#nalu proposal
nostromo13 · 6 months
Marry the Sea
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Nalu
Rating: Gen
Summary: Usually Natsu felt like he knew everything when it came to Lucy. He knows she loves him but now it's come time to propose and he's not so sure if marriage is something she wants.
This was written for @fleuve-des-etoiles for the @allaboutnalu 2023 Gift Exchange. Sorry it took so long to get out. Life has me busy but I loved writing this.
I owe a big thank you to Tokkias for being my beta for this fic. She put so much work into this, so smooches for her
AO3 Link
Lucy didn’t like surprises. Her friends knew her birthdays weren’t to be made a fuss of and any special achievements such as her book award required no more than a personal, close-circle dinner at a budget-friendly restaurant. No splashing out on her account.
If she took the care to analyse this feeling properly she could probably identify the source as some unspecifiable upset from the hundreds of surprises that came from having wealth. There were the low-effort, entirely symbolic trinkets that counted as birthday presents from her father – usually bought by the house staff – which didn’t make for a great foundation of trust in gift giving. And there were the bountiful gifts from potential courters, all with a transparent intention behind them wrapped up in crepe paper and finished with professionally tied bows. She had had enough of gifts by the time she left the Heartfilia mansion.
As such, a dilemma arose upon the start of her relationship with Natsu. Her love language was quality time, either by themselves or with Happy. It didn’t matter where, as long as she could enjoy her time with her new boyfriend. Natsu's, however, was gift giving.
Lucy had explained to him after the third little trinket that he had given her for no particular reason other than he liked it and thought it would look pretty on her that she simply wasn’t interested in that sort of thing. It set off something in her that made her want to cry that she wasn’t his dress-up doll and she hated feeling like someone else was trying to make her pretty or put her on display.
She knew it wasn’t like that, though. Natsu, for all his dragon tendencies, wanted to make her smile with his giving. She wasn’t his hoard – although wherever that was hidden away it did have a lot of similar jewellery to the sort she wore. She wished she could make more room for his love language and as such she let him go all out for birthdays and Christmas. She tried to meet his gusto when she could.
After four years of resigning gifts as a solely birthday affair, Natsu now had to figure out how to propose to her without touching the nerve that led straight to the ‘gift’ trigger portion of Lucy’s brain. He had even pulled in the big guns to help him plan the right approach.
“I don’t see how it’s the same thing as a gift. I think she’ll be fine with it, Natsu.” Levy was offering her insight, albeit unhelpfully so far.
They had gathered along with Gray, excluding the rest of their team because Erza had the tact of a pinwheel and would blow the operation in her next conversation with Lucy and the guilt of keeping a secret would eat away at Wendy from the inside out. The Exceeds had never really gotten the hang of human dating rituals. Case and point Happy understanding his finally winning Carla over as the result of his continued fish offerings.
“If it feels like the natural time for you both, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.” Levy continued as Natsu shook his head.
“What if it’s the right time for me but it isn’t for her? I don’t want to push her.”
“You don’t want it to be a repeat of Joe. That’s what you’re worried about.” Gray interjected. As much as they grated on each other, Gray was good at being his back up when Natsu truly needed it. It was a once in a blue moon occurrence but Natsu couldn’t help but be glad for his long-term nemesis right now.
Joe had been Lucy’s boyfriend prior to Natsu at 22 and things had gotten pretty serious. They had done all but move in together when Joe popped the question and it had sent Lucy running in the other direction. She had loved him and she had loved his family, but for whatever reason that Natsu hadn’t deciphered in the three years since then that he and Lucy had been dating, she hadn’t been ready to get married.
“It won’t be another Joe.” Levy spoke rather sternly. The script mage was convinced that just because he was Natsu and he was Lucy’s partner, that they were eternally bonded and Lucy wouldn’t dream of turning down his proposal. All he had to do, in her eyes, was gather the balls to ask.
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t be nervous.” Levy shifted her tone when she realised she was erring on the side of unsympathetic. “Of course you’re going to be nervous. She’s the love of your life.”
Gray made a nauseous face at that, earning a playful elbow from Natsu. “Maybe a ring isn’t the right move.” He added, trying to be at least somewhat helpful.
“Lucy’s never responded well to jewellery.” Natsu agreed, getting an immediate objection from Levy.
“She liked that last necklace you got her. She wears it all the time.”
“And she helped me find the ring I proposed to Juvia with.” Gray added.
Natsu gave it a hard thought. “Did she give any indication of whether she would want one? From me?”
“We didn’t talk about it. She was dating him at the time and it didn’t really seem relevant. She was always going to end up with you anyway.”
That seemed to calm him a little. His nerves were racing even through the planning stage but if everyone else saw what he had from way before the war with the Alvarez empire that maybe, just maybe, Lucy loved him as much as he did her.
Or very possibly it wasn’t about love and marriage just wasn’t something she wanted, in which case they would work around it.
Having given all the advice she could reasonably give, Levy called over her husband, currently arrested himself in the demand of two four year olds gripping onto his arms and dangling off the floor.
“Did Salamander decide whether he was gonna do it or not?” He asked, directing his question to his wife as if the other two weren’t sitting across from her.
“Yeah, I think I will.” Natsu replied. “It’s all I want right now and I want to at least have the conversation with her.”
