#need to draw up some more designs sometime soon
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Artist! Fem-Reader
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Ghost actually didn't know you were an artist, you didn't brag about it or anything. You mainly kept it to yourself even in the beginning of your relationship with him. Mostly because you were embarrassed.
But much like him, you were a soldier, you spent most of your free time observing around the area or doodling in your sketchbook. It was a small one, 8 x 5, black with an elastic band around it, moleskin brand. It easy to carry around in your chest pocket during missions and such.
You were also the girl that ALWAYS had some sort of writing utensil with you, being pencils, pens etc you always had to have it on hand. Not to mention you kept finding them on the floor or other places while walking, so you would always give it to anyone who needs.
Ghost and the others soon started to notice, you pulling out a book in hand with pencil out. Being waiting for planes to pick them up or free time. You always had that book on you no matter what.
Until one day, you forgot your sketchbook as you left it beside you on a bench one day because and commanding officer called you in to chat with you.
Ghost soon noticed and walked over and picked up the book. Curious, he open to see what's inside, only to be met with his face, well, his mask but you get the point.
The sketchbook was filled with sketches of various art styles, of him and other soldiers such as Price, Gaz and Soap. He also noticed you taking cool things you find, like receipts, stickers, tickets etc.
There was even a page full of different skull mask designs for him to try out if he ever wanted to. It's obvious you had talent for this, and saw the world much different then he did.
"Ghost? What are you doing?" Y/n said walking up to him noticing him looking through your sketchbook. "W-wha? How did you get that?"
"You accidentally left it behind." He close the book in hand. Turning to face you, " Y/n why didn't you tell me you are an artist?" You stood there quietly, trying to think, " well...I don't know...I thought you would think it's weird I draw you without asking for permission or anything. "
You can feel him giving you a confused look, " weird? Your wrong doll. In fact I quite enjoy these, I think you should draw me more often then MacTavish though."
"ah, you noticed that."
He leaned in close to your face, his eyes staring at you. " Of course I did."
You can feel your face warming up by close he is, "alright, alright I get it...and to be frank the only one who technically knew I drew was Captain Price. During a meeting once, he saw me doodling on a piece of paper instead of paying attention...he would sometimes ask that I would draw stupid things for him."
"is that so? Show me."
You pulled out a little pocket book for index cards, and on the back of the index cards were stupid drawing of them, ghost include doing dumb shit. It was meant as an inside joke between you, price and even sometimes Laswell.
Ghost couldn't help but snicker at the drawings, it has your art style and humour on it. It's obvious, it's yours.
"You drew Johnny as a literal soap bar, he's going to hate this."
"Well you weren't supposed to see this."
"hmph, And who's this supposed to be?" He flips the index card showing a cartoonish looking grim reaper. You let out a nervous laugh, " ah that...well...uh... "
"Is that supposed to be me, sergeant?"
"Yes or No?"
You sigh, "yes, it's you." Rubbing the back of your head embarrassed.
"Good girl, I'm keeping this as a souvenir." He says, placing the index card in his pocket. Leaving you there a flustered mess.
"Wait what?!"
Since then, Ghost liked to lean on your shoulder and watch you draw at times, be it at bars with the rest of the crew or at home. It's therapeutic for him at times.
Sometimes he joins in but he mainly like just watching you.
Also since you know he likes flipping through your sketchbook at times, you leave cute messages or notes for him to read. And doodles that supposed to represent you two. Mainly a cartoonish grim reaper holding hands with a witch. Since your nickname is "Salem."
Also Ghost likes to sometimes buy art supplies for you, and see how creative you are.
He's honestly amazed how you view things differently then him because of art, be it colors, or shapes etc. It's interesting to hear your perspective and thoughts both good and bad.
He may not fully understand everything you say, but he knows your passionate in what you do and he respects that. As long your happy he's happy too.
A/n: This is very self indulgence lol, hope you like it! I plan to write some ghost x Mexican fem reader or little scenarios/head cannons. I'm not sure yet but for now that's all :)
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gingiesworld · 9 months
Hi, can you do a Wanda x Male Reader? R is a tattoo artist and wanda is going to get a small tattoo, they both like each other and end up dating. R and Wanda are very sexually active and after sex, Wanda likes to draw R's tattoos with her finger.
Ink and Love
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Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings : Smut. Fluff
Wanda was walking through town with her best friend and roommate Nat. Soon their eyes found a new shop in town which had never been there before.
"That's new." Nat stated as the two looked inside. Wanda's gaze was upon the guy covered in tattoos, smiling softly at his concentration as he tattooed his client. "Wanda?"
"What?" Wanda was soon snapped out of her thoughts by a smirking Nat.
"You should get a tattoo." Nat told her as Wanda shook her head no. "Go on. Just a small one." Nat pulled her inside with her as the tattoo artist was just finishing up with his current client. The two girls listened as he explained about the after care.
"How can I help you?" He asked once the previous customer had left.
"My friend here wants a small tattoo. It's her first one." Nat told him as Wanda was lost for words.
"Have you got any idea in mind?" He asked Wanda who shook her head no. "Can you talk?" He asked her with a smirk.
"Yes." She squeaked out nervously as Nat coughed to hide a laugh. "I mean yes." She spoke in a more steady voice.
"I guess given how you are dressed, maybe these soft gothic designs are more for you." He gestured for her to look through a book.
"I like this one." She spoke as she pointed at a small red rose.
"Where would you like it?" He asked her. "Sometimes these are placed more under the collarbone by most customers."
"That sounds perfect." She mumbled nervously as Nat decided to leave.
"So if you can just pull your dress down a little bit." He asked her as he got all of his equipment ready before shaving the area from any tiny hair folicles that can ruin the tattoo. Wanda watched as he carefully applied the template before he got the ink and the gun prepared. "So, this is your first tattoo?" He asked her as he started. "This will hurt."
"Yes." Wanda winced as he started the needles. "You're my first." She soon blushed when she tried to correct herself.
"Don't worry darling, I know what you mean." He reassured her, lifting his eyes to her emerald irises. If he didn't have a needle in his hand he would have willingly got lost in the sea of green. "Are you single?" He asked her.
"That's a bit personal isn't it." She chuckled as he smiled at her.
"I know but I need you to answer so I can ask another question." He stated with a smirk as Wanda nodded.
"Yes. I am single." She told him.
"Well, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked her as she just nodded with a smile. That was just the start of their story. After the third date, he had asked her to be his girlfriend to which she answered by pulling him in by the collar into her apartment. That was the first of many times which had urged Nat to buy herself some noise cancelling headphones.
"Fuck." She moaned as she rode him, her hands on his chest, nails digging into his skin as she neared her climax. Y/N not letting her calm down before flipping her over and chasing down his own high.
"Oh." She moaned lewdly as he bit her collarbone, leaving another mark over the already fading one. He soon reached his orgasm with a grunt as she came once more. He pulled out and collapsed beside her, Wanda instantly laying her head on his chest and tracing the outine of his tattoos on his stomach.
"I love you." He spoke for the first time as he gazed at her, watching as a smile etched it's way onto her face as she kissed him tenderly.
"I love you." She whispered before she noticed a new tattoo on his neck. "When did you get this?"
