#neurodivergent dark lords
visenyaism · 2 months
tyrannical king maegor dashboard simulator
Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen has outlived her nephew the King Aenys I Targaryen. Her son King Maegor I Targaryen has returned to the capital to claim his father’s throne.
💫 sevensent Follow
crusty incest king died. FLOP!
💫 sevensent Follow
wait MAEGOR?
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🥔 bowlofbrown
this job fucking sucks. finished my shift and i cant even clock out because i got lost underneath the site.
#dark as shit down here #never working construction again
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💌 maidens-smile Follow
i literally cannot believe how many supporters of m*egor i see on my dashboard every day when he is literally flaying and torturing so many seven-blessed poor fellows just for practicing their religion and saying incest is bad??? he’s literally outside my city waiting to burn us all to death DNI if you support him
🪨 dragonstoner Follow
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🐉 queen-visenya--outlives
Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen has outlived the High Septon. He previously denounced King Maegor and his wives as “the abomination and his whores,” and passed shortly after Dowager Queen Visenya and King Maegor flew their dragons to the gates of Oldtown and threatened to burn the Starry Sept.
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🪽 maegors-wins Follow
i for one think “the cruel” is a bit unfair given how he has done so much to uplift women’s voices and free us from religious tyranny like. named the first female heir in westerosi history? improving the infrastructure in king’s landing? decentralizing the power of the faith? he literally loves gay people so much he married three of them?
🦓 zorse-deactivated7849
op what does that eleven inch necromantic targaryen dick feel like because if you keep riding that hard I’m pretty sure it’ll rot off
🔮 tyanna
in seven days you will begin to cough
#twelve. btw
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🐉 queen-visenya--outlives
Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen has outlived her great-nephew Aegon Targaryen, henceforth to be known as “The Uncrowned.” Her son King Maegor I Targaryen has slain him and his dragon Quicksilver over the gods’ eye for trying to usurp his throne.
🌞 ullerihardlyknowher Follow
why is this always how i find out how do you know this before even cravings moste popular
#also what the fuck is going on up there
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🪰 florian-and-jonquil-on-nymerias-ship Follow
guys the oversexualization of king maegor is so problematic and insane considering he’s not only shy and married as a 13 year old but also is literally neurodivergent (has CTE)
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🤲 aegonfort-top
🤲 aegonfort-top
lost my left hand for posting this
#it was kind of hot though
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🗣️ towerstower Follow
was not into targaryen rule at all but if we are going to do it it’s kind of fun that we are being ruled by a super powered animated blood corpse and his circle of freaky bisexual witches and also his mommy instead of like. a normie who also fucks his sister
🫀 imasharpknife Follow
seven hells you people would fuck a k*nslayer if they had valyrian silver hair
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🐦‍⬛ raventooth Follow
during these trying times when our king is accused of depravity and tyrannies abound throughout the land we must remember the most important truth: the brackens are still a people spawned from the lowest of the seven hells
🐎 brackennation
KILL YOURSELF. Lord Gonzo Tully himself AS YOU KNOW literallyyyyyy gave us the right to move the boundary stones over the tributary. but i wouldn’t expect a blackwood to acknowledge basic laws and rights you’re just too busy doing blood sacrifices to your nasty heathen tree god.
🐦‍⬛ raventooth Follow
as soon as i figure out why balerion is overhead rn im coming over to kill you. btw
🐎 brackennation
wait looks like he’s headed towards harrentown
🐦‍⬛ raventooth Follow
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💐 floriansfool36 Follow
hi guys!!! sorry i’m a sennight late posting this, my brother got killed and then one of my other brothers got tortured to death and then my great-aunt died and i ended up having to flee dragonstone for storm’s end and it was kind of scary lol. anyways here’s the update as promised!!!
🌟 maidensgrace Follow
i wish Balerion did get you RPF is literally soooooo problematic. look to your sins op
#daenys the dreamer and nymeria weren’t even alive at the same time????
❤️ lanadelrhaena
i think you did a great job. glad you’re safe xx
💐 floriansfool36 Follow
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lovingwanda · 20 days
caretaker!diarin x male!mad dog!reader
ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ
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I do not consent to my work being reposted, — stolen or translated anywhere else.
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⊹ MANHWA: Turning The Mad Dog Into A Genteel Lord
⊹ CW: long post, mentions of war, ptsd, fluff, praise kink, caregiver kink, neurodivergency (sensitivity to sounds), good, poison etc
⊹ SYNOPSIS: Reader is a shell of their former selves after returning to the country as one of the few soldiers of the 8th battalion that survived months on the battlefield. To be reintegrated into society, a priestess with healing powers by the name of Diarin is assigned as their caregiver.
⊹ A/N: if you like this one-shot, reblogs and feedback are especially appreciated to show it because that warms my heart to the skies and beyond.
Diarin stood in the entryway of the grand manor, feeling more than a little out of place. The air inside was thick with an eerie stillness, the kind that made you feel like you were being watched even when you knew you were alone. She couldn’t help but feel a pang of nervousness as she stepped further inside, her eyes darting around, half-expecting something—or someone—to leap out at her.
As she ventured deeper into the manor, a low growl echoed through the hall. Diarin froze, her hand instinctively reaching for the whistle around her neck. The growl grew louder, more menacing, and then she saw you—a hulking figure emerging from the shadows, crouched low to the ground with eyes that glinted dangerously in the dim light.
“y/n?” Diarin stammered, her voice cracking. “Hi there, I’m Diarin. I’m just here to—”
But before she could finish, you lunged at her with a feral snarl, closing the distance between you in an instant. Diarin barely had time to think. She yanked the whistle from her neck and blew into it with all her might.
The sound that erupted from the whistle wasn’t the gentle chime she expected. Instead, it was a deafening blast that reverberated through the manor, so powerful it felt like the walls were shaking. You, who had been mid-air, were suddenly jerked backward as if you’d been hit by an invisible truck. You crashed to the ground in a heap, completely out cold.
Diarin blinked, the whistle still hanging from her lips. “Oh… well, that worked a little too well,” she muttered, her eyes wide with shock. She quickly looked around, half-expecting the entire manor to come crumbling down from the force of the sound. But everything was still intact, albeit eerily silent now that the echo had died down.
She slowly approached your motionless form, her heart racing. “Uh, y/n?” She nudged you gently with her foot, then quickly pulled back, her face a mix of concern and panic. “Oh no, did I kill him?”
Kneeling beside you, she placed a hand on your chest and let out a relieved sigh when she felt your heartbeat, steady but strong. “Okay, good. Not dead. Just… very, very knocked out.”
