#nct new team fanfic
aziy · 7 months
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⸺ Cristalino Nalguma altura entre os dezenove e os vinte, Yushi, um estudante dedicado de matemática, vê-se reencontrando a si na escrita. Sion, amante de educação física e natação, é o personagem principal de todos os seus textos... leia aqui
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“À noite, na piscina, há um rapaz de olhos redondos bastante escuros e nariz fofo. Ele tem o sorriso mais brilhante que os lampejos de luz dançando sobre a água cristalina e, estranhamente, temo que a doçura em seus traços me leve para debaixo d'água com ele...”
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hakkkuu · 4 months
What kinks do you think nct wish legal line would have? And who would be more of a dom/sub/switch/neither?
Sion - size kink, discipline (punishment), role play
•he's definitely a dom🙇🏻‍♀️ i LOVE how he's such a sweet talker but it's just his way how to get you in bed with him..you would be all shy around him while he's secretly fucking you with his flirty eyes..his hands always on your waist and pulling you closer so you can feel his hard cock 😞 hes giving me jealous type vibes so he will be ready to punish you in bed and he will NOT apologize later🥱 fucking you until you cry and begging him to slow down, taking you from the back as hes holding your face down and ass up and thrusting in your mouth until he will shoot his load down your throat ruining your makeup..sweet boyfriend
Yushi - breeding, blindfolding, erotic asphyxiation (I need him to choke me)
•born to be sub😸 he would give dominant vibes in front of other people as he's always having some mean comments and jokes on you but once you get in bed he's obsessed with you being the "mean" one..blindfolded yushi having you sitting on his lap and ride him like a horse with your hands on his neck ughhh😩 he's 100% whiny and he likes when you jerk him off painfully until he cums so much and then you suck on his sensitive tip so he can cry out your name..when he's on top of you, you kind of "force" him to cum inside you and continue thrusting in you😁 he acts like he's not into it but he loves the sticky feeling on his dick when he's covered in a cum
Riku - handcuffs, spanking, DOMINANCE
•he's mostly dom BUT when he's really needy ESPECIALLY in the morning he loves being sub..so basically kind of switch? honestly he's really simple (and hot😕)..put your hands behind your back, handcuffed, ass up, face down and the only thing you can do is take it and scream..in return you will get the best sex of your life🤷🏻‍♀️ he knows how to fuck and how to use his dick, and he knows how to hit your sweet spot..your face buried in the pillow screaming because the pleasure is too much to handle, your legs shaking but hes not stopping anytime soon..spanking you and massaging your clit ughh🥴 when he wakes up with morning hood the only thing he want you to do is give him a mind blowing blow job and play with his balls..holding your face down so he can thrust in your face and paint your face with his load
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sunshyni · 2 months
gênero. fluff
tokuno yushi × fem!reader
wc. 1.4k
n/a. posso ser sincera? não gostei de nada que eu escrevi aqui, mas eu queria muito responder esse pedido desde que a mah (@nayuswifee) me enviou (inclusive mah tá um pouco diferente do que você me pediu, mas espero que você goste mesmo eu não tendo curtido kkkkkk se tiver minimamente bom eu já tô feliz 🙏). eu sinto que o yushi é um tanto quanto atentado, do tipo atentado no sigilo, sabe??? então eu tentei transmitir isso na escrita kkkkkk e no mais é isso!!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! ⭐
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2 . my love is young and it's strong
Você ainda se recordava de observar Yushi num uniforme da banda marcial em algum evento organizado pela escola de vocês, a imagem dele tocando um trompete com maestria enquanto você contava os minutos para aquela aula acabar, observando-o pelo vidro da porta, continuava viva na sua memória. Não poderia se esquecer de todas as vezes que Yushi esperava com expectativa o professor deixar a sala para te puxar para dentro do cômodo instantes depois.
Ele costumava ter a fama de bom moço, representante da sala e sempre o primeiro aluno quando se tratava de notas, mas ele gostava de te bagunçar um bocado sempre que tinha a chance.
