#nam joohyuk imagine
jiji2k · 6 months
Nam joo-hyuk - Imagine
You are a fan of Joo-hyuk and always wanted to meet him in person but never managed to do so
Until one day you managed to see him in person and went to him but you were very shy
H-hello, I-I'm Y/n - You say, stuttering and barely looking at him and he looks at you with a small laugh
Hi, would you happen to want my autograph? - He says with a beautiful smile on his face looking at you and you nod and hands over the paper
He soon does what you wanted and before you leave you ask him something else that took him by surprise
Would you also agree to go eat something with me too? - You ask with a red face
He doesn't say anything but nods his head with a smile on his face and looking at you
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pinkbrries · 8 months
june’s masterlist
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*pretends to be shocked*
june talks more about yoongi than she talks about jungkook😭 and that’s her WHOLE BEST FRIEND
minjun has had this crush since she met yoongi for the first time. she always thought he was so cool and handsome, and he was always really kind with her everytime she saw him
someone asking her ideal type? watch her reply with “suga sunbaenim” in a heartbeat. not even a single ounce of doubt in her voice
imagine little june meeting rookie yoongi being all cool and kind, she was like 🥰 oppa is so cool
he’s like ‘that best friend of your older brother (aka jungkook) you have a crush on’ kinda thing
she loves the rap line, but for her? min yoongi is such an awesome person🫶 (hobi is lowkey resentful it’s not him😕 JZKSJS)
yoongi knows about this crush tho, and he finds it funny and adorable lol
jungkook is always teasing june about it, but does she care? no❤️
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okay but can you BLAME HER??? LOOK AT THIS MAN!🫶
she saw him for the first on ‘moon lovers’ and she was all ❤️_❤️
listen, she’s a simple woman: she sees an amazing actor with amazing visuals? she’s sold
she even had him as her lockscreen😭😭 dating rumors were made up and she literally turned live just to show everyone her lockscreen like 🧍‍♀️📱”this is nam joohyuk sunbaenim??? wish he was my bf tho
nam joohyuk is her favorite actor, she hopes she can meet him in some near future
let’s hope for the best minjunnie🤞
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oh man… she developed a crush back during her mixnine era
she was like ?? hello??? he’s so talented and attractive???
she tried befriending him back then but he was so shy and kinda quiet,,,, so she just befriended jongho and wooyoung. she’s kinda acquaintances w him tho
when they debuted she sent all of them a congratulatory message, and she just became an atiny because !!!!! ateez is so COOL man🫶 (stan ateez for a better life)
again, she admires the rap line (bc mingi is so cool too<3 she met him through wooyoung lol) but for her? heart eyes for kim hongjoong❤️
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there’s something jungkook and june share beside being besties, and that’s their love for iu HEJWJS
she loves LOVES iu like fr, that’s one of her celebrity crushes and role models right there!!!
her first audition ever for sm was an iu song….. imagine for how long june has admired her omg
june is always playing iu’s songs whenever she has vlives or she talks about her songs whenever she has the chance. she’s always like !!! iu sunbaenim !!! an ICON!!!!
she legit cried when she got an autographed album by her (courtesy of yoongi when he worked with her<3 shootout to him. the only man ever!!)
she’d literally fight ANYONE that tries to come in contact with that damned album because it’s such a prized possession for her (sunghoon got biten because he tried to touch it… deserved)
she dreams of becoming a great producer or songwriter so maybe she could make a song with her in some near future, go follow your dreams my little june!!
