#naruto tickles
fluffyweeby · 2 years
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So I know I’m a bit late buuut
Tickletober day 14 - Tracing
This time I used prompts by @august-anon couse I don’t really have any oc’s 🤷‍♀️
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sleepysheepytea · 2 months
pre-shippuden naruto au where everything is the same except after every interaction with sakura, sasuke goes home and does this
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slurmdog · 2 months
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izuna reads about comphet and immediately kills his wife + child to start gay dating [tobirama] with a clean slate. thank you to @doveywovy for this concept!!
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oh-no-its-bird · 21 hours
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Fan art for @hashiramashonkers 's very awesome fic that everyone should go and read, Sugar Pill
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blushy-tigerrr · 8 months
Saved By The Bell - Naruto Tickle Fic
Fandom: Naruto Shippuden
Summary: During the second bell test, Naruto makes an interesting discovery about his Sensei.
Content Warning: mild language
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: it has been SO LONG since i last wrote a fic so i'm v nervous about posting this, but i am pretty proud of it! i hope you enjoy!
Naruto and Sakura ducked behind a tree, breathing heavily as they tried to recover some energy from all of the failed attempts at retrieving the bells from Kakashi. Their brains were moving a mile a minute, trying desperately to figure out a new tactic. It’s been about three years since the first time they had tried to do this, and as strong as the two of them have gotten in that time, it was still incredibly difficult. It didn’t help that the pressure was up this time as Lady Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage and Sakura’s mentor, and Jiraiya, Naruto’s mentor, were watching and evaluating their fight. With the extra amount of pressure they were feeling, the two of them couldn’t help but wonder if they had even progressed much at all.
Kakashi, however, felt the amount of growth his students had achieved. As opposed to last time they fought him like this, he wasn’t daring to let even a little bit of his guard down. He knew how much stronger Naruto and Sakura had become, and because of this, he knew he’d be defeated easily if he relaxed for even a second. Even so, he couldn’t fully keep his mind away from his new “Make-Out Tactics” book that Naruto had brought him. He’d never dare to start reading while facing opponents like these, but the desire was there, and it was strong.
Naruto sighed, his breath becoming steadier. “Man, that Kakashi is ridiculously strong. I mean, he’s smarter than Shikamaru, he has a better sense of smell than Kiba, his Sharingan is better than Sasuke’s, his Taijutsu is better than Lee’s… and he’s got way more experience than us.”
“You’re right, but even so…” Sakura interjected curiously, “even he must have a weakness.” She squinted her eyes as if to see the possibilities written out in front of her. “We just have to think about it…”
“A weakness, huh?” Naruto wondered aloud, joining Sakura and becoming deep in thought. He cycled through every fight he’s seen Kakashi in, trying to figure out what his weakness could possibly be. It was hard to find the answer with an opponent so strong. Maybe, his weakness wasn’t a physical thing, like a blind spot. Maybe… Naruto gasped suddenly. “I’ve got it!”
Sakura’s head whipped towards Naruto in surprise, her brow slightly furrowed. “Really? You know Kakashi’s weakness? Tell me!” She leaned in, prompting him to whisper so no one would overhear their plotting. Naruto stifled a giggle, playing out his ridiculous plan in his head.
“Sakura, think about it for a minute. If you really look back at all of Kakashi Sensei’s actions, you’ll know what I’m thinking of.” Naruto smirked, waiting for Sakura to think of it, too. She did think very hard, in fact. Alas, she wasn’t able to see it the way that Naruto did so clearly. He beckoned her close to him and whispered his plan into her ear. As the words left his mouth, her face switched from a confused expression into a wide, scheming smile.
“Oh, I get it now! Naruto, that’s a genius idea!” She exclaimed, feeling her hands begin to shake in excitement. “You really are the most unpredictable knucklehead ninja I’ve ever met.” Naruto growled, lightly smacking Sakura in the arm, making her laugh.
“Hey! How dare you call me a knucklehead when I just came up with that amazing plan! You said it yourself, it was genius.” He smirked, crossing his arms in a playfully arrogant way. Sakura rolled her eyes at his actions.
“No matter how many great plans you come up with, you’ll always be a knucklehead to me, Naruto.” She teased. Naruto copied her eye roll, still smirking.
“Whatever. Let’s just go before Kakashi Sensei starts getting suspicious.” He began to move noiselessly in Kakashi’s direction, Sakura close behind him. They both focused on their movements, making sure to draw no attention to themselves while also making their way through the trees as quickly as possible. Before they knew it, they were crouched behind a bush about thirty feet away from Kakashi.
Kakashi couldn’t sense their presence yet, but his guard was very much up, anticipating a sneak attack from a direction that wouldn’t be expected. He would never admit it to his two students, but he started to feel a bit nervous. He couldn’t place exactly why. All he knew is that he should be expecting the unexpected. But then he wondered, what could be so unexpected that it warranted him feeling this nervous? When he saw his two students appear from behind a bush, that was when the nerves really started to kick in. They couldn’t possibly think a head-on attack would work, could they?
“Huh… attacking me head-on like this. Are you sure that’s the best course of action?” Kakashi questioned his students, keeping his voice even as he readied his defensive stance. The two stood before him, and Kakashi couldn’t miss the eagerness in their stances. What on Earth did they have planned?