Além de um ótimo musicista, Yushi gostava de cantar, foi por isso que ele resolveu se declarar num karaokê que o pessoal da escola tinha o hábito de frequentar, num dia específico em que vocês dois inventaram de matar aula e Yushi fez questão de mudar as letras das canções de forma proposital para dizer que estava perdidamente apaixonado.
As coisas continuaram dessa mesma forma por alguns meses, com Yushi te levando para a sala dos professores escondido só para te mostrar o grande arsenal de chocolates de um professor chocólatra e para te beijar também, certo, o chocolate era apenas um pretexto para deixar seus lábios inchados e vermelhinhos. Tudo estava absolutamente perfeito, até as provas finais chegarem e Yushi te dizer de que tinha passado para a universidade de Oxford, na Inglaterra; sem mesmo ter comentado sobre ter se inscrito para lá.
Você decidiu de que seria melhor terminar para que ambos não tivessem que ficar “presos um ao outro”, mas isso era só uma desculpa sua, já que queria um motivo concreto para parar de pensar nele, virar a página, qualquer coisa, e se Yushi não fosse mais o seu namorado, talvez isso ajudaria, você não iria sofrer todos os dias querendo vê-lo, tudo certo. E mesmo Yushi achando todo o seu diálogo uma bobagem, ele aceitou sua decisão, apareceu na sua casa de manhãzinha, antes de embarcar no seu vôo, e te beijou docemente, desaparecendo no carro dos pais logo a seguir.
Agora, haviam se passado dois anos desde então, era o seu aniversário de 20 anos e por coincidência, o encontro anual dos seus colegas do ensino médio foi marcado no mesmo dia, por isso todos ao redor da mesa do restaurante despojado que você havia encontrado, estavam com chapeuzinhos de aniversário de cores vibrantes na cabeça.
— O Yushi acabou de pousar, acho que ele só vai deixar as bagagens na casa dos pais e daqui uns 40 minutos ele chega — Riku disse sem pensar nas consequências e você engasgou com uma batata frita. Todos fizeram questão de olhar para Riku com uma expressão que dizia claramente “Você é tapado?” — Eu só chamei ele, como fiz no ano passado. Como que eu ia saber que ele ia aceitar o convite e não dar furo que nem na outra vez? Quer dizer, ele tá morando na Inglaterra agora.
— Você podia ter tido a decência de me avisar, Riku — Você admitiu ao passo que Sion se juntava a mesa com uma nova porção de batatas em mãos.
— E aí você não viria. Qual é a graça? — A graça é que você estaria se prevenindo de uma situação embaraçosa, se você já se esquivava de Yushi nas redes sociais e em conversas que o envolviam, direta ou indiretamente, imagine como seria pessoalmente, será que seu corpo entraria em estado de alerta e seu cérebro involuntariamente movesse seus músculos para debaixo da mesa? Ninguém sabia ao certo como responder.
Você se tornou monossilábica depois disso, uma amiga ao seu lado não parava de contar sobre a vaga de emprego que conseguira numa multinacional, mas tudo que você conseguia pensar era em Yushi, será que seu visual continuava o mesmo? Ele estava mais maduro? Seu inglês adquiriu algum sotaque britânico? E a pior curiosidade de todas: será que ele estava de rolo com alguma britânica misteriosa e sensual?
Você balançou a cabeça para todas essas indagações e direcionou o olhar para a entrada do restaurante como se já soubesse que ele estava por alí, parecia até que a temperatura do lugar havia mudado, a mesa de vocês estava bem longe da cozinha, mas você conseguia sentir as bochechas esquentarem como se estivesse com o rosto próximo dos fornos. Sinceramente, ele parecia mais alto, o cabelo mais cumprido, mas o estilo descolado ainda continuava presente considerando a escolha do moletom da universidade de Oxford como a peça principal do seu visual. Yushi se acomodou bem na cadeira livre do seu lado, a cadeira em que a garota da multinacional estava sentada, mas que se tornou desocupada assim que ela se levantou para dar um pulinho no banheiro.
