#never seen respect drop so fast as when I say I have my BA in sociology
captainderyn · 1 year
When people keep asking me what I’ll do immediately post graduation:
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zukoszukhoes · 4 years
Don’t Speak- Zuko x Reader
// Soulmate au- Zuko x reader
// summary: In the Fire Nation, when you turn 16, the first words your soulmate will say to you appear on your wrist. Just after y/n’s 17th birthday, they don’t think they’ll ever find their soulmate. Until a certain prince, back from his banishment, comes to stay at their family’s estate on holiday. Suddenly, y/n is faced with a complicated problem; after all, what do you do when your soulmate is the crown prince of the nation you hate?
//part 2 here
//warnings: none, just some angst and a little threatening
// (Y/M/N)= your mother’s name
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“(Y/n), the royal procession is here! Come quickly!” The head maid, Lotty, cried into your room.
Shit! You thought, lurching up from your bed. You’d gotten so engrossed in your book you’d forgetting to keep track of time. And now your hair was a mess, your clothes were wrinkled, and you still couldn’t find your shoes. Your father was going to kill you when he saw you.
“Lotty, have you seen my shoes? The ones we got last week for the procession?” You shouted, throwing on your banquet wear as fast as you could.
“It’s in the closet!” Lotty called back from the other room, her voice panicked. Having visitors always put Lotty on edge.
“No, they’re not!”
Lotty rushed in your room, face scrunched up with stress and hair resembling a bird’s nest. “What do you mean they’re not in the closet?” She screeched.
“I checked the closet and I’m telling you they’re not there!”
“Spirits, child! Could you at least try and be organized?!” Lotty cried, digging into the closet. She emerged a minute later with the shoes held triumphantly in her hands and shoved them into your chest. “Now, go, quickly! The prince will be here any minute!”
The prince. The words echoed bitterly in your mind. Despite being the child of a powerful Fire Nation government official, living in the Fire Nation brought you no joy.
Growing up, you’d watched as the Fire Nation conquered the rest of the world. You’d been taught that it was the right thing to do, that you were sharing your success to create a better world. But when your father told you of the lives lost-on both sides- you couldn’t help but hate the war, and the Fire Nation. To you, it was all senseless killing, poorly disguised under the name “progress.”
When you heard about the prince’s banishment for speaking out against the Firelord’s war plans, you’d hoped it meant that he was a fair, wise, and just person. And, that maybe, one day, he would come back and be the Firelord the world needed him to be. However, when you learned he’d killed the avatar in Ba Sing Se, you knew in your heart that he was just as evil as the rest of his family.
Still, your reservations about the royal family did not deter your own family from idolizing them. After all, the Firelord had given your father a respectable job, a good home, and a steady living. Being a high-ranking government official had opened all kinds of doors for your family. So when the Firelord asked your father to host his son, Prince Zuko, while he was meeting with his war generals, how could he say no?
“You’re late.” Your father grumbled as you fell into line in between him and your mother. “Why, on today of all days, did you choose to be late?”
“I’m sorry, father.” You replied, fixing your shirt surreptitiously. “I lost track of time.”
A horrified gasp escaped your mother’s lips. “(Y/N)! Your mark!” She whispered, grabbing your wrist.
In the Fire Nation, everyone had the first words their soulmate would every say to them imprinted on their wrist. However, it was considered improper to display your mark in public. Anything having to do with soulmates was considered private, intimate, and extremely personal. To show your mark to the public, when you haven’t met your soulmate yet, would be considered betraying your soulmate’s trust before you’d even met them. Your parents seemed to believe in this idea more than most. They’d gone to extreme lengths to make sure no one other than themselves, Lotty, and yourself had seen the mark.
You glanced down, reading the words you’d read a hundred times over: “Your shoe is untied.”
“Here,” your mother huffed, handing you her own wrist cuffs. Her mark was gone, disappeared the first day she had met your father. You slipped on the cuffs, watching the words disappear under the bronze metal. “And next time, be more careful!” Your mother scolded you.
You rolled your eyes. But before you could respond, the front gates opened. A palanquin, painted blood red with regal gold detailing, appeared through the gates. Held up by four exhausted-looking palanquin bearers and flanked by guards, it was a statement of royalty that could not be ignored. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the pomp of it all.
“It’s a bit excessive, don’t you think?” You snorted. Your father glared at you, but cracked a smile nonetheless.
Gauzy white curtains fluttered in the wind as the palanquin bearers strode their way up to the house. In between the curtains you caught a glimpse of a high ebony ponytail, a flaming crimson scar, and two golden, piercing eyes. Eyes widening with surprise, you quickly averted your gaze, a shiver racing down your spine. What was that? After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the palanquin finally stopped in front of your family.
“Please bow for Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation!” One of the guards barked, dropping to one knee. Immediately all of the other guards followed. You slipped into a low bow, watching out of the corner of your eye as the palanquin bearers parted the curtains for the prince to descend.
You’d expected to find the prince revolting. When you imagined meeting him before, his image only conjured anger over the war, anger over all of the injustices you’d heard of over the years. But when the prince emerged from the palanquin, you didn’t feel anger; instead, you felt your heart skip a beat.
Tall and regal, Prince Zuko had a commanding presence that seemed to wrap around your heart and squeeze. You’d always heard that the royal family was cold and calculated- but the prince reeked of raw emotion. He did not smile- or show any expression at all- but his presence emanated raw angst. And those eyes. Once again, the flash of molten amber met yours, one eye haloed in dark red, and sent a jolt down your spine. Looking into his eyes, you felt as if you could watch the gears in his head turn and twist as he studied you. All of his turmoil, rage, and sorrow swirled in those pools of amber, shaking you to your core. He narrowed his eyes, his gaze of liquid gold seeming to find something interesting in you.
You knew it was improper to hold his gaze for so long, but you couldn’t look away. He was incredible, yet turbulent; beautiful, but terrifying. Part of your brain saw him and thought he was nothing more than a teenage boy. The other part screamed that he was nothing but another killer.
“Prince Zuko, it is an honor to have you with us,” your father greeted in a booming voice. He clasped his hands behind his back and stood to attention, looking very much like the important official he was. “I am Executive (L/N). This is my wife, (Y/M/N), and my child, (Y/N).”
“Thank you for hosting me. It is a pleasure to meet all of you.” Zuko replied, his voice quieter than you expected.
“We hope the home is to your liking. If you need anything at all during your stay, feel free to take full advantage of the staff,” your mother said with a gracious smile.
The prince dipped his head in a subtle nod. “I appreciate your hospitality.” He paused, gaze sliding to yours once again. His eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. “You’re (Y/N)?”
You simply nodded. It seemed better not to speak than to speak and say something out of turn (which, as your mother liked to complain, was a frequent and annoying habit of yours).
The prince walked forward until he was standing just a few paces away. He continued to study you up and down, face devoid of emotion. Finally, he remarked in a flat tone, “Your shoe is untied.”
Immediately all of the blood drained from your face. Underneath your cuff, your wrist burned. Your mother let out a small gasp, her excitement palpable. But you felt nothing but dread.
This is impossible. It has to be! Your thoughts raced frantically. Your heart began to thump loudly in your chest, fueled by panic-induced adrenaline. It had to be fake. It had to be.
Because if it wasn’t, than that meant that the crown prince- heir to the throne- of the nation you hated was your soulmate.
You glanced to the side and caught Lotty’s eye. She was practically jumping up and down with excitement, coaxing you to say something. Of course, she, your mother, and your father all knew your words. They knew that Prince Zuko’s first words to you were the first words your soulmate would say to you. No doubt they thought this was a good thing, a cause for celebration. How could they not realize Prince Zuko being your soulmate was the last thing you wanted?
A bead of sweat traveled down the back of your neck. Your father nudged you inconspicuously, prodding you to say something. But you couldn’t. Because those words would cement you as the crown prince’s soulmate.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. If speaking would make you Prince Zuko’s soulmate, then you just wouldn’t speak at all.
You clamped your mouth shut, choosing to nod again instead of replying. The prince raised an eyebrow, tension thickening in the air as he waited for a response.
“Excuse my (Y/N).” Your mother laughed suddenly, breaking the tension. She placed a hand on your shoulder in a seemingly harmless gesture, but her nails dug into your skin. “They can be so forgetful sometimes!”
The Prince’s eyes never left yours. “I understand.” He said flatly. His gaze lingered on you a moment longer before he turned away, towards your father.
“You must be tired after your journey. Let me show you to your quarters.” Your father said, lowering himself into a bow.
“Thank you.” The prince replied. He nodded to the palanquin bearers to bring his luggage forward.
“Come, right this way.” Your father directed him towards the entrance. They walked inside, thankfully releasing you from the prince’s presence.
You exhaled slowly, feeling some of your anxiety melt away that the prince was gone. However, your mother’s tension was clearly rising.
“What were you thinking?” She hissed, nails digging deep into your shoulder. “Refusing to speak to a royal! Spirits, (Y/N), I knew you could be headstrong but- but- this!”
Quickly, you looked around for the prince before turning back to your mother. “You heard what he said to me. It matches.”
“I know!” She squealed. “All the more reason to speak to him! You don’t want to insult your future husband more than you already have, do you?”
“Future husband?!” Heat rushed to your cheeks. “Spirits, mother, I just met him!”
“Darling, he’s your soulmate.” Your mother’s voice softened along with her grip on your shoulder. She smiled gently, her other hand raising to caress your cheek. “You two will be together, whether you want to or not.”
You swatted your mother’s hand away, a furious blush scorching your cheeks. “We don’t know that he’s my soulmate. After all, I haven’t even spoken to him yet.”
Your mother’s eyes narrowed and she leaned back, crossing her arms. “So that’s why you refuse to speak to the prince?”
You simply looked away. Lotty caught your gaze, concern swimming in her eyes.
Your mother scoffed. “Don’t be a coward, (Y/N). You have a great opportunity here. You could rule alongside the Firelord, and bring glory to our family!”
You turned away, anger simmering inside of you. “I’m not a coward. And I don’t want to rule beside the Firelord.”
