#nathaniel the support worker
weirdozjunkary · 8 months
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“You are my dad! (Boogie woogie!)”
Nathaniel- @moderator-monnie / @welcome-to-roomba-fazbender / @nathaniel-the-support-worker
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"You-... You seem to do good-... You seem like a very... Kind. A very kind man."
[He sounded nervous.]
"O-Oh! thank you, you seem rather nice as well, I-I always do my best to be kind and approachable."
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question for mod monnie: do you run any other blogs?
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Mod Monnie: why yes i do! i actually have 3 other object head ask blogs!
if you want wholesome grandpa with angsty backstory nathaniel is what you want
if you want a mafia member in dialtown who likes oranges too much go to nitti
and if you like furby's for whatever reason also clowns and pumpkins.... chork is your genderfluid friend!
Nathaniel , Nitti, Chork
and of course my main blog space-cores-adventures it's basically my main blog however i do post content on it as well!
my current passion project is Slammer Sonic my own take on Sonic.exe check it out if your a horror fan! just look up slammer sonic on my main and you'll find it easily
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klaartjesimblr · 8 months
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Nathaniel and Jarod stood outside their newly renovated camper, surveying their humble abode with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. After graduating from university, the duo had decided to embark on a new adventure in the charming town of Swansdale, seeking a simpler and more sustainable way of life.
"Can you believe we're finally here, Nathaniel?" Jarod exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face as he admired their handiwork.
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Nathaniel nodded, a sense of contentment washing over him. "It's been quite the journey, hasn't it? But I have a feeling this is just the beginning."
With the camper now their home base, Nathaniel wasted no time in bringing his vision to life. Armed with a passion for sustainability and a desire to make a difference, he set out to establish his own business, which he aptly named EcoHarmony Consultancy. The business aimed to provide eco-friendly solutions and promote sustainable practices within the community of Swansdale.
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Meanwhile, Jarod delved into the world of politics, securing a position as a campaign worker. His outgoing nature and natural charisma made him a hit among the townsfolk, and he relished the opportunity to connect with his constituents and make positive changes in their lives.
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However, as months passed, Jarod's political career hit a snag. Budget cuts and bureaucratic red tape made it increasingly difficult for him to enact the changes he had promised during his campaign. Frustration mounted as he struggled to navigate the complexities of local government, and soon enough, he found himself at odds with his colleagues.
"I thought politics was supposed to be about helping people, not endless meetings and paperwork," Jarod grumbled one evening, slumping into a chair at the kitchen table.
Nathaniel, ever the voice of reason, placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "I know it's tough, Jarod. But remember why you got into this in the first place. You have the opportunity to make a difference, even if it's not always easy."
Despite Nathaniel's words of encouragement, Jarod's frustration continued to grow. The mounting pressure and constant setbacks took a toll on his mental health, leaving him feeling defeated and disillusioned.
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It wasn't long before Jarod received news that he had been let go from his position. The blow was a hard one, and for a moment, he felt lost and uncertain about his future. But Nathaniel remained by his side, offering unwavering support and reminding him that every setback was an opportunity for growth.
"You know, Nathaniel, I may have lost my job, but I haven't lost sight of why I wanted to get into politics in the first place," Jarod said, a newfound determination shining in his eyes.
Nathaniel smiled, a sense of pride swelling within him. "That's the spirit, Jarod. No matter what happens, we'll face it together."
And as the stars twinkled overhead, casting their gentle glow upon the camper, Nathaniel and Jarod found solace in the knowledge that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other's backs.
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Nathaniel Barnes (& Harvey Bullock & Jim Gordon) Defending Homosexuality (Nathaniel Barnes x Male/Nonbinary/Not Cis etc. Reader, but this also has other cool stuff apart from romance like, uhm, him🤭😂)
@honestmrdual asked: So, about Barnes x reader request... How about Barnes and male reader, who insist on making their relationship known to public, at least in the precinct, and Barnes, pretty obviously, being opposed to this idea? Humour, or angst, or both, you can decide! :)
Author's note: Here are all of my thoughts, I hope you like them😊 This is soo much longer than expected
Reader: ambiguously not perceived as a woman (so a man, nonbinary, masculine/very androgynous woman, etc.)
Other featured characters: Harvey Bullock because he's gotta be against homophobia. Also a little mention of Jim & Oswald because they had something going there 😉
Warning: homophobia (not from the love-interest though 🙂), illegal homosexuality
First of all: whether homosexuality's illegal in Gotham or not, Nathaniel Barnes doesn't think of it as a sin. He may be a lawfully good character, thinking that the only line separating him from animals is the law, but he's not stupid: a healthy consensual relationship just isn't immoral, illegal or not. There's not the least bit internalized homophobia in him, and I can imagine that even if homosexuality was illegal, it would mostly go ignored by the police. Though it would be comically tragic for someone to get thrown into a cell next to an actual criminal. One's in for murder while the other just kissed their partner?? Gotham's crazy!
If it was illegal, Barnes would do anything in his power to make sure to help the wrongfully convicted. He starts out small by letting them go free on his own, going home in the evening to assure himself that you're still there in his arms, not in some cell. He knows he's already doing so much but what if it isn't enough?
He loves what you share and is very aware of how quickly things could go wrong, so when you ask him to make your relationship public, he's vehemently against it and very confused. "Did someone hit on you? Do you want to tell them that you're in a relationship? Because you have my full support to make up a partner if you want to."
When you tell him that that isn't the case, he assumes that it's something else. "Are you jealous? You know that I love you. I don't think that anyone at the GCPD wants to be with me." He leans towards you and lowers his voice, "But between us: I wouldn't want to be with any of them even if I didn't have you." He even tries to throw shade at his co-workers despite normally being very professional, "Some can be a little..." You smile at his obvious contrition, "Stupid?" you offer. He purses his lips and makes a vague hand gesture, which makes you laugh. He's really trying not to be mean.
Despite the now light-hearted atmosphere, you bring the conversation back to your request, and he gets serious again. The idea might sound naively dangerous to him but you obviously care about it, so he doesn't dismiss it right away. He wants to know whether there's a smaller problem that he can solve. Do you doubt his love for you? Are you afraid of someone taking him away from you?
If any of these is the case, he makes it one of his missions to prove you wrong. Not that he doesn't make you feel loved any other time. He's very thankful for you. But if it's not enough for you, then it's not enough. Feelings are valid...and so is your safety: he doesn't give in.
"Even just the fact that I'm a known police officer could put you in danger", he stresses, "And I can only think in horror of the hatred that would certainly be directed at us for other reasons."
Things continue as they were, until one day when he overhears some officers make fun of Jim Gordon for being called Penguin's bitch - with lots off ugly terms thrown at Jim - none other than Harvey Bullock, the man Nathaniel would have expected at least some homophobia from, defends his partner and gives them hell for the things they said.
"You got a problem with Jim banging a known criminal? That's fine with me, hell, I'd have a problem with it too if it was true! But you target my buddy because he's with a man? Seriously? Your girlfriend doesn't even know you've been looking at someone else, but you're criticising him for being in a consensual relationship, which, again, isn't even real?! Check your morals, man!"
"Okaay, Bullock, chill, I was just joking around. Besides: it's illegal, you know that, right?"
Harvey raises his eyebrows, "Well it shouldn't be." "Careful there, Bullock. Don't want to get thrown out by the captain, do we?" Harvey huffed, "I think he's got a little more common sense than you think." "You don't seem completely convinced." "Ugh, stop it. Get yourself a life. Maybe I'll ask him sometime."
Except that he doesn't. He has neither the time nor the nerves.
Nathaniel tells you the story, promising to work on it, just way slower than you wished. He waits until he heard the next hateful comment so that he could directly intervene, making his already planned speech later seem more natural.
So it comes that he spends more time outside of his office until one day when he heard Jim again, "Doesn't seem like Oswald if you ask me" followed by "Except that I didn't ask you, you fag-" "LANGUAGE", the commissioner's word gets everyone's attention, "like this is highly inappropriate here, any place really. You are police officers, show some goddamn respect!"
"But he's literally called his bitch in the streets-"
"Are we not in a police precinct?"
