#nathin butler
typingtess · 2 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Rewatch:  “A Land of Wolves”  
The basics:  The team is looking for Kensi.
Written by:  Justin Kohlas & Adam George Key.  Kohlas is a longtime NCIS: Los Angeles staffer, working on the series since 2015.  This is his first episode as a writer.  He previous wrote several short films, including one starring Adam George Key.  Adam George Key co-wrote "Monster" with Frank Military and "Searching" with Kyle Harimoto.  Key also played LAPD Officer Harrison in four episodes in seasons 11 and 12.
Directed by:   Tawnia McKiernan, who directed “Exchange Rate", “High Value Target”, “Kulinda”, "Assets", “Joy Ride”, “The Frogman’s Daughter” and "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You".
Guest stars of note:  Briana Marin as NCIS Supervisory Special Agent Aliyah de León, Natalia Del Riego as Rosa, Alexandra Goyco as Marine Lance Corporal Benny Gomez, Jaime Paul Gomez as U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jay Rivera, Jolene Andersen as Ghost/Rebecca Gordon, Nathin Butler as Kodiak, Patrick Cox as Legion, Gloria Laino as Adriana and Oscar Peña as Fernando.
Our heroes:   Rescue Kensi as she rescues herself and an a teenage refugee.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:   With his sister. Sam:   Handling Deeks. Kensi:    Saving herself and Rosa. Deeks:   Spiraling. Fatima:   Back in the field. Rountree:   With his sister. Kilbride:  Can run all the equipment in Ops
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:   Absent. Sam:   Working with the daughter of a good friend. Kensi:  Sending up a signal to help with her rescue. Deeks:  Marty Prefontaine Fatima:   Not a drinker. Rountree:  Absent. Kilbride:  Finds a good 16-year old single malt helpful after rough days.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Not along the border, that’s for sure.
Who's down with OTP:  Deeks didn’t throw a chair or pound Sabatino during this episode’s Kensi is missing moments.  Progress and personal growth!
Who's down with BrOTP:  Sam did a wonderful job keeping Deeks from spiraling.  Deeks did a wonderful job not bringing up that he was in the same position Sam was a few years ago and how did that turn out.
Fashion review:  Callen and Rountree are out today.  To start the day, exercising Deeks is back in the blue-grey tank top and darker grey joggers.  As the case goes along, Sam is in a black, long-sleeve tee.  Kensi wears a flannel shirt and a sometimes a baseball cap.    Deeks in also in a long-sleeve dark tee-shirt and a dark green baseball cap.  Fatima is wearing a pale purple cardigan over a red turtleneck sweater.  The Admiral is in one of his dark blue three-piece suit.  In bed, Kensi is wearing a red tank top (and a white bandage), Deeks has on a blue tee-shirt.
Music:  Not today.
Any notable cut scene:   Two.  The first one has Sam calling Fatima asking for satellite info.  Deeks find a fire that is still burning – Kensi was in the area very recently.  She also wrote “11 Militia” in the dirt.  Sam and Deeks are going to keep looking for Kensi while Fatima checks into the militia.  The Admiral and Aliyah arrive in Ops.  Fatima provides a sit-rep.  The Admiral will make some calls about a satellite link after asking about structures in the area where Kensi left her message.
Scene two:  The militia team goes back into the cabin to find Kensi and Rosa gone.  She wants them captured and killed.  The cubby militia guy really didn’t sign up for that – he was there to protect the border.  He doesn’t want to kill a federal.  The woman in charge makes it clear, Kensi is either a Fed or with the Cartels – either way they’re screwed if they don’t kill her.
Quote:  Kensi:  “You found me.” Deeks:  “We're always gonna find our way back to each other one way or the other.”
Anything else: A group of migrants are crossing into America.  There is an older man who is helped down a hilly area by a teenage girl.  The group hears some rustling in the woods.  The man leading the group tells them to be quiet and crouch down.  Before they can comply, a smoke grenade is thrown into the group.  There is gunfire.  One of the men near the front of the group is shot, as is the older man helped by the teen girl.  
Members of the group are sitting ducks, getting picked off by gunshots.  The teen girl is grabbed by one of the people moving the migrants through the woods.  Pulling her to safety is Kensi, who promises the girl she is safe with Kensi.
In the firing range, Sam is doing blind shooting.  The door opens and a young woman walks in to see “Senior Chief Hanna” and to hear his “seize the day” proverbs.  She reminisces about the one Sam use to tell that was a favorite of her father as well.  They share a big hug.  The woman is Aliyah DeLeon.  She is just getting her bearings.  
Sam asks about her father – if he was still upset she left the Navy for NCIS.  Admitting her father would have preferred she stay with the Navy and climb in ranks, she was in for something new.  She is a better fit for civilian life.  Sam tells her Master Chef DeLeon is the strongest man he knows, he’ll make it through.  Aliyah is a hero – she belongs at OSP.  Sam and Aliyah get a call from the Admiral to report to Ops.
In the boat shed, Deeks arrives with Fatima.  He’s talking about the Spanish Conquistadors and his new running shoes that look a lot like flipflops.  The fast Spanish Conquistadors ran in them.  Fatima is not impressed as Deeks goes on and on about modern running shoes having too much cushion and are an ACL tear waiting to happen.   Deeks wants to buy Fatima a pair.  She thanks “Marty Prefontaine” but she’s good with her Nikes.  Deeks moves and admits he has some blisters due to the new sneakers when his cellphone buzzes.  