“That’s the right spirit, Natsu.” Levy agreed.
Gajeel guffawed in his gravelly voice, the sharpest of his teeth showing in his amusement. “Make sure ya get a return receipt on that ring.”
Yeah, that didn’t help.
When the day finally came, Natsu had everything planned down to the minute. He had put more effort into this than anything else in his life – including the trials in which he had succeeded at gaining S-Class mage status.
He was intent on at least talking to Lucy about it even if she didn’t end up saying yes right there. The worst-case scenario was her doing the same thing she did to her ex and bolting after the smallest explanation she could muster. Only this time Natsu wasn’t an outsider to the guild and it would affect their whole social lives and work.
They had just finished a mission together when they were off on their date. Casual clothing – nothing that could tip her off or make it so big a deal that she would feel pressured. They’d gathered a few foods from her kitchen, put them in a basket so they would be easier to carry and set off for the park for an afternoon lunch.
“I love Jason but I sometimes wish he wasn’t so pushy with getting me to ask my friends if they will do shoots for him.” Natsu listened as Lucy described her recent run in with their favourite reporter. He and Lucy really were good friends from her time as a journalist with Sorcerer Weekly but since then Jason, feeling the pressure from his bosses to churn out more content of Fiore’s top guild, had been trying to use his connection with Lucy to influence Mira and the other Fairy Tail girls to model for him. While they were happy to, on occasion, the weekly permanent contracts that Jason was pushing for weren’t conducive to the busy life of a Fairy Tail Mage.
“What did he say when you asked him to stop?”
“He just got all sad.” Lucy shrugged. “I know it’s none of my responsibility and he’s not trying to make it so it is but I feel kind of bad.”
“Eh, it’s his job, and it sounds more like his bosses are screwing up.”
Her boyfriend, ever the blunt one. Lucy chuckled to herself. “It’s not like that in that world of work. He can’t just drop a client like us because he doesn’t like the way they speak. You can’t just change your bosses.”
“Sounds dumb.” He shook his head. It took a second for him to realise how dismissive he might have sounded. “I’m glad you came back with me instead of staying at that job.” He added softly. 
“Me too.” She smiled at him.
They had known generally what area they would sit in when they entered the park. Picnics weren’t out of place for them and Lucy particularly loved sitting near the duck pond so they aimed for about there. They managed to find a nice shady spot that got enough of the Spring breeze but also the summer warmth that May was beginning to invite in.
Lucy waited for Natsu to finish spreading out the blanket before placing their items down and unpacking their basket. Some fruits, some sweeter snacks for later and Marmalade sandwiches, a quirk Lucy had brought with her from her hometown that, when she had introduced it to Natsu, it had become a firm favourite. Now, whenever they passed through Acalypha on the way back from a mission, she always made sure to pick up a fresh jar.
Natsu reached for the Tupperware of cakes, stopping himself just as his fingers met the rim of the plastic. He wanted to be on his best behaviour today and going for dessert first didn’t fall under that. Unless doing just that would tip her off. And surely he should act like his usual self today.
As if answering his question, his fingers were moved out the way by more dainty ones. He watched as Lucy removed the lid for him, taking a slice of Battenberg from the options and raising it to her lips, taking a big bite.
He watched almost in awe. Lucy never broke social etiquette, especially not around food. He was pretty sure such a thing went against her coding.
“Go on Natsu.” She smiled widely at her sputtering boyfriend. She brushed a few crumbs from the corner of her mouth where her unusual haste had spread some.
He didn’t need to be told twice. He took the plate she offered, filling his plate so full that the weight of the mini cakes and the structure of the plate made it look like a paper plate taco in his grip.
Eventually they got through the deserts and onto the sandwiches, Lucy admittedly feeling a little sickly after so much sugar. That was never a hazard for her partner. They had struck up in that time a conversation debating which of their guildmates would win a Ninja obstacle course – whatever one of those was.
The debate had reached the point where Natsu had stood up, waving his arms about, animatedly presenting his argument as to why Laxus could not win at the inflatable obstacle course section.
“He would blow up the course because of the static electricity or something. He couldn’t touch the thing without it exploding beneath him because his electricity would fuck everything up, right?”
“I thought magic was banned from this.” Lucy asked, taking another bite of a sandwich. “I think he would just run around, anyway.”
“No, that would be banned.”
“But the Exceeds flying isn’t?”
“Yeah, well, the floor is Lava or something, I don’t know.” He grinned, not deflated at all by her pragmatism. This was how their conversations usually went on dates like this. She would propose some stupid idea – the Guild Obstacle Course coming from her mind and not his– and Natsu would take it and run with it while she offered a more practical perspective on things.
He sat himself down beside her, arms outstretched on the grass as she leaned into his shoulder. “I think Erza would win.”
“Yeah, she would.” He agreed, more occupied with the feel of her hair against his cheek than expanding on their argument.
“Although.” Lucy began to add, popping her head up suddenly from their rest, “Sabertooth could give us a good run for our money.”
“But they’re not in the guild.”
“So, we’d open it up to other guilds. We could make a rival Grand Magic Games.”
“With no magic?” 
“Oh, yeah.” She seemed to sink back into thinking. Before she could think up a new line of enquiry, Natsu thought it best to try and steer her onto a more affectionate type of conversation. Hopefully that would calm the thrumming in his chest that had taken route there the night before. 
