equalperson · 6 months
I remember running a selfship blog a few years back and constantly advertising when it was My birthday, like a countdown. a month, a week, a few days, today!
I wholeheartedly expected a ton of well wishes and fan art, but then I got absolutely nothing.
in the end, I abandoned the blog because I was simultaneously getting more narcissistic and experiencing absolutely no progression in My following.
like, I did this whole thing of moving blogs to get more attention and ended up with even less. though I really should have expected that.
I keep thinking about getting into selfshipping publicly again. since I'm more aware and experienced with My narcissism, I'm better able to manage narcissistic supply (honestly, the multiple popular posts I have on this blog keep Me afloat pretty well), so I think I'd be able to tolerate things better.
still, I'd probably want to get some sorta attention; I always want attention; everything I do online is for the sake of attention. so I'm trying to learn to draw better so I can post art instead of just gushing like I used to.
I'm also less socially anxious than I used to be (hooray!), so maybe I can interact with people more often. if I've learned anything from trying to build a following on here, people like you more when you're nice to them.
that aside, My birthday is this sunday.
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rkassociatesvaluers · 2 years
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Large Debt Sale transaction offers in the 𝗥𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 in News. Complete Enterprise Valuation Conducted by “𝗥.𝗞 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀”.
R.K Associates has been appointed as a consultant to conduct the fair valuations of the marquee road sector asset “𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘂𝗺 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱” which is a leading construction company with billions of turnover over two decades. The offers are given by NARCL, a Govt. backed asset reconstruction company.
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More MEgain porkie pies
🤥Little black girls requested signed copies of the Wild About Harry cover because she was dating a prince
🤥Over the course of 108 episodes she had an average of approximately 2 minutes of screen time & she believes she had the power to delay filming to request script rewrites
🤥She planned to marry Sparry & continue her job as an actress but she quit Suits once she realized she was the new (Nelson Mandela) hope for black people. "You and I both know that one day I'm going to be one of your bosses."---MEgain Narcle to BRF employee long before she was engaged to Sparry
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Sparry's Puppy (Filter) Princess 🐶
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ibongo66 · 1 year
I read on a comment on a youtubers channel that there is a book called 'Raceless' written by Georgina Lawson. Guess what , apparently there is a character in the book who discovers she is, wait for it, 43% Nigerian !!!!!!! Narcle is again stealing other peoples work and twisting it to get attention for her insane self. The woman is a complete LUNATIC. This has to come out in public. I haven't read the book but from what I have seen it is about race and identity etc and therefore the 43% Nigerian reference in the book is highly probable. Her 'performance' with the Nigerian athlete at 'Invite us' claiming her as a Nigerian sister, is so reminiscent of the huge lie she told about her education when she was in SA with her 'sisters'. This woman has to be exposed. Her madness and sheer audacity is breath taking. No wonder celebs are running to the hills to avoid her. What an insult and offence to the people she is using to develop her invented 'race' lie. Narcle lives in a totally false and manufactured world where she just invents her life, her experiences etc to further herself. There MUST be people who know her who have caught her out in the enormous lies. I wish they would come forward.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
What will be left of Harold whenever Negan is done with him? Nothing. Why is he following her down this path of self-destruction? Who knows. by u/umbleUriahHeep
What will be left of Harold whenever Negan is done with him? Nothing. Why is he following her down this path of self-destruction? Who knows. In true Narc fashion, she is going to suck every last remaining drop of self-esteem, anything that gave Harry a sense of belonging, pride, or accomplishment. The pathetic thing is, he’s helping her. He’s too stupid and arrogant to realize that he’s dismantling the last remaining vestiges of public goodwill. Four years ago, she removed him from his family, friends, job, and nation.Last year, in his ILBW-ghostwritten, cringe-filled Spare book, he inflicted untold self-damage through the audiobook and the publicity tour. Then further humiliated himself with the Maté therapy session. Madam’s hand and voice was all over Spare, yet she was nowhere around on his media tour. He was just hanging out there alone and pathetic, like the sad sap he is.Now this stupid Legends farce is bringing out voices with receipts in both legacy media and social media— reviewing the details of what exactly Harry’s Afghanistan service entailed. And it turns out, it wasn’t much. He really WAS in a bunker. He SLEPT while American troops died. He didn’t fly. He was a menace. His fellow British soldiers provided a bodyguard unit. Today, the public are aware that we have been played. All that carefully crafted persona that BP built of Harry the Hero is blown to smithereens. 