#neither are really fish but shhh
vampireharpy · 5 months
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c'mon lucy that's the opposite of a problem, isn't it?
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hardly-an-escape · 3 months
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a ficlet for you @introvertbibliophile!
The nights were the worst.
The irony was not lost on Morpheus – the night had ere been his home. Dreams belong in the dark, after all; belong to the dark. They are born in those middling nowhere hours between sunset and sunrise, and then too had Dream been born, or if not strictly born, at the very least come into existence.
But Morpheus was Dream no longer. He was human, not dreamstuff, and possessed of the same human foibles and weaknesses as all the other humans who were lying awake in the dark, oppressive heat of London at the height of summer.
It was so hot.
Morpheus tossed and turned, seeking a cool patch of pillow. He was so sweaty. The top sheet stuck to his skin, but if he pushed it down the breeze from the fan Hob had propped in the corner made his skin prickle uncomfortably, even as it brought momentary relief from the heat. Even the thin fabric of his underwear felt burdensome and restrictive – even his eyelids, even the inside of his skull felt sweaty.
He rolled over again and genuinely could not help the pitiful-sounding sigh that escaped him.
“Still awake, darling?” Hob’s voice was sleepy.
“Yes,” sniffed Morpheus. “I am. So uncomfortable. I cannot sleep.”
“I know, neither can I. It’s bad this summer.” One broad fingertip ghosted across Morpheus’s collarbone. It felt just slightly wet. Morpheus did not think his body should be able to make itself wet. “Can I do anything for you, love?”
“Yes. No. Yes. The fan is bothering me.”
Hob levered himself out of bed with a soft grunt and switched the fan off, then came back and kissed Morpheus lightly on the forehead.
“Want a little treat?” he asked. “I got something at the shops earlier that I think you’ll like.”
“I have already brushed my teeth.”
“You get special dispensation for cold treats in bed. I decided. On account of how it’s a million degrees.”
Hob padded out to the kitchen and Morpheus heard the freezer open and shut. Something clinked against ceramic and then Hob returned, plopping down on the bed by Morpheus’s knees. Morpheus pushed himself up to a sitting position and kicked the sheet down around his feet.
The treat Hob handed him was bright red, even in the darkened bedroom. Morpheus took the wooden stick delicately between his finger and thumb and gave it a tentative lick.
“Cherry,” offered Hob. “Or at least that’s what it said on the label. I imagine it mostly tastes like sugar, really.”
“It is good. And more importantly, it is cold.”
Morpheus closed his eyes, the better to savor the experience, to focus on the soothing interplay between sweet and frozen, and thus missed the sight of Hob fishing an ice cube from the small bowl he was holding and pressing it to his lips, and was surprised into a gasp when Hob’s chilled lips pressed against the inside of one knee.
“Hob – what –”
“Shhh,” Hob said, and dropped another kiss, a little higher. “Eat your popsicle.”
come and drop a prompt in my inbox and I'll write you a drabble while I’m being a passenger princess on this road trip <3
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toxicbrothel · 8 months
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RIVER OF DREAMS hypothetical universe
After Carter took you to the mall that time, you told Joel you felt like you were going crazy from being cooped up in the trailer. Joel punished both of you and luckily Carter got off with only a busted lip, nothing he couldn’t handle. After Joel calmed down, he hypothetically told both of you that you could go out sometimes, as long as you told Joel where you were going and it was less than an hour’s walk.
The next week, you were on the way to the river to fish, and you both got sprayed by a large, unusual looking skunk. It didn’t smell like anything, but you quickly started to feel funny, like you were high.
You had to strip and wash the spray off before it got any worse. Carter tried to give you privacy while not letting you out of his sight. Your body suddenly felt so hot that the cool water was soothing. You began to feel things you normally only felt when Joel was touching you. . . like desperation for cock.
You stayed in the water, scrubbing yourself with a smooth stone, trying to get the substance off, but it didn’t help. The pressure was so intense you had to relieve it, or you might explode. You turned to face away from Carter and began to feel your breast and touch yourself under the water. You didn’t want to penetrate yourself because of the river water. This made it slow-going because the overwhelming sensation was a need to be filled. It only got worse.
Then, you heard Carter moaning and it made your whole body physically ache with tension. You turned around to see his arm flexing, facing away from you, water up to his chest. You wanted it so bad you began to tear up. You would never willingly betray Joel, and neither would he, but this felt like a physical, biological emergency like your heart might actually explode.
You swam over to him and when you said his name, he jumped. He glanced back at you without turning around. “I. . .need a minute, darlin’. I dunno what that was, but I. . . ohhh.”
“I need help,” you begged. “I can’t do it myself like this.”
“Ohh fuck, don’t say that,” he groaned. “Makin’ it worse.”
“Please,” you pleaded. “Can I watch at least?”
“Alright fine,” he turned around. "Not gettin' out of the water though." You watched each other masturbate. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was all messed up and his body–you’d never seen him like this, never imagined he looked so good. His muscles, tattoos, scars, the veins on his arms. He watched you with his mouth open, eyes fixating on your tits right above the water.
“It’s not working,” you whined with your heart pounding. His must have been, too. He had one hand on his chest.
“I know,” he finally admitted. He got close to you and stuck two fingers onto your neck to feel your pulse. “Alright, this is dangerous,” he muttered. Something came over you and while he was that close, you hugged him, and wrapped your legs around him. You couldn’t stop your body from doing it, and you tried to get at an angle where he would enter you. His hard shaft against your front made it so much worse.
He resisted. “Whoa, no way, absolutely not,” he held you by the shoulders and put distance between you. You apologized but also tried again to get closer. You were apologizing and trying all the while like you needed it to live.
His hands slipped down to your breasts like he couldn't control them, but his arms remained stiff, keeping you at a distance. It was incredible how he stayed composed.
“Shhh, I know, it’s really bad,” he whispered.
“Can I at least suck it?” you asked.
He groaned and looked up at the sky, still palming your tits from arm's length away. With his neck outstretched, you admired his throat and shoulders and collarbone. “Alright,” he relented and wrapped an arm around you to bring you toward the shallow area. “Here’s what we’re gonna do.”
He laid so some of his body was above the surface, including his stiff cock that made you drool.
“Get up,” he told you. You stood up, facing him, and immediately started to squat down toward his cock as though drawn by a magnet.
“No,” he laughed, covering himself with one hand, the other resting on his chest. "God damn."
Then he got serious. “You’re gonna sit on my face,” he said. “And yeah, you can suck it. Turn around.”
He guided you into squatting over his face, then had you get on your knees. He grabbed your ass with both hands, said “Go ahead,” and pulled you down. He moaned at the first taste of your pusy and you whimpered, then bent forward and took his cock in your mouth.
You sucked him thirstily. The river water taste gave way to a salty, masculine one. He ate you hungrily and you were both moaning. His tongue plunged into your hole, and he only had to thrust it a few times before you came on his face. It was earth shattering and you moaned on his cock, then almost choked on it, then quickly sealed your lips around it again, as best you could, sloppily slobbering as you bobbed your head on his swollen shaft.
He withdrew his tongue and mumbled “yeah,” into your cunt as you finished coming. “Ohh,” he moaned shakily, then he erupted in your mouth with a grunt against your inner thigh.
You felt so, so much better. Your heart rate slowed. You swallowed his cum, then got up off his face and overed yourself with your arms as you waded back into the water.
Carter lifted his head up to look at himself and let out an irritated sigh. “Did you swallow that?”
“I didnt know what to do with it,” you protested.
He followed you back into the deeper water. “We’re in the river, it would just float away. . .”
“But why is it bad,” you asked.
“I just. . .” he tousled his hair and looked off in the distance. “I could do without knowin’ you’ve swallowed my cum.”
“Then you shouldn’t have asked,” you retorted.
He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head, looking at the water. “Fair enough.”
"I could do without knowing what your dick tastes like," you added.
"Ok, well, ya don't, alright?" He gets serious. "Whatever that was, it made us feel different, taste different, neither of us knows anything."
"And obviously it never happened, right?"
"Yeah," he muttered, crossing a massive arm over his chest to scratch his shoulder.
Ty for reading 😫 ty Kate for this sinful pic. 💕
Idk if everyone can handle this one so it's rb-restricted for now 😅 but it'll be on the sleepover masterlist if you wanna save it that way.
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cellarfulofnose · 2 years
Hissy Fit
Prompt #74. Poor little meow meow...
He stopped because they reminded him of himself.
As soon as he wondered what kind of heartless bastard would leave two squealing kittens on the side of the road, in the middle of autumn, a familiar answer came to him. The same that'd leave a five-year-old boy with his aunt when neither of his progenitors wanted the little urchin, John thought, and he bent down to pick up the box.
The kittens squeaked and padded over the towel, trying to make sense of what was happening. John's heart broke open at their little pink mouths, full of piercing mews and needle teeth. It was a resounding chorus of feed me, feed me, John knew, but for a moment he could pretend it was a grateful greeting; Oh, bless you, sir! Thought we were goners, us!
One was black all over, and the other was white with black patches. "Hi," John cooed, giving the patchy one a good scratch under the chin, "hello. What's the matter, mummy run out of ink?"
The patchy one mewed at the top of its lungs, and John couldn't help laughing at their little chorus, the most beautifully discordant sound he had ever heard. They were mewling so loud, their eyes were all the way shut. Little rock stars, John thought.
"Come on," he chirped, "we're goin' home."
As luck would have it, John had some leftover fish in the fridge. He let the twins eat until they had stopped mewing, and then it was time for a bath.
Presley, the patchy one, wasn't at all keen on the bath and kept trying to escape the kitchen sink, but this wasn't John's first time bathing an unwilling participant. He soaped her white fur until it gleamed and even swabbed her little ears with a warm flannel. All-black Everly, on the other hand, seemed more grateful for the warm water than afraid of the soap.
When it came to names, there really wasn't much choice for the little rock stars. Their close harmonies brought the Everly Brothers to John's mind straight away, but you couldn't well name a pair of kittens Phil and Don, even if they hadn't both been girls. Elvis was no good either, and so the twins were christened. Baptism 'n everything.
John gave up trying to find a play on the word catechism and rang Paul. He answered on the fourth ring, and John could barely keep the smile out of his voice when he invited him over straight away.
It worked, of course; For a surprise, he'd said. He could almost hear Paul's eyebrows go up over the phone, and on Paul, that was a feat. He promised an arrival of fifteen minutes and not a second longer. That gave John time to dry the twins, lay a fresh towel in their box, and plop down on the sofa with them. They marched across his lap and fell over each other. Presley began to climb his shirt. John stroked her fuzzy back and scratched her sister's ears, paying no mind to the little needling jabs poking through his clothes. They were purring. He was in heaven.
A knock on the door.
John started, making Everly jump and dig her claws in deeper. Jesus, but that was fast. Wincing slightly, he extracted both kittens and placed them back in the box. He twittered reassuring nothings as he set the box in the bathroom, promising he'd be back before they knew it.
"Shhh," he added, finger to his lips, before easing the bathroom door shut with a quick wave.
Paul shifted his weight to his other foot. He could see a light on inside, and he just heard a door close, so he knew John was in. He'd come on time; hell, he'd come early, just to see about this whole 'surprise' business. Paul didn't know why, but he was filled with a sort of uneasy curiosity. He'd the sense that this unnamed surprise was going to end badly for him, though of course that was silly. Anything that could get John as excited as he was on the phone was all right by Paul. Probably. He heaved a deep breath and raised his hand to knock again.
John pulled the door open just then, panting slightly, his eyes glittering. "Hi."
Paul blinked and lowered his hand. His cheeks lifted with a bashful smile. "'Lo."
They stood there looking at each other a moment for no reason--was Paul waiting to be invited in like a bloody vampire?--until John stepped aside and said, "Well, come on, then," at the same time Paul opened his mouth to ask So what'd you drag me all the way down here for?
"Sit down," said John, and Paul didn't see any reason not to. As John walked past the sofa to sit on the love seat, the bright scent of soap trailed behind him, sharp and heady. All right, he'd been washing dishes, then? Maybe he'd gotten some new china to show Paul. A Ming vase. Not exactly novel for either of them, but hey, if it made John happy.
It was a bit hot, this room, after walking in from the cold. The warmth made him itch under his collar and sleeves, like he was going to start sweating. He scratched his wrist and swiped a cool hand across the back of his neck. It didn't really help, but John had begun introducing the entertainment, so Paul took his jacket off and put his hands in his lap, trying to look invested.
"I was walking down the street today, if you'll believe that."
Paul blinked, and it felt sandy. He wiped a bit of irritation from his eye, along with a strand of hair. "With you so far."
The hot air felt too dry on his eyes, almost burning, lightly stinging. He kept trying to blink it away, but his arrested tears sent a watery prickle to his nose. With his eyes trained on John, Paul gave his nose a quick rub and cleared his throat. Somewhat better.
"And then I heard--" John stopped, looking for all the world like he would bite his lip. He grinned. "You remember me saying the house felt so empty now, with Julian and Cyn at her mum's?"
Paul did remember, and for some reason it struck him to hear it again. An empty house was a niche that John had always filled with Paul. What else had he found?
"Well," said John, and his eyebrows danced once, dangerously. But he said nothing. As if daring Paul to guess.
Frankly, Paul thought he sounded like an expectant mum. "Are you..." he began. But something terribly itchy flared in his nose, harsh as smoke. His eyes snapped shut on reflex, and for a moment, he didn't give a thought to what he looked like while he twitched and wrinkled his nose. But just as soon, he ducked behind his hand, trying to rub out the itch with his knuckles. God, was it the soap? The change in temperature? Something was getting to him. He opened his eyes. "Are you pregnant?" he quickly asked, dropping his voice as if it were a big secret. He sniffed.
John didn't miss a beat. "It's yours," he said, gingerly cupping his stomach.
"It's a dirty lie." Paul tried to look indignant as he swiped a hand clumsily under his nose. It itched, and it wasn't going away, and now his throat did, too. "I've--" He had to clear it out with a little cough before he could finish. "I've had the operation." Something was wrong. It was like...It was almost like--
"Well, I haven't had anyone else," said John, sounding positively deadly, holding his head high and stroking his stomach with love, "and no baby of mine's growing up a bastard, so you'd better marry me."
"You--" Before Paul could call John a gold-digging slag, a sudden stab of irritation tied his tongue. He pressed his fingertips to the bridge of his nose, right between his eyes, blinking rapidly. He didn't know what else to do. Everything inside his head itched, so deep and hot he could barely see. What the hell was happening?
"Y'okay?" John's voice had softened, no longer the defiant leading lady.
"Yeah," Paul breathed, automatic, shaking his head, "'s just a..."
Oh, no.
"Something in your eye?" John ventured.
But Paul's eye wasn't the fucking problem. As a matter of fact, it was his nose, which was now moments away from a nice big sneeze, or several. Paul pinched the bridge of his nose harder. This wasn't happening right now. He couldn't take it. God, but it was like touching made it worse...
"Hey." Concern bled into John's voice, and Paul's stomach plunged to hear it. He twisted away from John as well as he could, fighting to keep his breath even.
Failing. Fuck. He jammed his wrist under his nose and pressed hard, barely permitting himself to breathe. Hold it back.
He couldn't.
It felt terrible. The effort of holding it (mostly) in made his head feel ready to explode, and the tickle had somehow--impossibly--worsened. This wasn't good. He had to get it under control, now. Still out of John's view, Paul pinched his nostrils and rubbed them in circles.
"Oh," John purred, "bless ya." He laughed lightly. "Had me worried there."
Worried? Oh, that was just fucking grand. Paul turned to face John with a sharp sniff, the itch still threatening, thickening his throat. John, though, was looking at him like he wanted to swallow him. Red-hot embarrassment coiled around Paul's chest, but he forced a smile. He was fine, see? He definitely didn't need to--snff!--sneeze again.
"God," John laughed, seeming to remember at once what they had been talking about before, "can you imagine?"
Could he imagine...? Oh, right, the baby. Paul scoffed a laugh, wiping his eyes and nose with the pad of his thumb. The fact of the matter was, Epstein could probably keep the whole thing under wraps; send John to a convent for the better part of a year, feed the press a story about him working on a film (that would somehow never make it to air), and then a gangly, gingery kid would grow up somewhere in Ireland or Scotland with a long nose and piss-poor eyesight.