Your mother opened her mouth to reply, face red with rage, but before she could, a servant came out of the front doors and rang the dinner bell.
“This is not over.” Your mother glowered, sweeping past you towards the dining hall. You sighed, about to follow, but stopped for a moment. Glancing down, you groaned. Your shoe really was untied.
The night was cool and clear. A breeze drifted lazily through your open window, bringing sounds of toad-crickets and beetle-sparrows with it. The last embers of a dying fire crackled in the fireplace. Under your mountain of blankets, you should have been fast asleep. Instead, you were wide awake, the day’s events replaying over and over again in your head. Having a soulmate was terrifying enough, but having the prince of the Fire Nation as a soulmate? That was something else entirely.
Throwing back your covers, you slipped out of bed, abandoning your futile attempts at sleep. You lit a candle and silently left your room, making your way towards your favorite spot in the house. It was a small balcony situated just off of the hallway leading to the servants quarters. Small and hidden from outside view thanks to some nearby trees, it was the perfect place to hide and think. You often found yourself seated there on nights you couldn’t sleep, listening to the cicada-frogs until you were tired enough to go back to your room.
You quietly opened the door to the balcony, looking forward to the solitude, but that night it seemed you had company.
Prince Zuko sat on the weathered stone, staring up at the stars with a dying candle next to him. His head turned as you opened the door.
Panic flared in your chest and you immediately receded, but before you could retreat fully, the prince’s voice called out to you, “Wait!”
You paused, your heart hammering in your chest. Your mind screamed at you to ran back to your room and forget the interaction had ever occurred, but something compelled you forward. Slowly, you opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony.
Zuko was staring at you inquisitively, like you were a puzzle he was trying to piece together. A slight blush colored his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take your spot. I couldn’t sleep.”
You didn’t respond.
The prince’s face suddenly soured and his hand curled into a fist. “Why won’t you speak to me?” He yelled, features scrunched in rage.
Your eyes widened, a jolt of fear electrifying your heart, until you remembered who you were. Yes, you were technically one of Prince Zuko’s future subjects. But you were also not one to be bullied.
Crossing your arms, you glared at the prince, daring him to yell at you again.
It seemed to work. The rage melted into annoyance. Zuko huffed, blowing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes, and turned his attention back to the stars. “You’re very frustrating.”
You cracked a smile and slowly relaxed a bit.
“You have a nice house. Do you like it here?” Zuko asked, doing his best to appear nonchalant.
You grinned and shook your head, as if to say, Your tricks won’t work on me.
Instantly, Zuko’s demeanor changed. He become more guarded, more shrouded in angst. “Do you want to know the real reason I’m here?” He started suddenly. He waited for your slow nod before continuing. “My father thinks there’s a spy here.”
Shock sliced through your chest despite your attempts to appear indifferent. A spy? At your house? You shook your head. It was impossible.
Zuko turned to you again, his gaze suspicious. “Maybe I should be looking at you more closely. Maybe you won’t speak to me because you’re the traitor.”
A laugh burst out of your mouth. You, a spy? You certainly had your qualms with the Fire Nation, but your town was tiny and your father barely let you talk to anyone outside of his own circle.
“I know you hate me!” Zuko snarled. “Everyone knows you hate the Fire Nation and the royal family. Who else would betray their country but you?”
You stayed silent, unsure whether to be afraid of Zuko or laugh at him. His anger was impressive to be sure, but it was all bark, no bite. It was a facade to protect himself from his true feelings. You could see that it in his eyes.
Finally, Zuko looked away, a frustrated groan escaping his lips. He leaned against his knee, his other leg sprawled out on the cobblestone. He radiated nonchalance, but there was an uneasiness in his stature that betrayed the turmoil raging beyond his perfectly-measured exterior. Slowly, you reached out with your hand and placed your palm on his shoulder, trying to convey as much compassion as you could in the touch. You knew Zuko didn’t really think you were the spy; if he did, you would have already been in a Fire Nation prison.
The prince shrugged your hand off, still refusing to look at you, but you could see some of the anger dissipate from his frame. Cautiously, you sat down against the opposite railing, keeping your gaze on Zuko. For a minute, the two of you simply sat in silence, you waiting for Zuko to say something and Zuko too proud to do so.
Finally, Zuko broke the tension with a sigh. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Things are just a bit... complicated, at the moment.”
You found yourself nodding in agreement.
Zuko glanced at you from the corner of his eye. “You can talk, can’t you?”
You smirked teasingly. Zuko grunted and looked away, running a hand through his unkempt raven hair.
“Good. Glad to know I didn’t just yell at a mute person for not being able to speak.”
A quiet laugh escaped your lips. Zuko whipped his head to you in surprise, his blush deepening. Despite your determination to hate the prince, a blush of your own warmed your cheeks. 
“I’m... glad I was able to talk to you tonight. Even if you didn’t talk back. Lotty said you’d probably come out here, but I wasn’t sure if you'd be here,” Zuko said.
You frowned. Of course Lotty had told him where to find you. She may not have been your parents, but she definitely thought highly of the royal family and would be thrilled if the prince was indeed your soulmate. 
“Don’t blame her. I asked her to tell me,” Zuko reassured you quickly, seeing your frown.
You nodded; of course you didn't blame her. Suddenly, you yawned, a wave of fatigue washing over you.
“You’re tired.” Zuko stated, regaining the calm, princely demeanor he wore earlier in the day. You nodded again, crossing your arms to keep yourself warm in the cool night air. “Let me walk you back to your room.” He offered, standing up and holding out his hand. Quickly, you shook your head, launching to your feet. If one of the servants saw, rumors would no doubt spread like wildfire. Besides, you were trying your best to dislike Prince Zuko, and every second you spent with him was waning away your hatred. It was better to stay away.
Zuko’s outstretched hand fell to his side. His face settled into a steely glare and he raised his chin slightly, trying his best (but failing) to appear unaffected. “Fine. Until tomorrow, then.”
You paused, part of you wanting to stay back. Instead, you bowed hastily and retreated from the deck, quickly walking back to the safety of your room. When you were safely nestled under your blankets, heart racing from the encounter, you finally allowed yourself to breathe fully.
In the matter of a few hours, your life had become more complicated than it had ever been before. There could be a spy in your midst, you may have found your soulmate, and that soulmate may have been the crown prince of the Fire Nation. Despite the thoughts running through your head, however, you found yourself yawning. Burying yourself deeper into your pillows, sleep slowly tugged at your brain, sinking you deeper and deeper into darkness. But your thoughts of Prince Zuko spiraled with you, until, when you finally tumbled into sleep’s warm embrace, it was Zuko’s amber eyes that watched you fall.
The next morning, you decided you needed to do whatever possible to avoid the prince. You couldn’t risk another meeting with him, especially after your meeting from the night before, which had left you with certain... sympathetic thoughts towards Zuko. So when Lotty came into your room that morning, you proclaimed sudden illness and told her to leave you for the rest of the day. “To prevent the sickness from spreading to the prince,” you had claimed. Lotty, thankfully, had obediently left you alone and promised no one would come to see you. However, you still felt defenseless in your room, susceptible to a visit from Zuko. Thus, you found yourself following a path towards the back of the gardens, searching for seclusion. The gardens, lush, green, and sprawling across a whole acre, provided plenty of solitary clearings and hidden grottos to hide in. As you walked through a tunnel of trees towards the back edge of the gardens, you felt the tension from the past day melt from your shoulders. Vines spilled from trees and onto the path, dotted with Fire Lilies in bloom. The intoxicating smell worked its way into your muscles and dissipated the stress. Finally, as you reached the end of the path, you pushed through one last wall of leaves, feeling the last of your anxiousness fade away with the promise of solitude-
You gasped and immediately withdrew, your heart beginning to thump in your chest. Where you were sure you would find solitude, a moment of peace and quiet, you found something else entirely- Lotty. And, to make matters worse, she was speaking with Prince Zuko. 
Luckily, the pair didn’t notice your presence. They were too busy arguing to notice you behind the wall of vines. 
“Please, your Highness, have mercy!” Lotty was saying, a tremble in her voice. Peeking between the vines, you watched her sink to her knees in front of the Prince, her head bowed and hands clasped together.
Zuko’s face was scrunched up in anger, cheeks red. Faint wisps of steam curled outwards from his clenched fists. “You are a traitor to your country. How dare you ask for mercy, after all you’ve done?!” He shouted.
“I know I don’t deserve it. I know I don’t deserve your kindness. But, please, your Highness... for the sake of the girl... for the family... spare me!” Lotty whispered, face wide-open and terrified.
“When I was thirteen, my father permanently scarred me for speaking out of turn. If I didn’t receive mercy, you won’t either,” Zuko snarled. “Espionage is a far worse crime than foolishness.”
Your eyes widened. The spy. Lotty was the spy!
Lotty, the woman who had practically raised you. Lotty, the woman who had cooked for you, cleaned for you, and taken care of you your whole life. Lotty, who loved the Fire Nation so ardently- had betrayed your family to the rebels.
You sagged against the tree, shock paralyzing your limbs. She had betrayed you. And now, she was going to receive her punishment.
You forced yourself to look back through the curtain of vines, hands shaking. 
“I’m sorry, Prince Zuko-” Lotty gasped, shielding her face. Zuko had a blazing fireball poised in his hand.
“Apologies won’t save you now.” Zuko growled. Raising his arm to strike, the fire cast monstrous shadows over the scene, highlighting Lotty’s terrified expression. You watched as her eyes widened, fraught with the knowledge that she was about to meet her doom- and before you knew what you were doing, you were running towards her, screaming at Zuko to stop.
“Don’t you touch her!” You cried, skidding in front of Lotty just as Zuko prepared to strike.
Zuko’s fireball disappeared.
Chest heaving, you glared daggers at Zuko. “If you want to get to her, you’ll have to go through me.”
Zuko’s mouth dropped open in horror, his face becoming pale. “No,” he whispered, a look of horrible realization dawning over his face. He ripped off the cuff on his right wrist, exposing his pale skin and the black words inked into his flesh:
“Don’t you touch her.”