“Now, Naruto!” Sakura’s sudden exclamation prompted the two of them to jump into the air, diving slowly towards Kakashi. He couldn’t help but gain a confused look. All three of them knew that Kakashi could destroy them easily in a frontal attack like this. He stood, still ready to attack at any moment, but he watched them closely, analyzing every movement down to the tiniest muscle twitch.
“Alright, Kakashi Sensei…” Naruto started to speak as they continued to descend. Kakashi cocked his head to the side slightly, surprised that he’d use a moment like this for conversational language. “At the end of ‘Make-Out Tactics’…”
Oh. Oh.
Those words sent a chill down Kakashi’s spine. There was no way Naruto was resorting to such a dirty trick. Spoiling the ending of the book he had just received that day? What kind of a monster did he train?! Kakashi covered his ears out of instinct, preventing himself from hearing any more of Naruto’s words. He kept his eyes locked on their movements, but then he realized…
“As it happens, the main character…” No! He could still read Naruto’s lips because of his Sharingan! His eyes clamped shut, determined not to find out any spoilers that Naruto might have known. He was also Jiraiya’s student, and he’s the author of these books, after all. It was more likely than not that Naruto knew exactly how this book went, and Kakashi would rather lose this fight than have his favorite series spoiled for him.
Kakashi felt a sudden jab at his right side, close to his hip. His eyes shot open with a gasp, as his hands flew down to protect himself from… that. Much to his dismay, the jabs kept coming one after another. He felt his face begin to flush in embarrassment as he choked back the laughter that was about to come out of his mouth. There was no way he was letting his students learn both of his weaknesses in the same day.
“Damn it, where the hell are they?!” A familiar voice mumbled to no one in particular. Kakashi looked down to see that the culprit of the pokes was none other than Naruto. He was obviously searching for something… wait. “Where are they? Where are the bells?!” Naruto’s hands kept searching as Kakashi felt his defenses begin to crumble. He inhaled deeply and held his breath. He could not, would not let this happen. Not in front of the Fifth Hokage herself.
When Naruto’s hands reached the bottom of his ribs, Kakashi felt himself involuntarily move away from the poking. This made Naruto stop what he was doing and stare curiously at his teacher. Kakashi stared back, his eyes a little bit wider than normal. His heart rate began to increase when he saw a devious glint in Naruto’s eyes. Naruto reached out to land another poke into Kakashi’s ribs, eliciting a quiet yelp from the older.
“Say, Kakashi Sensei…” Naruto’s voice was lower than before, almost a growl. Kakashi swallowed, his face growing more flushed the closer Naruto gets to him. “You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish, would you?”
Kakashi felt his breath catch in his throat hearing those words. “Now, Naruto…” His voice had a slight tremble to it, but he tried to keep his tone calm and level. “Is this really necessary? You would have defeated me just now. We don’t need to resort to such tactics.”
Naruto chuckled, stepping even closer to Kakashi with his hands reaching out in front of him. “If you’re hiding the bells from us, then I have no other choice.” He leapt at Kakashi suddenly, attaching his fingers to his sides and digging in mercilessly. Kakashi gasped, putting his hands over Naruto’s in an attempt to push them away. He gritted his teeth to prevent any laughter from slipping out of his mouth. He was determined to keep up his stoic facade for as long as possible.
“N-Naruto, this isn’t necessary. C-come on, stop this.” Kakashi’s voice came out a bit more strained than normal as he held back his laugh. As ticklish as he was, Kakashi was able to handle this spot pretty well. As long as Naruto didn’t get any other ideas, that is. Not satisfied with the reaction he was getting, Naruto furrowed his brow in deep thought.
“I think it’s very necessary, Kakashi Sensei! If you’re unfairly hiding the bells from us, I have to find them by any means.” Naruto moved his hands up to Kakashi’s ribs, scratching each finger between each of the bones. Kakashi let out a strong exhale, still holding his laughter in, but just barely. His hands still stayed on top of Naruto’s, trying to detach his fingers from his ribs. The feeling of all ten of Naruto’s fingers wiggling in between his ribs was almost too much to handle. Naruto grinned mischievously, noticing Kakashi’s face becoming more red as the tickling continued.
“You’re really not letting up? Man, I guess I have to do it, then…” Those words from Naruto made Kakashi’s stomach do a backflip. He started to squirm underneath the tickly touch, wondering what on Earth he could have possibly thought of to escalate the situation.
“Well, as I was saying before, the main character in ‘Make-Out Tactics’…”
Kakashi gasped, covering his ears and clamping his eyes shut once more. Damn, Naruto was much better at finding his weaknesses than he’d like to admit. “N-no! I’m not listening!” Kakashi exclaimed in a panic. What he failed to consider, however, was just how vulnerable he had made himself in this one motion. Naruto chuckled, taking the chance that was given to him. He shot his now free hands up into Kakashi’s underarms.
Kakashi’s arms came crashing down as his entire body curled in on itself. The laughter that he was fighting back finally bubbled to the surface in the form of soft, hysterical giggles. His face flushed even deeper than before, feeling embarrassed about reacting in such a way, especially in front of the people that were around. As Naruto’s fingers scratched in the sensitive spot, Kakashi couldn’t help himself but squirm even more than before.
Naruto was shocked. He had never heard Kakashi laugh like this. He didn’t even know if he’d heard Kakashi laugh at all before, so to see him reduced to a giggling mess was a hilarious sight. “Wow, Kakashi Sensei! You’re way more ticklish than I would have thought!” He continued to scratch his nails in Kakashi’s underarms, causing his teacher’s laughter to slowly get louder.
