goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
Zyra Slash
It’s a sci-fi comedy webcomic by Alex Ramirez (AKA IrkenMoonWalker) and Aleece Moreno (AKA NerdyKhaleesi).
One night while stargazing, a young free spirited girl named Rain Jones happens upon a fallen alien spacecraft crash landing not too far from her home. Upon inspecting the crash, she meets a young and easily scared reptilian-looking alien named Zyra Slash. After explaining to Rain that he came to Earth to fulfill his species’ rite-of-passage, where he must learn everything he can about the native species living on a planet to form a special bond with them, the young girl decides the best way to do that is to disguise him as a geeky teenager and take him to a high school. From there on, shenanigans ensue. 
It’s another one of those webcomics that try to act and look like an ongoing 22-minute cartoon show (because for some reason that’s a format many creators want to tackle despite the vast format difference). It’s cute looking and entertaining, but might be a little slow in the updates and story progression for some wanting to get a move on.
I think the reason so many webcomics go for that cartoon aesthetic is that they wanted to work in animation, but they think animation is too much of a hard work so they gave up. I don’t blame trying to repackage your dream cartoon as a webcomic though as that’s way easier for your hands.
Vaguely-similar-sounding-premise-aside, I was not expecting this artstyle. I think it deserves a chance at a riff but due to it’s length I’m probably not gonna bond with any of it.
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blastedroads-a · 7 years
Happy Birthday you terrible Gremlin
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Got yer words all mangled worse than a car crash, ‘cause what ya REALLY MEAN is happy birthday ya freakin’ hot rod of a Speed Demon~.
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gamejumps · 7 years
Turbo always wants to fight, Everyone and everything
this is true
(( he feels his position as small annoying manchild has been threatened? ))
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Ivan; G1, H2, H7// Zyra; D1, D3, C2, K5// Rain; B9, A6, J6
read under the cut cause i got pretty out of control 
G1: Is your OC close to their family?
Ivan’s got a somewhat complicated relationship with his immediate family. His parents have a history of giving him the shaft in favor of his brother Kevin. Examples include better Christmas gifts, more leniency when he gets in trouble, and overall just more positive attention than Ivan, all because Kevin was better at athletic sports. When Kevin finally moved out focus shifted to Ivan, but by then Ivan was already pretty sore. He doesn’t hate his parents, in fact he tries his hardest to impress them, he just feels sort of distant and finds more comfort in friends and other family members like his grandfather.
H2: Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
It changes as he gets older, but Ivan has always kept the interests of Angel in mind ever since they started dating. Obviously when he’s still a kid he’s still got some selfish traits like pressuring Angel to do fun stuff he enjoys rather than she does, but as he ages he listens to her more and keeps her desires in mind when they’re together. Ivan’s change of character gets kickstarted when Rain warns him about possibly losing Angel is he doesn’t fix his petty feuds and nasty behaviors. Ever since then Ivan becomes much more conscious of his actions and more empathetic of his partner’s feelings. Zyra’s however.....he’s keeping an eye on them.
H7: What do they look for in partners? (Emotionally, mentally, physically..)
Before Ivan had any partners, his idea of romance was pretty typical of a horny adolescent boy. He adored pop stars and supermodels with perfect bodies and lots of money despite having pretty low self-esteem himself. By high school and Ivan’s complete overhaul of his appearance, his taste in women was still the same, except now it seemed more achievable to him. Now hoards of pretty girls adored him and the popular elite considered him one of their own. In fact his reasons for getting roped up with Sydney was because he considered her “kinda cute” at first, a deadly mistake. After breaking up with her his taste in women completely changed, and for a little while he was terrified of girls. But after his encounter with Angel, his taste changed to, well...Angel. Ever since then Ivan enjoys a strong quiet woman who keeps to herself, takes care of herself, and can without a doubt can kick his ass.
D1: How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
The Djragoni people as a whole believe in a sisterhood of mother deities known as The Goddesses, four celestial beings who are responsible for the creation and fostering of the four main races and their respective habitats. Zyra is Ician, part of a race of snow nomads who’s patron Goddess is Icia (or something the names change every time I mention them), the Goddess of Ice. In Djragoni society your patron Goddess is meant to be your guardian and in a way your cosmic mother figure, which in their culture is both the life-giver and the fierce protector. Zyra cherishes his connection to his patron Goddess since she’s the one thing that keeps him tied to his original heritage since most of his tribe is Ulecian and worship the Goddess Ulecia, the Goddess of Water. On Earth Zyra still prays to his patron Goddess and holds her close as a symbol of home and a way of comforting himself. Djragoni don’t often leave their homeworld, but when confronted with the question of whether a Goddess can still protect someone on another planet, many say her reach is infinite and can protect no matter how far from home you are.
