#neeko headcanons
Can u write a romantic relationship with neeko and fem reader (make it longer pls...:) )
First of all, I had already gotten your request today, you didn’t have to write another one so soon, with the exact thing.
Secondly, please don’t tell me how long I should write my requests, it’s not exactly nice.
I usually delete double-requests like that, unless stated that it was a glitch or something from Tumblr, but I like Neeko too much to ignore it, and I hope, for the people who read this and will make requests to any writer :
Please don’t send the same ask multiple times, it’s really not nice.
Thanks for reading this.
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Neeko is a very sweet girl and she’s incredibly curious, so expect her to take you to explore new places, show you the most beautiful landscapes around the world - And more, she will not have a new special place where only the two of you can go at.
Will play around with the colours or shapes of her body to entertain you, and would make silly dances and sing you funny songs, hoping it would make you laugh and be happy.
She absolutely loves your smile - And when you’re not smiling, she’d pinch your cheeks, kiss them, and push on them to create a smile.
She’s a very physical thing, and she loves hugs most of all - So she’ll often jump on you - Mostly your back, and just cling onto you.
Neeko also loves cuddling with you and would nuzzle her face in the crook of your neck, giggling - Or if she wants to make you giggle, she would croak like a frog, or make cricket sounds.
She’s actually pretty strong, especially her tail, so if she sees something she really likes, she’ll spring up a tree and bring you with her by wrapping her long tail around you and dragging you along, careful not to hit you to a branch or something.
Would pepper you with kisses all over your face.
Definitely loves head pats or stroking her hair, so do that and you’ve got her purring and making all the cutest noises in the world.
Loves playing around, especially cute little games like tag or hide and seek - She’s very childish and fun-oriented, especially if she gets to sneak up on you and start tickling you, getting a giggle out of you.
When she knows she 100% loves you, she would take out the flower from her hair and put it in yours - It’s her way of confessing to you how much she cares for you.
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lightning-bringer · 1 year
Omg slay,can u write how a romantic relationship would be with neeko?fem reader pls!
Of course!
First things first expect to be flirted with A LOT
I mean have you seen how she talks about Illaoi and asks Shyvanna out on her voice interactions??
It doesn't matter in what stage of the relationship you're in, Neeko will always be flirting with her girlfriend like she's still trying to win her over, and it's not even on purpose
She's just very honest about how she feels and what she feels
There's that too, a relationship with Neeko involves 100% honesty, even for the worst sometimes, so you might have to brace yourself to be confronted with things you might not be ready to talk about yet
Because, despite not being very good with social cues and interactions, Neeko is very perceptive, so if there is any change, she will confront you about it
Not in a pressing way, but it would take a little time to explain to her why you wouldn't want to talk about it if that's the case
Oh and she would absolutely want to turn into you to touch into your sho'ma and would get upset if you said no. It's very important to her to have thar spiritual connection and she would be insistent about it, but not make a habit of it
Once you're actually together, Neeko is so very proud of you and your relationship and she keeps telling everyone her girlfriend is the first member of her tribe!
Also she brags about you a lot, without even realizing that's bragging. She just talks about you to anyone who will listen (it can be a bit embarrassing sometimes because she's still learning what she can and can't say to strangers)
Being with Neeko also comes with a lot of new experiences. Just... generally new experiences. She's so curious and very brave so you will be put out of your comfort zone, but she will always be there to reassure you
Her love language is touch I'm 100% sure of it so she will want to cuddle and hold hands a lot, but she also loves to give gifts, which usually are handmade things such as necklaces and trinkets
I don't think it's canon but I see neeko as someone who's not really bound by monogamous ideas, with her thing of connecting to everyone and etc, so if you want a monogamous relationship with her you would have to say clearly and explain it to her lol
But Neeko is a loyal woman and fierce lover, she's fine with doing things the way you want in the relationship, also eager to learn her girlfriend's customs and everything
Neeko might be a lot to deal with sometimes, but she's worth every bit. She loves with all of herself and is not afraid to show it, treasuring every moment she spends with the woman she loves
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collidescopeeyes · 6 days
Can u do general hc with neeko pls:3?