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june has it bad for him since his pre-debut era
she was curious about ‘seventeen project’ back in 2015, and she just… fell in love with jeon wonwoo
LISTEN!!! she was like? 13-14 y/o and she was so mesmerized by every single svt member but for her, jeon wonwoo had something different
nonetheless to say, seventeen is one of her favorites groups and jeon wonwoo is one of her ultimate bias
she was the happiest when she had the opportunity to attend svt’s first japanese concert and she saw this dude
imagine little june holding a banner with wonwoo’s name on it to show her support😭 SOBBING BRB
she lowkey hopes she can become closer with him since they practice in the same building (and since some of the svt members have adopted june as their daughter already lol)
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okay, i think we have established something here: minjun has a thing for rappers and for people that joined survival shows
changkyun is no exception okay,,,, she would watch “no.mercy” but when she saw him joining mid-competition, she couldn’t help but feel bad abt him:// like WHY IS EVERYONE SO RUDE TO HIM?>:(
after he debuted, she was like !!!! deserved king !!!!
she loves his deep voice and the way he raps like 🧎‍♀️ he’s so talented bestie?? HELLO???
she finally met him during that midnight idol interview and she was so heart eyes😭 AND LITTLE GIGGLES AND STUFF HELP
she blushed so hard when he said that minjun was really pretty, watch stan twitter post the video and being “same june” JXKSJS
leave her ALONE! im changkyun is literally so attractive and kind and talented and 🫶🫶🫶 we love changkyun in this house
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PERMANENT TAGLIST: @ateezjuliet @alixnsuperstxr @nvmbheart @sunflower-0180 @smh-anon @mingis-wrld (if you want to get added send me an ask or fill this form !!)
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wyunsck · 6 months
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o apartamento e4 da torre twilight não está mais vago. quem se mudou para lá foi woo hyunsik, que tem trinta anos e, aparentemente estuda e trabalha como residente médico. estão dizendo que se parece muito com nam joohyuk, mas é bobagem. não esqueça de dar as boas vindas!
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hyunsik sempre foi muito estudioso, pois acreditava que poderia mudar sua realidade apenas com a cara enfiada nos livros. ter conseguido uma bolsa para finalizar o ensino médio em uma escola particular foi sua primeira conquista, seguida de uma admissão na faculdade de medicina e então em uma residência na área. não se arrependeu de todo o esforço, de todas as noites mal dormidas e presença negada em festas, já que os sacrifícios o haviam levado ao sucesso. pelo menos era o que pensava. a expectativa, porém, não chega nem perto da realidade: tem menos dinheiro do que deveria, divide um apartamento com mais quatro residentes e passa mais tempo no hospital do que imaginou que sua sanidade aguentaria.
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kdrama-preferences · 1 year
Kdrama Actors
Nam Joohyuk
One-Shot -We Can't Be Together
Byeon Wooseok
Lee Joongi
Imagine -As A Father (Cute)
Kpop Idols
FF -Holidays with Baekhyun 1 2
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aquablues-archive · 2 years
rating kdramas based on how much of them i watched
my name, all episodes: 6/10, i was into it when i was watching it up until the ending i just thought it was. too fast
itaewon class, all episodes: 0/10, horrible. worst main characters i’ve ever seen, hated the plot, hated the ending, never watch again list
hometown cha cha cha, 2 of 16 episodes but it was episode 8 and 9: 5/10 and all 5 points r because hyunwoo was in it. -5 points bc he wasn’t in episode 9 and he had no speaking parts he was literally just there and all he did was flip his hair around . my king
the kings affection, 4 of 20 episodes but it was not in order: 3/10 bc i didn’t know any of the characters or the plot i was only watching it in parts bc my mom was watching it. 1 point for byungchan, 1 point for seokwoo, and 1 point for nam yoonsu
sweet home, half of episode 1 of 10 episode: 2/10 i wasn’t bored but it didn’t make me wanna watch the rest
juvenile justice, all episodes: 5/10 it was boring at some parts but i like the idea and i did watch it in one sitting . her villain origin story was not mind blowing but also my jaw did drop like i shouldn’t have laughed like it was rlly bad that i laughed but i just couldn’t imagine that would be the reason she’s doing this
