#ep 125
lloydfrontera · 8 months
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lloyd being held on the air like a polite kittycat is the only thing that matters to me now he's so michicoded fr
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
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“Wait; I just thought of something, you guys! If we’re gonna go to this high class ball, we’re all gonna need to work on our dance moves first, don’tcha think?”
“Our dance moves?!”
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offbookkeeping · 10 months
you know the song is good when jess cheers away from the mic so it doesn't sound like she's cheering
damn paul f thompkins can sing
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blazernot · 1 year
Guys neither of you are surgeons this isn't going to work
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fizzseed · 1 month
basira and jon are quickly becoming one of my favourite dynamics
"was it hard to come by?" "no i just popped down to the local superdrug— yes it was hard to come by!"
and "do you know much about...." and jon just going give it here. he just *knows* things now! and knowing all these things and still being human enough to doubt his knowledge is soooo. he knows and he sees but he's still not *ready*
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what-breaks-my-heart · 6 months
Poor Shim Jeongae trying to show her affection to Eunseong but struggling to do so because of how awkward it is... someone please tell her how to do it 😂😂
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christakisbang · 1 year
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chan's room + comforting words
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treetoppss · 2 months
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pack it up, grandpa
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Admin Asks:
how we feelin’ about Kai 125 right now folks?
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janis-1987 · 1 year
Cecilos week, day 1
First Meeting Cecil had been dying for a chance to talk to the cute new scientist who had arrived in town just a few days ago. Normally, he was really good at just happening to run into people that he wanted to see. But for some reason, Carlos was different. He didn’t want it to feel like he was stalking him, of course, he knew that could come across as creepy rather than endearing, it’s how he had scared off a past potential boyfriend after all. So, he decided that maybe it was best for him to just hope that he would run into Carlos naturally. 
Today was like any other day really, Cecil had just finished his shift at the station and had ran out the door to avoid anyone that may have been coming after him should he have accidentally said too much about something. He would have time for reeducation later, right now, he really just wanted to meet with Carlos. He gribs the fabric handle of his satchel as he makes his way to Nightvale Community College, the station needed a new intern after the last one got pulled through a mirror and trapped in the mirror world. Cecil had warned them that the mirrors were covered for a reason, some people just don't listen. That, and a reminder on his phone popped up reminding him that he was supposed to be a guest speaker there today. 
He picked up his pace, holding his cat ear headband on his head as he ran down the street, he did not want to lose that again. He waves to a few friends as he rushes down the streets, taking a few less than ideal back ally shortcuts to get there in time. He takes a moment to catch his breath before he enters the college.  Cool air hits his face, a nice feeling after running in the sweltering heat outside. He makes his way into a bathroom, he was glad he had enough time to change before he had to go into the class, it would have been embarrassing to enter the class looking a mess. He doesn’t look at the uncovered mirrors of the bathroom as he rushes to get into a stall. He removes his Hawaiian shirt and leather pants. Instead opting to change into his extra long jorts with a pair of matte silver leggings and his black poncho. He steps out of the stall, still stuffing his clothes into his satchel as he makes his way out of the bathroom.  He knew he was going to be a little late as he speed walks down the hallway to the Communications department. When he saw him, Carlos. He was standing in a group of people, talking in hushed tones about something most likely scientific, his perfect dark black hair tied in a loose ponytail. Cecil feels his heart rate speed up, and he does everything in his power to appear as normal as possible. Their eyes meet and Carlos gives Cecil a cordial nod, and he nods back. Still in a rush to get to his lecture. 
His lecture takes about two hours, and he had to admit, he was more than a little distracted, hoping he would get to see the handsome scientist after his lecture finished. But despite that, he really did try to focus, this lecture was important to him. As soon as it's over, he chats with the professor as the students filter out and then finally he is free to leave. 
He walks back down the hallway he came in, and his heart sinks slightly as he sees that Carlos is no longer in the hallway. He had expected that of course but it still was a little disappointing to have not gotten the chance to talk with him. 
That’s when he hears him, his voice like music to Cecil’s ears. He smiles and feels giddy childlike excitement as he hears him talking in someones office a few doors down, and his first thought is to hide. But before he gets the chance, Carlos is in the hallway. 
Cecil wants to say something, anything, but for once in his life he finds himself at a loss for words. 
Luckily for him, Carlos speaks first, “Hey, you like science?” He asks in that voice that could make Cecil melt in seconds flat. 
His voice remained firmly caught in his throat, he couldn't say a word, his brain racing as he tries to speak, he didn’t want to make it awkward and without his voice all he can do is nod.
“You wanna see something scientifically interesting?” He asks, his deep brown eyes sparkling in the florescent light, he brushes a strand of curly hair that had come loose out of his face. 
Again, Cecil’s voice failed him and all he could do was nod. Carlos smiled at him and lead him up the back stairs of the Earth Science Building, taking him to the roof. 
As once they arrive at the top, Carlos points to a field at the edge of town, were a hazy column of darkness stretched from the middle of the field into the sky. 
“What is that?” Cecil asked, finally finding his voice. 
“I’m not sure, but it can only be seen from this exact angle and distance, watch.” Carlos explains as he takes two steps to the right, Cecil following his lead, and it was gone. They took two steps back to the left and it was back. Their feet fell into perfect unison, like a small barn dance, between just the two of them. Cecil couldn’t help the smile on his face, this was amazing in his eyes, he was getting to spend time with the man he had fallen head over heels for, and he wasn't making it weird. 
“That is scientifically interesting,” he said, worried he might be overselling his interest. He then continues, “you can also see my apartment building from here. It's always there. It doesn't disappear.”
Carlos looked over the town and then back to Cecil and asked, “Which one is it?” 
Cecil pointed it out, it wasn’t very interesting in his opinion, just a normal building with a green roof. 
Carlos nods his head, and smiles as he looked at Cecil, “That has a nice roof. Good shingles.” Cecil couldn't help but smile, he wanted to talk more, he wanted to at least get his number, but Carlos got up, his phone buzzing, “I have to go to a meeting. It was nice talking to you Cecil.” 
“It was nice talking to you too.” Cecil says with a smile. He stays on the roof a little longer, he didn't want to make it weird by going down the stairs at the same time, plus, he liked the view. But after he felt like enough time had passed, he made his way down the stairs, and decided to head home, still beaming over the compliment Carlos had given him. The first compliment Carlos had given him.
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princessyuwa · 10 months
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Plot thickens
Hands down the best panels 👌🏼
Tora just being a guy munching on toast and Poppy looking like she's about to reveal something big 👀
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Oh where was I? Who is going to tell us more about Poppy?
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None other than mommy dearest herself 🙃
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
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offbookkeeping · 10 months
jess bringing bears up in almost every episode is my favorite thing. i also love zach making up bullshit historical facts like that bears were discovered in 1928 and it changed the world
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microid-s · 1 year
yugioh posting again im sure ishizu looks very professional at her musuem job but outside of that i just know shes a bit of a failgirl ok. i dont think ive seen a single scene of her walking around in the daylight. she's only awake in the middle of the night or she's brooding in her room with the lights off. one of her only hobbies includes showering but shes just sprays her clothes with lysol and hopes no one notices she hasnt done laundry in weeks. three trash bags of ramen cups in her room. she needs rishido back or she's gonna get scurvy
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origintriodaily · 2 years
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EP 125 Preview stills
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stodareegg · 2 years
Heroes 🤝 Me
Tying up Mr Compress
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