Mostly recovered from my exams and assorted medical fuckery, so back on my regular ish posting schedule! 🎉
Random Relationship Headcanons: Neeko
- She's so whipped it's embarrassing, like you could've been dating for years and she still acts like she has a crush on you, like full watching you from across the room sighing dreamily, blushes when you hold hands levels of head-over-heels. She can't help it, she just likes you so much!
- Some pretty key facts–she’s a magic shapeshifter empath from a dead culture where mimicking someone's face is the equivalent of going ‘hey, how are you?’. Oovi-Kat are inherently synesthetic, though the exact sense associations vary between individuals (color is always one, but some have textures or sounds–Neeko’s is taste!). Burnt orange could mean bitterness for one and sickness for another, so their inherent empathic/telepathic abilities do a lot of heavy lifting in their communication.
- The fronds on her head and spine are basically magically sensitive pineal glands, and they're very sensitive. She has great eyesight but not great hearing, and often doesn't notice if she's being loud. The colored scale parts of her skin are very smooth, and her human skin (soft-skin she calls it) is much more sensitive comparatively. Her tail is prehensile, and her fingertips are sort of textured, like a geckos. She doesn't blush like a human, instead her fronds and scales turn a sort of sunset gradient. Also, if you have a favorite color, you'll notice her stripes turning that color a lot.
- Vastayan relationships involve a certain amount of intent-based magic bonding–declaring yourself to be in a relationship is literally a minor enchantment that intertwines your magic with one anothers. For a Vastaya whose physiological makeup is intrinsically linked with their mana, this is a Big Deal–for a human, it really depends on how in tune they are with their own magical ability. For Oovi-Kat, whose empathic and shapeshifting abilities are based on their ability to read and mimic others magical essence, this means a constant inherent empathic link to their partner, which would usually require them to assume someone's form to achieve.
- Obviously this is a pretty big gesture of trust even if you wouldn't be able to sense Neeko's emotions in the same way, and Neeko’s been around humans enough by this point to know they can be kinda weird about having their thoughts and feelings read? So in the early stages your relationship she's lowkey vibrating out of her skin because she knows she loves you and she desperately wants that kind of closeness with you, but she also doesn't want to freak you out because what if you say no?? What if you break your bond on purpose because it's too much? That would absolutely shatter her, so she tries really hard to make sure you know what you're agreeing to, but it's also very difficult for her to explain–it’s like explaining how to breathe, empath magic is just something she and everyone she knew was born and raised with. Once she finally gets to declare that she's yours and you're hers and that bond takes form, she's so happy she almost starts crying.
- With that in mind, Neeko is great at understanding what you're thinking and anticipating your needs! If you're having a bad day she'll do whatever she can to improve it, and honestly it's hard to stay in a bad mood when she's so sweet and so absolutely hell-bent on helping you feel better.
- She's much less good at explaining her own feelings in a way that you can understand. She knows you physically can't communicate in the same way, but sometimes it's frustrating when she's trying to to express an emotion but the only way she can think to do it is by calling it chewy maroon. Also, for the longest time she doesn't get that you can't see ultra-violet, it just doesn't make sense to her.
- She would love it if you learnt Oovi-Katian, though full fluency in the language relies on shapeshifting ability–color mimicry and projection of sho’ma are a pretty integral aspect of tonality and nuance in her language. She'd be utterly touched if you wanted to try anyway–for one it's literally an endangered language, and for another she has difficulty fully expressing herself within the limitations of Ionian dialects.
- If you're very attuned to your magic, either through natural talent or practice, you'll also begin to get a sense for her feelings through your bond. The first time she senses you clumsily trying to communicate through your bond-link she's so excited she literally tackles you. It's mostly just a sense of feelings and vague impressions of thoughts, but it means the absolute world to Neeko to share that kind of bond with someone again–after her people were wiped out, she sometimes doubted it was even possible.
- She's clingy. For one her entire species is extinct and she's petrified of losing you, but also she just naturally craves closeness and she really doesn't have much in the way of a sense of propriety. She'll hug your arm or hold your hand or just generally find some way to hang off you. Her tail has a habit of curling around your ankle, and if you're sitting down you can bet she'll find a way to snug up next to or on you (she's small and doesn't weigh a lot). She CANNOT sleep without cuddles and you will inevitably wake up with her wrapped around you like a lizard on a tree branch.
