#nate fish
indigoelfinspirit · 10 months
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About 18 months ago I started a Bachelor Challenge, but do to life circumstances I was unable to finish posting it. Everything, but the final scenes had been shot - I just didn't have the time to sit down and fuss with uploading (the internet at my last place was that bad and did not get along with tumblr). I remain entirely in love with Hadrian and his suitors so it wasn't so much a matter of if I would finish posting it, but when. So starting tonight I will begin posting what remained of the challenge in hopes that I can finish shooting the finale when I have some free time over the holidays.
The posts will be slightly more abbreviated then they were the first time. The unfortunate reality of the situation is while I have the pictures I can't necessarily remember all the antics.
I do, however, know the most important detail still - who won.
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Stay tuned....
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chrisshotdog · 5 months
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xuzuul · 5 days
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Hits you with MY fish
GASP look at them they're so cool
I love them
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Me looking at your fish cuz it's awesome:
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headfullof-ideas · 19 days
Another incorrect quote, but it’s only one, and it’s to introduce another OC
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Meet Nate, the guy Fontaine eventually ends up with. Like Kari, he also started out as a ‘these submarine dwelling kids need more friends’. And while Fontaine has been shown and mentioned to have plenty of ‘land friends’ that she likes to hang out with, unlike Ant who has Jeffrey and Griffin for exactly one episode, i decided to actually design those land friends, and Nate was one of them. And like Kari, he eventually wound up filling a romantic role as well. But like Kari I made sure he was a developed character before any of that happened, so he didn’t get stuck in the ‘protagonists romantic interest’ role, with nothing beyond that pertaining to his character. Nate is the mom friend to end all mom friends, he knows how to cook, he carries sunblock and snacks everywhere, owns five fanny packs, and thinks noodle-head is a devastating insult. I talk a bit more about him in one of my Ao3 fics, which at this point is entirely Incorrect Quotes and headcanons, and exactly one Oneshot I’m genuinely considering reposting as it’s own story because I don’t see any other oneshots making their way into that story with how long it takes me to write them
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ioannemos · 9 months
the particular bad guy of this episode, a little apprehensively: the audience wants to see me die?
nate, with more sincerity than anything he's said to anyone in her presence before: like you wouldn't believe
#and he's not wrong#leverage#my favorite#tv shows#watching the stork job and the way that parker instantly goes 'we have to bail' after seeing the kids has me Feeling a Certain Way#bc i think it's partially like. i think she knows the feeling of 'the known sucks but at least it's the known'#how many times was she let down? was her hope that things would get better left to die?#i know she goes to save them all later but maybe at the time she was just thinking... 'don't give them false hope'#her insistent use of the phrase 'we can't save them' is just. augh. parker bb no#and eliot saying to sophie 'he's right' re nate's sticking to the plan of saving one vs trying to save all of them on the fly is smarter...#just ouch. reminds me of the fishing job where eliot's goal is 'GET HARDISON OUT' and the very clear reluctance with which he tells hardiso#'yeah. i have an idea what they're gonna do. it's gonna be bad. are people gonna die? probably'#bc he doesn't want that! he doesn't want to leave people in the lurch! but GET HARDISON OUT takes precedent for him#and he's doing the same thing here. GET LUKA OUT is taking precedent. he doesn't like it any more than sophie does#i just. ghenghnehganf. i have a lot of Thoughts and Feelings about eliot's priorities and how they intersect with his job as the hitter#he's the physical guy. he has to be not just realistic he has to be the pessimist bc if he doesn't plan well enough? he friggin dies man#eliot's always thinking of 'what can a human being survive' bc AS THE HITTER that's HIS weakest point#GHENFGHENFGGHGHEWLAFHGGLRHGI#i have normal feelings of normal intensity about eliot spencer#and parker for that matter! very normal#eliot spencer#parker#you pierce my soul#personal#abbie needs a twitter
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thatlittledandere · 1 year
PLEASE talk about xoxo droplets omg. im no thoughts head empty rn but tbh just i wanna hear every opinion you have about it,, i love when people share my Extremely Unknown Special Interest
Every time I think about how to explain the main characters to someone unfamiliar with them I can get through Everett and Shiloh just fine, normal short synopses, but THEN. NATE LAWSON. TRAPS ME FOR HOURS. Nate isn't even my favorite but I'm obsessed with him oh my god. This is gonna have spoilers for his route btw hold on
Like. I met him, and thought, in a true JB fashion, hot damn. He, he's easily the most attractive of the bunch to me shrsvhddh (Everett has so many qualities I love on paper but in practice. It's Nate he's the most handsome) Then I started to observe why he's in the Unfriendable Group and deducted that he's got a stick the size of a log up his ass. Simple enough. But WAIT THERE'S MORE
I started his route PURELY because he was hot shhddvhgd even though I disliked him hard after my first playthrough. (Shiloh. I didn't believe the warnings. F in the chat bois.) He's not JUST a stickler to the rules nooooooo he's a PERFECTIONIST. And a SUPERHUMAN. But HE doesn't see it like that nooooo he thinks he's just the only one who puts in any effort at all. People keep telling him his standards are unreachable but ~obviously~ they're not. If he can do it, so can everyone else! They're just not trying hard enough! And he doesn't try to be perfect, no, that's impossible. He just wants to be the best he can!