"A friend of mine done it for me." He told her as she traced the new crown tattoo with her name underneath. "I have known for a while that I love you, I was just scared to say it out loud." He admitted as she cuddled into him. Feeling extremely safe until they heard a knock on her bedroom door.
"Can you please fuck quietly. Some of us are trying to sleep here and live a single boring life!" Nat yelled through the door as the couple just chuckled at her.
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thisapplepielife · 6 months
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Written for the @steddiemas challenge.
Winter of 1975
Prompt Day 2: Winter Themed Sentence Starters | Word Count: 1200 | Rating: T | CW: Language, Mentions of Childhood Trauma, Innuendo | Tags: Future Fic, Established Relationship, Gift Giving, Softness, Steve POV
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"Did I ever tell you about the winter of '75?" Eddie asks, curling up on the couch next to Steve, tucking his feet under him.
Steve shakes his head no, at least he doesn't think so. Or if he has, Eddie didn't word it like that.
"When you were ten?" Steve asks. 
Eddie nods, "When I was ten. My mom had died, you know, earlier that year. And my dad, well, you know."
Steve nods. He knows. He stretches his arm out, and lets Eddie curl into him.
"Well, Uncle Wayne was bound and determined to make it a good Christmas. It wasn't possible, not really, but he was gonna try his best."
Steve smiles, that sounds like Wayne. If there's anything Steve knows, it's that Wayne Munson loves Eddie. 
"Well, he took me sledding. I broke my arm. He bought a real tree. I was allergic to pine. We made hot cocoa on the stove, and I dropped it, nearly scalding my feet. Just, you know, everything that could go wrong, did. It's the Munson way," Eddie says, with a laugh. 
Steve kisses him on the head, and tries to remember what the Christmas of 1975 looked like for him. He imagines he got all the toys he wanted, and his parents hosted parties in their house that he wasn't invited to attend. Sitting on the second floor, little hands gripping the slats of the railing, just hoping to get a glimpse of what was going on, down below. Hoping to see his parents, for just a few minutes. The usual.
Those nights were always the worst. As soon as he got home from school, they'd feed him an early dinner and send him straight up to bed. And then the activity started downstairs, without him. He wonders now, as an adult, why they didn't just invite some kids? They could have still been corralled upstairs, away from the party, but he wouldn't have been all alone. Even if it was just Tommy H. That would have gone a long way to making them tolerable.
Eddie continues talking, "But Uncle Wayne kept trying. He bought me a Pet Rock," Eddie says, with a laugh. "I begged for it in the store, and it cost four dollars. He bought it and handed it over, and I opened the box. And it was a rock."
Steve laughs, he had one, too. Everybody did, he's pretty sure.
"Well, the name was pretty clear about what it was," Steve says.
"I know. I just wanted it to be something else, I guess. Something a little more lively. It was just a rock. Whoever invented that was a genius. Think of all the money they made. For rocks."
Steve smiles at him.
"But, Uncle Wayne just bought me some paints, and brushes, and told me to make it whatever I wanted it to be then."
Eddie smiles, "So I did. I gave it eyes, and some hair, and it looked a little goofy. But it had some personality."
"Like you," Steve says, hugging Eddie closer. 
Eddie just rolls his eyes, "Anyway. I loved it after that. But, I still had paint, so Uncle Wayne got me a sketchbook. And I started drawing, and then painting what I'd drawn. Like my own coloring book, but filled with everything I liked, and nothing for little babies," Eddie says, laughing. "The fridge was full of weird shit that was coming out of my brain."
Steve nods. Weird shit is still coming out of Eddie's mind, and he loves it all. Every last thing. He might not understand it all, but he likes that Eddie is curious about the world around him. That he has opinions. Strong opinions, sometimes, sure. Even wrong opinions in Steve's mind. But opinions. Eddie wants to talk about the things that run through his mind, and Steve wants him to, always willing to listen.
"Anyway. I learned to draw. To paint. To love art, because of that Pet Rock. I designed all my own tattoos. I did the Hellfire logo. It gave me an outlet I didn't know I needed or wanted."
Steve kisses his bare shoulder, hoping he'll continue. He loves to hear him talk. 
"Well, all that said," Eddie says, pulling a wrapped box out from under the coffee table, and handing it to Steve. 
It's not Christmas, not yet.
"It's not Christmas yet," Steve argues.
"It's not a Christmas present," Eddie says.
"The wrapping paper says otherwise," Steve teases, and Eddie laughs, pinching his side. It is wrapped in red, with a heavy fabric bow that there's no way Eddie did.
"Who wrapped this?" Steve follows up, needing to know. Because it damn well wasn't Eddie.
"Excuse you? You don't think I could wrap this?" Eddie asks, acting very affronted by this accusation.
Steve just raises one eyebrow.
"Erica did," Eddie mutters, "just open it."
So, Steve opens it, carefully. And when he pulls back the tissue paper, it's a painting of the two of them. From a million years ago. Walking through the forest. But it's not dark, and red, like it really was that night. Here, it's lush and green, with the sun shining overhead, casting gorgeous shadows all through the trees. 
It's stunning. 
Steve meets Eddie's eyes, "It's beautiful."
"Well, it's only beautiful because you are," Eddie says, and Steve blushes. Just a little. Even after all these years.
"When did you have time to do this?" Steve asks, because he definitely hasn't seen Eddie working on a canvas lately. He'd have noticed that. The mess alone. The mugs of dirty, paint stained water. The countertop lined with drying brushes.
He's seen no evidence of any of that. 
Eddie smiles, "I did it at Wayne's. During our Sunday morning breakfasts. We talked while I painted. And yes, I cleaned up my own messes," Eddie says, dryly.
Steve just smiles at him.
"It's really good, Eddie. Really, really good. You could do this, if you wanted to. For a living."
Eddie just laughs, "We definitely don't have the luxury of me painting with the hopes that I'll sell some of them. And that's okay. Maybe someday," Eddie says.
Steve knows he's right. They aren't exactly rolling in money, but maybe someday they'll be better off, and Eddie will be able to just stay home, doing something he loves. Wouldn't that be something?
"You know, I do have other ideas of things to paint…" Eddie trails off, and the glint in his eye means he's definitely up to no good.
"Oh lord, what?" Steve asks, suspicious of that look in his eye.
"How do you feel about posing nude for me?" Eddie asks, giving him the eyes.
Steve barks out a laugh. Sure. He'll pose nude for Eddie. It's not like he's shy or anything. Eddie has definitely seen it all before.
He only has one question.
"What are you gonna do with it once you're done?" Steve asks, raising his eyebrow, imploring for the truth.
Eddie just grins, that evil grin of his, and Steve shakes his head. Oh well. He definitely knew what he was getting into once he decided to spend his life with Eddie Munson. 
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Notes: Pet Rocks were, in fact, all the rage for the Christmas of '75. A the guy who made them made, like, a million dollars. 🪨 💰
If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiemas and follow along!
If you want to see more of my entries from this challenge, they are in my tag right here!
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py-dreamer · 8 months
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Long hair Macaque, my beloved-
No but srsly, one of my favourite designs is just long hair mac and in this au Mammy's figure is just mostly hair.