- She hates the cold and in chilly weather she will attempt to bodily climb into your coat while you're wearing it. Also, notoriously steals your clothes in any weather, but she's cute so she gets away with it. She hates wearing shoes though. Socks are on thin ice, but the long ones are cute, those can stay.
- If she can spend time with you, she will, doesn't matter where you're going or what you're doing–and she'll invent reasons to come with you, doesn't matter if you're about to go to the most virulent anti-Vastayan city in Ionia, she'll just disguise herself and it'll be fine! So Neeko can come with you now, right? :)) No matter how much she gives you the puppy dog eyes, taking her sometimes leads to issues–she can be impulsive, and she doesn't really understand things like ‘money’ or ‘theft’ or ‘breaking and entering’. If you put your foot down and go out without her she'll sulk for a bit, but the second you come home she'll forget all about it and just be excited you're back, regardless of whether you've been gone for five minutes or five hours.
- She'll still imitate your form sometimes, especially when you're away. She doesn't need it to feel your thoughts and, but wrapping herself in your sho’ma is comforting, and you'll frequently catch her admiring herself when she's wearing your face. If you're self conscious about your appearance she'll go out of her way to make sure you see just how beautiful she thinks you are. Also, gives you compliments literally every day and means every single one of them, you're the prettiest most gorgeous person she's ever seen and you need to be made aware of this. She can dish it out but she can't take it though–give her a compliment and she basically explodes.
- She's always bringing you little gifts, flowers or food or trinkets she found. The ultimate success for her is wearing something she brought you, Neeko has succeeded in life and can pass away peacefully now. Also, she really likes wearing matching accessories--a bracelet or necklace or even the flowers she wears in her hair, she likes having a little token she can hold on to that reminds her of you.
- Overall, sweetest girl, 10/10.
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peppermintbits · 11 months
Said this out loud to a friend before AND after I saw the movie, but Nimona of Nimona and Neeko from League of Legends need to meet and be best friends like right now in my brain. This is where I admit I'm a dirty League player/j to Tumblr but it's only bcs there are cute girls I wish to be besties with(Neeko) or kiss(Soraka) on there.
Nimona might think it's weird Neeko has a "default form" when Nimona is constantly shifting but I think the "Neeko is Neeko" part of things will cover that, also Neeko would not question Nimona's...anything after a few hours of talking.
I swear there would be nothing safe if they teamed up. Neeko would tell Nimona about the time she watched a bunch of humans kill each other at a military base over a "monster" and Nimona would 100% understand that Neeko was the monster but and think it was awesome instead of horrifying. Neeko would think Nimona is wild but that ain't gonna bother her because why would it? Clearly Nimona just needs a friend to eat cheese breads with and she will be nice to you-
Also the "strong tomato" joke would be too easy here. Nimona is ALWAYS red in some way. Hell the difference in their hsapeshifting would be so fun to mess with. Neeko can become OBJECTS as well as people and animals/creatures with no clear indication it's her meanwhile Nimona can become any living ANIMAL-like creature or person but you know it's her from the red color on the form somewhere. Neeko couldnt becomes Nimona due to them having no "true form" but could be whatever Nimona's spirit was in the moment. Nimona could become Neeko easily but with her usual twist.
I can and will ramble more about this bcs I have like 5 drawings in my head that need to come out that expand on all of this even more, but for rn I promised a friend I'd read something for him and need to get on that. Talking about this might make me more likely to make the drawings later on :3
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twinktosterone · 1 year
List of League Champions that are Trans
Aurelion Sol
Dr. Mundo
Jarvan IV
Lee Sin
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Nunu & Willump
Renata Glasc
Tahm Kench
Twisted Fate
Xin Zhao
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Nidalee actually has Heard people from the nearby villages sing lullabies to their children while she hunts. And she has actually liked those songs very much.
She normally lulls the Paakiti to sleep. Specially in really rainy days, because, you'll see, Paakiti aré really afraid of rain. They aré Cats, after all.
Neeko, on the other hand, feels a bit afraid of Fire, since It reminds her of the destruction of her home island. Whenever there's a wildfire, Nidalee holds her like she does with the Paakiti, and lulls her to sleep.
And they sleep in each other's arms.
