#national teacher of the year
tariah23 · 8 months
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bonefall · 1 year
Tbh the whole 'bloodclan bans families and hates Cat God' thing really reminds me of the anti communist bullshit I was fed in highschool history class.
Every day I count my lucky stars that I got educated in a well-funded school in a blue state. My teachers were shockingly good in hindsight, I didn't get half of the same propaganda some of my friends in other states got.
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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Mr.United States Canada Mexico Panama
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naamahdarling · 7 months
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kingoftieland · 5 months
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It’s National Teacher Appreciation Day! Just like the Jade Giant, my students wouldn’t like me when I’m angry… Because I always support my argument with properly documented scholarly sources. That’s right – Mr. Merenda is The CREDIBLE Hulk! 👨🏼‍🏫
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septembersung · 6 months
What is your favorite tree?
I considered poems by William Stafford (“Oak,” “Willows,”) Wendell Berry, and Tolkien for this, but instead I’m giving you the concluding lines of poem that is very special to me: “The Lives of the Poets” by John Balaban.
we stopped before a storm-struck, twisted pear tree,
a remnant from an orchard of 100 years ago.
Out of the hulk of its blackened trunk,
one smooth-skinned branch sent forth some leaves.
“Still blooming?” I asked. “Madly,” he said.
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My Billy boo is just mood. This is literally how I feel right now as the school year is winding down 😂❤️🤦🏻‍♀️
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timedyne · 1 month
my eighth grade year i took journalism. in that class we produced our school's student newspaper / magazine (it was called a newspaper but functioned more like a magazine). one of the huge things that my teacher taught us and emphasized throughout the year was how to recognize bias in journalistic writing. before any of our stories went to print, we had a group proofreading session where he printed out our pages on large pieces of paper and told us to pass them around and use a red pen to mark both grammatical/spelling issues and any signs of ANYTHING that could be construed as bias in articles that were not opinion pieces. he told us to make it OBVIOUS. to not just underline it, but to circle it and write BIASED or OPINION in big letters in the margin. afterwards, he would go through the pages with us and discuss each individual bias marking and give suggestions on how to rewrite it/remove it in a way that makes sense. and it worked. as the year went on, less red marks started appearing as we started to learn how to recognize our own bias in our own writing so we didnt have to deal with the scrutiny of other eighth graders. and thats how my journalism teacher ran a middle school newspaper with more journalistic integrity than some outlets nowadays.
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necromancy-savant · 2 months
That one poll reminded me of how one time in high school one Ms. Pease saw me quietly listening to my ipod in the hallway waiting for my next class and she just ripped it out of my hands. And I was staring in pure dumb shock for like 30 seconds and she was like "are you coming or not." She then proceeded to explain, once we walked the whole fucking school to her shitty little office she shared with 15 other people, that ipods aren't allowed in hallways. Which was news to me on account of everyone had them or cd players. She was known for being horrible for no reason but damn. I wish it was her who got arrested for cocaine
#it was a Spanish teacher. and not even the one I had whom everyone immediately suspected#let this be your sign that if you hate high school kids don't be a teacher#that was my one and only interaction with her miserable ass and I literally hope she died horribly years and years ago#a history teacher who caught me smoking once was sympathetic about my stolen ipod and helped me get it back and she was a literal angel#more of her and less of Pease in the world#people used to joke about the language department's food based names. Like Mr. Crabb and Ms Pease and Mr. Kofi#Mr. Kofi was a native French speaker from Cote D'ivoire. he was my French teacher and he was awesome. And they pronounced his name wrong#I was lucky I got him. We also had a teacher who taught French and Latin and spoke both with the strongest British accent ever#not to disrespect her or anything. She let us watch Gladiator in class. And I told her after like 3 weeks of class I finished the book#and she said ok here's the next one. if you get through that you can move up a whole year and go from Latin 1 to Latin 3/4#after winter break. and I did do just that and I got the best grades in Latin 3/4 too#at Latin day I was a junior so I didn't get picked for the kartamen team (sp?)#and they lost first round#meanwhile I took multiple choice exams all day. My favorite. and I got 1st 2nd or 3rd place for every single one#so I literally won 10 awards all my myself at Latin Day. Just by taking multiple choice tests. they must have felt so stupid#I received those awards onstage at school the same day I got like 3 or 4 medals for the National Latin exam and the state exam#and the mythology exam#so I went home with like 15 awards that day so fuck you everyone who didn't want a junior on the kartamen team. I destroyed your sorry asse
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people online will be like “haha i will make 9/11 jokes because the american reaction to the event had many levels of irrationality” but will not confront the massive amounts of internalised islamophobia that arose from american propaganda justifying the ‘war on terror’ and the iran and iraq wars which was then compounded by a culturally christian society that portrays Islam to be inhumane and oppressive resulting in them now hearing that a muslim group is targeting a fanfic website for ‘degeneracy’ and ‘being usa based’ and then believing it without a second thought
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also coming out to teachers sucks and is embarrassing ☹️ ALSO THE FACT I HAVE TO TELL THEM TO NOT CALL ME MY NAME AROUND MY PARENTS SUCKS HARDER ☹️☹️☹️
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murderousink23 · 3 months