10 years ago, Harry’s image was important enough that the UK government applied pressure, ruining the career of the one US Marine general who spoke honestly about Bunker Harry. The Ministry of Defense squelched that story and the truth. And now? British commanders are speaking on record about how little Harry did. There’s a military source speaking on record in all the major tabloids as well as newspapers.And the only reason that the Harry the Hero image is getting deconstructed is because Harry and his Narc puppetmaster basically taunted all of us by shoving this Legends face in our face. His wife is Negan Narcle. When she’s done with him, Harold will be just a bloody pulp of a human being. He’ll be a generational joke, have lost all the public’s respect, and have nothing of his self-identity remaining. The only things he’s done to be proud of, she’ll have gotten him to throw away or destroy. And he is doing it enthusiastically!I cannot fathom that he still thinks he is the hero, the wronged son, the public’s favorite royal. I really do not understand these levels of stupidity, arrogance, blindness, and self-destruction.Some of us have victimized by a Narcissist. I hate seeing anyone fall under their thrall. If anyone deserves it, it’s Harry. But it’s not easy to watch. He’s going to be nothing soon. Just an empty, bald, angry sack. post link: https://ift.tt/qWI80QJ author: umbleUriahHeep submitted: January 13, 2024 at 09:58PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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finlender · 3 months
 In the dynamic financial landscape of India, Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) have emerged as a significant challenge for banks and financial institutions. At Finlender, we aim to demystify NPA funding, providing clarity and insight into its mechanisms and implications.
What are NPAs?
NPAs, or Non-Performing Assets, are loans or advances for which the principal or interest payment remains overdue for a period of 90 days. NPAs are classified into three categories: substandard assets, doubtful assets, and loss assets. They indicate a deterioration in the quality of the bank's loan portfolio, impacting profitability and financial stability.
The Impact of NPAs
The high volume of NPAs has multiple adverse effects:
1- Reduced Profitability: Banks face reduced income due to non-receipt of interest payments.
2- Increased Provisions: Financial institutions must set aside a portion of their profits as provisions to cover potential losses, impacting their overall financial health.
3- Erosion of Capital: Persistent NPAs can lead to a significant erosion of a bank's capital base, affecting its ability to lend further.
NPA Funding: An Overview
NPA funding involves financial strategies and instruments designed to manage and resolve NPAs. It includes the following key aspects:
1- Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs): ARCs purchase NPAs from banks at a discounted rate, thereby cleaning up the banks' balance sheets. They then work on recovering the loan amounts through various strategies, including restructuring the loans or liquidating the underlying assets.
2- Debt Restructuring: Financial institutions may restructure the terms of the loan, such as extending the repayment period, reducing the interest rate, or converting a part of the debt into equity. This helps in making the debt more manageable for the borrower and increases the likelihood of recovery.
3- Government Initiatives: The Indian government has introduced various schemes and measures to address the NPA issue. Initiatives like the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) and the establishment of the National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (NARCL) aim to streamline the resolution process and enhance recovery rates.
4- Stressed Asset Funds: Specialized funds are set up to invest in distressed assets. These funds have a higher risk tolerance and expertise in turning around non-performing assets, providing a viable solution for banks to offload their NPAs.
How Finlender Can Help
At Finlender, we offer a range of services to assist banks and financial institutions in managing NPAs effectively:
Advisory Services: Our team of experts provides strategic advice on NPA management, helping institutions devise effective resolution plans.
Asset Valuation: Accurate valuation of distressed assets is crucial for effective resolution. Finlender offers comprehensive asset valuation services.
Investment Solutions: We facilitate investments in stressed assets through our network of investors and specialized funds.
In conclusion, NPA funding is a critical component in maintaining the health of the banking sector in India. At Finlender, we are committed to providing innovative solutions and expert guidance to navigate the complexities of NPA management. By leveraging our expertise, financial institutions can achieve better recovery rates and ensure long-term financial stability.
