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Launch of Seven Magazine and premiere of Do We Have Time?
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La Morra: 22enne marocchino arrestato in flagranza dai Carabinieri per furto
La Morra: 22enne marocchino arrestato in flagranza dai Carabinieri per furto. Nella notte del 21 febbraio scorso un 22enne marocchino è stato sorpreso dalla pattuglia dei Carabinieri di Narzole subito dopo aver forzato l’ingresso di un esercizio commerciale del centro di La Morra. L’uomo aveva in mano il registratore di cassa ed è stato immediatamente tratto in arresto in flagranza per il reato di furto aggravato. I successivi accertamenti dei Carabinieri hanno permesso di trovare sufficienti indizi per attribuire allo stesso cittadino marocchino anche un furto commesso poche ore prima su un’autovettura parcheggiata all’interno del cortile di un’abitazione di La Morra, reato per il quale il soggetto è stato deferito in stato di libertà all’Autorità Giudiziaria di Asti. L’arrestato, nella mattina seguente è stato giudicato con rito direttissimo dal Tribunale di Asti che ha emesso una sentenza di condanna a 4 mesi di reclusione e euro 200 di multa con pena sospesa. L’arresto è il frutto del costante controllo del territorio operato dai Carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Cuneo, sempre più impegnati nell’opera finalizzata a garantire ai cittadini la sicurezza nella loro quotidianità.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Le Langhe: Narzole (CN). In zona agiva la 48^ Brigata Garibaldi Il trimestre novembre '44-gennaio '45 è il periodo più duro per i partigiani. In primo
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dragon names from tes + orc names from morrowind
Ahrotnard Ahviikiv Aldura Algrul Aliikkes Azgob Azgolfin Azgorlog Baglaak Baglugdul Bagluk Bagol Bagolug Bagonk Bahlakh Bahlok Bakhamol Barg Bargonk Bash Bashah Bashak Baslaan Baslaar Bazgon Blaargob Blaas Blaat Bladba Blamolfin Bolugronk Borakh Borburakh Borz Borzub Botaarz Boziin Boziiz Bozin Budjen Bugduljot Bugdun Bughorn Bugrumalg Bugrumir Bulum Bumalda Bumbum Bumurzuk Bura Burkun Burn Burzug Debum Deso Drahkrul Drol Drotdahak Duin Duindurz Dulaakh Dulaamnir Dulak Dulakhar Duljoorn Dulkun Dulong Dulorz Dulth Dulub Dulugra Dumboram Dumbudjen Dumbul Dumbular Dumburbur Dumonir Dumph Dumukaakh Dunost Durak Durakh Durashar Durgam Durgurz Durim Durkub Durkun Durub Durum Durun Duruzub Duryol Durzorzub Estruzuk Fema Femat Fematurul Femazolon Gakhahlog Gakmaldum Gama Gamboziin Gambudjen Games Gamph Gard Garg Gargamnir Garol Gash Gashura Ghadeburn Ghag Ghah Ghak Ghakmatuk Gham Ghar Ghashamph Ghaslar Ghat Ghazgol Ghazgonk Ghazuk Ghorakh Ghorat Ghorbug Gliintura Glumph Glumug Glurz Gragakham Grahlonk Grol Grub Grul Gruljoora Grum Grumbug Grunosul Gruthul Guar Guarbasha Guarth Gulnat Gurzog Joorn Jotnar Jotnatvul Kaarkuna Khakharg Khargob Kodstrum Kodum Kramph Kredgul Krim Krub Krum Krun Kruzgol Laak Laar Laargash Laargonk Laarkun Ladbash Larselong Larz Lodst Logrumbug Lokdaarz Lokkes Loknir Lokziid Lokziin Lokziiz Long Lonikrel Lonk Lontiikiv Lorbum Lorn Lorzol Lorzum Lothurz Lugrag Lugrog Lumbughar Lushna Maak Maarkub Malda Maldaale Maliilaar Maliinso Malilog Malilora Margar Margonk Markub Marz Maturn Mauhulak Mauhurkub Mauhuzug Mazgorzug Mazorz Mindu Minso Mirmurum Mogrun Mogrutto Molfin Molnir Molotnax Molumurn Monk Morahkrog Morulg Morzub Mugduing Mugdum Mugdumba Mugdun