tauremornalome · 11 months
I want to ask you the dashboard osmosis thing but I feel like you've seen everything!! 😄 I feel like I remember that at some point you hadn't listened to Hadestown and I feel like you have probably seen it on your dash, so I'll try my luck with that. 5. for Orpheus, 6. for Eurydice, 8. for the whole show. If you have seen it since I will ask something else!
indeed, i haven't listened to hadestown!
(i also have a reblog of the ask game scheduled for later today with a list of things one would think im familiar with, but No. thank you for being the first person to interact with this game!!!!!)
hmmm hm hm. my knowledge of hadestown amounts to "the greek myth but its about living in poverty and worker's rights and also they are building a wall??", so....
5. How does Orpheus change over the course of the plot? Does he survive?
i would expect he becomes more and more sad, and probably pissed at the Horrors (hadestown is like, a dystopian capitalist hellscape factory where eurydice is forced to work?). starts off as a young dude in love, full of optimism, and then discovers the world is not going to give him a chance at happiness. he is a guy with a guitar so he probably has some Epic Hopeful moments and then gets his hopes shattered and guitar strings broken. i think the plot stays more or less accurate to the myth, so he survives
6. What makes Eurydice a poor little meow meow?
she's a sweet girl in a flower crown (?) forced to work in a hellish factory (or a wall building company? unclear. i know there is a song about building walls). first started working there thinking it would be bad but at least give her financial stability to run off into the sunset with orpheus after some months, but alas! got trapped in Evil Capitalism. then there's of course the part where orpheus is trying to rescue her and trust her and she unfortunately perishes (are there like. trains in this? i think there are trains. does she fucking fall under a train? does she have a ticket booked in a wagon that gets disconnected?). a tragic life alltogether, sad poor little meow meow indeed.
most fandoms' little meow meows have killed at least one person and i honestly can't say if it would also be true for her. does she murder like, hades?? good for her
8. What are the most important themes?
That would be: living in poverty makes you vulnerable to many many violations, from workers' rights to just plain human dignity, predatory employers destroy your life, and love is a beautiful and strong bond but can't save you.
Thank you again for this ask!! I'm okay with spoilers, so if you want to you can correct my guesses in the notes. I really need to listen to hadestown at some point!
[dashboard osmosis ask game]
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starlene · 1 year
Layers of symbolism in Barbie (2023)
I’ve seen Barbie twice now, and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the symbolism in the story. It’s a lot!
So, I wrote a breakdown.
Barbie (the character)’s story
In Barbie’s story…
👠 Barbieland symbolizes girlhood, childhood, innocence, immaturity, and naivety.
👟 The Real World symbolizes womanhood, adulthood, growing older and more mature, and becoming a fully realized human. It also symbolizes accepting the inevitability of change, aging, and death.
🏢 Mattel symbolizes society in general, and men in particular, telling women how to live their lives.
✂ Weird Barbie is an example of a woman who does not look and do as she is told. For that, other Barbies have punished her by calling her names and pushing her aside – so at first, Barbie is terrified of becoming like her. At the same time, Weird Barbie is a wise female mentor who helps Barbie along on her journey.
→ For Barbie, moving to The Real World means she is free of the expectations Mattel, and people in general, put on Barbie dolls: she doesn’t have to be perfect or only dress in pink and pastels anymore. No one can put her into a box anymore.
→ At the same time, Barbie leaving her hyper-feminine aesthetic behind when she leaves Barbieland for good symbolically connects that aesthetic with childhood and immaturity. In turn, her more subdued costume in the last scene of the movie symbolically connects that aesthetic to adulthood and maturity.
→ Moving to The Real World is a positive change for Barbie: she becomes more mature and learns to appreciate the beauty in aging. However, I think it’s noteworthy how the movie mostly shows The Real World in a negative light: while in The Real World, Barbie gets disappointed, harassed, and chased down, and all of this makes her experience anxiety for the first time.
→ In the end, Barbie can’t stay in Barbieland because she’s grown too mature for it, showing that it’s impossible to escape growing up – even when the world of grown-ups seems very chaotic and unfair. Becoming a woman means you have to encounter, and learn to deal with, toxic masculinity and the patriarchy.