07/08/2024 is SCUD Day 🌎, International Town Criers Day 🌎, Islamic New Year ☪️🌎, Teacher's Day 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫🇵🇪, National Chocolate with Almonds Day 🇺🇸, National Blueberry Day 🇺🇸
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applexi · 10 months
school madness
#drama is happening in the school AND I AM IN ON IT RN‼️‼️‼️ /POS IM ABOUT TO RALLY WITH THE ADMINS RAAAUUAWWWWRR#OKAY SO LIKE?!?????!!!!!!!!#our exams are on monday#but not all of the teachers really had their chance to cover all the lessons for us to tackle for the reasons being:#1) the school loves extracurricular activities#2) national holidays (but this is understandable)#3) THEY WANT OUR FUCKING CLEARANCES SIGNED!!!!! SHOULDN'T THAT SHIT BE DONE /AFTER/ EXAMS?????#MF NO CLEARANCE NO EXAM EXCUSE MEEEEEEE YOU EXPECT LIKE 1K STUDENTS TO GO SCRAMBLE AROUND THE SCHOOL ASKING FOR SIGNATURES#youre pushing them to finish getting the admin signatures first RATHER than telling them to study for the exams??? and you tell me#OHH FINISH THE CLEARANCE FIRST BEFORE THE EXAMS#anyways the students and my class adviser (not an admin) are rallying to reschedule the exam for another week because this is bullshit#last school year our exams were transfered to january!!! why cant we do that last time!!!!!!!!!!#and it was okay!!!!!!!!#im like#mad and tired and fuckin OAUUAAHH#usually i feel thr urgent need to study to be prepared for the exams BUT I DON'T FEEL THE URGENCY BECAUSE WE WERENT TAUGHT PROPERLU 😭😭#my complaining isnt even filled to my satisfaction i still have so much more to complain about ohmymgoiooodd#eugh whatever i literally walked out today to get my clearance signed (30% complete 😭 its not easy to get signatures) im gonna go write#absolute bullcrap i tel you#this week has been hell
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daybreakstorm · 11 months
having thoughts about how high school can be something so integral to your entire personality and life and yet when you return you realize it meant nothing at all to those around you
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hightaled · 1 year
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my schedule and my classes are so fucking awful and i am filled with more contempt and vitriol than ever this year
#cannot even begin to complain on the level that my art teacher deserves this year but by god i will try#first she starts with a ban on headphones and earbuds LIKE GIRL!#what do you mean for me to listen to. the sound of every possible obnoxious junior in one class#the ugly fucking rich white boy senior#and the girl who likes to take embarrassing photos of everyone including her friends and post them on instagram#AND her repeating the same few directions every single day for 30 minutes because she loves the sound of her own voice??#second the way she talks actually just pisses me off#she is a worse speaker than me which is saying something she will just go on and on and on#someone will ask her a question and she will mention like 5 famous artists like theyre obscure and as if high schoolers know who they are#WE GET IT!! YOU WENT TO RISD!! YOU KNOW WHO BAUHAUS IS!!#its so pretentious and not helpful at all and she will take the other hour and a half to only talk to one of her favorite students#no one asked. no one is going to google fucking mondrian okay please be realistic#shes both so serious and so silly. this class is a college level course if you dont think u can do it switch to choir#also every senior has to have a direction and a theme for the rest of the year regardless of whether youre even taking the test#fucking bitch do you think anyone has a choice its literally impossible to switch in high school#i would literally much rather be singing the national anthem or whatever i would do anything to escape the idea of having a THEME#i am not going to develop deep involved ideas in three classes and you should go die if you think i care enough to be drawing for school#outside of class time. i am literally cooler and already a better artist than you are#if you would like to talk about cliches in art i will pull up your ugly basic portfolio right now you dick#never met anyone less suited to being an art teacher i hope the school burns down#im not suicidal im not a suicidal person but every time i have to be in that room all my will to live just is lost#she hates me personally too she's always on my ass about anything and everything and also will not help me if i do ask#like what does she want me to do about it? take initiative? if i wanted to develop as an artist i would not be listening to her#she said she wanted 50 hours a week outside of class. i Wil shoot myself by the way. top ten people i would blame in my suicide letter.#honestly i can deal with first period PE i can deal with having that ugly rich white boy in my chem and my cs and my lit and my civics but.#art class.#god i hope he dies too instead of any of the 7 people i like at this school in any of my classes i have a mansplainer#anyways i feel a mild cold and my period coming on im normal i prommy#also every time i step into the school building i get a headache#its like the deodorant perfume cologne combined with the stench of everyone having mandatory pe for 5/6 years
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princemick-archive · 2 years
hey are u american? just reading ur tags about the podcast and curious that you said he should speak to public school teachers. public school in the uk is typically another word for private school - we say state school instead for govt funded (there's also academies but that's getting pedantic).
neither american nor english!
I said public school because I am in some ways referring to the American school system when I say I want lewis to speak to teachers as I think if we're talking about '1st world countries' theyre one of the countries with some of the worst rules against alternative systems and so the teachers are incredibly limited on all levels.
more generally I meant public school bc I dont want him talking to a professor of education at some fancy university because they either never had to work and or fight around the limitations that school systems bring or only had to in school when they were studying during their internship time which is incredibly limited and controlled.
I want lewis to talk to a average but passionate high/middle school teacher who has to write all their own lesson plans, who has to fight to get funded for anything outside of the curriculum etc etc.
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