#neil is a precious baby
andrewsknives · 1 month
don’t you dare tell me they’re not the bestest friends ever
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a-love-like-yours · 1 year
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agroovykindalovee · 1 year
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baynton · 1 year
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Mat Baynton as Neil in 1234
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tomkeifersgf · 2 years
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♡⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆♡
♡ pretty baby ♡
♡⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆♡
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alphabetshipper · 1 year
Re-watching Tenet, and the way Neil looks at the Protagonist when they “first meet” I Mumbai is so precious to me coz I can literally see Neil thinking “He's so young 🥺🥺”
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rawrsatthetree · 1 year
Dark urge and Astarion hold a baby
GN!Durge!Tav x Astarion
Inspired by a fanart of Astarion holding a baby and an audio of Neil talking about babies as Star
Warings: well it's druge so descriptions of violence
As you and your party waded through the crowd of refugees a strange sound caught your attention. It sounded like crying but far too high pitched to be any person or child. The sound grated and scrapped at your mind and before your realized it, you had wandered off from your party in search of the source.
Among the crowd of broken families and lost souls you found an old elven woman cradling a squirming bundle in her arms. The thing wriggling about in her grasp was what had been making the terrible noise that had now quieted down into a pathetic whine.
You didn't notice how close you were lingering until the old woman spoke up. "Can I help you dear?" She questioned, her demeanor warm and friendly.
"Oh, um I was just um..." You were at a loss of words, your eyes fixed on the thing in her arms.
"Would you like to see him? Come closer, no need to be shy." She gave you a warm smile.
Hesitantly you shuffled forward to where you could see what it was she was holding, expecting some sort of animal or other strange creature.
"A baby?"
"Yes, a precious little thing, his name's Arthur." The woman rocked him in her arms.
The baby took a reprieve from it's fussing to turn and look at you. It stared at you blankly for a moment as you stared back before it broke into a smile and babbled at you.
"Would you look at that." The woman cooed, "he hasn't smiled once since he lost his mother to the Absolute's army."
The very sight made you mind ache and twist. Thoughts of all the horrible ways you could end the small innocent life flooded your skull. Perhaps you could simply smash it, the little ball of goo and viscera that it is. Or maybe it would be fun to squeeze its little neck until its doll like eyes popped out of its skull and its neck snapped.
Your vision started to blur, your pulse pounding, hands shaking. You tried to regain your sanity, remembering the mediation exercises you had practiced with Halsin. First ground yourself, breathe, what can you hear, what can you see.
Breathe in, you heard the footsteps on the crowd.
Breathe out, you felt the cool breeze.
Breathe in, you smelled smoke and farm animals.
Breathe out, you heard the chatter of the crowd around you.
Breathe in, you heard the old woman speak. "Would you like to hold him?"
Breathe out, you could see the baby still smiling up at you.
Your mind cleared as your vision came back into focus. The Urge had passed for now and relief washed over you. You answered the woman, "Can I? Are you sure its okay?" You asked mostly to her but partly to yourself.
"Of course dear, he seems quite fond of you and it would give my old arms a much needed rest." The woman held little Arthur out to you.
You stood there stiff as a board not sure how you were meant to take the baby.
"Have you never held a baby before?" She asked noticing your apprehension.
You shook your head 'no'. Even if you could remember you doubted you had ever held a baby in your past, at least in a way that it's limbs stayed intact.
"Here, hold your arms like mine, almost like your making a basket."
You followed her example as best you could. The woman shifted the baby into your arms with out warning.
"There just like that! Be sure to support his head, see you're a natural." She encouraged you as you panicked with the infant in your grasp.
After an awkward moment of adjusting to the warm squirmy little weight in your arms, Arthur calmed and snuggled into your chest. The innocent little thing feel asleep in your arms happy and at peace. You were over come with emotion, it felt so sick and wrong, it shouldn't have been possible for you to hold something so precious. Yet there your were holding a baby gently without any intent to harm it. The feeling of his little body in your arms filled your heart with a feeling you didn't quiet understand but it brought tears to your eyes all the same.
Ever since that night he had you restrained, Astarion had tried his damnedest to keep an eye on you. It figured the moment he got distracted by some snide comment from Shadowheart, you had vanished. He hadn't even noticed until he went to turn to you for back up only to discover you were gone. Panic over came him as he frantically scanned the crowd for any sign of you. Either you had been abducted by one of your countless enemies or your urge had drawn your attention away from the party. Both outcomes filled him with dread.
Without even a word to the others he rushed though the crowd. He smelled the air for any hint of blood, yours or your victim's. Nothing, at least you weren't hurt or hadn't hurt anyone else yet. He only grew more worried as he moved though the refugees with no sign of you, surly you couldn't have gotten far.
Just when he was sure you had been kidnapped by some villain never to be seen again, he found you. There you were with your back to him standing with some old woman. Whatever relief he felt was quickly replace with concern as he noticed how you rocked and swayed.
"Darling, what are you doing?" He approached you cautiously hoping he wasn't to late to save you from the urge.
"Oh, is this your husband? What a handsome young man." The old crone greeted.
Astarion ignored the woman only focused on stopping you from what ever nightmarish act you were about to commit. Before he could reach out to you and pull you way, you turned around to him.
"Astarion look! I'm holding a baby!" You beamed at him. You moved closer and whispered so only he could hear you, "and I'm not hurting him."
You were a sight to behold grinning from ear to ear with dried tears staining you cheeks. Just as you said, there in you arms was a fat little lump of a baby curled up and completely intact.
He wasn't sure why but seeing you standing there with a baby cradled in you arms made his cold heart ache. He was relieved you were safe, proud that you had fought through your urge, deeply sad - although that was nothing new; but there was something else, a longing he didn't understand. Not wanting to dwell on the feeling he turned his attention to the baby.
"Just look at the little thing, so cute and helpless." He smiled fondly at the infant.
You noticed the way he looked at the baby with such softness, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. "Can my husband hold him for a bit?" You asked the woman, not realizing how naturally the word 'husband' had rolled off your tongue.
"What?" Astarion was taken aback, "No, I couldn't possibly." He looked to the woman hoping she would object.
The woman gave the two of you a knowing look before answering, "of course dear."
You turned back to him, your eyes shining, holding out the baby, "only if you want you Starlight."
Astarion caved under your loving gaze, he hated how easily you swayed his heart. "well alright give it here, you know I can't say no to that face."
His action did not reflect his words as he stood there froze just as you had, not sure how to take the baby. If he had ever held a baby it was centuries ago long before he had been turned and far to long ago to remember.
"Here Star, hold you arms like mine." You instructed him just as the old woman had done for you before gently passing the baby into his arms.
The aching longing tore a hole in his heart as he held the sleeping infant in his arms. You felt it too as you watched him, your love, cradling the baby as if it were the most precious thing in the world. You moved closer to him warping an arm around his waist, you cuddled into his side as he relaxed into you resting his head against yours. The two of you didn't need words to understand what the other was feeling. The baby, although a source of pain, was also a symbol of your hope. Hope you'd both find freedom, hope you'd survive this whole ordeal, hope you'd have a future.
"Astarion, I-" You were cut off by a familiar voice calling out over the crowd breaking your tender moment.
"There they are! Hey!" Shadowheart was waving at you as she approached with Lae'zel close behind her.
As if snapped out of a trance Astarion quickly handed the baby back to his caregiver and thanked her. He whipped misty eye before either of them could notice.
"What the hells are you two doing, we've been looking everywhere." Shadowheart scolded, examining you both with suspicion.
"Sorry, I had another episode," You lied. "Thankfully Astarion found me before I could hurt anyone."
"Enough doddling, we've wasted enough time searching for you." Lae'zel turned as if to leave with out you. Shadowheart simply rolled her eyes, turning to follow.
"Come my love, we don't want to be left behind." Astarion spoke to you softly as laced his fingers with yours, pulling you toward the party. You waved goodbye to baby Arthur and the woman before turning to continue you journey.
