#nancy loves them two. she rolls her eyes and makes a little joke and kisses robin's cheek and sends steve a smile
gravedigginbbydoll · 9 months
Slumber Party Kissin'
Modern! Nancy x Fem! Reader Smut
Midwest Princess Series
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AN: Heyo! So each one of these will be a one-shot based off of a Chappell Roan song and added to a Masterlist later! Please forgive me as this is my first ever time writing with Nancy!
CW: MDNI!!! mature, internalized questioning, unrequited? crush, first queer experiences, mentions of past relationships (Steve and Jonathan), use of nickname Angel, fem! reader (v) x Nancy, 69ing, oral (v), fingering, making out, boob play, etc
Even miles away in Manhattan, Nancy Wheeler had a hold on you. 
You two grew up together, photos of the two of you, arms around each other, missing teeth. You whispered secrets to one another, sharing dolls. Nancy was your world. Until you complicated it. 
You two shared everything. Right down to first kisses. You thought it was normal to giggle with a friend and kiss, ignoring the weird feeling of her braces behind soft lips. To play with and style her vanilla and coconut hair, the curls soft in your fingers. You whispered to one another how much you disliked boys, Nancy crying over how they stuck gum in her hair. 
Hell, you even played Boyfriend and Girlfriend. 
You only began to notice Nancy’s apprehension when you both befriended Barb. 
Barb wasn’t grossed out by your bond anything, just seemed to joke about how people may perceive you as more. 
Nancy stopped holding your hand. She stopped giving you soft kisses on the cheek. 
You two stayed friends but drifted apart slowly, busy with your own lives. 
Flash forward a few years and Nancy was in college and freshly broken up with her boyfriend and you were in the big city, free spirited. You were learning things, like how you loved the hustle and bustle but missed Hawkins small town charm. She had called your cell phone, voice warm and sweet as ever. Your heart clenched. 
“Hey…I know we haven’t hung out in a while, but I’m in New York for an interview with the New York Post…” 
“Nance, that’s awesome!,” You exclaimed, heart and mind begging her to come see you, your stomach twisting.
“Um, yeah…So I-”
“Did you need a place to crash, because- Sorry! My connection is so shitty, I-,” You started, heart racing.
“No, yeah! I would appreciate that! Yeah…you’re the best,” Nancy stated, a smile clear in her voice. 
“Of course! Like old times, huh? We can make it like a sleepover!,” You grinned, heart threatening to escape its cage. 
“Oh yeah! I’d love that! Thanks, angel,” Nancy said softly, before saying her goodbyes as your heart threatened to stop. You hadn’t heard that nickname in a while. 
If you knew one thing, it was this: You had…feelings…for Nancy. 
You loved her coconut and vanilla shampoo, the way she rolled her eyes when you said something ridiculous, her studious nature, and her blinding smile. She was smart, strong, and maybe a little too stubborn. 
You’d suspected it, of course. For years. But you’d never been with a girl. Only a handful of boys had piqued your interest, and most of them… were less than stellar. 
Nancy was a constant in your mind, more reassured than cicadas in the summertime. 
You immediately sat up in your tiny studio apartment (all you could afford), and rushed out the door. 
This had to be the best reunion ever. 
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When you finished, your apartment was decked out in pink string lights, snacks littering your  kitchen counter, along with DVDs stacked up on your coffee table, and all the activities you knew Nancy would love. Face masks, friendship bracelet making, and your switch to play MarioKart (She always beat you). 
You stared at the whole set up, proud of the progress, when a knock startled you. You answered the door, eyes wide at Nancy on the other side. She was still petite as ever, but her heels made her a little taller. Her familiar curls were shorter now, her makeup simple but…flawless. She smiled softly at you, blue eyes making your heart stop. 
“Hey, Angel,” She said, reaching out for a hug. 
You met her hug, melting into her arms and your face buried in her hair. There was that familiar scent, making your heart skip a beat. You pulled away after a bit, trying to will yourself to calm your heart, your face warm. 
“Hey, Nance. Come on in, get comfy,” You ushered her in as she looked around, smiling. 
“Wow, this is so cute! You didn’t have to go through all this for me,” She said, eyebrows pinched in a way that made you want to hold her hand. You refrained. 
“Nonsense! It was fun, honestly,” You shrugged, smiling. You tried to will your eyes away from her lips, her lip gloss capturing the peachy color perfectly. 
You smiled and clapped your hands, turning around, desperately trying to ignore the stampede of elephants currently running laps in your stomach. 
“Well…what movie do you wanna start off with? Mean Girls?” 
 Nancy and you were huddled under a blanket, currently suffering a sugar high and giggling over Regina getting hit by a bus. A bowl of popcorn rested between the two of you as you chatted, you seemingly playing off the desire to kiss the brunette next to you. 
Nancy dug into the bowl, smiling. 
“Ya know…Regina George is one of my women crushes,” She joked, eyes twinkling with humor. 
You gasped, laughing, “Me too! Me too!,” You couldn’t stop the giggles coming out of your mouth. 
“But honestly I’m kind of surprised…All American Sweetheart Nancy Wheeler, Investigative Journalist, Future Nobel Prize Winner…crush on Regina? I thought you’d say like, Cady or Janice…Maybe Karen. I can see you liking a bimbo,” You teased, dodging the popcorn Nancy threw at you in horror, pretty lips in an O. 
“Hey! Look, I don’t support the way Regina acts…She’s just really gorgeous. And fashionable. Now for Karen…I prefer Amanda Seyfried in Mamma Mia. She’s super hot there…and sweet,” Nancy smiles, cheeks pink. 
Your heart skips a beat, laughing softly. Nancy wasn’t a prude or anything, just a studious and goal driven person, her wit sometimes scaring you. Hearing her gush over girls when you experienced her own apprehension towards you two toeing the line both confused and made you perk up. 
Would she maybe give you a chance?
But you were too scared to push it. 
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You and Nancy eventually wore yourselves out, passing out on the couch. 
You woke up after her, the scent of cinnamon and coffee permeating your kitchen. Nancy, always being an early bird, had woken up early and made breakfast. You rubbed at your eyes sleepily, stretching and yawning, trying to shake off the cobwebs. 
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Nancy piped up, hands holding a mug as she smiled into the mug, eyes sparkling with that same sharpness you adored from her. She was dressed up and makeup simple yet elegant, as per usual. You’d almost forgotten she’d had an interview this morning.
You perked up a bit at her voice, her voice making the stampede of elephants take another lap in your stomach. You seriously needed to get this crush under control. 
“Morning,” You piped up, standing up from your couch, stretching. 
“So I thought maybe we could explore the city? I’d like to know the place if I get to stay here,” She says sheepishly, her cheeks pink. You felt your heart pick up speed as your cheeks burst into flames. 
Nancy. In the city. Around you. 
“Sure! Did the interview this morning go well?,” You questioned in the most casual tone you could muster, coming over and grabbing the mug of coffee she so fondly made for you, her remembrance of how you liked it making your chest feel tight.
“Yeah! I think I really impressed them with my past papers and the one I wrote for the Hawkins Post about the Mayor’s embezzling,” She grinned, her expression glowing. 
“That’s awesome, Nance,” You smiled, walking around the counter to pull her into a side hug, your hands brushing her waist. You pulled away quickly, covering it with a cough. 
“Um, we should celebrate,” You offer, trying to ignore the imagery in your head of Nancy by you, your hands around her waist, your lips on her… 
Get a hold of yourself, dumbass. 
You ignore the growing need in your belly. 
“Yeah! Let’s!,” Nancy smiles, lighting up the entire kitchen. 
You smile and let her know you’re going to take a quick shower and change, heading for your drawers and grabbing clothes before heading off to the bathroom, trying to not think of how she had smelled like your soap, clearly using your shower this morning before heading out. 
Her lean and petite frame naked and…
You were gonna need cold water. 
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You and Nancy spent the whole day walking around and exploring, huddled together in jackets, the crisp New York air cutting through the fabric. You showed her Times Square, the Mysterious Bookshop (which of course she poured over, being the mystery lover that she was), Central Park and the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater (you’d bought tickets in advance like a lovesick loser), and more. You’d ended the night by taking Nancy to a bar, buying her drinks in celebration. 
Which is how you had ended up stumbling into your apartment, giggling, the two of you leaned against one another. 
You were drunk, falling over yourselves as you sat on the couch and Nancy giggled, cheeks red and hair a mess. 
“I can’t beli-lieve I punched that guy,” She slurred, grinning. 
You grinned back just as dopey, giggling. “Yo-you were like my knight in shining armorrr,” You drawled out, hiccuping. You leaned against Nancy as she swayed on the couch a bit before standing up, leaving you to flop over. 
“Where goooo?,” You sing-songed, the buzz in your veins making you flop around like a fish. 
“W-ater…need..to give you,” Nancy mumbled, giggling as she overfilled a glass and it spilled into the sink. “Oops.” 
She stumbled over to you, giving you the water, your mind still fuzzy as she stood and tilted your head up and poured the water in your mouth, the desire growing between your legs. You swallowed, cheeks burning. 
“Y-you look out for me too much,” You slurred, voice soft. 
Nancy flopped next to you, shrugging it off, drinking some of the water. You watched her throat bob up and down as she drank, the wetness beneath your legs pooling as you noticed her jawline and neck, wanting to mark the pale skin with purple and red bruises. 
She set the cup down, turning to face you and eyes so intense you sobered up a little. 
“Rem-ember when we useded to play boyfriend and girlfriend?,” She asked, voice still slurring slightly but softer. 
You nodded, your throat feeling dry. Hell yeah you remembered it. Lips brushing Nancy’s neck, her own lips. Coming much closer to kissing than friends should. Sure, you were young, but you knew the implications. Later on in your early teen years, you two practiced kissing on one another, claiming you didn’t want to be bad at it. It was a giggly and silly sort of kiss, but led to more ‘practice’, you claiming to be nervous. You sort of lied, but Nancy never knew.
“I miss that,” She whispered, eyes staring at the couch as she played with the stray thread that seemed to escape the cushions. You gulped, heart threatening to stop. Your hands shook. You were sobering up quickly, still fuzzy but desire building. 
“Y-yeah…Si-simpler times,” You managed to get out, your words stuck in your throat like honey. You turned to sit criss-cross, facing Nancy, your eyes taking in her long lashes and how she bit her lip. Fuck. You wanted to bite it for her. 
She leaned forward, voice barely above a whisper as she looked down at your lap, hands fidgeting. “I n-never told you…but I think you were a better kisser than Steve or Jonathan.”
You laughed a bit, heat extending from your cheeks to your neck. “No way…I would always smile and giggle.”
Nancy giggled a bit, smiling and scooting closer, eyes still wandering before looking at you, clearly sheepish and still buzzed. “I mean, I’m sure you’ve improved. You’ve grown a lot.” 
You felt your heart stop and your mouth run dry. You swallowed and smiled, trying to tame your flaming skin. “Y-yeah…Definitely more experienced..But nothing’s been crazy,” You joked, waving a hand off, trying to be careful to not cross the line. 
Nancy nodded, letting a beat of silence cross before she piped up again. “H-have you ever…done anything…with…a girl?,” She questioned, brow furrowed, cheeks red. She seemed to fidget a bit, making your eyes glance at her chest, which was raising and falling rapidly, splotchy pink. You looked up. 
“N-no. Bu-but I mean there’s a first time for everything, right?,” You joked, your stomach twisting and turning at Nancy’s sudden interest in your sex life. 
“What about you?,” You asked softly. Nancy shook her head, chewing on her lips again before thoughtfully looking at you, face crossed with an expression you couldn’t read, brows furrowed and eyes guarded. “Wo-would you w-want to?” She bit her lip again, hand touching your calf. 
You swallowed, eyes on her touching you. You whispered, your heart racing and the heavy beat loud in your ears. “I mean…maybe..” 
She leaned forward a bit and seemed to sigh softly, her voice slightly shaking. “C-can we try…pretending…again? Ju-just…for old time’s sake.” 
You felt your brain short circuit as your heart seemed to disappear into the floor, your eyes wide. 
“Ye-yeah…I mean we’re tipsy and-” 
Nancy cut you off with a bruising kiss, her plush lips capturing yours as you felt your breath get taken away, eyes fluttering closed as she grabbed your jaw with one hand. You kept kissing, breaking apart for air before she crashed back into you, your back hitting the couch as she loomed over you, elbows against the couch, a giggle escaping your lips as Nancy smiled against your mouth. 
“Shh, I’m trying to impress you with my kissing skills,” She mumbled against your lips, a smile still on her face. 
You were about to retort before she began kissing you more passionately. She licked your bottom lip, making you gasp and allowing her to slip her tongue into your mouth, you softly moaning beneath her. 
Your hands drifted up to around her waist, never getting enough of her soft skin. You pulled her in closer, the two of you pressed together. Your hands slipped beneath her top, rubbing at her sides and slowly inching her shirt up inch by inch. She finally sat up, straddling you and throwing off her top, her pale pink and lacy bra making you salivate. You reached up slowly as she bit her lip, nodding. Your hands brushed the fabric, your mind swimming with only thoughts of how intimate this was. You squeezed one breast, Nancy moaning softly before reaching around and undoing her bra, letting it fall loose, blush spreading from her cheeks to her chest. She shrugged off the bra, letting it fall to the ground before grabbing your hands, placing them on her bare breast, chewing on her lip as her blue eyes stared at you with want. You kneaded her breasts, playing with her nipples like you often would with yourself, hips bucking up at the erotic scene unfolding above you. Nancy rolled her hips against yours, moaning at the friction. You felt it too, the direct pressure against your aching core. 
Nancy leaned down and continued making out, the two of you moaning against each other's mouths, rolling your hips against one another. Nancy eventually tugged at your shirt, mumbling against your mouth. “Off. Now.”
You moaned against her, tugging your shirt up and over your head as she pulled away, then reaching behind yourself and undoing your bra, shrugging it off quickly as she leaned down and took one of your nipples in your mouth, immediately making you arch your back and whimper beneath her. She didn’t abandon your other nipple either, nimble finger tracing the bud and pinching it softly. 
“You feel so soft,” She whispered around your breast, licking the bud before nipping at it. She rolled her hips against yours as you bucked your hips up, moaning. She sat back up, cupping your breasts before pinching both of the buds and making you cry out, blue eyes staring at your chest. “So pretty…”
You reached up from your spot under her, tugging at her button on her jeans, whimpering beneath her as Nancy squeezed one of your breasts delicately before whispering softly. “Be patient, angel.” 
She undid your button on your own pants, tugging them down your legs before tossing the pants away, staring at you for a minute, biting her lip. You felt heat crawl from your neck up your cheeks, aware of your nakedness as Nancy spread your legs gently, softly coaxing you. She stared at the wet spot near your center before looking at you, smiling softly. 
“Guess I proved myself,” She said softly, making you hide your face in your hands, embarrassed at how easily she made you soak through your underwear. She pulled your hands away gently, tutting. “No, no. I wanna see those pretty eyes…”
She reached out her hand, her pointer finger rubbing your sensitive clit through the fabric, making you writhe beneath her. She hooked a finger into your underwear, eyes eager as she looked at you. 
“Can I take these off?” 
You nodded wordlessly, lifting your hips so she could remove the one barrier keeping you clothed. Nancy tossed the fabric to the side, staring at your cunt like it was a meal, licking her lips. Her gaze stayed at your dripping core, eyes dark with lust. “Ca-can I…I know I haven’t ever… but-” You cut her off by squeezing her hand that was holding your thigh, nodding. Words were escaping you.
She laid down fully, her soft breath so close that it made you shiver. She licked a stripe up your slit cautiously, continuing when she heard your whining. She kitten licked your clit a few times before sucking it into her mouth, shooting waves of pleasure through the bud. Your hands tangled into her soft curls, the usually tidy brunette waves now a mess. She folded your legs up against your chest in a gentle coaxing manner, humming against your cunt as you did so. She began alternating licking broader stripes and focusing on circling your clit with her tongue. She clearly was calculating which movements and flicks of her tongue made you pull at her hair more, being sure to keep the constant pleasure flowing. Eventually she pulled away from licking and sucking at your clit, moving one of her hands off to rub at the sensitive spot with her fingers, pulling whines from your throat, pleasure bubbling up in your stomach. 
“So pretty…so much better than anyone I’ve ever had, angel,” Nancy practically purred, making you buck your hips up into her touch. She stopped for a bit to stare at you, reveling in how your pussy clenched around nothing, 
“Nan...Nancy….,” You whimpered, pleasure numbing your brain, need seeping into your bones. “T-touch me, please…touch me…” 
Nancy chewed on her bottom lip in thought, her breath hitching as you begged for any release. She stood up quickly, unbuttoning her pants and stripping down to nothing, barely giving you a chance to react to her pink lacy panties. She laid down on the couch, making you sit up and look at her confused. She bit her lip and stared at you, eyes making you shiver. “Come sit on my face, angel,” She coaxed you, swallowing down her nerves. You felt your heart speed up, cheeks hotter than hell, nodding. 
You’d known from high school rumors that Steve loved the 69 position, and Nancy was a ‘quick learner’’. Of course this was before Steve grew and matured, becoming the sweet man Nancy befriended and children adored. But this fact intimidated you a bit. What if you sucked at this? You’d never- 
Your thoughts were cut off with a soft slap to your thigh, Nancy’s tone firm and meaning business. “Hey, stop overthinking. Just sit.” She laid back down as you climbed on top, your core hovering over her face before her soft hands gripped your hips and pulled you down onto her mouth, immediately lapping at your dripping center. You laid down, opening her legs and starting simple by circling her clit, your hands clammy with anxiety. She moaned around your clit, driving you to continue before slowly lowering your head to her center, licking a tentative stripe, and moaning. Her mouth against you along with the taste of her cunt, nothing like the other people you’d ever slept with. You began licking stripes up and down, circling her clit with your tongue, your own hips bucking against Nancy’s face as you continued moaning against her own dripping cunt, your pleasure building. Nancy’s moan vibrating against your clit, driving you to suck more and wriggle your hips against her. She kept rubbing your thighs, so gentle yet breaking you apart at the same time. Eventually you both were rocking your hips against one anothers faces, moaning and whimpering echoing in the room. You felt that familiar build up, popping off Nancy’s clit obscenely and whimpering against her thigh, begging. 
“Fuck…Baby, please, fuck, fuck, fuck-,” You whined out as Nancy pulled off you, those delicate fingers now thrusting in and out of your entrance while her thumb rubbed at your clit. 
“You can let go, angel. Cum,” Nancy whispered, her stern tone pushing you to climax as you cried out, bones suddenly gone, somehow still rubbing at her clit until she moaned loudly, clenching around nothing. 
“Fuck, angel.”
You stayed leaned against her, your breathing still shallow as you both panted, her softly caressing your skin and laying gentle kisses on your skin, trying to catch her breath. You felt her whisper against your thigh, voice meek. 
“That was…better than the video I watched.” 
You laid in silence for a moment, brain still fuzzy before you laughed a bit, realizing Nancy meant she had watched (and probably studied in earnest) some porn. 
There was a beat of silence, the two of you comfortable and seemingly worn out for a second, before Nancy’s voice piped up below you. 
“So…are you willing to try something else?,” She asked cautiously. 
You scrambled up and sat across from her, admiring her naked body, her lean muscles and lithe stature. Your cunt clenched in lust again, your breath shallow. 
“We do have all night-,” You stated, cut off by another bruising kiss that had you falling backward again. 
Guess it’s true what they say…In New York, you can try many things.
Taglist: @reidsbtch
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sweet-villain · 8 months
My Heart Stands Still~ E.M
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Summary: Eddie is dealing with your death.
Summary : I'm sorry this is short, but I needed to write this as I am dealing with losing someone.
The feeling of losing someone you love is an indescribable pain that cuts deep into your heart. It's a pain that consumes you, leaving you with a heavy weight on your chest and tears constantly streaming down your face. 
The thought of never being able to see or talk to them again is unbearable. You find yourself crying at the smallest reminder of them - a familiar scent, a song that you used to listen to together, or even a simple memory. Every little thing seems to trigger a wave of emotions and tears.
That is how Eddie felt as he stood standing with everyone else that knew you. That loved you. That cared deeply for you. Your friends and your loved once. But they didn't know the feeling like Eddie.
He loved you.
He feels like a part of him has been taken away, a part of him that he would never get back. The sadness and the grief seems never ending and he wondered when will he ever move on. Will he move on?
The realization that he will never hear your voice or feel your touch again is like a knife to his heart. His mind is flooded with regrets and what ifs, and he starts to question every moment that he had with you.
He wished he could turn back time and cherish every second, but it's too late. The pain of losing you, the person he love is not just emotional, it's psychical too. It's a constant ache in his chest that makes it hard for him to breathe.
It feels like he is suffocating, drowning in his own tears.
The world around him seems to continue on, but he feels stuck in never ending cycle of grief.
He tried finding comfort in his memories, his friends, his band, talking to Wayne, but they only brought him more tears. More anger too.
It's a rollercoaster of emotions, from anger and disbelief to sadness and numbness. He couldn't feel anything close to what he felt when you were here. It's the thought of facing life without you is daunting and overwhelming. How was he suppose to graduate? How was he suppose to get his first gig? His first dance? Without you. It seems impossible.