Mugdunax Mugduryol Mugdurz Mugharug Mugrumbar Mukaale Mulaak Muladbag Mulkub Mulnarot Multh Mulub Muryol Murz Murzuk Muziintuk Muziir Muzug Naak Naalgra Naan Naargak Naargash Naarselot Naaruma Naash Naaslar Nafaar Nafaarzug Nafahlora Nagarkub Nagorbu Nahgrul Nahkrim Nahviiv Nakhat Namph Narbagob Narbak Nard Nargard Nargarkun Nargon Narzol Numbakh Numolong Numonir Numulkul Odaargam Odaat Oghat Ograt Ogrub Olfintul Olnax Olonk Orbum Orlokziiv Orugdum Orzol Paale Paan Paarbulg Paarbumbu Paarg Paargak Paargard Paarz Redguarog Redgulorn Redgur Relonk Relorlok Rotnaak Sahbiid Sahbiiv Sahgrat Sahkruth Sahlaash Sahlokun Sahlong Sahlorbug Sahlot Sahviin Shadbak Shag Shaglub Shagon Shak Shakhagak Sham Shama Shamnir Shamph Shar Sharogrol Sharuzub Shas Shazgol Shnaan Shnag Shnam Shnamnir Shnamol Shnar Shnax Shul Shular Shulhak Shulnikiv Shurvok Shuzgorah Skaak Skaalda Skaaldul Skaar Skaarz Skak Skyrin Snaat Snag Snak Snam Snamuk Snard Snarz Snas Snax Thmuk Thre Throg Tyldaan Tyldaar Tyldah Tyldu Tyldul Tyldurak Ugra Ugrashul Ugruth Ugruzgol Ulha Ulhatura Umbak Urahamph Urat Urgol Uriiv Urkub Urub Urug Urumale Urunag Uryol Uryolnat Uryolorz Urzol Urzub Usha Ushak Ushazub Ushurburz Ushurnex Ushurumph Ushuryol Vahbiid Viid Viin Viing Viintuk Viiv Vith Vithuzub Vokzing Vostiin Vulaarog Vulg Vulhahrot Vulkub Vulnir Vuloknir Vulurkub Yadbarz Yadesot Yagash Yagdulkub Yagob Yagonk Yahbiir Yahbiiv Yahkrim Yahladbag Yahlar Yahlorakh Yakh Yakhades Yakhak Yamat Yambub Yambulug Yameso Yamnir Yamnirmuk Yamnirmul Yamol Yamolfin Yamph Yamurn Yamurz Yarz Yash Yashargob Yashulth Yashurzuk Yatukaak Yatul Yolfin Yolnahrog
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QUI LA MATTINA DEL 10 SETTEMBRE 1944 IL PARTIGIANO COGNO GIUSEPPE PIN NATO A SAVONA L'8-12-1922 VENIVA IMPICCATO DAI CRIMINALI NAZISTI ALL'OMBRA DEL SUO CAPESTRO. NOI SOPRAVVISSUTI ALLA BARBARIE NAZIFASCISTA E NOI POSTERI RENDIAMO ONORE E GLORIA A COLUI CHE AFFRONTANDO LA MORTE S'IMPOSE AL RISPETTO DEL CARNEFICE AGGIUNGENDO UNA NUOVA PAGINA DI PURO EROISMO NELLA STORIA DELLA RESISTENZA. A.N.P.I. LEGINO SAVONA 26-9-1965 . PER NON DIMENTICARE oggi più che mai mentre stiamo vivendo un periodo in cui è stato sdoganato il nazismo, in cui è stata dimenticata la devastazione delle guerre mondiali del secolo scorso, un periodo in cui non vengono più riconosciuti i diritti lasciatici dai nostri padri costituenti e per i quali il partigiano COGNO e tanti altri uomini valorosi come lui hanno combattuto fino alla morte. . . . . . #ionondimentico #nowar #notinmyname #noninmionome #poveraitalia #noallaguerra #FreeAssange (presso Narzole) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6M6b2tUVF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I grandi marchi: Balocco
I grandi marchi: Balocco
Tra panettoni e dolcissimi biscotti, la Balocco racconta il mondo delle Langhe del Novecento… Fondatore dell’impresa fu Francesco Antonio Balocco, nato a Narzole nel 1903, figlio di un stimato commerciante, che era titolare di una confetteria e drogheria nella via principale del paese. (more…)
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IDEE REGALO PER LA BEFANA... VI ASPETTIAMO DOMANI (mercoledì 6 gennaio), DALLE 10 ALLE 12:30 IN ERBORISTERIA A CHERASCO. #chersco #narzole #lamorra #dogliani #fossano #roretodicherasco #santavittoriadalba #carmagnola #bra #albalanghe #calzebefana #calzabefana #befana #befanakinder #befana2020 #befana2021 #epifania #epifania2021 #epifania2020 #ideecalza #ideeregalobefana #ideeregalobefana🎁 (presso Cherasco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJq-S2kl4JT/?igshid=khp7d9cbub6z
