#natasha romanoff xm!reader
marvels-bitch-boy · 2 years
hey i’m the anon that requested “nat’s boy” the one about the friends episodes & i just want to say that it turned out perfectly dw!! i love everything about it and u also did the bit of angst really good too :) i’m so happy it’s gonna have a 2. part bc honestly it could be a great little series even! anyway i love it <3 thanks for writing it!!
So...You've all been asking, and begging for PART 2!!!!
welll.....it just so happens that I have finished it! Here you go!
Masterlist , Part 1
Nat's Boy Part 2:
A/N: so sorry for this taking so long! but I had a lot on my plate with college decisions and then moving halfway across the country. But I was able to finish it! I'm sorry it's so short but please know I did what I could!
Word count: 943
You arrived back at your apartment to see the fiery redhead from before laying peacefully on the couch with a thin blanket covering her. Even though she presumably arrived later than her usual time you had decided to catch dinner with a few interns from the Stark industries college reach-out programs with Pepper and Tony accompanying you. You knew that Natasha would have waited up for you but you figured she would have eventually gone back to your shared bed. You supposed that tonight however it must have felt barren and too spacious even for her. 
You sighed as you took your shoes off and quietly set your keys and bag down before making your way over to the couch. You contemplated lifting her up and carrying her to the bed like you usually would but the fight from earlier echoed in your head. You thought back to the first time you met. How she had smiled at you, you thought it had been one of the most beautiful and genuine smiles you had ever seen. You started to question her words to you. Her actions. 
Shaking your head you attempted to knock the doubt out of your brain. You wanted to trust her and you wanted to believe that she loved you the way you loved her but the thoughts seemed to linger. They whispered as you went to your shared room and got changed, they whispered as you went to the bathroom and did your nightly routine. They whispered as you climbed into the empty bed and felt the cold encase you as you stared at the ceiling. They continued as you got out of bed and made your way back to the couch in the dark of the night. The thoughts were screaming at you as you picked Natasha up and carried her bridal style back to the empty bed. Once you set her down and saw her melt into the bed the whispers faded into the background. The second you felt her arm gently lay over you and her face snuggle into your shoulder ever so lightly the whispers stopped. There was silence. You let the calm silence lull you to sleep as the red-heads breathing seemed to match your own. 
 You woke up before her, for the first time since you two had moved in together you were the one who was up and was watching the city come alive. You made your way out of the bed carefully, you didn’t want to wake her for a number of reasons. One was that you didn’t know what to say after the fight the day before. You didn’t know if she wanted to talk to you about what you both said. You didn’t know if she wanted to ignore the issue and pretend as if it never happened. So. You just got up and went along with your morning without waking up the woman in question. 
As you were in the kitchen making your morning cup of coffee, you could hear the footsteps coming down the small hallway. You knew what was coming and it terrified you. You didn’t dare turn around and face the being the steps belonged to. After feeling arms wrap around your waist you froze for a moment and your mind went blank. It was like a void took over your brain. You know what you see when a plane flies through a cloud?... yeah that’s what your mind felt like. Suddenly your hand was scalding hot and you yelped out in pain. Natasha broke away from you and quickly turned on the sink as you thrust your hand under the water. It only took a few minutes for her to clean up the mess and for you to place burn cream on your coffeed hand. She bandaged it up and then gave you a soft hug. You didn’t return it though. She slinked off of you and took your head in her hands. “I’m sorry…” she looked deep into your eyes and was waiting for a response. You attempted to hold your ground but looking deep into her eyes you were stuck. “I am too, I’m sorry I’ve been making you feel this way without even knowing.” you release a sigh and continue “I feel so stupid, I mean of course these things would effect you”. Natasha rubbed your cheeks with her thumbs “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, I’m the one who decided to be jealous, I didn’t trust you and I was wrong for that…” she took a deep breath “And I’m sorry for making you feel like I only wanted to get into bed with you, I swear I didn’t!”. You let her words hang in the air for a moment before you took her hand in your good one. “I know… I’ve been hurt before and-and well I just- I couldn’t believe that you of all people I let in did that…It made me feel stupid”. You’re both staring into each others eyes, tears pooling in the corners of them. 
