#nc politics
maureen-corpse · 3 months
As a North Carolinian, I cannot stress to you people enough that you have to vote in all the races. Look up the candidates and decide who to vote for. Do not make Mark Robinson the governor, for heaven’s sake.
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hazelbutterflies · 8 days
House Bill 237 Rapid Response Info Sheet (5/24/2024) (link to this on Google docs)
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(id: Simone Hetherington, a speaker during public comment, urges lawmakers not to pass the masking bill during the state Senate Rules Committee in the Legislative Building in Raleigh, N.C on May 15, 2024. She is wearing a gray sweater and standing in front of a brown podium and microphone, she has long brown hair and is wearing glasses and a white face mask with head straps.)
Update + Call to Action!
The House of Representatives did not concur with HB 237! Next, the bill will be going through the Conference Committee to be amended again. We still need to fight and let the members of the Conference Committee understand the implications of this bill. Please focus your calling and emailing to members of the Conference Committee, found in this document and the link here! We have scripts you can utilize to communicate with them!
Our goal is to contact legislators to 1) oppose HB 237 altogether and reject the criminalization of masking, 2) advocate for, at minimum, the inclusion of a health exemption!
So far, there are no Senate Conferees for this bill. We will update this sheet if they are added! We do not know when the Conference Committee plans on meeting but it is important to continue contacting them!
Scripts, talking points, and contacts can all be found below!
Step 1: Email NC Representative Conferees
Copy/Paste the email below and the contact list of the NC Representative Conferees. You can also use ncmegaphone.com to send these emails automatically!
Example Email/Letter
Hello Senator/Representative [Last name],
I am emailing today to express my opposition to the amendment to HB 237, also called the Unmasking Mobs and Criminals Bill, that was proposed on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024. I am a constituent of District [Number], living in [Town Name], North Carolina.
The proposed removal of the health and safety exemption ignores the ongoing pandemic, impinges on federal rights, and would have larger material consequences on the economy and our communities’ collective well-being.
As we speak, new COVID variants have emerged and are predicted to cause a wave of infections, disabilities, and death this summer. Thousands of people continue to be hospitalized, disabled, or killed by COVID-19 every day in this country and around the world. Health and safety professionals identify masking or the use of high-quality respirators as the best protection against airborne viruses and diseases. To remove the medical exemption in the midst of an ongoing risk to public health is irresponsible and endangering your constituents.
Earlier this year, Congress held its first hearing on Long COVID and the need for research and resources on this complex and often confusing illness. From the advocacy and testimony of doctors, frontline workers, and Long COVID patients themselves, there has been an international push to recognize Long COVID as a disability. Disabled Americans are protected under the American Disabilities Act to have access to accommodations necessary for thriving and survival. High-quality masks and respirators are medically necessary for those disabled by or at risk of being disabled by COVID-19 and other airborne viruses. To remove the health and safety exemption would be a violation of the federal rights of disabled and immunocompromised citizens.
The larger material consequences of this amendment to the bill on the state of North Carolina cannot be understated. Hospitals, schools, social services, and even restaurants and recreation spots are massively understaffed, underfunded, and overworked. This amendment to remove the health and safety exemption, essentially increasing the potential spread of sickness and disease, would put these already overextended aspects of our society and our economy into further disarray and strain.
I strongly urge you to consider these material consequences, but more importantly, your disabled and immunocompromised constituents by voting against any amendments to House Bill 237 that would further restrict masking as a necessary precaution.
NC House Representative Conferee Emails
Step 2: Call the NC House Representative Conferees!
Rep. John Torbet (R), 704-263-9282
Rep. Brian Biggs (R), 919-733-5865
Rep. Sarah Stevens (R), 919-715-1883
Rep. Erin Paré (R), 919-733-2962
Phone Zap Script
Hello Senator/Representative [Last name],
I am a constituent of District [Number], living in [Town Name], North Carolina, and I am calling today to ask you to vote against the proposed amendment to House Bill 237 (the Unmasking Mobs and Criminals Bill). Removing the health and safety exemption for masking in public would harm my life and the lives of many other constituents. Thousands of people continue to be hospitalized, disabled, or killed by COVID-19 every day in this country and around the world. Removing masking as a protection would contribute to economic decline through overcrowding and understaffing of schools, hospitals, and businesses.
High-quality masks and respirators are medically necessary for those of us who are disabled and/or immunocompromised. This amendment would be a direct violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act which was created to protect and accommodate disabled citizens. People have the right to protect themselves from airborne contaminants. I strongly urge you to consider these material consequences, but more importantly, your disabled and immunocompromised constituents by voting against any amendments to House Bill 237 that would further restrict masking as a necessary precaution.
