ask-the-riders · 2 years
Anteros: You... you saved me. You're not a beast at all. YOU'RE A HERO, AN UGLY UGLY UGLY HERO!
Nep: Call me ugly again, and maybe I will eat you
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nepneptunes · 6 months
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neptune 🛰️
- alter in @councilsys
- bodily & iw adult
- she/her
- queer woman-ish
- space enjoyer
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do not interact 🔭
(will add more as i go)
- endogenic systems, tulpas & supporters
- standard dni (incl. homo/transphobe, racists/fascists/nazis, antisemites, MAPs/pedos)
- fatphobes
- ed blogs/sh blogs
- proship/transid/radqueer
- queerphobe (incl. anti mspec mono, anti xenogender, anti neopronouns etc.)
- ableists (incl. anti PD, anti CDD, fakeclaimers etc.)
- narcissistic abuse believers
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wonderalmighty · 5 months
[For the flirt meme] Slamming his hand against the wall mere inches away from Nep's head, Yuuta leaned in and whispered.
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"Come Over Here And Kiss Me On My Hot Mouth, I'm Feelin' Romantical..."
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"Oh thats.."
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"I..what hold up..huh wait what I...what...come again?????" Nep.EXE has stopped running
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lover-of-skellies · 3 years
Yes! New M A T E R I A L!
Three for errorink and any other skeleton pair of your choice!
1) What was their first impression of each other?
9) Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
3) How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
For ErrorInk, I think their first impression of each other probably wasn't the greatest. Error likely felt that Ink was nothing more than some disgusting anomaly that shouldn't even exist, and Ink probably thought Error was this oversized man child that was in need of some serious anger management to control all of his destructive impulses
Who whispers inappropriate things to the other; Ink, obviously 👀 Even if he's canonically ace, there's nothing stopping him from using this kinda trick to mess with Error every so often. Ink's not phased by a lot of it, so he'd be super casual as he says things, too
Then for the stuff about any children they'd have, that's,, kinda hard to say? I could see them being happy without kids, but then if they did have any, I feel like 2 would be the max for them. One kid would have this perfectly balanced personality that'd have bits of both of them in it, while the other might lean toward being more like one or the other
(I'm probably gonna ramble more than necessary for the pairing of my choice, so I'm gonna put that under a cut)
For my pairing of choice, I'm gonna go with Nep and Anteros again, because why not
Their first impression of each other..... Oh boy. Anteros took one look at this very dangerous, cannibalistic, feral disaster man, and his first thoughts were basically all about how hot he was. Like, "he could kill me, I know this, but I wouldn't even be mad because daMN, he's F I N E." He was immediately thirsting for Nep, essentially. Meanwhile, Nep thought he was gross and annoying, and he just wanted to be left alone. He even tried to drown him at least once or twice, but apparently that wasn't enough to make Anteros lose interest
Who whispers inappropriate things to the other;; bruh, they both do this. They're the only pair I can think of right offhand that's more hormonal than Pest and War. Anteros was a version of Lust before he kinda ascended to being a deity. Really all that happened with that was that he just fused with a deity. But ye. He still experiences perma-heat, and it doesn't take very much for that to affect Nep
As for the stuff about their kids: At the moment, the only kid they have (in canon, which is subject to change) is Betta, and she's this perfect blend of both of them. She's small, pretty, very flirtatious, and very dainty looking, but she's a heathen like Nep, and like him, she's also built to be like the perfect killing machine. Claws, teeth, speed, agility, manipulation abilities, she's got all of it down. In the future, she's supposed to gain about 7 or 8 younger siblings, though. All of them are complete heathens, and they're very much like the werewolf pups from the Hotel Transylvania movies
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randompaw90 · 2 years
Now’s also probably a bad time for a joke like-
Happy TDOV, the alter accidentally posting on your favorite aesthetic blog is totally trans!
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[I've received permission from @lover-of-skellies to use their character here]
Lust: "If you accept your flaws, you'll feel better. It worked for me."
Nep: "You've accepted your flaws-?"
Lust: "No, I've accepted yours."
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twice-stanclan · 7 years
nep machine broke
error nep.exe has stopped working
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arcadegl1tch · 5 years
Me: dying over sans
My Moirail: me too but Zach
Me drawing in two seconds at 12am: @smallandmean
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
Villain: *sneaks up behind Anteros and puts him in a choke hold* Guess who
Anteros: Neptune!
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lover-of-skellies · 3 years
I don’t mind if you repeat some, with my memory I probably won’t notice! :P
Another two for errorink and a riders pair (canon or otherwise)?
36) who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
37) lick-claiming. who does it? is the other deterred?