As she looked closer, she noticed a dark bruise forming around your neck—a perfect circle where the magic from the whistle had struck you. Diarin winced. “Well, that’s going to leave a mark. I didn’t think this thing was that powerful!”
She held the whistle up, eyeing it warily. “Definitely only using this as a last resort,” she decided, carefully tucking it back under her tunic. “I’d rather not flatten him every time he gets a little grumpy.”
With the immediate danger passed, Diarin focused on the bruise. “Alright, let’s see if I can fix this up.” She placed her hands over the bruise, feeling the warmth of her healing magic flow through her fingers and into your skin. The dark mark began to fade, the purplish hue lightening until it vanished completely.
“There we go, good as new,” she said, more to herself than to you, as you remained unconscious. She sat back on her heels, giving you a once-over. “You know, for a fearsome war hero, you’re kind of cute when you’re not trying to bite someone’s head off.”
Diarin let out a nervous laugh, realizing she was talking to a completely unconscious person sprawled out on the floor. “Well, this has been an exciting first meeting. Let’s hope our next one involves less... whatever that was.”
Satisfied that you were in no immediate danger (other than from her own clumsiness), Diarin decided to wait for you to wake up on your own. As she settled in next to you, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of apprehension and amusement. This wasn’t exactly how she had imagined things going, but at least she’d survived your first encounter. And she’d learned an important lesson: never underestimate the power of a magical whistle.
With a sigh, she leaned back against the wall, her eyes never leaving you. “Well, here’s to hoping I don’t have to use that thing again,” she said, mostly to herself. “For both our sakes.”
Two days later...
Diarin stood in the manor’s modest kitchen, the morning light filtering through the dusty windows. She had spent the last few days acclimating to her new, unusual role in the house, trying to earn the trust of its most volatile resident—you. It hadn’t been easy. Every step she took seemed to set you on edge, and she constantly found herself walking on eggshells to avoid triggering your primal instincts.
But today, she needed your help. After all, you were the only one who could detect the poison that had nearly cost them both their lives a few days ago.
“Hey,” she called softly from the doorway, not wanting to startle you. You were crouched by the hearth, tending to the small fire with a singular focus, your back to her. The flicker of flames highlighted the scars that trailed down your arms, a physical reminder of the battles you had endured. “I need your nose.”
You stiffened at the sound of her voice, glancing back at her with those sharp, feral eyes. Diarin held her breath, waiting for you to decide whether she was a threat or an ally in that moment. Slowly, you straightened up, moving with the careful grace of a predator.
She offered you a small smile, hoping to convey reassurance. “I want to make lunch, but after… last time, I don’t want to take any chances. You’re the only one I trust to make sure the food is safe.”
You eyed her warily, but the mention of poison seemed to catch your attention. Your nostrils flared slightly as if already sniffing the air for any sign of danger. Diarin noticed and took it as a positive sign.
She gestured to the table, where she had laid out a selection of ingredients. “Can you help me?”
You approached slowly, still cautious, your movements fluid and precise. Diarin stepped back, giving you space to work. She watched as you bent over the table, sniffing each item with a focus that bordered on obsessive. Your senses were far keener than hers; the magic that had been used on you during your time as a soldier had seen to that. It was both a curse and a gift, one that Diarin was learning to navigate.
After a moment, you moved to the bundle of fresh herbs she had placed at the end of the table. Your nose wrinkled, and a low growl escaped your throat. Diarin’s heart skipped a beat—had she somehow missed something dangerous?
You swatted the herbs off the table with a snarl, causing Diarin to jump slightly. You seemed irritated, as if the mere presence of the offending plant was an insult. Diarin watched as you eyed the rest of the ingredients, sniffing cautiously before finally settling back into a less tense posture. Apparently, the herbs had been the only suspect item.
“Bad?” she asked tentatively, pointing to the herbs now strewn across the floor.
You glanced at her, the fire in your eyes still simmering but less intense. There was a subtle nod—a rare acknowledgment from you. Diarin let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. You had just saved them both from another close call.
“I guess we’ll skip those for today,” Diarin murmured, bending down to pick up the discarded herbs. As she did, she couldn’t help but glance at you, standing there like a sentinel, ever-watchful, ever-alert. Despite your wild nature, or perhaps because of it, you were fiercely protective, even if you didn’t fully understand why.
“Thank you,” she added softly, straightening up and setting the herbs aside. She looked back at the table, her mind already working on the next steps. “I’m going to start prepping the vegetables. Would you like to help chop?”
You didn’t respond with words, but Diarin noticed how you watched her hands as she worked. She knew better than to push you too far too soon, so she kept her movements slow and deliberate, allowing you to observe and decide for yourself if you wanted to participate.
After a few moments, you reached for a knife—albeit hesitantly—and began mimicking her motions. Diarin smiled to herself. It wasn’t perfect, and the pieces you chopped were uneven and clumsy, but it was progress.
The kitchen was quiet except for the rhythmic sound of chopping. Diarin found it oddly peaceful, this small moment of cooperation. She could sense the tension in you easing, even if just a little. It was a tiny step forward, but in the few days she had been with you, she had learned to cherish these small victories.
“You know,” she said after a while, her tone light, “I think we make a pretty good team.”
You didn’t reply, but Diarin caught the slightest hint of a softening in your expression. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she liked to think that, beneath the rough exterior, you were beginning to trust her.
And that, in itself, was worth more than any perfectly prepared meal.
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muskoxen · 4 months
So I've been thinking about how some of my favorite books vibe with one another, and a map might be a better format for this and this is really just for me to quiet my brain a little but whatever, here's the list:
(The top line book will be the ur-book that sets the vibe, usually a childhood favorite; this does not mean that these are necessarily kid-friendly books!) (If you actually see and read this post, please reblog and suggest books because I'm going to throw down some ur-books that I have yet to find any simpatico fellows for!) (I will update my list as I read and discover)
Is it just me or would El Higgins and Murderbot coexist well??? Also, can’t believe I almost forgot to put my favorite traumatized construct on this list!
Howl's Moving Castle
Emily Wilde and its sequels
Ten Thousand Stitches
Sabriel and its sequels
Sorcery of Thorns (specifically, Lirael and there's also a UU library but also a Mogget)
Nettle & Bone
The Blue Sword
Crown Duel
The Goblin Emperor
Crown Duel
The Vorkosigan Saga
The Queen’s Thief
T Kingfisher's World of the White Rat, incl. The Saint of Steel series. The gnolls esp. feel Discworldish.