Additional Talking Points
Masking as ADA accommodations
Masking as a tool for survival; medically necessary like a wheelchair or other mobility and accessibility aids, glasses, hearing aid
When we criminalize masking we make it impossible for immunocompromised people to work, support the economy, be part of society
Collective Wellbeing & (What they Care About) The Economy
Collective impact on hospitals, school and work sick days. Will cause more people to miss work and school; cause delays in receiving crucial healthcare; deplete the labor force and damage the economy
Disconnecting from COVID, and focussing on masks as necessary for general health & wellness for many elderly and disabled people. (COVID is triggering potentially)
Ban as Impinging on Personal Freedom / Protections of 14th Amendment / Encouraging Profiling
It is not a functional or rational measure, it is like saying that because people wear shirts in one context then no one can wear shirts in any other setting; it impinges on our freedom
Mask wearing has been presented as a matter of personal choice and now we suddenly don’t have that choice, the choice is being made for us
People have different reasons for needing to cover their bodies (religious, physical, psychological) and they should have a right to do so. You cannot determine the reason that someone is covering their body just by looking at them; this ban could impinge on 14th amendment rights
This will disproportionately impact people who are already discrimination and biased treatment from law enforcement.
Lawful or unlawful behavior can’t be predicted by mask-wearing, nor can intent. Mask wearing is not inherently bad or harmful. It should remain a neutral choice
There is no legitimate link between medical mask wearing and the original intent of this law against racist hate groups; this is an outdated and a misguided use of previous legislation.
Ongoing Pandemic/Risks to Public Health and Safety
As we speak, new COVID variants have emerged and are predicted to cause a wave of infections, disabilities, and death this summer. To remove the medical exemption in the midst of an ongoing risk to public health is irresponsible and endangering your constituents.
Personal Connection
Having been disabled by COVID-19, I worry for others who could be disabled and also for what would happen if I were to get sick again; I could lose the ability to work and support myself or to participate in social life, be dependent on systems that can’t support me
Quick Facts
What is HB 237? What’s happening now?
HB 237, also known as the “Unmasking Mobs and Criminals Bill”, is a law that makes face coverings in public illegal. There are several exemptions, including an exemption for “health & safety reasons” that was passed in March 2023 to account for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, NC lawmakers are attempting to remove the health & safety exemption to retaliate against students holding Palestinian solidarity protests. The removal of this necessary exemption would further isolate disabled/immunocompromised people and create even more consequences for protesters who are arrested.
What is a phone or email zap?
Phone and email "zaps" are an easy and direct way of letting public officials and others know what you want them to do or to stop doing. It may involve voting on a particular bill, or actually implementing plans they have proposed but haven't acted upon. People in positions of power take such actions seriously. Politicians usually keep track of their pro and con calls on controversial issues. Phone and email zaps are particularly useful when you need to respond to something quickly. (ACT UP)
If you’d like to hear more about why this bill is bad please listen to this episode of death panel. Something the podcast highlights is that this is revenge on behalf of Republicans because Republicans hated that we cared about others and had mask mandates during 2020-2021. They also hate that we care about solidarity and we’re masking during protest against the genocide of Palestinians. It’s all connected.
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davidaugust · 2 months
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Their “statement of nondiscriminatory policy” actually ends with the nonsense quoted in the post, and points out school vouchers are…not good.
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starredforlife · 6 months
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hey this is my piece of shit republican representative's response to my calls and emails. if anyone else from NC wants to join me in hounding his office, please be my guest. i believe he's choosing to leave congress/not seek reelection (thankfully); however that doesn't mean his stance isn't doing damage while he's still there!!
Washington, D.C. Office: Phone: (202) 225-2576
Hickory District Office: Phone: (828) 327-6100 Phone: (800) 477-2576 Fax: (828) 327-8311
Mooresville District Office Toll-Free in NC: (800) 477-2576
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cowboylikedean · 11 months
i wanna say something about the nc lesgislator case... imagine being the nc gop and being so fucking stupid you try to sue the state of nc and say in a legal case that legislative bodies should control ALL election rules without court checks and balances and expect the supreme court to take away their own power and agree with you
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rosen-und-mondlicht · 2 years
Good morning.
I hate it here.
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ttpd-chair · 3 months
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electjdhuffman · 1 year
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Official statement regarding my new membership with the American Solidarity Party
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kaleapologist · 2 years
Ted Budd is a piece of shit. He's gonna be that George Bush style piece of shit, though, where he just votes for the most racist shit you've ever heard of but he knows how to keep the news off his back. Watch this space
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secondaryartifacts · 2 years
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Durham NC June 24, 2022
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maureen-corpse · 1 year
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I try not to post TOO much here about politics and gerrymandered misery and the dipshits in the General Assembly but y’all
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writing-with-olive · 1 year
hey all
so in a more practical application of the "larp a republican if you're gonna call them" post that got huge, North Carolina is about to have abortion access slashed if nothing's done about it.
