#need to start applying for jobs soon
shysimblr · 7 months
just checking in, I know i've had lots of DM's about stuff and I just haven't had time to do anything so sorry about that. Aiming to be back in 2 weeks :).
I only have 2 weeks left on children's intensive care clinical placement. 7 weeks actually went by so quickly, plus I'm really enjoying it so maybe that's why but yeah once I'm done I don't have clinicals again till may so I'll catch and do all the things then! Hope ya'll are good :)
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gothsuguru · 5 months
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anervousmirrorball · 3 months
...............i have a feeling I might not follow through w the ttpd art event :((((((((((( although I'm not sure but it's been so v long it's insane how much time has passed and I've not painted those paintings
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permanentreverie · 1 year
Applying for different jobs be like shaking sweating hyperventilating quivering throwing up crying. and so on and so forth
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vlolets · 6 months
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briwates · 8 months
Used to be a procrastinator paralysed by anxiety at the amount of things to do now im actively doing things and checking tasks consistently but constantly stressed about not doing enough. Hell.
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yatiso · 10 months
why is finding a new job so hard pay me to do ur bidding boy
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upperranktwo · 10 months
Studying and packing for my move have taken over my life rn 😭
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twinkskeletons · 1 year
On the topic of apartments, I live in a tax credit apartment which are apartments that are specifically rented out to low income people. The one I live in specifically would be at least 1500 for the area but is only 1100. I don’t think many people know about these bc they’re not on apartment websites, but just google tax credit apartments. Sometimes they’re kinda shit but mine is a solid 8/10. It’s clean, everyone’s friendly and I feel safe, just some appliances and hardware r outdated.<3
ty for the advice! i’m scottish so things will likely be a bit different here but i will keep that in mind :)
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gobbluthbutagirl · 1 year
the full list of complaints i have about my former shithole apartment is obviously extensive and i’ve obviously gone over them on here before so i’ll refrain from doing so again now but the two main things are of course UGLY AS FUCK and SMALL AS HELL like if i had to guess square footage i’d say under 300. so it’s like. obviously i want something at least A LITTLE bigger than that this next time around! and i need a Real Kitchen with Real Oven obviously. and floors that aren’t ugly as fuck old dirty carpet. but beyond that i’m like…hmmm…should i go for a one-bedroom? because i was paying $1425 per month for my shithole and i have seen one-bedrooms in the $1500-$1700 range. but there are also literally bigger & better studios than the one i used to live in in the $1150-$1500 range. so i guess it really just depends on what’s available once i start Really Looking. and also somewhat on how much whatever WFH job i wind up getting will pay me but i’m only going to apply to jobs that pay at least $18-$25 an hour so i will be making more than i did at target No Matter What. and of course there is the old “you need to be making 3x what we’re charging” adage but GUESS WHAT! i had zero problems paying $17k a year in rent when i made between $30k-$35k a year in pre-tax income, i also managed to save $5k during the time period that i lived there, my credit score is quote-unquote “very good,” i have documentation backing all of that up, AND i’m VERY persuasive. so i’m honestly not super worried about that one right now.
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quasieli · 1 year
I need something to keep me occupied. I've been trying to be productive, I desperately need to find a job, but the only responses I've been getting are rejections and thinking about that is sending me into an anxiety spiral and thus making it harder to actually put in more work to actually find a job. What sucks is I've been getting soooo many listings for education related jobs but I really can't bring myself to apply for them bc I'm an openly queer person living in FL. I already don't want to be here, I don't need to be working in a job that will make me feel 10x worse because I have to hide who I am, but also I really need the work. I can tell myself that I could put up with it for a little while just to have a job and save some money but I know that's not true. I just need to get out of this anxiety spiral.
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galariangengar · 1 year
Ok, I cleaned my room a little (still a bit messy and need to dust but it’s better than before), I ordered and received official transcripts I needed from 2 community colleges, and I officially submitted my application for a part time job at HomeGoods 👍🏼
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I somehow made myself think i had way less in the bank than i thought
Bc i checked and i was like OH nice im not hella broke where i cant buy things in case of emergency food wise. And/Or buy myself one treat(food or doll)
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binders-and-beanies · 1 month
Required to file for unemployment in order to stay insured. Have to file within a specific 7 day period that starts today. Only 1 day off within that time frame (today) and it’s a sunday. Can’t access the application bc of my usual identity verification issues and can’t get help accessing it bc the office is closed. Don’t even know if I have to actually Qualify for unemployment in order to have insurance or just prove that I filed, don’t know what happens if I get a new job or what time frame it would have to be in etc. Can’t ask those questions either bc again it is sunday. Tried asking when I learned I’d be losing my job but was told I have to wait until my job officially closed (2 days ago). So what’s the point of being told in advance if u don’t get to do anything abt it until u have to scramble during a short time frame anyway. The irony of not having time to deal w this bc I do in fact have another job, for one more week. Just beyond the time frame in which I’d be able to file. Killing killing killing
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chiritori · 2 months
#work is going terribly#i fucked up really really bad yesterday and now i’m probably going to be asked off one of my cases#not only that but the client’s mom is being super passive aggressive about it#like not responding to my texts and then randomly saying my coworker is going to cover my shift tomorrow#i understand she’s upset and she had every right to be#but keeping me in the dark about how she wants to proceed from here aside from cancelling my shifts is shitty on her part#like we’ve been working together for a year at this point i figure she’d care about me a little more than that#like this is literally my livelihood. i need to know whether i need to start interviewing with other clients and applying to other jobs#i texted the person overseeing the case about it so hopefully that can give me some clarity#cause she doesn’t have any incentive to be passive aggressive and give me the silent treatment here#oh well. at least this is a lesson not to get emotionally invested in my clients#cause at the end of the day i am here to provide a service and if i’m not doing a good enough job they will kick me to the curb#this really sucks but the silver lining is that i wanted to leave this job anyway & i have a backup plan#and also i can still meet with my other client in the meantime & i liked her better anyway#i just really hope i can get clarity on this situation as soon as possible#cause just having it as this big looming thing indefinitely is so obnoxious#oh well. whatever happens happens & i will be better for it#vent
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dogclownmuppetthing · 2 months
my art block is settling in bad And I suck too much at Splatoon to get further in the story mode what am I going to do with my life I have nothing else to do What’s a job
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