#nancy is telekinetic
wildestflowrs · 2 years
❤️‍🩹Ronancetober Day 6: Superhero/Superpowers⚡️
Do you know I’m hurting?
“Robbie, I’m home,” Nancy greets as she kicks off her shoes and hangs her coat on its hook by the door, “Robbie?”
She hears movement in the bathroom and tenses as she moves towards the door, summoning that familiar feeling in her palm and fingertips just in case. She opens it quickly, sending a towel flying across the room towards a fumbling person sitting on the counter who disappears before her eyes.
“Nance! Nance, it’s me, sweetheart,” Robin takes the towel off of her head and returns to a visible state, holding her hands up innocently. Nancy lowers the little potted plant she had floating a few feet away from Robin slowly and rushes over to her girlfriend.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, Rob, I didn’t know it was yo-” she wraps her arms around her girlfriend and pauses when she feels Robin wince, “Robbie, are you hurt?”
Robin sucks in a breath. “I mean, it’s not that bad, I can really patch it up myself, I’ll go to the kitchen and you can shower and-“
She lets out a hiss of pain as Nancy moves away the towel Robin had been using to conceal the gashes that cut across her yellow suit, now stained a sickening shade of red.
“Rob,” Nancy furrows her brow and looks from the cuts to her girlfriend’s face. Robin gulps.
Wordlessly, Nancy unzips the back of the suit and pulls it down off of Robin’s arms and torso so she can clean the wounds. She wets a cloth and gets to gently dabbing the gashes, and Robin does her best not to wince. Nancy takes extra care when disinfecting the wounds - the process all too familiar - each touch tender and loving despite the fact that she was silently fuming.
“I’m… I’m sorry I tried to hide - this - from you,” Robin says finally, “I didn’t want to worry, my love,”
Nancy gives her a conflicted look - not sure whether she should still be mad or forgive her girlfriend, but when she sees Robin’s face (an expression adjacent to a kicked puppy) she melts. She presses a light kiss on Robin’s forehead.
“My darling, I will always worry about you,” she says as she brings the first aid kit floating into the room, “but I’ll worry more if I don’t know that you’re okay; so just promise me, always tell me when you’re hurt, okay? We do this together, and you can’t help people if you’re bleeding out,”
Robin gives a lopsided smile, “I promise,”
The explosion makes Robin’s ears ring and her vision clouded as she sprints towards where Nancy was, practically at the brunt of the blast. She finds her limp and bloody, nearly covered in rubble, her mask almost entirely gone.
“Nancy? NANCE!” She drops down to her side and starts moving the rubble from on top of her, pulling Nancy’s limp body to rest in her arms.
Nancy stirs slowly, biting hard on the inside of her cheek and wincing. She looks up at Robin, pained and trying her best to smile for her girlfriend’s sake.
“Hh-hey, Robbie, are you hurt?” Nancy rasps, slowly bringing up a hand to hold Robin’s cheek.
“Seriously, Nancy?” Robin half laughs in an attempt to hold back a sob, “No, love, I’m not hurt,”
“Good…” Nancy Fades for a moment before starting back awake, “Robin, I think I’m hurt,”
Robin doesn’t hold back the tears anymore, “yes, sweetheart, you really are, but you’re gonna be okay,”
Hot tears drop down onto Nancy’s face, making streaks on her dirt-caked cheeks and mingling with Nancy’s own tears.
Robin scoops Nancy up in her arms and Nancy cries out in pain, one hand clutching her torso and the other digging nails deep into Robin’s shoulder.
“Please, Rob, it hurts,”
“I know, Nance, but we’ve gotta get you to a hospital, my love,”
“Okay, okay…” Nancy sucks in a breath and lets Robin carry her, fighting the lull of sleep beckoning her by listening to her girlfriend ramble nervously. Sirens wail and she hears camera shutters, and the pain is becoming too much and she’s so tired-
Nancy goes limp in Robin’s arms and Robin lets out a choked sob, “come on, Nancy, hang in there, please,”
She’s running now, towards the cluster of ambulances, trying to ignore the growing blotches of red seeping through Nancy’s suit. There’s quickly growing crowd behind police tape, pushing and shoving holding cameras to get a good shot. Robin shouts for help to anyone who will listen, and a pair of paramedics rush up to her with a stretcher and help her put Nancy down.
Robin doesn’t let go of her hand from the ride to the hospital until she’s rushed off into surgery. She’s taken for questioning during this time, in a little room in the hospital cleared out by the police, but she hardly pays attention.
She leaves immediately after a nurse comes in to say that Nancy’s out of surgery, pushing past the police with ease and slipping away, invisible, to see her girlfriend.
Nancy wakes to the sound of a monotonous beeping.
She tries to sit up but finds that her body aches and she can hardly move.
“Hey, hey,” a quiet voice comes from the side of her, and she feels a hand squeeze hers; Robin, “you need to rest, lovely,”
“Are you okay, Rob?” Her voice comes out harsh and hoarse. Robin chuckles.
“You’ve got to stop doing that, Nance,” she presses a kiss to her forehead, and then her lips, gentle and slow, even though it only lasts a few seconds. “Get some rest, darling, I’ll be right here when you wake up,”
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aceofwonders · 1 year
also wanna play a psi warrior SO BADLY
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chelseeebe · 9 months
seven minutes in heaven.
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a/n: pure self indulgent smut here i really have no other way to describe this lmfao. i wrote this all in about three hours so please excuse any mistakes bc i had to get the idea out while it was still fresh in the mind. don’t get me wrong i love dominant eddie but let’s be real he’s just not, is he? he’s a fumbling little virgin and i love that
18+. smut. alcohol. sex with someone in the room (don’t do this. this is fiction.) eddie is so pathetically down bad for reader and also a virgin! they’re in college rather than hs bc i’m too old to be writing about teenagers here
eddie’s insanely nervous when the bottle starts spinning, anticipating the dread of having to get in that tiny closet with well.. literally anyone.
he wasn’t exactly well versed when it came to sexual encounters. he’d barely just kissed a girl for the first time last year and had been successful in avoiding any and all games of this nature. it’s not like he didn’t want to, he just didn’t want to embarrass himself nor disappoint whichever poor soul had to stuff themselves into that closet with him.
it spins and spins until it lands on chrissy and some dude he’d just met tonight. breathing a silent sigh of relief as he now gets a further seven minutes to think up some excuse as to why he couldn’t kiss his match.
his ringed finger circles the top of the glass bottle, clinking against it in some unrecognisable beat. maybe he could run to the bathroom as soon as they came out? at least he’d have to miss another go, be free of the embarrassment a little while longer.
eddie’s eyes glide around the circle, eyeing up the potential matches. there’s robin, who absolutely not interested in him and especially not anyone of his gender. nancy, she’s cute but one hundred percent not his type and he’s sure that the fact both of her exes are sat in the room would mean they could get out of kissing. a few other girls that he’s sure would kiss him but they wouldn’t be thrilled about it. then there’s you. sat with your legs crossed, skirt riding up your supple thighs and a shirt that hung low enough that you shouldn’t have even bothered wearing one.
he only notices that he’s staring when steve makes some lewd comment about the noises coming from the closet. tearing his eyes off of your chest and onto the rowdy man.
oh shit, what if it lands on a guy? at least maybe they could just shuffle off and pretend to make kissy noises, see that’d be easy.
before he’s able to jump up and run off, chrissy and the unnamed guy stumble out of the closet, giggling with their cheeks flushed.
oh god oh god oh god.
‘ya have fun in there?’ steve bellows, clearly intoxicated and obviously way too eager to have his turn. why couldn’t he just be more like him, eddie thinks.
steve spins the bottle again. going round and round and round until it stops, the lipped edge facing you.
please no. please literally anyone other than him.
if he was clueless with the other girls he wouldn’t have a fucking clue what to do with you.
‘oh shiiit,’ steve hisses as he sends the bottle flying again.
it slows down just before him, thinking he’d escaped once again until the glass stops. pointing right at his gormless face. he blinks at the bottle, trying with all his might to send it flying again through some undiscovered telekinetic energy or some shit.
it doesn’t. obviously. because he’s not fucking superman.
‘come on,’ you speak, stood before him with your hand extended. oh fuck. he’s not sure he can even take your hand. it’s far too clammy and he’d expose his super-virgin status.
he groans getting up from the floor, gingerly taking your hand and following you through the corridor to the closet. his heart in his throat the entire time. he thinks he might just throw up. unsure of if it’s from the anticipation or just sheer terror of having to try and kiss you.
with your fucking tiny skirt and your perfect tits pressed against him. there’s no way he won’t pop a fucking boner. oh god, what if-
‘you okay?’ you ask, shuffling into the small space opposite with the tiny flecks of light shining on your smile. he hadn’t even noticed you’d shut the door, too caught up in his own head to realise that this was now and he was going to have to do something before you ran out of there laughing.
‘yeah- yeah,’ nodding frantically as he attempts to collect himself. maybe you didn’t wanna kiss him? you’d make some polite excuse about having a boyfriend or something and then you could stand and make small talk for the excruciatingly long seven minutes.
‘good,’ you mumble before closing the already tiny gap between you, pressing your lips to his in a haste.
eddie’s head is empty. absolutely nothing going on inside. frozen in time as your lips move against his. he should do something. he just doesn’t know what.
‘what? you never kissed a girl before?’ you scoff, pulling away slightly. are you mocking him? or is this flirting? fuck, why don’t they make books for this kinda shit?
‘y-yeah i have..’ he mumbles, arms still limply hung around his sides. if you could see his face right now, he’d be comparable to a ripe beetroot.
‘so kiss me back then?’ you giggle, connecting your lips once again, soft hand coming to caress his warm cheek.
okay, yeah. just.. kiss back.
he does what he thinks is right, eyes fluttering shut as his lips move with yours. this is good, he thinks. it feels right.
your other hand reaches out to grab his wrist, moving his hand to rest on your waist. giggling into his mouth, your breath tasting like alcohol and a hint of mint. it’s sweet, addicting almost as he chases the taste with his mouth.
adrenaline racing through his veins when your hand leaves his wrist and tangles into his hair, fingernails tracing along his sensitive scalp. he has to restrain himself from moaning into your mouth. it’s an entirely new sensation for him, makes his cock twitch in his tight jeans. he can’t stop thinking about how much he wants you to just tug it, pull his head back with your delicate fingers.
your knee slides between his legs, thick thigh nudging the growing bulge in his pants. letting out the most embarrassing noise into your mouth. before he even has time to curse himself for it your tongue slips into his mouth, using the opportunity to push your chest further into his.
deciding now to be brave, his hand shakily meets your shoulder, holding you in that exact position. he could stay here forever, he wouldn’t need anything else in life. ever.
your lips pull back slightly and he whimpers. literally whimpers in response to the sudden lack of attention. feeling your smile grow against his now swollen lips. who the fuck whimpers? if he hadn’t already established his virgin-ness, he definitely had now.
‘is that good, yeah?’ you breathe, the words almost sending him into cardiac arrest. they sound as if they’re dipped in honey coming from your sweet lips.
he nods quickly, unable to form a coherent response without looking like an utter fool. opening his eyes just enough to see you staring up at him through your lashes. if he weren’t leant against the wall, he’s sure he’d collapse into a puddle of goo.
‘what if i do.. this?’ palm sliding down over his neck and heaving chest before stopping at his belt buckle, waiting for a sign to continue.
his adams apple bobs as he swallows and you take it as a compliment and sliding your hand on top of his very obvious boner.
he’s a goner.
grip tightening on your shoulder as his breath stutters. willing himself not to cum in his pants right then and there. he would never ever live that down. not with that meathead harrington who would definitely pull him up on it the second you left.
‘oh yeah?’ you remark, smirking in the darkness at his pathetic stature. slowly moving your fingers as you palm him through his jeans. your hardened nipples brushing against his chest because of fucking course you weren’t wearing a bra.
there’s no way he’s making it out of this cupboard alive.
‘h-holy shit,’ he chokes out, eyelids fluttering as he fights off fainting. his head is fuzzy, sorta like how he felt when he got high and jerked off except so so much better.
‘maybe we could.. continue this later?’ muttering quietly so as to avoid anyone outside hearing.
he’s well aware that you only have at most a minute or so left before someone rips open that door and reveals the pitiful mess he is. the sentence doesn’t register for a few seconds until he realises what you meant.
‘y-yes,’ he finally responds, overly eager, ‘please,’ ashamed at how desperate he sounded. he’s sure that he’d kill someone for just one extra minute in here with you. not entirely sure how he would be able to hold on until later.
you don’t reply with words, mashing your lips together one last time before someone hammers on the door, signalling that his seven minutes in actual heaven were over.
‘get out you horny fucks, i want a turn!’ steve jokes from the other side, making you spring apart before he comes crashing into the room.
you smile at him again, seemingly so innocent when he knows you’re anything but.
the bright light of the hallway makes him blink before you bound off back to whoever’s room you were playing him. leaving him with the worlds most awkward stiffy and absolutely no way to hide it from the prying eyes of the fellow players.
‘god damn munson, are you alright?’ steve laughs at his outwardly flustered appearance. eddie is so fucking grateful that the boy is too invested in getting his turn to pay full attention to the obvious tent in his jeans.
sliding into his spot, discreetly moving one of the cushions to his lap. he doesn’t give a shit about the game, too busy wondering just when later would be.
it goes on and on.
robin and nancy head off to the closet, receiving a few woos from the gaggle of people.
then it lands on argyle and jonathan, the larger man having to drag jonathan into the closet with an excited wiggle of his brows.
steve’s fuming at every turn that isn’t his, throwing his hands into the air when it lands on anyone other than him.
and then the bottle goes spinning again, stopping on you. eddie’s not sure if it’s jealousy that it could land on anybody else or desperate hope that it lands on him again.
it doesn’t, goes flying right past him and ends up stopping right in front of steve who jumps up, absolutely ecstatic that he finally gets to go into that damn closet.
eddie’s eyes meet yours, ducking his head slightly and hoping that the searing envy wasn’t so apparent on his features. you give him a little shrug and that same damning smile before getting off the floor.
‘c’mon then big boy,’ rolling your eyes as steve pulls you into the closet.
eddie’s seething with jealousy and he’s not even sure why. you weren’t his like, this wasn’t an exclusive contract that meant you could only play the game with him. near enough drawing blood as his teeth dig into his bottom lip. it’s the thought of it. of steve and his big hands and his exuding levels of confidence. infuriating him to no end.
‘you good bro?’ jonathan nudges his elbow, completely unaware that he had been glaring at the same stain on the carpet for what must have been minutes.