squid game, all episodes: 1/10 watched it before everyone started overhyping it and it was still mid even before it had those high expectations . the ending was absolutely horrible and i hope his red hair gets burnt off . 1 point for jung hoyeon
twenty five twenty one, 20 minutes of the first episode of 16 episodes: 2/10 i already forgot what it was about but 1 point for nam joohyuk and 1 point for bona
our beloved summer, 1 of 16 episodes: 3/10 it was decent i just never went back to it. 2 points for the guy that plays jiwoong and 1 point for woongs art style
vincenzo, 1.75 of 20 episodes: 2/10 watched it bc everyone said it was good but i was barely holding on to that second episode i was so bored and the lawyer lady got on my nerves . 2 points bc she was also funny and i like that guy that works with her who says random english things in the middle of his sentences
start up, 5 of 16 episodes: 5/10 i liked it but i got bored and i didn’t like jipyeong. 5 points for nam joohyuk
kingdom, all episodes: 8/10 i liked it so much i watched a whole second season of it. -2 points bc i would barely remember the characters
tomorrow, 13.5 of 16 episodes: 8/10 i thought it was interesting, 5 points for lee soohyuk, 1 for ryunggu, 1 for seokwoo, and 1 for kong. they dragged out ryeon and sexy grim reaper man’s backstory too much for my liking like y r they enemies 13 episodes later i still don’t know .
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unfinishedjulyrain · 2 years
9 - 13 for the mun meme
memes for rp muns・❥・@pillowxtalk
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9. Have you ever written fanfictions? - Yup. Ranging from crack stories involving Itachi, Marik Ishtar and Seto Kaiba to Narnia oneshots and boyband fanfiction. I had a short period when I wrote k-pop imagines and they were actually well received.
10. Why do you write? - answered here!
11. Do you welcome duplicates of your character or stay away from them? - Back when I wrote canon characters, I actually loved that! I had an Emma Swan and a little group of other Emmas, a Pietro Maximoff who engaged in convos with other Pietros, it was pretty cool and I believe it still is. When it comes to OCs, it's difficult to say since you can't speak of duplicates per se, just the same fc. Honestly, even with similarities in the persona ( when you have the same fc ), I still think everyone writes their character in their own way. I've seen so many Momo fcs, Hyunjin fcs or like ... I forgot the actor name but uh let's pick Nam Joohyuk or anyone from Ateez. Bring them to me. I am not confident in many things when it comes to myself but I do think I'm good at treating everyone and every muse as their own person, same face or not.
12. Do you prefer writing main or minor canon characters? - Hmm I think main? I had a Scott McCall, Dean Winchester, Emma Swan as previously mentioned but I also wrote Quicksilver... I guess the preference would be main canons!
13. Is there one trope you can’t stand? - also answered here!
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blu-joons · 2 years
Never Enough ~ Nam Joohyuk
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A sigh came from you as finally the front door opened, completely unaware of how late it was. You didn’t quite know how to react as Joohyuk finally come home, deciding to keep your eyes staring down at your phone, failing to acknowledge him as he walked into the room.
Unlike you, his eyes were firmly on you, watching you closely. Joohyuk wasn’t surprised to see you failing to respond, he knew that he was home much later than he told you he’d be, but when work called, he felt he had no other choice but to be there.
That choice had been made countless times by Joohyuk, leaving you at your apartment all by yourself. You were tired to say the least, even as Joohyuk dropped down to sit on the chair at the opposite side of the room, you just couldn’t bring yourself to smile.
“How have you been?” Joohyuk asked you, trying to break some of the tension that was in the room. “I really didn’t intend to be home as late as I was tonight Y/N.”
“I’ve heard that several times before,” you muttered under your breath.
A slight nod of the head came from Joohyuk in reply to you, not quite knowing what to say. He understood why you were so frustrated, he was annoyed himself that work had been so busy, feeling the pressure more than ever to make sure that he got everything done.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Joohyuk told you, scratching over the top of his head as he tried to get your eyes.
