#natural penis enhancement
Dry Skin Brushing - Moisturize Your Skin And Throw Away Dry Coloration!
It can as being a lot juggling present responsibilities-family, friends, are effective. You don't need to worry about your skin care too. For anyone who is anything like most women, you just need the best body lotion for aging skin available and be done with it. I mean, do you really have to research this too?
Feel a pimple coming on and can't walk around with chalky white toothpaste on encounter? Try dabbing some of your perfume Click here for more info nivea body lotion on his or her blemish a few times through the day. The alcohol the particular perfume support dry versus eachother (plus you'll smell useful!).
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Applying a scent to the heartbeat points relating to your vaseline body lotion allows it much better permeate the air. Any essential oil, when heated, will produce a richer and thicker scented. This is the same concept when applying scents to the points on your skin. Probably the most popular points are behind the ears, the neck, and the wrists.
Cosmetic companies make countless dollars each year from wrinkle cream and if we can eliminate one for the reasons for 'crow's feet' wrinkles on the eyes, we've got made a little progress.
A good anti aging treatment will contain several moisturizing list of ingredients. Some are best used with the face. Others work better on shape. Ingredients to look for in facial creams and body lotions include Functional Keratin, Coenzyme Q10 and wakame kelp.
The 100 % natural ingredients present in this particular lotion are powerful enough to penetrate deep into the skin and hydrate it from among. This is something which an ordinary cream or lotion doesn't provide. At the best, they hydrate precisely the top layer of pores and skin and so after several hours, their effect is totally gone.
Apply at night: That's when skin renews itself and is much more receptive to treatment. Simply like our evening time routines for our faces are likely to be more concentrated, think about adding a little something extra to the actual lotion at too. Maybe a serum or perhaps little jojoba or sweet almond oil will perform trick help whip the skin into form.
0 notes
devildom-moss · 11 months
October poll story
Barbatos - Monster kink
(Barbatos x gn!MC)
(NSFW) (top!Barbatos / bottom!MC) (NSFW tags: monster!Barbatos - non-canon/enhanced demonic features including increased greed and lust, claws, sharp teeth, forked tongue that matches his tail, bigger tail, and bigger "tail"; sex involving magic; no specified sex organs for MC; oral - receiving; penetration - receiving; tail penetration; double stuffed by one man - tail and penis penetration simultaneously; technically masturbation; mild bloodplay, mild primal play; begging; multiple orgasms; seriously judging myself at this point CNC - Somno; mild temperature play; implied being used as a human sex toy; no lube - but tail is naturally wet, so mostly no lube; no condom; overstim - receiving; creampie; mentions of very trusting sex)
(other tags: Plot heavy - in the first half, then it basically all erotica, everyone is annoyed with Solomon poor guy kinda?)
Word Count: +4,600 new longest fic for me?
When you heard that Diavolo was going on an overnight trip without Barbatos, you knew you had to go to the castle and get as much alone time as you could with your favorite butler. Considering that Diavolo was also being left in Lucifer’s very capable hands during the trip, you figured Barbatos wouldn’t be in the anxious state that typically overcame him when Lord Diavolo wasn’t under his close watch. So, when you turned up unannounced at the castle that morning only for Little D. no. 2 to answer the door, something seemed off. You tried not to worry, though. Barbatos was probably preoccupied with one of his many tasks.
“Well, if it isn’t Number 2, how are you doing today?” You smiled and patted his head.
“MC! I’m so happy to see you! Are you here to visit Mr. Barbatos? Ooh, I wonder if he’ll come out of his room for you. No one has seen him at all this morning, and when I knocked on his door to check for him, I heard this weird noise before he asked me to leave him alone. Can you believe that? Well, I thought maybe he wasn’t feeling good, so I brought him some tea – now, it wasn’t anywhere near as good as the tea he makes, but when I brought it, he told me that it wasn’t necessary. I left it at the door, but guess what? When I checked back, the tea was cold and untouched. I don’t know what to do, and I didn’t want to call anyone yet because that seems like something Mr. Barbatos would get mad at me for, but since you’re already here, maybe you could check on him and make sure he’s okay.” The monologue recounting this morning’s events spilled from Number 2’s mouth quickly and with no room for interruption.
Without much thought, you had followed Number 2 in the direction of Barbatos’s room – some attempt to physically follow along with his story as your brain processed the information. You let the words absorb into your mind, fishing for a relevant question. It was already past 10AM. Barbatos was always up and about by now. “Did he sound sick?”
“Can’t say. If not sick, he definitely sounded strange – like he was talking with his mouth half-full or something.” Number 2 hummed and tilted his head to the side. “Or, you know how when you bite your tongue or burn it on your soup because it smells too good not to eat it right away – even though Mr. Barbatos warned you to be careful and let it cool?”
“Sure.” You shook your head and stared down the hall. Barbatos’s room was just a few doors down.
“Anyway, I think something is wrong, so I’d really appreciate it if you could look out for Mr. Barbatos. If he really is sick, you’ll take care of him, right?”
“I’d be happy to.”
“Great.” Little D. no. 2 stopped in front of Barbatos’s door and turned around to face you. “I’ll leave it to you. I’m sure the rest of us can find a way to keep the castle running while you tend to Mr. Barbatos, so don’t worry about anything else!”
“Thank you, Number 2. You’re so reliable.” You could tell how worried and eager to help he was. Number 2 nodded and left you outside of Barbatos’s door. You stood there silently for a second, listening for any strange noises or coughs, before gently knocking. “Barbatos, it’s me. Can I come in?”
“MC?” Your name was quiet and muffled.
“Barbatos? I’m going to enter, alright?”
“Wait. I –” he started to protest in an unusually slurred speech, but it was too late. You had already opened the door.
Barbatos’s eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of his bedroom. He had backed himself against the nearest wall. His typically gloved hands were bare, revealing sharp, claw-like nails. One of those hands shot up over his mouth. You heard his tail thump against the wall a few times before he grabbed it with his free hand, stilling its aggravated motions.
“What’s wrong?” you asked him cautiously. He looked different – more demonic than usual.
“Solomon,” Barbatos responded with his hand still over his mouth, only exacerbating his strange enunciation. He was frozen in place.
Of course. You sighed and shut your eyes. What did he do this time? You closed the door behind you and took a few steps into the room. Barbatos eyed you with every move – even as you reached into your pocket to pull out your D.D.D.
“I’ll call him, okay?”
You waited for the phone to ring once before you put it on speaker. Solomon picked up in seconds. “MC, my adorable apprentice, what can I do for you?”
“What the fuck did you do to Barbatos?” you asked him aggressively.
“What do you mean?”
“Something’s wrong with him, and he said it’s your fault.” Technically, that was a bit of a jump considering the facts you had at hand, but it was a logical conclusion.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Let’s see, slightly glowing eyes and the sudden appearance of claws to start. And – if you don’t mind me adding, Barbatos – his tail looks bigger than before.”
“His tail . . .is bigger?”
“Longer. Thicker. Girthier. Do you need more adjectives?”
“Just his tail?”
“For fucks sake. I didn’t strip him down and give him a full body exam.”
Solomon hummed. “Anything else?”
“He sounds weird – like he has a lisp.” You glanced over at Barbatos, whose cheeks had grown pinker since the beginning of the call. He dropped his hand slowly and opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth and a long, forked tongue that looked like his tail. A shiver shot down your spine, and you let out a shaky breath before adding, “that’s new.”
“What’s new?” Solomon asked, unable to disguise his intrigue.
“Sharp teeth and a forked tongue.”
You heard a breezy laugh on the other end of the line. “So, good news: I figured out what happened. I accidentally swapped the magical tea blend I made for Barbatos with the one I made for Asmodeus. Oops.”
“Oops?” You sighed while Barbatos let out a low, guttural growl.
“Asmo asked me for a tea to enhance some of his more demonic features for a photoshoot. It seems Barbatos got Asmo’s tea, so Asmo – oh, speak of the devil. He’s calling.”
“Add him to our call.” You looked over at Barbatos, wishing you could apologize for Solomon’s behavior silently.
“What gives, Solomon? Your tea was a total flop. I tested it as soon as I got up this morning. I wanted to check out my enhanced demon features before the shoot tomorrow – maybe indulge in them a bit on my own. Nothing has happened. You promised quick results. I’m still my same, gorgeous self, and all your stupid potion did was give me the urge to organize all of my make-up and tidy half of my closet. I was really depending on you to come through for me here.” Asmo complained, clearly annoyed by Solomon’s failure.
“You basically made Adderall tea for Barbatos?” you asked, staring between Barbatos and your phone.
“Barbatos?” Asmo questioned. “Also, hey, MC~! Are you calling to yell at Solomon, too?”
“Pretty much, yeah.” You nodded.
“Can I speak?” Solomon added quickly, coming to his own defense since no one else was going to. “First, Barbatos asked for something to soothe him and enhance productivity so he could make good use of his day without Diavolo. Second, we had a little mix up, Asmo –”
“ – we?” you interrupted.
“Okay, I had a mix up. You have the blend I made for Barbatos. Barbatos took some of yours. MC is with him now.”
“Ooh. Enhanced demon form Barbatos sounds sexy. Does he look sexy, MC?” Asmo cooed.
“Focus, Asmo,” you responded, too embarrassed to admit the truth. Well, the truth other than that Solomon clearly sucked at making magical Adderall.
“Asmo. I have plenty of the magical blend I made for you left over. I’ll bring it by in a bit, alright? Will that resolve everything on your end?” Solomon’s voice sounded sweet, but there was a grave calmness to it.
“Then hang up and wait for me, please.” Asmo did as Solomon asked, leaving the sorcerer to clean up the rest of his mess. “As for you and Barbatos, MC, I’m afraid there isn’t much I can do to reverse the effects. Depending on how much he drank, it should wear off anywhere within a few minutes to a full day. Until then, I suggest you leave Barbatos alone. All of his demonic senses are heightened – that includes his urges. He may be dangerous to be around until the effects clear up.”
You looked at Barbatos. His glowing eyes were wide and damp, and his gaze hadn’t left you once during the entire call; even when you looked away, you could feel him staring. His knuckles were white from gripping his tail so tightly. He was even trembling slightly. “No. I’m sorry. I can’t do that. He looks miserable like this. I’m not leaving him. It’ll be fine, just trust me.”
“MC.” Solomon wanted to warn you against it again, but there was no use in arguing with you. “Be careful and call me if you need me.”
“Alright, and Solomon? Learn how to label your shit.” You said it sweetly, but he knew you were livid.
“Sorry! Don’t be mad.”
You hung up the phone and returned your attention to Barbatos. He backed away, pressing his shoulders flush against the wall, as you approached him. It was hard to believe that this was a more demonic version of Barbatos. He seemed so timid and scared. Slowly, you reached your hand out to smooth his hair down. His low growl echoed off the walls like there was thunder muffled inside his chest.
Barbatos gulped and opened his mouth to speak, showing you a glimpse of those magic-sharpened teeth and that tongue – now forked and dyed black and aqua. Overcome by a sudden shyness about his new state, Barbatos covered his mouth again to speak. His breath was unsteady, and his words were quiet. “You should go.”
