#nate x danse
gococogo · 17 days
A Damsel in Distress - Paladin Danse x Nate / Male Sole Survivor
Synopsis: A distress signal comes over the Cambridge Police Station radio that has Danse racing out of there quicker than he can think.
Word Count: 3.1K
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Angst. Gore.
Notes: This is me dipping my toes into the fallout 4 universe. so give me some leeway, i wanted to challenge myself by writing this. enjoy :)
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The crackling of the radio doesn’t grab the attention of the Paladin at first. His mind too focused on repairing a loose hinge in the right elbow of his power armour that had been bugging him for days. Whenever he’s out of the hulking metal, he always feels vulnerable. Not small per say or weak. A Paladin must know that they can handle themselves in and out of the armour. Yet he’s so use to wearing it almost twenty four hours a day that it’s become second nature within it.
The radio crackles again, louder this time with a voice mixed in underneath all the intense white noise. Paladin Danse stops short, wrench still in hand and looks over to the orange box. It’s not often that distress signals have been picked up. The station that they use is only for people of the Brotherhood or familiar with them.
Scribe Haylen has already wondered over to the radio, adjusting the dial. The whole police station falls into silence as Haylen tries her best to tune into the signal. Even Rhys is watching from afar at the table. But soon he moves back to whatever he was doing, head bowed between his shoulders.  
“…. -bridge Police Station,” finally a voice is clear over the radio and Danse can’t help the feeling of his stomach sinking low into his stomach. “I need assistance. Surrounded by raiders! I’m holding myself in the- shit where am I?” A few passing moments of ragged breathing, filled with phlegm and other liquids in the throat, “Some Regional Office and I’ve-” a groan admits itself through the radio followed by a shaky exhale. “Got myself pretty shot up this time.”
Danse may have only met the man a month ago, but he knows Nate’s voice when he hears it. Right elbow joint be damned, he’s jumping into his power armour before he knows it. Haylen is already on her feet and packing her things up.
A large metal hand on her back is quick to stop her in her tracks. “I need you and Rhys to stay here while I go out and retrieve the Initiate,” Danse speaks firmly.
“I think that’s unwise, Paladin,” Haylen speaks up, standing to attention.
But Danse doesn’t budge no matter how dedicated she is to be leaving with him. “I don’t want this base of operations to be compromised or unattended in case of an attack. I intrust Knight Rhys to overlook this base until my return. There will be no further argument.”
Haylen’s shoulders faulter a little. “What about medical supplies?”
“Where is the location of his whereabouts?” Danse asks, getting to the point quickly.
Scribe Haylen shrugs her pack off her shoulders and grabs out a device from within. She holds it out to the Paladin with some urgency.
“I sent him to BADTFL Regional Office to retrieve the haptic drive. Trek east and you’ll run into it within the hour,” Haylen says. “This-“ she flicks a switch on the device and a slow beep admits from it, “-will lead you right to the signal he’s emitting.”
The Paladin takes the device and looks it over with a bleak expression. It’s almost small within the hands of the T-60, hard to hold onto. But he grasps onto it, unwilling to let go all the same.
“I value your help greatly, Scribe,” Danse thanks in his own way. “I will retrieve him and will be back in just over two hours. If I am not here with Nate when the third hour rolls over, then I give you permission to act.”
And with that, he flips his helmet on and loads his cell rifle before travelling east. He knows going into this alone is stupid and selfish. But he can’t allow his small patrol to be dispersed because of his own need to make sure that Nate is alright. This thing that has decided to make itself at home inside of the Paladin’s chest that makes him feel unable to breathe.
With each block he passes, he can’t help but let his worry grow deeper and deeper. The tightness in his chest becoming a little too much for his own liking. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. No. He shouldn’t be letting himself feel this way. He can’t let himself get close to anyone again. This is purely for the Brotherhood. And nothing more.
But every time the pulse of the signal becomes stronger, becomes quicker he can’t help but let himself feel. The steady beep of the device almost ricochets inside of the Paladin’s brain. He can feel a headache coming along.
He is also well aware that it was Haylen’s needs that has gotten Nate in this predicament, but it is no fault of hers. Nate has shown himself capable many times before. Completing mission after mission for both Haylen and Rhys and reporting back each time with success. A few scrapes and bruises is all that he has been wounded with but nothing this serious. He hasn’t doubted Nate for a moment, seeing on more than one occasion that he can handle himself if not more. He’s been by his side with the synths and Danse saw a soldier, not a scared man that will hide and cower. Not like any of other’s he’s come across within the Commonwealth. Nate’s different.
Arriving at the Regional Office, it’s a little too silent for the Paladin’s liking. The distress signal beeps at a quickened pace in one hand as Danse holds his rifle in the other. There’s no one out the front and with no time to delay, he barges through the front door with his gun locked and loaded. Scoping the front entrance, he’s met with a front desk and rummage. No life can be seen.
Walking further in, the only sound being his heavy footsteps and the quickening pulse of the distress signal, he becomes unnerved. He keeps his gun out at the ready, holding it a little awkwardly but he can’t complain at this given moment. His eyes dart back and forth, waiting for something to happen.
Three raiders are dead on the floor in the next room. All pocketed with bullet wounds that seep red into the old wooden floorboards. A switchblade sticks out of the neck of one, his face contorted into permanent horror that has Danse staring a little too long. He continues forward, noting of the busted turret that dangles from its wires on the ceiling.
A muffled argument strikes the Paladin’s attention and, he slows his movements the best he can inside his T-60. He looks into an office like room where three raiders are. He switches the distress tracker off before they become alerted of his presence.
“It’s us three against him!” The only woman shouts harshly into the face of the other two.
The scrawnier raider of the bunch slides down the table with a shaky groan. He holds his side, his hand coated with fresh blood. His grimy face is pale and Danse can tell from here that he isn’t going to last much longer.
“Two against one,” the injured man groans out.
The woman scowls deeply, her yellow teeth like dog fangs that bare something dangerous. She pulls a pipe pistol from her belt and shoots the injured man in the temple without a thought. His body convulses before falling to the side and becoming horrifyingly still. She then turns to the remaining raider, waving the gun in his face.
“Are you with me to kill that son of a bitch?” She snarls.
He pushes the gun from his face forcefully, almost tearing it from her hand. “Of course!”
Why Raiders do what they do, Danse will never truly understand. Was that man not a part of her crew? Not even a second thought to end his life instead of to try and save it. Less mouths to feed. He’s heard that come from a Raider’s mouth before and it makes Danse sick. Never in his life in the Brotherhood has he seen someone put someone down like a dog so inhumanly.
The Paladin places the device in the dip of his chest plating and takes his rifle’s safety off. As soon as the woman turns her back to head into the other room, Danse charges. He crosses the room before the two raiders are even able to turn around at the charging bull coming their way. Something blinds him as he acts, something he hasn’t felt in quite some time.
Danse shoulder barges the man, throwing him across the room into a filing cabinet. The woman stumbles backwards into the wall, eyes as wide as saucepans. She pulls her pistol but Danse is quicker. It takes five rounds for her to fall. She slides down against the wall, her yellow teeth bared as if they were ready to bite.  
The last raider struggles to rise to his feet. He tries to crawl away, his breath ragged and shallow. Paladin Danse steps over to him with a frown deep set on his face. He can hear the slow drag of each breath, blood clotting and rising in the back of his throat. A punctured lung.
But despite being on the verge of death, the raider jumps forward with the last bit of strength he has. He dives for the pistol still gripped in the woman’s grasp. But as before, Danse is the quicker draw.  
The room the raiders were heading to leads down a ramp that opens to a cell. An old prison that Danse has no time to wonder what use to happen here in Nate’s time. It’s dark and there’s not much light getting in through the leaf clotted windows. He turns on his head lamp, lighting his way towards the stairs on the other side of the cell. As Danse passes the steel bars in his search for Nate, the sound of a hammer to a gun cocking catches his attention.
Danse looks into the cell, his head lamp lighting up the shadows. In the corner, something that he didn’t see before is quick to catch his attention. In his blue vault suit and mismatched armour pieces of leather and combat, is the man Danse was looking for.
“Nate?” Danse calls out.
A pained, hearty chuckle comes from the corner that is none other than the vault dweller’s. Quicker and a bit more drastic than he should have, Danse opens up the cell door and stomps inside.
The entire right side of the vault suit is coloured red where Nate holds onto a leaking wound. His usually tanned face is pale as a ghost, sweat dripping and beading down his temple. Yet, even though he trembling from the lack of blood he still has a cocky smile upon his lips.
Bandages and other first aid equipment is spewed around him in a shitty attempt to bound his own wound. At the sight, Danse is quick to exit his power armour. The fat metal digits of the power armour are not going to be able to flirt around the finer details of bandaging up Nate. He doesn’t even think about how foreign it is to be outside of his power armour. His mind his appointed to Nate curled up in the corner of the cell.
“Report to me, Initiate,” Danse says, needing the vault dweller to talk to him.
He gathers up the medical supplies and even reaches forward to search into the pouches on Nate’s webbing belt. Nate groans at the sudden movement and watches Danse with hazy dark blue eyes. The Paladin stops for a moment and looks at the blood weeping from between his fingers. He can’t let himself become panicked in this moment.
“I said report to me,” Danse speaks more firmly. “That’s an order.”
Before Nate can utter a word, Danse moves his hand away to assess the damage. A bullet is still lodged in his side, the wound a deep hole in his side. No exit wound.
“Got shot,” Nate bites back through gritted teeth. Short and blunt, but at least he’s talking.  
Danse glances a glare his way as he begins to twists a bandage in his fingers. “How?” He asks.
Anything to keep Nate aware. He needs to keep him talking.
“I hoped it would be you to come,” Nate speaks with a thick slur. “My knight in shining armour.”
Danse doesn’t warn Nate as he digs the bandage deep into his bullet wound. The vault dweller barks out in pain, grabbing out onto Danse’s shoulder to try and keep himself grounded. Danse pushes him back, his head hitting the wall with a light thud. Nate breathes in heavily and grinds his heels into the ground as Danse pushes more bandages inside the wound to stop the bleeding for now. All until he can get Nate back to the station.
“Now is not the time for jokes and quips,” Danse adds before he rips off the remaining of the bandage with his teeth.
Cleanliness is something that cannot be thought of at this given moment. He needs Nate out of here before he becomes another victim of the harsh reality of the commonwealth. He just needs to get him to the station where Haylen can patch him up properly.
“The turret got me,” Nate grits out through his teeth. “Didn’t see it until the last minute.”
“And you got this far afterwards?” Danse asks.
Nate grins at that. “Also got pretty beat up. Didn’t expect a…” he wonders off for a moment, his breathing becoming shallow before he perks up again, “didn’t expect a baseball bat to hurt that badly.” He quirks even in his near death state.
The Paladin doesn’t say anything else to that as he wraps the remaining bandage around Nate’s torso. He pulls it tight, keeping pressure on the wound. Nate flinches at every movement, squeezing his eyes shut with his jaw set tightly. Danse looks over his handy work and deems it able to last the trip back. Not perfect, but good enough.
“Can you stand?” Danse asks.
Nate looks at him bleakly through squinted eyes. His trembling isn’t as bad as it was before, but he looks as if holding his head up is a mission.
“I’ll take that as a no,” the Paladin answers to himself.
He gathers Nate’s things back into his pouches and quickly realizes the man is out of stimpacks. Stupid mistake. Coming out here with barely anything on him. Does he think himself invisible!?
Danse stands up and walks back over to his power armour. Without a word, he enters it and heavy metal sets back into place. He now feels more at home inside of the T-60, now coming to the realization that his back was unprotected the entire time he was patching Nate up. Stupid move. But it’s much safer inside 110 pounds of pure steel and machinery. He can protect himself and most importantly, Nate.
He walks over to Nate and as careful as he can, picks him up like some husband taking his wife away to his honeymoon. Nate groans and hisses in pain as the movement pulls and tugs on his side and all the other bruised and bashed places he’s been struck over. The bullet probably not feeling all to comfortable either still wedged in between muscle. Nate holds onto one of the bars on the Paladin’s chest piece with his head dipped between his shoulders.
Danse moves in a hurry out of the building all while trying to not jostle Nate around too much. He just has to make the trip back to the police station.
“A true damsel in distress,” are the first words that come from Rhys’s mouth as Paladin Danse walks through the doors.  
Haylen ignores the Knight. She keeps her distance until the Paladin has set Nate down onto a table that she has place into the middle of the side room specifically for him. Danse takes three steps back as Haylen instantly gets to work. She has the basic medical training but has had to learn more from being around the Knight and the Paladin.
“Rhys a need some purified water,” Scribe Haylen instructs without taking her eyes off of Nate.
“Now!” She snaps in a tone that both of them rarely seen.
Rhys grumbles as he goes into the back room, leaving them for now. Haylen steadily takes the bandaging off of Nate’s torso, not knowing the full extent of his wounds.
Danse takes his helmet off, the locks hissing and releasing as he does. “As far as I’ve taken note, there is a bullet still in his side and he’s taken multiple hits with a blunt object,” he informs to her.
“Thank you, Paladin,” she says, her voice monotoned with her mind deep on the task at hand.
Nate groans as he moves his hand to his waist, his blood slicked fingers unclipping one of his pouches. He slips out a small device, something that Danse doesn’t recognise at first. But when he holds it out to Haylen, she stops cold.
The Haptic Drive is held between his bloody fingers.
Haylen takes it off him with her mouth a gape. He still got the damn device. Even after all that happen to him.
“Told you I’d get it,” Nate grins as he peers through one narrow eye.
“You stupid man,” Haylen mumbles as she takes it from him.
She sets it aside before returning back to patching Nate up. His priority over the bullet in his side worries Danse for a moment. But he’s seen this happen within the Brotherhood so many times over he can’t truly count them all. Despite being a man out of time, a man from the past. Nate fits into the Commonwealth a little too well.
It could be his military past. Or is pure need to get his son back. But whatever drives him is something that Danse rarely sees within the Commonwealth again. He is aware that Nate’s ranking is unofficial at this moment, but he truly wishes that other members of the Brotherhood could see Nate. Maybe he could inspire people within the Brotherhood. To keep fighting and to keep moving forward.
Danse could deny it a little bit longer for his own sake. Keep himself chin high in work and patrols. But he’ll give himself the benefit of the doubt that Nate’s actions have given Danse a new drive forward. Something he hasn’t felt in a long, long time.
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stoat-party · 6 months
You are dating Paladin Danse.
Despite spending half of most nights pacing, he always wakes you up at exactly 5 AM to work out. It does not occur to him that you might not want this.
He tends to stroke your hair or rub your back. You realize this is because Emmett the cat is the only thing he’s given affection for at least five years.
He informs you unprompted that he would still love you if you were a worm. You ask if he would still love you if you were a ghoul. He has to think about it.
There’s usually a settlement on fire somewhere, but occasionally you have to come up with problems for him to solve. If he doesn’t feel useful he gets sad.
He tries very hard to be nice to your friends. Hancock tries very hard to make him fail.
You tell him he doesn’t have to feel responsible for Shaun. He agrees, for the time being. He will listen to Shaun talk about anything. For hours.
You catch him white-knuckling the bathroom sink and staring into the mirror. That sink hasn’t worked in 200 years. Why is he doing that.
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sleepysailorjunko · 25 days
More than a mask
It was easier for Tracy to hide how she felt than it was for her to show it.
It hadn’t always been that way, she imagined- and surely she could remember herself as a child, capable of throwing fits and crying till her face was red with rage. But it was as if those feelings were locked behind a vault now.
That, she supposed, was a good way to put it. It summarized everything quite nicely.
The vault broke Tracey and she knew it. Before the end, she had been doing fine for herself. She had a happy and healthy baby, a loving and supportive husband, and good friends. She had been seeing a therapist to help her overcome and come to terms with her neglectful and abusive childhood and learn to be a better mother for Shaun.
It was slow-going. Tracey had a hard time opening up enough to actually let her therapist into her feelings. But she felt that she had been making progress.
A lot of her progress wouldn’t have been possible without Nate, she admitted. Without having met and fallen so in love with Nate, she never would have even thought that she needed help.
But then came the end of the world. Bombs rained down from the sky and destroyed the world of man. But oh- Tracey always survives.
She thought herself so clever, hiding away from the fire cast down against man in the hollow earth, but it was nothing more than a trap.
Nate died for her arrogance, just as surely as if she had pulled the trigger herself. Nate died and they stole Shaun from his arms and Tracey lived, as if her punishment was to keep living.
There is a wound in her chest that never closes.
But it will never show on her face. Not in public, not around another person. Wasteland creatures, though, know her and fear her as the creature who carried death in its arms.
This is the only way she can keep going, she knows. Keep everything contained, and don’t get close to anyone.
It is easy for her to slip back into old habits. The mask she wears just as easily becomes her face, just as easily as she discards her humanity and becomes a doll.
And then she looks for Nick. Initially, looking for him had meant nothing more than a path to find her son.
She noted, of course, that his name was the same as her friend and former partner, Nick Valentine. But she knew better than to hope that Nick was still alive in some form.
And in some way, he was and wasn’t. His memories had been placed into a synth body.
He did not, however recognize Tracey now, so she chose not to evoke their pre-war memories.
Nick may not remember the days they spent working together before, but Tracey did and those memories brought her comfort now.
He pushed, occasionally, at her mask, trying to provoke her into a smile, a frown, to build a friendship with her. But it was harder now for Tracey to let him in, to let up her mask.
She would not let him. And so he stayed an arms length away.
Eventually, he returned to his office in Diamond City, and Tracey returned to the wastelands.
She missed her friend, and hated herself for it. She hated herself for letting him get close enough for her to miss him, even if he didn’t know.
When she met Danse, she appeared like a pistol-wielding angel, rescue from the hordes of ghouls carried in her hands.
This time, Tracey was more cautious than she had been with Nick. It was easier this time because nothing about Danse was familiar.
He didn’t push either, didn’t try to get her to open up to him. They just worked together.
And so Tracey went, looking for her boy as desperately as she could, waiting to either turn up a lead or for Nick to find one.
She and Nick have discussed the kidnapping, gone over every detail that she could recall, but it was more difficult to find one man in a wasteland than you’d think.
The day they found their first lead, it was like any other.
Tracey woke in her house, a feeling of dread and anxiety overtaking her. This was nearly routine for the widow; spiked levels of fear had started following her sleep since she woke in Vault 111.
She carefully reviewed her last memories, remembering laying down for the night in her home. After that, she identified a few of her landmark items, calming her anxiety.
Tracey’s heart filled with self-loathing after her ritual was completed. She wished she was dead.
Getting ready quickly, she headed over to Nick’s office to see if he had any new work or any leads on Shaun.
She walked through the door.
It looked just like she remembered it, the pale cream walls, clean linoleum floors, and her partner Nick sitting behind his desk. She could hear Nick’s crappy coffee maker percolating, and she drank in the familiar aroma.
He looked up at her as she walked in, giving her a slight smile.
“Morning, Tracey. Ready to get to work?”
“Ready,” she said, as Nick got up to pour the coffee. He handed her a mug, black with two sugar cubes, and she absentmindedly took a sip. “How’s Jenny?”
Nick gave her an odd expression, like he didn’t understand what she was asking or why she asked. Tracey didn’t know what she had said wrong-maybe she was more tired than she thought-Shaun had cried the whole night.
She took another sip of her coffee, hoping it would wake her up a little more. She thought Nick needed to buy a replacement coffee pot-her coffee didn’t taste right, oddly bitter and chalky.
There was a picture on Nick’s desk, one she knew well. It was of Nick, Jenny, Nate and herself. They took it at the bowling parlor, a double date. She looked at it, trying to focus on the details, but it wouldn’t come into focus, the faces melting and sliding.
“Tracey?” Nick asked, and the world flashed back to reality. The photo was gone and the office was gone.
Another hallucination, Tracey thought to herself. Nick acted strangely when she asked after Jenny because Jenny had died, the coffee tasted wrong because it was wasteland coffee and they had no sugar, and she couldn’t focus on the picture because she was forgetting Nick and Jenny and Nate’s faces. Because they were gone and she was the only one left.
“Sorry, Nick.” She said, leaving it at that. She hallucinated more frequently than she would like to admit. Tracey wasn’t an expert, but she knew it wasn’t good for her to be loosing the plot like she was, and she knew she couldn’t tell anyone.
