alrightsnaps · 1 year
happy one year anniversary to the only promo material jimone were allowed to have by themselves for their own season 🐝
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chaoswillcalmusdown · 4 months
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beyoncé by beyoncé; we're all in this together by dave; nimrod by green day; channel orange by frank ocean; gioventú bruciata by mahmood; amir by tamino; no thank you by little simz; sherihan by cherrie; infinity on high by fall out boy; skin by joy crookes
this really exposes my weakness for a man with a good falsetto, lmao
tagged by @sensazioneultra and top 10 albums is like picking favourite children but i do think i can stand behind these choices
and bc i'm nosy and love this shit, i tag: @naslostcontrol @icedsodapop @moodyeucalyptus @fishbarconcept @polarcell @kutputli
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rowritesstuff · 2 years
okay! i have a request! dad!kaz x mom!reader where maybe their kid gets kidnapped and the reader is distressed and kaz is just beyond angry and rips the whole city apart, in search for their kid. and when they find them its just teary family comfort??
if you dont feel it, dont worry about it!<3
Blood Be Damned (Kaz Brekker x Female Reader)
A/N: The quality of this just kinda goes 📈📉📈📉📈📉 I hope you don't mind that I kinda messed with the dad!Kaz idea (nothing bad, I promise!). If you don't like it, I swear I will write a new version of this. 😂 Also, in my head this takes place post-CK, so Kaz and the reader are probably roughly 18. I also hope y'all like the name I picked for the kid. Also, I need to go to bed, so I didn't do a final proof read. Deal with it. 😘
Ro's Masterpost
WARNINGS: Teen parenting, possibly OOC Kaz (but it's fucking adorable), missing child and kidnapping, mentions of torture, blood, mentions of death, mild violence, slitting the throats of stuffed animals?
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GIF found on @naslostcontrol
Kaz had been busy lately, so he was behind on his work. Very behind on his work. Because you were nice (and because you would do practically anything for the man), you decided to help him get it done, meaning it would be a late night.
It was currently just about nine bells in the evening. You were sitting on the bed you and Kaz shared most nights while Kaz was putting Alyx, your daughter, to bed.
Or, at least he was supposed to be.
You were interrupted by the door opening and giggles disrupting the silence. The source of the laughing was Kaz and Alyx, who was receiving a piggyback ride from Kaz.
"She's supposed to be in bed!" Although you were slightly mad; Alyx should have been in bed by now, you couldn't help the loving smile that took over your face.
You never expected Kaz to get along with your daughter so well. Even before you and Kaz were together, he gave Alyx nothing but kindness and care. Alyx had adored Kaz since they met when she was just a few months old. When your relationship with Kaz grew, he swiftly stepped into the role of Alyx's father figure.
Kaz turned his back to face you and let Alyx fall onto the bed in front of you. The small girl erupted into more giggles. "Someone wanted to say good night to the most beautiful girl in the world."
"Hey!" Alyx exclaimed.
Kaz kissed Alyx's forehead. "Sorry. The second most beautiful girl in the world. Right after Alyx."
You pulled Alyx into your arms, cradling her. "Although I am very happy that you wanted to say good night, you need to be asleep." Your gaze went back to Kaz. "I swear to the Saints, if she's grumpy tomorrow, you'll be taking care of her."
Kaz rolled his eyes; he would gladly take care of your daughter any day, no matter what mood she was in. He scooped Alyx back up and placed a kiss on the top of your head. "I'll put her to bed now."
"Thank you."
As Kaz moved to leave the room, Alyx shouted out "good night!" to you.
"Good night, darling!" The door closed behind the two people you loved most in the world.
Shortly after they left and you continued working, Kaz came back and settled down at his desk. He removed his leather gloves, which despite making huge progress on overcoming his touch aversion, he still often wore around Alyx. Alyx was a very touchy, somewhat clingy child. Sometimes overwhelmingly so. Kaz refused to ask her to be more careful with him, or even let you ask her, so he wore the gloves.
The two of you worked in comfortable silence, occasionally asking for the other's help every once in a while until the early morning hours. As more and more time passed, you felt the exhaustion hit you harder each hour. The words on the page blended together, though you could barely focus on understanding the combinations of letters. Your eyes grew heavy as you tried to work through the tiredness.
You must have fallen asleep at some point because you woke up to Kaz shaking you and frantically saying something about Alyx. You couldn't comprehend the words coming out of his mouth.
"Slow down," you said once you were mostly lucid. "What's going on?"