Or maybe, Paul thought with a start, the little tyke would take after him, but the shock wasn't enough to dispel the itchy haze that'd settled over his eyes. His whole face, really; not just his sinuses, but his skin. Paul scratched his cheek, his neck, but they still tingled. Was he dying? Could John tell?
John seemed to take Paul's non-response as a lull in the conversation, and he rose to his feet. "Right." He pursed his lips and looked at Paul, practically vibrating with excitement. "Wait here."
Paul tightened his jaw and nodded. Speaking was out of the question: a powdery, feathery tickle was creeping up the back of his throat, warming into his nose, making his stomach tighten with the need to breathe in. Raising his voice might rattle it loose. He stuck his tongue to the roof of his mouth and held his breath. Leave, he begged silently.
As luck would have it, John spun around and took off down the hall. Paul grabbed his nose as soon as John's back was turned. Just a little longer. It was building so slowly, he almost wanted to hurry it along, but John was still in the hall, he could still hear him...
Paul's breath skipped, and he held as still as he could, his shoulders quivering with tiny, almost soundless sips of air.
Then at once he gasped, too loudly, heavy with urgency, and he slammed his other hand over his mouth. The tickle was too much. He couldn't hold it off, he was going to...!
A door in the hall clicked shut, and Paul whipped forward, bending in half over his lap.
He straightened cautiously, but it wasn't done with him, his lungs were already filling with shuddering, needing breaths--
Paul tried to catch his breath and had to cough. This was absurd. It was like the air around him was full of dust, and the more he sneezed, the more he sent flying, the more it scratched at his eyes, his throat, his nose, his...skin? Why was he itching? This wasn't normal. It shouldn't even be possible. Unless he was possessed (which he hadn't yet ruled out), the only explanation was...
A door opened. Twin mews split the air, high and clear as little bells, and Paul's blood turned to ice.
Abject horror rooted Paul to the spot as John sauntered in, carrying a wooden box with a towel draped over the inside. Two pairs of triangle ears and little periscope tails peeked over the edge.
"This is Presley," John grinned, scooping out a black-and-white one, "and this is Everly," he added, gathering up a sooty black one.
Paul couldn't move, or else he would have flung himself out of the way before John sat on the sofa and dumped both squealing animals into his arms. Oh, Jesus Christ. Paul blinked, barely daring to believe it.
John was quiet for a second. Then he said, "Fuck you. I can take care of them, I know how to take care of them. Don't look at me like that."
"I'm--" Paul's voice caught. He cleared his throat thickly.
"Wait." John sprang back to his feet, newly filled with inspiration (and stimulants, Paul would say if he didn't know better). "I've got a..." He wiggled his hand in the air, pantomiming dangling a string for a cat toy. "Wait here." And he was gone.
Paul couldn't even yell after him to take these little bastards off me. Continuing to breathe was his main concern at the moment. He was having trouble keeping his eyes open, too--God, what a bloody idiot he'd been, touching his face all over for the last five minutes. He probably had more cat hair on his face now than they did, and damned if that didn't make things worse, the knowledge of how deeply fucked he was, how much dander he'd rubbed into his eyes and nose and skin.
The black kitten started to knead at Paul's sleeve. It sank its little claws into his arm, and Paul gave a hissing gasp. That was it. He couldn't endure this. It would break John's heart open, but he had to tell him.
"John," he croaked. His voice was gravel, and talking made his throat itch. He coughed to clear it. "John?" he called across the house, louder this time, but it was already too late. It had caught up to him with a vengeance, holding the kittens that close, breathing their fur.
"Yeah, hang on a mo'," called John from down the hall, but Paul couldn't. Not another second. He was about to start sneezing. And he needed to get these kittens out of his hands.
Paul rose shakily to his feet and rushed for the hall with his eyes half-open. He was losing the race, his breath coming in trembling gasps. God, if he could just bury his face in both hands...hands that were currently full of squeaking, squirming cats...He needed to sneeze, but not yet, he couldn't, not with fucking Presley and Everly in his arms and John nowhere to be found.
Speak of the devil, John appeared just then from a doorway, holding what looked like a string tied to a stick. His enormous smile faded to confusion and then stark worry when he saw Paul. "Wha's wrong?"
Paul shook his head and practically threw the kittens into John's arms, and not a moment too soon. He spun around and buried his face in his sleeve.
It tore out of him like a punch, folding him neatly in half, making him stumble. Blind, he stuck out a hand to brace himself on the wall and shivered with another twitching, gasping sneeze.
"ahh! --ahT'tSCHHEW!"
He couldn't breathe. That is, it felt like he couldn't, but some part of him was still able to summon enough breath to keep sneezing, and sneezing, and sneezing, without a touch of relief, none of them helping in the slightest to get all this fucking cat hair out of his lungs.
"hhAh'pTCHhew! hhp'TSschew! hAH'tCHOO!"
"Paul." John's voice was low, cautious, heavy with horrible pity and understanding, and it lanced Paul clear through. He was a mess. John had only wanted to show him something that made him giddy as a child, and he'd ruined it. He couldn't control himself. Couldn't even keep a semblance of composure.
As he lifted his head from the crook of his elbow to apologize, he realized two things in quick succession. First, he'd made not just a figurative but a very literal mess of himself, all over the inside of his sleeve, stringing together the fabric and his face. And second, the same sleeve he'd ducked back into just now, burning with humiliation, was carpeted in cat hair from where he'd been holding the kittens only moments ago.
Well, shit, as the poets say.
Paul jerked his arm away and pulled his collar up over his nose instead. "Um." Quickly, now. Another sneeze--or, more likely, a whole wicked barrage--was building fast. "Do you have a hh--h'hh! a h-handkerchief?" he managed in a rush, his breath starting to hitch, his eyes swimming with irritated tears.
There was a squeaking mew of protest as John shifted the kittens to one arm, and a square of cloth pressed into Paul's hand.
Paul started to sigh a breathless Thank you, but his chest swelled with a stuttering inhale, and he clapped the handkerchief to his face.
God, it was probably thick with cat hair just from John's touch, just from being in this bloody room for a brief second. But it was better than his shirt.
He had to get out of here.
With sharp-toothed shame gnawing at his chest, Paul hurried back down the hall, his breath catching all the while, clear to the front door. He staggered outside, and for a blessed moment the cool air was a salve, soothing the burn on his skin and in his head.
But only for a moment.
When he began to sneeze again, it was like a dam breaking. There wasn't a thing in the world he could have done to stem it. He sneezed over and over, until his eyes were streaming and he thought his lungs might collapse, then some more for good measure. When he could catch a breath, he tried to blow his nose--operative word, tried. His swollen nasal passages scarcely let air through; and in any case, the handkerchief was all but uselessly soaked now, which was just bloody perfect.
Paul didn't hate cats. He couldn't, not really.
But Jesus Christ.
John stubbed out his cigarette and dropped onto the sofa. It'd been fifteen minutes since Paul stumbled out onto the front step. He knew Paul wanted a bit of privacy. But each time a silence fell, he'd listen, rapt, thinking surely this must be the end of it...and Paul would sneeze again. Sometimes two or three times. John wasn't sure he could wait this out.
Presley and Everly wailed from inside their terry-cloth enclosure, but John didn't look at them. He'd pieced together what was happening to Paul, and why, but he didn't want to believe it. If he could just hear it from Paul's own mouth, then all right, they were...they were gone, but until then--
What, it wasn't enough to hear it from his nose? something inside John's head jeered, and he ignored it. Didn't hurt to be absolutely sure.
Outside, Paul coughed. Then he was quiet.
John didn't wait or listen. Before Paul had a chance to break the silence again, John padded down the hall to put on a clean shirt, wash his hands, and fetch a little bottle of pink pills from the medicine cabinet. He mostly used them to sleep, these days, but he supposed they were marketed as allergy tablets. The label had a nice laundry list of Paul's symptoms. If nothing else, maybe they'd knock the poor bastard out.
When John opened the door, Paul turned to look over his shoulder. He'd stripped down to his vest, his shirt sitting in a crumpled pile beside him, and John thought he saw him shiver slightly from the cool air on his bare skin. His eyes and nose were furious pink and leaking, and a bright rash bloomed over his chest and neck in patches.
"God, you look awful," John blurted.
Paul scoffed. "Love to hear your excuse." His voice was like he'd swallowed nails, stuffed beyond reason by the congestion in his head. He raised his fist timidly to his lips and cleared his throat. Twice.
John's heart sank. It really was that bad, wasn't it? He took a deep breath. "Any chance this isn't to do with the cats?"
Paul bowed his head and started to chew his lip. "Sorry."
"Nah, it's..." John tried not to deflate with grief. That was it, then. They'd have to go. Paul couldn't be around him like this.
He nudged Paul's shoulder with his knee. "Not your fault, is it?"
Paul turned around, grinning, about to say something, but his expression dropped. His graceful brows drew together, and he spun away from John, shoving his wrist under his nose.
John took a guilty step back. He was probably still covered in cat hair; all over his pants, probably. Maybe even his face. He'd kissed them a handful of times. To assuage the guilt, he squawked, "Gesundheit, mein Herr."
Paul swatted a hand behind his back, signifying piss off. His head started to rear back again.
"hhah...hEht'--! hh...?"
Paul twitched with an almost-but-not-quite sneeze, dead in its cradle before it could impart any relief, Whoops, just kidding. When he seemed to realize it wasn't going to come, he let out a little frustrated growl and rubbed his nose mercilessly against the back of his hand, sawing back and forth.
John bit down on a smile. There was something to be said for seeing Paul squirm, watching him quickly grow impatient when something didn't come to him right away. But John didn't need to prolong his misery. God knows he'd done enough on that front. He sat next to Paul on the step and rattled his bottle of pills before handing it over.
When Paul had finished snuffling and blinking, he glanced at the bottle. His eyebrows arched in pleasant surprise. "Thanks," he said, sounding clogged but genuine. He shook a tablet into his palm and swallowed it dry.
"Mimi loves cats," John said after a pause. "She's always goin' on about how she wants some young ones."
The corners of Paul's mouth started to lift, so John went on. "The ones she's got are fat and lazy. One of 'em's got no bloody teeth. No good for catching mice." It wasn't true, of course, but Paul was laughing now, and his eyes sparkled, not just shining with allergic tears.
"Can't imagine she'll keep the names," said Paul.
John snorted. "Yeah, not bloody likely. This is Horatio," he twittered in Mimi's posh accent, cupping his hands as if cradling a kitten (the one with the black patch over its eye, of course), "and this handsome little devil is Wellington."
"Wellington's a great name for a black cat," said Paul, and John silently thrilled that Paul had picked up which name corresponded to which kitten. "Wellie? Little black rubber boot."
"Don't talk about me daughter like that, if you know what's good for ya," John sniped, and it was only a joke, but he stiffened with guilt as soon as he heard it leave his lips. He was trying to pretend he wasn't attached to the little creatures, mind.
But Paul mercifully let it go. "D'you have a shirt I could wear home?" he asked, turning bashful eyes on his discarded clothes and then back on John.
The cow-eyed look would've worked just fine by itself (and it usually did, damn him), but then he edged one finger against the tip of his pretty little nose and sniffled, and then John really was done for. He knew Paul wasn't doing it on purpose, but his heart melted, sticky-sweet, and he wanted to kick himself for it. Anything you say, dear.
John swallowed. "I'll do you one better. Have a shower before you go. Get all the hair and shit off you."
Paul's mouth twitched. He nodded, frowning sensibly. "You'd better, too, then," he said, very matter-of-fact. "You know, so there's no cross...cross-contamination."
He finished like that meant anything, like he wasn't full of shit and just trying to get John in the buff. John would have been mad to argue, though. "Right, with the, hair and..."
"...all that, yeah." John darted his eyes away for a moment to keep from laughing. "Um, shall I go in and hoover first...?"
"Nah." Paul was trying to look brave, but his face had visibly tightened at the prospect of going back inside; into the lions' den, as it were. "I'll just--" His nose twitched, and he blinked repeatedly. "...try and get in and out as quick as possible."
Naturally, John's automatic response to that was to jump his eyebrows and make a face, which earned him a shove and a muttered Pervert from Paul, which in his book spelled victory. He grabbed Paul's clothes and stood, and Paul followed him with a tired sigh.
John held the door open and nodded inside. "After you, mate."
Presley and Everly's high-pitched cries drifted outside, two more future residents of Mimi Smith's Home for Liverpool Orphans. Feed me, feed me.
Paul took a deep breath and let it out, shivering from the cold. Finally, he stepped inside, with John following close behind.
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snowblossomreads · 10 months
OMG YES chinese hot pot!!😋🤤🤤🤤
now you got me curious what’s their go to stuff to put in or make for their hot pot…
for me mushrooms egg drop porridge with drizzle of sesame garlic oil & scallion on top is a must by the end of the meal!(from the reduced leftover broth full of flavor) EVERYONE HAVE TO TRY THIS
and one last question(s) about food ask for Aimee and Sinclair!
do they have any controversial food combination or food opinion? do they ever bicker about it or like found it endearing (or endearingly bicker for fun) …sinclair strike me as the type who dip oreos in orange juice 😂
PEAR IS SUPERIOR THAN APPLE as a fruit just sayin’🤪 apple is supposed to be an ingredient instead of a fruit to eat it by itself and ppl are so wrong for hating on mint choco ice cream bc of the toothpaste taste…obv it’s mint flavored and perhaps they only got those poorly executed blue chocochip monstrosity instead of the real good thing. they have to try with the ones where they got the chocolate ice cream as the base with mint swirl/mint syrup, it’s supposed to be creamy chocolatey goodness with refreshing aftertaste from mint
your turn! lmao (no pressure tho)
Omg everyone listen to anon right now because they are right. If you're looking for something nice savory and warm this is it!! My stomach is like feed me rn 🤣🤣 !
I think the couples go two is very traditional (ur thin beef / pork, and maybe some seafood, chinese spinach, napa, rice noodles etc etc) like as long as it's food and it tastes good Sinclair will eat and enjoy it so he's like yeah put whatever down LOL. He does really like fish tofu he finds out later because he was like it doesn't taste like fish at all and flavor! Amiee's the same, though she likes to make sure there are a variety of mushrooms specifically ones like oyster mushrooms because she likes the texture of i when it's cooked well. (gosh i want hotpot rn stomach shhh please it's almost midnight)
Neither of them are very picky eaters (usually) so it works out lol.
SCREAMS OREO AND ORANGE JUICE. OMfg i had to google this and as i sit and ponder im like....now i want to try it bc what ?? i wonder if it tastes like orange chocolate... LOL i digress controversial food option HMM
🤣okay this one isn't a controversial food pairing or opinion but more of a funny thing then anything. And it's Sinclair is one of those people who probably has like one of those fancy celebration cakes on hand at his house icing and all. And he will eat at it and then buy another just because.
It throws Amiee completely off one day because she's like is it's someones birthday are we celebrating something????? And he's just like it's someone's bday every day and we should celebrate each day we are here while proceeding to cut himself a slice.
Amiee: 🤨🤷‍♀️😂
He offers her some of course and she'll sometimes have a small sliver while giving him most of the icing.
Also are we the same bc i love mint chocolate chip it's like top tier?? Mint chocolate is amazing and i will die on this hill. BUT i have actually had some that i was like yeah if someone ate it they would hate it LOL.
And while i like apples (get that red delicious out my face fuji and gala apples only) pears are just superior some how....how is that a thing what??
Anyways those are my thoughts and i'm happy to blab more about these two idiots so feel free to stop by dear anon!!! 😌❤ shall give you the title foodie anon (i hope that's okay)
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Sweet Dreams
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Summary: You can’t sleep, and neither can your baby girl. Guess it’s Daddy to the rescue. Read the the sequel, Sweet Dreams: The Reward. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Bianca Barber
*Warnings: Insomnia, Scary Dreams, Heffalumps & Woozels, Late Night Cookies, Andy being a Hero, Sexy times (implied), Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series. As always, I’d love your feedback, so please let me know what you think. Semi-proofread. Not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
You roll over and look at the clock: 2:47am. Great.
You’d been awake for you weren’t sure how long, but you were steadily growing more and more jealous of your husband’s peaceful snores next to you. How come he got to be so comfortable? How come he got to sleep so carefree? You should bite him.
So you lay there for a while, thinking about today, tomorrow, your life choices…really anything that comes to mind. And then you hear a soft knock at your bedroom door.