‘me? yeah.. i’m good,’ standing to grab himself another beer. thank fuck the boner had subsided. at one point he had seriously considered disappearing to the bathroom to relieve himself but a few thoughts of his sixth grade math teacher naked had killed it completely.
he pops the top off with his ring, taking a long hard swig of the beer, counting the seconds until you’d reappear from the hallway. this would be the perfect time to grow some goddamn balls and show you how he felt. he could slide right into the spot next to you, maybe even extend an arm around your shoulder. you know, really hammer it home.
‘it’s been seven minutes,’ he blurts out instead, appearing more as a jealous weirdo than the cool, outgoing guy he so wished to be. stupid. internally cussing himself out.
‘you were in there for eight minutes, dude,’ robin laughs, shoulders shaking at his eagerness. great, now everyone in the room knew he was a possessive, jealous freak.
‘hah.. yeah right,’ shuffling back to his spot with the worst attempt at playing at cool that he’d ever seen. swallowing the gigantic lump in his throat and watching the doorway like a fucking hawk.
‘seven minutes stevie.. that’s it,’ your voice echoes and you finally reappear, pulling at the strap of your shirt, readjusting it to its rightful position on your shoulder.
‘holy shit,’ steve remarks, his stupidly perfect hair all messed up, red cheeks to match. eddie longs to grab his collar and pummel his fist into his face. he doesn’t of course, that’d make him look really normal.
instead he chooses to read the label of the beer bottle rather intently, ignoring the feeling of your eyes boring into him. perhaps later would never arrive and he’d just have to move on with his life.
the party dies down and eventually the game gets abandoned, party goers slinking off home or to the bedrooms or as argyle had, passing out on the couch. now would be the perfect time to scarper off to his dorm, not like anyone would notice he was gone. you certainly wouldn’t. not with steve hanging around your feet like a lost puppy.
when the music cuts out, he knows it’s time to go. later was quite clearly not coming. and neither was he. well, he would. just when he got home.
‘well, i’m going to bed,’ you announce, pushing yourself from the couch, staring directly at him. is that a hint? is this later? god, he doesn’t know.
hesitating just a moment too long as steve interjects first, ‘me too.. you don’t mind if i crash here, do you?’
your eyebrows raise slightly, still staring him down. waiting for a response well, for anything from eddie.
‘i-i’ll take the couch, if that’s okay?’ thinking that maybe your lack of response was also a hint? it’s really not clear and he just wishes that you’d directly tell him what to do.
‘sure.. knock yourself out,’ you shrug, a tinge of disappointment in your voice. so it was a hint. you wanted eddie to volunteer to stay in your room, he gets it now! now that it’s way too late.
‘great! well, i guess we’re roomies,’ steve smirks, gazing over at you. disgustingly smug in the way his hand lingers on the small of your back. that should be him. if only he wasn’t such a bumbling idiot he might’ve been the one leading you up the stairs. fingers sprawled out on your back and a mischievous grin to match.
he takes his spot on the couch, shuffling out of the denim jacket that had clung to him all night. he’s sure he can hear a distant banging, some muffled moans and a squeaky mattress. or maybe it’s his subconscious playing cruel, horrid tricks on him. whatever it is, he hates that it’s got him excited. it’s incredibly disgusting and perverted but he can’t help it. he’d sported a slight chub for most of the night which was definitely not helping right now.
tossing on the uncomfortable couch until his head is buried in the cushion and he can’t hear it anymore. certainly rock solid as his eyes squeeze shut. oh fuck. the bathroom seemed like a perfectly valid idea now, that wasn’t weird right?
just before he can convince himself to get up and go the stairs creak and he can hear a soft padding of feet climbing down. freezing in his spot, hips pressed into the soft cushion so as to not give away his precarious position. it’s just someone getting water, at least he hopes.
‘are you a fuckin’ idiot?’ your voice whispers harshly from the doorway, muttering curses under your breath as you stumble across the room to the couch.
‘w-what?’ he speaks, turning his head but leaving his body flat against the back of the sofa. now he definitely didn’t want you to see that.
‘you were supposed to- fuck, where are you?’ groaning as your toe collides with the coffee table, still blindly feeling your way to the couch.
‘here,’ he calls, holding his arm out for you to find.
using his voice to finally find the stupid couch, fumbling around as your leg slings over his sideways turned thighs, ‘why are you lying like that? move,’ speaking in hushed voices, trying not to wake the gentle giant on the opposite sofa.
your bossiness certainly doesn’t make matters any better, his dick straining against the denim as he reshuffles, lying flat on his back. he’s grateful that you’d straddled his thighs and not his raging boner.
‘you were supposed to say that you were staying with me, you idiot,’ sitting tall atop his legs.
his hands are suspended in the air, hesitant to touch you. or touch the wrong part of you even. eddie’s brain reboots when you shuffle upwards, mouth running dry as the cogs turn ever so slowly to formulate a reply.
‘i- wha? i thought.. you and steve.. uh, in the closet?’ his eyes somewhat adjusting to the darkness, just about making out your figure and your furrowed brows. oh god it’s so hot- you’re so hot when you’re mad. his mind flashing back to that dingy closet and how fucking good your hand felt in his hair.
‘no,’ you grimace, ‘i don’t want to fuck steve, i want to fuck you.. are you stupid?’ coming to place your hands on his chest. sure that you could feel his heart pounding through his shirt. ‘he just touched my tits a little and besides, i hid in the bathroom until he passed out.. you are stupid.’
his mouth opens and subsequently shuts again without any words forming. there weren’t any. yes. yes he was stupid. quite clearly. most people probably would’ve gathered what was going on when you’d fondled his balls and very obviously stated that you wanted to fuck him later. well, eddie wasn’t most people.
‘you do?’ is all that he manages to squeeze out, sounding like a small child. eyes shining bright in the little light leaking through the curtains.
‘oh my god,’ you complain, leaning down to connect your lips, wanting to shut him up if nothing else.
even now, he’s still taken aback but he’s not completely brain dead yet as his hands find your hips. see? didn’t even need your guidance this time.
your hips grind down against his, pyjama shorts riding up as you move. eddie’s positively gutted that he can’t see them in this light, he knows they’re soft, can feel that at least. he’s more confident now, a new air about him that just wasn’t there mere hours ago. he thinks that maybe it’s because there isn’t a room full of his friends listening to your every move outside.
that or the sheer level of arousal coursing his veins.
but his tongue is the one to slip into your mouth, noting that you’d definitely brushed your teeth and he wished he’d done the same. your fingers walk the length of his chest, coming between your bodies to his belt buckle.
this is it. he’s going to lose his virginity. and to you no less. oh fuck.
you pull away, tapping on his chest with your other hand, ‘sit up,’ forefinger hooked into one of his belt loops.
he obliges immediately, shifting to sit back against the arm rest. making sure to hold onto your waist as he does. you feel so soft, his fingers melding into your skin perfectly. the cold metal of his rings leaving tiny indentations as his grip tightens. he’d do anything you asked him to, especially if you were poised above him like this.
your hand goes back to working his belt off, unbuttoning his jeans and working them down his thighs. brushing against his length with your fingers. he’s almost panting, head lolling back instinctively, stifling the ungodly moan that had found itself in the back of his throat.
‘look at me,’ you whisper, still tracing the veiny cock beneath you.
his head shoots up, looking back into your eyes. desperate to please you, abiding by any and all instructions that you barked just incase he fucked this up. he would have to pack his bags and flee the country if he did. not sure that he would be able to live with himself.
‘are you a virgin?’ you ask quietly and he feels his cheeks flush immediately.
was it that obvious? the fact that he’d popped a boner the second you’d kissed him was probably a dead giveaway, actually. you don’t seem to care.. he has no reason to lie. unless this is all one big prank and you’re actually about to climb off of him and start laughing.
it’s totally shameful but actually that’d probably still get him off.
you nod, taking your eyes off of his to look down at his cock. there’s a tiny wet patch which had actually most likely been there for hours when he thinks about it.
‘you want to, don’t you? we don’t have to.. could suck you off or something?’
‘n-no no, i want to.. trust me, i want to,’ sounding as desperate as humanly possible. over his dead body would he would fuck this up. now he’s not sure how long he’ll last but he’s sure it won’t be long.
‘okay.. good,’ you smirk, bringing the waistband of his boxers down. his cock springs up to his stomach and his eyes flit shut. was his dick small? is that something you cared about? he didn’t have much to go off here except from porn and even he knew that wasn’t exactly realistic.
he can hear you spit into your hand and he’s back to full attention, watching as it drops into your palm and trying his hardest not to cum right now. with your chin shining and your lips wet, it’s all too much.
and when your tender hand covered in your spit wraps around the base of his cock, he chokes on nothing. fingernails leaving crescent moon shapes in your hips, certain that he’s probably hurting you but unable to let go without busting a nut.
you pump your hand a few times, watching intently as he struggles to stay with it. it’s heaven. no no, it’s better than heaven. better than anything he’d ever experienced in his entire life. and the man had gotten creative with some of his masturbation sessions to say the least.
a snore rips through the room and it’s then that he’s reminded of the other man passed out on the other side of the room, ‘shit.. sh-should we carry on?’ nervously taking his bottom lip between his teeth.
‘just be quiet, he won’t wake up,’ ignoring the drunkard and continuing to pump your hand.
eddie’s unsure if it’s you or if he’s feeling things but he can feel a something wet on his thigh. not brave enough to take his hand down there to find out.
‘you sure you want to?’ leaving your hand at the base of his cock to move yourself upwards.
‘y-yes.. please,’ nodding like a maniac.
that’s all the confirmation you need to shift your shorts out of the way, sitting straighter on your knees and positioning his tip at your sopping entrance.
he’s not prepared one bit for how intense it feels. the sensation sends shockwaves through his entire body, sending his head spinning.
lowering yourself down onto him with a soft sigh, hands now finding his shoulders for leverage. eddie’s about to start levitating. you’re so warm, enveloping him inside just right. the second you move, he’ll probably start crying.
his eyes struggle to stay open, rolling to the back of his head. moaning far too loudly when your hips move forward causing your hand to clamp right over his mouth. as if that wouldn’t make him cum ten times faster.
‘shh,’ you hiss, working your hips at a steady rhythm. soft squeaks leaving your own mouth with every bounce but keeping your eyes steady on him. enjoying the sight of him coming completely undone underneath your body.
your hand leaves his shoulder for a second, manoeuvring his hand onto your chest, ‘touch me,’ mewling when he gets the gist and starts palming your tit. the feel of your hardened nipples underneath his palm only sending him hurtling faster towards his already fast approaching orgasm.
he’s one second away from blurting out that he’s in love with you. which he doesn’t think is far off of the truth to be honest.
you trust him enough to not start babbling and take your hand from his mouth, grabbing onto his shoulder again to quicken your pace. clit catching against the patch of pubes he wishes he had time to tame. it was driving him fucking insane, knowing that he was the reason you were panting and cursing under your breath.
there it is. that familiar sensation of something tightening in his stomach, except a hundred times more intense than anything he’d ever felt before. quickly shaking his head to give you some forewarning though it’s pretty useless.
‘f-fuck, oh fuck,’ lifting his hips from the couch to empty himself into you. eddie could’ve never imagined that this is what you would feel like. pure ecstasy vibrating through his limbs, spurts of white hot pleasure exploding behind his eyelids.
his thighs shaking as he collapses back into the couch, still mumbling a bunch of sorries as he attempts to float back down to planet earth. he’d lasted a measly few minutes and for that, he wanted to curl up and die. if it weren’t for the fact that you were so fucking sexy and so warm and so perfect- he probably would’ve lasted at least a couple minutes more.
eddie’s eyes stay closed as you climb off of him, readjusting your shorts as you settle on his thighs once again, ‘you back in the room yet?’ chuckling quickly, leering down at him.
a strangled laugh falls out of his lips, daring to look at you. ashamed even though he knows it’s not that bad. sure he’d lasted longer than at least one other person out there.
‘sorry.. i swear, gimme like.. like ten minutes..’ doing everything in his power to convince you not to leave. because truthfully if you stayed like this, he probably would be hard again in a matter of minutes.
‘hey.. it’s okay,’ you lean down, chest flat against his, ‘don’t worry ‘bout it,’ head perfectly tilted to gaze up into his eyes. maybe he wouldn’t need ten minutes at all. not with the way you’re looking at him like that, doe eyed and whispering sweet words of encouragement into his ear.
‘wanna.. uh,’ the words stick in his throat, ‘wanna get you off,’ blushing despite the fact his dick had literally just been buried inside of you. it’s ridiculous really.
‘you can.. don’t worry,’ pressing your lips to the stubble beneath his chin.
his cock twitches at the sensation and he truly realises how completely pathetic he was. fully at your mercy but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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sheisjoeschateau · 4 months
"Oh, so we DO love Steve..." | PART I
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Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
An original fanfiction series, written by Misha St. James.
⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ SERIES MASTERLIST ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
I did not proof-read this after Tumblr gave me hell trying to share. So pls excuse possible typos. hehe
Let's just get to the point, shall we?
Once upon a time, a young boy named Will Byers went missing. Later, he was found in an alternate dimension by the world's #1 mom and a cynical cop turned hero. A girl with a shaved head had telekinetic superpowers, befriend's Will's four loyal friends along the way and helping them track down their missing party member. Then, whatever the hell was on the other side - whatever was in this...upside down...took back Eleven. She'd been missing ever since that dreadful winter.
Fast forward to now: you're sitting in your uncle's bunker, looking at his wild display of efforts.  Papers, files, whiteboards covered in multiple words, arrows, sketches - all in different colored markers. Murray Bauman was on a mission, and he would be damned if that grumpy, cynical smart-ass known as Jim Hopper honestly thought that he could dismantle his efforts.  Nice try, chum. Game on. Thankfully, you'd gone to school with Barbara Holland. That's whose parents had assigned the task of searching for her to your uncle. Murray was asking you tons of questions, and you were glad to help. It meant spending time with the only family member you cared for, despite his wackiness. You guys got each other. Bantered well. Got shit done. Honestly, it was also a great way of drinking safely and not with a bunch of rowdy teenagers at some stupid party. You got along just fine with everyone at school. But damn, they could all be annoying.  ...especially Steve fucking Harrington, who was now the topic of conversation. You know, given that his house is where Barbara was last seen. "It just isn't making sense," your uncle huffed, raking his hands through his oily dark hair.  You sipped on the glass of vodka that your uncle had poured you, hissing at the strong taste. Leaning across the coffee table, seated on his couch, you tried to connect the dots with him. "I'm telling you, someone in that group of teens knows what's up. Or at least has an idea." Your uncle swigged at his vodka, defeated but ruthlessly trying to piece together his clusterfuck of scattered evidence across his wall. "Well then, guess we better grill 'em."