"Alyx is missing."
You sighed. "She's probably just wandering around in the kitchen or something."
Kaz put a stuffed lion toy in your lap. "This was in her bed."
You picked the toy up and inspected it. As your fingers ran around the plush fabric, your breathing shook. Alyx had a stuffed crow, which she loved to death, but she never had a stuffed lion.
You started to take some deeper inhales, attempting to get into a mindspace to think rationally.
Alyx wasn't in her bed.
There was a stuffed lion toy in her place.
You had no idea where she was or when she was taken.
That's all you knew.
Kaz took the toy from your hands and tossed it on the floor to deal with later. He took your hands in his gloved ones, running his thumbs over your knuckles. You knew he was trying to calm you or ease your mind with gentleness, but it wasn't working.
He pulled you into him, resting your head on his chest. He lowered his mouth to your ear and whispered, "I will find whoever did this, and I will make them regret it."
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Kaz limped into the bedroom late the next day. After carefully leaning his cane against the wall, he took his coat off and hung it up. His gaze navigated to the bed, where, thankfully, you were sleeping.
You hadn't slept the night before; you were worrying and trying to find Alyx. Before he had left earlier, he asked you to get some sleep, though at the time, you didn't seem happy at the request.
Kaz made his way to the bathroom, quickly finding the washbasin. He removed his gloves, as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Spots of dried blood decorated his right cheek. He set his gloves aside on the counter, more blood from the gloves smearing on the surface.
Hours and hours of interrogating Dime Lions and torturing Dime Lions and none of them gave any information. They all claimed ignorance. He'd sent Inej on multiple sweeps of Dime Lion territory and nothing.
Alyx was nowhere.
Kaz gripped the edge of the counter, his hands wet from washing the blood from his face. He stared into the water in the washbasin.
She had to be somewhere. Someone had to know something. He didn't care how many people got hurt in the process, he would find Alyx for you. For him.
He knew that Alyx saw him as a father figure and he knew that he cared for the girl, but her being gone made him realize the true paternal love he felt for her. Alyx had a presence that brightened up every room she stumbled into. Kaz missed her smile, her hugs, her laughter, her tears, her curiosity, her light that hadn't been killed by Ketterdam yet.
She was his daughter, blood be damned.
And he was going to find her and bring her home.
He wiped the tears from his cheeks before he went back into the bedroom and changed into clean clothes. From behind him, he heard blankets shifting around. He turned, and there you were. Eyes open, hair tangled; you still looked half asleep. You looked up at him.
He shook his head. Your eyes closed as your hand rubbed your face. "I've sent Inej on another sweep, this time of all of Ketterdam." He sat on the bed as he buttoned up his white shirt. You moved closer to him. "Knowing her, she'll find or intercept something and we'll find Alyx and bring her home to you-"
"Kaz, stop."
He turned his upper body to face you, confusion etched on his features. He removed his hands from the undone top button of his shirt and he placed one on your blanket-covered side. He silently waited for you to continue.
"Please stop sugar-coating this and giving me false hope."
"It's not false hope. Inej may actually find something."
"Kaz, it's been well over a day-"
"Don't you dare tell me what I think you're about to."
You sat up and took his face in your hands, eyes flooding with tears. His hand stayed on your side. "It kills me to even think about it, but we need to be realistic. We're in Ketterdam, for Saints sake. This place isn't known for rainbows and sunshine." Your voice cracked and wavered as you spoke.
Kaz remained silent as tears trickled down both your cheeks and his cheeks.
"Y/N, I have no idea where she is." His other hand went to her other side. "We don't deserve this. Alyx doesn't deserve this."
You pulled him into you as sobs racked the both of you.
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You watched Kaz as he slept next to you. You were sitting up in your bed as Kaz's head lay on the pillow next to your lap. Despite his roughed up hair and messy appearance, you admired his peaceful beauty. Your fingers ran through his dark hair, calming you.
He had fallen asleep in your arms, which had only proved to you how deprived he was of sleep. You had to briefly wake him to move into this position, which was much more comfortable for the both of you.
Five quick taps at your window made you zone back into the world outside of Kaz. You removed your hands from his hair and you quickly got out of bed, finding Inej crouching outside the bedroom window. You opened it, letting her in.
Inej held out an opened letter to you. "What is it?" you asked as you took the letter out of the envelope.
"I intercepted it before it got to the recipient. It's a communication from within the Razorgulls."