— E como andam as coisas, senhor advogado britânico? — Yushi sorriu para o amigo Riku que empurrou uma cestinha de nachos para Yushi, que aceitou o alimento sem pestanejar. Você permaneceu imóvel ao lado dele, vendo-o mergulhar metade da tortilha na guacamole e torcendo para que ele não percebesse que você estava observando-o feito uma maluca, embora essa fosse a verdade.
— Suportáveis. Estudar direito é legal, mas eu 'tava é com saudade de vocês — Ele confessou e virou o rosto bonito na sua direção, tocando na sua bochecha e acariciando a pele sem vergonha alguma, como se vocês nunca tivessem terminado e continuassem íntimos daquela forma — Senti sua falta também.
Mesmo que você parecesse ridícula aos olhos dele, com aquele chapeuzinho que mal cabia na sua cabeça e a expressão abobalhada, seu coração disparou com a confissão como se vocês tivessem regressado alguns anos, quando seu interior facilmente se abalava com uma fala sussurrada e um beijo roubado antes do início da aula.
Você vem que tentou dispensar o convite de ir até o karaokê mais próximos relembrar os velhos tempos quando Sion sugeriu, insatisfeito com apenas aquele momento que tiveram conversando e gargalhando no restaurante com direito a muitos acompanhamentos e os drinks mais malucos do cardápio. No entanto, quando deu por si, lá estava você, sentada no meio do sofá extenso da sala de karaokê enquanto o tempo que pagaram por passava na tela juntamente com a letra de uma canção que Yushi tinha escolhido para cantar.
Alguns colegas cochilavam de cansaço no estofado, outros foram procurar por glicose no balcão do karaokê para terminar bem a noite, então quando Yushi chegou nos últimos acordes da música em questão, a única pessoa que pode testemunhar os cem pontos foi você no fundo da sala. Reconhecer que foi exatamente com aquela música em questão que ele se declarou para você anos antes fez seus olhos se encherem de lágrimas e você desejar que as coisas não tivessem terminado daquele jeito.
— Feliz aniversário — Yushi desejou, erguendo um isqueiro que tinha tirado do bolso do moletom canguru, por algum motivo, ele costumava dizer que era devido a sua experiência de escoteiro, Yushi sempre tinha consigo as coisas mais inusitadas como o presente isqueiro fofo de um dos personagens de Hello Kitty. Você sorriu, gostando de mirar seus olhos sob a luz da pequena fonte de calor e no momento que você fez o movimento de assoprar a vela improvisada, Yushi fechou o objeto, selando os lábios nos seus de repente. O que fez com que você desse um pulinho do sofá pega completamente desprevenida.
— Você tá tão fofa com essas bochechas rosadinhas, não consegui resistir — Yushi sorriu, puxando as suas pernas para o colo dele com a maior naturalidade do mundo e fazendo as suas maçãs do rosto se aquecerem um bocado mais, se isso era possível.
— Eu não consigo mais. Não consigo mais te ver online em alguma rede social e não poder te dizer que tô com saudade e que não vejo a hora de te encher de beijos — Ele disse enquanto acariciava suas pernas cobertas por uma meia-calça, ele tocou seu queixo suavemente, fixando seus olhares — Você me entende, né? Também se sente assim?
Você assentiu com o olhar, contemplando quando um sorriso esplêndido se fez presente nos lábios dele.
— Acha que consegue lidar com um relacionamento à distância?
Yushi não demorou nem um milésimo para te responder de prontidão:
— Eu só não consigo ser só o seu amigo.