And that's how you come into the picture. When Nancy and Jonathan came to seek out Murray. And when they arrive, they're surprised to see you. They recognize you from school. Jonathan took several classes with you. In fact, the two of you got along well at Hawkins High. No, you weren't close. But you both were cool. Nancy, on the other hand, didn't know anything about you. Just that you took political science with Barbara, and got straight A's across the board. You could've been class valedictorian. But you were not looking for any sort of title that demanded pressure or attention. At least not in high school. Career wise? Sure. Not here, though. Not Hawkins. "Your timeline is wrong," Nancy is saying, making you and Bauman freeze.  Nancy is telling you that the girl with the buzzed hair is not Russian. She is, in fact, from Hawkins lab. And her name is...Eleven? So they do know something. And something turns out to be everything.
Jonathan sits you both down to relay everything to you both. And woof, does it give you guys a headache. Strangely, though... it makes a whole lot more sense than some mundane explanation of sorts. Obviously though, that puts you all in a tough spot where you'll all need to put your heads together. So the two classmates of yours stay, sharing in chilled Smirnoff and having to endure the hilarity that ensues between you and your uncle. You and Murray both banter well with the two of them. Jonathan finds you to be hilarious. Nancy finds you intimidating. Very intimidating. You’re quick witted, darkly humored and independent. But there is a reserved, mysterious sort of feminine energy to you, despite your more masculine strengths and bluntness. Over glasses of stiff vodka, you all come to the conclusion on how to go about exposing the truth about Barbara Holland's disappearance: water it down.
At the end of the night, you're all winding down -- you and your uncle having convinced the two lovebirds to stay. But when you're telling them they can take your uncle's guest room while you take the couch, Jonathan's asking if he can take the couch. You blink. Huh? ...surely Nancy is not still with --
"Okay, I'm confused," your uncle's saying. "What's going on here? Lovers quarrel?"
You cock an eyebrow, leaning back into the loveseat.
But Jonathan and Nancy are then talking over each other with weird, flustered excuses...saying they're just friends.
You and your uncle bust out laughing. And then you're shrinking back in your seat, knowing what's coming: one of your Uncle Murray's lovebird witchdoctor speeches that he barrels into anytime that two delusional people have convinced themselves that they aren't in love. Or at the very least, not into each other. 
Uncle Murray is breaking them down, one at a time. He's reading Jonathan like an angsty teen novel, seeing right through him and his brooding, mysterious energy.  Trust issues, thanks to daddy issues. Yikes, that makes you sip some more drink.
And then he's onto Nancy, saying that she's harder to read. But he manages anyway.  It's the Bauman way.
He's telling her that she's likely like everyone else, "afraid of what would happen if you accepted yourself for you who you really are." He looks at you. "Am I in the right ballpark?"
You nod, swallowing the last drop of vodka in your cup. "That...and afraid of that might happen if she didn't retreat back to the safety of someone familiar."
Nancy looks bewildered. But more than that, she looks caught. 
"Name?" your uncle is prodding, snapping his fingers.  "Name."
You and Jonathan both say it. "Steve."
Uncle Murray's face is priceless. He feigns adoration, putting on a baby voice as he repeats the name. "Dawh. Steve. We like Steve."
"Yes," Nancy laughs nervously.  Eek, you think.
"But we don't love Steve..." Your uncle's words floor Nancy.
And when Nancy's saying something about still being with Steve, insisting that she loves him, you roll your eyes. Even scoffing, getting her attention. Maybe if the vodka weren't in your system, you wouldn't be so bold. But Jonathan's mopey look just gives you more confidence.
"Boom, ladies and gents," you say with a grin. "Second lie of the evening." "The hell was the first one?" Jonathan asks, blinking. "You guys being just friends." You and your uncle say something along the same lines, simultaneously. You both laugh together, clinking glasses. The two not lovebirds just squirm awkwardly in their seats. Finally, you sigh. "Look. You guys don't wanna give up the ghost? Be my guest. I'll happily keep my bed." You stand up, ready to turn in. But not until casting them one last work, pointing a finger. "But if I were you two? I'd cut the bullshit and just share the damn bed." Murray snorts, rising to stand as well. He stretches. "Welllllp. I'm turning in for the night." You begin mounting the stairs, hollering: "Better act fast, kiddos. At least before this poison in my system knocks me out cold. Don't worry, Nancy, I don't snore. So if you do choose me, you're safe." "But that's so lame," Murray adds to that wryly, heading off to his room. You both tell each other goodnight, leaving the two angsty teens to decide their fate. All you know is that Nancy ends up walking out and not coming back, at one point in the night.  Yeah, thought so. Breakfast the next morning is even more hilarious. You and your uncle ask every single question that drips with innuendo that you ever possibly could. And it's worth every fucking minute.
Murray's gonna need to keep that couch cleaned. To your surprise, Murray sends you off with Nancy and Jonathan, but given that you want to go and see it all for yourself you don't mind. You’re basically his little spy.  Most uncles send off their nieces and nephews with some good advice, maybe a packed lunchbox or snacks, and a warm hug. 
Yours, however, sends you off with a full bottle of vodka, a thick wad of cash and some fun sarcastic banter. But he headlocks you in for a hug, and you cackle. He really is a nutcase, and man you can't help but love him. He is so not the parental type. Yet somehow, he's practically raised you. And in your opinion, you're pretty well-prepared for the world. More than most, in Murray's opinion. So off you go with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Buyers, and they both honestly enjoy your company. It helps them get past their umm...well...awkward new reality. That new reality that comes post-sex, after a long ass time of playing the tip-toe game. The sexual tension between them is hysterical to you. But you keep your thoughts to yourself for now. The vodka did most of the talking for you last night.
When you both arrive at wherever the hell your destination is, it's dark outside. And if you're being honest, it's pretty creepy. You're somewhere near the woods, and as you all walk closer you're beginning to see lights approaching you...along with a handful of shadowed figures. 
Fuck, you literally just got here.
But then, after a tense several moments... Nancy and Jonathan call out to them. You jump, startled at the fact that they do it so confidently. But the name that they call out suddenly makes it all make sense. "STEVE?" "NANCY...?" And that's how you became a crucial part of the most royal pain in the ass, King Steve's, life.
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had the funniest idea a while back
Steve learns about Scott Summers/Cyclops from the X-Men through the Party and figures hey I could pull that off and decides to go as him for an Upside-Down-Team Halloween Party (as a surprise of course, they can't think he actually listens to them or they'll be insufferable)
so he gets a decent costume, gets ready and when he arrives, Max laughs her head off because El is Jean Grey/Phoenix (for those not in the know, Jean is like The Most Super Powerful telepath + telekinetic of all time and is usually depicted in a romantic relationship with Scott)
and Mike is wearing the same costume (except Steve adjusted the headpiece to let his hair out)
this could go several ways, Mike being so insulted that he demands Steve change, El being excited because Steve looks more like Scott than Mike does, Robin and Nancy laughing their asses off at Mike's tantrum
...Eddie nearly falling to the floor because damn where did he get spandex, why does his hair look amazing with the costume, why the fuck is Steve dressed up as a comic book character doing something for him
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munsons-melody · 1 year
✮⋆˙ munsons-melody masterlist ✮⋆˙
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last updated: 12/21/23
requests are: open!!
total works: 12
i currently write about: eddie munson (stranger things)
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
⭑ = fan favorites ♥︎ = personal favorite
♥︎ baby, you'll be famous -> your dad works at one of the biggest record labels in america. your boyfriend eddie has never pushed for you to give your father one of corroded coffins demos, but iron maiden just so happens to be on the lookout for a new opener on their world tour, and you know this is a once in a lifetime chance for him
i got you, babe -> after a day from hell, eddie comforts you
eddie's death -> you were there with him in the upside down when the demobats attacked, leaving you to witness the death of the love of your life, eddie
♥︎ starchild’s competition -> dustin’s noticed your odd behavior and takes it upon himself to figure out what’s going on. little does he know, you’ve fallen in love with the dungeon master of his dnd club
sick day -> eddie cuts class to come help you get over your cold
wednesday mornings -> you bring eddie breakfast without him asking
⭑ angeleyes -> after seeing nancy get pulled into a trance, eddie gets worried the same might happen to you and makes you a tape with your favorite song on a loop, even though you're broken up
your song (angeleyes part two) -> you and eddie finally get your date at lovers lake
⭑ flinch -> you flinch during a fight with eddie
⭑ putting the x in sixx -> you and eddie go to a party in LA where your old celebrity crush, nikki sixx, starts to hit on you
putting the x in sixx (part 2) -> with corroded coffin now on tour with the boys of mötley crüe, nikki sixx takes the time to keep trying to get to you
eddie’s girl -> you catch steve singing about you even though you’re dating eddie
the russian starlette (series): after taking a job at starcourt, you accidentally get entangled with russians underneath the mall who decided to experiment on you, causing you to gain telekinetic powers
-> the prelude (part 1)
-> the experiment (part 2)
-> the return (coming soon)
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
on the ground
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vecna tries to get steve and you try to save him | 4.3k, fem!reader, thank you to my dear @mrsrobinbuckley for this request and help with making it happen. this is the angstiest thing i've ever written, and it's a lot of steve and the love of his friends, but it's got steve x reader too! cw for mentions of neglect, a small mention of abuse, and plenty of negative thoughts from vecna. but steve gets saved by the power of love (and the eagles bc i love them), don't worry!
Steve has thought about what he'd see if Vecna wormed into his brain. It's been hard not to -- in the moments he's not worrying about Max or Eddie or you or the rest of his friends he's wondered.
Wondered if he's fucked up enough to be on the hit list. Maybe he'd be back at the party with Nancy and it would be a worse version of his already miserable memories. Or maybe it would be his parents coming home and wishing he wasn't there at all. His dad telling him he's a disappointment, finally caving and slapping him like Steve's always thought he wanted to.
It's stupid then, in hindsight, that he didn't even consider that Vecna would use you. You, his best friend, his heart, you who loves him so much and so well that Steve doesn't figure it out right away when it finally happens. Nancy, Robin, Eddie, and Dustin have gone through the portal and Steve kneels to boost you up to the rope. He takes his eyes off you for a second as you look up at the rope and back at him before stepping on this thigh.
But then something shifts and the trailer smells like someone spilled gasoline, the sharp, acrid scent making Steve wrinkle his nose and blink a few times. The lights flicker and he shakes it off because of course weird shit is happening. He's about to go into an evil hell dimension to destroy a zombified telekinetic serial killer.
"C'mon," he says, patting his thigh. "Up you go." But instead of putting your boot on his leg you plant it to his chest and shove him to the ground. He sprawls on his back, the breath knocked out of him.
"Hey, what the hell--" he sputters, but you interrupt.
"Stevie," you croon, but it's a sickly sweet tone he's never heard from you before. He tries to blink away the shock as his skin starts to crawl. "You can just stay here. We don't need you." His brain tries to catch up to what's happening because he knows this isn't right but the words cut all the same.
"I don't need you. I've never needed you," you continue. He tries to scoot back down the hallway of Eddie's trailer as you step over him, a cruel smile on your face. "None of us have ever needed you, Steve. Why don't you just go home?"
He knows something is wrong. He's trying to remember what's wrong, he knows what it is, but he feels so small on the ground and you're saying these awful things he's only ever thought to himself before.
"Go home to your empty house. Go home and rot, Steve Harrington."
You're trying really hard not to scream into Steve's slack face as you fist your hands in his jacket and shake him.
"Steve, Steve, please hear me," you gasp. "Steve, please." Panic claws at your throat and tears are hot at the corners of your eyes. His own are milky white and his whole body is still in front of you. It was one thing to see it on Max and Nancy, but another entirely for it to be Steve. Steve, who you never thought Venca would go after. Steve, who is the center, the protector, the heart.
You'd only looked away for a second before turning back to crack a joke about getting him on his knees and he was just frozen. Your blood ran cold and you yelled up through the gate that Vecna was here and he had Steve. Eddie dove through the portal with Nancy, Robin, and Dustin on his heels.
The metalhead looks like he's going to tear his own hair out. "There weren't fucking symptoms! You didn't have any symptoms, Harrington!"
"What do we do?" Dustin yells, voice cracking. "What do we do? Do we keep with the plan? How can we when he's---" Robin pulls him to her and they cling to each other. You know you're crying now, the tears hot on your face.
"No," Nancy says. "We need to save him first. We will save him first." Her voice wobbles but she sounds determined, the same tone she used before diving into the lake, the same way you've always known her to sound. Nancy Wheeler will not lose.
"Tapes!" Robin cries, reaching for your shoulder. "Tapes. Just like with Max." You look away from Steve for just a second, barely seeing your friend as you look at her. She's chewing on her lip but her hand is gentle, soothing. She believes you can save him, too.
"What's his favorite song?" Eddie asks. He isn't running, he isn't panicking anymore, though he's pale and frantic. Somehow, Nancy's conviction has spread through the room and all of them are ready to save Steve. "Do you know it?"
"Yeah." You look back at Steve's unmoving face and frame it with your hands. "Eagles. 'Peaceful Easy Feeling.'"
"Fuck, that's sure as shit not in my collection." But then Eddie snaps his fingers as the solution comes to him. "Wayne."
"What?" Dustin asks. He moves to Eddie's side and looks up at his friend with desperate eyes, a hand clutching at Eddie's jacket.
"My uncle has that one, I'm sure of it. Henderson --" he looks down at Dustin and claps him on the head -- "go with Wheeler into my room and find my walkman, okay? It'll be on my desk...somewhere."
"Where are Wayne's tapes?" Robin asks. "I'll help you find it." She and Eddie start to tear open covers and empty drawers around you but you barely notice them. Steve's face is dirty in your hands, small cuts dotting his mole-marked skin. The gash around his neck is crusty and weeping a little and you know his entire torso is a mess. You start to cry in earnest, unable to muster the bravery that your friends are showing.
"C'mon baby," you say. "Come back to us. My sweet boy, Steve, come back to me."
Steve is really fucking fed up with all this Upside Down shit happening to him. You go to apologize to the school loner once and all of a sudden an entire hell dimension is ruining your life. What a fucking world.