READ MORE...NPA and OTS Finance Private Equity Project Finance Corporate Finance Company in India Finlender
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hemorrhoidbabe69 · 7 months
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currenthunt · 9 months
केनरा बैंक के मुख्य महाप्रबंधक पी संतोष को नेशनल एसेट रिकंस्ट्रक्शन कंपनी (NARCL) के नए प्रबंध निदेशक के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया
- केनरा बैंक के मुख्य महाप्रबंधक पी संतोष को नेशनल एसेट रिकंस्ट्रक्शन कंपनी (NARCL) के नए प्रबंध निदेशक के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया है. - उन्होंने नटराजन सुंदर का स्थान लिया है जिन्होंने हाल ही में पद से इस्तीफा दे दिया था. केनरा बैंक 10 प्रतिशत से अधिक हिस्सेदारी के साथ एनएआरसीएल का प्रायोजक बैंक है. - सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक एनएआरसीएल के प्रमुख शेयरधारक हैं. एनएआरसीएल एक सरकारी यूनिट है इसकी स्थापना साल 2021 में की गयी थी. Read the full article
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newswireml · 2 years
NARCL may revive Srei's group's infra financing arm SIFL, wind up SEFL#NARCL #revive #Sreis #groups #infra #financing #arm #SIFL #wind #SEFL
Public sector asset reconstruction company NARCL is likely to revive Srei Infrastructure Finance Ltd (SIFL) and wind up the group’s equipment financing arm SEFL after recovering outstanding debt in seven years, a source said on Sunday. NARCL (National Asset Reconstruction Company) on Wednesday won the bid to take over the two Srei group firms — SIFL and Srei Equipment Finance Ltd (SEFL) —…
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thetrendynews-in · 2 years
MUMBAI : The Nationwide Asset Reconstruction Co. Ltd (NARCL) and India Credit card debt Resolution Co. Ltd (IDRCL), the two crucial constituents of India’s
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NARCL offers for purchase of several Large 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬.
Valuation for Key Accounts Conducted by “𝐑.𝐊 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬”.
𝐑.𝐊 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 has been appointed as a Consultant to conduct the fair valuations of the key accounts such as Visa Steel, Meenakshi Energy, Supreme Panvel, Chhapra-Hazipur Expressway, Consolidated Construction Consortium(CCC), Coastal Energen, Helios Photovoltaic Ltd. out of first 18 accounts chosen by NARCL, a Govt. backed asset reconstruction company.
More Info:
Website: https://www.rkassociates.org/
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Enty Lawyer: "Omit is a LIAR"
Enty confirms Narcle met Omit in Toronto 2015
I like Kinsey, but I often wonder if she's playing dumb or just really ignorant about Megain's personal history. Kinsey is a good example of how willfully ignorant some American media personalities can be.
I don't understand how a youthful Princess Diana enthusiast could miss all the Narcissist red flags about Megain, but at least now Kinsey is open to pursuing the truth.
Enty and Kinsey think Omit has gone rogue. They don't believe Megain (&/or Sparry) intentionally published the contents of Megain's Dear Pa, "you, Camilla & Kate are unconsciously biased" letter.🙄
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ibongo66 · 1 year
Oh no, reports that Nigeria has been hit by a total power outage. Maybe Princess lala Worship Me Sista, AKA Hazzas missus, can make a significant cash donation, not pledge, to save her mother country. Lets see eh ? My late husband spent some time working in Nigeria. His personal experience was that it was the most corrupt country he had ever encountered. Every 'public service' required a significant 'tip' to actually operate and bribes were just an everyday occurrence for any official due to the poor wages. (This was his own opinion, No offence to anyone) I was thinking, maybe Narcle IS 43% Nigerian afterall ??
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khaitanlegal · 2 years
Resolving the NPA Conundrum: Bad Bank to the Rescue
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The Launch
Indian policymakers have wrestled for more than a few decades to solve the twin balance sheet problem of overleveraged companies and bad-loan-encumbered banks. Indecisiveness, delays in resolution of bad loans and reaching consensus have resulted in unprecedented challenges. Consequently, banks evergreen non-performing assets (“NPAs”) while credit and investment functions take a back seat. Taxpayer’s money is put to risk as public sector banks breach solvency and need to be recapitalized by the Government. Various agencies such as CRISIL and ASSOCHAM have signaled the rise of gross NPAs of banks to 8–9% in the fiscal 2021–22 and stressed assets to 10–11%. The regulator itself has indicated a sharp increase in NPAs of scheduled commercial banks to 9.5% by September 2022.
Currently, the legal framework for resolution of NPAs include the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (“SARFAESI”), resolution frameworks released by the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“Code”). The Code has to a large extent dealt with the problem of businesses overleveraging assuming there will be no consequence of default. The Code also facilitates businesses functioning as a going concern while the resolution of NPAs is effected.
In this backdrop the Government has now created a new mechanism to deal with the NPA problem — the “Bad Bank”. The idea to have a centralized public sector asset rehabilitation agency was conceived through the Economic Survey in 2016–17. It was proposed that the Bad Bank would take charge of the largest and most difficult NPAs and make politically tough decisions to reduce NPAs. In 2017, Dr. Viral V Acharya, Deputy Governor, RBI, in his speech highlighted potential of a bad bank to resolve NPA induced stress in the economy. Finally, in the Union Budget 2021–22, the Government announced creation of an asset reconstruction company (“ARC”) and an asset management company (“AMC”) to implement such recommendations. The intention is that the ARC consolidates and takes over the existing NPAs of public sector banks and the AMC manages and disposes of such NPAs to entities such as alternative investment funds and other potential investors, unlocking value.