“Cana’s been talking about proposing to Abigail.” Smooth, dragon slayer.  He chastised himself for showing his talent for bluntness.
Lucy smiled, though showing no suggestion that she had caught onto his internal anxiety. “I like Abi. I think she’s been really good for Cana and Cana’s been good for her.”
“The guild’s income has been suffering from it.”
“More alcohol for Macao’s lot, I guess.”
They shared a laugh. Opening his eyes, Natsu looked at her as she giggled. Her eyes were on the duck pond where a small cluster of the ducks of Magnolia South Gate Park were gathered, picking their lunch out of a soggy white bread loaf that some teenagers had chucked into the pond whole. Sometimes she smiled as if she was so entirely content with life. Ducks made her content, Wednesday evenings with him made her content, as did birthday parties and nights out with their friends. He hoped it didn’t mean there wasn’t room for more in their relationship. That maybe she was too content with her life as it was now for things to change.
The weight of the box in his pocket felt heavier as he watched, requiring a quick shake of the head to reset the feeling. He could only talk to her.
“Lucy.” Natsu spoke, thanking his voice for not giving out on him when it counted. She gave him her attention, smiling because there was no way she could see the anxiety bubbling inside his gut. At least that settled him a little. “If I proposed, what would you say? I already have the ring. I just need to know if that is something you would want.”
Lucy’s smile dropped into surprise. Her stare was stuck on his, and for a moment the cogs seemed to slow. But not into a stressed jutting, more into a peaceful, steady clicking.
 Her smile bloomed.
“I would say yes.”
If she expected the conversation to end there, she didn’t stop him as he moved onto one knee. His hand tugged the box from the pocket of his trousers, presenting its black velvet exterior before effortlessly prizing it open. Her eyes widened as if she hadn’t realised that he had meant now, but she easily found herself settling into the pull of it.
“Lucy. You’re my best friend.” Natsu felt his cheeks ache with his broad grin. “I think you might be the best thing that ever happened to me and Happy. Even if you’re not always happy with us and we insult you sometimes. You let me take you on adventures and you make me feel comfortable because that is just what you do. You make everyone feel okay with being themselves around you. I think you’re so strong and kind and I love watching you practice your magic because you just care about your spirits, without anyone asking you to. I think it’s incredible. I love you and I want to marry you. Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” Lucy half-whispered. “Yes, I will.” 
She met him on his knees, her hands clutching onto his shoulders as she kissed him over and over. “Can I put the ring on you?” He asked between pecks. 
She nodded, leaning into his shoulder as he tugged the ring from its hold in the velvet. The kiss had made her breathless but the feel and sight of him slipping the ring on her left hand had the sort of butterflies she had only felt with him making her skin tingle. “Natsu, it’s beautiful.”
The ring itself was simple but vintage – not that he could spell the word – and had a round garnet set in the middle. He had chosen it by himself but at Levy’s instruction he had taken one of Lucy’s rings with him for the sizing. It was still loose by a small bit but they could get it resized no problem. Right now he was just happy it was a hit. “Gods, I would’ve been okay if you had just wanted to date instead of getting married but I’m so glad I won’t have to return the ring. The shop man was super weird.” 
“Was it that shop just off the marketplace? Levy says that guy is super intense about green engagement rings and thinks everyone should have one.”
He chuckled, unaware that such a guy had existed. “No, I got it in Hargeon.”
“Oh,” She felt her blush blossom more.
“Shit, I love you.” He let out an exasperated sigh. “I was so worried you’d say no.” 
“Why would I?” She had to take a second to think. “I sort of knew you were going to propose. I would have said something sooner if I didn’t want you to.” 
“You knew?”
“I– yeah. I’ve been nervously rambling all afternoon. Could you not tell?” She laughed. An hour ago she was barely making it through a conversation without blurting whatever she could think about, work, and modelling and whatever. Natsu had never been one to ignore her when she felt like she was being boring but she wouldn’t have blamed him for a disinterested sound.
“Why were you nervous?” His brow had softened and he’d taken to stroking her fingers between his own wanting to listen.
“I didn’t want to accidentally ruin whatever you had planned. I don’t know, really. You can always sort of tell when a guy’s about to propose but you never know when it’ll happen.”
“Did you know with Joe?”
Lucy swallowed, nodding. “He sort of got happy whenever he was around me. And since I didn’t really want that with him I just ignored it until I couldn’t any longer.”
“But you do want this with me?”
“Yes.” She nodded harder. “I didn’t know it at the time but I broke things off with him because of you. I think you’ve always been in my heart even if it took me a while to realise it.” She didn’t let him speak. “I love you and I want this with you, more than anything.”
Natsu kissed her again, hands pressed to her cheeks to pull her in and she smiled into it. His fingers tangled into her hair and he sighed, finally content. He had everything he wanted right here and he could spend his lifetime making her happy.
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rose-void-789 · 2 months
I know this is more werid fladerization and ship tease but man do these moments not scream aroace Natsu and queerplatonic Nalu.
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scarletgray · 6 months
now i think everyone should go read Hazy by moeruhoshi right now
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
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“Oh wow! I hope that someday a special  guy will propose to me as sweetly!”
“Lucy? Listen. I ate so much food, you’ll have to roll me home.”