“But you look miserable. Isn’t there something I can do to help?”
Barbatos dropped his hand, and his gaze followed, landing on the floor. “Help? Please don’t tempt me when I’m like this. I’ve been holding back since you walked into that door – since I first caught your scent from down the hall, if I’m honest.”
You inched closer, testing the waters – testing his control before you cupped his cheeks in your hands and searched his face. When you finally caught his gaze, you realized up-close how unusually terrified he was. You’d never seen him like this, and it only made you want to protect him more – to soothe the fear this spell had pulled from him. Barbatos bit his lip, and for a second you worried he might draw blood, but he didn’t.
“Please,” Barbatos begged with a shaky exhale. You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, hoping to ease his mind. “Don’t touch me any further. I’ll only want more. I won’t be able to stop myself.”
Greed. That was his innate sin. You knew that, and it had never been a concern – even when he lost control. There was always a spark of fear – worry on the lighter days – in his eyes when you caused his composure to faulter. It flashed like lightning. Sometimes, you had to wonder if you had seen anything at all or if your eyes – if his eyes – were playing tricks on you.
The love Barbatos offered was a love that said, “I would like to cherish you always. I will treat you sweetly, and if I must be rough, it will be thoughtful and restrained.” He had never pushed your limits – never even toed the line – unless you asked him to. Now, he was warning you that he did not know his own limits. A dark, selfish, possessive need in him threatened to take everything you would offer him and then some. Barbatos was pleading with you to turn him down, to not indulge him. This was your last chance, and you knew it. All his willpower, reduced into one last-ditch effort to dissuade your trust in him – a final, feeble, “please.”
When you brought your lips to his, it was over. Until that potion wore off, he could indulge his greed until he was sick and bursting with sin; until every ounce of it had spilled over into you, you had committed to take it.
Barbatos wasted no time deepening the kiss. His forked tongue slithered into your mouth, wet and oddly cool compared to the heat of his breath. It wasn’t unpleasant; in fact, you felt a slight shame in how erotic you found this strange new sensation. His tongue entwined with yours like it had never done before. Barbatos also found himself aroused by his new abilities – even more so when you moaned for him. Eager to explore further, Barbatos plunged his tongue deeper down your throat until you could barely breathe. You felt seconds – millimeters – away from gagging on him and pressed against his chest, trying to break the kiss.
Barbatos pulled away, allowing your lungs to recover, but the desperation on his face was worse than ever. Panting and ravenous, he spoke in half-growls: “More. I need more.”
His impatience displayed itself in the way he stripped you of your clothes – reckless with buttons and balling the fabric up tightly in his hands. All the restraint he had went towards refraining from tearing your clothes to shreds. He needed access to more of your body, and with every bit of skin he revealed, Barbatos licked, sucked, and bit part of your exposed flesh.
The feeling of his cool tongue gliding up your forearm made you shiver. Barbatos sank his sharp teeth into your shoulder, breaking the skin and sending a tingling pain through your body. He soothed it by running his soft tongue over the bite mark in slow circles before he licked a trail up your neck, paving a path for him to place hickeys along. Time was lost to you between Barbatos sucking your neck and pawing at your naked body. The sensation of his claws gently scraping along your lower back left you arching into him.
When Barbatos was satisfied with his assault on your neck, he dropped to your chest, marking you and teasing your nipples between the prongs of his tongue. For someone who claimed to be unable to control himself, he sure was taking his sweet time building up your pleasure. If he hadn’t dipped between your legs when he did, you might have found yourself reduced to begging for him.
Barbatos took in the sight of how aroused he had gotten you. His breathing was labored, causing his chest and shoulders to heave. He had waited long enough. You felt his tail wrap around your thigh and pull you closer until you were right in front of his face. His warm breath primed your body for that first, slow, tender lick. Followed by another. Then, one more before his tongue was swirling circles around you. He sucked and licked you ravenously, moaning repeatedly into your body. Barbatos’s moaning was peppered with the occasional growl – reminding you, lest the lust caused you to forget, that Barbatos was an untethered beast.
He clawed up your thighs in the same ravenous manner. Claws sank into the flesh of your ass and thighs, scratching you and pulling you back against him whenever you had squirmed too far away for his liking. You couldn’t escape the constant barrage of stimulation and pleasure. Barbatos refused to stop until he pulled an orgasm out of you. Even then, he overstimulated your sensitive skin with a few teasing licks, cleaning up some of the mess he had made of you. Your knees buckled, but Barbatos got to his feet and pulled you close to support you.
You had not even caught your breath nor come down from your high before Barbatos was kissing you again. He slipped his cum-stained tongue back down your throat, ensuring that you tasted yourself. A low growl rumbled deep in Barbatos’s chest that shook you to your core. The storm had not passed. You weren’t even in the eye of it yet.
As Barbatos continued to kiss you, the familiar sensation of his tail wrapping around your thigh caught your attention. This time, instead of pulling you close, he pulled your legs apart. Had he not been holding you tight, you would have stumbled with the sudden jolt. The silky tips of his forked-tendril-like tail teased between your legs in gentle alternating strokes, occasionally lingering to cup you for a few seconds before the pressure slipped away. Barbatos was building you up all over again. You gripped his shoulders, simultaneously trying to ground and support yourself.
Despite the cloud of lust disorienting him, Barbatos recognized the signs of your weakness and dragged you towards his bed. Even as he pulled you across the room, his tail refused to stop teasing you and preparing you for what was to come. Barbatos had no sooner finally stopped kissing you when your back hit his mattress with a soft thud. Staring up at him, you saw a distorted image of the demon you adored. Maybe it was the enhanced demonic features and those glowing green eyes, or maybe it was the look on his face that told you he was not quite the same Barbatos. His hunger for you had never been this strong – perhaps it would never be this primal and ferocious again. Repressing any fear or hesitation, you wanted to revel in his uninhibited lust.
Fortunately, Barbatos’s tail had a natural wetness to it that aided in the insertion. He lacked the clarity and patience to apply lube before the tips of his tail squirmed into your body. Barbatos delighted in the way your face contorted in pleasure – how you bit your lip to hold back a moan. The prongs of his tail felt cool and soft as they stretched you out, applying pressure to the most sensitive places inside of you. You writhed under him, but it wasn’t enough. He needed to touch you more.
Barbatos scratched his claws gently down your ribs and towards your navel. He fucked deeper into you with his tail and applied slight pressure to your pelvis with his palm, stretching his fingers out above your stomach. Those claws loomed threateningly above your skin while his tail pumped in and out of you. You thought his tail had looked bigger than before, but now you could feel just how much thicker he was. However, you only had a few seconds to dwell on the size before the threat of claws came to fruition and dug into your stomach. The outermost layer of skin split for him, and five distinct pink marks appeared on your stomach; he nearly drew blood. You whined at the pain, but the way your back arched and your muscles tightened told Barbatos that you were in more pleasure than pain.
A brief flash of normalcy came when you heard Barbatos chuckle and saw his lips tug into a wicked smile. “Are you cumming again?”
The noises you were making as another wave of intense pleasure overtook you were the only response Barbatos needed. He was kind enough to slow the movements of his tail as you tried to bring yourself down. It wasn’t fair. Barbatos was making you feel incredible. You were supposed to be the one taking care of him, but there you were, stripped and writhing on your back. All the while, Barbatos was still fully clothed – barring the lack of his standard gloves which had already been removed prior to your arrival. You wanted to make him feel good too.
You reached out for his pants, trying to undo them so you could at least touch him, but Barbatos took hold of your hands and stopped you. “Please, let me focus on you for a bit longer. Please?”
There was no sweetness in his begging – only desperation. It was less of a plea and more of a demand. Refusal seemed off the table, even if you chose it, but you couldn’t. You could hardly refuse Barbatos when he said “please” under normal circumstances – and even less so when he stared at you with such wanton desire.
Barbatos entwined his fingers with yours and held your hands while he watched you come apart on his tail. The way you rolled your hips to get him to press the spot that left your mouth agape was so cute. If he had been gifted with more patience and less greed, Barbatos would have relished in the sight of you fucking yourself on his tail and using him – especially in the exhausted, fucked-out state you were in. Did you realize how flushed you were? Could you feel how hot your skin had become? Were you aware that you had scarcely stopped whimpering and moaning for him in the last few minutes?
“You’re taking it so well,” Barbatos cooed. His affectionate gaze held your attention, even as he pulled another intense wave of pleasure from you. Something about the dim glow of his eyes captivated you. “You’re doing such a good job for me, but can you keep it up?”
Barbatos slid his tail half-way out of you as he dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed. He was trying to go back down on you, but with no opportunity to recover, you weren’t sure how much more you could take. You tugged his hair and stopped his lips and tongue from overstimulating you, earning a whine from him.
“Barbatos, I need you to fuck me now,” you demanded. You couldn’t take another round without at least making him cum once.
Barbatos savored that desperation in you – even if it was just a fraction of his own. He nuzzled your inner thigh playfully. “Just one more taste?”
“No.” You pulled his hair again and made him look at you. “I need it now.”
“Very well.” Barbatos pulled his tail out of you completely and got to his feet. For a second, the way he spoke was so calm that you believed the tea must have been wearing off. Those shining green eyes stayed fixed on your body as he removed his clothes, tossing them into a dark corner of the room. Perhaps the storm was showing signs of passing.
When Barbatos dropped his pants, you couldn’t keep your eyes off the bulge in his underwear and the damp stain, but he didn’t stay contained for long. He stripped fully, finally releasing his cock. He was so hard, and he dripped precum onto the floor. Your mouth watered. Well, if Solomon asked again, it wasn’t just Barbatos’s tail that was bigger than usual. However, you had already taken his tail; you could take this, too. You wanted it.
Your eyes glanced back up at Barbatos’s face as he aligned himself, rubbing his dick against your entrance. Those glowing eyes caught yours, stalling your breath. Even in the dim lighting, those eyes now seemed to be the darkest thing in the room. A low, satisfied growl escaped Barbatos – the last warning from a predator closing in on his prey. The storm was not over, you had merely found yourself in the eye of it for one brief, relenting moment.
He rocked his hips into you, relying on precum and the combined fluids from you and his tail to lubricate himself as he slowly pushed every inch he could get into you. You gasped. The sensation was so different from his tail – so much warmer, pulsating and throbbing inside of you. That initial slow thrust was for your benefit, but it was not intended to set his pace. Barbatos quickly picked up speed, transitioning into rapid, shallow thrusts that repeatedly rubbed against your walls. Still, he seemed to be focusing on maximizing your pleasure.
“I need more,” Barbatos warned you, but you were drowning in too much pleasure, moaning and panting beneath him, to register his warning.
Instead, you whimpered at the shock of Barbatos slipping his tail inside of you. The forked ends swirled around Barbatos’s cock as he continued fucking you, stimulating you both at the same time. It felt like thick, cool, squirming ridges around a hot, throbbing core. Not even an advanced toy could do this to you. But it wasn’t enough for him. Barbatos reached down between your legs to stimulate you further – somehow lucid enough to take care not to scratch you. His touch was light and gentle, contrasting his other insatiable actions, and making your head spin. It was all too much for you. You came again, tightening around Barbatos as you did. He kept fucking you through it.