But through all the tears and pain, he holds onto the love you two shared. He holds onto the moments that made him laugh and the memories that brought him joy.
The first smile you gave him. The first sparkle in your eye when he said your name. The first time he made you laugh. The first lame joke he shared with you. The first time you came over. The first kiss. The first hug. The first hand holding. The first time you told him you loved him.
He holds onto every note you have given him. It's stored underneath his bed.
But then there was anger. Eddie couldn't help but go back to it.
The anger that he felt in the situation had been all consuming, as he struggled to make sense to why this happened. He found himself asking, " Why her? Why now? We were happy. Why did she leave me?'These questions may have never been answered, leaving him frustrated.
He felt anger at himself, too.
He wasn't able to protect you at your final moments. You didn't listen to him. You didn't stay.
You chose your own path with danger staring right at you.
" Eddie? Are you in here?" he heard banging on his bedroom door. His head turns, glancing at it and rolls his eyes knowing that Dustin is the one that would keep bugging him on where he was. He just want to wallow in his own tears.
They didn't know what's like. Dustin had Suzy. El had Mike. Robin had Vicky. Max had Lucas. Nancy had Jonathan. Steve had someone. Blah.
" We're worried about you, Eddie" he heard Robin's voice this time. They all had ears to the door hoping to hear some sort of life behind the door.
Eddie laid on his unmade bed, with a photo of you two on his chest as he holds it to himself. He has no more tears to shed and he doesn't remember the last time he took a shower as piles of clothes lay on the floor, his back pack is opened with his notes all over the floor.
He hasn't worked on a new campaign in months, even. He hasn't been going to band practice either.
Everyone was better off without Eddie. That's what he thought.
It felt like everyone else moved on from you, only Eddie was the one to have his world stopped. Because you died and he couldn't save you. He wasn't there.
It wasn't fair.
" We're here for you, bud" he hears the sound of Steve's voice. " You're not going through this alone" he adds. Eddie rolls his eyes.
Yeah, like Steve knew what he was going through.
" Please" he hears Max say. " I know your in there, it's all going to be okay" she adds with a broken voice, he can hear her trying to hold it together.
" She was our friend, she was our best friend. Eddie..." Nancy says.
They sighed when they saw that the door was not going to be opened. They all waited and waited, sitting outside in hopes that Eddie would walk through the door.
It wasn't until about midnight when the door finally opened. Heads shot up and feet scrambled off the ground as they all looked towards the door.
He finally stepped out. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. There wasn't much color to his face. His hair was ragged and looked like some butter ran through on top of his hair.
Eddie held a picture frame in his arms and he was dressed in one of your hoodies that you had given to him.
It doesn't smell like you anymore, sadly. But you wore it for him many times before you were gone.
Eddie's lips quivered and tears ran down his cheeks as he collapses to the ground in a harsh cry.
Arms wrap around him as they hold him up. He leans onto them like they were going to vanish into the air. Max is holding Eddie, as she hold him tight showing him she wasn't going anywhere. He sobs into her shirt, soaking it with tears.
" Why her.... why..." Eddie keeps repeating through his sobs. Eddie couldn't see everyone's faces as they cried along with him, missing you and wishing you were still here.
It wasn't fair that you were the one to be taken away from them. To deal with this pain.
You didn't deserve it.
Steve wiped his tears with the back of his hands as he catches Robin's eye. They shared a look upon one another that understood the other what it meant.
They weren't going to let you disappear. You left a mark on their lives.
You were their friend.
There was so many memories made.
Your death wasn't going to be forgotten.
The sniffling coming from Eddie has stopped as he rose his head from Max and looks down at the picture he's holding. His fingers brush over your face, your happy and smiling face and his raises his head up as he stared at his friends.
" I want revenge"
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whoisshel · 1 year
Holly, Jolly
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
word count: 3225
tw: swearing
You woke up the next morning to an arm draped around your waist and a hand tucked in your hair scratching the back of your head. You laid on Eddie’s chest, slowly opening your eyes you blinked a couple times, trying to get rid of the sleep. The hand that was in front of your face, moved down to his stomach caressing it with your thumb as a way to let him know you were awake. 
“How late to school are we?” You asked Eddie knowing he doesn’t set an alarm to wake him up for school.
“Uh,” Eddie lifted his head a little to look at his clock, “Only missed like the first two classes.”
Pushing yourself up to a sitting position, you let out a sigh, “Guess we better get ready, so we don’t miss the rest of the day.” “Hey, no, why don’t we just skip the rest of the day.” Eddie suggested, grabbing at your waist to pull you back down, but you don't budge.
“I can’t skip, I have theater practice.” You said in a slightly stern tone, only making the humorous smirk on Eddie’s face grow bigger.
“That’s right, the lead needs to be perfect.” Eddie joked, leaning up on his arm.
You scoffed, shoving Eddie’s shoulder pushing him back down, but the small smile gave your fake annoyed look away, “I’m not the lead, just one of them.”
“Oh my bad,” Eddie put his hands up feigning surrender, “What musical are you doing again?”
“Guys and Dolls.”
“Isn’t that, that Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando movie?” Eddie asked, sitting back up becoming more interested.
“Don’t forget about Jean Simmons and Viviane Blaine.” You quipped back with an eye roll.
Eddie rolled his eyes right back, but in more of an exaggerated way, “Of course, can’t forget about them, who are you playing again?”
“Adelaide,” You answered, Eddie’s face turned confused, “Viviane Blaine… Frank Sinatra’s love interest.”
“Of course, I knew that.” Eddie said completely lying, “Don’t forget to tell me when, I want to see my girl front and center.”
Eddie brought his other hand that he wasn’t leaning on up to your face to bring you in for a kiss, pulling back just a little bit you replied, “Of course I will.” Now standing up and going over to Eddie’s drawer to pick out clothes for the day, “Come on, don’t want to be later than we already are.”
Eddie only sighed, laying back down on his bed, until a shirt came flying and hit him in the face, “Fine.”
Making it to the school in your separate cars, you both walked in together as the bell rang letting the students out of second period. The couple gave each other a kiss and soft goodbyes before going their separate ways to your own lockers.
As you opened your locker, shoving your backpack inside, a loud voice came up next to you, “Dude, did you hear what’s going around the school?”
You turned your head to the side, seeing that it was Robin who asked the question, “No, what?”
“Apparently, Steve Harrington had a party last night and at some point he and Nancy Wheeler went to his room, and you know.” Robin said, in a quieter voice with an amused look at the gossip she heard.
Your face scrunched up in disgust, “Ew, gross.”
“I know right,” Robin replied, still amused, “I guess you were right, she is naive.”
“Yeah, no kidding, who would want to lose their virginity to Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington.”
“I don’t know if you have much room to talk, since you lost yours to Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson.” Robin jokes, not meaning any offense to her friend or her friend’s boyfriend who she liked for You.
“Hey, at least we lost our virginities together.” You laughed along with Robin. “I’m not just one of his many girls.”
Robin was now the one to twist her face up in disgust, “Ugh, now I’m thinking about Steve and the many girls he’s somehow convinced into his bed.”
“Ew, why are you thinking about that, don’t think about that,” You became grossed out again, “Now you’ve got me thinking about it.”
“Let’s just get to class.” Robin said, trying to distract them from Steve’s manwhore ways.
“Oh yeah, what happened in English?” You asked, shutting your locker then turning to walk towards your next class.
Walking into the cafeteria, you headed over to where Eddie sat with other Hellfire Club members. Eddie sat at the head of the table, being this year's new Dungeon Master and having superiority over other newer members. Once making it over to the table, you set a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, bringing his attention up to you. You leaned down and gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek, “Hey, how were the two classes you went to?”
“Stupid, all people can talk about are Steve and Nancy today, it’s annoying,” Eddie answered. Putting an arm around your waist to bring you closer, “How were your classes?”
“The same, that’s all I’ve heard about.” You rolled your eyes, about to say more, but was interrupted by the pretend moaning coming from Carol and Tommy who were sitting a couple tables behind them, “Speaking of annoying.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie groaned, becoming even more annoyed, “Only two people could be worse, and they’re the loudest people in this school. That’s coming from me.”
You chuckled a little at the last thing he said. Looking away from the table and at the door across from them, you saw Jonathan walk by the door, “Oh, hey, I’ll see you later, I need to talk to Jonathan.”
“Alright, see you later, love you.” Eddie muttered, not realizing what was coming out of his mouth before it was too late. He just hoped you didn’t hear as you were already walking away.
Running a little to try and catch up to Jonathan, you called out his name, “Jonathan, hey, Jonathan.”
Jonathan turned around hearing his name, then stopped walking, seeing that it was you, “Oh, hey Y/N, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to ask you how it went with Lonnie, if you found anything about Will?” You asked, once you caught up to him.
“It went just about how you’d think it’d go with Lonnie.” Jonathan muttered in annoyance, looking down. “But there wasn’t anything that suggested Will had been there.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry Jonathan.” You said sympathetically, becoming more and more concerned as days passed by without any clue as to where Will is.
“Thanks, but I went into the woods last night and took some pictures to see if there was anything that could lead me to where Will is, and I’m going to go develop them.” Jonathan stammered out quickly, turning slightly in the direction he was headed in.
You grabbed his arm to stop him, “Wait, you went into the woods last night, alone?”
“It’s no big deal-”
“No big deal, there’s someone obviously bad out there, you shouldn’t go out there alone.” You cautioned Jonathan, concerned about his safety.
“It’s fine, Y/N, Really.” Jonathan said, grabbing your arms to try and ease his friend’s anxieties. 
“Fine, but next time you call me.” You demanded, giving Jonathan a stern look.
Jonathan only smiled seeing how much you cared about him, “I will, I promise.”
“Okay, good, now go develop those pictures.” You said, keeping up the bossy behavior.
“Yes, ma’am.” Jonathan laughed, turning around and walking away.
You stayed standing in that spot watching Jonathan continue walking. You let out a big sigh, still worried for your friend and his little brother.
After school, you walked out to the school’s parking lot and towards your car. Once you make it to the car and are standing in front of the driver’s side door, you look up and see Steve and his group blocking Jonathan’s way to his car. Knowing where this might lead, you make your way over to Jonathan. 
“-You know, as… connoisseurs of art.” You catch the last bit of what Steve was saying, once you made it to Jonathan’s side.
“What are you doing, Steve?” You ask Steve, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Jonathan here was just about to show us the pictures he took.” Steve said, turning his head to look towards you then looked back at Jonathan.
Jonathan sighs, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Jonathan pushed past the crowd to walk towards his car, but before he could make it too far Tommy took Jonathan's bag off his shoulder.
“Hey,” Jonathan yelled, walking towards Tommy to try and get his bag back. “Please just give me my bag.”
You took a step towards Tommy reaching for the bag. Before either of them could get close enough, Tommy tossed the bag to Steve. “Man, he is totally trembling. He must really have something to hide.” Steve said once the bag was in his hands.
“Steve, don't.” You warned him, but he didn’t listen. Instead Steve turned and set the bag on Jonathan’s car, opening and taking the pictures out.
 Steve turned back around, leaning on the car, looking through the pictures, “Ah… here we go.” As he looked through the pictures he muttered, “Ah, man.”
“Let me see.” Tommy said, taking a picture to look at for himself, then looked up at Jonathan, “Dude.”
Carol walked over taking the pictures to see what they were looking at, “Yeah, this isn’t creepy at all.”
“I was looking for my brother.” Jonathan muttered, not able to explain himself further as Steve started talking again.
“No, this is called stalking.”
“Steve, just leave him alone.” You tried to reason with him. You haven't seen the pictures yourself, but you wouldn’t let Steve and his asshole friends pick on Jonathan.
“What’s going on?” Nancy asked as she walked up to them.
“Here’s the starring lady.” Tommy teased.
“What?” Nancy asked, completely confused about the whole situation.
“This creep was spying on us last night.” Carol answered, taking a picture out of the pile and handing it to Nancy. “He was probably gonna save this one for later.”
Nancy took the picture and looked at it in shock, not knowing what to say about it. Steve had a lot to say about it though, “See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but that’s the thing about perverts… it’s hardwired into them, you know, they just can’t help themselves.” Steve ripped the pictures that were still in his hands, then turned around to walk back towards the car, “So, we’ll just have to take away his toy.”
“No, please not the camera.” Jonathan begged, when Steve pulled the camera out of Jonathan’s bag.
“No, no, wait, wait, Tommy, Tommy,” Steve stuttered out quickly, making Tommy back off, “It’s okay, here you go, man.”
Steve held the camera out for Jonathan to grab, and as Jonathan was about to go for it, Steve let it drop to the ground. The camera smashed on the ground and everyone looked at it in shock, except for Steve who didn’t care.
“What the hell, Steve!” You yelled angrily, “So much for that apology.”
Steve just looked at you for a moment with a blank stare, then turned to walk away, “Come on, man, the games about to start.”
The rest of them walked away with Steve, leaving Jonathan, you, and Nancy to stand there. As soon as they left Jonathan dropped to the ground to look at the pieces of his camera. You soon followed, to try and help pick up the ripped pictures scattering the ground, finally seeing what the pictures of. You didn’t think it was right, but neither was breaking his camera.
Nancy stood there for a moment, until one of the pictures caught her eye. She bent down to get a better look at it. You looked over at Nancy seeing her just stare at the picture for a while.
“Hey, Nance!” Steve yelled across the parking lot, “Come on.”
Nancy scrambled to pick up pieces of the pictures while staring at Jonathan who just stared back looking guilty for what he did. Picking up the pieces, Nancy stood back up and ran back over to Steve leaving Jonathan to look down at his smashed camera. You watched the interaction between the two, then glared over to where Steve stood becoming overwhelmed with anger.
You finished helping Jonathan pick up everything off the ground and muttered a goodbye to him. Derminiation written all over your face, you started speed walking towards the school where you knew Steve would be waiting. Your fists were clenched and jaw set, you were ready to fight.
Pushing the double doors wide open, you set your eyes on Steve who was sitting with his back against the lockers, “Steve! What the fuck is your problem?”
Tommy started towards you ready to tell you off, but Steve stood up and tugged his shoulder back, “It’s all good, I’ll deal with her.”
“You’re going to deal with me?” You quipped, your eyebrows raising, “Like you did with Jonathan?”
Steve walked close over to you, getting close enough so only you could hear what he said, “He deserved that, did you see those pictures?”
“He didn’t deserve you breaking his fucking camera.” You snapped, only getting angrier.
“Aren’t you the one who told me I never did anything,” Steve asked stepping closer, “I finally did something.”
Your eyes started to water as you stared up at Steve in complete disbelief, “You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah, is that what you think?” Steve stared straight into your eyes trying to keep a blank face as he sees the tears begin to form
“Yeah that’s what I think.” You growled, quickly turning around to leave not wanting to be near Steve any longer.
Once you left, the group went back to how they were and back to talk about whatever stupid things they were talking about. As she was standing there, Nancy couldn’t help but zone the conversation out and let her mind wander. Nancy thought about you and everything you just said to Steve, then to Jonathan and the pictures he took. Nancy thought deeply about the picture of Barb sitting by Steve’s pool.
Having enough of not knowing, Nancy decided to walk away from the three other people she was with to go and find some answers.
“Whoa, Nance, where you going?” Steve asked, confused as to why she just started walking away without saying anything.
“I totally forgot,” Nancy stuttered out an excuse, “I told my mom I would, um, I would do something with her.”
“Well, what do you mean?” Steve questioned, standing up to follow after her, “The games about to start.”
“I’m sorry.” Nancy replied over her shoulder as she continued walking away.
Nancy made it to the parking lot and over to the car she was hopeful would still be there. Nancy softly knocked on the window of the driver’s side door then stepped back to be able to look in the car.
You quickly wiped your eyes before looking out your window to see who knocked on it. When you saw it was Nancy Wheeler, you became even more confused. You rolled down the window, leaned one arm against the door and asked, “What do you want?” 
“Um, I wanted to know if Jonathan was okay?” Nancy stammered, kind of shocked by your anger.
“Why don’t you ask him yourself.” You replied, leaning back to roll the window back up.
“Wait, wait.” Nancy quickly said, you paused looking back up at her. “Have you seen Barb today?”
“Barb?” You were confused by the random question. “I only ever usually see her with you.”
Starting to tear up, Nancy sputtered out, “I just, I haven’t seen her today and her mom said she didn’t come home last night… I just don’t know what to do.”
“You think Barb is missing too?” You asked, becoming worried. Nancy only nodded a yes to the question not wanting to actually say that her best friend might be missing. “When was the last time you saw her?”
“At Steve’s, she was going to head home, but her mom said she didn’t show up.” Nancy answered, kind of happy that someone’s finally listening to her.
“Alright, let’s start there.”
“What, really?” Nancy said, surprised that not only are you listening, but also going to help find Barb.
“Yes, now get in.”
You parked behind Barb’s car once they made it down the street from Steve's house. The two of you got out of the car and walked over to Barb’s to check it out. Neither of you saw anything suspicious in the car, so both of you stood up straight to look around the area.
“Barb?” Nancy shouted, “Barb!”
“Why would she leave her car?” You asked
“She wouldn’t.” Nancy answered, both of you started to walk towards the woods.
“Right, so, either she got spooked and the only choice was to run or someone took her.” You stated bluntly, causing Nancy to turn and look at you concerned. “And maybe whoever took her also took Will.”
Nancy and you walked through the gate into Steve’s backyard standing in front of the pool.
“Barb?” Nancy called out into the backyard, but received no reply. 
After a couple seconds, rustling came from the woods to the left of you. The two stared where the noise came from, then glanced at each other for a quick moment before turning back to look at the woods and walking towards it.
“Barb?” Nancy called out once again as you walked into the woods. The rustling noise happened once again from behind you. Turning to look behind you, Nancy yelled, “Barb?” 
As you both looked for what could’ve caused the rustling something ran behind you. Quickly turning around, the two girls caught a glimpse of what it was which sent them running. Taking a couple steps, Nancy tripped and fell to the ground, you quickly helped her back to her feet and started to run again.
Making it to your car, you rushed in and slammed the door shut. You locked the car as soon as the doors were closed, staring straight ahead in shock and fear, “Did you see-”
“Yeah.” Nancy answered 
“Okay.” You turned the car on and did a u-turn driving over the speed limit to get away from there as fast as possible.
You parked in Nancy’s driveway and sat in the car still scared at what you saw, but still wanting to know what’s happening, “We’re going to find Barb and find Will,” You started, turning to face Nancy, “And we’re going to figure out whatever the hell that was, okay?”
Nancy nodded as her eyes started watering, but keeping eye contact with you, “Okay.”
“Now go home and get some sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay, bye.” Nancy muttered, not able to say anything else. She got out of the car and headed towards her house.
You stayed in your car, not wanting to go inside your house and be alone. Even if your parents were home, you’d still be alone. Turning the car back on, you put the car in reverse and started driving towards the one person you could always count on, Eddie.
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hepaidattention · 1 year
that one where Nancy says Ace's full name
Ace looks at Nancy, exhaling a big puff of breath from his lungs, and the smallest of smiles creeping up the corners of his mouth. "Feels kinda weird, doesn't it? Being free from the supernatural drama for once?"
Nancy, eyes wide, mind racing, turned her head slowly as she looked up at her smiling Ace. Free from supernatural drama. Free. They were free. They had been free for months and they didn't even know, and now here they were, side by side, free, and neither of them had done anything about that. "Yeah, it uh... kinda makes you wanna do something crazy, you know? Something uncharacteristic, something..."
"Spontaneous?" He wiggled his brows at her and Nancy couldn't help but give a splitting face grin back. Then he added, "What're you thinkin'? Paris?"
She nodded thoughtfully, then turned to face him completely. "I was thinking something a little more spontaneous than that,"
"Yeah?" Ace laughed, his hand running through his hair just to place it back in the perfect spot. "What could be more spontaneous than Paris? Getting married?"
He was joking, it was obvious. He was laughing and expecting Nancy to be laughing with him, but his smile deflated when he met her serious, bright blue eyes and said, "Yeah," then she shrugged, then said, "Honeymoon in Paris would make it even better."
His mouth opened, then closed. Then it opened again, then it closed again. His hands were on his hips in a very confused and serious stance, and finally he said, "Nance, are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Nancy shrugged, "I'm saying I love you, and not being able to say that I love you has been torture for the past few months. Now that I can, I don't intend of ever not saying it again."
"Nancy..." He was searching her eyes, panic in his, clearly terrified she wasn't real right now, or she was messing with him, or this was all another part of Temperance's ploy to ruin their happiness all over again.
So, Nancy took it upon herself to make it very real. "I am asking you in the middle of the sidewalk of Horseshoe Bay, in the purest spirit of spontaneity and love, that you, Joseph 'Ace' Hardy, will marry me."
"Resurected and proposed to all in the same day," he chuckled, his grin growing bigger and bigger by the minute. "Most definitely will be telling our grandkids about this one."
At this point, Nancy was wrapped securely in Ace's arms. She rolled her eyes teasingly as she said, "So... is that a yes?"
"Can I think about it?" Nancy would have said yes if he wasn't obviously joking. Before she could even answer he said, "I thought about it. I think Greece might be a better honeymoon destination."
