#the credible hulk
kingoftieland · 5 months
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It’s National Teacher Appreciation Day! Just like the Jade Giant, my students wouldn’t like me when I’m angry… Because I always support my argument with properly documented scholarly sources. That’s right – Mr. Merenda is The CREDIBLE Hulk! 👨🏼‍🏫
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warandpeas · 1 year
The Credible Hulk
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tagedeszorns · 1 year
I can't believe I'm doing this ...
I found this neat nugget on my doorstep.
Edit: At this post, to be precise. Just for context.
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Well, @beril66. Okay. Normally I'm the nice explainer-bear in this part of the woods, answering even the strangest questions in a friendly and detailed way. Normally I'm the damned Credible Hulk who even feeds trolls with lore until they are round and peaceful or at least waddle away into the wilderness again after the winter feeding to survive the frost period …
But this … this is beyond my boiling point!
Listen, you clown - you come traipsing into my blog, obviously didn't even bother to look at the last three posts, obviously don't even know who Saqqara is and therefore don't see the irony behind letting a diabolist explain the world - and instead of just keeping yourself nice and closed, you throw up something like your comments on my living room carpet? What went wrong in your childhood?
But you know what? I just can't help it. I should end this text here, block you back under your bridge and go back to drawing naked Astartes. But instead, once again, I can't get out of my skin and feel the urge to reply.
I can't say now that you give me much to work with. Nothing but "No, it's not like that, I think it's great and you're stupid". That's not exactly the level at which I usually discuss Warhammer - but I'll make it work.
So: If you had looked at my blog even superficially you would know that I like TTS. I am therefore looking at it with a very friendly eye. The fact that I'm not upset about the portrayal of my absolute favourite characters Lucius and Fabius should give you the additional hint that I have no problem at all with something I like being made fun of. But I am not wearing the ultimate fanboy-blinders and am able to keep my distance and can therefore say that I do not find both Magnus and Dorn portrayed "in character". Extensively readable in the Heresy novels (for Dorn and Magnus, by the way, many of the characterisation gems here can be found in the later anthologies. Which explains a lot of the mistakes in TTS, as not much of it had been released yet when they started their project and set the characters. So the creators couldn't know any better. The fact that angry fans are now shitting their incendiary speeches at my feet here is of course then rather unreflective. But I can't blame Alfabusa and the team for that. You don't choose your fans). That you conclude from this that I think the Emperor is great and am humourless is in itself extremely amusing. But you're probably right.
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He's the best. I aspire to be like him. Also, please educate yourself about the difference between "well written" and "being a good guy". Because the Emperor is well written in a lot of cases, he just isn't a good guy.
For me, TTS is not the problem. It's people like you who obviously don't want to delve further into the subject matter, but turn memes into canon. No one needs to have read every scrap of lore. I myself am very selective in what I read and I know far too little. Learning new things, changing my mind accordingly - that's a big part of the fun I have in fandom. I allow myself the luxury of challenging my fan-ness with books and opinions that don't line up with mine. At best, I'm even wrong and can add something new to my private Warhammer treasure chest.
I recommend you do the same. Don't stop where you are, read the books. Realise that, contrary to what you seem to believe at the moment, they are not humourless and unreflective, but on the contrary have wit and irony in many shades (quite a few of those shades are called "sledgehammer", but that counts too!).
Now that was severely abbreviated, but I'm tired of it.
Run, little troll! Run, you are free!
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angelkitty32001 · 1 year
I am SO sick of people (in a FB group for All In 2) claiming that it's going to bucket it down with rain for All In, that I went and looked at London weather for the past 5 years!
It hasn't rained on the 27th in this time.
It has been 33 degrees C once, and quite frankly, that's worse *shudder*
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bc-johnson · 1 year
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My gf from dead sleep without warning: "The credible Hulk"
me: "Yeah? The credible Hulk?"
her: "The credible Hulk. The believable Hulk"
I start bursting out laughing
her: "The trustworthy Hulk"
I keep laughing as she asks if I like her joke, by the time I respond she's already back asleep.
She won't remember this at all when she wakes up tomorrow, which is the funniest thing.
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winterinhimring · 5 months
There are two characters, and only two, that Thanos bothers to use actual technique against instead of just sheer brute force. They are the Hulk…and Steve Rogers wielding Mjolnr.
Let that sink in for a minute. The only other Avenger Thanos treats as a credible threat he can’t overpower by strength alone is not Thor, not Iron Man, but CAPTAIN AMERICA.