A pleased moan escaped Barbatos, signaling that he was close. His hands slid up your body slowly, and then, without warning, he clawed down your sides and grabbed your hips. A stinging sensation immediately followed. He gripped your hips so firmly that his claws broke the skin as he forced himself so deep into you that it almost ached. Barbatos gave you a few more deep thrusts before he bottomed out and held you in place. He pumped his cum into the deepest parts of you, filling you up.
Barbatos lolled his head back with a sigh and a smirk. His chest heaved. It took you squirming against his pelvis for Barbatos to realize that he was still holding your hips up against him. He slid his cock out of you, released his tail’s grip around himself, and gently laid you back down.
You looked so blissful and exhausted, but Barbatos had just gotten started. Simply looking at your flushed face and heaving chest was making him hard again. He caressed your cheek; some of the blood he had drawn from clawing at your hips smeared onto your skin. Barbatos leaned down and licked up the mess. When your cheek was clean once more, Barbatos whispered into your ear, “I’m so sorry, lovely. I’m not done. Do I have your permission to keep going?”
His words floated around your hazy mind. You smiled at him affectionately with your eyes half-lidded and reached up to stroke his cheek. Exhaustion was overcoming you. “Yes. Take whatever you need until you feel better.”
“Even if you fall asleep?” Barbatos asked with some of the timidness from earlier.
“Even if I pass out. Even if it hurts. Even if I cry. Be as greedy as you have to be with me.” Maybe you were cum-drunk. Or maybe you just wanted to make Barbatos feel better. Either way, you resigned yourself to being used for the next few minutes or hours or days.
“Thank you, my love.” Barbatos kissed your cheek sweetly.
You watched the dim glow of his eyes dreamily, focusing on them until the rest of the room began to disappear. With your body spent, all you could do was whimper as you felt Barbatos enter you again. Even the pleasure began to dull as you let yourself slip further into the haze. His deep growls and panting were the last thing you heard as your mind fell silent.
Your last thought before a sweet dream swept over you was that, without a doubt, Barbatos would be a mix of grateful and apologetic when you woke up again.
In the morning, Barbatos would ensure you were hydrated, well-fed, and tended to. He would be an affectionate, doting butler for you. And then, someone would have a hefty price to pay.
A/N: I did not think this was going to end up so long, but please enjoy. I am worried I got a little too carried away here. . . but this was still the less deranged Barbatos monster kink idea. Anyway, requests are open and will be until the end of Nov. 5th. And I hope this one does something for some of you.
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twinfools · 2 years
I’m 3 years post phalloplasty and I realized I’ve never really made a post about how things are going. Phalloplasty is a hard surgery to talk about because, bottom line, it’s not part of common conversation to talk about yo dick. That being said I think it’s really important for me to talk about this procedure to help break stigma and misinformation— both inside and outside of trans and non-binary communities.
I had ALT phalloplasty, glansplasty, scrotoplasty, no urethral lengthening (UL) with vaginectomy. This means that tissue from my thigh was used to create my penis, my urethra was not extended or moved (so I don’t stand to pee) and my vagina was closed. I feel like this detail is important because this is one of many variations for this procedure and what I opted for/out of were decisions made according to trade-offs between personal benefit and risk.
I opted out of UL because I do not tolerate catheters well and, due to my very active lifestyle, was not willing to risk longer term catheterization or bladder spasms which would impede my quality of life. This risk, for me, outweighed the benefit of standing to pee.
I opted for ALT knowing that I would likely need debulking (which I didn’t end up needing but opted for anyway out of preference). Debulking is a procedure to make the penis less girthy as ALT phalloplasty is more girthy because of the nature of tissue on the thigh. I chose ALT because, first and foremost, I did not want scarring on my forearm. My ALT scar is covered by clothing most of the time which I appreciate. I also chose ALT because I have skinny forearms, which wasn’t ideal for forearm phalloplasty (RFF).
Vaginectomy, for me, was a no brainer. I have never used or connected with that part of my body so I wanted it gone.
Glansplasty is a procedure to make the glans (head) of the penis and was a short procedure done after my initial stage of surgery. I may get it redone but I’m still undecided on that. Scrotoplasty creates a scrotum, I was ambivalent about this procedure but have grown to more appreciate it over time.
I am considering further surgeries: erectile implant (which creates the ability for the penis to “get hard”) and testicular implants (fills to scrotum with testicle implants). But I’m undecided and want a break from surgery while I finish my degree and focus on work. I’m also considering phalloplasty tattooing to help enhance the contour and coloring to make it appear more like a cis penis.
Whew! Lots of info, right? These are big procedures completed over multiple stages and are very unlike chest surgery, hysterectomy and other surgeries I had completed prior. When I was first considering this surgery I didn’t know there was flexibility in terms of tissue donor site and UL. I waited to have this surgery and am so happy I did because the information I gained from research and consulting with professionals and folks with lived experience was so valuable.
Was surgery hard? Yes. This surgery was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. I’ve never been so uncomfortable for the first 2 weeks after recovering. I had to re-learn how to walk. I couldn’t sleep. Peeing hurt… but would I do it again? Yes. It was worth it for me but I can’t underscore enough that that doesn’t mean I didn’t have moments where I felt regret while recovering because post op depression is a thing and I was in pain while adjusting to a new body part that was also a healing surgical site… LOTS going on there!
3 years on I feel really at home in my body. Just having a penis is such a comfort to me in ways I didn’t anticipate. I’ve had a feeling my entire life that I was missing a body part and this was it. The quiet gender euphoria of just sitting and feeling my body and for once feeling complete in that is something that’s hard to articulate.
I’m thankfully back to full mobility and got back to full mobility about 3 months post op. I was grateful for this since a long term recovery wasn’t what I wanted. There are still weird twitches, pains and feelings, especially around my donor site (thigh) from time to time but nothing that inhibits me. Just interesting when it happens (usually when weather gets colder?).
What is one thing I would want to go back and tell myself before surgery? Well:
Your penis will feel HEAVY. Like it will fall off. It won’t fall off and your body will adjust to the weight in an area you didn’t have it before. Until then it will feel like you need to hold it at all times.
Hopefully this helps someone as an overview of what an experience with this procedure may look like. Again, my goal is to put information out there and have frank conversations— because it’s these same things that greatly benefitted me in my surgery journey.
Finally— my inbox is open for anyone that has questions. I am in a privileged position to feel safe talking about these things and I feel comfortable doing so. Not everyone does, so please don’t assume that this invitation applies to other folks who have accessed surgery unless they say so.
Thank you for reading :)
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letsgetbigger · 3 months
A Big Team
Part one
The university was gearing up for the start of a new football season. Their team hadn’t had good results in recent years, and the administration decided it was time for a drastic change. So, they invited Samuel Reeve, their most outstanding former star, to take the reins as the new coach. Samuel, 38, accepted the offer, leaving behind his monotonous office job and the small apartment he had rented for the past few years.
At 330 pounds, well distributed on a robust frame, Samuel was an imposing man. Despite having a round and prominent belly, his musculature was evident, reminding everyone of his glory days on the field. His attractive face didn’t go unnoticed either: piercing eyes, a chiseled jaw, and a confident smile. However, he harbored a very personal secret. He got turned on by making other men gain weight. And with his new role as coach, he saw the perfect opportunity to fulfill his most intimate desires without raising suspicion.
One Saturday morning, Samuel woke up in his new apartment on campus and dressed in his coaching uniform. He briefly admired his reflection in the mirror. The tight shirt accentuated his figure, giving him an unquestionable air of authority. It was a new beginning, and he was determined to make it memorable.
He left the apartment and took a deep breath. Walking confidently toward the stadium, he enjoyed the familiar atmosphere. The red brick buildings and wide tree-lined avenues reminded him of his days as a student and player, but now he was back with a different mission.
He arrived at the stadium and headed to his new office. He took a moment to observe the space. The walls were decorated with trophies and photos from his playing days, a clear testament to his legacy. The desk, though simple, was tidy and ready for the tasks ahead. But best of all, a door led directly to the locker room from his office, and if left open, he could even see the showers. The view from his chair gave him a strategic advantage. He would be able to observe the players without them noticing. Samuel smiled to himself, imagining the future. He didn’t just want to win games; he wanted to make his boys grow in a very particular way. He was eager to meet them and start implementing his plan.
Finally, the players started arriving at the locker room to change. The noise of conversations and laughter filled the room. There was a lively atmosphere. From his office, Samuel watched every detail with growing interest. The players undressed naturally, stripping off shirts, pants, and underwear before putting on their uniforms. Some were chubbier, and others were slimmer. However, three players caught his attention because they looked like Greek gods carved in stone.
The first one was Axel, a beefy blond with a beard. His muscles were impressive, each of them perfectly defined and visible even under the locker room’s dim lights. His nipples were large and pink. He wore boxers that comfortably hugged his glutes, enhancing his figure. As he undressed, his arms and torso tensed and relaxed with natural grace.
The second player was Marco, a Latino with dark skin and dazzling eyes. His thighs were wide and powerful, a clear display of his strength. Although what really stood out was the size of his penis, which seemed even larger when he took off his tight briefs to put on a jockstrap. Marco had an innate confidence, and moved with an ease and charisma that attracted all eyes.
The third one was Jamal, a young Black man with a perky butt that immediately drove Samuel crazy. Jamal also wore briefs. These accentuated his firm, rounded glutes. His body was a work of art, with defined muscles and shiny skin that reflected the light. When he bent over to pick something up or simply turned, his butt swayed provocatively. And he had a contagious laugh.
Samuel couldn’t take his eyes off them. Axel, Marco, and Jamal were the embodiment of physical perfection. He decided it was time to introduce himself. He got up from his chair, adjusted his uniform, and stepped out of the office.
As he entered the locker room, the noise quieted down, and all eyes turned to him. Samuel smiled, ready to get to work.
“Good morning, guys,” he said firmly. “I’m Mr Reeve, your new coach. I’m here to lead this team to victory. You need to gain strength, clearly, and to do that, you’ll need to put on some weight.”
A murmur ran through the room. Some players exchanged worried looks, while others frowned.
“Listen up,” he said, raising a hand to silence them. “You’ve lost nearly every game in recent years. I’m convinced that gaining weight and building muscle mass will change everything. To achieve this, you’ll not only continue training hard on the field and in the gym, but also follow a strict plan of meals and protein shakes I’ve prepared for you.”
Samuel handed out a sheet with detailed instructions. The protests began immediately. Some players looked at the papers in disbelief, others with evident annoyance.
“It’s too much,” Marco said, looking up from his sheet. “With all this, I’m going to get fat.”
Samuel looked at him intently, challenging him with his dark eyes.
“Do you know who I am?” he asked seriously, his voice echoing in the locker room. “I’m the best player this team has ever had. You shouldn’t question me. If you follow my instructions, we’ll win.”
The room fell silent. Marco, quiet, slowly nodded, accepting Samuel’s superiority and experience. The other players, seeing the determination in their new coach, began to review the plan with less resistance.
“And now, off to the field. Let’s see what you’ve got to offer.”
