#nekole's aus
nekole-doodles · 2 months
*slams open door* @mcytblraufest
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So, this is from my Rebirth DSMP AU based on the webtoon Rebirth! I haven't talked about it on here but it's definitely one of my favorite AUs :D For those who have read Rebirth, Wilbur takes Noah's place and Tommy takes Neo's place(and yes, they are brothers in this AU).
Also, it was an absolute pleasure to work with lemon_doodles(I don't know their Tumblr :']) and @deathshadowrules!!
Here's the link to deathshadowrules's fic:
And if lemon_doodles wants me to add the link to their fic, I'll reblog this with the link :>
Here's some info on this AU for a bit more context(this is pretty long btw):
(Also, quick note: The fanfics have a different interpretations of this AU and the information the art provided so the details might not line up)
Again, this is an AU heavily based on the webtoon Rebirth, I recommend it, it's really interesting :)
There are themes of time travel/time loops, zombies/zombie apocalypse, superpowers, and this is also a modern AU.
The world ended on November 16th(date idea credits to deathshadowrules) when during a solar eclipse, everyone on Earth passed out for an unexplainable reason and when they woke up the next day, half of those people became zombies, later referred to as the Undead due to them having abilities that exceed the zombies typically depicted in media. This day became known as Armageddon. Along with the rise of the Undead, some of the remaining humans gained abilities/superpowers.
Summary: Wilbur had experienced this apocalyptic world and survived for 6 years. In the later part of those 6 years, he ended up letting Tommy, his brother who he disregarded for years before Armageddon, get captured(I think by the military) for experimentation due to his unique abilities and body. (I'm trying not to spoil too much of Rebirth so some of this is vague TvT) He regretted this decision greatly because he found that he still cared a lot about Tommy, despite their relationship not being great over the years, so he decided to save Tommy from the experimentation. In doing so, he died right after he freed Tommy from the test tube he was being kept in, wishing he had one more chance to fix his mistakes, mainly to make sure that Tommy will remain safe and to (hopefully) mend their long-broken relationship. Then, Wilbur wakes up on November 15th, the day before Armageddon began, which was 6 years ago. He had traveled back in time after he died. He realized that this was his chance to save Tommy. Little did Wilbur know that Tommy has been in a sort of timeloop where once he dies in one timeline, he goes back in time near the start of Armageddon and starts another timeline.
Extra Details Time!
When Wilbur got sent back in time after his death, he got a white streak in his hair with a few gold strands(in the art, it literally just looks blonde because I messed up and couldn't fix it, I tried ahdkshj) Also, I was originally going to make one of Wilbur's eyes gold but I totally forgot while coloring and couldn't go back to fix it. Btw, the whole thing with the gold hair strands, butterflies, text, and eye makes more sense if you read Rebirth but I don't know how to explain it.
Wilbur and Tommy are not biologically related to Phil and Techno but Wilbur is still very close with them. He's known Phil and Techno since he was young and treated them more like family than his actual family. Tommy never really interacted much with Phil and Techno and honestly kind of avoided them. He didn't really know why he avoided those two, maybe because he was salty that Wilbur was always more friendly to them than to him. But otherwise, Tommy feels pretty neutral towards them and gains more respect for them throughout Armageddon due to how stable their living situation is for the end of the world(they've got a good base and everything. Their roles are based on the Blanche family)
Wilbur's wife is Sally, but unfortunately, she's a pretty self-centered person and attempts to hide this but her actions really expresses this fact. She takes the place of Parish, for those who read the webtoon, and I deeply apologize.
Fundy is Wilbur and Sally's son. He doesn't really like Tommy but they start being a bit less aggressive towards each other as the story progresses. He takes Abel's place.
Wilbur's ability is advanced fire manipulation instead of blood manipulation like Noah from Rebirth. Since Noah's blood manipulation has an unbelievable amount of possibilities, I kind of had to twist the possibilities of fire manipulation so that Wilbur's abilities are still able to fill the role they need to. If you want to get a good idea of a way Wilbur uses his fire manipulation, think like- Colonel Mustang's flame alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist but instead of using alchemy, Wilbur causes his fire to burst.
Schlatt takes Ian's role and is just as much of a prick but him and Wilbur aren't brothers. Schlatt is a businessman that comes from a family that is close with Wilbur's, so they've known each other since they were kids(they were introduced to each other at a young age in the hopes they would be friendly enough to be able to work closely with each other). They were sort of friends before Schlatt became a prick but Wilbur still had to deal with him because he is a genuinely good businessman for the company(btw, I should probably mention that Wilbur owns a pretty big business, for those who don't have that context from Rebirth. Idk if the business will be the same or if I'll change it to fit Wilbur better)
Tubbo is Schlatt's son(from a previous marriage) but Schlatt is a pretty distant father because he doesn't really care. Tubbo takes Iva's place but has a different personality because he's older than Iva, and therefore, less innocent.