Looking at his phone, Deeks is worried – Kensi is late.  Fatima is thrilled until Deeks tells her it is not that kind of late.  She missed her check-in.  The Admiral pops up on the plasma screen with a “good morning.”  “Why do I suddenly feel like there’s nothing good about it?” Deeks asks.  Sam and Aliyah arrive in Ops.  The Admiral asks about Callen, who is out on personal business.  The Admiral knows that, he gave him the personal time.  Sam mentions reconnecting with Alex, his sister “but that’s really none of our business, is it?”  Rountree is also out, also with his sister.
Deeks is “guessing that Callen and Rountree’s absence is not the reason you’re calling us this early.”  The Admiral says Border Patrol found a number of dead bodies on the US/Mexico border, all shot to death.  One of the bodies was Raul Fuentes, the cousin of Benny Gomez and the target of Kensi’s investigation.  Gomez is a Marine in Camp Pendleton who is suspected of working with his cousin Raul and the Campo Cartel as part of a human smuggling ring.  
When he asks if Kensi was there, Deeks is told it is possible, nobody knows.  He can’t believe they don’t know.  Sam asks if Deeks spoke to Kensi that morning.  He did not.  Nobody did.  And there is no way to track her.  Fatima asks if Kensi has a sat-phone.  She does not, according to Aliyah, far too dangerous for this assignment.  Deeks asks who Aliyah is  and the Admiral does the intro with Special Agent DeLeon being TAD (temporary additional duty) with the team.  
The only thing that matters to Deeks is Kensi.  The Admiral agrees, the safety of Agent Blye is everyone’s top concern, “but if you can’t remain calm, you’re going nowhere near this.”  Deeks says he’s calm, he wants the location of the crime scene.  The Admiral has a chopper waiting to take the team to the crime scene.  Deeks leaves to get dressed.
Fatima wants to know if she should go with Deeks.  Sam wants Fatima and Aliyah to see Benny Gomez and find out what he knows.  Fatima is worried about Ops.  The Admiral assures her he knows how to run the systems but he prefers some sort of chain of command and “seeing as how other members of this team take sabbaticals whenever they damn well please, I have no choice.”  Sam dismisses Aliyah to speak to the Admiral alone.  After Sam promises the Admiral that he “has” Deeks, the Admiral brings up the last time the OSP went to Mexico.  Sam is clear.
Kensi and the young woman are running along a road when Kensi needs to sit down.  She’s supporting her left arm with her right.  When they sit, Kensi passes the young woman her water bottle – Kensi wants her to stay hydrated – Kensi takes off her belt and wraps it around her left arm.  She’s been shot.  
The young woman, Rosa, knows Kensi is not a coyote.  If she was, Kensi would have left Rosa to die where they were attacked or left her on the road to die.  Kensi says she’s one of the good ones.  “No such thing,” Rosa replies.  Kensi explains she’s a federal agent.  Rosa asks if they were attacked because they found out Kensi was a fed.  Kensi doesn’t know and doesn’t plan on finding out.  A vehicle passes near them.  Kensi and Rosa hide until it passes and then take off again.
Fatima and Aliyah arrive at Benny Gomez’s place in Fatima’s red Porsche.  Aliyah says Fatima was quiet through the drive over – “was it my backseat driving?”  Fatima was working through some scenarios in her head.  Aliyah understands – OSP is family and one of them is missing.  She’s the new agent anyone barely knows going out in the field would be jarring too.  Fatima promises she trusts Aliyah.  And Aliyah knows Kensi has survived more than her fair share of tough spots but this is the life they all signed up for when joining NCIS.  Fatima quickly agrees.
On Fatima’s turf, Aliyah wants to know how to handle going into Gomez’s house.  Fatima takes the front door, Aliyah the back.  Fatima does the whole “federal agent” thing so Gomez runs out the back.  He spars with Aliyah before Fatima joins in on the fun.  Fatima knocks Gomez to the ground and Aliyah puts him in cuffs.  “Team work makes the dream work,” Fatima says.
At the border near the shooting, Sam can’t even tell if Kensi was with this group (she hasn’t checked in, obviously she’s with this group).  Deeks is worried that the Cartel or Kessler got Kensi.  Sam thinks Deeks is spiraling bringing up Kessler.  A Border Patrol Agent arrives.  He wants to know why NCIS is there.  Sam doesn’t answer, just wants some info on the crime scene.  The Border Patrol Agent talks about the victims – many shot in the back running away.  556 brass (used in semi-automatic rifles) and smoke cannisters, the Border Patrol has seen it before.  Deeks is stunned – how is an act like that considered ordinary.  
The area is a big part of the Cartel’s activity.  It isn’t just a migration corridor, it is a way to smuggle drugs into the US and not be picked up by Border Patrol’s check points.   “If it’s illegal, it’s here.”  Deeks can’t believe this is a garden-variety mass killing.  The Border Patrol Agent explains he has limited resources.  His agency is stretched thin over hundreds of miles of uninhabitable borderland.  There are remote parts of the border that may not see an Agent in a week.  If someone gets hurt or abandoned,  there’s a “slim” chance of survival. The Agent saw more dead bodies than he ever wants to remember.  