They went to the house Nick had found. They followed the tracks he had left. It was almost like he wanted them to follow, but Tracey didn’t trust herself enough to tell for certain.
The trail brought them to Fort Hagen. The building was monstrous to Tracey, a maze of tunnels, doors, synths and robots. Kellogg’s voice taunted her over the announcement system, and she fought not to rise to the bait. She kept loosing her way and having to turn back.
Finally, she arrived at Kellogg's room. She and Nick steeled themselves, but the fight didn’t go well.
It went quite badly, actually. Tracey would have died, if it wasn’t for Nick. Still, she was going to lose her eye, according to the doctor.
She had laid in Kellogg’s room for a long time after he died. She thought she was dying, even after Nick tended to her wounds.
Kellogg is dead, and she lives. Tracey always survives, she thought.
They took Kellogg’s cybernetic augmentations to the Memory Den. Although it took less than a day for them to relive Kellogg’s memories, it seemed to take an eternity for Tracey.
It didn’t make her more sympathetic to Kellogg. There was little that would. It had given them a new heading, and worse, it had given Nick a look into Tracey’s mind. Their minds were connected while they had looked through Kellogg’s memories.
He had seen her memories, seen Nate die, seen her hallucinations, seen her charge at enemies she couldn’t take and nearly die.
“Tracey,” he said, a few hours after they had finished up at the Memory Den. “We need to talk. I think you need help.”
Tracey didn’t know what to say. She felt as though she was mute.
“I know you, Tracey, and I know that you remember that we were friends before the war. I care about you and I am afraid that you are going to die. I have lost everything else, and I don’t want to loose you again.”
“I don’t know how.” Tracey said. “Nick, I’m scared.”
She hadn’t said anything like that since she woke up in the vault. She felt like the bottle was about to explode, like her mask was slipping off.
She stuttered a bit as she spoke next.
“Where do we go from here?”
That was the question. They couldn’t realistically proceed with the leads they had got from Kellogg yet, as Tracey’s injuries were quite severe. So they stayed in Diamond City for a while as Tracey healed and tried to come to terms with the fact that her baby boy was ten years old now.
Ten years had been stolen from her. She wished she were dead.
She and Nick talked a lot. Things they remembered, places they missed, but mostly people they missed: Jenny, Nate, Farmer, and Shaun. She still kept bottling up her feelings, hiding them beneath her mask.
Eventually, she was recovered enough to take up the search again, her mask more firmly fitted to her face than it had been.
And then, it was time for her to infiltrate the Institute.
It was a mistake. She ran through the Institute, looking for her son, and she found him. He was in a small glass room.
“Shaun!” She called, but he didn’t recognize her. He didn’t know who she was. He panicked and then fell limp as an older man strode into the room.
He said that he was Shaun, that he was her son, and then things escalated, he started talking about how she was damaged and how he was going to fix her.
And then she fell unconscious.
When she woke up, she was in a small white room. It looked wrong-and her eye wasn’t gauzed up anymore. There was an eye where there wasn’t one previously.
I have to get out of here-I have to get out here! That was the only thought running through her head.
She clicked through her Pip-Boy, frantically trying to teleport back out-anywhere was better than here!
Her panicked fingers struggled with the dial, but she disappeared in a beam of white light. As her feet touched the ground, her mask slipped-no, it fell and she collapsed, howling with the pent up rage, fear, and sorrow.
No one approached her-as if they were frightened of what could make the icy knight turn into a maelstrom of emotions. She clawed at her eye, trying to pull the monster out of her head.
She didn’t remember a lot after that. She was later told that the Brotherhood had sedated her and took her away. For sometime after that, Tracey laid and did nothing. She felt as if she was truly broken, as if she had no hope.
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Companía - Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor
A Danse le latía el corazón en el pecho como loco, y la conversación entre Nate y la supervisora Ingram no ayudaba.
Estaban los 2 muy tranquilos para una máquina construida con las ideas de alguien que pertenecía al Instituto, del bando contrario, alguien no confiable. Además de que claramente los 2 eran conscientes que había altas probabilidades de que en vez de realizar teletransportación era mucho más probable de que la máquina hiciera pollo frito a Nate.
Si, el confiaba en Nate y en Ingram, si, que el también ayudo a conseguir los componentes de la máquina, que si, también los vio construirla, también, si, el no era técnico ni ingeniero ni nada como para evaluarla y decir la cantidad de porcentaje en la que su compañero se teletransportaría o volvería pollo frito, pero el hombre salido del refugio tampoco lo era, mucho menos para tener tan poco miedo a morir desintegrado, en especial por el alto consumo energético.
Si algo llegaba a fallar, y la máquina explotaba, iban a morir todos electrocutados.
Pero el Elder Maxson también estaba ahí, para vigilar la operación y ver como funcionaba la máquina que les daría la llave para infiltrarse en el instituto, y si el Elder estaba ahí e Ingram lo permitía, entonces el riesgo de que todo volara por los aires debía ser bajo.
Aún así,  temía por su amigo y esperaba que volviera sano y salvo. Al fin y al cabo, se infiltraría solo en la base del enemigo.
Quién sabe si no estarían esperándolo. Por lo que el entendía, iba a colarse sin que fuera uno de los medios oficiales del Instituto pero…
Danse miro a Maxson, quien miraba atento la máquina, con orgullo, pero aún así con mucha seriedad y algo de desconfianza, y luego miro a Nate en la plataforma. Todos tenían el cabello revuelto a causa de la electricidad y el tremendo barullo que creaba semejante mounstruo, las cosas se movían alrededor suyo y los rayos y ondas eléctricas eran intimidantes, peligrosos, diría alguien desde afuera, los otros soldados vigilando el perímetro.
En cuestión de segundos, una estela blanca cego a los 3 miembros de la hermandad, chispas y centellas se produjeron en la plataforma donde estaba Nate, los 3 se cubrieron el rostro para evitar daño ocular, la luz era tan fuerte que atravesaba sus manos y ropas, cuando de blanca se torno a celeste y azul, supieron que podían mirar.
El caballero había desaparecido, no había nadie posado en la plataforma. Ingram se acerco con precaución, no había restos de quemaduras, ni sangre, ni materiales extraños.
Pues que si, se había desintegrado, desintegrado de la plataforma, esperemos que en la dirección correcta, hacía las coordenadas del instituto.
Cuando la supervisora les aviso a Danse y Maxson que estaba todo bien ambos  se acercaron a donde antes había estado Nate parado, pero la realidad es que ninguno suspiro aliviado, no tenían seguridad de nada, no tenían confirmación ni ningún tipo de forma de localizarlo.
Solo quedaba esperar a que regresara.
Danse lo esperaría, lo esperaría  despierto en el mismo lugar en que se fue. Al poco tiempo consiguió unos lanceros que junto con el, harían guardia alrededor de la enorme máquina hasta que el caballero regresara.
Esperaba que lo hiciera por el mismo canal, que volviera por el mismo lugar por el que se fue.
Maxson aprobó su decisión, realmente aliviado por las buenas decisiones del Paladín- Una decisión acertada, si se corre la voz de que hay una forma de entrar al Instituto, vendrán en masa desde toda la Commonwealth, hay que vigilar y poner seguridad en el perímetro.
El no lo hizo por eso pero…era conveniente si.
Torretas y otros paladines en servoarmaduras y metralletas empezaron a dar vueltas y rotondas alrededor de la vieja sala de espera del aeropuerto, mientras los lanceros y Danse, vigilaban la puerta por la que Nate se fue.
Era una misión que el debía hacer, no era por la hermanandad, ni por la Commonwelth nisiquiera por destruir el instituto, el superviviente debía ir a buscar a su hijo.
Y por mucho que a Danse le pesara la idea de perderlo, que se hubiera ido a completar su meta era lo correcto.
Pasaron días hasta que una madrugada a las 4am, en medio de uno de los pasillos del helipuerto del Prywen, una luz blanca cego a todo el personal repentinamente, quienes se salvaron y pudieron alertar y comunicar al resto del batallón de guardia fueron los paladines que estaban con sus servoarmaduras.
Aún sorprendidos, no tiraron a disparar, todos estaban atentos e informados sobre el posible regreso del caballero que se fue al Instituto, y como sería la situación si el volviera, igual, por si las dudas llamar a una guardia de lanceros no estaba de mas, por refuerzos ya saben.
En unos segundos la luz blanca se torno a celeste, chispazos y centellas envolvieron a un hombre que tenía el traje azul de un refugio y la armadura de un artillero. Nate volvió para verse rodeado de unos lanceros apuntándolo con sus rifles lasers, al cabo de unos momentos su visión se aclaro, el mareo se le paso, y levanto la cabeza, aturdido, todos estaban muy atentos a la secuencia de sus movimientos.
Miro alrededor suyo, levanto las manos y se dio la vuelta, mirando a la rotonda de soldados de la hermandad apuntándolo.
No estaba sorprendido más allá de la sorpresa inicial de no estar solo donde sea que aterrizo, ni tampoco asustado por que esta gente no le representaba ninguna amenaza llegado este punto de su vida luego de ver y hacer tanto, la verdad era que tampoco tenía nada que decir.
No quería hacer nada.
Se quedó con las manos en alto y bajo la cabeza, mirando a sus botas, exhalando profundo.
-Bienvenido caballero –por el sonido metálico y pesado que se acercaba a el, imaginaba que era un paladín en su servoarmadura que se acerco a el pero…Nate estaba tan cansado.
Tan putas cansado.
Escuchaba cosas alrededor suyo, voces, el sonido de los uniformes de polyester moviéndose contra cada tela, las armas chocando cada pequeña pieza, las pisadas en los puentes del helipuerto del Prydwen, el maldito ruido que hacía el Prydwen con su existencia, los motores,  las hélices, las máquinas mecánicas, los hornos, las chimeneas…su cabeza comenzó a agobiarse, de repente todo se escuchaba lejano, como si estuviera debajo del agua. Las pantorrillas le pesaban y en un momento cayo.
Cayo al suelo de rodillas con las manos en alto.
El paladín que le dio la bienvenida iba a decirle que lo iba a escoltar con la supervisora Igram pero el caballero se desplomo de rodillas ante el.
Nate no levantaría la mirada, estaba tan cansado, alerta de sus alrededores, con los ojos abiertos y siempre a la defensiva, pero cansado.
-Que nadie se le acerque – indico otro paladín con una metralleta, apuntándolo pero sin hacer girar el barril, tendría una bomba? Que significaba esto? Que era todo este show?
El anterior se ocupó de contactar a Ingram, la responsable del proyecto después de todo, quien, mientras lo tenían en vigilancia con lanceros y con una metralleta, al cabo de unos 10 minutos de ser despertada a las 4am apareció frente a Nate.
Ingram salió del Prydwen para encontrarse con el viento frio de la madrugada en alturas, viendo el escándalo y tumulto de gente alrededor de un bulto azul con las manos en alto, se acercó con cautela estudiándole bien
-Caballero, puedes levantarte? –esa aura de derrota ya la había visto muchas veces en otros soldados, mas no le intimidaba.
Nate suspiro y sacudió la cabeza, aun mirando al piso, el piso del puente metálico del helipuerto donde a través de las redecillas podía ver como el verdadero suelo estaba a kilómetros de donde el estaba –No
-Paladines, escóltenlo a la sala de interrogación –su tono era calmado, realmente quería darle la confianza de que no le estaban haciendo mal, ni que eran una amenaza, nadie pretendía hacerle daño. Realmente esperaba que Nate tuviera la misma confianza que ella pensaba que tenía con el luego de…construir juntos aquella máquina, no es que hubieran pasado demasiado tiempo juntos pero bueno era una actividad que unía a la gente y abría un vinculo quería suponer.
Ambos uniformados en servoarmaduras lo levantaron por debajo de los brazos y lo llevaron hasta adentro. Por orden de Ingram, unos lanceros iban apuntando a la espalda del caballero. Si algo llegaba a explotar, al menos quienes iban en servoarmaduras  tomarían gran parte del impacto entre sus cuerpos.
La pregunta de Ingram no es que cosa vio, si no cual era la magnitud del asunto, del asunto que sea.
En la tierra, kilómetros abajo, no muy lejos pero si muy abajo, en el aeropuerto de Boston, poco a poco iban llegando las noticias de lo que se veía que pasaba en el Prydwen.
Danse, quien hace días estaba de guardia prácticamente sin dormir fue de los primeros en notar una luz blanca, allá, lejos, alto, como si algo lo llamara a mirar hacia arriba. Danse sentía que algo había regresado a el…algo, no le podía poner nombre, pero de repente ya tenía algo que lo acompletaba en la misma atmosfera, el mismo aire que el respiraba.
Se quedó en su lugar, vigilando en su puesto con el resto de los lanceros hasta que las noticias se hicieron oficiales a través de los walkie y las comunicaciones por radio en los uniformes del equipo que estaba con el.
El caballero había regresado, solo que no por las misma puerta.
Uso sus privilegios de Paladín para retirarse de la guardia de la máquina, al fin y al cabo Nate era su…protegido…estudiante…iniciado…compañero…
Pero eso no duro demasiado, desde arriba y por ordenes de Maxson, como para que quedará bien clarita la gravedad del asunto, las comunicaciones entre la tierra y el Prydwen estaban restringidas hasta nuevo aviso, eso incluía los ventibirds, nadie salía ni subía ni bajaba o hablaba por radio más allá de las transmisiones filtradas o autorizadas por Maxson.
Se quedó ahí, tan cerca y a la vez tan lejos, apunto de subir las escaleras hacia el helipuerto, frustrado, capaz si hubiera sido más rápido hubiera subido en el último ventibird antes de que Maxson diera esa orden y…lo hubiera visto
Una vez más solo quedaba esperar, sin información, sin expectativas, sin imaginarse nada, era un entrenamiento que el tenía para no explotar ante la falta de transparencia que a veces tenía la hermandad con ciertas cosas, pero por supuesto, no debía dudar, jamás lo hacía.
Estaba la hermandad, y luego todo lo demás.
Nate había sido escoltado a una sala blanca, muy iluminada con un vidrio que el suponía era antibalas o reflectante en medio. Otra vez, todo le parecía el instituto, todo parecía falso, todo parecía armado.
Los paladines se habían retirado y lo habían dejado solo, miro a sus alrededores pero solo era una sala blanca, cuadrados de no más de un metro pegados uno al lado del otro formando paredes y techo, con un vidrio en medio como una de esas paredes.
-Bienvenido de regreso caballero –una voz se escucho desde…algún lugar, se oía lejano, se oía mal, pero como Nate no veía ningún parlante o apertura entre los paneles blancos suponía que el sistema de sonido debería estar entre las paredes, a fin de no revelar su ubicación…o que estuvieran mal y precariamente hechos, quien sabe –Soy el caballero Cade, me recuerda?
-Queremos que sepa que estamos alegres de que haya regresado y que todos en la hermandad estamos al tanto de su misión y lo que arriesgó, no queremos que se sienta despreciado ante este tratamiento ni que no respetamos su autoridad como caballero, solo es una medida de seguridad por que no sabemos a que nos enfrentamos con el Instituto, comprende?
Que pensaban? Que era un synth? Que lo habían reemplazado? Que tendría una bomba dentro? Algo de espionaje?
-Le pediremos por favor que deje su equipo en la caja de metal que un paladín le acercara a la misma puerta por donde entro, armas, armadura, chatarra y objetos, también que se quite accesorios y ropa, haremos una prueba de rayos-X y uno de nosotros entrara para tomar una muestra de sangre
-Puedo asegurarles que no tengo un código de barras entre las nalgas…ni un número de serie en la planta del pie.
-Queremos corroborar que los datos biométricos de ahora coinciden con su registro de hace unos meses –claro, de los rayos-X no dicen nada, que si, que el se daba cuenta de que era para buscar un componente de synth, anda ya.
-Estaré desnudo todo el tiempo?
-Hasta que terminemos con el examen de sangre, le aseguro que sus pertenencias estarán a salvo…
-No tengo problema con eso –Nate había estado en el ejercito antes, la desnudez no era un problema- pero después de que me saquen los rayos y la muestra de sangre quiero hablar con la supervisora Ingram, a solas, sin que nadie nos esté grabando.
Del otro lado del vidrio Cade y Maxson se miraron, si, Maxson, por supuesto que estaría observando a su nueva estrella favorita luego de hacer la mas grande azaña. Días pasaron hasta que finalmente le llegaron noticias del caballero que se disipo en el aire y…aparentemente no estaba en las mejores condiciones, por lo que le habían informado. Realmente, tenía curiosidad, después de todo esto no tenía…precedentes…
-Esta bien, pon a tu equipo médico en marcha, no hay problema con lo que pide el caballero –le dijo Maxson a Cade, quien solo asintió y se puso manos a la obra.
Dentro de la sala blanca Nate comenzó a desvestirse, dejando su ropa y sus cosas a un lado, cerca de la puerta, lo suficientemente lejos como para que esta pudiera abrirse, al cabo de unos segundos un paladín en servoarmadura aparecío acompañado de otros soldados que iban…en traje radiactivos? Enserio? Nate suspiro, pero extendió el brazo para que el soldado le atará la pequeña gomita y buscará su mejor vena para la extracción.
El paladín dejo en el suelo una caja de metal con un candado de clave numeral mientras los soldados trabajaban en Nate.
-Puede dejar aquí su equipo, póngale una clave, la caja será retirada pero le aseguro que nadie tocara sus pertenencias caballero –le dijo el paladín, no podía saber quién era a través del casco y el decodificador de voz.
Una vez que terminaron con la extracción de sangre y le pusieron la cinta y el algodón, Nate acomodo sus cosas dentro de la caja, sintiéndose observado todo el tiempo.
-Le indicarán para la prueba de rayos-X, por favor, tomé esto –una chica, dentro de los trajes radioactivos, le paso una lata de agua purificada, unas pastillas de rad-X, y una bata- cuando terminen con los rayos, puede tomarse la dosis y vestirse, nosotros nos retiramos con la muestra. Nate asintió, y el equipo se retiró de la sala, dejándolo aparentemente solo de nuevo.
Le ordenaron por el sonido que anda a saber por dónde venía que se pusiera en diferentes posiciones y permaneciera 5 segundos en cada una, suponía que era el tiempo en que tomaban las radiografías, pero donde estaba la máquina de radiografías? Y los operadores? Y el que le hablaba através de las bocinas fantasmas? Y por donde le estaban observando? Una vez más suspiro, no tenía sentido preguntárselo y probablemente nadie le respondería sus dudas.
El sabía que no era un synth, y que nadie le había tocado un pelo, se había pasado noches de insomnio asegurándose eso, jurándole a Shaun que había dormido bien, pero bueno, al menos aprovecho la ducha caliente del cuarto temporal que le habían dado y el recostarse sobre un colchón que olía a limpio por primera vez en meses…o en 200 años…
Después de unos momentos, le llamaron otra vez.
-Caballero –la voz de una mujer- ya puede continuar
-Supervisora Ingram? –lo primero que hizo fue ponerse la bata, y después, tomar la dosis de Rad-X con su lata de agua, no tenía problema con la desnudez pero tampoco gozaba de eso.
-Así es, tal y como pediste no estoy tomando registro de esta conversación, aunque pienso que es una pena, cualquier cosa que me digas serán datos interesantes.
Nate se sentó en el suelo, no había sillas ni cama, la habitación eran 2 paredes, una con puerta, y un vidrio reflectante con un techo.
-La última vez que mire mi pip-boy en el Instituto habían pasado 4 días antes de…regresar a la Commonwealth, que día es hoy? –uno de sus mayores miedos, era seguir viajando en el futuro.
-En efecto, han pasado 4 días –Nate tomo aire y exhalo al escuchar eso, relajando los hombros y ocultando su cabeza entre sus rodillas.
Ingram había tomado nota de preguntas que hacerle para su regreso, era peligroso dejar a una persona traumatizada con sus pensamientos, necesitaba extraerle la mayor información posible en el menor tiempo antes de que colapsara, el hombre estaba, visiblemente cansado.
No podía asegurar que no fuera un synth, o un clon, o un espía, o un robot, o una bomba, o algo, pero todo en este momento era información valiosa.
-Que tal el viaje? Aterrizaste donde esperabas?