You skimmed the letter, finding mentions of a toddler girl and Kaz, though he was addressed as "Dirtyhands". The toddler girl must be Alyx, who the letter said was "Dirtyhands' daughter". Whoever sent the letter had Alyx.
"The Razorgulls took her. But they left a stuffed lion."
"Most likely to throw us off their trail and onto the Dime Lions'. And it worked."
"Do you know where this came from?"
Inej nodded. "I wrote the address." She handed you a slip of paper.
"Thank you so much," you whispered before kissing her cheek and pulling her into a hug. "I owe you everything."
"Just focus on getting your daughter back." Eventually, Inej broke the hug and left the room through the window. You ran to the bed and woke Kaz.
He woke up, slightly delirious, but once you told him that you knew Alyx's location, he snapped into full attention.
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It was a simple two-person job, with you and Kaz being the two people. When Inej scoped out Alyx's location, she found there was only ever two people guarding the building, which you could very easily take out. The Razorgulls were careless.
You and Kaz studied the building from behind the side of a wall. In front, you saw the two guards Inej had told you about. They would be very easy to take care of. The guards paced around the front of the building, chatting with each other.
Kaz turned to you. "You take the right guard, I'll take the left. Once we get in, I'll focus on finding Alyx while you deliver our message. I'll find you once I have her." He took your hand in his gloved one.
Your other hand played with the strap of the satchel that crossed your body as you nodded. "Let's go."
You and Kaz snuck around in opposite directions, making your way for a sneak attack on the guards. On the way, you picked up a decent-sized rock. You hid behind the wall of the building, watching Kaz on the other side. At his nod, you ran toward the guard on the right.
You brought the rock down on the guard's head, knocking him out fairly quickly. When you looked back up, Kaz had knocked out his guard. The both of you bolted to the front door, swiftly opening it and running inside. You ran up the staircase as Kaz searched the first floor for Alyx.
You eventually found what appeared to be the office room in the building. You stopped at the wooden desk and opened your satchel. You lined up the five stuffed gull toys on the desk. After taking your knife out of your pocket, you carefully made a slice on the throats of each toy bird. Satisfied with your work, you placed the knife back in your pocket.
Not long after you finished, you heard quick footsteps behind you. You turned, and there she was. Alyx ran to you and you scooped her up in your arms, holding her tight as your eyes slipped close.
The tears falling down your face didn't matter. The world didn't matter. Nothing else mattered in that moment.
The sound of a cane clicking against the wooden floor made your eyes open again. Kaz stood awkwardly in the doorway, watching you hold Alyx. After making your way to him, you kissed his cheek.
"I love you," you whispered. "I love you both so much."
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knightfeared · 11 months
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➤ BALLISTER HEADCANONS [ ; ] HABITS / EXCESSIVE TRAINING & how it plays into his dynamic with Ambrosius.
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*The last reply I was working on, I wasn’t counting the idea of Ballister being someone who fought or trained heavily when he was upset to be one that stuck, but it did, & I guess it checks out that he would try to perfect his skills when he’s stressed. The routine nature, the known pattern it offers acts as a comfort to him, also providing the knowledge he’s still being productive & that even when he feels like he’s at his absolute worst, he’s doing something that will ultimately still help him in the long run. He can’t bring himself to sit around for too long, doing nothing makes him restless & he’s always had to fight harder & work harder since joining in Knight training as a candidate over everyone else because of his commoner status.
I’m trying to word it properly, but it feels like anything repetitive acts as a relaxing thing for him because of the overall mindless nature of whatever he’s doing, it calms his thoughts, or allows him to focus & work through everything at his own pace while satisfying that ever present need to be productive. While this does help him sometimes, it does have its downsides. Over time, those with such a relentless drive to excel & exceed can neglect their own needs in the process. This of course can lead to physical & mental health problems over time.
But the thing I adore about the dynamic he has with Ambrosius, is he doesn’t let him get stuck in his head for long.
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*gif credit goes to the lovely @/naslostcontrol! Please go show them support & know you can find the original gifset here in full!
But overall, yes I adore the wholesome nature of their dynamic where he always did have someone there to pry him out of his overworking headspace when he fell back into those habits during times of stress & pressure. It’s also a neat little nod back to that one hc I had where his love language is definitely touch. The softer, gentler kinds he isn’t used to, but with people he trusts, it is always a surefire way to get his attention. But in times where he starts to spiral, a quick smack upside the head works too — as revealed by Nimona.
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lumaxramblings · 2 years
in an au where....