They stood up and left the locker room. As Samuel followed them outside, he couldn’t help but feel a spark of excitement. This was just the beginning, and he was determined to see his fantasies come true, pound by pound.
Part two
After a month of rigorous training and a high-calorie diet, the young athletes showed undeniable changes in their bodies. Without exception, they had each gained around 20 pounds. Samuel watched them from his office as they showered.
Marco stood with his back to the stream of water. His previously defined abdomen now had a slight layer of fat that softened his muscles. Marco’s long penis contrasted with the growing roundness of his belly. His already wide thighs had become even more imposing. And his pecs had grown as well.
Axel, meanwhile, was slowly lathering himself. His muscular torso had a bulkier appearance. His large pink nipples stood out even more on his firm chest, now slightly covered by a new layer of fat. His belly had begun to round, burying the lines of his abs. As he rinsed off the soap, his muscles and the added fat under his skin moved in harmony, giving him a chunky appearance.
Jamal, standing under one of the showers, was in profile, offering Samuel a privileged view of his perky butt, which had grown in size over the last month. His glutes remained firm but rounder, with an extra softness. His hips had widened slightly, and the definition of his muscles overall had mixed with the new fat.
Samuel couldn’t stop staring. The transformation of those physiques, the result of his meticulous plan, was exactly what he had hoped for. His cock hardened, an uncontrollable reaction to the spectacle before him. Sitting at his desk, he observed every detail, every new curve, every pound gained.
That week, they played their first game and, to everyone’s delight, won. The atmosphere in the stadium was of pure joy, and the players were ecstatic about their victory. After the game, Samuel was called to the dean’s office to discuss the team’s impressive performance. Following a brief conversation filled with praise, he returned to his own office with satisfaction.
Upon opening the door, he found a scene of wild celebration in the locker room. The players, freshly showered and in their underwear, were singing and jumping. The accumulated fat on their bodies over the last month bounced in increasingly tight underwear. Suddenly, one of the players grabbed Marco’s large package.
“Your girlfriend’s gonna be happy, huh?” he said with a mischievous grin.
Marco slapped the hand away, laughing along with the rest of the team. Another player approached Axel and, pinching his nipples playfully, exclaimed:
“Look at the tits this one’s got now!”
The laughter grew louder as Axel blushed slightly. Then the guy next to him poked his now-rounded belly.
“And what a gut!” he added.
Axel, maintaining his composure, replied:
“If I weren’t this big, I wouldn’t have tackled that aggressive player from the other team.”
The others nodded, acknowledging the truth in his words.
“Besides, what’s grown the most isn’t my gut, it’s this.”
He approached a distracted Jamal and slapped his butt. Jamal’s cheeks, squeezed into too-small briefs, jiggled like jelly. More players started doing the same, seeing the opportunity. They laughed non-stop. One of them even pulled down Jamal’s briefs, revealing his huge cheeks. The shouts and whistles were immediate.
Samuel, watching the scene from his office, felt a wave of desire he couldn’t control. He discreetly closed the door, ensuring no one saw him. The sight of his fattened players, their rippling flesh, and their uninhibited camaraderie turned him on. His hand slid into his briefs. The vision of Jamal’s perfect, exposed glutes, quickly brought him to climax. He felt an explosion of pleasure as he came inside his underwear, filling it with hot jizz.
The victories continued as his boys’ bodies expanded. After another couple of months, the changes in their physiques were even more pronounced. In the locker room, after another exhausting practice and shower, the players dried off with towels, showing the results of their special diet.
Jamal dried off slowly. His butt, always large, was now impressive. Its fat jiggled with each step. He still wore the same briefs, which stretched to their limit to contain his fat cheeks, leaving his butt crack exposed, a sight Samuel found irresistible. The elastic waistband dug into his flesh, highlighting his volume even more.
Axel dried his blonde beard. His torso had gained a noticeable amount of fat, softening the muscles beneath. His belly had rounded significantly, and his pecs, once hard and defined, now looked like small mounds of fat with pointy nipples that wiggled with every movement. As he tried to pull up his boxers, they struggled to contain his new size. The elastic waistband dug into his waist, and his glutes, though not as bulging as Jamal’s, were also partially exposed.
Marco stood in front of his locker, dropping his towel. His body showed a thick layer of fat. His round belly hung slightly, and his wide thighs rubbed together with each movement. His briefs were so tight they squeezed his big cock. And every time he moved, his butt bounced.
Samuel, watching from his office, noticed Marco’s head was down, an expression of sadness on his face. He decided to approach him to see what was wrong.
“Marco, what’s going on?” he asked.
Marco sighed and grabbed his large belly with both hands, shaking it. His tits and genitals moved with the jerks, a sight that made Samuel gulped.
“My girlfriend left me because of this,” Marco said, his voice filled with disappointment.
Samuel tried to maintain his composure as his heart raced.
“Listen, Marco. If she can’t see beyond the surface, then she doesn’t deserve you. You’re more than your appearance, and everyone here knows it.”
Marco nodded, but the sadness in his eyes didn’t entirely disappear. Samuel, feeling his control slipping, quickly retreated to his office. He closed the door behind him and looked down, confirming that pre-cum had stained his shorts.
At the next practice, Samuel watched proudly as his players wore the new, larger uniforms tailored to their new bodies. During a break, Jamal approached with a look of discomfort on his face.
“Coach, I’ve got a pain in my shoulder,” he said, rubbing the affected area.
Samuel, always ready to take care of his players, offered a physical therapy massage in his office, where he had a treatment table prepared. Jamal accepted, and they agreed to meet that afternoon.
When Jamal arrived at the office, he wore a tight t-shirt that highlighted the curve of his belly and jeans that fit snugly around his hips and thighs. The clothes emphasized his bulk and evidenced his size. Samuel welcomed him with a professional smile, though his mind was full of lustful thoughts.
“Let’s work on those tense muscles, Jamal. Take off your clothes and lie on the table.”
Jamal nodded and began to undress. First, he took off his t-shirt, revealing his rounded abdomen and large pecs with firm, dark nipples. Then he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his sturdy legs, revealing thick, powerful thighs. He was left in a pair of newly purchased XL gray briefs that hugged his hips and butt provocatively.
He lay face down on the table, and Samuel got closer with a bottle of oil in hand. He poured some of the liquid into his palms and began massaging the tense shoulders, working with skill and firmness. As his hands moved, he couldn’t help but notice how Jamal’s enormous glutes swayed with the movement. Samuel’s eagerness intensified as he continued massaging. The sight of those big buttocks moving under the thin fabric of the underwear was overwhelming.
“I’m going to relieve the tension in your glutes too, Jamal. Relax.”
With a steady hand, he pulled the elastic waistband of Jamal’s briefs, lowering them with some difficulty. The smooth skin of his cheeks was exposed. It shone under the light with the oil Samuel applied directly from the bottle. Feeling the fat under his fingers for the first time was an incredible sensation. It provided a combination of firmness and softness he found very tempting. Jamal began uttering involuntary moans as he was being touched. They resonated in the room and in Samuel’s mind. Without stopping to fondle the sexiest player on the team, Samuel noticed his own excitement growing, his breathing becoming heavy. Jamal seemed increasingly affected by the physical contact. His moans grew louder and more intense until he finally let out a long shout and came, his body trembling with pleasure. Samuel stopped abruptly. Embarrassed and blushing, Jamal quickly got up, muttered a thank you while dressing hastily, and left the office.
Samuel remained in the room, contemplating what had happened. His mind revolved around one question: Was Jamal gay? And if he was, were there other players like him on the team? He was confident that, in time, he would discover the answer.
Part three
Christmas arrived and most of the team left campus. Axel and Jamal stayed. Axel, because he was an orphan, and Jamal, because his family had decided to take a trip and visit him.
One afternoon in late December, the coach took the opportunity to catch up on paperwork. He was in his office, with the door closed, when he heard noise coming from the locker room. He recognized the voices of Axel and Jamal. Intrigued, he turned off the light and cracked the door open just enough to remain unseen. From his position, he could see them. They had entered the shower. Axel was lathering himself up with slow, deliberate movements. His round, prominent belly shook slightly with each motion. Jamal, next to him, was also covered in soap. His large, full buttocks swayed gently as he scrubbed. Samuel noticed that both of them were semi-erect.
Suddenly, Axel and Jamal started touching themselves while looking at each other. Axel rubbed his pink nipples with his thumbs, opening his mouth with pleasure. Then he lifted and dropped his belly, making it bounce up and down with its weight. Jamal, with a lascivious smile, grabbed his breasts with his palms and fondled them. Then he turned around and slapped one buttock with a hand. The sound echoed in the space. With the other hand, he began to masturbate, his hard, shiny cock in his grasp. He slapped again. Axel seized his own cock and started masturbating as well, eyes fixed on Jamal. They panted and laughed, enjoying the moment. Finally, Axel and Jamal climaxed and ejaculated. The streams of jizz were lost down the drain.
Samuel couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. He stayed still, waiting to see what else they would do. The pair, still breathing heavily, got dressed while chatting casually.
"Dude, the coach is so hot," said Axel, adjusting his shirt over his belly.
"Totally," said Jamal, struggling to pull up his pants, his rounded buttocks protruding. "I would love to be as big as him."
Axel nodded. His eyes shone with a mixture of admiration and desire.
"Imagine what it must feel like to have that body. Strong, sexy, and with such an impressive belly. It would be awesome."
Jamal smiled, visibly excited by the idea.
"Yeah, man. Well, with what we've been eating lately, I think we're on the right track."
They laughed together, complicit in their fantasy.
"Do you feel like having some pizza?" Axel suggested.
"Perfect. We need to keep growing, right?" Jamal responded.
They put on their shoes and left the locker room, discussing how much pizza they were going to eat. Samuel, who had heard every word, formed an idea in his head.
The next day, he took his phone and sent a message to Axel and Jamal, inviting them to spend New Year’s Eve at his apartment. Both accepted immediately. Beaming with enthusiasm, Samuel went to the supermarket and bought an entire cart of food. He wanted to make sure the evening was memorable.
He spent hours cooking, filling his apartment with the delicious aromas of his preparations. When Axel and Jamal arrived, Samuel greeted them with a smile and offered them a beer.
"To help you relax a bit," he said, sensing they were somewhat intimidated.
They grabbed the beers and settled on the couch. The three of them chatted for a while, laughter and anecdotes flowing easily as the alcohol took effect. The atmosphere became more relaxed. Samuel found them incredibly attractive. Axel, with his blond beard and bulk, looked like a true Viking. Jamal, with his dark skin and curves, was like an irresistible chocolate treat.
"Well, guys. Let’s go to the table," Samuel announced when he thought it was time.
Axel and Jamal followed him. They sat down. The coach served the starter: a huge plate of pasta. On the side, he put another plate with bread and a generous slab of butter for each of them.
"I want you to eat it all," he ordered, taking a seat next to them.
They exchanged a knowing look and started eating obediently. The coach led by example, eating heartily as well. The pasta was delicious. The players ate quickly at first but soon began to slow down.
"Come on, you can’t leave anything," he insisted. "And spread all the butter on the bread."