Ken (the character)’s story
In Ken’s story…
🕺 Ken himself symbolizes a young, immature man who hasn’t found his place within society and who has a very low self-confidence. Instead of placing value on himself and his inherent qualities, he has tied his whole sense of self-worth to Barbie’s approval. As a group, Kens are oppressed within Barbieland.
💃 Barbie symbolizes an idealized image of a perfect girlfriend. At the same time, she is someone who inadvertently hurts Ken because she doesn’t understand her own privileged position within their society. As a group, Barbies are the oppressors within Barbieland.
👠 Barbieland symbolizes oppression, marginalization, and social exclusion. For Ken, it’s a society that has no place for him or people like him.
👟 The Real World symbolizes patriarchy, which Ken interprets to mean a society where things are better for Kens than they are in Barbieland. (In truth, as Ken grows to learn, it’s a system that harms all genders with its strict and oppressive gender roles.)
🐎 Horses symbolize all the positive, joyous, healthy, harmless, non-toxic parts of masculinity.
→ In short, Ken’s story is about a young man falling into the manosphere, and how good self-confidence and supportive connections with other men can help battle toxic masculinity.
→ Just like Barbie, Ken too matures during the course of his character arc: he acknowledges that he’s been wrong about the patriarchy, he starts to feel a sense of self-worth that’s not tied to Barbie, and he learns to lean on other Kens for support.
→ Unlike Barbie, though, Ken remains in Barbieland at the end of the movie, and presumably starts working together with other Kens and Barbies to shape it into a more equal society. This is because to Ken, Barbieland does not symbolize childhood like it does to Barbie, so he doesn’t have to leave it behind when he grows up.
→ When you think about Barbie as a part of Ken’s story, it feels disappointing that when they arrive in The Real World and Barbie experiences the way real women are mistreated, she doesn’t seem to make much of a connection to the way Barbies mistreat Kens in Barbieland. This is, again, because The Real World symbolizes different things to Barbie and Ken.
→ Unfortunately, all too often, the joyous parts of masculinity become tied together with sexism and toxic ideas. The way horses are often seen as a girly thing in our modern-day culture underlines how ridiculous this is: Ken assumes horses and the patriarchy go together and gets into both, though actually, they have nothing to do with each other. In reality, Ken just wants to enjoy the majesty of horses – that is, the positive parts of his own masculinity.
Barbie <3 Ken
👫 The relationship between Barbie and Ken symbolizes heteronormativity and amatonormativity, and the way those concepts are forced down all our throats practically from toddlerhood.
→ Barbie and Ken are not in a real relationship with each other. At the start of the movie, they’re both too immature to understand what being in a relationship means – let alone if they really want that for themselves and each other.
→ Ken is in love with an idealized image of Barbie he has created in his mind. He tries to play the part of a perfect boyfriend, though he doesn’t really know or understand what being a boyfriend entails.
→ Barbie, in turn, is not romantically interested in Ken at all.
→ Despite all this, people (and even Barbie and Ken themselves) expect Barbie and Ken to be together. Notably, the Mattel CEO thinks that Barbie’s ending is that she is in love with Ken, even though there has been literally no evidence in the entire movie that this is the case.
From a female point of view
To the human characters Gloria and Sasha, and also to many real women watching the movie…
👭 Barbies symbolize idealized, stereotypical, perfect femininity.
👠 Barbieland symbolizes girlhood, childhood, imagination, and fun. It’s a thought experiment; a safe haven reminiscent of the innocence of childhood; a place where women can be whatever they want while looking and acting unashamedly feminine.
👟 The Real World is a place where the idealized femininity of Barbies and Barbieland is unobtainable. For many women, instead of being a source of inspiration, idealized depictions of womanhood turn into a burden, something that restricts and disheartens women instead of uplifting them.
👠 Apart from its role in the arcs of individual characters, Barbieland is an exaggerated mirror image of the real world we live in. It’s a joke that criticizes the gender inequality of our world – and as such, it acknowledges that one gender holding power over others is not a good thing.
→ Somewhat confusingly, it’s treated as a victory when Barbies take Barbieland back from Kens – even though that means returning to the unequal matriarchy, not becoming a truly equal society.
→ This is because in Barbie (the character)’s story and to Gloria and Sasha, instead of being a symbol of an unequal society, Barbieland symbolizes girlhood innocence and unabashed femininity. The Barbies, Gloria and Sasha take the joy they feel in their girlhood and femininity back from the patriarchy, which is certainly a feat worth celebrating!
