#nemesis primal
thelastgherkin · 1 year
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LEGACY EVOLUTION Voyager Nemesis Leo Prime
"Eat dirt!" – not just a battle cry, but a way of life.
More like this:
Legacy Evolution Voyager Class Leo Prime
Buzzworthy Bumblebee Worlds Collide Nemesis Primal
Generations Selects Megastorm
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plasticsparkphotos · 1 year
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Have ya been to see the big monkey movie yet? Hoping to see it this week myself. No spoilers pls, but let me know what you thought of the flick, if you checked it out! Feat. Nemesis Primal (Buzzworthy)
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Buzzworthy Bumblebee
Worlds Collide
by Hasbro (2021)
I got real lucky with this set.
Hours after being announced on TFW2005.com’s forums on 07-26-21 about being spotted in a Target in New Jersey I decided to stop by that very same store, and found two remaining, so I picked it up.
The Worlds Collide set was an unexpected treat!
It was a four pack of Transformers consisting of three deluxe class figures and one voyager class.
Part of the Buzzworthy Bumblebee toyline it features a variant of Bumblebee, Predacon Blackarachnia, the headmaster Decepticon Fangry, and a new comer to Transformers mythos Nemesis Primal. Not Nemesis Prime, mind you, PRIMAL, and evil version of the Maximal Optimus Primal.
Let’s get started.
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I’m not about to bury the lead here, I’ll start with my favorite...
Nemesis Primal:
Nemesis Primal is a repaint of the Kingdom toy of Optimus Primal figure, and I really like it!
The beast mode is gorilla with black fur, and purple skin. Otherwise it’s the same toy, and it’s really good. The joints are tight, he poses and stands well too.
-Beast Mode
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-Bot mode
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Nemesis Primal in bot mode is even better! He’s got a new head sculpt, which is the Optimus primal head, but with a closed mask instead of the open one from the Kingdom figure. It looks really good!
He’s got the usual articulation, and has blast effects ports, you can even see a tiny Predacon badge on his chest plate. Nemesis Primal is an awesome figure!
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Next up is a deluxe class of the headmaster (or Titan Master now) of the Decepticon Fangry.
-Beast Mode
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Fangry is a heavy retool of Titans Return Twinferno, and other two Monsterbot retools; the all share the body core section.
Fangry is a werewolf with bat wings. He was my original and first headmaster toy as a kid, so he was probably also my favorite.
Though the beast mode is blocky it is also okay. He’s got many shared parts as Twinferno such as the body core, the legs, and wings. He’s got a cool wolf head which looks organic, just like his G1 toy.
The headmaster Brisko sits in a compartment in the wolf belly, and can be removed by opening the hatch.
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Is pretty basic, however once you start doing so you might notice some of the thin, and weird feeling plastic. This toy is a heavy retool, and I’m not sure if Hasbro used the best materials for it. It’s a little concerning.
-Bot Mode
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Once you get Fangry into robot he looks really, really cool. He’s just this hot pink and black robot with a green face, and I totally dig the look.
However referring back to shoddy materials mentioned in the transformation they’re still present for the robot mode. He’s got loose joints such as elbows and knees. Fangy cannot stand well without having to point he knees away from each other. It’s very frustrating, and prevents me from making poses and such. It’s such a shame because I love his look.
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Since Fangry didn’t come packaged with a weapon, I decided to give him his mini Titans Return figure configured into weapon mode for him to wield. Why not?
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Unfortunately the gun mode is not blast effect compatable.
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Brisko is a the head mast partner. He looks good, and has a painted face. That’s just about it for him.
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Here’s comparison of Worlds Collide Brisko next to his Titans Return version. Pretty much the colors are inverted and the new one has a silver face. Otherwise it’s the same mold.
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Bumblebee here is the odd man out for this set. Being the only Autobot among Decepticons and Predacons, in my opinion he’s also the weakest of this set too.
This Bumblebee is in the Cliffjumper body of the Earthrise one.