“I love you, and you are one of the smartest man I know. You are so kind and you only think of others. I would never want to hurt you.” She looked at you with hope in her eyes. You planted a soft kiss on her forehead and spoke up “I know you wouldn’t. I know because I love you too” The words that you both were too afraid of speaking to one another slipped out and you knew you couldn’t take them back. That wasn’t a problem though. You both knew you wouldn’t ever stop saying them.
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marvel-malereaders · 6 years
shield agent
natasha romanoff x male!reader word count; 0.5k summary: just a shield agent my ass
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Describing your relationship with Natasha Romanoff would be tragic. Painful. Awful.
All of the above.
It physically hurts the team to see you and Natasha interact with each other.
The two of you would have simple talks with each other. But there weren’t many. It’s mostly because you’re just an basic shield agent. You’re friends always made fun of you for pinning over the redhead, as she barely acknowledged your existence until a few months ago.
Fury had called Natasha and Clint in the train some agents, it was like any other they helped out. Only this time Natasha would train the guys and Clint would train the girls. It wasn’t a big deal that they decided to switch, Fury couldn’t care less. The problem was you.
Normally people would be scared to be training with the Black Widow. Not you, you were not afraid to speak your mind around her. How you thought that the exercise you were doing that day was dumb, how you hated one agent, or even how the cereal you ate that morning wasn’t as good as you thought it would be.
Everyone was waiting for Natasha to get fed up with you and snap, but it never happened. After the few weeks that she and Clint were asked to help train, you and Natasha became somewhat friends. That’s what she called it, but you claimed that you two were close friends.
You slowly made your way up to be a more trusted agent and you started going on more missions. One particular mission that you were supposed to go on, did not settle well with her. She was pacing around her room and you sat on her bed and explained what the mission was.
It wasn’t too complicated, you just had to go undercover in a foreign country and get information for shield. Natasha refused to let you go alone, and she made Fury have another agent go with you.
As time went on, the two of you have gotten closer and she wanted to be around you more. That’s where everything picks up.
It was an avenger party that you were invited too when you asked Natasha out on a date. Your friends pushed you to ask her and it got to the point that they threatened to do it themselves. Not wanting them to embarrass you, you got up and walked over to where she was sitting.
Your friends were expecting some big dramatic asking, because that’s how you are. But you just walked right up and asked her.
“Do you want to go on a date with me” you asked. “Excuse me?” natasha replied, clearly confused. “I wanna go on a date with you.”
And you two did, and many more dates after that.
Natasha wanted you to move into her room with her. It took some convincing from the team but they finally agreed to have someone live with their Nat. They made some jokes that a little shield agent had the heart of the redhead.
You did, but Natasha would never admit it.
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: speedsters 😑…
Y/N dying on the couch: *groans* why did none of you tell me Pietro can’t get drunk…
Natasha walking in with Advil and water: I wanted to see how many rounds you could take
Pietro not looking up from his stack of pancakes: I wanted to see how many shots you’d take before you died
Y/N just looks at him with confusion before taking the Advil and a sip of water: *spits it out* THAT ISN’T WATER ITS FUCKING VODKA!!!
Natasha Deadpans: I know, you thought I’d give you water after a hangover? I’m Russian
Y/N mutters under his breath as he slowly walks out of the room: fuckin Eastern Europeans…
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: Chapter 2
Chapter 2: (Y/N’s POV)
Word count: 1331
A/N: this was my favourite chapter to write so far, I found this so awesome and the dialogue felt so easy to write, also Y/N's nickname is Ignes and Igg for short (it’s fire in Latin)
Chapter 3
Your vehicle pulls up to the avengers compound your new home until...well you don’t know for how long, all you were told after you graduated from the SWORD training program was that you had been selected from an agreement between SWORD and SHIELD as part of a new alliance between the two organizations to be more efficient.
You had no idea why you had been chosen out of all the recruits -well you had one idea but even then there were more impressive candidates- but you accepted the opportunity to be an olive branch of sorts between the two, you packed up your belongings as soon as you got the news because you were informed by Captain Steve Rogers that you would be escorted to the compound within the hour, your duffle bag was resting next to you on a bench as you sat outside the SWORD headquarters in your spare uniform waiting for your escort to arrive.
As soon as the matte black Jeep arrived in front of you, you knew exactly who was driving you and you let your smile grow as big as you could let it “Well if it isn’t the little Rambeau..” you said to her as she hopped out of the driver’s seat and made her way over to you “...how the hell have you been?” she chuckled as you wrapped her in a hug, your oldest friend from training Monica Rambeau smiled at you as you pulled back.