“N-Narutohoho, plehehease! This ihis soho childihihihish!” Kakashi cackled, trying half heartedly to bat Naruto’s arms away from him. Could he have gotten the kid off of him easily with one swift motion? Absolutely, but to be honest, he couldn’t remember the last time he had allowed his guard to drop this much. It had to have been years since he felt himself laugh even a little bit. As embarrassing as it all was, a bigger part of it felt refreshing.
“Oh, you think this is childish? I’ll show you childish!” Naruto taunted, throwing pokes all around Kakashi’s torso, making his laughter spike up an octave. “Childish is hiding the bells from me when I beat you, fair and square!”
Kakashi’s eyes were still squeezed shut due to his loud laughter. All of a sudden, the tickling sensations increased rapidly. He felt so many different spots being targeted all at once. While the scratching in his underarms continued, he additionally felt fingers wiggling against his stomach and his ribs. Then, there was a pair of hands scratching behind his knees, forcing a surprised squeak out of Kakashi’s mouth. His legs began to shake due to the new spot being targeted. How was this even possible? He forced open his eyes and finally realized: he was being attacked by Naruto and three of his Shadow Clones.
Once he found out what had happened, Kakashi’s body surrendered to the sensations. He let unfiltered laughter flood out of his mouth as his legs finally gave out, making him end up on the ground. All four Narutos followed him down, all of their hands staying attached to the spots they were targeting. Kakashi was almost in tears laughing, completely unable to get away from the eight hands that were attacking him. “Nahahaharutoho! Plehehease, stohohohop!”
“I’ll stop as soon as you tell me where the damn bells are!” The real Naruto yelled, his three Shadow Clones laughing along.
Hearing that soft, familiar sound ring through the chaos made both Naruto and Kakashi freeze. All of their remaining chakra was focused in their ears, listening intently for the sound of the bells.
Their heads whipped around to see Sakura standing a few feet away from them, holding both of the bells, one in each hand. Kakashi felt his face pale at the sight as Naruto bolted over to grab one of the bells out of her hand with a satisfied chuckle.
“Y-you had them the whole time, Sakura?” Kakashi stammered, slowly gathering himself and getting to his feet. Sakura had a small smile on her face as she blushed a bit.
“Yeah… I’m sorry, Kakashi Sensei! I just thought… you looked like you were having fun, so I didn’t want to make you guys stop so soon.” Sakura explained sheepishly. Kakashi couldn’t help but smile at her statement, his face remaining a deep shade of pink.
“Well… you aren’t necessarily wrong.” Kakashi admitted, making both of his students stare at him in shock. He shrugged as he continued his thought. “I mean, I can’t remember the last time my body was able to relax like that, and I don’t even think either of you had ever heard me laugh before.” Naruto and Sakura looked at each other, knowing that to be true. Kakashi smiled at them before looking around the area. “Now, I have one thing to ask, and this goes for everyone here, so listen up.” As Kakashi spoke, Tsunade and Jiraiya poked their heads out of the trees, their grinning faces focused on him intently.
“What is it, Kakashi Sensei?” Naruto asked, his eyes shining with glee. Kakashi sighed, directing this statement mostly at the two Sannin.
“Please, do not tell Gai about this. He will never let me live a peaceful life with this information.” Jiraiya snickered as he and Tsunade shared a mischievous glance. 
“No promises.” Tsunade responded with a scheming smile. Kakashi sighed even deeper this time, holding his face in his hands.
“Don’t worry, Kakashi Sensei! We’ll protect your honor!” Naruto exclaimed, positioning himself in front of Kakashi, using a defensive stance.
Sakura giggled and mirrored Naruto’s actions. “Yeah! We’ll protect you no matter what!”
Kakashi smiled, grateful for the incredible Shinobi his students had become. “Thank you. Now, what do you say I treat you two to some ramen as a congratulations?” His students let out a yell of excitement, racing each other back to the village. Kakashi followed close behind them while Tsunade and Jiraiya lingered for just a moment longer.
“You’re going to tell him, aren’t you?” Jiraiya asked the Hokage.
Tsunade chuckled. “Oh, I absolutely am.”
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toweroftickles · 3 months
Three-Sentence Drabbles: Ticklish Dads
This was supposed to be a cute, wholesome little tribute for Father's Day, but obviously that's no longer the case. I never seem to have inspiration for holiday-themed compilations until too late. It's also surprisingly difficult to cram setup and payoff into a three-sentence limit (not to mention varying grammatical structure in a way that's coherent), so as per usual I kind of cheated with quotations and inserts.
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Chrom, Lucina, and Inigo
"H-Heh-Ha-Ha! Stop that...Ha-HaI'm...I'm g-hoing to...be....Ngk...your f-ha-ther someday, and...Heh...I-I...order you to...Heh-Heh Ha-Ha!" Chrom laughed and jumped around in his creaking wooden chair, while Lucina turned blue and scurried in a tornado of panic around the war room table.
In his right hand, Inigo was holding a rigid yellow quill, and its purpose was twofold: to tickle the father-daughter pair at intervals, and to scrawl the results of his "research" in a small red leather notebook.
"Sheesh, you two, get a grip...you're always so on edge," Inigo grinned as he chased Lucina around the room like an exuberant toddler, menacingly waggling the feather toward her, desperate pleas of "No, keep that away from me!" jostling his eardrums.