“Oh. That’s really great.
Uh, it’s so nice here. Can’t we just stay a little while longer?”
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tikapaprika · 25 days
Imagine one random day the guy is just like.
"Will you marry me?"
The girl is like.
"Marriage?" We are not even dating."
She gasps, bewildered, not remembering him ever asking her out.
"What do you mean? We have been dating for a while?"
He is dead serious, super convinced that they were, in fact, in a relationship for years.
The girl in the end just accepts, still confused by the misunderstanding after more than 15 years of marriage.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is extremely Nalu coded. And this is, in fact, the story of how my dad proposed to my mom.
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ladybugsimblr · 10 days
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Arya has been on Bailey's mind so we're catching up with her. In case you don't remember, Ari found the engagement ring and knows a proposal is coming but when Nalu?
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tokkias · 5 months
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happy (late) new years everyone! i hope everyone had a great start to the new year. i'm ringing it in by recommending some of my favourite nalu fics of 2023! hope you enjoy!
Spring by bumblebeehugs Natsu and Lucy take a break from walking on the way home from a mission.
Summer by bumblebeehugs Natsu suffers from the summer heat for the first time - everything is Lucy's fault, according to him.
Autumn by bumblebeehugs Happy takes a moment to observe his two best friends.
Winter by bumblebeehugs Lucy has the worst morning known to human kind, until Natsu comes to her rescue.
i would say all of this, but i don't wanna ruin the moment by luckymio As he sat on his bed, only the sounds of his fingers clicking against the controller, the monsters in his game groaning, even though the game was paused, and the flipping of pages, he realized that he couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t in love with Lucy. It had always been him and her, Natsu and Lucy, them. Always them.
night drives by luckymio Those nights were magic. For him, they were magic. Lucy’s face in the side mirror, her eyes gentle, slightly dazed, and trained on the blurry houses and apartments. She would sing softly, close to a whisper, her voice almost drowned out from the sound of tire against pavement. But he heard it, because he never focused on the music, because he only focused on her.
Wise Men Say by Irrelevan in which Natsu is sick and Lucy finds out that she doesn't mind taking care of him actually.
tolerate it by Nostromo13 Jude has watched his daughter grow from the sidelines of newspaper articles and Sorcerer Weeklys, only catching glimpses of her life through her guild and her career as an author. After reconnecting with her, he now has to see where he fits in his now 25 (technically 32) year old daughter's life. Set in a timeline where Jude didn’t die during the seven years.
Time passes by quickly (When you belong somewhere) by Nihilistic_Nomad It’s rather intriguing, how much a person’s life can change in just one year.
Happy Endings by bumblebeehugs What Natsu knew about families had been an ever-changing subject for as long as he could remember. Yet somehow, he found himself free from these wonders one day.
My heart is heavy (With fearful wonderings) by Nihilistic_Nomad It’s always in the quieter moments that her mind wanders.
Gave him her heart by bumblebeehugs Lucy worries about what to get Natsu for his birthday, not knowing how ridiculously easy it actually is.
Impossible Love by natsudragneelswh0re "Someone once asked me what it felt like to love you. They might as well have asked me to describe the taste of water." -JL
a thousand red roses by natsudragneelswh0re Natsu and Lucy come back from a mission that puts pressure on not only them, but also their relationship. There only seems to be one option to resolve their conflict, but the 'only option' seems to be different to either party.
The days inbetween by bumblebeehugs Lucy falling asleep somewhere and Natsu carrying her to bed.
Cymorth by Nostromo13 Following the Alvarez war, Natsu has to come to terms with a new reality.
ready (for a misunderstanding) by ssukidesu When Bisca and Alzack have another baby, a passing comment from Lucy turns Natsu's world upside down.
a dragon's habits by Poteto Natsu is a dragon and as such he needs to have power, a hoard and… what else do dragons do? Why, they kidnap princesses of course!
Marry The Sea by Nostromo13 Usually Natsu felt like he knew everything when it came to Lucy. He knows she loves him but now it's come time to propose and he's not so sure if marriage is something she wants.
Call Me By My Name by StaleCupcakes524 "You're..." Natsu took in the sight of her as his eyes widened. The pretty brown eyes he'd already been watching, supple pink lips that had released those wonderful laughs, braided golden hair that reached near to the ground, and long, pointed ears poking past the strands. "a fae," he finished. She nodded, ears twitching nervously. "Do not tell me your name."
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alien-slushie · 9 months
Just had a cute/fluffy NaLu fanfiction idea. Admittedly, I don't read a lot of Nalu so if someone has done this or something similar: tell me.
So Natsu and Lucy have been together for a long time, they just never really wanted to put a label on it. Nobody knows, not even Happy, even though they aren't hiding it or anything. Everyone pretty much just assumes they're best friends(which they are) and are oblivious to their own feelings towards eachother.
Cut to the GMG, when most of the contestants are in suits and wedding dresses. Natsu gets a good look at Lucy in a wedding dress and something just snaps in him. The rest of the world bleeds away, and in that moment he just sees her. He proposes to her right then and there. He doesn't have a ring, so he ususes his scarf to propose, as its his most treasured item. Lucy is swept away, overcome with emotion and joy, and she agrees to marry him.