Trying to get things back on track, Sam wants to know what the Border Patrol Agent thinks happened at the crime scene – is this the Cartel.  The Agent has no other theory but the Cartels.  He wishes he had more specifics but in cases like this, they rarely do.  “If it’s not a turf war, it’s a shepherd playing God with his sheep.”  With the scene being processed, NCIS is free to look around but there isn’t much to see.
Realizing that if Kensi is out there, they’re already way behind, Sam finds some ATV tracks.   Border Patrol doesn’t use ATV’s.  They did try to follow the ATV’s but only found they went 20-yards.  Deeks finds some blood on a big stone just away from the crime scene.  He thinks it is Kensi’s, Sam isn’t sure.  Deeks is sure that she doesn’t have a lot of time in the conditions out there either way.  They’re back to the helicopter.  
In a cave, Rosa has a badly sprained ankle.  Kensi is tending to it but  Rosa is more worried Kensi arm.  Kensi says she’s fine.  Rosa is mourning the older man who was shot and killed.  He took care of her since “La Bestia” – the cargo trains used to smuggle Central American migrants to the border.  The old man said Rosa reminded him of his daughter, who lived in New York City and sent money home to get the him to the US.  
Kensi asks if Rosa was going to New York.  She’s going to Los Angeles.  Her late mother wanted to go to LA to work and send money so Rosa could leave.  Rosa is crying since it did not work out.  Rosa asks Kensi is she is a mother.  Kensi shakes her head no, “I want to be.  Just haven’t been that lucky”.  Kensi agrees, sometimes things don’t work out.  They are both hoping their luck changes.  Kensi is going to scout around.  She begs Rosa to stay put – if someone comes by, don’t make a sound.  Rosa nods her head as Kensi leaves, promising that she will return.  
In Ops, the Admiral gets a sit-rep from Fatima and Aliyah.  Seal Beach is sending over MPs to arrest Gomez.  He’s currently handcuffed to as swing in his backyard.  Fatima asks about Kensi.  The Cartels of course aren’t talking.  Fatima asks about David Kessler.  The Admiral calls Kessler “self-indulgent”.  If he was involved in what happened at the border, “we’d know.  He wouldn’t be able to help himself.”  Sam and Deeks are running an air-ground search.  Fatima tries to reassure the Admiral.  While the Admiral has all the faith in the world in Kensi’s abilities, finding her when they have no idea where she is “like finding a grain of salt in a sand box.”  
Fatima and Aliyah start hearing some loud banging.  There is a structure just off the backyard with a giant blue tarp covering it.  Aliyah asks Gomez what will they find inside.  He’s babbling on about his civil rights.  Unlocking the structure, with the Admiral on comms demanding to know what they are doing, Fatima and Aliyah find about a dozen migrants inside.
Aliyah brings Fatima some water and asks how she’s doing.  Fatima is OK and asks the same of Aliyah.  Aliyah admits to seeing worse.  Fatima wants to questions the migrants – if they arrived with Kensi, they may know what happened to her.  
In Spanish, Fatima apologizes for questioning the migrants, who all look worried.  Aliyah and Fatima start showing a photo of Kensi.  One woman reacts to Kensi’s photo.  Fatima assures the woman she won’t be in trouble for helping.  Kensi helped the woman cross to the US.  She wasn’t afraid of the trip or the Cartels, she was afraid of the American soldiers who hunt migrants.  These soldiers don’t deport you, they kill you.
Kensi is walking around – more stumbling - when two men in camo pull up on ATVs on the other side of a row of trees.  One pulls over near where Kensi tries to hide – he needs to relieve himself.  Kensi has her knife out in case he gets too close.  In the cave, Rosa moves a little and a human skull shows up in the dirt.  She screams loud enough to catch forest bathroom guy’s ear.  He calls it in to his non-peeing budding.  A woman’s voice comes over the radio and orders him to get to the location of the scream.  He takes off, leaving his cigarette behind.  
Fatima and Aliyah call into Ops.  The Admiral hasn’t heard from Sam and Deeks and Kensi still hasn’t checked in.  The “soldiers who hunt people” aren’t actually military.  While the DOD has some active duty military on the border helping with logistics, it isn’t heavily in California.  The US Military can’t be involved in local law enforcement so if there are soldiers shooting migrants, they aren’t US soldiers.  Fatima thinks they could be rogue actors in the military.  While the Admiral finds that unlikely, he does not find it impossible.  Fatima says Gomez had help from fellow Marines and the shootings at the border could be cleaning up all evidence of the smuggling.  These shooters could be bad actors from ICE or Border Patrol.  Citing exigent circumstances, the Admiral makes it clear that Fatima and Aliyah are to get everything out of Gomez.  “One of our own is on the line here.”
The Admiral updates Sam and Deeks about the shooters – they could be Cartel, militia or just a bunch of people out killing for fun.  Deeks hates all the options.  Once they hear from Gomez, the Admiral will update.  In the helicopter, Deeks wants “real talk” from Sam.  Is the Border Patrol Agent correct – Kensi would have a slim chance of survival.  Sam says the average person – yes.  But Kensi isn’t the average person.