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ganjas-shit · 5 months
Oh, You’re Breaking My Heart
Summary: You get to the bottom of Billy’s feelings but will it be too late?
Pairings: Billy x reader, slight Steve x reader (nothing too crazy)
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, sexual intercourse, cursing, abuse, blood, harsh language, Neil Hargrove, angst, mention of drugs, mental illness, panic attack.
Authors note: So, turns out I will be turning this into a series but STILL don’t know how long yet! I hope you guys enjoy I’ve been working on this all day. Message me or comment if you’d like to be apart of the tag list! Thank you for your support <3
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Chapter Two: You’re gonna be okay.
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The morning air was crisp and refreshing, like sipping cool water. It felt invigorating against your skin, awakening your senses to the day ahead.
You took one more deep breath, enjoying the cool air in your lungs and closed the door behind you, locking it with your house key, and made your way towards the front of your house waiting for Steve’s arrival.
You close your eyes before slapping a hand over your forehead. “Shit,” you mutter under your breath, realizing you forgot to call him this morning. With his habit of sleeping in, you’d likely be late for the billionth time only this time you didn’t find it in you to care, the excitement from last nights events still lingered in your belly.
Billy showed a different side of himself, setting aside his usual arrogance and charm. This unexpected change only fueled your excitement, leaving you eager to learn more about him.
The sound of Billy and Max bickering snapped you out of your thoughts. Though you couldn’t discern their exact exchange, it was evident Billy had the upper hand as Max slammed the passenger door of his car. “Watch it, shitbird, or you’ll be walking to school!” Billy’s voice echoed with attitude and irritation. Neil’s sudden appearance brought a stern reminder for Billy to mind his words when speaking to his sister
As he was about to get into his car, your eyes met his ocean-blue ones, but they held anger towards you, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. You immediately shook it off, offering him a wave and your bright, sweet smile. He maintained eye contact for a moment but disregarded your greeting, hopping into the driver’s seat of his blue Camaro.
You stood there, dumbfounded, watching him speed off, cringing at the loud sound of his departure. Did you do something? You thought to yourself.
You found the interaction between him and his father last night rather odd. His father’s presence was intimidating and uncomfortable, yet Billy left with a small smile directed towards you. It seemed like he was grateful for your conversation, so you couldn’t understand what could’ve happened.
Steve arrived momentarily, surprisingly on time, his burgundy bmw stopping right in front of you house. You climbed into the passenger side, a mixture of frustration and disappointment bubbling within you. With a heavy hand and a distracted mind, you slammed the passenger door of Steve’s car.
“Hey, easy!” He yelled, his tone irritated at your lack of consideration for his precious baby, bringing you back to the present moment. “Sorry,” you mumbled, shifting your belongings to the front of your legs and fastening your seatbelt.
“Jesus Christ,” Steve huffed. “Who pissed in your cereal this morning?” He glanced towards the driver’s window, checking for any incoming cars or pedestrians.
“Billy Hargrove,” you muttered grumpily, turning your gaze out the window as the trees and houses began to blur with the increasing speed of Steve’s car.
Steve looked over at you, his grip tightening on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white in the process. “Yeah, well, at least you’re not being benched today because of him,” Steve said, his tone tinged with anger at the fact that Billy clearly upset you and at the realization that he’s not starting or playing the opening game today.
You remained quiet still distracted by your thoughts.
“What happened?” Steve asked, glancing over towards you. You straightened up and began explaining what had occurred the night before.
You started to explain the night in vivid detail to Steve, although he wished you wouldn’t have because he already didn’t like the idea of you and Hargrove together, and hearing the details made him inwardly vomit.
The car came to a halt when you had arrived at school. Steve parked and took the key out of the ignition, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"Billy’s always kind of had a weird temper, y/n," Steve spoke carefully. He wasn’t being judgmental; he's just been a firsthand witness to it. "Him and I have roughed each other up a couple of times," he admitted.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. “You guys fought?! MORE THAN ONCE? ” You felt a surge of anger; Steve had lied to you. “So that one day after school, when you had a bruised eye, it wasn’t from bumping into a locker, it was from Billy?!” You mimicked Steve’s stupid voice, scolding him.
Steve rolled his eyes at your reaction, his head hitting the back of his headrest. It was the very reason he didn’t want to tell you, because he knew you’d freak out like this. “Can you let me finish?” he asked, a hint of exasperation in his voice.
You waved your hands at him, signaling for him to continue.
“It was after practice one day, Neil, his dad had come to watch our scrimmage game,” Steve spoke.
Steve never forgot that day. Neil Hargrove looked like the biggest dick of a father anyone could have, and the way he spoke to Billy that day confirmed it.
"Billy, stop being a fucking pussy and get on defense!" Neil screamed, as if he were the assistant coach or something. Steve knew Billy could play defense; hell, he was the one who taught him to plant his feet properly.
Steve had the ball, with Billy defending closely. As Steve dribbled, scanning for an opening, he noticed Billy's distant and uneasy expression; it wasn’t filled with arrogance and a cocky smile like it usually was. "Hey man, you alright?" Steve asked, still dribbling. Billy's response was a glare of rage, yet he seized the opportunity. With a swift move, he snatched the ball from Steve's hand, pushing past him, sending Steve on his ass. Smoothly dribbling past him, Billy scored.
When Billy scored, he yelled and smiled as he usually did, then looked to the sidelines where his father stood, seeking some sort of approval or applause from him. However, he received nothing. Neil walked out, acknowledging nothing and Billy’s smile faltered immediately.
Coach Williams called an end to practice, and everyone left for the locker rooms to shower. Steve stayed for a couple more minutes to stretch his legs. As he walked out, he heard some yelling. Curious, he peeked over the wall to his right and saw Neil and Billy. He couldn’t make out what they were saying, but he did see Neil push Billy into the wall. Although he wasn’t close enough to hear the exchange, Billy looked frightened, and Neil appeared angry at God knows what. Steve witnessed Neil slap Billy once in the face, causing even him to flinch. With that, Neil left, leaving Billy there. Billy’s head hung low as he looked at his shoes and wiped his eyes.
Steve didn’t know what to do but he did what felt right. Again he asked like a broken record. “You alright?”
Billy flinched at the sound of Steve’s voice. “What did you see?” Billy spat with rage. Steve was confused and even hurt by his response. He was just asking if he was okay? Jesus Christ, was this kid always angry and defensive? Steve thought.
Steve decided Billy was a lost cause. He rolled his eyes, turned his back on him, and decided to just leave.
"Are you deaf?" Billy spat, his voice filled with anger, as he followed behind Steve and forcefully pushed his back, causing Steve to stumble and fall once again.
Steve's empathy ran out, replaced by anger. He got up and pushed Billy back. "Looks like you got some fire in you after all, Harrington!" he laughed manically. Steve noticed Billy's bloody nose, but it wasn't from him; it was from Neil.
Billy then charged at Steve, landing a punch on the right side of his face, and Steve retaliated almost instantly. They grappled and exchanged blows for a couple of minutes until Tommy H. and another teammate intervened to break up the fight.
You let out a deep sigh as Steve finished speaking.
Your heart broke for Billy; his father was a despicable, abusive piece of shit. You felt like an idiot for not seeing it earlier, but it still didn’t justify him taking it out on you. Did his father say something about you? You glanced sympathetically at Steve, who had tried to help and ended up with a blow to his right eye. Billy had no right, and while you don't excuse his behavior, you can't help but empathize with him.
"Just be careful with him, y/n," Steve said, his tone filled with concern. "He’s erratic and unpredictable," he added, his worry still evident.
Billy wasn’t a monster; you knew that. You also knew you could handle yourself; you didn’t need protection. After all, you had experience in this department; you dealt with a verbally abusive mother once upon a time.