Shooting up, you're surprised to see that it’s none other than your baby girl, Bianca. The little thing is dressed in her favorite dinosaur pajamas, and she looks like she’s been crying. Oh dear. 
“Baby.” You whisper. “What’s wrong?” You carefully sit up, so as not to wake Andy. “Come here, BiBi.”
“Mama!” Your baby rushes into your arms. You scoop her up and give her a kiss. “What happened?”
“Scawy dreams.” She starts to cry all over again, which makes your heart break. You rub her back and lightly bounce her little body out into the hallway. 
“Oh baby, it’s okay, I promise. Tell Mama what happened.”
She sniffles, which makes you sniffle. “Woozels. All dah woozles. Hurt mama. Hurt daddy. Took you under dah bed.”
“Oh my.” You whisper as you think back to those Winnie the Pooh Days when Heffalumps and Woozels kinda scared you too. “I’m sorry that happened, honey. But as you can see, Mommy and Daddy are right here, and so are you.” She clings even tighter to your body.
“It’s okay, Bia, I promise. No one is gonna get you, Mama, or Daddy. We’d stop ‘em. Do you think Mama would let some dumb ol’ Heffalump get you? Or some tired ol’ Woozel? Heck no!” You press kisses all over her face, ears, and neck, making her giggle just a little. 
“And if, and it’s a big if, darlin’, they somehow manage to get past Mama…do you really think they’d be able to beat Daddy? Hm?” 
Bianca shakes her head no. “Daddy strong.” She asserts. 
“That’s right. Daddy would never let anyone hurt his favorite girls. So if we need to, we’ll wake him up to go fight those darned Woozels, okay?” She nods, finally gracing you with a watery smile. 
“There’s my girl. You know what? Since neither of us can sleep, how about you and I go downstairs…and sneak a cookie?” Your baby is all for that, which makes you giggle.
You make your way downstairs with her in your arms. You’d be lying if you said that certain images weren’t back to dancing in your own brain. You were an adult who loved horror movies, but that also didn’t mean that you didn’t avoid certain films like Pinnochio, or Heffalumps and Woozels, or Rikki Tikii Tavii. A girl had to know her limits!
The two of you make your way toward the kitchen. You smile as your baby girl hums a song the whole time. It was something she did whenever she was scared and was trying to calm down. Truthfully, you admired the coping mechanism. 
You sit her on the countertop and kiss her nose. “You know what I think might fix this?”
“Whaa mama?” She swings her little legs back and forth, but she knows better than to jump. Thank god.
You smile at her as you reach into the nearby cabinet, fishing out a box of chocolate chip cookies. She squeals when you show her the box. “Shhh!” You whisper. “Remember, Daddy is sleeping.” You take out one for her and one for you. And then you reach into the fridge for some milk. You pour a little into a sippy cup for her, and then a little into a glass for you.
“Cheers, baby.” You lightly smack your glass against her cup. And then you start in on your cookies. You rest your head against Bianca’s, who finally seems calm. “Yummy, mama.”
You’re both about halfway through your late night treats before you hear someone clear their throat.
“Ahem. What’s going on here?”
Both of you turn to see none other than Andy leaning against the doorframe, his hair tousled and wearing nothing but a pair of sleep pants. “What are my two favorite girls doing up and out of bed at this hour?”  
“We couldn’t sleep.” You mumble. “Scary dreams.” You nod your head at your baby. 
“I see. And what are you eating?” Immediately and ridiculously, you both go to hide your cookies behind your back. “Too late, Thelma and Louise, I already saw them. Bring ‘em out.”
Bianca lets out a heavy sigh. “It’s a cookie, daddy. Cuz of Woozels.” Andy gives you an odd look.
“Think Winnie the Pooh, honey.” It takes him a moment and then it clicks. “Bad dream about the Woozels…and friends.” You say, not wanting to upset your daughter some more.  
“Alright, well, is Daddy invited to this little party?” You both nod. “Can Daddy have a bite of someone’s cookie?” You both eagerly stick your hands out. 
Andy takes a small bite out of Bianca’s cookie, smiling as he does. “Thank you, baby. You know Daddy won’t let any Woozels get to you, right?” She nods. 
“Daddy stronger dan Woozels. You beat ‘em up.” 
“That’s right, baby. Nothing touches my girls.” He kisses her on her forehead. 
And then he leans over to take a bite of your cookie. It’s a big bite. Andy chews thoughtfully. “As for you…what’s got you out of bed, Missy?”
You shrug helplessly. “I don’t know, honey. Wish I could sleep.”
“Okay.” He muses. 
You both watch as Bianca finishes her cookie and drains her milk. “Seepy.” She murmurs. Good. You both think. 
“So here’s what’s going to happen.” Andy leans over to whisper to you. “I’m going to take her upstairs and put her back to bed. While I do that, you are going to go back to our room. I want you naked and on all fours by the time I return. I’m talking ass up, baby.”
You look at him with the nerve to be shocked. “Andy…wait…”
“No, I need you to remember that you’re supposed to wake me during times like these. It’s important for Daddy to know when he needs to fuck you back to sleep. Understand?” His hand gently strokes your cheek.
You gulp before responding, “Yes, Sir”.
“Good girl.”
“C’mon, Bianca Boo.” He swoops her into his arms. “Let Daddy go check that closet for some Woozels.”
He turns back to look at you. “Be ready for me, Y/N. I’m not in the mood to play.��
“Yes, Daddy. Good luck on your Woozel hunt.”
“Thanks. Be prepared to reward me.” He responds with a wink. And then they’re off. 
Ahh god, what the hell had you just gotten yourself into?
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aliasimagines · 4 years
operation fools in love//luke patterson
requested by a lovely anon
word count: 3333(!!!)
a/n: i still don’t know how to write endings
The corridor was noisy with loud chatter, quietly whispered gossip and the sound of rushing students' shoes hitting against the floor. 
You hummed  'edge of great' as you started fishing out the books you need for class from your locker. It has been stuck in your head since yesterday evening when the guys played it for you and Flynn at band practice. 
You were about to close your locker when he poofed next to you. 
“Hi, y/n!”
“AAHHH” you screamed, earning a few side looks from passing by students. 
“Ahh, I accidentally kicked my locker, haha…”you started explaining yourself before turning back to your open locker. You sent a glare in Luke’s way.
“What did Julie and I say to you? Do not teleport randomly to us at school!”
He chuckled.
“Yeah, rules, rules, I don’t care. I just wanted to drop in and say hi!” he smiled at you with his signature Luke smile.
“Well, you did. That’s all? I kinda need to go to class.” you spot Julie in the corner of your eyes as you walk over to her locker. You quickly wave at her and soon after she comes over so you can talk to Luke without looking crazy. 
Luke mumbles something under his breath and goes to scratch the back of his head.
“No! Uhm..Hi Jules… So y/n I also kinda wanted to ask if you would come to our gig tonight? You know, we are playing not far from that food place you like? "
You smiled, appreciating that he remembered your favorite food place. 
"Well,erm.. I guess? I want to but I might have dance practice, so I am not sure." you say, wishing you'd know for sure but you won't find out till the end of your classes. 
Luke's lips formed an 'o' before his gaze fell down on his shoes. 
"Oh well.. I-okay. Bye?" he says in an unsure tone before disappearing, leaving you to face Julie. 
"Well, wasn't that adorable?"  she asks with a smug grin. 
"What? What are you talkin' bout Jules?" you ask honestly confused. She laughs and puts her hand on your shoulder. 
"Sweetheart, you two are just oblivious to each other!" 
"I don't… What?" 
"You like him. He likes you. It's not that confusing. Really it is obvious." 
"Shhh, quiet!" you shh-ed her, quickly making sure if Luke was 100 percent gone. "I.. I don't like him." 
It was unnecessary, you couldn't even fool yourself and especially not Julie. 
"Y/N, come on girl, I know you do. And he does like you too! I mean I am writing songs with him, do you know how many lovesick lyrics he has written lately? It is making me sick." she laughed. 
"Well, he might have written them about someone else. Maybe you? You two have amazing chemistry."
Julie sighed and grabbed both of your shoulders so she could look at you. 
"Y/N, honey. Believe me when I say he is head over heels for you. Why else would he want you to be at our gig so much?”
„Luke is literally so passionate about music? Of course he wants to share it with me, cause he wants to share it with everyone.”
„Ahg, girl you need glasses cuz you can't see shit. Look, if  prove he likes you too will you believe me?”
„Sure. I mean you can’t prove something that is not true but, sure go ahead, ’prove it’.” 
Julie rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to respond but luckily for you the bell rang.
“See you later, alligator!” and with that you were off to class, leaving Julie alone to work on her master plan. 
She knew she had to pull this off because the mutual pinning was unbearable but she also knew she couldn't do it alone. She'll need all the help she can get and that includes Flynn and the rest of her ghost band. 
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You changed into your leggings and sweatshirt before heading into the gym where the dance practice took place. You were quite bumped. Don't get me wrong dancing is everything to you but.. You really did want to see the guys perform. 
You and the other kids were warming up, waiting for your teacher to start showing the choreography. But neither of you expected what she did next. Much to your surprise Reggie and Alex appeared next to her and started messing with her water bottle before you could even open your mouth.
For a moment no one acknowledged what was going on. Some were too busy chatting and warming up and Ms Janett was too busy with her phone. The two ghosts seemed to have noticed that and after exchanging a knowing smirk they grabbed the phone out of your teachers hands. She perked up, a mixture of anger and confusion on her face. And then… she saw her own phone floating in tin air.
“Stop!!” you whisper shouted  in the boys direction but they only gave you a smirk before Reggie started searching for the music player application. Alex pointed over Reggie’s shoulder.
“Uuu, play that one.” 
And as soon as the Lady Gaga song started playing Ms Janett let out a scream causing everyone to look up. You saw the boys dancing with the phone and the pompoms in their hand (although you have no idea where Alex got those pompoms) but everyone else just saw those items moving by themselves.
“GHOOOST!!! Everybody RUUUUUUN!” 
Some people followed the teacher, some stayed behind to take a closer look only to be scared away by a flying pompom. 
“What the heck are you two doing?” you turned to them,being  rather angry,  once you were the only living person in the gym. Seriously, what were they thinking?
“We cleared your afternooon! You can come to our concert!” Reggie exclaimed and put down the phone. 
“Do you think I would go after this fiasco you just pulled??” you were definitely angry now.
“Oh come on, if not for us then for Julie..and for Luke.”
You snapped your head in Alex's direction at the mention of Luke’s name.
“What do...No. Don’t try to divert the topic. What you did was incredebly stupid! What if.. What if someone connects the dots and figures out that Julie’s hologram band is actually a ghost band? There will be scientist and ghost busters and-”
“Shh, Y/N jeez, calm down. it will be okay. We’ll see you at the show.” 
And they poofed away. They simply left  you alone with your thoughts. You need to come up with some kind of explanation for the dance class but right now you need to go home and change. The boys were right, even if they kinda (really) caused a mess here you still like them and don’t want to miss seeing them live ((Winky face)).
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Meanwhile you were sorting through your dresses and outfit options. Julie and the band arrived at the venue for rehearsal.
Usually it was Luke who hyped Julie up before shows but right now the roles were switched because Luke looked like a kicked puppy ever since he learned you wouldn’t be able to make it to their gig. Of course Julie knew you will be here, as she was the one to send the boys to scare away your teacher. It was all part of her little plan.
Like mentioned Luke wrote half a dozen songs, all centered around his feelings for you. He stated to Jules that he will definitely not play them for you because there is just no way you like him back, but now Luke thinks you won’t be there so Julie is on the next step of her genius plan. Convince Luke to play one of his love songs.
“Luke, Lukey-poo, my man.” she started getting more and more cringy. “I thought we could close with Hero and Heroine? I know you said you don’t want to play it but it is such a great song, you definitely shouldn’t let it be just another forgotten song that stays on a piece of paper. Plus it is perfect for closing, think about it!”
“Julie...I-I told you I don’t wanna play it.”
“You told me you don’t wanna play it in front of Y/N, which would be the whole point of writing love songs to her but that's besides the point right now. Pleeassee?”
Luke took a deep breath and looked at his ghost mates for...What for? Support? Advice? He is not sure. He does want to play the song, pour out his emotions through the song but the question is..should he? He knows you can’t be here which both makes him wanna play the song and not at the same time.
“I agree with Julie, dude.” Alex said, shrugging his shoulder like he knew of nothing. Reggie nodded along.
“Okay..If you all think I w-”
Julie stood up and clapped her hands together.
“Cool! It is settled. I’ll need to make a phone call, brb.”
“Barbeque?” asked Reggie confused. Which made Alex laugh.
“Brb actually means be right back. Willie told me.” the blond made his way over to Luke and gently punched his shoulder. “Really Luke, that song is great. And I know you think there is no way Y/N would like you back but I am sure if she could hear it-”
“I’m a ghost, Alex! I can’t just confess to her, how are we gonna date? We can’t even touch.”
“That is totally not the reason. You are afraid she would decline your affection, I get it, but believe me I have seen her look at you. That longing in her eyes when I mention your name. She likes you.”
Luke rolled his eyes.
“Not that it matters, she won't hear the song and that is my final say in this.”
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As soon as Julie stepped out of the small, cigarette smelling backroom she dialed your number. You picked up after two rings.
“Hi, Jules.”
“Hi girl, I heard what the boys did, I am so, so sorry. You know they are idiots.”she said trying real hard not to laugh but she reminded herself of her plan and pulled on her poker face.”But..Are you coming to the show? Flynn could pick you up; she is about to get going.”
“Yeah I’ll come, tell the boys I will call my teacher and say it was a prank so they can thank me for saving their ghostbutts.”
Julie giggled and started playing with her hair.She walked up and down the small corridor that led to the stage from the backroom.
“I will, I better get back and warm up but you should call Flynn so she won’t leave without you.”
Of course Flynn wouldn’t leave without you. She was waiting in her car two blocks from your home waiting for your phone car.
She didn’t have to wait long, you called her and she pretended to not expect it. Flynn kinda became your and Julie’s driver ever since she got her driver's  license last month. 
By the time the two of you got to the venue the opening was playing their last song and the place was already packed with dancing teenagers. Flynn dragged you to the bar and asked for a cola for herself and a (favourite drink) for you. 
The two of you hung back and sipped your drinks until Julie appeared on the stage. Then you took Flynn by the hand and  started pulling her toward the stage. Only she held you back. 
"Hey, what's up? Don't we wanna go and watch them from closer?" 
"Oh, well, uhm...I'd rather hang back. The crowd kind of makes me anxious right now." Flynn said. You lifted an eyebrow at her. Flynn being anxious? In a crowd?? That did not convince you. But you didn’t argue. 
"Do you need to step outside a little or…" 
"Nah, it's good, let's just stay here in the back." 
So you did. You sang and danced along to the songs you both knew so well. You tried  your best not to stare at Luke too much but let’s be honest you failed miserably. Flynn occasionally wiggled her eyebrows at you when she caught you ‘drooling over him’ as she put it.
After they finished playing Stand Tall you expected them to bow and ‘disappear’ but much to your surprise Julie grabbed the mic and brought it to her lips.
“Hello, hello, helloo! Do y’all wanna hear one more song?” the audience erupted into a loud cheer. It was so heartwarming to watch. Julie doing what she was born to do, playing music and enchanting the crowd. Flynn seemed to have the same thought because she looked at her with such pride. You pulled her into a big hug and the two of you waited for the crowd to quiet down so Jules could go on.
“Allright, allright. Now this song will be a bit different but...I will let Luke here tell it.”
You just became more and more surprised when Luke stepped closer to the mic and spoke into it, looking kinda...nervous? 
“Ohm..Hello everyone! So uh..This song is dedicated to a special someone, the songs called-”
“What’s the special someone’s name?” your eyes travelled to Reggie who asked the question with a huge grin. Luke turned to look at the bassist. If looks could kill Reggie would be double dead. But before Luke could give a voice to his disapproval towards Reggie’s question Julie spoke up.
“Yeah! What’s the name?” she turned towards the crowd and started chanting. “What’s the name?”
Soon Reggie and Alex joined with smiles painted on their faces along with the audience. You were so freaking confused. You looked at Flynn for some explanation but how would she know about it. 
“OKAY, okay, stop!” Luke yelled before laughing a little. “All right I will tell you guys but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone?”