-Aparecí en el instituto, pero me estaban esperando, sabían lo que estábamos queriendo hacer, me dejaron entrar
-Por que? –Nate no iba a revelar eso, no iba a decir que su hijo era el director del Instituto y que le estuvo buscando
-Tienen espías por todas partes operando
-Por que no volviste atraves de la máquina que construimos? –otra cosa que no iba a revelar, como iba a explicarle al mundo que tenía el favoritismo del Instituto de su lado por un vínculo sanguíneo de hace 200 años.
-Falle a las coordenadas
-La gente del instituto es…normal? –ahí Nate levanto la cabeza con una expresión de duda, sea de donde sea que lo estuvieran mirando iban a tener que entender su confusión- ya sabes, si son humanos, si son supermutantes…si son todos robots…
-Son todos humanos…son todos científicos…son…generaciones de gente de la pre-guerra que se mantuvieron a salvo de las bombas, sin radiación, sin enfermedades, sin alteraciones…hasta donde me explicaron iniciaron en un sótano bajo tierra y fueron expandiendo hacía abajo…cavando…honestamente, no me creí esa explicación, pienso que esa instalación ya existía de antes y la fueron ampliando y modificando
-Ya veo, que tal las defensas de el lugar? Esta muy militarizado? Más que la hermandad?
-No, es como una…gran empresa-Nate se río por la comparación-es como una…ciudad universitaria…hasta donde a mi me concierne si tocas una pared te podría disparar un rifle laser, está lleno de células de fusión por todos lados…
-A que te refieres con empresa? –por un segundo iba a explicarse hasta que se dio cuenta de algo, que estaba revelando sin querer, información sobre si mismo, y el nunca había hecho eso en la hermandad, a excepción de Danse, los únicos que sabían su íntima historia real eran Macready, Codsworth, Preston, la gente de Santuary, Mama Murphy, Strong y…Danse, le había contado todo a el, pero no sabía si se lo había contado a otra gente. Nunca se lo había cuestionado.
-No es un lugar precisamente militarizado, todos viven una vida normal, con trabajos y estudios, tienen jefes y cosas para hacer pero es distinto, no hay horarios ni reglas es…distinto.
-Hay presencia de synths dentro del instituto y viviendo con su gente?
-Si, todo el tiempo, son ayudantes, robots, herramientas, protección, vigilancia, sujetos de prueba y estudio, acompañantes, empleados…la gente del instituto sabe tratarlos como máquinas, los entienden como máquinas, como algo a controlar y poseer, algo que tiene que seguir instrucciones claras y no descontrolarse –a Ingram esto le llamo la atención, pero era todo una serie de preguntas para más tarde, ahora había que hacer estudio de campo.
-Me hablas de una “ciudad universitaria”…entiendo yo que es un espacio amplio
-De donde sacan la energía?
-No lo se, no pude averiguar tanto
-Caballero, se encuentra usted muy…limpio –a Nate eso le llamo la atención, al ver su rostro Ingram continuo- la piel sin tierra, el pelo limpio y brillante, la dentadura limpia… –por un momento iba a decir que el Instituto era una ciudad futurística, era como hace 200 años su gente percibía el progreso y el futuro, como debían volverse las cosas pero eso lo dejaría expuesto a su verdadera identidad.
-Me recibieron bien, tienen los recursos –a Ingram eso le extraño, por que?
-Presencia de fauna de la Commonwelth o supermutantes?
-Estudian el virus de VEF y con lo otro…es muy distinto, demasiado distinto, no les hace falta –de nuevo, Ingram estaba teniendo demasiadas dudas, y no es que fueran respuestas incompletas pero el contexto era…fantasioso…
-Antes mencionaste coordenadas, sabes las coordenadas del Instituto?
-No, solo se las coordenadas de a donde tenía que ir y falle, si me equivocaba algunos pocos metros seguro caía desde el cielo a la tierra del aeropuerto aquí debajo
-Como hace la gente del instituto para teletransportarse  a la superficie?
-No lo hacen
Ingram levanto una ceja confundida –como así?
-Ellos no salen
-Caballero, responda la pregunta
-Son sus synths los que salen, los humanos no salen…hasta donde yo he averiguado al menos
-No tiene sentido, no pueden no necesitar salir a la superficie, es como si me dijeras que vivieran en una colonia autosuficiente…
-Pero así es
A la supervisora le cayo un sudor frío por la frente, vaya vaya.
-Cuanta gente vive su día a día ahí?
-No lo se, no llegue a averiguar tanto
-No creo que sean más de 2000, pero ellos viven y caminan muy libremente entre los synths, si no fuera por los uniformes y la forma en que diseminan a sus…herramientas…no vería demasiadas diferencias. De nuevo, estuve 4 días y no pude averiguar eso…
-Dijiste que te estaban esperando –que extraño que esa información tan vital no la sepa.
-Me estuvieron espiando durante meses en la Commonwelth
-A ti?
Nate se compuso, suspirando, podía hablar maravillas del Instituto durante horas pero hacerlo sin revelarse era…complejo…muy complejo –Elder Maxson, se que esta ahí, quiero que hablemos a solas.
Ingram tomo el mando de la conversación.
-Tenga cuidado caballero, no está en posición de pedir…
Maxson paro su mano sobre el micrófono, la miro a los ojos, y le asintió, la supervisora trago saliva y bajo la cabeza, retirándose, el Elder la miro hasta que cerró la puerta detrás suyo y ahí, saco el reflectante del vidrio, permitiéndose la vista entre el y Nate.
-Hablaré a través de este micrófono –dijo el Elder, presionando su botón.
-Me grabaron?
-No, pero francamente no dijiste nada que mereciera no ser grabado, aunque siento que te mordiste la lengua en más de una ocasión, caballero.
-Elder Maxson…que sabe usted sobre mí? –Oh, la conversación se torno personal.
-Que te uniste a la hermandad para perseguir al instituto y buscar venganza por tu esposa y por tu hijo
-No, que sabe realmente usted sobre mi? –Maxson se agarró el mentón y pensó antes de responder
-Que eres general de los Minutemen, que ayudas en asentamientos precarios de gente, que pones antenas de reclutamiento en pequeñas fortificaciones –Nate asintió – Rumores en Diamond City dicen que eres un hombre de refugio, pero yo no lo creo –la mueca de confusión del caballero lo hizo seguir –vas por ahí con un uniforme de refugio pero yo he conocido gente de refugio, yo los he visto salir del refugio al mundo, aveces acompañados de mi mano, aveces solos, y la gente de refugio es distinta, son como niños, niños acostumbrados a mear y orinar en un  retrete y a tener ropa lavada en vez de reciclada o nueva. Tu no eres así, tu eres...-Maxson se paró en su discurso, saco la mano del micrófono y miro a otro lado, no queriendo continuar.
-Se que eres un hombre criogenizado de hace 200 años, que si, buscas venganza por tu esposa y por tu hijo, que eres un militar, de algún tipo, de la pre-guerra he de suponer, que buscaste al asesino de tu esposa y comenzaste a buscar pistas del instituto…y he aquí Danse, quien te recomendó para unirte y que tuvieras una promoción, me conto todo lo que pudo y yo extraje todo lo que pude. Viviste antes de la guerra, viste las bombas explotar, sabes cómo era el mundo antes, pudiste comer alimentos frescos y dormir en una cama limpia, ni yo en todos mis privilegios de sangre alguna vez pude hacer eso, tu conociste una tierra fértil libre de huesos calcinados –Nate frunció el seño
-Yo no vi huesos calcinados hasta que desperté después de ver cómo le metieron un balazo a mi esposa en la cabeza 60 años después, pero durante mi servicio en guerra, llene la tierra fértil de cuerpos enemigos, como todo el resto de los soldados, por que aún a hoy la guerra, la guerra nunca cambia
-Conseguí…por mis propios métodos…tu discurso de veterano…e información de la unidad Fox…es un placer escuchar esa frase salir de la boca del hombre que la digitó por primera vez en un terminal
-Entonces si sabés
-Creo que se todo lo que como Elder tengo que saber para el avance de la hermandad del acero.
-He conocido a muchos ghouls que sobrevivieron a la guerra, que guardan mis mismas memorias y vivencias, que saben lo que eran el mundo antes, no soy distinto de ellos.
-No lo eres- le confirmo Maxson- todos ustedes son la prueba de que realmente existió una guerra que devasto el mundo, ustedes son la confirmación para nosotros, los que nacimos en las cenizas de que alguna vez el mundo fue distinto, si por nuestra generación y las 2 anteriores fuera, la tierra siempre fue así, en quien se supone que confiemos para que nos cuente como era el mundo si no? En un granjero con el cerebro podrido en jet? La ignorancia es una cosa muy común, pocos pueden leer o escribir, los restos del mundo antiguo para la mayoría son fantasía irrelevante, chatarra que solo pueden arrancar y destruir. Capaz tu no lo sepas, por que llevas poco tiempo por aquí, pero la tierra realmente se encuentra dividida.
-Se que mi patria ya no es más un país, que la tierra ahora esta separada en pequeñas porciones de muchos poderes, unos pocos nombres resuenan cada tanto, como la NCR o la hermandad, pero luego…todos quieren ser independientes.
-O salvajes, o tribus, o esclavistas, o nómades, no tenemos una sociedad actual, pocos podemos confirmar como era el mundo antes sin poner un sesgo entre medio, mira a la gente de los seguidores del apocalipsis por ejemplo! –Nate se sorprendió ante la pasión con la que hablaba Maxson, un muchacho como mínimo 15 años menor que el, pero decía la verdad.
-Sabe Ingram de esto?
-No, pero puedo decírselo si me dejas, no tengo por que compartir las decisiones que hago sobre a quién nombro caballero o no.
-Aún así, siendo que me muevo por mis propios fines…siendo lo que soy…me dejarás salir de aquí a seguir buscando a mi hijo?
-Solo después de que terminen tus exámenes y el interrogatorio con la supervisora Ingram podrás continuar con tus deberes caballero, por favor, bríndale a la hermandad toda tu experiencia de dentro del instituto.
Nate quedo sorprendido, complacido, pero muy sorprendido, al parecer, Maxson esperaba mucho de el como para darle tanta…libertad.
-Muy bien, Elder.
-Después de todo puede que no lo sepa pero técnicamente tiene más antigüedad en la hermandad del acero que yo y se merece mis respetos veterano, algún día más tranquilo estaría bueno que estudie con los escribas sobre lo que fue del ejercito después de las bombas. Los escribas no toman testimonios de ghouls y…humanos criogenizados por que la información anecdótica no es una fuente fiable…pero ayuda a validar ciertos puntos…
Maxson se retiró de la sala con una sonrisa, dejando a Nate con un sabor amargo en la boca, al cabo de una hora donde estuvo en silencio con sus pensamientos. Ingram volvió a la habitación.
-Podemos seguir?
Tal vez había terminado su servicio en el ejercito hace más de 200 años, tal vez la guerra lo había decepcionado y desesperanzado pero…la camaradería de las fuerzas y el no estar completamente solo…era algo que Nate extrañaba de sus días de pelotón. Capaz no se unió a la hermandad por convicción, solo lo hizo por seguir avanzando, nunca creyó en nada de lo que decían, se rio por un momento, nunca se había leído ni un codex, o libro de reglas, o registro, o grimorio…pero…hoy estaba, a pesar de no dormir en un colchón limpio, un poco más en casa. Entendido, contenido y validado.
Pasaron 72hs hasta que el contacto de los ventibirds con el Prydwen se regularizo, las comunicaciones estaban en línea, pero no se hablaba demasiado más allá de la llegada del caballero Nate de regreso. Los soldados en tierra estaban impacientes por volver al dirigible en especial con tanto secretismo apartir de…el Instituto…después de todo la misión era recibir al hombre del traje de refugio y escoltarlo si volvía después de construir una máquina que lo llevaría a el solo al Insituto pero no mucho más…Muchos estaban pensando si el Instituto no había tomado control del Prydwen incluso, o si los habían desvinculado de servicio, o si los abandonarían y dejarían a su suerte en la Commolwealth. Por suerte, todo volvió a la normalidad antes de que se empezaran a formar grupos organizados.
Danse fue el primero en subirse a un ventibird, dios, quería encontrar a Nate, quería verlo, tuvo muchos compañeros, tuvo gente a su cargo y no había sentido esta ansiedad en el pecho por volver a ver a nadie…nunca…siempre se lo tomo como parte del trabajo y que debía ser paciente con lo que la hermandad le daba pero…nunca se había preocupado tanto antes por nadie.
Busco y buscó por todas partes, preguntó a todo el mundo, miro por cada esquina pero nadie sabía decirle donde estaba el caballero, si sabían que hace días que el hombre estaba…inalcanzable, difícil de ver en un solo lugar, moviéndose como una rata atrapada.
Incluso le pregunto a Maxson al respecto, con toda la confianza del mundo, como si pudiera hacerlo, pero la desesperación que le calentaba el cuerpo dentro del traje de metal era más fuerte que su pudor de hablarle al Elder.
-El caballero Nate ahora mismo está pasando por un momento de…duelo…harías bien en respetar su deseo de soledad, el está bien, lo estará, se va a poner bien –el Elder no dijo nada más, pero que significaba eso? Definitivamente no era alentador.
Ingram no le quiso dar detalles.
Danse no merecía esos detalles, es un paladín que poco estuvo involucrado en la misión del instituto pero…era el maestro de Nate y…se preocupaba por el.
Y Danse siguió y siguió buscando, sabía que estaba arriba del Prydwen, podía sentirlo, lo que le había faltado todos esos días estaba por ahí, estaba cerca, sabía que no estaban lejos, pero el Prydwen no era ni tan grande, ni tan lleno de gente por la noche como para no encontrarlo.
Y así siguió, por 3 días más que el se tomo como “licencia” luego de la semana de vigilancia que tuvo que hacer en la máquina de teletransporte, durmiendo en su habitación, cambiándose de ropa, bañándose y comiendo la comida caliente del comedor, caminando todo el tiempo, preguntando a la gente a ver si lo habían visto…
Un día en el comedor, escucho, de mero chismoso, y por que el instinto se lo decía una conversación…llamativa.
Eran el  caballero Cade y Quinlan en la mesa detrás suyo, espalda contra espalda, hablando uno con el otro, comiendo sus fideos instantáneos.
-Hace días que estoy sufriendo robos en mi oficina, no se que hacer al respecto –dijo Cade, quien se nota que tenía bastante coraje atrapado.
-Claramente reportarlo
-No es el tipo de cosas que me gustaría reportar
Quinlan levanto la cabeza, dándose cuenta –Oh, creí que esas estaban en un cajón especial
-Creo que uno de nuestros compradores nos vendió
Jugoso, el escriba y el médico traficando drogas en el Prydwen? Y para la venta entre soldados? Claro que darles adicciones beneficiaba al doctor que cobraba 75 chapas por sus servicios de desintoxicación, era un negocio redondo. Podría ocuparse de buscar pruebas de eso en otro momento pero…
Danse conocía a un falopero lo suficientemente atrevido como ir a robar a la oficina de otro caballero, y no es que a este falopero le importara demasiado los rangos de la hermandad tampoco.
Por el amor de dios, medio día, le iba a da un ataque de nervios, tener que esperar con sigilo en frente de la oficia de exámenes médicos…encima las noches en el Prydwen eran frías, muy frías, esa lata flotante de metal carecía de un sistema de refrigeración adecuado, menos mal que no era invierno si no hubiera tenido que usar abrigo y ahí si su sigilo se hubiera visto comprometido para la espera frente a la oficina.
Se situó e hizo campamento, en sigilo, acompañándose en una sombra, el era un hombre grande y corpulento, pero la experiencia podía más. A eso de las 2am vio una sombra delgada y con ropa bastante ceñida al cuerpo colándose usando sigilo también en la oficina de exámenes médicos, presto un poco más de atención y al ver que tenía un bulto rectangular en el brazo se felicitó así mismo por el ingenio y el excelente trabajo de sigilo ejecutado.
El ladrón entro en la oficina, y salió con los brazos pegados al pecho, cargando algo.
Si bien había guardias en los caminos y pasillos del Prydwen, claramente ambos los estaban sabiendo evitar.
Así que después de dar muchas muchas muchas vueltas y de bajar varias escaleras, el ladronzuelo se metió en la cúpula de vidrio del Prydwen que estaba en la parte baja del dirigible.
Que extraño, él había ido a revisar muchas veces ahí
La puerta de la cúpula se cerró de forma muy despacito y silenciosa para ser una puerta de mínimo 15kg, los sonidos metálicos de un dirigible que se tiene que mantener inmóvil en el aire  por meses ciertamente tapaban el sigilo, Danse se sento despacio detrás de la puerta sin hacer sonidos por su pequeña intromision y se puso a escuchar a ver que era lo que sucedía dentro, al fin y al cabo era una habitación pequeña, si entraba no iba a encontrar nada de nuevo, así que mejor estudiar la situación…
Ok pisadas sobre el sendero metálico…ok ruido de plásticos abriéndose…ok por algún motivo eso sonó como un golpe…hueco…y finalmente un gesto de asfixia y sobreesfuerzo, si, definitivamente alguien estaba tomando Jet y gritando detrás de la puerta.
Ahí estaba el falopero que Danse buscaba hace casi una semana.
Tan pronto como empezó a escuchar quejidos humanos, se levanto y abrió la puerta con fuerza, llevándose estampado el cuerpo de Nate contra las barras del camino metálico. El hombre se quejo del impacto de sus costillas contra las barras, agarrándose el torax, tirado en el suelo con un residuo de jet no muy lejos de el.
Uh su confiable disipulo tan fan de las drogas…aunque el lo negara como que no tuviese un problema.
No sentía pena, le gustaba maltratar al drogadicto, verdugearlo un poco por su consumo sin sentido, cerro la puerta detrás de ellos y se puso a examinar el lugar, donde se estaba escondiendo? Era un cuarto muy pequeño, había entrado varias veces y no había visto nada extraño…
Nate se quiso incorporar, pero puso la mano en el lugar equivocado, sobre el pequeño residuo de Jet, se resbalo a causa de sus sentidos alterados y el plástico cayo al suelo, Danse siguió con la mirada y…oh…maldita sea…justo debajo del puentecito metálico que los sostenía a ambos, donde ellos caminaban todos los días, había un pequeño campamento, muchas botellas de whisky…llenas de líquido…muchas latas de agua purificadas…y varios paquetitos de Jet… y Viajero… y Med-X…y una bolsa de dormir…bien, no lo había encontrado por ciego pero había estado todo el tiempo aquí…eso le pasaba por no mirar hacia abajo…definitivamente un descuido y una pérdida de tiempo, se enojó con si mismo por la falta de atención al detalle.
No era un espacio muy grande, tendría menos de un metro de altura entre el puente y los vidrios de la cúpula, obviamente suficientemente fuertes como para sostener el peso de un hombre de menos de 150kg y todas sus porquerías, por lo que tenía sentido…
Nate se volvió a incorporar, sentándose, apoyándose con las manos y mirando hacia arriba, cuando vio el pompadur negro brillante sabía que la había cagado…
-Maldita sea…
-Así es soldado – Danse se puso a su altura y puso ambas piernas a un lado de las suyas, sosteniéndolo entre medio para que no se escapara o por lo menos no se siguiera cayendo, cuando Nate se drogaba Danse se ponía un poco fastidioso, odiaba esta situación, no le hacía gracia, no era divertido…era un incordio pero…
Nate tenía las comisuras de los labios, nariz y ojos rojas, irritadas de fricción, se nota que lleva bastante tiempo llorando, y eso desconcentro al paladín, el hombre le sujeto la cara y se puso a mirarlo bien con la pobre luz roja que les ofrecía la cúpula del Prydwen, no parecía a causa del consumo, lo de la nariz si por el jet pero claramente tenía mocos así que podía ser de sonarse la nariz…el viajero eran pastillas consumibles y el Med-X era inyectable, las cicatrices de eso estarían en otro lado, no en su cara.
Intento safarse, intento quitarle las manos de la cara, no necesitaba que nadie lo sujetara ahora, no necesitaba nada, pero Danse no pensaba dejarlo ir.
No después de buscarlo tanto.