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00127am · 3 months
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TAPE 1. nct u & gn! reader, twenty-three different snippets of life featuring each member of nct, lowercase intended, any and all warnings will be included with each individual work, years have nothing to do with content but this series is set in the early 2000s UPLOAD STATUS ... ongoing! tapes delivered everyday RUN TIME. word count pending
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[ 💽 ] 2OO4 : yushi [ 💽 ] 2OO4 : taeyong [ 💽 ] 2OO5 : chittapon [ 💽 ] 2OO6 : johnny [ 💽 ] 2OO7 : donghyuck [ 💽 ] 2OO8 : yuta [ 💽 ] 2OO8 : jisung [ 💽 ] 2OO9 : mark
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[ 💽 ] 2O10 : renjun [ 💽 ] 2O11 : doyoung [ 💽 ] 2O12 : taeil [ 💽 ] 2O13 : guanheng [ 💽 ] 2O14 : jaemin [ 💽 ] 2O15 : dejun [ 💽 ] 2O16 : sion [ 💽 ] 2O17 : sicheng [ 💽 ] 2O18 : jungwoo [ 💽 ] 2O19 : chenle
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[ 💽 ] 2O20 : riku [ 💽 ] 2O21 : jeno [ 💽 ] 2O22 : jaehyun [ 💽 ] 2O23 : kun [ 💽 ] 2O24 : yangyang
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TAPE 2. this series is my twentieth birthday event! fun fact: the picture on the right, of the father and daughter holding cats is me and my dad buy the way! my favorite childhood picture :,)
TAGLIST. @evilsailorsenshi @firstdonutllamafarm @yangasm @scinclaitnoir @trourevaille @viciousdarlings @kalisos @chriscentric @222brainrot thank you for supporting me! ♡
NETWORKS. @k-labels
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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kodalindissima · 6 months
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Cor de maçã
Os sorrisos de Yushi são todos para Sion. Não há nada que consiga curá-lo disso, especialmente se as bochechas de Sion tem a cor mais bonita que ele já viu. Leia aqui!
credite em caso de inspiração!
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chanyouchan · 7 months
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⌕ a webfoto do webnamorado
⚠ em caso de inspiração, me credite.
📆 22/10/23 | ✎ @mnini (psd)
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nct wish masterlist
keys: smut (✿), fluff (♡), angst (✰), community favorite / 1k+ notes (♛)
minors, dni with any fic that is marked with the smut key (✿).
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오시온 — Sion
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前田陸 — Riku
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得能勇志 — Yushi
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김대영 — Jaehee
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廣瀬遼 — Ryo (underaged! do not request smut!)
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藤永咲哉 — Sakuya (underaged! do not request smut!)
© 2024 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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rockstaryuta · 4 months
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ASTEROID BLUES is a cowboy-bebop inspired, x afab! reader fic series that revolves around the futuristic misadventures of easygoing bounty hunter, ln yn.
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──── ✈︎ asteroid blues ...
info. wanted posters are not full plot synopsis. for individual fic information, please click on the 'here' underneath each section. sfw fics will be posted on 00127AM, while all nsfw works will be posted on ROCKSTARYUTA.
soundtrack. tank! seatbelts young jesus logic kimidakenotenshi soul scream interlude: past to present nct u
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living bounty to bounty, who's your first target?
WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE ──── ✈︎ sfw johnny suh ⌖ space cowboy ― fellow bounty hunter wanted for his ... unorthodox methods. the only problem? he's hunting you too. SESSION I. black dog serenade kim jungwoo ⌖ high roller ― wanted for a number of debts owed to some of the galaxy's most powerful syndicates. try not to get too distracted by that charm of his, or else you'll find yourself toeing the line between professional and personal. SESSION II. gateway shuffle huang guanheng ⌖ bartender ― wanted for the commodification and underground auction of information. secrets traded for a drink. watch your words and your glass. SESSION III. easy come, easy go lee donghyuck ⌖ con artist ― wanted for fraud, embezzlement, and that silver tongue of his that seems to constantly get him into trouble. or save him from it. whatever you do, just don't manage to become his next mark. SESSION IV. see you space cowgirl, someday, somewhere! liu yangyang ⌖ pilot ― wanted for illegal gambling and racing. in his world, the most important thing is staying one step ahead--so don't fall behind. SESSION V. boogie woogie feng shui zhong chenle ⌖ heir ― wanted for his outrageously large fortune tied to his namesake. he's playing a dangerous game in the galaxy's elite circles, so tread carefully, lest you become entangled with his high-stakes world. SESSION VI. honky tonk woman oh sion ⌖ journalist ― wanted for learning something he shouldn't have, wrong place, wrong time. whatever you do, don't underestimate him. after all, you know what they say, the pen is mightier than the sword. SESSION VII. stray dog strut maeda riku ⌖ thief ― wanted for his most audacious heist yet. a heist that involved stealing from the wrong person this time around. a person who wants the phantoms thief's head on a platter. be vigilant, or you might miss him before you even know he's there. SESSION VIII. see you space samurai click here if you have any further information about these fugitives
BOUNTY WORTH ₩2,500,000
WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE ──── ✈︎ ®️ nsfw moon taeil ⌖ ceo ― wanted for the enterprise he has built from the ground-up. it's a shame that the only way to get to him is to become his personal assistant. SESSION IX. you're gonna carry that weight lee taeyong ⌖ hacker ― wanted for the infiltration and theft of millions of megabytes from the 119 conglomerate. he probably knows where you are before you do. ever heard of a digital footprint? SESSION X. cowboy funk nakamoto yuta ⌖ hit man ― wanted for the assassination of the galaxy's most prominent politician. watch your back. in his line of work, you rarely see him until it's too late. SESSION XI. hard luck woman qian kun ⌖ igp officer ― wanted for arresting the son of one of the most notorious cartels in the galaxy. he's not very willing to roll over and be captured, certainly not when he's trying to arrest you. SESSION XII. waltz for venus kim doyoung ⌖ doctor ― wanted for preforming back room operations and illegal modifications. his medical expertise is only second to his ethical ambiguity. try not to lose a limb. SESSION XIII. ganymede elegy xiao dejun ⌖ entertainer ― wanted for his most recent scandal involving a heated affair with the igp chief's wife. one that was destined to end poorly from the start. the world is his stage, avoid getting caught in the spotlight. SESSION XIV. pierrot la fou mark lee ⌖ collector ― wanted for the prized artifact that lies deep within his vault. seems like your employer is willing to do anything to get their hands on it, including sending you to charm your way into stealing it. SESSION XV. brain scratch lee jeno ⌖ informant ― wanted for the dissemination of information regarding neo zone tech. hailed as a whistleblower, he's wanted galaxy-wide. just don't believe everything he says, or you might just find yourself amidst one of his rumors. SESSION XVI. sympathy for the devil click here if you have any further information about these fugitives
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taglist. @evilsailorsenshi @222brainrot @firstdonutllamafarm @yangasm @sunflowerbebe07 @scinclaitnoir @hyuka-bby thank you for supporting me! ♡ ⤷ for those who are / are not on my general taglist : please let me know if you would like to be included on any of these fics taglist!
──── ✈ see you space cowboy ...
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nct-kiss · 3 months
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( face claim: xiang hanzhi [ actress ] ) ( voice claim: lea cota )
Stage Name: Lilia
Birth Name: Lilian Lockwood
Nationality: American
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist
Birthday: December 21st, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 170 cm ( 5'5 )
Weight: 59 kg (130 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Representative Emoji: 🍋
Instagram: lil_lockedwoods
She was born in Wuhan, China.
She grew up in San Francisco.
Education: The Urban School of San Francisco, School of Performing Arts.
She was adopted when she was almost a year old.
She has a brother.
Her adoptive parents are both doctors.
She said that she tried reaching out to her birth mother but she was denied contact.
Her favourite colour is sky blue.
Nicknames: Locky, Lily, Woodie, Yingying, Lannie, Lia
She is part of NCT KISS and WayV.
Kun gave her Chinese name which is Lanying.
Motto: What's meant to be will always find a way.
She prefers lemonades over coffee.