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Błogosławiony Tymoteusz Giaccardo
Błogosławiony Tymoteusz Giaccardo
Józef (Giuseppe) Giaccardo urodził się 13 czerwca 1896 r. w Narzole (w Piemoncie, na północy Włoch). Tego samego dnia został ochrzczony. Pochodził z biednej, ale głęboko wierzącej rodziny. Mając sześć miesięcy Pinòtu (jak go w dzieciństwie nazywano) zapadł na chorobę zagrażającą jego życiu. Został jednak cudownie uzdrowiony po dziewięciodniowej nowennie ku czci Matki Bożej. Dosyć wcześnie…
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(^ ^) Ashley Furniture Narzole Coffee Sofa and Loveseat Living Room Set https://ift.tt/3giwCAA
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Sábado 19 de Octubre de 2019. De la feria. Verde. Santos Juan de Brébeuf e Isaac Jogues y compañeros, mártires. Rojo. Beato José Timoteo Giaccardo, presbítero. Blanco.
Sábado 19 de Octubre de 2019. De la feria. Verde. Santos Juan de Brébeuf e Isaac Jogues y compañeros, mártires. Rojo. Beato José Timoteo Giaccardo, presbítero. Blanco.
LA LITURGIA COTIDIANA – Beato Timoteo Giaccardo – Otros santos del día – San Pablo de la Cruz Sábado 19 de Octubre de 2019 l Padre Carlos Yepes
El beato Timoteo Giaccardo nació en Narzole (Cuneo, Piamonte) el 13 de junio de 1896. Siendo aún muy joven se encontró con don Santiago Alberione y entró en el seminario de Alba.
Sensible a las necesidades de los tiempos y abierto a los nuevos medios…
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Dinner in Narzole with friends to Fulvia #dinnerdate #dinnertime #dinner #moda #fashion #style #vogue #pasta #italianpasta #restaurant #italianrestaurant #food #cibo #ragu #pastafresca #vitello #italy #italia #kitchen #cucina #hungry #foodporn #ciboitaliano #picoftheday #fusilli #agnolotti #lifestyle #life #me #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPk3PKgciO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e7zw5ggy7tat
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Non solo #wine #instalanghetti #ig_piemonte #ig_cuneo #nofilters #flowers #girasole #paesaggidivini #loves_united_cuneo #igerslanghe #langhe #coloreitaliano (presso Narzole)
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...che bello addentrarsi nelle stradine, nelle viuzze di paese e immaginare la storia di chi vi abita o ha abitato...quanti racconti si potrebbero scrivere, quanta vita tra quelle mura.... . . . . #mypointofview #MariaFotiphotography #landscapephotography #panorama #paesaggio #langhe #borghitalia #italia_shotz #piemonteturismo #piemontedascoprire #piemonte_super_pics #italia #italy #canonitalia #canonphotography #canon40d #1740mm #click #clickfor_piemonte #clickfor_borghi #clickfor_italia #streetphotography (presso Narzole) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfY_i97ta5M/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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89 village chiefs suspended over SAP distribution anomalies
#PHnews: 89 village chiefs suspended over SAP distribution anomalies
MANILA – The Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) has suspended 89 punong barangays (village chiefs) across the country for six months over anomalies involving the implementation of the first tranche of the social amelioration program (SAP).