"Of course we are, sir, but it's also illegal to-"
"And do you not have a brain, detective?" "Sir, I wasn't trying to say that detective Gordon is seriously a f-"
"You're missing the point: hate speech of any kind isn't tolerated here."
"Got it-"
"-nor should you use it at home." He noticed the silence around him. "Have I made myself clear?"
"Yes, sir."
Wow, that felt good to get off his chest! He still needs to make that speech, which would normally be really easy but he doesn't want to make your relationship public or out himself to be honest. He wants to appear completely distanced from the topic, non-emotional, just rational.
When he asks what your ideas are, he's frustrated that something feeling so right, so wonderful, has to be justified at all. He's nervous about the speech: normally he only stands behind the law, and now he's speaking out against it? He's conflicted.
"Why don't you let someone else speak as well?" you try, knowing that he can take on too much work.
"What?" he asks, not wanting to put that burden onto someone else. You shrug, "Let Gordon say some things, he's the one you always complain about being one step away from being a criminal. And you say that he's got people who look up to him."
"No", he protests, "it has to come from someone who has never misstepped."
You give him an unconvinced look, "You have misstepped."
He takes in a sharp breath at the memory. "You killed a man and I still trust and love you, Nathaniel." He looks a little less sceptic now.
"That speech can come from any cop and it will come from someone who at least once committed a crime. I'm not saying that you should let someone else say everything, just that you might wanna talk about it with some other detectives first. Make it appear natural."
The perfect opportunity would come: the time when the crime incidents skyrocket and the precinct has to clean rooms to make way for prisoners.
"Alright everyone, listen up! We've obviously got too little room for perps, so we're gonna have to prioritize."
He takes a deep breath and thinks back to your impressed look at his practiced speech, "From now on, there are a few deeds we will no longer persecute. Not just because of the current lack of space but because they shouldn't be crimes."
He looks at the officers, most of whom don't look extremely bothered, and starts the list, "Anyone here on grounds of consensual relationships to someone of the same sex is to be set free without any entries."
By the end of the list of other "crimes", a few people are looking at him confused, some even angry but not many more than he expected. One officer raises his voice, "So what about that black-haired guy we got in for kissing another man?"
"He's in for sexual harassment!" Jim Gordon comes to his aid spontaneously. "He'll stay", Nathaniel continues, noting that a few people's sour expressions disappear.
"Finally for those of you still unconvinced, who don't have the brains to think by themseleves: before you arrest someone for any of the things mentioned before, ask yourself: would I rather harm one person or save many? A lot is on the line, we've gotten more bombings in four months than in the last year combined. So be smart."
"I'll drink to that!" Harvey shouts and the resulting laughter lightens the mood.
That that day more people visit the GCPD captain's office or pass by and say their approval. It's the beginning of a new time for the precinct and hopefully eventually for Gotham.
However, that still doesn't mean that he likes the idea of criminals knowing that you mean so much to him.
He'll tell some colleagues about you though. They deserve to know what a wonderful partner one can have as a police officer.
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
Hello, congrats on the 1k celebration! 💚I‘d love to hear about ‚What baking can do‘, if Hanger runs a bakery, do you already know what other people in the AU might be doing?
💚 and one of my AUs/WIPs and some questions and I will answer them! It might help untangle the knots from my brain.
follower celebration // list of wips // requesting rules // askbox
Surprisingly yeah! The Bakery AU is one that my brain has really hyperfixated on. My big sibling and I jsut need to name all the places like offically before we actually start writing. Some places already have names.
Hangman, Matt and Nick: They work at the bakery- the Bucks like working and cooking and does Hangy. Hangy technically runs the building/ other worky stuff
Nathaniel Pacatto [OC] Runs a petstore
Jay, HOOK: Jay and Hook work otgether in the record store that Jay buys called Blackthorn records
Kenny, Kota: Kenny has no big boy job but he's a streamer and frequents the bakery a lot to support his friends. Kota also doesn't have a big boy job but that may change.
Wheeler Yuta: He owns a flowershop
Adam Cole [baybay]: Runs one of those like health food stores and is grumpy about new people buying up the lots and taking away buisness
Danhausen: Runs a kinda spooky antique shop that always seems to have people in but nobody buys anything yet somehow it stays in buisness
William Regal: Has owned and run an old bookstore in the town for as long as people can remember. One of those like really pretty ones that smell dusty but that comforting sort of dusty. Has a house nearby his bookstore.
Claudio, RJ City: The old married couple that run an italian restraunt together. RJ used to be a social worker and is the one who formalised the adoption between Jay and Regal
Excalibur, Mox, Kris Stratlander: He runs a gym and yes he still wears his mask because the idea of him not having a mask just means he's not excalibur Mox works there and he runs self defense classes also grew up in foster care so him and Jay know each other and like are BEST FRIENDS Kris also works their and teaches a womans exercise class as well as a kickboxing class
Eddie Kingston, Ruby Soho: The two of them are adopted siblings [Ruby changed her name] and they work in their familys garage wheer they mend cars. It belongs to eddie now
Aubrey Edwards: She runs a bar. Like the best bartender who takes no shit what so ever.Hangman frequents there a lot
Taz: He runs his own radio show called 'radio Taz'
Dr Britt DMD: Shes a dentist, it terrifies me but its lore.
MJF: He sings in Aubreys bar because it has like a karaoke stage but hes the total centre of attention
Evil Uno/ the rest of the dark order: Uno is a foster carer Stu is helper/partner/ dont question it what are you a cop? The rest of the dark order
Jungle Boy: He works in a museam and has luchasauras as a teaching mechnism as like a stuffie. However its implided that he is alive.
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐊𝐚𝐝𝐞 | hpma character profile
warnings: discussions of death and cancer
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Full Name: Nathaniel Brian MacKade
Nicknames: Nate, Nat
Name Meanings: Nathaniel → Hebrew, “gift of god” ; Brian → Irish, “strong, virtuous, and honorable” ; MacKade → Irish, Scottish, “from the wetlands.”
Date of Birth: December 30, 1996 (at 12:07 pm)
Gender: Male ; he/him
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Muggleborn(ish)
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland (birth to ???)
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Faceclaim: Tom Holland
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Height: 5’9 ½”
Build: Average and athletic physique 
Hair: Brown that is short and generally neat, but sometimes trends into unkempt 
Eye Color: Brown
Childhood & Hogwarts: A scar on his arm is the result of falling as a child, while one on his knee is the result of roughhousing with his brothers. His final scar is on his stomach, as the result of a scrape from a rock.
Adulthood: None
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) None
Other Distinguishing Marks: None
Clothing Style: Jeans ; khakis ; sweaters ; plaid shirts ; hoodies ; t-shirts ; denim jacket ; sneakers ; boots ; fun socks
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Accessories: A wrist watch ; his parents’ wedding rings on a leather cord
What’s in His Pockets: His wand ; money 
What’s in His School Bag: Textbooks ; notebooks ; pens and pencils ; parchment ; quills and ink ; a water bottle ; quidditch gloves ; football/soccer cards ; a snack
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Voiceclaim: Tom Holland 
Accent: Irish 
Dialect: General Irish English
Languages Spoken: English
Languages Understood: English, a few simple phrases in Irish Gaelic
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MBTI Type: ISFJ — the defender 
⤷ ISFJs are conventional and grounded, and enjoy contributing to established structures of society. They are steady and committed workers with a deep sense of responsibility to others. They focus on fulfilling their duties, particularly when they are taking care of the needs of other people. They want others to know that they are reliable and can be trusted to do what is expected of them. They are conscientious and methodical, and persist until the job is done. 
Enneagram Type: 2w1 — the servant 
⤷ Enneagram Two wing One types are Twos who share many of the same traits as the Type One Perfectionist. These Twos may appear more quiet, studious and reserved. This type strives to serve others and can struggle with criticism.