“I’ve been pretty good, Ignes...how about you? You know other than getting to train with the avengers and all”
You laughed at this because she used your nickname that you only allowed the other recruits from the first week of training to call you, and she knew just how much it annoyed you every time she said it “I’ve been okay, can’t wait to get away from that horrible name though”
She put her hand on her chest and gave a playful smile “I feel offended by that, I’m one who started it after all” you made your way to the trunk as she said this.
“Doesn’t make it any better Mo”
She rolled her eyes at that and made her way back into the Jeep “You know I hate when you call me that”
You give her a cheeky smile as you hop into the passenger seat “Oh I know...would you rather me call you Little Rambeau?...” she glares at you “...I thought so”
And with that you set off for the avengers compound, you both recount stories from your first few weeks of training together, you both are laughing the entire car ride to the compound, as you pull up Monica hands you a note “It’s from the director herself..” she gives you a playful grin “...relish the fame while you can Igg”
You groan at the use of your -again horrid- nickname but can’t help but smile “Thanks Mo…” you change to a playful serious face “...I’ll be sure to go over it for any secret cyphers once I’m in my quarters”
You both share a laugh at the inside joke between the two of you as you make your way out of the car, as you walk up to the door you take a deep breath as Monica gives your shoulder a squeeze and leads you inside the lobby, there you are greeted by none other than clumps of SHIELD agents and recruits who take glances at you as you make your way over towards Captain Rogers.
“Hello Sir, it is an honour to meet you” you say as you shake his hand and try to match his firm yet welcoming grip on you, he gives you a small smile.
“Trust me, if the things I’ve heard about you are true, then the pleasure is all mine” he lets go of your hand and hands you the manilla folder in his other.
The contents of it include:
Your training schedule
A map of the compound
The meeting schedule for the week
The new recruit itinerary for the first three days
Your access card to the compound
The meal schedule for the agent’s cafeteria
You do a quick once over of its contents while Monica and the Captain discuss something very briefly, he gives you a curt nod before you and Monica head down the hallway in front of you.
You reach your quarters and turn back to Monica who motions for you to step in, it is quite simple compared to the SWORD accommodations you had been given, the room had a bed in one corner, a desk on the right side of the door, a small closet to the left of the door, there were a few shelves on a wall near your bed, and an entire wall that was one big window, there wasn’t much for you to put around your room other than a few photos and books you had.
Monica gave him a somber look as she knew this would most likely be the last time you two see each other for a long while, she slowly embraced you in a tight hug that you quickly returned with tears brimming in your eyes. “Take care Igg, I’ll see you when you finish up here, okay?” you both didn’t know when that would be when SHIELD and SWORD came up with the plan to assign you here they didn’t inform you if this would be a permanent assignment or a temporary one like all the different training camps you rotated around in the program.
You let out a mix of a laugh and a scoff at the use of the nickname you never thought you’d miss. “Yeah, I’ll take care I promise...you watch the skies for me, Mo? I’ll take the ground?”
Monica and you pull apart and simply pat each other on the shoulder as you part ways. “Yeah, I got the skies” and with that, she slipped out of your room, you stood there for a second attempting to collect yourself and then proceeded to unpack your things.
There wasn’t a lot for you to unpack so you made quick work of it, afterwards, you went on a tour of the compound with the other recruits and actually got offered to sit with a few at dinner that night.
At dinner, you were sitting with a group of recruits, they would occasionally ask you questions and try to get to know you but you weren’t able to pay attention to them too much because of all the stares and glances that were thrown your way by the other recruits, this made you shift a lot and eventually, you excused yourself to leave and quickly hurry out of the cafeteria, you make your way to the compound library that you remembered from the tour earlier that day, as you entered you ask Friday for a book recommendation for the night and she offered you a list of books and you picked the one that sounded the most appealing “Middlemarch by George Elliot”
You made your way to the shelf and found a nice little spot in front of a big large window that overlooked a small lake and a grove of trees as the sun was setting on the compound, you had grabbed a mug of water from the cafeteria before you left and used one of the tea bags you saved from dinner, you quickly checked to make sure no one was around before cupped both hands around the mug and slowly boiled the water in the cup, you sat there for a few hours glancing up every few pages at the trees and small body of water in front of you before you called it a night and headed back to your room.
you made a mental note of coming back to the library again as you drifted off to sleep, excited for your first day of training at the compound the following morning…
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: not confirming anything...maybe after those drinks?
