#narumi kanai
the-wistful-soul · 1 year
Anime Review: Kuzu no Honkai
Mature content, 18+ anime
Kuzu no Honkai/ Scum's wish explores the theme of painful love and loneliness. Both the leads are in love with people they can't have. They both, therefore, decide to date each other as a replacement for the one they cannot have. This leads them to take impulsive actions that affect them as well as the people around them. It's like they are stuck in a spider web from which they cannot escape.
The 12-episode anime is quite intriguing as it consistently delves into darker depths. Might give a somewhat "Domestic Girlfriend" vibes, but if you liked that anime, then this one should definitely be on your watchlist. At times you might feel like punching some characters but in the end, everyone reaches emotional stability. The anime is well-paced and it really represents complex emotions in an easy-to-relate manner. Every character has their own idea of love- twisted or not- and it shows how selfish one can be to have their desires fulfilled! Had me up a whole night( quite literally)! Give it a try, I assure you wouldn't regret it.
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aether-xx · 3 years
Reality Check
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Scum’s Wish
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anime4lifu · 5 years
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Kuzu no Honkai
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pureu-pi · 5 years
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Scum's Wish / Kuzu no Honkai
By Mengo Yokoyari
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retrostylus · 5 years
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Man  R O A S T E D  alive as he admits his true feelings
Literally questioned the man’s whole career haha
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et090 · 6 years
Track : 01 クズの本懐 / Scum's Wish Composed by Masaru Yokoyama  Album : クズの本懐 オリジナルミニサウンドトラックCD Vol.1  Anime : Kuzu No Honkai
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kaedee · 7 years
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allanimemangaquotes · 7 years
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requested by bazehead FB | TWITTER | QUOTURES LIST
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spacetraum · 7 years
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mirainohonkai-blog · 8 years
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Sometimes it’s just as simple as that..
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akamarulover · 8 years
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I can’t belive
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controversy-themind · 8 years
Thoughts on Scum’s Wish (Kuzu no Honkai)
Firstly, some people need to get off their high horse and stop acting like everyone in the anime is so ‘evil’ and ‘disgusting’
One of the things I enjoy most about this anime is how ‘human’ most of the characters feel. These are characters struggling with emotions that happen every day in society. Nobody in this world is pure and free of problematic thoughts, actions and/or behaviors.
Not to say you’d come across a giant cluster-fuck like this very often. But still, there are people out here experiences these emotions. If you can’t handle it, and feel the anime’s nature of relationships doesn’t suit your  ‘tastes’, then kindly move on and go watch some generic shit. There’s plenty of material out there.
Now what I really came here for:
I just finished episode 10 and swimming through the Kuzu no Honkai tag, from what I’m seeing opinions on the characters are divided pretty well. It’s good when an anime does that; it shows that the character aren’t flat and are being projected realistically.
So I thought I’d contribute some of my own thoughts on the characters so far. Starting from my most favorite to least favorite: 
#1 Yasuraoka Hanabi I still don't understand why, but this is my favorite character. I think it's mostly because I can identify with some of the thoughts that come to her mind when she encounters something emotionally challenging. I love that she is headstrong, yet fragile. Stubborn, yet meek. And that although she does make bad choices, she is highly introspective when faced with any issues she comes across. As much as I thought her and Sanae would make a cute couple, I want her to end up with Mugi. They are becoming distant, but I think her and Mugi feed off of each other in a way that is uniquely their own.
Now for the unpopular guy himself: #2 Awaya Mugi. 
The pervert in me finds how he takes control in many situations pretty sexy. I enjoy that, but I also enjoy the shyness that comes with it. For someone who pretends to hold all the cards when Hanabi or Noriko is around, his resolve is actually pretty weak. I think what he did to Noriko was pretty shitty, but I'm happy he didn't go through with it cause that girl would have taken the D in a heartbeat. Rather than seeing him as scum, he just reminds me of young boy unsure of how to deal with the abundance of emotions: love and lust. Now I don't like Akane, but I am happy he is finally getting his turn with her (just like the rest of the men in the area lol). He expects her to change for him, which is very flawed, but in some angst-filled way at least he will have the memories when (if) things don’t work out. I feel like what he is experiencing is not love but infatuation. And with infatuation, sometimes you just gotta ride it out.