In the cave, a woman in camo gear is kicking Rosa in her injured leg.  A heavy-set bald man with her – also in camo gear – isn’t happy about it.  Rosa is just a kid.  The woman disagrees – Rosa broke the law, is bringing in drugs that kill people.  The woman – called Ghost – orders the man – called Legion – to secure the perimeter.  Asking her question one last time, Ghost wants to know where is your smuggler.  Rosa doesn’t answer, causing Ghost to start pulling her up by her hair.  Rosa calls for Kensi, who arrives.  As Ghost threatens to shoot Kensi, Kensi tells her she’s a federal agent.  Legion comes up from behind and knocks Kensi with the butt of his gun.
In interrogation, Benny Gomez wants a lawyer – not a JAG lawyer, a real one.  Aliyah wonders how he is going to pay for that, “with your blood money?”  Fatima tells Gomez he’s looking at 10-years for the smuggling charges and a ton of time for aiding in the kidnapping of a federal agent.  Aliyah thinks Gomez is a Netflix death-row documentary in the making.  Gomez wants his lawyer.
Fatima and Aliyah explains the future to Gomez.  He’s going to jail for a long time.  He’s going to jail because he’s smuggled people for the Cartel and head of the cartel Pedro Silva is not going to be happy that his American connection is snitching to the Feds.  Silva usually skins people alive for being involved with law enforcement.  Gomez claims his brother asked him if he wanted to make some money under the table.  Now he wants a deal.  He’s not getting one with that terrible story – Fatima is done.  Let Gomez take his chances in prison.
Deciding to cooperate, Gomez explains all he had to do was find a few buddies on the base who would drive down to the border and “pick up some cargo”.  As military, they were never questioned by Border Patrol.   They’d store the “cargo” in the house until someone picked them up.  Gomez claims he didn’t know Kensi was a federal agent and he “sure as hell” doesn’t know where she is now.  They were supposed to meet that morning but the group never showed.  If the group doesn’t show, that means something really bad happened and Gomez was supposed to get out of there.  Then NCIS showed up at his home.
Fatima and Aliyah update Sam and Deeks.  Gomez doesn’t know where Kensi is but between the info she has and what Gomez admitted, they have a strong case against his smuggling partners at Camp Pendleton.  The soldiers in the border are obviously not Gomez’s partners.  The Admiral orders Castor to take Gomez into custody, tells Fatima and Aliyah to return to Ops.  
Deeks is really worried – Gomez was a dead end.  Sam tells Deeks they will find Kensi.  “Yeah, just because you keep saying that doesn’t make it true,” Deeks replies.  Patting Deeks on the chest, Sam says they are going to find Kensi again and Deeks has to keep his head on straight.  Looking out his window, Deeks sees smoke coming up from the trees.  Kensi used the discarded cigarette to start a small camp fire.  Sam orders the helicopter to land.
In the area near the smoldering fire, Deeks recognizes Kensi’s knife with the message “11 MILITIA” written in the dirt.  Sam calls that in to the Admiral.   He needs satellite info for the last 24-hours.  Deeks feels near the smoldering fire – it is still warm.  Kensi was there recently.    Sam wants everything on 11 Militia.
The 11 Militia tied up an unconscious Kensi and Rosa back to back in a cabin.  Legion is complaining – he signed up to protect the border, not to have women tied up in a cabin.  Ghosts says they aren’t just finding migrants and turning them over to the Border Patrol, they are protecting the American way of life.  This is a war and “all wars have causalities.”  The guy who needed to pee – called Kodiak – starts talking about sheep dogs and it is all nonsense.  
Legion pushes back – what if Kensi really is a federal agent.  Ghost thinks if Kensi is a federal agent then she’s helping move migrants into the country.  “I call that treason and the punishment for treason is death.”  Kensi is not unconscious.  She heard it all.  
After checking the area around the fire, Sam and Deeks come up empty.  Figuring that Kensi got caught in the crossfire but got away, Sam realizes Kensi is a loose end.  That doesn’t do much for Deeks.   Since the 11 Militia is traveling on ATV’s, they have to fuel up somewhere.  Deeks wants to go up in the helicopter but Sam is worried they’d be wasting time and fuel flying blind.  Deeks doesn’t think Kensi has the time.
The Admiral calls.  Sam wants to know what is taking so long.  The Admiral is “rattling as many cages as possible” but he’s called in a lot of favors over the years taking care of the team.  Fatima makes a link between the Sons of Our Fathers militia from earlier in the season and the 11 Militia.  After NCIS shut down the Sons of our Fathers, a smaller, more militant part of the group left Arizona for California.  The 11 in their name is from the 11 states of the Confederacy.   Deeks is freaking out, only hearing Sam’s end of the conversation.  
Fatima has some pictures of the 11 Militia and the Admiral’s assessment is not kind.  Ghost is Rebecca Gordon, the second in command at Sons of our Fathers with a “crazy long rap sheet”.  Lots of assaults with a deadly weapon charges – all involved with immigrants.  Gordon owns a cabin near where the helicopter landed.  Aliyah send the coordinates to Sam.  A REACT team has been activated but they are going to take a while to get to the cabin.  Sam and Deeks are on their own.