But right now Steve is more scared than he's ever been, the ugly words from not-you echoing in his mind as he finds himself in his own living room. It's dark in a way that warps real life and it's too quiet. Where are you? Where is everyone? He makes his way to the front door only to find a blank wall. Something about the entryway bugs him, and he realizes that the walls are covered with pictures of his parents. Family photos he's seen before in the boxes in the basement, but in these he's nowhere to be found. And they look happy.
"See how little you matter?" The voice echoes throughout the house, so loud Steve feels like it's going to burst his skull open. "They're not even here. No one is here for you."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Steve mutters. His hands are shaking but he knows there is a way out of this. He just has to hold on. Near-blind panic sends him running for the patio door which mercifully opens. But it opens into his backyard covered with vines and black dust, the pool pulsing a dull red. He creeps towards it despite himself, peering over the edge only to see the decaying remains of Barb at the bottom, something he's only ever seen in his nightmares.
Steve screams and backs up, tripping on a root and landing on his back on the stone. The breath rushes out of him and he can't seem to get it back as he gasps.
"You did that," Vecna says. "And for what? A girl who never loved you?" Steve knows it to be true but it shouldn't matter. He carries that around every day and he's learned to live with it. Because now he has you --
"No matter how hard you try, Steve Harrington, no one will love you."
"Not true," Steve pants. "Not fucking true!" He's crying now because he's just so fucking scared and he doesn't want to die, he really doesn't, he wants to get out of here and back to you, back to his friends, he has to so you can finish the plan and save everyone if only he could breathe.
"Why don't you just give up?" Vecna says. His voice is so loud in Steve's head that he thinks his ears are bleeding. "Do you know why there's no one to torment you but me, boy? No warped versions of your parents, your friends, that girl who you left behind? Because no one cares enough. You are alone."
"I get it, I get it!" Steve shouts, annoyance drowning out his fear for just a second. But a second is all it takes because then he sees it -- the mist. Max told him about the mist. He jumps to his feet and starts to run towards it faster than he's ever run in his life. He imagines that he's running home, running towards you, and even when his legs start to ache and his lungs are burning and he's still so damn scared he runs. He knows you're trying to save him. He just needs to keep running.
And then the grass of his yard turns to puddles of red and the sky changes from black to red and everything is red and Steve wants to throw up. It's just so much blood. And in the center of it all is Vecna.
"Holy shit, you're ugly," Steve pants. Fear and adrenaline pulse through his veins and he figures that if he's going to stall, he might as well lean in. "I didn't get any of the warm welcome gifts. Kind of rude, dude. Nosebleeds are cool." Maybe he can annoy Vecna enough that he'll give up.
"I'm in all of your heads, Steve Harrington." Vecna flexes a hand that ends in fingernails so long and sharp Steve swallows at the sight. "The games I play are useful sometimes, but other times it's best to get to the point, don't you think? I can snuff any of you out at any moment. And I will. But you've left your pound of flesh in my world already, so we'll start with you."
Your hands shake as you slide Eddie's headphones onto Steve and hit play on the cassette. If any song was going to work it was going to be this one. It's the song Steve puts on when you're driving together, the song you listen to after you have a nightmare and stay up talking until the morning about the future, the song that was playing when you told him you loved him for the first time. A part of you that is pure fear wonders if it'll be enough, if you're about to watch the world end here in Eddie's trailer, if you're about to watch Steve die.
Your heartbeat is loud in your ears but you can hear the tinny sound of the Eagles and Dustin's heaving breaths and the occasional sob coming from one of you, you don't know who. And then Steve starts to lift into the air ever-so slowly and a scream is ripped from you. You hurl out of Robin's embrace where you were clutching each other and wrap yourself around Steve's waist.
If he's going to go, he's going to do it in your arms. You won't let his last moments be anywhere else.
But Dustin is quick behind you, grabbing Steve's legs and then Robin and Nancy and Eddie follow, keeping him from crashing into the trailer ceiling. Everyone is crying, holding on with all of their strength, and you know that this might be it.
"I love you, Steve!" you shout. "I love you! Come back! Fight him!" Who knows if he can hear you, but you have to try. You have to try.
"I love you, man," Dustin sobs. "I love you!"
"You're my best friend, Steve!" Robin screams through her tears. "I love you. Get back here!"
"Come on Steve," Nancy cries. "Come back!"
"You gotta come back, Harrington," Eddie says. "Get the fuck back here! We love you!"
Steve is pretty sure this might be the end, actually. He sure as hell tried but damn, those vines are fast. He's pinned to a pole that is slimy and really irritating the shit out of his already fucked neck and he's trying not to look at the three other bodies around him. Max doesn't seem to be there, which is a small comfort. How did she get out of here? If he somehow manages to worm his way back to life he's going to tell her that she's the bravest person she knows.
"Let go, Steve Harrington. You're not needed there." Vecna takes his time as he stalks forward, long nails dragging through the red. "They're fine without you. They're better without you."
Steve blinks and suddenly the deconstructed house from hell is gone and he sees something else entirely. Something that punches the breath out of him and makes him sag into the vines. It's the kids messing around in a park. They're all there, even Eleven and Will, and they're happy. And, well shit, there's you and Robin. Everyone is safe. Everyone is laughing and he doesn't know how he knows but he knows that in this world where no one is harmed, where there aren't any monsters, where he doesn't exist. Because what purpose would he serve if there was nothing to protect you from?
"No purpose. You're finally getting it," Vecna hisses and the vision fades. The smell if iron and decay fills Steve's nostrils once more. "So why don't we make that a reality? Get some rest, Steve Harrington."
For a second, just one second, Steve considers it. He's so tired. Everything hurts and he wants to close his eyes for just a second. He tried to protect everyone, he tried to protect you, but he failed. So what's the point?
You. He lets himself imagine your face, your eyes and your cheekbones. Your smile when you see him, your laugh when he cracks a stupid joke. The warmth of your hands on his face. Come on, Steve, he can almost hear you say. Come back. He wiggles his fingers. It feels like the vine is a little looser than he thought. He repaints the scene Vecna showed him, placing himself next to you. He thinks about Robin, her hand on his back when she hugs him and how she calls him when she can't sleep. He thinks about Dustin and their handshake and the polaroid you took of them that he keeps on his dresser. He thinks about Lucas and Erica and how they both like the exact same kind of pizza but Lucas gives her the last piece every time. He thinks about Mike and Nancy and how they forgave him, how they keep forgiving him. He thinks about Max. About the letter in his glove compartment. How he never, ever intends to have to read it, but how he needs to be the one to tell her so. And Steve thinks about you.
I love you, Steve, you say. I love you so much.
Wait a second. He actually hears you. You're screaming his name and is that...the Eagles?
"Steve!" Your voice thunders through the Upside Down and it's that more than the music that shocks Vecna. The vines slack just enough for Steve to drop to the ground, his knees smacking painfully into the stone and coating him in red. He scrambles to his feet and doesn't think twice before he starts running. He doesn't know where he's going, but your voice is loud in his ears, the music alongside it.
And I want to sleep with you in the desert night
With a billion stars all around
"And she dumped the entire drink on his head!" Steve chuckles from his spot in your lap and you yawn. It's almost morning and the radio is soft in the background. Sleep eluded him tonight, and you stayed up and talked until his mind was no longer darkness and death.
"You must be exhausted, I'm sorry," he starts but you press your fingers over his lips.
"Nope," you say. "Can't hear you. No apology zone. Plus, they always play the best stuff at night for the truckers." Steve reaches over to turn the volume up and it's that Eagles song he's caught you humming a few times. You do the same now and run your fingers through his hair and his eyelids start to close. He's safe and you're here. He's okay.
Cause I get a peaceful easy feeling'
And I know you won't let me down
"Again?" you say as Steve turns the dial on the radio. "This song is always playing when I get in the car."
"Cause I call in and ask for it." He pulls out of your driveway and heads towards Dustin's house. "I know you like it."
"Really?" He knows you were just joking but he wasn't. Well, the first time was coincidence, but after he saw how you lit up he's called a few times to make it happen again.
"Maybe." He smirks. "You'll never know. Maybe my car is just magic." You reach over and pull his hand from the steering wheel to smack a kiss on his palm. He feels his cheeks heat and the way you're looking at him might just make him crash the car. "What?"
"You're magic, Steve Harrington."
'Cause I'm already standin'
On the ground
"Did you hear what I said?" The diner is nearly empty but you speak quietly anyway. Steve holds the fry he was about to eat a few inches from his face, his hand frozen in mid-air. It's just a regular Friday night and you look beautiful in this awful lighting, makeup a little smeared from the party you've left, eyes wide as you wait for him to answer.
"Shit. Yeah, I heard you." You've only just rocked his entire world and made his heart beat so fast he's a little concerned it might burst out of his chest . He drops the fry and grabs your hand from the sticky table. "Can you say it again, just to make sure?" He knows he's grinning like an idiot and it must spur you on.
"I love you, Steve." He promises himself that whatever happens in his life, he's going to remember this moment. Because it's a perfect one.
"Yeah, that's what I thought you said." He winks at you and then he realizes what's playing on the diner radio. "Do you hear what song is playing?" You frown at him and he laughs, bringing your hand to his lips so he can kiss it. "It's the Eagles, baby. Our song. I didn't even call it in this time!"
"Oh, sorry," he says. "I love you, too." Your smile is like the sun.
The memories sweep over him unbidden but they keep him going until he sees the impossible right in front of him: himself in the air and you, Robin, Nancy, Eddie, and Dustin clinging to him and shouting how much you love him, how much you need him. His eyes leak hot tears because he wants this to be over so badly and it looks like he might make it. He's loved and he's needed and he's going to fucking make it.
"C'mon, Harrington," he begs himself, one foot in front of the other as he hurtles towards the vision and --
Steve crashes to the floor and takes you all with him in a pile of limbs and tears and gasping. He opens his eyes and sees you first, your nose inches from his own before you collapse into him. Warm hands press onto his arms, his chest, his legs, and everyone talks at once.
"Steve, thank Christ--"
"--God bless the Eagles, man --"
"--Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god--"
"--We love you so much, Steve, never do that again--"
"--I'm gonna murder Vecna so hard--"
And you, loudly sobbing into his chest, planting kisses on every part of him you can reach. "I love you," you whimper. "I love you so much."
"You guys," he croaks, and everyone falls silent apart from the sniffling. He looks around at your relieved faces and he can't believe Vecna made him think for even a second that he didn't belong here. "How did you--" He can't finish the thought. Robin clutches his hand like a lifeline and sags into Nancy's side. Dustin smiles so big Steve can see every one of his teeth.
Eddie's hand claps him on the shoulder. "The power of love, man. Well, and the Eagles."
Steve thuds his head on the ground, closing his eyes and breathing in deep, tasting the stale air of the trailer. "Fuck," he says. He feels for the most part like none of it happened -- his legs don't burn, his clothes are clean. A few tears escape but otherwise he'd have thought it was all a bad dream, but he's never been that lucky. Your weight on his chest is grounding, though it brings back the dull throbbing of his various wounds.
"Can we get off the floor?" he asks. Everyone scrambles off of him immediately and you and Robin haul him to his feet. She slides in to give him a embrace and kiss on the cheek, eyes watery as he smiles at her. He sways a bit as she jostles him but manages to stay upright, your hand tight around his wrist. No one says anything but he feels all of your eyes on him. "Christ, guys." He goes for a joke and misses by a mile. "Stop looking at me like I died."
"Too soon, man," Dustin mutters. "Shit." Steve shrugs and reaches out to pat the boy on the head.
"Sorry," he says, sheepish. He looks at you, your hand still attached to him like you're afraid he's going to float away. Which, well, he can't exactly blame you for. You keep yourself as close to him as you can, eyes red and wide as you search his face for something. You're desperate to ask him how he is but don't know if he even knows.
"Let's all take a breather, okay?" Nancy suggests, eyeing the two of you. "Steve, sit down or something. Dustin, let's radio everyone and tell them to standby. We need to regroup and fast." She pulls Dustin with her to Eddie's room with the radio, a hand on Steve's arm as she passes him. The look between them speaks volumes, conveys everything they can't articulate. It's a look you know and understand and it gives you confidence that things will be fine. And, fuck, Steve is glad she was here to help. She'll know what to do next.
"Let's get everyone some water," Eddie mutters and crowds Robin into the kitchenette to give you and Steve some semblance of privacy as you pull him to sit on the ground by the front door.
You realize you're gripping him so hard he's going to bruise and you loosen your hold, sliding down to weave your fingers together. Did all of that really just happen?
"Steve, I --" you start but he interrupts you.
"Are you okay?" he says softly. "Your hands are still shaking." Your lips part in disbelief.
"How the fuck are you asking me that?" You reach out with your free hand and gently wipe away the tear tracks from his face. "I'm not the one who was just cursed!"
"Yeah, well," he croaks. "It didn't take. I've got nine lives or something." Your hand on his face seems to crack through the numbness, the shock, and he starts to shake. "We have to keep going. He can get to any of us, he said, at any time, what if he comes back for someone else--"
He reaches for you and you go willingly, climbing into his lap right there in the trailer, Eddie and Robin muttering feet away. You don't care. You have to touch him, to hold him. "Steve. Hey, we're gonna get him. We're going to figure it out." He buries his face in your neck, hands coming around you a little too tight but you don't care. You almost lost him, he almost died.
"I can't believe I got out," he whispers. "It was so...it was the freakiest shit I've ever seen. Thank you for--"
"Don't thank me for saving your life Steve," you say as you press kisses to his temple. "You got yourself out and we helped. You're Steve Harrington. You're brave and you're good and you made it. And I love you." There will be time later to talk about what he saw, to work on healing the old wounds Vecna opened. But first you're going to rip him limb from limb.
"Yeah," he says. "I know." And he does know. Your voice is stronger than the lingering echoes of Vecna in his mind. God, he loves you.
He loosens his hold on you and takes a deep breath before pushing it all down for later. "Okay, we have to figure out what's next." The crackle of the radio is loud enough that you can all hear it, hear Dustin furiously telling the Creel unit to regroup as you figure out your next steps. You move out of his lap but not far from him, hands still intertwined as everyone returns to the main room.
"Hey Nance," Steve says, a small smirk on this face, eyes hard as steel. "Think I can get a turn with the shotgun when we find this fucker?" Without warning Eddie bursts into laughter that spreads to the rest of you. It's a little unhinged, a little hysterical, but it fits.
"God damn, Harrington," he says. "Thank Christ we have you."