Nancy rolled her eyes at him again, said, "Hell no," and pulled him from the collar of his shirt, bringing their lips together in a messy but sweet kiss. It was a kiss to make up for all of their lost ones, every opportunity stolen from Temperance, now being taken back and reclaimed as their own.
"Hey, get a room," they heard in a deep voice, a little too deep. They both pulled apart to see Bess walking up behind the two of them with a wide and beaming smile on her face, the obvious culprit of the fake deep voice. She gave a little wave and said, "Sorry to interrupt, but Nancy your dad's are looking for you."
"Oh perfect -" Nancy looked back up at Ace, knowing Bess was about to lose her mind. "Do you think they both can walk me down the aisle? Or what are we thinking, court house?"
Bess turned the color of a ghost - which would be white. She clenched both of their arms with a tight grip and said, "I'm sorry, is there something I'm missing?"
"Nothing much, just planning a wedding is all-" Ace pretended not to seem effected by Bess' squeals, "do you think Bess could be a best man - best woman?"
"Hmm, I don't know, I think Nick would be offended by that," Nancy was just being cruel at this point.
"Oh, to hell with Nickerson!" Bess exclaimed, both Ace and Nancy no longer able to hide their laughter, "If anyone is going to be Ace Hardy's best man it is going to be me." She crossed her arms over her chest and firmly said, "Now, what's this nonsense about a courthouse?"
Nancy smiled at her friend. She intertwined her fingers with Ace's and they walked hand in hand as they listened to Bess plan the most extravagant last minute wedding in Nancy's houses backyard. They walked their way up the sidewalk, up into the apartment, and with grins on their faces, shared the news with a roaring of applause.
Because after all they'd had been through together, no one could think of a better happy ending.
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prettybrownelf · 2 years
From Eden
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Chapter 6
Pairings- Knight! Eddie Munson x Prince! Male! Reader
Summary- Eddie finally makes a friend in the castle, but that dosent stop the thoughts running through his mind
Word Count- 1512
Content Warnings- Royal AU, Masterbation, Coming Out
(Chapter 7)
Break days were rare for any servants, but lucky for Eddie and Robin, the people they serve allow them to have the day to themselves. The two lovers would be having a day alone, so they humbly decided to let their right hands have a day together as well. 
Robin laughs to herself as she strolls through the garden, Eddie walking by her side. The tenseness of his shoulders catches her eye as she turns to look at him, walking backward through the grass. 
“You alright?” She asks, watching his gaze finally go to her instead of the flowers surrounding them. “Yes. I'm fine.” Robin rolls her eyes as she turns back around, plopping herself down on one of the marble benches. Eddie sits down next to her, letting out a long sigh. 
“Seriously Eddie, what's going on? I know you always look like a brooding asshole, but you look like a stressed-out brooding asshole right now.” Eddie glares at her as she sits crisscross on the bench, turning her body to him. She holds her pinky finger out like a child as she stares him in the eyes. “Tell me what's wrong, I won't tell a soul, swear.” 
Eddie looks between her and her pinky as he gives in, linking his pinky with hers as he slumps down, putting his head in his hands. “If you tell anyone, I swear to the gods.” Robin rolls her eyes dramatically. “Servants gotta stick together Eddie! Your secrets are safe with me!” 
It takes a moment for him to allow himself to speak. 
“I think.” Eddie begins, taking a deep breath as he realizes the words that are about to come out of his mouth. “I think I may have feelings for Lady Nancy.” The softness of his voice catches him off guard, a distinct contrast to the way he spoke to you last night. 
Robin is silent for longer than Eddie likes as she plays with the hem of her shirt. “Oh, alright.” Robin takes a shaky breath as she sits up, playing with a string on the end of her shirt to keep herself calm. “How did you realize that?” Eddie racks his mind with an answer as he stares at the grass. “When she looks at (Y/n) it makes my blood boil. Smiling at him, laughing with him, acting like he's the most perfect man she's ever met. It makes me want to-.” Eddie cuts himself off before he says something that'll get him executed. 
He did enough of that last night.
Robin searches her mind to find something to say as she puts a hand on Eddie's shoulder. “Servants falling for higher-ups isn't a new occurrence. But I would advise you to keep it to yourself.” A playful chuckle leaves Eddie's mouth as he looks over at the ginger girl. “You sound like you speak from experience.” Robin doesn't return his playful mood as she lets herself slump down. “I do.” 
A devilish smirk comes across Eddie's face as he playfully pushes her shoulder. It feels good to be able to do this, to just talk casually with someone and not have to worry about formalities. “Well I told you about Nancy, tell me about your secret lover.” Eddie gets a bit of anxiety as she still doesn't seem to be enjoying his playful mood. The hem of her sleeve is now disheveled as she fidgets with it more. 
You won't tell anyone, right?” Her voice is almost a whisper as her eyes jump between eddies, looking for any sense of comfort or understanding. Eddie places a hand on her knee. “Of course. Servants have to stick together, right?” Robin smiled a little bit as she tried to decide if she wanted to look at him or the marble below them. 
“There was a prince who came to the kingdom with his parents to do negotiations with the Wheelers. Every Time he saw Nancy he would kiss her hand, and she smiled like he was giving her more love than she ever had in her life. She would laugh at his jokes when they weren't funny, and do everything she could to always be beside him, it made my blood boil. I wanted to punch him in his stupid fucking face every time I saw him. “ Eddie raises an eyebrow in confusion. “Why would you be mad at him and not Nancy?” She takes a shaky, deep breath as she looks to the side, unable to meet his eyes. 
“I wanted her to look at me like that, not him.” 
The breath is taken out of Eddie's lungs as she tries to find what to say. “Well.” He sends a comforting smile her way. “Looks like we have something in common then, huh?” Robin looks like the weight of the word was let off her shoulders as she smiles at him. “Yeah, I guess we do.” 
The two of them laugh at each other in the garden for hours as Eddie talks about the newer guards and their embarrassing training sessions. Robin laughs with him about the number of princes who have come to the kingdom for Nancy's hand, just to get shut down by her. 
The night ends with Robin saying goodnight and skipping to her shared bedroom with the princess. Eddie smiles the whole way to the barracks. Maybe having a friend in the castle would be good for him. To have someone else hear his thoughts instead of having them eat him alive every day. 
The barracks are already filled with other guards getting ready to sleep. They make idle conversation with Eddie as they make their way to their small room to get some sleep. 
The stars illuminate Eddie's room as he takes off his armor, allowing his mind to think about everything he pushes back throughout the day. 
What would you do if you knew about his feelings for Nancy? Would you be angry? You don't even want to marry her, clearly, so what would your issue be? Maybe you'd just start being over-affectionate to her to make him mad. Smirking at him when she hugs him or kisses his cheek. 
Rage sits in a place in his chest as he finally finishes getting into some more comfortable clothes. 
Thoughts of you run around his head as he finally lays down, hoping the feeling of the bed beneath him will be enough to comfort his mind as much as it does his body. 
It doesn't.
Instead, the thoughts of you and your stupid, annoying, spoiled face travel from his brain down to his crotch. He gives an infuriated groan as he tries to get the obvious bulge in his pants to go down. It doesn't work. 
The rage that sits dormant in his chest rises to the rest of his body as he gets up to check that the door is still locked. 
Laying down in the bed that's supposed to be his comfort place he reaches a hand down into his pants disgustedly. 
He hates this. Hates the way thoughts of you always do this to him. It wasn't as big of a problem through the years he had to serve by your side. He would just go to a brothel and fix his issue that way. Now that you're older, he has to be more diligent, by your side at basically every moment. He’d never thought of anyone like this, underneath him while they scream his name in pleasure. Girls had made advancements toward him, and practically offered themselves to him on the spot, but he always declined. 
So why, of all people, are you doing this to him? 
Gripping onto the sheets below him, desperately pumping up and down his cock. Your stupid fucking face is all his mind can imagine. Half-lidded eyes, mouth hanging open in pleasure, gripping at his hand that's wrapped around your throat. Begging for him to go harder, completely surrendering yourself to him.
It was more than just a fleeting thought of your face though. It was the overwhelming feeling he got when he imagined the way your sweaty skin would feel under his. The way your nails would scratch down his back or grip his hair. 
Eddie's pace gets faster as his hand slaps over his mouth to silence his moans. The familiar euphoric sensation in his body helps him relax as he grinds his hips into his hand. Your name slips off his tongue more easily than he wishes it would as the tight knot in his stomach finally snaps. His legs shake more than he wants as lets his mind calm down from the overload of serotonin that went to his brain. 
His chest heaves up and down as he catches his breath, finally finding the strength to wipe his stomach off as lays down. The pillow underneath him almost immediately knocks him out when his head hits it. His last fleeting thoughts before he surrenders to slumber being of you, but not you underneath him, or you moaning his name. 
Just you.
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jeysbvck · 2 years
freedom (is standing next to you) - chapter 5
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a/n: hi it's me, im the problem, it's me! ive had most of this drafted for about 3 months, but i didn't have the inspiration to finish it until now! i hope you all still care about this story as much as i do and i'd love your thoughts on this! as usual, credit to @rishlurh! pls reblog!!
taglist (if you'd like to be added or taken off, let me know): @maplefire18 @honeyglee @azaleaforsure @valeriiecameron @mercurial-make-em-ups @tinalbion
word count: 2.9k
summary: After a near kiss with Eddie, you tell Nancy and Robin everything, which doesn't go the way you think.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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"You kissed?!"
"No we didn't!" You sighed loudly, as Robin snorted. "We didn't! We almost did, but then you walked in!" You shouted as you pointed a finger at Robin.
"Oh my God, are you serious?!" Nancy questioned, throwing herself back first onto Robin's bed. "What? What's so awful about that?"
Nancy sat up and stared at you, like you had two heads. "Seriously? He's the Captain, you barely know him, and he's a pirate! This is a terrible idea!"
"What? Steve's a pirate, you trusted him. And Robin's also a pirate!" You said, defensively. You weren't sure why you were getting so annoyed, but you also had no idea why Nancy had such an aversion to the possibility of you and Eddie.
"Excuse me, you love me." Robin piped up, and you looked up at the ceiling as you smirked slightly. "Yes, we do Ro, but that's my point! Why is Eddie any different?"
"He isn't. Eddie's great, he really is." Robin shrugged, and you clapped your hands against your thighs as you exclaimed, "Exactly!"
"Guys, come on, this is different! Of course Robin is going to defend her friend, her Captain. She also doesn't have the power to leave us in the middle of nowhere if something goes wrong! Besides, you're not going round kissing Robin!" Nancy said, exasperated.
You shrugged, "Well, maybe that's because the opportunity hasn't presented itself," you replied, earning a look of death from Nancy, her cheeks red, and was that steam coming out of her ears? "Oh my God, it was a joke! "Nance, you don't have to worry about Eddie and I, okay? It was just a heat of the moment thing, it didn't mean anything."
Nancy stood up and sighed, and sat down next to you. "I'm not telling you what to do, you know that right? I'm just trying to protect you, just...be careful, okay?" Her tone was gentle now, as was her touch as she placed her hand on your shoulder. She smiled as you promised her, then she started to giggle. "I can't believe you almost kissed Eddie!" She squealed, shaking you gently.
Robin picked up on what Nancy was doing and she sat down on the other side of you. "They were holding hands and everything!" Robin said, joining Nancy in squealing. Nancy gasped dramatically, bringing her hands to her mouth. "Holding hands? Well, I never!"
"You're both idiots, it wasn't anything like that!" You said. Robin shifted her position crossing her legs and resting her chin on her hands, childlike, like she was waiting for you to tell her favourite story. You glanced at Nancy, who was now in the same position as Robin on your left, and you let out a laugh. You gave your friends the rundown, a quick, shortened version of what had transpired, the butterflies in your stomach going wild as you remembered how his hand completely engulfed yours. You smiled slightly at the feeling, before looking back up at Robin and Nancy, who were smirking as they shared a look between themselves. "What? What's with the look?" You wagged your finger between them, and Robin shook her head in disbelief.
"You're crushing on Eddie so hard!" Nancy replied, Robin nodding in agreement. "I thought you said the kiss meant nothing?" You felt your cheeks burning as you frowned.
"It did!" You said, a little too quickly, and your friends rolled their eyes. "Guys, I'm not crushing on Eddie! It. Was. Nothing."
"If this is because of what Nance said earlier, ignore her," Robin said, sticking her tongue out at Nancy as she glared back. "It's cute."
"It's ridiculous, is what it is." You replied, sharply. You stood up and headed towards the door, your hand on the knob as the feeling of ridicule bubbled. "How many times do I have to say it? I don't have a crush on him. We're barely even friends!" You said as you opened the door and stomped up the stairs, leaving Nancy and Robin laughing at your dramatic overreaction.
Weeks had passed since the almost kiss and there had been no awkwardness between you and Eddie. In fact, it seemed to have brought you closer together. You had begun to spend more time with him during the day, whether it was reading a book while he steered the ship or him following you around like a lost puppy while you did the chores. When it was your turn to cook, he'd sit on the counter and sneak little tastes of the food, as you told each other stories from your pasts. The more time you spent with him, the more Nancy and Robin teased you about your crush. They had even started pushing you to act on your so-called feelings, citing it was obvious he felt the same.
"Of course he feels the same," you said to them, "because I do not have feelings for him!"
Today you were spending time with Jonathan, as Eddie and Steve had been sequestered in the Captain's quarters for hours, and Nancy and Robin were in your shared cabin. You were beginning to feel like a third wheel when it came to them -not that you minded- but you did think it was slightly hypocritical that they were so on you about Eddie, yet they were entirely oblivious, or actively ignoring, their own relationship. You sat on a barrel next to Jonathan, as he was on laundry duty, and he was telling you about his family. He spoke about his mother and brother with so much love in his voice, and it made your chest tighten as you thought about your own mother, and what life would've been like if she hadn't died. While Jonathan spoke, you turned away and wiped your eyes, making eye contact with Eddie as you did, who was heading toward you in big strides. You couldn't help but marvel at his beauty, you truly had never seen anyone so handsome. The way his curls bounced under his hat as he walked, his eyes almost sparkled, and the way his grin got bigger when he looked at you was almost like staring into the sun. No, you don't have a crush on Eddie, you thought to yourself, he's just an attractive guy, it doesn't mean anything.
"Jonathan, Princess." He greeted you both, his eyes never leaving you. "Are we all set for Silkrun?" Your eyes widened as Jonathan replied, telling Eddie that everything was fine and that if the skies stayed clear, you'd be there in a few days. Although you could clearly see how excitable Jonathan was at the thought of Silkrun, you had heard stories about this place, and none of them were good. Eddie noticed your expression and put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you a few steps away from Jonathan so he couldn't hear.
"What's wrong?" Eddie asked you, "Silkrun is the second biggest city, just outside the kingdom. The Royals won't bother us there, they never bother with Silkrun."
"Yeah because isn't it a criminal haven?" You asked, and Eddie let out a small laugh as his arm dropped from your shoulders. "What's so funny?"
Eddie held up a finger. "It isn't just criminals who reside there." Then he held a second up. "You're considered a criminal, you know? You're on the run from the monarch, there's posters with your face plastered all throughout the kingdom with a hefty bounty on your head."
"Oh, right." Eddie was right, you hadn't considered yourself a criminal, to be honest. You knew your reasons for running, and they were good reasons, but every criminal thought that, didn't they? You had defied the royal family, what you wanted didn't matter. You were an outcast, unable to return to the kingdom without looking over your shoulder, to your home, unless you admitted defeat and gave up your freedom.
Eddie noticed your musings, somehow already able to read you, almost as well as Nancy could, and he smiled at you. "Don't worry, you're going to love Silkrun. It's so beautiful, especially at night. There's a whole street of taverns and they have lanterns outside that light up all of the street, bards roaming the streets strumming their instruments, and inside the taverns, the bard plays while people sing and dance together, it's incredible. Sometimes you can even hear the music from the docks! There's also a market, full of things you'd never be able to see unless you went to the other side of the world. Food, clothes, jewellery, trinkets, artwork, books, all from distant lands!"
You were staring up at Eddie in complete awe. He sounded so excited about Silkrun, he'd made it sound so beautiful and suddenly, you couldn't wait to see it all. "Wow, I have high hopes now. You better not disappoint me, Munson." You teased, and Eddie smirked.
"Oh Princess, I never disappoint a beautiful woman." He replied, sending a wink your way before he turned on his heels and walked away, leaving you staring off after him, a ridiculous sized smile on your face.
You heard a noise coming from behind you, and when you turned to investigate, Robin was standing with Jonathan, pretending to gag. You rolled your eyes and sighed as you made the short walk back toward them. "That was sickening." Robin said. "I'm pretty sure everyone in Riverfall could feel the sexual tension! Riverfalls the furthest-"
"I know Riverfall, Ro, I read books." You told her. She grinned and nudged you with her elbow, before she turned to Jonathan. "Did you feel the tension between those two?!"
"Robin!" You hissed, but she ignored you. "Wouldn't they be so cute and great together?"
"Please, ignore her." You begged an amused Jonathan. "Robin, I've told you, I do not have a crush on Eddie!" You insisted, but she waved her hand dismissively. "Are you really still sticking with that? Fine, whatever, but you'll see." She said, before she walked away, towards where Steve was talking to Luke, another crew member.
"I'm going to kill her." You groaned, and Jonathan chuckled. "It's just her way of caring. She wants to help you. You know, she's not wrong though."
"About what?"
"That you'd be great together." Jonathan shrugged, as if it was the most obvious thing. "And honestly, I haven't seen Cap this happy in...well, ever." He turned around at the sound of his name being called, then turned to you and said, "I'm not saying there's anything going on, or judging if there is, but it's not as awful as you think it is." Then he left, leaving you to absorb his words.
You had spent the rest of the day actively avoiding everyone, which was pretty hard to do when you were confined on a ship, but you managed it. Either nobody thought to check the brig, or Nancy had warned them to just leave you be, so you stayed down there with a lantern and a book, until the lantern began to flicker, indicating it was running out of oil. When you climbed back up to the main deck, the sky was lit up by the moon and stars, not a person in sight, they must have all been at dinner. The chill in the air pricked at your skin like little jabs of a thousand needles, so you quickly headed to your cabin to grab a jacket. You didn't miss too much from home, but you certainly missed your sweaters, and you made a note to check the markets in Silkrun. You weren't equipped for the cold nights at sea.
You opened the door to the cabin and hurried down the stairs, where the lanterns and candles were lit. "Nance? Robin?" You called out as you made your way down the stairs, assuming one of them must be here, but what you found at the bottom was the last thing you expected, although it had been pretty obvious to you.
Nancy looked terrified, while Robin looked sheepish, rubbing the back of her neck. Your eyes darted between the two women, while only Nancy stared at you, waiting for you to say something, while you waited for one them to speak. The longer the silence went on, the more awkward it became and the more the panic in Nancy's eyes grew. Then, to the surprise of Robin and Nancy -and even yourself- you began to laugh, and Nancy's panic turned to horror.
"I'm so-sorry!" You gasped in between laughs, and tried to pull yourself together. "I just- I knew it!"
Robin finally looked at you, the look of amusement on her face was the complete opposite to Nancy's. "What the hell do you mean you knew? When did you find out? We've been so careful!"
"Um," you pursed your lips to hold back the laughter. "This is me finding out," you replied, gesturing around the room. "I didn't know you were hooking up, I just knew something was going on."
"We're barely hooking up!" Nancy finally said, as she looked at Robin to back her up.
"That's true. It's hard when we share a cabin on a ship." Robin replied. Nancy squealed and slapped Robin's arm, her face turning a shade of red you'd never seen before. "I mean- not that you're in the way, or that we want to hoo-"
"Please stop talking!" Nancy begged, and Robin mimicked zipping her lips shut. Nancy turned back to you, the panicked look back in her eyes. "Are you mad? It's okay if you're mad. I hope you're not, but whatever you're feeling is valid and-"
"Nancy." You tried, but she kept going, and so you repeated yourself, this time grabbing her arms. "Hey, relax! Why on Earth would I be mad? As long as you're happy, Nance, that's all that matters. And I love Robin, she's great!"
"Thanks! You're great too!" Robin piped up, and you rolled your eyes affectionately.
"So...we're good?" Nancy asked, and you nodded as you pulled her in for a hug. "Of course we are!" You replied, before grunting slightly as you felt Robin throw her weight against you as she joined the hug. "But, I am going to give you some space right now."
"Whoa, no, you don't have to! I swear I didn't mean what I said." Robin insisted.
"I know, that's why I'll be back later." You said as you pulled out the hug. "Don't worry about leaving a lantern if you go to sleep before I'm back, I'll find one!" You shouted as you went back up to the deck.
You put your elbows on the edge of the ship and leaned forwards, watching the waves claw against the bottom of the vessel, like they were arms reaching up to try and grab you. You stood upright, and looked out over the cloudy horizon, the wind danced around the sails and as it blew through your ears, you heard the four words that had been in the back of your mind since you ran from Hawkins. You killed your father.