The entire stadium is so confused and enamored. Mira is freaking out, Erza turns into a statue, Levy screams, Juvia cheers, Gajeel is low key pissed that Natsu proposed to Lucy before he could propose to Levy, Gray is stunned, Makarov is crying, and all the bystanders are just like "Wtf just happened?!"
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sofya-fanfics · 11 months
Vacation Together
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Fandom : Fairy Tail
Relationship : Natsu x Lucy
Happy Nalu Day !
My Year of the OTP 2023 contribution for the prompt : Vacation Together
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : Lucy saw Natsu open his can and removed the ring pull. He put the drink on the sand and took her left hand. Lucy opened her eyes wide, surprised by his movement. She wondered what he was doing. He put the ring pull on her ring finger.
Disclaimer : Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima.
Lucy closed her eyes and smiled. She dug her toes into the sand, enjoying this pleasant feeling. It had been a long time since she had gone on vacation. Even if, she thought, it was not really a vacation.
Team Natsu had gone on a mission. On the way back to Magnolia, the team members had decided to stop in a small seaside town. They wanted to spend the day and night there and they would leave the next day.
On arriving in the town, they had gone their separate way. Erza was shopping. Gray was buying a gift for Juvia. Wendy, Carla and Happy were exploring the town. Natsu had stayed on the beach with Lucy. She was happy to be able to spend this day alone with him.
After having a swim, Natsu went to get drinks, while Lucy was waiting for him sitting on the sand under a beach umbrella. She could feel a slight breeze on her face. Suddenly, it was no longer the breeze she felt, but a piece of ice on her cheek. She jumped and suddenly opened her eyes.
“Natsu !” She exclaimed.
Natsu pushed the can away from her cheek and was grinning from ear to ear. Lucy wiped her cold, wet cheek, as the dragon slayer sat down next to her and handed her the can. Lucy took it without hesitation. She opened it and took a sip. This cold drink was all she needed to make this day perfect. She saw Natsu open his can and removed the ring pull. He put the drink on the sand and took her left hand. Lucy opened her eyes wide, surprised by his movement. She wondered what he was doing. He put the ring pull on her ring finger.
“What are you doing ?” She asked.
“I wanted to see what effect it had.”
Natsu was still smiling and Lucy blushed. She felt like he had just proposed to her. The ring pull fit her perfectly, like a real ring.
“One day I'll give you a real one.”
Natsu took his can and took a sip, as if nothing had happened. Lucy wondered if he had realized what he was saying or if he had spoken without thinking. Knowing Natsu, it was probably both. Lucy looked at her ring finger and smiled. She put her hand to her heart and closed her eyes. This ring pull may not have been a ring, but to Lucy it meant so much more.
The end
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moongirlcleo · 1 year
Are the requests only for x reader? Because I want some chara x chara ones please. Natsu x lucy headcanons if you will. Marriage, domestic life, parenthood, baby sitting for others, hugs and cuddles and kisses <3
hey anon! nope, I do character x too! just .. no one has requested them before :joy:
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Cute NaLu Moment HCs-
Happy, Gray, Wendy and Erza had to sit the two wizards down and essentially have an intervention on how they felt. After multiple moments of blushing and stuttering, Natsu shrugged and said “yeah, so what if I love her?” Lucy may have died for a moment in shock. 
Both Happy and Natsu moved in shortly after this, much to Lucy’s amusement and annoyance. They all but lived there anyway. 
It wasn’t long before Natsu started helping Lucy with her housework, mostly resulting in her having to go over it all over again. But the thought behind it warms her heart. 
Natsu proposed to Lucy on New Year’s Eve in front of the entire guild after they had been drinking all day. Almost everyone thought he was joking until he fumbled the ring out of his pocket. Not seen- Gajeel fuming because he had wanted to propose to Levy that night. 
Natsu's favorite way to sleep is with his head on Lucy's chest, but his arms wrapped around her protectively.
Alternately, Lucy's favorite way to sleep is with her head nestled into the crook of Natsu's neck, relaxing into his natural warmth.
Lucy and Natsu would make amazing parents, but not at first glance. Those who know them well can see how well they take care of their baby, but most acquaintances raise their eyebrows.
No, Nashi didn't need to blow up an entire building in anger, BUT it was because someone had threatened Greige.
I fully see Erza, Gray and NaLu's kids being the best of friends, and also the ultimate troublemakers. They're usually led by Natsu.
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jemmahazelnut · 2 years
I miss you
Summary: Lucy goes on a mission with the Thunder Legion and Natsu is worried about her joining them. [Nalu, Lucy & Thunder Legion]
Link: AO3
Notes: I just want more Lucy and Thunder Legion brotp. And jealous Natsu of course. Hope I have kept them as IC as possible. Enjoy it!
I miss you
“No,” Laxus said even before he heard what Natsu had to say.
“No what?” the Dragon Slayer asked confused, sitting down next to him.
“I’m not going to fight with you or whatever you want to do,” Laxus said in annoyance, taking a sip of his beer.
Natsu snorted. “That wasn’t what I meant.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie, even though he’d thought about it five minutes ago. Now he had changed his mind, although if Laxus had proposed to fight he wouldn’t have flinched. It would probably have been the only fun thing to fill that boredom. Boredom Natsu felt ever since Lucy left on a mission without him.