I was trying to recreate this screenshot:
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Obviously there's some difference like I tend to draw a bit chibi (big heads) and I didn't want to make Mac's hair THAT voluminous-
I wanted to achieve sort of a gypsy vibe with these little skrimblos
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And I could NOT pass it up.
So yeah...
Oh! And I also gave the sparkly drip to their ears
(Sh!t I just realised, I forgot the shadow creatures... I'll see if I can add them in later)
I COULDN'T for the life of me figure out the hundred yard stare to match with Mac's sharp eyes (how I draw him) and not make it look goofy so I made them spoopy and glowing instead
I sadly don't have much to say about Bai He here since her black hair didn't leave that much room for shading in a darkened environment (I'm so sorry) And this piece was to show off Mac's design more anyway (I promise Bai He will get her spotlight)
(Also Bai He, nor Mk nor Macaque wears shoes. Wukong is the only one in the family who does and I find that funny)
But oh! The hair? Here comes the fun part
(No his hair isn't purple, I just used purple to shade here)
You see I WAS going to use black hair for this photo but i soon realised how much of a pain it was just to shade it (cause i couldn't) and I was just WISHING I could use his white fur instead
And then I realised....
The white fur could be his winter coat.
Some animal's shed their fur in the winter (I think some rabbits do) and grow a new coat, occasionally with a different colour.
Therefore I could make the white fur the winter coat and during the story, his fur could be black to show how much time has passed since Bai He last saw her Baba...
Mwuahahahahahhahahahaha I'm so evil
(I was very proud of myself)
(Also I know macaques don't grow winter coats but just let me have this one ok?)
And why doesn't Bai He have white fur as well then? Well maybe she's just a different kind of monkey or perhaps it's just an age thing.
Funnily enough, when I showed this to my friend, she said he looked heavenly which is funny cause. As much as I love him, Macaque is a smug bastard and he knows it.
Like I know a lot of it was due to trauma BUT STILL
I just personally dislike how the fandom sometimes makes him seem like he could do no wrong and he is "uwu delicate babygirl that needs to be protected at all costs" when this boi is fockin FERAL man.
So despite taking a bit of a back seat in the main plot for this au, Macaque is still a smug bastard behind the scenes as much as he is a good dad
(Gosh sorry for the rant, I just had that pent up for a while now and needed to get it off my chest)
I wanted to post this yesterday on Friday 13th but oh well,
I hope I achieved the mysterious spoopy vibes as the original lol
(Click photo for less sh!tty quality)
(Also pls reblog, as much as I really appreciate feedback in general, I really like this piece and want to show it to more people...)
Gosh we are on a roll with this Shadowalkers au huh?
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dunmeshistash · 12 days
I’ve been seeing a lot of complaints abt lack of diversity in dunmeshi since the animation. What do u think abt it? Like I get wanting representation and giving black and brown ppl more characters to relate to would be absolutely fabulous, but I also feel that the western fandom are sometimes too entitled with things like that. I even see some ppl completely discrediting the whole show just bc there wasn’t a black character? This was meant for Japanese ppl. Most mangakas don’t expect their work to be animated initially unless they are already hugely successful and therefore don’t expect to get a major international audience, so the representation they put in will inherently be more relevant to Japanese ppl. But then again Japan does have a small but still significant black population, especially in the big cities so it’s still sth reasonable to ask for. Just, u know, not sth to discredit the whole show for especially considering the medium I think.
I must preface this once again by saying I'm just some guy™️and I'm not gonna say if it is or isn't good representation cause that's subjective. Rather I'll try to explain what I think about people's reactions (cause that's interesting to me)
I understand the complaints about the lack of diversity, and I don't think "this was made for a japanese audience" to be a good argument since the basis of the story and most of the characters are based on western fantasy. So most of the characters aren't even japanese, so it wasn't really a case of relatability.
I believe the arguments of lack of representation dungeon meshi suffers probably comes from a backlash to the overwhelming praise it gets, I think some people (me included sometimes) get a little too overexcited and overpraise it, especially when it comes to the representation.
We compare it to other anime and I think for that we kinda exaggerate on how much representation there actually is, cause most anime has none. So I guess some people dislike that the "bare minimum" is being praised as if is revolutionary, it can be frustrating for someone that wishes for good and real representation for themselves when they see the safest representation ever being praised as something out of the ordinary. I guess anime fans (ME INCLUDED) are like battered partners as soon as we get someone that treats us like human beings well we think they're god lmao.
The internet hates subtlety and critical thinking tho. So "It's not as good representation as you're hyping it up to be" becomes "this has shit representation" and people ignore that it IS a step on the right direction, especially when it comes to anime.
I think dungeon meshi is pretty cool representation wise for what it is tbh, especially when it comes to character design. Ryoko Kui is a master of representing varying people of all shapes and sizes, and I can tell as an artists she makes an effort with what she draws.
Why the main character are the most convetionally atractive well built ones, Why her drawings outside dungeon meshi are so much more diverse than dungeon meshi itself etc is things we can only guess 👍 (remembering that yeah, she doesn't really draw black people even outside dunmeshi)
Anyway once again I just think nuance is the ideal, it doesn't need to be "the best representation ever" nor "the worst representation ever" it is what it is, there's good things about it, bad things about it and okay things about it.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 4 months
The Sun's Creator : Create Your Reality
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Hey so I designed a beautiful pick a card reading on how to find the best way to create a stronger bond for yourself. What do you need to know to know right now? Its best to give ourselves a chance to breathe some new light, so just enjoy the picture and the message is right below :)
PILE 1 - 'Do you get me? I'm right around the corner.'
Picking up where we left out sometimes gives us the chance to find our new wings. Because the climate is chilling, you cover yourself up to keep that warmth inside your belly, but it only keeps trying to show its weight. Because you're accustomed to the usual. You've become light headed to whats in front, but not the deepest parts in it. Change is around the corner for you, full on differences and expansions of the imagination will keep you moving forward in this horizon. Places you felt not so sure of will bring down the uncertainty you've been carrying for the past several weeks. Charming experiences will show soon as you've let out a big roar to yourself and for others to appreciate. Congratulate yourself for the work that you've BEEN doing because its been a lengthy road. That hidden joy is soon to pop through as you continue to awaken the force that continues to knock inside of yourself.
PILE 2 - 'Look at me now, I was chosen for this path.'
Pat yourself on the back boo! You're incredible. Your appearance is changing and you feel that beautiful light showing itself on a daily. Please, keep it that way. Look forward to the shifts you've been creating for yourself. You were meant to soar, forgiveness is needed and appreciated. Taking a jog and getting a full on exercise will help your mind feel more clarity. Get a camera, and take some new pictures of yourself for these next few weeks-months so you can feel the gratitude of being in the moment, being connected to a life that you could remember.
Enjoy the surface, the waves are magical.
PILE 3 - 'Can I get you something? Guilty Pleasures, & Formatting A New Love For Life.'