#3 Ebato Sanae Bless this girl's heart. She has got to be one of the most honest (notice i said 'most') people in this entire anime. I could give 0 fucks if she came on to Hanabi too strong at some points; I like her a lot. I like her passion, how she was willing to destroy herself just to be able to touch Hanabi, and frankly I think her love is the most intense in the entire show. I especially love her character design; they didn't make her take the ‘masculine’ role or anything, and I appreciate that.
I like her cousin too, but I would prefer they don't end up together. Their dynamic is weird; it feels like it has no room for romantic cultivation. It hasn't blatantly been stated that she likes only girls, but if she is in fact a lesbian, I wish for her to end up with another girl. She has so much love to offer, and I hope things go well for her.
Kanai Narumi This man is soooooo boring. I admit it, but from what I've seen he has a really big heart. He is honestly the purest character in the show. So much that I’m waiting for the creators to reveal that hidden bdsm kink. 
lol But anyways, the episode where he held Hanabi tight after she confessed made me transition from ‘not caring’ to actually ‘liking’ him. He's a good guy, and shot me in the foot if you want, but I really hope he can change Akane. I like him so much that I want him to be with the women he loves. I want her to change for him. It's contradicting as fuck (with Mugi and all), but part of me would be okay if things happen that way. Man, he deserves waaay better but you cant stop people from loving who they love that easily. so we'll see what happens.
Kirishima Atsuya I see sooo many people shitting on him cause he likes Sanae. It’s really uncalled for. I mean really? How much damage has he actually done compared to everyone else in the show? The hate is so biased and unnecessary. Kinda like how fujoshi's harbor unnecessary hate when a female character shows up in a yaoi/shounen ai anime. 
I like how he told Hanabi to high-key stop stringing Sanae along. Even if the reasoning was selfish, it was bold, and I admire it. 
Now, I still don't want him to be with Sanae. He may like her alot, but his character is a bit ditsy and dull, so his ‘love’ isn't projected very well in the series. Honestly, it’s so weakly projected that though I like him, I'm not too invested in his ending.
Kamomebata Noriko Loli-esque Princess types are my pet peeve. So I probably wouldn't have liked Noriko no matter how she was introduced. BUT, after episode 10 I feel like I kinda do like some things about her. I think she handled the date with Mugi pretty well considering he was a boring fuck the entire time. And (so far) I think she is on the road to healing faster than everyone else. And I do hope she heals and actually finds a guy worthy of being called her Prince.
I try to find more reasons not to like this girl, but admittedly she's just in love like everyone else. Her pestering and whinny voice may get on my nerves, but that’s just her personality.
Minagawa Akane Introducing, the fabulous floozy, the treacherous tramp, and almighty harlot herself. Akane-sensei. Now, there are so many women like her in the real world. If she were just a slut I'd be A-okay cause she can fuck anyone she wants, but to actually take pleasure in taking the man, love-interest, or crush of another woman?While simultaneously being uninterested in the men themselves? Not their money, looks, dick size, or influence..That is some crazy off the wall shit. 
Most of the series I've disliked her and now I am asking the creators what makes her worthy of both Narumi AND Mugi's affection? Absolutely nothing. She honestly deserves to continue her vicious cycle until her beauty fades and she ends up alone.
But. Also.
Part of me, say the part that feels people can change their ways, hopes she genuinely changes. I hope something bad happens that makes this change occur, but I don’t think that's gonna happen. So, i guess something good wouldn't be bad IF SHE INFACT CHANGES. Honestly I cannot stand her, but as mentioned before, I want Narumi to have what he wants, so she better change for him or she gotta go.
And this is the end. I look forward to reading more of what this fandom thinks about all the characters in this anime.
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jeritzadear · 7 years
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“You’re surprisingly easy to get along with.”
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lclfluid · 8 years
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tsukkilatte · 8 years
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I knew from the start that he was boring. But he was even more boring than I thought. I really hate boring people. I take it all back. This boring day might've just gotten interesting I'm feeling it now
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I'm wondering who will be Atsuya's cast... Who?!!!!!
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