#neil gaiman's neverwhere
balu8 · 1 year
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Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere #2
by Mike Carey; Glenn Fabry; Tanya/Richard Horie; Todd Klein And Neil Gaiman
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oh-good · 2 years
Neil Gaiman: *creating a new beloved character*
Neil Gaiman: I shall bestow upon this one the highest honor I can give...
Neil Gaiman: *gives them a really bitchin' coat*
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theniftycat · 9 months
What other Neil Gaiman work might you like?
The biggest thing to know about Neil Gaiman is that each work of his is a mixture of horror, fantasy, and subtle comedy.
That being said, each of his projects is pretty distinct from one another and there might be some that are more up to your tastes than others.
I haven't read some of his newer stuff (because I largely stopped reading as much since the early 2010s), but I'll do my best to remember what matters in other works.
The Sandman is a great work for horror fans. It's also great for mythology fans and other nerds, but horror is a major push and pull factors.
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The comic is probably the greatest body of work Gaiman produced and it's recommended if you're a goth at heart and are comfortable with themes of death and humans being gods' toys.
The Sandman (TV) is a great adaptation, but it's very short so far and doesn't cover the best stories.
Coraline is a horror story for children. It doesn't have anything that's not suitable for kids, but it can be viscerally scary to some people. Both the book and the film are great.
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Mirrormask is my personal favourite, it's a low budget film with mindblowing surreal imagery and one of the best soundtracks ever.
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It's about a teenage girl who has troubles with her parents (who run a circus, btw) and who gets swiped up by her imagination into a bizarre world that is being eaten by her depression. Not a scary film, per se, but it's disturbing. However, it's a very warm film and it always makes me feel better.
Neverwhere is set in a dimension of twisted London Underground where everything that's straightforward in our world becomes weird and too real.
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It really tickled my imagination, I highly recommend the book.
Stardust is set in a more high fantasy setting.
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It features kings, witches, ghosts, and a star that fell to the Earth. It has a young protagonist who's not exactly the best or the brightest person, so if you hate such things, stick to the adaptation. In my opinion, the book is just lovely.
American Gods is a darker fantasy that asks the questions: "What if every god people ever believed in became real through the power of their worship? And then what if that worship started fading?"
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It's set in the USA and because that country is such a melting pot, there are many gods. And not all of them are happy. This is the book that gave Neil Gaiman his reputation of a writer who loves weird sex scenes.
Stardust the film is often compared to Princess Bride. It's lighthearted, funny, full of imaginative adventures.
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Just a very nice film with an all-star cast.
Anansi Boys is a spin off of American Gods, but it's a lot more lighthearted.
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Anansi is a trickster god, so you know things will get funky.
I haven't read The Graveyard Book and The Ocean at the End of the Lane yet, but I hear they're very good as well.
Also, short story collections or Norse Mythology might be a good place to start if you want to get a feel of Neil Gaiman as an author first.
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hastistic · 9 months
Dear @neil-gaiman , Hi. I've started to read all of your books and it has been a wonderful part of my recent life. Currently I'm reading the third book of yours in my list (Neverwhere) and just wanted to show you my drawing, thank you for Good omens S2 and hope you have a very nice day.
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catwouthats · 9 months
I can’t wait to meet other queer Neil Gaiman fans so we can make a group chat called “Gaimen”
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songbird-is-crying · 9 months
every single time i turn away from a neil gaiman work
every single fucking time i tell myself that i must quell my obsession with what this man makes
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he finds me.
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nainowalenef1 · 9 months
If Neverwhere by neil gaiman has a million fans, im one of them. If it has 100,000 fans im one of them. If it has a hundred fans, im one of them, if it has 50, im there too. If it has 1 fan, that is me. If it has zero fans, then im truly dead and gone.
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fandom-official · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to the great @neil-gaiman 🎂
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natuart · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Neil Gaiman! ♡
@neil-gaiman If you see this I hope you have a beautiful day!! ♡
I share this sketch that I did in 2019 because I didn't have time to make a drawing today hahahaha
So after waking up, I was drinking tea and enjoying the rain. I left the house to walk through the garden, soon joined by my cat, Vampi, although it wasn't long before he ran to hide when the rain came back a little harder. At that moment, for some reason I remembered that it was November 10th and I hadn't done the birthday drawing as I had planned. Luckily, I remembered drawing Neil in a sketchbook back in 2019. And here he is. I present to you a drawing that I made before the pandemic, it is strange that those drawings come to light.
My English is bad, so this is all Google Translate, I hope it's not bad xD
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apollos-polls · 2 months
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wednesdayshadow · 2 months
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Such sweet trauma. But, victimization may be too severe, as I am an all to- willing victim.
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Carmilla Karnstein- Carmilla by J Sheridan le Fanu
Islington- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Priya- The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
Wylan van Eck- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
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What are your best Goodreads reviews? Here are my favs:
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theangelyouknew · 8 months
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Dude I hit a jackpot yesterday. An old friend gave me 6 books and 27 comics, most of which were @neil-gaiman works.
He said he considered selling them, but that he’d rather they go to someone who would enjoy them. I’ve been blessed 🥲 I had no idea where to start on any of this, so I always assumed they’d be out of my reach.
Edit: this has
Neverwhere (complete)
Murder mysteries
The facts in the case of the departure of miss finch
Destiny a chronicle of deaths foretold (complete)*
Vertigo jam
Death gallery #1
The little endless storybook*
The sandman: Overture (complete)
Sandman Endless nights special
Sandman gallery of dreams
Sandman Orpheus
Sandman the dream hunters (complete)
Sandman presents: the furies
Sandman the dolls house volume 2
*I don’t know if these are actually Gaiman related but they have the vibe none the less
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mackmp3 · 8 months
i just read Neverwhere and oh my gosh i love it so much i love books with a magical underground world and there was this cool eldritch angel and mushroom people and magic doors and and and
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millerdoc · 2 months
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