A Deadly Education and The Scholomance series. Both El and Vimes understand The Beast
To Say Nothing of the Dog, Doomsday Book and Connie Willis at large
The Lord Peter Wimsey series
PG Wodehouse
Ella Enchanted
Half a Soul and its sequels
The Lord of Stariel
Thornhedge awww
The Hunger Games
The Locked Tomb
Also Vespertine (above) a bit. Lots of dead things, and sassy ghosts in your head, and religious fanatics, and eldritch horrors. TLT is A Lot so I don’t want to overpromise but the main character is an neurodivergent nun and she’s wonderful. Also there’s a hot priest. It is YA so significantly less gore.
His Dark Materials
Godkiller also vibes with THG a bit. Def a dash of Peenis.
Temeraire, except obviously Lyra would be friends with Temeraire and Pan and Lawrence would commiserate
Pride & Prejudice and Austen at large
An-Ever Fixed Mark and its universe
A Lady's Guide to Fortune-Hunting this author is so wildly unknown and underrated where is the discourse wtf
A Lady's Guide to Scandal
Memory of Morning. It’s a one hit wonder but it really, really hits for me. She’s a ship doctor who gets shore leave and gets to hang out with her bluestocking family during the season in a not-Britain. There’s language of flowers. There’s alien-intelligence-giant-glowing-octopodes. There’s a wee little doggy. I haven’t enjoyed anything else by this author but damn do I keep rereading this one.
The Beldam & the Baronet (Or, The Magician Debutante's Trials & Tribulations) by @dwellordream
Kate Daniels
Hidden Legacy but only the Nevada books sorry IA
The Inkeeper Chronicles obv
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pespillo · 1 year
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literally so what if she summons the dark lord. ur shaming her? shes neurodivergent and a minor
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whynotjohnlock · 5 months
Hey, would you mind to (maybe if you have time) write some headcanons or a small fic about how the tenth doctor would react if the reader had a panic attack or an anxiety attack? No pressure though, it’s fine if you don’t want to:) thank you in advance and have a great day
*awkwardly walks away, tripping over their own feet*
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look at this man. Look at this silly little time lord who wants nothing more than for you to be and happy.
A/N: I have Anxiety around people too anon, no need to walk away. Also, I tryed to just do a reaction, but I may have gone a bit overboard.
At first, he's probably oblivious. He's ranting about the slightest differences in coffee on different countries around Earth and Avantiam 5, and the ways they are worse than tea because apparently the time lords invented that too.
When he turns his head toward you during an adventure and he sees you hyperventilating and anxious hands flailing or just any nervous stimms you have he stops and forgets what he was ranting about immediately.
Whenever you're in a panic, he will walk up to you very slowly to show he means you no harm.
Then he man will ask if you're ok to be held. If you've said yes he will give you a nice hug. "Hey, just listen to my heartbeats, ok?"
If not, he understands and regardless of your answer, is most definitely giving his dark oncoming storm eyes to anything or any anyone that made you feel this stressed. "You don't need to do anything other than breath." "Let's get you to the TARDIS."
If it's a person ridiculeing you for any reason, like weirdness, weight, neurodivergence, height, beliefs, or not raseing your eyebrows correctly on a planet that talks only with facial expressions, he is here for you.
Will definitely use his sonic to scan for embarrassing secrets about the person insulting you. "Looks like someone busted their netocrosis pathalovain tube!" (What that means only the doctor knows, but apparently that was enough to make the Alien back off.)
Sonic won't work for whatever reason? He'll just use psychic paper. "How dare you insult the grand leader of the Draconia-Morphious-Nebula! I could have you filed for high treason!"
If all else fails he is not above being all like, "I am a 900+ year old time lord an you will respect my friend or you will never have the ability to disrespect anyone else."
Once you get away from the thing causing you to have a panic attack, and he's stoped whatever everyday universe ending phonominon was happening that day, he's driving the TARDIS to stationary floating in space to ensure that you're alright.
Is a full blown Mother Hen™ and will get you snacks and blankets so you can snuggle up with warmth. "Are you sure you're ok to go to the next adventure already?" "Doctor, we've been here for like three days!" "I know but humans- I don't want to traumatize every companion I have."
The TARDIS is an infinite dimensional spaceship and you have full access to billions of shows or videogames or VR. Literally, all you have to do is be nice, and you have a world of comfort and distractions to get your mind off of any troubles.
If you're alright with it, he's totally down with cuddles to calm any remaining nerves. When you hold each other, he can rest knowing he's not alone and live in a wonderful moment of contentment.
As you fall asleep in his arms or not, he takes a moment to reflect before going back to tinkering on the TARDIS.
You have stood with the doctor facing down Galactic Empires and Gods, and he is never ashamed of you for having panic attacks. He thinks of you, as he does of his previous companions. Humans only have one life of usually no more than 100 years, and yet they are brave, far braver than most time lords who can live millennia with around 12 lives.
He almost feels silly for being afraid of life ending threats just thinking about it. Him, the doctor, afraid.
The Doctor is amazed. He is in awe of you.
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Season 2, Round L6, Poll #4
Character 72: the saddest wettest cat on earth. he died very tragically and came back, then went back to his home city to try and kill his dad. he didn't and ended up travelling the world for a bit, then proceeded to go back to his home city again and become a crime lord. he tried to get his dad to kill his murderer but failed and got his throat slit instead. he attempted murder on his little brother. he's the last remaining member of a secret society of monks. he's got cool magic swords. he's a literature nerd. what more could you possibly want?
Character 50: Just a dark-haired bisexual neurodivergent Scottish Lady who studies languages and history and sets her sights on making a respectable name for herself in academic circles. She is also a dedicated blue-stocking and suffragette and will support any cause if it is right. Along the way she gains a new interest in birding.