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shy2004 · 2 years
Lesbian icons pics I made ❤️🧡🤍💗
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saey707 · 2 years
Ok if maybe you have time can u write for my girl neeko?like there's for her😭🙏
✿ Prompt: Headcanons of your relationship with Neeko ✿
♡ champion focus: neeko ♡ tw: none! ♡ Female reader
Author’s Note: Hi! I just saw your request recently and would be happy to write something little for Neeno! Enjoy! ଘ(੭◌ˊ ᵕ ˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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Neeko is the best girlfriend you can possibly have. That is... If you are interested in all the weird little quirks that come with her!
From the moment Neeko came to know your Sho'ma, she was instantly drawn to your happiness and memories; You come from a community and have people you love and care about... You desire to protect your friends, a strong and brave will that reminded Neeko of a jungle cat! But most importantly, you have a heart full of love, a truly beautiful soul inside and out. That was rare for Neeko to come across in a human.
A small part of Neeko has always felt unseen and alone, often having unrequited love affairs.
Neeko has always had the ability to see the soul, interests, and personalities of anyone she comes across, though, nobody has ever wanted to take time to get to who she is. Your growing interest in her made her feel... joyful, frightened, and curious all at once!
And with it, she couldn't help but cling to you for your time and attention because she feels like you are the only person that sees her for who she is!
Picnics with cheese breads are a must for Neeko, especially at the beginning of your romantic relationship. Plus, if you ever feel up to it, Neeko is always ready to cause some mischief, her curious nature sometimes guiding her to trouble where she will need your assistance~
The trust she'll grow in you is so immense that she'll allow you to help her with her tail when it begins to shed. While tail shedding isn't a normal occurrence, it is certainly one that makes her feel like she is growing and forming a deeper connection to the world and the other realm with you!
She absolutely loves to bury her head into your chest. Neeko has always liked girls... They're so soft, smell nice, were sensitive in a good way, and well... Maybe she peaked a couple of times glamorizing herself as you...
Instead of referring to you as her girlfriend, Neeko comes up with other fun names! Her pop blossom, her sweet tomato, her tangled tethered other, or even just her winter wonder!
Should Neeko decide to settle with you in a more domestic lifestyle, she would absolutely love to tend to plants, owning her own tomato garden.
Neeko loves when you cook for her. While she is sufficient enough to cook for herself, the way humans have a process and very specific ratios to make different foods make your cooking far superior, in her opinion!
She happily reminds you that her garden is your garden, so you will always incorporate something she has grown into the meals you make, which she appreciates.
Her favorite evening/night activities with you include sitting out under the stars, exploring the wilderness with you and searching for toads and frogs to document, and picking wildflowers with you.
And at the end of the day, your curious chameleon will always reminisce about all the fun things the two of you did, carrying your soul, love, and all the fun memories the two of you make along the way with her.
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gyllbaine · 11 months
imagining neeko showing up at nidalee's door/den in the morning like this but instead of chocolate inside the box there's just random fruit and berries that she found
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stardustneeko · 4 months
!Headcanon Alert! Ryo's hands are often cold due to poor circulation - a symptom of his heart problems - especially in cold weather. So every time they're together, one of Johan's first instincts is to take Ryo's hands and put them somewhere warm - sometimes in his pockets, sometimes under his hoodie, sometimes just using the warmth of his own hands to try to make Ryo's hands less icy. And he would do this unconsciously too - often while they engage in a completely unrelated conversation. Ryo notices this but doesn't say anything because he likes to keep it in a little secret list of reasons he enjoys being with Johan in the back of his mind.
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angelicxlly · 2 years
—{ Muses Tag Dump pt. 2 } ✿
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• Flower Gleam & Glow; let your Power shine ;; Neeko IC • Words are tricky; better to speak with colors and emotion ;; Neeko Aesthetics • Beauty shines from inside; where the heart dances ;; Neeko Headcanons • Co-om se henna means we smile forever; like Friends; That is the words ;; Neeko Musings
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• A Honest Voice is Louder than a Crowd ;; Seraphine IC • Get your dancing shoes ;; Seraphine Aesthetics • Sure its a classic; but have you heard the remix ;; Seraphine Headcanons • Let's change the world ;; Seraphine Musings
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• Flowers are the Shadows of Stars ;; Soraka IC • I cannot shepherd so I must inspire. ;; Soraka Aesthetics • We shall weave our own destiny ;; Soraka Headcanons • To heal and protect ;; Soraka Musings
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abunchofnumbers05 · 5 months
Irelia is a decent acupuncturist, if not prone to somewhat painful accidents.
