#new dashboard layout
katy-l-wood · 11 months
The new dashboard layout
I wanted to wait to play with it for a bit to see what sort of feelings I had that weren't just my immediate reaction, and now I have so let's talk.
My general feelings: I get what they're going for, and I think it has potential, but right now it is too busy. There are some great things about it, like being able to post while in your feed, and some bad things, like the amount of different sections.
But let's get into it a little more.
I know everyone is screaming about how they copied Twitter, but they didn't. Side menus aren't even close to a new thing on the internet. They aren't AS popular as top menus these days, but they still see plenty of use. Really, the only issue I have with the side menus at this point as that the "Account" tab doesn't seem to stay closed for good once you close it. Also, on smaller screens it becomes its own scrolling section, which feels even more crowded.
No, my main issue here is that--especially at the top of the dashboard--there is SO MUCH going on. You've got Tumblr live, you've got the new left side menu, you've got the little content suggestion block with "changes on Tumblr" and all that, you've got "Check out these blogs," you've got Tumblr Radar, and you've got your actual dash. It's a lot of info to be hit with all at once.
I think we've all beaten the dead horse that is Tumblr Live enough that I don't have to do it again here, so I won't. But in general, having that at the top of the site just doesn't WORK. The little thumbnails don't tell you anything about what is going on in the stream, they're hard to read, they take up a ton of space, and they just don't mesh well with the overall culture of the site. If Tumblr wants to have that there, they should at least use the same algorithm for "blogs in your orbit" so that they're related to content the viewer is already interested in.
Tumblr likely isn't going to roll this back, at least not entirely, because it DOES have a lot of potential. It brings a lot of settings and options to the forefront, which is a good thing. Even veteran users likely don't know everything about this website, especially those who may have taken an extended break at some point. The fact is Tumblr does need new users, and it needs those users to be able to understand how to use the website.
So here's my suggestion:
Tumblr has been experimenting with a subscription model, so make dashboard layout customization into a subscription feature. Allow people add and remove, or even reorganize, the different sections to their liking. Leave it as it is for unsubscribed users, and allow subscribed users the ability to customize.
Will this be a popular answer? Nope, probably not. But it will help bridge the gap between making new users and old users comfortable, while also raising money to help keep the site we all love so much going.
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mandalordindjarin · 11 months
got hit with the new layout and I fucking hate it. it’s so ugly and clunky, and twittery, which is off putting just by itself. and left sidebar is weirdly thick, hate that the tabs are above the posts thingy. 
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I really hope this is not to stay. it fucking sucks. 
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gl00mxstar · 10 months
How to get old dashboard
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pushing500 · 10 months
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I have a new sketchbook for drawing while I play Rimworld (featured here with one of my lovely cats), and I decided the best way to "break it in" would be to draw little introductions to each colonist in my current save file.
Putting them under the cut, though, because there are eighteen of them, and I'm not going to force you to look at them if you don't want to.
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Irwin <3
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Kaz <3
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Candlelight <3
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Apologies if the handwriting isn't great.
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violetstarr24 · 2 months
i hate you websites that change the UI for no reason I hate you websites that change the UI for no reason I hate you websites that change the UI for no reason I hate you websites that change the UI for no reason I hate—
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secretariatess · 11 months
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coulsons-band · 10 months
i fucking hate the new desktop layout i don't know where anything is and you can’t see anyone’s icons
@staff put it back
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muh-tay-uh · 10 months
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Kelsea Ballerini for the MUSCLE MEMORY Spotify Canvas
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suzilight · 10 months
Tweetblr Twitblr Hellscape
Every day since The Change I search tags for posts about the new Twitterfication and I am clicking hearts in solidarity.
And... some of my hearts *magically* disappear. Hmm, didn't I click that one yesterday? Pretty sure I did. CLICK IT AGAIN
Staff may be "committed" to the change but Tumblrs hate it. Posts are smaller. The left navigation is huge. Tags broken. Tumblr Live is ick. Drafts are buried. Cluttered. Whyyyyy does it look like Twitter? Ads play audio now. Weird stuff in suggested/you might like.
Oh and.. the porn bots are back. Just got a new follower with big boobs and no posts. Fuck it. Vulgar is the new black.
Search & Change 'Top' to 'Latest' change it back tumblr update new dashboard tumblr settings tumblr changes tumblr layout tumblr feedback tumblr ui hate it hellsite ewwww tumblr staff
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maramagpie · 2 months
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Well this sucks, what a way to start my day.
Thank you while it lasted @dragongirlsnout
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byrachshop · 1 year
It's 2023 Notion Template
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2023? Well, this is your year!
Make sure you write down your goals, keep them visible on a vision board, and run after them! Don't forget to plan your days through the year and, also important, to keep track of things in your life such as your health and fitness goals, books and articles, recipes, and more.
To help with all of this, I've created this notion template, which contains:
dashboard (overview of your calendar, undated tasks, and upcoming events)
planner (schedule, tasks & events, habit tracker)
health (fitness goals, workout and meal history, life trackers)
workouts (categories, exercises, progress with pictures, measurements, diary)
meals (plan your meals through the week, grocery list)
recipes (save your favorite recipes by category)
finances (weekly balance, log income/expense, statistics, yearly overview, bills, subscriptions, savings)
goals (2023 resolutions, vision board, monthly goals)
personal (learning, shelf - books and articles, prompts, mood log)
This template is all you need to start this new year! Organize and plan each day and month of 2023 with this operating system and make sure you achieve all your goals this year!
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Get your template now!
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dragontummy · 2 months
genuinely ever since dashboard unfucker stopped working we have lost any and all interest in being on tumblr whoops
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tomwaterbabies · 2 months
dashboard unfucker no longer working as of today... understandable that the project was ended after all the bullshit going on but man. i forgot how bad this website is without all the outside fixes
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headslikekites · 2 months
NOOOOOO the extension I got to make the dashboard not look like shit stopped working :pensive:
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thegreenleavesofspring · 11 months
Hey @staff? I have been eagerly looking forward to participating in Crab Day in hopes it would convince y'all not to make major changes but this *gestures at the entire new layout WTFrick* is making me SERIOUSLY reconsider. I'd even say it's making me reconsider staying on the site this is SO HARD to see and read what the ever loving heck??????
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harshwhimsy · 3 months
dashboard unfucker has fucked my dashboard
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