She has two guinea pigs called Tinks and Bubbles.
She likes listening to Lofi music whenever she is travelling.
She shares a room with Koyo.
Her hobby is photography.
She was visiting Korea for vacation when she was scouted.
She and Minhee didn't get along when they first met.
During trainee days, she tried stabbing Haechan with a pencil because he was annoying her.
She and Mark became friends over their dislike for Haechan during the trainee days.
She was part of SM Rookies.
She's allergic to seafood.
She doesn't like going to the gym but goes along to sit and keep her members company.
She says that the KISS dorm is like a petting zoo with the amount of pets everyone has.
She has Asthma.
She says that she used to be very sick when she was young and that's why her parents were scared to let her move to Korea.
She says she's the least athletic in the group.
She says she doesn't want to be born again, but if she was, she wants to be a tree.
Her adoptive father passed away in 2020.
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taglist: @mosviqu @colourlikechampagne
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yutallery · 7 months
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ㅤ ꗃ random icons.
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shykpop · 4 months
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RANDOM icons, + like or reblog If you use
psd: @colour-source
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hakkkuu · 3 months
i just got into nct wish 🫠 and Sion’s so damn fine..he seems so warm and gentle and laughs fondly at his other younger members taking care of them… but i wonder if he’s going to be such a hot hard dom in bed. like i want him to pin me down with such aggression 😌
THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKINGGG he's so soft and cute ughh always laughing so nicely and wearing his flirty smile together with the seductive gaze I'm so crazy for him😔 I feel like he will give you princess treatment and will shower you in compliments through the entire day but once the bedroom door closes..he's so dirty and kinky. Definitely LOVES it all messy especially blow job..pushing your head down until you gag and drool all over him filling your throat with his load. He will fuck you until HE'S satisfied and there's nothing stopping him
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imoosgnaj · 4 months
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[CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECIAL] Celebrate Chinese New Year with SKZ 🎆
genre: fluff (some funny scenes)
a/n: I started writing this back in January lmao. The whole ff is written in first person point of view. Anyway Happy Chinese New Year!
warning: none? however, there are members from Aespa, NCT and Seventeen appearing in this fanfic
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A few days before New Year, your team members heared you and Chenle's conversation, and they used their phone to translate live--
Chenle: "Can you go home for New Year?"
You: "WAIT YOU CAN GO HOME??? Bro this is so not fait! Ugh, it's been so long time..."
Chenle: "Then how are you gonna celebrate it? You wanna come and have dinner with the Chinese line?"
You: "I'd love to but, I still gonna record Kingdom that day, and it'll be too late for food when I'm done."
Chenle: "Okay superstar, in that case I will just go have fun with the Ningning The 8 and Jun, but I will send you picture so don't worry!"
You: "Ugh ok, bye"
Chan opened his phone to check the calender: "Yea, it's Chinese New Year soon."
"Kingdom starts that day," Says Lee Know, "We sure don't know when we will be back."
"But this holiday must be very important for her!" Hyunjin searched it up, "It's the biggest holiday in China, look!"
"Clench your fist, get up early and sleep late, I mean, it's for her right?" Changbin says to everyone.
Everyone agreed, so now they are doing the 'missions' again.
"New Year requires..." Because Chinese has different traditions than Korean, Chan needs to search it up and read them one by one: "Eat dumplings, spring couplets, fireworks, red envelopes..."
"Red envelopes?" Felix scratcher his head, "What are those?"
Felix immediately took out his phone: "Let me ask Chenle."
Chenle picked up his phone after one second.
Chenle: "What's up Yongbogi?"
Felix: "Heyyyyy, long time no see buddy! So since Soomi can't celebrate New Year with yall, we are worried that she will feel sad, and we wanna celebrate it with her! But we don't know that much about the traditions, can you explain them?"
Chenle: "Ah of course! I promise I won't tell Soomi. Let me tell you..."
About the traditions, uh yes, it went on for at least one hour.