All of a sudden you felt sick and wanted to get out of here. You were so not in the mood to hear Luke declare his love for someone. 
“This song is dedicated to..To Y/N. Unfortunately she wouldn't be here today but..she is an amazing person. Hope you all like the song.”
He...He couldn’t be talking about you, could he?
He started strumming his guitar and soon Reggie joined in with the bass and Alex with the drums. Jullie clapped her hands together and kept sending encouraging looks for the boy.
“It's too late baby, there's no turning around, I've got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud, this is how I do, when I think about you,I never thought that you could break me apart,I keep a sinister smile and a hole of my heart” he sang into the mic, his voice filling in the whole club “You want to get inside, then you can to get in line but not this time”
“'Cause you caught me off guard, now I'm running and screaming!” Julie joined in for the line“I feel like a hero and you're my heroine.”
“I won't try to philosophize, I'll just take a deep breath and I'll look in your eyes, this is how I feel and it's so so real I got a closet filled up to the brim with the ghosts of my past and the skeletons, and I don't know why, you'd even try but I won't lie” Luke sang and you finally realised what was going in. He wrote this song. For you. You looked over to Flynn who nodded towards the stage and mouthed ‘go’.
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine. Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin?
You started making your way towards the stage, slipped through the cracks between dancing people and singing fans. The further you got the harder it was to get through but you heard Luke’s voice and you kept going.
And I feel a weakness coming on, never felt so good to be so wrong. Had my heart on lock down and then you turned me around
And I’m feeling like a new born child..
You finally break through a few screaming girls and see him.
“-Every time I get a chance to see you smile. It’s not complicated, I’m so jaded.” Luke sings and looks at the audience and- He spots you. Looking up at him with eyes wide open and admiration on your face. His voice cracks because of the sudden surprise of your presence but you smile at him and that is all he needs to continue.
“And you caught me off guard...Now I’m running and screaming”
He sang the song with such passion that even if you weren’t before now you were absolutely sure this wasn’t just a simple crush. 
When they finished you didn’t waste a lot of time, you ran backstage, quickly waving your vip ticket.  You almost run into Julie on your way to the door of the backroom.
“Who- Y/N!”
“This was your doing, wasn’t it?” you smiled at her already knowing the answer. She flashed a toothy grin. 
“Well I had a great team behind me but yeah, Operation FiL was my idea.”
“Phil?” you ask back .
“No, no. F i L. Fools in Love. Now go get ‘im tiger!”
You shook your head and entered the backroom. Luke stood with his back facing you but as soon as he saw you in the mirror he spinned around. For a moment you forgot he was a ghost and ran to give him a hug. 
“Y/N, no-” he put his hands out so he could catch you, simply out of reflex but he didn’t expect to actually hold you in his arms. You both looked at each other with eyes as wide as a 6 lane highway. 
“How can I-”
“Do you care?”  you closed the little distance between the two of you and pressed your lips against his.  They were just as soft as you imagined oh, so many times before. He kissed back gently, afraid that this is just a dream. But this was definitely too real to be a dream. You unfortunately had to pull back to catch your breath but Luke looked leaned closer to press his forehead against yours.
“The song was so beautiful, I loved it.” you whisper. He just stared at you with a smile.
“If I knew you would kiss me, I would have played it a long time ago.” you giggled and brought your lips together for one more kiss. He let his hands wander this time but so did you. Your fingers ran through his brown hair, this being something you wanted to do for so long. He kept one hand on your waist and placed the other on the side of your face.
Your lips moved so in sync like you’ve been doing this all your lives. You were so drawn to each other, you felt like you couldn’t pull away in that moment even if you tried. Like this invisible magical force just glued the two of you to-
“Okay, that is enough! Get out I need to change!” Julie brusted in causing Luke to jump up and cling to you like Scooby Doo.
“Wow, you are so brave.''you laughed rolling your eyes at. “Come on, let’s leave alone Julie. We’ll meet ya at the car?”
 Jules nodded and sent a wink in your way. You walked outside, both of you grinning like idiots. 
“So uhm...Does this make us, Us?”
“Yeah. I mean if that’s what you want too.” you look at your shoes and bite your lower lip waiting for his answer.
“There’s nothing I want more.” he said. “Oh well..maybe another kiss wouldn’t be so bad either..”
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catching-bananas · 4 years
Headcannons If Banana Fish Crossed Over with other BL Animes
*Warning: Major anime and manga spoilers ahead
1) No.6
You better believe Ash and Nezumi are going to hate each other
Not like “Hate, hate” but like “we’re so much alike I would kill you in a heartbeat.”
They would also brag about who’s life treated them worse, and which one has the better boyfriend.
Meanwhile Shion and Eiji would bond over the fact that their bfs are high ranking wanted criminals
And the fact they learned to fight because of them
“Oh, you shot someone” “Yeah in the shoulder” “I shot a guy in the heart”
Then they will bond over how they beat up their bfs after the stunts they pulled (Nezumi leaving and Ash being stabbed)
Ash and Nezumi might hate each other, but Yut Lung and Nezumi would despise each other
“Shut up you Asian femboy” “Oh f*ck off you dress in drag”
Yut would hate Shion just as much as he hates Eiji, but that wouldn’t stop the white head from baking him a batch of cookies and inviting him over to meet his mother.
Yut secretly likes Karan.
Blanca meets Rikiga. Imagine that.
Ibe becoming friends with Karan and sitting in the bakery with her and Little Shion
Max, Shorter and Inukashi hanging out and getting into a load of trouble with the law. Of course it would be Inukashi’s fault and Max was trying to stop them, while Shorter cheered them on
Jessica tags along with them, but she also talks with Karan about the “troublesome boys they ended up unofficially adopting”
The two siblings that Shion would read to play with Skipper and Michael, just for a wholesome touch
2) Given
Let’s start the heartbreak shall we
Eiji was friends with Sato back in middle school and knew about Yuki
He was the first one Sato called after finding out about Yuki’s death
Because of this, Eiji spends a lot of time with Sato, and barely made any friends in high school.
Shorter is good friends with Haruki and knows about his withering crush on Kaji
He is also good friends with Kaji and knows about his toxic relationship.
Shorter tries to bring the two together but Kaji is a dense as a rock.
Kaji helps Ash with discovering his sexuality and his crush on Eiji.
Max helps Sato with the death of his ex, like how he needed when Griffin died.
Uenoyama and Ash are friends from middle school and neither knows about the other’s sexuality.
So when Uenoyama and Sato gets together, and Eiji with Ash, the other’s expressions are priceless.
“Ash you only ever dated girls” “Dude, I’m bi, but you flipped the switch completely” “Oh”.
Eiji (again) bonds over his bf with Sato, and the two have sleepovers occasionally. (They never invite the others. That’s gossip time)
Ash and Eiji met through Uenoyama and Sato, but they didn’t really talk.
One day Sato asks Eiji to help with writing the lyrics of the new song, Shorter and Sing were asked to help with Kaji’s drum kit and Ash was asked to help with guitar.
They ended up playing together, liked it, and banded together.
Eiji is guitar, Ash is vocals, Shorter is drums and Sing is bass.
Yut Lung and Sing go to the same school, and once Yut insulted a friend of Sing (Eiji), and Sing hated him since
But you know they’re gay for each other.
Yut’s brother is Murata, Kaji’s ex, and he keeps trying to talk to him about fixing things with Sing.
To which Yut calls him a hypocrite, and tells him to end things with Kaji properly.
Both follows the other’s advice in the worse way possible.
3) Classmates
Similar to Given, but with less angst
Ash and Kusakabe are of course bandmates.
Ash realized Kusakabe was gay the first time he mentioned Sajou.
“Dude, is he your boyfriend?” “Huh? No!”
Eiji is the most popular athlete in the school, while Ash is a musician.
Eiji couldn’t sing and needed Ash’s help.
They fall in love.
Ash was so stubborn about it at first, he avoided Eiji.
Until the concert.
Where, instead of going onstage, Eiji drags Ash to the back of the building and relentlessly questions him.
And they kiss.
The relationship is virtually a secret, but the whole school is curious anyways.
It’s an all boy’s school, what do you expect?
Remember the teacher, Harasen? He and Dino, the principal, goes after Ash and Sajou.
Both gets clocked by Eiji and Kusakabe.
Shorter is Ash’s friend and supports him in everything 100%.
Eiji’s family was very accepting of Ash.
Griff and Max basically adopt Eiji.
4) Yuri on Ice
Yes I know there are a million headcannons between these two, shhh~
Ash is Russian, and the older brother of Yurio.
Being much more laid back than the latter, Ash teases him constantly.
“Hey pretty ballerina” “Shut up you stupid doorknob”.
Both have an unhealthy obsession with wild cats, Ash with lynxes and Yurio with tigers.
Ash isn’t a skater, but cheers on his brother when he competes.
He is a fan of Yuri, out of pure spite.
But he is secretly a big fan of Victor as well.
When he travelled with Yuri to Japan to meet Yuri, Eiji and Victor, he contained his happiness well.
Reality: he was super excited.
Victor trained Yuri, but since Yuri and Eiji were good friends, Eiji was allowed to watch.
Eiji didn’t really skate after an injury he had.
Victor found it amusing when Yurio came to challenge Yuri while his brother backed him up.
Ash started calling his brother Yurio, much to the younger’s detriment.
Eiji was very awkward, but they got along well.
So well Ash decided to tag along with him during the competition.
They share a hotel room.
Which went as well as one would expect.
Ash learned about Eiji’s fear of the ice, and with the help of a reluctant Yurio and a supportive Yuri, they help him start skating again.
Que rainbow ending.
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cursed-or-not · 4 years
Suptober Day 11: Rock and Roll
Music heard so deeply / That it is not heard at all, but you are the music / While the music lasts
(T.S. Elliot, “The Dry Salvages”)
Cas thinks that of everything humanity has made, music has to be the best.
There have been more impressive creations—buildings meant to reach the stars, codes of law that formed the first societies— but not all masterpieces last.
Humans have never stopped making music.
Cas has always appreciated it for its longevity, but he doesn’t truly understand it until he pulls Dean Winchester from Hell.
It’s a process. At first, Dean can’t make sense of Cas’s voice, a voice that doesn’t sound like music but like martyrdom, like Heaven and holy wars, but slowly, Cas starts to understand the pitch that Dean lives in.
He doesn’t realize that Dean is starting to understand him, too, until later.
“Don’t ever change,” Dean finally tells him, and Cas thinks this was the first time their music converged.
They’re sitting in a bar, and Dean is wincing. Cas still doesn’t understand entirely, because he knows Dean likes this song, but Dean keeps saying something about cover bands and bleeding ears, and Cas just smiles along.
“You’ve been quiet,” Dean accuses after another string of complaints about the band, and Cas tilts his head in confusion.
“I don’t want to talk over the music,” Cas says simply.
Dean’s expression holds something soft but fleeting.
“Yeah, well, this isn’t music.”
Dean’s words just confuse Cas further.
“I thought… you liked this song,” Cas says, wracking his brain for the memory of this playing in the car.
Dean shakes his head.
“No, no, no,” he begins, “If you think this is the same as what I made you listen to, then I didn’t teach you very well. Trust me, there’s a difference between a classic song and a shitty garage-band cover of it.”
“Oh,” Cas says in response. He still doesn’t understand.
“Oh?” Dean prompts, seeming to notice Cas’s confusion.
“It’s just… wouldn’t you rather hear a bad version of a good song than nothing?”
Dean considers the question.
“I mean, on principle, no. But you might have a point,” Dean responds. “I guess I’d have to really like the song.”
“And this one? Do you like this one enough?”
Dean thinks about it before responding, “You know, I guess I do.” He huffs a laugh. “I guess music is music, no matter how shitty.”
Cas looks at Dean through startling blue eyes and tries not to think cursed or not.
Sometimes, Dean wishes he could hear everything that Cas does.
He wishes Cas spent less time marching to his own beat, to the orders he hears on angel radio, to the music only he can hear.
They try to share it with each other, sometimes. It’s why Cas spent so much time trying to make Dean understand and why Dean spent so much time on a mixtape. But sometimes, they just can’t find it in themselves.
This time, it’s about the nephilim.
Cas is convinced that Lucifer’s son will do something good, something great, even, and Dean isn’t willing to take the chance of him doing the opposite.
It’s hard to be angry.
He knows Cas isn’t lying to them about the future he believes in. When Cas talks about this kid, about the future he saw he could make, something in Cas’s expression turns so hopeful that it makes Dean ache.
It’s not that Dean doesn’t think Cas believes he’s doing the right thing; it’s that Dean can’t convince himself of it.
Whatever brave new world Cas thinks will come from this kid— Dean just can’t see it.
Cas hears music that no one else does.
When Cas dies, Dean doesn’t listen to anything for weeks.
The cassettes in the car stay untouched, the records unplayed.
There’s a boy with the blood of Lucifer who they have to save now, too, but Dean doesn’t care because he couldn’t save anyone when it counted, so what’s the point now?
Jack doesn’t know music. It’s not even that he doesn’t know good music; he’s never even heard the bad kind. Someday, someone might teach him, might show him how to drive with it playing and hum it while he fishes, but for now, he doesn’t ask, and no one offers. Dean doesn’t talk to him.
Jack misses Castiel, too. He’s the father he never got to meet, his unknowable savior, and maybe, just maybe, Cas could have taught him. Now, though, everything is silent.
They don’t know where angels go when they die. No one knows, Sam told him, but all that Jack knows is that it has to be somewhere, and he just wants his father.
When he cries out, the universe hears.
Somewhere, there’s music still playing.
It’s Thanksgiving, and the bunker buzzes with life.
They don’t do this, don’t celebrate normal holidays, but with the end of the world looming over them, now’s as good a time as any to start.
It’s not just them. Jody and the girls agreed to come, and they’ve made a mess of the kitchen, but no one seems to mind. Garth brought his family, too, and the babies have been looking wide-eyed at the bunker since they arrived. Eileen is due to arrive any minute.
There is happiness in the air, but Dean is terrified.
He knows about the deal.
Today isn’t the first day he’s known, but it’s brought up a whole new wave of fear and grief.
Giddy voices sing from the kitchen, and it’s a song Dean knows he recognizes—something by Pink Floyd—but he can’t bring himself to hear any of it. He’s standing in the doorway of his room, anger preventing him from joining. He feels like he’s living with one foot in and one out.
Cas stands across from him.
“Dean, I know why you won’t join,” Cas says, and Dean lets out a bitter laugh.
“Yeah, I’m sure you do.”
Cas’s brow furrows, and he asks, “Are you angry?”
Dean shrugs, but the way his shoulders move jerkily answers the question.
Cas begins, “I know you think this will make me happy enough to—”
“That’s not the only thing, Cas!” Dean interrupts, and anger has seeped into his voice.
Cas stays silent, waiting for Dean to continue.
“It’s— yeah, I’m worried that today’s gonna make you happy and you’re gonna die in the middle of eating a piece of pumpkin pie,” Dean says, frustrated. “But what about the next time? And the time after that? Are we just gonna make sure you’re always miserable so you don’t die?”
Cas looks at Dean with sadness written on his face.
“Well,” Cas begins, and the calm of his voice contrasts starkly with the sharpness of Dean’s, “I think I’m safe at least until we beat Chuck.”
Dean makes a sound of disbelief.
“So, what then?! We just keep trying to find a way to dust God, and we ignore that it’ll probably kill you?”
Cas blinks.
“Yes,” he responds, and Dean’s face twists with anger.
“If you’re not gonna be around when we save the world, then what the hell are we even fighting for?!” Dean shouts.
Dean’s voice is loud, too loud, and now he can hear a baby crying from the other room. He’s not sure if it’s baby Sam or Castiel, but in the next moment, Jack’s voice filters in from another room where they left him watching the twins sleep. He keeps his voice soft and soothing.
“Shhh, shh, it’s okay. It will be okay,” Jack says gently, and Dean can’t see him, but he’s sure Jack is holding the baby as he speaks. In the next moment, the crying has stopped.
The music from the kitchen is still playing.
“Them,” Cas answers then, and any frustration has melted from his voice. “We’re fighting for them.”
Some days, it all comes back to the mixtape.
It doesn’t matter what else there is; it doesn’t matter that there’s still God to fight or a deal to cheat, and it doesn’t matter that there’s fear and grief or anything other than love. On days like this, it all comes down to the music between them.