-Dejamé! No necesito nada de esto! No quiero nada de esto! No quiero seguir haciendo nada de esto! –Danse escuchaba atento sus palabras, ruegos desesperados, cuando lo vio empezar a llorar solto su rostro y lo tomo por los hombros, sus fuertes manos lo sujetaron bien- Perdí…perdí 60 años…-el caballero al que había visto reventar reinas Mierlucks con Fatmans ahora estaba moqueando y gimoteando en medio de una crisis de nervios –todavía sigo esperando despertarme de este mal sueño…pero cada día es peor!-el paladín veía el pecho de su compañero subir y bajar, oh no, un episodio así justo después de consumir no estaría bueno para su ritmo cardíaco, sin contar que no sabía cuanto había consumido ni cuando fue lo último anterior a esto-Perdi a Shaun…por tanto tiempo…-Danse se enfocó en que Nate pudiera reconocerlo, que supiera quien era, que viera a sus ojos y reconociera su rostro-Perdí a Nora por tan poco…yo no quiero más…es tan difícil continuar y que todo sea simplemente peor a cada paso.
-Hey –intento llamar su atención, pero el falopero le pego en la cara con la mano, aún así, el no se movió, se comió el golpe sin dejarlo ir.
-Estoy tan cansado…de la muerte…de la destrucción, del hedor, de la radiación…de todo…-Nate llevo sus manos a sacarse las lágrimas de los ojos, confirmando las sospechas de Danse sobre los caminos rojos a las orillas-no puedo volver  atrás 60 años…no son 20 ni 30…son 60…-el pecho se le empezó a retorcer a Nate por lo que Danse prefirió dejarlo en el suelo, sentándose a un lado de el vigilando que no se le escapara –me arrebataron 60 años…lo único que me quedaba de Nora-el caballero se empezó a morder la lengua para contrarrestar la rabia-ahora no puedo hacer nada, no importa quién me lo pida, no puedo hacerle nada a el…-el paladín escuchaba su discurso, intentando desencriptar algo entre toda esa frustración acumulada- los únicos contra los que el instituto no tiene nada son los Minuteman…-Nate se río frustrado – No quiero tocarle ni un pelo a mi bebe…pero el ya no es…-Danse solo atino a acariciar su espalda- estoy tan cansado…
Alguien en el instituto tiene ahora 60 años…y era algo de Nate y su esposa…creería que su hijo…y el instituto no tenía nada contra los Minuteman.
Que iba a decirle para animarlo? Que estábamos en representación de la hermandad y debíamos dar el ejemplo? Menos que eso no le importaría…
-Respira –Danse quería darle un poco de calma, pero no estaba siendo nada fácil…
-Yo no se si quiero vivir o morir…quiero estar con el pero…me llena de rabia su presencia…-en lo que se había convertido, todo lo que hizo, todo lo que le paso por no poder estar el como su padre alrededor- no puedo quererlo…pero tampoco puedo odiarlo…-comenzó a reírse solo, el pecho le subía y le bajaba frenéticamente, Danse estaba seriamente asustado de que le diera un paro cardíaco –yo tome mi venganza…pero así no es suficiente…
Nate sabía que estaba con Danse, sabía que estaba en la cúpula del Prydwen donde paso los últimos 3 días, sabía que había consumido, y sabía el estado en que su cuerpo estaba, también, algo que si sabía, era que le estaba revelando cosas a Danse.
No quería contarle que su hijo era Padre, el director del instituto, no quería que nadie le de la caza a SU HIJO pero…
-No estás solo…
-No puedo…hablar de esto con nadie…no puedo ser honesto con nadie no puedo sacarme esto de adentro con nadie! –al paladín esto le hizo ruido, por que no? –todo este tiempo que escuchaba a la gente del Ferrocarril hablar de espías y voces que te oyen y te persiguen creí que eran exageraciones, que siempre fui cuidadoso pero no es suficiente! –estaba teniendo un delirio de persecución ahora?
-Nate en la hermandad nunca…
-No, no lo entiendes! Es verdad! Hay espías por todas partes! Ahora lo se! Hasta puedo identificar espías! He visto esos registros! –estaba teniendo un episodio de pánico muy fuerte, si creía en lo que decía, pero estaba tapándolo con nerviosismo.
-Nate, estamos solo tu y yo ahora –le dijo con seriedad, buscando sus ojos con la cabeza para mirarlo.
-Pero no sabes después, como sabes si realmente a quien le estas hablando no es un synth del instituto? Como se yo que no les di un reporte del instituto a un espía cuando llegué de nuevo aquí? Tuve que dejarme llevar y confiarme de que realmente fueran humanos de la hermandad…yo…-el caballero miro abajo y tomo una bocanada muy grande de aire, respirando un par de veces sintiendo dolor en cada movimiento-no puedo confiar en nadie así…tienen todo controlado…todo orquestado…dios mio Kellogg tenía razón…cada palabra que me dijo en ese sendero hacia su muerte…tenía razón…
De que se trataba todo esto? Le creía pero era demasiado y que estuviera drogado no ayudaba a que se expresara- Puedes confiar en mi –el no era un synth encubierto del instituto…-Si no quieres hablar conmigo de esto también esta bien, no voy a presionarte, pero puedes confiar en mi, puedes hablarme ahora o no, es tu decisión y pienso respetarla…
Por unos momentos hubo silencio.
El pecho le estaba quemando de frustración, haciéndolo dar vueltas en el piso frío de metal, escuchaba y entendía las palabras de su compañero pero realmente tenía tanto dentro de su cabeza- por que y para que seguir? No tengo por que luchar…hace 60 años arrebataron de los brazos de mi esposa esa posibilidad…y lo hicieron crecer solo…-Nate moqueo un poco, y prosiguió sollozando-le quitaron su identidad, su madre, su padre, la era donde nació, su historia, todas esas posibilidades…y el no puede ver lo malo en eso por que la alternativa era peor! Cualquier cosa menos eso era peor!
Ok, ni la hermandad ni Danse podían devolverle a su hijo, ni el tiempo perdido, intuía que su hijo no quería saber nada sobre abandonar el Instituto. Debería decirle a Maxson? Que el hijo de el ahora era el enemigo? En que cambiaría eso? Nadie mostraría piedad por el, el Instituto hizo demasiado daño a la Commonwelth como para que nadie le importará salvar al hijo suponía que ahora adulto de Nate pero…
-Estoy seguro de que algo podremos sacar adelante –su compañero negó con la cabeza, Danse se acomodo al lado suyo poniendo su mano en el hombro de el
-Nada de esto tiene vuelta atrás, no hay nada que se pueda hacer al respecto –Nate volteo a verle a los ojos, realmente esta situación estaba angustiando a Danse. El había tenido muchas situaciones así con otros compañeros de la hermandad, llanto, desolación, desesperación y mucha mucha culpa, nunca fue bueno lidiando con ello pero realmente tener al hombre al que consideraba casi indestructible llorando así en frente suyo…
Todo lo que había recorrido, investigado, luchado, la sangre que había derramado, todos a los que había localizado para encontrar su hijo…tanto viaje para algo que no esperaba al menos…
-Yo todavía sigo aquí para lo que necesites
Nate al oir eso volteo a verle, se quedo un momento en silencio mirándole a los ojos, moqueando, entonces apoyo la cabeza en la rejilla de metal y exhalo, fuerte, sus hombros bajaron, hundiendo la mano de Danse.
-Su mundo es tan diferente al mío…el lucha por cosas tan distintas…fue tan duro oírle hablar…-los dedos del paladín empezaron a acariciar suavemente su hombro-nadie de los que mate era inocente, pero a todos los mate para encontrarle…que me dijera que casi no pensó en sus padres en todo este tiempo…Nora hizo su embarazo sola por que yo todavía no estaba retirado para cuando ella quedo embarazada…todo para que Shaun casi no pensara en ninguno de nosotros…
-Hey, vamos a mi habitación, estas aquí por que no tienes un lugar propio verdad? Vámonos de aquí -era difícil tener una habitación propia en el Prydwen, agradecidos debían estar de tener una cama propia y no dormir en bolsas en el suelo así que tener cuatro paredes propias era…poco común al menos, Danse la tenía por su rango e historial pero el era solo un caballero, definitivamente Nate se había escondido para estar solo, Danse solo estaba molesto consigo mismo de no haberle encontrado antes.
-Esta bien –realmente, estaba más calmado, se sentó en el suelo y extendió la mano, Danse se paro y jalo de ella para ayudarlo a levantarse, Nate la tomo y cuando se pudo parar y estabilizar se quedó un momento, quieto, agarrado a su mano con fuerza, un momento que al paladín se le hizo eterno pero…agradable…tenía un agarre fuerte…el hombre del refugio solo miraba hacia abajo, y cuando se dio cuenta que no iba a seguir haciendo otra cosa más que calmar su respiración abrió la puerta hacía el Prydwen y se lo llevo de la mano, total, era de noche, había poca guardia y estaba todo oscuro, no pasaba nada si lo llevaba de la mano a su habitación.
Entraron y cuando Nate cerro la puerta, se apoyo contra esta, tapándose la cara con las manos, sollozando de nuevo, Danse lo dejo ser y le abrió una lata de agua purificada que tenía en su mesa de luz, ofreciéndosela, después de consumir drogas lo mejor que podía hacer era estar hidratado, le tomo unos segundos al caballero darse cuenta de que tenía en frente al paladín y cuando se sacó las manos de la cara tomo la lata, apretándola con fuerza.
-Yo…podía…quedarme en el Instituto con Shaun o…volver aquí…podría haber tomado esa decisión de quedarme con el ahí mismo y…no lo hice…-Danse se sorprendio al oírlo, por que? Por la hermandad? Por los Minutemen? Eso no podía ser…-no se para que volví…-se quedó mirando la lata unos segundos y luego tomo de ella.
-Yo estoy feliz de que volvieras soldado, de saber que estas vivo-al oír eso Nate volvió a ver a Danse, su mano libre se acercó disimuladamente a tomar su mano pero…el paladín la retiro, y con pánico, Nate volvió la suya para atrás. Tomo un par de bocanadas de aire y moqueo un poco más, se había avergonzado lo suficiente.
-Estoy cansado, Danse –dijo abatido, con el pecho oprimido en dolor
-No se cuanto habrás consumido pero estoy seguro que mucho sueño estando en drogas no puedes tener y…
-Realmente, cansado –no iba a correrlo con eso, no iba por el lado de que era un drogadicto, iba en otra dirección.
-Si te hablará como tu oficial superior te diría que es totalmente inaceptable que te escaparás durante días del deber y que no te reportaras conmigo luego de terminar tu misión pero…como tu amigo…-Nate levanto la mirada, con las cejas cruzadas y los ojos llorosos- debo decirte que estuve preocupado, y que pese a que todo haya salido mal, me alegro que al menos tu solo, estés aquí
El caballero gimoteo un poco, el no se había sacrificado tanto para volver solo del Instituto pero…al menos no estaba solo aquí en la Commonwelth- Yo ya no se por que o contra quien luchar…
-Está bien –dijo Danse despacio, respetando su confusión y desesperanza- podemos resolverlo, podemos buscar juntos la solución a que hacer –su mano se poso sobre el hombro de Nate, sintiendo su cuerpo temblar en espasmos a causa de las drogas
-Voy a hacer cosas que te desagradaran durante estos días…pero no quiero separarnos…-Danse se paralizó por un segundo, sintiendo que se le ponía caliente el rostro-necesito saber de nuevo que hacer…-el Ferrocarril tiene razón en muchas cosas…-iba a seguir hablando, pero el otro movía su cabeza de un lado para el otro, no queriendo oírle más, Nate no estaba pensando con claridad y tampoco podía expresarse correctamente, no quería malinterpretarle por cosas que le hicieron decir las drogas.
-Entendido –no sabía bien a lo que se refería, pero si podía quedarse a su lado…por un tiempo más…antes de que todo explotara de nuevo…podía mirar hacia otro lado o…soportar cosas con las que no estaba de acuerdo hasta que aclarara un poco su cabeza…por que lo necesitaba para volver a ser el mismo, fuera con el Ferrocarril, los Minutemen o la Hermandad…miraría a otro lado…solo un poco…para ayudarle a encontrar de nuevo un camino.
Danse miro para atrás un segundo, buscando las luces rojas de su reloj, eran casi las 4 de la mañana. Suspiro y miro a Nate por unos instantes, aturdido, tembloroso, con los ojos idos…
-Puedo usar tu ducha? Siento mucho calor y creo que quiero vomitar al mismo tiempo…-Danse se hizo a un lado y lo dejo pasar, aprovechando la distracción para cerrar con contraseña la cerradura puerta, no quería que se le escapara de nuevo, aunque Nate era un experto abriendo cerraduras y no podría contenerlo demasiado tiempo…genial…otra noche de guardia…vigilar al drogadicto era su nueva misión, por suerte había descansado estos días…
-Puedes dormir en mi cama, me quedare a un lado vigilando que no te des vuelta dormido y te ahogues-comenzó a buscarle una muda de ropa para que se quitara el traje del refugio, si bien la talla de Danse era muy distinta a la de Nate prefería que durmiera con ropa ligera y no con el apretado traje, su cuerpo necesitaba respirar si iba a tener calores y convulsiones por las drogas, así que que fuera ropa más grande igual no molestaba para nada, ayudaba al objetivo.
-Paladín Danse –lo llamo Nate desde el baño, enfrente del lavamanos mirándose al espejo, intentando o vomitar…o que su cuerpo decidiera que quería hacer con las nauseas que sentía en la garganta.
-Dime dónde y disparare- le dijo con una sonrisa para hacerse el gracioso entregándole la muda de ropa, Nate sonrío levemente agarro el pantalón y la camiseta blanca que le ofrecía.
-Estamos para cubrirnos las espaldas uno al otro soldado
Aún con toda la inseguridad y desolación que Nate sentía, después de la traición y el abandono del único miembro de su familia que le quedaba…estar con Danse se sentía…bien…estar alrededor suyo era…no estar solo…y no sentía como querer dejarlo nunca más…no quería abandonar su lado nunca más…
Capaz solo era una alucinación por las drogas, capaz estaba sobrestimulado, que lo estaba, capaz simplemente estaba sobredimensionando las cosas pero…quería…estar con Danse…tal vez pensaría con más claridad en la mañana y no se sentiría tan intenso pero…quería conservar estos sentimientos por el Paladín mañana…
Al salir de la ducha con la ropa prestada seca y limpia, Nate se acomodó en la cama boca arriba con el pelo húmedo y la piel fría, con espasmos al estar tan sensible y sobreestimulado por las drogas. Mientras Danse doblaba su uniforme de refugio, mañana definitivamente lo mandaría a lavandería, no lo podía reemplazar por uno nuevo pero era cuero, con un poco de jabón y cepillo debería soltar un poco la grasa corporal y el sudor…se ocuparían de ello, al fin y al cabo todos los trajes de goma y silicona de la hermandad también se limpiaban y lavaban aunque sea un poco…Nate apago la luz y al poco tiempo, Danse se sentó al lado de la cama, apoyándose con los brazos sobre el colchón como podía sin molestar demasiado.
No paso mucho hasta que reuniendo todo su valor, Nate aprovecho la oportunidad para tomar una de sus manos con fuerza y apretarla, Danse lo miro, ambos se miraron por unos instantes, pero incapaz de hacer nada más y con los parpados agotados, hinchados y caídos por haber llorado tanto, cerró los ojos, dejando que la oscuridad en la habitación también acompañara al sueño.
El cansancio, el dolor, el agotamiento, el vacío y la angustia se apoderaron de el, haciéndolo caer dormido tan pronto sus ojos se cerraron, aún así, el agarre de su mano contra la de Danse no disminuyo en fuerzas ni un poco.
Se estaba aferrando a el.
Danse lo miro dormir por unos instantes escuchando sus ligeros ronquidos, con los parpados hinchados, la piel humedecida y brillante, los labios con una aureola roja alrededor producto del mismo llanto…aún en la oscuridad…quería apreciar todo eso ya que lo tenía tan tranquilo y cerca suyo, al hombre que usualmente veía machetear supermutantes.
Esto era el vacío que hasta que volvió al Prydwen sabía que le faltaba, Nate era su otra parte.
No soltaría su mano, ni hoy ni nunca.
Se sorprendió al oír su nombre salir de su boca aún dormido, su compañero hablaba dormido eso ya lo sabía después de compartir tanto tiempo juntos pero…nunca había escuchado su nombre así y menos acompañado de otros tan importantes para el.
-Sabías que hablas dormido soldado? –le murmuro, pero obviamente, no le respondió, totalmente dormido y agotado, roncando suavecito.
Esta bien, Danse podía cuidar de el. Por esta noche. Por la mañana. Y por el resto de sus días si Nate lo dejaba estar a su lado.
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gaqalesqua · 3 months
Danse wonders what his purpose is without the Brotherhood
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stephschoices · 4 months
I LOVE YOUR BLOG! can I ask you some questions?
hope you don't mind the sheer mass of details. - Which 5 interactive fictions are you most looking forward to have an update? demo out already - Which 5 interactive fictions are you most looking forward to have a demo out? no demo yet - Which 5 interactive fictions are you all time favorites? fully published - Which 5 love interests are your all time favorites? a) from published games, b) from wips - Which 5 mcs are your favorites? they don't even have to be from any of the interactive fiction above - Which 3 tropes are your absolute favorites that you would always go for? - If you had to pick between your favorite love interests, which would you: marry, kiss, smash, kill? - what kind of interactive fiction was not written yet but you hope somebody will write it one day?
Now more personal, again, only if it is ok for you.
- your favorite food - your favorite (printed) book - your favorite love interest from a video game - which celebrity would you like to meet if it could be absolutely anybody?
thank you for hearing me out steph - hope your day is beautiful
Thank you for all the questions lol 😂 sorry it took me a while to answer!
This is gonna be long so under the cut!
Which 5 interactive fictions are you most looking forward to have an update? demo out already
Which 5 interactive fictions are you most looking forward to have a demo out? no demo yet
@ellawrites-if (whisper in the mist)
Which 5 interactive fictions are you all time favorites? fully published
i dont read many fully published ifs so if i had to choose some that have at least one fully finished book-
@barbwritesstuff (blood moon)
when the night comes
@seraphinitegames (wayhaven chronicles)
@gb-patch (our life now & forever)
Which 5 love interests are your all time favorites? a) from published games, b) from wips
cove (@gb-patch - our life now & forever)
vadeyn (@underbliss - ebon light)
marco (@barbwritesstuff - blood moon)
nate (@seraphinitegames - wayhaven chronicles)
hadrian (@anathemafiction - the golden rose)
morgan (@theunseelieif)
pepe (@inkandlaces-if)
xander (@unwilling-souls-if)
tie between blade & red (@shepherds-of-haven)
griffin (@bodycountgame)
Which 5 mcs are your favorites? they don't even have to be from any of the interactive fiction above
this is really tough, but at the moment i'll say
tie between indigo & este & jade (paved in ashes / ink & laces)
fleur (unwilling souls)
cyra (the unseelie)
tie between rumaiza & leliana (disenchanted)
tie between ellery & arainia (shepherds of haven)
Which 3 tropes are your absolute favorites that you would always go for?
best friend or childhood friends to lovers
monster who thinks theyre unlovable x person who loves them unconditionally
arranged marriage
If you had to pick between your favorite love interests, which would you: marry, kiss, smash, kill?
marry: vadeyn, morgan, xander, red
kiss: cove, hadrian, pepe, blade
smash: marco, nate, griffin
kill: NO ONE
What kind of interactive fiction was not written yet but you hope somebody will write it one day?
anything based on my favorite media, right now im thinking video games; dragon age, swtor, fallout, bioshock, mass effect, tbh wouldnt mind one based on bg3 lol
your favorite food
taco bell
your favorite (printed) book
gonna be real honest, i havent read a book in many years lol but for the sake of answering i will unironically admit i love the twilight saga and read them all at least twice in middle and high school
your favorite love interest from a video game
official: Cullen (Dragon Age), Anders (Dragon Age), Alistair (Dragon Age), Theron (SWTOR), Gale (BG3), Kaidan (Mass Effect), Danse (Fallout)
unofficial: Butch (Fallout), Max (The Outer Worlds)
which celebrity would you like to meet if it could be absolutely anybody
hmmm this is tough but I'd say all members of Day6, Mamamoo, Ateez, and Itzy. And also DPR Ian <3 I'd say VAV too but I've already met them ~
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bokatan · 1 year
Fallout 4 Mods List
 Hello! Here is a full list of recommended mods that I’m either currently using or have used in the past. There may be required mods for some of these that I didn’t list - make sure to check these while you’re installing.