You smiled at Steve. “I can handle myself. If I can handle the demogorgon, demo bats, and Vecna, I can handle Billy Hargrove,” you said, grabbing his hand that was resting on the center console and squeezing it gently. “Now let’s get to first period before clickety-clackety marks us late.” You finished letting go and opening the passenger door.
Steve did the same. “You know I hate when you and Robin call her that,” he said, now closing and locking his car. “It sounds nerdy,” he explained, speeding up to walk next to you.
Steve grabbed his hand attempting to calm the tingle he felt it in after your touch.
"Too bad," you said, playfully sticking out your tongue as you headed to class, earning you a classic Harrington eye roll. “Wait, how is that nerdy?” You chimed in again, sparking a lively banter between the two of you that continued until you reached class.
You got through your classes today only to be bombarded with more work.
The day you’d been dreading all week: the opening game of the season for Hawkins High.
You only ever enjoyed it when Steve played, but with him not playing tonight, the day seemed even worse. However, I suppose you could try to look on the bright side because it was Billy’s debut.
You walked around the gym, proud of yours and Billy’s work; the banners looked great. You double-checked that everyone was in their rightful place. Cheerleaders? Check. Band? Check. Student council? Check. Eddie Munson? Wait, Eddie Munson? At the Hawkins High opening game? No, it couldn’t be.
Eddie strode your way, wearing his infamous hellfire tee, paired with black ripped jeans and a silver chain that hung at the loops of them.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You questioned, smiling, genuinely surprised to see Eddie Munson at the opening game.
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m thinking about convincing coach Williams to let me join the basketball team,” Eddie said, mimicking shooting a basketball poorly. “Gotta work on my basketball moves,” he added, moving on to mimic dribbling, which was downright horrid.
“Clearly,” you said, laughing at his terrible performance. “Your form is so off, and you look like you have no rhythm,” you added with a chuckle.
“Oh, I have rhythm. But it’s all in the fingers, baby… And trust me, the ladies love it… both ways,” he said with a smirk, punctuating his words with a wink.
You roll your eyes. “Smooth, Casanova.”
“Why are you really here? Is it Chrissy?” you say, raising your eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner. “Or oh no, wait a minute, are you swooning over Billy Hargrove too?” you tease.
He scoffed slightly, his cheeks flushing at the mention of Chrissy’s name.
“No, but if you must know, O’Donnell said if I checked in with her after the game tonight, she’ll give me extra credit,” he explained, wiggling his eyebrows. You couldn’t help but laugh at how much of a dork he was.
But as you conversed, you couldn't help but notice the glares directed your way, especially from Carol and her friends, who were whispering about the two of you. Admitting it was difficult, but you found yourself affected by the things people said. It stung deeply; the cruelty of others weighed heavily on you, especially considering your own past involvement in similar behavior, which made you feel like you deserved the treatment you were receiving.
You shook off the thoughts that invaded your mind and refocused your attention back to Eddie.
“Wanna sit together? I have good seats in the student council section,” you said cheesing, reaching out to poke his stomach.
"Wow, Eddie Munson getting invited to the VIP section at his first Hawkins high basketball game? Count me in," he said, falling into step behind you as you headed towards the student section.
“You are such a dork.”
You and Eddie made your way to your seats, exchanging greetings with Robin as you passed by. Shortly after, the band started playing, and the basketball team began to roll in.
The team then huddled up and Coach Williams sent in the starting lineup, you felt the anticipation building. The game was about to begin.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from Billy. Ever since Steve gave you a little insight into who he was, he had been on your mind all day. Despite your best efforts, he didn’t turn his head once to look at you in class today, You had hoped to catch him after class, but that ditz Tina beat you to it. Seeing him all over her made you physically sick. It was nothing new, but today it stung a little more.
Billy’s facade of arrogance and confidence was beginning to crack.
He wasn’t prepared for this game, his mind consumed by the events of the previous night. His father had never offered him approval, kindness, or any form of support. But he did for you, which only fueled his bitterness toward you. Billy had dedicated himself to sports, hoping to earn his father’s affection and love. And the only commendation his father ever uttered was about you, summed up in just two words.
“Nice girl.”
Billy came to the conclusion that that’s why his father made those comments about you, realizing that Neil was drawn to submissive, weak, and timid women. It gave him a sense of control, a power trip that he relished, and it was the only valid reason.
But, he knew you weren't weak; you stood up for yourself, you were resilient, but it unsettled him. Since the age of 13, Billy had been consumed by anger after his mother left. She abandoned him, leaving him with a void. In you, he found a sense of safety similar to what he felt with his mother. He was unexplainably drawn towards you. Yet, the thought of attaching himself to you terrified him, fearing you might leave just like his mother did.
The thought of his father wanting you for him unsettled him deeply and fueled his desire to rebel. His mind was a war zone; he was caught between conflicting feelings that were tearing him apart.
He couldn’t help but think that Neil wanted him to follow in his footsteps.
Tommy nudged his shoulder snapping him back to reality, “Hey? You ready to kick some ass Hargrove,” Tommy asked excitedly.
Billy nodded, mustering up everything within him to get his mind straight, but then he saw you in the crowd next to Eddie Munson.
His heart ached a little, he felt guilty about this morning, and he started to feel jealousy course through his veins as he watched you laugh with the mop-headed boy. He kept his eyes on you for so long that he completely missed the sound of the whistle going off.
The opposing team took had the ball in play and Billy’s mistake was seen by the entire school resulting in the opposing team making their first point.
The crowd was visibly upset with their screams and yelling and this made Billy’s adrenaline increase and his heart rate was speeding up drastically. His father wasn’t present, dinner with his coworkers was much important than his sons first game but why was he hearing him in the crowd?
“Pussy. Get up pussy.”
“Nice girl.”
His father's words echoed in his mind, panic rising. In the midst of the play, he signaled the refs with his right hand while clutching his tightening chest with his left, the crowd's screams growing louder.
“TIMEOUT. TIMEOUT.” Coach Williams screamed and the game came to a halt. The crowds screams turned into whispers and murmurs.
“Billy what’s gotten into you boy?” Coach Williams asked, “Can you do this or do I need to pull you out?”
“I need a minute.” Billy said gripping the chest of his uniform, making his way towards the nearest exit.
Billy held his gaze on yours, and yours remained locked with his. You both were so lost in each other’s eyes that the sound of the ref’s whistle made you jump. You cringed as Billy messed up, not because you cared about basketball, but because you knew how harsh the crowd could be.
Eddie looked from Billy to you, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
“Okay, what was that? ” Eddie spoke up, curious about the exchange of longing between you and the jock.
You sighed deeply.
“Eddie, I have a question,” you stated, your voice catching slightly. "Can I ask you about your dad?" you asked carefully, not wanting to upset Eddie or stir up painful memories.
“My dad?” Eddie questioned clearing his throat, confused at the sudden subject change, “Um yeah go head shoot,” he said as he crossed one arm over another. You looked over at Billy which didn’t go unnoticed by Eddie.
“After you got away from your dad, what was your personality like? Was it hard to trust people, let them in?” You asked refocusing your gaze to him.
Eddie briefly mentioned his dad while we were in the midst of hot-wiring his neighbor's RV a couple of months ago. And when you guys were gearing up for the upside-down, you had downtime leading to a deep talk about your parents, getting to know how bad Eddie had it growing up with his father. He was a schizophrenic, dope fiend, off his meds, obviously. His mother died of alcohol poising when he was about 7 years old, and he knew his father to be an addict his entire life, always in and out of jail, erratic, delusional, always up to trouble. His father didn’t take Eddie’s mother's death well; his mental state started to deteriorate, the drugs clashing with his illness more and more, and he started blaming Eddie for his mother's death, beginning to put his hands on him. Cigarette burns, bruises, black eyes—you name it, he had it.
CPS got involved, and his father was thrown into a psychiatric home. Eddie was alone, abused, for eight years until his uncle Wayne took him in at 15.