They’re in the car together, and they’re on the second to last song of the mixtape, but Dean doesn’t think he’s heard a single word of it.
It’s not that they’re speaking over it; every time they play the mixtape, Cas listens like he’ll never get another chance, but just because there are no actual words drowning it out doesn’t mean there’s nothing distracting Dean.
Something hangs in the air between them that’s louder than the music, and when Dean finally catches Cas’s eye in the passenger seat next to him, the notes all shatter.
“I know.”
It’s a simple response, and Dean almost has to laugh at it because of course Cas knows.  
Before Dean can tell him anything else that he already knows, and before he’s quite sure what he’s doing, Dean’s pulling the car over.
If Cas already knows, then—
“Cas, can I—”
And that’s all it takes.
There’s a moment of waiting, a break before the chorus, and then they meet in the middle.
It’s soft where they come together, but it’s not so tentative that Dean doesn’t feel his heart race. Neither intends to waste a second of this, and when they draw back for air, their cheeks are flushed.
“I’m sorry,” Cas blurts as they pull away, and for the life of him, Dean can’t imagine why he’s apologizing.
“You’re sorry?” Dean questions, still not quite trusting himself to string too many words together.
“The mixtape,” Cas says, still breathing heavier than usual. “You made me the mixtape, and I never got you anything in return.”
Dean almost laughs at Cas’s sincerity and timing, but when he responds, Dean’s voice is low and just as sincere.
“Don’t say you never got me anything,” Dean breathes, and then he pulls Cas in for another kiss.
It’s short and gentle, but Dean already can’t imagine how he’s gone so many years without this.
“Kisses aren’t an actual gift,” Cas says skeptically, but the way he leans closer to Dean takes away some credibility from the statement. “Not like the mixtape.”
“Cas, I hate to say it,” Dean responds, “but you’re better than rock and roll.”
It doesn’t matter that the song’s almost over, or that they still have a world to save, because Cas’s hand is in Dean’s. Maybe there’s the Empty waiting around the corner, but here, there is music. 
For now, this is enough.
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
I have never wrote such sad content... ALSO IM FINALLY OUT OF SCHOOL HAHA!
Also I’m working on a Atsumu reader!! I’m excited for that one because it’s going to be a cute one.
" Why! Why! "  I cried
why did he leave...not me?
Iwaizumi got up with anger.
Iwaizumi try to hit Atsumu but I got in between.
" Y/N! GET OVER HERE NOW! " Suga yelled
" NO NO NO! NOT UNTIL THIS GETS RESOLVE! " I yell as tears stream down my face.
" Iwaizumi, please... DONT hit him. I have already seen enough...  "
My heart was aching from the pain... I can't bear to see anyone getting hurt right now even if they don't like us.
"You're lucky enough she stopped me you stupid pig! " Iwaizumi told Atsumu.
" Yeah well, she did- "
Atsumu was interrupted by a voice.
A demon with half black and silver hair shouted with anger.
" Kit- Kita.."
" This is how low you got... I'm disgusted. " Kita said in an angry tone.
" It's not what it sees-"
" It's defiantly what it seems. "
" And you. " Kita points at me , I decided to hide behind Iwaizumi.
"  Why have you come here knowing it was risky for what May happen to you... " he questioned.
" Uh well, I did it out of love... I loved Toru but I did-"
I'm starting to choke on my tears.
Kita stared at all three of us.
Suga was next to Iwaizumi also protecting me.
" Who else knows the King is dead.. "
" Just the ones who are currently at the scene right now Sir.. "
" Who's idea was killing her? " Kita asked firmly.
" Atsumu and Tendou's sir... " one of the guards said.
" and Angel what's your name? " he asked
" Uh, y/n sir.. "
" Does anyone on your side knew about this affair? "
" Only Suga did but others started to figure out... " I say
" We have to inform everyone about this," he says coldly.
" Guards pick up Oikawa we have to prep for the funeral. "
The guards did what Kita said, I stood there frozen as I process the love of my life gone...
Kita demanded the others to leave because he must figure out the punishment for what they did to Oikawa.
Now there were only 3 of us, I, Suga, and Iwaizumi stood there.
I once again collapse as I cried longing for Oikawa...
What if I go too.
Negative Thoughts ponder through my head until I feel a hug from behind.
It was Suga and Iwaizumi with both tears in their eyes. I guess it was self-fish of me thinking I was the only one in pain.
Of course, Iwaizumi was hurting he lost his best friend his wing man. As for Suga, he felt guilty too, just like me.
" Suga... Iwaizumi what are we going to do now... " I say with tears down my face.
" Princess all I know is I have to protect you because that's what Oikawa would want.  " Iwaizumi said wiping my tears away.
" And as for me, I'll stay by your side no matter what. " Suga said with a faint smile.
At that moment I was grateful for them... I know I couldn't do anything self-fish because Oikawa would want me to live my life and change the world as we promise one another.
For a couple of minutes, everything still felt surreal.
" Ok then... We have to fix this mess... " I say.
" How are we going to Princess? Kageyama told the others about Oikawa.. and now that he died for your sake it's going to cause an uproar. " Suga said concerned.
" Iwaizumi do you know what time or have any idea of when Kita will inform everyone?! " I ask
" No I don't but I will figure it out, on the other hand, you two should go back and try to figure out what's going on," he said in a firm voice.
" Ok then... " I say as I get up from the ground.
" And Suga promise me one thing! " Iwaizumi said as we both got up.
" yes? "
" Protect and keep y/n safe. "
" As if I would never! " Suga slightly chuckles.
" Ok we must get going we will meet up once Kita informs both sides. "
Then we were off, Iwaizumi went to go see what was happening as I and Suga went to go see too.
Once I and Suga arrived at our site, we see everyone standing there with suspicion.
" Wheres the demon y/n? " Dachi questioned in a harsh tone.
" Not here. " I say coldly
" What do you mean not here? "
" He is dead. All for stupid desires of selfish people. "
" You shouldn't be the one saying who is selfish when you were too. "
My heart started aching, even more, Dachi is right. I was selfish too for going back to see him. Maybe if I didn't see him, he would of still been alive.
" DACHI THAT'S ENOUGH! "  Suga yelled.
" Y/N I- "
" NO Dachi I'm done. You and the others clearly don't want to change. " I run right through them, I can hear Suga yelling my name but I couldn't handle the pain anymore. It should've been me not Oikawa, now I'm here all alone with this guilt.
I kept running as tears streamed down my face, at that moment I made up my mind on the decision I was doubtful of.
Once I get to the Palace I go in the training quarters, I grab a dagger.  
I'm hesitant about this, yes... but is it for the best I don't know.
My hands started to shake as I hold the dagger.
"It's fine in a count of one, two,th-"
" Y/N! " Suga ran towards me as he tackled me on the ground.
Once again my eyes were in tears, I can't do this anymore.
" Shhh Shhh " Suga hugged me as I weep on the ground.
" Come on let's go in your room. "
Suga dragged me to my room.
" I'm not going anywhere until you sleep. "
I was too weak to talk I just lay there in bed as my heart was broken into pieces.
My eyes got weaker and weaker until I open my eyes to only see I was in a garden.
I got up from the ground, the garden seemed familiar but I cannot remember where.
The garden was vivid, there were flowers, trees, and many more things. I walked around until I bumped into someone.
" OW watch whe- " said a male voice.
I think my eyes were fooling me, it was him... Oikawa Toru.
" Toru? " My eyes being to water, he was also shocked and came in for a hug.
Oikawa hugs me tighter. I can feel his presence it's really him.
" Hey DONT cry I'm here to say Princess! " he says as he wipes my tears.
" Promise.. "
" I promise, we have married after all ! " he chuckles.
Suga pov:
I woke up frantically, I fell asleep on accident.
I get up from the chair to check on y/n on the bed. She has fallen asleep with tears in her eyes. As I use my finger to wipe her tears, I noticed something.
She seemed pale...
" Hey, y/n wake-up... "
No movement or response...
" Hey, This isn't a time to joke around wake up.. "
My heart dropped... She can't be... How?! I was with her all night.
There her lifeless body on her bed...
I look around her room to only find an empty bottle of nightshade on the ground.
I stood there frozen...
She was gone.. .the pain really took her away.
Chapter 12 / Epilogue
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alleycat97 · 4 years
Can you please write a Veronica fic about what happens after chapter eleven? Basically, after Mc and Veronica’s hookup Veronica is constantly thinking about it and realizes that she has actual feelings for Mc 👀👌 of you do this then thank you in advance
I’ve been dying to have the time to for this one! I’ve been loving Veronica as of late and I love the pairing! You got it! Hope you love it too!
Veronica x MC (Bea)
You are Poppy. Bea stood in shock trying to register Zoey’s last comment. Poppy? Was she Poppy? Had things gotten that bad and she not realize it? Surely not. Zoey was just overreacting.
Instead of retorting she just let the girl go without more of a fuss. They needed space, nothing else good would come from them if they didnt have time to cool off before they really ruined their friendship. If it’s even intact now.
Speaking of cool, it was cold asf outside and Bea immediately remembered that she didn’t bring her room key. In Zoey’s rush to get to this party, she didn’t have time to grab it. Fuck.
Surely the new RA would let her in. But maybe this was good. Zoey would most likely be there and it would be best to stay away. What about Ina? Bea pushed that away. That was another disaster waiting to be tended to.
“I can’t go back to the Zeta house. Poppy is going to slit my throat.” Bea mumbled sitting on a nearby bench. “I’m so screwed.”
Bea balled herself up as tight as she could to help combat the shivering as she just sat there in her underwear lost in thought. She could still see the Zeta house and Poppy kicking everyone out. She looked so pissed.
Several partygoers passed Bea in waves, mostly drunk ones howling at her or just shouting belligerent incoherent words. She ignored them as they passed, too focused on how to fix this mess.
She finally figured that her best option would most likely be freezing to death. Then, it wouldn’t be her problem. And by the looks of things, it was close to becoming a reality. Until she heard one distinctive voice she didn’t know she was craving to hear, Veronica.
“Is this seat taken?” She asked cautiously approaching.
Bea shifted over a little and nodded, making room.
“It’s freezing cold out here Bea, what are you doing out here by yourself?” Veronica asked worried. A tone Bea never thought she would hear.
“How did you know I was out here?”
“Carter called me. He said he passed by and said you looked checked out. So I hurried down.”
“Hurried down huh?” Bea actually felt something positive ignite within.
“Yeah yeah. I didn’t want you to get sick or anything. I brought you this.”
Veronica placed a coat over Bea’s shoulders and she was so grateful. Warmth!
“So you wanna explain why you’re still sitting out here? Still in your underwear?”
“It’s a long story. But to make it short, I’m fucked. Poppy is going to murder me and Zoey is no longer my friend.”
“What!? Just because of what Poppy said in there?”
Bea sighed and began to explain everything. “She pushed me to do all of this. Sure I wanted to take Poppy down but just like tonight, she pushed me to get revenge on Poppy and that’s what I did. I didn’t know Zoey was the target until it was too late. I’m just...I don’t know what to do. She even called me her...”
“Poppy.” Bea groaned out in disgust.
“Ouch. I’m sorry about all of this. It’s just Poppy’s game. I’m sure you’re doing the right thing and like you said Zoey just needs space and you need to think. But you are not Poppy. You have a heart and mean well. You have the other students in mind, you protect them from Poppy. Yeah sure fighting Poppy may make you look awful. But you’re nasty for all the right reasons and I believe in you. So get up, and come with me.”
“Where are we going?”
“Just come on and be hella quiet.” Veronica began dragging Bea into the Zeta house, only a handful of people remained by the looks of it and most importantly, Poppy was occupied.
“Why are we sneaking?” Bea asked a bit louder than Veronica would like.
“Shhh! If Poppy catches me sneaking you in here we are both dead.”
“But I don’t get...” Veronica placed her hand over Bea’s mouth until they made it inside her room.
“Poppy has ears like a bat. Seriously keep it low from now on. Alright, you need pjs, extra cute, ahh here we are. They’re a little...revealing but super comfy, the shower is right through there, keep the hog calling to a minimum and I’ll see you right there in about 15 minutes, and go.” Veronica finished pointing to the bed.
“Ummm? Ok.” Bea replied trying to remember what Veronica just threw at her.
Bea hurried up and put on the pajamas. Aside from her ass hanging out they were very comfy. She would definitely be buying some of these. Or she’d just keep Veronica’s.
Veronica was on her bed waiting, and suprisingly, she wasn’t on her phone. She pulled the cover back and patted the empty spot beside her.
Bea joined and snuggled under the cover, embracing the warmth it provided. Not to mention the heat coming off Veronica.
“Comfy?” V asked.
“Very. Thank you, for letting me stay here I guess. Kinda forced me but I appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem. After the night you had I couldn’t let you freeze out there. Plus...I kind of missed you after...” Veronica cleared her throat, “Our encounter earlier.”
“Oh you did?” Bea turned towards Veronica and placed her head on the girls chest, throwing her arm over her waist and held on tight.
Veronica wanted to squeal and do a happy dance but contained herself, she just began stroking Bea’s hair and the two just fell into conversation.
It didn’t take long for Veronica to fall for Bea. After their destruction of Poppy’s cutout, she was intrigued. And with the sex earlier, she felt a connection she’s never felt. It felt so real, so right. After Bea left the party Veronica couldnt/wouldn’t let Bea slip away.
She wasn’t going to now that she was under her strong toned arms.
Sometime during the next morning Veronica was abruptly woken up by a furious Poppy.
“What the literal fuck Is she doing in here? I banned her from the Zeta house V!”
“You ever heard of knocking pop?” V replied.
“I don’t have to. I own this house and Wannabe has to go.”
Bea began to wake and that’s when Poppy pounced, “You little whore! Your ruining my life! Get the fuck out of this house!”
Bea just took it, she coiled her body tighter into Veronica like a child who was afraid. Veronica gripped her as tight as she could to reassure her.
“I hope you’re satisfied! Don’t think I don’t know about your intentions, sleeping with my friends to undermine me! Whore! And because of your little antics tonight, Daddy cut me off from the credit cards! So I’m going to say this once more Winchester, get the hell out of this house before I call the cops, don’t worry I’m sure Zoey can give you pointers on being arrested.”
Veronica was shaking now, “Fuck you Poppy. Like you’re a saint! You call the cops on her, you call them on me too because I helped her.”
“You....you did?” Poppy said startled.
“Yes, it’s about time you had a taste of your own medicine. If you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”
“But...I thought...We were friends!” Poppy screamed.
“You two are obsessed! Neither of you will be satisfied until the other is humiliated and ruined to the point of no return. But atleast Bea cares for others unlike your tyrant ass. So I’ll say this Poppy, please get out of my room and leave us alone.”
“Ugghhhh!!!!” Poppy stomped out of the room, jealousy and rage filling her features once again, she slammed the door as hard as she could.
Bea stayed snuggled into V’s chest. She felt safe and relaxed. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. It’s about time she realized her shit is old and her time is running out.”
“It was...”
“What do you mean?”
“Without Zoey, I’m hopeless. She knew what moves to make, I just executed them.” Bea sighed.
“Well step one of my new plan, is getting her back. And two, we will take down Poppy together.”
“Why are you helping me? Y’all are friends.” Bea wondered.
Veronica continued to stroke Bea’s hair, her own cheeks beginning th heat to, “Because I like you. And after earlier, I like you a lot and want to see where this goes.”
Bea couldn’t help but smile, “You like me huh?”
“Stop fishing Bea.” Veronica teased. “But yeah I do. I hope it’s mutual or else this will be weird.”
Bea raised up and placed a sweet and innocent kiss on Veronica’s lips, “It’s definitely mutual. But you know what’s weird?”
“The entire time since you came and got me, I haven’t seen you on your phone at all.”
“HAHA, contrary to popular belief, I can live without my phone. Yeah it’s important to me, but so are you. And this is something you can’t replace so easily.”
Okkkk Bea just melted. Veronica did it, she won her heart right there. She resumed snuggling and just for tonight, she could relax and her worries were temporarily gone.
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highpope · 4 years
Silver Keys - Prologue
JJ Maybank x oc / Soulmate AU / Topper x oc
Warnings: none, if there are ever any let me know :)
Word count 1k
notes: I hope you enjoy! This is really just to give some background before the first chapter!! If you wanna be on the taglist let me know.