Quackity is married to Schlatt but he isn't Schlatt's first partner. A few months into the marriage, Quackity began regretting the marriage but felt like he couldn't end it. He takes Lena's place but him and Tubbo act more like close friends. They're both happy with their friendship and don't feel the need to push it to "family". Quackity still takes care of Tubbo though since Schlatt definitely isn't :/
Niki takes Li's place but is a bit less emotionless/cold. Her ability is being able to control water and its temperature(basically waterbending). Also, since people usually ship Noah and Li, I would just like to specify that Niki and Wilbur are friends and only friends.
Some ages(these are still a work in progress though): Wilbur- 26/28, Tommy- 14, Fundy- ~8-10, Tubbo- 14, Niki- 21/22
I think that's enough lore dumping for today :| This AU is still a big work in progress but I'm having so much fun with it!
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trashcanreddiefan · 5 years
Pick Your Poison (Reddie Undercover Cop AU) 1/?
Summary: By-the-book DEA agent Edward “Eddie” Kaspbrak receives an assignment that takes him to Derry, ME in order to capture Robert “Bob” Gray, aka “Pennywise”, a notorious drug lord. Working with the local PD, he is partnered with Detective Richie Tozier, a wise-cracking, messy cop who immediately pushes Eddie’s buttons. When they have to go undercover as a pair, will they put aside their differences long enough to work together, or will working together reveal that they have more in common than they initially thought?
Word Count: 1089 for chapter 1.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence (in later parts), swearing, mentions of drug use, other tags to be updated as necessary for each part 
Author’s Note: Slow-burn, Dual-PoV Reddie AU inspired by this gifset by the lovely @toesure!
Tagging: @yourpersonalsleepparalysisdemon
“What does that even mean?” DEA agent Edward Kaspbrak muttered to himself as he sat at his desk, reviewing a fellow agent’s field report in order to transcribe it. He made a note to ask Franklin what the hell a ‘bananagram orangutan’ even was and was absentmindedly chewing on his pen while trying to make sense of the report when his extension rang. 
He quickly took the pen out of his mouth and picked up the receiver without bothering to look at the caller ID. “Kaspbrak.”
“Agent Kaspbrak, urgent meeting in the conference room, now,” the voice of the DEA director, Nekol Eastwood, replied brusquely.
“Yes ma'am.” Eddie immediately hung up, grabbed his coffee, a notepad, and a new pen, and headed down the hall.
He entered the conference room and gave a brief nod to his colleagues already in attendance before sitting down and neatly arranging his belongings on the table, noticing that the projector that sat on the table was on and pointed towards the screen on the wall.
A few seconds later, Director Eastwood walked in. “Good morning everyone,” she said as she stepped behind the podium at the head of the room. “Thank you all for joining me on such short notice.”
Eddie turned his attention to the screen behind the Director as she picked up the presentation remote that had been sitting on the podium and clicked a button.
Eddie’s eyebrows raised as a photo appeared on the screen and Director Eastwood began to speak.
“At 6:42 AM this morning, we received an anonymous tip that Robert "Bob” Gray, also known as “Pennywise”, was currently located in a small town in rural Maine, which fits previous intel we had been given about an increase in the number of possible drug-related deaths in the area.“ She clicked to a new slide, showing a map of Maine, with a star on it labelled Derry. 
"A small baggie of pills, all bearing Pennywise’s logo, was found at the latest scene.” She clicked again and a new slide appeared. On the left side of the screen was a crime scene photo showing a close-up of a baggie of pills on the floor of a room. On the right, another photo showed a singular pill bearing Pennywise’s clown-faced stamp.
“Agent Kaspbrak.”
At the sound of his name Eddie subconsciously straightened and his eyes snapped from the screen back to Director Eastwood. “Yes ma'am.”
“Since Pennywise is believed to be involved I want you to go to Maine and work with the local PD in order to find him and bring him in." 
Eddie sucked in a breath. He had recently requested to be placed back on field duty but hadn’t expected to be handed an assignment quite so soon, especially not the one case he had been itching to get involved in. "Me, Director?”
Director Eastwood leveled a look at him. “You requested to be placed back on active field duty, did you not?”
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Well then. You’re approved.” Director Eastwood looked around the room. “The rest of you know your assignments. You’re dismissed.”
Eddie went to get up, but Director Eastwood stopped him. “Agent Kaspbrak, before you go, a moment please.”
Eddie lowered himself back into his seat as the rest of his colleagues filed out.