That wasn’t the problem, Lucy occasionally took missions with Levy or Freed or other people, Natsu was used to it. The real problem was that Lucy had taken a mission with the Thunder Legion, and it wasn’t the first time! After Freed had asked Lucy to join them two weeks ago, she was pleased and had decided to do another one with them, because apparently Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen were not as destructive as he, Gray and Erza. They had a plan and they respected it, according to Lucy. They also took the full reward, according to Lucy.
It was probably true, but what did it matter? They weren’t Lucy’s team anyway, he was Lucy’s mate, not them.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Laxus grunted, glaring at him.
“I was supposed to be on a mission with Lucy, and your boyfriend took her away from me.” Natsu blushed slightly after saying the sentence, he seemed to be jealous of Freed, but he wasn’t like that at all! He was just annoyed because they had stolen his teammate. Oh God, wasn’t Lucy going to join them? Absolutely not, there was no way. Natsu began to get annoyed, what if Lucy would rather do missions with them? What if she decided it was better off with Laxus’ bodyguards? No, it wasn’t possible. It wasn’t even possible for Lucy to join the Thunder Legion, right?
Laxus raised an eyebrow. “You’re burning the table, stop it.”
Natsu realized it only in that moment and snorted and crossed his arms.
“Why did Lucy go with them?” he asked without bothering to show his annoyance. He still had every right to be annoyed, he was Lucy’s teammate. Him, not Freed. Not Bickslow, and not Evergreen.
“I’ve no idea. Who cares? In three days she will be back”.
“Three days?!” Natsu exclaimed in shock. “I thought she would be back today!”
“They left today, and Freed never takes day missions,” Laxus said and frowned. “What’s the problem anyway? Go on a mission with Happy, or with Gray and Erza”.
“It’s not the same,” Natsu grumbled. “Lucy is my teammate”.
“Wendy is too, and you didn’t make all these fusses when she went on a mission with Freed,” Laxus said, rolling his eyes.
“It’s not the same thing”.
“Because Wendy isn’t blonde and pretty?” Laxus teased him.
“Yea-no!” Natsu yelled, blushing slightly and Laxus’ lips curled into a small smile, as if he had gotten what he wanted. Natsu was already about to beat him but Laxus surprisingly threw a Lacrima at him, and Natsu took it in confusion.
“Call Freed so you can talk to the blonde,” Laxus told him. Natsu was speechless for a moment, but then smiled.
“Thank you!” he exclaimed, completely forgetting that he wanted to fight him. Immediately afterwards he ran out of the guild, losing the faint smile on Laxus’s face.
“So, don’t you have any news?” Evergreen asked and Lucy frowned, careful not to move as the girl was braiding her hair.
“News about what?”
“On a certain Fire Dragon Slayer, is he ardent even in bed?” Bickslow asked with a grin as he lit a fire and Lucy felt her cheeks heat up. Oh no, did Bickslow feel so comfortable with her already? She had hoped not to be the victim of his jokes like Freed and Evergreen were. And where had Freed gone? He was the only one who could stop Bickslow.
“Don’t listen to him, tell me if there’s any news instead,” Evergreen said. “Did you put into practice the advice I gave you last time?”
Lucy wanted to bury herself. No that she hadn’t put them into practice, and anyway she doubted they would work with Natsu. Not that it was bad advice - Evergreen was the only girl Lucy trusted to ask for love advice - but she doubted that anything would work with Natsu.
“Did you give her advice?” Bickslow asked curiously.
“Sure,” Evergreen said. “The only reason she’s still single is because she had Erza as a mentor, and that says it all. The way she flirts sucks, and...”
“Well, we’re not talking about Erza,” Bickslow interrupted and turned to Lucy, smiling dangerously. “I think you should listen to my advice. You go into his house, undress and get into his bed.”
Lucy blushed. “Thanks, but I don’t need your advice,” she said firmly, hoping to silence them both. It didn’t work.
“You don’t need the advice of that idiot, but you certainly need mine,” Evergreen said with a know-it-all attitude. “Make him want you, now you and Natsu see each other every day so you have to make him miss you, and maybe make him understand that you want a boyfriend. Talk to him, in general, about dating and romance, if he ever liked any girl, if he went out with someone, if he’d like it.”
“He just likes to fight,” Lucy murmured.
“I doubt it, it seems, but it isn’t,” Evergreen said. She was about to start talking again but at that moment Freed arrived and brutally interrupted them.
“What are you doing? I told you to start cooking Ever, not to play around. You haven’t set up the curtains yet, and it’s already dark.”
“The grumpy captain is here” Bickslow commented and Lucy giggled a bit, while Freed forced the two friends to get up.
“We were talking about important things,” Evergreen complained.
“Was it about the mission?” Freed asked.
“No, it was about Lucy’s love life.”
“It was nothing important,” the blonde hastened to say, wanting to end the subject there. Freed’s expression became curious and Lucy groaned internally, no! Not even him! Evergreen and Bickslow must have noticed this too, because they took advantage of it right away.
“I was giving her some valuable love advice.”
“Maybe you could help her since Laxus and Natsu are similar.”
Evergreen and Bickslow said at the same time. And Freed, to Lucy’s surprise, blushed slightly.
“Similar? If Laxus heard you he would strike you,” Freed commented trying to hide his embarrassment.