D3: How comfortable are they with the idea of death?
In Djragoni society, death is a very open subject since the race is primarily made of hunters. They kill, they eat, they’re killed, they’re eaten. That said they still value the concept of life and believe every living creature has wants and needs and that spark of energy that gives them the will to survive. Death, being the extinguishing of that spark, is opportunity for that creature to begin anew in another form. Long story short the Djragoni are avid believers in reincarnation. Zyra feels differently about these beliefs, tho. For one he chooses to be a vegetarian and a pacifist because the idea of killing deeply disturbs him. He feels very guilty witnessing the death of other things because he sees death as a terrifying end rather than a new beginning. If they move to another form, what’s the form? What of their old life? Isn’t death painful for everyone involved? I don’t want to cause that kind of pain by dying! Zyra wishes he could be more comfortable with the idea of death, but when thrown in a situation like the one on Earth, he’s never been more scared of death in his life.
C2: Would your OC feel bad if they acted against their morals? If not, would they find a way to excuse themselves for it?
Since Zyra has some PRETTY STRONG morals, he would be mortified if he ever acted against them. His moral code is rooted in values he was raised on, which emphasize kindness, forgiveness, and empathy. Basically he can’t ever bring himself to be a jerk. However his strong adhesion to his moral code doesn’t give him much room to express many negative emotions or stick up for himself. And after a near lifetime of being walked on, bullied, and pushed over the edge, one particularly bad encounter with someone willingly trying to anger him would result in him not only breaking his anti-jerk code, but exploding years of bottled-up emotions pretty damn violently. But since he’s still Zyra, he would apologize profusely after he cooled down.
K5: Does your OC feel isolated or unrelatable due to the experience their Paranormal Aspect brings with it? If so, how do they deal with it?
HELL YEA, DUDE. Ever since day one Zyra felt like his presence on Earth was a burden (maybe or maybe not because of Rain’s exaggerations). By the time Zyra is disguised and walking among the humans, he’s constantly afraid he’s gonna be found out and thrown in the back of a government van. It takes some time for him to chill out a bit and realize the humans don’t care. But it’s his relationships with his human friends that make him feel the most insecure. He’s aware Angel isn’t going to find out he’s not human, but he’s incredibly guilty because he’s basically lying daily to one of his dearest friends. Every time one of his human friends say something relatable for a HUMAN, be feels left out and can’t even say why. Many times he considers outing himself just so he can stop feeling so “alienated”, but has to stop and tell himself his safety matters much more than his feelings right now.
B9: What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
Rain’s got an attraction to more dry or absurdist humor. Some examples of stuff she likes includes Eric Andre, meme humor, old school YouTube Poops, and just stuff like “my pengy???” However she still gets laughs out of blue stuff like toilet humor and can enjoy a good sex joke if it’s tasteful. But any well-structured joke will always be overshadowed by something like “succ”.
A6: Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.”
Typically Rain will assume she’s correct because she thinks she’s pretty good at interpreting things, but there are still many times she has had to second-guess herself because of anxiety. She’s willing to argue that she’s correct if it’s with someone she knows is wrong, but if she’s with someone who could possibly get angry with her or out-debate her, she will always assume she’s wrong, even if there’s proof she’s not.
J6: How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs?
Rain’s personal political standing leans towards the liberal left. Her parents are self-sustaining freedom fighters from Southern California, so it’s no surprise Rain shares their liberal views. Rain feels very strongly about her beliefs about social issues, the environment, and especially the government, so she WILL speak up if she hears someone spouting hate or ignorance. Now Rain is still just a young teenager so she’s still shaping her personal beliefs and how to properly debate them, but her current feelings on issues like gender politics and industrial pollution WILL earn someone a few missing teeth if they’re aggressively opposite to hers. 
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nakklepiggy · 8 years
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can it be...? A COMMISSION? for @nerdykhaleesi?! yes, it can be. she asked for Brook from One Piece and her character hangin’ out and bein’ shmoopy and cute, which I could never turn down (love that shmoop!!), and as such I discovered exactly how fun it can be to draw a giant skeleton with a gigantic afro.
the answer is extremely fun. thank you for commissioning me! <3
commission info here!