Tags: @cheerupbarry @srrybutno @97soroka @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee @sunshinehollandd @katsukis1wife @imherefortea @spideyboipete @lonelywidow @louderfortheback @actual-mom-steve-harrington @steveharringtonscarkeys @pennyllanne @ducky-is-dead-inside
want to be added to my tag list? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both! reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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aemiron-main · 2 years
s5 concept
season 5 ep1 comes around.  the screen is dark. we can hear rhythmic breathing, in and out.  “pass the dutchie” fades in while the sound of the breathing fades out, and it sounds sort of distant and a bit distorted and gets a bit louder as the screen starts to brighten and argyle’s van comes into view. we can some sort of smoke in the van. the music still sounds somewhat faraway. suddenly it cuts to a closeup of el’s face. she is laying on her back, eyes closed, the music has completely cut off. it’s silent. el seems slightly tense.  the camera starts to pull back from el’s face, revealing a familiar rug beneath el’s head. as it pulls back, she exhales, relaxes, and at the same time, her eyes open, her face becomes hazy with smoke and the music immediately fades back into playing, loud and close now.  el is absolutely blazing it. shes dealt with so much shit from mike that she’s completely done with everything. the music is blasting. she’s vibing.  then, the music fades out a little bit again. we can now distantly hear someone calling for her, not panicked yet, just searching for her. el tenses up and closes her eyes again at the noise and takes another hit of purple palm tree delight. the camera focuses on her expression for a few seconds as we subtly see her start to relax again. 
Right as both El and the viewers are properly relaxing once more, the clunky sound of metal on metal jolts El into a sitting position, as the music fades lower once more, and the side door of the van is pulled open to reveal Will, staring at her with raised brows, confused initally but also slightly amused and vaguely in awe as he takes in the scene before him.  Will clambers into the van, pulling the door shut behind him, stepping over El’s legs, and sitting cross-legged, slightly awkwardly but not uncomfortable around El, just uncomfortable because of his sitting position and his own social awkwardness sometimes.  El gives him a Look TM, a fond one that also has a hint of “what are you doing, dumbass?” and scoots over from her place in the middle of the backseat area, so that Will can lay beside her. El passes purple palm tree delight over to Will. We see a closeup of him looking at it, the music has grown loud and close again, and then we cut to some filler scene  When we cut back to Will and El, they’re both absolutely blazing it, and clearly have been for awhile. Laying down in the backseat, giggling hysterically, and Will’s making comments about how he “wishes he had some of this shit when he was 12″. The camera zooms out through the window of the van, but we can still hear their laughter, even over the blasting music.  And later cue willel parallel to the jonathan argyle table scene except it’s hopper, will, el, joyce, jonathan, argyle (jonathan and argyle both stone cold sober for once because El and Will smoked all of it), all having dinner with the wheelers at the cabin. mike is there. nancy is there. holly is there. karen is there. ted is there. (the wheelers at this point have sort of been introduced to El as hopper’s adopted daughter and its awkward because she resembles that russian girl the government warned them about, especially with her shaved head, but Hopper is also silently just Daring them to say anything about it. they also do not explain the twin vibes between will and el to karen or ted at all. they just let them sit with the confusion.) And Hopper, who, unlike Joyce, recognizes high people when he sees them, has to deal with his two ‘high out of their minds’, telekinetic powers-wielding twins. Hopper and Mike both have a brief bonding moment of shared, slightly terrified eye contact, because Will and El are scary enough normally, being twins, and especially now that Will’s powers are unlocked, so there’s no telling how being blazed out of their minds could affect their powers/their willingness to use those powers, especially considering that the MKultra experiments themselves were based on LSD.  Will, about 5 seconds away from giving Ted Wheeler a piece of his mind. Hopper, who has gone from concerned/scared to very amused as Will very visibly and dramatically rolls his eyes whenever Ted opens his mouth, but then goes back to trying to look completely normal and polite whenever someone gives him a weird look about it, as if it never happened.  Will and El making eye contact across the table and suddenly giggling seemingly about absolutely nothing. Hopper, back to being scared, sharing more terrified eye contact with Mike because “holy shit if these two developed actual telepathy then you and I are fucked,” and Hopper and Mike seem to have their own moment of telepathy because they’re thinking the exact same thing.  Joyce, who is SUPER confused, trying to make eye contact with Hopper, but he won’t make eye contact with her because he doesn’t want her to freak out about it + risk making Will and El unleash whatever freakish twin/purple palm tree powers they’re developed.  Karen Wheeler, who had her own party girl phase tm and knows exactly what’s up/that theyre inebriated in SOME way, but is worried because while she doesn’t know El very well, Will doesn’t seem like the type to smoke. She’s wondering if someone spiked his drink or something weird. She’s not sure what’s going on, but she knows more than Ted, who just seems to give Will a weird side-eye every now and then.  Mike gets the courage to kick Will’s leg under the table at one point when Will rolls his eyes and huffs REALLY obviously at ted, because while mike may secretly appreciate will’s snark towards ted, he also doesn’t need an actual conflict to start, and risk will exploding ted with his mind.  Hopper gives Mike a “what the fuck are you DOING” look, and Mike rolls his eyes at Hopper, but then also regrets his actions and looks panicked when Will starts pouting about getting his leg kicked and giving mike his “what the fuck, Mike” stare. Hopper makes eye contact with El at one point, and she gives him a very genuine stare with her sad el eyes tm and Hopper feels bad for being upset about it, but also “come on, el, right before dinner??” Jonathan and Argyle have been absolutely fucking silent this whole time. they are not making eye contact with anyone. they barely look up from their food. they cannot believe that they let will and el get into their stash. now they have to cope with the fear of telekinetic twins AND the lack of purple palm tree delight. they dont want to be held accountable for any destruction on will and el’s part. jonathan, beneath the surface, is concerned about Will but is waiting until after dinner to approach him. 
Nancy, who secretly thinks this whole thing is absolutely fucking hilarious and she thinks that Will and El deserve some time to unwind and Will being passive-agressive towards Ted is also hilarious. 
after the wheelers (sans mike and nancy) leave, Joyce and Hopper try to have a conversation with will and el about “what the hell was that?” (joyce is the one initiating this, because hopper still looks intimidated). will and el are not receptive. they are distracted and still giggling. a very guilty looking jonathan and a borderline-having-a-panic-attack- argyle are in the background. nancy is still watching amusedly.  way later, mike and will end up falling asleep on the couch. will is sleeping on mike’s shoulder. 
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authurials · 2 years
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 . you weather the strained state of your relationship with steve by indulging in a little distraction in the form of eddie munson (spoiler: it only make matters worse)
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 . two / three
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 . 18+ situations, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, minimal dirty talk
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 . i abhor cheating irl, but i had this idea and thought i would indulge a little bit--also very rusty at writing explicit content, so be gentle--like, comment and reblog if you enjoy reading! do not repost/claim as your own please
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 really considered yourself the jealous type. In fact, before Steve, you had always prided yourself on your lack of insecurity when it came to the people you dated. You never second guessed yourself when it came to them, having this ability to find a sense of confidence within yourself instead of seeking that validation from another. To you, if there was any sense of wandering eyes from your significant other you chalked it up to a them problem instead of a you problem.
But that was before Steve, after Steve was turning out to be a whole different ball game.
Right from the start, things had been different with Steve. Interdimensional worlds and girls with telekinetic powers aside, you had always felt there was more at stake with your relationship with Steve than with others; and maybe that was because you had fallen so hard from him so quickly despite originally being his wingman. You had gone into things with no expectations, just wanting to help a heartbroken guy get back with the girl of his dreams and then next thing you know you’re dancing with him outside the middle school’s annual snow ball, telling him you can’t be his girlfriend because he was still hung up on his ex.
And maybe that’s where the problem lies–you were never truly convinced that Steve Harrington was completely over Nancy Wheeler. Who could blame him? She was beautiful, smart and brave, and sure maybe you were those things too–Steve had told you plenty of times that you were–but you didn’t share the same history that he did with Nancy. She was his first love, the girl he changed for, the one he imagined a future with with six little nuggets. You had seen the way he looked at her in the RV when he spoke of what he wanted for the future, of family trips, with a beautiful wife and lots of kids. He had never been so candid like that with you, making you fear that when he looked to the future, it was Nancy instead of you that he imagined sharing those moments with.
How the fuck am I supposed to compete with that? You thought bitterly as you exhaled a cloud of smoke.
You leaned your head back, looking up at the ceiling of Eddie’s new place–a temporary housing solution his uncle worked out so Eddie didn’t have to stay at the shelter with him. It wasn’t safe after all–very few in Hawkins had been convinced that the metalhead had nothing to do with the murders or the approaching hellscape of the Upside Down; and even though there was bigger fish to fry, there were a few individuals who had taken it upon themselves to try and hunt Eddie down to distribute their own definition of justice.
Which led to now–him hiding away in your mom’s converted garage after little convincing on yours and Wayne’s part. Thankfully, your mom was pretty cool and familiar enough with Wayne to trust him when he said his nephew was innocent. Not the kind to judge someone by their appearance, your mom had been happy to help though a little reluctant due to the risks that came with harboring a wanted person. She had you after all to worry about.
Still, Eddie was there in your mother’s garage and ever since he had moved to such a close proximity to you–literally annexed down the hall from your bedroom–you had made a habit of joining him for afternoon smoke sessions. And sometimes those smoke sessions turned into all day affairs–like today–especially during your days off from work and volunteering, and when you were worrying yourself sick about the state of your deteriorating relationship.
You had seen Steve talking to Nancy at the food drive you all had decided to volunteer at yesterday; had seen the way his mouth turned up into a soft smile as she laughed at something he said. Whether it was camaraderie or something deeper, it had left a pit in your stomach that kept eating away at you. And so there was Eddie, sitting right beside you on the secondhand couch your mother had found for free on the side of the road–never mind the mystery stains and the faint smell of peppermint and tobacco that still clung to its upholstery. Eddie had this way of making everything disappear in the moment, making all your worries and problems go away so you could just exist in that moment–with him. Even when he had been recovering from the demobats, connected to all kinds of heavy machinery in the hospital, he had been the one cracking the smiles and jokes, lightening the dark reality of his almost demise.
You admired that quality in him, and as you stared at his side profile on the couch–eyes drawn to the amused curve on his lips as he let out a soft laugh–you realized that wasn’t the only quality you liked about Eddie. If you were being quite honest, the more time you spent with Eddie the more you found out you liked about him; before everything that had happened to bring Eddie into the inner circle of the Upside Down Crew, you hadn’t given the outcast much of a second thought, a part of your past you were beginning to regret. He really was a cool person to be around, and kind and funny and even though there were cracks in the armor of his confidence, he still gave off this “I don’t care what anyone else thinks” kind of attitude that you liked.
And even though they were polar opposites, you could see why Dustin had decided he wanted to look up to guys like Eddie and Steve. Despite being essentially different in many ways, the duo shared many qualities that made them the perfect role models. They were respectful and thoughtful and brave….
And undeniably attractive, you groaned to yourself.
You tore your eyes away from Eddie’s figure, looking at the lit joint in between your index and middle finger. Lifting it to your lips, you took another drag and tried to ward away the inappropriate thoughts of your boyfriend Steve and new friend Eddie. Having such thoughts while in a committed relationship didn’t exactly make you feel like a great person, especially when you were so up in your own emotions about just the speculation of your boyfriend wanting to get back with his ex. As far as you knew, Steve hadn’t acted on those emotions if they did exist and even though he had seemed distant as of late that wasn’t an indicator of guilt on his part.
Still, as far as your heart was concerned, things weren’t looking so good for Steve and you and the possibility of breaking up soon loomed over your head like a heavy rain cloud. Eddie had become a source of comfort for you as of late, your smoke sessions steadily becoming the highlight of your week. It was sad to remember how date nights with Steve had once held that title, but you couldn’t remember the last time you weren’t the one to suggest going out and doing something. You missed the reassurance of your importance in his life, in his routine, but with each day that passed it was becoming less of a stab and more of a sting in your heart.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” The sound of Eddie’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. You felt the brush of his arm against yours and looked over, first at the pale skin of his forearm–the ripple of muscle and veins apparent underneath–and then up into the dark brown of his eyes. They were hooded, dark circles underneath from the sleepless nights since the battle with Vecna; you remember hearing the shuffle of Eddie’s feet as he paced right down the hall from your room–wanting to be there for him like he had been for you but not knowing how; not knowing if your heart could take much more vulnerability when it came to Eddie Munson.
So instead, you stayed up with him, listening to the rhythmic padding of his feet against the linoleum flooring laid down in the garage the first summer after your parents divorce and the indiscernible murmurings as he whispered to himself. That’s why you had matching eye bags as you looked at each other, his lips curving into a smirk as a singular dark eyebrow raised, because you couldn’t bear to leave him awake by himself. If you could offer him no words of comfort, then you would bear witness to the familiar presence of his pain and anxiety.
“Huh?” You responded, unable to formulate a proper response as your mind raised a mile a minute with all your observations. How could you possibly explain it all to him in a way that would do your inner turmoil justice?
Eddie began to chuckle, chest rising and shaking in response as he replied, “you are so baked.”
“Am not,” you muttered in mock offense even as your lips curved into a responding smile, beginning to laugh as well.
“Come on,” he snorted, shifting his position so his body was situated towards yours, “it’s me you’re talking to, doll, you don’t have to hide how blazed you are.”
He snatched the joint from your hand, the pads of his calloused fingers brushing against yours as he pulled away. It sent little shocks through the nerves in your arm and straight to the stringy muscles of your heart as it began to beat harder. Letting out a breathless laugh, you pulled your legs up onto the couch, eyes gluing to your bare feet as your arms wrapped around your knees. You were in your pajamas, an oversized shirt you’re pretty sure your mom stole from your dad in the early days of their marriage and in which you had proceeded to steal from her; your bottoms were a pair of shorts you used to wear for PE class back in high school.
Bringing the rolled up paper to his lips, Eddie took a long drag as he kept his eyes on you, even with your head down you could still feel them on you–searching for an answer that you weren’t sure you heard.
What was even going on in my head? You thought hotly, angry at yourself for being so confused–about Steve and Eddie and even yourself. What did I even want at this point?
Did you want to work things out with Steve? Could you even be honest about how you felt about him and your worries about Nancy? Or did you want something–or someone–else?
Sighing, you pick at a loose thread at the hem of the shirt, focusing on that as Eddie exhaled a cloud of smoke and leaned forward to snub out the joint in the overfilled ashtray. Not much else to do, you knew Eddie spent most of his time reading through your old childhood comics and smoking, between DnD planning sessions of course. The guy was determined to get everyone together for a campaign soon, not even the end of the world or everything he had been through recently had dampened his spirit for the game. Maybe it was his way of clinging to some semblance of normal; you knew that you had tried to do the same after your first run in with the Upside Down, which felt more like a distant memory than just a mere two years ago.