“Oh yeah, definitely. It took me a while to trust anyone,” he said with a dark chuckle. “My uncle Wayne was a patient man. I was rebellious, and I started to follow in my old man’s footsteps. It scared the shit out of me because I was hurting my uncle Wayne, but it was all I knew.” Eddie said, “My uncle Wayne taught me what love was, what it meant to be a true father. If I didn’t have that or some type of good in my life, I would’ve been screwed,” he reflected eternally grateful his uncle saved him.
You pulled Eddie in for a hug, grateful that he had shared with you, and he returned the gesture. After letting go, you took a deep breath, feeling a sense of clarity as you connected the dots.
“Billy’s in the same boat,” you admitted, “but he’s not letting me in,”
Eddie let out a sigh, looking at you sympathetically.
“You’re still a kid, y/n, and you’re not responsible for him. It took my uncle Wayne a while to snap me out of it. It wasn’t easy,” he said, looking over at you with genuine concern.
“Eddie, I’m far from a kid. I practically raised myself since my mom left. You’re forgetting who you’re talking to,” you said, slightly irritated at his reaction. Eddie regretted his choice of words, but he still meant them. You weren’t responsible. “He needs people like us around him. He’s not a bad person; he just doesn’t know any better, just like you at one point.” You said, your words making Eddie feel sympathy for Billy Hargrove.
The ref’s whistle blew, signaling the game was about to begin once again, and to everyone’s surprise, Steve was in?
“Holy shit! Yeah, Steve!” You exclaimed, leaping up from your seat in excitement. “Look, Eddie, Steve’s in!” With a playful slap on his chest, you urged Eddie to stand and join in applauding Steve’s entrance onto the court.
Eddie rolled his eyes and threw Steve a thumbs up filled with fake enthusiasm. You slapped his chest again, but this time it wasn’t playful; it actually hurt.
As the game commenced, you glanced over to the bench, Billy nowhere to be found. Concern gnawed at you, but you opted to give him his space, especially since he made it clear he didn’t want to be near you. You also needed time; you wanted to talk to him, but you didn't know how to go about it.
"I don’t understand the love for this stupid game. Don’t people know about D&D?" Eddie scoffed, rolling his eyes, feeling ashamed he was even here.
“Oh, people know about it alright,” you said sarcastically, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “devil worshipper.”
Eddie dramatically gasped. "Take it back now or I’ll scream," he threatened, his voice filled with mock horror.
The night was an absolute blast. Steve's buzzer-beater brought the crowd to their feet, while Eddie's extra credit points from O’Donnell raised his grade to a D+. Principal Higgins even praised your role in the evening's success.
Steve confidently informed you about Billy’s failures, claiming he caught a bug that prevented him from continuing to play today. However, this seemed odd to you, considering he appeared perfectly fine this morning.
Billy was obviously lying.
You congratulated Steve as you bid him farewell, somewhat pleased to see King Steve back in action. Not wanting him to miss out on tonight's fun, you asked Eddie to give you a ride home.
The ride was nice and quiet which was much needed after todays events.
He dropped you off at home, and you made your way to your door. You jangled your keys until you found the right one and stuck it through the keyhole.
You found your way inside and you were welcomed to an empty house yet again, the same note still stuck to the fridge.
You went to your room and started to tidy it up until you heard the sound of Billy’s car pulling up, music blasting from it. He drove like such a maniac, he reminded you of Eddie.
You took a peek out your window and saw that he wasn’t alone.
Tina was with him, and they were making out like fucking animals. This angered you beyond words. Did he have no consideration for his neighbors?
You opened your curtains aggressively, then your window which made a loud noise when it hit the top. You didn't know what came over you, but you couldn't care less.
"Hey! You two, mind shutting the fuck up?!" You yelled with all your might from your window, pulling Billy and ditzy Tina away from their heated make-out session.
"You mind fucking off?!" Billy yelled back. Your laughed bitterly which was then accompanied by a defiant middle finger thrown his way, to which he replied the same. With a frustrated sigh, you shut your window and cranked up the volume on your Walkman, drowning out the rowdiness from outside.
Your interruption infuriated him, rudely disrupting his moment with Tina and making things much more difficult between them.
“Billy maybe we should go somewhere else?” Tina purred, “Maybe lovers lake?” She implied, shoving her tits in his face.
"Nah, here will do. I can’t wait, doll," he said roughly, ripping the bra off her chest along with her panties. Billy’s dick was rock hard, it angered him so much, because all he could think about was you.
Tina lay sprawled out in his backseat, completely nude, and he couldn’t help but think about you, right next door, likely to hear every bit of it.
He lined his dick up at her entrance and hissed at the feeling. He closed his eyes and began to thrust mind falling back to you.
The way your nipples poked through your shirt that night, your perky tits filling his mind with so much imagination. Your flushed face and the way you clenched your thighs when he spoke to you, oh doll you don’t know what you’re missing. He was sure you hadn’t been touched properly with the way your body responded to him, hell, you probably hadn’t been touched at all.
Fuck, he thought, as he thrusted harder into the poor girl. If only she knew who he was imagining instead of her.
Her moans filled the car, echoing through the entire block. Billy was in for a treat tonight with his father.
"Oh god, Billy, right there, yes, yes!" She exclaimed with pleasure. Billy drowned out the sound of her voice and replaced it with the way you screamed at him a couple of minutes ago, you turned him on so much, especially when you were jealous.
Anger quickly consumed him again as he started to think about everything that took place yesterday, today’s game, and you. God, you were infuriating. You invaded his brain like some parasite, and he couldn’t decide whether it was a butterfly larvae destined to flutter around inside of him or a brain-eating parasitic worm who would gnaw at him for a eternity.
He fucked Tina harder, and harder feeling her clench beautifully around his cock. Sweat glistened on his forehead and his tan chest, the feeling quickly filling his body with pleasure, his movements starting to slow.
Unable to contain himself any longer, his groans grew louder.
“Ah, shit, fuck y/n,” he said with his eyes closed, tilting his head back cumming hard into the condom. As his high came down, he mentally scolded himself and closed his eyes once again, but this time in irritation.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Tina screamed, pushing him off of her, “You’re fucking that freak?!” She yelled dramatically.
Billy rolled his eyes.
"Need a ride home, or are you walking?" Billy asked, his tone nonchalant as he completely disregarded her reaction, casually pulling up his pants and getting dressed.
Tina rolled her eyes back at him. “You’re fucking unbelievable, Hargrove. Take me home,” she huffed, quickly redressing herself.
Billy smiled, hopping into the front seat, and drove off.
Once he was done with that, he drove back home, preparing himself for what was about to happen.
"Left eye? Right eye? Nah, too noticeable. People will start asking questions. The stomach? Yeah, that's more of Neil's style," he laughed bitterly, talking to himself.
This is what he wanted. He didn’t care anymore. He always managed to piss his father off somehow, and it would never be on purpose. This was him taking his power back. He’ll give him something to be upset about, he thought, determination coursing through him.
Stepping out of the car, Billy was enveloped by the quietness of the night.
He walked up the steps of his porch and took a deep breath before opening the door. As he entered, there was Neil, seated on the couch as if he were some kind of king. Billy closed the door behind him, locking it securely.
The silence stretched on for a few tense seconds, with nobody daring to break it. Neil waited for an immediate apology, hoping to see Billy cower in fear, but as the apology failed to come forth, Neil's anger only grew more intense.
"You know, with the amount of times I've beaten you, you would think that respect is drilled into that thick fucking brain of yours," Neil spoke up, his voice laced with venom and rage.
Billy stood there unfazed by his father’s words, bored even.
"Don’t you get tired, Dad? Tired of being a shitty fucking father?" Billy spat, laughing bitterly. Neil's eyes widened, and he stood up. "When you act like a shitty parent, this is what you get—a shitty son," Billy finished, his words dripping with resentment and defiance.
Billy’s heart pumped vigorously.
“I pity you. You’re a coward,” he spat out with contempt.