You weren’t quite as willing as Joohyuk to have a conversation though. You couldn’t help but feel angry, defeated almost. The number of times Joohyuk had let you down was far too high for you to dare remember anymore.
The silence that came from you was beginning to frustrate Joohyuk too, wanting you to at least try with him. He understood so far, but the effort that you were putting in to ignore him felt slightly too much even by Joohyuk’s standards.
“Is this how it’s going to be? You’re just going to make me feel bad about this forever?”
“What else is there to do?” You quizzed, “I’ve waited here all night to talk to you, but nothing.”
A sigh came from Joohyuk as yet again he heard the annoyance that was in your voice. “I’ve got work to do Y/N, I can’t keep saying no to them because I’ve got to spend time with you, we can’t all come home at dinner and just put our feet up.”
Your eyes widened as Joohyuk managed to get a sly dig in, finally glancing across at him. “The point is you can say no sometimes, you don’t have to constantly be there. There are other people who want your time Joohyuk, even people that are lucky to finish work at a reasonable time like me.”
“Maybe I’ve not got the balance of home and work right, but what can I do?”
You couldn’t quite believe what you were hearing, almost as if Joohyuk was expecting someone else to give him the answers. If he really wanted to spend time with you then he would solve things for himself instead.
“I wish I could be at home more,” Joohyuk tried his best to tell you, “but my career is my drive, it’s what makes me who I am Y/N. I’m making a name for myself right now and I don’t want something to mess that up.”
“You mean someone like me?” You questioned, standing up from the sofa. “If you want to tell me that I’m in the way Joohyuk, then just say that.”
As soon as his eyes noticed you walking towards the direction of the stairs, Joohyuk stood up too. He took a few steps left so that he was inline with you, reaching out.
A sigh came from you as you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, refusing to let you go. “You’re not a problem in my life Y/N, I can’t believe you’d think that’s what I think.”
“Just let go of me,” you asked Joohyuk, pulling your arm away. “If I wasn’t a problem in your life then you’d want to be here with me, you’d at least notice how much this is bothering me.”
Joohyuk dropped his hand back down to his side, with his eyes still looking in your direction. He could see that you were hurting, there was no more fight in your eyes, just exhaustion and a need for something different out of your relationship.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been so consumed with work recently,” Joohyuk told you in a much calmer voice. “Perhaps there have been quite a few times when I could have told them no instead of yes.”
There was nothing else that you could do other than nod at what Joohyuk said, knowing that he was right, things could have been different, and they should have been different too.
“I’m sorry too that I’ve ended up ignoring you because of how things have been,” Joohyuk continued to tell you. “More than anything I want to be here with you, but I’m too scared to say no to the people at work, I think that’s my biggest problem.”
“You know all I’ve ever wanted is that I just want to be enough for you, but recently it’s felt as if I could not be further down the list of priorities for you.”
Your words stung Joohyuk, sending a slight shiver down his spine. He had never realised how badly his drive to stick around at work had bothered you and felt you feeling as if you didn’t matter even a little bit in Joohyuk’s life.
“I promise that I’m going to be around more, make more of an effort for us,” Joohyuk assured you as the two of you started walking back into the room. “I don’t care what it takes, things need to be better, and I need to pay attention to you. You’re not bottom of the pile Y/N, you’re always at the very top for me.”
You dropped down on the sofa, feeling Joohyuk drop down beside you. His hand rested slowly against your leg, relieved that you didn’t brush him out of the way.
You didn’t quite know how Joohyuk could fix things, or how long it would take to make a change, all you could do was be hopeful that something would give. How you were living was never how you wanted your relationship to be, and long term you knew that it was never going to work out with Joohyuk as it was.
“I’m going to speak to them at the set tomorrow and tell them that I need to be home at dinner time,” Joohyuk promised you, “that’s when you get home, isn’t it?”
“Is it really that easy for you?” You asked him in surprise, “I mean there’s so many people there relying on you, can you just turn around and go?”