You knew the wind wasn't speaking to you, and the chill down your spine was because it was a cold night, but it shook you all the same. You hadn't told anyone of your fears; that your actions had led to your father's death. As much as you hated what he did to you -betraying not just your trust for a bit of gold, but also your mother's memory and promises- you didn't want him to die. He was still your father, and you couldn't help but love him. He was the last living link you had to your mother, and the last bit of family you had left. You weren't sure how to live without that, you were barely hanging on as it was.
You screamed as you flailed slightly, almost tipping over the side of the ship. With a strong grip on your arm, you were pulled backwards, and you turned around, your arms up in defense and adrenaline rushing through your veins.
"Whoa, Princess, no need for that. I just stopped you from going overboard, why would I do that if I wanted to harm you?."
"Harm me?! Eddie, you almost killed me!" You yelled, and he took a slight step back.
"I saved your life!" Eddie replied and you scoffed.
"After almost killing me!" You reiterated. "Who comes up behind someone and just...touches them?!" You were almost screeching now, and Eddie was wincing ever so slightly.
"It's not my fault you didn't hear me call your name!" Eddie insisted. You took a few deep breaths, and waited for your heart to recover, as Eddie smirked at you. "I'm sorry for scaring you, what are you doing out here?"
"Oh I'm giving Nancy and Robin some space." You said, before you realized that they might not want anyone to know about them. Eddie raised his eyebrow slightly, and you wondered if he knew about them. Robin was close to Steve and Eddie, had she told them, while Nancy kept you in the dark?
"Hmm." Is all that left Eddie's mouth, giving you no hints as to what he did or didn't know. "So, what's got you so deep in thought?"
You sighed and shrugged, this was something you hadn't told anyone. You knew it was illogical, and that you did what you had to do, what you felt was right for you, but it still didn't help the guilt. That's why you hadn't told anyone, because you knew if you told them, they'd tell you how ridiculous you were being. Maybe, for whatever reason, you just wanted to punish yourself.
Eddie tilted his head as he smacked his tongue against his teeth, like he knew something you didn't. "Would you like to join me in my quarters?" Eddie asked. He chuckled at your shocked expression and said, "It's a cold night, Princess, and for some reason you've banished yourself from your cabin. You look like you could use a drink, and a friend. I'm offering both."
"You're right. I could use a drink." You replied, and Eddie grinned as he curled his finger, instructing you to follow him.
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kaittalkstoomuch · 1 year
HEY! The long awaited Chapter six is here!
Tw: mentions of abandonment, recurring thoughts that can be destructive, Eddie being a little flirt at the end!
‘86 // Chapter Six: The Campaign
I try not to run excitedly as I get out of the bathroom. The sheer fact I still have Eddie is enough for me to scream on the rooftop of the school, letting everyone know The Babe and The Freak are here to stay. I start to think about what just happened. What transpired. My power over him, my control. The way it felt. Man, I can’t wait for later.
“Act natural Rox. You don't want the guys wondering.” I tell myself as I approach the theatre room for a second time, freshly clean. I open the doors and make my grand entrance. “Hi babe. Missed me?” I cockily walk in, surprising the boys, sans my brother and Mike. Eddie can’t help but to smirk, which Gareth notices and chuckles a bit, while Jeff and Grant are just stunned. “Roxie, my darling!” Eddie walks up to me, checking me out up and down. “You came….” He pulls me in for a kiss, then whispers “Good job sweetheart.”
“Thank you.” I say quietly trying not to laugh. Then, Eddie does his stupid smirk. I start giggling a bit, which causes him to laugh as well. The guys look at us amusingly. “Are you guys good?” Grant chimes in, noticing Eddie and I looking rather guilty. Gareth lifts his hands up in our defense. “Okay, or, they haven’t seen each other all day. Remember, Roxie wasn’t with us at lunch. Give them a break.” He catches our drift and nods at us. Eddie nods back. “Well, whatever happened, we’re glad your back Rox. It wasn’t the same without you.” Jeff reassures me.
“Yeah, it definitely wasn’t. It was off, that's for sure.” I notice the absence of the other two more. “Where’s Dustin and Mike? And Lucas?” I act dumb, knowing Lucas was at the game. “Sinclair has turned to the dark side, and thus, won’t be able to join.” Eddie says. “So, those dipshits need to find a sub… too late though, unless you want to join?” Gareth jokes. “Oh I’d love to…” I hold Eddie by his bicep. “But, I’d rather sit on my throne and watch as you guys act like fools.” I say to the three boys, which makes Eddie proud. “That’s my girl.”
We all laugh then pause when we hear the doors open and grow silent. Here comes Dustin and Mike, looking high and mighty with their sub, none other than Erica Sinclair. A smug smile forms on my face knowing what she’s capable of. When we were in the eighth grade, Nancy and I would jointly babysit Erica and Holly. The boys too, but they would always play DND. The four of us girls would dress as elves for part of it. It was quite fun actually. Erica was always such a smart mouth and I loved that about her. She’s extremely smart and knowing her, she’d knock the wind out of Eddie with her knowledge. I watch as the three approach the gaming table. I stand behind Eddie as the other three stand with Eddie.
Eddie sits on his throne and crosses his hands under his chin. I stand next to it with my hand resting on the arm rest. The other three guys stand on the side to watch this go down. “Absolutely not.” Eddie harshly says sending chills down my spine. I look on and make eye contact with my brother with his pleading eyes. He looks back at Eddie. “You asked for a sub. We delivered.” Dustin gestures to Erica, who smiles at me and I smile back. “This is Hellfire Club, not babysitting club.” “I’m eleven you long haired freak.” Yep, she still has it. I try not to laugh a bit. She’s still that sassy little girl I remember. “My my, the child speaks.” Eddie laughs looking at the four of us. Grant laughs. Eddie gets up.
“What’s your name, child?” Eddie challenges. “Erica Sinclair.” Eddie laughs deviously connecting the dots. “So, this is Sinclair’s infamous sister.” Erica rolls her eyes and looks at the two boys behind her. “Rox.” Gareth whispers. “Yes?” “Didn’t you babysit her?” He asks. I nod. “Yes. Shhh.” I say putting my right index finger on my cherry red lips watching everything go down. “He’s sharp.” Erica sarcastically says causing the three boys on the side to laugh, I just stand there smiling. “Come on, show him what you’re made of.” I think to myself. Eddie glares at the boys, making them stop. Eddie continues to challenge Erica.
“What’s your class and level? Level one dwarf?” C’mon Erica, show him! Dustin and Mike are terrified, the other three are laughing hysterically. “My name is Lady Applejack. And I’m a chaotic good half elf-rogue level 14. And I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stand them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I’ll smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death. So, we gonna do this or are we gonna keep chitchatting like this is your mamas book club?” Owned. “Roxie, babe C’mere.” Eddie says stunned as I walk up to my DM and Erica smiles. “Hi Lady Applejack.” I say smiling. “Hi Roxie, I’m assuming you’re the tie breaker.”
I laugh nodding. ”I’m the Dungeon Mistress. I oversee everything, and correct the DM if he makes a mistake.” Eddie looks at me shocked. “Babe.” He growls. “Shh baby.” I say holding his arm. Erica laughs. “So, tell your long haired freak boyfriend I’m good.” Eddie looks at me intensely and I look at him back. “Babe, trust me. Lady Applejack knows her stuff. She’ll wow you. I babysat her all the time. She’s a little bad ass…. Please…. Do it for me.” I rub his arm softly but almost sensually. Eddie gives in giving me a kiss and turns back to Erica, sticking out his hand. “Welcome to Hellfire.”
We all cheer now that we have a sub. Eddie and the boys go to set everything up. Erica comes up to me. “So, that’s your boyfriend huh?” I laugh. “Yeah, he sure is! Actually, our one year is coming up in a couple of days.” I smile at her, she giggles. “You’ve put up with him for almost a year? That’s wild.” “Yeah… but I do love him. He’s actually really sweet. Passionate.” “If he hurts you, let me know and I’ll be happy to kick his ass.” My eyes widen. “ERICA!” “What? I’m only speaking the truth. I miss my favorite babysitter.” I give her a hug. “I miss you too!” “C’mon ladies!” Eddie yells. “Kick some ass Lady Applejack.”
“The hooded cultists chant… ‘Hail Lord Vecna. Hail Lord Vecna.’ They turn to you. Remove their hoods. You recognize them from Makbar. There was one you do not recognize. His skin shriveled, desiccated. Something else, he’s not only missing his left arm, but his left eye!” Eddie exclaims covering his left eye as everyone freaks out. “VECNA’S DEAD!” “He was killed by Kas!” I let out a menacing chuckle. “So it was thought my friends. SO IT WAS THOUGHT! But Vecna LIVES!” Eddie slams the figure down onto the board much to everyone’s dismay.
Something about him being in his element gets me going. I just fucking love seeing him being so passionate. It suddenly has me lost in thought. I just can’t help but to think about how I would let myself think that Eddie would cheat on me. Why would I think that? How did that ever come to mind? Chrissy is such a sweet girlZ I highly doubt she’d do such a thing. Maybe my past with my father is coming back to haunt me. I know Eddie would never hurt me. So, why would I even question it?
Dustin begins to notice my worry. I try to snap out of it because of the possibility of Dustin hating Eddie. Eddie was another brother figure to him. I can’t take that away from Dusty Bun. “Do you flee Vecna and his cultists or do you stand your ground to fight?” Eddie brings me out of my thoughts. He and I watch in anticipation. “I say we fight.” Dustin states. “To the death.” I smile. That’s my brother. “To the death. TO THE DEATH!” Everyone chants, making their Dungeon Master and Mistress proud.
Erica rolls the dove as I grip onto Eddie’s hand tightens. We both look into each other's eyes intensely. “You okay babe?” He snaps out of being DM for a split second and starts rubbing my hand with his thumb. “Yeah… I just…” I know not to keep him hanging. “I just hate myself thinking the worst.” Eddie grabs and holds my face with his hand, not thinking about the others. “Rox, don’t ever hate yourself okay? I love you so fucking much.” We kiss and continue watching. Everyone gets eager, annoyed and excited all in one.
We’re all screaming and I watch Erica get increasingly aggravated. Dustin and Mike are yelling at each other. Eddie knocks things over. The yelling continues. The panic continues. I watch Eddie get up from his seat, climbing on the table, making me feral on the inside. “TIMEOUT! TIMEOUT!” Grant frantically yells. The six of them huddle in a corner to figure things out. Eddie sits back on his throne and opens his arms out for me.
I sit on his lap and he tangles his arms around me. “I love you, you know that?” Eddie says playing with my hair. “Yes, of course I do.” “And you know I would never abandon you. Ever.” I rub my hand on his chest. “Yeah… but ugh. I don’t know. I just… I’m terrified of things repeating themselves. Our dad left. And it wrecked me. There are times when I feel worthless and it sucks.” Eddie grows more serious. “You are not worthless, okay sweetheart? Your father is a real asshat for leaving you and Dustin. I would never leave you my love. I love you so much sweetheart. Forever and always.” Our foreheads touch each other and we kiss. “I love you too Eds.” We kiss and watch as the six bicker. “Pussies.” “Pussy ‘cause we’re not delusional.” Eddie smirks at me. “Watch this.” He winks then turns around.
“HEY!” Eddie yells as they look frighteningly at him. “If I may interject gentlemen, Lady Applejack.” He smiles at me. “My Mistress.” I kiss his cheek before he gets up. He continues. “Whilst I respect the passion, you’d be wise to take Gareth The Great’s concern to heart. There is no shame in running.” My heart beats fast at the feeling of need. “Don’t try to be heroes. Not today, ‘Kay?” He smirks. “One second.” Dustin days before they huddle up once more.
I bite my bottom lip and Eddie looks back at me. “Later sweetheart.” He mouths, making me explode. I look over at the group, hoping they do continue. They did say “fight to the death” after all. As Dustin’s older sister, I’m rooting for him. I come up to Eddie and rest my arm on his shoulder. He instinctively grabs my hand and kisses it. “Do you think they’re going to do it?” Eddie asks. “Knowing Dustin and Lady Applejack, a hundred percent darling.”
“Screw it!” They break the huddle and turn back to us. “Let’s kill the son of a bitch.” Dustin proudly states. The six now return to the table and we continue the game. “Give me the D20.” Dustin demands as Eddie smiles and throws the dice. Dustin nervously but also confidently rolls it as we all watch, scared shitless. It hits the board and Eddie screams “THAT’S A MISS!” While head banging and shaking his head making his messy tussles wave frantically.
“No!” “C‘mon!” “Dammit!” Everyone groans. I really wanted Dustin to kill Vecna. I look over at my lover, who gives me a knowing look and nods. “Lady Applejack, this is your chance.” I say to her. She confidently nods and then rolls the D20. We’re all silent watching the dove roll. I rest my hand on Eddie’s broad shoulder, which is very tense from this campaign. The D20 finally lands.
“A hit!” Erica screams as the roar of our triumph erupts. Erica stand tall and mighty with her American flag draped around her as the boys cheer. I grab Eddie’s face and give him a “congratulations we killed Vecna!” kiss. “You did it babe.” I squeal. Eddie chuckles and holds my hips firmly. “No sweetheart, we did it!” We kiss again and Eddie turns to everyone.
“That’s how we play!” He bows and holds his arms out, which I admire from behind at the game table. Dustin ecstatically comes up and pulls me in for a hug. “I love you so much. Thank you for being here for me… and introducing me to the Hellfire Club. You’re the best sister ever!” “The BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!” Eddie states wrapping his arms around me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder. I blush and stroke his cheek. “Most importantly, thank you for introducing me to Eddie. And Eddie, thank you for making my sister happy.” Dustin, I can tell wants to speak to me alone. Eddie seems to understand as he comes in front of me and Dustin. “Hey, I’ll be right back.” He gives me a kiss on the cheek and goes to talk to Erica a bit.
Dustin stands beside me and looks at me concerned furrowing his eyebrows. “Where were you today? It was so weird….. actually almost ominous without you.” Now, Dustin and I tell each other everything. We made that promise when our father left. At the same time, I’m terrified I’ll ruin what Eddie is to him, a hero. His hero. “Dustin…” I hesitate looking somber at the ground. “Rox, what happened? Remember, we tell each other everything.” I give in. “Fine.” I start. “You know Chrissy Cunningham?” “Yeah…” “Well… Earlier, when Eddie and I came back from the cabin, Robin, Gareth and I were walking to class when we saw Eddie and her talking on the way to second period.” “Oh my god.” Dustin’s in shock and i can sense a little anger.
Oh no. “Dustin, wait.” I calm him down by grabbing his arm lightly. “He isn’t cheating. Before the campaign, we talked about it… it’s a drug deal. I didnt want to say anything about it because you never knew what he does. Chrissy’s going through a rough patch. He’s not a bad person, Dustin. He has a huge heart. He’d never hurt me. Or you. Ever.” Dustin sighs in relief. “Besides, he’d have to face the wrath of the mighty Dustin Henderson and me of course. However, he’s a good guy!” I say smiling over to my master. “Good. I hate seeing you hurt. You and Eddie are perfect together.” I smile at his comment and give him a hug. “You really miss Suzie don’t you?” “So much. I hope somehow we can communicate.” “Me too bro.”
We go back to the crowd. I wrap my arm around Eddie’s waist. “Hey sweetheart. Everything okay?” He asks as the dim lighting makes his smile brighter. “Yeah. He was just worried about me.” I rest my head on his chest. “Aw that’s so sweet.” “Yeah, don’t worry. He doesn’t hate you. The kids love you!” I say laughing. Eddie looks at the time. “Shit. It’s almost time.” I realize it as well. “Shit yeah…” “Do you need a ride?” I shake my head. “No, no. Harrington and Robin have me…. Promise me something.” I say holding him tightly. “Yes sweetheart?” He raises his eyebrows. “Please be careful and you both be safe. Seriously, no funny business. That last part I was half joking. But, seriously, please be safe. I love you.” He kisses me tenderly, I lay my hands on his chest, his heart’s beating rapidly. “I love you too sweetheart. So much. When it’s done, I’ll head straight to the cabin. That way we can…” he smirks slightly rubbing my waist and I playfully slap him. “BABE!” “I’m kidding! Not really but I’ll see you later okay?” We kiss again and i walk out waving at everyone.
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
In fics, I always see people writing and joking about how steve used to love robin as like a sort of one off throwaway line and sometimes the reply from robin would be like "gross" or steve would be like "ew dont remind me" in like a teasing way but i actually hate that so i came up with a hc that whenever its brought up, steve would say "and i had GOOD REASON TO LOVE YOU, robbie. I still do, even more than i did that day, but its just a love that looks a little different now." And robin would just start dopey grinning.
(Meanwhile Robin's literal girlfriend NANCY WHEELER just looks between the two dumdums in the background and starts to grin to herself at how sweet the bond is between the two)
i think you're so right. i think we should acknowledge that Steve loved Robin, and i was going to say something else but tbh reading "i still do, even more than i did that day" hits me so hard 😭i mean can you believe that platonic soulmates were invented when these two met?? amazing right??
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reggies-floatie · 2 years
The Babysitters
(This was requested by my friends, they’re in love with Steve Harrington so.. yeah!)
Warnings: Dom Steve, oral (male and female receiving), friends to lovers, fingering, slight choking kink, breast play… lmk if I missed anything
Summary: You and Steve have been long time best friends since everything in Hawkins first started, you two were the “babysitters” of the group as you were always watching the kids. Lots of sex talk was always going on between the two of you therefore it was a pretty normal topic, not until one night whilst have a risqué conversation things take a turn and suddenly.. you two become a little more than friends.
A/N: There is going to be she/her pronous
Out of the whole group, 90% of the time when Nancy or someone had to do something they always left the kids with you or Steve. This constant repetition caused you two to earn the name being their “Babysitters”. Of course when ever you were with Max or El, they’d always ask you if you and Steve have started dating yet, or if you two have “had adult time” as Eleven says. The conversations usually end with you rolling your eyes and disagreeing, but last night got you thinking ‘could we be more than friends?’…
You and Steve finally had time to relax and so you decided to relax together, you had supplied the snacks, he had supplied the drinks and the location. All night you two joked around and laughed but there was one thing that was still on the back of your mind, ‘could they be more than friends?’.
“What’s up?” Steve says causing you to get startled and look up at him with a red face, “Woah, you okay?”.
“Yeah, just shit on my mind” Y/N says nonchalantly, Steve raises his eyebrows as if to tell her to keep talking, “Just some stuff the girls said” you say looking down.
“The girls? What did they say?“ he asks curious as to what could make you act like this.”,
“Oh you know them always joking around, it wasn’t important”, he looks at you and sighs.
After you tell him the whole conversation that was previously brought up with the younger girls, Steve can feel a slight tightening in his pants from the thought of you two, in bed and having sex, together. He doesn’t know if it was the drinks getting to him or he felt confident but he did it, “would you.. want to do that?” He asks gaining a surprised look from you.
Next thing you know, you’re on his bed making out with him whilst his already shirtless body rips your clothes off and flings them to the side. His hands travel across your body occasionally getting rougher along with the kiss,
He moves down so he can kiss your neck whilst taking off your bra, when he does, he stops to get a look at you “fuck” he says biting his lip, he couldn’t fathom the beauty that way lying in front of him, on his bed ready to be taken by him. He was in love.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long princess” he says smirking as he gently pulls off your pants, taking your underwear with them. Seeing this made his dick get even more hard.
You grin as you sit up from him bed to pull down his pants, his erection springing free as you do so, your bit your lip and without thinking, you bring it to your mouth. As you do this he lets out a grunt of pleasure, slightly grinning as he grabs you by the hair making a makeshift ponytail so he can direct your head.
“You’re so good at this princess, keep it going..” he says in a light voice, his head thrown back whilst his hands are pushing your head down further and further to the point where you are practically deep throating him.
After another minute or so, he lets out a loud pornographic moan that any man could ever let out as he releases in your mouth. He grins as he removes his member from your mouth, gaining access so he can move you up his bed, “May I please?” He asks kissing your thighs, you nod with a grin, seconds later his dives into your cunt and starts eating you out like a starved man.
Your hands go straight to his hair moaning as his tongue goes up and down from your entrance to your clit over and over again, this action caused your thoughts to shake around his head and so he grabbed your things and pinned them down so he could continue his feast.
He grins into your soaking cunt as he add two finger in making you let out a pleased moan “fuck Steve” you say, closing your eyes out of pleasure. Within a few seconds you’re letting out a string of moans, his name occasionally slipping out as you come on his very skilled tongue and fingers.
he smirks as he brings you into yet another heated make out as he climbs on top of you, “if I’m being too rough let me know okay?” He says kissing your jawline, you let out a small murmur of ‘okay’ and that’s when the fun started.
At first it was slow, him slowly entering your cunt. But as the seconds went on, he sped up ramming into at a pace that could make anyone submit to him, your eyes rolling back as your mouth opens slightly forming a small “o” shape as he speeds up, was that even possible?
You try to speak, to tell him how good he’s doing but the pleasure is too much to say anything all you can do is moan, he bends over so he can kiss you whilst still keeping his steady pace inside, “you like that?” He asks moving so his hand can go around your throat, not so much that you’ll black out, but just brought that you can feel it. When he does this, you can feel that familiar knot form in your lower abdomen,
“Steve, I’m gonna!” You say but are cut off by your orgasm ripping through you, “fuck!” You says leaving your head into the pillows. He chuckles as he helps you in getting through your high, Steve keeps his pace as he lets out a loud moan before pulling out, he releases himself on your chest with a content sigh.