Neil charged at Billy, causing him to fall onto his back, and started throwing punch after punch at his face. “Who do you think you are, huh?!” Neil stopped to grab the collar of Billy’s shirt, bringing his face up to his.
"Your son," Billy spoke, his voice wobbly, blood coming out of his nose, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He was deeply saddened by the poor excuse of a father he had.
Neil laughed dryly. “God, you’re a spitting image of her. You’re just like her too, pathetic,” he spat. “And I’m a coward? Are you forgetting that she abandoned you? She left you with me. What does that say about her?”
Billy now fueled with rage pushed Neil off of him and punched him dead in the face. All hell broke loose after that, with both men fighting seemingly to the death. Billy ended up on his back again, and this time Neil didn’t stop. Billy's vision started to blur, and the last thing he heard was Max and Susan's frantic voices as they attempted to pull Neil off of him.
You were drifting into a deep sleep until a loud banging on your door jolted you awake. Your eyes widened, and you got up immediately, the sound of your Walkman still playing in the background.
You ran towards the door as if it were instinct, and there stood Max. She was sobbing, tears staining her red cheeks.
“Max, what’s going on? Is he back?” you asked, reminded of what still lies beneath this town. Max shook her head vigorously.
“No, it’s Billy. Please, y/n, you need to help me and my mom get him into his car. Neil just beat the shit out of him and took off. We need to take him to the hospital!” She cried.
Without hesitation, you grabbed her hand and ran to the house next door. As you entered, you saw broken frames, beach shell decorations scattered everywhere, and broken glass littering the floor.
And there was Billy, his face bruised and gushing with blood. You wanted to sob instantly. The beautiful boy, with the most mesmerizing smile, lay unconscious on the floor, broken.
“I’ll take his arms, you two grab his legs. We need to move fast,” you said, suppressing every ounce of emotion and acting on pure instinct.
You all carefully descended down the steps, giving it everything you got, Billy wasn’t exactly light but you pushed with everything in you to get him into the back of that car. You fell into the back seat with him his head falling in your chest and Susan hopped in the drivers seat and max in the passenger seat.
You search Billy’s pockets and grab his keys, tossing them to Susan.
"Step on it, let's go! We have to hurry!" you said, your voice remaining calm but urging Susan to make haste.
Susan backed out of the driveway and stepped on the gas pedal of Billy’s car hauling ass to get to the nearest hospital.
You checked his pulse and confirming it’s still present, you notice his breathing is a bit light, sparking an overwhelming amount of anxiety within you.
You whisper softly in his ear, “You're going to be okay,” feeling tears welling up, but you quickly wipe them away, pushing your emotions down once more.
"Hey Susan, take a right here and pull into that spot," you instruct, recognizing the familiar surroundings.
You’d been here one too many times.
We pull right up to the emergency room entrance. Max rushes out, calling frantically for help. Two male nurses immediately respond, rushing out with a stretcher and opening the back seat of Billy’s car. You help him sit up slowly, and they swiftly pull him around with urgency, their movements slightly rough in their haste.
"Hey, watch it! Be careful with him!" you yell at the nurses, frustration and concern evident in your voice.
"Ma'am, please let us do our job," they respond firmly, their tone professional but reassuring.
We all hurriedly follow behind the nurses as they wheel Billy into the emergency room. A doctor approaches Susan, hoping for some insight into what happened so he can provide the best care possible. Susan tells him everything, providing as much detail as she can to assist in Billy's treatment.
"Please wait in the waiting room. We'll call you once we've assessed him and he's stable," the doctor says sympathetically, reassuring you as you reluctantly make your way to the waiting area.
You, Susan, and Max waited anxiously. Max buried her face into the crook of your neck, unable to contain her sobs. You brushed her hair gently, trying to offer comfort, but you were struggling to hold yourself together as well.
Being there brought back uneasy memories, and the uncertainty of Billy's condition only deepened your depression.
Over 25 minutes had passed, each second feeling like an eternity in the tense waiting room until,
"Miss Hargrove, miss Hargrove?" called a nurse, breaking the tense atmosphere. But as the nurse approached, her expression unreadable, a chill ran down your spine, leaving you to wonder what news she was about to deliver about Billy's condition.———————————————————————————
Taglist: @jennapancake @writethrough @callsignwidow @strlightfilms
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codename-adler · 3 months
can’t believe i forgot my miracle girl Robin Cross 😭
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just making a Twitter took everything. she goes through episodes of going private & AWOL because nobody can know who and where she is that’s how they’ll get her, to episodes of over sharing absolutely everything because what if she misses something and if she’s constantly documenting everything someone is bound to know the moment she goes missing, right? oh, baby girl…
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>> 4 next >>
Andrew loves Robin (his kid)
Neil loves Robin (his f-up bestie and step-daughter)
Seth loves Robin (his weird baby sister)
Dan and Matt love Robin (their adopted pet)
Allison and Renee love Robin (their missing 3rd)
Nicky loves Robin (his traumatized niece)
Aaron loves Robin (his godsend smart study-buddy)
Wymack loves Robin (his precious granddaughter)
Kevin tolerates loves Robin (his mother’s legacy, his hope for the future of Exy, one of his greatest prides, this little puppy that refuses to leave him be and bothers him until he can’t imagine his life without this little ball of sunshine in it)
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snow ball
Billy Hargrove x sister!reader
summary: Billy tries, to the best of his ability, to cheer up his sister on the night of the Hawkins Middle School’s annual Snow Ball.
warning(s): negative self talk, mention of parental neglect
a/n: sorry it’s so long i just love platonic billy hargrove lol.
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Of all the things Billy had imagined himself doing on a Friday night, driving his sisters to some stupid middle school dance was nowhere on that list.
He leant against the front door, already dressed in his leather jacket and carpenter boots as he fidgeted with an unlit cigarette he’d been holding for what seemed like goddamned years at that point. He knew chicks tended to take their time in getting ready for these kinds of things—Hell, even he might spare a few extra minutes making sure he looked good for a party—but this was getting ridiculous.
After another long stretch of time spent listening to the ticking of the wall clock and slowly losing what remained of his patience, Billy had finally had enough. It was bad enough that Neil had personally appointed him as his sisters’ chauffeur for the evening—he wouldn’t wait for them all goddamned night.
“Y/N!” He called, knocking at the closed door of the hall bathroom. Max and Susan were busy in the master, leaving Y/N to get ready on her own. “You better be out here in the next minute or I’m leaving without you, you got that?”
“Alright, alright! I’m coming!” she replied.
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled. “About fucking time.”
Y/N finished fluffing up her hair in the mirror, nodding at her reflection before opening the bathroom door. She was faced with the flat expression of her big brother, who just barely regarded her as she sauntered into the hallway.
“How do I look?” She asked expectantly, a hopeful smile plastered on her young face. Billy snorted to himself.
“Like a geek.”
And though he would never admit it, he almost regretted his words as his sister’s lips pulled into a frown.
“You got a jacket?” He asked, his cigarette now carefully balanced between his lips. He was itching to light it, and cursed Susan for whatever stupid rules she’d come up with about smoking in the house. She claimed she could smell it on her curtains.
Y/N kicked her feet with a shrug, purposely avoiding his eyes as her cheeks flushed. Suddenly she felt incredibly overdressed for the occasion. “We’re gonna be inside.”
“It’s December in goddamned Indiana. Get a jacket.”
Y/N huffed, running off towards her bedroom. Meanwhile, Max finally finished up with her mother and came out of their parents’ bedroom with a blank look on her face, Susan trailing behind her. Her typically unruly red of hair was straightened out and braided at the front, and to the untrained eye she came across as a proper young woman.
Yeah, right.
“Doesn’t she look lovely, Billy?” Susan cooed, positively beaming, and Max gave him a pointed look that doubled as a warning.
“Precious,” Billy deadpanned, and Max glared as her mother giggled, clearly not clued in on her step-brother’s most obvious sarcasm. Y/N returned wearing one of Max’s old hand me down coats, and before they knew it Susan was rushing the girls to force exaggerated smiles as she snapped some photos with her polaroid. Billy hung back out of frame.