Y/N: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Natasha: Okay. Y/N: And make out during the scary parts. Natasha: Th- Natasha: The scary parts. Natasha: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
Link for Chapter 1
the header makes a lot more sense after reader Chapter 4
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: Headcannon
Nat likes to do her mission reports in the conference room late at night, you noticed her doing this one night and decided to join her but finished your paperwork before her.
You walked out the room with a huff and she thought you were annoyed with her speed but when you re-emerged with a book and a cup of tea in hand and sat down next to her she let a small smile creep up on her face.
She often likes to look over at you sometimes when she feels you watching her instead of reading and it often makes the two of you laugh especially when you catch her watching you read instead of doing her paperwork.
One night she finished before you and you slid a second book you had put between your files over to her and stepped out to make her a cup of tea before you went back to your reports. She noticed how your mood seemed to change and you kept a gentle smile on your face the rest of the night. She made it a priority to make you tea every few nights and attempt to finish at the same time as you so you can read together before Friday kicks you out of the room and even then you both read in the others room together
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: (Y/N’s POV)
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: sorry this is so late, the school has been a lot, and college apps are stressing me out so much, but I got a new computer and just got proposed to so the next one might be on time and hopefully this isn't a disappointment of a chapter
Chapter 9 , P2 Chapter 1
You were in the empty cafeteria, of the base tony set up for you in the arctic. You were sitting alone as you have been since you arrived, eating your breakfast as you are reminded of your time at the compound...and you’re reminded of Wanda.
You hated the fact that you couldn’t get her out of your head, you hated however since you kissed she was one of the only things you could think about, but your heart also hurt at the thought of her how she broke your trust and invaded your mind, she went in and saw things you’ve only ever told one person and shared it with the entire compound….but the thing that hurt the most was how she didn’t tell you how scared she was, how you made her feel unsafe, how you put her in danger -the one thing you were always so scared of doing to anyone you kept close- and you didn’t blame her, you agreed with everything she had said and felt, you are a danger to be around, you are unstable that is why you agreed to tony’s deal of going away or being tested on...nothing else influenced your decision, no one else played any part...at least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
You drifted into memory from one of your training sessions with Natasha...she currently had you pinned to the ground and was straddling you as she had both knees pressing into your side and was laughing as she told you to tap out, you refused as all ways and attempted to wriggle out of her grasp, as you were flopping like a dead fish Clint walked into the room and a wide smile grew on his face as he saw the two of you, Natasha attempted to pay him no mind but when he spoke up finally her concentration and grip loosened
“Well, I told you, Nat...you’d end up in that position with him at some point” he winked at the two of you and Natasha gave him a glare but only seconds before you grappled your legs around hers and flipped her onto her back with a thud, you were now on top and so close to her face that you could feel her warm heavy breathes, you were mere inches from each other...and then Clint whispered “You’re welcome” with another smirk and a wink as he walked out of the room, you turned back to Natasha and saw for a brief moment her cheeks flush before you jumped off of her and extended your hand to her...
You are pulled out of your mind as your phone rings, it’s Wanda yet again, she had been trying to call you since your talk in the training room but you always ignored her, you let your phone go to voicemail as it did every time.
You finished your counselling session for the day and you were feeling somewhat at peace, you had talked about the ‘incident’ and your counsellor Dr Massen had advised you to think back on happy memories, to think about the things that used to make you happy...and you thought of her, you thought of Wanda...she had been desperately trying to call you and trying to explain herself, Dr Massen agreed with how you felt, though she didn’t agree with how you handled things, she did validate your feelings, she understood your anger, she understood how much pain you felt...she helped you connect
Your mind started to drift yet again, but this time to a happy memory with Wanda...you couldn’t help the clenching feeling in your chest as you thought back on how you felt for her...correction as much as you hated yourself for it you still had those feelings for her, you still remembered how her smile made you feel, and how every time she held your hand your heart would jump out of your chest…
You and Wanda are walking the streets of New York, you had just left one of the many museums the city had to offer you two and were heading towards a small neighbourhood, it was only one block but you could tell from the smile on Wanda’s face that she was more excited to be here than at any museum. She dragged her hand down your arm and gripped your hand in hers as she began tugging you to a small store which you soon realized was a Sokovian Market full of some of the most amazing treats and snacks you’ve ever had. Wanda saw how amazed you were at everything and she couldn’t help but watch, her gaze never leaving you as you ran down the aisles and grabbed things from the shelves and shoved them into a basket, she watched as you smiled and greeted everyone you saw.
