, fluff
✉️ - *laughs and screams* i have nothing to say, but if i were y/n would've jumped ousuke ngl-🧍🏿‍♀️hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated, have a good day <3
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↳ his handwriting
for crying out loud, he’s a teacher. all those tests and reports he has to mark? yea 101% his handwriting is immaculate
I honestly don't know how to explain it more, just think about it ok?
the way he holds the pen/pencil, the way he makes it look so elegant. and he’s one of those cursive writers, but you can still read what he’s written
and it doesn’t help, how nice his hands look…like it just adds to the appeal
↳ doing household chores
as an oni whose powers are to heal/help people, he’s like a natural born caretaker
for some reason he actually enjoys doing it, but don't tell anybody he said that. like maybe you have night shifts and he works more during the day, by the time you get home-house is swept, dishes washed, laundry is done and a nice dinner is waiting for you at the table.
or if the time of shifts are reversed, by the time you wake up he’s basically knocked out. but he does the same things and makes you breakfast before you leave
his favorite thing to do is vacuum, man is having a whole dance solo at the same time. whatever task he’s doing, just know he’s invested. If he’s doing laundry and you forgot to give him a sock, he’ll stand by the doorway-hair done up, hands on his hips and dangling the sock in your face. scolding you like a mom would, but he looks very hot while doing it…so we’ll let it slide😒
↳ cooking
who wouldn’t want to eat his godlike food? In his free time he’s always whipping something up
wears one of those ‘kiss the chef’ aprons on cuz, he’s working damn hard and expects his kisses😒 also rolls up his sleeves and it’s just a normal thing, yet he makes it looks good
now most times, he’ll want to cook with you. but some days, manz is on his grind and has no time to spare. you’ll be helping him by handing out things he’ll call for and he’s so serious too
but when the two of you are having fun and lets say, you're not doing something right. he’ll stand behind you, very closely and like put his hand on top of your own, while guiding you through whatever your doing
↳ being good with kids
you’d think he hates children from the way he acts with the students, but secretly? he loves them and he’s surprisingly good with them
if you have younger siblings, he’ll be all they talk about. like the moment they meet him, they’re hooked
babies love him best, especially when playing peek - a - boo. his invisibility gives him an advantage too, as well as playing hide and seek
but what rlly gets your heart going, is when a kid would come up to him and ask/say the weirdest thing. yet, he’ll get on his knees to be at their eye level and give them his undivided attention
↳ man spreading
he’s too hot for his own good, throw him in water so he can cool down😜ok so, he had no missions to go on that day and he was bored in his office. so he went over to the break room to see if maybe tsukuyomi was there, he wasn’t and he started to get hungry. he decides to call you and asks if you can come over and bring him some food.
while he’s waiting, he gets sleepy and falls asleep on the couch. but the moment you get there it’s like his senses activated and he’s awake, but he’s still in a sleepy state.
the moment his eyes land on you, he goes ��oh you’re here now? that's great” and his sleepy voice? absolutely scrumptious. ALL THE WHILE HIS LEGS ARE WIDE OPEN LIKE THE WHORE HE IS, HE’S NOT WEARING HIS JACKET AND HE’S OPENED SOME OF HIS BUTTONS SO YOU CAN SEE SOME OF HIS CHEST-
lawd and it doesn’t stop there. you set the food down, give him a quick peck on the lips and as you’re getting ready to leave he grabs your wrist, pulling down on his lap- whispering into your ear “where are you going? I didn't say you could leave, just stay here” ahahaedjnej well don't mind if I do😩
↳ dealing with his hair
have you seen this man's locks?! I’m 100% sure he has a whole hair care routine that he follows to make it look so damn good
gets a very excited look on his face when you ask him about it. would even offer to do your hair if you let him
keeps hair ties and scrunchies on his wrist for when he’s putting up/taking out his hair. he always puts the tie between his teeth (idk it’s smexy hush)
makes bed head actually look good on a person, when he goes to work he leaves it down, when going out with you most times it’s in a ponytail, but if it’s a lazy day at home he rocks a messy bun
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tougen anki taglist: @lavandar-castle
general taglist: @megurulvr @t0xicshuji @kiyunas
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jin-kougasaki · 2 years
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jin kougasaki lockscreens
like or reblog if u save or use please
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