Billy almost sighed with relief as Susan wrapped up and his sisters joined him in the entryway, but before the three could slip out the front door, she caught Max by the shoulders.
“You look so beautiful, baby,” she said with a smile.
“Oh, don’t you worry. I won’t get sappy. I just . . . I want you to have so much fun tonight, okay? Both of you.” She spared Y/N a glance, and Y/N offered her step-mother a tight-lipped smile despite the pain in her chest.
For as long as she could remember, Y/N had wanted a mother more than anything else. She’d been a toddler by the time her and Billy’s mom had left, and everyday after that she felt like a piece of her was missing. She wished for her on every birthday candle and every Christmas night; she spoke to every God she knew, praying that she would one day return with open arms, ready to whisk her and her brother away from Neil and his iron fist.
After years and years of painful disappointment, Y/N finally learned that some dreams were better off forgotten.
“Hurry up unless you wanna be late,” Billy called over his shoulder as he strolled out door, and Susan waved as the Hargrove-Mayfield siblings made their way toward Billy’s Camaro.
Y/N scoffed. Max wasn’t even wearing a jacket.
The ride to the middle school was silent, save for Billy’s music blasting from the stereo. Y/N spent it fidgeting with her hands in her lap, looking down at her nails that Max had painted the night before. She’d been so excited for this only hours ago, and now all she felt was unloved and unwanted, haunted by the hole in her heart that her mother had carved all those years ago.
Max was out of the car as soon as Billy pulled into a parking spot, anxious to see Lucas and wanting to avoid whatever crude comments Billy was planning to make before she stepped out. “Out by nine!” Billy yelled after her, and Max didn’t falter in her stride as she flipped him the bird and kept walking.
“Little shit,” Billy mumbled.
Y/N was a lot less eager to get inside, now unsure whether she even wanted to go at all. She felt stupid in her best dress shoes and ironed skirt, the glittery shadow she’d applied to her eyelids only minutes earlier now heavy on her skin. No matter how much she dressed up she was still the same child her mother decided she was better off without.
“You getting out or what?” Billy drawled, exhaling a cloud of smoke as he watched her through the rearview mirror. Y/N sighed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“No, I think . . . let’s just go back.” Billy pulled a face, turning in his seat to meet her eyes.
“The Hell do you mean? You’ve been blabbing about going to this shitty dance for weeks, Y/N.”
“Yeah, well. I changed my mind,” Y/N mumbled, and Billy scoffed, turning back to stare out at the kids crowding the school’s entrance. Kids with their mothers wishing them well and fathers watching proudly as their children prepared for what Billy imagined would be the absolute lamest excuse of a ball that the world would ever see.
He took another greedy drag, running his hands through his hair. “Is it ‘cause I called you a geek?”
“‘Cause if it is you oughtta stop being such a baby.”
“I said it wasn’t!” Y/N snapped. She paused, expecting her brother to go off on some power trip about her attitude, but Billy didn’t even twitch in the driver’s seat as he nursed his Marlboro Red. She sighed. “Let’s just go, okay? Please.”
But he didn’t. In fact, Billy made a point of making himself comfortable, carrying on smoking without a care in the world.
“Billy?” He ignored her, taking another long drag followed by another exhale, and repeating the pattern. “Billy!”
“Shut up,” He spat, and she begrudgingly resumed waiting in silence as her brother smoked. It took several minutes before he got to the end of the cig, and Y/N watched as he stepped out of the Camaro, slamming the door behind him and crushing the bud beneath his heel.
“Get out,” he said simply. Y/N only sat, frozen in her confusion. “What, are you deaf? I said get out.”
“What are you doing?”
“Goddamn it, Y/N, get out of the car!”
She sighed, obeying her brother with an aggravated look on her face. Billy didn’t wait for her as he started on his walk across the parking lot. He only swivelled on his heels when he realized that she wasn’t following him, and was in fact still planted next to the Camaro with furrowed brows. Billy made a big show of rolling his eyes. “Jesus Christ, do I need to hold your goddamned hand or what? Get a move on, shithead.”
“Wha—Billy!” He continued to walk, avoiding her as she yelled after him. “Ugh!” Y/N groaned, relenting as she speed-walked behind him in attempts not to draw too much attention to herself. Passerbyers were already starting to give her strange looks when she yelled for him, and the last thing she wanted right now were people's eyes on her.
“Billy what are you doing? I already told you I don’t wanna go in!” Y/N started as soon as she was close enough, though not fully caught up to him. Her brother’s legs were much longer than hers, which made one of his strides maybe three of hers. “Will you just stop? I said I w—”
“You look cute, alright?”
His words threw Y/N for a loop. She paused mid-step, considering whether that really just came out of her brother’s mouth or if she’d only hallucinated it. The honk of a car trying get past her was what wound up pulling Y/N from her trance, and Billy groaned as he grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her up onto the sidewalk next to him.
“Christ, Y/N. Can you use your fucking head for a second?”
“What did you just say?” Y/N asked softly, ignoring his crude comment and searching his eyes for something Billy couldn’t place. He shoved his hands in his pockets, deeply uncomfortable in his current position.
“You heard me,” He said after a moment, and Y/N was surprised that he even acknowledged what he’d said. Billy Hargrove wasn’t one to give compliments—especially not to his shitty little sister. “‘M not gonna say it again.”
“Did you mean it?”
“If I knew you were gonna harp on it so much I wouldn’t’ve said shit, alright?” He scratched awkwardly at his neck, casually avoiding his sister’s large eyes as she stared at him like he was someone she’d never met before. “Look, Y/N. I waited for you to get ready for this thing for a goddamned hour. If you’re telling me I did that shit just to take you right back home I’m gonna be pissed.”
“I . . . I don’t know if I should—”
“I do,” Billy said, pointing at the opened doors of her school. “Go. But I’d better see your ass on the curb by nine, you got that?”
Y/N felt herself smiling, even as Billy fixed her with yet another one of his bored stares. You look cute. She couldn’t shake the words from her head, nor the sincerity with which he'd said them.
“Got it.” Billy only nodded before starting on his way back to the Camaro, car keys in hand. “Hey, Billy?” She called after him just as he crossed the street, and he fixed her with a glare.
“What is it now?”
“Thank you,” Y/N said sweetly. Billy scoffed, averting his gaze and mumbling a whatever under his breath.
Y/N looked around in wonder at the gymnasium, taking in the many decorations strung around what served as the ‘dance floor’ and navigating her way through groups of her dancing peers.
She found the Party near the snack table (figures) and blushed as the boys stood slack-jawed and wide eyed as she approached them.
“Hey guys,” She greeted. Max rolled her eyes at the boys’ reaction, smacking Dustin upside the head before the kid started to drool.
"Ow!" Max ignored him, shooting a smile Y/N's way.
“Hey, Y/N.” Y/N shoved in next to her step-sister at the snack table, grabbing herself a solo cup and filling it up with punch. “What took you so long? Was Billy being an asshole again?”
Yeah, she thought, he was. He was being an asshole just like he always was, but even more than that, he was being her big brother. The same big brother who beat up her bullies, and who bandaged her wounds, and who wouldn’t let her miss out on something he knew she’d been excited for.
He was an asshole, and he cared about her. That much he could never deny.
“Something like that,” Y/N responded, and Max gave her a confused look as she smiled.
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ssweetleaf · 8 months
*ੈ‧₊˚ cillian murphy masterlist *ੈ‧₊˚
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emmett (a quiet place part ii)
smarty. - 18+
(you break one of emmett’s rules and go outside alone. he makes sure you are never to do it again.)
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jonathan crane
corrupt. - 18+
(not often was Jonathan Crane a man to submit, and he believed that his darling y/n was the only thing that made his walls crumble.)
doll parts. - 18+
(you agree to let dr crane experiment on you for ‘scientific’ purposes.)