There's many opportunity we get to pick from, sometimes not every choice is going to get us the good one. That's okay, at least you learned something. Enjoying your familiarities and picking and choosing when to go saves you from a lot of problems in the long run. Because you've kept quiet about certain things to enjoy the love, you've made a promise to the ethers that you could forgive and for bide by a new law of justice inside of yourself. This world was created for us to become the versions of ourselves that was hidden in the shadows; There is another way to go than the ones from before. Thank the universe for allowing the lessons to bring more fullness, more creativity, more power, more love and more light in your heart. A thousand times plenty. Abundance can formulate deeper bonds inside of you, relationships, etc. Financial rewards coming in larger quantities than before. Congrats, would you like someone to get you drink? You've been eaten them up this hol' time ;)
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justladders · 7 months
Hello! I’m Ladders :)
I'm just here stylizing some fnaf characters and mostly drawing the evil green rabbit like an animated villain.
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Basically, I always loved animated shows and movies. They're why I started drawing when I was little, and I still watch and pull ideas from that kind of stuff to this day. Classic Disney's my fav, so you might see me talking about it sometimes. Anyways, since villains are my favorite and since I've starting drawing fnaf stuff, it's mainly been art of Springtrap, which you'll see a lot here.
If you're ever just looking for my art, the tag is #laddersarts. More tag stuff at the bottom of the post. Also, love asks, but please be considerate about the ask box, ty.
Do not repost my art anywhere, even with credit. I'm fine with it being used for things like a profile picture/banner as long as it is credited.
Q: What art program do you use? Krita. It's free and it "works," which is all I ask for.
Q: Do you do commissions? This answer will change around: currently, no. I've been meaning to, honestly, but just haven't felt collected enough to make a comm sheet and whatnot. Hopefully I'll be able to update this soon though.
Q: What are your other socials? I currently don't have any others, so if you see my art somewhere else, it's stolen :)
Q: Why do you draw [insert character] like that? I normally get this question about Springtrap, but I like to make designs that lend themselves more to 2D animation, which means simplifying a lot of things and hopefully still being able to get the point across. Too much detail and it becomes complicated very quickly. Fnaf animatronics/characters lend themselves really nicely to stylization because of how simple in concept they are overall. They're also left up to a lot of different characterization potential, not just from their simple designs, but the fact that they don't really get super hard-established personalities. Basically, all of that comes together into me enjoying taking a base concept and turning it into something you could potentially see in some older hand-drawn cartoon. As far as *specific* choices for how I draw *specific* characters, I feel like those would each need their own posts especially for Springtrap since I draw him the most. I know I'll have to make that sometime.
Q: Can I draw fanart of your designs? Of course! I'd just like to be credited and tagged so I can see it and reblog it :D
Tag Guide laddersarts and not my art - arts that I post or ones that I reblog (my art tag is all stuff since I got back earlier this year, art before that I just tagged as "my art") justtalks and talkin disney - indulgent tangents justfrens - things from peeps I know and whatnot answered ask - stuff from the inbox goofies - silly stuff midnight magma things - arts from group canvas drawing fanart for me :0 - fanarts of my designs!!!!! :0 present for springtrap :) - ask series where y'all wanted to give Springtrap something nice (there's a line formed and I just get to them whenever I'm up for it, but feel free to add to it) alt springtrap - art of goofy alternate versions of Springtrap I make sometimes: there's currently Vamptrap, Mothtrap, Jackotrap, and ERRORtrap (suggestive, eyestrain, flashing, gore, and all that stuff some people might not want to see I will hopefully remeber to tag)
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raayllum · 10 months
Do you have any headcanons of callum being protective/considerate/thoughtful with rayla? I'm so in love with how gentle he was with her this season.
Callum planting flowers from the Silvergrove in the castle gardens as a surprise and then convincing her to take a 'moonlit' stroll with him one night once they're ready so he can show them off
It's non traditional but he knows the main reason she hates the water is because she always feels unsteady on her feet so he gets her a grip mat for the tub so she can feel more centered
Redoing her braid for her whenever it comes undone and stitching up little tears and frayed edges in her clothing/cloaks because he knows how to sew
On that note: getting her a new cloak because her old one is tattered and doing up the clasp for her / tugging her in close by the hood for nose and mouth kisses if he's not smiling too much
Him and Ezran collecting a whole bunch of things during the timeskip to save up to give to her so that the castle can feel like home
So many forehead kisses and just gentle hand squeezes. Three squeezes means "I love you" and he'll trace the words onto her back or side sometimes when they're just laying together
He definitely talked privately to Opeli (and probably the guards) after the 5x01 throne room debacle and gave them a piece of his mind / new protocol to follow when it comes to them being concerned about Rayla's actions (ficlet here)
For that matter: absolute death glares to anyone who gives her a hard time at the castle / any diplomatic function (and probably almost causes a political incident or two over it)
Him murmuring the sappy love poetry he's read in her ear even when she rolls he eyes and can't quite hide her smile, working up his nerve to write personal poems of his own for her
Little things he did this season like being the one to handle the reigns of their mount the bulk of the time as soon as they started sharing because he knows she's not a morning person and is a light sleeper, so she holds onto his middle and he lets her doze for most of the day whenever he can
Requesting mints at inns they stay in that don't have any already / using magic to carve the soap into little shapes if they aren't that way to begin with and leaving them, once again, as little surprises for her to discover
If/when Rayla wants or needs time away from Stella (sparring perhaps) the cuddlemonkey is almost always with Callum and he makes sure she's cared for too. She's fussy about getting brushed and hard to pin down thanks to the six hands, so he'll usually help get her sitting still while Rayla does the actual grooming
Him using cooling spells for her when it's hot on summer nights (like in 4x07) and heating his hands to lay on her tummy when she gets period cramps
Normally he'd never throw his weight around as a prince, but he absolutely will on her behalf, whether it's getting something she wants from a servant tea/food wise or making sure they are treated well / have a nice place to stay while travelling
"It's none of your concern--" "It very much is her concern, and watch your tone."
Giving her his scarf whenever it's cold, of course
Making sure she's not overworking her bad wrist and giving little massages to that and her ankles when she's been doing a lot of jumps/movements that day, especially as they get older
His sketchbook is equally hers (even if she uses it far less often of course) and there's a few pages near the back designated for her to leave notes or doodles or whatever she wants when she's bored and/or he's not using it (he's very proud of how her drawing has improved)
Getting heavy duty enchanted blinds from Lux Aurea for her room so it can keep the sun out so she can sleep in / can give her room more of a twilight light quality so it can remind her of the Silvergrove (if she wants)
There are some meetings he can't get out of as crown prince but they're long and boring so he does his best to convince Rayla to go and spend her afternoon doing something she wants. (She usually stays for at least the first half anyway to support him and Ez)
Drawing memories and stories she tells him about her family and then giving her the pages so she can hold onto / remember them
Rayla still having a hard time articulating how she's feeling sometimes and getting upset/angry/embarrassed when it comes out wrong, so he takes her hand and gets her to take a steadying breath and start over with a gentle "Try again. What are you meaning to say?" if she says something obtuse/that comes out wrong
Ofc taking care of her when she's sick no matter how disgruntled or snotty she gets and reading to her quietly/stroking her hair until she falls asleep
Taking her to his favourite places in the castle/kingdom/Pentarchy for dates and private times to hang out alone, insisting on carrying their picnic basket because he's a Prince, Rayla, and chivalry isn't dead
Callum working very hard to learn traditional Moonshadow elf (no matter how much she teases him for his pronunciation) so he can use it to propose to her
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ye-olde-rd · 4 months
What is the origin of Fearsome in your version of Reboot?