In a press release issued on Saturday, DILG Secretary Eduardo Año directed the respective municipal/city mayors of these barangay captains to immediately implement the OMB’s order upon receipt while the DILG regional and field officers were directed to ensure the orderly implementation of the mass suspension.
Año thanked Ombudsman Samuel Martires for immediately acting on the complaints filed by the DILG against the erring barangay top officials, saying it will serve as a stern warning to all local government units that any wrong-doing on their part will not be tolerated by the department.
“Naway magsilbing babala ang suspensiyon na ito sa iba pang mga lokal na opisyales. Ang katiwalian ay walang puwang sa ating pamahalaan lalong-lalo pa ngayong panahon ng pandemya (I hope this suspension will serve as warning to other local officials. Corruption has no place in our government especially during pandemic),” he said.
In an order dated Sept. 2, 2020, the OMB said “the evidence on record shows that the guilt of these punong barangays is strong and the charges against them involve serious dishonesty, grave misconduct, abuse of authority and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service which may warrant removal from the service.”
The Ombudsman maintained that the continued stay off these punong barangays in office may prejudice the case filed against them, “[so] placing them under preventive suspension for a period of six months pursuant to Republic Act 6770 is proper under the premises.”
DILG spokesperson Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya said the suspension of the 89 punong barangays, the first such mass suspension in the history of the country, is just the latest in a series of moves undertaken by the DILG to weed out corrupt officials in the implementation of the SAP.
He said that acting on the orders of the DILG, the Philippine National Police- Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) has already filed criminal cases against 447 individuals for violations of RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act), RA 11469 (Bayanihan Act I), and RA 6713 (Code of Conduct of Government Officials and Employees), among others, again in relation to the implementation of the social amelioration program.
Of the 447 suspects, 211 are elected local and barangay officials, 104 are appointed barangay officials and 132 are their civilian co-conspirators. The cases are now being handled by the different city and provincial prosecutors across the country who have started the filing of the necessary information against the suspects in the courts.
NCR, Region 1, 2 top list of suspended officials
According to the Año, Region 1, National Capital Region (NCR), and Region 2 tops the list of suspended punong barangays (PBs) while Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and Caraga has the least number of suspended officials. Only Region 12 has no suspended village chief among all regions.
Among the 12 suspended village chiefs in Region 1 are Jason C. Dominguez of Barangay Nagsayaoan, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur; Marino Cabados Cirilo Sr. of Barangay Cadacad, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur; Antonio Delos Santos of Barangay Laslasong West, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur; Elmer Castillo Abenojar of Barangay Guesset, Naguilian, La Union; Samuel S. Fernandez of Barangay Gusing Sur, Naguilian, La Union; Ariel Cayabyab Hiquiana of Barangay San Vicente, San Jacinto, Pangasinan; Walter Velasco of Barangay Cablong, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan; Angel Oria Sombrito of Barangay Calanutan, Rosales, Pangasinan; Lawrence Gilbert Delos Angeles of Barangay Balogo, Binmaley, Pangasinan; Froilando V. Fernandez of Barangay Gayaman, Binmaley, Pangasinan; Rogelio Fernandez of Barangay Caloocan Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan; and Rogelio Fernandez of Barangay Caloocan Norte, Binmaley, Pangasinan.
In the NCR, included in the 11 suspended punong barangays are Rogelio Atangan Jr. of Barangay 9, Zone 2 and Olivia Suarez Barangay 181, Zone 19, Maricaban both in Pasay City; Leonardo “DJ” Recto of Barangay 11, Zone 2, and Mario Banal of Barangay 123, Zone 9, both in District 1, Tondo; Romeo Garcia of Barangay 449, Zone 49, and Jonas Z. Bartolome Barangay 418, Zone 4 both in District 4, Sampaloc; and Anthony Magno of Barangay 283, Zone 26, District 3, Binondo, Manila; Nenita Valdez of Barangay Mariblo, San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City; Ana Liza Rosero of Barangay Teacher’s Village West, Quezon City; and Ritchie Poblacion of Barangay Quirino 2-B, Project 2, Quezon City; and Remedios A. Reyes of Barangay Sta. Cruz, Pasig City.