After finishing the pasta and the rest, Samuel got up to serve the second course. The roast turkey arrived at the table surrounded by a bunch of golden, greasy potatoes. And he gave them more bread and more butter.
"Here you go," he said, inwardly enjoying their perplexed faces.
With each new bite, Axel and Jamal felt their stomachs filling up. After finishing the turkey and potatoes, they were all stuffed.
"Well, we’ll have dessert on the couch," Samuel announced.
"Dessert?" they protested.
They headed to the couch with difficulty, their bellies swollen and heavy after the feast. Samuel followed, carrying an enormous chocolate cake.
"Unbutton your pants and get comfortable," he told them.
They obeyed. Samuel watched as their bellies expanded once freed from the pressure of their clothes. The two young men felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness as Samuel placed the cake in front of them.
"Axel, I want you to take a piece of cake and give it to Jamal. Tell him how fat he's going to get."
Axel cut a large piece of cake. He held it out to Jamal and, in a provocative voice, said:
"Jamal, you're going to get so fat with this... Eat it."
Jamal, whose eyes gleamed with desire, opened his mouth and let Axel feed him the piece of cake. He chewed slowly, relishing both the food and Axel's words.
"Now you, Jamal," Samuel said. "Give Axel a piece and tell him how fat he's going to get."
Jamal cut a generous piece of cake and brought it to Axel. Looking at him, he said:
"Axel, you're going to get so fat today... Open up."
Axel took the piece of cake with a mix of lust and delight, savoring not only the dessert, but also Jamal's words.
"I'm going to step out to give you more privacy," Samuel said with a wink. "When I come back, I don't want to see a single crumb."
He put on his coat and exited the apartment, leaving them alone with the cake.
He walked around the campus, enjoying the fresh air and the tranquility of the night. His thoughts wandered to what Axel and Jamal might be doing in his absence. Fantasy sometimes turned him on more than reality. After an hour of walking, he returned to his apartment, eager to see the result.
When he opened the door, he found a scene that exceeded his expectations. Axel and Jamal were reclined on the couch, naked. Their bodies seemed even more bloated, with chocolate-stained mouths and bellies about to burst. What fascinated him the most was seeing jizz on their chests. They had fallen deeply asleep, exhausted from the excess of food and pleasure.
Final part
The season was coming to an end and the university football team, under Samuel's supervision, had undergone a radical transformation. All the players had gained weight dramatically, ranging between 270 and 330 pounds. For Samuel, watching them on the field was an endless source of pride. Their bodies had become imposing masses of muscle and fat.
Marco, with his now more robust build, dominated the center of the field. His jersey stretched over his belly, and his butt, tightly packed into his uniform pants, seemed almost to overflow. Every time he ran, Samuel could see how his fat oscillated with the movement and how his thighs rubbed together.
Axel, whose transformation was perhaps the most noticeable, played with renewed ferocity. His wider and heavier body gave him an advantage in body-to-body clashes. His pecs, turned into true masses of flesh, shook with every impact. His enormous, round belly moved hypnotically under his jersey. Every time Axel hit the ground, Samuel beheld how the fat in his abdomen flattened and spread, showing the weight he had gained with Jamal's help.
Jamal, with the roundest and most prominent buttocks Samuel had ever seen, was a sight to behold on the field. His butt, miraculously covered by the tight uniform, moved like an independent mass from his body with each step. His thighs combined muscle and fat. When Jamal ran, Samuel couldn't help but stare at how his buttocks swayed from side to side, a true spectacle. Axel had also done a good job of feeding him.
As the players moved on the field, Samuel felt a surge of excitement. Although victory was important, for him, the true satisfaction lay in witnessing how they had transformed. Seeing those previously athletic young men become powerful masses of obesity under his tutelage was the culmination of his deepest fantasies. The team, which previously lost almost every game, now played with renewed strength and determination.
The final whistle blew and the team erupted in joy. Samuel joined them on the field, his heart pounding. He knew he had achieved something extraordinary.
The celebration after the victory was something else. The players, full of adrenaline and euphoria, headed straight to the locker room, where the showers awaited them. The atmosphere was electric, with shouts of happiness and laughter echoing off the walls.
Samuel stood at the entrance, watching as the players stripped off their sweat-soaked uniforms. Their heavy, robust bodies moved with contagious energy. Axel was the first to get completely naked, revealing his impressive figure, with his round belly and prominent pecs. He headed to the showers, closely followed by Jamal, whose buttocks swayed sensually with each step. Marco, with his hanging belly and voluminous butt, wasn't far behind.
The shower started with streams of hot water and uproar. The players pushed and splashed each other. Samuel, from a corner, watched them quietly. However, his serenity didn’t last long. Axel, with a mischievous smile, approached him.
"Come on, coach, it's time to join the celebration," Axel said.
And before Samuel could protest, Axel and Marco grabbed him by the arms.
"Hey, guys, what are you doing?" Samuel exclaimed as he tried to resist in vain.
The players, still laughing, began to undress the coach. Samuel let himself be carried away by them. First, they removed his shirt, revealing his impressive torso. His large pecs and round belly were exposed, prompting jokes among the players.
"Look at those muscles, coach!" Marco said, laughing.
Then, they took off his pants, lowered his boxers, and pushed him under the hot water.
Being completely naked, the coach found himself surrounded by his players in the shower. The hot water cascaded over their bodies, creating an atmosphere charged with arousal. Axel and Jamal took turns touching Samuel's belly, their hands sliding over his wet skin. Samuel felt completely liberated. The obese bodies of the players moved around him, bumping and rubbing against each other in a choreography of flesh and desire under the water.
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hymemena · 11 months
Trials in Tainted Space Transformative Items Magic Anons
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs. These are taken from the game Trials In Tainted Space. Inspired by this meme by @sunbun-memes.
CW: General NSFW, Heats, Ruts, Transformation
Amazona Iced Tea - Increases breast size, height, and/or muscle tone in female-identifying individuals.
Amber Seed - Grants the consumer avian attributes. If consumer is feline, the amber seed will change them into a griffin. If consumer is equine, the amber seed will turn them into a hippogriff. If consumer is a naga or similar snake-like being, the amber seed will change them into a quetzalcoatl.
Bovinium - A small bottle labeled "Bovinium" that contains a small, cow-shaped gummy candy. Grants the consumer cowgirl attributes. If consumer has a penis, their penis will shrink. If the consumer has breasts, their breasts will go and begin to lactate if not already lactating.
Breeder's Bliss - Induces heat or rut in the consumer.
Cackler - A chocolate bar filled with crisped rice. The front of the wrapper has the name spelled out in big, blocky letters. Grants the consumer hyena attributes.
Canine Popper - Grants the consumer canine attributes. If consumer does not already have a tail, the canine popper will cause one to grow. If consumer has a penis, it will become a knotted canine penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will become a canine vagina.
Capraphorm - A small, disposable inhaler full of something called “Capraphorm.” It is blank white in appearance with a black silhouette of what appears to be a goat above the mouthpiece. Grants the consumer caprine attributes. If consumer does not have hooves, they will gain hooves. If consumer does not have horns, they will grow horns.
Catnip - Grants the consumer feline attributes. If consumer has a penis, it will be transformed into a barbed feline penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will become a feline vagina. Accidental or intentional overdose will cause the consumer to become a cattaur.
Chocolac - Causes the consumer to lactate chocolate milk upon consumption.
Dicksprout - Causes user's penis to grow larger. In some cases, causes user to grow an additional penis.
Dose of Soak - Effective only on those who possess a vagina. Will dramatically enhance lubrication and sensitivity of the consumer's vagina.
Dumbfuck Pill - Causes the consumer to become a himbo or a bimbo, depending on gender identity.
Goblinola Snack Bar - A snack bar that is gaudily advertised on its plastic wrap as a tasty, healthy treat. Grants the consumer goblin attributes. Will cause taller folk to become as short as three feet six inches.
Horse Pill - Grants the consumer equine attributes. If consumer has a penis, it will be transformed into an equine penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will be transformed into an equine vagina. May cause the consumer to become a centaur.
Illumorpheme - Grants the user moth attributes. If user does not have wings or antennae, illumorpheme will cause them to manifest. Lemon
Loftcake - A lemon cake roll designed to dramatically increase the consumer's height to a maximum of 120 inches.
Lion-Os - Grants the user lion attributes. If user is female-aligned, can cause the growth of a second row of breasts.
Lip Tease - Allows the user to shrink or enlarge their lips, as well as change their lips' natural color.
Mousearella Cheese - A cheesy snack covered in a thin plastic wrapper with the image of a cartoon mouse nibbling on an oversized wedge of Swiss cheese. Grants the consumer mouse attributes. Will shrink taller individuals down to a maximum of 60 inches tall, and cause the growth of mouse ears and tail.
New Ewe - Grants the consumer sheep attributes. This includes a thick layer of fluffy wool, and the growth of ram horns in male-identifying consumers.
Ovilium - Causes the consumer to become pregnant with eggs.
Pandaneen Pill - Grants the consumer panda attributes.
Pussyblossom Pill - Causes the consumer to grow a vagina. Maxes out at three.
Shark Bites - This is a simple white pack containing three brown coloured jerky-esque bits. Grants the consumer shark attributes. Consumers will gain scales and shark markings, as well as gills.
Strawberry Shortcake - A strawberry cake roll that dramatically reduces the consumer's height to a minimum of 48 inches.
Swineapple - Grants the consumer swine attributes. If consumer has a penis, it will be transformed into a swine penis. If consumer has a vagina, it will be transformed into a swine vagina. Will also cause consumer to grow a corkscrew tail.
Tittyblossom - Grants user enlarged breasts. Has also been known to reduce muscle tone and increase femininity.
Virection - Causes the consumer's penis to grow larger, with a maximum size of thirty inches long. May also result in the consumer growing another penis, up to a maximum of ten.
Zil Ration - These are dried rations appear to be made from local fruits and plant nectars. Grants the consumer bee attributes. Often results in lactation of honey in female-identifying consumers, and honey cum in all consumers.
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femalethink · 7 months
In the beginning ... was a very female sea. For two-and-a-half billion years on earth, all life-forms floated in the womb-like environment of the planetary ocean—nourished and protected by its fluid chemicals, rocked by the lunar-tidal rhythms. Charles Darwin believed the menstrual cycle originated here, organically echoing the moon-pulse of the sea. And, because this longest period of life's time on earth was dominated by marine forms reproducing parthenogenetically, he concluded that the female principle was primordial. In the beginning, life did not gestate within the body of any creature, but within the ocean womb containing all organic life. There were no specialized sex organs; rather, a generalized female existence reproduced itself within the female body of the sea.
Before more complex life forms could develop and move onto land, it was necessary to miniaturize the oceanic environment, to reproduce it on a small and mobile scale. Soft, moist eggs deposited on dry ground and exposed to air would die; life could not move beyond the water-hugging amphibian stage. In the course of evolution, the ocean—the protective and nourishing space, the amniotic fluids, even the lunar-tidal rhythm—was transferred into the individual female body. And the penis, a mechanical device for land reproduction, evolved.