For those unaware, in Fire Emblem Awakening, Inigo has canonically tickled Lucina and Chrom just to make them smile. ^^
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Ellie and Joel (Game)
Sure, Ellie knew that her awful dad jokes weren’t all that funny, but at least she was trying to ease the tension, and Joel’s irascible stone face was really getting on her nerves…especially now that her backup plan wasn’t working either.
“URRRGH, shit; you’re seriously not ticklish?!” she griped, jabbing her index finger repeatedly into Joel’s lower back like an impatient kid with an elevator button.
Ellie quickly regretted her impertinence when her guardian wordlessly picked her up by her armpits and shoved her against a brick wall, and soon, she found herself kicking her legs, cursing, and giggling uncontrollably above the ground as rough fingers squeezed into her belly over and over, no matter how much she yelled…maybe Joel did have a sense of humor after all.
Ok, so not every dad on the list is ticklish, but I wanted to write about him pulling an Uno Reverse Card on Ellie. XD
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Jake, Kiri, and Tuktirey Sully
"Huhuh, Huh-Ha...Heh! Heh HAA HAA HA...Qu-hittit! Ah-Hn-Hn Hng-Hng Hng!!" Jake Sully laughed loudly and futilely attempted to shield his armpit among the grass.
"Hihih! T-hickle tickle tickle tickle tickle," Tuk giggled sweetly, scratching her dad's belly button with her impish finger while he thrashed around.
The olo'eyktan had slipped from his mount and landed in the midst of the direhorse herd, and now, surrounded by curious baby calves, his whole body was being lashed by their long, fleshy tongues...his stomach, his underarms, his feet...everywhere...but rather than restraining their pets, his two daughters had decided to gleefully join in the tickle torture, and were poking Jake wherever their wicked little hands could reach.
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Johnny and Dennis
One of the first skills a young vampire learned was to control bats, but despite the tutelage of his mother and grandfather's combined centuries of experience, Dennis was rapidly losing control of his "training swarm."
A torrent of the little beasts (over a hundred of them) careened around the castle's dining hall, upending candlesticks and chairs as they went, until they eventually dove headlong into Jonathan like a blast from a fire hose and carried him high into the air.
"WhoaAAho, hohohohohold it, YAAaHahaaaaThatssouncomfterble, NG! Wha - Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Hehelp me down!" the incomprehensible syllables blurted out of Johnny's mouth at a warbling pitch and his body twisted into noodles...dozens of the bats were swarming inside his clothes...but his wife and son were too busy giggling to assist.
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Naruto and Boruto Uzumaki
Naruto stood rooted to the training courtyard ground, iron and resolute, taking body-blow after body-blow with nary a flinch as his son's practice dummy.
This test was one of Boruto's strength, to see if he could force the immovable to move, but Naruto remained steadfast for a long while, until the boy’s knuckles dusted across his abdomen one too many times and he shuddered in place.
“HHEHH; Heehee-Heehee Hee, Quihit it!” the Hokage snickered like a little kid, slightly embarrassed and frustrated that he (like many other "tough" adult ninjas) hadn’t quite outgrown a ticklish tummy yet - a fact which delighted Boruto.
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Kass and His Kids
Of Kass’ five daughters, Cree struggled the most with playing his bandoneon, always fumbling with it and letting it slip through her feathers (but in her defense, it was difficult for the bird bard to teach her properly while the rest of his chicks used him like a jungle gym).
“No, you gotta squeeze it really hard,” Kotts instructed during a slow glide down off of her dad's shoulder, continuing as she landed behind him: "...liiiiiiike......this!"
One harsh pinch around his waist, and Kass fell down helpless on the flight platform in a heap of laughter, a wide open target for the army of five teeny soldiers that hopped and bounced all over him with their iron talons and fluffy wings, grinning and squealing…he wasn't sure how many more tickle attacks he could take in one day!
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Miguel and Gabriella O'Hara (Earth-TRN1042)
This one’s for @trrickytickle, who was the only one to offer me a suggestion for this comp. 😂
Every Miguel O'Hara throughout the vast multiverse was always tethered to some type of “spider” in one way or another, and young Gabriella...skittering slowly along the living room floor, all four limbs splayed out and giggling excitedly...certainly looked the part.
“Hmm…must’ve been my imagination…could’ve sworn I heard a little bug crawling around somewhere…” Miguel smirked and politely pretended not to see or hear her (not even when her tennis shoes squeaked on polished hardwood), until she cried out “Spider attack!” and dove onto him with insectoid hands.
"AHH-HA No no wait wait wait wait wait; Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!" Miguel's raspy laugh broke out as soon as those sharp, unclipped little fingernails nibbled his stomach, for that was his jubilant girl's superpower - tickle torture! - and no weapon was powerful enough to stop her reign of terror…well, except maybe the big raspberry he blew right on her squishy tummy.
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Mufasa and Simba
Like all cubs, Simba firmly believed he could take his dad in a fight despite their 600-pound size difference, but his illusion was quickly broken by the set of jaws that lifted him up by the scruff of his neck, and the lion prince had no other recourse than to struggle wildly, swiping and pawing and wagging his tail at Mufasa's belly.
“Hn-Hn, Heh-Heh Heh-Heh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!” That voice wasn’t just deep, it was subterranean, and Mufasa's booming laughter always drew big smiles out of his mate and cub alike.
Collapsing into one another, the king and his son tumbled down the grassy hill until they were both exhausted, warm and safe in a snuggle of dandelion fuzz.