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About Me💤
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💤Names you can call me💤
Morpheus, Moop, Dream(Preferred), Mystic(Preferred), Birbo, Nightmare
I seem to be one of Liminality and of the unknown void .The gender is there, but sometimes it is not... It stretches into the formless abyss. For the sake of my sanity, I just but if I had to put a term to it it would be gendervoid or Novarian(Masc Nonbinary)(Preferred Pronouns are He/Him They/Them, Void/Voids but you can use any)
Asexual Panromantic
💤Myers Briggs💤
Chaotic Neutral
I am a Hellenistic pagan and a Demonolator who specializes in Astral work, Energy work, oneriomancy, Divination, baneful magick, Chaos Magick and Celestial/Cosmic magick and Chthonic Deities and Demons
My patron deity is Morpheus
Patron Demon is Prince Stolas
💤Beliefs and Philosophy💤
Pantheist and Neo-platonist with a bit of animism(spirituality)
Luciferian ( morality)
Ethical and Existential Nihilism
Pessimist(Outlook on Life)
Agnostic on some things tho
☆Zodiac: Pisces Sun(♓) Capricorn Moon(♑) Scorpio Rising(♏)
Astronomy and Cosmology
Demonology and Angelology
Occultism and witchcraft
Dreams and sleep science
Quantum physics
Psychiatry and Jungian Psychology
Weird, dark, obscure, disturbing things in general
💤Other things I like💤
☆Writing(I write poetry)
☆Reading(Mostly Nonfiction, Classical Lit and Horror)
☆Heavy metal(Doom metal mostly)
☆Classic vinyl(60s and 70s with some 80s)
☆Gothic/Etherealwave/anything of that genre(newer to it and always looking for more bands of that nature)
☆Dark Blue, Dark purple, and black are my favorite colors
☆Neil Gaiman's The Sandman and Doctor Strange
☆I love Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss(I don't like Vivian as a person, though)
☆I love birds, especially corvids and owls
☆I own a black void kitty named Alice Cooper
☆parent of many photosynthetic children
☆I love collecting Oddities, Curiosities and Antiques
☆Neurodivergent up the ass(on spectrum)
☆Ravenclaw/Slytherin hybrid
☆expect some dark sarcastic humor from me
☆I am Gothic and voidpunk with some dark whimsigoth/Occult and Dark/Natural/Space Academia in fashion and aesthetic(Also WeirdCore , Psychedelic/Surreal, Dreamcore aesthetics are appealing as well). Liminal spaces are my j a m
☆I am an Otherkin/Therian/Fictionkin. My main Fictotypes are Dream of The Endless( The Sandman), Stolas(Helluva Boss), Giratina (Pokemon),Stephen Strange(Marvel), Aaravos(The Dragon Prince), Alastor(Hazbin Hotel), Princess Luna (My Little Pony) and Lord Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) My top otherkintypes are Fallen Angel /Demon, Angel/Seraphim, Eldritch/Void/Cosmic being, Corvidae (Cladiotherian), Jersey Devil. In general I am just here as a being of stars and thought up dreamscapes a borderline liminal conglomerate of holy and unholy abstractions
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person4924 · 1 month
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hi !! i’m sam !! and uhhh that’s all u need to know but there’s more under the cut !!
(also im trying to make this aesthetic and cute but idrk how so if u have any tips pls pls pls !!)
yes i’m sad (secretly a dinosaur)
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basic info
i’m sapphic of some sort and ace!!
i go pretty much by any pronouns atp but they is usually the best!!
i’m a minor. so please don’t be fucking weird.
i’m american (even worse, the midwest 😨) unfortunately but literally as soon as i fucking can im booting it and moving to norway
i’m neurodivergent of some some sort
i have a sideblog that is currently a confessions blog but it might change cus no one actually does it!! but if u would like to do a (general) confession then it is @just-a-little-lad4924
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just general facts about me !
my personality type is INFP-T
i have 3 cats!! one at my dads, her name is graci (after gracie abrams ofc) and she’s about a year and a half, and 2 at my moms: regulus (guess who named him!! 😱) and libby and their siblings and are currently abt 3 months !! i could yap abt them forever i love them sm
my favorite color is dark green, fav season is fall, fav holiday is christmas or halloween, fav animal is cats or sharks or moths or jellyfish
i appreciate tone tags and try to use them as much as possible
im always bored so asks and everything are super duper cool !
i love love love making ananlysis' of basically anythng sooo if theres like a song or ship or something i could totallly write an essay abt it or smth !
uhhh idrk what else !!
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fandoms AKA past hyperfixations that i’m still attached to but im not necessarily still in the fandom: harry potter (fuck jkr !!), MCU, KOTLC, marauders, boy meets world, it, osemanverse, paper girls, teen wolf, owl house, shameless, glee, stranger things, andi mack, tlou, riordanverse, brooklyn nine nine, new girl, hamilton, grishaverse, community, dawsons creek, bojack horseman, criminal minds, ted lasso, scooby doo, everything sucks!, the sun bearer trials, atypical, octonauts, dead boy detectives, will and grace, how i met your mother, the maze runner
uhhh can u tell i don’t have many friends.
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fav movies (not counting fandoms): tick tick boom, my girl, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, little rascals, empire records, bottoms, nimona, little women, 500 days of summer, benny & joon, beautiful boy, call me by your name, lady bird, stand by me, RWRB, addams family values, the breakfast club, spiderman ITSV/ATSV, the outsiders, luca, the perks of being a wallflower, dead poets society, big daddy, the edge of seventeen
once again. i have very little friends. and very many issues.
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fav music people: gracie abrams (if u couldnt tell), taylor swift, noah kahan, mitski, boygenuis, julien baker, phoebe bridgers, lucy dacus, hozier, the head and the heart, conan gray, RKS, queen. harry styles, the fray, olivia rodrigo, coldplay, billie eilish, maya hawke, bo burnham, chappell roan, the smiths, the revivalists, addriane lenker, lorde, fiona apple, alex g, ani defranca, radiohead, montell fish
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just general interests: poetry, art, writing, sitcoms, stand up comedy, greek mythology, the sky (like the stars, moon, sun, etc. astronomy metaphors are my everything), moths, jelly fish, ocean animals in general (first special interest 💪💪), pretty much just animals in general, 90's movies, cinematography, bo burnham (i didnt know where eles to put him), annotating, musicals
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fav books (also not including fandoms): the perks of being a wallflower, the outsiders, i fell in love with hope, ill give you the sun, and more but i dont remember the names atm !