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sodapopsolstice · 1 year
Homestuck^2 sucked because none of the trolls actually aged like they were supposed to. Like the humans aged (even though they're MEANT to be immortal and dont give me they're mentally 40+ JOHN NO LONGER FITS IN HIS GOD TIER SUIT HE HAS AGED) but we don't ever see the natural development of the trolls.
Vriska, Aradia and Sollux I can kinda give leeway since they've went through timelines and dreambubbles and double death and half death and yada yada those 3 are kinda fucked up timeline wise so I kinda see why they never aged.
But Terezi, Karkat and Gamzee? No fucking excuse.
Kanaya is a grey area however cause you know she's "Kanaya The Vampire Fashion Queen" but like no credible sources I can find SAY anything about age when it comes to rainbow drinkers and I can't find out if The Dolorosa was actually a rainbow drinker so we don't have a naturally lived rainbow drinker example so I'm just gonna have to assume Kanaya ages like a regular troll.
However, the other 3 have no right to not be ageing. For example, I'm gonna pull up a image of Commander Vantas here:
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It's hard to tell with Cmdr. Vantas because THE ONLY TIME WE SEE HIS FACE IS IN HERO MODE OR IN A LIGHTING AND SITTING DOWN anyways. But with what we are given with Cmdr. Vantas he DOES in fact give signs he has aged, not as much as he should of, by this point he should have gotten a good bit taller than the humans and have completely red eyes, but it's better than THIS
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what the fuck. Meat Karkat SHOWS NO SIGNS OF AGING AT ALL HE LOOKS THE EXACT SAME AS HE DID WHEN HE WAS 13 WHEN HE IS 20 AT BARE MINIMUM and you may think im overreacting, cause obviously its just his symbolic sprite he doesn't ACTUALLY look like that
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You buffoon, you oaf take at look at this. HE ISN'T AGING IN THE SLIGHTEST IN MEAT.
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Other than artstyle and change of clothes he looks the fucking same, at this point in HS^2 he should be looking like The Signless but he doesn't even look older than Kankri. But maybe Karkat is a bad example maybe the poor guy has a case of eternal babyface and he's just cursed to look 13 forever.
Let's take a look at Gamzee instead.
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There's so little images I could find off sight of Gamzee in hs^2 and I did NOT want to be on that buggy ass website for long so this is the best you're getting. As expected, Gamzee ALSO has a case of chronic babyface and it's especially egregious as he's the descendant of THE GRAND HIGHBLOOD.
Tbh this is actually kinda a good image since we can semi eye measure Vrissy and Gamzee. Of which Gamzee seems imo taller than Vrissy, not in massive hulking beast like GHB but like and adult man to a 15 year old, which would be normal and expected IF HE WASN'T AGAIN THE DESCENDANT OF THE GRAND HIGHBLOOD.
That guy is literally known in fandom for 2 things, being pissed off and being huge, again Gamzee follows the trend of not having the adult troll characteristics of dark grey skin and whilst his horns are red due to being hero mode and we can't see his eyes i think we can assume he probably doesn't have some nice lavender lookers on him.
And there is a reason why I've spent the last 1 or 2 hour complaining about obtuse homestuck lore and it's simple it shows a lack of care.
It shows that Homestuck^2 on the surface is a mediocre at best adaptation of Homestuck but as soon as the thin surface layer is scrapped away, it shows a hollow project, it shows a project that generally proves itself to be a homestuck thing but it doesn't show passion, I could probably right now find you any HS fan and ask them what makes adult trolls different to young trolls and they could probably easily tell me how and why. So why couldn't a whole team of people attempt at the very least, a version like that?
Its little things like the trolls not aging/aging like humans to the damn table to the lack of acknowledgement for already accepted and semi canonised reps of queer culture in favour for rep that punches down to the outright ridiculous swivels in personality that's prove to me at least that HSE and HS^2 were dead on arrival.
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galactigoos · 2 years
What Happened Last Night Pt.2 - Jack Russell x Reader
Summary: You wake up feeling less content than you had falling asleep. Then Jack drops the bombshell of a lifetime on you. You don't take it well.
Warnings: fluff (savior it, this chapter is rough), learning you're a werewolf, mentions of an animal attack, a bit more info on reader, no ted :(, and hmm what am I forgetting? oh yeah. Angst. Like a lot. I’m so sorry for all of you that were just here for the fluff. I promise there will be more in the future.