His eyes met yours, panic filling his gaze. “What does yours say?” He whispered, his voice eager yet terrified.
You slipped your cuff off and your own words came to light. The words on yours and Zuko’s wrists began to turn golden from the inside, shining brighter and brighter until the words vanished from your wrists in a blaze of light, confirming the worst.
You and Prince Zuko really were soulmates.
Except, after seeing what he was capable of, you knew you'd never love him.
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a-real-ackerman · 3 years
Ch.1: Run
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Pairing: Levi x Gn!Reader
Summary: Being the only survivor of your little village and having nowhere to go, Captain Levi and his squad took you under their wings. You repaid their trust soon by becoming a soldier as well. But was it ever enough?
Warnings: Memory loss, Blood, Death, Titans, very bad description of wheelchair, Bad grammar, but basically if you watched Attack on Titan you can read this too
Previous ch. -> Next ch.
" Y/N honey aren't you coming? The Scouts are passing by today! "
You turned your gaze from the window to your mother, she ran her callused hands on bandages on your head. Healed scars caught her moist eyes, once again reminding her that day she knew she lost you. Five years ago, it must have felt longer no doubt, when the great Wall Maria fell. You, of course, were fighting on the front sides for people's lives as a daring Garrison soldier. After ensuring the security of ten families, said your beloved comrade, you made yourself a bait for titans and lead them to Miche's squad. You saved the lives of dozens of people that day. That day was the day no one ever saw you again. It was the day name Y/N was going to be remembered as a hero, until two months ago.
Until a fellow soldier ran into you at the hospital in Wall Rose. She did not expect to see her old comrade, who is now a legend known for their death, especially not in the condition she found you in. You were sitting on a hospital bench, looking into nothingness, your once bright eyes were empty and all emotion was drained off of your face. You were confused, blank. No one knew your name, neither did you.
A few old friends contacted your family and commenders. The news travel fast so soon all three walls knew that the dear adopted child of the Becker family, a well-respected soldier after death, was back and have never actually left home.
Back again where we started, you looked at your mom with pity. It would be a lie to say you remembered anything at all, but still, she never gave up on you, after years and months, your family was here to tell you about yourself and your life. Your past and your identity.
"Mom," you looked up," this isn't right. Don't go. No."
"Why is that?" She raised an eyebrow at your muffled words.
"The Scouts never pass by our town, there is no reason for them to change their route unless a matter of hazard. They shouldn't be here. Don't -"
her giggles cut your words, "Honey, I know it's exciting to remember something! But I can't keep the whole village inside their homes, besides we will come back by five, okay? You will always be my little soldier, but hey, no need to save people anymore."
Then she left a quick kiss on your forehead and went to meet your aunties and uncles. You were now home alone with your two little cousins and your grandma. You were more anxious than ever, thinking that it's the worst-case scenario to leave a veteran who can't even remember their name, a chair bounded old woman, and two two-year-olds.
Shaking bad thoughts off your mind you drop a kiss on your grandma's hair and walk to the living room to check up on children. They were asleep on the blanket you spread on the floor. Just before picking them up, you decide to take a look outside. You can't see your dog, actually, you can't see anyone on the street. You must be dizzy, why is the floor shaking?
Gut-wrenching howls of dogs ring your ears, you can't take your eyes off the road. Your neighbour is on the road. He is crawling for his life, the crimson trail he left behind shining under the burning summer sun. His eyes meet yours, you see death. You see his missing leg and you see the creature going after its prey.
It's a titan, not taller than a one-story house. An axe caught your attention, right in the middle of its forehead. It was steaming; and there was a stupid look on its oddly humane face, which looked like hunger. The man's eyes still fixed on yours, he couldn't run anymore. Your heart almost stopped beating, your breath refusing to leave your lungs, he kept eye contact as the monster eats him away, slowly, bit by bit.
Your feet take you back, you look at two sleeping figures in fear and hurry to your grandma. She looks at you, you know she has seen them too. The bumping only gets faster and stronger, your plates shatter to the ground. A running titan passes by the window, followed by a green cape. Five minutes. It took five minutes to do this to you.
Nothing matters at the moment. You don't wanna live anyway. You don't know who you are and you doubt if you have a proper life ahead. Within a deep breath, you shake your thought away, you know your life mattered because their's did. And their life was tied up to your silly motivation, and their breath was fragile. Two kids and an old woman, this was your life's worth at the moment. You had to save them.
You run up to children and lend them to your grandmothers loving embrace. You cling into the handles of her wheelchair, "Trust me." is all you say. She is scared, kids are crying and you have that creepy look on your face. You open the door and step out.
That titan, the one that ate your neighbour, was now on the ground steaming. This was good, amazing news. It meant that Scouts have already cleaned the way to town. They must've started from more crowded areas, which meant that the town was safe, and now all you had to do was to take your little family to the outside of the village. Your house is close to the road. You can do it. Just don't overthink.
The street ahead of you is clean except for all the blood. You push the wheelchair, you run and run until you see the crossroad,
there is something bigger than a crossroad on the road. There is a titan, taller than the others you saw. With one foot, it's stepping on your neighbour's house, you hope she wasn't sşeepşng in there. Green capes are flying everywhere, there's something wrong. As almost like their blades don't cut anymore. You feel your knees weakening, before the helpless sight of their battle.
A soldier lands near you. He runs up to you, "I am taking the kids you RUN. RUN. LEAVE EVERYTHING THE TOWN IS SAFE JUST RUN."
You can't protest as he takes your crying cousins and slides away. You won't run. You will not leave your Grandma. The world is almost muted, you can barely catch her cries for you. You would understand that she was begging for you to leave her and survive, only if you listened.
Then a shadow falls on you.
Then a hand comes up to hold you.
This hand isn't a Scout's helping hand. It is a giant hand.
You freeze again. Right down to earth you stand. Titan is fast, it grabs your grandma. No, you hear her say.
No, you scream. You throw kicks, punches, you grab onto that think. Nothing helps. RUN, she begs.
She begs but you don't listen. Her blood rains down on you and you stay.
A pair of hands pull you away, this one isn't giant. They push you to the road in rage,
"Are you crazy?! RUN. RUN AWAY TO THE TOWN."
A flash of light blinds you. Thunder growls in all those chaos and you see bolts of lightning. There is another titan, attacking the bigger one. Soldiers on it pull away from one by one, one of them meets his gaze with yours'.
And finally, you do as they say so. You run and don't turn your back.
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moon-spirit-yue · 3 years
Alright time for what Charanya was up to during the Druun apocalypse! There will be a couple more posts about Charanya because there is just so much I have to say about her. Since she cuts her hair after the Druun hit I think it’s a good idea to show what young teen Charanya looked like. The art is @baydews and the link is here: https://href.li/?https://picrew.me/image_maker/415524.
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• The months following the Druun apocalypse, Raya and Charanya were a wreck
• To make matters worse, people from other lands were trying to steal the resources Heart has
• Charanya and Raya were NOT about to let that slide. They agreed that the rest of the world hurt Heart enough
• Basically, the first few months of the apocalypse was Raya and Charanya stopping people from getting to Heart’s supplies with traps, scaring them with old legends, and so much more
• Think home alone but ratld edition
• They also went to other lands and spread rumors that bandits and Druun were overtaking Heart
• People stopped trying to take things from Heart after about five months
• When they were sure no one was going to try and take Heart’s resources, Raya set out on her quest to find Sisu
• Charanya had a different plan. She knew that while the majority of Heart’s citizens got turned to stone, there were many of their people that escaped on their own or another land’s boat
• This made her determined to help the remaining Heart citizens in any way she can. She planned to track them down and drop off extra jade, food and water on a regular basis until Raya could find Sisu and fix this mess
• Besides, someone needed watch after Heart and take care of the land so that it would stay a beautiful and prosperous place
• The girls dragged out an abandoned boat to a big lake in the middle of Heart, anchored it right in the center so that they could have a safe place to sleep even without the gem piece
• They used a small row boat to go to and from land and the boat
• Charanya realized that with her grandma gone there would be no one to take care of her hair. She figured it would be best to just let the bangs grow out. She also wanted to cut her hair so that the bangs would be as close to her real hair length as possible
• She got Raya to tie a ribbon around her hair at about shoulder length and sliced it off with her Ba’s sword. She wore a headband to keep her growing bangs out of her face
• Both girls were crushed when Raya first left to search for Sisu, but they knew they had two different missions that they had to complete
• With Raya taking the gem piece, Charanya is way less protected from the Druun than Raya. Thankfully, Heart has plenty of bodies of water
• Whenever Charanya saw the Druun she would sprint and fling herself in the nearest body of water
• This caused her habit of constantly wearing revealing clothes and bathing suits
• She figured it would be best not to ruin her clothes that covered up more. Plus she didn’t want to deal with the extra weight when she was swimming
• Since she only ever saw Raya in Heart anyways she wasn’t worried about people judging her clothing style
• I also think that Heart has very moderate temperatures so there’s never any snow and storms are a rare occasion so Charanya never had any problems with being too cold either
• She spent over a year tracking down every remaining Heart citizen, but she finally found them all shortly after her fourteenth birthday
• As she was tracking down former Heart citizens that had to move after the Druun, she was also taking care of the land itself. Maintaining crops, cleaning up places so that they didn’t look like a huge wreck, that sort of thing
• Obviously considering the fact that she’s only one person her efforts weren’t perfect but she did the best she could
• She also hid all the jade in various locations on the off chance that someone did come to Heart to steal more resources
• Since Charanya’s mom taught her about money at a young age, she knew how much the people would need
• Her plan is that once she tracked everyone down, every three months she would go to each land to drop off supplies to those citizens. She would go at the start of every new season
• Raya would also pop back in Heart every few months to get more supplies and jade so when she learned of Charanya’s plan Raya told her about the safest and fastest ways to get to each land
• The times that Raya came to restock on supplies was also when the two girls girl caught up on what the other was doing. They would also arrange to meet at random locations through out the lands to talk
• The girls thought it would be best not to exchange letters because they didn’t want anyone to find out that Heart was a relatively safe place
• The first time Charanya went out to deliver supplies she was jumpy and terrified of anyone that looked her way. Raya’s stories of her time out did NOT help either
• It was the first time she had left Heart in about a year. Not to mention was by herself this time
• She wrote a note to each family explaining the extra supplies and that she would continue doing this every three months for as long as the family needed
• She was beaming with pride seeing the happy and relived faces of her people when they saw the extra supplies. It made her all the more determined to see it through
• Her route was Tail, Fang, Spine, then Talon
• Though she didn’t have to go to Tail for very long. Within the first six months of her little Charanya delivery service pretty much everyone had been turned to stone in Tail since it’s. Ya know. A desert
• Only one Heart citizen was left there and Charanya helped him to move Fang
• Spine also didn’t last the entire apocalypse either. Though it was definitely longer than Tail, everyone turned to stone there by the time Charanya was sixteen
• The last two years of the apocalypse just going to Fang then. Talon
• She ran into some trouble in Fang when she was fifteen and hid in an abandoned tent. However, the tent was not, in fact, abandoned. There sat the most beautiful Fang warrior Charanya had ever seen
• But that story is coming later!