Joohyuk nodded in reply to you, knowing that he had no choice but to put his foot down. “I’ll sort something out with them, no matter what it takes.”
It was a start for the two of you, but a small part of you still worried. You didn’t just want for it to be a one time thing from Joohyuk, you wanted to have many evenings with him, not just the one that he thought would please you.
“I promise that things are going to change,” Joohyuk told you once again as your eyes turned to look across at him, “I mean it Y/N too.”
“I hope you do,” you whispered, “I don’t want to be nothing to you Joohyuk, I at least want to be something.”
“You’re more than that, you’re everything.”
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mostlyfate · 3 years
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Hee-do. Hee-do? Look at me.
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sexyglances · 3 years
Imagine having these honey-dripping eyes looking right at you...
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...no wonder the love story of baek yijin and na heedo is inevitable with love like that
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houseofaslam · 2 years
I'm writing a Nam Joo-Hyuk imagine and also one with Lee Jaewook, soon to be post ♡
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wattpadienne · 3 years
Short Imagine
Auteur: Stazack
Catégorie: K-Pop
Style: Imagines
Pairing: X
Résumé: Comme pour l'album Short Story, celui ci contiendra de petit imagine sur nos chers idoles coréennes. Et n'hésitez pas à demander un artiste en commentaire :)
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captainjoongki · 2 years
baek yijin was written FOR nam joo hyuk. idc what anyone says. like i can’t imagine anyone else that could have brought baek yijin to life the way he has. he embodies that character to a t. he’s literally baek yijin!
RIGHT. idk if everyone has seen the making videos (tvN uploads them to their youtube page) but joohyuk ad-libs over half of yijin's actions and lines. i was pretty impressed by that and grateful because i think that in anyone else's hands, this character would not have worked so beautifully.
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taos-peach-ass · 7 years
i want a drama with nam joohyuk as the lead and seo kangjoon as the second lead because i want to eradicate the foundations of my hearteu into oblivion
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blu-joons · 2 years
Set Visits ~ Nam Joohyuk
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You hovered just away from the cameras as soon as you arrived on set, not wanting to cause any bother. Luckily for you, you noticed Joohyuk on set almost straight away, reading through his lines before the director shouted for the cameras to start rolling.
He had no idea that you were watching as he began to act out the scene, one that you had helped him rehearse his lines for just a couple of days prior. As the scene began, you felt pretty settled watching Joohyuk, but then your eyes landed on the female lead of the drama, someone who Joohyuk had told you nothing about.
Your eyes couldn’t help but be drawn by her, she had a bright smile that lit up the room, eyes that managed to hold the attention of anyone who looked her way, and the figure that complimented any outfit that she wore.
You were on edge to say the least as you watched the two of them, smiling weakly though as soon as the director yelled cut, with both of the actors breaking away, and Joohyuk spotting you almost straight away hidden behind a couple of staff members.
“You came,” he grinned, weaving through the staff to get to you and wrap his arms around your waist tightly.
You tried your best to widen your smile as your hands landed against his chest. “Of course, you asked me to come down and cheer you on, so here I am,” you responded, keeping half an eye still looking around the set.
Straight away Joohyuk could tell that you were a little on edge, you weren’t holding him like you usually did, or engaging with him as enthusiastically as you usually did either. He wasn’t too sure what was going on as his eyes studied you, noticing how often you kept glancing across to the set and following people around.
Whilst you knew that the two of them were just acting, you couldn’t help but be aware of Joohyuk’s co-star. He had told you nothing about her, something that you never really thought of, until you finally got to see exactly who she was.
“What did you think of the scene? I only managed to act it so well because you helped me out,” Joohyuk told you, pressing a kiss against the side of your head.
“I’m nowhere near as good as an actor as she is though,” you humbly replied, turning around yet again to take a look at where his co-star had gone, “she definitely makes you look good.”