Word Count: ~1.5k
A/N: I was trying to get this out by Halloween, then by Día de Muertos, but this chapter took about two hours longer than the last one because I needed it to be juuuust right. I hope I did it justice.
Cross-posted on AO3 as always
Part 1, Part 3
Part 2-
When you woke up, Jack had fallen asleep beside you. He sat crisscrossed, his head propped up on his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. He swayed a little, his unconscious body trying to maintain balance. It made you smile.
Ted was nowhere to be found, although you did find some clothes laid neatly beside you. Nothing fancy, simply some old, baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants, but it was definitely better than staying naked in the forest. You threw the shirt over your head and, with some difficulty, managed to shimmy the sweatpants on without agitating your broken ankle too much. You leaned back with a huff, which apparently was enough to wake Jack.
He startled slightly, his head slipping from his hands. As soon as he got his bearings, his focus snapped to you. He grinned widely.
“You’re awake!” You nodded, a little taken aback by his enthusiasm. “How’re you doing?”
“I’m alright,” you said slowly, still groggy and a little weirded out by how much attention was focused on you. When you were actively bleeding, that was one thing, but this man was looking at you like he had to commit every detail he saw to memory, as if you were going to suddenly disappear before him.
His smile fell slightly and he focused his gaze on the ground, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry I fell asleep. I wanted to watch over you and make sure you were alright but… I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Ok, so when you weren’t delirious with pain, this guy was super weird.
“That’s okay. I didn’t expect you to stay by my side at all times,” you shrugged. 
Jack murmured his assent.
“Where’s Ted?” you asked, more to make conversation than anything else.
“He’s probably just going for a walk. Or gathering firewood. Or doing something stupid that’ll mean I have to rescue him again.” Jack’s tone was light as he spoke of his friend.
“You,” you said, eyeing Jack up and down, “rescue Ted?”
Jack gave a single nod with a smirk.
“What’s brave enough to go after Ted?” you said, puffing out a snort of incredulity.
“Monster hunters,” Jack said frankly.
“Monster… hunters? As in multiple. Multiple monsters and multiple hunters?”
Jack nodded again. “Is that so crazy to believe? I mean how many times have aliens and superhumans and sentient robots destroyed New York City? Nowadays, fantasy turns into reality all the time.”
He had a point. But everyone knew about the aliens. You’d never heard or seen a credible source of monsters running around. Until Ted, that is. You were questioning this possible new development when Jack cleared his throat. 
He muttered “no hay razón de andarse por las ramas,” to himself, then turned to face you more squarely, his posture straighter than it had been in the meager time you had spent together.
“Speaking of monsters and hunters, what do you remember about last night?”
You really had no idea what had happened. You went to bed in your little one-story house, and woke up in the woods with half an ear and your ankle in pieces. You told Jack as much.
“Well, based on what Ted told me, you… transformed last night,” Jack said, never once breaking eye contact.
“What the fuck does that mean. Are you saying I, like, hulked out and what? Tore myself apart?” Jack’s serious expression broke into a little smile.
“‘Hulked out’ isn’t the terminology I would use, but more or less, yes. Y/n, I think- no I know- that last night, the moon came up and you-”
“I’m sorry are you trying to insinuate that I turned into a fucking werewolf? Seriously, Jack? Do you really think I’m going to believe that I went to bed as me, saw the moon, and turned into some… some beast? Do I look like fucking Lon Chaney to you?” Admittedly, you had begun to yell a little bit, but Jack seemed to have been expecting this. With a stupid smirk on his face he replied quietly, “Well, I mean you did get caught in a bear trap so The Wolf Man is probably the most apt analogy…”
You glared at him and he chuckled, albeit a bit nervously. You glared harder.
“But yes, y/n, I was trying to tell you that Ted didn’t bring you into our camp this morning. Ted brought a werewolf. When the sun came up, you turned back into you.”
He had to be messing with you. This was all some fucked up joke. He probably was some deranged lunatic who kidnapped you and hurt you to fit whatever fantasy you were fulfilling.
“But, don’t freak out, okay? It’s not so bad. I manage pretty well most months,” Jack was obviously trying to comfort you, but the more he talked the worse you felt.
“Oh, so you’re a werewolf now too?” you said tacking a humorless laugh on the end of your statement.
“Well, I’m me. But, yes, a part of me is a wolf,” Jack said, his tone a little less sure as he spoke of the difference between himself and the wolf.
“You're insane.”