• Anyways, when she wasn’t taking care of Heart or dropping off supplies, Charanya would read to entertain herself
• With little to no human interaction, she had to do something to keep herself occupied
• She was already a book nerd before the Druun hit, it just became 10x worse after the fact
• When Charanya got wind of someone going around stealing gem pieces, she was ecstatic! She knew damn well it was Raya who was taking them which must have meant that finding Sisu worked!
• She raced back to Heart as soon as she heard and tried her best to not have a panic attack about whether Raya was okay
• The day the apocalypse ended, Charanya was taking a nap
• She has been swimming in the lake where her boat is because it was the only thing that would get her tired enough to sleep in the middle of the day. She couldn’t stand not knowing how Raya was doing
• She woke up to cheers, screams, and a lot of sobs
• At first she thought one of the other lands had invaded Heart, but then she saw swarms of people wearing the colors of Heart
• Raya had done it! The Druun were gone for good
• She swam out of her boat and ran as fast as she could to find her mom and grandma
• They were already calling her name and searching for her by the time she got to the place where they had become stone
• Charanya was afraid her family wouldn’t recognize her, but she was suffocated in their hug the second she made eye contact with them
• She sobbed in her mom and grandmas arms for what felt like hours
• Then she remembered Benja and went out to the bridge to see if he was okay
• She arrived when Benja and Raya were hugging and tackled them both in a hug
• It was only after the tearful reunions that she saw Sisu
• She kinda geeked out before bowing and putting the gem symbol above her head as a sign of respect
• But Sisu wasn’t having it and right for the hug
• “Awww you must be that friend of Raya I’ve heard about!” “Talking shit about me, my ray of sunshine?” “Always”
• Seeing all the lands come together warmed Charanya’s heart
• It would take time, but they would all be okay
Taglist: @faithfulwarrior-og, @isitbussinjanelle, @tigerlillyruiz, @ratld-sideblog
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cherrychonk · 3 years
The Transfer part 10
(This was more of a filler chapter so bare with me okay? I had a block as big as my forehead and needed something to move forward with the story. Don't get me wrong, some y/nxLin shit in here too ;) )
You're sitting close to Zhu Li, the cameras are taking pictures as you get ready for the interview. The woman next to you, the president, looks to be for the people. She has a soft smile that fills you up with confidence, yet her firmness reminds you of Lin. The Chief, now standing a few feet behind you, arms behind her back watching the crowd. You meet her eyes briefly, looking for comfort when her iron expression softens and she gives you a nod.
You go back to looking at president Moon who is now getting ready to start the interview. She stretches her hand and you shake it gracefully.
“It's an honor to finally meet you officer Y/N, I've heard great things about you.” The woman spoke.
“The honor is all mine.” You respond with a smile.
“I've heard everything about your selfless act of risking your life to save a young girl from a burning building, to the simple deed of showing kindness to those around you.”
You smiled gently.
“When I heard what you've done, I knew I had to see you in person. Such altruistics actions of bravery and compassion should be recognized. Don't you agree?”
You sat straight in your chair. The cameras were pointing at you and you felt the temperature rise. “I was honoring my job and the lives at risk. I'm here to protect and serve the citizens of The Republic of Nations.”
Zhu Li seemed content with the response. “Yet you went above and beyond. I know what police work is about, and not a single manual I've ever read stated that you should go into a burning and nearly collapsing building to save a life.”
You nodded. “It's in my moral code to do anything and everything possible to preserve life, no matter the person. All life is precious and should be treated with respect and dignity.”
“I agree completely. Life is a wonderful thing, and I'm sure that girl and her family are more than happy that they get to spend many more years enjoying it.”
Zhu Li stared at your uniform for a few seconds before looking up at your eyes. “Would you mind rolling up your sleeves?” She asked politely.
You nodded and slowly rolled them to your shoulders. It was nerve racking. You didn't know what she was about to do, she could ostracize you in front of hundreds of people or worse. Yet you stayed calm and trusted her to be respectful, you also trusted Lin to have your back.
“One of the main things in the paper besides your bravery, was your skin. I've never seen a woman as heavily tattooed as you. It was quite the surprise to see an officer covered in ink.
“There's so many tattoos. Symbols, flowers, animals, words. So many things in your skin. Seeing it in the newspaper doesn't do it justice. It makes you pop out. Is that why you got them? If not, why would you do such a thing?”
You could see Lin move to your line of view from your peripheral. Knowing she was close by made you relax a little. You started telling the woman your views on tattoos, what they meant to you and to so many people. Why you had so many (Just for aesthetic reasons) and the stories behind a few. She asked more questions that you answer truthfully. The more time went on the more comfortable you felt talking to the President. To you and everyone’s surprise she raised her blouse and turned around to reveal a small flower tattoo on the back of her shoulder. Your jaw dropped and she started talking about how no one should be judged over things like that because it didn't mean anything about someone's character. You were still stunned as she turned to the camera crew and stated how she would fight to bring equality in the workplace and in the city. How she would stand against stigmas that hurt people and how she would be by the side of those who were unjustly judged for it. She walked towards you as you stood and shook her hand.
“I will fight for you and the people, you have my support.” The President said proudly.
You smiled brightly. “Thank you.”
You and Lin were walking out of the building towards the parking lot. You had to take a few pictures with the paparazzi and answer a few questions but soon they were more focused on Zhu Li to pay attention to you. Once they left you alone you and Lin continued walking.
“Did you see that?! She has a tattoo!” You exclaimed in shock.
“I saw it, pretty unbelievable. Wouldn't have guessed it myself.” Lin responded walking alongside you.
“It makes you think how many other people have tattoos that we don't know of! I bet there's more than a handful of officers with tattoos! And doctors! And government officials!” You tell her animatedly.
She nodded. “The law is going to change now, they will see how good people don't look traditionally good but still are great people.”
“This is so exciting! How things are changing.” You said climbing into the patrol.
Lin nodded. “They usually change for the better. Asami and Korra really helped this nation become more accepting of people’s sexuality. So many couples can marry and have rights that they didn't have before. I remember when Kya and Amara had to go to the south to get married and the city only recognized it a few years ago.”
“Wow… Things do change for the better.” You said in awe.
“And now you're part of that big change. You should feel proud.” Lin said calmly.
“You know, If you hadn't allowed me to stay, I would've never saved that girl. That later made me show my tattoos, that now is making all these things happening. A series of fortunate events all thanks to you.” You smiled at her.
The chief just shrugged. “When did Amara say you could be back?”
“According to her, as soon as I can run a marathon without passing out.” You huffed.
“Well, if you keep going to physical therapy and do the things doctor Amara asks you to do, you'll be back to the old you in no time.” Lin says looking over at you momentarily.
“I hope so…”
“Y/N, if you need anything. You will call me directly and I’ll make sure you get any help you need. Your recovery is very important and your health is top priority right now. I understand that you might want to be in the station by the next few hours but healing takes time. Make sure to take as long as you need and don't rush it.”
You felt your heartbeat louder than usual at the Chief’s words of advice. How she prioritized your needs and well-being. You felt your face heat up and nodded eagerly.
“T-Thanks, I'll keep it in mind, Chief.”
It was an agonizing slow month, physical therapy was long yet everyday you got a little better. Better at walking up or down stairs without falling, better at walking and finally better at running. Sparring was still a huge no by all the doctors but that didn't mean you couldn't bend your element against Korra whenever you visited her and Asami. The heiress would take you to the race track and show you a good time with the cars. She even taught you to drive some and slowly you were racing alongside the CEO, not as fast but still having fun.
When you first met Naga you almost had a heart attack, she appeared out of nowhere scaring the heck out of you. She immediately took a liking to you and she even let you ride her around.
Other days you would visit temple island and carefully play with the kids, running around and playing hide and seek. You bonded with all of them and would stay for dinner most days. Team avatar would take you with them for little adventures around the city and you got to meet a few new people and the best noodle place was Narook Seaweed Noodlery. Even though there was still much to explore, your day was too energy draining to continue until sundown.
You finally managed to take Jia for some drinks and started bonding with her more. You noticed her attitude towards you changed, she was less flirtatious and more relaxed around you. She would check up on you every day, calling the apartment phone and making sure you had eaten. She reminded you of an officer back in Ba Sing Se that would always be next to you checking everything for you. You used to call him little brother, even though he was older, just because he was so childishly protective of you.
On the other hand, you barely saw the Chief. The only moments were in the temple at dinner time where Kya and her wife would come over and she would appear sometimes. You would tell her your progress and talk for a while before both of you parted ways at the docks. Sometimes you stayed over and sometimes Kya drove you home, but you always ended your day with a huge smile on your face and absolutely exhausted.