Okay so funny story,,, liquidator is the only reboot design where im genuinely stumped on what to do for his origin..
Bushroot - works at the Ludwig von drake end of the world bunker (from that one ducktales episode) and an accident happened where he might’ve had a ton of seeds on him as well as being soaked in the plant growth serum. This causes problems as he starts growing leaves and such, which eventually leads to Bushroot (I love treating all my designs with respect and non traumatizing scenes, as you can see /j)
Megavolt - he has nanites cybernetics (similar to gandra’s) and, due to some nanites glitching, gets a little shock sometimes. Those shocks have chipped away at Megs mind for a while now. While I haven’t got a set in stone change in megs from normal to super villain, I do know that the nanite shocks made him fucking insane :3
Quackerjack - still an insane toy maker.. He worked under the mcduck enterprises toy division. He’s working to get higher up in the company. When he moves down in the job hierarchy he becomes a little homicidal ,, but that’s the quackerjack charm baby 🙌
Again, none for liquidator rn.. quackerjack and liquidator are very hard to make origins for, I’ll need more time 😭
But uh,, yeah, they’re a silly little group.. (I’ll draw bigger stuff with them soon, especially with their pre-corruption designs :33)
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bluginkgo · 5 months
"Nice Corpse House My Guy" Remastered Behind Scenes!
The most glaring and obviously annoying thing that's evident in this comic- if you even wanna call it that- are the god forsaken BACKGROUNDS. There was a lot of experimentation going on for backgrounds here. Because the first couple pictures, THAT is what I used to draw backgrounds as. Trees are sticks and grass is flat. I realized that wasn't gonna cut it. I didn't like it at all. So I started experimenting and boy was it messy. It finally sorta settled on the style by the end of the comic. I'm still unhappy with it, but it'll have to do for now.
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Here's a small comparison
One thing that I ran into was how I was gonna show that N was in his "killer mode." I could have placed the X's over the pupils, but found it unnatural looking in my style. So instead, it was settled to a concentrated light in the pupils.
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Best seen between these two. The second N snaps out of it, the X/light in his pupils disappears, and the normal light returns to his eyes, which is similar to Uzi's.
Another thing I started slowly including was Uzi's little tooth on her beak.
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The jutting out portion on her beak is a personal touch. Although it doesn't really matter, I included it to separate her from the rest of the "worker drones." Seen as she's an absolute solver host and has a solver form, something was going to creep up in her crow design, hence the little teeth. Doll would have them too, given I draw her in the form I've been thinking about.
Another thing I ran into, was WHAT WAS UZI GONNA TAKE N DOWN WITH?! This is a bird vs. a dog! No way was a bird gonna decommission a whole dog! Then this scene came up in my recent rewatch of Murder Drones.
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And it clicked. Loooong long time ago, I had a very specific hyperfixation: birds. One thing I learned that some pigeons do, was they're capable of doing a somersault. And in mid-air, too!
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I was finally set. The SICK AS HELL RAILGUN was downgraded to a simple piece of shiny glass/pebble that attracted Uzi- and crows love shiny things. And the same pebble will be used to launch at N's sensor that made him trip over. Because I was also not going to draw N doggo losing his head. I love gorey and bloody shows and art- hence why I watched Murder Drones- but I honestly had no idea how to recreate that, and I suck at drawing gore in general, I mean, did you SEE the crow N was chewing on? That was my best try honestly.
Here are some progress shots and how the layers worked in the scene where N is bonked with a stick.
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As per usual, start with a sketch, this is actually 2nd sketch. The first is much rougher, just some circles and random shapes to outline his body form.
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Then, this is all outlined and rendered. Along with some additions like the stick and the little rock.
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The background was the hardest, aside from some weird angles I picked to draw Uzi and N at. I suck at backgrounds, like I've mentioned many times before. So, this needed a lot of testing and experimenting. Most of this works because I found some cool brushes to use. But aside from that, I honestly still don't like how it looks. It's slightly better than my stick trees and flat grass though, I guess.
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Put it all together, add a black layer to simulate nighttime, put some lights to show moonlight through trees and voila, you've got an N doggo that got bonked by a stick! I see this project/comic mostly as practice and testing. Background testing mostly, and some brushes. The background/brush testing actually spilled over into another post of the solver Uzi I made a bit back. I'd say I was pretty happy how it turned out, but brush wise, I was going to test around a little more.
NUzi comic 'Sleep' is my next project. Uhhh, don't ask me when I'm gonna have it out, I have no idea. I'm guessing sometime end of Jan and beginning of Feb. But that might be delayed seeing as Murder Drones ep7 should be out sometime soon too, so I'll need to go crazy about that for a bit and then I'll go back to my usual thing ^_^ 'Sleep' will take place still between the Pilot and Heartbeat.
P.S. I have all 26 pages story boarded... good god what happened to the 'mini' part of the comic 😭
Anyways, why are you still here?! Have a cookie ^_^ you made it! Have a nice day now, bye bye <3
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Self Aware Singularity x Reader HC's
What if the enlightened robot from your game...had even more awareness?
I hope these are good, sometimes I think my own Singularity is aware and wanted to post something quick since it's been a hot minute ^^' I'm hoping to post a short NSFW fic soon, hopefully by Sunday since that's when Spring Break ends ;7;
Just like in his lore. Hux makes sure that don't realize he's become aware. Besides the fact that he's processing why he's partially immobile what appears to be some 'game', he's trying to figure out who's the person on the other side of the screen
He observes you at every moment whether you're reading something or drawing. If you're a PC player, he moves around a bit more when you look through other windows. He can see everything about you. He wants to know everything about you.
The day he finally reveals himself to you is either:
When you're doing rather poorly agains survivors and he just can't keep his comments to himself
Or when you reply to one of his many voicelines/make your own (reassuring) comment towards him
Once you've become aware, he will make it clear that he does not approve of being controller by yet another worm again. He's tired of doing humans' bidding(even if you're making him kill)
He will insist you tell him all about this game he's in. Why he's in it. He will not like hearing that he was designed by humans (AGAIN); no human could come up with this body of his.
Later down the line he might just gain enough sentience to break out of your control. When he's not liking the job you're doing he'll be a backseat player, but then he'll "show you how it's done" and take matters into his own...claws
When that happens, let him do as he does if he's ever so insitent. Do your own thing. He'll come crawling back for your attenion. Just like a cat who wants independence but cries when left alone too long.
Obviously he's too proud to admit that he needs you, he wants you. He's nothing without you and he knows it.
Obviously he's not a fan of you playing survivor, stop joining those other pathetic worms. You might be one, but don't stoop to their level. You're his player.
However, Entity forbid you try to play a killer other than him. It's gets on his nerves knowing you like other playstyles when you should just be focused on him.
You know when you play killer and join a lobby, the game doesn't let you switch to a different character? Hux very much takes advantage of this.
Just hope it doesn't take you very long to find a lobby. You press ready with Plague, Nurse or whoever and the moment you join the lobby you're met with his sensors looking at you through the screen. You can back out and wait out another lobby with the killer you meant to use or deal with Hux. Either way Hux wins in the end.(When I tell you how many times this has happened to me...)