“Y/n, I know you can feel it. You feel the ache in your bones from twisting into something else last night. Everything is brighter and louder. You can hear my heartbeat if you listen for it. No normal human can do that,” he was pleading with you to understand now.
And you knew he was right. From the moment you woke up this morning, you’ve been disoriented. Not just because of the unfamiliar location, but the intensity of it all. The way the smell of your own blood had threatened to drown you, the noise of the fire, hell, even the coffee tasted richer. Everything is so much more than it used to be. And it was freaking you out.
Not to mention the fact that you had gotten attacked by… that thing in the woods a month ago. You had been biking home from a later shift at the pub you worked at. It wasn’t too far of a trip from the little secluded cottage you called your own. But it was dark and it was raining, so you didn’t even notice the creature growling by the trees until it pounced on you, knocking you off your bike. It hadn’t had time to do much damage before grizzled old Mr. Kessler had intervened. His truck’s horn and lights had scared it off, and he gave you a ride back to your house. You had been fine to go to work the next day, simply wrapping up the bite mark on your arm.
Honestly, you hadn’t thought much of it. You lived in a farming town, and wildlife was not unfamiliar to you. You had just started carrying bear mace and continued with life as usual. The wound didn’t even get infected. It just went away on its own after a week or two.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I know this is confusing and it’s going to make everything more complicated. But I can help you. Ted and I can stick around for a while, we can figure out what this means for you together,” Jack reached to put a comforting hand on your arm. The arm that had been bitten. The arm that he had probably bitten.
You yanked your arm away from him. You didn’t care how hurt he looked. You were angry. And scared. And you let that cloud your judgment. You let that anger and fear lead you to conclusions you had no basis for, let it push you to lash out like the cornered animal you now were.
“Don’t fucking touch me. I don’t want someone like you even near me. You may have turned me into this, but I won’t be like you. I won’t be some sick freak that kidnaps girls to patch them up after you maul them. I won’t be like you,” you snarled, ignoring the way Jack’s eyes widened, the desperate devastation dawning on his face as you spoke.
“Y/n, no. I didn’t-” you ignored his pleas, instead resolving yourself to getting the fuck away from him. You awkwardly clambered to your feet, the rage you felt numbing you to the pain of your ankle.
“No, no, no, no, no. Y/n, you shouldn’t be walking on that, you’re going to hurt yourself. Just, let me help you-”
“No! Jack, you are not some type of good samaritan savior. You don’t get to help me, or anyone. You’re just some… beast. A fucking animal. A monster,” you spat. You began to walk away, and you knew Jack was about to call out to you. Maybe you heard his mouth open with your newly heightened hearing. Maybe you just needed to get one last dig in. So as you walked away from Jack Russell, you snarled your last words to the man.
“And you deserve to be hunted like one.”
I'm sorry. But I needed some drama. And I mean are you seriously going to tell me you wouldn't be a little bit weirded out by Jack? He's very intense and then he just gives you some life altering news and insists on being apart of this transition. We, as viewers and readers who know Jack, know he means well, but our poor reader character does not have that same context.
Also I've set up a dangerous prescient of having at least one werewolf movie reference in these parts and idk if I can keep that up. Brownie points to you if you can sus out my obscure werewolf homages.
Feedback, criticism, comments, reblogs, and likes are all always appreciated. Please tell me what you think! I really gave this one my all and I hope you guys enjoy it. <3
Let me know if you would liked to be tagged in the future!
Tags: @starfirette, @nicolewithanee, @fangurldayandnight, @zakizigekwe, @for-bebbanburg, @missdragon-1, @howlingco, @arvalee-knight, @emiemiemiii, @spicydonut25, @sparkythefallen1, @girlymusiclover09, @pxl8ed, @littlenosoul, @lemmons1998
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sideblogandabiscuit · 11 days
Elliot's life is so dull but curious that he's taken in a spatial jumping teen, two escaped asylum folks, and the sorta-credible hulk in three-ish days.
I'm with you. I'm with you.
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leam1983 · 4 months
The Acolyte - My Two Cents
If you title your review of the first two episodes something like The Wokolite or The Aco-Blight, you've lost all credibility as a critic.
I have had it up to here with Genre Flick elitists opening their barely-structured screeds with schoolyard word puns. Seriously.
Fuck, you should've seen my YouTube front page back when She-Hulk came out. Just row after row of poorly-expressed repression and transparent envy - and I even got a mini-blip of it when Starfield came out and the Pronouns Guy cemented his status as a Lolcow.