Director Eastwood shut the door behind them before taking a seat across from Eddie. “You seemed surprised to be handed this assignment.”
“I was,” Eddie replied, “but only because I just submitted my official request to return to the field last week. I just wasn’t expecting to be given an assignment so quickly, especially not one as broad and important as the Pennywise case.”
Director Eastwood steepled her fingers together and looked at Eddie over them. “I know you’ve been studying this case for a while now and know the details and Pennywise’s patterns better than anyone, which is why I gave it to you. But if you feel like it’s too soon or need to start with something smaller I can assign someone else, like Franklin for instance–”
“Don’t you DARE,” Eddie hissed so as not to be overheard. “Franklin is an idiot!”
Director Eastwood’s lips quirked up in a smile, but Eddie was on a roll and didn’t notice. “I was trying to make sense of his field report from the Monterey cartel case last month and I swear, it’s complete nonsense. It’s riddled with grammatical errors, he misspelled the word 'grapefruit’, and he used so much correction tape on it that it looks like half of it has been redacted.”
He finally noticed the grin on Director Eastwood’s face and narrowed his eyes. “You weren’t actually going to give this assignment to Franklin, were you?”
Director Eastwood just quirked an eyebrow and leaned back in her chair. “How are you doing, Eddie?” she asked seriously. “Really.”
Eddie sighed and relaxed. “I’m fine, Nikki, I promise. I honestly feel better than I have in years. You know the only reason I requested desk duty during my divorce proceedings was so that I could be sure to be in town for the meetings with my & Myra’s lawyers since Myra kept trying to stall by scheduling meetings for when she knew I was out of town on a case. But now that the divorce is final I can get back to doing what I do best – capturing drug-running scum like Pennywise and putting them behind bars.”
“Good. I’m really happy to hear you say that.”
Eddie bit his lip. “I… I do want to say thank you though for everything else you’ve done for me during the divorce. You have no idea how much I appreciate you, and the therapist you recommended has been great in helping me figuring out who I am and what I want in life.”
Director Eastwood paused. “Any time, Eddie. Just because I’ve been your boss for the past 3 years, it doesn’t cancel out the 20-plus years of friendship that we’ve had and the fact that you’re basically family. You’re my best friend and I love you like a brother. You know you can always count on me if you ever need to talk or anything. You truly deserve to find happiness.”
“Thanks, Nikki.”
Director Eastwood stood and patted Eddie on the shoulder. “Now, the details of your assignment will be on your desk by the end of the day. Oh, and Agent Kaspbrak?”
Eddie grinned. “Yes ma'am?”
“Go catch the bastard.”
Director Eastwood shot him a wink as she left the conference room.
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lancemcclains · 7 years
who are ur favorite voltron artists on here?
oh god there are so many anon why u do this 
I’m going to forget a shit ton, so if you’re an artist or know a really good artist, comment on this!!
@calilee she killed me with her klance boyfriend jacket art like i legit started crying and dont get me started on keith in pigtails i wanna fucking frame that
@amezure im in love with their art like I legit went through one day and liked everything bc holy shit?? the teen titans au stuff holy FUCK owns my soul…and dont get me started on the freckles my GOD
@catnippackets this is another art style that just kills me with fluff bc holy shit?? they’re all so adorable?? i actually cry?? and the bh6 au?? bye i love it so much
@macnkeith / @pngpotpies bye id actually die for aleesha’s art bc holy shit its so cute and i cant get enough of the way she draws lance and keith like omg??
@pidgepodged ahhhhh!!!!!! SUCH A GOOD STYLE I CRY!!!! I love?? every piece?? im ?? so ?? SO GOOD
@dobbu another amazing style of art like god damn yall make me wish i had talent like this bc holy shit??? so good?? blessed??