“But I’m right,” Bickslow retorted. “I mean, Laxus is also an idiot when it comes to relationships, he too has only been interested in fighting for years, and your relationship reminds me of Natsu and Lucy’s. You have been such unsuspecting friends for so long. And once Laxus got into your bed.”
“Really?” Lucy asked curious. Honestly, she didn’t imagine it. Freed glared at his friend and the way his cheeks blushed made Lucy giggle.
“Keep asking him about me and Laxus, and I won’t save you from Bickslow’s lines anymore,” Freed warned. Despite the threatening tone, Lucy laughed.
“Okay okay, I won’t ask for anything then” she promised raising her hands in peace but the sly smile she shared with Bickslow told her that he would tell her all about Freed and Laxus without her needing to ask. Even if the boy would have made jokes at her expense, it might have been worth it. She was quite curious about the relationship between Laxus and Freed. Not for the reasons Bickslow had said, she didn’t need indirect advice from listening to someone else’s love story. Although, in that case, perhaps they could really be useful. Laxus was somehow similar to Natsu...
“Now let’s work. Lucy, first Natsu called on the Lacrima. Call him back, he said he needed you urgently,” Freed said pulling the Lacrima out of his backpack and handing it to her. Lucy got confused.
“Urgent need?”
Freed smiled almost wickedly. “Or rather, he missed you terribly. He’s pretty jealous, he thought I wanted to drag you away from him.”
Lucy blushed. “W-what?” she stammered but Freed didn’t answer. Lucy quickly walked away from the three boys, trying to ignore Bickslow’s annoying jokes about Dragon Slayer’s jealousy.
“Hey, Freed said you needed me,” Lucy said when Natsu answered. She had positioned herself in the woods, far away from where they had decided to camp. The boy’s face was smiling and Lucy settled cross-legged while a spontaneous smile filled her face.
“Ah, yeah, not really, I just wanted to hear you,” Natsu said and that warmed Lucy’s chest. “It’s just that Freed is so boring, he said you were working, so I had to come up with an excuse.”
Lucy giggled knowing full well that Freed might be too loyal to work. “I understand”.
“So, how’s the mission going?” Natsu asked.
“Uh, good. We are looking for…”
“Aren’t they boring?” Natsu interrupted with a grunt. Lucy blinked in surprise at that question. Freed had told her that Natsu was jealous but she had thought he was saying it just to tease her.
“Um, no… actually me Bickslow and Ever were talking, before Freed interrupted us,” she said, hoping not to blush at the memory of what they were talking about and especially what Bickslow had said.
“Freed is boring then. Wait, Evergreen lets you call her Ever? When I did it, she petrified me.”
“I think she petrified you because you burned her fan, Natsu” Lucy commented but smiled a little. Natsu looked really annoyed, for some reason. But she doubted he was jealous, he had no reason. He was probably just annoyed that she didn’t go on a mission with him. It didn’t make sense though, even Erza, Gray and Wendy had taken missions with other people lately and Natsu had never particularly cared.
“Well, anyway, no one calls her Ever. Only her teammates,” Natsu said and then the smile faded from his face. Lucy couldn’t see clearly from the Lacrima but it almost looked like he was disappointed, sad or worried. Was he really afraid of her joining the Thunder Legion?
“I’m not leaving the team if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said at that point reassuringly.
“Of course you won’t,” Natsu snapped and Lucy smiled slightly.
“Besides, I don’t really think they would want me,” she chuckled.
“So why is Freed constantly stealing you? It’s already the second time,” Natsu complained.
“Actually, I proposed myself,” Lucy admitted in a low voice, almost ashamed of it.
“Why?” Natsu asked surprised and bitter.
“Well, I... I just wanted to befriend them a little, you know,” she shrugged.
“You can do it in the guild, or you could have taken me with you,” Natsu complained.
Lucy raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you say they’re boring?”
“Yes, but I make things less boring” Natsu smiled and Lucy laughed.
“Okay, next time you will come too. If they want it too.”
“Next time we will do a mission alone,” Natsu retorted and Lucy smiled and nodded.
“Sure,” she said and then glanced into the trees, hearing footsteps. It was probably her guildmates who were coming to call her for dinner. “Now I have to go, they’re looking for me.”
“Come back soon, right?” Natsu asked and Lucy was silent for a moment.
“The mission lasts three days, Natsu.”
“Well, they have called themselves Fairy Tail’s strongest team for years. If they really are, let them prove it and complete it in one day!” he exclaimed.
“We’ll see” Lucy smiled and remained silent for a few seconds.
“I miss you,” Natsu murmured after a while and Lucy blushed and felt her heart beating madly.
“I miss you too,” she said softly. At that moment she saw a totem flutter a few meters from her and blushed even more. “Now I really have to go, see you when I get back,” she said and closed the Lacrima without letting Natsu speak.
“Oh, you’re so cute, cosplayers,” Bickslow grinned. “I assure you that we will finish the mission in two days, so you can go back to cuddle with your passionate Dragon Slayer.”
Lucy nearly threw the Lacrima at him. “You better shut that mouth, Bickslow.”
“Otherwise what, cosplayer?” the boy laughed. “Don’t worry, I have a lot of jokes for Natsu too, as soon as we get back to the guild.”