The penis first appeared in the Age of Reptiles, about 200 million years ago. Our archetypal association of the snake with the phallus contains, no doubt, this genetic memory. This is a fundamental and recurring pattern in nature: Life is a female environment in which the male appears, often periodically, and by the female, to perform highly specialized tasks related to species reproduction and a more complex evolution.
.... Among mammals, even among humans, parthenogenesis is not technically impossible. Every female egg contains a polar body with a complete set of chromosomes; the polar body and the egg, if united, could form a daughter embryo. In fact, ovarian cysts are unfertilized eggs that have joined with their polar bodies, been implanted in the ovarian wall, and started to develop there.
This is not to say that males are an unnecessary sex. Parthenogenesis is a cloning process. Sexual reproduction, which enhances the variety and health of the gene pool, is necessary for the kind of complex evolution that has produced the human species. The point being made here is simply that, when it comes to the two sexes, one of us has been around a lot longer than the other.
—Monica Sjöö & Barbara Mor, "The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth."
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rreskk · 1 year
Request: either Michael or Trevor with a plus size girl reader? Extremely vague request lol but I’d love to see what you come up with. I’m always craving some body worship in this fandom!! Thank you (and sorry if my English isn’t the best)
Summary: You always felt insecure about your body, but the way he'd touch and look at you had made this fear completely vanish.
TW: -Smut
Pairings: Plus sized!fem Reader/Michael De Santa
Word count: 844
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His masculine hands hovered the skin of your shaky thighs. He had you lying underneath, body exposed and the natural light of sunset enhancing your bodily glow. His lips trailed slow kisses down your tummy rolls where it would shiver against his touch. The part of your body which you try and avoid showing, he was taking great care in loving you.
“Michael…” You whisper to gain his attention. But you earnt no response.
Michael reached the tip of your pussy, his warm breath penetrating you.
“C’mon… Mikey,” Another attempt of pleading, “I need you, so bad.”
He raised a thumb and inspected your wetness before smiling up at you. Although he was usually distant and… Sexually deprived, you’ve never seen him so romantic. He had jokingly touched you all night and here you both are, huddling his bed naked.
“So, you need me now?” He’d tease.
“This isn’t funny…” You wanted to shy away at his tormenting behaviour. He grinned at your reaction before hoisting you up by the waist. Your thighs began to cuddle his waist and Michael leaned over, hands exploring your body, favouring your thick curves that slid right through his fingers.
“C’mere.” He murmured, ushering you closer where he passionately kissed your wobbly lips.
Your hands tangled the back of his black suit. You tried to grip but it was loosened when he pulled away. Already whining at the loss of contact, it was soon replaced by the sound of his belt and trousers being shuffled around. He allowed you to help. Michael watched the way you’d threw his trousers aside and simply praise the sight of his cock that was throbbing unremarkably. Ever since Amanda failed to contribute to his sex-life, he found home in your touch, that attachment slowly becoming romance.
“God…” A small moan left his lips as you stroked the tip of his penis. 
You’d whisper again, whispering words of encouragement, hoping he’d give into this game and fuck you nice and hard. You kept on whispering his name and adding pressure to the hand around his cock. It would have complete spasms within the reach of your palm, and without notice, he was already lining himself up, pinning your arms above your head.
He demanded you to be quiet, with that sly smirk, and pushed into you. Michael’s pupils dilated as your breasts shook together when being thoroughly penetrated. He stared down at your curves and thick features, finding it utterly beautiful as they’d all move with the tides of his thrusts. So much so, he couldn’t stand anymore space between you. Michael wrapped your legs around his waist and praised when you moaned louder and louder.
“Good… Good girl… Taking me in so well.” He’d lowly mention.
Another pant turned into breathless words. You squirmed and tried to reach for his wrists that held onto your stomach and breast.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you.” Michael met your hand, intertwining fingers and immediately soaking his heart out – something he always struggles to do. It was heaven to hear. You wanted to return his expressive speech, but a high-pitched moan stopped you. Despite being romantic and passionate, he was also rocking into you brutally.
“Fuck, fuck!”
“C’mon, [y/n], God! I feel so good…”
You nibbled your bottom lip and closed your eyes. The bed squeaked underneath you as he carried on fucking you perfectly. Your thoughts fell back onto his words, his occasional words of affirmation when in heat. Looking up at his blushed face, you made eye-contact, and you pulled him towards you, lips greeting each other’s. At first, he seemed hesitant, but Michael gave in and kissed back with such euphuism. His hands travelling up your body and beside your head, trapping you. He kept his body stable above you as them hips continued swerving with great strength. Your pussy was already dripping with the cum he caused from the constant edging earlier on. You couldn’t help but murmur your upcoming climax, in which he replied;
“M'yeah… I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum too – “ His words broken at the impact of his suppressed emotions.
He steadily carried on before it was safe to pull out. Michael grinded his bare crotch against your thigh and watched the cum squirt out, painting your skin white. In the meantime, you had also orgasmed heavily. You’d moan his name and hold his head close to your neck. Mikey was breathing frantically and made little noise, but the sounds that did escape, it was small whines that sounded similar to the syllables of your name.
“Ah… Ahh, yeah.” He murmured in your neck, his body collapsing onto yours.
Though sore, you felt great. Your body felt worshipped. Michael’s arms were draped around you tightly and you couldn’t help but keep him close.
“I love you.” You finally managed to expression.
He went silent before glancing up and giving you a calm smile. He didn’t say anything, but you knew he loved you back. He just stayed in your arms and continued stroking your frame with his rough hands.
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arachnoia · 1 year
Heya <3 not sure if you still take requests , but can you maybe do a wholesome one with Miguel , whereby the reader works for him as a computer engineer? Like , peni Parker hired them and he was mad because he’s scared of intruders that may affect spider society, and the reader made him something useful for battle, as time goes , he trusts them and eventually like them. I hope you could take this request anddd I love your works!!❤️
hi love! thank you so much for requesting!! much love <333
i tried w this i hope its okay! and requests are always open so pls ask away!
pairing - miguel o'hara x nb! reader
“Y/L/N, this is so shocking stupid.”
You frowned at your boss, who was bashing your idea to update some software on his monitors.
Because who in their right mind would challenge Miguel O’Hara and his stupid monitors?
You’d think that him being the genius he is, would consider there being a potential fix in his monitors. They worked just fine but you thought they could work better. You were from 3145 so you’d think that he’d agree considering your exposure to tech.
Unfortunately, he thought differently.
He stood in front of you, distraught at what you thought was a good idea to present him, but was proven wrong.
“Maybe consider it?” You pleaded, showing him your tablet with the proposal and following him on your platform.
All it took was one missed step for you to almost fall to your death from the high platform.
You felt Miguel grab you quickly. Your faces were really close and you couldn’t help but feel flustered.
Once he caught your shocked expression, he swung you down to the ground where he stood above you.
“Yeah, uh huh. Maybe if you aren’t such a liability and had something useful, then I could take your word for it.”
You couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt at his jab. You weren't a Spider by any means but after Peni was recruited for the society, she recommended you to Miguel as an experienced computer and software engineer.
After Peni begged Miguel for weeks, he let you. But it was probably because Peni would continuously bug him about it and he didn't want to be annoyed.
Nevertheless you took the job as a new opportunity and to also look over Peni.
“Never should have taken this stupid job…” you muttered, forgetting that he had enhanced hearing.
“Yeah, I never should have agreed to Peni taking you in either.”
Jessica frowned, “Miguel…”
You ignored them and walked out of the room to the cafeteria where you were greeted by Peni and SP//dr.
SP//dr gave you a smile and Peni jumped to hug you.
“Sooooo, how was the whole idea thingy?”
You sighed in frustration, “He didn’t like it! Like y’know I’d think he would but-“ You sneered at him once he reached your line of vision and rolled your eyes.
“Why don’t you prove that you’re helpful? Like y’know, help in a mission?”
“Peni, it’s easier said than done because I don’t have spider abilities like everyone else in this goddamn building,” you muttered, rubbing your temples.
You hear someone clear their throat behind you and turn around. “Y/L/N…May I speak with you?”
Jess smiled and was the complete opposite of Miguel’s aggravated nature who was right behind her.
You furrowed your eyebrows and turned to Peni and SP//dr who motioned to them.
“Okay…” You started walking with them where Miguel cleared his throat again and groaned annoyed.
“We have a mission today and we needed someone to help! Do you think-”
“YES!” You nodded vigorously. You never were asked and were excited. You just remained in sector 3 with all the other tech-savvy Spiders. You actually met Peni while working with her dad as a computer engineer and became an older sibling figure to her.
“Let’s go, Y/L/N.” Miguel grumbled and threw you your own official watch before walking past you and Jessica where she just rolled her eyes, “Don’t worry. he gets like that when someone proves him wrong.”
You’ve only ever had day passes which you switched out every day, which was another Miguel disliked you. He didn’t like you wasting the day passes. It was a pet peeve but now you officially had a watch like everyone else.
You felt proud.
His frown didn’t settle even during the said mission. You guys were called in a different universe’s Alchemax, fighting a Doc Ock. Only this time, they had almost indestructible drones and there was rubble and debris everywhere, being thrown at you three.
This Doc Ock was quick, already trapping that universe’s Spider in a force field made of nanotech.
“Shock! Lyla, can you try to disable the drones? I can’t destroy them.”
Lyla popped out and shrugged, shaking her head no, “Someone’s already on it, I can’t or I’d disrupt them.”
Miguel frowned at her in confusion while fighting a drone shooting a laser at him, “What do you mean?”
Lyla pointed at you, who was hiding behind a huge piece of rubble. You were typing away and working on the holographic monitors, eyes locked in.
In a matter of seconds, the drones fell simultaneously and the Spider was freed from the force field.
“FUCK!” The Doc Ock started running away, their tentacles dragging them down before Miguel threw in his own forcefield, trapping them.
“Good job, Y/L/N,” Jess whispered, “You did great.”
You couldn’t help but feel a bit proud as you stepped into the portal to go to your quarters in headquarters.
It later became a pattern of calling you for help during missions. Miguel even seemed to grow a soft spot for you as he wasn’t as pissed as he used to be in your presence. He started to make conversation and brought you lunch a few times.
He’d excuse it as “not wanting to be in debt to you” or whatever that means.
You were just coming back from another mission until you were held back by Miguel, who couldn’t keep eye contact when your head turned to look at him in the eyes.
“I meant to tell you that you did a good job in the field,” he mumbled.
You laughed and turned around to face him. “What was that, O’Hara? You’re telling little ol’ me that I did a good job?”
He rolled his eyes and sneered at you, “Don’t get used to it. I was wondering if you’d want to go out to eat sometime.” He looked away and muttered the last parts.
You snickered and covered your face.
It wasn’t only in laughter but in embarrassment. Was he asking you out? You didn’t know but the thought of him getting sheepish made you want to bust out laughing. Especially due to his usually nonchalant yet intimidating aura.
His cool demeanor was replaced with his looking embarrassed, lips pressed together in a thin line.
You shrugged, “What was that? Didn’t catch it.”
“Do. You. Wanna. Go. Out. To. Eat. Some. Time.” He frowned at you as he stretched out the syllables.