Vivid Fallout
The Fungal Forest
Grass Reworked
Wasteland Illumination
FAR - Faraway Area Reform
Glowing Animals Emit Light
Brighter Settlements
CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul
Enhanced Lights and FX
Illuminated Billboards and Posters
Mutant Menagerie
Wasteland Illumination
Crows and Creatures
FlaconOil’s Complete Retexture Project: this looks amazing but it can be a bit heavy, I wouldn’t recommend if you’re concerned about PC performance
PTSD Mental Health Management System
Smokable Cigars/Cigarettes/Joints
Enhanced Blood Textures
The Nuka Project
Destroyed Pip-Boy Screen
Pip-Boy 4K HD
Eyewear and Mask Retexture
NPCs Travel
Wetness Shader Fix
SKK Fast Start New Game
SKK Fast Start Location
Immersive Facial Animations Remade
Lowered Weapons
Eye Normal Map Fix
Manly Crouching
Name and Trade with Dogs
No More Floating Razorgrain
Pet Any Dog
Recruit Scribe Haylen as a Settler
The Walking Ghoul
Rich Merchants
We Are The Minutemen
Workshop Spotlight Fix
Nuanced Eye Reflection
Scary Clown Monkey Trap HD
Where Are My Provisioners?
Clearer Glasses
Better Shaped Male Heavy Combat Armor
SavrenX Detailed Hair
Commonwealth Cuts - Vanilla Match Retextures
Expressive Expressions
Femshepping’s AE Armor Mod Patches
Hair Tones Redux - Hair Color Overhaul
Lip Color Blemish Tweak
Extended Dialogue Interface
VIS-G Item Sorting
Buffout 4
Full Dialogue Interface
Main Quest Choices Extended
Mod Configuration Menu
Survival Options
This Settlement Does Not Need Your Help
Workshop Framework
Immersive Squeaky Doors
Immersive Pip-Boy Radio
More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio
Not Great Not Terrible - Scarier Geiger Counter Sounds
Jolly Item Sounds
Dynamic Music Overhaul
P.A.M.S. - Power Armor Movement Sounds
Travis’ Terrific Tips
Radiant Birds
Muffled Helmets
Immersive Nail Trim for Dogmeat
Unique Player and Followers Redux
Better Companions
Sable Dogmeat
Amazing Follower Tweaks
Danse Wear Your Helmet
This will affect how he acts outside of power armor, he’ll change outfits repeatedly. It’s fine if you keep him in his vanilla outfit but it gets annoying if he has custom outfits
Danse GTFO Power Armor
I saw someone refer to this mod as a giant can opener and that has been stuck in my brain since
The Danse Dilemma
Danse No X-01
Valentine Reborn
Truly Unique Nick: You’ll probably need this to get Valentine Reborn to work
Classic Dogmeat AKA Pirate
Nora Spouse Companion
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource - AWKCR
AWKCR-Grind Free: strongly recommended unless you love suffering and want to have to unlock all customization options
Lost AWKCR VIS-G Patches: Also strongly recommended, AWKCR on its own is very outdated and this fixes all of the main issues I had with it
Armorsmith Extended
Books, Burned Magazines, Folders, Napkins, and Subway Tokens Give Materials
Building Materials Dispenser
Accuracy International AX50 Anti-Materiel Rifle
Screenshots & Posing
FO4 Photo Mode
Screen Archer Menu: please note that this does require other mods - it’s user friendly and works well, but you will need to install a few mods from various sites aside from nexus
Animal Posing Framework
Male Eye Candy Poses
Stop Drop Pose
Thrax’s Action Poses
UPC - Unisex Pose Collection
Character Presets/Replacements
Army Rookie - Young Nate
Glamorous Magnolia
Maxson Gets a Shower and a Shave
Locke’s Soft Danse
Locke’s Detailed Piper
Locke’s Merciless Fahrenheit
Locke’s Ruthless Glory Locke’s Fresh Deacon
Locke’s HD MacCready
Picturesque Presets
Interesting Bunch Presets
Character Customization
Looksmenu Customization Compendium: This mod can be finicky, keep it at the bottom of your load order
Top Surgery Scars Overlay
Ace Male Face Texture
Refined Male Head Mesh
Commonwealth Cuts
Enhanced Vanilla Bodies
The Eyes of Beauty
Lots More Male Haircuts
Lots More Female Haircuts
Real Bruises - Facial Damage Fixes
4K Hairy Men
Furby’s Face Paints and Scars
Ghoul Skin for Looksmenu
Blended Ghoul Eyes
Makeup for Men
Half Ghoul Texture
This requires manual installation and can be a bit finicky, but it looks great 
Femshepping and Radbeetle’s KS Hairdos Conversions
Mirrored Vanilla Scars
Softer Bodies
Apocalypse Accessories
Furby’s Custom Brotherhood Uniform
Big Dumb Flower Crown
Combat Armor Headlamp
CROSS Brotherhood Recon
Field Scribe Hat for Dogmeat
Wasteland Clothing
Dogmeat Helmets and Hats
Eli’s Armour Compendium
Eli’s Rugged Outfits
Fishing Hat
K-9 Harness
K-9 Harness Bandana Fix: Highly recommended, the vanilla bandana will clip through this harness
Dogmeat’s Backpack
NCR Ranger Veteran Armor
Tactical Flashlights
Wearable Backpacks and Pouches
Just Another Cait Outfit
MacCready Armor Redone
Winged Glasses
Spoon Glasses
4K Kellogg Outfit
NV Stealth Suit
Clothing Color Variety
Harness with Tank Top
Private Military Company Extended
Grease Rat Garbs
Wearable Nat’s Backpack
High Waisted Jeans & Tucked Shirt
Park Coventry Outfit
Tactical Accessory Compendium
Wasteland Aviator
Modular Battlecoat
Mercenary Outfit Pack
Mercenary Outfit Pack Extreme Overhaul
Minutemen Merc - Mercenary Outfit Distribution
PMC Operators
Mongrel Outfit
CROSS Institute Expeditionary
CROSS Mojave Manhunter
CROSS Chosen of Atom
Collars for Humans
Bandana Headwear
West Tek Tactical Optics
Gorka-3 Suit
Survivalist Armor
Absolutely Headwear
Colored Clout Goggles
Colorful Commonwealth - Sunglasses and Wigs
Capital Wasteland Outfit Pack
T60 Equipment
Danse’s Wearable Holotags
CROSS Uni BoS Uniform
Ranger Paca Vest
Hoon’s Multicam AVS Plate Carriers
Ferro Bison Belt Pack
Task Force Helmet Pack
Modern Warfare Remastered - SAS Outfit
Brotherhood Pinup Uniform
Female Outfit Pack
CROSS Vertibird Flightsuit
Awful Wardrobe
Barren Vogue
Commonwealth Shorts
Commonwealth Shorts for Men
More Alternative Jumpsuits
K-Girl Outfits
K-Girl Outfits for Vanilla-EVB
Vault Outfits Redux
Vault Outfits Redux AWKCR AE Patch
Pride Bandanas
Private Military Company
Femshepping’s Assorted Mashups
Femshepping’s Assorted Mashups for Vanilla-EVB
Place Everywhere
Snappy Housekit
Solar Panels
Settlement Electricity Overhaul
Lightbulb Wire
Scrap Everything
Garden Plot Snap
Farming Resources
Thematic and Practical
Repairable Sanctuary
Paintings and More Give Happiness
Faction Recruitment Pinups
Advanced Bubble Turret Set
Cat and Dog Food Bowls
Christmas Lights
Clothing Shelves
More Fortifications
Colorful Bottle Lanterns
CROP - Create Your Own Planter
cVc Dead Wasteland
Dino’s Decorations
Diverse Cats
Cat Apparel
Cat Inventory + 11 Cat Skins
Expanded Settlement Buildings
Fallout New Vegas Posters and Signs
Functional Displays
Looksmirror: Pairs with Looksmenu, gives you a way to change appearances easily without console commands
Lore Friendly Posters
Static Baskets and Bins
More Colorful Potted Plants
Park Posters
Cattle Feeders Immersively Filled
Holotape Display Shelves
Gun Posters
Repair the Castle
Cafe, Clinic, and Barbershop Posters
Horror Posters
Lore-Friendly Posters
Patched Roofs
Filled Bookcases All-In-One
Femshepping’s Mini Potted Plants
Wall Mounted Magazine Shelf
Misc. silly mods
Destroy the Brotherhood of Steel for Good Guys(save the cat)
Taco Bell Sound - Sledge Hammer Hit Sound Replacer
Mario Sunshine - Death Music Replacement
Funny Dogmeat Subtitles
Sarcastic Sneaking
Edward Deegan - Cat Stalker
High Confessor Desk Fan
Proper Party Gear
Fedora and Trilby Hats Lower Charisma and Intelligence
Alien Todd Howard Glasses
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Henry Wilde
OCs as companions let’s gooo
before the war, Henry was a close friend of Nate and a former soldier; he left the army in 2077 to take a break from the stress and have time to himself. He lives alone but plans to confess his love to a man from concord who he’s been seeing for a while. But his life takes a worse turn. He is one of the lucky inhabitants of Sanctuary to make it to Vault 111, though he wakes up from cryosleep to see his closest friend and the man’s wife murdered, and their infant child stolen. When he finally awakens, Henry is overwhelmed by his emotion and breaks down before leaving the vault. He is stranded in time, incredibly distraught by what he has experienced and struggles to even reach Sanctuary. A year after, you encounter him, a troop of Minutemen and a man in X-01 power armour fighting off hordes of super mutants; the player discovers he is the general of the Minutemen, the militia that destroyed the Institute, and his companion a former Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel who have since left the Commonwealth.
Wields combat rifle; minutemen general’s uniform while commanding troops and Kellogg’s outfit while travelling
Can pick locks up to expert difficulty
being kind/ helpful in dialogue
helping settlers and synths
Killing feral ghouls/ super mutants
picking locks (all)
using heavy weapons/ explosives
pro-minutemen decisions
some pro-brotherhood decisions
Unnecessary violence
excessive chem usage and addiction
unkind/ harsh dialogue
assisting raiders/ institute remnants/ super mutants
going against the minutemen (will become hostile)
Asking for more caps in conversation
currently addicted to Day Tripper and possibly Scotch (it’s unclear) and struggles with PTSD after his many battles
dark brown undercut (overgrown at the back) and slim, angular face. Bloodshot brown eyes and numerous scars- across cheek, lip and neck. Personal quest: Honour the General
you help him come to terms with his past and battle his addiction; first part comes at affinity talk #1 when you take him to Vault 111 and console him that he did enough to honour them. After affinity talk #2 you help him get his life back on track and organise the Minutemen with him- he vows to sustain your hard work by rehabilitating himself and recovering from his addictions
Affinity Talks:
talk #1 revealing his past as a vault dweller and his regrets for not finding love before the war (now in a relationship with Danse)
talk #2 constant survivors guilt
talk #3 the pressure he faces being General and his addictions
talk #4 valuing someone to talk to and his gratitude towards you; makes you a Lieutenant for your service
Perk: A Minute’s Notice
under 25% health, your AP recharges much faster and you receive a 15% boost to damage output
some random facts you pick up travelling with him:
adopted synth Shaun and raises him as his own son. His love for the child and his SO made him value synths and fight for their freedom, allying himself with the Railroad to liberate them
the scar on his neck is from an assassination attempt by a courier- he loves to tell the story of how even near death he took down one with nothing but a pistol
used to be allied with the Brotherhood until Blind Betrayal- joins to find a new purpose, and trusts Recon Squad Gladius with his life- their commander reminded him a lot of the one he loved pre-war
Known throughout the Commonwealth, and is praised for being a strong leader by many NPCs and settlers
Feel free to use him in any art/ fics, if you do I would love to see so please tag me :)
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atombonniebaby · 5 months
I've had this idea in my head for a while now...
We all know how much Mac hates getting wet so how would he react when faced with the prospect of a "new" New Year's tradition introduced by his Scottish boss?
The original plan was screenshots, but I had to do a write up!...so maybe today I'll get some proper visuals...but for now I hope you enjoy this silly one shot! (And if anyone wants to do some drawings...I'd love to see some of this hilarity brought to life 🫶)
just so we're clear...Deacon's swimsuit depicted below is 100% what I Invision them all wearing variations off...because...why not? 🤣 (Oh...but not Hancock and Danse...you'll see!)
Happy New Year Tumblr Buddies! Slainte Mhath!❤️
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Here's to new Wasteland Traditions
"You can't be serious..." MacCready searched the boss' face. Shit-eating grin aside, there was not a single sign of a lie.
"I'm tellin' ye lad... every year without fail... rain or shine." Nate sat down on the couch beside his young companion. "Sometimes even snow." He added after a brief pause.
"So you're telling me you dressed up and—”
"Dressing up was optional... traditionally ye just shed to yer kegs and run right in."
"Run into water?"
"Cauld, sobering, icy waters."
"I guess you Scots really are crazy," MacCready chuckled to himself, "or you're full of Brahmin crap."
"Oi," Nate elbowed him. "It's real. On the day o' the new year, we'd head tae the shore, and strip to our undergarments and bolt intae the sea. 'Tis invigoratin', got the blood pumpin' in a way nothing else did. I dinnae even reckon bein' chased by a Deathclaw could get me heart goin' as fast as that did."
MacCready laughed at the mention of the oversized lizard. "Running from a deathclaw is different. You know you'll die if you lose, running into the ocean is just stupid."
"Hypothermia is nae joke, lad... and it didnae need to be an ocean... could be a river... ye know... like that one that runs aroon' Sanctuary..."
There was something in the way the Scot was talking that made MacCready nervous. That sparkle in his eye was never a good sign. "Not on your life!”
Nate's grin only grew wider. "Oh c'mon! Ye'd be the only one bein' a wee rad-chicken! Preston, Sturges, Codsworth, the settlers around Sanctuary…and even Dugmeat all want tae do it."
"Right... and Dogmeat told you that how, exactly? Did he write it out on the dirt using a stick?"
Nate gave a belly laugh at that. "Gave me a paw."
"You are full of it." MacCready shook his head. "No way in hell am I doing this."
"No even for five hundred caps?”
"Five hundr--" MacCready choked on his words.
"Counted them maself... put them in a nice big jar ...but there is a catch... last man standin' ...or lady... gets it!"
MacCready groaned. This was stupid, beyond stupid, but the caps..."Fine."
Sanctuary Hills Annual Loony Dook.
MacCready stared at the painted ply board sign as if it was personally insulting him. Perhaps it was. If it hadn't existed, he wouldn't have been standing out in the rain.
He glanced at the plastic blue pins of Rad-X piled up in the little shed next to the sign, blankets too. Nate was prepared for everything.
MacCready's laugh was almost incredulous. "Is that why you've been hoarding all the supplies!? Because you were planning this stupid event!?"
Nate laughed in response. "Notice that did ye?"
MacCready sighed. "How can I not notice!?"
"I hardly want folks getting sick from radiation poisoning while they're havin' fun. Now, c'mon, come help me welcome our guests," Nate elbowed him in the ribs before gesturing to the rest of Sanctuary.
"Let's get the show on the road," Nate smiled, marching off toward the gates where the majority of the settlers were gathered.
"Hey, Blue!” Piper called out to them as they approached.
"Ah, monsieur! It is quite the spectacle you are throwing here today," Curie said as the two came to a stop. "I must say, I am rather excited to try this 'dooken' as you call it. The effects of immersion in such cold temperatures will be most fascinating!"
"Ye'll love it, lass," Nate replied.
"Where the Frick did you get bathing suits?" MacCready asked her, noticing the bright pink ruffled one piece she was wearing.
"As it turns out," Piper began. "Curie has a remarkable sewing ability...she even made something for you..."
"You made me something...?"
MacCready would have blushed if it weren't for how cold he was, the likelihood of any color filling his cheeks was slim to none–even with all his layers!
Curie nodded enthusiastically. "Wi, Monsieur Nate provided me with a list of attendees!"
He did what?
"Here you go!" She handed him a bundle of striped green and white fabric.
"Thanks... I think." MacCready looked at it skeptically. It was a one-piece suit of sorts. Not unlike what the girl was wearing, but with longer legs.
"Deacon's is blue and white, Preston also, but different shades! They look most handsome!"
"Why thank you, ma'am," Deacon appeared behind the doctor. "I think you look very dashing yourself."
He looked ridiculous, a similarly striped suit to the one in MacCready’s hands, he guessed the red cape was his own addition.
"This IS most invigorating," followed another voice, this time belonging to a smiling tin can.
"Danse...lad..." Nate paused. "Do ye no think that's cheatin', son?"
The ex-Brotherhood Paladin just shrugged. "On the contrary, General. Without the appropriate protective clothing, my Power Armor provides no protection from the elements."
"Without protective—are you telling me you're in your birthday suit under there!?" MacCready blurted out.
Danse simply nodded. "Affirmative."
"General, your friend from Concord has arrived...and he brought company," Preston joined the fold, Minutemen blue in his bathing suit, and still wearing his hat.
"Jacob is here!?" Nate sounded more excited than he intended.
The group glanced at each other.
"Who's Jacob?" Piper asked after him.
Nate just waved her off.
"Does our good General have a secret to share?" A gravelly voice asked from behind them.
"John," MacCready turned to face the ghoul and he couldn't help it. His eyes dropped lower.
What the actual fuck!? Could that even be considered clothes? Red leather Speedo, cowboy boots and his signature hat...that was all he was wearing.
"My eyes are up here, kid," Hancock grinned as the younger man realized what he was doing.
"Wha--I wasn't—"
"You were," Hancock's smile turned into a smirk.
"Well ain't this quite the gatherin' and you thought people would pass up the opportunity for tradition!" Another accent entered their midst.
"I'm only here for the caps...got my eye on a new mod for my rifle," another familiar face pushed through the throng of bodies.
"Aiden's here too?" MacCready muttered under his breath. The ex-minuteman Gunner hunter didn't seem to know where to look as he came to a stop.
"Gotta say, Slick, you got a lotta people who care about ya," Jake leaned against the wooden railings of the bridge.
"Well, ain't you a handsome one!"
MacCready's smile widened. Cait!?
"Uh...thanks..." Aiden mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I uh...I'm just gonna..."
"Don't take it personally, darlin'," Jake smiled. "Aiden's not much for conversation."
"Who else are we expecting, Monsieur?” Curie asked.
"Nick's around, he's keepin' Dugmeat busy so folks can get ready and I do believe Strong is off huntin' fer our supper," Nate answered.
"Splendid! Would your boyfriend like a costume, Monsieur?”
"Boyfriend!? I—"
Nate cleared his throat.
"Thank ya, darlin'," Jake smiled at the doctor. "Much appreciated."
"Hey, Sharpshooter!"
MacCready froze. No...fuck no...he didn't hear that. He refused to turn around and look.
"Beau..." the mercenary reluctantly turned.
Fuck! Sturges was wearing one of those swimsuits too, and the size of him. It was...indecent.
"Howdy," Sturges tipped his head and smiled.
MacCready was dead, dying, or just having some incredibly vivid hallucination. No way. Just fucking no.
"What's wrong?"
"I'd harbor a guess our Merc here is wondering how you can fix his plumbing," Hancock chimed in.
"Think he's wondering if your equipment is up to the task," Deacon added.
"That is most absurd," Curie commented. "Sturges is a mechanic, not a plumber."
"A certified handyman," Piper giggled.
"Shut the fu—uh heck up!"
Hancock snorted.
"That's enough...quit teasin' the poor lad." Jake stepped in to defend him.
"Yeah, lay off the kid." Nick Valentine decided to join them, standing by Nate's side, no swimsuit for him...it was almost like he was programmed to wear nothing but his detective gear. "You know how sensitive he is."
MacCready felt like he was about to spontaneously combust.
"I'm gonna go change before I get the urge to shoot someone." MacCready stormed off.
"Someone's touchy," Cait noted.
"More like he can't handle the heat," Hancock countered.
"You should probably change as well," Nick suggested to the newcomer. Knew the fella from all the times he stopped by that information broker who had taken up residence in Diamond City. "The Ron"? Or something like that.
"Right you are, Mister Valentine," Jake agreed. "I will be right back."
"So polite! Monsieur Jacob makes a most agreeable guest," Curie smiled.
"I know, right! He's a peach." Piper grinned. "Got yourself a good one there, Blue."
"No foolin' you lot, is there?” Nate just laughed. "C'mon, we might as well get a move on. It's comin' up to noon soon."
MacCready stood in front of the bathroom mirror. It took him a few minutes to figure out how to put the damned thing on. It was too tight in some places, yet hung awkwardly from his body.