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my fav ships (buckle in! i apologize.): wolfstar, jegulus, jily sometimes, pandalily, dorlene, rosekiller, drarry, jeric (bmw), reddie, charlie/nick, tara/darcy, tao/elle, lister/jimmy, pip/rooney, kajemac, sterek, isaac/stiles, malia/stiles, lumity, gallavich, ronance, solangelo, valdangelo, kinda percico, dianetti, wesper, kanej, trobed, joey/pacey, ralvez, spencer/ethan, kindaaa moreid, painland, newtmas
i might have missed a few but these are My Guys. /gn
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spotify!! - my character playlists are my pride and joy and reason for living, i could write essays about how each song could specifically fit the character and situation. anyways!!
airbuds - idk if anyone uses this but if u do add me!!
ao3 - i have 1 fic that is my fav thing ever (a camp halfblood group chat) and the other two... are there
tiktok - this is my alt that i blocked all my friends on and i have like my fandom shit but i don’t post that much and im barely on tt to begin with but yeah !!
pronouns page
spotify stats - idk if anyone uses this but also yeah !!
i have a super duper cool discord server that u should totally join too… link
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i have a tagging system
sam shut the fuck up - og posts
asks!!! - asks
crazy? i was crazy once - big lists and essay things
sam sings :O - lyric/music posts
it’s so hard to be a lizard… - any jokes i make because im literally bo burnham
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and i think thats it!! if anyone has any ideas of things to add then yeah !! or how to make it look prettier cusss uhhhh yeah.
oh yeah and this is an official @i-luv-multiple-ppl fan account so !!
and creds to @cafekitsune for the dividers!!
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razzberrydazz · 11 months
Neurodivergence and mental illness headcanons and analysis with the BG3 cast! All of them have trauma there's no way any of them are totally mentally well (NONE of them are mentally fully well, being an adventurer is traumatic in and of itself).
Shadowheart and Astarion both have Borderline Personality Disorder undoubtedly to me, with Shart also having an extra dose of anxiety and depression on top of that. Being kidnapped and raised in a cult and being held hostage by a vampire lord are more than traumatizing enough to cause that.
Astarion definitely has PTSD from his time with Cazador. Shadowheart, Halsin, and Durge (if the player plays as Dark Urge) definitely also have PTSD.
-My analysis for my Durge is for a different post because there is so much going on there, but know that OCD and BPD and PTSD are all strong contenders for their mental idiosyncrasies-
Gale most definitely has depression and likely comorbid Autism and ADHD.
Lae'Zel is very autistic-coded to me with her directness and perceived low empathy and struggle to understand faerunian customs - many alien type characters are autistic-coded by the nature of their 'fish out of water' character arcs. She also has anger issues galore, and trust issues, she was raised in a militaristic alien cult society there's no way she wouldn't have fucked up emotional development. She's direct and quick to anger, but I don't think she's outright Rude - others may Think she's being rude but she's not, she's being honest and saying what she thinks.
Karlach is Sooooo ADHD coded to me, she also has hella anger issues and I do not blame her one bit, as well as a moderate dose of anxiety. Someone give her a fireproof fidget toy I beg of thee.
Wyll hides his trauma and issues relatively well, but I would not say he's as well-adjusted as many assume him to be. He's self-sacrificing to the point of extreme detriment, possibly a people pleaser, I am certain he has anxiety and depression that he does his best to mask, and he may not have full blown PTSD but he definitely has trauma. I get the impression he has a low opinion of himself due to his pact and often can even be self-depreciating especially when made to look like a devil, definitely has signs of depression in him. He is such a precious man and I want to help him see that he's worth so much more than he thinks 🥺
Minthara, while I don't know her character as well as the others, definitely has trauma from being raised in the toxic cult of lolth-sworn drow society, greatly reduced empathy (but not non-existent) due to said cult society, is definitely a sadist, could have developed Antisocial Personality Disorder due to the way lolthite society molded her (Lolthite society raises people in a way to predispose them to having APD if you ask me, since it's built on manipulation and fear and ladder climbing on the backs of others). Despite possibly having APD due to the trauma of Lolthite society, Minthara is not incapable of love and devotion and can grow to care for tav and other party members over time, perhaps even to a fanatical level if you romance her.
Halsin has trauma that he often brushes off or downplays, he can be quite self-depreciating at times, and from my viewpoint he is hypersexual as a maladaptive coping mechanism. Definitely has self-image issues and doesn't see himself as worthy of the love and affection and positions of authority he's been placed in. Probably has depression that he works hard to mask in front of others.
Jaheira has a long history of trauma that include the events of the first two games, I would not be surprised if she has PTSD, but overall she is pretty well adjusted all things considered. She has trust issues but I don't blame her, she has justification.
Minsc is hilarious, that man has autism I am convinced, he has trauma but I'm not sure if he realizes his trauma is indeed trauma and not simply a mild inconvenience in his life. Either none of his trauma is processed as such in his brain so he is genuinely that happy-go-lucky, or that jovial attitude is a mask. Boo is...Boo. I do not know the inner machinations of a miniature giant space hamster.
If anyone in the game is a Narcissist, it's Orin the Red (NPD does not make one inherently abusive or evil of course, no personality disorder or mental illness makes anyone inherently bad, Orin just happens to embody many of its traits to the extreme and has the traumatic upbringing to cause it). Her story is so tragic to me, she wants so badly for Bhaal to love her, she wants the admiration and affection of the god of murder so bad and she doesn't care if that means killing the entire world. She's incredibly tragic, she doesn't realize she's as traumatized as she is because it got channeled into her mask of self-importance and lack of empathy extreme sadism and want for admiration from Bhaal specifically. If it was possible to if not redeem her, at least spare her from death and break her out of her cult mindset, I would do it in a heartbeat. I love Orin as a character so much.
Gortash could be APD, but I think he fits Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder more. His want for control, for order, under the tyranny of Bane, to wrench control and revenge for the childhood he was robbed of, it's very fitting. He's distrustful and known for deceit but his ride or dieness with Durge and willingness to Risk It All for Tav is endearing to me, and could be him manipulating or simply be that he does in fact see teaming up with Tav as the best course of action for him to maintain his control. I'm biased I know, I like Gortash too much.
Ketheric is spiteful and traumatized from the death of his wife and daughter and the cult he imbedded himself in yes, but he takes it to an extreme in his lashing out from his grief. I don't think he's antisocial or narcissistic, I mainly think he's depressed and a victim of a sunk-cost fallacy taken way too far. He committed to the bit until the very end.
If anyone else could possibly have APD or NPD, I think it'd be the Emperor, but I also feel the mental quirks of being a mindflayer predispose someone to being manipulative and self-agrandizing. He is a Very sly and effective manipulator, and even though overall he has the common goal as the player and protects them from death and transforming into a mind flayer for the majority of the game, he is ultimately doing it for his own aims. He hid the truth of Orpheus and his own form for most of the game, because he was so distrustful of Tav that he believed they would never trust him otherwise - which he can't actually know as true or not. Unfortunately for him I chose saving Orpheus and helping Lae'Zel over helping him because his history of manipulation and omition of information caught up to him and caused the very distrust he wanted to avoid. He is a great morally grey/dubious character who can be both loved and loathed for his antics.