The car mode is basically the Cliffjumper body but in bright yellow. It rolls well, and the accessories attach to the car mode just fine.
-Vehicle Mode
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You can have the bazooka peg onto the roof just fine. 
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The car mode has water ski mode, just like all the other figures of this mold can do.
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Comparing Worlds Collide Bumblebee to Earthrise Cliffjumper
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Comparing Worlds Collide Bumblebee to Earthrise Bumblebee.
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-Bot Mode
Bot mode is basically Bumblebee’s head on a yellow Cliffjumper body. OKay. that’s it.
I’m sorry, but that’s a little dull to me. 
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What I think was a missed opportunity was Hasbro could have made a new head sculpt for BB based on his original G1 toy, the one with the battle mask.
OR what would have been a good idea was attach the Cliffjumper head to the yellow body and make a yellow Cliffjumper. OR used Earthrise (Volkswagon) BB (head and all) just deco him all read, making red Bumblebee.
You G1ers out there, I’m sure some of us remember the rare red BB and/or yellow Cliffjumpers. I have a couple of them.
All I’m saying is that there were other options Hasbro could have taken, instead of such an un-imaginary one.
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A hive of Bumblebees
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Blackarachnia is a spider which colors are based, roughly on the the original toys. The colors are two shades of purple and gold (and I think I mis-transformed her beast mode,  but I don’t really car). I really like this deco.
-Beast Mode
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-Bot Mode
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Final Thoughts:
Thoughts? I live this set. The Worlds Collide set was briefly hinted at one day online, and then like a week later was just rushed onto the store shelves. I was one of the lucky few to get my hands on it first, and I think it’s great!
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jazzluca · 2 years
Di Scourge RiD, Black Convoy e Nemesis Prime vari...
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In quasi 40 anni di storia di marchio, il riutilizzo anche un po’ a caso di nomi classici per personaggi di altre serie, successive alla Transformers G1, è diventata un’abitudine un po' fastidiosa, sopratutto in Armada o nei vari film dal vivo del Movieverse, ma un eccezione si presenta quando parliamo di SCOURGE, poichè spesso non intendiamo più solo il barbuto araldo di Unicron del film del 1986, dato che quel nome è diventato ormai anche sinonimo di “Copia cattiva di Optimus Prime”, o semplicemente NEMESIS PRIME per gli amici.
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Accenni all’idea di un Optimus cattivo o di un suo doppio malvagio sono state le basi delle trame di alcuni storici episodi del cartone animato G1, come in “Attack of the Autobots”, con tutti gli eroici Cybertroniani riprogrammati da Megatron per compiere impensabili malvagità, o “A Prime Problem”, con sempre il comandante Decepticon che crea un duplicato di Commander da poter controllare per seminare zizzania tra le fila degli Autorobot; infine in “Dark Awakening” il defunto Optimus diviene addirittura uno zombie riprogrammato dai Quintesson, sempre con lo scopo di portare caos ed eliminare gli odiati Autobot.
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Ma il primo vero Optimus nero, non è manco effettivamente un Optimus, dato che l’idea salta fuori per un repaint scuro di Lio Convoy, “successore” di Optimus Primal in una delle serie animate giapponesi nate in coda a Beast Wars, Beast Wars 2. 
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Arriviamo appunto a Black Convoy di Car Robots, ribattezzato Scourge per la versione occidentale di Robots in Disguise ( o anche detta RiD 2000, suffisso numerico aggiunto a posteriori per non confondersi con l’omonima serie del 2015 ): CR / RiD presentano il nostro come una protoforma Autobot non solo corrotta e riprogrammata dai Predacon, ma con l'aspetto basato sull'Optimus Prime di quella serie, capitato in mezzo durante la scansione del veicolo per la formattazione del neonato robot. Un clone malvagio di Optimus per caso, quindi, che emerge come uno spietato capo dei Commandos Decepticon pronto a spodestare Megatron alla prima occasione.