At least his hat matched, because it was staying on.
A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts.
"You got lost in there?” Jake's voice carried through the wooden door.
"Just give me a second!"
A few deep breaths, and MacCready was good to go.
"Not a word...not a single freaking word!"
Jake held his hands up and took a step back. "Wouldn't dream of it."
MacCready stomped past the engineer and back towards the group.
"Christ, and I thought I was pasty... lookin' at ye, it's like a white sheet slapped 'er a skeleton."
MacCready glared daggers at the smug looking bastard and wished he had his rifle. How is this bastard not shivering? MacCready could barely keep himself from trembling, and he's standing there, barefoot with no shirt on. Only thing he has on is a pair of red plaid trunks and his glasses.
"Har har... can we get this over with already?"
Nate grinned from ear to ear. "Ye sound like ye don't wanna do this."
"Oh? What gave it away?" MacCready crossed his arms across his chest, the cool air and heavy rainfall chilling his skin.
"All the shivering, mate," Nate gestured to him. "Ye need to move...maybe jog on the spot...keep the blood pumpin'...else ye won't make it tae the end."
MacCready growled at him. "Can you stop patronizing me and just start the damn thing already!?”
Nate looked around the group, taking stock of each person involved. There was a gathering now, a relatively small crowd, but the amount of people willing to participate was surprising.
Nate near on jumped out of his skin. "Where the blasted hell did you come from!?"
X6-88 lowered his sunglasses and blinked at him. "I arrived via relay at 1200 hours, sir. I was ensuring the young sir was adequately prepared for the festivities."
"Dad?” Shaun emerged from behind the courser.
"Shaun?" Nate was utterly confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Father heard you were hosting an event and thought I should attend," Shaun smiled.
The sight of him. Pajamas, Welly boots and a rain hat, standing beside X6-88 in his ...everything black bathing suit. MacCready's sides ached. He was laughing, unable to control the burst of hysteria that bubbled within him.
"Escaped synths will be shaking in their boots," MacCready managed to wheeze out.
"I believe Ms Curie has made an adequate fit for me... sir," X6-88 said in reply.
It was the boots, the damned combat boots! MacCready laughed louder.
"I do not believe you are in a position to be mocking me, Sir. If my calculations are correct, you have a higher chance of being affected by hypothermia due to your lack of body fat and muscle mass. Perhaps you should reconsider abstaining from the use of cigarettes and alcohol, it would improve your health immeasurably."
MacCready stopped laughing. "Did you just..."
"I believe the term is 'kicking while he's down,' sir."
"A'right...enough eh that." Nate stepped in.
If MacCready didn't know better, he'd have thought the courser was smirking at him from beneath those glasses.
"First things first," Nate opened the shed. "Take a couple rad-x tabs each...Codsworth is gonnae countdown from ten and ring the bell...when he does, ye run in. Simple as that. The last person out wins the prize. We've got fires burning, food grilling and booze on tap...so enjoy yerselves, aye?"
MacCready pulled his cap lower over his brow. This was going to suck.
"Let the games begin," Hancock shouted.
"Okay!" Nate announced. "Everyone in their positions. Codsworth, get ready to count us down, son!"
"As you wish Master Nate!" The Mr. Handy spun in place.
MacCready rolled his shoulders, trying to get the stiffness out of them. He could do this. He had to win. Five hundred caps were on the line.
The merc watched the crowd gather around the water's edge, everyone ready to make a break for it as soon as the robot started counting.
"Are we ready to commence the New Year's celebrations, sir?"
"Aye Codsworth." Nate smiled.
"Very good, sir. I shall begin the countdown now…Ten!"
This was it.
MacCready bent his knees, ready to sprint.
A quick glance left and right, and he noticed all the other competitors were doing the same.
His eyes locked with Nate's, and the bastard winked at him.
Was he planning something?
The sniper shook his head.
He could beat Nate. He's hardy...grew up in a cave!
Focus, Robert. Just focus.
He was doing this for Duncan.
"Happy New Year, everyone! GO!!!”
He couldn't do this.
MacCready darted in the opposite direction as the rest of them.
"Ye wee bastard!" Nate shouted after him.
Fuck you, old man! He was out of there.
"Not on ma watch, laddie," Nate's footsteps pounded after him.
Shit, shit, shit.
"Stay the heck away from me!”
"Och, quit bein' such a rad-chicken!" Nate sped up.
MacCready's heart was racing, and he wasn't sure if it was from running or the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Either way, he needed to outrun the bastard.
"Ye're slowin' down!"
"Like hell I am!" MacCready shouted back at him.
Suddenly, there were arms wrapped around him.
"Got ye! Now intae the drink we go!" Nate lifted him off the ground and over his shoulders.
MacCready struggled in vain. "Put me down!"
"Not a chance! Ye're goan in!”
The world moved in slow motion. He could see Nate's feet running over the grass and dirt as he neared the water's edge. People were cheering, and dogs were barking.
Nate dove forward, releasing his grip on the merc, and they plunged into the icy cold waters below.
For a moment, MacCready floated through the murky depths. Then, he kicked upwards, breaking the surface of the water with a gasp.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Duncan forgive him! MacCready flailed as the frigid temperature of the water hit him. "It's freezing!"
"Aye, it's a wee bit nippy," Nate said calmly, swimming beside him. "Just breathe...in and oot."
"Breathe!?" MacCready screamed at him. "I'd rather—holy shi--"
"See, now ye're gettin' it," the older man was grinning like a madman.
"I'm going to kill you!"
"No if ye freeze...flap yer haunds aboot a bit..."
"C'mon, Mac! Dad knows what he's talking about!” Shaun called from the bankside.
"Your father is insane!" MacCready pointed at the boy.
"Our father!" Shaun smiled and gave him a double thumbs up.
"Get it together, son!" Nate splashed water in his face. "Ye can do this."
MacCready growled and splashed him back. "I hate you."
Nate laughed. "C'mon...I can tell ye're getting used to it."
"I hate you so much," he swung his arms forward, moving them through the water.
"Nah, ye don't...if ye did, ye wouldn't be here now," Nate swam close to him. "It's just water...it cannae hurt ye."
MacCready glared at him. "I'm not..."
"Course not...yer the toughest son of a bitch I know..."
"Tougher than you?"
Nate's grin grew wider. "Guess we'll see."
"Bring it on, Old Man," MacCready's shivering subsided as he kept moving.
"Enough eh the "old" talk..."
"You're over 200...that's old..."
"That doesny count..."
"Says who?"
"Says me!" Nate ducked under the water, and MacCready braced himself for the inevitable.
A sudden tug on his foot, and the merc dropped beneath the surface. The shock of cold hit him once more, and he clawed his way to the top.
Nate surfaced and shook his head like a dog, somehow the glasses on his fat head still stayed on.
"Fun, ain't it?"
"How are you not frozen?" MacCready was panting now.
"Been dookin' since I was a wee lad," Nate answered. "The cauld...it's in ma blood."
MacCready cursed under his breath. "Sure, whatever you say."
Nate just laughed in response. "Another one down..."
"Seems Piper's given up."
MacCready glanced around. Sure enough, the reporter was making her way back to shore.
"She's smart," the merc remarked.
"Ye did good, lass!” Nate shouted after her.
"Thanks, Blue," she waved before wrapping herself in the towel Codsworth had waiting for her.
"Woo...goddang I can't feel my digits!" Jake's voice cut through the chill in the air.
"Here's hoping your tongue is next..." Aiden drawled.
MacCready chuckled at the snide remark.
"Ma chère, this is most invigorating!" Curie was just... standing there in the water.
"That's one way of putting it," Piper pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders.
"I can't...I'm out...ye are all mad!” Cait finally relented.
"I have to agree with you," Preston shivered, retreating.
"As long as I outlast the Brotherhood's cheer squad...I'm a winner..." Deacon chittered next to Danse.
"My training has prepared me to withstand all manner of conditions...you should consider admitting defeat while you still can."
"Nah-uh, Tin Can," the spy retorted. "I once disguised myself as a snowman for six hours...wait till you hear where I placed the carrot..."
Danse just grunted at him.
"This is a rush!" Hancock stretched his arms above his head.
"You say that until your bits fall off," MacCready jested.
"How do you know mine haven't already?" Hancock teased him back.
"Ugh...why the hell am I here..." Aiden grumbled.
"Because Slick asked us to be...so quit your complainin'..." Jake answered.
"Ye alright, sweetheart?"
MacCready nearly swallowed a mouthful of water when he heard that. Sturges was staring right at him.
"I'm fi--fine!" he stammered.
"Yer shakin' like a leaf," the mechanic continued, sweeping back his wet hair.
"I'm just...cold...nothing I can't handle," the merc replied, trying not to stare.
"Well good luck to ya...I need a beer." Sturges swam past him, heading toward the bank.
"I'm with him on that one," Aiden followed.
MacCready gazed longingly at the shoreline. It was tempting. He could just give up now.
Nate smirked at him. "Don't ye dare..."
"I wasn't..." the merc lied.
"Sure ye weren't–”
"It appears something has entered my armor! I appear to have been compromised!" Danse's booming voice rang through the air.
"Nothin' in this water but us, big guy," Hancock called out.
"I can assure you, I am not mistaken! There is something alive inside my suit!"
The spy swam closer to him. "Maybe it's a bloatfly larvae...they like to burrow in wet organic materials..."
Danse froze. "What?"
Deacon tried not to laugh.
"I must terminate this creature immediately!" Danse was starting to panic.
"I shall accompany Monsieur Danse in his endeavor," Curie volunteered.
"I'm out...I'm not missing this! Thanks for the swim, guys." And with that, Deacon climbed out of the water.
"Fascinating...perhaps I should join them," X6-88 followed suit.
"I ain't missing this... Tapping out," Hancock was next.
And then there were three.
"How're ye feelin'?”
"Fine..." MacCready answered.
"Naw really, how are ye feelin'?" Nate asked again.
"I feel...alive," the merc admitted.
"Ye still cold?"
"Too numb to tell..."
Nate let out a belly laugh at that. "That's the spirit."
"Slick?" Jake was shivering now. "I think I'm at my limit."
"Aye...let's get ye warmed up and some scran in ye," Nate agreed.
MacCready watched them climb out of the water. Nate gathered up a blanket from Codsworth and slung it over the pair of them.
"Ye coming, lad? Or do I need tae send Strong in tae get ye?"
MacCready watched them for a moment, Nate's arm resting protectively around the engineer's waist as they walked back toward the common area.
He...he won?
"Yeah...I'm coming..."
"Well done Master MacCready! A stupendous display!” Codsworth greeted him as he clambered out of the lake.
"Thanks, Codsworth," MacCready replied.
The Mr. Handy draped the blanket over his shoulders. "Come now, you must be famished after all that excitement."
"I'm starving..."
Nate rested his head on Jacob's shoulder, fresh clothes and a warm fire and an assortment of familiar faces, it was the perfect way to spend New Years.
"I hope everyone enjoyed themselves today," he said softly.
"You know I did, Blue," Piper replied as she sipped her hot chocolate.
"Me too!" Shaun sat cross-legged on the floor with Dogmeat's head in his lap. "This place is pretty great!”
"Indeed sir," X6-88 agreed. "The festivities were quite enjoyable."
"Oh it was most enjoyable indeed, Monsieur! Perhaps we could participate in this 'dooken' again next year." Curie leaned into Cait's side.
"Ye can count me in!" Cait kissed her on the forehead.
"What are you gonna call him?” Hancock asked, his chin propped up by his hand.
"Call who?" Nate frowned.
"His Stowaway," the ghoul said, nodding to the bundle in Danse's arms.
"My desire is to call him Cutler...but I fear I may not be able to adequately tame him..."
"Cutler is a fine name for a Mirelurk," Preston reassured him.
'I think so too," Hancock agreed.
"This is fascinating. I have never observed a juvenile hatchling in this state before," Curie commented as she peered over Danse's arm. "He is so well behaved!"
"These creatures are normally quite aggressive...but this one...I find it...endearing." Danse admitted.
"I know that feeling," Hancock smirked.
MacCready shifted in Beau's embrace, stretching his legs out in front of him before settling into the comfortable warmth surrounding him.
"Happy New Year," he yawned.
"Happy New Year," Sturges echoed, pulling him closer.
An array of voices replied with similar sentiments.
It made Nate proud. Somehow in the midst of chaos, they found each other, and despite the differences they once shared, the prejudices they had held, he brought them together. He only hoped it would be enough to see them through whatever the Wastes would throw at them next.
Nate leaned over and kissed Jake on the cheek. "Welcome tae the family."
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danses-with-dogmeat · 10 months
2000 Followers Celebration!!!
& Fallout Alphabet Poll End Results!
Hey all, so the secret is out! (Kinda) But all these past polls have been the prelude to my 2K Followers Celebration BONANZA. (That's not the official title, I just wanted to use the word BONANZA).
Anyway, a HUGE, MASSIVE thank you to every single one of you folks who are a part of this little community and who've supported me and my fanfiction writing journey for the past few years (which is crazy that it's been that long, omg.) But I love and appreciate you all SO MUCH and am absolutely baffled that I've made it to this. I thought 100 was crazy, then I thought 1K was crazy and then it just kept on going! Ahh, I'm just so so so glad that there's a thriving Fallout community out here of amazing writers, artists, and fans that are still so involved 😊
I don't know what I would do without this space, so thank you all for being a part of it <3
ANYWAY (x2) Here are the final results to all 22 polls that I posted, with more event details just below!
So I've posted the 1st place winners, 2nd place, and then a 3rd "runner up" position that will only be filled by non-companion npcs, just to give them a chance to shine, and me a chance to write for some folks I'm not as used to. For the purposes of the 2k event, I will only be using the 1st place winners for the 'prompts' (which I'll explain in another post), and then a few of the 2nd placers and (almost) all of the runner ups will be used in ANOTHER upcoming event that I'm going to start prepping for (because I'm an insane person).
1st: Arcade Israel Gannon
2nd: Arthur Maxson
3rd: Dr. Amari
1st: Benny Gecko
2nd: Butch Deloria
3rd: Beatrix Russell
1st: Charon
2nd: Craig Boone
3rd: Caesar
1st: Deacon
2nd: Danse
3rd: Dazzle
1st: ED-E
2nd: Easy Pete
3rd: Edward Deegan
1st: Fawkes
2nd: Fahrenheit
3rd: Fantastic
1st: Gob
2nd: Glory
3rd: Gary(s)
1st: Robert Edwin House
2nd: Harold
3rd: Harkness
1st: Old Longfellow
2nd: Captain Ironsides
3rd: Oliver Swanick
1st: John Hancock
2nd: Joshua Graham
3rd: Julie Farkas
1st: The King
2nd: KL-E-O
3rd: Kent Connolly
1st: Lily Bowen
2nd: Legate Lanius
3rd: Red Lucy
1st: Mysterious Stranger
2nd: Magnolia
3rd: Moira Brown
1st: Nick Valentine
2nd: No Bark Noonan
3rd: Nate/Nora
1st: Preston Garvey
2nd: Primm Slim
3rd: Pickman
1st: Ulysses
2nd: X6-88
3rd: Dr. Usanagi
1st: Raul Alphonse Tejada
2nd: Robert Joseph MacCready
3rd: Rotface
1st: Sunny Smiles
2nd: Sturges
3rd: Swank
1st: Three Dog
2nd: Tinker Tom
3rd: Travis Miles
1st: Veronica Santangelo
2nd: Victor
3rd: Vulpes Inculta
1st: Whitechapel Charlie
2nd: Wiseman
3rd: Winthrop
1st: Yes Man
2nd: Captain Zao
3rd: Yefim Bobrov
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baddieladdie · 3 months
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On Love & Loss
For mature audience, TW: Grief, Fear
Description: Enemies to Lovers, Danse x Nora dramatic slow burn 🔥 with lots of angst, understanding, and overcoming loss in finding new perspectives.
Chapter 1 - The General
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- Year 2288, in the radioactive remains of North Boston -
Autumn had returned to Boston. 
The cloudy weather and lingering chill was the same as before. Barren trees lined the cracked pavement, littered with brown leaves. The evening breeze rustled through Nora’s hair and she drew her coat a little tighter around herself. It was cold, just like today was, when they were released from the hospital. A slow, mournful smile spread across Nora’s face as she savored the warmth of the memory. Nate gripped the leather steering wheel the whole ride home. She looked back to see her baby, her tiny son, asleep in his car seat. She placed a reassuring hand on Nate’s thigh, “It’ll be okay, darling! We have our whole lives together now.”
“Ew! You stepped on a radroach!” One of the children shrieked dramatically.
“That’s disgusting! Look at that green-goo coming out of it!”
The children groaned in disgust as Nora scraped the bug guts off her boot with a handy stick.
“Quite alright, kids! Just another joy of adventuring out in the wastes!” She forced a cheerful tone despite the grief weighing heavily in her chest.
“Bugs don’t scare me, Ms. Nora”
“That’s very brave, Samantha - but do be careful. Some of these bugs can pack a mean punch.” 
Nora used the moment of attention to take a brief attendance. All seven of the children she was tasked to guide to Sanctuary Hills looked back at her with tired eyes. Nora glanced up, squinted at the hazy light finding its resting place on the horizon. 
“This is as far as we’re walking today, my darlings. Let’s set up camp in that shed.” She pointed to a decaying shed in the distance. Though covered in scratches, moss, and blood, it was still standing.
“It smells funny in here, Ms. Nora” little Samantha complained as she wandered inside.
“It’s only for the night, I promise! We aren’t far now from Sanctuary Hills where the Minutemen have rebuilt all the houses. And in each and every house is a Mummy and Daddy waiting for you!”
The children giggled in gleeful excitement as Nora continued their nightly routine. She rolled out the fur blankets over the dirty floor and passed around dried radstag meat. Though it was crowded in the shed, the children were warm and protected from the elements. Just one more long night of keeping watch and Nora could finally get some proper rest in Sanctuary. 
The roar of a vertibird is a common sound in this part of the commonwealth, she didn’t stop opening the can of purified water to step outside. Those ‘ fanatical metal hoarders’ were likely after the bots down at Gray Garden. That damn Brotherhood faction could never mind their own business; Flaunting their entitlement to technology and its power wherever it revealed itself. 
Nora was more impressed by the ingenuity, integrity, and selflessness of the Minutemen. The title of ‘General’ imposed on her was certainly a surprise, but it was a duty that gave her a sense of purpose. Her duties as General that kept her sane over the last year. Helping others recover from disaster in a way she never could. She lived vicariously through the relief and joy she brought to settlers in need. The good deeds slowly cleansing her guilty conscience, plagued by memories from Vault 111.
The sound of spinning metallic blades got louder, strong gusts of wind shook the thin walls of the shed. Deafening her words, Nora frantically motioned for the children to stay inside. She pleaded silently with a non-existent god that the children would remain silent, safe.
Nora held her trusty knife close and cautiously peered around the corner wall of the shed. A BOS vertibird was closing in on their little set-up, far too fast for them to run. Not like they could escape the bullets from the minigun strapped inside. She mustered her confidence and stepped away from the shed and its safety. Wind tousled her auburn hair as she stared down the passengers - a pilot, a scribe, and a brotherhood knight wearing the standard issued X-01 power armor. The brotherhood crest painted boldly on the torso plate.
The 7ft tall metal man jumps down from the vertibird, its blades slowing to an eerie and silent stop. The rusted X-01 armor clanged loudly with every approaching step. The outline of a laser rifle mounted to his back became more clear. The man could end her with a single step. She only had cheap armor made of bent scraps and a knife. But Nora was always armored with her wits.
“Vault Dweller.” His voice boomed from inside the armor, “General of the Minutemen.”
“What do you want?” She squinted suspiciously. Not many would address her that way. Directly, with only titles. She preferred to be called by her name, even by foes.
“I just want to talk.” The man advanced towards her.
Nora backed away from the shed, pleading silently that he didn’t see the children she traveled with. Oh god, please let the babies stay silent.
“The hell you are, tin man!” Nora shouted.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” In good faith, the soldier stowed his weapon, turning his empty palms outward.
“I could never believe that! You wear more personal protection than I’ve ever seen and carry enough firepower to level a homestead. No. No! I don’t believe you.”
“The Brotherhood of Steel is here to protect the people of the commonwealth, just like you.”