Positive Traits: Intelligent, kind, hardworking, supportive, reliable, responsible, observant, practical, caring, empathetic, compassionate, dependable, kind-hearted, industrial, organized  
Neutral Traits: Enthusiastic, reserved, humble, sensitive, private, loyal, protective, patient, indirect
Negative Traits: Can care too much about other people’s opinions, internalizes a lot of emotions, does not like change, too altruistic, will forget to take care of himself
Common Stressors: Exams, schoolwork, the way his grandmother works herself, arguing with his brothers, being pulled in too many different directions 
Comforting Things: Reading, journaling, football/soccer, flying, his brothers, his grandmother, history
Interests & Hobbies: Reading, journaling, history, football/soccer, quidditch, flying, model airplanes (specifically historical models like a Sopwith Camel)
Description: Nate has a big heart. He is friendly but reserved. He’s loyal and intelligent and generally on the quieter side. He’s a big history nerd as well, able to spend hours reading tomes that most everyone else would find to be quite boring. In addition, Nate has a close relationship with his brothers, even though there are moments when it is rather strained. Nate is also a bit of a people pleaser and struggles to say no to people, often putting aside his own wants and needs in favor of helping a friend or loved one. He also puts a little too much stock in what other people think of him, although that's mostly in regards to the people that he cares about and professors. Nate is a soft soul with a tough outer shell. He doesn’t let just anyone in and can be quite selective about who he lets see beyond his generous and friendly exterior.
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Wand: Nate’s wand is made of alder wood with a dragon heartstring core and is 11 ½ inches with a slightly springy flexibility.
⤷ While Alder was an unyielding wood, Garrick Ollivander had discovered that its ideal owner was not stubborn or obstinate, but often helpful, considerate and most likeable. Whereas most wand woods sought similarity in the characters of those they would best serve, alder was unusual in that it seemed to desire a nature that was markedly different from its own, if not precisely opposite. When an alder wand was happily placed, it became a magnificent, loyal helpmate. Of all wand types, alder was best suited to non-verbal spell work, whence came its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards.
Other Magical Abilities: None
Patronus: Labrador retriever 
Patronus Memory: The day that his father took him and his brothers to play a friendly little game of football/soccer on the pitch for the team his father is the assistant manager to
Boggart: The corpse of someone that Nate loves
Riddikulus: The corpse begins to rattle off a silly Irish folk song that his father used to sing
Nate smells like hair gel, clean laundry, bergamot, and chocolate. 
Nate smells freshly baked sugar cookies, cinnamon, fir trees, and fruit lip gloss. 
Mirror of Erised: Nate sees himself with his parents, brothers, grandmother, a faceless woman and faceless children. Later, Nova, Wyatt, Jonah, and Zoey take the place of the faceless woman and children.
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House: Hufflepuff
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Acceptable 
Charms — Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding 
Flying — Outstanding 
Herbology — Exceeds Expectations 
History of Magic — Outstanding 
Potions — Acceptable 
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations 
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures — Exceeds Expectations 
Study of Ancient Runes — Outstanding 
NEWT Classes:
Charms — Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic — Outstanding
Study of Ancient Runes — Outstanding 
Transfiguration — Acceptable 
Extracurriculars: Keeper for his house quidditch team starting in his second year ; prefect starting in his fifth year ; history club ; ancient runes club
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ; The Ministry of Magic 
Age 18 to 30 - Archivist at the ministry of magic 
Age 30 to 65 - Historian, affiliated with a wizarding history museum 
Age 65 to 100 - History of Magic professor at Hogwarts
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Father: David Padraig MacKade [deceased, 1965-2006]
Born in 1965, David was the oldest child of Jean and Joseph MacKade. He had a good childhood and was joined by a younger sister, Jennifer, when he was three. He went on to study criminal justice in Dublin, where in 1991, he was set up on a blind date with Clare O’Brien, his future wife, by one of their mutual friends. David was wary of the blind date, even though his friend insisted that Clare was a good fit for him. He agreed, though, and it was one of the best decisions of his life. Even though they didn’t officially begin dating until 1992. They dated for a year, before marrying in late 1993. Their first year of marriage was fairly calm and full of love.  In 1994, they moved back to David’s hometown of Mullingar, where he accepted a career in the Garda as an inspector. He kept this career for five years, eventually retiring after he suffered a bullet injury to his leg. After his retirement, he found a career working as an assistant manager in a local, small-time football/soccer club.
On December 30, 1996, David welcomed his first two children, Finnian Joseph and Nathaniel Brian. A little over three years later, David welcomed his third son, Padraig Darragh who was mostly known as Paddy on April 16, 2000. Then, three years after Paddy, David welcomed his youngest son, Owen, on June 3, 2003. 
Things got complicated after Owen was born, though. Clare was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. It broke David’s heart, but he carried on the best he could, providing a solid and strong force for his young sons, who were just as (if not more) heartbroken and confused as he was. By late 2004, it had become clear that Clare’s cancer was terminal and she passed away shortly after, leaving David a widower and single father. He did his best, thanks to help from his mother and sister.  He provided a stable and loving home for his sons, even as they downsized into a smaller house.
Unfortunately, tragedy came for the MacKade family once again in the summer of 2006. David had gone running earlier that day and collapsed in the family’s living room late one night. His eldest sons were the ones that found him and called for an ambulance, but it was too late and the only information provided to David’s mother was that he had suffered a pulmonary embolism but that they couldn’t quite figure out where it had come from.
Nate had a good relationship with his father. However, many of his memories of the man began to fade and it was hard to shake the image of his father’s lifeless body in their living room. Despite this, though, whenever he thinks about his father, Nate gets a warm feeling in his chest. He knows how much David loved them and realizes later on just how much his father had done for him and his brother after their mother passed away. 
Mother: Clare Siobhan MacKade née O’Brien [deceased, 1967-2004]
Born in 1967, Clare O’Brien was the oldest daughter of Owen and Mary O’Brien and grew up in County Waterford, Ireland. She had a happy and calm childhood, eventually joined by a younger sister, Fiadh, in 1973. After completing her schooling, Clare went to university in Dublin, where she studied nursing. In 1991, Clare was set up on a blind date with David MacKade by a mutual friend. Clare was much more optimistic about the date than David. She enjoyed the date quite a lot, but didn’t mind that it wasn’t until 1992 that they began dating officially. Clare and David married a year later, in 1993. The first year of their marriage was quite smooth and full of love. In 1994, Clare moved to her husband’s hometown of Mullingar. She quickly found a job as a nurse at the local hospital. She continued to work at the hospital until she needed to take sick leave and when she took maternity leave after her boys were born.
On December 30, 1996, Clare welcomed her first children, Finnian Joseph and Nathaniel Brian. A little over three years later, her third son, Padraig Darragh (mostly known as Paddy), was born on April 16, 2000. Three years after Paddy, her youngest son, Owen David, was born on June 3, 2003. 
However, shortly after Owen was born, Clare began having bad headaches and feeling quite ill. After many tests, she was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor meaning that it was cancerous. In 2004, Clare began treatment. Unfortunately, it proved ineffective as her diagnosis became terminal a few months later. Clare passed away in late 2004, a few weeks before the twins’ eighth birthday.
Nate had a good relationship with his mother. He had had a close relationship with her, so her death hit him quite hard, even though they had all known it was coming. Nate doesn’t have too many clear memories of his mother, though, given that she passed away when he was seven. He misses her a lot, too.
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Twin Brother: Finnian Joseph “Finn” MacKade
Born on December 30, 1996, Finn is the eldest son of David and Clare MacKade, twelve minutes older than Nate, and a Ravenclaw. Nate has a close relationship with his brother. It’s not a perfect relationship, as they definitely have their contentious moments and their fair share of arguments. However, Nate knows that Finn will always have his back and that he can trust Finn with any problem that he’s having. Despite their moments of arguing, Nate doesn’t bicker much with Finn and what bickering they do is rarely mean-spirited. Nate loves his brother a lot and he’d do anything to help his brother.
Faceclaim: Tom Holland
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Brother: Padraig Darragh “Paddy” MacKade
Born on April 16, 2000, Paddy is the third son of David and Clare MacKade, approximately four years younger than Nate, and a Hufflepuff. Nate has a close relationship with his younger brother. It’s not perfect, but their approximately four year age gap does a lot to keep away major arguments… that is, if they’re not related to Nate’s somewhat protective nature. However, Nate really enjoys spending time with Paddy and they’ve got a decent amount in common, especially when they’re both sorted into Hufflepuff and Nate begins to keep a protective eye on Paddy. Nate loves his little brother a lot and would do anything to help his brother. 