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Essendo Rid una serie con personaggi sì inediti, ma rimpolpata anche con altri modelli presi da linee precedenti, per dare corpo a questo Optimus nero viene preso nientemeno che l'ottimo G2 Laser Optimus Prime uscito qualche anno prima, ridipinto di ... beh, nero, e col colpo di genio di ribaltare a testa in giù il simbolo degli Autobot G2 ( inciso sui dischi del lanciamissili del rimorchio / base del giocattolo ) e creare così il simbolo di questi Decepticon.
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Il resto è storia, potremmo dire, dato che da questo episodio scaturisce la nuova abitudine di fare versioni nere di qualsiasi Optimus Prime sia stato fatto o si farà, perlopiù come edizioni speciali sopratutto per il mercato giapponese, ripescando quindi lo stampo del Commander originale...
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... ed altre sue versioni come il Powermaster / God Ginrai...
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... nuovi stampi come il piccolo Hybrid Style...
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... il Classic del 2007...
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... e figuriamoci se non tocca i vari Masterpiece, non sempre però scomodando Scourge ma citando cose ben più macabre, come l’aspetto al momento della morte di Optimus nel film del 1986!! ^^’
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Ma il concetto di Optimus cattivo si sfila dal nome altisonante di Scourge e viene ribattezzato Nemesis Prime in Armada, qui un essere creato da Unicron basato su... indovina chi? esatto! ...  sempre per promuovere il repaint nero dell’Optimus Deluxe della linea. Ironia della sorte, in Giappone l’hanno chiamato ... Scourge!! ^^’’
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Meno banalmente, qualche anno dopo nel rilancio fumettistico dei Transformers per la casa editrice IDW, il guru dei fumetti dei nostri beniamini Simon Furman crea il suo Nemesis, qui non un Optimus ma bensì il suo predecessore, Nova Prime, corrotto dall’Oscurità dell’Universo Morto ed adeguatamente ribattezzatosi.   
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Come dicevo, ogni scusa è buona per fare un Optimus nero, ma diciamo che quelle più gradite, di solito, almeno si basano un cavolo di cannovaccio di trama visto in qualche media, così ecco che Takara sforna, fra gli altri, il Nemesis Prime basato sull’apparizione di un clone robot creato dai terrestri nella serie Prime.
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E se per caso in Reveal the Shield prima e Titans Return poi compaiono degli Optimus che come look omaggiano il G2 Laser, vuoi mica che non ci scappi un paio di versioni moderne dello Scourge RiD? Non sia mai! ^^’
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Intanto al cinema esce l’ultimo film della pentalogia di Michael Bay, e la trama de L’Ultimo Cavaliere vede Optimus Prime venire corrotto da Quintessa e rivoltarsi contro i suoi alleati Autobot... ma com’è che si chiamerà ora questo Prime, eh? eh?? EH??? Appunto! ^^
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 Il nero per Optimus si porta anche nella trilogia War for Cybertron, con il sempre macabro “Sleep Mode” in stile cadavere, e ben due versioni di Nemesis, di cui una con rimorchio, che nella omonima serie a cartoni di Netflix altro non è che una versione futura di Commander, again, corrotta dal solito Unicron ed alleata di Galvatron! :O
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Siamo ormai ai giorni nostri, e... ok, sto sembrando ripetitivo, ma non è colpa mia se nella nuovissima linea frittomisto Generations Legacy come Optimus ci troviamo il Laser G2, e quindi telefonatissimo è il suo repaint esclusivo di Scourge, sempre da RiD 2000, no? é___è
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Cavolo, quasi dimenticavo la menzione d’onore agli Optimus Prime non neri ma viola di Shattered Glass, universo alternativo con i ruoli scambiati e quindi con gli Autobot malvagi ed i Decepticon buoni, ma sopratutto buona scusa per tutta una serie di repaint iniziati come esclusive per Botcon nel 2008 e ripresa recentemente con una serie a fumetti ed esclusive stile Select. 