Dame Aylin and Isobel definitely have trauma if not PTSD, and Aylin probably is autistic.
Listen what I'm saying is autistic people have a surprisingly high level of charisma and they and other neurospicy people congregate together to make some delicious neurospicy food.
Those are all the characters I have thoughts about for the moment, and these are my headcanons more than anything, so don't take this too seriously.
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ricardian-werewolf · 7 months
Fanfic Masterlist: Finished Fics:
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Rating: Mature Status: FINISHED 5/9/24. Cw/Tws: heavy discussions of mental health, prices of religious trauma and sainthood. Lots of mentions of attempted assassinations by Vasily. Sexual assault mentions, smut in later chapters, graphic depictions of violence, but canon. merzost being used anti-canonically.
Ao3 Link: Masterlist
Stars 'round his wrists.
When I am King, you will be first against the wall.
Take My hand, I'll drown you with me.
But your profile could not hide the fact you knew I was approaching your throne.
The world is lying fallow and you are apart from me.
Holy Water cannot help you now.
Still, I follow the Heartlines on your hand.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
The Cost of the Crown.
I am a world's forgotten boy.
Once More unto the Breach.
The Sun's turning Red.
Everytime I see you falling, I get down on my knees and pray.
True Faith
Just our hands clasped so tight.
Non-Grishaverse FINISHED FIC.
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Atlantic City, 1921. Prohibition has come in with a bang, and the bootleggers long to profit off of people’s desire for spirits. But some of their intentions and creations come with nasty consequences. Sometimes, liquor really can kill. And for Nucky Thompson, that’s a gamble he’s willing to take. Even if federal agents are snapping at his heels, and people are dying in the streets, Atlantic City, is after all, the world’s playground.
Chapter list:
Blood stained sheets
The ivory tower
The tin soldier
A Wolf, a man, and a plan
Every little thing she does is madness.
Leave before the sun comes up
Burning for you
Death Race
The darkest hour is before the dawn
Don’t turn your back
Series: Profunda Venae - Deep veins. 
Chronicling a split off of English history during the weeks after Victoria’s coronation, this series explores the What-Ifs of the English Industrial revolution and the idea of vampires being representative of the ruling class. It also dives into the ideas of class revolution, Nuclear Winter, the usage of productive power to control the narrative, and more. It is also mainly a narrative of just how dangerous controlling the reins of who tells history can truly be.
Written during the hardest years of my life, this series was created to be a distraction from the mires and misery of Neurodivergency in a common-education experience.
Book 1 is set in a world much like our own with certain shifts. Book 2 is a world that starts out similar and quickly becomes quite different. Book 3 is a world that is far in the past and far in the future all at once.
Book 1: The Lineaments of Malefaction: [Finished 2022]
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1838 - the house of Hanover and the United Kingdom are at last stable. Queen Victoria has taken to the throne with Lord M at her shoulder as her beloved Prime Minister. However, as always, those left in the shadows squabble and plot.
For what more of a travesty can there be than a sweet queen of 18, and a human one at that?
Wrongs must always be righted, regardless of who is in the way. Sometimes those means are more dastardly than anyone could imagine. As someone once said, family is not stronger than the blood that is spilt on the battlefield of power.
Chapter List, with dates of publication:
Pills and plans (2022-03-11)
Blood in the water (2022-03-12)
A murder of politicians (2022-03-13)
Ballrooms and bites (2022-03-13)
The Revenants of Pemberley (2022-03-17)
Lifting the veil (2022-03-17)
Burning down the castle (2022-03-28)
Shadows, the stars, and you. (2022-03-28)
Oh Noel (2022-04-02)
For the Queen (2022-04-02)
If we burn, you burn with us (2022-04-07)
recovery and revolution (2022-04-07)
Paint it black (2022-04-07)
A wedding and a honeymoon. (2022-04-07)
All that ends well (2022-04-07)
Book 2: The Evils of Darkness: [Finished 2022]
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1848 - the house of Kingsbridge and England have enjoyed 8 years of relative peace and quiet. Victoria and Lord M are at last united in matrimony and state, and those who opposed their rule are defeated or interred. Yet, plans always abound to take down those some see as unpopular.
For vampires aren’t fit to rule humans. Even in a place like Great Britain, wrongs must be righted, and balance must be restored.
No matter the personal cost.
Chapter List:
A bad beginning
Hold tight London
The Threads of eternity.
The War Game
When the wind blows
The Day After
Protect and survive
Operation square leg
Do no harm
Nuclear winter
Unfinished FICS:
Book 3: Dum Pugnatur, Bellum Amittitur [ongoing - stagnant updates based on fixation]
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1865 - the thrones of Queen Victoria and King William are lost to the wastelands. The House of Kingsbridge is no more, and in its place, factions plot and squabble to rule the destroyed land once called England.
But that is easier said then done, for England herself is a place of ruin and starvation. For the nuclear winter that ripped the royal family apart has rolled its citizens back to the Middle Ages. But for those who have survived the hell of 1858, there is a new threat on the horizon that may blot out even 1848 - America has been at war with itself for going on 4 years, and there is whispers abounding that the Royal Family may be amongst the evacuees who fled on the steamship, the Kerberos.
All of these whispers and plans within plans make for a perfect firestorm to be set upon England's starving lower classes, for as someone once said: fealty is not stronger than the blood that is spilled on the battlefield of power.
Chapter list:
1. Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent
2. Ravens feathers and Mozart
3. Paternoster Row
4. The Evil Genius of the Republican Party.
5. A Plea To Fate
6. Marian
Fear and Delight, or how I learned to stop worrying and wear gloves to hide my trauma. {ongoing - abandoned until new season comes out and interior worldbuilding kinks are solved}
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* Set During Season 2 of the Gilded Age - does not follow central plot by the beats*. Title taken from Dr Strangelove. ***** The Russell's Newport mansion could be called many things. The New York Times called it “Grandiose - a paragon of modern architecture.” The Post deemed it: “The newly-built mansion is a sign of the shifting tides of New Money upon our cities elite,”. More attention was paid to the ongoing Opera War waged by Bertha Russell and her arch nemesis, Caroline Astor. Astor had the boxes at the Academy of Music and dealt them out like generals awarding medals to soldiers who’d survived a conflict: rarely given and precious to only a few. Bertha Russell had set up the enemy camp with her Metropolitan Opera house (still undergoing building and desperately needing funds), and sought to gain some of the broken backs of the Academy’s patrons. The more soldiers - patrons - Mrs Russell could win over in advance of the Met’s opening, the better. ***** Robber Barons, The Crows, a Princess who is in America to settle an old Score, all for one very mediocre production of Faust.