In the cabin, Kensi and Rosa struggle to stand while Ghost, Legion and Kodiak talk about what is going on outside.  Legion was there to protect the border, not hurt people.   Kensi and Rosa make it to a window where Kensi uses her head, literally, break some glass and using her mouth to pick up some shards.  The 11 Militia walk into the cabin to find Kensi and Rosa gone.  They are walking down the hill slowly.  Rosa’s ankle is bad and Kensi is getting weaker by the minute.  
Sam and Deeks enter the cabin but nobody is there.  They hear shots fired.  A fourth member of the 11 Militia found Kensi and Rosa.  Ghost, Legion and Kodiak join him.  Kensi warns them that if they kill a federal agent, there is no place on earth they can hide.  Legion doesn’t want Ghost to shoot Kensi and Rosa.  He’s got rope – if they are tied up for a few days, the animals will take care of Kensi and Rosa.  Kodiak shoots Legion.  Sam arrives, yells “federal agent” and while the people in the show haven’t seen the program, we all have.  Lots of shooting ensues.
Deeks tosses Kensi a pistol which she uses to take out Ghost.  Sam, Kensi and Deeks quickly have control of the situation.  Rosa asks if it is over.  It is.  She hugs Kensi.  Deeks sees Kensi and Rosa hugging.  Kensi is so happy he found her.  He tells her they will always find each other.  Then Deeks finds her “flesh wound”.  He wants to take her to a hospital.  Kensi makes some introductions.
While Fatima is working at her new desk – complete with a desk lamp – Sam arrives.  Aliyah is coming down the stairs.  Sam is so grateful for her help.   Aliyah thinks the team is terrific as does the arriving Admiral.  Aliyah impressed the Admiral, who wants to have a sitdown with her to see where she fits inside NCIS.
Aliyah offers to take Sam, Fatima and the Admiral out for drinks – on her.  Fatima eyes the Admiral and he suddenly has to leave.  Fatima starts to talk her way out but Aliyah has ideas to help in Ops.  Fatima would like to do that down the road.  
Sam take Aliyah to his locker.  He brought in a photo of her Dad when they were in BUDS – it is a gift to Aliyah.  She missed LA.
In a dark Ops, Fatima is crying at one of the work stations.  The Admiral walks in and asks Fatima if she wants to talk.  She doesn’t say anything so the Admiral says good night.  As he’s walking away, Fatima tries to explain she’s not a cop, a SEAL, her family isn’t military.  She doesn’t have the background the rest of the team has.  She can’t get shot or kidnapped and pretend everything is fine.  Telling her “a little secret”, the Admiral says nobody in the office is superhero.  Everyone is human, “even me,” the Admiral continues.  
The office was shorthanded in a time of great need.  “the thing is you stepped up to the plate.”  It is the things you don’t chose that makes you who you are.  And on nights like this, the Admiral finds a single malt, aged 16-years or so, “to do the trick.”  Fatima is smiling.  She doesn’t drink – it is her choice, a choice the Admiral finds idiotic but her choice.  He wishes her a good night.  
At home, Kensi is in bed with a big bandage on her left arm.  Deeks is trying to sneak into the bedroom – he thought Kensi was sleeping.  She’s not.  She is grateful he helped talk her doctor out of keeping her overnight.  Kensi asks about Rosa, who is being processed as a migrant seeking asylum.  They are looking for relatives in the US and if there are no realities, she would go to foster parents.  Kensi doesn’t want Rosa sent home – she has nobody there for her.  Deeks wants Kensi to go to sleep.  Getting into bed with Kensi, Deeks snuggles up.  Kensi asks if he knows how lucky they are.  He does, every morning when he wakes up with her.  Quoting “Spoils of War”, Deeks is very glad she’s not dead.
What head canon can be formed from here:  The introduction of Rosa is the new head canon move.  Otherwise, this was a very well done “team member in peril” episode.  Aliyah was a strong addition and I’m sorry she didn’t make past an episode or two.  No issue with Shyla Dhar but having someone with family ties to Sam is always a good thing.
There was really nice continuity with prior parts of the season.  The Sons of our Fathers from “Indentured” evolved to the 11 Militia here.  Fatima’s issues returning to the field are continued here but she powers through it.  
Just a guess, Callen was spending less time with Alex and Jake than he was with Leah.
Episode number:  Episode number 288, the 8th episode of season 13.