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vintagexcassettes · 8 years
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A piece I did for @nerdykhaleesi for her blog- She did the coloring and editing, but I drew it Hell, I’m really happy with how this ended up coming out, and she loves it, so I think I’d call this a win <3
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undertheroses · 4 years
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Double Maya Delight and Discord by @nerdykhaleesi
Please give credit and recognition to the original artist.
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nerdykhaleesi · 6 years
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~Holiday Commissions!~ Hey guys, I'm opening up some Holiday Commissions! These are to help me get more Presents for my Family this Christmas since we're a little tight on money ♥  These will be waist up flat colored body shots with a solid or simple background for $10, And $15 for added shading!
NO: NSFW, Meca, Bara
YES: Oc’s, Furries, Fandom Characters
All Payments will be through PayPal! Email me at [email protected] for any offers or questions!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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nos4ra2 · 8 years
Tagged by @blood-orange-lantern
Rules: tag 20 whatever number of followers you want to know more about.
Name: Joshua
Nickname(s): “Savage Joe” (which is emphasized like, ‘average joe’. also, it’s a play on how my last name’s pronounced, for context)
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′5″
Sexual Orientation: I don’t know what the heck to call it. diet-bi?
House: The Pottermore test put me in the snakehouse (surprising nobody)
Favorite color: Black, Red, Magenta, Purple, Silver
Favorite animal: definitely spiders. 
Average hours of sleep: Almost exactly 7 hours every night.
Cat or dog person: Both I guess, but cats are a lot more manageable.
Favorite fictional character: Dracula (no prizes if you could guess which ones)
Favorite singer/band: Dio, Ozzy, Meat Loaf, Pat Benatar, Rush, Blue Oyster Cult, even some Beatles when I’m in the mood, why not.
Dream trip: It’d be fun to have enough disposable spending money to just buy a plane ticket from some kind of blindbag deal and just go wherever.
Dream job: Running some dusty little antique store somewhere, idk.
When this blog was created: The July of MMXIV, anno domini
Current number of followers: 122, but more around ~80 (give or take) if you don’t count pornbots or other empty/abandoned blogs
When did you’re blog reach it’s peak: Ironically, I’ve gotten more notes and followers during one of those long spells of inactivity last year than I’ve ever had when active. 
What made you decide to make a tumblr?: Figured I needed a fresh start after all of my online/irl relationships started up coming apart at the seams , and this was the first active social media site I could find with an okay-ish posting format that wasn’t reddit, facebook, or post-google youtube. 
@atundratoadstool​ @castorochiaro @finsterhund @monsterkidsclassicmonsters​ @nerdykhaleesi @wolfmansgotnards​
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glitchyp1xels · 8 years
Awww, Your Mii is so cute! ♥
Thank you!! :D ( I actually have purple hair right now, so my mii just has my natural hair color XD )
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I totally had no idea we had a tagging system! ................. which is just really dumb on my part because.... yeah it’s all over the place.... I should check my activity more often.
Ether way! I was tagged to do a thing by by @ladyplagued
Answer 10 questions, tag 10 people! I’ll tag a few but probs not 10 bruh
1. What was the last movie you saw?
Deadpool! Oh it’s so good
2.  What was the last song you listened to?
3. What was the last show you watched?
I just finished catching up with Miraculous Ladybug before getting on tumblr heh 
4. What was the last book you read?
Skulduggery Pleasant. Highly recommend it!
5. What was the last thing you ate?
Homemade bierocks! 
6. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
Oregon! I loooove Oregon! ....... also i wanna look for that Bill statue. Has that been found yet? Did they actually bury a Bill out in the freaking woods? These are legitimate questions
7. If you could pick a decade to travel back to in time, what could it be?
The 80s or 90s I guess. Just to buy shit. idk I dont care much about time travel questions
8. If you won the lotto & millions in cash, what would be the first thing you would do?
Fix the foundation on our house. AS SOON AS THEY GET ELLE’S FUCKING NAME ON IT! 
9. Which fictional character would you like to hang out with for a day?
Papyrus. He’s too fun and I just want to chat with him while we eat spagettis! Plus he’s just about the only fictional character that I KNOW would want to hang out with me so you know 
10. What was the last fandom you joined?
Well I’m currently dipping my toes back into the Ladybug fandom. I didn’t really wanna give it a chance for a while cause I’d been a big fan of the original PMV for a long time, and then suddenly CGI! I’m really liking what they’ve done with it tho, and I’m kinda glad they changed the characters up like they did.