It was strange to think you’d had two years with Steve Harrington, your first serious relationship, and that didn’t seem like nearly enough to you.
The thought of that triggered an overflow of tears in your eyes, which threatened to slide down your cheeks until you quickly dashed them away as Eddie leaned back into the couch. It was too late of course, he had seen your futile efforts to stay the brutal tears, and now that he was staring at you it was almost impossible to hold it back.
And so you didn’t.
You let the tears fall as you sniffled, feeling embarrassed as you turned your body away from Eddie, “it’s nothing really, I promise.”
Of course, Eddie wasn’t buying it as he sighed and offered you a small smile, body scooting across the couch until both your legs pressed together and his hand was on your shoulder, pushing back the weight of your hair to reveal the skin of your neck. He was close enough that you felt the brush of each breath he took, causing you to close your eyes and just try to breathe. You didn’t want Eddie seeing you this way and worrying, most of all you didn’t want him to know what was really going on with you. You didn’t want him knowing because it would make everything weird between you too, and right now Eddie was one of the few comforts in your life.
“It’s obviously not nothing, doll,” Eddie added pressure to the muscle at the back of your shoulder, his thumb rubbing in a rhythmic circle. “You know you can tell me anything, so what’s going on?”
You had to resist the urge to lean back into him, pressing your back against his chest and just melting into him. It would be so easy to just forget that you loved Steve for a moment, and embrace for a moment these complicated new feelings for Eddie. You didn’t know if you even liked the guy that way, you just knew that you liked his company and found yourself thinking about him even when he wasn’t there and of course there was his undeniable good looks.
“Eddie…” you sighed, your resolve slowly fading–ready to just give in and spill your guts right there.
“Did something happen with you and Steve?” He asked, pulling his hand away and letting it fall back into his lap.
“No…why would you say that?” You finally looked at him, shaking your head as you wiped away the tears under your eyes.
“Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why a girl could be crying,” he shrugged and then groaned a moment later, rolling his eyes as he rubbed his hands over his face. Your eyes were drawn to his rings and the tattoos peeking out from under his shirt sleeve. “Sorry, that was probably a shitty thing to say….plenty more you could be crying about other than some boy. I mean, we almost all died there not too long ago didn’t we?”
It only endeared him more to you that he apologized. Drawing a soft laugh out, you settled your body back around to face him, your position mirroring his own as your knees touched his and your hands found refuge in the cradle of your legs. You both sat like that for a moment, silence stretching out between you, heavy with words you didn’t know if you had the courage to say. But maybe he had the right to know, and maybe just maybe he could talk some sense into you if you were to tell him about how you were feeling.
So, you took a deep breath, tearing your eyes away from the loose thread of your shirt once more and back into the concerned expression of Eddie Munson. It made your heart skip a beat–that stare–but you didn’t let it weaken your resolve as you spoke:
“Nothing happened between Steve and I,” you started off with a shake of your, “but that’s the problem. Nothing has happened between Steve and I for a long time. It just sort of feels like we’re both going through the motions of what it means to be together, but there’s nothing really….there.”
It hurt you to say the words out loud, but a part of you felt freed by the admission, especially when you looked at Eddie nodding; he was listening and taking everything in, one of his hands lifting to smooth over the growing stubble on his chin–you’d have to ask later if he wanted you to pick up some shaving supplies later, though you had to admit it looked good on him.
“And,” you continued, “sometimes I’ll see him talking to Nancy, and he’ll get this look on his face–this smile on his lips–and I can’t help but feel that there’s still something there. He hasn’t looked at me like that in forever, if he ever even did….”
You rest your head on the palm of your hand, feeling helplessly lost about to feel, and the silence that hung in the air afterwards only caused your anxieties to rise.
Why wasn’t he saying anything?
Instead of waiting for him to tell you how crazy you were being, you continued like the floodgates of your brain had finally been opened and there was no going back now: “I know it’s probably stupid of me to worry because chances are I’m just overthinking–being paranoid ya know? I mean, of course Steve loves me and….and I love him right?”
Posed as a question not necessarily to Eddie but to yourself, you didn’t give him a chance to reply even as he opened his mouth.
“Things change all the time. It doesn’t have to mean he still loves her, or that I….that I….”
You couldn’t finish the thought, because it would mean voicing into existence the possibility of you and Eddie. And you weren’t sure you were ready for anything to change between you and him. There was comfort in these moments you shared, and the fear of losing that safe space was too great a risk.
“That you what?” Eddie leaned forward, urging you with his eyes and then his touch; he reached out and took your hand, pressing his thumb lightly to the back of it. “Come on doll….don’t leave me hanging.”
You wanted nothing more than to hold his hand back, but even that felt like a betrayal to Steve so you just let it hang there limply between you as you contemplate your next move. On the one hand, if you kept these feelings to yourself then nothing had to change; you and Steve could work everything out, and Eddie and you could continue on with your smoke sessions and being just friends. But on the other hand, what if you were missing out on something? If you and Steve broke up, there might be a chance–even if slim–for something more than friendship with Eddie.
You wanted to be with Steve, you loved Steve, but there was a part of you that couldn’t deny that there was something in there for Eddie too.
“Eddie….” you sighed, trying to pull your hand away but he held on, bringing his free hand in to join the other one. He drew patterns on the skin of your hand, a look of patience and understanding on his face–he was willing to wait, no matter how long it took you to get the words out.
Another endearing quality of his….
There’s something to lose either way, you thought to yourself, so fuck it.
“Eddie, I….I love Steve,” you forced the words out, not willing to let yourself second guess this decision anymore. “Until a couple of months ago, I thought I’d probably end up marrying him and all that romantic shit–a part of me still wants that, I won’t lie. But, there’s another part of me that figures what’s the point? It’s so obvious that he’s not over Nancy, and maybe he never was, and I’m just trying to prevent the inevitable. And, why shouldn’t he go be happy with her, and have this brood of children….like do I even want kids?”
You were babbling now and a part of you wanted Eddie to stop, but he didn’t, just stared at you with that same thoughtful expression as his tongue poked out and wetted his lips.
“And why shouldn’t I be able to be happy and be just as loved? What if I miss out on something because I’m too afraid to let Steve go? And he’s too much of a good guy to do it himself….”
You stop, taking in a deep shuddering breath as you let the gravity of your words sink in, feeling new tears fall down your cheek as you shakily laugh.
“God, it tears me apart to think about not being with him but….”
“But what?” Eddie pressed when you didn’t continue right away–he was leaning closer, both your hands in each of his own now. You could feel the press of the rings into your flesh, leaving faded indents with each shift of his grip as he rubbed your hands.
“But maybe it hurts just as much to think about not taking a chance with you.”
The revelation was like its own entity, a third wheel hanging between the two of you as the realization of what you meant settled over Eddie. You saw the moment it crossed his mind what you were settling on, his expression going from slightly confused to surprised, eyebrows lifting as he looked at you, head tilting in an unspoken need for confirmation.
“Fuck,” you groan, pulling your hands away so you could wipe away tears and run your hands through your hair. “I like you okay? And that makes me feel simultaneously giddy and shitty.”
His momentary silence was enough to activate your flight response; were it not for him reclaiming your hands as soon as you were done fidgeting, you might just have done so but he held you gently as he tried to formulate his response. You had nothing left in you, having just spilled your guts about feelings for someone who wasn’t your boyfriend.
God, you felt like a terrible person, you should’ve just talked to Steve-
“Can I kiss you?” The question threw you out of your own thoughts and back into the room with Eddie, who was looking at you with a set expression on his face–there was nothing soft or amused about it, he was dead serious.
You hesitated–of course you did. Here the guy that you had feelings for and who wasn’t your boyfriend was asking if he could kiss you. You mentally added asks for consent to your ever growing list of things you liked–loved–about Eddie Munson. After what felt like forever, you found yourself nodding your head, unable to make the word come out of your mouth–that would only ground this moment more into reality.
“I need a yes from you,” Eddie hummed, his hands moving up your arm, leaving a path of gooseflesh in their wake. He stroked the skin of your upper arm, resting there as he waited for your next move–the ball now in your court.
He wanted this to be reality, needed it to be, you realized. The feeling of being needed sparked something in you and you found yourself nodding again as your lips parted:
“Yes, Eddie–you can kiss me.”
That’s all it took–those six words–and Eddie was leaning in. He didn’t kiss you at first, instead allowing one of his hands to cup your cheek, the rough pad of his thumb traced the apple of the bone. His eyes were wide open to your half lid, watching the expression on your face for any change as he slowly leaned and pressed your lips together.
It was just a small peck, a few seconds of contact, before he was pulling back and assessing your reaction. At first, you didn’t know how to feel, aside from a barely concealed devastation at the reality of what you had just done–kissed another guy, someone who wasn’t Steve. It scared you how quickly that guilt faded into the back of your mind however as you soon were following Eddie and pressing your lips together again, eyes threatening to drift closed. But you wanted to see him, wanted to see his reaction.
Your hands found his collarbones, hanging onto the shallow indents there gently as you moved your lips together, pulling back barely only to press another kiss to his soft lips. It went on like that for what felt like forever, just the two of you sharing kisses, and all the while Eddie’s eyes never left yours. He looked surprised at first, and then amazed, and then something else entered his eyes–something akin to the ache that was building in your stomach.
The kiss deepened and your eyes closed as Eddie’s hands came up to rest on your lower back, your shirt riding up over your knees and revealing your shorts. You felt your body being pulled closer until you were halfway on his lap, thighs parting to rest on either side of him as you returned his enthusiasm. All thoughts of Steve were extinguished from your mind as you let yourself fall into that moment completely with Eddie.
He let you set the pace, deciding when to speed up and slow down, hands straying no higher or lower than the middle of your back. You could feel the tease of his fingers at the clasp of your bra, but there was no hint of pressure in the curiosity of his touch.
Soon enough, you parted reluctantly with one last soft peck. You nodded your permission as Eddie’s hands stopped at the hem of your shirt, and he slid them under and slowly up without further hesitation. His fingers played with the skin under your bra, pulling the lacy fabric from your skin only to let it snap back in place as he looked at you with hooded eyes. His fingers rubbed away the slight sting as you sat there together, contemplating your next move.
“We don’t have to-” “I-”
You both stopped as the other began to speak, mirroring the other’s smile as you both let out an awkward laugh. The moment was short lived though as Eddie grew serious, eyes filled with lust and intention as he continued:
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. We can stop and go back to smoking or-or call it a night if you want. But honestly, I’d really fucking like to go down on you.”
Your mouth gaped open in shock. Eddie’s expression didn’t change, still serious and intent on your face, reading your reaction carefully as he shifted you further onto his lap. It was then that you felt it–the proof of his desire for you, the beginnings of his hardening cock, becoming an outline in the denim of his jeans and brushing against the inside of your thigh. Your pussy clenched at his admission, seeking relief against his bulge, as you shifted in his lap. Arms coming up around his neck, you leaned in for another kiss, unable to articulate how much his request had turned you on.
Pulling away too soon for your liking, Eddie chuckled and rubbed their noses together.
“That your way of giving me the greenlight to eat you out?”
You shoved your face into his neck, blush rising in your face as you tried not to laugh. Eddie’s hands pressed you closer as he waited for you to speak, fingers curving around to mold against the cage of your ribs, feeling out a path to the rippling plains of your stomach. He was patient, kissing and nuzzling the side your face, nipping at the lobe of your ear as he hummed the familiar cords of Kiss’s “Heaven’s On Fire.” You could practically feel the itch of his hips as they slightly lifted up into you before retreating, the hesitation and stutter of them drove you crazy as you tried to make up your mind. After this, there was no going back….
“Yes,” you finally spoke breathlessly, nodding in confirmation as you shifted restlessly in his lap, eager to proceed as you kissed him. Pulling back, you spoke again, “I want….”
There was no way the filthy things in your head could be given justice through the art of speaking, so instead you spoke through action. And Eddie seemed to be on the same page, because he didn’t say anything either as he returned your hungry kisses. Hands slipping from your hips to your ass, he gently tipped you back, thighs supporting the backs of your legs as he laid you down on the couch. Still kissing you, he hovered above, hands pulling your hips up as he settled between your legs. Lips parting, you felt his tongue slide begin to explore your mouth, your hand finding purchase in his curls as you returned the favor.
Moaning, he pulled back to look at you, face flushed and breath becoming uneven as he allowed himself to smirk at your disheveled appearance. Reaching for his shirt, he pulled it off in one smooth motion, tossing it on the floor and letting you admire his artwork. Your hands reached up to trace the tattoos on his chest and stomach, fingers unknowingly grazing against one of his nipples. Moaning softly, he tilted his head back and closed his eyes for a moment. You gazed at him in barely contained wonder before you leaned up and kissed his chest, fingers stroking the skin of his stomach–the barely faded scars left by the demobats–as your lips paid homage to the nipple you had touched. You switched to the other one, giving it a quick nip as you stared up at him, watching his every facial expression.
He groaned, hand finding your hair and pulling your head back as he cracked open his eyes, lips parting as his tongue came out and wet his lips.
“Oh, you’re definitely trouble….”
Pressing you back into the cushions of the couch, head resting against the arm, Eddie pressed one last kiss on your lips before turning his attention to the task at hand. While he paid attention to the column of your neck and the exposed skin of your chest, his hands wandered; they pushed up your shirt, exposing the plain of your stomach, fingers dancing across the freckled canvas, curving around your hips in a soft grip. He moved you how he needed you, shifting your hips up enough so he could place a pillow underneath them. It made you blush as you nervously watched him work his magic, mouth finally finding your stomach as his hands teased the fabric on either side of your hips.
Your shorts went first, dragging down your legs and past your feet, they joined Eddie’s shirt on the floor and a moment later he had your underwear between his teeth. The devilish look in his eyes as he stared up your body and into your eyes nearly had your heart out of its cavity. He pulled the fabric back slightly, only to release it so it smacked against your skin. You let out a shocked gasp, eyes widening as you watched him chuckle and lean back in, fingers smoothing over the mound of your clothed pussy just barely as he pressed an open mouth kiss on you through the panties. The unexpected sensation of him nuzzling at you through the barrier sent shockwaves into your core, increasing your arousal as you let out another helpless gasp. You felt his lips ghost over your clit as his fingers parted your labia through the damp garment. He kept you there, on the precipice of pleasure, teasing you through your underwear as he explored with his mouth and fingers.