It was the tone in your voice as you spoke that quickly made the penny drop for Joohyuk, chuckling to himself as he began to figure out what was going on. “You know that everything that goes on around here is all very professional, don’t you?”
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, tilting your head back to look up at Joohyuk, feeling his serious eyes stare back down at you. The more you stared back at him, the more you began to wear down, reminding yourself of just how well Joohyuk knew you.
“So, if I ask you if you’re feeling a little unsettled about who I’m starring with in this drama, you’re not going to tell me that you’re feeling insecure are you?” Joohyuk enquired, slowly breaking your walls down brick by brick.”
“I can’t help it,” you admitted to him, “who wouldn’t feel awkward watching her act with their partner when she looks like that.”
“Come on,” Joohyuk whispered, taking a hold of your hand and leading you off of the set, away from everyone, the noise and the people, to be able to get you alone and make sure that you could hear everything that he had to say to you.
You made no argument as you followed Joohyuk, feeling his hand remain firm on yours as he led you down a corridor where no other member of staff on the drama would be.
“You don’t need to feel threatened, insecure, or anything else by her,” Joohyuk instantly reassured you, keeping his eyes watching over her. “As lovely as I think she is, I promise you now that she doesn’t compare to you.”
You smiled weakly across to Joohyuk as you tried your best to replace the little voice that was in the back of your mind with Joohyuk’s words.
“Watching the two of you act felt really real,” you explained to him, “like I was being given a glimpse into your world without me there.”
A soft sigh came from Joohyuk as he weakly smiled in your direction, “it was all just acting, I wasn’t even me, I was a character, and so was she, it was all just fictional.”
“I know that,” you tried your best to assure him, “but there was something about it that just panicked me. Straight away she took my breath away when I watched her act, I can’t begin to imagine how guys react around her.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Joohyuk simply whispered, pulling you a little closer towards him. “I just see her as a colleague, although I’m sure if you asked a couple of the cameramen they’d tell you, I think a few of them are a little obsessed.”
“How are you not? I mean just look at her Joohyuk.”
His head nodded, “why would I be when I get to look at you instead? I’ve already won the jackpot; no other prize is better than you.”
Joohyuk got it, he knew his line of work could be a lot for partners who weren’t in the industry. You found yourself surrounded by perfection a lot of the time, leaving you no choice but to feel like you needed to compare yourself.
No matter how many times you did it though, Joohyuk never failed to be there for you and reassure you that you had no reason to worry every single time. He appreciated that there were tough moments for you, and always worked through them with you.
“Will you stick around for the rest of the day?” Joohyuk asked you, “I’d love to actually introduce you to her, I think the two of you could actually get along really well.”
Your head nodded in reply to him, feeling that he made a good point. Maybe an introduction or a conversation would help to ease your mind, remind you that the actor who had left you feeling insecure was human just like you were.
“I need you here to cheer me on and motivate me,” Joohyuk added, hugging you into his chest to be able to press a kiss to the top of your head.
“Seeing as I helped you with your lines, I’ve got to make sure that you act them out perfectly,” you reasoned, hearing a laugh come from above you.
As you finally settled again, a sigh of relief came from Joohyuk. “This drama is shaping up to be great, I think you’re going to love it.”
“It’s got you in it, of course, I’m going to love it.”
“I think it’ll be your favourite one that I’m in,” Joohyuk clarified to you, “the scripts that I show you just don’t do it justice.”
Your head nodded back at Joohyuk, “I don’t want to many spoilers, I enjoy watching the episodes for the first time once they’re done.”
“You have to get some spoilers today,” Joohyuk encouraged, “I’m not letting you leave; you have to stay and watch me.”
“I’ll cover my eyes during the good bits.”