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Phoenix and Trucy Wright
For her 13th birthday, Phoenix Wright scrounged together enough dough to buy his little magician a new Hans Moretti Sword Box, and he'd even agreed to let her practice with him...with the provision that she use floppy toy weapons, of course.
"Now just hold still dad, I've gotta get this right!" Trucy announced and shoved a wobbly rubber sword into the box's open slot.
Its hard tip bent against Phoenix's spleen, causing him to warble "BaAAaah, that tickles!" and rattle inside his felt-lined prison.
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Ashley and Richard Robins (Trace Memory/Another Code)
Ashley’s bond with her father was still tenuous, even after all they’d been through...so many questions unanswered and lost years irretrievable...and so she spent most of her vacation in awkward, divorced silence with him, usually draped over the couch and moodily leafing through a book.
But one afternoon, as she laid there on her stomach and doomscrolled through Instagram, Ashley suddenly felt a nerve-tingling scratch along the bottom of her bare foot, and with a loud and involuntary scream, she whipped around and pulled her knees into her chest, her cheeks the color of strawberry jelly.
“DAaaA-aaaad!” she whined, full to bursting with angry embarrassment, but instead of letting her socially-awkward father mumble an apology, she angrily hopped up and tickled under his arms until he slid down to the floor in fits of anxious laughter...it surprisingly made her feel better.
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Will Taylor and his Dad (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)
“Hey, dad, you're gonna be at the game on Thursday, right?” Will asked with a twinge of trepidation in his voice (he didn't want to seem too concerned) as he carried the soccer ball under his arm.
Smiling, his father teased the blonde boy “Oh, you think I forgot…huh, you think I forgot?!” and suddenly wrestled him down into the sunny campsite grass in a merciless flurry of tickling fingers.
Will had been lonely and missing his dad terribly these past few weeks, but as he lay there squeaking and laughing helplessly (and despite his struggle to tickle his dad back through that heavy three-piece suit), all that heartache slowly melted away.
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Aang and Kya
Ankle-deep in the Nan Shan River (for familial waterbending lessons), Katara was struck from the heavens with a brilliant idea, and while Aang was distracted, she knelt down delivered wicked whispers into the ear of her young daughter, whose grin grew wider and wider.
At the direction of Kya’s wildly-flapping limbs, bubbles and seaweed and soft nodes of jasmine ice all gently coalesced into swirling, semisolid eddies that snaked beneath the water and wrapped themselves around Aang’s lower legs before he noticed them, and suddenly, the Avatar went cross-eyed and began to dance around in the whirlpools like a caffeinated monkey.
As father and daughter both failed to contain their hysterics, Katara stood there snickering at her own clever prank, beaming with pride at her little girl...but in her mirth, she failed to realize that Kya might want to try out this "traditional Southern Water Tribe technique" on her next.
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Vander, Vi, and Powder
Vi and Powder plopped down on the elder sister's bed and angrily wiped their bruised, stinging cheeks and damp lips, only marginally comforted by Vander's tree-trunk arms around their shoulders...though the thing that really hurt most was their pride.
"That's what you get for taking on boys twice your size...you learned your lesson or do they need to whip your hides again?" their guardian teased the girls and tussled their hair, and Vi (who was clearly trying not to smile) answered by twisting her left elbow into his ribs.
"Ha-ow! Oi, so you think you wanna scuffle, eh?" Vander laughed and quickly immobilized the sisters, who shrieked like tea kettles and kicked ecstatically in his embrace, unable to escape the smothering bear-hugs and armpit-tickles that bombarded them.
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kiwitickleart · 10 months
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Apologies for the reposts! OTL
On a brighter note ! To fullmoon!anon! I’m your @squealing-santa ✨ I hope you like it!
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duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 8: 𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱
My lil dude whom I adore with my whole heart.
Oh look Naruto’s there too!
No I’m kidding I’d sell my soul to meet either of them.
Tags: @chrimsss @sleepysheepytea (I know you’re a Naruto fan, so I thought you might enjoy this!!) @tickletr-ash @ticklish-n-stuff @giggly-squiggily
—This do have tickles below the cut ngl—
As much as Naruto loved his friends, boy did they show up at the worst times. He WAS planning on spending his day off doing something incredibly important, mind you. Okay- fine, he was going to spend the day sleeping and eating, but that’s equally as important as anything else his friends have planned.
Though, the impromptu visits did make him feel loved. How far he’s come… younger him couldn’t even begin to fathom a life like this.
So, when he heard the ecstatic knocking at his door, a smile crept onto his features. He perked through the peephole and was delighted to see all of his friends.
“Hey, guys I was actually-“
“NARUTOOOOOOO!” Lee cheered, “We have come to see you on our day off! It is important to keep your youth healthy and abundant!”
The blonde ninja sighed. “My youth is perfectly abundant… I think?”
The group chuckled a bit. All of them removed their shoes and sprawled out on any and all furniture in the boy’s tiny apartment. Lee kicked his feet with a smile as he lay on his stomach to feed Akamaru little crackers, with Choji attempting to swipe them from him.
“Let’s play a game!” Kiba chirped.
“A game? What kind of game?” Neji inquired, eyes closed as Shikamaru carefully untangled his messy hair
“Oooh, how about truth or dare?” Choji asked with a Cheshire grin.
“What are we, twelve?” Shikamaru grumbled.
“Fine then, Shikamaru. We can-“
All eyes turned to the blonde, causing him to blink rapidly a few times. “I-I want to play. I’ve never… uh.”