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icelovesfire · 1 year
𝗳𝗮𝘃 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 -
• july 21, 2011 - met 👸🏻 rebecca herbst (also 2012)
• march 19, 2023 - met shannen doherty
• march 19, 2023 - met jason priestley
• july 23, 2011 - met jason thompson
• march 19, 2023 - met ian ziering
𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒔 -
• july 23, 2011 - saw steve burton (also 2012)
• march 19, 2023 - met jennie garth
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ᴍᴇᴛ - alicia minshew, alicia silverstone, blake gibbons, bobbie eakes, bradford anderson, brandon barash, brianna brown, bruce weitz, cameron mathison, chrishell stause, christina bennett lind, danica mckellar, eddie alderson, erin chambers, finn wittrock, haley pullos, jacob young, jill larson, john j. york, j.r. martinez, julie marie berman, kimberly mccullough, kirsten storms, kristen alderson, lee meriwether, lexi ainsworth, maurice benard, monica potter, natalie hall, sarah glendening, scott reeves, sean blakemore, stephanie gatschet, vanessa marcil, vincent irizarry
𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 - beth broderick, breckin meyer, cady mcclain, caroline rhea, chad duell, charisma carpenter, clare kramer, danny tamberelli, dominic zamprogna, dorian gregory, drew fuller, drew garrett, elisa donovan, elizabeth berkley, holly marie combs, james marsters, jamie luner, jason marsden, jen lilley, jenna leigh green, jonathan jackson, jordan villasuso, kel mitchell, kelly monaco, laura wright, levar burton, lindsay korman, lisa locicero, lori beth denberg, mario lopez, nancy lee grahn, nathin butler, olivia d’abo, rebecca gayheart, rose mcgowan, stacey dash, steve burns, susan lucci, tava smiley, thora birch, tori spelling
𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 - brad paisley, bryan adams, darius rucker, gloriana, jess glynne, justin cole moore, kellie pickler, raven symoné, taylor swift … several obscure Christian artists
(𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘤𝘤𝘶𝘳)
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lascljm · 2 years
Dangerous akon cd
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No no.no disrespect but this gyal a pon another level.cut the check. I mean megan good and halle berry put together ain't close to the JUBEE i see On the week of May 13, at the American iTunes Store, the song was offered. It was released to radio in March 2008, and on iTunes on April 1. Produced by DJ Kemo and hAZEL, it was the first single from his fourth album, Not 4 Sale. She bad and she know the deal, Thats what I can't hide when she want to conceal 'Dangerous' is a hip hop song by Canadian rapper Kardinal Offishall featuring American singer Akon. I wanted to make my black snake moan, talk a little bit and take that home Ohh.Bad to the bone, everything locked like a two three zone Album: Dangerous (International Version) Heyo SONGLYRICS just got interactive. (Kardinal yelling Im trying to give that girl something. Akon - Dangerous (With Kardinal Offishall. You can buy Album Dangerous (With Kardinal Offishall) (CDS) 2008 - Akon.
She give a new definition to the word Curve, got chicks in the strip club envyin her.īody's like weapon, a mass irruptions, see the glad on that phat obstruction, tongue game give a new type of seduction. Here you can buy and download music mp3 Akon. If I was the last man I earth I would only take that girl end of search. Actually this amazing music is popped out of an album which is titled Not 4 Sale And it was released in the year 2008. kardinal offishall ft akon dangerous instrumental Kardinal Offishall Ft Akon - Dangerous Instrumental, akon ft kardinal offishall - dangerous, akon ft kardinal offishall. Listen to both songs on WhoSampled, the ultimate database of sampled music, cover songs and remixes.
Ohhh yeah thats her the big dog tryin to get her little kitty to purr.Įx-man lookin at me like i'm Lucifer, Cause he knows I will deal with his case yes SIR! Download clean vinyl LP CD free mp3 audio song by Kardinal Offishall and this music is titled Dangerous ft. Akon sampled Michael Jackson's 'Dangerous'. Ill Eagle Alien - Album Version (Edited) Nina - Album Version (Edited) Go Home With You - Album. That girl is a bad girl, I've seen her type before Dangerous - Album Version (Edited) Digital Motown - Album Version (Edited) Gimme Some - Album Version (Edited) Bad Like We Bad - Album Version (Edited) Numba 1 (Tide Is High) - final. We know audiences will have a good laugh and enjoy the very talented cast.Girl I can't notice but to, notice you, noticing me, from across the room I can see it and can't stop myself from looking and noticing you, noticing me, Akon - Dangerous Andy Light Upfinger Radio Remix, Kardinal Offishall - Dangerous Remix Feat Akon Sean.
Lise Romanoff, CEO and Managing Director of Vision Films, says, “The American King is a cross between Coming to America and Black Panther, and while this movie is delivered with comedy, it depicts a very powerful commentary about the divisiveness and double standards in today’s society. The film also stars Andrew Howard (“ Limitless“), Nick Moran (“ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows“, “ Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels“), Massi Furlan (“ Jumanji: The Next Level“), Nathin Butler (“Westworld”), and Miguel Nuñez Jr. Written and directed by Adah Obekpa and co-produced by Joan McCarthy, the film follows the story of Sebastian, an ex-con dealing with some dangerous yet sensitive Russian gangsters to whom he owes money, who receives an unbelievable offer to escape it all from a mysterious High Priestess who seeks to fulfil a 400-year-old prophecy: choose an American to become King of an ancient African kingdom and restore it to the global superpower it once was. Nollywood actors Nse Ikpe-Etim and Enyinna Nwigwe will be in the Hollywood comedy film “ The American King” with the singer Akon.
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
I also just noticed that he added this to his profile…could this mean he’s reoccurring or was that already established?
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Um, General Hospital’s Dr. Ewen Keenan just started following me on Instagram.  I didn’t even know the dude’s real name or even look him up.  This is so random.  I rarely comment on the show’s Instagram, but this guy hasn’t been on the show in 7 years?!  In fact, the last thing I’ve seen him in was a 2017 episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD and I didn’t even realize it.  Weird, but I’ll follow him.