Vi got the brawl and Jinx got the smarts.
Jinx could probably leaf through an entire book and be able to tell with good accuracy what was it about.
Caitlyn says Jinx could be an excellent chemestry/engineering teacher if she wanted, but she won't just so she can make her angry.
When Lux first confessed romantically to Jinx was a mess. Full of trauma Jinx first thought she was toying with her. Jinx kept her at arms lenght. Not opening up at all. Telling her to stay away because she didn't want to hurt her too.
"I've hurt everyone I've ever held dear! I don't want to hurt you too or wait for the worse to happen. Save yourself while you can and forget I exist..."
Legally Camille can be considered a person with disability, but this bitch gives me major ableist vibes.
Yordles have a habit of hickhiking a piggyback ride on taller champions.
Briar is legally blind. Her vision is so bad that she has to rely a lot on hearing and smell to detect who she's on the presence of. If people were to swap their usual perfume for a day she would have a very hard time telling who is who.
Hwein is double-jointed and probably has osteoporosis.
Renekton, Cassiopea and Neeko become very lethargic during winter, prefering staying inside with a heat light and blankets.
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ma1dmer · 8 months
League of Legends - Neeko NSFW
i have the dumbest crush on her
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): very clingy, she is so excited just to be there with you, will giggle and press kisses into every party of you she can reach.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): well considering what she is ,i believe there isn't a part of you she doesn't love with her entire being, she’ll tell you exactly what she loves and make a thousand metaphors about the way you sound, taste, look, how red your cheeks get or how soft your skin feels, will defenititely try to kiss you as you, at some point.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): does not care for it, doesn't care about getting messy or being too clean, however if you two do end up dirty, good luck getting her to let go, to go clean up.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): i feel like she’d love watching you, in the shower when you are cleaning off happy and comfortable, still unaware of her having entered the room, or when you pleasure yourself for her, her eyes quickly fleeting across your body taking in as much detail as possible, memorising everything.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): very little but she makes up for it with her excitement and adaptability.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): anything where you two can be as close to each other as possible, wrapped up in your embrace and entangled over or under you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): definitely very relaxed about sex, wants to make you laugh and will take every opportunity to have you smile for her, she'll giggle at her own jokes and tickle you or transform into someone you weren't expecting purely to get you to have fun.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): probably not very hairy //considering she is a lizard.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): she is very loving ,she is also very physical with her love, her fingers exploring curiously all of your body and making sure you feel as loved as she feels.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): ideally she'd want to be with you, but  if you are gone she'll miss you, she'll wonder if you miss her as well ,if you are thinking of her and how much she wants to hold you, and then slowly remember your encounters, daydreaming about how you feel against her and if she is away from people she can't help but want to recreate your touch.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): primal play, marking, voyeurism.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): as long as there isn't anyone around she is absolutely ready for you, especially if its anywhere close to nature.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): whenever you change something about you, maybe a new perfume, or a new hairstyle, its odd but it makes her excited, like seeing you for the first time all over again.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): pain, she can't even begin to think about hurting you or you trying to hurt her in any way, sex is about trusting each other and giving each other pleasure.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): loves pleasuring you, she dives in and sometimes forgets herself until you have to physically pry her off
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): she doesn’t like being rough but everything else depends on the mood, sometimes she wants to spend hours just tracing her fingertips over you and other times she just wants to pounce on you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): she won't say no ,but its very hard to pry her off of you after you two are done so you’ll have to plan around that.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): she is absolutely ready to try out new things, exploring and experimenting with you is so important to her.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): i think she definitely has some magical stamina going on //with being a lizard and stuff.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): she doesn't get the point of them, she wants you to touch her and wants to touch you as well, so why should there be something in the middle of it all.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): she is very playful so she always unintentionally ends up teasing you, and the more you react the more she wants to tease you, your reactions are so cute to her and she simply wants to hear them again.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): she is loud, but the sounds she makes aren't entirely human, chirps and sounds she has copied from other people ,it all comes out when she is close to finishing.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice):  i can see her as having some sort of thing with primal play, using her powers to either hunt you down or have you hunt her.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words):
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):  it really depends on you, if she sees you matching her energy she will be initiating more, but if you are more low energy she is simply content with you being there.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): she'll nuzzle up to you and while, she can't immediately fall asleep she enjoys simply laying there with you, being warm and comfortable.