Mattel (the fictional version of the company)
Finally, from the fictional Mattel board of directors’ point of view…
👠 Barbieland is a reflection of their Barbie brand and products, though it’s also shaped by the people who buy Barbies and play with them.
👭 Barbies are a way of making money. Because of that, the executives think they have to be perfectly beautiful and, thus, marketable. Notably, the Mattel CEO doesn’t like Gloria’s idea of a Normal Barbie – until he’s shown evidence that it will make Mattel loads of money, which causes him to immediately change his mind.
✂ Weird Barbie shows the way many children really play with Barbies. Rough play is not in line with Mattel’s pristine brand for Barbie, so Weird Barbie is pushed aside in Barbieland.
→ Barbieland is the way that it is partially because that’s how Mattel has designed it, partially because that’s how the girls who play with Barbies want it. For example, Kens are oppressed because no one likes to play with Kens as much as they like playing with Barbies, and thus, Mattel also puts less resources in designing and marketing them.
→ Somewhat confusingly, this connection goes both ways: the things that happen in Barbieland also affect the things that Mattel does. For example, when Ken redecorates Barbie’s Dreamhouse so it becomes Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa House, Mattel’s factory starts producing Mojo Dojo Casa Houses in The Real World. What is that all about??
This is all I can think of right now. Let me know if you’ve interpreted something differently, or if you think I’ve missed something!
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suomiplorpoturnaus · 2 months
Oletko kyllästynyt tumpputurnauksiin, joissa voittavat aina vain ameriikan median kouvolanharmaat hahmoset? Väsyttävätkö viheliäiset illat, jolloin olet tuijottanut äänestysten vaihtoehtoja kyrpiintyen suomiplorpottomuuteen? Tuntuuko sinusta, että kukaan tumputtajista ei ole edes kuullut plorpoista parhaimmasta?
Älä vajoa synkkyyteen. Anna kossupullon korkin vingahtaa kiinni, naukkaa virkistävä ryyppy muumilimpsaa ja luo katseesi tänne:
Tervetuloa Tumblrin ensimmäiseen Suomiplorpoturnaukseen!
Kyllä, luit oikein. 9.8. (yhdeksäs elokuuta) asti sinun on mahdollista lähettää tähän blogiin parhaita suomalaisia hahmoja eli blorboja. Lähetä hahmo ja hänen fandominsa Ask-toiminnon kautta. Mikäli fandomista on useampi versio, tähdennä myös versio, jossa blorbosi on parhaimmillaan. Halutessasi laita mukaan kuva, jota ehdottaisit käytettäväksi turnauksessa (valitsen ehdotetuista kuvista mielestäni parhaan, mikäli samaa hahmoa ehdottaa useampi ihminen) ja propagandaa. Propagandaa saa lisätä myös äänestysten aikaan, mutta haluat toki suurustaa suosikkisi mahdollisuudet messeviksi ja turpeiksi jo alussa.
Turnausparit todennäköisesti suurimmaksi osaksi arvotaan, osittain katsotaan, mitä Tumblr-käyttäjä @neroushalvaus , tämän turnauksen pitäjä, pitää milloinkin hupaisana. Lisäksi mikäli samasta fandomista kisaa monta hahmoa, heidät pyritään laittamaan aluksi vastakkain.
Mittelö tulee olemaan mitä loistokkain ja voittajasta kruunataan mahtava plorponeuvos, Pohjolan plorpoaateliston ylin vapaaherratar ja suurruhtinas.
Keep reading -palkin alla ovat kilpamme säännöt kysymys-vastaus -muotoon muokattuina.
Säännöt / Kysymyksiä ja vastauksia
Mikä ihme on "plorpo"?
"Plorpo" on suomalaistettu väännös nettitermistä "blorbo" eikä se ole yleisessä käytössä. Käytän sitä kuitenkin tämän turnauksen nimessä korostaakseni sitä, että nyt haussa on suomalaisia blorboja. "Blorbo" tarkoittaa fiktiivistä hahmoa, johon olemme erityisen kiintyneitä. Sanan alkuperä on meemissä Blorbo From My Shows.
Mikä lasketaan "suomiplorpoksi"?