Lucy sighed in despair, suddenly she regretted going on a mission with the Thunder Legion.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Lucy Heartfilia
Tumblr media
What’s wrong with you? | Not my type | I mean it’s alright, Overrated as f*** | not bad at all | Cute | She kinda of a baddie | Damn Girl! | Certified Bad Bitch | She leaves me weak! | I already proposed
Lucy is the safest pick in Fairy tail.
She has a good personality and she gets development. And I would be lying if I said I wasnt a NaLu fan.
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rose-void-789 · 3 months
It's so fucking funny to me when clear straight ships aren't outright confirmed even by the end of the series. Like what are you afraid? Its the end of the serise there no censorship you'll please a bunch of people. Why are they left in such an ambiguous state its okay you can say they been together, or even just post on Twitter how there cannon. No body is going to stop you man why is it so ambiguous.
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My 11th reference post 💀
These are all at.tumblr.com links until I can figure out how to fix that -_- So this was actually a pretty easy fix (see bold & three stars below) most of them should be good now, but one way or another I'll go back and fix them
Names between cultures
Staff post community labels
Staff: human moderators check blazed posts
Ghost stories 2000-2001 gifs
Horror movies for people who don't like horror movies
Party Girl Extinction
Lie Detectors are Bullshit
Every Horse Movie World Heritage Post
Strongly worded abortion post
FBI robbed security deposit boxes
Buzzfeed fed their employees Greyhounds
2 times I've been around that track and there is no queen of England
Ben Shapiro short stories
The two-headed calf poem's real meaning
Couldn't agree more and we're best friends now
Passive aggressive museum
How to reformat tumblr links ***
Spy X Family Loid thinks Yor Thinks
Writing research Google alternatives
Tom Brady's Witch Wife
Death of the Queen Tweets
Historical fashion resources and references doc
Quick and dirty laptop buying
BMI and weight loss scams
Loid sees yor looking a LITTLE bit sad and
British politics lettuce
Hundreds, perhaps billions lung expansion
"god gave us transness for the same reason he gave us yeast but no dough"
Elected fic of the year
Lone prairie traveller and their feathery steed
De-google your life
Child poets
Solid color guide
What main thing did you project onto your oc's
Navigating adult ADHD treatment shouldn't suck this much
Cop shows fuckhands the baby murderer
Tumblr folk stories
Soda cake
Death fetish
Elon musk isn't smart bought twitter dragWhat people have and didn't have in the middle ages
UBlock doesn't hurt YouTube creators
Lemon stealing whore lore (rats)
Chocolate guy food that looks like food
A class on what
Adobe Reddit gaslights you
Wish list for people who don't want anything
Fudgers->meaners world heritage post
Ringo Starr told me to fuck off story
Advice to get doctors to take you seriously
1947 anti-fascist video
The blue check debacle tweets
Are prisons obsolete
Changing people's minds
The grand unifying theory of the forger family teacups
Insight into the mind of Elon musk
Do people actually say things they don't mean when angry?
Anya being like "the fuck you mean we all like you?"
Crying world heritage post
Goncharov video synopsis
Contributions of Stephanie Meyer
Edward scissor hands (scissors when?)
Horrid dreadful atrocious sex scenes
3 yo learning to language
Trolley problem vid tom Hanks reaction 💀
Why can't Muslims tell other Muslims to stop killing people
SpongeBob movie is about coming out
Coward learns the futility of punishing evil comic
Water Biden catgirl
How I could tell the Twitter users were coming back after we were allowed to have tiddies again
The court of public opinion is inhumane
9/28/2022 Halloween Reference Post
Emotional Landscapes Audio
Red sniper dot porn
Try Guys Recent Nedless vid
"saw it coming/never trust a wife guy" discourse
On "you guys"
"and how can I ever thank you for this way home you've given me"
Doctors are almost all fatphobic
My sister's twin sister (Amber)
You win bitch
Happy rigamortis Wednesday
Pukicho asks "fake" internet culture
Natsu and Lucy Skipping Stones on a Lake
Typical dad polishing gun yor
Damian proposing to Anya spy x family
Nalu take that you fucking lake
Anya Damian balcony
Damianya typical dad polishing gun scene but it's Yor
Spy x family dog-owner mood
Healthcare providers are pretty much all fatphobic
The self-centeredness of bigots
Call-out liste
Spy x family chapter 72 predictions
I, an ADHD possible autistic person, am like mulan in my mind
Skin tag virgin
Tim omelet
"ban porn illegalize sex work" shut the fuck up
Laxus "small now go away
Franky & Loid best friends when Loid dressed him up as wife
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norelina fake dating au where elina proposes a plan to fake date nori and make nalu jealous but very quickly nori’s like “heck wait no” because she realizes she actually likes elina instead of nalu
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ao3feed-nalu · 1 year
Champagne Problems
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KdhZNtp
by Nostromo13
Based on Taylor Swift’s ‘Champagne Problems’. Lucy searches for clarity after breaking off a long-term relationship.
Words: 4338, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, team natsu - Character, Levy McGarden
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia, Lucy Heartfilia/Original Male Character(s), Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox, Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Alzack Connell/Bisca Mulan
Additional Tags: rejected proposal, Marriage Proposal, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Song: champagne problems (Taylor Swift), Nalu Pinning but they don't know it, nalu endgame, They love each other
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KdhZNtp
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