Faceclaim: Levi Miller
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Brother: Owen David MacKade
Born on June 3, 2003, Owen is the youngest son of David and Clare MacKade, approximately seven years younger than Nate, and a Ravenclaw. Nate has a close relationship with Owen, although there is a bit of distance between the two brothers. There’s the approximately six year age gap and the fact that they don’t have too many common interests and the fact that Owen gravitates more towards Finn. He’s protective of Owen, even more so than he is of Paddy due to their six year age gap. Nate loves his youngest brother a lot and would do anything to help his brother. 
Faceclaim: Noah Jupe
Grandmother: Jean Frances MacKade née Hughes [1935-2029]
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Born in 1935, Jean Hughes grew up in Surrey, England as the daughter of an Irishman and an Englishwoman. She had a good childhood, although it was interrupted when her father went off to war in 1941. It was tough on Jean, who at six, didn’t understand what was happening or why her beloved father had to leave. This was compounded when her maternal cousins came to live with Jean and her mother. Her teen years were better, as her family had gone back to normal, even though things weren’t exactly normal. After she graduated in 1953, Jean went to university in London, studying music education.
It was when she was in university that Jean met her future husband, Joseph MacKade. She was quite taken with the Irishman, who was three years older than her. They kept in touch for three years, finally meaning once again in 1960. They married in 1962 in Dublin, Ireland. Jean then got a job as a music teacher in Joseph’s hometown of Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland. She adored her career, but was rather less satisfied with her personal life as she struggled to find common ground with many of her neighbors. This began to change in 1965, when her eldest child, David Padraig, was born. Three years later, her daughter, Jennifer was born. Things went well from then on, everything wasn’t perfect but they had enough to get by. 
Jean was thrilled to welcome Clare O’Brien into the family when her son married the woman in 1993. She loved the younger woman dearly and Jean was extremely overjoyed when she met her first grandchildren, Finnian and Nathaniel. It helped to lighten the blow of the death of her husband in 1995, as she had been slowly spiraling. The birth of her grandsons put things back into perspective for Jean, something that was strengthened by the subsequent births of her two younger grandsons, Padraig and Owen. She loved them all dearly, and this included Jennifer’s two children, who weren’t born until 2006. 
What Jean hadn’t counted on was the deaths of her son and daughter-in-law. Jean was left reeling, putting all of her focus into the four grandsons that she now had to raise. She struggled for those first few months, trying to figure out what to do with the money that David and Clare had saved and how to raise four grieving boys. Eventually, she divided her son’s savings into five new accounts, one for each of his sons and one for everyday use. From then on, Jean came out of retirement to make up the difference by working as a substitute music teacher and a waitress. She loved her grandsons and always felt like she was dropping the ball in some way with them. Jean would live until the age of 93, passing away peacefully in her sleep.
Nate has a good relationship with his grandmother. He loves her dearly and has always had a close relationship with her. After he and his brothers were taken in by her, Nate noticed how hard she was working to take care of him and his brothers and made it his mission to make sure that everything at home was running smoothly. It was something that Jean hadn’t realized was going on until much later and she always regretted never noticing it.
Faceclaim: Julie Andrews
Childhood: A labrador retriever named Lady 
Adulthood: TBD
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Love Interest: Nova Luisa Hartley (@gaygryffindorgal) 
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⤷ Story details TBD, but they meet in their third year and marry around 2023
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Son: Wyatt Hartley MacKade
Hufflepuff | Bisexual | b. August 17, 2025
Nate has a good relationship with his eldest son. He doesn’t always appreciate Wyatt’s joking attitude and seeming inability to take things seriously, but Nate tries not to let that affect their relationship and he’s mostly successful at that. He is very proud of his son, though, and tries his best to support his eldest in everything that he tries to do. Nate loves Wyatt very much.
Faceclaim: Gabriel Darku
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Son: Jonah David MacKade
Hufflepuff | Twin | Seeker | Heterosexual | b. June 2, 2030
Nate has a good relationship with his younger son. He and Jonah are quite similar in personality which makes it easy for them to get along, especially considering that they have a lot of interests and hobbies in common. Nate is very proud of his son and tries his best to support Jonah in everything that he wants to do. Nate loves his son very much. 
Faceclaim: Amir Wilson
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Daughter: Zoey Vanessa MacKade
Slytherin | Twin | b. June 2, 2030 
Nate has a good relationship with his daughter. He’s definitely a bit of a sucker for her, in a way that’s different than for his sons. However, they get along pretty well. They don’t have incredibly similar interests, but Nate is always willing to make the effort. He is very proud of his daughter and tries his best to support Zoey in everything that she wants to do. Nate loves his daughter very much. 
Faceclaim: Tamara Smart
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Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: TBD
Quincey Alderly (@gaygryffindorgal)
Conner Everett (@amerrymystery)
Zephyr Mercury (@slytherindisaster)
Ryan Oakley (@hogwartsmysteryho)
Scotty Rosier (@drinkyoursoupbitch)
Declan Rovere (@potionboy3)
Harry Seymour (@endlessly-cursed)
It’s Complicated: None
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Quincey Alderly (@gaygryffindorgal)
Zephyr Mercury (@slytherindisaster)
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
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Place of Birth: Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland
Hometown: Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland 
Born on December 30, 1996 at 12:07 pm, Nate is the second son of Clare and David MacKade, joining his twin brother, Finnian Joseph, who had been born twelve minutes earlier at 11:55 am. Three years later, Nate gained a younger brother, Padraig Darragh, on April 16, 2000. On June 3, 2003, Nate gained a second younger brother, Owen David. Nate had a good childhood and, for seven years, it was stable. He grew up in a decently sized house in Mullingar, his father’s childhood hometown. However, things began to change when his mother was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. Everything slowly began to change as the diagnosis shocked the entire MacKade family. They held together the best they could. Nate and his brothers were shielded from some of the worst aspects, but David could only hide so much. Eventually, though, the brain tumor turned terminal and in late 2004, Clare passed away. Thankfully, it had been a peaceful passing in her sleep and in her own home. 
The death of his mother rattled the entire MacKade family and it felt like everything was changing. A few months after Clare’s passing, the family moved into a smaller home in order to save money as they were down one income. It was a tough adjustment for Nate and Finn, who went from sharing a large and spacious bedroom with two twin beds to a much smaller bedroom with bunk beds. For a few months, it strained their relationship, until David sat the boys down and explained to them that they didn’t need to love it but they had to tolerate it. His speech worked and the brothers eventually worked out a truce. Things moved smoothly from that moment on, but tragedy was looming closer and closer. One summer night in 2006, Nate and Finn found their father’s body in the living room and David MacKade was eventually declared dead. 
After the death of his father, Nate and his brothers were taken in by their grandmother which saw their third move in nearly as many years. They moved into their father’s childhood home, with Nate and Finn sharing his childhood bedroom and their younger brothers sharing their aunt’s childhood bedroom. After their grandmother noticed their struggles, she enrolled Nate and his brothers in a local counseling program. Nate found many of the strategies to be quite helpful, even if he was reluctant to engage in it for the most part. Nate also began to take on some responsibilities at home in an attempt to take some of the weight off of his grandmother’s shoulders as he saw how hard she was working. Things also started to change when, on his eleventh birthday, Nate received a letter and a visit informing him that he and Finn were wizards and suddenly some of the strange things that had seemed to follow him everywhere began to make sense. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Nate was sorted into Hufflepuff. He was startled to be separated from his twin for the first time in their lives, but eventually he began to see it as a good thing. Nate found a groove in Hufflepuff, making friends and discovering as much about magical history as he could. In his second year, he made the Hufflepuff quidditch team, earning the position of keeper. In his fifth year, he was made a prefect. He also met his future wife, Nova Hartley, in his third year and slowly began to develop romantic feelings for her. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Nate began working as an archivist for the ministry of magic. He worked for the ministry for twelve years, after which he pursued a career as a historian. He specifically was interested in discovering more about the way that muggle and magical histories intersected and eventually wrote a few books about the subject. Then, at the age of 65, Nate accepted the position of history of magic professor at Hogwarts. He kept this particular career until the age of 100.