@galras  SO GOOD??? I LOVE THEIR?? LANCE?? AND ALLURA??  SO MUCH??  EVERYTHING?? amazing im literally speechless
@wolfpainters all this fanart is just so??? good?? i love it all?? the style?? amazing?? showstopping?? god id frame it all over my walls
@thekoreanpineapple *screams from the rooftops* THE TANGLED AU THO.  And besides that, just?? such a good style?? its so Good
@raphodraws FUCK YES ok gotta calm down but honest such a good style and they really know how to draw scenery like holy fuck its like a fairytale
@sniperlance TOBY!!! Your art is so wholesome and adorable l love it so much.  The style?? perfect. SO GOOD
@bubleboobo HOLY FUCK OK HERE IT GOES I LOVE UR ALTA AU?? I LOVE UR STYLE?? EVERYTHING??  I have so many of your pieces in my favorites tag bc im in love with every single piece my GOD
@kit-chats AHHHHH SO GOOD SO GOOD I LOVE UR ART SO MUCH like my god???  im in love with the style and there was a night where i literally filled up my queue with ur art LOL
@sunbellas my god?? ive only recently seen ur art and ive gotta say DAMN I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  the way you draw everyone?? leaves me speechless damN
@avocatdelapoursuite SO GOOD??? That keith pic with him hugging lances coat tho….i died bC DAMN its so good?? everythings so good
@soottea I first saw their fanart for OTI and I Died.  I legit Died.  Its so good??? I absolutely love everything they draw
@knacke the way they draw lance man,,,,,the way they draw lance,,,, by far my favorite lance artist bc the curls?? the glasses?? yes please fUCK ME UP
@atmosphere-af oh my god YES I LOVE EVERY EVERY EVERYYY piece of fanart this person draws like its always so good?? so pure?? so soft?? i love
@fawnmisty AHHHHH another fave fan artist bc every klance fanart is so flUFFY like i can feel my heart just swelling up with joy and happiness and FLUFF
@kitsunezakuro this style is just,,,, so cute and adorable like i get a cavity just by looking at it ITS JUST SO SWEET 
@mintorio ur art is just so….adorable i CANT GET ENOUGH OF IT?? THE KLANCE?? p u r e SO PURE
@voltronicworld I’m sure you’ve seen their animatic floating around tumblr bc HOLY SHIT ?? its so good?? the animation is so fluid and their art is just stellar!  and i love their other art
@fairyfun099 GOD I LOVE ALL THE VOLTRON ART THEY DO OMG lance in that jacket??? yes PLEASE
@probablynotsam every piece of fanart is just so soft and pure i love it SO MUCH I COULD CRY! 
@baconator4ever SO GOOD!!! I love the art style and the coloring is amazing as well like,,,phenomenal 
@leaflessart their brogane comic of the scene from madagascar killed me i legit was laughing so hard i love it so much.  great art style LIKE A++++++
@lemongogo AHH I love this artist so much like its such a cool style?? I love the klance and allura is just SO GOOD
@aurenwolfgang this is another artist whose lance is SO GOOD like i wanna print all of these pieces off and hang them everywhere like wallpaper like DAMN 
@juniperarts AHHH the style is so unique i love it so much like ?? the way they draw the team?? amazing and showstopping
@typical-ingrid such a pure and wholesome style like klance art?? blessed?? So cute?? i love
@chartron omg?? their art looks identical to the show’s animation like holy cow im IMPRESSED !!! I love their art its so good like holy CROW 
@treasuredbuns !!!!! another fave artist!!!! this artist draws the characters so well like oh my god they look so cute?? the style is amazing
@glowdroid ahhhh this person’s art is just,,,, my aesthetic like its so?? good?? i love the different type of style they use and its all just so adorable
@thesearchingastronaut amazing,,,,showstopping,,,,blessed,,,im in LOVE with the way they draw keith and lance like ??? have u seen this??? ill frame it for years, put it in my foyer,,,,, i love it so much dear GOD
@themochi ANOTHER VERY UNIQUE STYLE!!! I love they way they draw keith like holy sHIT so good
@kawovan i lOVE THIS ARTIST!!! Such a pure PURE style (god i say style a lot dont i) BUT ANYWAY JUST SO SO GOOD!!! the klance fanart?? im blessed
@marshiyan SOOOO GOOD!!! The coloring is so soft and i love every single piece this artist posts
@suitboxers i love this artists fanart bc it just looks so,,,,amazing like just i have no words its just all so good so amazing so showstopping im cryin
@keef-kogayne ALL THIS ART JUST BLESSES ME HONESTLY ITS SO GOOD SO PURE SO AMAZING.  I feel my heart swelling with pure love looking through the art tag
@nuuky AHH this art is so good bc its like ?? comic style ?? at least thats what it reminds me of, but its just so well done and the coloring is just MMM YES.  ALSO LOOK AT THIS LANCE
@nekolance i cry every time i see their fanart bc its just so good so GOOD!!! I love lance and keith and everyone just GOD ITS SO CUTE
@joleanart such a good style like their lance and keith?? amazing.  the way they draw red?? amazing.  id die for this artist salkjdsglksd
and god there are so many more but legit i cant thINK OF ANY MORE :(((( so if i missed you PLEASE comment that u draw so ppl can see!!! and if you know an artist who isn’t on here, please do the same!!!!
Sorry if i missed anyone D:
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nekole-doodles · 5 months
I was supposed to do this yesterday but I had homework so here is your Owl House DSMP AU dump :] (There are 2 versions btw)
"MAIN" Owl House DSMP AU: The Crow House(still coming up with a better name):
The island/demon realm this takes place in is called Essempii because Dream SMP sounds a bit on the nose considering Dream's role in this.