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E visto che tutto è cominciato con quella bestia di Black Lio Convoy, potremmo chiudere con quell’altro animale, esclusiva Buzzworthy, di Nemesis Primal, che mica Black Jack è l’ultimo arrivato dei Prime e deve convivere senza la sua bella versione malvagia e corrotta, eh... 
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... e invece restiamo in tema bestiale e guardiamo al futuro, ovvero al prossimo anno quando uscirà il nuovo film dal vivo, Rise of the Beasts, che come principale avversario vedrà esordire il buon vecchio Scourge, appunto, a capo di un gruppo di inediti Terrorcon, ma al soldo del solito Unicron, da quel che si vocifera. 
E questo, finora, è quanto: ci si rivede al prossimo, inevitabile, Commander nero come l’inchiostro. ^^  
fonte immagini: https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page
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prissnukem · 7 months
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every time i remember "ingo is an ascian/ancient who literally forgot everything about that" it still kills me. so much staying power in the idea of the protagonists rocking up to ishgard having the worst day of their lives and there's a fucking ASCIAN just chilling waiting for them and they're like fucking dammit now we have to deal with THIS. and then he's not. like he's literally just chilling. he is so very much just some guy. and they're like why the fuck are you dressed like an evil wizard then and he's like they're comfy robes :(
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, what would have happened if Dinobot 2 had survived and joined the Maximals on their journey back to Cybertron?
Dear Sempiternal Saurian,
In one reality, Optimus Primal was able to successfully rescue the cloned Dinobot from the Nemesis and carry him to safety, moments before Rhinox’s shuttle obliterated the ship’s bridge and foiled Megatron’s final gambit to win the Beast Wars. Initially, the jubilant Maximals believed that their old friend had somehow returned to life, but were dismayed to find that this was not quite the case. While this “new” Dinobot had indeed inherited some jumbled memories of his genetic template, he also bore the scars—both literal and metaphorical—of serving Megatron throughout the last third of the Beast Wars. Worse yet, he still carried the spark of Protoform X, itself a failed attempt to mimic Starscream’s immortal spark. Suffice it to say, the second Dinobot was a traumatized, empty shell—a living weapon bereft of purpose, forced to work alongside the same ‘bots he’d been conditioned to hate, and perpetually at war with himself as competing instincts vied for dominance. The Maximals quickly learned to give their nominal ally a wide berth, and none of them were particularly enthused when he declared that he would join them on their voyage home, in the hopes that he could find some kind of new purpose on Cybertron.
As in many of the timelines you know, Megatron slipped his bonds during their voyage back to Cybertron, conquered the planet with an army of mass-produced Vehicon warriors, and infected his captors with a paralyzing transformation virus. Thanks to his Transmetal 2 body, Dinobot resisted the virus, but was forcibly devolved back into a simulacrum of his genetic predecessor. Soon enough, Optimus Primal found him, Rattrap, Blackarachnia, and Cheetor; guided by Primal’s supernatural visions, the five ‘bots fled into the depths of Cybertron, and eventually encountered the mysterious Oracle. Dinobot emerged from the computer with a new, technorganic beast mode: a crimson Guanlong with steel-grey plumage, his teeth and claws could easily penetrate Vehicon armor. As he had never truly “known” Cybertron before the Vehicon apocalypse, Dinobot fought not for any kind of higher ideal, or to rescue the populace of Cybertron, but merely to survive; when the Maximals learned that Megatron had engineered the entire disaster and taken control of the planet, Dinobot decided that he hated Megatron more than he hated the Maximals and grudgingly stuck by their fledgling resistance movement, defiantly wearing a modified Predacon insignia for no other reason than to incense his creator.