His lips formed a knowing smirk as you groaned in mounting frustration, one hand gripping your hair and the other the back of the couch. Finally he caught the edge of your panties with his teeth once more. This time however, he began to drag them down slowly, nails just barely scratching the skin above each side, helping push the scrap of lace down your hips.
The breath came out of your body in barely contained anticipation, chest rising and falling rhythmically as your eyes never left Eddie’s. You ignored the embarrassment of having such an intimate part of yourself exposed as your fingers combed through your hair, that and the hand gripping the couch were the only thing stopping you from grabbing his hair and guiding him to where you needed him. You could be patient, and good–
For now.
You bent your legs helpfully, lifting them up to make it easier to slide the scrap of clothing off past your feet where it landed on the growing pile. And with that, you laid there on the couch completely bare to Eddie’s eye. Helping your legs settle back down on the couch, Eddie gripped the calves on either side of him and simply took in your nude form. It made you squirm uneasily, vulnerable and embarrassed and maybe just a tad bit impatient.
“Damn you’re gorgeous,” Eddie smiled this time instead of smirking, a soft curve of his lips as he lowered himself down, shifting his body on the couch so his face was parallel with your lower half. “Can’t believe you’re mine….”
He mumbled the end part into your stomach, hands pushing your shirt up past your bra. Teasing under the cups, he gripped your bare breasts underneath, stroking and pinching your nipples as he pressed kisses to your stomach. His hands didn’t stay long, leaving your breasts nearly escaping your bra as they supported the back of your knees as Eddie mouthed at your thighs. He was liable to leave a mark or two with the way he nipped and sucked at your flesh, devouring you one kiss at a time.
And even though it would only serve as further evidence of your infidelity, right now you just didn’t care. You wanted the sweet sting of the marks, the memory of this moment engrained in your skin–fuck–you wanted Eddie Munson.
Thumb pressing through your wet folds, Eddie bumped and stroked against your clit before pressing harder and staying there. Your mouth hung open in a silent moan of pleasure, your head leaned back as you looked at the ceiling. You could feel him rubbing you in circles, putting the perfect amount of pressure as he spoke to you.
“Bet that feels real good, huh? Like me touching you like this?”
You nodded your head, fingers gripping at the armrest under you as you moved your hips expectantly against his touch. Too bad he seemed to have other ideas, free hand coming down to stall your movement and hold you in place. He tsked, drawing your attention to the pout of his lips as he shook his head disapprovingly.
“Use your words, and please–”
A wicked glint filled his eyes as he quickened his touch, pushing his index and middle finger through your wetness, stroking your hole.
“Don’t be shy. I want all the details.”
Your nails scratched as the couch, leaving it to cover your face as you groaned, thighs attempting to close in on Eddie’s wrist and stop his ministrations. But he didn’t let that stop him, instead using his free hand to push you open and watch his handy work. His fingers teased you, a moment later pushing in as his thumb continued to pay attention to your clit.
“Come on….be a good girl and tell me how it feels.”
Good girl? You groaned internally. God, he’s really going to kill me.
“Fuck Eddie,” you finally forced out, face burning. “It feels….never been this good before. Oh God, please Eddie, I need-”
You had no time to finish as you were cut off by Eddie leaning in and replacing his thumb with his mouth on your clit. The feeling of his tongue stroking your pussy, stroking around his fingers as one slowly made its way inside of you, nearly had you over the edge already. Thankfully, you had some restraint, and reigned yourself in as you let the sensations crash over you in waves. Your eyes closed as slowly rolled your hips into his touch, pushing him deeper inside of you with sigh.
He moaned around your clit, lavishing it with kisses and sucking on it, filling his mouth with your taste as he began to push his second finger in. His tongue teased your entrance, stroking around his fingers as you felt your muscles contract around them in pleasure. Lifting his mouth for a moment, coated with your arousal, he took in the debauchery that was your aroused form. One hand was gripping your left breast, bra pushed up past them still as you pinch and stroked your nipple; the other one itched to grip his hair as you laid it on your stomach, fingers twitching in barely contained desire as you tried to breathe.
That was enough for him to dive back in with renewed vigor, paying close attention to your clit as his fingers scissored and stretched you, hooking into that special spot inside that had you curling your toes and crying out. His tongue stroked your folds, seemingly everywhere you needed him all at once as you tried to make sense of what was happening. You couldn’t comprehend anything in that moment however as your precipice drew closer, hips lifting quicker now to chase that end.
“Oh fuck,” your groaned, hand finally finding its home in his thick hair as you tried to guide him to where you needed him most. Your upper body arched as fingers pumped faster, curling just right within you.
Eddie eagerly continued his ministrations, eating you out without mercy as he pushed you towards that climax. He wanted to see you come apart because of him, to know that he had that effect on you. Nipping at your swollen clit, he sucked it into his mouth as he twisted his fingers inside of you just right one last time. Stilling under him, your hips lifted into his face as your mouth opened on a silent scream. All the air in your body left as it tried to process what was happening, Eddie’s fingers still fucking into you–-faster than ever as he pulled his mouth away from you to watch you fall apart. He could feel you tighten around him, clinging to his fingers as you came.
Even when you sucked in a breath finally and shakily let it out, your body relaxing back into the couch as it untensed in your post-orgasmic bliss, Eddie didn’t stop. He only slowed his attentions as he felt you coming down, your pussy relaxing around his fingers as he gently fucked you, thumb pressed against your sensitive clit. Leaning down, he nuzzled through your slickness and pressed one last kiss to you, eliciting a pleasurable whimper from you as he slowly removed his fingers.
Pressing his cheek on your thighs, he laid there for a moment, and you allowed yourself to comb your fingers gently through his hair, eyes glued to the ceiling as you collected yourself. Your free hand fixed your bra and pulled down your shirt, feeling suddenly vulnerable and appreciating the shield no matter how small. Your head was filled with conflicting thoughts–one side reveling in how good Eddie had made you feel, and the other coming to terms with the gravity of what you had just done–
You had cheated on Steve.
And the fucked up part was that you didn’t regret it–at least you didn’t regret it being with Eddie. You knew that this would hurt him though, and that alone left you with the taste of regret in your mouth. You didn’t want to hurt Steve, you still loved him, and some messed up part of you wanted to still fix things–even as the other half of you thought of how much they wanted to do that with Eddie all the time now.
Noticing how quiet and still you had become, Eddie lifted his head, the lower half of his face still slightly wet as he moved himself to hover over you. His look of concern only broke your heart further, because just like you didn’t want to hurt Steve you didn't want to hurt Eddie either, but no matter how you spun the outcomes in your head someone always ended up getting hurt.
“Fuck, I messed this up didn’t I?” His voice was quiet and unsure as he moved away from you, sitting back up fully. He wasn’t looking at you, instead resting his chin on his shoulder as he tried to hide his worry. His hand lifted, the thumb that had just been between your legs resting against his bottom lip, stroking thoughtfully.
“What?” You responded, sitting up quickly. “Of course not!”
You tried to reassure him, reaching out a hand to rest on his bare shoulder, but he didn’t acknowledge your touch or didn’t care as he lost himself in his thoughts. You could practically see the cogs turning inside his head–he thought that you regretted what had just happened.
“Eddie….” your tone softened. “You haven’t messed up anything, I promise. I just-”
“You still love him,” he finished for you, lowering his head as he turned his head to look at you.
You caught his hand as he fell back into his lap, bringing it to your chest as you tried to put the right words together. The look on his face was gut wrenching, seeming so defeated in that moment–you had to fix this.
“I do,” you admitted, “and I’m realizing how fucked up it is that I cheated on him–he doesn’t deserve this.”
You shook your head, ashamed of yourself, but you couldn’t allow Eddie to carry the burden of your choices, or believe himself to be the mistake that you had made.
“But that isn’t your fault,” you continued, “and I want you to know that I do not regret this. What we just did Eddie….that’s not a mistake.”
You let that sink in for a moment before you continued:
“Could it have happened at a better time? Sure, maybe. But I’m glad it happened, and I’m glad you’re here–with me.”
You lifted your hand to cup his cheek, smiling sadly. After a moment of hesitation, you watch as Eddie leans into your touch, a small smile forming on his lips as he lets your words settle between you. Leaning in, you peck his lips, and the pair of you continue to share kisses between you. Eventually though, Eddie pulls away, eyes opening fully as he stares at you thoughtfully.
“I know you got a lot to think about,” he says, eyes ever leaving yours as his hand comes up to cup your chin, “and I just want you to know that I’m willing to wait for you to get your shit together.”
He smirks at you as you let out a broken laugh, leaning your foreheads together as he continues.
“And even though I really….really want you to pick me, I understand if that's not what you want.”
That causes you to blush, shyly gripping the waistband of his jeans as you look away, thumb stroking over the cracked leather of his belt. It hadn’t even occurred to you that he might want you to return the favor so to speak, though now the outline of his cock was gone. Your body was becoming heavy with the need to sleep, but your head was still racing with the decision you had to make. The only thing you knew for sure right now was that you had to tell Steve, this wasn’t something you felt you could keep from him.
A part of you wanted to head over to his house right now and throw yourself at his mercy, but you knew he was likely still hanging out with Robin and either wasn’t home yet or wouldn’t be in the mood to have his night ruined. You could wait until morning–had to wait until morning. You had to get your thoughts in order, really decide what you wanted, and you couldn’t do that if you were just rushing to turn yourself in.
“Could I stay with you tonight?” You found yourself asking. You knew it was probably a selfish and stupid thing to ask, but Eddie was still your friend and you’d appreciate the company right now.
“Of course,” Eddie hummed, kissing the top of your head. “Whatever you need.”
And as you both put yourself to rights–Eddie sneaking off to the bathroom and you pulling your underwear back up your hips–you thought about what it really was you needed. Or more like who it was you needed.
Steve was familiar and your first…well everything. Before him, you’d never given much thought to romantic dalliances–in fact, you had tried your best to avoid them because you’d seen what they had done to your mother both before and after her divorce from your father. The men she picked out had always ended up disappointing her, so you’d had this perception in your mind that that’s all men did. And then Steve walked in your life, all sad and forlorn over a drunken Nancy’s words that night of the infamous Halloween party. He’d asked you if you thought he was bullshit-
And you laughed.
You’d been through a lot together and you really had held hope that there was so much more to come for you two. You hadn’t been lying when you told Eddie you had hoped for marriage and maybe even a couple of kids–maybe not six but you would’ve been willing to compromise maybe at three. Now, after what had just happened between Eddie and you, that future didn’t seem like a possibility anymore.
As you pulled back the blankets on Eddie’s bed and got in, shorts left forgotten by the couch, a part of you still held out hope though that maybe you and Steve could make it through this; that maybe Steve could somehow forgive you, and you both could work on your relationship and become stronger than before. You knew it was unrealistic of you to hope he could be so forgiving–he didn’t owe you forgiveness–but still you let yourself hope.
But even as you laid there hoping, you waited for Eddie to come back, already knowing you wanted to hold him against you and play with his hair until you both fell asleep–something someone in a healthy committed relationship shouldn’t want to do. Still, you did, and the weight of that initial guilt was gone and you couldn’t find it in yourself to be ashamed of what had happened between you and Eddie that night.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as the door to the garage opened and Eddie stepped back into the room. His shirt still lay discarded near your shorts, so he stood there in nothing but his unbuttoned jeans, his happy trail disappearing into the forbidden territory of his boxers as you looked on with barely contained interest. He smirked at you, kicking off his shoes one at a time as he made his way over to the bed, stopping to pull off his socks and grabbing at the waistband of his jeans before hesitating–eyes still on you.
“This okay?” He asked, thumbs tucking into the denim, ready to pull down at your okay.
You nodded without hesitation, it was only practical of course–denim was uncomfortable to sleep in–and if you got to see more of his body unclothed that was just a bonus. The thought made you smile as you settled against one of the two pillows Eddie had adorned the bed with, trying to disguise your interest as best you could as Eddie pulled down his jeans and exposed his boxers. He gave you a knowing roll of the eyes before slipping into the other side of the bed, the warm length of his body pressing against yours. You could feel him through the fabric of your t-shirt, and on your exposed thighs, his hands teasing the plains of them as they came up to rest on your hips.
Turning your body towards him, you settled your head on your arm and looked at him, a smile teasing your lips. You watched him lean in, no urge to move back as he pressed a soft kiss on your lips. With just that one, he pulled back and hummed, eyes closing as his arms moved to wrap around your waist:
“I know I’m probably not making it easy for you, but I just really wanted to kiss you….”
“....you’re okay,” you finally replied softly, shifting your body so your back was to his chest. “I wanted you to kiss me….”
No response came from Eddie aside from him pressing closer, his warm breath on the back of your neck as he settled in for the night. Your eyes remained open however as you just felt his presence behind you, his legs tangling with yours, his hands teasing the bare skin of your stomach as they slid up your shirt. For only a moment you realize you should've probably slept in your room instead, a better environment to unbiasedly think about the future of either of your relationships with Steve and Eddie.
Because as you laid there in Eddie’s arms for the next few hours, listening to his breathing slow and his soft snores begin, you were unable to stop your heart and thoughts from racing. And as the first rays of light from the morning sun streamed in through the patchwork curtains hours later and you awoke from yet another interrupted few moments of rest, you wished there was a way that you didn’t have to choose between them.
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Based on this text post by @lemanzanabizarra
Half of the party was sitting in Hopper’s busted up cabin hastily discussing their next move now that Vecna has torn apart the entire town. The adults sharing the couch as the Byers siblings, Mike, and Nancy sat around the living room table. The room was tense as everyone was sharing what they’d learned while fighting the upside down separated.
The door suddenly slammed open as Robin, Steve, Eddie and Dustin pushed their way through the door in an uncoordinated pile.
Nancy stood, “Robin- Guys! What are you doing here?” the girl spoke surprised at their entrance since they were meant to be at the shelter.
They stopped at the side of the couch looking at her then to the rest of the room’s occupants, as if taking a headcount. “What are we doing here, Nancy? Are you kidding? The earth just split in two we’re making sure no one got swallowed up,” Dustin sassed at the teenager, clearly still panicked even after seeing his friends safe.
Steve shoved the younger boy’s shoulder, causing him to topple a bit into Eddie due to his limp. “I think they get it, dude. Lay off a bit, they’re all safe.”
Robin has yet to say anything, unusual for her, still staring at Nancy as if the girl would disappear had her eyes not been trained on her. Murray looked between the two, eyes narrowed. “You two seem to have gotten close,” the older man spoke trailing off as the looked between them.