Tommy - Luz:
Tommy stumbles into the Essempii when Brian(Phil's crow/palisman) snatches the jar Shroud(Tommy's pet tarantula) was being kept in while he was on a walk holding Shroud's travel jar(don't worry, Tommy has a properly sized habitat for Shroud, the jar is only when Tommy wants to take Shroud out of the house. And yes I had to research proper tarantula care.)
Also, Shroud is a completely black curly-haired tarantula because it looked the closest to a Minecraft spider and was also a common species of tarantula to keep.
Tommy got in trouble a lot in school(in the human realm) for various reasons like letting raccoons into the school because he felt bad for them living on the streets, sneaking Shroud into the school and putting him in someone's hair(usually someone he found annoying), causing small fires in the science lab, and getting into fights with pricks, y'know, the usual.
When Tommy discovered the Essempii, it was on a Friday and close to summer break. He stays there for the weekend or a single day and leaves afterward. He makes a promise to come back when he's off for the summer.
Potions was the first type of magic Tommy learned to actually use and also got interested in Beast-keeping
Tommy learned about glyphs from Tubbo when they first met which I'll probably have a separate post for since I have a scene planned for it already. Basically, Tubbo knows about glyphs from experimenting but only knows the basic ones since he has the magic to not need them except for experiments. When they first met, Tubbo was using glyphs for an experiment that involved making basically a grenade. Tubbo taught Tommy the glyphs he knows and later, Tommy was able to figure out how to combine them.
Tommy's palisman will definitely be a raccoon in this AU version :))))) (In the 2nd AU version, he has a phoenix palisman)
Greek mythology isn't known in the Essempii, but Tommy read about Greek Mythology when he got bored back in the human realm.
Phil - Eda:
ANARCHYYYYYY (He's an anarchist)
He wasn't cursed by someone close to him(mostly because idk who it would be that doesn't already have a separate role). He was cursed by Admin Dream(who takes the role of Emperor Belos) for using wild magic and was going to be put into Pandora's Vault along with being cursed, chained up like a wild animal. This is the typical punishment for people who are caught using wild magic. However, Phil was able to escape and keep the curse under control. I have the perfect video to show what Phil looks like when the curse takes over but I don't have the energy to find it.
Also, I'm highly considering if Chat should be Hooty. We're definitely silly enough for it :/
His hardcore heart pendant thing is how he guages his magic
The curse didn't give him his wings. What the curse actually does is amplify hybrid genes.
Phil used to carve palismen for people in the Essempii but as the wood for palismen became more scarce, he couldn't do that anymore.
Tubbo - Gus/Willow
Tubbo mainly uses plant magic like Willow, but has Gus's general energy.
Although he mostly uses plant magic at school, he loves to use fire or explosive magic which- y'know, doesn't work out well considering plants are flammable and- yeah :/ He causes wayyyy too many fires. However, when he combines this magic, it's really useful in combat.
Tubbo likes experimenting with mixing magic and gets in trouble for it a lot but somehow finds a way to get out of trouble. After a very risky incident that nearly ended with serious consequences, he stuck to doing magic-mixing experiments in a secret lab setup in the forest(which is where he first met Tommy)
Has a bee palisman but I'm still figuring out a name
Tubbo has a garden and likes to put any weeds he pulls out into their own separate planters since he thinks they deserve to live as much as the other plants do because they're also just trying to survive(I got this idea from Tommy in Unlikely Events)
Tubbo and Tommy's shared love for animals and chaos caused them to get along well
When Tubbo isn't at school, he basically looks like a young version of QSMP! Tubbo's design
After students are able to join multiple tracks, Tubbo joins the beast-keeping and potion tracks along with staying in his current track
Ranboo - Gus/Willow
I have so much extra lore for Ranboo TvT
Even though they're in the Oracle track, they use other types of magic, mainly illusion and healing. Obviously, they are careful about when they use it and isn't as careless about it as Tubbo since they're trying to stay under the radar
They're secretly an enderian, a hybrid race that was slaughtered after Admin Dream took the throne because their enderpearls(which allowed them to teleport freely) were considered wild magic. Another big reason they were killed was because they have a natural talent for magic which Dream feared because they had the power to take him down if they worked together. Enderians were also one of the first people to discover magic so wild magic is ingrained in their culture.
To hide the fact they're an enderian, they use a concealment stone to hide their hybrid traits. Without the concealment stone, they basically look exactly like C! Ranboo but with different clothes. With the concealment stone, they look human(but with pointy ears of course) with heteochromic eyes(warm brown and muddled green), split black and white hair, and vitiligo.