Nora scoffs loudly. “How?” The rage in her voice as sharp as any steel blade. “By stealing and-and HOARDING the means of protection and defense to yourselves? How *exactly* are you helping anyone but yourselves? All I see is an army in a blimp and starving, frightened people here on the ground.” Her panting breath froze like steam, but the distraction was working. With every raging step, she moved further and further from the shed. That’s it, eyes on me big fella. The armored man was fixated on her, only her. “The brotherhood of steel is just a better organized gang of raiders.” She hissed.
“Whoever gave you that information was wrong, I assure you.”
"I didn't need anyone to tell me what to think. I've seen enough of what the Brotherhood does. You take what little food Commonwealth farmers have. They can’t fight back.”
The male voice spoke with holy conviction, “We offer them protection.”
The sound of a baby crying breaks his concentration on Nora. The cries are quickly muffled, but it’s too late, the man of the steel turns to face the shed.
“What are you doing out here anyway, general?” He turned slowly, the suspicion in his voice played into her fears. 
Shawn’s face flashed in her mind. She couldn’t stop herself from submitting to the anguish. “I won’t let you hurt them!”
Nora quickly draws her knife and races towards the man clad in heavy power armor. She leaps onto his back, one arm around his neck and the other preparing to drive the knife into his neck - one of the only exposed areas. Just like hunting turtles. But the armored man is far stronger and yanks her off by her arm. Nora screams as she feels herself flying to the ground.
The air is knocked out of her and she loses consciousness as her head slams against unforgiving ground. -> Chapter 2: The Paladin
Also posted on my ao3!
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imagine-silk · 2 years
Masterlist (Old)
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🍮 My Favorites
Peter B staring down Jess while hugging Autistic!Younger!Spider
Peter B taking Autistic!Younger!Spider to a meeting
Dragon Age Inquisition characters finding comfort with you
Yan!Sera headcannon
Josephine Montilyet headcannon
Cassandra Pentaghast headcannon
Varric with a Noir Detective 🍮
Dorian, Cassandra, and Cullen finding out a Scout has a crush on Varric🍮
What if Sten was Pining
Vegas AU ideas
Okay hear me out... Trian and Alistair
Origins Fake dating ideas(Commenter has a great one for Shale)
DAI Modern summer events (Sera, Josephine, Iron bull)
You're a dark elf (Solas, Dorian, Josephine)
How they show affection (Varric, Cullen, Morrigan)
Their child is sick (Cassandra, Josephine, Vivienne)
Pining over a scout (Varric, Cole, Josephine)🍮
Days Recovering; One, Four
Fallout Yan!Dudes with a courser s/o who left the Institute
Yan!Cait w/ Institute scientist Darling
Sole turns into a supermutant
Preston reacting to Sole w/ Auditory processing disorder (APD)
Yan!Girls Meeting your Assaultron Girlfriend
Yan!Girls w/ a tourist Darling
Reactions to terrifying super-ghoul
Super-mutant wing-man
Sole's accidental trick-shot
Sole painting companions in a surreal art style
Missing Sole turns up as a glowing ghoul
Girl companions meeting your ghoul parents
Sole sobbing uncontrollably when they come back from the Intitute
Modern!Companions comforting reader after a pet death (Not dogmeat's)
Cartoon door beat-up thing
Sole high on painkillers confesses (Deacon, Preston, MacCready)
Yan!Danse and Haylen react to Sole being former Enclave
Yan!Girls react to you saying you want to have a baby w/ them
Yan!Girls react to Sole leaving to hunt down an item and returning months later
Insults between dumb and dumber
Sole having four arms
Peaceful!Sole finally snapping at an ungrateful settler
Telling Yan!Girls you were once in the Enclave
Shooting Yan!Girls w/ a bubble gun🍮
Pouring your heart out to Yan!Girls
Companions gaining fire abilities
Companions (+Proctor Igram) react to a ripper doc
Life w/ Codsworth after the bombs dropped
Reader giving love-nips (Hancock, Nick, MacCready)
Scribe Haylen headcannons
Piper Wright headcannons
React to a magical girl w/ guns
Hancock, Deacon, Nick, and MacCready react to M!SS who shaves too much and ends up with a babyface
Companions react to Pacifist!Lycanthrope!SS who is stuck in werewolf form🍮
MacCready, Deacon, and Danse after a gore-y fight with blood everywhere🍮
X6-88's guide to cure love sickness🍮
React to the song Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
Chipper!SS breaking down after going to the institute
React to the song Glimpse of Us by Joji
Child giving them a friendship braclet (X6-88, Cait, Vadim and Yafim)🍮
Taking care of a Asian!Teen!SS(Travis Miles, Nick Valentine, Deacon)🍮
Deacon traveling with a Vampire SS(not romanced)
M!SS is protective over non-human companions (+Kent, Sturges)🍮
House husbands (Preston, Hancock, Deacon)
Favorite place to go for a date (X6-88, Preston, Hancock)
Yandere (Cait, Curie, Piper)
Having a trouble-making twin (Hancock, Nick, Piper, Deacon)
Yandere Preston, Gage, Danse
Relationship milestones (Deacon, Preston, Gage)🍮
Modern Companions
Modern Companions Love Interest/Ocs
You have a stutter (X6-88, Hancock, Piper)
When someone reacts negatively to them being a synth (With no interference)
What their kisses are like (Deacon, Hancock, Curie)
What are mornings like (MaCready, Cait, Preston)
Danse and Nate smut I wrote drunk
Marvel characters being inebriated
Finding a portrait of them you painted
Secretary!Trilogy!Peter finding out he's in love with you
Natasha and sleepy kisses
Secretary!Spidermen; You doze off
Secretary!Spidermen; Winter dates i guess
Secretary!Spidermen (MCU, TASM, Trilogy, Peter B., Miles Morales)
Secretary!Spidermen; Getting you ready before a meeting
You're a Slime (Peter, Tony, Bruce)
Glass in my hands (Scott Lang/Fem!Reader)
Yandere husband!Hank + son!Connor x willing!Darling
Supernatural lore ideas
Gavin having a surgeon husband
"You're so cute." (Hank, Gavin, Chloe)
Hugging them out of the blue (Hank, Gavin, Chloe)🍮
You don't like androids (Simon, Luther, Markus and Carl)🍮
Meeting your parents (Hank, Markus, Gavin, Elijah)
Darling is very tactile (Yan Connor, Hank, Gavin)
Please I need this Bagginshield ending
Yandere Elliott
Yandere Sam, Sebastian, Emily
Star Trek: Next Generation; Having a crush on Data (+Socially awkward)🍮
Overprotective!Yan!Parvati/Nyoka + trying to escape
Parvati romance headcanons (still ace)
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maccreadysbaby · 1 year
My Top Three Fo4 Fics (A review!)
(these are mentioned in the order I read them in)
Garage Rat by Kamisori (Ao3)
Garage Rat is a self-insert reader x RJ MacCready fic.
I have read this one twice all the way through, and it seriously never gets old. Every single part of you, the main character, is thought out precisely, from the complex past to the interactions with other companions. It not only features MacCready, but nearly every other companion, and many side characters, the most prominent of which being Danse, the Atom Cats, and Sturges. Nate is the Sole Survivor, and the main character works under him and with him. MacCready’s storyline gets completed (how, I will not spoil.) And it is an adorable slow burn. 10/10 would recommend, would read a thousand times over.
The Father(s) and Son(s) by Sir_Man_Mister (Ao3) @sirmanmister
The Father(s) and Son(s) is a platonic male sole (Damien) and RJ MacCready fic.
I finished this one just recently and it just. Was so good. It addresses many things that canon doesn’t, for example, how a stimpak actually works and weaving that into a beautiful storyline, and the Sole Survivor (Damien’s) feelings. Because they have them, no matter if canon addresses it or not! It is just a beautiful display of the reality that Sole would go through, the mood swings and pain and heartbreak the game pretends isn’t there. It adds just a little more volume to the wasteland, to the characters, everything. And the platonic MacCready and Damien father/son relationship is just stunning. From teaching him how to shave to simply being there for each other while they cry on a roof over their kids, it is just as fulfilling as a romantic MacCready fic, if not, more. I cried a lot while reading it. 10/10 please read it.
Stimpaks and Sniper Rounds by just_another_wasteland_merc (Ao3) @just-another-wasteland-merc
Stimpaks and Sniper Rounds is a female sole (Em) x RJ MacCready fic.
NSFW / SFW (only one nsfw scene so far, though!)
This fic explores so many different aspects of being a human. It touches on things the game doesn’t — like a sole that’s been (spoiler!) abused, verbally or otherwise, in their past, as well as the trauma of being a field medic and the sole having personal medical needs. The trauma and repercussions are so delicately handled and deliberately thought out. It isn’t just a fic where someone throws a bad past at a sole to make them sad, it’s a story of her healing, dealing with it sticking in her mind. The relationship between Em and MacCready is also handled with a graceful delicacy and I found myself shouting “just kiss already!” at my phone several times, but not in a bad way, in a “this is a very healthy, realistic slow-burn” kind of way. Everything from emotions to injuries is handled so nicely in this fic and I could not love it more. (Plus, the way MacCready is written is just *chefs kiss*) 10/10 recommend more than air.
If anyone wants me to take their story off this list I will!
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Fooling around together - Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor Fanfic
This is the 5 part of a series of fics im writing lately, the order will be:
May I use your shower?
Volver a tener algo
Addicted to Chems
This one: Fooling around together
Traumas at the Commonwealth
Being awake
Since im in a rampage writing with this new ship I want to make some announcements
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
  Danse didnt know how much of his life was actually…his life…
There was Haylen and Rhys since all the other members of his squad died under his command…theres also the registers on the brotherhood…but he cant access anymore since he was banished and there also was…
But he didn’t have much record, a few months maybe.
Now and on he has Nate to count on him, of course the man wouldn’t only be a register of his existence but…he is a relieave proof of existence…
Maybe Nate can ask about the registers of his ADN on the brotherhood files but…
Danse sighted, he didn’t know how to ask that…
He didn’t know a lot of things. He was so unsure of everything…well Nate also was unsure, more paranoid than anything…
But now he had him, and Nate refused to let him go despite his true identity
-I love you beyond that-the man said to him in an ocation he was having a dark episode, is not like he didn’t care or take it on consideration but…-I love you Danse- love was stronger
A blush appeared on his face, and when it was time to came out his thoughts…
Ok it was 19hs and they were lucky to find an abandoned house with  the walls in almost acceptable state, the rest of the house of course had already been looted and scrapped but…having 4 walls to sleep was a start, at least to avoid the commonwealth animals around…it was getting dark and they needed a place to sleep for tonight, Nate learned the bad way to not  travel at night so when Danse said a few hours ago to start looking for a place to settle…he obey.
It didn’t pass much time since…they confessed, and expend together their first sleep, it wasn’t a big thing tho, just a few blowjobs and handjobs, this days weren’t nice and they didn’t find a nice spot to sleep or bath, at least he can think that’s the reason why they didn’t advance much…there was rush there was definetly rush but…Nate wanted to stop, and he was fine with it, but it makes him wonder what was happening since the vault man was the one who started…and seem more hungry of his body even but he always wanted to stop at some point…
Tonight…he sighted…well it was still an awfull place for that…maybe that was the reason? A special place and ocation? It was weird since they were both pretty adult man and that was…a really childish reason…a hygiene thing? Sure they didn’t bath but sometimes Danse think that Nate was going to devour him and then stops!
Grieve? He was a widower after all…maybe he is dealing with some feelings…
The house they were now setted…was weird…small, one of that classic wood American houses of less than 10m but two floors…beautifull garden and terrain but small house, as he saw in Santuary Hills Nate had one completely different, modern, he will say,  large with a low height but 4 rooms…this was weird because you enter, see the living room with the table and tv for family dinner,  a little kitchen to the side… a door out to the garden…a circular stair to go up and two bedrooms but…where the hell, where the hell where the bathrooms!? This was weird!
Not like he didn’t care about the poor choices an arquitec made building this house 200 years ago but this was weird, and a lot of houses around the commonwealth have the same problems, you see that wooden furniture full of decorations…so this people had money…but not a bathroom!
-Are you done with the checkings? –scream Danse to the upside floor, they went in the house and agree that there was no much time to keep wandering at open field to walk, so better just take this one to sleep and make a fire, but but but always was important to check out, you never know when theres a feral ghoul sleeping under the bed…maybe he was a normal person until a week ago an just transformed while cooking and out of nothing you get a bit on the neck trying to rip you off, so the procedure to find a place to sleep was…
1- Find a place
2-Check open spots on the rooft, find a place to put a bed
3- Look out for people, ghouls, or some animals
4- Loot if theres anything
5- Secure doors and open windows
6-Step out the power armors and park them in front of the door the room you are sleeping
7- ?????
Finding a place with a bathroom was secondary tho, there wasn’t much of that around so better not have hopes about it…
I mean they can poop in a bag and trow the bag away from a window at least, of course that wasn’t the best but is not like there was another option…
-Seems fine…theres a lot of furniture we can use to seal the windows, help me with the power armor- As soon he went up the stairs Nate was waiting for him with a wooden table flip to the side –help me to move, I preffer to not have sunlight than let a pack of flys get inside in the night –the ex-paladin nooded and help the new-paladin to place the table as a woodenboard –theres that drawer, crate,  organizer and bookshelds…none of this windows have glass so…-again, the ex-paladin noded like he was the soldier under the commander officer…but he was now so, better help…
Once the original order of the room has been complete changed in order to protect their asses, practically boarding the entire room booth looked at their work, Nate sighted.
-There are some matress here we can use? Or better unpack the sleepingbags?
-Nono…apparently two adult people lived here, no childen, theres one matress on each room, lets pick them, move them here and trow the beds into the stairs, I don’t thrust the entrance of this house, better have the way blocked.
-And how are you planning to get out the house in the morning? We cant just make our way out with the power armors its difficult to move and punch stuff, better not get stuck.
-Lets jump from the windows, we are not that high from regular ground, but imagine if some raiders have in the night the same idea as us, these roads at not so lonely as you may think, theres a lot of caravans also so better make this place…unusable for any one that isn’t us…after all this house doesn’t have a bathroom what the fuck
Danse giggled, he had his same idea, it was silly because it was an obvious thing to notice but…it melted his heart.
-Let me force the door, put a booksheld in the front, get up and then we are trowing the beds down and let them crash okay? –Nate nooded and Danse went down, as he see around  the little kitchen still have the refrigerator, so with the power armor strength he took out the steel door, use it as a block on the main door of the house, and then, just for security, picked up the entire refrigerator and trow it to the entrance, crealy blocking the way out…
Well there was open windows around the living room…but thing wasn’t to let people know they were setting up for the night so the less scandal they do the better, after all it was just a place to sleep…just 8 hours and out it cant be that difficult…he went up and meet his partner, then both went to the room and pick up the bed each one from one side, moved a bit to the stairs to position and…Danse kicked it down the stairs, obviously the crash against the bars and walls make the furniture break and collapse, making a mess difficult to clean up. Then the process was repited with a second bed, and now there was two broken wood beds in the middle of the stairs, blocking the way to the first floor of the house, if anyone wanted to surprise them it would surely have to explode the entire floor to make them come down.
That was unlicky to happen, possible yes but pretty crazy also…
Behind him, Nate went to pick up another booksheld with the hands of the power armorand kick it where it was the start of the stairs, moving it, still blocking the way, more even, surprising Danse at the harsh sounds of everything crashing and breaking.
The man was paranoid lately.
-Help me with a second one-said the man looking to anoooother booksheld not so far but…
-Don’t you think is enough with this? If we block out the only source of air we left we might intoxicate if a fire starts or something
-I mean its not like the room is hermetic but…you have a point, alright –then, Nate take out his headpiece, letting it rest over his hands –lets go to the room, im all sore from walking in this all day
The ex-paladin laughted, his partner never was a fan of using a  power armor, too much worry he said, it breaks so easy he said, it uses so many materials to repair he said…so winy.
He started wearing all the time after they left the brotherhood behind…well Nate didn’t say he did
Danse sighted  at thinking in that and went into the room, the procedure was as always, close the door, block it with drawer and then park the power armor in front of the furniture that blocked the way…Nate did that, apparently in a hurry to be normal again and not a steel doll, the man still have his fusion core on the hand…
-Want me to have it for a bit? –Danse offer his best help at seeing him so exhausted, but it was useless, since he came back from the institute he always looked this way.
-No, just came off yours so I can hide your fusion core too, park it in front of the matress, back to us like always.
The ex-paladin was actually happy of having this security procedures together, it went all one day that one caraban stole one of Nate power armors…the ones he collected at Santuary Hills…he always left them with the fusion core on until a woman name Carla stole one and refused to get out, the vault man didn’t want to kill her but he went sure to make a few holes on the armor with a  carabin…..
Still, not enough to scare her and have the armor back so…never a fusion core at anyones reach, too risky
He did as he was told, after all Nate was a paladin now and he was a…citizen of the commonwealth…not a paladin anymore…damn he broke his ass for that title…but Nate too, still he didn’t have to obey him for that but it was time to rest anyway, the day was long and difficult as most days wandering in the wastelands…
Danse sighted at coming out the power armor, and then feel the other man hugging his waist, placing his cheek over his arm, the ex-paladin place a hand over the one on his waist and smiled, Nate craved sometimes for the touch, he didn’t like being separated with the armors.
-Do you want to start a fire or better eat some cans?
-Lets eat cans, I need the aluminium and the weight off, the water ones specially…is 1lt of water so…its weight…-the ex-paladin nodded and went to pick up their stuff, getting a can of purified water and some 200 years old pasta they found somewhere…radioactive? Hell yeah, it does matter? Well not exactly now for him as he was a synth…and Nate said something weird of not being affected by rads in the food after leveling up or something he didn’t pay too much attention.
Was he now or maybe always not affected by radiation? Was his human synthetized body affected or not? He was a bio-robot, clearly bio, Nate explained him the process how a synth is created in the institute and they managed to create life…soulless life, bodys without purpose until they put synth components to give them a personality, a memory bank, a processor…his mind wouldn’t be affected never by the radiation but his body…maybe yes…but what was the limitations of a super human robot? Maybe they were designed to not be injured by radiation, after all they were designed super human robots, why not delete all flaws? If they were trying to continue human species like before the war…
Don’t keep thinking on it.
His brain repeated, for the third time in the day.
Sometimes he looses on the confusion of now being a synth but all life before being human…his sane mental state some times appeared to take him out the thinking depressive things hole, he was gratefull that still being walking on this difficult new path he was sane and conscious of how things were developing.
And Nate was right there to help him too.
They didn’t have forks or spoons to eat, they mostly put the can in their mouths and pray for the food to decide to come down onto their throats, then clean with a tissue, poor? Yes, the only option they had now? Also yes? Confortable? Well definetly not but…Nate say they were still together like this, that it wasn’t going to be much different for him to be all alone in Post Bravo…
The new paladin sat over the matress and went to open the pasta cans, Danse was so unsure of so many things lately…does he need to eat? He preffered to give Nate the food if he really was a robot but he remember feeling hungry or fainting from starvation before…those were really vivid memories…
-You seem in pain –said Danse sitting next to him, the man looked uncomfortable, the way his back was arched didn’t look right.
-You know im not fond of 24/7 power armor as you, it wasn’t a good idea to travel with one…I don’t wanna leave it behind but I don’t wanna use it either…-it was funny how there wasn’t a real currency and still Nate managed to be miserly about resources –I could hide my face some other way…
-I preffer your safety, is important to use it
-I been picked up and trow to a wall more times than my hand fingers can count without a power armor –said giving Danse one of the cans, the man picked it and moved the cold pasta a bit with his finger to make it loose
-I still preffer you with one on
-Im eating, make a pee and go to sleep, tonight is cold and im tired, we walked a lot
-Want me to take a guard?
-No, lets sleep together, I need your warm –Danse cheeks burned, it wasn’t like a code or anything but lately that phrase ended up with them getting all horny whenever they are sleeping, it was true they sleep more confortable in each other arms but it was also true that most of the situations ended up with them making up.
Alright then, this would be the night maybe?
Danse place the can over his lips and open his mouth, waiting for the pasta to go down to think in something else.