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kitten braden
sit. - 18+
(kitten asks you to sit on her face and your insecurities get the best of you, though she’s eager to show you how beautiful you are and that there’s nothing you could possibly worry about.)
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neil lewis
step-brother. - 18+
(your step brother catches you masturbating.)
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raymond leon
graphic nature. - 18+
(you’re a sex worker, and ray finds you selling your body for time, something he’s told you he doesn’t want you doing again.)
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robert fischer
million dollar man. - 18+
(you’re sick of seeing people talk down to robert, so you show him just how much you respect him.)
headup. - 18+
(robbie fucks you in front of a mirror and makes you see just how pathetic you become when you’re with him.)
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tommy shelby
precious and fragile things. - 18+
(all you want is for your daddy to corrupt you.)
shame. - 18+
(you urge tommy to speak up and tell you exactly what he wants while he’s on his knees.)
dark blue. - 18+
(you're finn's girlfriend- and you've always received the same question, what's a good girl like you doing with a boy like him? funnily enough, his older brother thomas wonders the same thing.)
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william killick
not now. - 18+
(william wants a baby, but you’re not so sure— he makes sure to get you pregnant whether you like it or not.)
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
My favorite sport in the Olympics is the various athletes collecting pins. Now, let's work this into my latest hyperfixation: The Sunshine Court
Jean and Jeremy are Olympic Exy players for team USA (along with Neil, Kevin, and Andrew, of course), and Jean, sweet precious baby boy, obviously wants the pins.. However; Jean still isn't super comfortable socializing, so his social butterfly bf, Jeremy, takes him all around chatting with other athletes and getting Jean all the Olympic pins his heart desires.
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darthannie · 1 year
day seven: sex tape with neil lewis
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pairing: Neil Lewis x f!reader word count: 738 warnings: p in v sex, gf!reader, unprotected sex, blowjob, a/n: If he could, he’d film his sex tape on Super 8. This one is a little silly but it’s fun. I love Neil.  kinktober masterlist
There was no real reason you and Neil wanted to make a sex tape, you just thought it would be fun to make a little movie for each other. You went to his house one night, ready for the “shoot” as he called it. He had even cleaned his room for the occasion. 
You’d both gotten completely naked so as not to waste any precious minutes when you started filming. He was already getting hard at the sight of you. The viewfinder from the camcorder was facing towards you so you could see what was happening. 
He thought you looked pretty with spit on your face and his cock on your cheek. You tapped it on your face and smiled, licking It again. You didn’t break eye contact with the camera as you took him in your mouth again, bobbing up and down. You closed your eyes to enjoy the moment. 
You looked up at Neil as he moved the camera and flipped the viewfinder to get a head-on view of the action. You used both your hands and mouth, cupping his balls with one hand and stroking him with the other. Your tongue danced on the tip of his cock and he moaned loud enough for the janky microphone to pick up. He flipped the viewfinder to watch through the camera.
“Wait, wait, wait. Fuck, we’re running out of time on the card. Get on your back.” You let out a long AHHHHH, as you maneuvered around him. It made him laugh and he forgot about the camera for a moment as he bent over to kiss you. 
You pulled away. “Okay, babe, no time.”
“Right, right,” he froze for a second. “Here, you grab the camera and film me.”
Once you put him in frame he was back in it. You zoomed in on his cock sliding over your wet pussy. He put the tip inside you and pulled out. You groaned, “Neil, no time for teasing just fuck me.”
“Okay, okay.” He thrust hard, reaching a deep spot that made you twitch, shaking the camera slightly. He settled on a moderate pace as he found which angle got the best reaction out of you. 
He knew he had you when your head dipped into the pillows under you. He focused on you. He couldn’t believe he had a girlfriend that was willing to shoot this with him. Someone willing to immortalize one of the most intimate moments of your life. 
He took the camera from your hands, flipped the viewfinder, and placed it on the nightstand. He kissed you as he started moving again. He moved from your lips to your neck, nipping at the skin and leaving marks that would soon turn red. 
“Neil, faster please…”, you begged. 
He didn’t change his speed. “I don’t care if it stops recording.”
“Me neither, I just need you.”
He groaned, “Say that again.”
“I need you, baby.”
He wanted to hear that more than anything. He sped up before you finished saying baby. Your nails ran across his back as you started feeling your orgasm build up. 
“Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
He huffed and puffed, slowing down as you came on him. He felt you squeeze around him and he pulled out. He moaned as he stroked his cock and came on your stomach.
When you both caught your breath you looked over at the camera. It read “Memory card full”. You looked at each other and chuckled. He told you to stay put and ran into the bathroom. He ran back out with boxers on and a wet washcloth. He cleaned you up and you found your underwear and t-shirt.
You put them on as he took the camera and sat down on the bed. The bed dipped as you sat next to him. Neil opened up the media library to find the movie and you both watched, listening to the sound coming from the crappy camcorder speaker.
You giggled and hid your face in the crook of his neck, unable to watch what was not on tape. He shrugged his shoulder to get you to look. You were nervous to see yourself in such a vulnerable position but had to admit you looked hot. Then came the moment of truth. You watched as Neil came on you, and then it stopped.
 Neil looked at you and smiled. “Well, I guess we got the shot.”
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@devotedlyshadowytheorist, @dxnger-dxys, @tommyshelbywhore, @quinnlilias,@madnessandobsession, @mvpr-moon, @nela-cutie, @faebirdie, @charmed-asylum, @anasanthology, @ilikefictionalmen, @akanne-aka, @no-fooking-fighting,@queenofstresss, @flwrs4aust, @mrkdvidal1989, @eleanorthemo,@ilovepeoplesdads, @00hsv
(If something is up with your tag or you would like to be added, let me know!)
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fizzigigsimmer · 4 months
Don't Fuck With Dad
Also known as the ficlet where Billy accidentally becomes the guardian of a future baby and falls in love with his baby daddy in reverse.
The first raindrop splats against Billy’s cheek seconds before it begins to pour. Back home, Billy would have been able to sniff out the change in the air a mile away - that familiar scent of salt and brine that rolled in off the coast whenever a storm cell passed through.
There is nothing to warn anybody a storm is coming in Hawkins fucking Indiana. He hasn’t smelled anything but mud and cowshit for weeks, and the only respite he gets is when he is driving late at night, windows down, pedal to the floor.  
He’d ignored the first few drops and the heavy looming clouds because he didn’t want to entertain heading toward whatever lame hick shit the kids at school were getting up to. He sure as fuck wasn’t about to go home to Neil and his bad mood. 
It would be calling Billy’s number eventually, so why rush it? 
Except the rain was stirring up something foul - rot on top of wet  - the funk filling his nose. Taking a final drag on the cigarette between his lips Billy tosses it to the side of the road and rolls up his window before it can fill his car. God damn he hates this town.
The rain is really coming down hard now. Sheets of it blurring the lines of the road in front of him. He’s still a few miles outside of town. Thinks he’s getting close to the old power plant. There isn’t much to see on either side except for gray fields and the brown smudges of trees, either way but it still makes him a little edgy. He finds himself wondering about Max. Just because he’ll catch hell for not knowing if he gets home and precious baby Max is unaccounted for. Like it’s his fault her dumb ass doesn’t know enough to come in out of the rain.
Kid is probably fine. She is probably riding around like a queen right now in Harrington’s car with her nerd friends again. Which he isn’t going to think about, because he had new rules for himself since that strange night in October. Staying away from Steve is one of them, even in his mind. Especially in his mind actually. 
The irony is, he’s totally thinking about Harrington when it happens, but even if Billy hadn’t been distracted the rain was coming down so thick he probably wouldn’t have seen him anyway. The figure running across the road suddenly appears between his headlight beams and there’s nothing he can do but slam on the brakes and turn the wheel, hoping to god that he doesn’t hit them.