“Wait here I’ll get you cleaned up” he says walking away to his bathroom to start you a bath, you smiled as he marched to clean you up. God, you loved this man.
A/N: Hey gang! I hope you enjoyed this one, I apologize if there is any spelling mistakes and I hope you have a good day! Muah muah -Bailey
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
You Remind Me Of The Babe. Steve Harrington x Reader
You Remind Me Of The babe.
I do not allow my writing to be republished anywhere other than my own blog without my consent
Summary: could you write a fic where steve is a brat tamer and wants you to sit on his face but you’re insecure about it
WARNINGS: Porn with a plot?, fem reader, face sitting, orgasm denial, Dom! Steve, brat tamer Steve, reader is a brat, drinking, mentions of alcohol, if there's anything else I forgot to tag, let me know.
Word count: 4312
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Two things I knew for sure was that Steve loved when I wore red lipstick, and summery dresses. So today before bounding down the steps of my front porch I made sure to wear my yellow sun dress with my red lipstick tucked away in my bag. He had been teasing and taunting me all week, and I figured I'd give him just a little bit of payback. My old converse with frilly socks that came out just over the tops of my shoes blew in the wind, tickling my ankles as I hopped into the passenger seat of Steves car.
Leaning over he kissed me on the cheek, slowly taking in my appearance. "Well don't you look beautiful today"
"As opposed to every other day?" I joked.
"You look like a bombshell everyday baby" He said sliding his sunglasses back down off the top of his head to his nose, giving me that famous Steve Harrington grin. "Seatbelt" He said tapping my thigh lightly. He waited till my seatbelt was clipped in before driving away from my house. I loved the way he was so protective of me and in such little and subtle ways. He never shied away from showing me off to everyone and making it known that I'm his and I loved every minute of it. Of course that didn't stop me from being a little shit from time to time, I liked to push his buttons and he knows it, because when were alone, he doesn't let me forget who I belong to.
So while sitting next to him in the car still I unclipped my seatbelt, scooting forward to the edge of the seat and pulling down the little visor with the mirror. I pulled the red lipstick out of my bag uncapping it loudly. "Do you have to do that right now?" He said glancing at me briefly.
"Yes" I said slowly and tentatively applied the red lipstick to my lips. Rubbing them together and finishing with a loud smack I smiled at him and leaned back into my seat. Knowing he was watching my every move. He shifted in his seat ever so slightly and I knew my plan was working.
"Seatbelt" He said again and I rolled my eyes in response. "Hey" He said sternly. "Don't roll your eyes at me"
I blushed and looked down at my lap, while slowly putting my seatbelt back on. "Sorry" I said quietly.
"Sorry what?" He asked checking the review mirror and turning down a street.
"Sorry daddy" I said quickly. I loved the pet name he encouraged me to to call him but I still got so embarrassed when I said it out loud. Our relationship wasn't always so heavy in this sort of lifestyle especially outside of the bedroom but it was exciting when it did happen.
"Good girl" He said reaching over to place his hand on my thigh.
"So what's the plan for tonight?" I asked tucking my legs up under me.
"Robin wants to come over with vickie and have like some sort of date night party thing, but it's never an actual party with us as you know. We'll probably get drunk and watch movies like every other time" he smiled.
"Sounds like a perfect Saturday night to me, we should invite Nancy and Johnathan, and maybe Eddie?"
"Eddie isn't dating anyone though" His brows furrowed.
"He's seeing Chrissy remember?"
He nodded in response. "Do you think Chrissy likes hanging with us though? We're not exactly her type of people"
"Baby she's dating Eddie, we're definitely her type of people" I let out a small laugh.
"Yeah I guess you're right" He said smiling at me.
By the time we got to Steves house Vickie and Robin were laying down on the lounge chairs by the pool in his backyard. I called Nancy from Steves phone in his kitchen and then called Eddie next.
Sitting down on the ground near the two girls I  untied my shoes, discarding my socks and dipped my feet into the pool. Listening to the two of them banter back and fourth. Robin could talk a lot, her words spilling out of her mouth faster than her brain could process them, and Vickie was the exact same, it was hard to keep up with them sometimes as they jumped from one thought to the next. The conversation that peaked my interest the most was when they started talking about The Labyrinth, with David Bowie.
"That movie is superior, I mean David Bowie? Covered in glitter, and that hair?" I dramatically fanned myself. "That could get a girl going!"
"You remind me of the babe" Robin said, glancing at me from the side.
"What babe?" I quoted back.
"The babe with the power!" She yelled.
"What power!?" I said leaning up onto my knees.
"The power of voodoo" she wiggled her fingers at me.
"Who do?" I fake questioned, tapping my chin pretending to be deep in thought.
"You do!"
"Do what!?"
"Remind me of the babe!"
"Oh my god the two of you are so annoying" Vickie giggled.
"Yeah but you love us" I stated, sitting back down onto my butt.
"But yeah, the hair thing (Y/N)? We know you have a thing for nice hair, you're literally dating Steve 'The Hair' Harrington  remember?" Vickie teased.
"So you admit that Steve has nice hair?" Robin teased, poking at her sides making vickie lean back into her giggling.
"I mean I'm not blind baby!" Vickie giggled against Robin. Robin smoothed Vickies hair away from her face a little before leaning down to give her a small peck on the lips. "Yeah he does have some magic hair, I'll give him that" Robin said agreeing. "Don't tell Steve I said that though, I can't let his ego get any bigger, it might go to that hair and start increasing in size, and that's something none of us could even begin to prepare for"
A hearty laughed left my chest, making me throw my head back. "God we can't have that can we?" I said between laughs. Our laughing was disrupted by the loud swing of the backyard door and Eddie carrying Chrissy over his shoulder, her legs kicking wildly as she laughed against him. "Eddie!" She yelled still laughing. Eddie shot us a famous grin before flipping Chrissy over and dropping her straight into the pool with a loud splash. She surfaced gasping at the cold water, her bangs clinging to her forehead. "You're going to pay for that Munson!" she yelled holding up her fingers into a 'gun' shape and aiming them at him.
"Baby please, you're gunna shoot me? After all I've done?"
"Any last words Munson?" she asked cocking her fake gun, squinting one eye as if it was going to help her aim.
The three of us on the sidelines, watching intently as the scene before us played out, stifling laughs.
"I LOVED CHRISSY CUNNINGHAM!" he shouted, and with a dramatic bang, he spun, clutched his chest and fell backwards into the pool, this time splashing the three of us on the sidelines. When he surfaced he engulfed Chrissy in his arms and she blushed. We erupted into an applause, whistling and yelling at their performance. Eddie bowed and helped Chrissy out of the pool, joining the rest of us. "We should have known you two would have ended up in the pool, within seconds of being here" I joked, bumping my shoulder into Chrissys.
"I like my girl nice and wet what can I say" Eddie said wiggling his eye brows at me.
"Eddie!" Chrissy yelled, her cheeks glowing red once again.
"I'll get you guys towels" I said shaking my head while getting up to head inside. Steve, Nancy, and Johnathan were all gathered in the kitchen chatting, drinks in hands. Steves eyes lit up when he saw me come in.
"Grabbing towels, Eddie threw Chrissy in the pool again"
"Again?" Nancy said.
"I think it's becoming a tradition" I laughed heading up the stairs and to the linen closet just outside Steves bathroom and grabbed a handful of towels. Clutching the towels to my chest I carefully made my way back down the wooden steps, making sure not to slip or trip. Steve watched me, his eyes soft as I passed the kitchen. I gave him a bashful smile on my way out the back door.
Once outside I put the towels on an empty lounge chair and took two of them, throwing one at Eddie and wrapping the other one around Chrissys shoulders which she took thankfully.
"Why'd you throw mine at me!?" Eddie scoffed.
"Because you're a little shit Munson" I said smiling and returning to my position at the side of the pool. The water cold again as my feet and legs adjusted to the temperature. I inched my dress up higher on my thighs so the sun could get to them better, I could easily just go put on a swim suit, knowing that there was bound to be one I had left here from pool days before, but I really didn't want to get back up again. I tucked my dress in-between my thighs into some make shift shorts so I wouldn't flash anyone in the process. Steve and the rest of the gang finally joined us around the pool, handing drinks to everyone in the process. Steve sat down next to me, handing me a red solo cup. Taking a sip I frowned realizing it was only water.
"Water?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yup" He said popping the 'p' while staring straight ahead, taking a slow sip from his cup.
"Because I said so" He said turning to me with a mischievous smile.
I rolled my eyes laughing but stopped short when his two fingers tapped my cheek hard. I looked around quickly but no one had seemed to notice. "What did I say 'bout rolling your eyes at me?" He said quietly just enough for me to hear, peaking at me over the top of his sunglasses.
Deciding to test the waters I smiled looking down, before rolling my eyes again. Steve stiffened next to me. "Do it one more time and you're in trouble"
My stomach flipped and I shifted back and forth slightly, squishing my thighs together. "Hey Rob?"
"Can I see your cup for a second?"
She raised an eyebrow but leaned forward and handed it to me. I glanced into it quickly confirming that Steve really gave only water to me and I glared at him slightly, and while not breaking eye contact I threw back robins drink, wincing as it burned on the way down. "Okay well if I knew you were going to do that I wouldn't have handed it to you" She said leaning back on the lounge chair bringing Vickie back with her. "It's okay, we can share" Vickie said holding her cup up over her head passing it to Robin.
"Sorry Rob, but Steve apparently thinks he can control when I drink or not, he gave me water" I said while reaching over to my cup again tipping it completely upside down so it splattered onto the pavement next to me, the water rolling until it hit the bottom of my dress, soaking the fabric.
"Wow Steve" Robin said laughing into Vickies shoulder.
Getting up I walked towards the shallow end of the pool, stepping down the few steps until it was at my thighs. Deciding to push my luck a little further I reached down to grab the hem of my dress, beginning to lift it up over my head when Steves hands grabbed me, lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Excuse me while (Y/N) and I have a conversation" He said sternly, continuing to walk with my torso bobbing against his shoulder.
Multiple 'ooooohhhhs' were whispered along with a dramatic fake gag from Robin. Steve continued to carry me away from the group and into the house. "Steve" I huffed. Up the stairs and too his room, he didn't set me down until he shut the door behind him with his foot, turning quickly to lock it. Still ignoring me he roamed his room, throwing the curtains closed, kicking off his shoes and rummaging through his dresser. "Steve" I said again breaking him from whatever trance he was in. His eyes almost black, the rich amber colour of his eyes barely noticeable.
"Sit" he said pouting towards his bed.
I moved quickly, tripping slightly over my own two feet before sitting on the edge of his bed. My dress bunched up against my waist so the wet fabric wouldn't get onto his bed. Finally walking towards me, he leaned forward, his hands at my sides, his nose barely touching mine. "Do we need to go over some rules? How you should be behaving?"
I looked down at my hands, fumbling with my fingers still wrapped around the bottom of my dress. I was nervous, but very aroused. "No" I said softly.
"No?" Steve repeated but it sounded more like a question. "interesting, because last time I checked, good girls behave, and that's what you want to be right? A good girl?"
"I am a good girl" I lied while giving him a small smile. He walked away from me. leaning against his dresser, arms crossed in front of his chest, his biceps gaining in size. I bit my bottom lip and hummed lightly, attempting to hide more of my smile.
"Are you? Because I think you've been bratting all day to me. Which means to me that you need to be punished about it. I think you need to remember who you belong to and how you should be acting, especially in front of company" He tilted his head to the side, watching me intently. "And by the looks of it, you're becoming a needy little whore about it, acting like I can't see you squishing your thighs together, or how your cheeks are flushed"
I rolled my eyes, silently cursing myself for how well Steve could read me. Taking quick strides towards me he slid his hand around my throat, tilting my head to look at him.
"What did I say" He paused tapping my cheek lightly with his other hand. "About rolling your eyes at me?" He slapped me this time. Not hard but enough to shock me a little. Heat pooling between my legs.
"You said not to do it"
"Exactly, and how many times did you do it after I told you not to?" he said squeezing my throat just a little harder.
"U-Um" I furrowed my brow trying to think. I brain wouldn't, no couldn't work when he was this close to me, hand around my throat.
"How many times princess" He repeated.
"Three? Or t-two?" I licked my lips. "I don't remember"
"Awe of course you don't" He cooed, loosening his hand so it was simply just held there, as a warning, as a point. A point to note, that he was the one in charge, in control. "Dumb little baby huh? Needs daddy to remind her to be a good girl, very pathetic" He rubbed his thumb across my cheek and I nodded, looking up at him through my lashes. Glancing down he noticed the wet fabric clutched into my fist. He took it out of my hand, feeling it with his fingers, tutting. "Not to mention trying to strip in front of our friends knowing damn well you don't have a bra on" He traced his fingers along my collar bones, my shoulders, down both of my arms, across my chest, just barely touching the soft skin where my breasts began. Fingers roaming ever so slightly across them, only briefly pausing over each nipple, making them harden under his touch.
"I don't think good girls do that hmm?" He asked, lifting my face up to look at him. His expression was soft, but I knew that hard Dom was hidden just beneath it.
"No" I admitted.
"No they don't" He tapped my cheek a few times before pulling me up by my hands so I was now standing in front of him. He sat at the edge of the bed now, hands on my waist. "Take this off" He said sliding my dress up my thighs and to my stomach, before I reached down myself and lifted the dress up over my head, dropping it to the floor next to me. "Hands behind your back"
My hands swinging behind me, one of them holding onto my wrist, keeping them in place. Turning me with his hands, warm on my skin he pulled me over onto his lap so I was face down with my arms behind my back, ass laying across his thighs. I could feel his erection under me and I squirmed slightly resulting in a loud smack against my ass. A stinging pain under an assumed pink handprint I could already feel forming.  I whimpered agains him, spit from my mouth wetting his thigh.
"Awe poor baby" He said with another slap, softer then the first one. "Don't like being spanked huh? This is what happens when you don't behave princess" another smack. Groaning into him I attempted to roll my hips to the side, waiting for some sort of relief of my stinging ass but his opposite hand held me in place. "Just a few more baby, you can handle it" He encouraged. "If you couldn't you wouldn't have been a brat today" two smacks. Those ones were worse, and part of me hoped they would leave small purple marks so I could think about them later. I could feel tears brimming my eyes but I quickly squinted them closed, trying to keep them from falling down my cheeks and onto Steves jean clad thigh. With a final smack he lifted me back up sitting me down next to him. The sudden movement causing me to open my eyes, and the tears I tried to contain rolled down both my cheeks.
"Awe my poor little love" He said caressing my cheek in his hand. "Scoot up" he instructed with a nod of his head, and with a sniffle I shifted further onto his bed. "Will you behave now?" He said laying down next to me, running his fingers along the band of my underwear. I hummed in response as he trailed his fingers lightly against my skin.
"Yes" I whispered, afraid to speak any louder.
"Will you though?" He asked slipping his hand into my fabric. A breathy moan escaped my mouth. He removed his hand. "Will you, behave" He asked again.
"Yes, I promise, please touch me, I'll be such a good girl, I'm sorry for bratting, but please daddy, please touch me" I begged, fresh tears falling from the desperation I felt between my legs. His hand slid back down sliding between my fold gathering some of my arousal before two of his finger tips began rubbing slow soft circles on my clit. His pace never increased, and it felt like time had suddenly stopped with each rotation of his fingers. "Can I cum?" I asked in preparation, knowing I might forget once that knot in my stomach began to grow.
"Maybe" He said quietly, pressing only slightly harder onto my clit.
"Oh fuck" I moaned. "Faster?" I asked looking at him, his eyes still black. He obliged, circling faster, tightening the knot within me.
"Please" I breathed. He knew I was close, he probably knew before I did.
"Steve, I'm gunna- Fuck" I spat my head dropping back a little further into his pillow. "I'm going to cum" I rushed. And just as that knot was about to untangle and tug at my insides, he stopped, removing his hand completely.
"What the fuck?" I said sitting up.
"Language, or I won't let you cum all week" He threatened. "You can cum later" He ensured. "Come here" he said gesturing for me to sit on him. I sat up and straddle him, leaning down onto his shoulders. "I wanna try something" He said rubbing his hands against my things.
"So here's what you're going to do okay?"
"Okay?" I said skeptically.
"You're going to take that pretty little pussy of yours, and you're going to sit on my face"
Heat crept up through my body and I looked away knowing my cheeks were as red as they felt. This was something Steve really wanted me to do but I was insecure about it. "What's stopping you" He asked quietly.
"I just... It's weird, I mean it's not weird, I just don't, want to... Crush you?"
He laughed. Squeezing my thighs while he did so. "Baby you won't crush me, and it's not like I haven't had my face there before" He said licking his lips and glancing down between my legs. I bit the inside of my cheek, tilting my head to the side as I thought about it. As much as I knew I was going to cringe about it at first, I really wanted to cum, and Steves mouth on me right now would be an absolute dream.
"Yeah" I said blushing.
He smiled and playfully smacked my thighs with both hands, scooting himself down so he was flat on his back. "Your seat awaits"
I tugged my underwear off and threw them to the side before crawling forward on my knees. I hovered over his face hesitating slightly. He grabbed my thighs harshly and pulled me down to his face, his tongue lapping at my folds and my limbs instantly turned into jelly. "Oh my god" I said leaning forward, one hand against his headboard. I rocked my hips slightly and his nose brushed at my clit and I whimpered.
He shifted so his tongue was now sucking and circling my clit and I could feel that knot being tied again. "Daddy, can I cum?" I asked for the second time tonight. He didn't reply, he only kept his movements quickly, not stopping. "Daddy" I mewled.
And again just as that knot started to untie he stopped completely.
"Fuck" I said smacking my fist against his headboard. "Really?"
He chuckled from beneath me. I moved back so I could look at him. His face shining with my arousal across his mouth and chin. "I told you, that you could cum later"
"When is later?" I pushed.
"Whenever I want it to be" He said smiling, giving my already sore ass a light smack.
I crossed my arms over my chest. A small 'hmmp' leaving my mouth.
"If you keep pouting, I won't let you cum at all today, and I already threatened to not let you cum for a week, do you want that to happen?"
"Nooooo" I whined.
"Then be grateful I got you even close to humming pretty girl" He gave my thigh a quick kiss. "Come here" he said again. I got off of him and tucked myself into his side, laying my head on his chest. He hitched my leg up over him so it was laying across his waist. He smoothed my hair out of my face and rubbed my head for a few minutes.
"You okay?" he asked, coming down from his dominate high.
"My butt hurts, and I want to cum" I complained.
he laughed a little, my head shaking against his chest from the vibrations. "Later, gotta make you suffer a little bit you know?"
"Yeah, yeah" I said smiling into him.
His warm hand slid around to my ass and he rubbed at the pink spots lightly. "Can we have a bath?" I asked.
"Absolutely we can baby"
Removing himself from me to go run the water, but not before giving me a kiss on the head. I listened to him hum a sing I couldn't recognize as he shifted around the bathroom. "Bubbles?" He said emerging with a large pink bottle in his hands.
"I don't even know why I asked" He said chuckling to himself. "Always yes to bubbles"
"Alright my princess" he said walking towards me, hands out in front of him so I could grab them. Twisting me so both arms were criss crossed around my chest and we waddled awkwardly towards the bathroom. The water was warm and soothed my butt almost getting rid of the stinging completely. I leaned against Steves chest, his arms wrapped around my shoulders. "I wasn't too rough on you was I?" He asked quietly.
I laughed through my nose. "Baby you didn't even fuck me, you weren't too rough, I'd say it was perfect" I leaned to the side so I could look up at him. His forehead dewy from the steam from the hot water.
Loud laughter and commotion coming from downstairs disrupted the little love bubble we were in. "Guess we gotta go back down and entertain them" Steve sighed.
"They're gunna think we fucked" I said covering my face with my hands.
"Is that so bad?" He said poking my sides making me giggle.
"Yeah, because we didn't"
"Later baby" He reassured.
We got out of the bath drying ourselves off and getting back into clothes. I witched into a pair of shorts and one of Steves shirts seeing as my dress was still wet. Steve hung it on the back of his door so it would dry. Hand in hand we headed back downstairs and into the kitchen for a drink, this time Steve handed me a cup that actually had booze in it this time. I gave him a small smile and we regrouped with the rest of them.
"Finally you guys are back, I was going to start screaming" Robin said loudly clearly a little bit more than tipsy. "You guys are always fucking like rabbits" she said waving her hand in disgust.
"We didn't even fuck Robin" Steve said nonchalantly giving me a knowing smile. I giggled into my cup as Robin rolled her eyes leaning back into Vickie.
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fallen-stark · 2 years
Hellow! Can i request something where the reader and Eddie are dating but everyone is jealous of them cause they basically are couple goals, they have fun, listen each other, share their personal tastes and enjoy every moment on their relationship but this makes Steve feels like “WTF” not in a sad way, i mean, Steve is like “Why the freak is dating this pretty amazing girl and i am here alone” 🙊
Thanks for your time 🧡✨
i love this! thanks for requesting <3 i hope this was what you had in mind! please let me know what you think! it is short though and in steve's perspective!
requests are open!