Already torn between so many states of being, it should come as no surprise that Dinobot struggled to master the art of transformation. Because of this setback, however, the Rattrap of this timeline—who’d already taken a very real dislike to the “cut-rate knockoff”, and could now look down his nose at someone even worse at transformation than himself—never faced the same kind of crisis of conscience that many of his alternate selves struggled with, and learned how to transform by himself. When Dinobot found that “emotional still point” and unlocked his robot mode, he was a mighty warrior indeed: not only could his optics project a wall of telekinetic force to cover his allies and send enemies flying, but his mighty two-handed claymore could also open tectonic fissures and create localized earthquakes. Tormented by his own demons as he was, however, those moments of emotional lucidity were fleeting at best, and Dinobot spent most of his time trapped in beast mode: in his worst moments, the other Maximals had to physically restrain him as his old Transmetal instincts overwhelmed him and he reverted to a feral state of being. Even while trapped in beast mode, Dinobot proved an ambitious and cunning warrior, and he and Cheetor repeatedly butted heads over the position of leader while the Maximal leader was indisposed.
In this timeline, Dinobot’s warrior instincts and animalistic thirst for vengeance helped push Optimus Primal, already convinced that his mission was to revert Cybertron to its primordial organic state, further and further down the road of extremism. Thanks to his influence, by the time that Tankor’s true consciousness reasserted itself and made a play for power, Optimus had already discovered the Plasma Energy Chamber and used it to send an ultimatum to Megatron: leave the planet now, or perish. This time around, it was Megatron who had to go on the defensive; despite these minor changes in the timeline, the end result was largely the same—the clash between the Key to Vector Sigma and the Plasma Energy Chamber resulted in near-deaths for both Optimus Primal and Megatron. The other Maximals realized that their comrade had played a major role in Primal’s death and turned their back on him. While the other Maximals eventually revived Optimus and dealt with the strange Savage/Noble creature, a grief-stricken Dinobot, convinced that he had permanently killed the first being who had ever treated him kindly, buried his higher functions beneath his animal instincts and turned feral, indiscriminately roaming the empty tunnels and savaging any wayward Vehicons who deviated from their patrol routes.
Finally, after many cycles of exile, Optimus Primal—who had dedicated all his time to meditating in front of the Oracle and casting his own sensory net across the planet in the hopes of finding their most troubled comrade—finally reached Dinobot’s sleeping mind and pierced his layers of mental armor. In this shared dreamscape, a jumbled nightmare world of Transmetallized bones and a burning valley—Dinobot admitted that he had no idea who he was. Was he a warrior or a monster? A beast or a robot? A Maximal, a Predacon, a Decepticon? Would he forever toil in the shadow of his progenitor, desperately trying to live a life he’d never known? Or was he nothing but a freak of nature who concealed his monstrous nature beneath the veneer of an honorable warrior?
Inspired by his own recent voyage through the Matrix, Optimus offered his own opinion: just as the Matrix had chosen them to bring nature and technology together into a single, harmonious whole, so too was Dinobot more than the sum total of his origins. He was not the original Dinobot, nor was he Rampage; he was himself, a loyal ally and just as much a part of the Oracle’s grand plan as the rest of the Maximals.
It would take time before the Predacon warrior learned to channel Primal’s sense of balance into his own fighting style as he rigorously trained in private—aided by Primal’s occasional remote coaching sessions—and longer still before he worked up the courage to rejoin the Maximals. When he did, however, he returned not as Dinobot, but as his own ‘bot—he was now Preditron, a courageous and honorable warrior who combined his bestial instincts with the experience of two lifetimes lived. Preditron fought bravely alongside the Maximals in subsequent campaigns, stood by as they welcomed Botanica and Silverbolt into the fold, and made a courageous stand in the final battle against the Vehicon hordes.
Many centuries in the future, long after the Great Transformation that saw Cybertron reformatted into a technorganic utopia, young technorganic Cybertronians still whisper tales of the reclusive Last Predacon, whose immortal spark burns forever. When all else fails, it is said that the Last Predacon will emerge from his secluded jungle home to take young Cybertronians who struggle to master transformation under his wing, and teach them to find the balance within, as he once did himself.
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muerder-snail · 11 months
Me and my family are going on vacation and we stoped at Walmart and made my day!