And with that I tag @ichigo-sundae @nerdykhaleesi @always-a-slut-for-doritos @harvesting-rainbows and you
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gamejumps · 7 years
Gummy Worms are also my favorite candy ^^
ooooo that’s rad!! gummy worms are super delicious! do you like the sugar/sour coated ones or??
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Ivan: 30, Zyra: 38, Rain: 40
30: Who do they most regret meeting? 
That’s easy; SYDNEY. He was first introduced to her in freshman year when his popularity really started to take off. She had noticed him during games from the cheerleader’s spot on the sideline and the next day approached him with a deceivingly warm smile. Ivan at first saw her as just another fan of his and was cocky as usual, but it wasn’t until he was pressured into asking her out and her sinister nature started to show when he started to realize his mistake in being so naive.
38: What memory do they revisit the most often? 
Before/during Zyra’s time on Earth, a memory he would always reflect upon  during times of trauma and fear is the day Zyra was being taught to hunt by his guardian. On that day, Zyra was instructed to toss a weapon at an animal and kill it. His guardian shouts for him to attack, but instead Zyra begins to cry and accidentally throws it off course and injures his guardian as well as scare the prey, which attacks him in defense. Word traveled of Zyra’s mistake and brings shame to him and his family. It’s the event that damaged Zyra’s self-esteem the most and an incident he always reflects upon when faced with fear or failure.
40: How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Rain hides A LOT of self-consciousness and insecurity. Since she grew up not going to school or interacting with many kids her age, she wasn’t very good at socializing. For most of her life Rain couldn’t make friends easily because she was either shy or scared other kids away with how enthusiastic she was about her interests, which made her believe there was something wrong with her. When she moved and started going to high school with other teens, she had trouble introducing herself to other students because she didn’t really know how to. Her only real attempt at making friends was joining a hockey team and she still couldn’t connect with anyone and left after one season. Rain has a bubbly confident attitude to try to counteract her social anxiety, but in stressful situations or in times of weakness, it can come back full force and make her feel very vulnerable.
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vintagexcassettes · 6 years
Title: Bittersweet Revenge Summary:  Daniel recovered from the Kool-Aid incident and now wants to make Camp Campbell pay for what they did to him. When he finds out David has feelings for him, He begins a plan of manipulation to make him fall in love with him, Then he can not only destroy him with the death of his Campers, But also leave him unable to love anyone else ever again. However, As he starts this relationship with David, He finds himself unwillingly beginning to develop feelings himself, Feelings that could not only put his plans in jeopardy, But completely change the way he's known life...
Hey everyone! @nerdykhaleesi and I are going to be working on a Danvid fanfiction, Here’s the first chapter! <3
It’ll be updated soon!
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castorochiaro · 9 years
Stanford Pines!
Send me a character and I’ll answer these!!
sexuality headcanon: I don’t really have one for him. Pansexual, maybe?
otp: BillFord.
brotp: Him and Stanley, bros for life.
notp: Him and Stanley in a romantic/sexual context. 
first headcanon that pops into my head: He and Bill used to play the piano “together” when they were allies. Six fingers on each hand makes for some really fancy little musical flourishes.
favorite line from this character: “Your math is no match for my gun, you idiot!”
one way in which I relate to this character: We’re both pretty introverted and focused on our own interests. It’s not that we dislike people, we just prefer setting our own pace.
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing I can think of. 
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Kind of a weird mix of the two??
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pronetooutbursts · 9 years
Hey! To the Mun of this blog, I just wanted to say that I really admire your writing, You capture the characterization of Robert and James so well, Which is impressive to me because I am rather picky about portrayal of canon characters in the shows that I love. You really do such a fantastic job, I always enjoy reading your Roleplays in some of my downtime. I've also seen your selfies and think you have an absolutely fantastic sense of fashion ^^
Hello! This is such a sweet sweet sweet message! Thank you for saying that! I never think I can portray/write Robber or James very well but you’ve restored my confidence (I only hope I don’t fail you now!!!!) I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the stories I write with others, because I love writing them too! And thanks for the compliment in my fashion (even though I don’t think I have any sense of style ahaha) 
But I bless you dear @nerdykhaleesi, a kiss to the hand it is for you.
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