Today you were finally going back to work after being cleared by Doctor Amara and Master Kya. You were incredibly happy and grateful for their care, helping you fully recover from your injury. You were now on your way to the station, in your hands you carried three hot coffees on your cup tray and a bag of pastries. Pushing the doors open with your back, Jia quickly walked over to you with a smile.
“Y/N! You're back!” She beamed.
“I wanted to surprise you.” You laughed while handing her coffee and snacks.
“Well this is more than a pleasant surprise.” She smiled.
“Did I get here before the Chief?” You asked, walking over the elevator.
“Nope! She beat you this time, she's in her office. I'm sure she will be glad to see you here again.” Jia said, pressing the elevator button.
“We'll see, talk to you later!” You smiled at her.
The door closed and you were counting each floor until the loud ding signaled you were finally at your floor. You were always a sucker for being early and were pleased to find the bullpen mostly empty except for a couple of officers including Mako. The man looked surprised to see you before a wide smile spread across his face.
“Y/N! You're back. Welcome.” Mako said proudly.
“You thought you were getting rid of me that easily?” You fake being insulted before chuckling. “I'm a lot harder to kill than you think.”
You both walked towards the Chief’s office while he knocked on the door.
“Come in.” The Chief said in her usual strong voice.
“Can't wait to work with you again. Of course, as soon as the Chief un-grounds you.” He joked.
You stuck your tongue out and he laughed walking away.
“Good Luck!” He yelled over his shoulder.
You shook your head, slowly pushing the door open and carefully walking inside. The Chief looked up at you from her glasses and quickly her face softened.
“Welcome back, officer Y/N.”
You smiled at her as you looked around her newly redesigned office. The first thing you noticed was the small desk beside the Chief’s own and the similar chair on it. Then you saw Lin walking over to you carefully grabbing the bag and coffee tray.
“Good morning Chief. You really meant it when you said you would work side by side with me.” You smile.
“It seems the only way to keep you out of trouble is constant supervision.” Lin responded, setting the coffee down.
You sat at your new desk and tapped it around getting the feel of it.
“All your files were moved here so everything you left should be there. If something’s missing I'll ask Saikan where he put it.”
You opened a few drawers and pulled out the journal and your notepad. You could see the rest of the files and pull some out. “It seems everything’s here.”
Lin nodded and started doing her mountain of paperwork. You reached out and took a sip of your coffee as you started to read where you left off.
You were back.
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Burning Scars part VI
Previous | Chapter 6 | Next
This one is extremelyyyyy short and im so sorry guys; school is starting up again and i have to catch up from what i missed last year!!
hopefully i can keep up with my schedule of thursday updates, but i might change it to sundays so i can work on it during weekends. either way thank you for reading this <3
Summary: Y/n, a werewolf from a hidden village, comes across Zuko and Iroh after being exiled. How has fate intertwined the wolf into the avatar’s destiny?
***** this chapter takes place on Season 2 Episode 11*****
“What’s going on? Is the club meeting over?”
Y/n awoke to the always-defensive voice of Zuko the next morning. 
She quickly decided, while her mind was still muddled with sleep, that the boy’s voice had waken her up far too many times and far too early in the morning. Just for one day, she wanted to be able to sleep-in like she did with her pack. 
The girl cracked her eyes open and found that her chin still rested on her chest. Her eyes slid up to analyze the commotion that ruined her sleep; Zuko stood in a defensive stance toward... an empty space. Of course, he was being dramatic for nothing. 
Iroh and Fung were standing by the teen boy, seeming as if they had just left the room the Y/n and Zuko weren’t allowed in. The girl rubbed her eyes roughly to remove any sleep from her face and clumsily stood; almost tripping over her own feet. As she gained her composure, Iroh addressed the two teens. 
“Everything is taken care of,” the Uncle smiled, “We are heading to Ba Sing Se.”
Oh? Another town? 
Y/n felt as though she really needed to study a map soon. She was never taught the names of any human places and after the disappointment she experienced with the ‘Misty’ Palms Oasis, she decided that the best thing for her would be to learn. There can’t be that many places, right?
On the note of traveling, the werewolf also realized that while the boys had let her tag along on their trip, she didn’t really know what the purpose of it all was. She had agreed recklessly instead of asking the simple question, so, where you guys headed? To be fair, it didn’t seem like Zuko and Iroh knew where they were going until now, but it was kind of stupid of her to just join so quickly.
She couldn’t say that she regretted all this, though. 
Iroh and Fung bowed to each other; a silent way of thanks for all they had done for the other. Zuko lowered his arms and calmed down. He looked at Y/n, but quickly looked back at his Uncle when he saw that she was already looking at him; the thoughts of the previous night still apparent in their minds. 
“Ba Sing Se? Why would we go to the Earth Kingdom capital?” Zuko questioned. It was surprising that sleep was completely evaded from his voice, a clear contrast to what the girl guessed her voice would sound. 
Fung turned toward Zuko. “The city is filled with refugees. No one will notice three more.” 
So that’s what she was now, huh? A refugee, a fugitive; she keeps being called all of these things that didn’t apply to her. She’s done nothing wrong, yet there were men searching towns for her (Of course, she’s aware that most of this came with befriending Zuko and Iroh, but it still made her nervous when she thought about it.). Who knew her life could turn so..... exciting?
“We can hide in plain sight there,” Iroh continued off of his friend’s words. “And it's the safest place in the world from the Fire Nation; even I couldn't break through to the city.”
The Uncle had a pleased smile on his face; an odd thing to see after he confessed his defeat. It’s so surprising to Y/n that a man this nice and heartwarming used to be a war General.
Suddenly, a light bell sounded out. They all looked toward the place it came from and found their eyes pointed toward the front door. A young man had opened it before closing it gently. He had three sheets of papers in his hold. 
It had taken her a minute, but Y/n realized that it was the same man who had interrupted her and Zuko’s... moment? Is that what she should call it? Her eyes drifted to the boy of the topic and met his auburn iris’s. Simultaneously, their eyes shot the ground and blushes spiked their cheeks. 
It’s gonna take a while to get past this, huh?
“I have the passports for our guests,” the young man by the door began, “but there’s two men out on the streets looking for them.”
Y/n’s curiosity got the better of her and she walked to the door; sliding open a small window in the upper part to peek through. She stood on her tippy toes to let her eyes pass over the slot. Her gaze met the two men from the tavern, the old one and the long-haired one, holding a paper and asking random citizens if they had seen the people on the sheet. The werewolf assumed that her and her travel buddies adorned it. 
“Yeah, it’s the same guys from the tavern.” Y/n said before sliding the slot shut. “They’re right there, so there’s no way we can get past them.”
“Great,” Zuko sighed and raised his hands up in defeat, “What do we do now?”
Fung and the passport-man shared a look; seemingly speaking to one another telepathically. Before long, Fung broke their stare and addressed Iroh.
“I think we might have something that can help.”
This is not what I had in mind.
The idea that the florist had was promising at first; he would hide them in large vases and bring them over to the edge of town. It was an easy, simple, and foolproof plan. 
However, looking at the situation now, this was definitely not ideal. 
After Fung’s declaration, him and the young man by the door went around the flower shop in search of the pots. It seemed like a difficult task, as most were filled with flowers, plants, etc, but soon they came back to the trio with their escape plans in tow. 
But... they only came back with two. 
To be fair, they were rather big; she knew that if she went in one, there would be a lot of extra room. But, once again, there were only two.
Y/n stood on a chair in front of the vase and opened the lid to take a peek. There were small bits of sand that lined the bottom, but other than that, it was relatively clean. She nodded her head and climbed back down to the floor. 
“Well, I think it’s best that we get you out as quick as we can.” Fung stated as he gestured toward the vases. 
“Wait, that’s it?” Zuko asked. “But there’s three of us.”
The passport-man from earlier shrugged his shoulders, “It’s the best we can do; plus, I’m sure you and the girl can fit together.”
The blush that seems to appear a lot more nowadays found its way back to Y/n’s cheeks. She and Zuko really weren’t going to catch a break, huh? Really, all she needed right now was some alone time or some silence to think. The last thing she wanted was to constantly be around the boy that was stressing her, much less be stuffed in a vase with him. 
It seemed at this point, though, Zuko taught himself how to not let the red push itself onto his face. That’s a skill that Y/n really needed to teach herself. 
Or he just doesn’t care about the ‘moment’ as much as you do.
This thought shouldn’t hurt Y/n as much as it does. But it also should surprise her as much. He’s a human boy, a prince no less. Zuko’s probably had times like they did with a dozen other people, so it’s most likely nothing to him. She was nothing to him. 
“Uh,” Y/n butt into the conversation before the teen boy could argue anymore. “I really don’t mind it. We need to get out of here fast, anyways. As long as you don’t mind, Zuko.” 
She looked down at the ground; not wanting to meet the eyes of her traveling friends. She was afraid that if she did, Iroh might see the distraught in them and ask what’s wrong. The last thing she wanted was for someone to think that she was hurt. 
“Oh,” was all he said for a moment. All the while, Y/n was trying to conceive a plan on how she could escape; perhaps all on her own? I mean, there’s no way I’m on a wanted poster right? They probably just know that there’s a girl with them, not what she looks like. 
Then, surprisingly, the boy spoke again. 
“Yeah, I, uh, I don’t mind.”
Y/n didn’t really have time to react, to look at him with surprise and stand there shocked, before Fung and the passport-man began to usher the trio into their respective vases after placing them on a wooden cart. While Iroh’s friend aided in stuffing him in the pot, Zuko offered Y/n a hand so she could jump into the vase easily; well, as easily as falling could be. She hadn’t expected the sand at the bottom to be so slippery, so she had to grip onto the boy’s hand tightly. Y/n still didn’t let go when she had to squeeze herself to the sides; trying to help Zuko on his way inside, but not helping much. 
Unfortunately, Zuko had entered the pot facing her direction, most likely by accident. This meant that when they had found themselves squeezed together, their faces so close that Y/n could feel his breath fanning her forehead. Before things could get awkward, the werewolf tried to find a way to turn her body, but ultimately found that the area was so tight that neither teens could move. Soon, the men on the outside closed their vase with something heavy, enclosing them in a dark space.