Also after graduating from Hogwarts, Nate moved into a small house that he shared with Finn in Mullingar in order to help their grandmother take care of their younger brothers. It was a complicated yet fulfilling challenge and Nate was grateful for all of the support that his grandmother had given himself and his brothers. 
Nate married Nova Hartley in 2023. Their eldest child, Wyatt Hartley MacKade, was born on August 17, 2025 while their twins, Jonah David and Zoey Vanessa MacKade were born five years later on June 2, 2030.
Old Age:
After retiring, Nate spent the remainder of his life spending time with his wife, children, and grandchildren. He devoted time to studying history and traveling and doing whatever the hell he wanted to.
Nate passed away peacefully in his sleep at the age of 137. He had lived a long and fulfilled life, leaving behind three children, seven grandchildren, and ten great-grandchildren.
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Favorite Color: Green 
Favorite Food: Mac and cheese (his mother’s, in particular)
Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate
Favorite Weather: Sunny
Favorite Season: Autumn 
Favorite Books: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The Book Thief, The History of Magic
Favorite Music: U2, Bastille, R.E.M., the Script
Dislikes: Bullies ; when he’s mistaken for Finn ; ground turkey ; wet clothing ; arguing with his brothers 
Nate’s middle name is after his mother’s maiden name.
Nate keeps a journal. He writes in it most nights as he’s found that it quells a lot of his anxiety and stress.
Nate often carries out tutoring groups for history of magic. He’s a big history nerd and is subsequently one of the only students who actually pay attention when Binns teaches.
He likes to cook. It started after he noticed that his grandmother was being stretched way too thin and started to learn how to cook. He’s quite proud of the fact that he managed to replicate his mother’s mac and cheese recipe.
Nate is a bit of a people pleaser. It’s not necessarily for everyone, but if you are someone that he cares about and asks for help, Nate will probably say yes… even if it’s at the detriment of his own goals.
It takes a lot to get on his bad side. Nate isn’t one to hold grudges, but if his trust gets badly broken, it takes a lot to get his forgiveness. 
Nate’s paternal great-great-great-grandparents were both squibs. They took one half of his surname and one half of her surname to create the surname MacKade. 
Important Links:
Nate’s tag
Kiss the Girl, a Valentine’s Day story 
More information about his children
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mia-vazquez · 1 year
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the basics;
FULL NAME: Mia Vazquez
GENDER: Female
AGE: Thirty-Nine
OCCUPATION: Watch Ranger (West)
TITLE: The Mama Bear
FACECLAIM: Aubrey Plaza
the bio;
(tw - postpartum depression mention)
mia vazquez is a puerto rican spitfire. there's no doubt about that. ever since she was a child, she wasn't shy is expressing herself. that quality stayed with her throughout her school and college years and into her adult life. bold, brazen and fiercely independent, she was determined to tell all of life's challenges to go fuck themselves and she did just that until she met nathaniel dawson.
meeting nathan was a game changer and she hated admitting that. mainly because what was only supposed to be some fun resulted in mia falling pregnant and nine months later their son rafael was born. she chose the name for it's meaning 'god's healer' since she felt it was fitting that the child had really done just that. he had healed her mindset of going through life alone, she couldn't imagine life without him. for a while it looked like the meaning was rubbing off on nathan as well, he had been trying to be clean and sober since rafa was born.
but mia was struggling. big time. she was a twenty-five year old mother who felt like she had no support as well as dealing with nathan working on getting clean and sober, she was slipping further and further into the abyss and she didn't know what to do. she was a mess, she had barely slept, she had barely ate and she had a constantly screaming child that wouldn't stop crying. she gave up everything for rafa but she needed something. anything.
one night she couldn't take it anymore and packed up her stuff, took rafa and went across country to her parents place in an attempt to get some help. like the rest of the universe at that time, they weren't any help and she quickly moved on, eventually settling in boston, massachusetts and got the help she needed with rafa. looking back on it now, she would've done it differently, she knows it wasn't fair to nathan, but it had been fourteen years since she last saw him, she didn't have any way to track him down.
her parents had recently passed and mia was on route to her parents place to clean out the family home to get it ready to put on the market. cutting through huntsville was the only way through to the next town, she had driven it loads of times when she was younger, the last time she drove the road was around 2009. it would be a breeze, a quick cut through and then straight on to her hometown...
other notes;
+ this is her arrival day in huntsville along with her son
+ rafa was born when nathan and mia were 25, he's now 14
+ has a dobermann called elmo - she left rafa name him when they got him as a puppy, okay???
the possible connections;
tour guide
other parents
friends of nathaniel
open to any and all plots/connections & if you’d like to plot with mia or would even just have a chat, please feel free to drop me a message any time
will add to this as i go along but this is the general outline
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moderator-monnie · 6 days
I am serious when I say I have alot of aus you can ask about, I've made alot over the years.
Here's a giant list of them including when they were made! But heck, I'm sure this ain't even everything, but it's all I can remember.
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Neutralious: January 22nd (2018)
Terror dads: February 14th (2020)
Manipulation Sphere au: March 13th (2019)
Charlie The Cursed Phone Guy April 5th (2019)
Who Killed Team Cordium: April 9th (2018)
Nightmare Story: April 15th (2015)
The Last Monster Tale: April 27th (2017)
Dr. Terminal Gaster: July 15th (2015)
Mathtrap/SpringTeach November 29th (2017)
Nathaniel the support worker: July 10th (2020)
Slammer Sonic: March 13th (2022)
Natasha BSoD:  Dec 15, (2022)
The Hit-mon: January 31st (2023)
Spamton Gpory Spamgon: February 15th (2023) 
Curse Of The Hedgehog: October 2nd (2023)
Dirus Harold Hog: March 9 (2024)
Inanis Weolcan Sonic: March 13th (2024)
Hologram.Bin: March 12th (2023)
Brendaniel.exe: April 27th (2024)
0 notes
shouldaspunastory · 3 months
The Muses: Sonja Hawke
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A peacekeeper from a young age, Sonja always excelled at breaking up fights and brokering compromises between her squabbling twin siblings, and the trouble her own elder twin, Garrett often stirs up with his smart tongue. Though she never aspired to any position of power or influence, Sonja never shys or turns away those that seek her counsel or aid. Despite her secret desires for a simpler, even a more traditional sort of life, she can't imagine life without the friends she's made along the way.
[World State Two]
Game decisions/deviations
Prologue: Both of the younger twins survive fleeing Lothering, Joined the smugglers
ACT I: Killed Ginnis, Returned & supported Seamus, Never looked for Ninette, Helped Hubert (Part owner of Bone Pit, raise for workers), Helped Feynriel find Dalish, Didn't Blackmail Thrask, Defended Ketojan from Qunari, Kills Karras after speaking to Alain in Gallows
ACT II: Spared Gascard (Prime Suspect), Allows Gascard to perform blood ritual (All that Remains), Varric kills Gascard (All That Remains), didn't side with Varnell, Didn't side with Mother Petrice, Lets Sabin go, Helped Lieutenant Harley & the gaurd fight the Raiders, Feynriel freed, Helped Orsino & mages during Qunari uprising
Legacy (Post-ACT II): Sided with Larius, found Malcom's will
Mark of the Assasin (Post-ACT II): Spares Baron Arlange, Found and tossed caprices for mother, collected arcane feathers for Anders, goes with Tallis (reluctantly), fights off Tal-Vashoth
ACT III: Agreed to help Nuncio, Did not hand over Zevran, Saved Nathaniel, Reunited Uncle Gamlen and Charade, Handed conspiritors to Orsino, Let Keran go (reluctantly), killed Bone Pit Dragon, sided with the mages, spared Anders had him help defend the mages.