Some enderians survived and had secret camps around the Essempii. The one Ranboo was born in was discovered and raided by Dream's army. Ranboo survived the attack because their parents hid them and gave him the concealment stone and a necklace that is a family heirloom. The pendant of the necklace looks like an eye of ender but smaller.
The concealment stone is kinda weak because to hide it, Ranboo broke it into smaller pieces so it could fit inside the eye of ender pendant. Ranboo uses their magic to help the illusion be more stable.
Sometimes, their magic isn't able to fully support the illusion so their mouth, hands, and eyes revert back and speckles of his black and white skin appear like freckles. To hide this, he wears a mask, sunglasses, and gloves.
They also know healing magic because they learned it back before the Enderian camp was invaded. They thought it would be useful and it comes in handy since Tubbo and Tommy always get hurt because they are chaotic and have a knack for getting in trouble.
Once they're able to take multiple tracks, they take the illusion and healing track. They want to learn how to control their illusions better to stay more concealed and they want to be able to heal Tommy and Tubbo when they get bigger, more dangerous wounds.
Okay that's it for now, I didn't realize how long this would take. I didn't even get to start talking about my 2nd Owl House DSMP AU(which is the one I like better despite it being newer and less planned). I'll continue with this AU in the next post then finally get to my 2nd AU.
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nekole-doodles · 6 months
For today's DMSP AU, Imma talk about my Fullmetal Alchemist DSMP AU, one of my many AU mash-ups! Here we go!
Obviously, this is heavily based on Fullmetal Alchemist(The original manga plot and the FMA: Brotherhood series btw) so here are some of the roles the characters have:
Tommy - Edward Elric: They both have similar personalities but one is tall while the other is made fun of for being short which is hilarious in my opinion :) Also, Tommy joined the military when he was 12-14 and he's currently 16.
Ranboo - Alphonse Elric: I had to think about this one a lot since Tommy and Ranboo wouldn't be blood brothers like in the original and Ranboo would not be a suit of armor. Ranboo is the adopted brother of Tommy and they're still really close. Ranboo's soul was transferred into a sort of large organic doll/chimera that was the experiment of Phil(who takes the place of Von Hohenheim, I'll get to him in a bit). It's basically a lot like C! Ranboo's body but it's incredible durable/has tough skin(as in bulletproof), can't digest food(the body will reject and Ranboo would end up having to spit it out), can't sleep, and can't feel anything(he can hear, see, and smell, but not taste, feel pain/feel anything physical). His original body is basically Ranboo in real life but younger. The body Ranboo's soul is in has a lot of complexities to it that will be explained for another time.
Tubbo - Winry: He's an automail mechanic, it suits him. He also won't hesitate to clonk Tommy's head with a wrench if Tommy gets careless with his automail. He's surprisingly strong(as in probably being able to pick Tommy up and throw him) and hates feeling powerless despite always being left powerless.
Phil - Von Hohenheim: Still immortal and still left his family. Tommy doesn't like Phil because he left them but Ranboo feels more neutral about Phil. Basically like in the original FMA. Phil's wife is, of course, Kristin(RIP). He also doesn't have wings. Idk what else to say for Phil, he's really similar to C! Phil and Von Hohenheim.
Wilbur(not related to cc! Wilbur) - Roy Mustang: It just fits so well in my brain. His title is the Dynamite Alchemist and yes, he is sane. He's a lot like L'manberg era Wilbur but much less naive since he's seen what war is. ALSO, his uniform is extremely similar to the L'manberg military uniform in C! DSMP(but without the hat), I just really like that idea :)))) He and Tommy have a similar relationship as Ed and Roy in FMA but if you added more friendship and fondness because I love Crimeboys in AUs and DSMP :]
Techno - Scar: I debated VERY HARD on this one between Techno taking the role of Scar or General Armstrong/Olivier Armstrong because both fit so well for me. In the end, I decided on Scar but with a different backstory. Techno is a piglin hybrid because I added hybrid races to this world. So far, there are Enderians(I'll talk about them more in another post) and Piglins but there might be more. Techno is an anarchist still and he's very strong and good in combat. I still haven't figured out how he'll gain the destructive alchemy ability but I know that at some point, he'll be able to do more reconstruction, even being able to change the physical appearance of a person(that'll be elaborated on later). Techno did not kill Tubbo's parents btw, so Tommy doesn't have as much anger towards him besides the fact he keeps trying to kill state alchemists and succeeding most of the time. When Tommy and Techno had to work together, they had some surprisingly nice joking moments but it still took a while for Tommy to be comfortable around him since, y'know, Techno tried killing him on several occasions. I think he'll still have the voices which will be a major part of his backstory that I'm still piecing together.
Okay, it's late and I'm tired so that's all you're getting right now.