Everyone knows that when you turn 18 you begin to hear the songs your soulmate is listening to. It starts slowly, a faint melody getting stuck in your head, occasionally a line or two would start to sound familiar, and then the chorus becomes more clear, the rhythm can be felt through your body, you start to hum their favorite songs. All without being sure who’s favorites they were. 
Some people are lucky, they’re in love long before they start to hear the music, and when they do it’s perfect. Like puzzle pieces falling into place. Her mom described it as a sort of calm feeling washing over you, like getting a song stuck in your head that you’ve never heard of. It was nice. But that made sense, her parents were in love, are in love. They met in elementary school, becoming best friends from the start. By the time they were both 18, they knew. June wonders if this same thing could happen to her, being soulmates with one of her best friends. She’d had the same friends as long as she could remember, growing up side by side, raising each other. It was what made the pogues special, in a way they were all soulmates. The kind that never has to worry if the music stops or changes. The kind that doesn’t need that confirmation.
Other people say it stops after a while. Like falling out of love, the songs get softer, less familiar, slowly fading out in the same way it came. They’re less lucky. June has always been afraid that she’d start to fall in love and the music would just stop. Just cease to exist one day, or that it would never start at all. She tried not to think about it, and most of the time, it was easy. She’d spend days working at the bait shop down the road from her house, the weekends with the pogues surfing, getting into trouble, or on the marsh. The whole soulmate thing was completely forgotten, that is until everyone turned 18 before June. Well, June and JJ. JJ was two weeks younger than her. Pope was the oldest, June remembers when he first heard something.
June had been working at the bait shop all morning with only a handful of customers. She was the only one working so she desperately called JJ and Pope to come hang out, knowing that neither of them was working. She was behind the counter, snacking on some gummies the two had brought her while they wandered through the store. 
“I don’t know June, I think we can find something better to do than watch a movie tonight,” JJ said, examining a fishing pole on display. 
“It’s not that we can’t find something better, it’s that I don’t want to.” She replied.
JJ just turned and looked at her.
“Don’t be difficult.”
“I’m not! You are.”
“Am not!” He huffed, coming over and trying to steal some gummy candy.
“Uh uh,” June said, pulling the bag away from him, “not until you agree to watch a movie with us tonight. Kie and John B already said they would.”
“You roped John B into this too?” He exclaimed, “Ridiculous.” 
June scoffed, “Pope will you please tell JJ he’s being stubborn?”
“No, tell June she’s being boring.” 
You continued to bicker, “I am not boring!” 
“Pope-” JJ started before June stuck her hand over JJ’s face.
“Noooo shhh!” She whined, “Pope-”
Only then did Pope turn to them, a weird look on his face.
“Guys,” he started, walking towards the two.
“Ew! JJ did you just lick my hand?” June exclaimed before wiping her hand on her apron and focusing her attention on Pope.
“I think I just heard it,” he said softly. 
“Really?” JJ asked, his tone matching Pope’s.
“Yeah, it wasn’t anything I can really verbalize, but it was there. Kinda faint like it was being played down the street. But also I knew I was the only one that could hear it.”
“Crazy,” June breathed. She couldn’t wrap her head around it and she could tell that neither of the boys could either. 
That was the beginning. June wasn’t there when John B or Kiara heard their’s for the first time, but as time went on, the three of them would hear it more and more. 
“Today, I heard a Bob Marley song. How sick is that?” Kie had told June one day after school. 
“They’ve got good taste,” she had replied, smiling at how excited even Kiara was at the idea of having a soulmate connected through music. John B thinks his soulmate is a girl they all went to middle school with. He doesn’t have any evidence to back this up, though. He just knows. 
Music had always been an important part of June’s life. Her parents’ love for it influenced the whole household. Her sister and her would dance in the kitchen to John Denver and James Taylor. Her sister, singing before she could even fully speak, had been writing music for years now. June didn’t write music, but she did play the piano. “Classical music was your first love” her father would say. It truly was. June loved the way that the music told a story through every note without ever needing words. It could convey even the most difficult things without a single letter. June loved to listen to it, but even more, she loved to play. The way the keys always welcomed her back, time, and time again. She would get lost in the melody and time would easily halt. It was like the whole world stopped to listen to her play, if only for a few minutes. 
Sure, June loved a good classic, but classical was always her favorite. She wondered what her soulmate would hear when she played, how it would sound in their head. Wondered if they would get the same feeling she got like the universe was just right. She hoped so.
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jjbaebank · 4 years
Boneyard Badass pt. 3
A/N: I’m sorry but I just needed to include the “baby boy” also omg I’m so freaking stupid I forgot to title it 😂😂
On Tuesday at 4, you kept your promise to JJ. Knowing that he was staying at John B’s, you drove a boat along the water and parked it at the dock where JJ was standing. It was pitch black, but you could see his silhouette under the moonlight, and he could see the outline of the boat.
“No fucking way,” he said, mouth wide open.
“Yup,” you replied smugly, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back in the driver’s seat. 
“You own a boat?” JJ asked, impressed.
“No,” you answered honestly, laughing.
“Wait, so you...?” JJ questioned incredulously. 
“Yup,” you replied with a smirk. He didn’t have to say the words for you to know what he meant.
“I can’t believe you stole a fucking boat!” JJ stared in amazement at the perfect new Grady White you were captaining.
“Mm mm mm,” you corrected, “Borrowed a boat.”
JJ just shook his head while grinning at you and chuckling softly. “Wow,” he said.
“Get in,” you jerked a thumb towards the boat. “Need a hand?” You reached out a hand teasingly, as if to offer him help if he needed it climbing from the dock onto the boat. 
“Ha ha ha,” he deadpanned, but jokingly took your hand as he stepped into the boat. As he stepped down fully, you stood on your tiptoes to snatch the baseball cap off of his head, and put it on your own.
JJ was about to object, but you gave him a smirk and he quickly grinned and gave you an adoring yet disbelieving look. Like a “Wow, this girl is crazy, but I like her” kind of look.
With the hat backwards on your head, you flicked your sunglasses down despite it being very dark outside, and sat back down in the driver’s chair. You turned on the engine and motored off into the marsh. 
“So, how was your day yesterday?” you asked, turning to look at him. 
“Not as good because I didn’t get to see you,” he fake-pouted.
“Such a flatterer,” you chuckled. You made small talk for a while, until you got to a nice spot and killed the engine.
“I’m gonna swim.” You stripped down to your bikini, and jumped off the boat into the water, doing an epic cannonball. “You coming?” You called up to JJ, who was looking down at you.
He followed, pulling off his shirt and jumping in after you. You sunk under, then resurfaced, your hair slicked back by the water. 
“You know, it’s so dark that we can’t really see the water. Who knows what kind of creatures are down there?” You asked, trying to freak out JJ a little.
“I’m not scared,” he scoffed. You grinned and as silently as you quicked, ducked underwater and swam towards where you thought he was. You could hear him saying something from the surface, but you swam deeper until you grabbed JJ’s foot.
He jerked underwater, and swam away quickly. You swam back up to tthe surface, smiling.
“So, not scared huh?” you teased. 
“Y/n, you’re going to be the death of me,” JJ laughed, very relieved that you were the one who touched his foot and not some fish or something.
Looking at JJ, he was only a foot away from you, both of you treading water to stay afloat. The moonlight was reflected in his eyes, and... damn. 
JJ seemingly was thinking the same thing. “You know you’re beautiful, right?”
It made you feel good. Being the badass girl with the reputation that you had, you weren’t ever really called beautiful. Hot? Yeah. Sexy? Yeah. But not beautiful.
“...I don’t know but uh, thanks, JJ,” you replied, “You are too.”
“God, I’m serious, you’re so freaking gorgeo- look what you’ve done to me Y/N, you’ve turned me into a simp!” JJ laughed, giving you a little splash.
You splashed back, laughing, and you engaged in a little splash fight before you pressed your index finger to JJ’s lips and whispered “shhh” before you leaned in and kissed him. Of course, the kiss was short because neither of you were in the mood for drowning, but it was still nice. 
After you got out, you were both soaking, and the sun not having risen yet made it kinda cold. You wrapped yourself in a towel that you brought, but saw JJ shivering on the side. Stupidly, he’d only brought the clothes that he had worn here, which were a thin t-shirt and his swim trunks.
“Aww poor JJ. Do you want my sweatshirt, baby boy?” you asked with a teasing smile.
He grumbled but ended up accepting it as the wind started to blow a little harder. 
You started up the boat again and started to head back, because since you were *borrowing* the boat, you needed to return it before the sun rose. 
“So, besides stealing, sorry I mean borrowing other people’s boats, what do you like to do?” JJ asked.
“Well, I like borrowing people’s cars too, not only boats... nah, I’m joking. Well, I like surfing a lot,” you said. 
The look on JJ’s face turned from curiosity to excitement. 
“Surfing, no way! I love surfing!”
“Yeah? We should go sometime,” you offered, loving the way JJ couldn’t stop himself from smiling slightly even though he was trying to play it cool after hearing that. 
“Yeah! Alright but next time, I’m choosing the date,” JJ announced.
“Okay, sweet!” Honestly, you were pretty excited. You could’ve made a crack about him assuming that there would be a next time, but you didn’t need to. 
At that moment, you approached the dock where you had taken the boat from. It just so happened to be Kelce’s family’s boat. It was just in time too, right as the sun started to rise.There was a little water in there, but it was clean as you left. Gathering all your belongings, you and JJ stepped out and started to walk away. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Kelce walking out of his house. He did a double take as he saw you and JJ walking out of his boat, and angrily stormed towards you.
“Fuck! RUN!” you shouted at JJ, who hadn’t seen any of it. You grabbed his hand and pulled him along right next to you, as you sprinted away from the scene.You ran along the road, twisting and turning, before you were pretty sure you lost Kelce. 
When you stopped, you and JJ burst out laughing.
“I told you that you should stay away from me,” you chuckled.
“I told you I don’t want to,” JJ countered, stopping his laughter to look at you seriously.
“...Okay,” you responded with a pleased smile on your face. “You’re an okay assistant badass,” you teased.
“Assistant? I was thinking more like sidekick,” he frowned.
“Okay, how about partner-in-crime?” You offered. JJ looked at you with a grin.
“Partner-in-crime,” JJ agreed, smiling softly.
You tilted your head and grinned, sneaking a glance at his very cute and happy face. Turning to look fully at him, you said “Alright, partner,” and reached out your hand for a high five.
JJ disregarded that and went straight in for the kiss. After a moment, you broke away, laughing. You jokingly pushed him away, both laughing and you started walking towards John B’s house. JJ was next to you, starting to tell a story, and you moved your hand over to intertwine his fingers with your own.
He looked at you with a surprised yet delighted look, but you kept your head high with dignity, muttering “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything,” he replied gleefully, squeezing your hand.
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katefiction · 4 years
A Royal Christmas Carol
by katefiction (Maria) / 2013
The voices of hundreds of feverish and excitable people rose and fell through the crowd. Occasionally, snippets of conversation could be heard like little balls bouncing up from the ground. ‘How much? Ten pounds?’, ‘Oh she’ll absolutely love that!’, ‘It looks yummy…I might just have to try one’.
Catherine Middleton’s voice was just one of them.
‘Brutwurst for the pretty lady?’ a vendor said, thrusting a long German sausage in her direction.  
‘Oh no thank you’ she replied politely.
‘Only two pounds for you’ he said, with a twinkle in his eye, his thick German accent adding extra charm, ‘it’s delicious!’
‘I’m sure, but I’ve just had some stollen and mulled wine from that stall over there’ she said pointing to one of the wooden huts that were lined neatly in a row.
‘Stolen my business!’ he said, throwing his arms theatrically in the air, followed by something in German that Kate presumed to be an expletive.
Kate giggled, pushing William along gently before they were convinced into buying any more food. They both already had a bag each filled with meats, gingerbread and fudge. 
It seemed to William that his new housemate wanted to stop at every stall possible at the Christmas Market that had landed in St Andrew’s that December day.
‘Oh that’s gorgeous!’ Kate enthused, looking at some blown glass baubles with a hand painted design.
William trudged on behind her, his feet sore from the walking and fingers numbing in the wintery air. He pondered for a second whether this was what having a proper girlfriend felt like. The constant pretence of being interested in the wooden toys, sparkling decorations and handmade crafts that Kate had insisted on showing him that afternoon. Not to mention always having to carry the heavier shopping bag.
Still, William might not mind all that much if Kate were his girlfriend.
‘What do you think Will? Should I get one for Mum?’ she said holding a bauble up to the last bit of daylight there was left.
‘Urm, yeh?’ he replied, looking over to his protection officers who blended into the crowd like two bored men waiting for their wives.
‘Oh I don’t know though, she might not like it. It’s one of those marmite things, you know, she’ll either love it or hate it’
William nodded, ‘how much is it?’
‘Twelve pounds’
‘For ONE bauble?!’ he exclaimed.
‘You’re paying for the quality and the craftsmanship’ she explained.
‘Extortionate’ he muttered so the vendor couldn’t hear him.
‘Oh don’t start that again’ she laughed putting the bauble down and walking away from the little wooden hut a little mournfully.
It was a fact well known that William Wales hated Christmas. He thought it a brazen excuse for companies to rip people off. Who says you should have a turkey, a tree, and a mound of brussel sprouts at the table? And why, oh why must Christmas songs be obligatory from November onwards?
As they walked back to their little home in Hope Street, Kate rattled off all the things she still needed to get for their house Christmas meal.
‘We still need crackers, and to decorate the tree, oh and I should fish out my snowman slippers!’
If William weren’t as enamoured with Kate as he was, he would find this irritating. But the plain fact was that just recently, he found nothing about Kate irritating.
The way she threw her hair behind her shoulders, sending a gentle waft of her shampoo scent in his direction. The manner in which she gently touched his arm when she was teasing him. He liked everything, every little thing.  
‘I think the snowman slippers are going a bit far’ he said drily.
‘Oh bah humbug!’ she retorted.
Just as he was about to tell her how her festive spirit was all a concoction of the media driven world, a small ball of energy, about knee height crashed into them.
‘Whoa’ Will shouted, almost dropping his bag.
‘Tim!!!’ screeched a high Scottish voice.
From around the corner leading up to Hope Street came a rather dishevelled looking woman. From a far, she looked like she could be fifty, with dark thin hair and bags under her eyes. As she grew closer, however, it was clear to William and Kate that she was thirty at the most.
‘Say sorry Tim!’ she shouted at the little boy, who was now peering into William’s carrier bag.
‘Sorry’ he said.
‘It’s fine’ Kate said kindly.
Tim, like his mother, was scrawny and tiny too for his ten years.
‘Righ’ come on’ Tim’s mother said, grabbing him and pulling him along the street.
‘But Ma, they’ve go’ a turkey!’ they heard him say, ‘you said  the shops were all out o’ turkeys!’
‘They must’ve gone somewhere fancy, we can’nae afford somewhere fancy’ she replied.
It was true, William and Kate had queued for half an hour for their turkey from a high end butchers in town.
‘But I want a turkey this Christmas!’ he moaned.
‘I said no! We’ll have ham’
Their voices were cut off when they entered one of the terraced houses on the street William and Kate were walking down.
‘I feel terrible now’ Kate said, looking down at their overflowing bags.
‘Don’t, if we hadn’t been preconditioned to associate turkeys with Christmas, that little boy wouldn’t know any different’
‘Do you ever get tired of being a Scrooge?’ she asked.
‘No’ he laughed.
‘What made you hate Christmas so much anyway?’ Kate said as they approached their house.
‘No reason’ William said. ‘I just do’
 Christmas Past
‘Where are you going!?’ she shrilled.
‘I told you, I have a meeting’ he responded calmly.
‘I don’t believe you’ she said defiantly.
‘Well that’s not my problem’
William stood behind the door, peeking through the crack at the two figures inside his father’s study. He couldn’t see much, just the odd shadow or a splash of blonde hair going back and forth.
‘I don’t want you to go!’ she continued.
‘I have to’
‘Please Charles…’
Sometimes the shadows would come closer and William would jump back quickly, scared to be found eavesdropping.
After a minute’s silence, the voice of his mother came again, but quietly this time. ‘I know where you’re really going’ she said at almost a whisper.
‘I am going to a meeting’ he said sternly.