Siblings: (Garret: Best friends, Carver: neutral, Bethany: best friends)Carver joins Gray Wardens after becoming tainted, Bethany taken to the Circle, Bethany survives final battle
Varric: (friends) Bartrand killed, helped with haunted house, destroyed Red Lyrium fragment
Aveline: (friends) Helped her woo Donnic
Fenris: (neutral) Helped him and Garrett find and kill slavers, Hadriana, & Danarius
Anders: (friends, romanced) Helped with any missions pro-mage or subtly subverting Templars, mildly disapproved of Anders actions, spared him and had him help defend the mages, ran away together as fugitives
Merill: (best friends) Helped her repair the Eluvian, Clan was killed, encouraged her to look after elves in the Alienage
Isabela: (mild rivalry)
Sebastian:(rivalry) Helped investigate Harrowmonts
Basic Information
Full name: Sonja Irene Hawke Pronouns: She/Her Nicknames: Mom (Garrett, Carver) Aliases: Will sometimes travel under the name Irine/Irina Amell to avoid drawing attention to herself Title: Champion of Kirkwall Date of Birth: 8th of Guardian, 26 years old at start of game Orientation: Pansexual Libido: High Religion: Andrastian Threat level: 5/10, an excellent shot with her bow, decent at throwing knives, but ultimately lacking in defense to weather much melee combat. This doesn't stop her from throwing herself in the way to take a blow for her siblings and loved ones, however.
Physical Information
Face claim: Aiyisha Hart Height: 5 ft, 9 in Eye color: blue-green Hair color + style: black, long hair down to shoulders, often with her bangs piulled back into a ponytail or braid Dominant hand: left Distinguishing features: facial tatto, red stripe across nose Accent + intensity: Ferelden, moderate Tattoos: tattoo of a phoenix across right cheek and brow Scar(s): a few, nothing too obvious or noteworthy. She knows a good healer who takes care of most of her injuries before they can scar Piercing(s): single piercing in each earlobe Glasses: No
Background Information
Hometown: Lothering Current residence: Kirkwall (DA2), On the run with Anders (Post-game) Language(s): King's tongue Social class: lower-middle (Act I), Upper (Act II) Education: Homeschooled, mostly by Leandra Parents: Leandra & Malcom Hawke (deceased) Siblings: Garrett Hawke (twin), Carver Hawke (with the Wardens), Bethany Hawke (in the Circle) Children: Pets: Adopted?: No
Personality Information
Jung type: ISFP, "The Composer" Archetype: The Realist Enneatype: Peacemaker Moral alignment: Neutral good Temperment: Diplomatic Angered by: Recklessness, indifference Intelligence type: Musical Neurodivergence(s): Depression, anxiety
Vices & Habits
Smokes? No Drinks? Occassionally Drugs? No Violent? Rarely Addicition(s)? Self-Destructive? Not especially Hobbies: playing violin, poetry, target practice, knitting Likes: cats, archery, music, fall, gift-giving Dislikes: When her siblings fight, how hard Leandra is on her twin Garrett Tic(s): will often sing or hum when nervous or scared
Miscellaneous Information
Zodiac: Fervinial Vice: Melancholic Virtue: Thoughtfulness Element: Earth Mythological creature: Pheonix Animal: cats Mutation: N/A
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nordicfatcheese · 7 months
shoutout to nathaniel the microsoft chat support worker whose mere presence resolved my audio issues
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hihi !! umm I'm gabe- I'm pretty sure I got anxiety n adhd bc I get anxious a lot.....
"A-Ah! Hello Gabe, I'm suprised anyone has called in. It's been real quiet in the office, not that I m-mind too much I-It's nice to catch up on reading."
"I-It's a-a pleasure to meet you yes I know exactly how you feel I-I too suffer from anxiety b-b... bu- RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! I believe in you! your such a brave p-person for sending me a message p-please t-tell me all you'd like I'm here to listen!"
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clownsuu · 3 years
h-hello i just came to d-d-drop off some cookies i baked this morning for m-my husband m-mr H if he's here?
t-thank you i also found this really cute cuttlefish plushie i thought he might enjoy
- nathaniel the support worker
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Never thought I’d draw Mr.H here hfudJDGDGD
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jackthehare · 2 years
"h-hello? h-hello hello? RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE! oh um excuse me! hello there i am nathaniel it's very nice to meet you"
"i-i heard you've um met that awful charlie fellow s-s-s-s RING RING RING PICK UP THE PHONE SO! please um feel free to call me sometimes after a situation like that we could always use a lil help!"
-nathaniel the support worker
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"Never seen the phone ever ring, but to the chase- I'll let you know if anything is damaged"
"Charlie doesn't cause me too much trouble, but thanks for the concern"
"I'm thankful for the help!"
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momolady · 3 years
The Soldier: Part Two
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Darkness permeates the halls. As the soldier heals and begins to explore, old memories resurface, some much darker than others. 
There had once been a maid in the employ of the Marfont family, near the same age as Corinne,  tall and rather boyish in appearance. She was a hard worker, and during the last days of Mrs. Marfont’s illness she had been the only one allowed at her side.
The young maid and Corinne were also close. Because no one was allowed around the property while Mrs. Marfont was sick, they became friends. Corinne admired the maid’s strength and resolve, while the maid fell for Corinne’s freckles and doll-like charm. The two gave into youthful indiscretions and often hid away, kissing and touching one another in secret. Corinne would pout and plead with the maid for more, and even when she became engaged to Nathaniel, she continued to kiss the maid in secret.
“Nathaniel will never know you as I know you,” the maid whispered raspily into Corinne’s thigh one evening. Her long, elegant fingers worked to bring Corinne to a heavenly sin. “He’ll never love you like I love you.” Corinne stopped up her cries with a pillow as the maid pulled her down.
The maid found comfort in her love of Corinne. She took more than just pleasure in making her lady come. Her mind was wracked with guilt, filled with images of Mrs. Marfont’s final hours. Keeping Corinne happy and sated helped to keep the demons away.
Just days before Nathaniel was to leave, he cornered the maid. He approached her with not just the knowledge of her affair with Corinne, but also the cause of Mrs. Marfont’s death. He threatened her to leave, or else he’d reveal her secrets to the whole house and the world beyond it. But it would not be her who would be shamed by the revelations - all the shame would fall on Corinne. So the maid bid a tearful goodbye outside the house, not even allowed to say her goodbyes to Corinne.
The morning the maid left was one Corinne would never forget, and soon, her father would be leaving as well. She mourned in a way she could not show, sitting by the window and hoping to see the maid return to her. A year went by, and the only one to return was her father, and with him the soldier named Lockwood.
Lockwood was eventually able to walk on his own, though he kept his bandages in place. He was quite tall and had become thin due to the rigors of military duty. But he was able to sit in the parlor and come to the dinner table, and no longer had to be waited on hand and foot, which had seemed to bother him. He could sit and enjoy life like everyone else in the house.
“I’ve only ever met one other person as tall as you in my life, but I think she was taller,” Corinne remarked one day as she took Lockwood for a stroll through the gardens. The air held a chill, and the ground was damp from all the rain. But at least the sun was shining, and the garden looked bright.
“A woman?” Lockwood chuckled.
“Yes, and an amazing one at that.” Corinne’s smile suddenly faded and she looked away until she could bring it back.
“Although, Corinne, you must consider everyone you meet very tall,” he teased.
Corinne scoffed and gently struck the back of his hand. “How cruel of you, Mr. Lockwood!”
He looked up to see they were standing at the front of the house. There was a window open with the curtains billowing out. Lockwood faltered a step, and Corinne caught him. “Are you all right?” she exclaimed with alarm.
Lockwood’s vision was blurry, and from the corner of his eye he thought he saw someone lying on the ground. “I’m sorry. I think I need to lie down. I feel dizzy all of a sudden.”
“Yes, of course.” Corinne helped support him as she led him back to the house. Once he was tucked into bed, she placed a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll go and fetch my father for you.”
“No, wait. Stay with me.” Lockwood reached out and took Corinne’s hands again. “Lovely thing you are. Just sit with me and I’ll catch my breath.”
“I’m happy to,” Corinne said brightly. “I pushed you too far on the walk today.”
“No, no, it isn’t you.” Lockwood smiled. “Just something from my past.”
Corinne nodded, stroking his hand gently. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Lockwood took a deep breath. “I saw someone die,” he murmured. “I won’t go through the gory details, my lady. But it’s haunted me since. I see her face sometimes, and I hear her whispering.”
Corinne looked visibly unsettled by the comments. “Oh.”
“I don’t mean to frighten you,” Lockwood reassured her. “It is not a haunting.”