In Region 2, there are 10 suspended village chiefs including Arnel P Quesada of Barangay Yeban Sur, Benito Soliven, Isabela; Buenvinido B. Ruiz of Barangay Callangigan, Quezon, Isabela; Domingo G. Tagufa of Barangay Balug, Tumauini, Isabela; German G. Vinoya Jr. of Barangay Oscariz, Ramon, Isabela; Sherwin S. Cadavona of Barangay Calinaoan Malasin, Sto. Tomas, Isabela; Jessie D. Corpuz of Barangay Baybayog, Alcala, Cagayan; Marlon A. Abuyuan of Barangay Tallungan, Aparri, Cagayan; Leodines L. Bautista of Barangay Centro 12, Tuguegarao City; Samson D. Ebenga of Barangay Abaca, Dupax Del Sur, Nueva Vizacaya; and Wilson Cansino of Barangay San Geronimo, Bagabag, Nueva Vizacaya.
In addition, there are nine suspended punong barangays in Region 5 namely: Omar G. Guban of Barangay Batang, Irosin, Sorsogon; Medel G. Labayan of Barangay Bayabas, Labao, Camarines Norte; Allan Nevales of Barangay Bagongbong, Minalabac, Camarines Sur; Anna N. Theresa Losiñada of Barangay Lacag, Daraga, Albay; Camillo H. Hiloma of Barangay Binisitahan Del Sur, Magallanes, Sorsogon; Eusebio B. Lorico of Brgy. Buang, Tabaco City, Albay; Gresilda R Lumawon of Barangay Mahaba, Ligao City, Albay; Norma B. Bañadera of Barangay Manaet, Bacacay, Albay; and Roger Cantes of Barangay Carayrayan, Tiwi, Albay.
In Region 7, among the nine suspended barangay captains are Rodolfo Simbajon of Barangay Guio-ang, Guindulman, Bohol; Mario A. Lamanilao of Barangay Calituban, Talibon, Bohol; Eugene Zamora of Barangay Taloto, Tagbilaran City, Bohol; Patricio G. Soco of Barangay Alang-Alang, Mandaue City, Cebu; Ulysses Raganas of Barangay Linao, Talisay City, Cebu; Zosima P. Rojo of Barangay Upper, Natimao-an, Carmen, Cebu; Norman Navarro of Barangay Basak-San Nicolas, Cebu City, Cebu; Ignacio Cortes II of Barangay Centro, Mandaue City, Cebu; and Mercedita S. Uy of Barangay Cancawas, San Jose, Negros Oriental.
Eight of the suspended punong barangays are from Region 6 including Tezardo M. Tejada of Barangay To-oy, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental; Evelyn C. Ta-asan of Barangay 11, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental and Noli Villarosa of Barangay Tangub, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental; Kim C. Piramo of Barangay 19, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental; Kim C. Piramo of Barangay 19, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental; Romeo Sultan of Barangay Salamanca Toboso, Negros Occidental; Ruel Sabequil of Barangay Cabungahan, Calatrava, Negros Occidental; and Tito Dipon Barnuevo of Barangay Linao, Panay, Capiz.
There are seven suspended PBs in Region 8 including Michael L. Vapor of Brgy. Jordan, Villaba, Leyte; Esterlina M Jacobe and Brgy. Nasaug, Maasin City; Jenecita T. Losaria of Brgy Catalina, Jiabong, Samar; Efren D. Truelda of Brgy. 13, Catbalogan City, Samar; Wilfredo Bacarra of Brgy. Masagana, Jiabong, Samar; Nathan “Bembem” Gabronino of Brgy. Zone 3, Sogod, Southern Leyte; and Jebanie R. Rios of Barangay Buenavista, Palompon, Leyte.
Also included in the list of five suspended PBs in Region 11 are Maria T. Te of Barangay Manuel Roxas, Governor Generoso, Davao Oriental; Josephina Padillo of Barangay Libertad, Bansalan, Davao del Sur; Aurora C. Benemerito of Barangay Bangkal, Matanao, Davao del Sur; Noel V. Alo of Barangay Mayo, City of Mati, Davao Oriental; and Apolonio Toledo of Barangay Harada Butal, Padada, Davao del Sur.