Suomalaisten fandomien hahmot. Kaikki käy Napapiirin sankareista Pasilan kautta Putoukseen ja sieltä Täällä pohjantähden alla -trilogiaan. Hahmon ei virallisesti tarvitse olla suomalainen, mutta hänen fandominsa täytyy olla sitä. Esimerkkinä, Pohjoisen tähti -sarjan Christina Winter on kilpailukelpoinen, mutta Hetalian Suomi/Tino Väinämöinen ei ole kilpailukelpoinen.
Entä lasketaanko OC:t, jos mä olen suomalainen?
Varovainen ehkä. En halua sanoa ei, sillä tiedän, että Tumblrissa on paljon taiteilijoita ja kirjoittajia, joiden omilla hahmoilla voi hyvin olla yleisö, ja siksi raja OC-hahmon ja muunlaisen hahmon välillä on häilyvä. Varaudu kuitenkin siihen, että OC-hahmo ei välttämättä saa paljonkaan ääniä, ellei sinulla ole esimerkiksi sarjakuvaa tai muuta väylää, jonka kautta äänestäjät olisivat hahmoosi tutustuneet.
Entä Muumit, jos puhutaan animesta?
Joo, ei se ole niin nöpönuukaa. Alkuperäiset hahmot ovat Tove Janssonin ja Tove ja Lars osallistuivat animen tekemiseen. Jos kuitenkin haluat lähettää muumihahmon nimenomaan animesta etkä sarjakuvista tai kirjoista, mainitse se erikseen.
Entä mytologia?
Tässä on sudenkuoppia, sillä kaikki "suomalainen" mytologia ei ole yksinomaan suomalaista. Ei kuitenkaan satuta kokeilla, meneekö suosikkimyyttimuijasi läpi. Täällä kirjoitin pidemmin auki ajatuksiani myyttien ja Kalevalan roolista tässä kisassa.
Entä patsaat tai mainokset?
Olen hyväksynyt nämä, kunhan hahmot on käsitettävissä hahmoiksi. Älkää siis huoliko Posankasta, toive on vastaanotettu monelta taholta, valitsijayhdistyksenne on suuri.
Entä oikeat ihmiset?
Oikeat ihmiset eivät ole blorboja. Suomijulkkisturnauksen voi järjestää erikseen. Fiktiiviset kuvaukset oikeista ihmisistä kuitenkin käyvät. Paavo Lipponen ei siis ole blorbo, mutta Itse valtiaiden Paavo Lipponen voi olla.
Lopulta ylin tuomari olen minä ja paras kriteeri on hajutesti. Jos blorbo tuoksahtaa kelpoisalta, hän olkoon kelpoisa.
Saanko lähettää kielteistä propagandaa?
En julkaise kielteistä propagandaa. En kuitenkaan estä sinua puhumasta blorboista pahaa esimerkiksi äänestysten rebloggauksissa, voimme hyväksyä sen osana kiivasta kilpaa. Kuitenkin kehotan pysymään hyvän maun rajoissa. "Tyypit tykkää Seppo Taalasmaasta vain, koska se on kuuma, mut se on paska hahmo" on eri viesti kuin "Oikeesti kaikki te, jotka äänestätte Seppo Taalasmaata ootte niin noloja, teillä on huono maku ja vihaatte oikeita talonmiehiä senkin perseet". Mikäli hyvän maun raja ylitetään, käytän blokkausnappia vapaamielisesti, etkä saa osallistua enää äänestyksiin.
Mitä jos hahmolla ei ole erityistä fandomia?
Voin lisätä hänet valitsijayhdistyksen ehdokkaana kuin pressanvaaleissa ikään, lisäksi mainitsen mahdollisuuden tullen hänen luojansa.
Miten ehdotan hahmoa turnaukseen?