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lightning-bringer · 2 years
Current small but well done compilation of my writing sorted by character
Aatrox being surprise kissed by his SO (SFW)
Aatrox romantic headcanons (SFW)
Aatrox with a touch sensitive SO (SFW)
Ahri with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Jhin as a father (SFW)
Odyssey!Kayn being a single father headcanons (SFW)
Secretly dating Kayn headcanons (SFW)
Lillia with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune’s romantic headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
Dating Neeko headcanons (SFW)
Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc x Fox!SO (NSFW)
Sylas x Sejuani headcanons (SFW)
Sett x reader; finding creative ways to kiss him (SFW + NSFW)
Shen x reader x Zed headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
Soraka with an adopted child (with a difficult past) (SFW)
Sylas x Sejuani headcanons (SFW)
Thresh being surprise kissed by his SO (SFW)
Thresh NSFW headcanons
Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate’s NSFW alphabet
Varus with reader who likes to make suggestive remarks about his appearance (SFW)
Viego x Ice Queen!Reader imagine (SFW)
Machine Herold Viktor’s NSFW alphabet
Adopting Yuumi and Book headcanons (SFW)
Shen x reader x Zed headcanons (SFW + NSFW)
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runeterrankhaleesi · 10 months
Earl Grey Tea (League of Legends) (K - N)
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Headcanons of Garen and Katarina as Romeo and Juliet of Runeterra
Headcanons of Odyssey Kayn with a Twin Sister 
Headcanons of Odyssey Kayn with a Twin Sister part 2
Headcanons of Sick Kayn with a Gender Neutral Taking Care of Him ft. Zed
Headcanons of Kayn as a father of a little girl ft.Rhaast 
(SFW AND NSFW) SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Kayn with a Gender Neutral
(SFW AND NSFW) SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Kayn with Zed’s daughter
Headcanons of Kayn with Zed’s daughter part 2
Headcanons of Odyssey Kayn in a Relationship 
Headcanons of Odyssey Kayn with his New Empress 
Scenario of Kayn with a Badass Female Warrior/Religious Leader
Headcanons of Zed and Kayn in a Father-Son Relationship 
Scenario of Odyssey Kayn Sneaking into the Morning Star Ship to Cuddle with his Gender Neutral s/o 
Scenario of Yandere Kayn being Obsessive and Attempting to Kidnap You 
Headcanons of Kayn with a Trans-Masc s/o
Headcanons of Kayn with a Soft and Comforting Gender Neutral s/o
Headcanons of Kayn with a Shy Touch Starved Gender Neutral s/o
Headcanons of Odyssey Kayn with an Artist Transmasc s/o
(SFW AND NSFW) SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Kayn with a Shy and Quiet Female Ionian Healer
(NSFW) NSFW Headcanons of Kayn based on Alphabets [K-A-Y-N]
Headcanons of Kha’Zix with a Kind Hearted Female Kiilash s/o
Headcanons of LeBlanc with a Maid s/o 
Lee Sin:
Headcanons of Storm Dragon Lee Sin in a Relationship 
Headcanons of Solar Eclipse Leona with a White Witch 
Headcanons of Leona Cuddling 
Headcanons of Lissandra with a Daughter 
Headcanons of Lux with Viego 
Master Yi:
Miss Fortune:
(SFW and NSFW) SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Miss Fortune with a Gender Neutral s/o
Scenario of Pentakill Mordekaiser meeting a Male Fan
Scenario of Pentakill Mordekaiser meeting a Male Fan pt.2
Headcanons of Mordekaiser with an Apprentice
Headcanons of Project Mordekaiser with a Pure Human s/o
Headcanons of Nasus with a Time Travelling s/o 
Nunu & Willump:
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unboundndd · 1 year
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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