He does. The car slides on the wet pavement and fishtails to one side before he feels the ominous thud, between his palms and up his arms, his thoughts becoming a litany of oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
The body lays on the side of the road, a few yards away from where Billy struck it - him! Holy shit. It takes seeing the guys beat up sneakers and mud splattered levis for it to really sink in that he has just hit a real person with his car.  Like a live person, who might now be un-alived, thanks to him!
Billy’s knees are knocking together, his teeth rattling in his skull with shivers that have nothing to do with the rain soaking through his clothing as he runs over to the body. It’s definitely male - jean clad legs splayed awkwardly on the pavement, his toros curled in a fetal position. 
“Hey! Hey buddy, are you alright?” Billy calls, praying desperately for a response. Slides to his knees in relief at the body’s side when a pained groan reaches his ears.
Billy pushes at his shoulder to turn him over before he remembers that you’re not supposed to move an injured person and the man on the ground moans softly. The hair on Billy’s skin raises at the familiarity of the sound. And it’s a revelation, because there’s no reason for Billy to know Harrington by something as small as that - just a grunt of breath under the pounding rain - but apparently he does. 
Steve’s a wreck: tears in his clothes, scratches on his face and arms, and underneath the thick layer of dirt that stains everything else Billy spots blood. 
But it’s not just his injuries that unsettle Billy. It’s the strange lines on his face like he’s aged ten years since basketball practice. He doesn’t understand why Steve looks like he’s been through a war zone - or why he smells like absolute death. Billy can’t help but make a disgusted face at the stench of rot that clings to him as well as the slime - not mud - covering his clothes, and now Billy’s hands. Fucking gross.
Familiar brown eyes blink open slowly and stare up at Billy dazedly, but before he can answer a sharp cry cracks through the air. An infant's cry. It’s so wrong and out of place that Billy jerks back like someone fired a gun. Steve reacts to the sound on instinct, pulling enough strength from somewhere to sit up and open the thick parka he wears and reveal the tiny bundle strapped tightly to his chest.
“Hey, hey, baby it’s alright. Daddy’s here.”
He makes these shushing sounds, rushed and insistent despite their softness, as he tries to sooth the baby. Tells the kid everything’s gonna be okay as he unwraps it, shaking hands feeling over its body for injuries. Billy just hopes it’s true. It’s so fucking small in Steve’s arms and Billy hit it with his car!
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Billy demands, swapping terror for beligerant rage because what the fuck is Harrington doing running across the road like that with a kid anyway. “I could have fucking killed you!”
The rant makes Steve look at him again, but it’s not with an expression that makes sense. For a moment he seems confused, like he didn’t understand the plain English coming out of Billy’s mouth. And then something like dread creeps over his face and he turns his head to look back at something in the darkness. 
“Billy.” Steve breathes his name like a prayer and it makes the cold hand of fear drag down his spine. Steve sounds downright terrified. Billy follows his gaze but beyond the glow of his headlamps all he can see is the dark silhouette of the iron gate that surrounds the old steel mill. 
“What? What’s the matter?”
Harrington doesn’t answer. Instead Billy suddenly finds an infant shoved into his arms and has to fumble not to drop the damn thing. It begins to wail again as it is handed over, but Steve doesn’t stop this time to try and soothe it. He wipes the water off the poor things face and presses one hard kiss to its forehead - daddy loves you - and then he’s pushing himself up onto his hands and knees and  stumbling to his feet.
“Wait a minute! Harrington what the hell?!” 
Billy clambors to his feet after him as quickly as he can manage without dropping the screaming baby in his arms, his heart sinking into his stomach because that sure seemed like a goodbye to him.
“I need you to take her.” Steve sways on his feet, weaving like a drunk and pauses to pant for breath before he looks back at Billy. “Get her out of here.”
“Fuck you! You’re not -”
Before Billy can finish, a strange animal scream rips through the air, chilling his blood. He can’t place it. Can’t say it’s a cat, or a fox, or a rabid fucking coon, cause he’s never heard anything like it before. It doesn’t sound right.
“Billy, listen to me.” Steve warns even as Billy demands to know what the hell that was. “Keep her safe. Okay? You have to get in the car and go. Right now!”
The thing is, Billy is inclined to agree. Whatever is out there in the dark making that awful sound is not something he wants to meet. But -
“What about you? Where the hell are you going? Steve!”
But Steve is staggering away from him, visibly powering through the pain as he runs into the darkness. Toward danger.  He shouts something over his shoulder that Billy isn’t sure he catches right. Something about coming back for the kid. 
And then he’s gone.
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elliespuns · 1 year
Things/moments that were in the show but not the game; The Last of Us
Ellie being captured by Marlene and her people so they could 'test' her before being sure she's not actually infected. The first interaction with Ellie in the game was when Marlene was already sure of her immunity.
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2. The "If she so much as twitches" scene was just a perfect addition to TLOU humor. I wish this was in the game too. Daaamn.
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3. Ellie and Joel camping and eating together. We never got them like this in the game. There's only one picture of them sitting by the bonfire, laughing. But can you imagine having this moment in the cutscenes? Oh, man.
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4. Ellie's horrified reaction to Henry commiting suicide in front of her eyes. Bella did an amazing job portraying this moment. I can only imagine game Ellie and what her baby face would look like if we got to see her reacting to such a heart-wrenching moment.
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5. Ellie and Joel digging graves for Henry and Sam and Ellie showing remorse because she already liked this damned kid. The game never offered this, which is a shame since game Ellie was emotionally intelligent, and this must have taken a toll on her.
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6. Joel teaching Ellie how to shoot at a target, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, being all cocky about being a good shot himself. This moment would be so lit if it was between game Joel and game Ellie. We only ever got a promo picture of Joel showing her how to use a rifle, but again, no cutscene. (and I know there's the Pittsburg scene where he teaches her, it's just not this).
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7. Ellie gorging herself when coming to Jackson and spotting Dina! This moment would be so precious in the game because game Ellie has always been nice to people she met (unlike show Ellie who has always been more 'coarse'). So this moment would have probably happened quite differently and it would be cool to see how!
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8. Joel remembering Sarah, seeing her in other people. This was such a touching addition to the show knowing even game Joel must have been experiencing this.
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9. Ellie's life at FEDRA and her 'bickering' with classmates. We already knew this about game Ellie from the "American Dreams" comics, but we never got to see it on screen like this. Highly appreciated.
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10. Ellie loving the escalator aka. electric stairs. Seeing her goofing around, having the time of her life just running up and down the stairs... just priceless. Can you imagine game Ellie losing her shit on an escalator?
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11. Ellie and Riley hugging at the end of Left Behind. We never got to see game Ellie and game Riley hug and I will never forgive Neil Druckmann for this. Feeling this too deeply, it makes me sad this never happened in the game.
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12. Ellie and Joel holding hands after he got impaled; Ellie showing him she cared enough to stay and take care of him. This breaks my heart in the most beautiful way to be able to see it at least in the show. But try to imagine it in the game, if you will. Are you picturing it? Becaue I can't stop.
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13. Joel telling Ellie that Sarah would've liked her because she's funny. That was like the sweetest highlight of the most heartbreaking episode. Joel in the game mentioned Sarah in front of Ellie too, but not in this way and I feel like crying.
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14. An actual backstory to Ellie's mom Anna and Ellie being born. This was such an important additon to the show and the fact Ashley Johnson got to play the role made it even more meaningful.
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v7lgar · 1 month
i didn't know you were into aftg, agon! got any headcanons? any thoughts about andreil?
they're my babies anon. i relate to andrew in some way so much and neil is like exactly what he needs. i loved everything about them as i was reading the books. the way he will do anything for neil is sooo ugh. they're so precious to me and im not even kidding. i don't have a hc abt them but my fav canon thing abt them is neil's neck fetish and that it makes andrew's toes curl hahahahsh. i fucking love that scene where he says "your neck fetish isn't attractive" oh also "you were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs" "i'm not an hallucination" "you are a pipe dream" THAT SCENE WAS EVERYTHING TO ME
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