Lähetä ask tähän blogiin ennen 9.8. (elokuun yhdeksättä). Mainitse siinä ainakin hahmosi nimi ja fandom, josta hän on lähtöisin. Lisäksi voit tarkentaa, mistä kaanonin versiosta hahmosi haluat, laittaa kuvaehdotuksen ja lisätä propagandaa. Mikäli eri versioita samasta hahmosta tulee useita, pidetään heidän välillään alkukarsinta, jotta saadaan selville, millä kasvoilla kyseinen blorbo kisailee. Lyhin mahdollinen ehdotus on tällainen: "Uuno Turhapuro (Uuno Turhapuro -elokuvasarja)". Pidempi ehdotus voisi olla esimerkiksi tällainen: "Viirilä Tuntemattomasta sotilaasta, Rauni Mollbergin elokuvaversiosta vuodelta 1985. Ei mulla juuri muuta propagandaa kuin että se näyttelijä Hetta on niin. kuuma. että haluaisin sen tekevän pari kyykkyä nenäni yllä ja istua rojahtavan naamalleni." Saat lähettää sekä ehdotuksia että propagandaa joko omalla käyttäjänimelläsi tai nimettömänä.
Voiko yksi ihminen laittaa ehdolle useamman hahmon?
Voi. Laita kaikki blorbosi tänne.
Voiko Hopeanuolelle anoa Suomen kansalaisuutta?
Valitettavasti ei, vaikka kehunkin sinua maustasi. Sen sijaan sen yhden aivan mahtavan suomalaisen Hopeanuoli-fanisarjakuvan hahmot laskisin mukaan. Olen valmis myös hyvin perusteltuna päästämään kisaamaan Hopeanuoli-musikaalin hahmoja, sillä musikaali on suomalainen fanituote.
Voinko ehdottaa hahmoja esimerkiksi teatteriesityksen suomalaisesta versiosta?
Vedän rajan siihen, onko teatteriesitys alkujaan suomalainen. Valitettavasti tämän takia esimerkiksi Turun kaupunginteatterin versio amerikkalaisesta Jekyll and Hyde -musikaalista ei käy, vaikka tämä rajaus musertaakin sydämeni. Kuitenkin esimerkiksi mainittu Hopeanuoli-musikaali kävisi, sillä musikaali on alkujaan suomalainen.
Sallitaanko vaalivilppi?
Esimerkiksi sukkanukketileillä toteutettu vaalivilppi ei ole suotavaa (sinä yksin luomassa 5000 tiliä, joilla annat äänesi komisario Palmulle). Kuitenkin on aina suvaittavaa lietsoa ystäviäsi Tumblrissa ja Tumblrin ulkopuolella äänestämään blorboasi. Jos kykenet kiihottamaan kansaa, kiihota kernaasti!
Saavatko hahmot kilpailla parina?
Olen päättänyt sallia tämän muutamissa tapauksissa, joissa hahmot parina muodostavat enemmänkin yksikön kuin kaksikon. Tällaisiksi hahmoiksi laskisin esimerkiksi Tiuhtin ja Viuhtin.
Huomasin virheen äänestyksessä, mitä teen?
En tunne kaikkia blorboja, jotka kilpaan on ilmoitettu. Sen vuoksi voi olla, että saatan julkaista esimerkiksi kuvan väärästä hahmosta, kirjoittaa hahmon nimen väärin tai jättää minulle lähetetyt väärät tiedot muokkaamatta. Jos huomaat virheen, ilmoita siitä minulle. Propagandassa esiintyviä kirjoitusvirheitä tai mielestäni vääriä toteamuksia en korjaa, elleivät ne ole aidosti haitallisia, sillä propaganda on esittäjänsä vastuulla (propagandisti saa toki itse pyytää, että muokkaan hänen aiemmin lähettämäänsä propagandaa).
Mulla olisi kuva hahmosta, josta nyt äänestyksessä on kuvana vain kirjan kansi, saanko lähettää sen?
Rebloggaatko propagandaa?
En rebloggaa sitä, sillä haluan blogin pysyvän mahdollisimman selattavana. Rebloggaan meemejä ja taidetta, joissa kisaajat esiintyjät, mutta vain, jos niissä esiintyy useampi kuin yksi kisaaja. Yksittäisiä kilpailijoita koskevat meemit ja propaganda päätyvät kuitenkin mahdolliselle seuraavalle kierrokselle. Katsotaan kisan edetessä, tuleeko tähän muutosta.
Saat! Turvaudun kansiin ja logoihin vain, jos en löydä muuta.
Miksei Uuno Turhapuro ole turnauksessa?
Turnaukseen otettiin kaikki ehdokkaat, jotka plorpolaatikosta löytyivät ja jotka kelpasivat kisaan synnyinmaansa puolesta.
Miksei kukaan ole maininnut propagandassa minusta tärkeää asiaa?