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nekole-doodles · 6 months
I made a Fullmetal Alchemist DSMP AU and I always giggle when I think about how I had Tommy take Ed's place but Tommy is actually taller than average while Ed is shorter than average. If the original FMA and FMA! DSMP met, Ed would totally be seething about how the guy that has his role is over 6 feet while he's stuck being made fun of for being short
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nekole-doodles · 4 months
Avian #1: His wings were torn off by Dream in his second exile and still has the scars on his back
Avian #2: His wings are hidden and it basically works similar to how Phil can hide his wings in Tommyinnit's Clinic for Supervillains (they aren't visible but it still feels like his wings are uncomfortably pressed against his back)
Shapeshifter #1: Tommy can shapeshift even with the world's magic being dormant because he himself is the power source for the ability. He doesn't do it in public since at that point in time, everyone is human(this takes place in modern times and Tommy has been alive since the late 1700s)
Shapeshifter #2: He can't shapeshift because his shapeshifting relied on the magic around him and that magic is currently dormant
(Btw, the implications between Shapeshifter #1 vs. Shapeshifter #2 will change quite a bit about the story since it determines if Tommy can use himself as a magic source or not which can open or close a lot of possibilities)
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nekole-doodles · 4 months
So you guys remember that one post about my Fullmetal Alchemist DSMP AU? In on of my notes for Techno, I specified he didn't kill Tubbo's parents. I decided to do this because I want Tommy to be less angry at Techno so that they could form an actual bond since we didn't get much of that in original FMA. HOWEVER, because of C! Techno and Tubbo, I had a thought:
What if shortly after gaining the destructive alchemy ability, Techno damaged Tubbo's face(whether accidently or on purpose) and Tubbo's scar looks much like C! Tubbo's firework scar, but if you mixed its appearance with Dr. Marcoh's warped face. It makes sense due to what C! Techno did to Tubbo and what Scar can do with his destructive ability(aka what he did to Dr. Marcoh).
Idk though since I don't know how it would fit in with the story. Like, when would it happen? Before or after Tommy and Techno kinda start working together? Also, what would Techno's motives be? Techno wouldn't do it on accident and it wouldn't make sense if he was sort of pressured into doing it like in C! DSMP.
I'll make a poll in a bit so you guys can help me decide on what to do :/
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nekole-doodles · 7 months
I have a DSMP AU called We'll Meet Again that I'm making into a story and I wanna share some of it :D It's a Tommy-centric story where XD cursed him with immortality for their own entertainment.
The Dream SMP is more like an island that no one can accidently wash up on and only registered members can access the island. The L'mamberg Revolution lines up with the American Revolution and the current year in that AU is 2023, meaning Tommy has been alive for a very long time at that point and everyone on the SMP has either died or had to do their godly/angelic or whatever duties, leaving Tommy behind. A few days after the last person left/died, he decided to leave the DSMP island to try and get away from the constant reminders of his friends' deaths and to escape the loneliness.
Cut to a few centuries later and Tommy finds people who look exactly like his old friend from the DSMP which are actually their reincarnations. That's the main focus of the story.
If I end up sharing more details about this story, I might have to exclude details about Wilbur in this AU until I can mentally seperate him from CC! Wilbur because I'm still uncomfortable with everything that's going on.
However, I kind of have to keep Wilbur in this AU considering his role in the story and how important C! Wilbur was in Tommy's past so for now, I'll just focus on Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno, Phil, and maybe Dream in this AU.
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nekole-doodles · 8 days
[Screenshot from FlameDraco's "Wipe That Cheshire Grin Off Your Face Before I Wipe The Pavement With It" from their Blackout series(I love FlameDraco's works)]
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I love interpretation of TNT Duo where Quackity is the one flirting and Wilbur is having none of it(but secretly likes it). Oh how the turns have tabled
But I love FlameDraco's AUs of TNT Duo agdknwjd I love how they write and the dialogue they have for TNT Duo, it's just so satisfying to read out loud :D
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nekole-doodles · 5 months
Also, not just like- DSMP meets OSMP, I'm talking like C! DSMP meets fanfic AUs or fanfic AUs meet each other! I HAVE 3 SEPARATE GOOGLE DOCS FOR THIS, 2 of which are 200 pages and are so long that they lag all the time :/ I wish I could do this myself but I can't draw
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nekole-doodles · 6 months
OKAY OKAY OKAY SO "The Dreamwalker" by Hydre has become my Roman Empire so Imma ramble about something that keeps me up at night about this fic:
SO, Tommy is a shapeshifter and was manifested by familial love and hope(and also dandelions, the stars, etc but those 2 things are what I'm gonna focus on for this rant). HE IS TECHNICALLY THE *EMBODIMENT* OF THOSE THINGS SINCE THAT WAS HOW HE MANIFESTED, RIGHT(since Mumza is the embodiment of death and space because she manifested after an asteroid caused many people to die)? Tommy is technically A CONTRADICTION TO HIS EXISTENCE! LIKE- he's lost HOPE in HIS FAMILY accepting him back into the family and loving and caring about him without eventually leaving! For example(!spoiler warning!), in Chapter 17: "The Cardinal", Tommy already assumed that Techno and Dream would strike some kind of deal and Tommy wouldn't be saved from Dream by Techno. He lost hope of Techno, HIS BROTHER, saving Tommy from his abuser because Techno and Dream teamed up in the past. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FRICKING HEARTBREAKING IT IS TO SEE A CHARACTER GET HURT BY PEOPLE SO MUCH, ESPECIALLY HIS FAMILY, THAT HE CONTRADICTS HIS FRICKING CREATION AND WHAT HE IS THE PERSONIFICATION OF???