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sluttyten · 4 years
Hi, I'm sorry for barging in like that but I see Doyoung, I click 👀 ANYHOW- I was thinking very hard and tbh, the closest physique I've seen similar enough to his body type is Nam Joohyuk's 🤤🤤🤤 in case any of you wanna imagine a certain bunny's face in a close as hell matching body. You're welcome fellow thirsts~ 🐰
Oh my god yes I can definitely picture him with Nam Joohyuk’s type of body
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But also I would like to point out that Doyoung very, very likely possibly looks like Gongmyung
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(see also this post)
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uppersidedreams · 3 years
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[ nam joohyuk, cis man, twenty-eight ] Let’s give a warm welcome to one of Sparkwood’s finest, LUKE CRAIN !! Before coming here, he once lived on the pages of THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE. Though now they currently spend most of their time as an ANIMAL SHELTER EMPLOYEE. If you ask the townsfolk about what they are like, you will hear that they are EMPATHETIC but also WITHDRAWN. If they had a theme song it would be LIABILITY - LORDE.
you can find the rest of my muses here !
TRIGGER WARNINGS: suicide, suicidal ideations, drug use, addiction. this bio and his hc section are a doozy.
it might be difficult for most to believe that luke crain used to be such a happy and carefree child by looking at who has become. but his childhood had a happy beginning, the crain family settling down in what was supposed to be their forever home. the youngest of the family along with his twin sister, nellie, he spent most of his days playing pretend and coloring. he would spend hours up in his treehouse, the world passing him by. that is something that has always stayed a constant for luke: his imagination. everything was harmonious in their lives until it wasn’t, their mother unexpectedly taking her life and leaving the crain children with a wealth of trauma that they would be forced to deal with on their own. luke did have an upper hand though, he always had his sister nellie who believed in him no matter what.
unfortunately, through the years, luke’s battle with depression only intensified. his relationship with his siblings aside from his twin was less than solid. he felt so alone and began to become tormented by ‘ghosts’ from his past. he would swear he would see or hear things, or even experience the paranoia of someone following him. it all became a bit too much for him, causing him to turn to drugs to numb the pain and anguish he felt. heroin was the only thing that made him feel like he wasn’t spiraling and yet ironically, only furthered the spiral when he wasn’t high. his addiction made him do plenty of things he wasn’t proud of including forcing nellie to buy a fix for him and stealing from his older siblings. while he knew what he was doing was wrong, the desperation he felt was stronger than his sense of right and wrong.
realizing that he seriously needed help, he bounced in and out of rehab. although this recent stay in rehab has been the most successful, nellie’s compassion and love pushing him to finally stay clean for the longest time he has in a while. he has recently gotten out and is trying his best to turn his life around, but that’s harder than he thought it was going to be. someone took a chance on him at the local animal shelter and he now has a job working there. he loves to work with the future therapy dogs in particular and finds them calming him in unexpected ways. with a job that helps him afford things, he feels both scared and accomplished. he doesn’t want to fall back into temptation but he also wants to begin to pay nellie back for all the things she has done for him.
but he still sometimes feels like his family would be better off without him, nellie especially would thrive if she didn’t have to deal with his burdens. that’s something he has been trying to erase from his head for a while and therapy is helping him grapple with that.
he likes to brag about the fact that he is technically the older twin and holds it over nellie’s head playfully that he was born 90 seconds before her.
the absolutely saddest boy, but trying his best to turn his life around and help people like himself who struggle with both mental health and addiction.
still has night terrors about what happened with his mother, he sometimes sees her dead in his dreams. he has also recently started having night terrors where nellie is dead and he can’t bring her back to life, feeling a piece of himself dying.
he wants to adopt a dog himself but wants to prove that he would be responsible enough to take care of one first.
has the vague dream of buying the crain family’s forever home in the future and fixing the place up, only to turn a negative place into a more positive one. he feels as if that’s what his mother would have wanted.
a bit on the childish side due to the fact he feels as if his childhood was stolen from him.
probably one of the worst cooks ever, please never let him in your kitchen.
he is bisexual.
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