birmit · 25 days
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got inspiration boost after latest The War Within announcements and now working on some nerubian designs! still don't know if I want to keep them or make as ad - pt so let me know if this character interests you
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astralmight · 7 months
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My nerubian vizier, Sizinir. He was exiled from the Azjol-anak initially for his enthusiasm to study those on the surface, and hasn't returned since. He often uses a ren'dorei visage and goes by the name "Zinir Umbraloom" to blend into societies to study people and their crafts
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fitzefitcher · 5 months
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some quick portraits for some warcraft friends I did a few months ago :)
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stack-of-fjarnskaggl · 6 months
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sooo new WoW xpac dropped and not only are the players fighting a city of nerubians that have pledged loyalty to a new old god (the only bug race in warcraft that was previously specifically known to have rejected the old gods), but bliz has made what has got to be the most boring, generic, marvel alien-looking humanoid ""nerubian"" subrace ever created
if I search for nerubians anywhere and see anyone making an OC of one of those things I'm blocking them immediately
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findmeinshattrath · 6 months
When The Last Titan drops...
and we go back to Northrend, I wonder what the new capital will be for the expansion. I doubt they'll go with Dalaran again, so operating on the assumption that we'll be using an existing location, I think that the likely options will be...
Grizzlemaw - now ruled over by Furbolgs that are finally purified
Zul'Drak/Gundrak - Could easily see surviving Drakkari finally banding together to rebuild, and maybe opening up to the other factions to ensure survival/out of desperation. I like to think it would be a coalition of living and undead trolls
Wintergrasp - Finally find some greater use for it
Moa'ki Harbor - According to Exploring Northrend, the largest Tuskarr settlement since losing Kaskala
Kaskala - Finally reclaimed
Pal'ea - According to Exploring Northrend, has been reclaimed by the Tuskarr and is currently expanding
Isle of Conquest
Strand of the Ancients
Azjol-Nerub - Not too sure about this one considering what's going on in tWW, but I feel like it's a fair possibility
Coldarra/the Nexus
Crystalsong Forest - Unlikely, but I could see them rebuilding in the Highborne Ruins, especially if they go with a Dalaran connection and the elven factions. Doubt it though, considering the expansion before this will be so Elf-focused
Didn't consider any Storm Peaks locations, considering that it seems we'll be fighting the Titans who will be based out of Ulduar, or Icecrown locations, considering I doubt that anybody would choose that. Sholazar also has Titan connections and also no locations that seem like they would fit for a capital city.
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ghost-in-the-rain · 6 months
Golly gee willikers! ANOTHER dwarf race? How... exciting... 😒
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viralarcadian · 6 months
the arathi made a city like the one in that one uncharted comic and have just been chilling there ever since
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celenacallaghan · 1 year
It has been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but burnout sucks and my mental health took a swan dive off an impossibly tall structure. I've only recently just managed to wrangle it back into submission. But I'm already working on the next chapter and am hoping to get more done in the coming weeks. Thank you all for sticking with me, stay safe and sane, and I'll see you next time.
NOTE! The tags on the story have been updated, so please mind the tags going forward.
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trolldaeron · 3 months
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Community Monster of February: Nerubian
I think I will create a fully fledged Warcraft OC out of it.
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wowhead · 6 months
Next 3 WoW Expansions Announced
The next installment of WoW will be titled "Worldsoul Saga" which spans multiple expansions. These expansions will be closer together instead of the usual 2 years apart.
First one coming in 2024 called "The War Within." We'll be going underground into the heart of the world. New Nerubian kingdom being led by Xal'atath. We'll meet Earthen dwarves.
Second one called "Midnight." No cinematic or time frame for this one, just a description from Metzen. We'll be going to Quel'thalas where forces of the void will be trying to extinguish the Sunwell. Also mentioned uniting the scattered elves across Azeroth.
Third one is called "The Last Titan." Also only got a description of this one. We'll go to Ulduar and the Titans return to Azeroth. We learn the "truth" about the Titans and their mission on Azeroth and other worlds, different from the story we've been told the whole time.
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jacquerel · 6 months
I see people reblogging Blizzcon artwork of new and more humanoid Nerubians with notes about how they're kind of sexy and judging them for their lack of commitment to the older, less humanoid spider/beetle people
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skymagpie · 26 days
The War Within SPOILERS and the discussion around [redacted]'s death
This will be spoiler heavy and below the cut I will not be censoring [redacted]'s name so proceed with caution. I am mostly going to discuss theories, reactions, wishful thinking and the such. Feel free to add or discuss!
As a lot of us who saw the leaks know, it is implied that Khadgar dies in the opening of The War Within, in the pre-patch story. The implication comes from the fact that we see Dalaran destroyed and the placeholder for the cutscene says that the rest of the cast takes a moment for Khadgar.
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Now I expected Khadgar to die in the World Soul Saga. They kept hinting how they will make us sad, Chris Metzen has been taking classes from the Game of Thrones writing school in the late years and the community was out for blood because Dragonflight was Oh So Disney!!! To add to that, Khadgar kept acting like he is on death's door in both Shadowlands and Dragonflight, which is the weakest form of foreshadowing a character death possible. Also he is 54, he isn't even old.