I haven't seen The Acolyte yet, but I'll make sure to watch that on my own, with no prior biases. That way, if there's anything to be liked in there, I won't feel motivated to push it under the floorboards because the Requisite Angry Fans more or less told me to.
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tagedeszorns · 9 months
What's boring you about the fandom? Sorry to hear you're struggling with that at the moment.
Just wanted to say though, it is normal to go through stages of fixation and ambivalence, especially if it feels like you might have plumbed the most exciting depths of your preferred niche. (I have felt like that so many times in other fandoms lol...) Maybe it's worth exploring other parts of the fandom, you might find something that ignites your passion again. Alternatively, if you need a break or feel the need to branch out, do it. The fandom will still be here when you feel like engaging again.
(Also, if you feel like it sometime, please tell us more about your minis and joytoy figs. Are they named? Do they have backstories?)
I'm not bored. I'm just having a severe "old man yells at cloud"-moment, like I do semi-regularly. 😉
When I came to the Tumblr-branch of Warhammer-fandom it felt so very exciting - artists and writers regularly got 80 to over 100 notes in a few days on their texts and pics (not just memes and/or shitposts, mind you! The real stuff!) - and not just likes, a lot of reblogs, comments and so much discussion! So many HC were developed here for everybody to see and to participate.
But this all changed. No fire nation, though.
I'm getting a bit tired of saying it over and over myself, but in my opinion it still is true: Discord is slowly killing fandom-permanence. Discord isn't good for conserving things. Ideas vanish. Pics get consumed like fast food and digested just as fast, leaving no nutritional value for viewer or artist. Thoughts get lost, because they wander down the chat-drain and vanish into nothing. HCs get no engagement, fade and die.
The slow, ugly decay of Twitter didn't help. A lot of new people not getting how Tumblr is supposed to be played and take the easy way out to Discord, too.
A Tumblr-blog is a very intimate showcase of a person's journey as a fan. It's like a geological slice of their interests and thoughts. I love that. I want to keep that. I want to get to know other fans. And not the shallow, fleeting way of Discord.
Yeah, as I said - old man yells at totally uncaring cloud. I can't stop time. I have to adapt or remain behind.
And the other thing is my "ceterum censeo" of being bitter about people just paying attention to Primarch-content and don't care about the guys from second row who are in my opinion so much more interesting and colourful. And if they get the spotlight it's just some meme-shit or being waifu'd to hell and back.
I love being silly about characters I like. I love making up shitty sidestories, silly AUs and other absolutely hilarious OOC-stuff. But if that's all that remains from a character, that's just sad.
I need way more Credible Hulks who love quoting the books as much as I do, around me!
But anyways, I'll come around.
That I had quite a few not so very good books this year didn't help either. I need both the Eidolon- and the Xantine-book to be good, next year! And St. Martin better NOT writing any shit about Lucius attacking Fenris (I mean, WTF, St. Martin! That short story was the worst you ever wrote, man!).
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13, 24, 27 for Pyro
3 for a Dark Shadows character of your choice!
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done.
Oh boy, where do I start here? So many contenders.
I'd probably have to say that time that Freedom Force attacked the X-Men (without Mystique's permission and behind her back), and Pyro tried directly challenging Storm. This was during the time that Storm had lost her powers, but Pyro's flame reacted with the fog in the air to cause rain, so Pyro basically took himself out.
Runner up - that time in TAS that Pyro did not recognize Rogue despite her having formerly been in the Brotherhood, and tried to flirt with her by torching a chair and making a bad pun. I want to emphasize, he literally just torched a chair and didn't actually manipulate the flame at all, which means he was trying to impress Rogue as "guy with a flamethrower."
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Toss him through the wall, Rogue.
Also that same episode he shot fire at Cable, a huge hulking guy strapped with guns, for no good reason, and got himself knocked out and nearly drowned. "Don't call me darling."
Second runner-up - That impulsive drunken skull-face tattoo. I am 100% certain Pyro had some next-day regrets about that, even though he would never admit it.
24. Most annoying habit
He's definitely a show-off and braggart, and can often be quite petty and mean. Probably a conversation one-upper, and a million "When I was in Vietnam/the Brotherhood/jail" stories of dubious credibility. Although I also think those are fun aspects of his character.
Probably smoking. Pyro is a smoker and I doubt he's very considerate about second-hand smoke. Also, if you lend him your lighter you will never see it again.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Soap operas. Pyro loves watching soaps for all the plot twists and drama, many of which he rips-off uses for inspiration in his novels. Although I think Pyro would be defiantly unashamed of watching soaps. "I'm a romance writer, what the fuck do you expect?"