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itsalycenotalice · 5 years
Hawaii Five-0 9.17 - Press Release
JUNIOR IS TORN BETWEEN HIS DUTIES AS A MEMBER OF FIVE-0 AND HIS FEELINGS FOR HIS FORMER GIRLFRIEND WHEN HER NEW MAN IS ONE OF THE CULPRITS IN A BANK-HEIST-TURNED-HOMICIDE, ON “HAWAII FIVE-0,” AT A SPECIAL TIME ON FRIDAY, FEB. 22 Episode Directed by Series Star Alex O’Loughlin “E'ao lu'au a kualima” – Junior is torn between his duties as a member of Five-0 and his feelings for his former girlfriend when her new love, the father of her son, is one of the culprits in a bank-heist-turned-homicide, on HAWAII FIVE-0, at a special time Friday, Feb. 22 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Episode directed by series star Alex O’Loughlin. (“E'ao lu'au a kualima” is Hawaiian for “Offer young taro leaves to”) CHEAT TWEET: #H50 fans, @BeulahKoale is going to break your heart in this episode directed by McGarrett himself, Alex O’Loughlin... @HawaiiFive0CBS 2/22 10pm http://bit.ly/2DTn1ju REGULAR CAST: Alex O’Loughlin (Steve McGarrett) Scott Caan (Danny “Danno” Williams) Chi McBride (Lou Grover) Ian Anthony Dale (Adam Noshimuri) Jorge Garcia (Jerry Ortega) Meaghan Rath (Tani Rey) Beulah Koale (Junior Reigns) Taylor Wily (Kamekona) Dennis Chun (Sgt. Duke Lukela) Kimee Balmilero (Noelani Cunha) RECURRING CAST: Anna Enger (Layla) GUEST CAST: J.J. Soria (Tory) Nathin Butler (Nick) Michael Camp (Owen) Tyron Woodley (Kalino) Michael Ironside (Bob) Brian Howe (Carl) Taiana Tully (Jenny) Masayo Terao (Caitlyn) Romel De Silva (Mana) Duane Char (Bank Manager) Leo Lee (Kimo) Ioane Goodhue (Nohea) Zeus Kang (Milo) Jose Ver (Motel Manager) Ashley Nagaoka (Reporter) WRITTEN BY: David Wolkove & Matt Wheeler DIRECTED BY: Alex O’Loughlin SOURCE:CBS
MY SOURCE: https://www.spoilertv.com/2019/02/hawaii-five-0-episode-916-917-press.html
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classicsodcovers · 6 years
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Classic SOD Cover Date: June 4, 2012
(top) Michael Damian & Lauralee Bell (Danny & Christine, THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS) (left) Michelle Stafford (Phyllis, THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS) (right) Eileen Davidson (Ashley, THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS) (bottom) Joseph Mascolo (Stefano, DAYS OF OUR LIVES); Nathin Butler (Ewen, GENERAL HOSPITAL)
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ncisladaily · 3 years
“A Land of Wolves” – The NCIS team scrambles to find Kensi, when she is attacked and kidnapped by a mysterious militia group while helping a group of migrants cross the border, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Jan. 9 (9:30-10:30 PM, ET/9:00-10:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.*
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(NCIS Investigator Marty Deeks)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Gerald McRaney
(Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride)
Briana Marin
(NCIS Supervisory Special Agent Aliyah de León)
Natalia Del Riego
Alexandra Goyco
(Marine Lance Corporal Benny Gomez)
Jaime Paul Gomez
(U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jay Rivera)
Jolene Andersen
(Ghost/Rebecca Gordon)
Nathin Butler
Patrick Cox
Gloria Laino
Oscar Peña
WRITTEN BY: Justin Kohlas & Adam George Key
DIRECTED BY: Tawnia McKieman
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paulasoapbox · 5 years
Paula's Soapbox LIVE: Nathin Butler Interview
Paula’s Soapbox LIVE: Nathin Butler Interview
Coming Thursday, February 28th at 5|4c 2pm PST, Paula chats LIVE with actor Nathin Butler.
Butler is known to television audiences as Dr. Ewen Keenan on General Hospital, a role he played from 2011-2012. He also played Ryan and Leon’s friend on the Hulu series Casual from 2016-2018.
As always, the interview will stream LIVE on YouTube and right from this post.
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typingtess · 3 years
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“A Land of Wolves” – The NCIS team scrambles to find Kensi, when she is attacked and kidnapped by a mysterious militia group while helping a group of migrants cross the border, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Jan. 9 (9:30-10:30 PM, ET/9:00-10:00 PM, PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.*
Briana Marin (NCIS Supervisory Special Agent Aliyah de León)   Natalia Del Riego (Rosa) Alexandra Goyco (Marine Lance Corporal Benny Gomez) Jaime Paul Gomez (U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jay Rivera) Jolene Andersen (Ghost/Rebecca Gordon) Nathin Butler (Kodiak) Patrick Cox (Legion) Gloria Laino (Adriana) Oscar Peña (Fernando)
WRITTEN BY: Justin Kohlas & Adam George Key
DIRECTED BY: Tawnia McKieman
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Drone Wars Official Trailer (2016) starring Corin Nemec, Whitney Moore, Nathin Butler Trailer for Drone Wars, which will be released by Lionsgate to DVD and Digital HD on September 12th, 2017.