In Region 4-A (Calabarzon) there are four suspended PBs including Josefino Malicad Jr. of Barangay II-C, San Pablo City, Laguna; Gary Remoquillo of Barangay Landayan, San Pedro City, Laguna; Rowell Cabuyao Dela Torre of Barangay Ilayang Nangka, Tayabas City, Quezon; and Rodelio Endaya of Barangay Baybayin Rosario Batangas.
There are also four suspended PBs in Region 4-B (Mimaropa) namely, Aaron Lubina Villareal of Barangay Villa Cervesa, Oriental Mindoro; Lodilito D. Bandiola Jr. of Barangay Salvacion, Rizal, Occidental Mindoro; Imee Malabayas Lara of Barangay Tumapon, Boac, Marinduque; and Leonardo M. Narzoles of Barangay Tabi, Boac, Marinduque.
Central Luzon has three suspended PBs including Mario Racoma Y. Abujen of Barangay Santo Niño, San Felipe, Zambales; Willie E. Gutierrez of Barangay Nagpandayan, Guimba, Nueva Ecija; and Lavarnie Gopez Y. Pineda of Barangay Bulaon, City of San Fernando, Pampanga.
Three barangay chairmen are also suspended in Region 10 including Camilo B. Anduyan of Barangy Tibangan, Iligan City; Jocelyn B. Janioso of Barangay Mabunga, Baugnon, Bukidnon; and Zosimo Lao Zapico of Barangay Ampinican, Salay, Misamis Oriental.
In CAR, three barangay captains are also suspended including Jimmy Cabiao of Barangay Quimloong, Bucay, Abra; Dennis Felina of Barangay Luzong, Manabo, Abra; and George Frederick Obal of Barangay Apatan, Pinukpuk, Kalinga.
PB Wilfredo M. Membrillos of Barangay Nong-Nong, Butuan City, Caraga Region is likewise suspended for six months. (DILG PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "89 village chiefs suspended over SAP distribution anomalies." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115277 (accessed September 13, 2020 at 08:40PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "89 village chiefs suspended over SAP distribution anomalies." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1115277 (archived).
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TAMANU: l'olio vegetale dai mille usi!!! Ottimo per il benessere delle gambe, per borse, occhiaie e zampe di galline, per smagliature, lividi, couperose... PREZzO LANCIO -20% €15,90 invece di €19,80 (fino ad esuariemnto scorte). L’Olio Vegetale dallestratto e Noci di TAMANU (calophyllum inophyllum) è per eccellenza l’olio vegetale in grado di favorire la circolazione. Basta massaggiarlo sulle gambe in caso di gambe gonfie e pesanti (anche in gravidanza), in caso di varici (vene varicose) e in caso di capillari fragili. E’ un ottimo drenante linfatico, rinomato per le sue capacità di rinforzare e di far riprendere la circolazione. L’olio di TAMANU è ricco di proprietà benefiche, infatti è indicato anche in caso di: - lividi, ematomi, bernoccoli, ferite e piaghe cutanee; - couperose, arrossamenti, rosacea e acne; - ottimo cicatrizzante, utile nella prevenzione e nel trattamento delle smagliature anche in gravidanza; - indicato anche in caso di dolori articolari e muscolari; efficace anche in caso di rughe, borse, occhiaie e zampe di gallina (massaggiarlo e picchiettare); - utile, infine, per il cuoio capelluto irritato. VI ASPETTIAMO IN ERBORISTERIA a Cherasco. POTETE ANCHE ORDINARE TELEFONICAMENTE, SU WHATZAPP O VIA SMS AL NUMERO 3477841302. CONSEGNE A DOMICILIO IN BRA, CHERASCO E NARZOLE. CONSEGNE RAPIDE CON CORRIERE ESPRESSO IN ITALIA E NEL MONDO. Pagamenti a distanza con Satispay, Carta di Credito e Bonifico. #cherasco #bra #narzole #lamorra #barololanghe #novellolanghe #monfortedalba #monchiero #benevagienna #carrù #cavallermaggiore #fossano #gambegonfie #gambegonfieepesanti #capillarifragili #venevaricose #varici #zampedigallina #couperose #borseocchi #occhiaie #livido #smagliaturebianche #smagliatureaddio #smagliature #smagliature #ematoma #acne #rosacea #doloriarticolari #dolorimuscolari (presso Cherasco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRjj3Ymlb-M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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