However what I didn't expect is to be right at the opening quest of The World Within. I expected either here or maybe in the following expacs, maybe at the last fight, but not at the opening. And the death being here is actually my problem with it.
Theory on how it might go down ->
If you watch PlatinumWoW's video on the alpha, it seems that Magni Bronzebeard goes into another coma and we bring him to Dalaran to nurse him back to health. There are some other characters present.
Afterwards we end up on the shore with The Chamber of the Guardian (where we nursed Magni back to health) in pieces. And we fight Xal'atath's nerubians. Afterwards comes the screenshot from above where the main cast seems to mourn Khadgar.
The most obvious and cliche way this will go down is that:
We tend to Magni
We learn something about Xal'atath from Alleria and/or Khadgar
She suddenly attacks
We defend the city and fail
Khadgar does a heroic sacrifice, ensuring our escape and losing his life in the process. This plays in a pre-rendered cutscene much like Varian's on Broken Shore.
Once we arrive at the beach there is a Animated Real-Time Cutscene as described above where everyone mourns him.
Alleria makes it her mission to hunt down Xal'atath because Khadgar is one of her closest friends. Their beef is personal (and I get it, I am with Alleria).
Theories and wishful thinking
-> Now for the theories, please do know that Khadgar is my favourite WoW character and there is a lot of bias in what I hope might happen, so I will list them just in case.
The death might be a fake-out. We might not see him die on screen (though this depends on the pre-rendered cinematic I believe is missing) and we assume he has died in the explosion or whatever broke The Chamber of the Guardian. We mourn him and near the end of the Expansion he will appear just in the nick of time. Here he might actually die, but that is another discussion.
Khadgar openly decides to port Dalaran elsewhere or we see him be swallowed by the void and ported elsewhere himself. He is not dead, but we do not know of his fate and neither do the main characters, so they take a moment to mourn. This also adds to Alleria's personal beef with Xal'atath even if Khadgar doesn't die. Saving him from whatever fate befell him can also add to this.
They actually take a moment for him because he is somewhere and not dead (not likely, but I have to throw it in here).
I won't lie, I think if it goes down how I suspect it will, it will be horrible. I don't know if Chris Metzen and the writers are under the impression that Tirion's and Vol'jin's deaths were good because they weren't. They were pointless Game of Thrones-esque shock value so people will not whine that this game doesn't kill enough characters.
This game has had it's fair share of good character deaths and it's fair share of horrible character deaths. Varian, for example, had a good death. His death was given the weight it deserved, he went out as a badass and he got a whole rendered cutscene. Not to mention he had narrative build up, he learned the lesson his son was trying to teach him right at the end and he knew that his time as leader is over and this world needs a king like Anduin now. Tirion was disrespected. Metzen and the writers must be out of their mind if they think the community found Tirion's death as anything other than stupid and funny, because that's all it was.
So if Khadgar earns this death, it will truly be stupid. I have no problem with characters dying, I have a problem with pointless deaths just so annoying youtubers will think that we are finally having AN EPIC STORY because you know, the years are 2011-2019 and we still think Game of Thrones is peak writing.
Khadgar's death here will not have any narrative build up - let's be real, Khadgar wasn't a character in the previous 3 expansions so killing a character that is narratively "cold" is not going to have an emotional impact on people. Varian was very present in the story when he died.
I think a far better way to handle this is if we have this scenario, have Khadgar's death be a fake out and then have him die in the 3rd act of the expansion. This way there will be narrative build up and it will lull us in the false sense of security that Khadgar cannot die, only to then shock us when he does. This will really break the feeling of "hope" we might build up and truly achieve a feeling of dread and defeat.
They already tried writing death at the beginning of a story and just rehashing Broken Shore won't make Tirion and Vol'jin's deaths any less stupid. Khadgar is a beloved character, he isn't someone you should kill at the start of a story. No matter how symbolic you think it is that he dies along with The Chamber of the Guardian, none of it ties back to any of his previous and good stories, from The Last Guardian and all the way to Legion.
So while as a writer I want to remain realistic and know that probably my favourite character will get bagged, a part of me hopes that the writers are a bit better than this and that they won't give us another Broken Shore, but give us a meaningful character death and a worthy farewell.
It's too early to speak, so this is all speculations and I am probably not right about many things.
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aehliosart · 6 months
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Blizzard, we are having this new Earthen dwarfs and you are telling me I can't be a giant, 4 armed, Hot nerubian gall? Whyy!?!?! Look at this...rmrmrmmrmrmrn....so evolved..aaaamrmmrmrmrnrnr........stop it....
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naviah-heart · 6 months
👀Evolved nerubians
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jerek · 6 months
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I bet he could teach the Nerubians something about pheromones.
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flershnork · 6 months
I cannot express how much I've wanted to see actual nerubian society and not the undead Scourge ones.
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