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h50europe · 5 years
Take a glimpse on Alex directing - via Nathin Butler via IG Stories
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
The fact that this was posted 2 days ago and AGK liked it still has me…👀
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agl03 · 7 years
Managing Expectations:  Fitz
Now that we have the press release out and based on what I’m seeing on there @jessiecrimefighter and I have really adjusted our expectations as to what I’ll see from Fitz in the first two episodes...as in not much if at all.  I still think he’ll come up, for example once Jemma has 5 seconds to catch her breath and process what’s happened.  Or we’ll get a glimpse of him in the tag like we did with Jemma in Season 3.  
I know this isn’t what a lot of people wanted, but its something I’ve been expecting for a long time now.  Overlord was a fantastic opportunity for Iain and a huge project.   It should also be noted he is under contract with AOS, they let him do the project.   They have clearly planned accordingly by having Fitz initially left back on earth.   
And its because he’s on earth I’m not expecting to see him much if at all.  Looking at the Press Release and the Guest Stars most of these guys seem to be in space and the one from earth are part of the initial Spacenapping:
Orientation Part 1:
Jeff Ward as Deke:
Joel Stoffer as Enoch
Jordan Preston as driver
Peter Hulne as Jerry
John Wusah as young soldier
Deniz Akdeniz as Virgil
Nathin Butler as Jone
Derek Mears as captain 
Enoch and “driver” are likely earth for sure and there is a chance we see Enoch circle back to Fitz at some point in one.   
Orientation Part 2:
Jeff Ward as Deke
Eve Harlow as Tess 
Dominic Rains as Kasius
Florence Faivre as Sinara
Paul Duna as Reese
Kaleti Williams as Zev 
Pruitt Taylor Vince as Grill
James Babson as Holt
Tunisha Hubbard as Ava
Derek Mears as captain
Wes Armstrong as Rick
Jay Hunter as watch commander
“Rick” is the only one here who has even a small chance of being on earth but l’m leaning towards him being a Scavenger.  Zev is in IMDB for 3 so he is one that can go either way, but again leaning towards Space for him too.
Due to the team and at least the first pod being in space a MASSIVE amount of set up needs to be done.  The introduction of the new places and faces to set up what is to come.   Iain wasn’t available for the first two episodes, the easiest way to deal with that was to simply write Fitz out, and they didn’t have room for an Earth story alongside the space story, and/or no time to film it when he got back, especially when the Premiere was bumped back up.  Jemma and May weren’t in in 3.01, they were both mentioned but not seen. Well, Jemma did have the tag the tag and May didn’t show up until 2.  And since 1 and 2 are airing on the same night I don’t think his absence will be as noticeable as if it was spread over two weeks.
The writers, especially our writers for 1 and 2 Jed, Mo, and DJ, have proven they don’t need to have Fitzsimmons together to give us some amazing moments.  The Return in my book is one of my strongest Fitzsimmons episodes ever, even without glorious pod hugs.
Nor will this be the first time Fitz isn’t in an episode that much.   4722 Hours and Melinda are two examples, with Melinda he was just in the tag here too.  The difference is now we know its coming.  
I will say, it does look like the writers are going to make it up to fans.  Fitz has a mini arc of why he was left behind and getting to the others.   Five looks to be a pretty Fitz-centric episode WITH the bonus bro trip team up with Hunter (bows to the wise and powerful Timeline).  Followed by when I expect him to get to Space with the others in the Clark directed episode.  Not to mention “so many cute things” for Fitzsimmons, Chloe talked about. 
Look, I get that some fans are frustrated.  When theorizing I have a lot of ah ha moments and I had one other day.  Because for me its felt like forever since I’ve had Fitzsimmons properly together where its actually them.  And it has been for viewers:
Fitz was kidnapped in 4.14 Which aired on 2/14/17.
Depending on how AOS breaks for the Christmas Holiday I can see 6 airing 1/12/18.  Nearly 11 MONTHS since Fitzsimmons were properly together especially considering how crazy the finale was and they never got a second to even catch their breaths.
The writers purposely set up a ton of stuff in Season 4 knowing they wouldn’t get to it until Season 5.  Fitzsimmons was one of those.  They left them in a good place (but didn’t wrap them up as definitely as they did Mackelena and Philinda) and intended to pick it up in Season 5....and then there were a couple of we’ll call them hiccups.
They got picked up for Season 5 but were informed they wouldn’t be back until January. 
So we need to be patient a little while longer.  I realize many of you want to outright deck me when I saw this but I think we will be really rewarded in a big way this time. 
I would love to be wrong on this but as always, Plan for the worst, Hope for the Best!
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nathanlucas96-blog · 4 years
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You may have seen this guy on shows such as “West World” “General hospital” and “Hawaii Five-0.” Had such a great time meeting and shooting with Nathin Butler represented by @allmypromotions1. Break a leg brutha and def look forward to working with you again. Stay tuned for more great shots captured in our quick 1 hour on location session. Actor: @nathinbutler #westworld #hawaiifive0 #generalhospital #headshots #lifestyleshots #onlocation #actorslife #portraitphotography #nathan_lucas #menofhollywood #zeisscameralenses #zeisslook (at Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDCInObDg-Q/?igshid=18fzh17yg1tg5
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themoinmontrose · 4 years
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australian actor nathin butler @nathinbutler is 35 today #happybirthday 
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