But it's never enough. There's always room for improvement, after all. Nate could get a perfect score on a test and still be dissatisfied, because he could have elaborated on that point in his essay more, or his handwriting got too close to the marginalia on one line and that is unprofessional, or he thought on that one multi-choice question longer than he should have if he studied adequately, etc, etc.
And because of this he's constantly stressed the FUCK out. He volunteers when something needs to be done, he helps out teachers, he takes it upon himself to make sure everyone else is ALSO acting properly, he puts at LEAST 100% into EVERYTHING he does, and there's always more to do. He has a part-time job at a warehouse as well and while the physical labor can offer a bit of a break for his brain, you can bet your ASS he doesn't stop for ONE second or stay on his break a MINUTE too long. How the hell does he live like this?
Well. What other choice is there? Things need to be done. They need to be done well. And obviously Nate knows the importance of rest to your health and performance, so he certainly eats and sleeps properly, but see these things are also scheduled and measured and optimized for maximum efficiency. But does he get REST, for REAL? Does he RELAX?
Yes, because he's best friends and roomies (the room is spotless At All Times) with Everett "2kool4skool" Gray (who would shoot me point blank for saying something so uncool about him). I Could write another essay on their dynamic but let's just say they balance each other out. Nate gives Everett direction, Everett gives Nate respite. Phew.
But I'm not done. MORE MORE MORE. Because I started talking about my personal relationship to Nate but got sidetracked by character analysis dghfsfh THE THING IS I disliked him heavily even some time after starting his route, and all the characters absolutely SHINE on their dates. But then. The unthinkable happened.
The class trip.
Now of course I already knew Nate was extremely high strung all of the time, but until that point I'd seen it either as an annoyance or a joke. But the class trip was, like, a disaster to Nate. He's spending more time with the group outside strictly defined areas and activities and therefore feels responsibility over their behavior. Obviously a new environment with new activities gives everyone more opportunities to act up. They have a schedule, but it's not in Nate's control, and he can't help seeing himself as like a vice advisor, and nothing goes exactly as planned or at ALL as planned, and everyone's doing it on PURPOSE his life is already hell and they're doing it to SPITE him or maybe they're just completely unfit to the title of human being that's been forced on these demons, and this is STILL SCHOOL they're still bound by school rules and they should LEARN things here and GET SOMETHING OUT OF IT for HEAVENS sake,
So it's no wonder he breaks down. And it was, it was fucking terrible. Nate's stress and anxiety present as anger most of the time, I didn't... I didn't see him as the type who would cry. Kind of figured Nate was one of those boys who didn't remember the last time they cried but guessed it was somewhere around fourth grade? Heartless of me. I really thought he was like. Pardon the expression. Above such vulnerability.
Of course he's not. He's a person, and a highly sensitive one at that. I guess I hadn't noticed it over what a hardass he is;;; And y'all I felt SO bad. And so awkward. Like. What the fuck do you do in that situation? This wasn't supposed to happen. It felt like we were breaking the script somehow. Like. "I'm not supposed to see this. Why am I seeing this? Do I need to? Fucking christ. Is this allowed? When can I leave. Uh. There there? Can't even pat him on the shoulder. Jesus just kill me"
And that scene changed everything. Nate cried in front of the MC and I could never see him in the same light again. I used to think he was kinda just a tough yet guarded guy and a demanding ass but oh wow he's actually just like. This dude has anxiety. This dude has problems. He's burning out at light speed and has been for the past what? Eight years?? Get him HELP.
And I HAVEN'T EVEN TOUCHED ON HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS PARENTS YET. So they're the type who saw having children as just a step that responsible adults take at some point in their lives, and they were not prepared. And Nate was a difficult child too. Not on purpose, obviously, babies don't do anything on purpose, but he was particularity emotional even as a baby. He's just Like That. So his parents ehm eeeurgh tolerated him for a few years. Just kind of. Pushed through it. And then decided to give up and send him to a boarding school. Like they basically abandoned him there because they couldn't handle him.
And Nate is on hard denial about this. He tells himself it was the reasonable choice and the best for everyone, and he's not wrong, but he's also not ready to face the fact that uh. His parents very much just are not good at parenting and they don't actually know each other at all. "I respect them and they respect me" is how he puts it, and again it's not wrong but also christ he was not truly loved as a child and still isn't. Mommy and daddy hear that his grades are top of the class and he's very mature and responsible and respected by staff and students alike, and they're proud of him, but they do NOT know who he is as a person or how fucking terrible he's actually doing.
Not that Nate admits any of that himself. I can see how it would be difficult to face when you're already juggling fifty glass balls on a glass platter while riding a unicycle on hard stone floor.