For ErrorInk, I feel like Ink would enjoy changing Error's ringtone a bunch behind his back. Assuming Error's got a phone that allows him to set a different ringtone for different people, Ink's probably changed all of them at least once. Error couldn't count how many times Ink's little stunt has nearly given him a heart attack with how loud and obnoxious the ringtones were, but every single time, he makes sure to get him back for it. They go back and forth, and they almost make a game out of it after a while
Lick-claiming. This is another thing that Ink might do (if he was trying really hard to be a gremlin). Error is definitely deterred, because Ink licking everything is gross to him, and he typically yells at Ink to knock it off, because he doesn't know where some things have been. Like that container of glitter paint Ink found? Yeah, neither of them know how many people touched it or where it's been, so ew, yucky, no thanks. The only thing Error would do lick-claiming on is his chocolate bars, since he knows exactly where they've been and who's touched them (spoiler alert: they're either in his fridge or in his pocket, and only he touches them, so it's fine to put his spit all over them then, because why not). Despite the blue-tinted spit covered chocolate bars that Ink occasionally sees, let's face it, Ink doesn't care, he's stealing the chocolate anyway. He smooches Error on a regular basis, so lick-claiming doesn't phase him in the slightest
For a rider pairing,, I know they're technically not part of the main riders group (and technically not even riders, either), but I'm gonna go with Nep and Anteros, and ima put it under a cut so this answer doesn't get too ungodly long XP
Alrighty, so. With changing their partner's ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back, I feel like both Nep and Anteros would do that. They're both chaotic little shits, so it'd make sense. Though,, the first time Anteros did it to Nep, the lake dweller needed a new phone afterward, because the sudden noise made him panic and he kinda broke it a little. Now though, he's come to expect it every so often, because he knows how much of a heathen Anteros can be. All of their children find it absolutely hilarious to watch the two of them go back and forth, too
Then with lick-claiming. Again, both of them do it. Nep eats people and animals and he's a feral monster, so a little bit of his partner's saliva isn't gonna stop him from getting whatever it is that he wants. He's just not even remotely phased by it, so ye. Then Anteros,, he started off as a variant of Lust Sans, so without going into detail here, his mouth has had a lot of things in it before. Nep's spit is pretty gross on its own sometimes, especially if he had just finished eating someone something, but the rest of the time, Anteros doesn't mind it
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randompaw90 · 2 years
Hi, sorry about the little issue earlier! I think I just forgot about the post and probably added the “Hi” on accident! Sorry for worrying anyone!
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
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Some possible shots of different areas within Nep's lake
Anteros lives with the lake dwellers, but because he can't be underwater as much as them, he probably stays in the underground bunker
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Ok,, so a buddy and I were talking about what the right term for Nep's underground bunker would be, since it doesn't really feel like "bunker" 100% fits, and-
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We've discovered what a joy it'd be to live with him and Anteros
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Just,, this stuff is only the tip of the ice berg. Stuff like this probably happens on a regular basis, since their kids are heathens
Betta doesn't help the chaos either, since she's probably up to some shenanigans of her own while everything else is happening
For being a feral monster with an attitude, I have to give Nep credit for his parenting skills, too. He does so much better than I think a lot of people would expect him to
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
Anteros: Neptune taught me to swim that time he took me out to the lake and threw me off the dock!
Conquest: Anteros I don't think he was trying to teach you how to swim-
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
I love how "grumpy but great parent" became a type of character here
Like,, Error (as in Deaths partner, not the OG Error), Geno, Nep, Diamondback, and Tango. They're all grumpy but great parents
Diamondback has no children of his own, but to some extent, he might kinda sorta feel like Cobalt and/or Connie are his kids, since he's older than them (probably), and has spent a lot of time with them, watching them become the people they are now. That doesn't even cover how protective he is of them either, especially Connie
Then you guys don't know Tango (since he's only been briefly mentioned before), but he's got like,, 6 or 7 kids. All of the biological ones are still alive and human, and only one of them is in his life anymore. Her name's Roxanne, and to summarize her, she's a lot like War. Tango's other child is adopted, she's also a sinner demon, and her name is Pixie. He's grouchy and has a bad reputation (especially when he's drinking), but he's very soft with his daughters, and he fiercely protects both of them, despite not getting to see Roxanne as much as he wants to
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randompaw90 · 2 years
For some further context:
I like the color blue, obviously. It’s my hair color, it’s all over my blog, etc etc. So I saw that gif of Konata, not realizing I wasn’t reblogging to my sideblog, and reblogged it here. I go to close it out and somehow, in my confusion and panic, I type “Hi” somehow and just flee the situation.
Dream comes in, discovers the post, and sorta tries to bluff his way out slightly, whilst nervous that I had gotten us caught. Once he’s gone, I started panicking again and tried to do damage control and lie that I’m Dream, did a poor job, and that led us here, basically.
I’m not sure if he’s aware I was the one who did it, but he for sure will now. 
In all honesty, I’m sure you guys will hear more from me now anyhow now that we are out. I’m very social and very extroverted, so I’m always happy to talk to people, so I’ll likely still be around to say hi and maybe contribute some stuff here and there. 
That’s sorta the long and short of it, basically!
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