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"i'm just saying, robin, i just don't understand how eddie 'the freak' munson can date this amazing girl while i have nothing," steve held up his hands while he paced back and forth.
"steve, why don't you just let the two be happy?"
he deadpanned.
"happy? you know who deserves to be happy after all of this?"
'oh god,' robin thought as she stood behind the counter of family video. her hands held her head up as she watched steve harrington get riled up over the thought of you and eddie.
"me, robin, me! but no, that's two freaks. two. freaks. that ended up in good- no, great relationships."
"maybe you should open up with that on your next date. really let it out, you know?"
steve rolled his eyes and went up to the poor girl who was listening to him. "watch. tonight, when we're all at y/n's house watching stupid rom-com movies, watch."
was it the way that eddie had his hand wrapped around your shoulder? the way you leaned into his touch? the way your two bodies fit together like puzzle pieces?
or was it your small giggles throughout the movie from eddie's small kisses? the way his little jokes about how 'ridiculous' the actors were being, completely oblivious that he was being that way to you?
steve scoffed, looking at robin with an 'i told you so'. the girl just laughed at her friend and shook her head.
steve harrington had a hard time finding someone that meshed well with him after he and nancy had called it quits and it was as though eddie and you liked to remind him of that rough aspect in his life.
"you guys are disgusting," he muttered.
but it didn't go without missing. you simply turned to the poor guy and frowned. "aw, stevie, are you jealous?"
steve looked between you and eddie and scoffed, "jealous? we can't even watch a movie without y/n's giggles and eddies 'oh those actors are soooo dumb, no one actually acts like that'!"
you and eddie glanced at each other before bursting out into a fit of laughter at steve's poor excuse for trying to capture eddie's voice.
"we have got to get you a girlfriend, man," eddie shrugged simply before wrapping you up in his arms once again, kissing all over your face. he was now very aware of steve's crossed arms and the mutter of 'oh for the love of god, get a room'.
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tulipjeanohare · 2 years
The Road to Nowhere
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premise: And we’re back with another chapter! The group has Eddie out of Hawkins and harm’s way, now they have to find their way to his new home away from home. Finally, a little alone time for him and Dustin’s sister. Angst abound! 
pairing: eddie munson x dustin's sister!reader
word count: pairing: 2205
warnings:  very brief use of marijuana
notes:  I left this chapter with a bit of a cliffhanger because I want to make this oh so juicy for all of us. We all deserve a little Eddie kiss every now and then, right? Thank y’all so much for the love on the first two chapters, I’ve had so much fun writing this entire thing. Let me know what you think of this chapter!
Read Part One Part Two  Part Four
There were far too many people crammed in the car for the amount of time they’d be driving but you couldn’t talk Max or Dustin out of tagging along. You’d tried though; that long speech about how dangerous it was for them to come with you didn’t really hold so much weight anymore. So, Eddie was still shoved on the floor of the backseat which couldn’t have been comfortable for anyone let alone someone who had just had a weeks long stay in the hospital. But he didn’t seem too bothered by it. For the most part he’d rested his head back on the door and closed his eyes, every now and then Dustin or Max would bug him about something but that seemed to calm his nerves. He’d stopped fiddling with the rings on his fingers about an hour into the drive.
But now Steve and Robin were arguing in the front over who was right about the next turn they needed to make. Nancy had the map all spread out on her lap while Robin excitedly pointed to where she thought the right turn off was only for Steve to then chime in, one hand guiding the wheel while he tapped at a different line on the map.
“You think we’ll actually make it to our destination before they kill each other,” you whispered down to Eddie.
One eye popped open to look up at you, the corner of his mouth upturned into a smile. “You’re the one who let them drive.”
“I had to ensure the precious cargo was safe,” you scowled down at him. “Besides, they’re both wrong about what road is the right one…I’ll let them argue a little longer.”
That elicited a full laugh from him which made everyone’s ears perk up. “Inside joke,” you smiled, waving your hand back to the road ahead. “Eyes on the road Harrington, we don’t need a car accident right now.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, hands both back on the wheel now. “No backstreet driving.”
And just like that the arguing in the front continued.
Miles and miles of tree lines passed by you before you finally piped up about which road was actually the right turn to take. Steve was shooting daggers at you through the rearview mirror and repeatedly saying “you’re kidding me, you’re actually kidding me” under his breath while Nancy let out an exasperated sigh. Robin opened her mouth four or five times to say something back to you but couldn’t quite get the right comeback out. You could feel Dustin’s body shaking with laughter against yours when Eddie whispered, “totally worth it,” from below.
You shot him a wink without thinking anything of it, “we’re almost there I promise.”
“Good, I think you could kick me in the shin and I wouldn’t feel it at this point,” he said.
At that Max kicked her foot out from where she’d tucked it underneath her and grinned, “wanna try that theory out?”
“No, no no,” Steve shouted from the front seat. “Absolutely not!”
Max sighed and crossed her legs under herself once more, mumbling something about ‘no fun’ under her breath.
About twenty more minutes down the road took you to exactly where your college friend had instructed you the place would be. Once the dust settled from the dirt road behind you it was in perfect view. Perched on a little hill a ways from the main house was a beat up old RV, surrounded by acres and acres of green grass and not another house in sight.
Eddie watched you smile out the window as the car rolled to a stop. He wanted to see what you saw but he wasn’t kidding about his legs being dead asleep at this point. Pins and needles stung each leg up and down as he attempted to pull himself up enough to peek out the window. You shoved the door open and quickly slid yourself out before reaching for his wrist like before and tugging him out behind you.
A hand on your shoulder steadied him for a second as he righted himself.
“She’s not much but it was all I could do on such short notice,” you smiled, hopeful that this wasn’t going to be a bust.
There it was. Eddie’s new home and hide out for the foreseeable future. A gloriously rundown Winnebago RV with a hideous orange and brown paint job. The blinds along the front side were tattered and lopsided. The screen door had a massive rip down the center but the main door was sturdy as could be. He gave it a yank and hopped up the stairs for a more thorough look at his humble abode. You could see him through the window pacing here and there giving it a once over.
“I’m gonna mend that screen before we leave,” you started, fiddling nervously with your hands. “And new blinds are on the list I gave Steve and the group to pick up.”
He popped his head out the door, a smile plastered across his face, “Y/N, this is great,” his voice was even and so soothingly pleased. “A good scrubs all she needs.”
“Really,” you beamed up at him, making him go a little weak in the knees. 
And just when you thought that smile of his couldn’t get any bigger somehow it did. He extended his hand for you to take and guided you up the few stairs into the RV like he was walking you into some extravagant ball. “This place isn’t maybe what you’re used to but it’s as close to my home as you could’ve gotten,” he started. “And you didn’t have to do any of this so I’m, uh, really…thank you.”
“You’re welcome Eddie Munson,” you looked him in the eyes, those big brown eyes. And for a second you almost let yourself lean in to kiss him right on the lips, like he’d done back in the hospital. But the moment was gone when Steve bound up the stairs to let you know they were heading into town to grab everything from the list.
You purse your lips into a thin line, “thanks Steve,” you replied without turning to him.
“Come on,” Eddie smiled down at you before looking up at the hatch to the roof. “Let’s check out the view from this bad boy.”
It wasn’t the easiest climb up you’d ever made but eventually you were both standing atop the old hunk of junk looking out over the massive field. A hand went up to your brow to shield your eyes from the late sun still peeking through the old trees. 
“Hey,” Steve’s voice carried from below, half in the car and half out to yell up at you. “Be careful, I don’t want to come back here to one of you with a broken neck.”
You sarcastically waved him off, “I think I can manage…just get what we need and make it snappy!”
He rolled his eyes before mumbling something under his breath and getting back in the driver’s seat.
By the time you’d turned back to look at Eddie he was sitting down, resting back on his elbows with his feet kicked out in front of him. He truly looked right at home in that moment and it gave you the slightest bit of relief.
For the time being he didn’t have to worry about running.
“This seat taken,” you asked, the toe of your shoe pointing to the spot next to him.
That big smile of his spread across his face like a cat with a mouse in its mouth, “s’all yours.”
The clearing was quiet except for the occasional bug that zoomed past one of you, early risers for spring. Your bare legs sprawled out in front of you to match Eddie and you couldn’t help but stare at all the scars all over them from that night in the upside down. To be honest you hadn’t paid much attention to them in the last week or so because you’d been so focused on helping your brother get his friend out of police custody. Some of them were bright red still while others were a deep bruised purple.
Eddie watched from beside you as you chewed at the inside of your cheek, eyes focused intently on your legs. He had some of the same scars on his legs too and his arms and his stomach. Reminders of the hell you’d all endured to defeat Vecna which, at this point, seemed impossible. Hawkins was burning from the ground up as you two sat there in the country air and those scars were reminders of the battle still to come.
A tap of his boot to yours pulled you from your thoughts, “they’re not so bad…it’s like a badge of honor at this point.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’ll tell all my friends back at school all about the demon bats in the alternate dimension that attacked my friends and I.”
An unfamiliar giggle bubbled up from Eddie’s chest and before you knew it he was in hysterics. He let his body fall back onto the warm roof of the camper and held his sides as he fully laughed at the ridiculousness of everything you’d all been through. “Shit, that hurts,” he groaned through a laugh, wincing.
“Maybe this will help,” you leaned back enough to pull the small joint from the front pocket of your jeans, holding it out to him between two fingers.
“Henderson,” he grinned, taking it from your hand with all the excitement of a kid on Christmas morning. “You really are full of surprises.”
You couldn’t help but grin, “it’s from your stash…I don’t want to know why it took Dustin all of five seconds to find it.”
He opened his mouth to reply but then thought better of it and opted to pull out a lighter from his pocket and attempted to light up. But turns out drowning it in Lover’s Lake along with the rest of him had all but killed it.
“Jesus H Christ,” he mumbled, the joint still between his lips. “Not one goddamn thing can go ri-”
And before he could finish his rant you’d stuck a lit lighter in front of his lips. “Didn’t figure you’d still have a lighter on you after the shit you’ve been through in the last week.”
“Dustin and I stopped by your trailer before we broke you out and packed up some of your stuff,” you answered him before he could open his mouth. “I found that shitty little lunchbox full of your stash and grabbed the joint and the little baggie still in there…I hid it in your bag.”
It was the most thoughtful thing anyone had done for him in, well, ever. Not just thinking to bring him his pot stash but to go out of your way to pack clothes for him. Hell, you’d cooked this entire plan up yourself he was sure. You’d told him that Dustin had begged you to help him but he knew better. There was very little he remembered after the bats took him down but he did remember your teary eyes watching him closely as you’d helped Steve, Robin and Nancy haul him out of the upside down. Sure he was a dead man. 
“Want a hit,” he asked, the cloud of smoke he’d been holding slipping through his lips.
You looked at the joint between his index finger and thumb then up at him, “you’re the worst influence,” then you reached over and took it from him taking two quick drags from it.
“Looks like it’s your first time,” he teased, taking it back from you.
That made you smile.
“Did you really think all I was doing at school was getting an education,” you giggled.
The two of you sat like that for a while; passing the joint back and forth between you as the sun slipped lower and lower in the sky. It was so peaceful out here you wished you didn’t have to go back to Hawkins with the group. You had no idea what you were going to be greeted with when you returned. The ash falling from the sky had gone on for miles as you drove before you finally hit a point where the sky was normal again. So, you didn’t want to rush this.
“How did you manage this,” Eddie broke the silence.
A quick shrug and another puff of smoke spilled from your lips, “like I said, a friend from school mentioned this shit can last semester. His parents are total hippies so they don’t give a shit who's staying out here. I just told him I had a friend who was trying to get away from a bad situation…he’s a sucker for a sob story.”
“Just a friend,” he questioned, the joint resting between his lips now.
You shot him a look, “that’s what you’re worried about now?”
“Oh come on,” he replied, sitting straighter now. “You mean to tell me you weren’t about to kiss me before Steve so rudely interrupted us earlier?”
The heat rose in your cheeks so fast you were sure they were on fire.
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Dark Horse
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader
Word Count: 7,465
Warnings: Drunk sex (not heavily described, both parties equally intoxicated), Jealousy, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, I promise this isn't Nancy slander. I wanted to write the dynamics between her, Steve, and the reader realistically given the events of S4, but decided to put this under warnings anyway,
Summary: The Upside Down and all of its horrors are back in Hawkins. Y/N Harrington, née Hopper, can feel herself pushing Steve away. The thought of losing someone else she loves is too much for her to handle, especially with the little green monster on her shoulder. Will her and Steve's marriage survive? Or will that be taken away from her too?
Author’s Note: I originally wanted to do this all in one shot but it's already gotten really long. So I'm breaking it up into two parts! Here is part one!
Part One: Baby, Do You Dare To Do This?
I, Y/N Hopper, take you Steve Harrington, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.
Those were the vows she said on her wedding day eight months ago, and for the past eight months Y/N allowed herself to indulge in the fantasy of belonging to Steve. They didn't act like a normal married couple, not entirely. It was closer to how they showed marriage on TV back in the 50s and 60s. Hopper used to love those shows growing up and he instilled that love into Y/N, they used to spend Saturday mornings watching them together. Over time, she couldn't help but see similarities between them. Whenever Steve stayed over, they would cook dinner together and oversee the projects on the cabin. They would sleep in the same room, but different beds, and a few months ago Steve started kissing Y/N's cheek every time she left for work. It was an accident, the first time he did it. She went to hug him goodbye, already in a rush that morning, and when Steve went to tell herself something his lips landed on her cheek. Y/N made a joke about it, and they laughed together before she left for the day. But now he did it on purpose every morning, and every time he did it made her heart soar.
Steve never brought up the idea of divorce, and when his parents asked him around Christmas, he just shrugged his shoulders and told them that they'd call the lawyer eventually. Eventually, not soon, not next week, eventually. Y/N didn't bring it up either, perfectly content in living within the bubble she blew around them. The bubble where Steve and her are perfectly happy newlyweds, living their lives one day at a time, but all bubbles pop eventually. Hers popped the day Chrissy Cunningham's body was found.
Although Y/N was just an assistant secretary, she often went on ride alongs with other officers. They told her it was just like having Chief Hopper with them. The thought brought her comfort. None of the officers were as thorough as her father, but she tried to help combat that when she could. When they got the call that a girl's body was found in Forrest Hills, Y/N sat in passenger seat of newly appointed Chief Powell's car and made their way to the scene of the crime.
One look of the body, and she instantly new the horrors that have infected Hawkins over the past three years weren't over. No human being could have done that to the poor cheerleader. Her first thought was to call Steve. She didn't know what it was that killed Chrissy, but she would make sure it stayed far the hell away from him.
Chief Powell was questioning Wayne Munson when Officer Callahan asked her to step outside. He said it wasn't her place to look at the body, said it would be too much for a young lady such as herself. Y/N had to stop her eyes mid roll as he said it. She'd first seen death at eleven years old, watched as her little sister took her finals breaths after she lost the long hard battle with cancer. Nothing was too much for her anymore, but this wasn't a fight she wanted to have right then.
As she walked out, she noticed Max walking towards the Munson trailer. She had an inquisitive look on her face, nothing like the shock and horror from the other officers. She must have seen something. Y/N slowly walked towards the girl when another officer harshly grabbed her wrist.
"Hey!" Officer Jones yelled, "You can't be out here. Get back inside"
"A little more tact Jones would be nice, she's just a kid" Y/N chastised as she walked towards the two of them. Max rolled her eyes at the comment, but kept her mouth shut.
"This is a police investigation Mrs. Harrington, no place for little girls to run around" she really hated his tone. Officer Jones was a good at his job, but at the end of the day he was still a police officer. Ironically enough, Y/N didn't like many of the officers she worked with, never had. Her father was the one exception to the rule, and even used to fall in that brutish trap on the occasion before he found out about the Upside Down. He had grown a lot over the past few years, and a part of her wished he never gotten involved. He might have kept drinking and popping too many prescription pills, but at least he'd be alive.
"I'll take care of her. I have some other stuff to get to today, you mind letting Chief Powell know I'll be out? Oh, and I'm going to need your keys. Dad always used to tell me your car was the best" Y/N asked with false innocence. It might be wrong to abuse the dead dad card with her coworkers, but it always worked when she wanted to get her way. Officer Jones nodded, giving her the car keys, and walked towards the crime scene. That left Y/N alone with Max.
"Something you wanna share?" Max looked down at her feet, kicking some of the gravel on the ground. Y/N had noticed the girl slowly withdraw from the group, but she always made sure to check in on her and her mom after Billy died. He might have been a piece of shit, but he was still her brother. Y/N resonated with that, she knows what it's like to lose a sibling. Sarah wasn't anything like Billy, but death was something that was never easy to deal with at a young age, if it ever was. Over the course of the past 8 months both girls grew closer together, even if the redhead wouldn't admit it.
"There's something weird about this... I think I wanna talk to Dustin about it." So Y/N wasn't the only one who sensed it, Max knew it too. The Upside Down and all of its darkness was creeping back into Hawkins.
"Get dressed, I'll drive you"
Y/N was rushing to get to Family Video, Dustin and Max in the police car with her. She had to keep calm, stay focused on the road, pretend that everything was fine, when it wasn't fucking fine at all. It was supposed to be done, over. El slayed the Mind Flayer. Her sister lost her powers to do it. Her father died to stop it, and it was all for nothing. It was back.
She swung into the first parking spot she could find and rushed into the Family Video, Steve and Robin were at the front desk. The look of joyful surprise was quickly wiped off Steve’s face when he got a look at her. He hopped over the counter and rushed over to her, opening his arms to hold her, something she quickly fell into.
“Y/N? What’s wrong? Is this about the student who just died?” He asked, softly rubbing her back. She didn’t have a chance to respond before Dustin asked them how many phones they had. Y/N was half paying attention to the conversation, content in soaking up the comfort Steve gave her.
"It's back, whatever bullshit from the Upside Down is back again... Steve I-" She was nearly choking on her words, the hurt back in full force. Steve just held her closer, resting his head on top of hers.
"Whatever it is we'll handle it. We always do, it'll be okay sweet girl" Y/N knows he's just trying to reassure her, but it only made the dread sink deeper into her skin. Not everyone made it last time. Her dad didn't. He was the police chief of Hawkins, ex-military, and he died at the bottom of some Russian secret base. How could they do this again? Without him? Without El?
"It's gonna be fine. Whatever this is, we'll kick its ass so bad it wouldn't dare show its face in Hawkins again" Steve lifted her chin so she would look at him, his long fingers pressed gently against her skin, "Trust me Y/N" Trust wasn't the issue here, she trusted Steve with her life, it was his she was worried about.
"Gonna actually win a fight this time, Stevie?" Y/N teased. He lightly pinched the side of her waist, clearly unimpressed with her comment.
"Yeah yeah, think you're so cute don't you Mrs. Harrington?"
A strong sense of déjà vu washed over her, her mind traveling to the last time she found herself in this position, when Steve said those same words only a few months prior.
Robin had begged both Steve and Y/N to come to a Valentine's Day party someone in her class was throwing. Betty? Betsy? Something along those lines. There was someone else she was interested in going and she didn't want to go alone. She was vague on the details of who this mysterious person was, but Y/N didn't want to pry. They both agreed and Steve was the one to drive.
It was the first time since Vegas that Y/N got drunk in public. She didn't mean for it to happen, work ran late so she didn't have time to eat before the party. It was a recipe for disaster. There was a large plastic bin filled with jungle juice and she was unaware of how much booze was actually in it. She started with one drink, and then two, and before she knew it she lost count. It was nice letting loose, some other people from the class of '85 were there, the ones who stayed local for college. Steve was catching up with some old friends and left Y/N and Robin to their own devises. Robin was drinking like a gold fish, too nervous to talk to her mysterious someone and Y/N just kept drinking every cup handed to her. She had the same curse her mother did when she drank, every thought and action that entered brain instantly left her mouth. Something that often landed her into trouble, evidenced by the gold band on her finger.
"Robin, hey Robin" Y/N staged whispered to the other girl next to her.
"Yea, Y/N?" She had a small smile on her face, her head bopping along to the music from the other room.
"I wanna go dance! Can you come with me?" Robin instantly agreed, and both girls dragged each other to the living room. There were other couples dancing to the music, some Madonna song playing on the stereo. Y/N could barely see where she was going, the cheap plastic heart sunglasses she wore clouding her vision. It didn't bother her in the slightest, her drunken mind content with swaying to the music, eyesight be damned.
Both girls danced for awhile, not a single care in the world. That was until Y/N felt an arm tightly wrap around her waist, and the second familial curse ran through her: Hopper's temper.
"Get your hands off of me!" Y/N yelled, barely audible over the music. Unbeknownst to her, it was Steve who had touched her. She was standing right in front of him, but the glasses blurred his face.
"What-" Steve could barely get the word out before Y/N laid into him.
"I said, get, your, hands, off, of, me! That's crystal fucking clear buddy! I don't want any of your bullshit!" Y/N couldn't see the anguished look on Steve's face, how he ripped himself away from her like her skin had burned him. Robin stood motionless to the side, her heart breaking for her best friend. She knew all about what happened with Nancy, how she dumped him on Halloween. Called him bullshit. Every time Steve heard that word he would flinch. She was terrified history was about to repeat itself.