Why is NATE is the one I give a private Ted Talk on regularly when none of the jerks are doing much better. He's just for fucks sake he, he's doing so bad. So bad. Maybe it's the incredibly harsh wakeup call I got? I cannot overstate how impactful that one scene was. HE CRIED. HE CRIED IN FRONT OF ANOTHER PERSON? HE BROKE DOWN?? NATE LAWSON HAS WEAKNESSES??? LIKE HE WASN'T JUST DOING ALL THAT FOR THE SAKE OF OBLIGATION OR TO LOOK GOOD ON A RESUME? HE'S REALLY THAT CRUSHED? I wasn't supposed to be there. I know it's a scripted event but I wasn't supposed to see that it feels not allowed. Are you still there? Thank you for reading go to sleep
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deva-arts · 4 months
summer is hitting me something fierce and I want to do a beach episode because of it :( do you have any idea how much I love beach episodes :((((
#and movie nights#and slice of life filler#if it were up to me systema would be purely slice of life fluff#but with it also up to me i want it to be a dark thriller#sigh#anyway i live for fluffy shit#i can see it now#Eric? surfing. Sonia? getting a sick tan and being dumped into the water by Vincent#Amon? swimming. he is far. He is one with the water.#Nate? swimming then walking by the shore with sera. then going for some smoothies. he likes well rounded trips#sera? staying away from the water. and the sand. god this sucks. she would stay at the villa but the shore is nice to walk by#eventually she gets sick of it and flies around with a shorter nate in tow.#Strohl has blinded people#He still gets sunscreen for some odd reason.#he and katya lounge about before swimming a bit#Katya wears the most sunscreen to protect her career#sonia has a silent need to one up her so she tries being extra lavish and classy on this trip#rivalry stays strong even though shes over Strohl#Amon returns to the beach house covered in seaweed and with five ocean fish in tow.#Eric has surfed for a long while and vincent has enjoyed swimming and flying the day away#the men HUNGER#Nate has since cooked for everyone with Sera's help#Everyone enjoys a nice meal and then some with the fish amon caught#Adra made a ton of sandcastles with katyas help#etc etc etc etc etc#writing groups is fun#character interactions are endless#sera likes crabs and she enjoys observing the critters with her good eyesight#Shes never seen them before#Vincent does eventually tire of swimming to make a better and bigger sand fortress for adra
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imkeepinit · 10 months
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terulover · 1 year
this is a new blog and the media i write for/about as well as rules can be found further below
i strictly write x reader. However i will do any sort of formatting (one shots, headcannons, multiple parts of the same work)
my work may contain sensitive/dark content and there will always be a warning if that is the case
i do accept requests !
this blog is mainly centered around death note, but i may occasionally write for other anime
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Teru Mikami
Light Yagami
L Lawliet
Misa Amane
Mihael Kheel/Mello
Nate River/Near
Naomi Misora
Ash Lynx
Eiji Okumura
Sing Soo Ling
Yut Lung
Jessica Randy
Harhui Fujioka
Kyoya Ootori
Tamaki Suoh
Takashi Morinozuka
Devilman Crybaby
Ryo Asuka
Akira Fudo
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I will write any type of content ! (both nsfw and sfw)
i take requests for any of the media mentioned above
I will write about dark subject matter but i will not write about the topics listed in the bullet point below
Eating disorders, Pedophilia, Incest, Rape/Non-con, intense gore, and certain kinks
if i deny your request for any reason i will explain why !
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strawbeb · 8 months
i have so many thoughts about gossip girl and a lot of them are about how the writers absolutely killed every single character’s development except for maybe cece (who they just killed after she’d had the slightest bit of character growth)
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loveroftime · 1 year
Enjoy this amazing photo of Nate kissing a fish
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chrisshotdog · 7 months
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‼️. (Someone make a sumt about reader and Chris holding hands while Chris pounds into y/n with hotel by MONTELL FISH playing in the background. Tag meee btw! Thank youuu 🙏🏼😫 ). ‼️
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xuzuul · 5 days
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The fish exposure is going to kill me
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geekynightowl1997 · 1 year
Can somebody explain to me how Parker is a cat AND a mouse? Is she a mouse only on a job and a cat with her family?
Am I making this up? Am I crazy? Am I the only person who sees this?
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
i would also like to know who said farming is the worst. it's repetitive yeah, but it's isolated and has very little issues to it. ALSO THE GARDEN IS RIGHT THERE, HAVE YOU PLAY TESTED THAT YET BC FARMING IS FINALLY GONNA HAVE MORE TO DO-
how can you say farming is the worst thing to do on the server when fishing and foraging are right there
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skinsouvenirs · 2 years
Current Favorite Tattooers
since it’s been a while, here’s a list of some of my current favorite tattooers:
Dan Nelson. Happy Tattoo in Honesdale, PA @happy_dan_nelson
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Nate Hudak. Yours Truly Tattoo in Mesa, AZ @nate_hudak
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J. Adams. Old Soul Tattoo in Canonsburg, PA @_j._adams
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Tyler Abner. Crying Heart Tattoo in Cincinnati, OH @tylerabnertattoo
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Joe Ellis. Sacred Electric Tattoo in Leeds, UK @joeellistattoo
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