Mainitse sinä! Maailma on osterisi.
Miksi näin kovat muijat on laitettu vastakkain?
Tumblr-turnauksissa kuningattaret kaatuvat ja sitä ei voida estää. Vakavasti, ensimmäiset nelinottelut on kyhätty puhtaasti siltä pohjalta, että eniten ehdotettuja ennakkosuosikkeja ei laitettaisi vastakkain keskenään. Vaikka kaikki hahmot tuntuisivat kovilta, yleensä vain yhtä heistä on ilmoitettu enemmän. Toisella kierroksella pyritään suurempaan voimien tasaväkisyyteen jännityksen ylläpitämiseksi.
Miksi saa äänestää kirkkovenettä?
Suomalaiseen demokratiaan kuuluvat tietyt vakioehdokkaat, joista kirkkovene on yksi. Suomiplorpoturnauksessa me uskomme pieniin asioihin nimeltä demokratia ja sananvapaus.
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demonfowl · 1 year
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Aloin väsäämään Inktoberia tämän pohjalta (kiitos @neroushalvaus) koska kyllä, Inktober on ovella mutta vain Tuntsa inspiroi. (95% mun viimesen vuoden aikana tekemästä taiteesta on liittyny jotenkin Tuntsaan, tää taitaa olla kroonista...)
Törmäsin joskus sellatteeseen teoriaan et se koko kirjan aito tuntematon sotilas on lukija itse ja koko kerrontatyyli pakottaa just näkemään niitten kaikkien hahmojen piirteet itessään ja niin edelleen. Hyvin metaa emt :/
Toi naama on hopeamusteella tehty just peiliä imitoidakseen.
Tää musta on ihan perus tussimustetta, hopea akryylipohjasta ja punanen vesivärimustetta (se on mustetta hyssss se lasketaan).
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agenderhyde · 21 days
@starlene @dongiovannitriumphant @neroushalvaus drag king performing "confrontation" from "jekyll and hyde" .... with a kermit puppet as hyde!
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neroushalvaus · 9 months
Envy (or: The one in which Johnny Bates adores Thomas Barrow and John Bates can't stand it)
After everything Thomas Barrow had put him through, John Bates was embarrassed to find out that this was the thing that made him officially hate the man.
Based on this post.
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glamorousdrama · 7 months
@that-ace-idiot tagged me, thank uuu <3
Three ships: hannigram, stucky, karlnapity
First ever ship: tbh probs nikki sixx/tommy lee lmao
Last song: nti groove by aikakone
Last film: mean girls maybe? the 2004 classic of course, not the new one
Currently reading: karhunkaatajan tyttäret by anneli jordahl
Currently consuming: an energy drink even though i probably shouldn't
Currently craving: soft bread..
tagging @nanoa1foryou @neroushalvaus @unforgottenworld @bluesweaters15 @tiredratsstuff if you want to do it, no pressure, no rush <3 <3 <3
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nowendil · 7 months
@neroushalvaus tagged me thank youuuu <33
Three ships: currently probably Sam/Al (Quantum Leap) Sidney/Mulcahy (MASH) and Cec/Bert (MFMM) but the last one actually rn just in the context of the Singin' In The Rain crossover me and Tammi have been cooking up. so just for that I'm also adding Don/Kathy/Cosmo
First ever ship: uhhhh maybe Teruki/Bou (An Cafe RPF) or something from Code Lyoko?? I was also insane about lotr at the same time so it could very well be something from there as well
Last song: Nightfall by Blind Guardian
Last film: the animated The Lord of the Rings (1978) directed by Ralph Bakshi! we went to see it in the movie theater with friends last week and it was sooo (unintentionally) funny we were literally crylaughing in our seats
Currently reading: I'm rereading the Silmarillion! Tammi gave me a lovely gift a while back where they had read it and then wrote their own thoughts in the margins and gave it to me to read. I've been reading it embarrassingly slowly, lately I've been reading it aloud to them! Last Sunday we went to the park and sat on a bench enjoying the sunlight while I read it aloud to them <3 We just got through Nirnaeth Arnoediad (rest in pieces literally everyone involved), next is Túrin Turambar (rest in pieces literally everyone involved)
Currently consuming enjoying: We're more than half way through season 5 of Quantum Leap!! and I just finished listening to the first season of Wooden Overcoats, and Tammi has been introducing me to the New Albion musical franchise thing, really enjoying that too!