Situation wasn’t perfect, hell yeah it was shitty, they been in this exact same position before so it wasn’t new but there wasn’t any hope of a hot shower for Danse anymore now, there wasn’t a clear future for him, it disappoint Nate so much that the only thing he can offer the man was this…poor living conditions…better this than let him sacrifice for the Brotherhood ideals but still…he save him and force him into a crusade to run around the Commonwealth and avoid his responsabilities…this was the best he can offer right now…
Of course, he can come back to Sanctuary, Codsworth was always waiting for him but…one day he saw a small camp with a perfect view to the vault 111 in the forest with one small symbol drawed very similar to the ones the Railroad uses…that realization make his spine shiver, he would never feel safe at home again, someone is always watching, no matter on which side.
The thought made his body tremble, and as fast Danse noticed this, he put an arm around his shoulders.
Nate thought that Danse did it because it was cold, but the ex-paladin knew that Nate has demons just like him inside his mind, all the time…
There was noise, a lot of dark and ugly noise around them and it was their duty to mutually take care of each other and disperse the noise away from their minds.
He often find the man zooning out, trembling, falling, sighting or wanting to suppress a unexpected cry.
And just like Nate did it with him, he would watch over him too.
Danse finished his can of pasta, trow it to the next wall and then place his head over Nates shoulder, placing a hand over his knee while the man eat.
The man became a mistery after coming back from the institute…well both have flipping life changing experiences after all…like seeing the world burn wasn’t enough for Nate…
After Nate finished eating and drinking for the night, the miserly man pick up the cans and let them next to his things, preparing to go to sleep.
-Do you realize we need to find a station to fix your power armor right? Im not going to carry your trash until we find that –Danse was already laying on the matress, looking at his boyfriend peing against a hole in the wall, goddamit the new paladin find it hilarious to do that silly stuff and Danse didn’t get it, I mean it was practicall since the liquid and the smell wouldn’t stay with them but he did this in everyplace they sleep.
-Im not planning to, when did I ever gave you my trash?
-Im still carrying your fat-man
-Oh no im not hearing this, you are carring it because when I tried to get rid of it you said “nonono you cant go around dropping valuable things like that” like a angry dad, even if theres fat-man all around the corners…
-Well i…
-If it bothers you so much I should scrap it…
-Don’t even think on that
There was a brief silence, then a buckle from Nate, and then one from Danse, both laughted.
Nate tucked his dong after using a tissue, but didn’t actually fix his pants, when he turn around Danse saw him and blushed a bit, yeah, he suspected well…The man slowly made his way to sit next to him in the second matress and hold his cheek, looking directly at his eyes.
-Are you alright? –this was a way Nate had to ask him if it was okay to…advance…if he was unconfortable, too tired, too cold, sick, hurt or emotional he preffered to wait for the next day, but yeah, today he was fine, a bit tired just like him but…as fine you can be in the wastelands…
-Im okay –Danse hands went to the sides of Nates hips, making the man tremble a bit at the touch, but as soon he did that the new paladin lift his leg to sat over his stomach.
The positive thing about being on top of Danse was the view…Danse was actually a bit skinny but in comparision he was huge in size and Nate was so in love with that...both hands went to his cheeks, caressing the tick hairs of his black beard…gosh it was so masculine and handsome…
-I look at you and I cannot think on another thing more than telling you how much I love you…-the ex-paladin laughted a bit, enyoing the sensation of his fingers in his jaw, moving his fingers in circles over his hips
-You sure you are not just lusting?
-I think I have reasons to say that I love you deeply –Nate gave him a playfull smile at it, getting more closer to his face, and then out of nothing Danse hand moved to his crotch, pressing over the pants and the underwear,  surprising Nate but taking a soft moan out.
-I have my reasons too –Nate laughted and his torso went down, laying on top of Danse chest, his mouth looked for his and  he was well received with a deep and warm kiss, moving his head to the side to make them space confortable.
Yeah, this was right, this was definetly the thing he looked all over the day, if they could just disappear and be this close together without having to worry about surviving…
Danse hummed on his mouth and that surprised the other man, apparently he was having a blast with just a kiss, his hands moved to his wast, securing his grip at hugging him tightly, Nate moved his head a bit and the ex-paladin went desesperate to eat his mouth, they were not getting separed for  oxigen until someones head gets red and both separate laughting from the intensity
Nates hands went down, moving all around his chest, pressing firmly with the tip of his fingers all it was avalible to touch, he loved how the man feel so firm and hard anywhere, the thing that really make him have doubts in the first place was how handsome and perfect he was and…he was having it, it was his, after wishing it for so long…
Nate went off the kiss because he was smiling, took some air and then went back to eat the ex paladin mouth in a tongue kiss, hands getting brave to get under his shirt and feel the warm of his skin, not to mention the beautifull sensation of the hair of his torso and arms…
Danse felt hot, really hot, Nate always rushed, had a level of intensity hard to keep, same as fightings, the man jumped directly in the face of danger and in bed he jumped directly to what he most desired…He loved that hands, hands that didn’t despise him for what it was, he could believe that as a synth he had no right to be loved or desired but it wasn’t like that, the other man was so fonded with him that he couldn’t care less about it, having that deep conection really make the ex paladin head fly…yeah…he liked this…he whished for this moments with him…a moan died between  their tongues and he could feel how Nate went more exited from it, the man moved to sit more confortable over his hips and have a better pose, moving his hands to the side of Danse body, firmly grabbing and getting delighted with his abs, again, making the ex paladin moan, it tickle but also feel good.
Danse hands moved down again, placing over Nates pants in his clothed ass gripping with a bit of strenght, the man on top of him shiver at the touch, but as he bite his tongue and rob a moan he didn’t pay much attention to the rest…the feeling of Nates fingers tangling over the hairs on his chest make him snap a bit and pay attention to the sensations over his body, above being hotheaded, he was hard, very hard, his buldge was against Nates leg where he was sitted and take a moment to check over the situation, looking down, confusing the vault man who was enjoing the kiss at being separated like it…
Well look at that…an unconscious reflex made him buckle his hips, making the man on top move a bit, a groan came from the back of his throat at how good it felt, calling Nate attention, who stood up just to look too…Danse hands secure his grip onto his hips and set a peace where he would buckle slowly and soft into him and would move him a bit, trying to be circular but of course it wasn’t perfect, he close his eyes, goddamn it felt good, the rubbing with his crotch and his body was amazing but…
-Danse –Nate called for him, Danse was in a trance that took a few more attempts of him calling his attention before he could snap-Danse! –he sluddenly open his eyes…why wasn’t Nate moving? His hands went down, wasn’t he enjoying it as much as him?
-Are you alright? –said the ex paladin, it was true, the man didn’t make any move but he also wasn’t playing much attention. Nate seemed a bit…conflicted…not confortable…
-Sorry theres something I want to tell you –the ex paladin went up on his elbows, looking at his face, Nate went to cup his cheeks with a hand and place the other over his hot neck, liking how thick it was under his fingers.
This was it, this was the moment where they stopped but he never ask to…talk before…it was good it was good it was an advance…
-Sorry i…-the man sighted for a moment, taking a breath before looking down again- I been thinking a lot this days…and I really try to be open and give it a chance…to like it…-one of his hands grabbed Danse to put it over his crotch, sure he had an erection, he was hot but…all rubbery…not hard hard…it was very different from him, that sadded Danse for a moment but he was willing to hear his concerns…-I do not feel comfortable receiving…this…-he said as he pushed his ass against Danse buldge- doesn’t feel right for me…
Danse sighted in surprise…ok he could deal with this is it was nothing…
-Its okay, do not feel bad for it –while this is clearly a turn off because of how much he was enjoing it he can understand the man worries…
-I do, because I want you…but I know I don’t like this…-said again, jumping a bit over the ex paladin erection still on his underwear, he was doing it on purpose- sorry I been trying for days to try to feel confortable with the idea but I cant…
-We can do another stuff…-this hit hard because lately he was thinking what was his real sexual experience…he cant make differences between the memorys implanted by the Institute and the ones he at least lived the last months so…
-You don’t get it –the vault man went down, facing him, lips against each other, talking with his warm breath against his skin while looking directly at his eyes –I want you…
-Oh…-Danse hands moved up, to catch his shoulders and secure him there, it was a nice pose, he liked how his eyes melted over his…
God this was hot, so hot, body was burning in desire right now even if the goddamn conversation was just about not doing it…His head moved to the side and sighted frustrated but then, out of nothing, Nate went to his ear and left a little wet kiss before whispering with his hot breath..
-Don’t worry ill just have to find the best way to fuck you –hearing that last one make the ex paladin slurp saliva hard, frozen…but not frozen…completely still on his place but burning like crazy, a wave of heat danced from his toes to forehead at hearing that. God having pants on now was killing him, he didn’t want to make the other man uncomfortable but…
-I think we are kinda familiar with anal sex at his age…
Nate went back and had to use his hand to cup his mouth, snorking hard from the nose, Danse see the little wet drops from his nose as he tried to not burst in tears of laught, seeing him like that make the man also laught silly, it wasn’t actually that funny….but it was enough to trigger the silliness in Nates mind, and that always make Danse laught with him…
A few hands fly all around, playing with each other, laughting loud at the bad joke, Danse hands went to his stomach to pinch and play a bit making tickles and Nate went to defend himself from the little attacks, hugging the big man and moving around the matress.
Joy, this moments with him bring Danse joy…he could feel the man smile against his arm and shoulder and it make him feel his chest full of a very nice sensation.
A few moments later they relaxed a bit, Nate hugged him by the waist and make a hand find a way under his pants, finding so amazing how warm the skin of that zone was…
-I can help you for tonight…
-You don’t want anything? –Nate denied with his head, his fingers went more brave and down at meeting with his pubes, playing with the thick dark hairs at their encounter
-When I say im tired from the day I mean it…and I finally let this off my chest…I been forcing myself to try to like it so this is a relief
A bit disappointing? Yes but they weren’t in a rush or anything, and it could get better, he trusted the other man…habilities…
Danse kissed his forehead.
-You sure? –while he also desired the other man, to touch and kiss and bite and get off all the goddamn clothes off him…it was okay for this night, he admitted this wasn’t the best place and the conditions weren’t favorable –Okay…
Fingers went down down, getting lost between his dark hairs, making Danse shiver at expectation.
Nate moved to be between his legs, locking their eyes together and just make the most sexy smile he had ever seen, Danse feeled like he was going to be eat…and expected it harsh
-Stay with me for the rest of the night okay? I want your warm…-wait didn’t he say before that he needed the warm? the way that words left his mouth make his cock twitch, and the next thing Danse see before being obliged to close his eyes is the other man pulling his pants down to devour him entirely.
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mythacality · 2 years
The Ghoul and The Soldier: Chapter 1
A fucking, and I kid you not- a Danse X Hancock fic, also WARNING THERE IS SMUT
Thought about making this a one-shot but I want to make a chapter 2
John Hancock will never forget the that day Nate dragged a brotherhood paladin into Goodneighbor- he didn't know if he should of been angry at Nate for bringing a member of the botherhood here, or laugh at the paladins confusion and discomfort.
It wasn't long before John officially met the paladin.
"Heyyy Mayor..." Nate greeted Hancock awkwardly. John simply cocked his brow at him.
"This is Danse, Danse this is John Hancock, the Mayor of Goodneighbor!" Nate introduced.
Danse simply nodded at the ghoul.
"You're from the brotherhood right?" John inquired.
"Yes I am." Danse answered bluntly.
"You ever do chems on that blimp? Because that sounds awesome." Hancock asked jokingly.
Danse's eyes opened wide and his brows shot up at the question "N-no!"
"Hahaha! I'm kidding, I'm kidding... I figured as much..." Hancock laughed.
[Easy to mess with, noted...]
"So what are you doing here anyways?" John asked, re-composing himself.
"Just grabbing supplies, I wanted to make sure that you know know that Danse isn't going to bother anyone anytime we're here." Nate answered.
"Good to know..." John responded, eyeing Danse up and down.
"We'll be on out way now, come on Danse..." Nate said after a moment of awkward silence.
Every time Nate and Danse came around, Hancock tried to offer chems and alcohol to the paladin, wich Danse declined evey time.
"Come onnn... you're so stiff all the time, you gotta loosen up~" John teased.
"I'll have to decline, Mr. Mayor..." Danse refused.
"Danse, I told you more than once, John or even Hancock is fine, no need to be so formal!" Hancock laughed.
"I have to go now, Mr. Hancock..." Danse said, walking over to Nate.
[Well it was a small improvement.]
John learned that Danse was incredibly easy to make blush, and he didn't mind flirting with that man at all- he would stop and apologize if Danse looked uncomfortable, he wasn't that kind of ghoul.
Here's the thing, Danse didn't look uncomfortable whenever John flirted with him, more slightly annoyed and definitely flustered- wich Hancock found hilarious. It also made Danse stop being so formal towards Hancock, wich he enjoyed.
"Heya big guy, welcome back~" John flirted.
"Hello Hancock..." Danse responded, flustered- trying to repair his power armor.
"Where's Nate?" John asked curiously.
"I'm here on my own today..." Danse answered as he finished what he was doing.
"Oh? So... I have you all to myself?~" Hancock said, stepping closer.
Danse blushed, and then let out an annoyed grumble. John chuckled at that.
"Excuse me, I'm going to get something to eat before I leave..." Danse said walking past Hancock.
"Awww leaving already?" John pouted.
Danse rolled his eyes , continuing to walk as John followed right behind him.
Hancock managed to convince Danse to let him pay for his food and for them to eat together.
"Heh, it's like we're on a date~" Hancock teased.
Danse's whole face turned a lovely shade of red.
[How is he so easy to tease...] John thought to himself.
Danse look frustrated for a moment, and then re-composd himself before he spoke up "Hancock...." He sighed.
"Ah shit, I'm making you uncomfortable aren't I?" Hancock said, getting up from his seat.
"No- it's not that..." Danse said, standing up as well.
"Well then, what is it?~" Hancock stepped closer.
"....your flirting....is...working...." Danse mumbled quietly, embarrassed- blushing hard.
[HOLY SHIT, WHAT] John gasped, as his mind screamed.
"Are you fucking with me? Did you lose a bet or something?" John laughed, there is no fucking way.
"John-" Danse stuttered.
"Holy shit... you're really serious..." Hancock met Danse's eyes.
"Please don't tell anyone..." Danse mutterd.
"I won't tell a soul..." Hancock reassured.
"Really?" Danse sounded relieved.
"Yeah... really...." Hancock assured.
Danse took in a deep breath, calming himself as his heartrate slowed down.
"Thank you..." Danse smiled, his voice calm and steady again.
"For what? Being a damn good flirter?" John joked.
Danse then suddenly grabbed Hancock's hand and lead him to an alleyway nearby.
"What are you-" Hancock started, before Danse shoved him against the alleyway wall.
"Shuting up that big mouth of yours..." Danse grumbled and kissed the ghoul.
After a few moments, they broke apart and stared into each others eyes.
"You really like me huh?" Hancock smirked.
"Fuck off..." Danse groaned and pulled him close again, kissing him passionately, Hancock wrapped his arms around Danse's neck.
Soon enough, Danse had pulled away.
"I should probably go before someone finds us.." Danse muttered.
"Awww... okayyy~" Hancock said a little disappointed.
~~~a few of weeks later~~~
John was surprised that no one had caught on too his secret relationship with Danse by now, but he supposed that was for the better-
The two were cuddled up in John's room, wich he'd managed too sneak Danse into.
"Shouldn't you get going, handsome...?" Hancock said, nuzzling against Danse's chest- he didn't want the other to leave, but he didn't want Danse getting in trouble with the brotherhood.
"I can stay the night, they don't expect back until morning...." Danse assured.
"Really now?~" Hancock said, kissing Danse.
Danse hummed in response, grabbing the sides of Hancock's waist and deepening the kiss.
When the kiss broke, Hancock could see that Danse's cheeks were red and his pupils dilated- something now twitching against his ass.
"Someone's happy to see me~" John teased the bulge under him, making Danse tilt his head back and growl softly.
"Shut up, or I'm gonna take your clothes..." Danse growled.
"Is that a promise?" Hancock asked, his voice low, sending shivers down Danse's spine.
"Fuck, yes it is..." Danse growled.
He ripped off John's pants, flag and boxers off in one swift movement, tossing them aside, and then helped John out of his top layers as well.
"Mmm..." Danse moaned, running his hands over the ghouls scared body, John tilted his head back.
"I love how sensitive you are..." Danse whispered, causing a moan to escape from Hancock's lips.
Danse pushed Hancock onto the bed and stripped in front of him, the ghoul watch the show with glee. Danse leaned over John and kissed him agian, his hands roaming the ghouls body teasingly, and then pinning Hancock the mattress.
"Fuck Danse..." Hancock whispered.
Danse chuckled and ran his tongue across Hancock's lips, making the other gasp. Danse licked inside Hancock's mouth gently- Hancock moaned at the feeling.
"You ready?" Danse asked, breaking away, breathing heavily.
"Fuck yeah~" Hancock rasped.
Danse smirked and kissed the others neck and pushed his cock inside of Hancock.
"Ahhh fuck..." Hancock moaned, gripping onto Danse tightly as he thrusted into him, harder and harder, and faster and faster.
Danse held onto Hancock's hips, keeping their bodies aligned perfectly.
"Fuuucccccckkk..." Hancock whimpered, throwing his head back.
"Mmm fuck you feel good as always..." Danse grunted.
They continued on like this for several minutes. Then, Hancock began to shake, and moaning loudly.
"I'm gonna.... fuck..." John sputtered and whined as the pleasure became too much and he came hard with shuddering moans. Danse continued pumping his hips into Hancock, making him whimper and shake.
"I'm almost there....shit~" Danse groaned, his thrusts becoming desperate, Hancock's nails digging into Danse's back and shoulders.
"Fuuucckkkkkk..." Hancock yelled louder, shaking violently, his eyes squeezed shut.
"Ah FUCK!" Danse grunted loudly and finally buckled and he came inside of Hancock.
"DANSE!" Hancock yelled as he came again, breathing heavily.
"You okay?" Danse soothed, pulling put.
"I'm fucking fantastic big boy~" John huffed out, catching his breath "I'm gonna sleep good tonight, heh." He said
"Mhm~" Danse hummed in agreement, as he laid next to the other man and spooned him.
{End of Chapter 1}
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D - Drawings *and* S, Margot for the OC Alphabet game please!
"Drawings" belongs to Squire Woods! Like many of the other Squires on board, the Prydwen's smallest crewmember loves to draw. Being littler than everyone else often means that you end up with the odds and ends of art materials which the older children didn't want, but Woods doesn't mind very much. She treasures every discarded stub of chalk, every bit of scrap paper and every worn-down pencil, and lets her four-year-old imagination run wild with drawings of stick-figure Deathclaws, Liberty Prime, the legendary adventures of Elder Maxson (the only stick figure with a big beard and an impressive brown coat; we're not quite sure why he's shooting robots while riding a tiger through the jungle, but who are we to argue?) and of course, depictions of her hero, Paladin Danse. The last time he came back from a mission, she ran up and proudly presented him with a picture of him fighting green-scribbled Super Mutants. He was deeply honored by her efforts and made a point of congratulating her on how well she was coloring inside the lines.
Margot's "S" word is "Sanctuary", and of course, it refers to her beloved Pre-and-Post-War home, Sanctuary Hills. The little community began life as the original site of the Minute Man National Historical Park on the outskirts of Concord, MA, but the land was rezoned in an effort to provide housing during a record shortage - veterans and their families got priority, including first pick of the lots and discounts on their prefabricated Lustron Mk. II Homes! Margot and Nate's little blue House of Tomorrow now looks more like the House of Yesterday, but Codsworth's ministrations saved it from total collapse after the ravages of time and nuclear war, and Margot (and friends!) have done a magnificent job of restoring the place. Neighboring properties have been similarly restored and now house Jun and Marcy Long, Preston Garvey, Mama Murphy, Sturges (yes, the Rosa house is his - he couldn't resist the workshop!), as well as a few other new arrivals. Destroyed homes were leveled to the foundations and recycled into new buildings - they now house the little town's clinic, the bar (affectionately known as "The War Room"), the indoor marketplace, the local Minutemen barracks, and of course the armory. Margot and Sturges have even made a go at fixing the old Pre-War streetlamps, playground and the entry sign, to make the place look a bit more inviting. The only thing Margot hasn't able to restore to date was the big tree at the center of the traffic circle - she misses seeing it turn red in the fall.
Thanks for the ask, @theartofblossoming! Asks are still open to all. Original post is here if you need a reminder of the rules:
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