Some characters are labeled wrong on the back but I don’t care I know who is who
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groundrunner100 · 1 year
Please take into consideration the context (or lack there of) of the series’ story before casting a vote, because the biggest grievance with the series is the story.
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ionodom · 9 months
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Ghosts of Inktober's past again, this time from 2019! I don't think I've ever actually "completed" inktober
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tachyon-omlette · 1 year
I will get to the Phantos and Eda interactions, I promise, but let me ask you in return; what does Eda think of Maelstrom, Viceglide, Posthaste and the crew?
Eda is somewhat wary of Maelstrom, and not entirely because she's a mnemosurgeon. She radiates her classic morbid curiosity often enough to set off Eda like a Geiger counter; she reminds him of Quintus, and not in a good way. Chances are that he'd take measures to avoid her whenever possible, which might only make her more curious, to his dismay. It's ironic, in this context, that his neck is one of the few weak points in his armor - but then again, it'd be near impossible to get that close.
Viceglide, in contrast, he can understand to some degree. Eda does not deal with or trust Cybertronians any more than he has to - and neither, it seems, does Viceglide. They are both odd sizes for the worlds in which they exist, albeit in opposite directions. They both know the allure of zealous scientists and have in their own turns succumbed to it. Eda does not particularly like him, but he might tolerate Viceglide to a higher degree than he does any other Cybertronian, even if Viceglide does not trust him.
Posthaste gives him hope. All newsparks do, no matter how many times that hope has been shattered before. Even at a distance - because I don't imagine his creators would let Eda get too close - he can tell how much Posthaste is loved. He is glad for it, but so too is he envious.
The other members of Phantos, to him, are simply more Cybertronians to deal with. Though he would not make overtures to gain their favor, neither would he reject any attempts at conversation - though as soon as anything remotely resembling you should join the Decepticons slips out, he's leaving.
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plasticsparkphotos · 1 year
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Transformers: WFC - Worlds Collide - Nemesis Primal  
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themedplanets · 2 years
Upon frame-by-framing the trailer with my roommate we identified what they think is Dinobot (guy) fighting what I think is one of the Dinobots (group).
And now Megatron and Megatron could just show up.
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dollhouse || jeff the killer || part two
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“You’re fucking insufferable!
“I’m insufferable? Which one of us fucked up the mission?”
“Obviously you!”
You audibly scoffed. The mission had gone perfectly, minus one tiny little flaw. Neither of you anticipated your getaway car being broken into and stolen. It resulted in a very awkward game of hide and seek, where you both were forced to hide behind a dumpster until someone came to get you. (Ben found the situation hilarious).
Unfortunately for both of you, EJ was the one who was ordered to pick you up. The proxies were used to your and Jeff’s bickering, the three often intervening and picking sides. EJ on the other hand was more reserved, always silently observing and thinking. The final piece to the tragic puzzle, were the three days spent tracking down said car to cover your tracks. In recent years Slender had become more insistent on being careful, making sure no traces of creeps were left behind. With EJ’s sense of smell it wasn’t hard to find the thief, just time consuming.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy torching the car and watching it be engulfed into flames. What you didn’t enjoy, was quite literally everything else. Including the long car ride back to the mansion, which included both you and Jeff sharing the backseat. Originally you both had fought over the passenger seat, EJ quick to manhandle the both of you into the backseat by force. Now you were forced in a confided space with your arch nemesis, one who had came in you days prior.
“I’m not the one who decided to finger paint blood on the wall. Maybe if we had saved the arts and crafts bullshit we’d still have a fucking car,” You argued. You were both still covered in dry blood, exhausted, and filthy. Every ounce of energy you had left was dedicated to spiting at each other. “EJ are you hearing this shit? The whole go to sleep thing is kinda my thing. Not my fault you weren’t clever enough to come up with a signature,” Jeff debated. EJ sighed, ignoring the both of you as he continued driving down the dimly lit road.