2. Regulation and Function
Pursuant to the budget announcement, the Government has incorporated the National Asset Reconstruction Company Limited (“NARCL”). It is said that NARCL will acquire NPAs worth INR 2 lakh crore from various commercial banks in a phased manner. Additionally, the India Debt Resolution Company Ltd (“IDRCL”) has also been set up with the purpose of selling such NPAs in the market. The twin structure of NARCL-IDRCL is proposed to be the “Bad Bank”. NARCL is registered as an ARC and will be regulated by the RBI under the auspices of SARFAESI.
It is proposed that NARCL will purchase NPAs from public sector banks by paying 15% of the agreed price in cash and for the remaining 85%, NARCL will issue security receipts. It is further proposed that IDRCL will be responsible for resolution and sale of such NPAs. The consequent receipts will be utilized to redeem the security receipts. The Government will provide credit support to the Bad Bank through a guarantee of INR 30,600 crore for 5 years, guaranteeing recovery of such NPAs. Accordingly, the structure ensures the highest credit rating for the security receipts issued by NARCL, while differing the obligation of the Government to recapitalize public sector banks.
3. The Regulatory Roadblock
“Asset Reconstruction” as defined in Section 2 (1) (b) of SARFAESI, provides for the acquisition and resolution function of an ARC under the same legal entity. Accordingly, the RBI has recently opposed the proposed dual structure (i.e., one arm that acquires assets (NARCL) and the other arm that resolves such assets (IDRCL)) of the Bad Bank due to lack of statutory powers to regulate the same under SARFAESI. It is also not clear what will be the valuation/transfer price of NPAs from NARCL to IDRCL.
To overcome this issue, a principal-agent relationship between NARCL and IDRCL is being proposed. Under this agency, it is proposed that NARCL will engage IDRCL and outsource resolutions of NPAs (which would not be binding on NARCL) to IDRCL.
In the first structure elucidated above, there is lack of clarity on the relationship between NARCL and IDRCL and also on statutory sanctity. The second structure provides for a principal-agent relationship between the two. At the outset, the second structure, by virtue of the inherent nature of the “principal-agent” relationship, makes IDRCL accountable to NARCL. Whenever the relation of agency is created, there attaches prima facie to each party a number of duties, liabilities and disabilities-the normal incidents of agency.
In this context, the example of South Korean “bad-bank” structure adopted during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 is worth mentioning. At that time, South Korea’s NPAs stood at a glaring 18% of total loans, against present best-in-class 0.5%. The bad bank was called Korea Asset Management Corporation (“KAMCO”) which was state backed with a 5-year sunset window. However, it was not just the KAMCO structure which resolved the NPA stress, South Korea also adopted various other policy measures. These included harmonized information technology system for reporting NPAs by banks, online platform for auctions of NPAs, database of recoveries based on past auction and court-recovery results, which helped provide future basis for pricing NPAs and formula-based pricing to minimize valuation disagreements.
4. Conclusion
While ARC’s have been in existence since early 2000, the proposed “Bad Bank” backed by the guarantee of the Government of India ensures transferring banks will receive the amounts committed by NARCL and perhaps more, thereby resulting in a tradeable security of the highest credit rating and an indirect recapitalization of the transferring bank by the Government. The structure also frees the Bad Bank to deal with purchased NPAs without interference from transferring banks and permits a controlled wind down of such NPAs including through resorting to IBC proceedings or by creating a market for purchase of stressed assets by interested parties, thereby resulting in value maximization. Additionally, the structure will also permit closer interactions with the Government and facilitate policymaking, based on experiences and market demand.
If history is any guidance, there will be gaps between intention and implementation. This is a space to watch. Were the Bad Bank to succeed in cleaning up the NPA mess as intended, the results are for all to see in the South Korean example.
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gonarcle-blog · 5 years
Blunt cruising with the homies! 😎 #getstoned #kushhead #smoke #pot #doink #weedporn #dabs #710 #kush #pothead #upinsmoke #high #snoop #weedmemes #bongrips #narcle #gonarcle (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzuWqPjHzaO/?igshid=1mhttshnx9c7n
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enterslicepvtltd · 3 years
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