Currently craving: Lidl soft pretzel....
I'm tagging @allergekko @violasmirabiles @alyaluthientinuviel @dykejackcallaghan and...idk I would tag more if I could remember people's urls.
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dexmas-month · 2 years
We are both saddened and honoured to announce that the Hollywood Husbands Fanwork Fest vel Dexmas Month 2022 just came to an end.
It will not be an empty boast, we hope, to say that the celebration of our ship has been quite the success, with over thirty submisssions to show for it. Don't believe us? Take a look at our masterlist!
This would have not been possible without you all, of course. Therefore I, @orsuliya, finally abandoning the admin 'we', would like to sincerely thank all the amazing, brilliant, utterly lovely participants, prompters, commenters, readers, lurkers and everyone else!
Special thanks, in no particular order, go to: @greenandhazy, @ripfredweasley, @academia4me, @angryessays, @just-barrow, @plxcxhxldxr, @dark-dirty-whispers, @artistamateurieuse, @neroushalvaus, @poppaeasabina, @cusstardcrush, @californiadreaming1928 and @corinthreean.
See you next year...?
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violasmirabiles · 2 years
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thanks for the tag @glamorousdrama & @neroushalvaus 💜💜
i tag @radiant-sunlight-blueberry @sailonacrossthesea @nameless-demons @kukkahattumursu & @born-to-lose (no pressure if you dont feel like doing it though!)
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tirlittan · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better!
I was tagged by @siriusthetransdemigod !! Thank u sm!!!!!! 🧡
Currently reading: Nothing really :( I'm probably going to pick The Neverending Story back up once my schoolwork eases up again
(Currently listening: I am copying my friend and adding this question since I listen to shows more than read books rn. I'm working on a relisten of Archive 81 while I' m trying to decide what to start next. I've been thinking of starting Almelem or The Night Post or The Earth Collective. And I've finished s1 of Bridgewater, I'm trying to decide whether or not it was good enough for me to start s2. If anyone has rec or ideas I'm taking those!)
Favorite color: Red! I also like browns and oranges, anything warma and earthy
Last song: I'm listening to a blend for me and Mio, it's playing Lemmikkihautuumaa by Pojat (a finnish translation of Pet Sematary by Ramones)
Last movie: Probably The Addams Family Values, we watched it with Mio like a week ago? I loved it!
Currently working on: Just my BA thesis argh, but we're almost done with it!!!! We interviewed immigrant women on their views and experiences on employment and employment services. Can't wait to never have to think about it ever again, even though the subject was interesting and important, academia is NOT for me
I'm tagging uh @chekhovs-harpoon @nowendil @violasmirabiles @lesbiankiliel @fieryphrazes @theblob1958 @neroushalvaus @mielipahainen @allergekko and anyone who wants to do this, just say I tagged you!!
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juniper-pompadour · 1 year
@neroushalvaus tagged me to answer three questions and tag 3 people in return <3
Last song: What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish
Currently watching: on YouTube The Deadly Race To The South Pole • Puppet History and on HBO Handmaiden
Current obsession: Hmm I don't think I have one currently. My winter/spring obsession with polar exploration could be rejuvenated by watching this YouTube vid though..
I'll tag @aprilskyforever @blackbirdinthebox and @kuuttituutti
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starlene · 7 months
So @neroushalvaus told me that in the current Finnish production of Så som i himmelen, after a big assortment of other questionable choices, they interpret the finale as some sort of Literal Vision of Heaven... and in there, Tore magically heals of his disability.
The more I think about this, the more disappointed and angry I feel about it.
I mean. The whole entire point of the character of Tore is that the others learn to accept him exactly as he is, and that he has a unique, valuable voice just like everybody else. Besides that, he's a very rare instance of disabled representation within musical theatre. Sure, he's often played by non-disabled actors – but the Helsinki production showed us how you can achieve great results by splitting the role between a disabled and a non-disabled actor, so the role can also be an opportunity for disabled actors, given that they're provided enough support throughout the process.
Or it can be an opportunity for a non-disabled actor to treat disability like a costume you can simply take off when you're done with it and for a production to imply that disabled people are not good as they are, I guess. Cool beans!