Steve felt as if his heart was about to shatter in a million tiny pieces. Bullshit. Y/N didn't want his bullshit. He didn't know what went wrong, what he did to her to cause this, she was fine before they left for the party. He just stood there and watched as his wife yelled at him, oblivious to how much it was slowly destroying him.
"I don't know who the hell you think you are! Thinking you can put your hands on me! What is wrong with you?! Do you see this?!" Y/N held her hand up, the shining gold band glistening under the lights of the house party, "This is a wedding ring! I am married! Do you want me to spell it out for you jackass? M-A-R-R-I-E-D!" That's when the lightbulb went off in Steve's head, she didn't recognize him. She thought he was some random stranger. Y/N wasn't going to leave him.
"Do you know my husband? Steve Harrington?" It was like whiplash, the all consuming feeling of dread quickly replaced with an intense fondness for her. "He's big, and strong, and super tough! And If he catches you with your grimy hands on his wife he's totally gonna kick your ass! And then I'm gonna kick your ass! So you better back off mister if you know what's good for you!"
It was the first time Y/N referred to him as her husband, herself as his wife. He quickly realized that the heart glasses she wore must be clouding her vision. Robin was barely controlling her laughter as she watched them both. Y/N was waving her drink in the air, ranting and raving to Steve. He was just standing there, taking it, a goofy lovesick smile on his face.
"Now, if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go find him. You better be halfway to Timbuktu by the time I get back here or you're gonna regret it!" Y/N said as she stomped away. Steve let her walk a few steps before he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him. Y/N was about to tear the guy a new one when Steve lifted the glasses off of her face, she instantly calmed when she realized who had grabbed her a second time.
"Stevie!" Y/N shouted as she wrapped her arms around his neck, spilling some of her drink on the floor, "I'm so glad you're here! There was this guy, and he grabbed me, and I, ugh! I just got so mad! I told him you'd fight him if he tried to get fresh again. Nobody cops a feel on Y/N Harrington!" Steve held her close by her waist, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew she was drunk, probably unaware of the effect her words had on him, but he couldn't care less in that moment.
"Oh yea? Think I can take him sweet girl?" Steve chuckled, the panic he felt from earlier finally slipping away. Y/N pulled back to look at him, a drunken smile gracing her lips.
"I didn't get a good look at 'im, but maybe you can put two wins on your fight roster. That'll help even out how many times you've had your ass handed to you!" Steve lightly pinched the side of her waist, feeling slightly put out by her comment.
"Yeah yeah, think you're so cute don't you Mrs. Harrington?"
After that fiasco, Steve clung to Y/N's hip like glue. Wherever she went, he followed. Every drink she poured for herself, he drank most of it in her stead. Steve claimed he wanted to spare her from alcohol poisoning, but in his act of protectiveness he forgot he was was supposed to drive everyone home. By the end of the night they were both hammered. At some point they must have called a cab, dropping Robin off first before heading home. Y/N and Steve stumbled into the cabin on wobbly feet and toppled into one of their small twin sized beds.
It wasn't Y/N's proudest moment, practically jumping Steve's bones the moment she set foot inside their room. They had only slept together one other time, the day after her father's birthday, the anniversary of Sarah's death. That wasn't a proud moment for hers either. Y/N was upset, crying all weekend from how lonely she felt. No father, no mother, no sister. Steve held her through it all, comforted her as she tried to stifle the grief she felt inside. All she wanted was to feel good, feel something to forget the awful pain that threatened to consume her. It was Y/N who initiated the first kiss.
Steve was hesitant at first. She reassured him that she wanted it, wanted him, wanted to forget everything shitty that happened to her. That they could do it one time and move on, that it didn't have to big deal. No pressure either way. It broke Steve's heart a bit, hearing that having sex with his wife wasn't a big deal. He struggled with the decision, but in the end he caved. If there was only one time he could make love to her, he wasn't going to waste it.
Steve took care of her, savored every second he had. Fell a little bit more in love with her when she clung to his back, moaned his name. He didn't tell her, didn't want to ruin the fragile thing they had built between them. Y/N took care of him too, and despite what lead up to it, she had never felt more at peace in her life. After they were done, Steve held onto her tight throughout the night. He barely slept, his mind racing with what if’s and what now's. The next day they continued with their routine, no awkwardness at all.
Valentine's day wasn't like that. It wasn't soft, sweet, and slow. Y/N pounced on him, tearing his clothes off like a woman possessed. Steve knew the girls he slept with in the past wanted him, but it was nothing like this. Y/N touched him like she couldn't think about anything else but, like she was possessive of him. With every brush of Y/N's lips on his skin, Steve felt as if he was burning from the inside out. He fucking loved it, craved it, slowly became addicted to the sight of her on top of him. All it took was one simple phrase to push him over the edge, trap him under Y/N's spell, a spell he never wanted to be released from.
"You're mine"
Y/N was pulled from her memories by Dustin's frantic searching. On the hunt for his friend Eddie Munson, a man she was quite familiar with. She pulled away from Steve to walk towards the front counter, her husband following suit.
"See if a Rick Lipton is in your system" Y/N requested, gently leaning over the desk.
"Like the tea?" Robin asked, fingers resting lightly on the computer keys.
"Yea like the tea"
"Who's Rick Lipton?" Dustin and Steve asked at the same time. Y/N reached over the desk to grab a post it note and a pen, at the ready in case she found an address.
"You'd know him as Reefer Rick. He's Eddie's supplier, my bet is that he's hanging out there since Rick is in jail. I remember his house being close to Lover's Lake, but I can't remember the exact address" Everyone stared at her as she said it, shock and surprise written all over their faces.
"How do you know all that?" Steve asked in his no-nonsense voice. Y/N tried to stifle her giggles, as she often did when got that tone. It was normally used on the kids, but now it was turned on her.
"Do you want the long or short of it?"
"All of it" Y/N sighed, handing the post it and pen to Robin.
"I met Eddie a few years ago when I was on a ride along with my Dad. He got a call that some kid was smoking weed in the abandoned playground by that old Victorian house on 2nd Ave. That kid was Eddie, he was only 15 at the time" she smiled at the memory, it was one of the many occasions Hopper bent the rules, showed mercy instead of the law's iron fist.
"When my Dad got out of car, I followed him to see what was going on. Eddie froze like a deer in headlights, and didn't fight it when he was asked to get in the car. I sat in the backseat with him. I felt bad, Eddie was shaking like a leaf the entire time. We talked a bit on the way to the station, and I asked my Dad to cut him a break. He tried to lecture me that drugs were bad, and then I had to remind him how he himself partook in some Mary Jane back in the day. I found an old polaroid of him and Joyce in high school smoking together, and said he would be a hypocrite if he got Eddie in trouble for the same thing he used to do. My Dad just dropped him off at Forrest Hills, told him that if he caught him again he wouldn't be as lenient. Eddie found me at school the next day, thanked me for bailing his ass out. We've been friends ever since. We don't hang out a lot, but we smoke together on occasion. He drove me to Rick's once to pick up stuff a few years ago, that's how I know he's there" Dustin and Max looked at her with a new found respect, but Steve looked like a vein was about to pop out of his skull.
"Have you done that recently?" he tried to keep his tone calm, but a slight edge of jealousy slipped through. Y/N didn't notice it.
"Last time I smoked with him was when you worked that double on Groundhog's Day, I haven't seen him much since Dad died" Steve was about interrogate her some more before Robin interrupted.
"If you guys are about done with marriage counseling, I found the address. It's 2121 Holland Rd" Robin and Steve closed the Family Video and rushed to his car, Y/N told him to follow her to Forrest Hills to drop off the police car.
The ride from the trailer park to Rick's house was tense. Dustin was practically vibrating in the backseat, begging Steve to drive faster. Robin was stuck in the back of his car with the kids, much to her annoyance. She normally rode in front with Steve, but he kicked her out when Y/N joined in. Robin didn't complain, she knew that it was Y/N's place to be beside him.
She often harped on Steve to get his shit together, tell his wife that he loved her. She knew he was terrified of rejection, that Y/N would serve divorce papers the moment he said it. He already said it once, the day they got married, and she never said it in return. He was convinced Y/N didn't love him back. Robin didn't understand how he couldn't see how wrong he was. It was clear to anyone with eyes that Y/N adored him, but he refused to listen to reason, said it was because they were best friends. Robin thought that was bullshit. Steve and her were best friends, but she never looked at him like he was the center of her universe, Y/N did.
Robin sat in the backseat and watched as Mr. and Mrs. Harrington navigated the back roads of Hawkins. Steve had one hand on her thigh, while Y/N held a map and gave him directions. It reminded her of the family vacations she took as a kid. She'd sit in the back of their station wagon as her Mom told her Dad where to go, they'd laugh and joke together on long drives, just like Steve and Y/N were doing now. For her best friend’s sake, she hoped he told her the truth about how he felt. Before it was too late.
Y/N wished she could say that finding Eddie went well, but the scrape on Steve's neck told otherwise. She didn't blame him, she'd be scared out of her wits if the roles were reversed. That didn't stop her from lecturing him about how he could have seriously hurt Steve. Eddie just laughed, said he missed her chastising him. It was a nice break from the stressful situation they found themselves in. Especially after hearing what happened to Chrissy.
When Steve and Y/N came home that night, neither of them spoke for a long time. They cooked and ate dinner in silence, got dressed into their pajamas in silence, and Y/N crawled into Steve's bed in silence. She laid on his chest, his arms wrapped around her like a safety net. They laid there in the dark lull, the melody of cricket chirps the only sound they could hear. She desperately wanted to sleep, but an overwhelming sense of doom kept her awake.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Steve asked quietly. He waited for her to reach out to him all evening, but she never did. Steve knew her like the back of his hand, knew that pushing her too much would cause her to clam up. Y/N was the suffer in silence type. She would let the pain and anxiety slowly build inside her, and push everyone away to spare them from it. For her, running away was easier. She could charge headfirst into a fight against monsters, but vulnerability was a different beast altogether.
He'd seen it a few times over the past few years, a bit more after they moved in together. It didn't happen often, but when it did it hurt Steve as much as it hurt her. All he wanted to do was help her, he hated watching her sink into herself. He wanted to Y/N to share her burdens with him, but he knew better than to force that on her. It took patience, a soft touch to get her to open up. Sometimes she would, she'd let Steve walk through the drawbridge into the castle walls she built around herself. Sometimes she didn't, and he would sit in silence with her, letting her know he was there if she needed him. He didn't know if tonight was going to be one of those nights, or if she would open the castle gates again, if she would let him in.
"I just have a bad feeling about all of this... That this will be worse than what happened last summer..." Y/N said, voice barely above a whisper.
"Why do you think that sweet girl?" Steve knew he had to tread lightly, he knew the girl in his arms was feeling fragile. Y/N hated feeling like that, and hated it more when people treated her like she was made of glass. She carried herself with poise, strong and unbreakable. Y/N oozed confidence, but he knew she didn't feel that way all the time. She tried to hide it, tried to hide when she was feeling unsure of herself, but he could see right through her. Not like glass, not as something so brittle. Steve knew her heart, even if she didn't know it, even if it didn't belong to him. He knew.
"We never faced anything like this before. We're going against something that's invisible. We don't have El, and as selfish as it is for me to admit, I wish we did. I wish we had her powers to rely on" Y/N began, "I know I shouldn't want her anywhere near danger, and I don't. I would just feel better knowing we weren't walking in with a knife to a gun fight."
Steve took a minute to think about what he was going to say. Deep down he knew they were in deep shit, that Y/N had every right to be afraid. He wasn't feeling 100% about it either. Steve just held onto the hope that everything would work out for them; that's all he really had.
"We'll know more tomorrow, I'm sure Henderson has a plan all mapped out. We'll just take it one step at a time alright?" Steve turned his head to look at his wife, just to find her staring right back at him. Her eyes were half lidded with exhaustion, lips pulled into a line before a small smile graced her face.
"So you're saying I shouldn't worry my pretty little head about it?" Y/N didn't say it with malice, just a light touch of humor to ease the tension in the room. Steve chuckled a bit to himself, pulling her a bit closer to him.
"I'm saying I shouldn't worry my pretty little head about it, you're doing just fine"
"Okay Stevie, whatever you say" Y/N closed her eyes and snuggled closer on his chest, her breaths coming in and out more evenly. Steve placed a gentle kiss at her hairline, waiting for her to fall asleep completely. Once he was sure, he whispered the words he wanted to say when she was awake, but could never bring himself to do.
"Goodnight sweet girl, I love you"
Y/N knew it was unreasonable to dislike Nancy. It wasn't like she ever did anything wrong to her personally, but she could never really get the image of Steve, heartbroken and defeated, out of her head. She knew it was wrong to judge her for how quickly she moved on to Jonathan, how she made Steve believe they were happy and in love while she was clearly checked out of the relationship. She also knew it was wrong to feel jealous of Nancy, but she couldn't help it. Y/N never let any of this show, it was her cross to bear, but watching Steve volunteer himself to follow her to the library made it very difficult to stay calm. Y/N dug her nails into the windbreaker she stole from Steve, arms crossed against her chest as she watched Robin and him debate on who should go to the library. Y/N would never be rude or snotty to Nancy in person, she didn't deserve that, but it didn't stop her from thinking about telling Nancy Wheeler to eat her shorts.
Robin had won the debate, which left Steve and Y/N with Dustin and Max to go visit the guidance counselor. She stomped her feet to the front seat of the BMW, lightly slamming the door shut as she got it. Y/N knew it was a bit childish, but felt satisfied nonetheless.
"Always the babysitter," Steve complained as he turned the car's engine key, "always the goddamn babysitter!"
"Didn't realize you had a passion for research Steve, learn new things about you everyday apparently" Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes as she buckled her seatbelt in.
"What are you talking about?"
"You gunnin' to go the library with Nancy. I didn't know you liked sifting through stuffy archives" Steve was looking at her like she was speaking ancient Greek. Normally she would find it endearing, and would explain what she meant to him, but she wasn't in the mood now.
"I don't"
That was precisely the problem. Y/N knew he wanted to go to the library because Nancy was there, his first love, the woman he probably should have married. It gutted to her think that when push came to shove, Steve would choose Nancy over her. That even though she was with Jonathan, he would still pick her. Y/N hated feeling so weak and insecure, it was all so juvenile. She wasn't 13 anymore, she shouldn't allow herself to get so strung out over a boy, but Steve wasn't just a boy. He was the man she loved, the man she married.
"Then why did you wanna go to the library so bad?" Y/N asked, barely concealing the venom in her voice.
"I was worried"
"About Nancy"
"Yea, there's a psychic monster killing teenagers out there! We shouldn't be splitting up right now!" Steve shuddered, oblivious to the point Y/N was trying to make.
"But you were planning on leaving me to go off on that wild goose chase? What, you don't care if Vecna's curse gets me? If the next corpse the police find is mine?" Steve slammed his foot on the breaks, the car coming to a screeching hault.
"How could you say something like that?" He sounded horrified, voice full of hurt and anguish. Y/N bit her tongue, she knew that last comment was too far. She let her envy get the best of her, and Y/N felt ashamed of herself. It was ridiculous to accuse him of something like that. She knew he would care. That even if he wasn't in love with her, he was still her best friend. It wasn't fair to lash out at him, but she did it anyway. Y/N was pushing him away and she hated herself for it.
"Are Mom and Dad fighting?" Dustin whispered to Max. He meant for it to come out much quieter than it did, but they all heard it anyway. Y/N turned to face towards the backseat. Both kids wore a concerned expression on their faces, Dustin a bit more than Max. A defeated sigh escaped her lips, before she plastered on a small smile to ease the tension.
"Steve and I aren't fighting, everything's fine. I didn't sleep well last night and I'm a little on edge. I'm sorry I freaked you guys out" she hated lying to them, but she refused to admit that her outburst was from petty jealousy rather than genuine nerves. When she turned back around she could see Steve staring at her from the corner of her eye, but she was too proud to face him. When it was clear Y/N wasn't going to say another word, Steve let out a sigh of his own and continued on the drive to Ms. Kelly's house.
When Steve pulled out front, Y/N didn't hesitate to get out of the car. She told him she'd go with Max, maybe get some information out of the guidance counselor herself. It was a lame excuse, but Steve didn't fight her on it. Both girls walked up the front steps to Ms. Kelly's, while the boys stayed inside BMW.
"Okay, what the hell was that about?" Dustin asked as soon as Max and Y/N were out of earshot.
"I don't know dude, I swear that came out of nowhere" Steve was just as lost as he was. He didn't believe her excuses for a single second, but he had no idea what the issue was really about. Y/N never lashed out at him, not directly, not with such obvious anger.
"Maybe it's because you basically threw yourself at Nance"
"Okay, first of all, that's not what happened. Didn't you hear a word I said? I don't think we should be splitting up right now" Steve defended.
"Pretty sure that's what Y/N thinks what happened. I mean, she has a point" Dustin began, "You were hellbent on going to the library with Nancy, were you just gonna leave Y/N and Robin with us?"
"Obviously I was gonna bring her with me dude, why would you even ask that?" Steve scoffed, uncomfortable with the direction this conversation was going.
"But you didn't say that. How was Y/N supposed to know? She's not a mind reader. From an outsider's point of view, it looked like you were leaving your wife to chase after your ex-girlfriend's tail"
Ice ran down Steve's spine. Did it really look like that? That he was still interested in Nance? He didn't mean for it to look that bad, he didn't have any feelings for Nancy beyond mutual respect. One part of Dustin's theory still didn't click for him, which was why Y/N would react that way if she thought he still loved Nancy. It didn't make any sense.
"That would imply Y/N was jealous, and I know for a fact she isn't"
"Oh yea? How?" Dustin challenged, convinced Steve was wrong.
"Because if she was jealous that would mean she had feelings for me, which I know she doesn't. When I told her I loved her back in Vegas she never said it back, and she's never said I love you to me since" It was the one dark cloud that covered their entire marriage. Steve could pretend all he wanted that his wife loved him, but he knew she didn't, not in the same way he loved her. They practically live together, spend everyday together, they've slept together, but she still hasn't said it. Not once.
"Dude... Have you considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, she didn't hear you? Or didn't understand what you said?"
"She was standing right in front of me dude, I'm pretty sure she heard me" If Steve was being honest with himself, he never considered the thought that she never heard him. It never crossed his mind.
"Well, if near black out Steve is anything like Russian drugged up Steve, it's pretty strong possibility she didn't. I could barely understand what you were talking about back then and I was sober" Dustin had a point, and Steve couldn't help but think of the possibilities. Maybe Y/N was jealous, maybe he had a shot at making their marriage real. He couldn't think about it much longer, Y/N and Max were running out of Ms. Kelly's house like a bat out of hell.
"Drive, drive, drive!" Y/N shouted as she rushed into the front seat of the car. Steve turned the engine key on and sped off, heading straight to Hawkins High School.
Steve and Y/N walked into the Wheeler house that night in silence, but it wasn't the comfortable silence they had the night before. Y/N had barely looked at him the since their fight in the car, much less spoken to him. It got worse when Robin and Nancy showed up at the school. Y/N hadn't said a single word since then, complete radio silence. Steve kept sneaking glances at her when Max told them all she was next on Vecna's hit list, but she never returned them. Her eyes were entirely focused on Max, a look of complete despair written all over her face. All he wanted to do was comfort her, but when he went to go hold her hand she flinched. He knew then that the drawbridge was locked up tight, that Y/N had climbed up to the tallest tower within her castle walls, and she wasn't going to let him in anytime soon.
That night when all packed up like sardines in the Wheeler basement, Y/N slept on the couch while Steve laid on the floor beside her. He didn't want to go to bed knowing she was upset with him, but he didn't know how to fix it. It wasn't the right time to discuss their marriage, they had with zero privacy, but he knew he had to do something before the sun rose the next morning.
"Y/N..." Steve whispered, unsure if the girl above him heard. After a moment he heard her shuffle her body so she was facing his direction, but she didn't look at him. He took it as progress.
"What do you want Steve..." she sounded tired, and not just in the physical sense. It was closer to drained, drained of all her energy and spark. It upset Steve more than he thought.
"I wasn't going to leave you alone, I wanted you to come with me. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear. I'm sorry I was too stupid to realize what I said could hurt you... did hurt you" he hoped his apology was enough, he didn't know what he would do if he ruined their marriage over one stupid argument. He could feel the tears form in his eyes, threatening to spill over. Steve never told Y/N that when Nancy broke up with him, something inside fundamentally changed inside of him, and not all for the better. He lost almost all of his confidence in his relationships, second guessed his decisions. It was growing back bit by bit, more so since he got married, but the root was still there.
Y/N turned to look down at Steve, finally seeing how upset he was. She motioned him to join her on the couch, lifting the blanket she had previously wrapped tightly around herself. Steve didn't hesitate. He immediately jumped onto the couch, leaving only an inch of space between them. Y/N covered them with the blanket, a private cocoon for two.