At the foot of Lockwood’s bed, just over the mantel, was a painting of her mother. She gazed at it longingly, then turned her affections back upon Lockwood. “I still think my mother comes here from time to time,” she confessed. “I can smell her perfume in the hallways, or feel a hand on my shoulder when no one is there.”
Lockwood’s stomach churned, and he felt a pain settle in the depths of his stomach. “Do you miss her?”
“Horribly.” Corinne lowered her head, suddenly distraught.
“What’s wrong?” Lockwood touched her cheek, bringing her face back up where he could see it.
“I received a letter a few days ago that has been bothering me.” Corinne placed herself beside Lockwood and laid herself on the bed. Her hair spilled across the pillows, and Lockwood breathed in her sweet scent. “Nathaniel is returning home.”
Lockwood gave her a reassuring smile. “He’s your fiancé, isn’t he? Aren’t you happy?”
Corinne remained silent. “No.”
“Why not?” Lockwood rolled to his side.
“He’s not the one I wanted to come home,” Corinne protested. “Nathaniel is a fine man, but there are things about him that make me feel disgusted with myself.”
Lockwood touched Corinne’s cheek and brushed his fingers through her hair. “You like me, though. What is the difference between us?”
“Many.” Corinne leaned in, kissing Lockwood again. “I’ve only ever kissed one other who made me feel like you do.” She captured Lockwood’s tongue, sucking it and feeling the place where the end split in two. “What happened to your tongue?” She held Lockwood’s face between her palms, licking his tongue and kissing it.
“You’re kissing it,” Lockwood laughed.
“I’m serious,” Corinne giggled. “How did it become split like that? Were you born this way? Or was it an accident?”
“Curious creature,” Lockwood breathed. He lapped Corinne’s neck, then moaned into her ear. “It was made that way, purposefully.”
“For what purpose?” Corinne started to stroke down Lockwood’s chest, but he grabbed her hands quickly.
Lockwood chuckled. “It’s late, and I don’t wish to give you nightmares.”
“I’m not a child,” Corinne pouted.
“I can see that. You may be small, but you have a womanly shape.” Lockwood breathed into her ear, moaning again. He tickled his fingers up under Corinne’s night gown. “I bet you have womanly lips as well. I bet they’re wet.”
“Mr. Lockwood, we mustn’t,” she mewled.
Lockwood chuckled. “So should I stop?”
“No,” she whimpered. “I’m simply stating that we shouldn’t.”
Lockwood bit her ear as his fingers found her wet and pliant. “I’ll only touch.”
Corinne bit her lip, thrusting her hips forward so Lockwood would touch her more. “Can I touch you?”
Lockwood kissed her to keep her quiet, rubbing her and touching her, pushing up her nightgown to have access to her entire naked body. Lockwood feasted upon Corinne’s pleasure, lapping up her honey from his elegant fingers. “Are you crying?” Lockwood whispered to her.
Corinne sniveled and hiccuped. “No.”
Lockwood kissed her cheek, feeling the warm, wet tears there. “You’re so cute, my lady. Do you feel much better?”
“It’s been so long,” Corinne breathed.
“You should go back to your room,” Lockwood commanded softly.
“Let me touch you,” Corinne pleaded. “Please, I am desperate to.”
Lockwood whimpered and shook his head. “You need to go.”
“I am not afraid of scars!” Corinne argued. “You will not disgust me like Nathaniel. You remind me nothing of him.”
Lockwood touched her cheek. “I want you to. The gods know it. The devils know it. But I beg you, my darling, go back to your room.”
“Why?” Corinne’s voice trembled.
“Because…” Lockwoods voice caught in his throat. “I am not who you believe me to be. I am… more and less at the same time.”
“I want to know,” Corinne kissed him affectionately. “I beg of you.”
Lockwood was helpless to her lips, her eyes. If she knew now, perhaps it could save them both pain when Nathaniel returned home. He lay back and took a breath. “Go ahead. I can no longer fight you.”
“I’ll take such good care of you, Mr. Lockwood. I’ll love you, I’ll adore you! No matter what I find.” Corinne opened his shirt, seeing the bandages there. Her hand smoothed over them, at first feeling nothing. She moved down, undoing the laces of his trousers. She stopped when she opened them, finding nothing inside. Her fingers slipped between Lockwood’s thighs, finding something familiar but unexpected. “Mr. Lockwood,” she breathed.
“Do not be angry at me.” Lockwood trembled.
Corinne took hold of the bandages, unwrapping them until she could see what was underneath. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank the gods!”
“Thank them?” Lockwood erupted.
Corinne dipped down, kissing his breasts. Lockwood lost his breath and grabbed hold of Corinne, pulling her up. She was smiling in relief, tears in her eyes. “I so much prefer this form over the other. I love your bosom, I love what lies between your thighs. I do not like cock.”
“Corinne,” he breathed. “I’m stunned.”
Corinne kissed him. “I know you say you are a man, which is how I see you. I will love you as a man. I will touch you like a man. I am sorry if I prefer this body.”
“It’s alright.” Lockwood was filled with relief. It almost took the pain away that still lingered in his body. “I’m glad you know me now.”
A few days later, Nathaniel returned to the Marfont home and was received warmly by the household. He looked exhausted from his journey, and after a bath he rested until the next morning. Corinne kept herself busy, cleaning, cooking, whatever was needed to greet Nathaniel upon awakening. Lockwood kept to his room, listening through a crack in the door. One afternoon, Lockwood heard Nathaniel and Corinne talking in the parlor.
“You look different,” Corinne told him. “What happened to you out there?”
“War changes people,” Nathaniel replied. “It can twist a man to his breaking point. I saw the best and worst of humanity in battle, Corinne.”
“Are you well?” She sounded confused by her own question.
“There’s someone else here, isn’t there?” Nathaniel blew off her question. “Your father mentioned there was another soldier staying here.”
“Mr. Lockwood, yes,” Corinne replied. “He was horribly injured, and Father has been taking care of him.”
“You need to be careful of who you let inside, Corinne,” Nathaniel said gently.
Corinne was quiet, fidgeting with her own worries. “But father said he was a hero.”
“Even heroes have things to hide.”
Lockwood woke that evening, feeling a presence in his room. He turned his head to the side, where he heard breathing from the foot of the bed. He sat up slowly and took a deep breath. “Stay where you are,” Nathaniel murmured.
“What are you doing in my room? You frightened me,” Lockwood said.
Nathaniel let out a slow breath. “Don’t toy with me. I know what you are. I know what you can do. I’ve seen it for myself.”
Lockwood held a lot of rage inside, and a lot that was directed at Nathaniel. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
“Keep playing the idiot. See where it gets you.” Nathaniel hissed. “You’re a danger to the people here. To people everywhere. Once the war is over, you shouldn’t even exist.”
Lockwood slowly clenched and unclenched his fists. “What do you think I am, Mr. St. Claire?”
“A wrath,” he says. “Berserker. Whatever they’re called out there on the battlefield. You’re a soldier chained to a demon.”
“How do you know that for certain?” Lockwood murmured.
Nathaniel stood from his chair and walked to the side of the bed. “You need to leave here. Leave the doctor. Leave the girl, or I will choke you with these silver chains.” He raised his hand, placing a silver chain against Lockwood’s neck. It burned his skin and sent chills down through his body, but all it did was pull his old rage to the surface.
“Funny,” Lockwood seethed between clenched teeth. “This isn’t the first time you’ve threatened me in this house. Once before, you threatened me with the life of your fiance.” He grabbed Nathaniel’s arm, and his teeth began to grow and sharpen. “You knew the secret of Mrs. Marfont’s death.”
“No,” Nathaniel whispered. “Let me go!”
“You used my love for Corinne to hurt me, to cut me deep and scare me away.” Lockwood pulled him close so he could see the glow of his eyes through the bandages. “Get the fuck away from me. I will stay here or you will die. Your choice, Mr. St. Claire.” He shoved Nathaniel back, making him sprawl on the floor as Lockwood rose to his feet.
“How?” Nathaniel stammered as he tried to stand. “Ms. Liam was the one I scared away. Not you!”