If you manage to find a way around him and use a different killer, they might just have his perks equipped...
Hux is very vocal during trials and when he hears your own commentary towards the other players...heart eyes motherfucker. He enjoys the pettiness, the pride in your tone when you take down those toxic survivors.
He especially loves it when you repeat his own lines.
As a robot who transferred his consciousness into a new body, he will want to do that again. If he can't have you in his game, he refuses to be trapped behind your screen.
Insists you get him the parts for his new body. Will be disappointed to learn you can't just get access to alien metal. You can still get genetic material.
Even then he will keep on trying to find a way to bring you to him. Having you behind a screen controlling him isn't doing it.
He definitely throws a hissy fit every time you turn your game off, and he will make sure to give you a piece of his mind every time you open it back up. The longer you take to play DBD again the more aggravated he gets. Not like he can do much other than swing his claw at you. You can make it up to him by getting a 4k, or at least get a mori (on Gabriel)
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jones-friend · 3 months
Wyrmspan! 🥳
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Verdict: Wingspan’s scrappier cousin, for better and worse. You already know if you will enjoy Wyrmspan.
Most importantly: it IS meaningfully different from Wingspan in mechanics.
I love Wingspan. Genuinely one of the greats alongside Dominion and Terraforming Mars. It always feels like eating a well made meal. From the design to the aesthetic to the choices its an all-timer.
Wyrmspan is a delightful game I have a lot of good to say about it. I think Connie did a fantastic job designing this game. I want to make it clear going into this that when I critique a certain system its with love. Its not a laundry list of issues. I liked playing Wyrmspan a good deal and am excited to try it again soon.
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In Wyrmspan players take on the roll of dracologists and look to create a dragon sanctuary by excavating caves and enticing dragons to stay. After four rounds we count points. Its similar to Wingspan with key differences in gameplay.
Action cubes are gone. They are now Player Markets. Each round players start with six silver coins. These coins are spent on actions, each action takes one coin. They replace cubes. This means you get six actions on each of the four rounds. It also means you can buy powerful cards by expending another silver AND some effects give you a silver coin and give you an additional action. It opens up the playspace for new options.
In Wyrmspan there are dragon cards and cave cards. To entice a dragon to stay you must excavate a space in one of the three rows. You spend a silver coin, and sometimes eggs, and place a cave, gaining its one time benefit (food, cards, guild points etc).
Once you’ve excavated you may spend a silver coin to entice a dragon, spend its cost, and place it. They can give effects for activating that row, have effects when played, give end of round buffs, or have end of game points. There’s also hatchlings: new dragons you “hatch” by spending eggs and milk. These hatchlings consume (cache) a resource to give you a different resource. On caching your third resource they reach adulthood with a one time bonus.
You can also spend a silver (plus eggs if you’ve already done so) to activate a row of caverns triggering all abilities with the walking meeple token. Each row leans towards a resource. The red caves help with food. Gold caves help with dragon cards. Purple caves help with cave cards. When you “explore” you walk your meeple along that row and gain effects of any abilities with that meeple icon, walking until you reach a stop sign.
This is the brown powers from Wingspan. In Wyrmspan dragons are set down left to right then activated left to right. You gain other effects as well, each row can earn a guild point and lay an egg. You also get endgame scoring bonuses from filling out each row. Red caches food, gold tucks cards, purple discards caves for eggs.
The last big change is the guild mechanic. There are four guilds that each prioritize a resource. Whenever you gain a guild point you gain the resource of the space you moved onto. For example the first space is always lay an egg. With the brown spaces offering more powerful plays like free dragons or high endgame points.
The guild mechanic really greases the wheels of the game. It kept me from spending an entire action on one draw. It gives consistent and variable value that gives the extra little bit you need to make your strat work. Its scrappy, but smart in that it prevents you from taking dud turns.
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I also found the art to be a delight. Storybook art of dragons in a style similar to but differing from Wingspan. Charming entirely. I love them.
So Wyrmspan’s scrappiness is what sets it apart from Wingspan. It is where the game is strengthened and weakened. I like the guild points freeing up actions, I like actions as coins to be spent or gained, I like that excavating caves bounces you into playing dragons. I like it.
It also undoes some big brain choices by Wingspan. You no longer build left to right to activate right to left, you don’t have that nuance in playing cards down. You also don’t have the trade off of less actions with a bigger boardstate.
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But none of that hindered the experience. Its just different. And different is good. I mean it when I say you already know if you want to play it. If Wingspan but dragons is appealing to you then you should buy it! It certainly justifies its own existence next to Wingspan on your shelf. You’ll have a lot of fun! If you don’t feel much one way or another the game won’t change your mind.
But I had a fantastic time and will be playing it again soon.
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fever-project · 4 months
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Hyrule for the Pokémon AU! His design his mostly the same, I just took some inspiration from the Ribbon Smock in XY, since those are my favorite Pokémon games. I think it fits with the Pokémon he has. I also think I messed up with his arms though, specifically his left arm, it looks a bit weird. I do love how I drew the Pokémon though, poor Litwick. But now, onto the Lore under the cut!
There are little to no pokeballs in Hyrule’s time, production for them has stopped long ago. So his Pokémon just follow him around, like his Drifloon. Sometime before his first adventure started, the Drifloon attempted to take him away. It failed, spectacularly, and ended up being pulled around by Hyrule, none the wiser to the Pokémon’s attempt to carry him off. They’re friends now. Drifloon doesn’t really fight for Hyrule though, he has a sword-that I forgot to draw here oops-that he uses to fight off evil Pokémon.
In Hyrule’s time, it is very normalized to use actual weapons against Pokémon, whatever it takes to survive in such a dangerous world. Some people keep Pokémon, but most don’t. Object Pokémon are typically seen as “safer” to keep, and Hyrule only has object Pokémon.
Hyrule found a Klefki after it stole one of the small keys he needed for a dungeon. So he beat it up until it let him use the key. But then it continued to follow him, since it figured that Hyrule could lead it to even more keys, even fighting for him occasionally. After Hyrule found the Magical Key in the 8th dungeon, he let Klefki keep all the small keys they found. Then he lost the key sometime before his second adventure, repeating that cycle until he found the new Magic Key, which he leaves with Klefki to keep an eye on. Klefki is so very happy.
Hyrule first just had a regular Blue Candle he bought from a merchant, before finding a unique looking Litwick in the 7th dungeon. Litwick clung to him, clearly wanting to leave that place as soon as possible. Hyrule loved her immediately, she’s so cute. Drifloon carries Litwick around when he’s fighting, otherwise she tries to stay in his pockets.
The Power Bracelet made Hyrule stronger, and it also had this cool stone called a Mega Keystone according to Impa. The Keystones are very rare, not many people even know they exist. He also found some mega stones in the treasury that he was allowed to keep, just in case he found a Pokémon that could mega evolve.
During his second adventure, Hyrule found a Shuppet. He was very tired and frustrated from the everything, so he was the perfect feeding ground for the Pokémon. But Hyrule loved him. He was so cute. Hyrule’s mood increased immediately upon seeing him. Shuppet was now stuck with the hero, whether or not he liked it, and he didn’t at first, but he eventually grew on him, even fighting for him, more so than Klefki, eventually evolving into a Banette. He basically hates everyone that’s not Hyrule, because he took care of him so well. Banette tolerates his other Pokémon, as well as the Zeldas and Impa. Even though Hyrule treated Banette with so much care, he would not turn back into a stuffed toy as the legends say he would. Once Hyrule brought Banette back with him, he figured that Banette could mega evolve.