Pyro's real guilty pleasure - light-hearted romantic comedies and occasional sappy Hallmark movies. Sometimes St. John just needs a pick-me up in the form of a feel-good movie about a career woman moving back to her small town and discovering both love and the true meaning of Christmas. If you walk in on Pyro watching one of these movies he will switch it off faster than actual porn.
3. Obscure headcanon (for a Dark Shadows character)
Bless you for asking me about Dark Shadows. I like to imagine a lot of moments of Willie (Barnabas's servant/vampire thrall) introducing Barnabas to 20th century culture, especially post-Wyndcliff when Barnabas was being a little nicer to Willie. Like Willie getting Barnabas to try pizza and hamburgers during his "cured" non-vampire times when he could actually eat real food. "C'mon, Barnabas, you gotta try it at least once, it's really good, and people will expect you to have eaten pizza before, it'll help you fit in."
Barnabas eats pizza and hamburgers with a knife and fork, no one can convince him to do otherwise.
Barnabas trying to relate to Vicky: "Willie prepared some.....spa-ghe-tti for me the other night, such an interesting, flavorful dish, although a bit inconvenient to eat."
Willie had no idea what to do when Barnabas asked him for some salt-pork, he just ran out and got Barnabas a hot dog. Barnabas became surprisingly fond of baked beans with cut-up hot dogs, and would offer it to guests.
Willie was similarly troubled when Barnabas wanted roast pigeon. "We, uh....we don't really eat that anymore, Barnabas. Maybe some fried chicken instead?" Thankfully, Barnabas loved the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices.
(I feel like this works even better for the 91 Revival Willie and Barnabas, who don't have as contentious a relationship. Like 91 Willie would be eager to take Barnabas to the movies or play the Beatles for him or introduce him to Chinese food.)
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I have issues with the "if he punches walls when he's angry, he'll eventually turn his fists on you" take. I saw this take years ago when I was still struggling with managing my anger, and it stuck with me. In a bad way.
I have anger issues. These past several months, I've gotten so much better at managing my anger--I can recognize when I'm getting angry past the point of no return, take a step back, and let my anger out in a healthy way. (Lately, I've turned to breaking tree branches/other wood and burning no-longer-needed papers in the fire pit. We have such a great, open backyard for this.) (And breaking pencils is always good.) I'm able to say to the people around me, "Hey, I'm still angry. I don't feel like a danger to myself or others anymore, but I don't know what's going to set me off the rest of today."
But there are still days I feel like a monster because of my anger issues. When I've finished breaking the tree branches, when the fire had burned out, and I take a step back to let myself calm down... I feel like a monster.
Because I have anger issues.
Because people can't just look at me and see how hard I've worked on this particular struggle.
Because I could be labeled as abusive simply for something I struggle with.
Today was one of those days. I put away the sledgehammer, stacked the pieces of broken wood on the "to burn in the fire pit" wood pile, took a shower. And felt like a monster.
Yes, people with anger issues can be abusive. (I certainly know people who are.) Not everyone is in a place where they have healthy coping mechanisms or know how to manage their anger. But those of us with anger issues are not inherently abusive. We're people. We deserve to be seen as people. And we deserve to be given accommodations just like every other struggling person.
If I hadn't found breaking pencils was a good outlet, I would've continued taking my anger out on my family.
If I hadn't found burning controlled fires in our backyard fire pit was a good outlet, I would've continued taking my anger out on my friends.
If I hadn't found healthy anger management strategies, I would've continued taking my anger out on people who didn't deserve it.
Bottling up your anger is a one-way ticket to your anger bursting out of you all at once and hurting someone you care about. (Speaking from experience on this one.) Having outlets is healthy.
People with anger issues don't deserve to automatically be labeled as abusive. We deserve accommodations and understanding. If you're looking for ways to do this for a family member/friend/student/etc or just want to be more informed, I recommend starting with Cinema Therapy's Psychology of a Hero episode on the Hulk. It's a fantastic, fun, and heartfelt video made by credible people, and it really helped me see my anger issues in a new light at a time when I was struggling to manage them. It's also a great introduction to what anger management looks like.
I'm very lucky to have people around me who understand I have anger issues and who let me manage them in a healthy way.