“Do you think you could let go of my hand?” Zuko whispered after the girl stopped her struggling. 
Y/n quickly dropped her grip like it was burning. She wanted to say something witty or mean or anything just to make herself seem less embarrassed, but she didn’t get the chance as the cart jolted to a start and Y/n flew forward. She stuck her hands out instinctively to stop her from falling (as if she could even shift in the vase) and found her palms pressed against Zuko’s chest with her head above his shoulder. 
“Sorry,” She said as she started to push away; only to land right back in the same spot as the moving cart hit a bump. 
The boy gripped her arms and began to speak, probably to push her away and tell her off, but a knocking sounded against the outside of the vase. The teens froze in each other’s arms.
Were we being too loud? 
Of course, Y/n had assumed that their whispering couldn’t be heard from the outside, but she was probably wrong. She had to remind herself from now on that they were pretending to be a pot; and pot’s shouldn’t be talking. 
The wolf could hear people speaking around their disguise, but she wasn’t sure if they were friendly or not. She desperately hoped they weren’t the two bounty-hunters. 
She gently lifted herself off of the (maybe?) angry teen and tried to straighten her back as much as she could. The voices around them faded away after a few minutes and the path felt smoother, they most likely left the Oasis already and entered the sandy dunes outside the village. The wolf couldn’t hear any bustling around them, so it further confirmed her suspicions. She was about to inform Zuko of her idea, but he had already begun to move before she could even utter a word. 
The boy attempted to stand up to peak out the top, but the unevenness of the ride caused him to buck his knees to keep balance. 
Of course, one of his legs gave out and rammed straight into her chest.
The girl saw it coming, she really did. Y/n knew that his actions were unsafe, but she hardly had any time to say anything on his rash decisions. 
She was forced back against the wall of the vase harshly. The pot itself, being narrow at the bottom and wider in the middle, reacted strongly to the force of the push. It toppled over, bringing the two teens inside tumbling with it. They honestly could have acted it off as a pot of flowers falling over ‘accidentally’ if the force of it didn’t crash the vase into the side of the cart. And if it didn’t completely smash the vase into pieces, revealing two teens that are most definitely Wanted. But of course, the worst thing just had to have happened. 
Zuko and Y/n landed onto the sandy floor with a yelp. The bright sun greeted the teens as the cover that they used previously laid in shards around them. The flowers from the lid splayed around them; everything just reeking mischief and disaster. The boy was spread out halfway on top of the werewolf, groaning out in pain.
What was he acting hurt for?
Angrily, Y/n pushed the boy off of her and cast quick glances to survey the area. She was right on her assumptions from before, the Oasis was a long walk away and they were surrounded by soft, burning sand rather than buildings. Iroh was still in his vase peeking out to see what the commotion was and the random White Lotus member that pulled their cart stared with his eyes wide. Her glare snapped back to the boy that caused this whole situation. 
“You stupid idiot!” Y/n yelled as she stood up. “Do you know what could’ve happened if someone saw us?”
Zuko leaned up onto his arms and pushed himself into a standing position before glaring right back at her. “Don’t call me stupid.”
“Yeah, well how else should I describe you then, because if you had stopped just for one moment to think, then none of this would’ve happened! You just had to be nosy instead of waiting for someone to tell us that it was all clear!”
“I knew that it was fine, that’s why I looked! I didn’t just do it randomly, I thought it through!”
“Sure, Zuko. That’s why you hit me, right? Was it all a part of your plan?” Y/n was absolutely fuming. Perhaps some of this anger was pent up, but Zuko’s brashness set her over the edge. 
“Enough!” A loud voice boomed out. 
It sent shivers up the werewolf’s spine. Fear spiked through her for half of a second before recognition soothed her. Iroh had made it out of his container and stood by the cart, looking like a strict parent about to punish his children. Y/n almost cowered, but stood her ground. That’s definitely the voice of a War General.
“Y/n, you can’t be mad at Zuko for letting his curiosity get the best of him.” Then, he looked at his nephew, “Zuko, you shouldn’t have hurt Y/n and should have waited until we were told to come out. Now, no more arguing.” 
Zuko scoffed before turning to briefly talk to the man pulling their disguises, mentioning their Ostrich-Horses and backpacks. Y/n turned the opposite direction, looking at Iroh before picking up the fallen flowers that littered the floor. The uncle waited, seemingly waiting for one of the teens to spark up the argument again.
Spirits... how am I going to survive this?
Today was so stressful... did a bunch of school stuff and then had to take care of my dad. proud of myself for posting tho ((even tho its technically a friday))
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Taglist: @bucky-blogs @hopefuloperaangelnerd @simplyfandomish @oddlypointlessescapes @lozzybowe @woohoney @whalerus @cece-lives-here @bwndito
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anoesjkaax · 4 years
Dance lessons from Hobi
Best friend! Hoseok x YN, Idol! BTS
AN: So I decided to give writing another go seeing as I am temporarily unemployed because of the Corona measures in my country. If you like this please leave a message and/or a like 😊 If you’d like me to continue writing please let me know, it has been years since I last wrote and it is a new fandom I am now writing for. Feedback/messages are always welcome 💜
“Y/N, I found an amazing club, please come with me next time.” Before you could even open your mouth and object Hoseok turned around and gave you his best attempt at doe eyes. “It is not the same without my best friend.” He pleaded. “Yoongi would be happy to know he is being missed so much, maybe you should ask him if you want him there.” You said as you sat yourself down on Hoseok's desk chair. Hoseok lowered the shirt he was holding up and gave you a glare that made it hard to hold your laughter. “Are you considering a career in the Comical arts much?” He returned his attention back to the mirror as he continued his preselection of outfits for the next day. “You know I meant you, Y/N. I got as much of a chance getting Yoongi to go to a club with me than Jimin swearing off alcohol.” You chuckled at the idea.
“I’m serious, Y/N, why don’t you want to go with me?” you grunted and let yourself fall back against the backrest of his desk chair. “Just because…” You tried hoping he would let go. He turned to face you looking you straight in the eyes. “Just tell me why you don’t want to go to the club, and I promise I will never ask again, I just want to understand.” You let out a heavy sigh. There was no getting underneath it this time. “I can’t dance.” You muffled in the sleeve of your oversized sweater. “Keep eating your sweater, Y/N. I still want to know, you can tell me, I won’t judge.” He said, slightly getting concerned. “Okay, okay, okay. I can’t dance. There I said it. I can’t dance.” Hobi just dropped the two shirts he was holding for comparison and stared at you blankly. “You told me you wouldn’t judge me!!!” You said trying to hide behind your sweater. “I was expecting something bad!” He tried to save himself. “This is nothing, nothing I can’t try to fix. If you would like of course.” “I don’t know Hobi, I think I am a lost cause.” Hoseok dropped to his knees next to you, holding up a shushing finger to your lips. “If the Hyungs can learn how to dance when they said they couldn’t, then you can learn as well. We will meet tomorrow at the studio at 9am, okay?” You just sighed. “What have I gotten myself into?”
The next day you arrived at the Big Hit studios, with your gym bag in hand. The staff let you up, already knowing you from the visits you make bringing the boys lunch as they tend to forget it sometimes. I arrived at the dance studio and saw Hoseok doing a routine to a number you know didn’t belong to them but that was all that you could tell. You leaned back against the wall and just watched. It took him until the song was over to realize you were there. “Ya! How long have you been standing there? Liked what you saw?” Hoseok said trying to catch his breath. “Not long, and yes sure, but that isn’t a surprise seeing as I was watching the dance Captain himself.” You tried to casually say, pulling up your shoulders, while trying to hide the fact that him dancing like that scared the crap out of you. Damn, he was going to have a field day with you. “Oh nice, then we can start, so did you see the beginning, or should I recap so we can start?” Hoseok looked at you seriously. You froze in the spot. “Yah! You serious? Hobi you were going to teach me to dance at a club, this looks like one of your choreo’s. I am new at this, Hello?!” All of a sudden Hoseok bursts out laughing and falls on the floor. “Oh, you should have seen your face! Priceless!” You ran over ready to hit him with your towel for playing you like that. He was quick to catch on and you both started this cat and mouse game in the studio. “I’m going to kill you!” He just laughed while you tried to catch up with him. “Great warm up don’t you think, but next we should also work on your running because you are slow.” And right at that time, you managed to whip his ass with the towel. A clear slapping sound echoed throughout the studio followed by a typical Hoseok cry of receiving painful justice. “Serves you right, you shouldn’t laugh at me like that. I am fragile.”
After a few hours, a lot of “pa pam pa pa ba”s, what seemed like blood, sweat and tears, a bruised butt, and more dance moves than you can count, you demanded a break. “But we still got 7 more moves to cover. We should keep going you are getting there!” Hoseok tried while handing you a water bottle. “Damn Hobi, are you trying to help me blend in at the club or push me up the stage… or just kill me in general?” You said spending like what felt like your last breath on it. You let yourself fall to the floor and just laid there, trying to find your breath again. “I thought Tae could be a drama queen or even Jin, who studied to be an actor. We’ve only been at it for 2 hours, Y/N.” Hoseok said kneeling next to you throwing you a towel. “You are so damn lucky you are my best friend and that I have like no energy anymore or I would whip your butt again.” Hoseok just merely chuckled at you. “You are cute sometimes when you want to be a badass.” “Just let me die and live with the fact you murdered the best thing you have in your life… ME.” At that Hobi fell next to you on the floor laughing.