(second gif by @/naslostcontrol, first by a deleted user)
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"why do you care?" max's voice was questioning, and she cocked her head at him. lucas slowly looked up at her, shrugged.
"i don't know," he murmured, meeting her eyes. "i guess i just think that we...get each other."
"get each other," max repeated with a smile hinting at the corners of her mouth. "yeah. maybe."
"maybe?" lucas echoed with a smirk, pushing himself to standing. "that's all i get?"
max eyed him, returning his grin and raising one eyebrow. "for now."
please please please let caleb and sadie play rebels in love i need it their chemistry is off the charts
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julerocks · 4 years
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@naslostcontrol​ thank you for tagging me 💛 I chose albums that I always associate with a certain time of my life and will always be very imprtant to me.
1. Bloc Party - A Weekend In The City
2. Die Ärzte - Die Bestie in Menschengestalt
3. Muse - Haarp
4. Rise Against - Appeal to Reason
5. Seeed - New Dubby Conquerors
6. Beatsteaks - Smacksmash
7. Linkin Park - Meteora
So I am tagging @merldruck @gedankenspaziergang @stazyros and @gay-dragon and anyone who wants to do that, feel free to ignore 💜
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
34 and 46 for SKAMVERSE (this or that) please 😅💛
Also from Naz:  Also 45 for SKAMVERSE (this or that) 🙏🏼 I am curious 😂
Hi 💛 I hope you get stuck listening to the Korean version of Señorita for 12 consecutive hours. ⭐
Niccolo Fares or Sander Driesen?
This question offends me so much because Niccolò’s one trait is saying racial slurs, while Sander’s one trait is being a horny demon. 
Charles Munier or William Magnusson?
I’m going to say Charles because at least people see him for who he is. 💀 He’s so bad that it makes William look good in comparison. Manon run away.
Alex Hardenberg or Alejandro Beltran?
Honestly I’m not really invested in either of them. Like yes, Alejandro is great, but I don’t love him like I do other characters. I’m picking Alejandro because I think the best version of a William is the one who both realizes and agrees that, yes, they’re attracted to each other, but their timing is wrong. One of the things that bothered me the most about William is that, yes, Noora was attracted to him, but he just didn’t give a fuck about her reasons to turn him down because in his mind if Noora was attracted to him then there was no reason they shouldn’t be together. Alejandro knew in his last clip in s3 that Nora still liked him, but he understood that they couldn’t build a relationship on romantic/sexual attraction alone. 
I decided to answer the other questions while I thought a bit more about Niccolò and Sander, but tbh I can’t stand either of them, not even in a “pick the worst one” scenario like with Charles. 😔 I tried, you Druck bully, you.
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hachibe · 4 years
Hiii 🤗 can you rank the pancakes Matteo and David made for Mia and she never ate, please? 💛
With pleasure!
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perfect! never done anything wrong ever in his life. Daweeed’s pancake has the perfect amount of chocolate sauce and whipped cream, big soulful eyes and a charming face.
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Hans’ pancake has the perfect amount for those whipped cream lovers out there, top and bottom 😉 plus the right amount of fenchel mukhwas to sparkle your life and give an extra plus to your eyes
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Matteo’s with dreamy eyes one have a good amount of fenchel mukhwas but they are all concentrated on one spot which may hinder the enjoyment of this pancake, however the grapes add an extra flavour giving them the third spot.
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Vicky’s pancake has a good amount of everything, but something has happened to her eye which impairs her of climbing this ranking.
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whipped cream looks a little sad and some parts looks eaten already, this pancake has been places. fenchel’s location might be in the way but the smile is big and in the good place
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Sad Mia’s pancake is just sad, no amount of grapes will help this. where’s the chocolate?
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navollidiot · 4 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications! 💕
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the song tiny love by mika
everyone collectively rewatching matteo’s season rn lol
lavender-scented hand soap
willem herbots’ captions on instagram
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evakuality · 4 years
25, 43 and 50 for david ask game ☺💛
25. If David gets his season, what do you want it to be about?  I think the most interesting thing that David still has seeping over into s4 is his insecurity.  That sense of ‘I can’t do it, I’m not good enough, I want this but am I worthy?’ and a lot of our characters have expressed sentiments like that before and I think it would be really interesting to explore that as they are entering the first stages of being adults.  I mean, with David there are lots of ways in which it could be explored (from his relationships with his family, through supporting Matteo with mental health to exploring how far he might want to go with surgery etc etc) so it’s a nice broad thing to pin a season on, but it’s one which we’ve seen him struggle with.  That, alongside his instincts to run which while better aren’t necessarily 100% gone yet would make for some interesting plotlines I think.
