anneswritingnook · 22 days
The FAQ's Say it All...
So for how Nanowrimo is going, a story can be inferred from the FAQ page
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missdrarrydawn · 3 days
NaNoWriMo Replacement Challenge
Hey y'all I don't know if anyone would be interested in this but ever since I saw NaNoWriMo's bad, wishy-washy take on AI generated writing I felt so very heartbroken because the challenge is a lot of fun and they ruined everything with this insane unwillingness to stand against AI stealing and destroying creative writing.
I went and designed a firmly anti-AI replacement challenge with exactly the same goal as NaNoWriMo, to write 50k in a month, except it's gonna happen in October.
I made a lil poster for it, some stickers, drew a lil mascot, and I'm thinking it could be a fun way for people to still take on the NaNo challenge without having to swallow the heartbreak of their pro-AI stances.
I called it OctoWriBo, October Writes Bookies.
Does this sound good to anyone? I'll put a poll and if people seem to like it, I'll make a blog for it and start posting some cute stuff so we can all vibe with our writing and ignore this betrayal.
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blackacre13 · 5 months
Hi! We missed you ❤️
Sending you all the good vibes for your health and hoping whatever it is gets fixed soon. And I would be honored to be a beta reader for your literal grocery list so please do keep me posted on that regard ☺️
Thank you so much, friend!❤️❤️
Yes! I will definitely let you and anyone else interested know. Hoping later this spring/early summer! My goal is to start querying this fall👀☺️I know y’all will help hold me accountable.
Can’t wait for everyone to meet Charlie and their mystery lady//Sloane and Willow👀👀👀🤐🤐🤐
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Lost in NaNoWriMo
Last year I did NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) as a discovery writer. It went… okay. I won NaNo (by which I mean I completed 50,000 words of a story), but what I was left with was a mess. So this year I decided I’d try the other way, as a plotter. And it didn’t work.
Plotter: Successes
I managed to write every day. Not enough, but I did manage to keep plugging away at it.
I solved a couple of major issues. I was struggling with my main character, and I think I have a better version of her now. I also managed to solve some issues around her motivation.
In both years, I got about 10 days in and realised I had some major issues. So all the plotting did nothing to help that. The solution I came up with last year was not a good one. It got me through NaNo, but it left the story in a very odd place and I didn’t know how to fix it. I will say that I think my solution this year is a lot better.
PLOTTER: The Problems
I was lacking motivation compared to last year. I wanted to try planning versus discovery writing, and I think I now know which one of these is for me. I just can’t feel the enthusiasm for the story and every little thing was distracting me and sounded like a better story. That did not happen last year.
I don’t feel like what I am writing is any better for being planned. In fact, I think its worse. I find I can think more on technical things as I know what the scene is meant to do, but as I write by hand, I can’t really implement that well.
I feel like the story is missing something. And because I have it all laid out, that feeling is stronger.
What next?
I’d written around 11k words - getting ever further behind where I needed to be. And then I decided to abandon the project. There had been another option, something I almost considered switching to in October. The plan was to just write 40k words about it. No planning. No preparation. Just write.
I’ve answered the question about what kind of writer I am. Now I need to learn how to make that work.
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jpohlmanwriting · 22 days
I made a max-length #tiktok about #NaNoWriMo and it's #AI policy. Because of course I did.
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anneswritingnook · 7 months
Do Not Donate, Do Not Participate!
The new ML agreement is terrible, a portion of the ML's (municipal liaisons aka volunteers) cannot sign it because it breaks the law in their regions.
Dozens more have said they won't sign it, because the confidentiality agreement is worded to prevent whistleblowing, and even more can't sign because the identification company being used violates their country's data laws. This is on top of those who already resigned because they just said this wasn't okay.
Volunteers contacting HQ to ask questions has been told "it sounds like you aren't interested in participating in this as a volunteer" with no other follow ups, some were simply told they would be let go for asking the questions.
The board response to this, and the outrage from community members who are not volunteers has been to post a message on the forum thanking the community and volunteers for their immense support, which DOES NOT EXIST.
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There is something SERIOUSLY sketchy going on here, and from the tone of the email, they have basically stopped listening.
If you are currently donating the NaNoWrimo, please stop immediately. Do not engage, do not support this organization, they are NOT what they once were, and they can't be allowed to continue with blinders on.
I loved this organization, the challenges, but it seems they are no longer capable, so please spread the word, it's time to let it die.
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anneswritingnook · 14 days
Words on White Paper
Hello hello, and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word PUNCH.  I took this one as the proverbial punch, and ran with it, as our unnamed narrator gets news that chances everything.  Since I missed last weeks, which I only kind of missed, because well, I did actually write six sentences based on FOAM, I just failed to post them, I am actually including that here after this…
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anneswritingnook · 7 months
Let it Burn
Hello Hello and welcome to this week’s six sentence story based on the word ACE. This one is a summary of the 2024 NaNoWriMo ML experience, which had me pretty out of sorts this weekend. It apparently wanted to come out here, so I let it, and well, please feel free to ignore this one… It was too much, and this time it wasn’t a straw that broke the camels back, they threw an entire God damned…
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