“Was it?” Lockwood chuckled. “You know what I am? I’m surprised.” He knelt down and peered into Nathaniel’s face. “Your silver doesn’t threaten me.” He took the chain from Nathaniel’s hand and chucked it out the window. “You won’t threaten me ever again. Least of all will you use sweet Madalence to hurt me. Now get out, and I will allow you to live.”
Nathaniel hurriedly stood and backed out, returning to his room. Lockwood settled on the edge of the bed to soothe himself. He began to cry, weeping through the bandages. His rage frightened him. All he wanted was Corinne.
Lockwood woke in the morning, seeing the rain had subsided and sunshine was pouring through the windows. He rose, moving the blankets away and walking to the window. As he looked outside, he saw something strange on the cobblestones in the garden. Looking closer, Lockwood choked back a cry and held his hand over his mouth to keep from screaming. He stumbled out into the hallway, coming across Dr. Marfont as he came down the stairs. “Stay quiet,” Lockwood begged. “Don’t say a word! Stay quiet!”
He took Dr. Marfont outside, showing him the scene in the garden. “Is that…” Dr. Marfont hurried out to the body lying in the garden. Lockwood swayed back and forth, bracing himself in the doorway. His vision blurred, and the body looked just like Mrs. Marfont had.
Dr. Marfont knelt down, checking the pulse. “It’s too late,” he said. “He must have jumped last night.” He looked up to the windows, seeing one was open and the curtains hanging out. “Come, help me,” he said, “before everyone wakes up.”
Lockwood stumbled forward, still seeing the body of Mrs. Marfont on the ground. HE trembled, reaching down to pick her up.
“It’s quiet,” Mrs. Marfont said. “I can finally get some sleep.”
Lockwood staggered away from the body, shaking.
“Come back here, dammit!” Dr. Marfont snapped. “Help me get rid of it before anyone sees!”
“Not again!” Lockwood wept.
“He’s dead. There’s nothing to be done!” Dr. Marfont snapped.
Lockwood looked down at the body of Mrs. Marfont. He saw it lying there twisted, head bent unnaturally. It wasn’t Mrs. Marfont. It was Nathaniel. “Oh my God,” he whispered.
“Hurry! Grab him!”
Lockwood and Dr. Marfont moved Nathaniel’s body from the garden, taking it behind the house where no one could see. Dr. Marfont sighed, shaking his head. “I couldn’t imagine what would happen if Corinne saw such a thing again.”
“She still doesn’t remember?” Lockwood knew the answer already.
Dr. Marfont shook his head. “The shock of seeing it blocked it from her mind.” He sighed heavily. “How could this have happened twice now?”
Lockwood wrung his hands together. “I’m sorry, doctor. This is my fault.”
“It was nothing you did. Now come along, let's go inside. We’ll deal with this later.” He walked away from the body, but Lockwood remained frozen there. Mrs. Marfont had suffered for a long time. Her illness changed her. During his days as the maid in that house, Lockwood had done nothing but tend to Mrs. Marfont and earn her confidence. Lockwood had been working out in the garden one afternoon when she heard a shout from above. Before she could even look up, Mrs. Marfont had landed on the ground before her. Right as Mrs. Marfont died, Corinne had come outside. After that, she did not sleep, eat, or move from her room for a week. Once she emerged, Corinne had no memory of the event. To her, her mother had passed away years ago.
Lockwood eventually went inside, shaken by Nathaniel’s death. He washed his hands and went to sit in the parlor alone. Corinne found him there and came up to his chair. “You didn’t join us for breakfast. Are you well?” Corinne touched his cheek, and Lockwood leaned into her palm. Her skin felt so soft, so warm, and her wrist was dotted with freckles.
“I’m not hungry,” Lockwood answered.
“Nathaniel didn’t come down, either.” Corinne sat down beside Lockwood. “Must have been the greens from last night. My stomach was a touch turned too.” She looked up at Lockwood and smiled.
Lockwood shakily turned to her. “Corinne…”
He went silent, unable to tell her she would be better off without him. Her smile, her expectant gaze, all made him so weak. He smiled at her, reaching out and touching her cheek. “You look exceptionally lovely today,” he whispered.
Corinne blushed. “Thank you. I barely slept, so…” She giggled shyly.
Lockwood felt tears in his eyes as he gazed upon her. She looked so happy, so sweet. “It’s not safe to be with me, Corinne.”
Her joyful expression shifted suddenly. Her smile remained but her eyes were almost empty. “What do you mean?” She started to cry.
“I should show you.” He took her back to his room and had her sit on the bed. Lockwood started to remove the bandages from around his head, and slowly he revealed himself. His face was no longer human above the mouth. Instead it was twisted, and held a row of eyes that were all black. His hair was gone, replaced by black spikes that grew into the horns along the side of his head. Corinne’s eyes watered and tears fell down her face.
“The knight who chained himself to a demon.” Her hands fluttered around Lockwood’s face. “What did they do to you?”
“I agreed to make myself stronger,” Lockwood rasped. “I never thought I would live through it.”
Corinne touched his face, smoothing her fingers down. She traced the lines of Lockwood’s jaw and made a small sound of alarm. “I thought twice that I knew you,” she breathed shakily. “When I first saw your neck, and when you touched me.” She looked into Lockwood’s eyes. “Ms. Liam, is that you?”
Lockwood shook his head. “Not anymore.”
“You came back,” Corinne wrapped her arms around Lockwood. “You never said goodbye!”
Lockwood remained silent, hanging limp in Corinne’s arms. He kept his eyes closed, and buried his face into her hair. “Why did you leave me?” Corinne wept.
“I had my reasons,” Lockwood choked. “I didn’t ever want to hurt you. But my staying would have done more damage to you than my leaving.”
“I waited,” Corinne said breathlessly.
“I know.”
Corinne stole another kiss then stiffened her jaw and became resolute. “I see you, and I want you.”
Lockwood clutched her hand tight. “That is dangerous.”
Her smile brightened again, and she placed a kiss upon his lips. “So are many things in this world.”
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kemetic-dreams · 4 years
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Phillis Wheatley Peters, also spelled Phyllis and Wheatly (c. 1753 – December 5, 1784) was the first African-American author of a published book of poetry.Born in West Africa, she was sold into slavery at the age of seven or eight and transported to North America. She was enslaved by the Wheatley family of Boston. After she learned to read and write, they encouraged her poetry when they saw her talent.
On a 1773 trip to London with her master's son, seeking publication of her work, Wheatley met prominent people who became patrons. The publication in London of her Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral on September 1, 1773, brought her fame both in England and the American colonies. Figures such as George Washington praised her work. A few years later, African-American poet Jupiter Hammon praised her work in a poem of his own.
Wheatley was emancipated by her masters shortly after the publication of her book.They soon died, and she married poor grocer John Peters, lost three children, and died in poverty and obscurity at the age of 31.
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Although the date and place of her birth are not documented, scholars believe that Phillis Wheatley was born in 1753 in West Africa, most likely in present-day Gambia or Senegal. She was sold by a local chief to a visiting trader, who took her to Boston in the British Colony of Massachusetts, on July 11, 1761,on a slave ship called The Phillis.It was owned by Timothy Fitch and captained by Peter Gwinn.
On arrival in Boston, she was enslaved by John Wheatley, a wealthy Boston merchant and tailor, who bought the young girl as a slave for his wife Susanna. John and Susanna Wheatley named her Phillis, after the ship that had transported her to America. She was given their last name of Wheatley, as was a common custom if any surname was used for enslaved people.
The Wheatleys' 18-year-old daughter, Mary, was Phillis's first tutor in reading and writing. Their son, Nathaniel, also helped her. John Wheatley was known as a progressive throughout New England; his family afforded Phillis an unprecedented education for an enslaved person, and one unusual for a woman of any race. By the age of 12, she was reading Greek and Latin classics in their original languages, as well as difficult passages from the Bible. At the age of 14, she wrote her first poem, "To the University of Cambridge [Harvard], in New England".Recognizing her literary ability, the Wheatley family supported Phillis's education and left household labor to their other domestic enslaved workers. The Wheatleys often showed off her abilities to friends and family. Strongly influenced by her readings of the works of Alexander Pope, John Milton, Homer, Horace, and Virgil, Phillis began to write poetry
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