Sending love to everyone struggling 💖
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
History of the Vestments (Part II)
Long post incoming! :D Here are the rest of my random thoughts on 616!Moon Knight's costumes up through modern comics. As I was going through the material for this post, it normatively felt like there were a lot more artists drawing Moon Knight around the same period of time but with slightly different styles, so unfortunately this definitely isn't an exhaustive collection; it kind of ended up being a little less ontological and a bit more of a tour of some of my favorite points along the timeline (RIP my academic credibility).
1. The Skinny Peaked Hood Era
Although it was probably more indicative of artist David Finch's style than perhaps how Moon Knight's hood was actually supposed to be perceived, I do find it interesting that the markedly longer and thinner peak in the hood distinctive of Mr. Finch's work started to bleed into other artists' interpretation of Moon Knight around this time.
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Moon Knight (Vol. 5/2006), #5
For example, there is this comic with art by Arthur Adams and Walden Wong.
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Hulk (vol. 2/2008), #8
Another interesting characteristic that was especially emphasized during this period was the cloak's volume, which was expanded to create such wonderfully dramatic panels as this one by artist Jefte Palo:
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Moon Knight (vol. 5/2006), #29
Other artists around this same time period, such as Mark Texeira and Javier Saltares respectively, chose to emphasize other elements, instead adding more prominent crescent details on the bracers, boots, and belt. (This definitely confirmed for me that the correct answer to the question "how many crescents are on Moon Knight's suit at any given time?" is "yes")
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Moon Knight (vol. 5/2006), #17
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Moon Knight (vol. 5/2006), #24
2. Armored, High-Tech Jake Lockley
With a new series and artist, Vengeance of the Moon Knight and Jerome Opeña respectively, the Moon Knight suit once again got a new look, featuring a new crescent logo design on the chest plate and what looks to be, in my opinion, more "futuristic" armor. The designs of the spaulders, bracers, and boots have been altered to include more elongated crescents and the armor overall appears to be more extensive and intensive to put on (necessitating the very post-Iron Man (2008) suiting up scene hahaha). Furthermore, there's also the addition of the firearm holsters, which is a marked development from the Moon Knight of the 1980's who largely tried to avoid firearms.
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Cover for Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2009), #1
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Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2009), #7
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Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2009), #4
One other interesting detail that I noticed becoming more prevalent around this time is the inclusion of more noticeable seams, especially along the sides of the mask (which frankly reminds me of Fantomex hahaha), as seen in this panel with art by Juan Jose Ryp.
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Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2009), #9.
But to be honest, this period was a bit of a free-for-all when it came to design, with some people like artist Bong Dazo really focusing on the details....
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Shadowland: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2010), #2
....others like Mike Deodato Jr. and Will Conrad going with a more "classic" look...
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Secret Avengers (Vol. 1/2010), #10
...and others still sort of splitting the difference, as seen with Graham Nolan’s work...
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 Captain America: Hail Hydra (Vol. 1/2011), #5
3. Meleev’s Take
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Moon Knight (Vol. 6/2011), #8
Maleev’s work on volume 6 leaned more towards the “understated” end of the spectrum, with no decoration on the bracers and boots and a belt that frankly reminds me of the sort of the thing Spider-Man would keep under his suit to carry his web cartridges (and of course, there’s all the other costume weapons/accessories that came with this volume hahaha).
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Moon Knight (Vol. 6/2011), #9
4. Precursor to Mr. Knight????
Now this was an interesting (re)discovery: apparently in Secret Avengers #19 (a personal favorite issue of mine) with art by Michael Lark, Moon Knight's undercover stint as a civilian ends with him wearing a combo that is very similar to what Mr. Knight would wear in his debut in an issue published three years later. Just a fun little bit of trivia.
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Secret Avengers (Vol. 1/2010), #19.
5. Ladies and Gentlemen, THE Mr. Knight
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Moon Knight (Vol. 7/2014), #1
Perhaps one of THE most iconic looks for Moon Knight, Declan Shalvey’s Mr. Knight was described as a respectable public persona who could interact with official authorities, unlike the vigilante Moon Knight, and with such a smart looking three-piece suit, he definitely looks the part. In this particular panel, I especially like the crescent details on the buttons and cuffs.
5. That One Black Suit
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Moon Knight (Vol. 7/2014), #2
I uuuuuh actually already wrote a whole post breaking this suit down, so you can find that here, if you like hahaha
6. Ghost Ripper Armor
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Moon Knight (Vol. 7/2014), #3
If Mr. Knight is for respectable, above-board business and the Moon Knight armor is for beating up crooks in alley ways, this here armor is for the more mystical elements Moon Knight might need to deal with. While most prominently featured in Shalvey’s work and throughout volume 7, it has popped up in two issues of Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood, first in a story drawn by Akande Adedotun and then in a story with art by Leonardo Romero.