The boys looked upon him with confusion.
“You’ve never played truth or dare before?” Shino asked in disbelief.
Naruto stared back at them as if they were all morons, lifting his tee shirt to reveal the seal that adorned his stomach.
A collective “ohhh” filled the room.
“So yeah, I think I wanna play.”
“Sure, man!” Kiba cheered. “Everyone come sit in a circle!”
All of the shinobi obey and are soon sat criss-crossed in a circle. Eyes dart around the group as they try to decide who will ask first.
Shikamaru finally sighed and spoke up. “Choji, you asked to play. You first.”
“Alright! Hmmm…” the red-haired boy looked around. He locked eyes with… “Neji, truth or dare?”
“Mmm, truth,” the Hyuga replied.
“Booooring- okay, fine. Do you have a crush on any of the girls?”
He opened his mouth to answer, but quickly closed it with a scoff. “O-Of course not. That’s-“
“Why the stutter, pretty boy?” Kiba teased.
“Yeah, Neji. You lie like a rug,” Shikamaru quipped as he squeezed the latter’s shoulders.
“Alright fine!” he cleared his throat. “I will say that… erm… I find Tenten to be rather alluring.”
A chorus of “ohhhh!”s filled the tiny apartment as they all chuckled and teased the Byakugan user.
“Ooooh! I must tell Guy-Sensei, he would be-“
“One word out of you, and I will sew your lips shut!”
“Don’t cross me, Lee!”
Amidst the chaos between the two teammates, the game continued. Kiba had to stand on his hands for a minute, Shino revealed a secret love for literature, Sai ate a spoonful of fridge jungle juice, aka whatever condiments they could find mixed with milk; and Shikamaru revealed a slight crush on Temari.
Finally it was Naruto’s turn.
“Alright, Naruto. Truth or dare?”
Oh man, tough choice…
“Mmm, truth! I pick truth!”
“Okay, uhh… let’s see.” A sudden flash of malice appeared in Shikamaru’s eyes. “Where are you most ticklish?”
Just like earlier, all eyes fell onto him. He shifted nervously as he tried to think of an answer.
“I- um… w-well, that’s- uh…”
“You can tell us. We won’t use it against you or anything,” the shadow user replied with a patient, but curious, smile.
“Well… I actually don’t… know?”
They stared at him, bug-eyed. Was he serious? There’s no way that he didn’t know… How could he not?
Realization appeared across the Nara’s features. “You’ve never been tickled before?”
“I-I didn’t say that-“
“But it’s true, isn’t it?”
“I- um…” A pink hue appeared on the boy’s ears. “I mean other than this one time that Pervy Sage did…”
“Alright, come here.” Shikamaru patted the spot in front of him. “Let’s find out.”
Was this guy serious?! Why so bold?? Should he just accept the-
“If you don’t come over, I’m gonna have to have Kiba take matters into his own hands, then we learn the hard way.”
Naruto’s eyes darted over to Kiba, who was already staring back at him with a menacing smile.
“Nopenopenopenope-“ The blonde ran from the circle, dodging around furniture, and eventually getting stuck in a corner.
“Come on, Naruto. Don’t make me do this the hard way. It’ll be easier for both of us if you just come to me.”
“Waaaaah! I want to but- NGH-“ In an instant the boy fell paralyzed, his arms holding themselves above his head. “Oh you bi- HYEAHA!”
Kiba smiled as he tweaked at the blonde’s hips. “Ohh, he’s ticklish alright!”
“Kihihibahaha! Wahahahait!” The jinchuriki whined.
“No wait! I’m curious! Let’s try here, I bet you’re ticklish here!” He mused as he skittered his fingers over Naruto’s stomach
“Hold on? But you’re so ticklish here! Is it because of your mark?” The brunette chirped.
The fanged boy’s eyes lit up as he had just snuck his hand under the blonde’s shirt to squeeze at his stomach. “Ohoho! It is the mark! Awww! That’s so cute!”
“Are you sure? Maaan some kind of endurance you have. What kind of ninja are you?”
“We gotta tell master Jiraiya about this, maybe he can help you.”
The teasing and the tickles in his worst spot were far too much… “OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! YOHOHOHOU MAHAHADE YOHOHOUR POHOHOHOINT! STAHAHAHAPPIHIHIT!”
The Inuzuka boy smiled as he moved to gently scratch under Naruto’s arms. “Oh man, that is like so freaking cool. I never knew that your mark could affect you so much!”
The blonde closed his eyes and laughed helplessly, feeling vulnerable in front of the group, while also feeling the safest that he has in a while. “Kihihibahaha, stahahap teheheasihihing.”
Neji, being as perceptive as he is, noticed a small detail… “Ah… I forgot you too can feel what he’s feeling.”
The Nara boy was standing completely still, limbs vibrating as he bit his lip. “N-Nothing wo-worth mENtionihihihing.”
“Oye, Kiba! Don’t move spots, looks like we found Shikamaru’s tickle spot too.” Choji chimed as he looked upon his teammate evilly.
Welp… someone had to make the sacrifice. It’s not like he wasn’t expecting retaliation from it.
Let’s just hope he has more stamina than Naruto did…
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twnj · 1 month
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Chocho reading Shinki's letter one last time before bed 🤭
A doodle inspired by Spices Unites by @clumsydragon28
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fluffyweeby · 2 years
Watch out for some mild Naruto shippuden spoilers!!