SB20 got passed and went up to Gov. Cooper who vetoed it, but there's very very slight veto-proof supermajority in the legislature. Unless at least one Republican breaks ranks the veto will be overridden.
I made a google doc to organize, and you don't have to be a North Carolinian to participate:
Even if you can't participate, please share. A lot of people might lose yet more of their rights very soon.
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cidnangarlond · 15 days
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We have the names of 3 North Carolina representatives to put pressure on about the anti-mask bill! With enough support we can say them to vote no, so here's their contact information:
Representative Tim Reeder
Representative Kristin Baker
Representative Donny Lambeth
You don't have to be from North Carolina to call or send an email by the way! Being from outside the state or even outside the country and putting pressure on them by saying you're not going to visit, cancel plans, etc. and that you're going to #BoycottNC is also how we got the bathroom bill killed. We don't have much time to keep putting pressure on them like this, so the sooner you contact them the better! Here is also a Google doc with a script at the bottom if you're someone who has trouble coming up with something to say (like me):
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cowboylikedean · 8 months
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i let my n&o subscription lapse so idk wtf he's planning but literally can we all just agree this is creepy and weird likeeeeeeee
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odinsblog · 7 months
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Tens of thousands of people visit Bank of America stadium to watch the Carolina Panthers play football each year – never realizing they are walking on top of lost remnants of a once-thriving Black neighborhood established in the aftermath of the Civil War.
The stadium itself is built directly atop a relic of segregated healthcare: Good Samaritan Hospital, the first private hospital built in North Carolina to serve Black patients. Built in 1891, this historic hospital was one of the oldest of its kind in the United States.
It was also the site of one of the “most horrific racial incidents in Charlotte's history,” according to Dan Aldridge, professor of History and Africana Studies at Davidson College.
A mob of 30 to 35 armed, white men invaded the hospital, dragging a man out of the hospital and into the streets – and shooting him dead in front of the building.
The concept of “urban renewal” destroyed Black neighborhoods, communities, businesses and homes all across North Carolina, especially between 1949 and 1974.
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Durham, for example, once had a prominent Black Wall Street, where Black businesses flourished; however, the historic community was almost completely destroyed by construction of the Durham Freeway.
Likewise, Raleigh once had 13 historic Freedmen's Villages, built entirely by men and women freed from slavery in the aftermath of emancipation. Today, only two are remaining, and Oberlin Village, the largest one, was cut in half by the construction of Wade Avenue.
Similarly, Charlotte's Brooklyn community was built by men and women freed from slavery in the late 1800s. Like many Black communities around the state, it was forced into an awful geographical location – on low-lying land where flooding, sewage and sanitation issues made life hazardous.
According to history in the Charlotte Library, the Brooklyn area was first identified on maps as ‘Logtown’ in the late 1800s – a name that matches closely with titles given to similar freedmen villages in the Triangle area, which were often called slang names like ‘Slabtown’ or ‘Save Rent’ due to their inexpensive homes.
In the 1900s, the area became known as Brooklyn, “a name that would become synonymous with the Black community until urban renewal.”
“It's a tragedy that so many stadiums were built on sites that were once Black communities,” said Aldridge. “They're poor neighborhoods. They're struggling neighborhoods. I won't romanticize them by claiming they're all like Black Wall Street, but they were people's homes and people's communities, and they were taken from them.”
Many historically significant Black sites were lost in urban renewal; likewise, many Black communities were forced to build in geographically unfit areas, making growing wealth and property more difficult – and more easily lost over time.
At its peak, Brooklyn was home to:
Charlotte's first Black public school
Charlotte's only Black high school
The city's first free library for Black patrons
The first companies to offer white collar jobs to Black workers
The first private hospital for Black citizens in Charlotte
Today, football players run up and down the Bank of America field for the amusement of thousands of cheering fans. However, in 1913, over a century ago, that same land had a very different story.
(continue reading) related ↵ related ↵
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beazt · 1 year
the republican who is running for NC governor is exceptionally bad. Mark Robinson…
said women are not meant to be leaders
said when someone becomes pregnant their body is no longer their own
called a woman who had an abortion a “heifer”
ironically, has paid for at least one abortion himself
calls for abortion to banned in all cases and abortion providers to face massive punishments
said feminism is the work of the devil and his minions
referred to gay people as filth
referred to transgender rights as demonic
said loving god and being an LGBT ally are mutually exclusive/incompatible
wants to revoke the rights of same sex married couples
wants to completely REMOVE science AND history from elementary schools
called for the elimination of the NC board of education
has called for the censoring of teachers
various antisemitic and islamophobic comments
shared misinformation about the holocaust
North Carolinians, we MUST do everything in our power to keep this man from having any power over us. I would appreciate if non-North Carolinians would share this as well, as this man is a danger.
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