You’ve never been as excited as you were at that moment, you filled up a whole basket in 5 mins and Wanda had to stop you from grabbing a second one as she began laughing at you juggling all the snacks and candies you wanted to try. She eventually convinced you to put everything back before she walked you through the market picking snacks for you and she even would hand feed you the ones she loved the most -which may or may not have caused you to stare at her with heart eyes afterwards- you spent hours in the market trying food and laughing at each other.
When you both finished picking out snacks you had attempted to order from the small deli in the back but as soon as you got three words in Sokovian out Wanda began to giggle and the old woman behind you leaned over to Wanda and whispered something in Sokovian that you couldn’t understand but it made Wanda’s cheeks turn a bright red as she replied back something in Sokovian and the old woman patted your shoulder as she gave you a soft warm smile. After that Wanda stepped up to order for the both of you and you decided to sit in the park nearby and have a makeshift picnic, you sat on a bench and she slowly made her way closer to you as you talked and eventually she had her head on your shoulder and your arm was wrapping her close to you as you both made jokes about how bad your Sokovian was. At the end of the day as you made your way to the compound and came to the split in your paths she let go of your hand and the sudden lack of warmth was almost startling to you but she quickly enveloped you in a tight hug that you had to slightly bend down for, as you two split you mustered up the courage to ask her something.
“Hey Wanda?...” she hummed in response with a small and curious smile “...well, I was wondering you know…” her face turned into something that you couldn’t exactly get a read on, it seemed to be a mix of so many emotions. This caused you to panic and you quickly changed your question “...if you- if you could maybe help me...learn Sokovian…” you gave an awkward smile “you know in case I wanna go and get some of the snacks without you” you finally were able to read her face for a split second, it was so fast you almost didn’t believe it happened but you saw a look of...discontent flash across her face at your words.
You wanted to believe at that moment that it wasn’t true and just your mind playing tricks on you, but looking back now...you realize that was one of many chances to have realized how you felt, how she felt...one of many chances to avoid all of this pain.
She smiled at you and took your hand “I’d love to...I think it’s nice you want to learn it” she squeezed your hand “I’ll see you tomorrow…” she let go and began walking down the hallway to her apartment, you watched her walk away waving as she turned back to you.
When you snapped back to the present the small warm feeling in your chest faded away as the pain came back, the pain of knowing that she betrayed you and the pain of knowing that in some way you still wanted her.
It was a week after you began training at the converted base when a small package arrived for you, in it was a Sword issued sweater with a note attached. It was from Wanda, it was a simple note that still seemed to bring up emotions within you “I’m sorry” two simple words, that both angered you and saddened you. She had repaired your sweater even after everything you said to her, and even though it was only two words you also knew that if you finally responded to her that they would become much longer, you knew that if you let her back in it would be impossible to get her out. You kept the sweater in the box it came in and placed it in your closet, as you walked to your scheduled counselling session you felt off like something in the air was different you couldn’t tell if it was good or bad but you knew that something was off.
After you finished with Dr Massen you sat in the large living room of the base and read a book with your usual cup of peppermint tea when you heard a very large knock on the door it startled you and you spilt your tea all over yourself, you let out a string of soft curses as you walked to the door. Right as your hand landed on the door realization hit you and you backed away ‘who would be here? The base is over 1000 miles from the nearest town and I doubt it's the girl scouts-actually no scratch that I don’t doubt it’ you slowly reached for the door as you heated up one of your fists in preparation in case it was an attack, but much to your surprise when you opened the door you were face to face with Natasha, you stod there in shock as she pushed past you and undid the layers upon layers of snow gear she was wearing, you turned to her as you closed the door and as if no time had passed she walked to the kitchen and began making herself a cup of tea.