Chapter list:
Washington Square
Old Money
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Abstract: Set in an alternate timeline of the Grishaverse where the country of Ravka very closely resembles the Western Front of the Great War, this is a fic that sets out to explore an idea: What if First Army developed their own order of Saints, and how this affects the war effort. Part reflection on Religion, War, femininity, and social propaganda movements, part war-story Straight from the early 20th century a la the writings of Will R Bird. All angst. Characters: Nikolai Lantsov, Dominik Vertov, Olga Kylov (oc), Will R Bird, Alina Starkov, and others! Pairings: Nikolai x OC. Rating: Mature CW/TWs: War, mentions of extreme violence, universe typical prejudices, heavy discussions of religion. Later chapters go into period typical sexism of the late Victorian period, and share cases similar to that of the Red Army's female soldiers of ww2.
Chapter List. 1. Over There
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alwaysaqueene · 3 months
Destined Queen
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Indie RP Blog for Original Character’ Medieval, Regency, and High Fantasy Verses — Sideblog to @joyfulmagic & special verses for Relta & Aislin of @fantasiesandfolklore, guest test muse Prince Alastair as well
Written by 𝕷𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖊 [Lettie] || Mun is 25+ || Blog is 18+ (Preferably 21+)
Minors (under 18) and Personal Blogs DO NOT INTERACT
[Relta’s “Regular” Bio]
[Verse Info Tag] [Guest Staring Lord Alastair, Half-Brother to Relta] & Aislin’s Medieval Verses from @fantasiesandfolklore FCs Used: Charlotte Hope (18-32); Rebecca Ferguson (30+); Ruairi O’Connor (18-35); Anya Taylor Joy (18+); & Natalie Dormer (30+)
Rules are below the readmore on this post
Heavily Affiliated With: @ofheroesandscholars, @singeart, @blackarrcw, @luposcainus, @aislingarrow and @tsarincvdova
𝒜 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒹𝓎 𝒾𝓃…being the bad guy, raising Hell and high water, religion, paganism, royalty, destiny, fighting fate, the girl with ice in her veins and a heart of gold, blood spilled for justice, living out of spite, heroics, being the final girl, the stench of the battlefield after a war, and taking one’s rightful place on the throne.
NO minors (under 18 years old / still in high school) or personal blogs please! I’d prefer to write only with muns ABOVE age 21, as I am currently 27 (6/2024) years old.
Open to non-mutuals, but still semi-selective toward the selective side
Preferential treatment given to those I’ve built an OOC relationship with / am heavily affiliated with. Just being honest.
No god modding with the exception of starters, as I know you kind of have to a bit to write a decent starter
Multi-para / novella length replies usually. Please attempt to meet my length or at least my effort. Sometimes replies are short to move things along, I get that.
No auto-shipping, as Relta does not want to fall in love or have a co-monarch as a default in the phoenix queen/queen of ashes verses
IF we do ship, know I’ll be simping for them and wish to talk about them OOC a fair amount. Also, expect playlists for solidified ships haha.
My main triggers are animal death, parent death, cancer, infertility, and Dementia/Alzheimer's. Memory issues due to other reasons are fine. PLEASE let me know your triggers so I can avoid them as well.
Dark topics will be present, and the presence of NSF/W isn’t impossible. I will tag NS/FW as “lemons” or “mild lemons” depending on the severity (like PG-13 versus R rated).
Relta is queer, as is the mun. Please be respectful of that.
The mun is neurodivergent and disabled, so please be patient with me. I may miss stuff like social cues at times.
My discord is open to mutuals, but it’s an easy one to guess based on my main blog hub title lol
I have studied history and international politics in college, and plan to focus on medieval times in graduate school when I attend. Relta’s verses on this blog are heavily influenced by actual history and historical figures, so please know I HAVE done my research or asked my Tudor historian friend lol I might twist it and throw in a ton of various influences, but it’s still historically inspired.
I saw BBC’s Robin Hood…18 years ago now…when it first came out and I was a kid, so I’m a bit rusty on it since I can’t find a free way to rewatch it. Thus, I’ll be leaning into headcanons a bit and actual history about King Richard, the Crusades, and Robin Hood lore for the V: Lionhearted verse. I’d be happy to discuss the show AND history/lore with anyone interested in this verse.
I often post worldbuilding and headcanon stuff about Relta in these verses, so don’t be surprised if they outnumber IC posts for a while.
Relta has been an OC of mine since I played make believe with my friends in elementary school, and simply has evolved to who she is now through a passion for creative writing and a gaining of knowledge on character building. She’s still a bit Mary Sue-ish at times, but I work hard to incorporate her flaws and weaknesses as much as I do her strengths and positive traits. She’s not perfect, as no one is.
I am mobile always, so I cannot cut posts unfortunately.
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Pick a song for every letter of your URL then tag that many people
Tagged by @couchie
Because I hate myself I have decided to make this more difficult by not only picking 27 songs that I actually listen to regularly, but also choosing songs by 27 different artists and discounting any song title beginning with "the".
Unfortunately I don't think I actually have 27 mutuals to tag but like if anyone following me also wants to have a go you absolutely can <3
@the-furies @gooopy @michaelmilligan @jesuschristassbutt @chiefyteethies @mochatheangelkiller @callalilycas @ratabethchase @lord-angelfish @1967-impala @emotionalsupportknife @awesomediscoclub @naturallyahoe @sygneth @cryptiduni @roboticutie @demon-sneeze @tuometarr @posingasme @theworldsforgottenboy
M - Mis-shapes, Pulp
A - Aaj, Bloodywood
N - Neurodivergent, Rabbit Junk
S - Summertime Suicide, Murderdolls
P - Pink Whitney, Scene Queen
L - Lucretia my Reflection, Sisters of Mercy
A - Absence of Normalcy, YandereChainsawRegurgitationFactory
I - I’ve Seen Footage, Death Grips
N - Northwest Passage, The Dreadnoughts
M - Malfunction, Steam Powered Giraffe
A - Arsenic on the Rocks, Aesthetic Perfection
N - Narcotic Induced Hypo-Thermia, The Dark Prison Massacre
I - If I Speak, Frank the Baptist
P - Philosophy of the World, The Shaggs
U - Unbalanced Brutal Love, Dehumanising Itatrain Worship
L - Living After Midnight, Judas Priest
A - Alle en Asche, Mephisto Waltz
T - To Beat the Devil, Kris Kristofferson
E - Exterminate Annihilate Destroy, Rotersand
M - Master of Illusion, Battle Beast
A - Almost Human, Aurelio Voltaire
L - Love is Like, KMFDM
E - Enter Sandman, Metallica
W - Wolves in the Walls, ANNISOKAY
I - Izumino, Fucked
F - Feed the Machine, Zeal & Ardor
E - Empty streets, Plastique Noir
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Arikado: “Soma… You have the soul of Dracula… The dark lord… His power resides within you… Don’t let it consume your heart.”