Hopper, Joyce and Jonathan all turned to look at the pair recalling that knowing tone in Murray’s voice. Robin finally having looked away from Nancy looked a bit shocked at the bearded man’s unprompted observation. Nancy on the other hand looked annoyed- no, pissed- at the man.
Everyone was silently waiting for one of their replies when Eddie stepped up eyeing Murray with a critical look, “You try not getting close to somebody after nearly dying together multiple times.” Murray seemed to contemplate this as he stood up to approach Eddie.
He smiled holding his hand out, “I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Murray Bauman.” Eddie took his hand glad to have taken the focus of Nance and Rob, “Eddie, a pleasure, I’m sure.”
Their handshake broke, “Ah yes, Eddie, and what would you know about this shared trauma considering I believe this is your first encounter with the strange and unusual?” Murray spoke as if daring Eddie to respond.
Steve beat him to it though, apparently, “Hah, no, Eddie’s very familiar with the strange and unusual. Also the almost dying thing too,” the boy said stepping up to stand next to Eddie. “I didn’t almost die remember, the doctors said died but it didn’t stick, thanks again for that, Harrington.” Eddie said leaning towards the younger.
“Ah, so the ladies aren’t the only two to become close, it seems,” Murray interjected making Steve and Eddie send him a simultaneous glare. Murray almost looked regretful.
“You talk a lot of shit for a man with more hair on his arms than his head,” Steve spoke. Murray raised his eyebrows as he looked towards Eddie, “Wow, like em feisty, don’tcha.”
Eddie shrugged, “And if I do?” He said as he wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist hopping it wasn’t too bold of a move for this little bit. Steve seemed to take it in stride though as he looked at Murray arms crossed, only now leaning slightly more into the boy beside him.
“Don’t you think we have better things to do right now than discuss other people’s relationships considering, I don’t know, there’s are psychotic telepathic serial killer on the loose,” Steve said.
Eddie leaned towards Steve, whispering intentionally louder so Murray could hear, “telekinetic, babe, telepathic is reading thoughts. Which baldy over here thinks he can do.”
Murray, finally agitated into a silent stupor, huffs as he sits back down on the couch beside Joyce. The party continues making a plan on how to approach Vecna with Eddie’s arm still wrapped around Steve and Nancy and Robin’s feet touching beneath the table. Much to an unsatisfied private investigator’s approval.
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renegade-diamonds · 1 month
More Betrothal AU Thoughts (Future-Life)
Despite Nancy's grand plan of pushing off the wedding as far as she can, they end up getting married two years into their college career. After all the drama with the Upside Down, and the work they've done to make their relationship work, (plus Ted's generous wedding fund and Karen's impressive planning skills), they decide to go ahead with the marriage during the summer between their second and third years at Emerson. Coincidentally, this also gives them the option to pursue even more scholarships and grants that were only available to married couples.
They get married in San Francisco, and fall in love with the city while they're there. Robin's particularly interested in the LGBTQ+ community (which is obviously a bit different considering the ABO aspect), and Nancy arranges some meetings for her own future career opportunities. Considering Dr. Owens is able to get them the very best references for job applications, they're nearly guaranteed whatever job they want.
After graduation, they move out to San Francisco. Coincidentally, Max and Lucas go to college there, and they live with them during the school year- keeping a close connection with their friends that are now scattered across the country at various Universities. (Dustin gets into UC Berkley with Suzie and they visit quite often as well).
They get two cats, a pair of kittens that randomly show up in their rooftop garden one night. It's still a mystery how they got there, but Robin was enamored with them from the very first moment, and Nancy quickly works in pet supplies into their budget.
They do end up having children, although it's nearly a decade after getting married. Their first is born when they're 31, and their second (a surprise baby) is born three years later. Considering Nancy never really wanted a large family, she's quite happy with what they have (but please no more, she hasn't slept in two years).
The second pregnancy is hard on Robin, and the delivery was very traumatic. She had to stay in the hospital for an extra two weeks after giving birth, and Karen flew over to help Nancy take care of her two grandchildren while Robin was recovering.
Dr. Owens is their 'family physician,' since the government wants to keep an eye on them in case there was any issues considering their exposure to the Upside Down. The oldest kid starts to show signs of telekinetic abilities in her toddler years, and it freaks them out. Luckily, El is able to help teach them how to control it so things don't randomly move or explode.
Robin ends up working as a translator for news agencies, and helps reporters and investigative journalists interview people. This allows her to work when she wants, since she gets to 'pick' when she's available. She usually works with Nancy, and a lot of 'work-trips' they go on end up being mini-vacations as well.
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thewrongmoon · 2 years
I feel like season one is a weird season to talk about as there’s a lot of continuity errors, the duffers didn’t know if they would even get to write more than one season, but there is still something undoubtably weird about will's disappearance. and i think that goes beyond a lack of planning because even in the context of season 1, will's disappearance doesn't make sense.
like, barb and the deer were bleeding, which caused the demogorgon to come after them. nancy and jonathan cut their hands to draw in the demogorgan. will was not bleeding when he was first targeted.
the demogorgon was never shown having telekinetic powers. whatever got will did.
when brenner sent his men into the upside down, they were all eaten in minutes. when joyce and hopper go to get will, they come out unscathed.
this just really goes to show that will was targeted specifically for some reason, and vecna wanted him alive and probably wanted him to be found, imo.
will does say "the demogorgon got me", but does will actually know what the demogorgon looks like? did he think vecna was the demogorgon?
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aceofwonders · 1 year
artificer armorer multi-class keeps changing....now i am considering psi warrior
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leslie057 · 7 months
one of the untitleds, dealers choice
hello. you got it. i love this one.
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His girlfriend has sworn so many things to him recently. She won’t stop swearing to him.
Not on the eve of Going Day for his family—“going” because “moving” is too productive of a word. If they move, they take a step forward from this life and begin some kind of ceremonial procession to a new one. But, no, that’s not what this is. This is their long-awaited exile from the town they never belonged to. Never, ever belonged to. They are Hawkins’ exhibits, its satirical stars, its sins, and its shames. They are its unholy trinity, stained by their own hands. Ask almost anyone, anyone, and learn that their poverty was self-inflicted, the loss of their patriarch was self-inflicted, and so was Mom’s insanity, and so was his and so was Will’s death/nondeath. And Will’s weakness. And Will’s femininity.
Entertaining a town with your family’s voluntary patheticness is not belonging to it, so now they will go to the West Coast with a telekinetic daughter tucked under their wet brown wings. (Broken wings.)
California’s going to make everything better for all four. (His girlfriend has sworn it so, even if she is an unhappy camper. She says she won’t have anyone once he goes away.)
“You must be so warm,” she swears, her mouth’s motions making a fuzzy sensation for his skin as she sucks intermittently and leisurely on the underside of his jaw, “I know you want to swim.”
His knee bends, his arms hug her waist, and the leaves rustle beneath their blanket. He’s trying his hardest to be present for her, and not just with his body, also with his mind. For several days now, he’s been caught in this trap: this stupid, dissociative episode. Voices are quieter here, his tongue is leaden, and the air can be touched. He’s not in another dimension, but he might as well be.
Honestly? It’s some strange form of self-protection. Could be his way of taking Leaving’s bitter flavor, though he’s never coped with this method before. He doesn’t shut off, just out. I should feel any emotion besides doubt. I should feel the need to reassure this person who says she’ll miss me (or want to run away from her, alternatively). All I am is doubtful.
Far above his face, the sky invites lethargy to bleed wider and longer. It’s a warm, woolen expanse of gray, tiring him with the sadness of backlit storm clouds. Why is this place turning beautiful for him now? That needs to stop. Nancy needs to stop. (Never, ever.)
“Warm? In October?”
She relaxes with the tightness of his arms around her midsection. She likes a snug fit, and so does he. As her sweater rides up, he learns that warm in October is right. In this case, anyway; just the small slice of Nancy’s back that’s been exposed gives off the heat of a candle. Her skin could very well be shimmering with sparks right now.
Her reply is put on hold until she finishes making a hickey, equal parts pain and comfort, on his neck. “Well, yeah, I’m warm. And if I am, then you are. Have you ever noticed that you like to copy me?”
“You copy everything. I love it.”
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marypsue · 2 years
Been thinking about Stranger Things s1 characters in the events of Dracula and vice versa (because they’re both ‘small groups of loosely-related characters experience a supernatural mystery from different perspectives and ultimately have to team up to figure out what’s really going on and how to fight it’ stories about The Power Of Friendship And Love And Also This Gun I Found), and. 
Jonathan Harker somehow has an even worse time in the Upside Down than he did at Castle Dracula. Mina Murray-to-be-Harker absolutely refuses to believe that he’s skipped town and left her at the altar, because...something something Christmas lights? (She also doesn’t need to do a blood exchange with the monster to track its movements, here, because psychics are well established in the series lore, but she might need to be a little cagey about who she tells about that...) Disgraced presumed-crackpot Dr. Van Helsing is, of course, the only one who believes her. At first. 
Joyce Byers’ youngest son is Not Himself. The doctor she really couldn’t afford was convinced it’s tuberculosis and she’s making herself hysterical over it, but that wouldn’t explain why Will’s acting so strangely lately. Or why he seems to be losing so much blood. With her husband...abroad, her family out in the country, her older son working long hours as a solicitor’s clerk to try to keep them out of the poorhouse, and no one else to turn to, the friendship she strikes up with a wounded American soldier ends up becoming a lifeline. In more ways than one, because as it turns out, this isn’t the first time Jim Hopper has seen blood loss like Will’s...
Also featuring such highlights as: 
Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler work for the same solicitor, him as a clerk and her as a secretary. Her fiancé assumes she���ll give it up once she becomes Mrs. Harrington, but Nancy’s discovering she doesn’t really want to, and that she might have more in common with the ‘New Woman’ than she’d realised. 
Lucy Westenra disappears from rich popular Arthur Holmwood’s pool party, and her friends and boyfriends shut the entire fucking town down to look for her. Barbara Holland gets preyed on by a vampire and nobody but her parents and Nancy notice, and half of Whitby ends up getting eaten. 
Everybody assumes El is a boy or an escaped mental patient more than ever in the Victorian era. Slapping a hat and some skirts on her is the most effective disguise imaginable. (Her powers in a Dracula AU are probably more mesmeric in nature than telekinetic, but she can still ‘find’ people.)
Van Helsing may actually have been involved in MKUltra. It’s never quite made explicit, but he certainly knows a lot more about what’s going on than he ever fully reveals to the others. 
I have no idea how Mike and the Party fit into this version of things, but there are definitely some Frog Brothers vampire hunting shenanigans involved. 
Quincey Morris is still a yeehaw stereotype in 1983 Indiana. No one questions this. 
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hanukkahbingo · 6 months
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!חג אורים שמח
It's the second night of Hanukkah and the second night of the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo! We're seeing a dip in the number of submissions from last year, so I just wanted to remind everyone that these prompts can be used for fic, art, moodboards, graphics -- whatever you want to create! I know things are hard out there right now and the year has been dark, but all of your creations are lights in that darkness and it's lovely to see your interpretations of Jewish joy. Keep creating!
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A Deal with the Dead by abby-gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
One could say being kind to ghosts is a Jewish value. So, when a familiar face reappears to haunt a local bakery during Hanukkah, the Ghostbusters propose a compromise.
A Very Voyager Holiday by Divinemissem13/@divinemissem13 | AO3 | tumblr
After years of throwing Voyager's holiday parties, Neelix is surprised to learn that Federation winter holiday traditions include much more than just Christmas trees and Santa Claus.
A1. Applesauce - Kate Bishop by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Yelena loves to cook, which is great, because Kate loves to eat. But…
A2. Snow - Jane Foster by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Jane wasn't supposed to live to see another Hanukkah. But a great miracle happened, and she is here.
A3. Shalom - Kaydel Ko Connix by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Basic isn't Connix's first language.
A4. Smashing Fascists - Booker le Livre by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Booker is worried that the others will see what he did as treason. A betrayal of their cause. But they've all been alive long enough to know better.
A5. Eighth Night - Joyce Byers by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Hop stops by Melvald's one slushy December morning.
Alone in the Dark (Chapter 2) by josiebelladonna/@feverinfeveroutfic | AO3 | tumblr
He found himself trapped out in the wilderness during a power outage, and his meeting with that one strange girl proved to be a stroke of fate for him. A fic that asks “what if Alex and Christine had met in another period?”
Bring on the Light: Haunted Dreidel by melbelle310/@perfectpurls | AO3 | tumblr
On night two of my Channukah series, Ace and Nancy teach their friends to play dreidel!
Eight Nights (Chapter 2) by genuineformality/@genuineformality | AO3 | tumblr
On the first night of Chanukah, Viktor lights a chanukiah for the first time in a long time. On the subsequent nights, Viktor and Jayce explore a lot of complicated feelings.
The First First Night by awlenrose | AO3 | tumblr
Survival always comes at a cost.
holiday wishes by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
"Asha, why do you call your grandfather Saba?" Valentino asked this as they walked to the palace to help Queen Amaya prepare this week's winter solstice festival. During it, Asha would be officially announced as the next Princess Of Rosas. Which was quite the change, but at least some other things in her life wouldn't change.
Keep a candle burning (Chapter 2) by dharmashark | AO3 | tumblr
Bucky has been sitting cross legged on the floor with Steve Rogers for three hours. He feels giddy on two donuts too many, his ribs tight and hot from laughing. But mostly he feels smug as hell: he cannot wait to tell Clint how wrong he was when said this was a terrible idea. Well, what Clint had actually said was, “Are you out of your mind? Steve, as in Steve, is going to spend Hanukkah with you, in your studio apartment?” — In which Bucky can totally, definitely last eight nights without falling for his childhood best friend. Again.
Love and Light by Hollie47/@hollie47 | AO3 | tumblr
Wanda thinks about her family and how Darcy is now apart of it.
The Opportunistic Telekinetic by abby-gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
It’s all fun and games until Talia uses her newfound telekinesis to cheat at dreidel.
Princess Asha Holiday Moodboard by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
Asha is in the middle of lighting candles with her Mamà and Saba when she gets the queen's message in the mail.
Spidersona Doodles by scribbling-scientist/@enby-scientist | AO3 | tumblr
K1-2 presents, H1-1 dreidel, H2-4 ugly sweaters, K2-4 Bad puns, A2-5 Chinese food, U-2 sufganyot, A2-1 Oil (Bingo! +2)
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