43. Would rather be David for a day or Matteo?  Oh yikes, this one is nearly impossible to answer!  I’d love to be each of them in different ways.  But then, I feel such a strong connection to Matteo that maybe it’d be better to be David.  He’s athletic and cool unlike myself so that might be interesting to experience.  Although what I don’t share with Matteo is the silliness, the pranking, playfulness etc and maybe that would be fun to explore for a day.  Honestly, I don’t know.  
50. What costume do you think David would dress up as for Halloween? I think in general he wouldn’t wear one.  Apart from Matteo, he was the one who didn’t dress up for theme week.  But if he decided to do it, I suspect he’d recreate the vampire David outfit from the pictures he drew for Matteo.
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Would like to read your answers to questions 3 and 19 for fanfic end of the year asks 💛
Hi! 💛Thank you so much for asking me a fanfic end of the year ask!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
It’s so hard to pick faves, but I think I’ll choose this one (because someone else pointed to it once): 
“God, he has wanted this so much. Still wants it. The warm sensation drives him wild, and he can’t help smiling into the kisses. It’s a little like an out of body experience, except he also feels more present in his body than ever before. It’s like he’s drowning and finally breathing freely at the same time.”
— Thousand spires and thousand bridges by hjertetssunnegalskap (Crazyheart)
19. any new fics to start next year
I want to try something I have thought about for a long time, to make a short comic. Maybe for Skam, or for Druck, I haven’t decided. I also have an idea for a Skam story where each chapter has a tarot card with a character or a scene. And I started on a fairy tale thing earlier this year, but I think I’m gonna do some big changes with that, so it might end up quite different. And then it’s like a new fic, isn’t it?! So yeah. Lots of ideas, and we’ll see what I’ll start to do first! 
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chaoswillcalmusdown · 5 months
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The Banshees of Inisherin / Polite Society / Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse / Summer of Soul/They Cloned Tyrone /The Godfather/Rye Lane / Bottoms / Die Hard
9 Favourite First Time Watches: 2023
Tagged by @thatidomagirl and tagging @cryptiddies @icedsodapop @polarcell @naslostcontrol @kutputli @fishbarconcept and anyone else who wants to do it
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yaraaimsakul · 4 years
thanks so much!!!! 🥺❤️ you’re wonderful too 💕🌼❣️💖🌸💓
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gleedegrassi-bigfan · 4 years
19, 25, 61 and 72 for Christmas advent calendar ask game 💛
Hi! Thanks! :) 
19. Who do you think is more likely to dress up as an elf for xmas?
I feel like Kiki would not hesitate to rock an elf costume, right? Like, she would find a really cute elf costume and look really pretty, meanwhile, Carlos, Abdi and probably Essam are in the corner dressed up as elves looking like total idiots in the best way possible.
25. Would you rather: have Matteo as Secret Santa or David?
Ooh, man, I don’t know. My gut was to say David since I said in my other post that I think he could give the best gifts (a thoughtful artist, you know?) But I also feel like Matteo would be a great Secret Santa. Like, I think if you give him one person to focus on, he would totally be able to pull something together and it would be really cool? I don’t know, I guess it sort of depends on how he is doing in general, but I think Matteo at his best would be a fantastic Secret Santa.
61. What’s the first character that comes to your mind when I say the word focus?
My first was Matteo because focus is something I associated really strongly with ASD (and ADHD), and everyone knows about my headcanon lol. But then I did think Mia after that, because she is a very focused person.
72. Who do you think is more likely to watch cartoons on xmas?
Can I just say the whole boy squad? Like mostly Abdi, Carlos, and Matteo, but of course, Jonas and David are there too, and they are low key judge and pretentious about it, but then they end up really getting into the cartoons and they all have a lot of fun.
(Also funny side note, I just watched the Phineas and Ferb Christmas episode since it’s a yearly tradition of mine, so I guess also: me lol)
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taraolssons · 4 years
🌱☁️ the person that sent this to you wants you to have a beautiful day and to tell you, you’re beautiful and you’re worth it! send this to 10 other ppl when you get this message!! ☁️🌱
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I feel an overwhelming urge already to rewatch again❤️I will never get enough of these two. Safe to say they’ve blown us all out of the water ….
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Gif creds @naslostcontrol ❤️❤️❤️
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