7. Lockley????
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Moon Knight (Vol. 7/2014), #8
This one isn’t revolutionary so much as it just haunts me personally. This appearance by an alter only referred to as “Lockley” (Jake Lockley??? although some argue that this may be another alter???) is only found in this issue with art by Greg Smallwood. It features the volume 7 black suit sans the cowl and with the addition of a white mask and honestly, the whole lack of information surrounding this incident just insures that at least I will forever lie awake thinking about it hahaha
8. Bemis Era
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Cover for Moon Knight (Vol. 8/2016), #189
The initial artist for the Bemis run, Jacen Burrows, continued the trend of keeping the Moon Knight suit fairly simple in design and monochromatic in color. Some elements I do appreciate, however, are the subtle change in shape of the bracers while the straps across the inner arm still mimic the banding of earlier designs. Furthermore, I just find the use of white lenses surrounded by black, as opposed to the typical glowing blue or slightly less common red, to be an interestingly distinctive artist’s choice.
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Moon Knight (Vol. 8/2016), #197
9. MacKay Era
Simply put, I owe artist Alessandro Cappuccio and colorist Rachelle Rosenberg my soul. On my last post about Moon Knight’s suits, there’s a comment about how the body of Marc’s suit was originally supposed to be black while the white was only intended to act as highlights. The classic all-white suit wasn’t adopted until around the West Coast Avengers era due to changes in printing and some readers coming to the conclusion that the suit was white (sort of a Spider-Man 2099 situation where his suit is described in the text as being predominantly black despite looking blue). Mr. Cappuccio seems to be harkening back to that effect and I personally find it very exciting. Depending upon the lighting in a panel, the suit in volume 9 can look almost like the one introduced in volume 7 or it could look almost entirely black…
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Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #1
…OR it could look as pure white as people have thought it has been for decades hahaha
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Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #8
Add on to that the faint glow effect that’s present even with Mr. Knight's suit and you get a truly otherworldly look perfect for a guy who’s been brought back from the dead a couple times by an Egyptian deity and who will not hesitate to punch a ghost or kill a faery. Or live in a haunted house for that matter.
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Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #1
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Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #7
Look at this walking glowstick
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 months
I have found out that they are now offering a bounty to kill beavers. They will give people $25 for each beaver tail, which is apparently enough to tempt people to here murder them.
Now the fact I haven’t seen the beavers in our swamp for months has an ominous feel.
Oh, and they are also going to “clear” some of the swamps! This has always been a bad thing. Heck, the last time they did it to our swamp it not only took many years to recover, it changed the “run of the swamp” that’s the property line on the deed!
I wish to hell Pop was still alive. He’d know how to argue against this.
He’d be digging out the data, probably buying books too, and he’d write something full of evidence why both the beavers and natural swamps are useful, especially in a time of climate change that can cause both flooding and droughts. Then he’d give me what he wrote for proof reading and rewriting, with me keeping an eye on appealing to emotion rather than reason (humans! **) Then he would go out there, give a presentation, do the conversational rounds, connect people….
People listened to Pop. Respected him. Even when they saw him as the enemy, they knew he had his scientific facts straight. He could change minds.
But here I am, a mere human, with no memory for data, no credibility with my lack of degree *** , social anxiety (as they used to say), no connections, and WORST of all the emotional calmness of the Hulk!****
**I swear, I try not think people are just stupid, but I have long ago learned people HATE data, but love having their emotions played to. They often go “Me no understand numbers! You trying to fool Fred!” but if you can work them up and point them where to swing their clubs….)
***And, to be honest, femaleness. Mom had a chemistry degree, honors, etc BUT folks would trust Pop’s scientific knowledge snd not her’s. No wonder she daydreamed about poisoning the whole damn town! And they would never suspect her, being a mere woman! LOL
****I know I’ve talked about Pop’s “Hulk Smash!” side, but he was really good at containing it to debate/argue even the most bull headed narrow minded idiot. At home he could vent all that frustrated rage by a bit of property damage.
But me? I go completely inarticulate, all stammering shouty, verging on the brink of profanity and struggling not to flail at the whole world. Basically I avoid conflict keep my cavewoman side from pulling out her club while my poor logical side shakes her head in despair.
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