After this one hour, you were told about the plans (by Chenle of course)
"Everyone's so good to you," Chenle is just chatting with you, but he doesn't know that you are so touched that you have tears in your eyes.
"Yea," You sneezed, "But why you told me early! I'm worried that I can't take it by then."
"Hey don't tell them about this!"
"Fine!" You ended the call.
Busy days always fly past, it's New Year's Eve in a blink. Because you were busy rehearsing for the stage the day before, you barely had any rest, you are so tired after the shooting today and even forgot how special today is! You started sleeping once you got on car.
"Are the red envelopes ready?" Chan talked quietly on the car.
"Yes they are!" Lee Know took out an envelope with 'luck' on it from his pocket.
"What about the spring couplets?" Chan nods, and then kept on checking.
"I wrote together with Seungminnie, I asked Yao Chen to check it, it's on the table." Felix tapped Chan's shoulder and told him no worries.
"Yea I made them together with Jeogin and Changbin hyung," Hyunjin went on, "and fish too."
"Okay!" Chan pretended to clap, "The fireworks are also ready, Minho should also be checking on the other car, we just need to make sure to being Soomi up the building later, don't wake her up."
The cars soon arrived at the dorm. You had absolutely no idea because you were sleeping so well. Chan picked you up carefully, Felix protected your head, moved you out the car and successfully carried you back to dorm.
It's even harder to let the kids quiet down when cooking than sscend to heaven. Lee Know clenched his fist because Hyunjin accidently hit a bowl and it fell on the floor; Jeogin needed to watch Jisung's mouth just in case he randomly started singing; about Changbin, Chan taped his mouth because his mouth is literally a weapon.
You got woken up by the great smell of food. The air is filled with sweet smells, the type of sweet smell that are rare in Korean foods.
You rubbed your sleepy eyes, opened your bedroom door and walked out. Although you already knew that they are going to give you a surprise, but when seeing all the Chinese food on the table, you were still shocked. I mean, who doesn't love food right?"
Chan, who just put the last dish on the table, saw you coming out and said to you: "Heyyyy, I was just about to let Felix call you! Come sit down!"
Before Chan finished, Felix and Han already grabbed your hands and took you to your seat.
'It must be the water vapor...' You thought, teary in your eyes.
"Ahw why are you crying?" Lee Know denied your thoughts, took a napkin and wiped your tears.
"I......" You still wanted to argue, but started crying once you opened your mouth: "You guys are so nice, I'm so touched..."
The other members took their seats soon after, Lee Know patted your head: "You know why we are so nice to you? Because we think you are so nice to us too!"
Changbin counldn't help it, he ate a dumping first and it was so hot he grinned. "YES SOOMI, you are so good to us you know? C'mon, the food will get cold if you don't eat them now."
Seungmin, who sat next to you, put some vegetables in your bowl and handed you a pair of chopsticks: "Try them! We learned one dish each."
You still couldn't help but sob. You picked up a piece of fish and was about to eat, but you were blocked by Seungmin: "No, sobbing and eating at the same time will make you choke." He said, his other hand patted your back gently.
After seeing you moving your chopticks, Changbin started calling everyone and began to eat: "Eat quick! We have bigger surprises waiting for you!" You smiled when watching him like this.
After pouring drinks, Chan raised his cup: "In the past year, we all did great, especiall our maknae! As the only girl in our team, she has taken off a lot of pressure. In the next year we will also be moving forward, and get better and better."
"CHEERS!" Everyone shouted, your happy faces are reflected on the cups.
"Following the Chinese traditions, we put 3 coins in the dumplings! Now eat" Lee Know handed you some dumplings.
You took a bit: "Hey I got it!" You spited out the coin, "Not every dumplings have a coin right?"
"How's that possible?" Even with that being said, Jeogin still thought it's magical, "Our maknae will become rich next year hehe."
However, Lee Know and Chan are acting calm: because the first dumpling you ate was marked by us.
It's just a little trick used by the oldest members, but it can truly bring you happiness. This is surely the best meal you've had ever since you came to South Korea.