“Um...what are you doing here?” you asked as you chased after her
“Isn’t it obvious?” she doesn’t turn to face you as she makes her tea
“Not really…”
She sighs and turns to you with a solemn look on her face and glances down at her mug “I-...I came to bring you back Igg”
“Nat, you know I need to be here, I mean Wanda was right in that in that email...I’m a danger to everyone and I just can’t risk it...I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing”
“I didn’t come all this way for nothing...Igg, we all miss you…” she looked up at you and your eyes connect, your (Y/E/C) orbes connect with her Emerald Eyes immediately “...I miss you, you don’t belong here! You’re not a threat to anyone especially not the team, and whoever did send that email can shove it for all I care”
You can’t seem to look away from her eyes as you contemplate her words, ‘should you come back? What if things only get worse? What if you can’t stop yourself from going back to wanda?’ she most likely already read the look on your face and she hesitantly approached you “um...Nat..what are you…” you trailed off as her arms wrapped around you and she enveloped you in a hug, a hug filled with so much warmth and life you instantly relaxed in it and melted into her.
You wrapped your arms around her and the two of you stood in silence for a moment before she pulled away from you “You’re coming home...I won’t take no for an answer Iggy”
Home...you never thought of it like that, the compound had become a home to you. You had a brother figure in Pietro, possibly the only brother you'd have that would talk to you, the more you thought about leaving him reminded you of your own brother and you couldn’t do that again. You also thought back to Wanda...how could you be in the same room as her again? How could you even look at her after what she did? You were stuck at a crossroads, even though you know that Natasha was 100% serious in not taking no as an answer.
You smiled when you remembered that this entire conversation she’s only used your nickname, the nickname that you only told her...the one that she decided to put a spin on. “okay... I'll come back…” you sighed as the words left your mouth and you ran your hands over your face “...but what about my training? Tony told me that my options were to come here or be tested on -and I’m not going through that again!”
Natasha blinked and shock came over her face “excuse me?-tony didn’t tell you about the offer the team wanted to give you?”
You shook your head “no, what...offer?”
She looked into your eyes with confusion “the offer?...the one to join the team? And train with us”
“His offer was to train here...and get psych help…” your mind began racing to all the different things that could have made him change the offer, what made him think you needed to be secluded like this?
She shook her head “no, you didn’t need to be put here…” she took a sharp breath “Tony is gonna get his ass handed to himself, I swear to god”
This made you chuckle slightly as you walked into the hallway “I have no doubt about it”
You were in your room packing as Natasha came to help you, you were packing up your closet and she began to pack up your desk, she stopped suddenly when she saw a photo you had framed, you turned to see her as you saw what the photo was “oh…” you became flustered “-that-that um…” you clear your throat “that was taken by Pietro during our last movie night...I just thought it was a nice picture”
It was a picture that Pietro had taken while you and the team watched Titanic, you and Nat had fallen asleep next to each other with your arm wrapped around her shoulder and your heads stacked on top of each other, you had a blanket draped over your legs and both of your favourite movie snacks sitting in your laps, her milk duds and the random Sokovian brand that you couldn’t read. You framed it after Pietro sent the photo to you -you actually looked at it almost every morning-.
“I like it, you look peaceful...my hair kinda looks good too” she let a small laugh escape her lips as she gently placed the photo down into the box
You waited for her on the roof of the base as you looked over at the never-ending white landscape that was surrounding you, you could hear the hum of the quinjet as it descended on the base.
Natasha got out and started to load your belongings on the jet as you stood for a moment and overlooked the never-ending snow, you didn’t know what to expect as soon as you got back to the compound all you knew was that Pietro was going to attempt to catch you up on everything you’ve missed, and Wanda was either going to respect your wishes and stay away from you or attempt to talk to you. You were pulled out of your thoughts as Natasha tapped your elbow and gestured to the boxes and two duffle bags that were still on the roof, you made your way over and helped load your things onto the jet.
You sat next to Nat as the quinjet began to ascend, you looked over to her and saw a smile creep up on the corners of her lips and looked back out at the sky as you began your journey...home.
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: weren't always
after Natasha makes the twins cry during training
Y/N: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does clint even mean? Natasha: It means I was second worst thing to happen to those orphans. Y/N: but what’s the first worst thing? *Awkward pause* Natasha: Y/N, they...they weren’t always orphans. Y/N:
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
How do y’all feel about the Name Emerald Eyes for the SWORD agent series name!??!
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