"You're not stupid Steve, I never want to hear you say that about yourself again" Y/N began, voice soft yet determined, "I accept your apology, and I'm sorry too. I was being ridiculous, and I... I shouldn't have snapped at you. That was my fault, not yours. I'm so sorry Stevie, I'm sorry I made you feel like you were stupid when you're the farthest thing from it..."
"You weren't being ridiculous. I should have made it clear I didn't want to leave your side. You have nothing to apologize for" Steve said as he cautiously moved his arm to wrap around her, waiting to see if she would deny him. When she didn't, he moved to tuck her head underneath his chin, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
"I do have to apologize, I was so out of line. I couldn't get my head out of my own ass and took it out on you, you didn't deserve that..." This was uncharted territory for Steve, when him and Nancy argued he was always the first to apologize. Nancy would say she was sorry too, but she would always make light of it. He used to think that it was better to not make a big deal out of fights, but that was until he realized how much he relief he felt to understand the depth of it. That it was okay to talk about how they messed up, that it was okay to acknowledge how they made the other person feel. It felt like true forgiveness rather than a simple I'm sorry.
"Okay, all is forgiven sweet girl don't worry about it" Steve could feel Y/N take a deep breath against him, fill her lungs with air before releasing it again. It was peaceful, warm, lacking the thick strain he felt earlier.
"I wanna let you know that if I do something like that again, please know that it's just me not dealing with my own shit. I, I don't know if you know this..." Y/N murmured, "but I have a bad habit of pushing people away. It's the same thing my mom used to do to my dad, until she walked away entirely. I... I don't want to do that to you, but sometimes I can't stop myself until it's too late..."
Y/N and Steve never really talked about their parents, not since Vegas. It was a touchy subject both of them liked to avoid, but Steve wasn't going to leave her hanging when she was allowing herself to be vulnerable to him. She was giving a piece of her to him, and he would do that same.
"My mom clings to my dad ever since he cheated on her. That's why she never lets him go on business trips alone. I'm a lot like her, I cling too much. I know Nancy didn't cheat on me, we were basically broken up when she got with Jonathan, but in my head, it felt like she betrayed me a bit. I loved her, and she moved on within days. When we were together, I could feel her slip away and I clung to her like saran wrap. I was afraid that my clinginess is what turned her off, and I'm afraid that my clinginess will push everyone away too" Steve didn't think he had ever been this honest with another person in his entire life. It wasn't hard though, not with Y/N. He felt safe, secure underneath the blanket with her, like he used to do as a kid during thunderstorms.
"I don't think you're clingy Stevie, you just care a lot. That's not a bad thing"
"And I think you shouldn't feel the need to push me away from you. I'm always here for you Y/N, no matter what" she wanted Steve's reassurance to be the magic word that fixed her issues, but it didn't work like that. Y/N knew it would take time, but she hoped that she'd get there eventually with Steve's help. She would help him too, and they could move on from the bullshit their parents put on them. Together.
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caroldantops · 2 years
(this might be a lil dub con bc it’s part of a hazing ritual but um)
rushing nancy’s sorority and there’s all these tests/hazing rituals you have to go through. and you’re nearing the final rounds and nancy splits people into pairs and you get paired with a cute girl named robin for the next task which is ALL about showing love to your sister. but jokes on you, it’s sexual love. she pulls you and robin into a private room and tells you to hop to it. and you’re both virgins and you’ve never been with a girl so it’s clumsy kissing and groping and your eyes bugging out when Robin takes her top off. and you’re both humiliated because Nancy is there to “supervise” and she’s making comments like “don’t you sluts know how to kiss?” and “christ stop covering your tits they belong to the sisterhood now, robins allowed to fucking suck on them” and she laughs when you eat robin out because while you’re bent over she can “see that cute little asshole peeking between your cheeks”.
soon enough she has you two scissoring and your pussies are so slick and wet and your clits are bumping and robins already made you cum once and you’re whining and you’re feeling that pressure build again and Nancy is eagle eyed on those bouncing tits. And you start feeling like you have to pee and you’re mortified but it’s not pee right? Your sorority rushes all say feeling like you need to pee means you’re gonna squirt right? And you’re humiliated that this special event is gonna be part of rushing with a girl you barely know (but kinda wanna fuck forever) in front of Nancy but fuck it right?
Except whoops your sisters might have given misinformation because you let go but you’re full force pissing against robins pussy and Nancy is shrieking with laughter calling you a piss slut and a baby and “don’t you know not to potty during big girl time?” and “fuck are we gonna need to stock diapers?” And you’re near tears and robins having a fucking life altering moment and starts humping harder as you continue peeing and fully orgasms to your pissing spectacle.
And sure enough, a week later at a sorority event nancy grins and clicks a few buttons on her laptop before you and robin taking each other’s virginity and your accident is displayed on screen to your new sisters because Nancy forgot to mention the task WASNT just showing sister love, it was recording said sisterly love for ALL your sisters to enjoy.
deviating slightly but i like the idea that you were totally the one to convince robin to rush in the first place. she didn't want to at all, but you promised it would be fun! or if anything, front row seats to all the greek life drama (which was much more convincing to her)
and some of the hazing has been. kind of weird but nothing super insane. skinny dipping in the lake on campus in the cold sure wasn't your preferred activity, but at least it was dark out and nobody could see you (or at least you thought. nancy reveals those pretty pictures do you during your official initiation)
both you and robin are wondering if this is normal - robin questions this fact out loud and nancy just rolls her eyes and grabs her by her face. "I don't think I gave you permission to speak, and definitely not to ask stupid questions."
robin n you both Know that this is each other's first time, and it definitely isn't how you dreamed about it tucked away in your bed with your fingers between your thighs. though, you'd be lying if you hadn't pictured robin on top of you the way she is now...
god i just love the part about your sorority sisters telling u oh its fine, if u ever feel like you have to pee during sex, you're probably just about to squirt!! like!! that's so!!! hhhgn and nancy definitely does get you into diapers at some point, probably your next hazing ritual
you're far too distracted by robin's moaning and nancy's degrading words to realize nancy's recording everything. and you're embarrassed how...wet you are watching it over again. both you and robin next to you are visibly squirming hearing all the other girls mocking you, calling you and robin piss sluts and wondering out loud if you're enough of a whore to let them use you as a urinal.
you are.
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eddies-freak · 2 years
5 Times You Wanted to Kiss Eddie Munson and the Time You Did - eddie munson x gn!reader
Summary: You've been assigned to take candids for the yearbook staff, but end up taking a suspicious amount of photos of Eddie Munson, your long-time crush. Will he discover your feelings?
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Food, Swearing, Fluffy fluffy!!
A/N: This idea comes from the lovely @eddieonfilm, and the pictures are also theirs! I usually only write for fem! reader, this is my first gn! reader so please let me know if there's any bits I missed :)
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“So you’re good with everything?” Nancy asked. “Any questions?”
“Nope, thanks Nance,” you said, taking the camera from her hands. 
“Remember, be careful with that. You break it, you buy it. That’s school property.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, Nance, I heard you the first 20 times you said it.”
“Okay then, off you go. Better start now than later and get behind!” 
You had volunteered to be on the yearbook staff that year, assigned to take fifty candids to be inserted throughout. Nancy was head of the staff, of course, being who she was, but she was also your best friend. That meant she could bend the rules a little bit and give you the assignment you wanted, taking candids. You didn’t like posed pictures, as they didn’t capture people’s beauty properly. Internal beauty, at least. A posed picture of someone smiling makes you think, Wow, what a beautiful smile they have. A picture taken of someone who’s laughing at a joke, unaware that the picture is being taken makes you think, Wow, they look so happy. Their happiness makes them even more beautiful.
Thankfully, no one really ever wanted to take the candids assignment, as it meant carrying the school’s camera around with you all day, which took some freedom. You, however, felt a special bond to cameras. You had several at home, a self-taught photographer. Your photos would certainly be the most interesting in the yearbook, you’d make sure of it. It seemed Nancy’s academic drive had been wearing off on you.
You also had a huge crush on Eddie Munson, the leader of the Hellfire Club, the school’s D&D club. He was also the town freak, but you didn’t care. He was interesting. He looked interesting, from the get-go. But it wasn’t until you began to get to know him that you discovered just how interesting he was on the inside. You had become good friends after you’d joined the Hellfire Club and he’d started teaching you D&D. But sometimes, you just really wanted to kiss him. 
The First Time-
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You’d been hanging out at Eddie’s trailer for one of Eddie’s D&D lessons, when he said “Shit- uh.. hang on, I’ll be right back, I need to find the D20.”
You’d waited patiently for him to return, but it had taken much longer than you’d expected. You sat, looking at the scattered notes and game pieces littered in front of you, smelling the lavender air freshener he’d sprayed when you came in in an attempt to hide the stink of two men living together, listening to him rustle for the die in his room. 
Finally, he emerged, triumphantly holding the die in his hand. “Got it!” he said, smile on his face. You quickly held your camera up to your face and snapped a picture. “Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-” Eddie said, holding his hand out in front of his face to cover the camera lens. “No paparazzi, please!” You lowered the camera, giggling at his joke. 
“What was that for?” He asked more seriously now. 
“You know I’m supposed to be taking candids,” you replied, blushing.
“Yeah, sure, but why that moment?”
“I dunno…” you said honestly, “...sometimes I just feel this pull, like a magnet, to the camera. Whenever that happens I let my instinct take control and snap a picture. That’s what I felt just then.”
“Oh…So what got you into photography?” Eddie asked, genuine interest on his face. That was the first time you wanted to kiss Eddie Munson. 
The Second Time-
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Eddie had been taking you to a spot in the woods he’d wanted to show you during lunch, when a picnic table began to take form in front of you. “Told you there’s a place we can eat in here,” Eddie said, turning his smiling face around to look at you, and winking. 
“Alright, alright, I admit it, you were right,” you said, trying to hide your blush. 
He crouched down and picked up a rock, only to put it back down, but stayed crouched on the ground, looking up at the sky. “I mean, look how beautiful it is in here,” he said, genuinely looking like he was in awe. You grabbed your camera and snapped a picture. 
“Magnet?” he asked. 
Sitting down at the picnic table, you’d sat down and realized, “Oh, shit.” 
“What?” Eddie asked, sitting too and taking a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 
“I left my lunch at home,” you said, not believing you could’ve made such a mistake. Without hesitation, Eddie tore his sandwich in half, dug around in his metal lunchbox and pulled out a bag of cheetos, and gave you the two. 
“Take it,” he said sincerely. 
“No, Eddie, that’s your lunch, I couldn’t-”
“Sweetheart, it’s alright. You need to eat, take it,” he said, now smiling. That had been the second time you wanted to kiss Eddie Munson. 
The Third Time-
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You’d been at Hellfire for your first game. Eddie was DMing, as per usual, and Gareth, Jeff, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas surrounded you at the table. Eddie had put a particularly difficult obstacle to defeat in the way of you and your fellow players, and he was laughing as you bickered, trying to figure out the best way to proceed. You took your camera and snapped a picture. 
“Jesus, Y/N, what was that for?” Dustin asked, rubbing his eyes. 
“Did you just take a picture of Eddie?” Mike asked. 
“It’s this like… magnet thing. Don’t worry about it,” Eddie explained, turning to look at you with an I get it face.
That was the third time you wanted to kiss Eddie Munson. 
The Fourth Time-
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You were sitting at the lunch table with Eddie and Gareth and Jeff, and Eddie was reading from the Newsweek magazine in a narrative voice. “Dungeons and Dragons… At first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodamy, suicide, and even… murder.” 
You discussed for a while, and when Mike and Dustin finally showed up, and Eddie was mid-rant. “...and if I don’t blow her final, I’m gonna walk that stage… look Principal Higgins dead in the eye… I’m gonna flip him the bird…” 
You interrupted to snap a picture of Eddie holding up the middle finger, him not even flinching or giving you a questioning look. 
“I’m gonna snatch that diploma and run like hell out of here!” he paused, leaving you all to giggle. “It’s my year, I can feel it. ‘86, baby!” he turned to look at you with a smile. That was the fourth time you’d wanted to kiss Eddie Munson. 
The Fifth Time-
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You’d been hanging out at Eddie’s trailer again, helping him with his homework and working on your own. Eddie was getting restless, even though he only had one thing left to do, his math homework. 
“Can we just go out for milkshakes? Please?” he turned to look at you with a pout. You snapped a picture, earning yourself a wink from him. “I promise I’ll be a good boy and finish after we get back.”
You sighed. Even though you would never admit it, you needed a break, too, and milkshakes sounded good. “Fine, but this one’s on you- I got the last impromptu study snack.” 
“Of course, sweetheart, a promise is a promise.”
You loaded into Eddie’s van, trying to sneak the English book you’d been working on analyzing in with you, but Eddie caught you, making you give the book to him and marching it back inside. You went to the ice cream place and Eddie ordered a chocolate milkshake, turning to you with a quizzical look, obviously asking what you wanted. 
“Um… I’ll have a strawberry, please.”
You sat down at a table inside the restaurant, your milkshakes eventually being delivered to your table. You and Eddie were talking about random things: Hellfire, homework, your favorite bands, et cetera, until he asked you, “Can I try yours?” You nodded shyly and handed him your glass, him giving you his without you even having to ask. 
That was the fifth time you wanted to kiss Eddie Munson. 
The Sixth Time-
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You and Eddie were at a stupid pep rally, where stupid Jason and his stupid basketball team (excluding Lucas, who despite his poor choices you still loved) were hyping up the crowd and giving dumb speeches. You were sitting with Eddie on the bleachers in the gym, when he bumped your arm with his hand and whispered, “Wanna get out of here?” You nodded, grateful he’d noticed how bored you were. He took your arm and led you out of the gym, taking you outside where you roamed the empty hallways. 
“So,” he said, and you snapped a picture. He chuckled. “That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about. You’re always taking pictures of me, and I-” he blew out a large breath. “I never see you taking pictures of anything else. So I guess I’m trying to ask, uh,” he chuckled again, this time more nervously. “Why do you take so many pictures of me?” You both blushed this time. 
“You’re pretty,” you mumbled, only loud enough for you to hear. Eddie took a couple steps closer to you. 
“I couldn’t hear you,” he said, confusion plastered on his face. 
“You’re pretty!” you blurted out, and immediately clapped your hand over your mouth. Eddie blushed, and before you even had the chance to register it, your brain said Fuck it, and your mouths collided. Eddie didn’t pull away, but instead deepened the kiss, your mouths moving to some unheard rhythm. He pulled away, gasping for air as he cupped your cheeks with his hands. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” you said, your foreheads touching each other’s. 
“How long you’ve been wanting to do that? What about how long I’ve been wanting to do that? I was just too cowardly to…” his voice trailed off, and he pecked you on the lips again. “I-I love you, y/n,” he said, blushing profusely. 
“I love you too, Eddie Munson.”
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i hope you guys enjoyed! thank you again to @eddieonfilm for the pictures and the idea!!
as always, asks are open! currently writing for eddie but if you have another specific request i might consider, so shoot your shot. eddie taglist is also open! reply to my taglist post or send me an ask if you're interested in being added. :)
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{Just What I Needed, The Cars}
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Program: The last day of vacation calls for a take out, sunset dinner at the beach. Through the course of the night, both lovers desperately just want to show their devotion to their partner. Whether it's capturing memories on film or sharing a soda pop.
Pairing: Nancy Wheeler x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Couple of swears, Reader calls Nancy terms of endearment (none for reader in this one)
Length: 1192w
Counselor Notes: During my last night in Acadia, I begged my parents not really, it was very easy to convince them for a take out fish dinner by the rocky beach. And I couldn't help but think about how pretty Nancy would look bundled up and how deserves all the soft love she wants. Photos at the end for the inspo!
Camp Upside Down Masterlist
The comforting smells of fried fish and homemade, blueberry pie greet you and Nancy at the little takeout shack window. Pinstripe awnings shield you from the rolling clouds above as the two of you laugh and contemplate dinner. Letter board menus spell out deliciousness that makes your mouth water.
A gentle nudge jolts you out of deep thought, and tingles blossom across your side from the joking touch. Turning away from the brightly lit shack, Nancy’s gleaming eyes and soft smile send your heart fluttering.
“Are you all set? We should get going, or we’ll miss sunset at the beach,” she points to the lilac and strawberry colored clouds.
“Shit, yeah,” you grab her hand gently tugging her over to the order window. Giddiness puts a skip in your step. “Sorry, I guess I got distracted at the thought of fresh fish,” you chuckle. Nerves dull your elated spirit momentarily at the realization you were in your own little foodie paradise leaving Nancy on her own. During date night no less.
When no one comes to the register, you ring the cowbell that chases away the intruding nerves and brings a new wave of laughter from the two of you. Watching Nancy completely relax and enjoy herself, your chest grows light with a warm fuzz.
Runaway giggles pass Nancy’s lips as she tries to compose herself behind her hand. A warm flush kisses her cheeks at the small squeeze of your hand. The old flood lights beam down on you in a hazy glow. A personal polaroid prints in her mind to put in her mental memory book.
“What can I get you two?” the owner welcomes you.
“I’ll have the bacon wrapped scallops with a side of fries,” Nancy responds with a small smile, “And three Cokes”.
“And I’ll have the haddock tenders, please,” you add when the owner places the cans of Coke down to ring you out.
As you pay, Nancy grabs two straws and finds a table under the red tent in the side lot. Sodas in hand, you join her with a teasing look, “Someone I don’t know about joining us, dear?” You hold her hand across the table and rub her cold knuckles.
“You’re the worst, I swear. That’s why Robin’s coming, surprise!” she rolls her eyes with a smirk growing on her face.
Slapping your hand to your chest in mock-disbelief, you gasp, “Nancy Wheeler! The least you could have done is give me a heads up. I would never want to third wheel your date. Should have given me a notice, so I could have made it a double date!” You shake your head as laughter tumbles from your lips, “Where did your manners wander off to, Miss Wheeler.”
Teasing exasperation drives Nancy to throw head back with a groan. She cracks the extra can and puts both the straws in the opening. “One to share while we wait, you dork,” she mumbles. Though she knows her heart and emotions are in safe hands, a flurry of nerves eats at the back of her mind and squeezes her chest. She just wants to love you the way you deserve to be loved, and if you want to have a fish dinner at the beach during sunset on the last day of vacation- she is going to make it happen.
Seeing the cogs whirring behind her eyes, you boop her nose. Nancy’s startled reaction sends laughter shaking through you, “Sounds perfect. So perfect,” you keep eye contact while you take a sip, “that I think we should make it our thing. Instead of pre-dinner cocktails? A shared soda with two straws”. You keep your voice soft to subtly combat the anxiety gnawing inside your girl.
Nancy’s loving gaze pierces through your heart and devotion roots itself in its familiar home. Seeing her look at you as if you’ve hung the stars and moon, you pledge to give Nancy Wheeler the affection and love she deserves. And you’ll give it to her one soda pop at a time if that’s what her heart wishes. Ever her loyal attendant and lover.
Were fellow patrons absolutely divided between disgust or admiration towards the oblivious fools in love? Yes. But no one else is privy to the little world the two of you have created. Except the crackling voice calling your name over the microphone to pick up your order.
Still holding hands, the pair of you wander over and toss the empty can into the recycling. Vibrant oranges and red hues streak across the sky as you hurry to the car and drive through the dark pine forests. Chasing after the fleeting last rays of sunshine for the day, you trip over roots and Nancy pulls you to the picnic table to catch their reflection over the ocean’s calm ripples.
Huddling together desperate for warmth and each other's touch, the two of you sit on top of the table and enjoy your meal with chattering teeth. You pause for a minute to observe Nancy as she loses herself in the landscape.
Her hair tied up in a ponytail, small curls fame her beautiful face.
Blue eyes twinkle, mesmerized by the awe-invoking scenery.
Bundled in your old turtleneck sweater and her jean jacket.
“If you’re going to stare this long, you might as well take a photo,” Nancy says behind her hand as she finishes her bite. Her teasing side eye sends a challenge.
Shooting her a smirk, you quickly pull the camera up by the straps resting around your neck and steal a shot, “Thanks for the idea, dear.”
“You have to get rid of it, if it doesn’t look good,” she shrieks and hurriedly tries to grab the developing photo. Her body presses against your own leaving no space and stoking the growing flames between you two.
Carefully balancing your dinner and keeping the photo out Nancy's reach, you lightly push her back with your elbow. “Fat chance, Wheeler,” you press a chaste kiss to her parted lips before peeking at the photo.
Nancy’s pleas drown in the ocean’s roar. Everything seems to dull and blur around you while your attention is captured by the stunning snapshot of Nancy looking at you in adoration with the final rays of sun glowing behind her past the forest line. Her hair tickles her face in frozen movement with a teasing look painted across her face. Yeah, no way in hell you’re getting rid of this masterpiece.
“You know, you can look at the real thing in person. Not some lousy candid,” Nancy’s defeated glower breaks past the radio static block in your mind. Snapping out of your trance, you rush to scatter a trail of kisses across her cheek bone and turn her head to face you once more to press a tender kiss to her pouty lips.
“Sorry, pretty girl. You just always manage to render me speechless,” you chuckle while showing her your new favorite piece of artwork.
Reaching into your jacket, you pull out your wallet and tuck the polaroid in one of the slots: “There. A pocket portrait of my girl to keep close everyday”.
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