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Tag: @mynameisnotlaura @hyunmikim
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00127am · 3 months
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signed with love and forever yours,
postage. nct u & gn! reader, twenty-three different letters sent from each member of nct, lowercase intended, any and all warnings will be included with each individual letter tracking. ongoing! one letter delivered every day cost to ship. total word count pending...
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with all my love, wayv
꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: kun ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: ten ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: sicheng ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: dejun ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: guanheng ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: yangyang
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with all my love, nct 127
꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: taeil ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: johnny ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: taeyong ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: yuta ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: doyoung ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: jaehyun ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: jungwoo
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with all my love, nct dream
꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: mark ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: renjun ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: jeno ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: donghyuck ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: jaemin ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: chenle ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: jisung
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with all my love, nct wish
꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: sion ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: riku ꒰ ♡ ꒱ from: yushi
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taglist. @evilsailorsenshi @firstdonutllamafarm @yangasm @222brainrot @sunflowerbebe07 @scinclaitnoir @hyuka-bby @sainns thank you for supporting me! ♡ ⤷ for those who are / are not on my general taglist : please let me know if you would like to be included on any of these letter's taglists!
networks. @k-labels
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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kodalindissima · 7 months
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cristalino, 26/10  credite em caso de inspiração - psd heavenly @colour-source
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glamourizz · 1 year
Cafe 7 Dream Masterlist
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Cafe 7 Dream || NCT DREAM
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When Hyunae’s mother falls severely ill, Hyunae has no choice bu to return to Korea to take care of her mother’s business.
When their boss falls severely ill, the Dreamers have to deal with a new addition to their team.
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Themes: nct dream x oc au, coffee shop au, sitcom au, attempted humor, slice of life au
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Warnings: Mature themes, suggestive, no explicit smut, minor character death, strong language, mentions of violence and gore, bimbofication of jeno and jisung
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Status: TBR (expected: May 2023)
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EP. 00 Introducing the Dreamers (Official Trailer)
EP. 01 Pilot
EP. 02 Dreamers and the New Member
EP. 03 Dreamers and the Health Inspection
EP. 04 Dreamers and Hyunae’s Mysteries
EP. 05 Dreamers and the Midnight Bully 
EP. 06 Dreamers and Jaemin’s Past
EP. 07 Dreamers and Sexism
EP. 08 Dreamers and Jeno’s Rumors
EP. 09 Dreamers versus Chillers
EP. 10 Dreamers and the Betrayers
EP. 11 Dreamers at the Fight Club
EP. 12 Dreamers and the Shopping Chronicles
EP. 13 Dreamers and Haechan’s Girlfriend
EP. 14 Dreamers and The Celebrities
EP. 15 Dreamers and Mark’s Habits
EP. 16 Dreamers and Renjun’s Date
EP. 17 Dreamers and the Unexpected Visitor
EP. 18 Dreamers and Chenle’s Inheritance
EP. 29 Dreamers and Jisung’s Mental Health Issues
EP. 20 Dreamers arrange a Funeral
EP. 21 Dreamers Get An Offer (Season Finale)
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A/N: not me starting a new fic while still figuring out my chenle fic im sorry. I shouldve learnt how to make smau stories before deciding to announce it to the world like a dumbass. But was rewatching nct dream content instead of studying again and i couldnt get the idea of a cafe based sitcom fanfic out of my mind so here we are. as for this fic, i will make sure to update once a week, special episodes too if i get the time. I dont know how long this will go but ill wind it up at 20-21 episodes excluding the special episodes. If this gets a good response maybe we’ll have more seasons idk. If by some reason i dont update on friday. I will do it on Saturday morning at 10.30 am kst not a minute late not a minute early. I havent decided who hyunae ends up with or if she even ends up with one of them. We’ll see as the story goes by. So yeah feel free to reblog. I’d really appreciate it if you shared it with others lol.
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Taglist: comment or send an ask to be added
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