Soma: :/ “I’m literally neurodivergent and a minor.”
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risingscorchingsuns · 5 months
hey guys! my posting/writing/general activity is probably going to get a little slower for a bit. i’ll still be here, but im going through a tough time right now. its been a frankly pretty awful week and im getting the feeling its gonna be rough for at least a solid minute. longer explanation below if you’d like it, but tw for mentions of trauma and abuse.
So ive mentioned it before, but i have complex PTSD. my parents split when i was very young, and my stepmom moved in with my dad almost immediately afterwards. when i try and remember it too much my brain gets foggy, but to put it simply, she was horrifically abusive to me and my younger siblings. she resented us for being born, as living reminders that my mother got to my father first. for over a decade she was the sole adult influence in my life, and from the age of eleven she manipulated me to believe she was the only person in the world i could trust. she bullied me for my neurodivergence, my appearance, my interests, anything she could get to lord over me. i had no escape for most of my formative years, because she cut me off and isolated me from any form of support I could possibly have, from trying to force me to change schools to convincing me my own father gave up on me. I only cut her off permanently last year.
Summers are really, really hard for me. When she and my dad moved across the country, I had to spend summers in Texas with her, and her alone. I had nobody. In a state far away from everyone who loved me, where she had full control and access to any form of communication. She’d regularly go through my messages I sent to friends, partners, even my mother to make sure I wasn’t “making up lies about her”. I was trapped, and completely, utterly isolated. Every day was about survival, and every day was about just making it to that night, through that hour, through that minute. Every single minute I lived in anticipation of the next, walking on eggshells to appease her impossible standards. When the weather starts to get warmer, my brain starts to anticipate going back there. I shut down, and go into survival mode. I have a tendency to isolate, though it’s something I’m working on.
The weather is starting to warm up where I live. I’m starting to get nightmares again, and I wake up feeling heavy. I’m stressed out all the time, and I constantly feel either hypervigilant to the point of paralysis, or completely dissociated. I know I’m in for a rough patch until my brain realizes I dont have to go back, and settles down my trauma responses. But it may be a while before that happens. I only ask to please be patient with me for a little while. I’m really sorry.
It’s hard for me to admit I’m not doing well. I might take this down if I find myself overthinking it. I will have good days, I always do. But for now, I’m in a bit of a dark place, and I deeply apologize for the resulting change in my interactions. I love you all deeply, and I want you to know I’m safe- I have a support system, and I dont ever have to see her again. I’m in a better place than I used to be, and I’m stronger every year. But the weather is starting to warm up, and I’m starting to shut down.
Please be well. I’ll respond to things as best I can, and I’ll still be around when I’m able.
Leon 🪲
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stardustandrockets · 1 year
Here are some recs to read in lieu of the Boy Wizard series.
I asked my followers for recommendations on what to read instead of That Series™ and y'all definitely delivered. I included my own recs with little descriptions and most of the others are either on my tbr or completely new to me. I made sure to list whether it was a middle grade or young adult read.
I only put two of my favorite Diana Wynne Jones books on here, but anything she's written has magic in some form or fashion.
Books listed:
My personal favorites:
Slide 2: The Chronicles of Chrestomanci by Diana Wynne Jones (middle grade); A 7 book middle grade series that follows the world of the Chrestomanci—a nine-lived enchanter who oversees the use of magic. The 7 books follow different characters that all intersect with one another. Did I mention there are parallel worlds?
Slide 3: Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (middle grade); Seen the movie? The book is just like that but far more chaotic. It's still whimsical, but there's more depth and development. It's nostalgic even if you haven't read it before. It's also book 1 of a trilogy.
Slide 4: The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. LeGuin (young adult); A series of 6 books that follows the wizard Ged. Very reminiscent of Lord of the Rings to me, but in a more approachable way. (Idk, I haven't read LotR. I've just seen the movies.)
Slide 5: The Redwall Series by Brian Jacques (middle grade); A 22 book series featuring talking animals as protagonists, this series set mainly around Redwall Abbey has something for everyone. The books don't have to be read in order, but publication order is suggested.
Slide 6: Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan (middle grade); A retelling of Greek myths. Neurodivergent rep, badass kids, humorous, and so full of heart! This series (and the others) aren't just for kids. I got into them late in the game (maybe early high school?) and revisited them as an adult and they're so good! Perfect for anyone wanting to dive into mythology.
Slide 7: TBR/Follower Recs (MG): Witchlings by Claribel Ortega, Nevermoore by Jessica Townsend, The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
Slide 8: TBR/Follower Recs (MG): The Marvellers by Dhonielle Clayton, Fablehaven by Brandon Mull, Septimus Heap by Angie Sage
Slide 9: TBR/Follower Recs (YA): Alanna the First Adventure by Tamora Pierce, Little Black Bird by Anna Kirchner, Young Wizards Series by Diane Duane (falls between MG & YA)
Slide 10: TBR/Follower Recs (YA): Summoner Series by Taran Matharu, Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (trilogy), The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper
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'An Ode to Becoming One With G-d and Neurodivergency'
i praise my Lord with my Lips....
i'm a little scared that it might scare Him
to see me down on the floor;
it is hard wood, after all -
my chi-ld-hood home had carpets and linoleum
until my old mother got us hard wood,
just in the kitchen;
the rest of the house stayed carpet and linoleum -
the linoleum floor made me wear socks.
i remember that was why It happened....
i remember the day when He became One with me.
ev'ry Song i make is a Jesus Christ.
there's a Dark Corner there with a Bowl of Cereal
and Hop Along Cabinet....
i LOVE Gospel Music!
i MAKE Gospel Music!
G-d told me He loves you!
G-d told me He loves, too...
i'm just trying to get kissed!
i'm just trying to get missed!
i love G-d and i love Songs!
i've made Both, but i want to MAKE More, MORE!
- ellie revenge
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