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sleepysheepytea · 2 months
Warning for footer tks!!!
HEHEHEHE my first victim mwahaha
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sauceruto · 7 months
Excerpt from “It’s Warm with You.”
"Asshole!" Naruto spat. Then, without thinking, he reached and squeezed Sasuke's ribs.
Sasuke flinched and jerked away. "Don't even think about it."
Cue Naruto giggle. "About what?"
"About that."
"What? I can't help you're ticklish! Say you're sorry and maybe I won't."
"No way."
Quick as a flash, Naruto pounced on top of Sasuke, pinning him down and rendering him immobile before the Uchiha could even react. Sasuke felt squirmy from being pinned down from Naruto. He tried his best to glare him down. "Don't you DARE, Naruto." He growled, trying to be as intimidating as possible.
More Naruto giggles. "What? Are you really that scared of being tickled?" He began to effortlessly scribble his fingers all over Sasuke's belly and sides.
Sasuke tried his best to keep his stoic composure. He wouldn't blubber like a fool. But soon, chortles would escape his lips, and then squeaks from trying to hold it in, and soon he was laughing and giggling helplessly. He hadn't been tickled in so long, he had almost forgotten the feeling. He felt it was such a childish thing to do, but of course Naruto was there to break down that wall again. In fact, as soon as Naruto showed the slighted chance of letting him go, he turned around and pinned Naruto down, tickling him back and rendering the blonde helpless in a fit of giggles. Sasuke had never even tickled anyone in his life. But watching Naruto squirm underneath him sent those damn butterflies back in his chest. He thought about how he could make Naruto squirm in other ways, but he quickly shoved that thought away again.
They both fought and wrestled for a while, Naruto gaining the upper hand yet again and sending Sasuke back into a laughing frenzy. Sasuke excused it on still maybe being weak from sickness, but truth was he had never laughed so much in one day. It left him feeling so weak he couldn't really fight back. He felt his face turning red as he began giggling, embarrassed for having such a reaction. He NEVER giggled. Or laughed this much. Naruto thought Sasuke's laugh sounded like great bells ringing, or like a rich, sweet syrup.
Finally, Naruto let him go, relishing the flushed look on Sasuke's face and feeling elated to see the Uchiha so decomposed. It gave him butterflies to see that. To see Sasuke smile and laugh and just really let go. He was so used to the years of cold stares. Sasuke gasped for air, trying to force down the smile still on his face. "I…I'll…I'll get you…back….Naruto…." He gasped, jabbing his finger in Naruto's ribs as a last hurrah.
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bh-52 · 15 days
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otomiyaa · 8 months
Serial Tickler
Naruto x Sasuke (reupload)
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Reuploading this oldie because it was one of my very few Naruto works and it disappeared just like that :3 Thank you @wertzunge for saving it!
Summary: Takes place in their younger years before Sasuke leaves the gang! A peaceful training camp gets disturbed when a dangerous serial tickler ruins everyone’s sleep, one by one, until Sasuke is next. He is not very pleased.
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blushy-tigerrr · 7 months
Hello, I just found your stories and I really liked them. I was wondering if it would be possible for them to write a tickling fic with Kabuto and Orochimaru? I know it's an unusual request but there are almost no tickle fics from them, and frankly every time I watch the anime it seems to me that Orochimaru is like an older brother to Kabuto.
UGH i hate how long this took to write, but i have been craaazy busy!! i appreicate your patience with this, and i hope you enjoy it!!
Endurance Training
Fandom: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Summary: Kabuto feels defeated after a failed mission. Orochimaru quickly finds a way to bring his spirits up.
Content Warning: like,, one curse word
Word Count: 1.2k
“Damn it…” Kabuto mumbled to himself, putting his head in his hands. He had arrived back at the Village Hidden in the Sound after yet another failed attempt at capturing Sasuke. He had gotten so close only to be foiled by Kakashi and forced to leave. Otherwise, he would have been arrested or killed. Kabuto sat down in the grass outside of the stronghold, staring up at the mass of leaves from the trees above him. He took a breath, trying to work up some courage to admit to Lord Orochimaru that this mission was another failure. He hated this feeling. He hated feeling like he was a disappointment to the person he admired so deeply. However, he had to admit to it eventually, and sooner was better than later.
Sighing deeply, Kabuto stood up and entered the stronghold. He walked as slowly as possible towards the room where Orochimaru would likely be. He couldn’t help but feel anxious. The worry about how Orochimaru would react was… Kabuto shook his head. He couldn’t think like that right now. Maybe it will be okay. Maybe. Kabuto softly knocked on the doorframe outside of Orochimaru’s office.
“Come in, Kabuto.” Orochimaru’s voice almost sang in response, shooting more nerves into Kabuto’s body. He took a breath and opened the door. The sight that greeted him when he entered was Orochimaru sitting at his desk, his back facing Kabuto. “Good to see you back safe and sound.”
Kabuto swallowed his nerves and nodded. “Yes, my lord. Happy to have made it back.” Orochimaru’s brow furrowed, sensing the tension in Kabuto’s voice. He turned around in his chair to face his friend, the confused expression staying on his face.
“Did everything go according to plan?” Orochimaru asked gently. Kabuto inhaled sharply, looking down at the floor.
“Well… not exactly.” He whispered in response. Orochimaru stared at him, rising from his seat. Kabuto’s jaw tightened, his eyes locked on the floor below him. Orochimaru walked very slowly towards him, planting himself just a foot in front of the gray haired man. One of his eyebrows was raised, and his hands were clasped loosely behind his back.