Incredibly disappointed with the director and everyone else involved.
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suomiplorpoturnaus · 1 month
Suomiplorpoturnaus: Kierros 1 • Äänestys 17
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Propaganda leikkauksen alla...
Kake (Kake-sarjakuvat)
“Kenenkään toisen blorbon kyrpä ei ole kansainvälinen vientituote” – nimetön
“Iloisen seksin apostoli! Jumala loi miehen, mies loi tosimiehen” – @neroushalvaus
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demonfowl · 11 months
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Okei. MÄ VENYTÄN SÄÄNTÖJÄ. Koska tää on enemmänkin TPA:ta kun Tuntsaa (mut ei täysin!!! Koska Ville on siellä!)
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Mä vaan pohdin. Isän maan ja isänmaan käsitettä ja Koskeloita ja periytyvää traumaa.
[Toi on Minna Maijalan Kultakauden maanalainen vastarinta jota koulua varten luen]
Oon 2/3 läpi TPA:n ja pitäs viel se vika osa ehtiä. Luulen et pitää lukee ne uuestaan ennen kun kehtaan kunnolla taidetta pistää tulille. Menny paljon ohi ja uus miljöö on pelottava ja uhkaava kuvata :")
(Silti ens vuodelle TPAInktober??? @neroushalvaus ? @kuka tahansa??? Haluan tehdä taidetta)
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lehnsharks · 2 years
The two Toms, Tom and Thomas for the character meme? 😊
Thanks for the suggestions and my apologies for the late reply!!
Let's break down the two Toms hehe
How I feel about this character:
Thomas - I love him. He was my favourite character from the first moment he appeared on screen, ever since episode one. My love for him only increased throughout the seasons. I think he is one of the most complex characters on the show and he has such a big arc, he changes alot from when we first meet him in season one. I truly started feeling for him in season three - when the whole sleep-kiss fiasco happened. He wants to be loved and accepted so bad. All I want to do is smother him and tell him he will be okay and that he's loved.
Tom - I also love him. Although, my love for him grew upon my second rewatch and after reading the fic And I For Him by dementian. It deserves a mention. I think his character arc is interesting, albeit a bit dissapointing in the end. I enjoyed his revolutionary spark and the way he used to speak up against the aristocraty. Unfortunately, that spark seemed to have dimmed by the end of season 6. Alas I think he has great moments and brings something refreshing to the show and the Crawleys.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Thomas - Tom <3 I am not even sorry. The wasted potential, not to mention the amazing chemistry Allen and Rob had off-screen. Still waiting for their gay bar in America spin-off smh.
Tom - Thomas obviously. But I did love the Sybil/Tom romance as well. The first time I watched the series I was rooting for them. Her death destroyed me and so did Tom's grief.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Thomas - For Thomas I have many, I love him with Baxter. The older sister and younger brother dynamic is just chef's kiss. ALSO Thomas and the kids please, especially Sybbie & George <333. Can't leave out Mrs Hughes, who has a soft spot for Thomas 100%.
Tom - Obviously Sybbie <33. I also love the sibling-like dynamic Tom and Mary share. Especially, seeing how much their relationship grew over the course of the series. Can't forget Henry who is Tom's canon man-crush and you cannot convince me otherwise. Special mention to Mrs Hughes here as well, because she helped him through some stuff.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Thomas - I liked his ending as the butler of Downton. I know there are many who would have preferred he left service, which I kind of wanted as well, but I like the idea of Thomas finally belonging. Like he actually feels wanted and loved by the downstairs family. I am convinced most secretly like him better over Carson as the butler.
Tom - I can't get into his marriage with Lucy, at least not after the first movie. The fact he gets to inherit an estate is just ughh. Let's not forget that ending for him goes against everyhting he used to stand for :))) If anything I would have liked it better if he got together with a woman of the working class like Laura Edmunds if not Thomas.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I feel like the answer is obvious, but I wished Thomas and Tom had ended up together. The fact they never bonded over their shared love for Sybil - not to mention Sybbie - is a shame. Even a friendship between the two would have been a joy to watch. Wasted potential I tell you. HOWEVER I heard rumors for a Downton Abbey movie 14 where Tom and Thomas will finally move to America together after realizing they love each other. They take Sybbie with them and become one happy family <33 Totally real. Allen told me himself.
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