‘Why must you lie? Why must you lie to me?’
William could hear the familiar closing of her throat, her voice becoming wobbly. He pressed his eye closer to the door crack.
‘William, what are you playing?’
William was almost thrown backwards by his heart jumping at the shock of his six year old brother’s voice behind him.
‘Shhhhhh’ he ordered quietly, turning around with his hands on his hips. ‘Go away’
‘Why?!’ Harry said at his normal volume.
‘I said shhh!, it’s grown-ups only’
‘You’re not a grown up’ Harry sulked.
‘I’m more of a grown up than you now push off’. He attempted to push his brother down the hallway, but he wouldn’t budge.
‘I’m gonna tell mummy and papa you were spying’ Harry said, poking his tongue out.
The voices inside the study began to raise once again, footsteps approaching the door.
‘It’s Christmas in two days Charles! Please think of the boys!’
The footsteps stopped briefly. ‘I must go, I’m sorry’.
Darkness covered the whole crack of the door and William sprang to action.
‘Go, move!’ he said, pushing Harry down the hallway and around a corner just as the door swung open. Neither Harry nor William dared peek to watch their father descending the stairs, but they heard him. Seconds later, their mother’s heels clicked on the hardwood and she shouted over the bannister.
‘I hope you’re happy! You’ve ruined Christmas! Ruined it!’
A door slammed. Then there was silence.
‘Go back to the playroom’ William told Harry as they released themselves from the soldier like stance against the wall.
‘Where are you going?’
‘I’ll come in a minute’
‘And we can play spies again!?’ Harry brightened.
‘Yes, we can play spies’ he agreed.
Harry ran off, leaving William to tread carefully down the hall, purposely avoiding the creaky floorboards he knew so well. He went into the study and pulled a few tissues from the tissue box on his father’s desk and set off to find the familiar sound of sobbing.
It wasn’t long before he found it, at the end of the hall in the first floor bathroom.
‘Mummy?’ he said to the shut door. There was no response, just the harmony of sobs.
‘Mummy?’ he said again. She couldn’t hear him, so consumed by her sorrow as she was.
Deftly, William kneeled onto the floor and pushed each tissue under the door one by one. Then he waited, and waited and waited until finally she came out, mascara wiped from her cheeks, her smile back on her face, but the sparkle gone from her eyes.   
Christmas Present
William had never told anyone that it was that Christmas when he was eight years old that has ruined it for him for years to come. No-one need know how his parent glared at each other in stony silence over the turkey at the dinner table. They didn’t need to know how Charles had lavished gifts on the boys that year, only for Diana to say he was ‘trying to make up for something’ when she thought they weren’t listening.
He’d never enjoyed Christmas since that year, and after his mother passed, it seemed even more meaningless.
‘We’re home!’ Kate called to their housemates, as she brushed her boots onto the door mat.
Fergus bounded down the stairs, eager to lay his hands on the sweet treats they’d bought.
‘Don’t let him near them!’ Kate said immediately to William, ‘they’re for tomorrow’
‘What a taskmaster’ Fergus laughed. ‘Was she like this all day?’
William stared at Kate dopily but said nothing. Their hands had just touched when she took his bag off him and he was reeling from the after effects.
‘Helloooo?’ Fergus said. ‘Bit distracted are we?’
William frowned at his friend, but Kate was so caught up in her festive haze that she didn’t notice.
‘Can you two unpack this stuff? I need to put up the tree’ she called from the kitchen where she placed the shopping down. ‘But no snacking, Will I’m trusting you to keep him in check’
She flashed a wide grin at him, causing butterflies to flutter inside his stomach.
‘I’ll rugby tackle him if I have to’ he said.
After Kate had gone upstairs to relay the wonders of the Christmas Market to Olivia, Fergus set about interrogating William.
‘So did you talk to her?’ he said, inspecting a gingerbread man.
‘About what?’ he replied, his cheeks flushing.
Fergus sighed, ‘About you two, you should do it before Christmas’
‘There’s no rush’
‘Not if you’re not worried about her going home for a few weeks and kissing some loser from Bucklebury under the mistletoe’
William didn’t reply to this, focussing instead on a bottle of wine.
‘I’m just saying, you don’t wanna leave it too late, Kate’s a good one’
‘I know that’
William more than knew that. But beneath it all, he was shy and insecure and did he really want a steady girlfriend anyway? He tore open the gingerbread man to distract himself.
‘William!’ came Kate’s voice from the stairs as she spotted him eating the biscuit.
‘Sorry’ he smiled. ‘Couldn’t resist’
She tutted and rolled her eyes at him.
‘You keep telling me to get into the festive spirit, so I did!’ he teased and read from the label of the gingerbread, ‘“enjoy your Christmas with Gingerbread George” – see he told me to eat him’
Kate pulled it off him and snapped off the arm to taste ‘Gingerbread George knows that festive spirit isn’t about eating yourself silly’
‘You tell him Kate!’ Fergus chimed in. ‘It’s about drinking yourself silly too’
Kate scowled at Fergus playfully, ‘it’s about spending time with your loved ones and being thankful that you have them’
‘Isn’t that thanksgiving?’ William teased.
‘Yeh and Christmas is about Jesus?’ Fergus added.
‘You two are impossible!’ she huffed jokingly.
As Kate went over to the living area to decorate the tree, Fergus saw an opportunity to leave them alone, patting Will on the back and sprinting upstairs.
‘So what do you do on the actual day?’ Will asked, helping her to attach some baubles to the tree.
‘We usually go to church, and take a nice walk, play board games…oh and dad usually buys some kind of fancy dress outfit and turns up in it’
Will laughed at the thought of Mr Middleton in fancy dress.
‘Pretty similar to our family Christmas then, minus the fancy dress’ he said.
‘See, not so different, you and me’ she said with a nudge.
‘Apart from you actually like Christmas!’
‘I’ll make a convert of you yet, just you wait’
‘I doubt I’ll ever enjoy it’ he said, his mother’s dulled blue eyes suddenly popping into his head.
‘Maybe when you have kids you’ll change your mind’ she said placing the star at the top of the tree.
William scoffed, ‘doubt it’
Then would’ve been the perfect time to talk to her about how he felt. Surely that little nudge was a sign?
Kate looked at him expectantly, like she was waiting for him to say something. But his thoughts had been clouded by memories of Christmas’ past, the stale feeling it gave him, the one he thought he’d never get over.
‘No, Christmas is about money and pretending to like people you wouldn’t talk to any other time of the year’
Kate shook her head; clearly her patience with William’s attitude was waning.
‘Well I’ll enjoy it regardless’ she said plainly, getting up and heading upstairs again.
Will cursed himself; he’d just missed his chance.
 Christmases Yet To Come  
That night, he slept fitfully, images of Kate and Gingerbread George floating in his mind. He had probably eaten too much of it, he thought as he drifted uncomfortably from reality to dream.
He found himself standing in a large living room, a sparkling tree in the corner, a cream sofa covered in thick throws and a fire crackling under the mantelpiece.
To his shock, out from one of the rooms came someone who looked very much like himself. Well a version of himself that he almost didn’t recognise. This William had bags under his eyes and much less hair, but he was smiling, beaming even at something he was holding in his arms.
‘Rockin’ around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party shop’ he sang, bouncing the thing up and down in his arms.
‘Those aren’t the lyrics’ came a voice he knew so well.
Kate appeared from the room looking just as, if not even more beautiful than William knew her.
‘It’s Christmas party hop, not shop, that doesn’t make any sense’ she added.
‘Alright Mother Christmas!’ he laughed. ‘Mummy’s such a know-it-all isn’t she?’
It was only then that Will noticed what his older self was holding. A bouncing baby boy.
Was it his? Surely it couldn’t be his.
‘George, tell daddy that mummy does know it all, yes I do’ she said tickling the baby’s stomach. ‘Especially about Christmas’
Kate held up a tiny red knitted jumper that she’d had behind her back, a reindeer design was on the front.
‘That’s ridiculous’ the two Williams said in unison. The younger clapped his hand over his mouth before realising that no-one could hear or see him.
‘It’s cute Will!’ Kate insisted.
‘He’s gonna be boiling in that thing’
‘He’ll be fine for a few minutes while we take some pictures, won’t you my pumpkin?’
William sighed in defeat.
As he stood observing from the corner, William recognised the look that his older self was giving Kate as the same dopy look he often gave her in their home at Hope Street. Was it conceivable that this could be his future? Married to Kate and with a baby that he sang Christmas songs to?
George screamed out as Kate tugged the jumper gently over his head.
‘He hates it!’ William shouted over the noise.
Will walked over to the sofas and sat close to the three of them, finding himself grinning at their domesticity.
Kate managed to get the jumper on and began snapping away with her camera, while William stood behind her making faces at the baby until finally after all the fuss, George cracked open a huge smile.  
‘That’s my boy!’ Kate beamed.
For the next hour, or what felt like an hour as he had no sense of time, Will followed the family around the house. He watched them as they laughed together, chatted about a trip to Australia and other everyday things. He smiled with them when they fed George, and got frustrated with them when he wouldn’t eat.
When George was safely tucked up in bed, they sat down again at the couch, and he was surprised to see his older self voluntarily switching on Miracle on 34th Street. What had happened to him?
‘I love this film’ Kate said happily, tossing her legs up onto William’s.
‘It’s a good one, especially that scene at the end in the court room’
‘Do I need to get you some tissues?’ Kate teased.
William smirked at her, as did Will.
So this was what normal family life was all about, he thought.
Just as he was about to get comfortable and watch the film with them, darkness clouded over his dream, pulling him away.
He tossed and turned in his bed, neither waking nor going back to that room in Kensington Palace. Instead, he found himself plunged into a study, just like the one his father had.
There was William, the older, sitting at the desk, writing letters. Only this time, he was even older, fifty maybe. He sat with no expression on his face, a lamp flickering on his desk. There were no pictures on his desk, no sign of his wife or child, just emptiness.
 ‘Oi’ Will shouted.
But William couldn’t hear him.
He walked around the desk and behind the chair, where he could see William dating the letters as 24th December.
‘Oi’ he repeated. ‘It’s Christmas Eve, what are you doing here alone? Shouldn’t you be with your family or something?’
Will knew instinctively that there was no Kate or George in this scenario. This was the William of a future without a family.
And he hated it. He wanted to see himself ice skating with his kids, or chasing after them with snowballs. He wanted to be forced to watch Christmas movies, and eat turkey and brussel sprouts, and spend ridiculous money on visiting Father Christmas’ grotto with George.
‘Get off your arse!’ he shouted at his older self. ‘It’s Christmas!’
‘Get up! You’re married remember?! Go to your family!’
Of course the older William didn’t move, he merely sat solemnly, and just like he’d seen somewhere before, the sparkle gone from blue his eyes.  
Will woke with a start, feeling like he hadn’t been asleep at all. He sat up for a few minutes dazed from being snapped out of the particularly vivid dream. But it had felt so real, he thought. He could almost taste the crackling fire from his apartment. 
On walking downstairs, unable to stay in bed any longer, he found Kate warming some croissants in the oven.
‘Morning’ she said brightly. ‘Sleep well?’
‘Not really’ he said rubbing his eyes, ‘I had the weirdest dreams’
‘About what?’
He considered for a moment telling her the truth, but maybe it was a little too strange. ‘Um Gingerbread George…he came to life’ he said.
Kate laughed.
‘Can I help you with the lunch today?’ he asked.
She eyed him suspiciously, ‘you want to help?’
‘What’s wrong with that?!’
‘No, nothing’ she said, waving a butter knife in the air, ‘just surprised that you want anything to do with Christmas, that’s all’
William smiled, ‘I promise I won’t do anything without your approval’
‘Fine, you can start on the turkey stuffing, that’s hard to mess up’ she joked.
So William and Kate set about making Christmas lunch. William was pleased to spend this time alone with Kate before they went home and once or twice he almost plucked up the courage to ask her out. The dreams from last night still ran through his mind. If he didn’t ask her now, would he end up that lonely old man working on Christmas Eve? Was it even possible that he could know a happy family life so different from those tense Christmases of the past?
By the time Olivia and Fergus emerged in the kitchen, William was still mulling over his thoughts and was alone with Kate no longer.
Timed perfectly by Kate, at one o’clock, the four of them sat down at their small table, food and drink almost falling over the edges.
‘It all looks amazing’ Olivia enthused, ‘I can’t wait for you to cut into that turkey’ she said to Kate.
The turkey was the centrepiece of the table setting, golden brown and oozing with juices and stuffing.
‘Actually I think Will should have the honours’ Kate said, slipping on her snowman slippers for the occasion.
‘Me?’ he said unconvinced.
‘You’ve shown your Christmas spirit today, plus you made most of it, it’s only fair you should carve it’.
They exchanged a look over the table, and Will knew he was doing the dopey eyes again, realising how much he liked Kate’s attention.
‘There’s enough to feed a small army here’ Fergus remarked as William picked up the knife.
Just as he was about to slice the knife through the turkey, he stopped abruptly.
‘Will?’ Kate said.
‘You’re right…you’re absolutely right’ he said vacantly.
He dropped the knife on the table and picked up the entire turkey, platter and all.
‘Um Will, are you ok? … where are you going with that?’ Kate said, concerned as William headed for the front door.
Kate, Fergus and Olivia exchanged worried glances.
‘Come with me’ Will said, attempting to put on a baseball cap while balancing the turkey with one hand.
‘Where?!’ Kate asked, but William was already on the doorstep, so she was forced to jump up and follow him.
William turned right from their home, and strode up the street purposefully. ‘Keep up!’ he teased as he turned and saw Kate rushing behind him.
They rounded a corner onto the next street and William looked searchingly at each door, finally recalling the one he wanted.
It was then that Kate understood what was happening, and she couldn’t help smiling to herself as William rang the doorbell at his chosen house.
The door opened a few inches, ‘we haven’t got any spare change’ a voice snapped from behind the door, and began to shut it again.
‘No we’re not collecting for charity’ William said quickly. ‘I’d just like to…well I have something I’d like to give you’
‘I’m not interested in finding Jesus’ she said spikily.
‘Wait please’ he said before she could slam the door in his face, ‘we met yesterday, we live down the road, your son’s Tim isn’t it?’
‘What has he done now?! TIM!!!!!!!!!!’ she screeched.
‘Nothing!’ Kate attempted, ‘please could you open the door’
The woman finally relented; opening the door fully as tiny Tim came storming down the stairs.
‘Wow! Ma look a’ tha’ turkey!’ he said, his eyes transfixed.
William grinned at his excitement. ‘It’s for you, if you’d like it’
‘Wha’ for?’ the woman said suspiciously.
William pondered for a second and then said, ‘call it Christmas spirit?’
Kate beamed and placed a hand on William’s back.
‘There’s nothing wrong with it honestly, we made it this morning, I know it’s a bit large…’
‘…but you can cut it up and put it in the freezer until Christmas day if you’d prefer’ Kate finished for him.
‘I’ve go’ three more kids in there’ she said, ‘they’ll polish that off’
‘So you’ll accept it?’ Kate said hopefully. ‘As a gift’
‘I can’nae really say no, can I?’. For the first time the woman smiled, softening her face considerably.
William handed the turkey to her, and ruffled Tim’s hair, who was still transfixed.
‘Thank you’ the woman said. ‘From all o’ us’
‘No problem’, Will said, lowering his hat and turning away.
‘Wait, what are your names?’ she said.
‘It doesn’t matter’ William said. ‘Merry Christmas to you all’
‘Merry Christmas’ she said back to them both.
William and Kate walked back to Hope Street partly in silence, nothing really needing to be said.
‘Do you think Olivia and Fergus will be pissed off I’ve given their turkey away?’ William asked eventually, as they walked purposely slowly.
‘We have more than enough other food’ Kate said sensibly. ‘Besides they’ll have the same opinion as me when they know where it went’
‘Which is?’ he said, smirking.
‘That you’re very sweet and even a little awesome’
William stopped in the pavement, ‘you think I’m awesome?’
‘You know I do’ she said rolling her eyes as if it was a silly question.
‘Right…well the thing is, I think you’re kind of awesome too’ he said, with all the confidence he could muster.
‘Do you?’ she gave him a smile that made him blush.
‘And I was thinking…maybe when we come back after the break, we could…um…you know’ William was bright red and running out of words.
‘Be awesome together?’ Kate suggested.