“Yeah I can tell your signature was made when you were fourteen. It screams edgy preteen,” You spat, crossing your arms. You looked out of the window, sick of seeing Jeff’s face. You hated how he made you feel. So angry. So vulnerable. It was like he could see right through you, both of you apart of the same parting glass. “I’m not the one who got horny mid mission,” Jeff grumbled. You shot daggers at him with your firey gaze as you turned your head. “What the fuck did you just say?” You asked. Jeff matched your energy, both of you meeting halfway. “I think you heard me loud and clear doll face,” He snickered.
“I will throw you out of this moving car Jeffrey,” You growled. Jeff came closer, your faces an inch apart. “Yeah? I’d like to see you try-” He began, both of you flying forward against the seats in front of you. EJ had slammed on the brakes, the car coming to a sudden stop in the middle of the road. “Will you two shut the fuck up? You are driving me nuts! Either fuck, get married, or kill each other. Pick one. Or you know what? Fuck it. Maybe do all three. In that order. Just shut the fuck up!” EJ yelled. Jack was never the violent or expressive type, not in your experience. You’d never heard him mumble more than four sentences before.
You picked yourself up off of the floorboard, trying to look proper as you resumed your position in your seat. Jeff did the same, watching as EJ slowly turned back around. He shook his head, slowly pressing his foot on the gas. “We did fuck, just to be clear,” Jeff clarified. You screeched in horror. “Jeff?! What the fuck?” You said, slapping his arm. Jeff rolled his eyes. “Cmon dude it’s fucking EJ. If anyone understands the primal fucking thing it’s him,” He said, pointing at the demon in question. Jack slammed on the brakes once again, your head hitting the seat in front of you this time.
“I’m getting out of the car. Get your energy out by fucking or killing each other, I don’t care which. Just let me know when you’re done,” EJ grumbled, undoing his seatbelt. You reached over the seat and grabbed his arm. You wanted nothing more than to go home and shower. And if you had to shut Jeff up to do it, you would. “We’ll figure it out and leave you out of it. Okay? Please take us home,” You say softly. Out of all of the mansions residents, Jack probably bothered you the least. Most of the time he kept himself wrapped up in his medical lab. You only really saw him when one of the proxies needing stitching up, EJ taking pride in the one thing he considered himself to be good at.
Jack sighed, not saying anything but beginning to drive the car again. “Look at you getting all soft on EJ. You gonna beg him to fuck you too?” Jeff huffed, jealousy radiating off of his skin. You turned to him, climbing over him and straddling his lap. Your hand flew to his throat, squeezing the sides like your life depended on it. “If you keep yapping we are never going to get home. Shut up,” You snarled. You could feel Jeff’s cock grow hard underneath you, your eyebrows raising. “Say please and i’ll shut up,” Jeff said, his voice husky. You couldn’t decide if it was because of his lust or lack of an airway.
You most certainly did not want to say please to Jeff of all people, but you did want to get home. More than anything. You slowly lowered your hips, grinding against Jeff’s aching boner. “Please,” You say softly, meeting his obsidian eyes. The pale killer quickly flipped you over, planting his lips on yours. You could hardly process your back hitting the backseat, the air being knocked out of your lungs. You struggled to keep up with his frantic kisses, as if he just couldn’t get enough of you. His pale hands slipped under your shirt, squeezing your mounds of needy flesh.
You let out a small groan, Jeff’s obsidian eyes temporarily torn away from you. “EJ if I catch you looking back here i’ll scoop out your eyes,” Jeff threatened. There was a brief silence in the car, before Jack turned on his blinker to turn. “I don’t have eyes Jeff,” He replied blandly. Jeff squeezed at your breast harder, the pain making you squirm. “Yeah yeah you get the point,” Jeff barked. He smashed his lips back onto yours, your fingers desperately fiddling with his jeans. “That desperate huh doll?” He snickered. You rolled your eyes, Jeff forcing a groan from your lips as his finger toyed with your nipple.