“Not exactly, huh? What happened?” Kabuto forced himself to look Orochimaru in the eyes, nervous as he was. He couldn’t tell how Orochimaru was feeling just by looking at him. Maybe that meant he wouldn’t be as mad as Kabuto expected.
“Well… my lord, I came so close. So close to Sasuke. He was incapacitated, it should have been so easy, but…” Kabuto took a breath to calm himself down. “I failed. Kakashi arrived just as I was preparing to take Sasuke. We engaged in battle, but I was underprepared. I had to flee, or else I’d have been arrested… or killed.” Kabuto paused for a moment, waiting for a reaction only to be met with silence. The gray haired man stared back down at the floor, the shame returning to his mind. “I… I’m so sorry.”
Orochimaru chuckled softly, placing a hand on Kabuto’s shoulder. “That explains why you’re so on edge. It’s alright, Kabuto. We can always try again another day.” Kabuto’s head turned upward to face Orochimaru, an expression of confusion in his eyes. “I see… Were you expecting me to be angry with you?” Kabuto sighed, nodding hesitantly. “Capturing Sasuke is not something that’s going to happen perfectly right away. Why would I be mad at you for someone else getting in your way?”
Kabuto nodded, feeling all of the fear he was feeling previously leave his mind. “You’re right. I’m sorry for jumping to such a conclusion, my lord.” Orochimaru smiled slightly, giving Kabuto’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Kabuto felt himself flinch involuntarily as he took in a sharp breath. Orochimaru tilted his head in confusion, keeping his hand on Kabuto’s shoulder.
“What’s wrong? That didn’t hurt, did it?” Orochimaru asked gently. Kabuto shook his head, facing away from Orochimaru as to not draw attention to his face.
“No, no. It didn’t hurt.” Kabuto spoke softly, trying to piece together words to explain what he had felt. He didn’t have much time to think before he felt fingernails tracing gently at the base of his neck. Kabuto pressed his lips together, holding his breath to keep himself from laughing. “My lord… w-what are you d-doing?” Orochimaru began to smile, realizing exactly what was happening.
“Kabuto… have you ever been tickled before?” Kabuto’s face turned red. That’s what this was? Tickling? Kabuto had just been convinced that he could never be ticklish. It was such a childish thing. He could never be weak to something like that.
“N-no, I haAHahahaven’t!” The laughs began to spill out of Kabuto’s mouth before he had a chance to think. Orochimaru’s fingers had crept into Kabuto’s armpits, scratching very lightly in the sensitive spot. Kabuto twisted around in his grasp, trying desperately to keep hsi reactions understated. “Whahay are you dohoing this to mehe?”
“It’s training, Kabuto. Endurance training. We can’t have you be this sensitive as a ninja! It’s a weakness we can’t risk the enemy finding out about.” Orochimaru lied through his grin, moving his fingers to the inside of his forearm. An unusual spot, yes, but he had a feeling… “I have to get this ticklishness out of you somehow.”
As Orochimaru scratched at the soft skin on the inside of his forearm, Kabuto’s laughter picked up, both in volume and in pitch. Orochimaru smiled in satisfaction, gingerly holding his friend’s wrist in one hand while continuing to trace up and down the inside of his arm. “Plehehease stohohop! I can’t tahahake it!” Kabuto’s eyes were squeezed shut as he continued to laugh loudly. The lightness of the touch made it much more unbearable for him, and unfortunately, Orochimaru could tell that was the case. His long nails suddenly moved to scratch ever so gently at Kabuto’s ribs, causing the shorter man to switch from giggles to full on laughter. “NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Kabuto just about folded in half to try and get away from Orochimaru’s hands.
“Why not? Is it too ticklish?” Orochimaru asking that question so matter of factly made Kabuto’s face flush even deeper red than before. Unable to say anything through his cackling, Kabuto simply nodded in response. He continued to squirm in Orochimaru’s grasp, not even trying to form sentences anymore. Even though they both knew this wasn’t actually for training purposes, the two men couldn’t deny the fact that they were both having quite a bit of fun with this. It was rare that they ever had affectionate moments like this, but having one now felt nice.
“P-PLEHEHEHEASE! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Kabuto’s loud laughter shook Orochimaru from his thoughts. His hands were still curling in on Kabuto’s ribs which proved to be an extremely sensitive spot.
“Ohokay, okay. I guess that’s enough for today.” Orochimaru conceded, pulling his hands away from Kabuto. The shorter man gasped for air and wrapped his arms around himself, the same giddy smile still plastered on his face. “I don’t want to burn you out too quickly, but trust me, we will definitely be continuing this… endurance training.” Orochimaru’s smirk struck fear into Kabuto’s heart, but it wasn’t actual fear. It was… something different. Fear, yes, but mixed with… excitement.
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infrequent-creator · 1 year
Y’all ok ..
So I hung out at this girl’s house last night & she had Naruto on. Not really watching it just background noise. And we were drinking / smoking & I notice a scene in the episode that looks familar?? Cant place it until Naruto is doing this specific pose & I was like “omg no fucking way this is that tickle scene where the silver haired guy tickles him” (where he’s by the lake & doing a pose with a sun drawing on his belly)
AND SURE ENOUGH yes it was I WAS TRYING TO KEEP MY COOL & fuck I got so flustered and she’s really cute and I’m too gay & shiiiit I kept it together tho
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