‘Yes, exactly, if you wanted to, obviously’ he mumbled.
‘I thought you’d never get the hint’ she chuckled.
‘Well I’m not very observant’ he said calmly though his spirits soaring.
Kate reached on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek, sending the flush roaring back to his face.
Maybe that dream last night wasn’t just a dream, perhaps it was the push he so badly needed, he thought optimistically.
He looked down and saw that to his great amusement, Kate was still in her snowman slippers.
‘Nice slippers’ he teased, pulling a face at their gaudiness.
‘Oh bah humbug!’
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faedawayyy · 3 years
50 QUESTIONS WITH DELILAH CALLOWAY! //trying to do the ones that need development the most! 
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which song went to number 1 on your birthday? (find out here) "that song that goes, i’m blue da ba de, da ba di...ha!”
if you could turn any scent into a candle, what would it be? “petrol. that’s probably dangerous, though.” 
which element best suits you: fire, earth, water or air? “i’d like to think earth.” 
what’s the worst grade you’ve ever got on a test? “a C. i was that kid.” 
what’s the best grade you’ve ever got on a test? “an A+” 
how many countries have you travelled to? “quite a few, me and my mum travelled together on the summer between my fifteenth and sixteenth birthday around europe and it was really nice.”
who is your favourite disney character? “cinderella!”
what is one thing people believe that you don’t? “i don’t believe that everything happens for a reason. i think that life can be really cruel and as people, we’ve just learnt to adapt...making us think that there was a reason behind it, but we’re actually just forced to be incredibly strong.”
do you usually drink enough water in a day? “probably not.” 
what’s your middle name? “rose.” 
do you know both of your parents? “yes” 
are they together? “no, they separated before i was born.” 
are you adopted? “i’m not.” 
what’s your favourite memory with your parent(s)? “i think with my mum, it’s definitely been building our life together. she moved away from the rest of her family wen she became pregnant and as i grew up, she was going through her mid to late thirties and it was just great seeing her build our life around us.” 
what did your parent(s) study when they were at the academy? “she studied acting and is really successful. my dad actually never went to an academy, he was a juniour accountant for my grandfather and that’s actually how they met.” 
which project of your parent(s) is your favourite? “cinderella.” 
which parent is the strictest? “i only see my dad once or twice a month, but even if they were together, it’d still be mum.” 
which parent do you look most like physically? “my dad.” 
which parent do you behave the most like? “my mum.” 
are you close? “to my mum, yeah.” 
the titanic or the notebook? “the ultimate question - titanic.” 
dc or marvel? “i prefer marvel.” 
disney or pixar? “disney.” 
pink or green? “pink.”
summer or winter? “summer.” 
spring or autumn? “autumn.” 
dogs or cats? “cats, i think.” 
rom-coms or horrors/thrillers? “rom-coms.” 
nights in or nights out? “nights in.” 
early riser or night owl? “a night owl! i went through this stage a few years ago where i’d stay on the internet until 2, 3 or even 4 in the morning. good times.” 
what age did you have your first kiss? “i was nineteen.” 
have you lost your virginity? how old were you? “virginity isn’t a thing, but it was quite recently. i was twenty-one.” 
what’s your biggest regret? “probably having sex, honestly! there was nothing bad about it but i spent so much time worrying about not being left behind that i rushed it and just wanted it out of the way.” 
which song most reflects your life so far? “rare! by gisele collins.” 
what’s your biggest fear in life? “not accomplishing everything that i want to. dying and instantly being forgotten.” 
do you want to get married? “i don’t know.” 
do you want children? “no.”
what is a cause you feel strongly about? “stopping child marriage, that shit still happens and it’s disgusting.”
what’s your sexuality? “i’m bisexual, i think.” 
when in life did you feel the loneliest? “i’ve never really felt lonely! i’m lucky in that sense. i guess i’ve felt misunderstood but even when things have got terrible, i’ve always had my mum and i’m so grateful for that.” 
have you ever skinny-dipped? “i haven’t.” 
ever had inappropriate thoughts about somebody you shouldn’t? “i don’t think so.” 
what’s the worst thing you’ve said behind somebody’s back? “ugh, something really bitchy in high school probably. i don’t know what it was but i’m sure i did, i’m sorry.” 
have you ever sent a sexual text? “yes.” 
is there anything you dislike for no apparent reason? “i don’t think so? i hate fish but that’s because it tastes bad and is bad for the planet.” 
what’s the most recent lie you’ve ever told? “i’ve told a few in this interview. shhh.” 
can you put your hand on your heart and say you’ve never complimented a project you didn’t really like? “i’m really bad at complimenting projects in general! i forget to come on to social media but no, everything i comment on, i’m genuine.” 
the best advice you’ve ever been given? “people are either in your life for a reason or a season and neither one is bad.” 
a quote you try to live by? “that same one.” 
where do you want to be in ten years? “i don’t know! hopefully with a successful fashion line? i’d like to be living in california too, i think.” 
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wide-eyed--wonderer · 4 years
Hey there! I just found your blog recently and its so good! Would I per chance be able to convince to write a newsies fic where Jack gets sick and the boys (or Davey) have to take care of him? Your work is sooo good, and I honestly think I fell into a little pocket of newsies writers because I seem to have found a lot of you this week lol Its totally fine if you don't want to write it! Thank you so much, and I love your Koi picture!
Hey! First of all welcome! Hope you enjoy our little corner of the Newsies fandom! I certainly love it. Also, thank you so much for this prompt, a had a lot of fun with it and it kinda got a little away from me (it's over 2100 words).  I’ve put the story under a keep reading.
And I love the Koi fish too!
It wasn’t even winter yet, which was why Jack getting sick was such a shock and huge worry for all the newsies. 
It wasn’t unusual for Jack or any of the newsies to get sick in the wintertime, and all the boys usually were able to sell more papes during the season to help cover the board of anyone who couldn’t sell. 
But nobody has any sympathy for Newsies during autumn when the temperatures are milder and the paper headlines are usually less exciting. 
So to say the newsies were worried (and frankly a little scared) when Jack, out of the blue, got sick one September, at a time where paper sales were average at best, and there was no cold weather to excuse the sudden decline in Jack’s health, would be a massive understatement. 
“Al, I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing right now.” Race ranted to his friend. “I’m running myself all over the city trying to sell double the papers to cover Jack’s board as well as mine. And with Jack, all laid up like this with God knows what, I’m supposed to be in charge of all the Newsies too. And we have a union meeting next week. I can’t speak at the union meeting! And I-”
“Race, hey Racer,” Albert Interrupted, “look at me, and take three deep breaths.” Albert exaggerated his breathing, trying to get his best friend to follow. Once he decided Race’s breathing had calmed down, he continued. “First of all, you don’t have to cover Jack’s board all by yourself, split the cost between a couple of us, and that’ll lessen the burden on you.”
“But -”
“I’m not done yet Race. Second of all, all the newsies love you, ‘specially the littlies, you are doing a wonderful job of that so I don't want you to worry about that. And about that union meeting, Davey’s vice president, and he doesn’t have the nickname mouth for nothing. Race, I'm sure he’ll speak if you don’t want to.”
“DAVEY'' Race exclaimed, interrupting whatever Al was planning on saying next. “Al, you’re a genius, if anyone knows how to help Jackie, it’ll be him.” Race ran downstairs to the communal floor where all the newsies were resting in between selling the paper. “Specs! Can you go get Davey, let him know what’s going on with Jack, see if he knows how to help.”
“On it Race!” Specs got up. “Romeo, you wanna come with, say hi to Les?” 
“Ooh yes please!” The younger newsie replied, and the two of them ran out of the lodging house.
Race turned to Albert, and Al could see the fear still present in his best friend's eyes, even if it had been dimmed but the hope that Davey promised. 
“Hey Race,” Al whispered leaning in close to him so none of the other newsies could hear. “Have you seen Jack yet today.”
“I -” 
“Go see him Race. Jackie always makes you feel better. I’ll watch the boys for ya.” Race shot Albert a grateful smile and he shot up the stairs to where Jack was laid.
He stopped out the door to catch his breath before he walked in. Jack was always calm and reassuring when he or the other Newsies were sick, and Race wanted (needed) to be that way for him too.
His resolve was harder to keep up when he walked into the room. 
Jack was laid out on the bed, eyes closed. Jack wasn't exactly tan on a good day, but he was paler than Race ever remembered seeing him. There was a thin sheen of sweat covering his head, which Crutchie was currently dabbing as with a wet cloth. 
And if Jack was asleep, Race figured he really didn’t have to be strong, and let the silent tears fall. 
“You wanna come sit Race?” Crutchie asked softly, patting the space on the bed next to Jack. Race quickly nodded his head and went and sat next to Jack’s feet. 
“Hey there Jackie.” Race sniffed, “you got everyone real worried you know? But don’t you think about the rest of the newsies right now, ok? I got them. You just get better.” Race started running his hand along Jack’s leg in what Race hoped was a soothing motion. 
“How you holding up, Race. ?” Charlie asked, looking at Race, whose eyes were yet to leave Jack's face. 
“I sent Specs and Romeo to get Davey, he’ll be able to help you Jackie.”
“You didn’t answer my question Race.” 
“What do you want me to say Crutch?” Race finally tore his eyes from Jack to look at Crutchie. Allowing Crutchie to get his first real look at Race. 
Race, who even with fresh tears on his face, looked like he’d cried his eyes out overnight because his red-rimmed eyes were surrounded by bags. In short, he looked horrible. There wasn’t much more Crutchie could do for Jack, but there was plenty he could do for Race. 
“You wanna swap places with me?” Crutchie asked, already moving to sit on the bed. Race sat numbly on the edge of the bed, until Jack moaned from the loss of the cool cloth, prompting Race to leap into Crutches old chair and replace the cloth on Jack’s face. 
“Shhh Jackie, it’s okay. We’ve got you. Shhh.” Race soothed, tears subsiding now that he had a way to help Jack.
“Race, that you?” Jack croaked, his eyes flickering open. 
“Yeah, it’s me Jackie.” Race replied, dabbing the cloth on Jack's neck.
“Thank you for looking after me and the boys. I love ya.” Jack finished before his eyes closed again and he returned to sleep. Race’s hand shot for his neck, finding Jack’s steady pulse point and holding his finger there. 
“He’s ok.” Race murmured to himself “he’ll get through this.”
“Breathe, Race,” Crutchie's voice interrupted Race before he could spiral. 
“Why does everyone keep telling me that today?” Race huffed out a small laugh and followed Crutchies instructions. 
“Cause sometimes, your brain moves too fast with too many thoughts and it forgets to tell ya to breathe.” Crutchie shot a small smile at Race, coming up with another idea to help his brother. 
“Hey, you gonna be okay alone with him for a minute?  I needa use the bathroom.” Race nodded, eyes focused back on Jack. 
Slowly Cructhie left the room and went and found Jojo downstairs with the other newsies.
“Heya Crutchie, how’s Jack holding up?” Jojo called once Crutchie was in earshot.
“Jackie-Boy’s doing fine, I was wondering if you and Al could do me a favour actually?”
“Sure. Hey, Al get over here for a minute.” Jojo called to Al, who was entertaining some of the littlies on the other side of the room. 
“Yeah, what’s up guys.” Albert lowered his voice, “how’s Race and Jack holding up?”
“Not much has changed for Jack. He woke up a little when Race came in though.” Crutchie shook his head fondly. “Its Race I’m worried about.”
“Me too,” Albert chimed in, “he looks like he’s falling apart at the seams with worry.”
“He’s trying to become our leader overnight,” Jojo continued, “that coupled with Jack getting sick has not been good for him.”
“I know. That’s why I called you two over.”  He paused, lowering his voice to a whisper, “How do you two feel about taking a walk up to Brooklyn?” 
Whatever Race and Spot had going on in Brooklyn was an open secret between most of the older boys, but there were some newer newsies that didn’t need to be let in on it. 
“Of course,” Albert said nodding his head. “Let’s go, Jojo.”
Satisfied that he’d done all he could for both his brothers at the moment. He headed back up to Jack’s room. 
He walked back in to find that Race hadn’t moved from the chair, although it did look like he’d stopped crying. 
Crutchie wasn’t sure whether to count it as a win or not. 
“I’m back,” he announced softly. Race looked up. “I checked on all the boys while I was out. You’re doing a good job with them.”
“Thanks,” Race sniffed. “I wish there was more I could do…” He trailed off looking at Jack, whipping the cloth along his forehead.
“Everything your doing is helping Jack, Race.” Crutchie put his hand on Race’s knee, causing him to look at him. “Jack is so proud of you, and I bet he can’t wait to tell you when he gets up. And I’m super proud of you too.”
“Thanks, Crutchie.” With that, both boys' eyes returned to Jack’s, and they sat in silence, with Crutchie continuing to rub circles on Race’s leg. 
“Hey boys,” Davey's voice interrupted from the doorway. Eyes travelling over the three brothers lingering on Race before finally landing on Davey.
“Davey,” Race sighed, “can you help?” Race pleaded, causing Davey’s heart to break just a little bit. 
“I’ve got 10 years of experience looking after Sarah and Les, I’m gonna do everything I can.” 
Race flung himself at Davey.
“Thank you,” Race whispered. Davey let him cling a little longer, before carefully pulling away.
“You can stay there Race,” Davey said, pointing to the chair Race had previously been occupying. “I can work from over here,” Davey said, gesturing to the opposite side of the bed. 
Race nodded and sat back in his chair. Crutchie moved to stand behind Race, putting his hand on Races shoulder. Race leaned his head on it. 
“Hey Jackie,” Davey smiled down at his best friend. “Specs told me you weren’t feeling so great, but I think he undersold it.” 
“Dave?” Jack called from the bed, attempting to turn his head toward the sound of Davey’s voice. 
“Yeah Jackie, it’s me. You just lay there and rest, You got the fellas real worried but I’m gonna make sure you get better.”
“Kay Davey, I trust ya.”
Race and Crutchie watched on nervously as Davey did his assessment. Neither boy really knew what Davey was looking for, but it certainly made them feel better than someone they (and Jack) trusted was looking over him.
“Hmm,” Davey muttered to himself, “definitely fever, glands are a little swollen, pulse steady.” Davey frowned. “Hey Crutchie, Race, when was the last time Jack ate?” Race looked up at Crutchie, trying to recall the last time they’d seen Jack eat. 
“Well, we haven’t managed to keep much food in him since he got like this 2 days ago, but the last proper meal was probably when he took Kath out for dinner to Jacobi’s the night before.” Crutchie looked back down at Race, “that sounds right to you Race?”
“Uh. yeah, I think so, I wasn’t really... Um..  around.. that night?”
Davey smiled at the two (younger, if only slightly) newsies. 
“Well, the good news is I think Jacks just got a stomach bug. Should clear out of his system in a couple of days. Meanwhile, I brought this.” Davey pulled a small flask out of his bag and placed it up to Jack’s lips. “Hey Jackie, Imma need you to sit up for a minute and drink this. It’ll help you feel better, promise.”
Jack, who was clearly too weak to say much more than a noncommittal grunt, accepted Davey's offer and took a sip of the drink.
“What’s that Davey?” Race asked.
“Just an old secret family soup recipe. My folks make it for me and my siblings when we get sick. Helps us feel better, and I bet it’ll work wonders on him too.” Davey stopped talking as the church bell rang. “That’s my cue to go boys. I’ll come back tomorrow after school to bring more soup for Jack. In the meantime, you too make sure Jack drinks plenty of water” and with that, Davey got out of his chair and made his way towards the door, only to be stopped by Race, who'd come barreling into him. 
“He’s really gonna be ok?” Race asked his arms tight around Davey's midsection. Crutchie came up behind Race and sandwiched him between himself and Davey, resting his head on Races shoulder.
“Should be, you’re doing an awesome job Race. See you, tomorrow boys.” And with that Davey turned and left the lodging, and Crutchie and race took back up their positions around Jack's bed. 
And later, when Spot came around, neither boy commented when he pulled race onto his lap and rested his fingers in his hair. 
And when Jack woke up two days later, fully better thanks to Davey’s miracle family soup (and time, Davey kept attesting, which Race, Jack and Charlie all protested) he couldn't have been happier to see his two younger brothers, asleep head on each other's laps, hand still firmly clutched around Jack’s.
Let me know what you think. Hopefully, this filled in what you were looking for!
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