“Thats it, such pretty noises. Let it all out,” He mocked. He helped you shove off his jeans, his hand grasping his hard cock. Jeff buried his head in your neck, sucking and lapping at your sensitive skin. The two of you were whimpering messes, completely forgetting Jack was even there. “Don’t leave marks you asshole,” You whined, your hips rolling upwards. Jeff grinned devilishly as he released your neck with a pop. “Little too late. Good luck explaining that,” He argued. You ran your thumb over his slit, the pale killer above letting out a groan. You grabbed him by his hoodie, changing the position.
Jeff sat upwards in the backseat, watching as you scrubbed your blood soaked scrubs off. You straddled Jeff, melting into the kiss as his large hands grabbed your ass. You hated how good he made you feel. His wet you got from his touch and degrading words. How divine it felt that your slick was rubbing up and down his hard cock, and all you could want was more. He slapped your ass harshly, your whine quickly swallowed by his eager lips. You hovered over his cock, before slowly sinking down onto it. You let out a string of curses, a cocky smirk dancing across Jeff’s lips.
“Go on, let EJ know how good I made you feel,” Jeff purred. Your right hand flew to his neck, choking the sides as you sank down lower onto his cock. “Shut the fuck up Jeffrey,” You argued weakly. Your walls spasmed as you struggled to accommodate his size, your drenched cunt pulling him in. Jeff’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as you choked him, the pale killer in more pleasure than he’d let on. “Look at Jeff EJ, look at how much of a pathetic fucktoy he is for me,” You huffed. You sank fully into his cock, the two of you breathing heavily as you finally made eye contact. Jeff’s hand brought itself to your throat, the two of you choking the other.
“Get on with it or i’ll bend you over and give Jacky a real show,” Jeff threatened weakly. You rose your hips, before rolling them back down on his cock. You both let out a unison of groans, your body beginning to ride his shaft faster. You released his throat, grabbing handfuls of his hoodie to maintain balance. “F-fuck Jeff,” You whined. His cock was abusing your g spot perfectly, your body on cloud nine. Jeff released your throat, bringing his large hand to your cheek. “Thats it doll, keep making that stupid fucked out face of yours,” He huffed. His other hand strayed from your ass, slithering to your clit. He began to draw slow circles, your brain turning to mush.
“Fucking hell- please go faster,” You pleaded. Jeff brought his forehead to yours, the two of you moaning in unison as you shamelessly rode his cock. Your knuckles were turning white from gripping his hoodie so hard. It was then the killer began fucking up into you, your moans becoming louder and unhinged. “Jeff! Shit!” You moaned. Jeff stroked your cheek with his thumb, the loving action almost making you furrow your eyebrows in questioning. But he seemed content and you couldn’t deny your enjoyment. “I hate you Jeffrey Woods,” You hissed, hating the way your body was reacting to his.
“I hate you more dollface,” He seethed, both of his hands grabbing your waist. Jeff gripped your waist so tightly you knew you’d have bruises in the morning. “I hate the air you breathe,” You argued. Jeff’s thrust into you, knocking your next insult out of your lungs. “Yeah? I hate how good you feel wrapped around my cock,” Jeff panted. You could feel the cord in your stomach tightening, your thighs beginning to shake. You brought your fingers down to your clit, circling the sensitive bud as Jeff rammed into you. “I hate you,” You moaned, throwing your head back in pleasure.
Jeff grabbed your throat, forcing you to look at him as you both reached your highs. “I hate you too, slut,” He spat. His words sent you over the edge, your walls spasming around his cock as you came. “Jesus fuck, it’s like you’re milking me,” He groaned, cumming deep inside of your cunt. You both panted in unison, trying to come down from your highs. Exhausted, you rested your head against Jeff’s shoulder.
Jacks voice was the next thing you heard as you came down, “You two need fucking therapy.”
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prissnukem · 1 year
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if you dont play ffxiv just trust me that i'm right and it would be really cool and you should just start clapping
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