At that moment Jin and Namjoon walked in, being a bit confused by the situation. “Oh, my bad, we didn’t know this room was being used. We will come back later.” Jin said. “Oh no, it is fine, you can stay, we don’t take up much roo-” Hoseok tried before you cut him off. “No, RUN guys while you still can, save yourselves!” You tried to persuade them. “They just laughed. “The amount of times he killed us off are beyond us. Welcome to Bootcamp Sis. We’ve been expecting you.” Namjoon just chuckled. You let yourself fall down again with a heavy sigh. “Thanks…”
A few days after
After an extensive dress rehearsal and outfit check, we arrived at the club. “Can you stop pulling at your skirt. We checked it; your buns are safe! Now let’s go have fun.” Hoseok said slapping my hand away. “I still don’t see why I couldn’t have worn the skinny jeans.” You said with a pout. “Y/N-ah, you look more than fine! Use that pout to sip some soju, so we can party! Come on.” Taehyung said pulling your arm, dragging you to the bar. “Bring something for us as well!” Jimin shouted after us.
When Taehyung and you were about to place your order Jungkook came running in your direction. “Have you ordered yet?” He said when he reached you. “We were just about to. You want something as well?” You asked him. “Let’s prank Jimin. Please?” Of course, Taehyung was instantly all for it. You sighed. “Sure, I guess. What did you have in mind?” You asked, curious about what the Maknae was up to. “But nothing to mean!”
“Jimin here is your drink. I got you a glass of water because they didn’t have any decent beer.” You held up a glass with a clear liquid in it. Jimin just looked at you with a look that was wondering if you were kidding, or if he should kill you. “You are kidding, I hope?” The two youngest behind you obviously started laughing. “Of course, Jimin, it is Vodka, don’t worry.” You said winking at the easy victim.
Jungkook and you had been sitting at a table with a clear view of the dancefloor. Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok were giving a performance some girls could find illegal. At some point you saw Hoseok approaching the table with you in his cross heirs. You know how late it was. “Come on Y/N. We didn’t spend all that time in the studio so you could sit on your butt all night.” Without even getting a chance to answer you were getting dragged to the dancefloor and Hoseok had backup because Jungkook was pushing you from behind.
You decided to just let go and have fun. You got lost in the flow of the song quite fast when you saw the positive feedback from your best friends. At some point Hoseok was dancing with you and the Maknaes stood there hyping the both of you up. You were laughing so hard; this is so much fun. You really thought of all the fun you missed so far.
After five songs you went back to your table to take a sip of your drink. “This is actually so much fun, thanks Hobi.” You said giving Hoseok a finger heart. “Most welcome, you already look like a natural! Certainly, looks like you are having fun!” He said giving you a finger heart back.
“Y/N, you were killing it out there!” Taehyung said as excited as ever making you blush. “Come and dance with me! Now I have a dance partner I can make the entire club jealous with!” And with that you got dragged to the dance floor again. Hearing Jimin huff “He wishes! I’ll show you later who will make the club truly jealous with her!”
It ended up being the best night of your life so far. A true dancing machine was born, who loved having a good time dancing with her friends!
AN: this ended up being longer than planned. Hope you still liked it ^^
Of course, I respect my superiors and always take their advice into account. Thank you for the help with the ending Katie and for taking the time to proofread it! You are an amazing friend! 💜 @bangtan-sonyeonddaeng
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Ghost House
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Genre: Horror, Romance, Fluff Pairing: MarkBeom Word Count: 1.8K Summary: Mark and Jaebeom learn the hard way that you should always pay your respects.
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Opening the door to the hotel room, Mark didn’t even bother to marvel at the lavish expanse before him. He took no note of the decent-sized kitchen off to the left, the large living quarters before him with the balcony that overlooked the city of Bangkok or the spacious bathroom that was decorated with rose petals. All of it would have amazed Mark if he hadn’t been so damn tired. The flight to get to Bangkok from Los Angeles had been a long one and not just because of the time difference. They had experienced such delays with their plane getting ready and taking off on time. And during the entire ordeal, all Mark could do was tell himself it would be worth it. It was worth it.
And it was. It was very much worth it as he made his way into the bedroom, dropping two of his bags near the edge of the bed and flopping himself down onto his stomach on the bed. The bed was firm, but not too firm that it would be too hard to sleep on. There was just the right amount of softness that had Mark’s entire body screaming in happiness as he relaxed and buried his face into one of the many pillows. The sound of feet shuffling behind him caught his attention, but it wasn’t enough for him to even bother to move at that point. He just wanted to go to sleep and pretend the hell they just went through didn’t happen.
The bed shifted around him, dipping in specific areas as a weight was pressed down on him. He groaned, head shaking slightly as he was trapped underneath a larger body. “No.” he muttered.
“But we just got here.” Jaebum chuckled as he lowered his head and pressed a light kiss to Mark’s head. “Come on baby, don’t you want to head out and see this beautiful city?” he asked.
“No,” Mark said almost instantly. “All I want to do is see sweet dreams.” he muttered, voice obstructed from the pillow. Jaebum’s laughter only grew as the other wrapped his arms around Mark’s waist, slipping under the other’s body. He pulled lightly, rolling the two of them over on the bed. Mark pressed back against him, a disgruntled groan leaving him as he was pulled from his comfy spot. “Jaebum.” he whined out.
Jaebum lifted his hand to take Mark’s left one, thumb running over the gold band that rested on his ring finger. A small smile played against his lips as he was reminded of the ceremony that took place nearly 24 hours prior. An amazing ceremony filled with love, laughter, and happiness. It turned out to be even more amazing than he could have ever imagined and only made better by the fact he was now married to his best friend and the love of his life. “Mr. Im.” he whispered. “We need to do some cute, newlywed things.”
“Mr. Im.” Mark started and looked back at the other with a laugh. “I am completely tired and I want to sleep. Must we do something today?” he asked, brows furrowing together in light concentration as he tried to force himself to stay awake. It would be so easy for him to simply close his eyes and go to sleep. It didn’t help that Jaebum was so warm and smelt so good. He smelt like home. Safety.
“But Markkie~”
Mark hated when Jaebum whined and the other didn’t whine often. It was something he only did if he really wanted to do something and someone was denying him the pleasure of doing that activity. Mark never wanted to deny Jaebum something he wanted, but he was extremely tired and he was afraid this was going to be the one time he was going to have to say no. “Bummie, no.” he said and he could see Jaebum’s face falling. “I’m sorry baby. I love you, and I want to do things with you, but I want to sleep. Please? Let me sleep for a few hours?” He tried his best to give off a soft expression to the other. An apologetic look to make up for the denial. It seemed to work.
“Okay, okay.” A heavy sigh fell from Jaebum’s lips as he removed himself from Mark, tenderly laying the other down on the bed with a small smile. “Then sleep well for me okay babe?” He pressed a gentle kiss to Mark’s head and stroked his cheek lovingly. “I love you.” he whispered.
“I love you more.” Mark responded with a smile, his eyes already lidded and fluttering as he struggled to stay awake. “See you later.”
“Sleep well, baby.”
Mark woke up with a jump, looking around the room he felt his skin grow chills.  He didn’t know what had woken him up but his heart was beating fast and he felt a deep pit of worry in his stomach.
“Jaebum?”  He called out gently, feet dangling over the edge of the bed as he moved to stand. The thought of the other being in bed with him was cast out of his mind because he was sure he heard noises coming from out in the living space. While he enjoyed the fact this was a large, honeymoon suite, he hated that it was also so big. The large spacious area, covered in darkness reminded him so much of every horror movie he had ever seen before. And like every horror movie he had seen before, Mark knew that what he thought he heard most likely wasn’t Jaebum.
So he turned, looking to the bed, and sure enough, Jaebum was sleeping peacefully beside him. His eyes focused past his husband and on the red numbers of the alarm clock on the nightstand.
3:03 am
A glass-shattering had Mark jerking back towards the bedroom door, breath caught in his throat as he waited. There was definitely someone out there and he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to go out there and find out who it was. Only idiots did that and they were usually the first to die.
Rushing back to the edge of the bed Mark shook Jaebum’s body harshly until the other opened his eyes with a groan.
“There is someone in our room.” He whispered aggressively to his husband.
“What- Mark..”  Jaebum whispered, shaking the sleep out his head and sitting up. “Honey you’ve seen too many movies, it’s okay. It’s just us.” Jaebum said calmly. Not seconds after the words left his lips another glass shattered in the other room.  Mark jerked at the noise, body tensing as he turned and glared at the other.
“That isn’t a movie!”  He complained, tugging the other out of bed and hastily pushing him to the door.
“Check it out.”  He whined. Jaebum threw him a confused look, to which Mark responded with another whine. “You always say you’re the man in the relationship. So go be a man.” He huffed and pushed him towards the door again. Jaebum stumbled forward slightly, body turning to stare at Mark, mouth agape at the response he just gave.
“You want to send me to my death?!” He whispered heatedly.
“You won’t die!”
“You don’t know that!”
“Oh, now look at who is scared. ‘Oh Mark, you’re so silly. It’s just us.’ Bullshit. Go out there!”
“Excuse me! I thought it was all in your head. You’re always hearing things. This is real, I can actually die!”
“Oh please, don’t be a baby!”
“Don’t be a ba- Then you go out there!”
They locked eyes, narrowed and heated. Arguments like this were normal between them; an everyday aspect of their lives. It’s what helped build their relationship and keep it working. The bickering was something that they loved between each other and it was during a small bickering fest that Jaebum actually proposed to Mark. It was just their life. And Mark honestly didn’t want Jaebum to get hurt in any capacity. But he also didn’t want to risk his life and be killed either. It was a lose-lose situation they were in and he wasn’t sure what to do about it.
But before they could even try to work this out and figure out who was going to go out there, the bedroom door slowly began to open, the creaking of the hinges gave away what was happening. They both visibly tensed, Mark’s eyes trained on the door over Jaebum’s shoulder as the older male turned slowly around. The door stopped halfway and left the two standing in silence. Neither one dared to move, or even breath, afraid they would break whatever spell was cast over them currently.
Seconds ticked by and nothing happened. There was nothing in the darkness outside the door; pure, black darkness.
Sighing, Jaebum turned back around and raised a brow. “See, there’s nothing there.” He spoke with true conviction. Yet Mark wasn’t convinced because who opened the door? He was getting ready to point out this flaw in Jaebum’s logic when the other suddenly went flying through the partially open door. It happened so fast that Mark’s brain wasn’t even able to process the fact that Jaebum was sent flying. Just that one-minute Jaebum was there and the next he was gone. His screams echoing out in the living room.