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nekole-doodles · 4 months
I've recently been obsessing over C! TNT Duo or any AUs of them, I love their dynamic so much and I've fallen into sub-hyperfixation, HELP-
(I have also recently made a TNT Duo-centric Spy Rival/Enemies to Friends(or could be interpreted as Lovers but ehhh) where they both coincidentally get a job that lands them in the same place together. They're both undercover in a ball with nobility but to make sure they blend in, they have to work together throughout the night to complete their mission and start to get along)
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nekole-doodles · 4 months
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I made some paper dolls of Tommy and Wilbur from the fanfic Unlikely Events by Nymphii, my favorite fanfic! This is for an automata I'm making for my engineering final project/exam but I don't know if I'll be able to finish it time :')
Anyway, the specific scene I'm going to recreate with the automata is from Chapter 21: "An Outsider's Break" when Wilbur is chasing Tommy through the precinct. This chapter is probably one of my favorite chapters :>
It was fun to draw and cut out these silly guys and even though I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to connect the limbs like making them fully movable, it was still fun to do that once I figured it out.
Btw, to connect the limbs, layered the body parts togather, marked out where to make the hole, and used a needle to actually make the hole and scissors as a hammer to sort of help the needle puncture the paper and cardstock underneath. Then I got a toothpick and poked it through both body parts just enough so it would be secure enough but not so much that the hole is too big and tears the limb. I cut the extra part of the toothpick(which was most of it) then to secure it more, I added a little dab of hot glue to make sure the end of the toothpick doesn't go through the hole and fall out.
I'm still working out the logistics of the automata, especially the cams I'm making for the movement, but unfortunately, I can't do realistic running due to the limitations of a simple automata. Making it realistic will be way too complicated that I don't have the time for AT ALL. So, their limbs will just be bending up and down which kind of bothers me but what works will just have to do :/
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nekole-doodles · 6 months
The Dreamwalker by Hydre has entered the list of fanfics that have put me on the edge of a mental breakdown more than 2 memorable times(that I distinctly remember) :D
1. Unlikely Events by Nymphii (I couldn't read this for a few months because it kept making my want to cry :/ I'm avoiding reading it for a second time since the ending is close, still can't believe this fanfic ended. It was one of my first fanfics :D maybe my 3rd??? This will be remembered as the fanfic that made me feel the pain of true angst for the first time)
2. His Curse of Binding (I think I shed tears for the last few chapters before the epilogue)
3. This Is Not An Act of Spite (I CAN'T EVEN FINISH THIS ONE YET BECAUSE THE PLOT IS AHHHHH, but it's incredible :D just sad)
4. Reverie by SaveEvans and Seriochol (DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL FIC :DDD)
5. The World Forgetting By The World Forgot by bonesandthebees (a classic ao3 author in the dsmp community)
6. Letters To A Lost Soul by SO MANY AUTHORS (it's an AMAZING concept btw :))
And NOW,
7. The Dreamwalker by Hydre (:DDDD)
Honorable Mentions:
Somewhere To Heal by Dearly Devoid
The Knight, The Bard, The Soldier, and...Ranboo? By Anamaze
Absolution by avardis (can you tell I like dimension travel fics yet?)
Ice To Water series/Icing Those Hurts by Drhair76 and plantform
Hollowed Homes by Lisbis (I fricking love this author btw)
Breathing's Just A Rhythm by MollyPollyKinz (hahaha so much angst :D It was easier to endure than the ones on the actual list though, even though I haven't finished it yet-)
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nekole-doodles · 6 months
I'm currently reading The Dreamwalker by Hydre and it's soooooo good!!! Probably one of the best dimension travel fanfics I've read in a while and OMG SHAPESHIFTER TOMMY MAKES ME GIGGLE, I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! So many good scenes in this fanfic :)
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