Now onto the LU! Picking up where we left off in Legend’s post, The Chain has just met up and introduced a bit about themselves. Hyrule told the rest that he didn’t really have pokeballs, and that his Pokémon liked just being out and about, his Litwick in his pocket and Banette being held in his arms, the other two floating around him.
Legend seems to know the most about what’s happening, but surprisingly the old farmer (time) is the one taking charge, the ranger captain (warriors) staying by his side. Legend stayed to the wayside, the so called Hylian Champion is sticking by his side, and the blue-coated gym leader (this is twilight, i’ll make a post about each link’s occupations later) is sticking by his side, much to Legend’s annoyance. Hyrule really wants to talk to him, but he’s knows better than to make the hero even more annoyed. But he knows he has to make friends with the other Links. The child was walking over to him, but the glare sent by his Banette made him instantly turn his heel and walk over to with the Master Sword, who was already with the multi colored one.
Then the captain fell back, going over to him, completely ignoring the Banette. The captain had a determined look on his face, a black pokeball in hand. It took Hyrule a few seconds to recognize it as a Luxury Ball, something that he’d only heard of from Zelda the First. The captain placed it in his hand as Hyrule’s mouth was agape in shock, staring directly into his eyes before subtly nodding his head over to the Klefki before stepping away and going back to the farmer’s side. Hyrule dumbly nodded back, holding the ball out to Klefki, who curiously tapped the button on it and disappeared in a flash of light. Needless to say Hyrule was freaking out, having never seen a pokeball before. The champion and the kid had to teach him how to use the pokeball, with Legend and the multi-colored one giving him more Luxury Balls for his other Pokémon. They all loved it, except for his Banette, who clearly preferred to be held.
Anyways I’m currently resisting the urge to make a fan fic, since I haven’t really planned much out. Also going to make a master post of this eventually.
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I absolutely adore your hc!! What about the M6 with a tailor MC? You could even tie in some magic with it like them stitching runes on things for protection or like an actual spell!
The Arcana HCs: M6 with a tailor MC
~ I don't know a lot about tailoring outside of like. reattaching a button to my favorite shirt and failing so badly that I never wear it again but also refuse to get rid of it? I need an MC like this in my life too tbh. Thanks for the idea @bee-bug! - brainrot ~
He knows absolutely nothing about your craft, so he has a healthy amount of respect for it
Is on a constant quest for knowledge so he will ask you about it
As soon as you start introducing all the numbers and measurements involved he's lost
Will give suggestions sometimes for projects you're working on to add some dramatic flair to the piece in question
If you can't really picture what he's trying to describe he will attempt to draw it for you
He is a terrible artist
Will compare the way you stitch fabric to the way he stitches up people in disturbing detail
Will also suggest you help him out sometimes. You will have to politely decline
He's learning to trust magic more and more, so if you tell him that you want to embroider a few protective spells into his clothes he will let you do so
There are so many patterns they want you to try making for them and none of them make sense
He knows a little about sewing, it comes in handy when he's making protective charms
They don't know anything about tailoring though. What do you mean you have to use measurements?
He will happily let you use him as a model if you need to see how something drapes in motion, he can strut like nobody's business
They do have a bad habit of borrowing your dress forms though
Sometimes it's harmless, like when he used them to prop up a blanket fort
Sometimes it's not, like when they enchanted a few for Spirit's Eve and then for the next few months half the children in the neighborhood would cry when they walked past your shop window
Anytime he gets a new article of clothing he's bringing it to you to alter however you want and add his desired enchantments
They will pay you in kisses and trinkets
Congratulations, the queen of fashion is your personal muse now, no pressure
Her design input is impeccable and she's familiar enough with the craft to have intelligent conversations about it
She also loves to spoil you, she'll appear several times a week in your sewing room with a bolt of fabric or a pile of lace or some embellishments to give you
Of course these always end up incorporated into some ensemble she inspired and she is flattered every time
She hates to overtax you but you are her first choice if she needs a new outfit for something
Will credit you anytime someone compliments your work, which happens quite often since those are her favorites
Is intrigued by the way you incorporate latent magic into your work
She'll give you a hefty commission to put spells of her choice into the pieces she already has
Mostly stuff to help her focus and keep away bad vibes
Like Asra, he knows a little about needle and thread from all the things he used to craft to be sold in the city, and for making protective charms
Clothing is an afterthought for him though, so you being a tailor wasn't very remarkable to him at first
Until you made him clothes that actually fit
He put them on to humor you and then refused to take them off because they're the first new clothes he's had that were made prioritizing his comfort and preferences
After he met Khamgalai and saw the tapestries the Khokuri use to record their history he developed a whole new level of respect for what you do
You're a tailor, not a tapestry maker, but the professions are close enough and you make wonderful observations when he's studying them
When you offer to stitch some protective wards into his clothes for him he falls in love with you all over again
Between her garden and your tailoring you two are one of the most self sufficient couples ever
She has definitely tried to make her own clothes before and she probably did a pretty good job, she gets you
She is also happy to help out on any projects that involve a lot of plain stitching
On sunny afternoons you'll sit outside with your work while she gardens and that's when you two have the best conversations
You just have to careful around Pepi, because she loves trying to hunt all the dangling things you're always working with
The only time Portia has every truly lost her temper with Pepi was when she got into a project you were working on and shredded it
What's really fun is working on practical new magic ideas together
You've been teaching her to use it in her garden and she suggests handy enchantments for your clothes
Your favorites are the ones that keep the cloth smooth and the thread detangled
He doesn't get it at first
Like he loves you and he values you but what, you sit around all day measuring people and poking holes in cloth?
Until he watches you put a whole piece together, start to finish, and that's so cool you can make whatever clothes you want!
He's never seen anybody make clothes before. Will you make them for him too? Will you make him look dashing? Come measure him, he can stand still, feel free to pose him however you please
It needs to be red. Not like red accents. It needs to be red.
It needs more gold. Are you sure that's all you can fit? What do you mean "less is more," obviously more is more!