You giggled and nodded, “Is that a date.”
He froze and cleared his throat, “Well if you want it to be.”
You yawned and walked away as you stretched, “Sure. Why not?”
His face dropped as he saw your cool demeanor in contrast to his tense one.
Before you went out of his office completely, you turned around and pointed to his platform.
“Also. Let me know how your new monitors are working. I’m sure you’ll like ‘em”
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republicsecurity · 5 months
The chastity cage, a standard issue for recruits, boasted a design that seamlessly integrated with the advanced technology of the Armour Suits.
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Material: Nano Plastics and Ceramics Dual-Chamber Design: Separation for Testicles and Penis Locking Mechanism: Secure yet easily accessible for hygiene and maintenance Anti-Tamper Sensors: Alerts the AI in case of unauthorized attempts to manipulate the device Temperature Control: Maintains a comfortable temperature within the chambers Aeration System: Allows for ventilation to prevent moisture and ensure skin health Customizable Restraint Levels: Adjustable settings for varying degrees of security Medical-Grade Monitoring: Monitors physiological health and provides feedback to the wearer Compatibility: Integrates seamlessly with Armour Suit technology and HUD interfaces Hygienic Seals: Ensures cleanliness and reduces the risk of infection Comfort Padding: Medical-grade silicone for extended wear Adjustable Fit: Customizable sizing to accommodate individual anatomical variations Durability: Resistant to corrosion, impact, and extreme environmental conditions Charging: Wireless induction charging for convenience Compliance: Meets Tactical Paramedic Corps regulations for personal equipment
This state-of-the-art chastity cage goes beyond mere physical restraint, incorporating advanced technologies to ensure both security and the well-being of the wearer. Its dual-chamber design, combined with biometric authentication and anti-tamper features, establishes a new standard for personal discipline within the Tactical Paramedic Corps.
Shielded from external access, both the penis and testicles find residence in specially designed chambers crafted from premium silicone rubber. The surface texture mimics natural skin, ensuring a comfortable fit without leaving any discernible pressure marks. Within this chamber, a clear division accommodates the separate housing of the penis and testicles. The penis tube takes on a downward-bent configuration for optimal comfort.
Dedicated protection is afforded to the testicles through an independent chamber, shielding against pinching and providing a cooling effect. The larger size, complemented by a more spacious tube, enhances overall comfort. Additionally, ample room for expansion is available to prevent any sense of constraint in case of enlargement.
When nature calls, there's no requirement to unlock the belt. The penis tube seamlessly connects to an opening at the bottom of the belt. To prevent any potential blockage caused by an erect penis, a reservoir ensures the discharge point remains unobstructed.
The chastity belt integrates seamlessly with the armor suit's docking system through a specialized interface mechanism. The belt is equipped with a proprietary docking port that aligns precisely with the corresponding receptacle on the armor suit. This connection is established using a secure locking mechanism that ensures a robust and tamper-proof link.
This connection not only facilitates power transfer and data exchange but also ensures the proper functioning of integrated systems.
Upon docking, a series of verification protocols are initiated, confirming the integrity of the connection and the operational status of both the chastity belt and the armor suit.
Upon initiating the waste evacuation procedure, the integrated systems work in tandem to ensure a seamless and controlled process. The docking mechanism guarantees a reliable connection, allowing for the unhindered flow of waste from the chastity belt to the designated disposal system within the armor suit.
This comprehensive solution contributes to the overall functionality of the armor suit, addressing the physiological needs of the wearer while maintaining the discretion and efficiency required in operational environments.
The chastity cage is designed with versatility in mind, allowing it to be worn independently of the armor suit. Its standalone functionality ensures that the wearer can maintain the constraints and security provided by the chastity cage even when not in the complete armor suit ensemble.
Constructed from durable nano plastics and ceramics, the chastity cage provides a discreet and comfortable fit. The dual-chamber design, featuring separate compartments for the penis and testicles, ensures security and protection while offering a natural feel against the skin.
Whether worn as part of the complete armor suit or independently, the chastity cage remains an integral component, aligning with the established protocols and regulations governing the paramedics' conduct and attire
The uniformity enforced by the chastity cage contributes to the overall professionalism of the paramedics. It aligns with the standards set by the Corps, fostering a sense of discipline and uniformity among the tactical medical team.
The dual-chamber design ensures that the genitals are securely enclosed, reducing the risk of contamination or injury in the field.
By eliminating concerns related to personal needs, the paramedics can maintain a focused and concentrated mindset during critical situations. The chastity cage's design allows for seamless waste evacuation without compromising operational efficiency.
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lizbethborden · 3 months
The makeup for Walpole Goggins is simultaneously super ugly and not ugly enough. I feel like they were trying not to make him too gross, and in the effort enhanced his natural hideousness. He just looks like a penis.
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4grandpasonly · 1 year
Natural herbs for erection
Natural herbs for erection
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects men of all ages. It is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. There are many causes of ED, including stress, anxiety, depression, and medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.
There are a number of natural herbs that have been shown to be effective in treating ED. These herbs work by increasing blood flow to the penis, which is essential for an erection. Some of the most effective natural herbs for ED include:
Saw palmetto
Muira puama
Ginseng is a traditional Chinese herb that has been used for centuries to improve sexual function. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis and by enhancing the production of testosterone.
Damiana is a shrub that is native to Mexico and Central America. It has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. Damiana works by increasing blood flow to the penis and by enhancing the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is involved in sexual pleasure.
Maca is a root vegetable that is native to Peru. It has been used for centuries as a tonic for sexual function. Maca works by increasing testosterone levels and by enhancing the production of nitric oxide, a gas that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow.
Saw palmetto is a small palm tree that is native to North America. It has been used for centuries to treat prostate problems. Saw palmetto works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that can damage the prostate gland. DHT can also contribute to ED by reducing the production of nitric oxide.
L-arginine is an amino acid that is essential for the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. L-arginine can be taken as a supplement or it can be found in foods such as nuts, seeds, and legumes.
Muira puama is a tree that is native to the Amazon rainforest. It has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. Muira puama works by increasing blood flow to the penis and by enhancing the production of dopamine.
It is important to note that natural herbs are not a cure for ED. They can be helpful in improving erectile function, but they may not be effective for everyone. If you are experiencing ED, it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help you to determine the cause of your ED and recommend the best course of treatment.
Here are some tips for using natural herbs for ED:
Start with a small dose and gradually increase it as needed.
Take the herbs for at least 4-6 weeks to see results.
Talk to your doctor before taking any natural herbs, especially if you are taking any medications.
Here are some other things you can do to improve erectile function:
Get regular exercise.
Eat a healthy diet.
Manage stress.
Quit smoking.
Reduce alcohol intake.
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madamscream · 1 year
The Reproductive Systems and Habits of Angels and Demons
Some world building information, primarily for my Culture Shock! Obey Me AU that I'm working on. Feel free to do what you will with any of my ideas. If you make any works based off something I post, or inspired by it, I'd love to see it!
Not exactly safe for work.
Warning for noncon, specifically in the angel's section. Less serious warning that it's probably glaringly obvious I used to be in the Homestuck fandom lol
Both angels and demons are true hermaphrodites. Gender expression is based purely on preference, and heavily influenced by humanity, though in both native tongues, pronouns more denounce species than gender. Angels have one for each rank of angel and one for non-angels, while demons have one each for demons, angels, and humans, and then another for other beings, though there are also more specific ones for them that just may not be known by your average speaker and require explanation.
The reproductive systems of demons and angels are remarkably similar in form. Unaroused, the pubic area looks somewhat like a vagina, though some of the shapes are odd, the labia minora are missing, and the colours are often less-than expected if you thought your partner was human somehow, though more natural to human colors are also perfectly within possibility. The clitoris is also odd, particularly in the fact that it isn’t one. The penis remains internal when not in use, though the tip is always visible. Both arousal and the need to urinate will cause the penis to start to exit the vent, though to different degrees. The urethra is located on the tip of the penis, and both sperm and urine exit through it. The penis is tapered, and is often multicolored, though those are the only traits common enough to bother listing here, as there’s a great deal of variation in shape between individuals, with demons often showing more extreme variants than angels.
The vaginal opening is located in roughly the same location as it is on humans, and the testicles are internal in both angels and demons. The internal walls of the vagina can have some interesting textures, though this is by far more noticeable in lust demons. Ovulation in both species is rare, and triggered by different things depending. Placenta begins to form only after a fertilized egg is implanted, so periods aren’t a thing that ever happen to either, though birth is often even less pleasant to deal with than it is with humans, since the hip shape is the same, yet the babies can be much bigger and have god-knows-what sort of appendages sticking off of them. Since forms further from humans are most often larger, it’s common practice for an expecting demon or angel to shift up when labor starts to ease the process. This can, for some, also change the shape of the hips, which can either make things easier, or just impossible, so it’s always on a case by case basis if this is advisable or not.
Arousal will always instigate the penis to exit the body, though there are some notable differences based on whether the being wishes to submit or dominate. If experiencing submissive arousal, the penis remains fairly soft and is mobile, though control over the movements of it is generally extremely limited (Asmodeus could probably hold a pen and write though.) More blood goes to the labia majora, causing a swelling, as well as some internal structures that enhance the pleasure of being penetrated.
If experiencing dominant arousal, the penis loses its mobility, becomes hard and rigid in preparation to penetrate. Blood actually redirects from the vagina, the labia closing up a bit. It's wildly unpleasant to be penetrated in this state, though some masochists enjoy it.
Both states feel notably different, both physically and emotionally. Switching between states without a pause in between is something that some demons enjoy immensely. Mammon in particular loves starting out dominant and having his partner get him to switch before he gets to do anything.
While nearly unheard of for angels, who almost always produce a single, live infant, there are rare subsets of demons that produce either litters or eggs, and even rarer, some who can end up with two or all three options in different circumstances, though not at the same time. 
Angels are capable of arousal and copulation at any time, and can reproduce with angels, humans, and demons. However, this is forbidden outside of a singular circumstance. Overcoming lust is expected, and giving into it is WILDLY taboo and will be met with visceral disgust if not outright ostrisization from most every other angel. Denying yourself lustful pleasures is considered a show of your devotion, not only to god, but to other angels, and a thing that you should do for the good of everyone.
The singular instance in which angels are allowed to sexually reproduce are in the case of a ‘Blessed Coupling.’ This has always been between two angels, and tends to come out of fucking nowhere, but it’s very literally god wanting two angels to bone down and make a baby for whatever reason. It happens very rarely, and without the will of the angel being taken into account. Very suddenly, two angels will enter each other's proximity, shift up a form or two, and become unbearably aroused. Reports from couples who had this happen don’t exactly paint a pleasant picture, as they very suddenly feel like thoughtless animals and cannot resist going at it. They often both leave the situation feeling violated. Blessed Couples are both venerated and used as a cautionary tale against giving into lust. It’s a common belief that should you give into lust, you can become like that permanently, though that’s entirely untrue and born mostly out of fear. It’s worth noting that this happens to angels who have never even met sometimes, so the interest between the pair is irrelevant.