“JAEBUM!” Mark’s legs carried him towards the door, running as fast as he could, but the door slammed shut in his face before he could reach it. His hand reached out, grabbing the knob and turning it but it was locked. “Jaebum!!” he shouted again, putting all his weight against the door as he tried to get it to open, but to no avail.
It was stuck.
Mark backed away from the door slowly, mind racing with thoughts of what to do. His husband was on the other side of the door, possibly dead and he couldn’t get out. He ran his fingers through his hair frantically as he tried to formulate some sort of plan to escape. But everything came to a screeching halt as he heard a soft giggle from behind him. Instinct was telling him to turn around and see who was in the room with him. It was also telling him to run, even though he knew there was no place for him to hide. In the end, he just stood there, frozen in fear as he felt a hot breath on the back of his neck and a ghastly voice whispering in his ear.
“Pay your respects.”
On your next vacation to Thailand, take note of the ghost houses on every property. The size, color, and pillars all matter. You may think they are just decoration or just some superstitious toy building. But take heed in knowing that while you may not believe in the ghosts housed within them, they believe in you. And always pay your respects.
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Tags: @cuddly-bangchan​ @lordseochangbin​ @channiesmixtape​​ @starryseung​​ @felixsanxchatbot​​ @jisungsjheekies​​
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mariequitecontrarie · 7 years
Passing Inspection: Part 2
The Fic: For my 1,000 Follower Tumblr Prompt-A-Thon, @leni-ba prompted: Neal isn't that impressed with his father's girlfriend (until something changes his mind?) Chapter Summary:  After Belle leaves the pawnshop upset, Neal keeps his promise to Rumple to make things right. Rating: T     Word Count: 1,652 A/N: I didn’t intend for this to be a thing, but several readers asked for the interaction between Neal and Belle. Thanks to @capricornhunter for the push and to @magnoliatattoo, my awesome beta.
{ON AO3}
Night was falling fast as Neal shuffled across the street and slipped into the library, easing the door shut behind him with a soft thud.
This was his first time inside the Storybrooke Library and his heart hammered with dread. He clutched the crystal vase filled with flowers that he’d brought from the pawnshop, grateful for something to do with his hands. In general he wasn’t a fan of libraries—books reminded him too much of his father’s thick magical texts, plaguing him with nightmares of the pain and destruction the Dark One’s curse had wrought.
But this library seemed different—imbued with hopeful expectation. It had been closed when he had first arrived in town—shuttered, dusty, and abandoned. This evening it was welcoming, bright, and clean, its leather-bound tomes gleaming like jewels in the warm light. The library didn’t boast a large collection, but it was well-cared for, and he sensed that the librarian took pride in the space. Belle. Belle French was the librarian. He kept forgetting that important fact.
It didn’t seem possible, but then again, Belle French was a completely different person from Lacey—the floozy he’d seen hanging on his father’s arm a few days ago. Or was it weeks ago? Time ran differently in Neverland, and he’d not yet become accustomed to keeping time. He had completely lost track of the days in Storybrooke.
The cheerful space was empty and silent, except for the sound of sniffling. He rounded the corner and Belle came into view, her petite profile illuminated by the desk lamp behind her.
Man, she was a pitiful sight. Her slender shoulders were bowed and shaking as though they carried the weight of the world. The defeated stance made her five-foot-one-inch frame appear even more diminutive, if that were possible.  She blew her nose, the harsh, discordant sound reminding him of a foghorn, then crumpled the tissue in her small fist. She flung the tissue to the floor and stomped on it with one tall, pointy heel. Chin wobbling, she began transferring hardcover books from the circulation counter onto a library cart at a punishing pace. Belle slammed book after book onto the cart, causing the old wooden shelves to creak and moan with the pressure.
Despite her rough treatment of them now, Neal had the distinct feeling that Belle rarely treated a book with disrespect.
Clearly, she was upset.
Wearing a mutinous expression he’d often seen on Emma’s face, she turned toward the front door. He winced, preparing to be lambasted—yeah, he was half-hoping she would hurl insults and begin the conversation for him—but she but didn’t notice him standing between the entrance and the reference desk.
Neal raked a hand through his hair. Crap. This wasn’t going to be easy.
He pivoted toward the exit. If he slithered out now, she would be none the wiser. But as he took that first half-step back toward the street, all he could see were two pairs of eyes: his father’s—brown, sad and pleading, and Belle’s—blue, wet and wounded.
Neal sighed and turned back around. He’d told Papa he was coming to the library to patch things up with Belle and now he had to follow through. It was his responsibility to make this right.
“Hey Belle,” he croaked.
The book she was holding careened to the floor with a thump.
"Oh! Neal! It's…it’s you.” She rubbed her index fingers over both tear-stained cheeks, leaving smudges of black mascara in their wake, then bent down to pick up the fallen book.
The reminder that he was the cause of her tears made his stomach clench. You can do this. Just apologize and ask her to dinner with you and Pop. How hard can it be?
He inched forward to set the vase of flowers on the desk, then took a book from the pile and deposited it gently on the cart’s lower shelf. “Uh...I hope I'm not interrupting you.”
As soon as the words left his lips he felt stupid. Ten minutes earlier she’d overheard him telling his father that she was a terrible influence on him, an ugly stain on the Dark One’s already tarnished soul. Now she was alone in her library, crying and shelving books like a Valkyrie. It wasn’t like she was in the middle of a funding meeting.
She stood in silence, clutching a book to her middle, waiting for him to continue.
“I feel bad about what happened.” He swallowed thickly. “Pop was right, you should never have heard…those things.”
She tilted her head. “That’s what you’re going with?”
“Because it would have been perfectly reasonable to insult me if I hadn’t been present?” Her voice was crisp.
Crap. “No. No that’s not it.” He shook his head. “What I mean to say is I was wrong about you.”
“And what gave you that idea? That you were wrong?” She tossed the book she was holding at the cart and reached for another.
He frowned. “Could you maybe stop throwing books?”
“How about I aim the next one at your head?” She glared at him, holding a particularly large volume over her right shoulder.
“Ok, ok. It’s your library.” He held up his hands and chuckled nervously. Belle French was fierce. No wonder Papa was enamored with her. He’d only just met the woman, but she seemed to rival his father in stubbornness.
“You were about to explain why you were wrong,” Belle prompted.
“Well, now you’re…” At a loss, he gestured in the direction of her body, noting her modest blue blouse and pencil skirt.
Her eyes widened in comprehension. “Ah, I see. Because I look different.”
He gulped. It wasn’t a question.
“Not only that. It’s also…”
“I’m not proud of it, you know.” She bit down on her lower lip. “The things I said and did while I was…” She trailed off, casting her eyes toward the carpet.
She nodded, then glanced questioningly at the vase of cherry red chrysanthemums.
“From Papa,” he said, grateful to change the subject. Neal jerked his thumb back across the street to the pawnshop, where his father was probably pacing the floorboards. “He didn’t have a chance to give them to you.”
“That was sweet of him.” Belle’s eyes softened when he mentioned his father and her cheeks glowed with pleasure. The look on her face made him squirm and feel glad all at once. Belle loved Pop—that much was obvious.
“Yeah, but the Lacey thing wasn’t really your fault. Weren’t you, ya know? Cursed by Regina?”
Belle sighed and leaned against the circulation desk at her back, still not quite meeting his gaze. “That’s not an excuse for hurting people. Especially Rumple.”
He looked at her with new respect. “You take this heroism business pretty seriously, don’t you?”
She stiffened. “Why do you think that? Why does everyone think that? No, I take loving your father seriously. He counted on me to help him be a better man.” Her voice dropped to a miserable whisper. “I let him down. Abandoned him when he needed me most.”
“I don’t think you did, actually.”
Belle raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. The posture was defensive, but her face hid nothing—it was bathed in longing. She wanted to believe him, to hear someone say that she hadn’t hurt his father. Neal stared in amazement. Belle French cared about his opinion? Damn, women were strange creatures.
“He says you loved him when no one else would. That you make him stronger,” her heard himself say.
“Rumple…he told you that?”
Her eyes filled with tears again and for a moment he panicked, but they were the happy kind. Learning to read Emma’s face had taught him the difference.
“When?” she choked out.
“About fifteen minutes ago.” He couldn’t stop his grin at her open-mouthed expression.
A watery laugh bubbled up from her throat and she bent her head over the vase of flowers to caress the petals with loving reverence. “He’s such a wonderful man. I’m the lucky one, you know.”
She looked straight at him then, all the love she felt for his father shining in her eyes. True love. Was that what others witnessed when he looked at Emma, at Henry? The passion in those bottomless depths was so powerful  that he caught his breath, forced to looked away as though he were intruding on a moment of great intimacy.
And then the truth hit him like a ton of books: Belle and Papa’s love wasn’t about him. The woman standing before him wasn’t a replacement or a substitute for a long-lost son. No, the answer was simpler, yet more profound—Pop needed Belle and she needed him.
He mulled over his thoughts in silence as tears slipped down Belle’s cheeks.
After a moment, Neal cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. Then he plucked a tissue from the box on the table and handed it to her. It was the sort of thing Papa knew to do without thinking. Despite his outward appearance of coldness, Pop was always comforting the people he cared about. “I’m sorry Belle. For everything. And I’d like to get to know you. The real you.”
“Why?” she asked, dabbing at her eyes.
“You’re important to Papa.” He reached out and gave her shoulder a clumsy pat. “He loves you. And that makes you important to me too.”
“So what do you suggest?” She pressed her lips together and smoothed her hands over her skirt.
“Burgers at Granny’s? I haven’t had one yet, but reliable sources tell me they’re the best in town. Whaddaya think? We can pick Pop up on the way.” She smiled, the first genuine, happy smile he had seen cross her face since he’d met Belle French—the real one—on the docks that morning. “I’ll get my coat.”
Thanks for reading. Thoughts on an awkward Floof Family dinner at the diner?
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