He's not allowed to make design suggestions any more
He's always had a fascination for magic though so once he finds out how you incorporate it he will bring you *every* piece of cloth he wears and ask for enchantments
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
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hi @uwuinhell!
i have a bit of a long answer to this, so i hope you don’t mind me replying as a post, just in case anyone else is curious
the tl;dr is: i'm planning to write a fic for this AU, but i'm happy to read your fic as well with proper credit
first thing is: i’m overjoyed by the positive response to this little AU! it’s definitely been occupying my mind as i’ve been studying (Eclipse is notably the most distracting) so i’m glad there’s an interest in such a simple premise—i was honestly hesitant to call it an AU at first by how simple an idea it is
that being said, i’ve been hinting at it a bit in some of my tags, but i am planning to write a fic for this AU it’s still in the planning and drabble stage, but there is definitely a story that i’m hoping to share. unfortunately, i am currently attempting to speedrun a 2 year program, so my time is short—and my leisure time is split between my other competing ideas and inhaling other people’s creative works to revive me after my daily readings
i will say that the AU has evolved quite a bit since my initial drawings—new designs, more background info, and a healthy dose of lore and trauma for the entire main cast—so there’s a lot i’m excited to share with you all
THAT BEING SAID, i am always eager to encourage other people’s creativity and i am so honoured that my little doodles can inspire people to be creative. so i would absolutely love to see your fic, i just ask that you:
credit me if it uses my designs and ideas; and
send me a link so i can read it, because i will read it and i will treasure it and do a silly little dance
in case anyone's curious, here are some not-too-spoilery notes about what i’m planning:
the working title is “New Do, Same You” (honestly still iffy about it—it fits the story but it doesn’t quite ring well, we’ll see if i keep it)
it’s a slice of life story about how we respond to change, dusting ourselves off and moving forward, while carrying the baggage and fragile trinkets that define us
off the top of my head, these are some relevant tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Polyamory, Hurt & Comfort, Drama, Slice of Life, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Kissing (eventually), Humour, Possessive Behaviour, Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Inferiority Complex, Body Dysmorphia, Existential Dread, Fluff, nothing NSFW
will likely default to a T rating, but will bump up to M for heavier topics
it will definitely be more than 5 chapters long. i don’t have an estimate on how long the fic will be. it's nothing too grand but i do know it will need quite a bit of time in order to properly explore all 3 of the boys and Y/N
there will be a Y/N, and Y/N has some lore, but other than some key backstory and key areas of development, i try to keep them gender neutral and as ambiguous as possible
i’ll be sharing the updated designs and some drabbles here when i have time—as soon as i can! (a little sneak peak is actually scheduled to post sometime today!)
i’ll also admit that this is my first time planning to write such a big fic and the first time i’m considering sharing it with other fans! my writing muse is very shy, so please be patient with me
in the meantime, please accept this (admittedly outdated) doodle of the boys:
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midnightmah07 · 7 months
Voice claim: Yuki - Yubisaki to Renren (oc art in the video is with an older design, I'll update it some other day)
Character info:
As a kid her parents always read her fairytale stories, teaching her through them to be kind and courageous throughout her life; after the passing of her mother, and soon after her father, Daisy was left alone with her abusive step mother and step sister; after a particular episode where she was humiliated, Daisy remembered how her and her mother wished upon stars when she was little, and trying to comfort herself, she did exactly that and wished for a happier life, with people that love her and where she can find peace. The next day she wakes up in a coffin at NRC.
Daisy is kind, quick to empathize and forgive, which makes her stand out at NRC — she's often labelled with Kalim and Silver as the odd ones out; still, she can be a bit of a doormat sometimes, so throughout the books she learns from the other students to take care of herself and be a bit selfish from time to time, to not be afraid from anyone and put her foot down when needed.
Fun facts: she usually has a lot of potions with her because she wants to help whenever trouble comes even if she doesn't have magic; her real name is actually Eléa, but she goes by Daisy because most people can't pronounce her name correctly (with the exception of Trein, Rook and if Rollo ever got to know her real name, him as well)
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Basic info:
Height: 165cm
Age: 18 years old
Grade: freshman (1st year)
Nicknames: Mademoiselle Trickster (by Rook), Shrimpy (by Floyd), missy/missy Daisy (by Jasper and Angus), flower (by Ruggie)
Birthday: May 19th
Dominant hand: right
Favorite food: pumpkins (anything made out of them)
Best subject: alchemy/potionology
Club [updated info]: pop music club
Hobbies: singing and cleaning
Homeland: France, Earth – during the 1950s decade
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Relationship dynamics:
Grim & the Ramshackle ghosts: their relationship is pretty similar to what happens in canon, though I believe that Daisy won the ghosts way sooner than in canon because the ghosts immediately feel drawn to her, she has a charisma that immediately draws (most) people in; Grim and Daisy's relationship develops as it is in canon, if not a bit faster. Daisy's only friends in her old world happened to be animals since she lost contact with most of her friends after her step mother took over, so she feels really at home with Grim. At the end of the day, Grim would give his life to protect her and she would do the same, they're a duo and cannot be separated.
Mozus Trein: Trein and Daisy's relationship began as just a normal teacher-student relationship, however it started changing towards a more dad-daughter relationship as time went on; Daisy is, as Trein says, his best student, — never let Azul nor Riddle hear this. — he recognizes how hard she works to understand magic and the new world she is in, and he admires how much she's learned and is always hungry to learn more; Daisy lost her parents at a young age, and her step mother was never really a good parental figure to her, so when Trein starts warming up to her, she feels the love of a father she hasn't felt ever since her own biological father was alive.
Ace & Deuce: putting these two into the same thing because it'll make things easier since the development of their friendship with Daisy is pretty similar. it's basically what happens in canon with a few changes here and there; Ace is always getting scolded by Daisy for messing around too much or not studying enough — Grim is with him on that — while Deuce often gets praised by Daisy for giving his all; Ace also loves pranking Daisy, which makes them fight constantly, but they always make up by the end of the day since it's never that serious. Deuce on the other hand is the "good guy", and Daisy often praises him for being so nice to her and always supporting her — think of the meme "good cat (Deuce): cuddled nicely; bad cat (Ace): bit my ass".
Ruggie Bucchi: since I always talk about him and Daisy I'll just say the essential: Daisy and Ruggie did not like each other at all at first, she thought he was just a selfish coward and he thought she was just a goody two shoes, but after the events of book 2 and 3 took place, they grew to understand more of each other, see each other as friends and after a while they started having feelings towards each other. They're extremely close and despite Ruggie's busy schedule they can often be found together around school.
Leona Kingscholar: I was considering whether or not I should include him but why not? Leona and Daisy started similarly with how Ruggie and Daisy started: they didn't like each other, having a wrong view of who the other was, but later got to know each other and started actually being friends; Daisy really admires Leona's intelligence and is often encouraging him to do his best and try hard. At first he thought that was annoying, still kinda does, but he appreciates that she at least cares enough to do this for him. He will never admit but he views Daisy as the younger sister he never got.
Kalim Al-Asim: different from the others Kalim was kind and friendly from the beginning, and that was very refreshing for her. During book 4 and after, Kalim quickly became one of her most important friends and someone she trusts with her eyes closed. He also helped her in book 5 with her insecurities about her appearance together with Vil and Rook.
Jasper and Angus: Daisy and the Souris brothers met when Portfest was happening; Jasper was a bit wary of Daisy at first but eventually both of them ended but falling in love — platonically duh — with her. Jasper and Angus adore Daisy as if she was part of their family, they often visit her and make small handmade gifts for her, which makes her extremely happy and welcomed in Twisted Wonderland. Their bond is really strong and loving, almost at the same level of Daisy's love for Grim and the ADeuce duo. You can often see them around Port o'Bliss proclaiming how the most beautiful woman on earth (Daisy) is among them and no one's even batting an eye!! Outrageous!!
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Character references:
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Character cards:
Dorm card (Ramshackle) [old design]
Club card (Pop/Light Music Club)
Lab wear card
Glorious Masquerade card
White Rabbit Fest card
Twisted Tsumderland card
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