While most of the punishment for things like masturbation would be social, carried out by other angels if found out, IF an angel impregnates someone or gets impregnated outside of a Blessed Coupling, they fall and their offspring is killed. If an angel wants to have a child, they frankly should fall first.
For the most part, angels are created directly by god, and while Blessed Couplings are considered a very good thing, as it's a direct result of gods will, no one really knows why it happens. The offspring are always special in some way, so it's assumed that god wants that specific angel to exist, but that's just kind of the most accepted guess.
Demons are more likely to suffer from NOT having sex, or at least masturbating, than they ever will be from abstaining. While most often seen in the form of gluttony and wrath rampages, all of the sins can produce a sort of ‘shut down’ state if the temptation to give into them is ignored for long enough, or the desire is strong enough. Lust will end up with a sort of heat or rut, depending on the nature of the desire being ignored. That said, if there is no desire, there’s no danger of the shut down state. So, if a demon is asexual, they're just plain not in danger of that. 
Dominance and submission are both culturally and biologically a thing with demons. Culturally, being dominant is seen as the ideal, while being submissive is shameful, since it’s a culture in which being strong is heavily emphasized. Biologically, every demon wants both sometimes, though some demons have definite preferences for one or the other.
Being openly brazen with enjoying to submit is viewed as extraordinarily slutty. More conservative demons look down on it, but it’s pretty universally considered very hot. Asmo’s fixation on keeping himself small and cute and flirty is largely because, even if he’s modestly dressed and using none of his powers, demons around him tend to react with arousal, which he likes a lot. He's cultivated the image of the perfect submissive.
Pacts with human sorcerers have a lot of strangeness about them. A pact taken by force is most likely to just produce resentment in the demon half of it, but a pact willingly given is kind of the ultimate act of submission, literally subjecting your free will to another. Often, such things are only offered to exceedingly powerful sorcerers, because the demon gains a lot of power out of it as well in that case and it’s worth the occasional loss of free will to them. However, if attraction develops on the demons end, they find that their body only really wants to act submissively in sexual situations with that person. Given how little any of this ever took place in the Devildom prior to the exchange program and MC earning their pacts, this wasn’t a documented thing, because no demon in their right mind would eagerly admit that they let their pactmate plow them (save for Asmodeus, but that’s not weird for him, and no one would really question it being at all related to the pact.) Whether there’s a magical influence on their preference, or it’s simply a latent desire all demons have not allowing itself to be ignored after literally turning over your free will to someone, who knows.
Heats are more common with demons, due to the sort of shame associated with submitting. It’s less to do with breeding, and much more to do with sating a desire that’s been repressed. They can often be kept at bay with the use of toys and indulgent fantasies, but it’s still more common that a demon will be too proud to ‘sink to that level.’ It’s genuinely a bit weird for a demon to, on their own, go into rut. There’s no taboo against going at someone, or even taking turns, and even if that’s not an option, masturbation will usually keep it from happening. If a demon’s doing a LOT of pining, it can happen, but such obsessive focus on one person to trigger something like that is very rare, and usually will clue people into something being wrong well before this is an issue. Most commonly, a rut is triggered while actively having sex. There is a certain limit to how long you can edge a demon without them flipping the fuck out and literally losing their mind for a while. This is DEFINITELY a fetish for some demons, both having it happen to them and being the one to trigger it in others. Levi’s into the idea of having it done to him. Lucifer loves doing it to others.
While lesser demons that die easier reproduce pretty frequently, the only higher demons that commonly reproduce is the royal family, due to how often kings are rebelled against and deliberately killed. For the most part, a high demon has to actively choose to have a child, and most will just probably not. They live for many millions of years, if not killed, and killing them is an ORDEAL, so the idea of passing down what they have isn’t honestly an issue most think about often, if ever. 
A high demon that has chosen to be impregnated will behave very differently from normal, though if they’re acting as the father, nothing actually changes at all. Brooding behaviors can vary pretty heavily from demon to demon, but they all start craving meat (among other things) in large quantities and do some sort of nesting behavior, though it’s heavily influenced by what the individual believes to be important. Beel would probably try to hoard food, but with an exacerbated appetite, might become distressed with how difficult that is. Leviathan would likely end up in some sort of blanket fort made of manga and whatever he thought was comfy, but he’d also probably like it to be underwater. A pregnant high demon expects their partner to be at their beck and call and take care of them. They do not expect to have to leave their nest more than absolutely necessary. Gestation periods vary, but both of the pair are expected to basically be unreachable until the birth.
Most of the time, high demons having children is kind of the ultimate declaration of devotion to each other, both because of the expected behavior while the baby is forming, as well as what the baby themselves represent. It’s borderline sacred. Baby trapping does happen, but it’s socially considered so revolting that oftentimes if it’s found out the friends of the victim will straight up kill the demon that did it to them, and sometimes the child depending. It involves a LOT more manipulation than it would for humans who can conceive accidentally.
Noble families who produce heirs will sometimes choose to do so with the sole purpose of showing off their wealth. This is most common with greed demon couples. They made a grand show of the time, often hiring extensive staff and going wildly hedonistic while the baby or babies are gestating. It's also common when a family is expanding to increase their own power and not because they're showing that devotion. Often, the lavish gestation and entry into the noble family is the compensation for the demon that becomes pregnant.
Also worth noting: most cambion (human/demon hybrids) happen entirely by accident. While a high demon has to choose to initiate the ability to be pregnant, they can technically always get someone else pregnant. Should a demon go have some fun with humans and raw dog one, it may just genuinely not occur to them that, if that human has the right equipment, they might get pregnant about it. It’s not uncommon knowledge that humans just kinda get pregnant all willy-nilly, but for the most part, you’d have to look it up. It would be less of an issue were a human to couple with a lesser demon with a more relatable reproductive cycle, but their smaller, less-human forms and rare reasons to ever interact with humans make such couples non-existent. While there are humans that would see a knee-high bipedal pig made of shadow and think “I need to fuck that,” the chances of the two ever meeting are improbably slim.
While fetishes in the Devildom are plentiful and often strange, because of how such things work, high demons pretty universally consider breeding kinks cute and wholesome. Demons with that inclinations will sometimes stage role play sessions where making a nest together, or at least doing it in one that one of them made beforehand, is expected, as is lots of cuddling and pampering. This could lead to some interesting misunderstandings if a demon wasn’t particularly specific with the details of a request for such things when inviting MC. A demon asking someone to 'pretend to breed them' is hoping to be lavished with love and affection, so if you show up with nothing but a lot of dirty talk planned, there will be a great deal of confusion on both ends.
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dumbdomb · 1 month
Have you ever seen anyone with a micro penis?
this is tumblr, of course i have. 💕💖✨️
i love phallic body types of all shapes, sizes, and color (natural, custom made, or purchased at a price). regardless of and to the enhancement of any and all genders, including agendered bodies, i appreciate the penis as much as any vulva or yonic body types. nature is awesome, people are awesome, all bodies are wonderfully made and i love that.
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If I might rant a bit from one lesbian fujoshi fic writer to another, idk how much you'll relate to this because I'm sure we all experience this phenomenon with very different perspectives and whatnot, but: how do you write explicit content?? It's legit good too??
My own fascination with gay smut and yaoi ships in fandom is something that's confused myself and everyone around me ever since I realized that I am a women-only girlie, but if I had to do some self-psychoanalysis, I think part of the reason it's sexy is the degree of separation from myself. These boys, who I only like because they are not real and would be very upset to see in real life, are characters who are treated by their creators and the media around them as full fleshed-out people with problems and goals unrelated to misogyny. They don't have the genitalia that I have, nor want to see, and it's not the genitalia I've learned to fear the brutalization of through my own personal experience and the experience of the women around me. They're separate, on their own island, and as such, feel very safe to project weird desires, dead dove, character-study, and other exploration of my non-corporeal sexuality onto. The smut is hot not because there's a penis, but around it - there's a safety where I can explore erotic sections of people and of myself, and the things that are happening enhance characterization and are interesting because of that. I read a lot of porn lmao.
I don't know if you've noticed - you've given me kudos on my two most sexual fics, You Bite My Lip and Looking for Heaven (thank you btw <3) - that I only write sexual situations where they're clothed, cut to black, or it's mentioned in this sort of vague illusion-to. It's not because I'm uncomfortable with anything else. It's because if I try to write anything more explicit than that, the writing describing the sex quickly gets stale, repetitive, unimaginative, boring. I like the reason I'm doing it, I want to inlay the exploration of dynamic and idea that I'm writing it for in the first place. But I'm not actively having fun with the sex part (because penises mean nothing to me lol), and that means the actual base I'm laying the fun bits on turns out underwritten and bad.
At the end of the day, I think my problem is that I just can't seem to get excited about dick 😭
I love the Lawlight stuff on ur blog btw keep it up
oooooh this response is going to be long
first of all, hello fellow lesbian fujoshi! we are a phenomenon that few can understand, and I am so fascinated by hearing other people's experiences! and I'm so happy you think the stuff I write is good, thank you <3
as a quick disclaimer, I am definitely somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum as well as being lesbian, so I don't doubt that factors into some of my perspective
this may be shocking to hear now, but for years I had zero interest in basically all m/m ships. looking back, there were definitely relationships between men that I was weirdly invested in (obikin, sheith) but I didn't consider that "shipping" based on the complex and slightly taboo nature of the relationships in question and insecurity in my own sexuality. the slash ships that I did like tended to be completely devoid of any risqué undertones (think solangelo), and I had no interest in exploring a sexual side of their relationships. I basically only shipped f/f for years.
however there was a turning point midway through high school where i, with the accidental help of my best friend, flipped a switch in my brain. for about a year there was only one slash ship that I read explicit material for, but my friend introduced me to danmei and shonen, which just opened the floodgates. I found that I could enjoy reading smut without feeling uncomfortable or too close with the content if the characters were men. see, for me, appearance has always been second to dynamic in my sexuality. for example, if I'm reading vanilla smut of two girls who I think are attractive, I won't really find it entertaining as opposed to a m/m fic containing Things that I find hot. okay, so why dont I just read kinky femslash? here's where I absolutely relate to you in the aspect of separation. being attracted to women but uninterested, and occasionally repulsed, by seeing myself in a sexual situation, I find it so much more comfortable to read about guys whose genitalia and gender is different than mine. I can still get the satisfaction of these dynamics that I think are sexy, without having to risk it hitting too close to home. also totally agree about the misogyny factor, a BL youtuber I really love has a great video where she explains the appeal of slash shipping for her, and I definitely find a lot of her points relatable.
honestly I'm not sure what to tell you for how I write explicit slash content. it's just never really been something that makes me uncomfortable. man I wish I had some advice. I suppose just write what you enjoy? LOVE your fics by the way, so if closed sex/fade to black is your jam, then write it! if you do want to achieve writing hardcore porn, my advice would be to do your research along with reading other's work. make sure you understand the anatomy and how everything functions, and that will help you understand how to write it.
thank you so much for this ask! I feel like it's hard for a lot of people to wrap their heads around being a lesbian yaoi enjoyer, so I hope my rambling wasn't totally incoherent, and can maybe answer some of those questions.
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