#new moves but also a new approach to the whole discipline
How to Build Self Discipline
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Cultivating self-discipline is the way towards personal growth and achieving long-term goals. To me, it’s really all about making choices that honor your well-being and identity.
Understand that self-discipline is about self love and respect
It’s not about punishment or deprivation, but rather caring for yourself enough to make choices that align with your long-term well-being and goals.
You’re showing yourself the respect you deserve by honoring and committing to changes you want to make.
It’s all about recognizing your worth and having the motivation and courage to pursue what’s really best for you, even when it requires a lot of effort and decision-making.
Frame your identity in a way that includes discipline
How we act directly ties to our identities and how we believe we are. If you believe you’re a successful individual, you’ll live a life framed by confidence and determination. If you believe you’re someone who is lazy and unmotivated, you’ll struggle to find the drive to pursue your goals and aspirations.
Gaining discipline is all about acting as the person you believe you are and moving through life in a way that’s consistent with your determined identity. The key here is to try to imagine who you are at your highest self in a disciplined state of mind.
To start this, ask yourself these questions and slowly arrange your life in a way so there’s no distance between who you are now and your highest self:
What does your day look like
What do you eat
What do you wear
What does your week look like
What does your work day look like
What hobbies do you have
What’s your morning and night routine
Who are you surrounded by
What do you say yes and no to
Have systems in your life
I recently wrote a post about habits and mentioned the idea of systems versus goals. Here, I want to delve a bit deeper into that concept within the context of self-discipline.
To me, another way to truly live a disciplined life is to establish starting systems, something that will propel you past hurdles and reduce the friction that accompanies change.
Let’s say you want to improve your eating habits and cultivate discipline in consuming less sugar while incorporating more whole foods into your diet. You could begin by implementing a system of prepping healthy snacks or meals in advance at the start of each week, or however you see fit. By having these snacks readily available, you eliminate the need for decision-making, making it easier to adhere to your goal.
Anything that serves as a reminder or facilitates consistent action toward your desired outcome is a valuable system in your life.
Be okay with not doing something and embrace the mindset of small wins
This may seem paradoxical in the context of developing self-discipline, but being okay with not doing something is crucial. There are times in life when we need tough love and motivation, but there are also moments when compassion is the driving force that propels us forward.
When you don’t follow through with something, whether it’s going for a run or preparing a healthy dinner, it’s important to be okay with it. You don’t need to shame yourself or feel guilty for not taking action because that will only reinforce negative thought patterns, making it harder to create the change you desire.
Consider this: if you miss a planned run and spiral into self-criticism, you’re more likely to avoid running altogether. However, if you approach the situation with understanding and compassion, you’ll be more inclined to try again next time.
This is where small daily victories come into play. Sometimes, all we need is one small step forward to develop a new habit and maintain consistency. Whatever you're striving to improve or change, if it feels daunting, tell yourself, "Just for today, I'll do a 15-minute workout instead of the full hour," or "Just for today, I'll read 5 pages instead of the entire chapter," and celebrate these as small victories. Doing so not only helps you establish new habits but also allows you to acknowledge the progress you've made and the trust you've built within yourself.
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bestworstcase · 8 months
This is probably outside of your purview, but do you think the fights in RWBY have gotten worse, or just different from what came before?
i think there has been a shift away from tightly-choreographed showcase fights toward a more naturalistic approach prioritizing setting and character over rhythm and composition. whether or not this is aesthetically preferable is a matter of taste, but it is absolutely to the benefit of the narrative as a whole.
there’s this beat during the group fight vs tyrian in volume four where tyrian kicks ruby and her aura ripples out from the point of impact in such a way to create the illusion of deeper motion: it looks like her ribs buckling as that force moves through her body, it feels like we’re seeing this formidable new adversary break her fucking ribs after throwing JNR around like ragdolls. it isn’t shot with any particular artistry or stylistic finesse; the shot is instead lined up to emphasize the violence.
that serves a more important narrative purpose than aesthetics: it makes it believable that ruby just cowers in dread after taking this hit, it viscerally drives home how dangerous tyrian is, building tension, setting the stakes for the upcoming fight with qrow, and thus it also underscores the contrast between tyrian’s wild brutality and qrow’s discipline when they fight and qrow tips the scales not because he’s stronger but because he doesn’t let tyrian rattle him… it’s doing quite a lot of work for a mere handful of frames.
compare, say, the nevermore fight, which is beautifully shot and choreographed but doesn’t have a lot to say: ruby can plan elaborate tactics on the fly and communicate them to her team well enough to execute the whole thing flawlessly, and… that’s kind of it. RLR2 does all the narrative heavy lifting. and that’s fine, to be clear, because this is a point where the story is still setting up the board and introducing us to these characters.
but the nature of rwby as a story is that the fight scenes cannot stay that way. and this isn’t even a “monty/not monty” thing, you can see the experimentation with using fights as a medium to develop character and theme starting early in volume two: ruby calling out team attacks and narrating yang’s semblance during the mech fight, splitting up the team on the train so wby can each duel an opponent who represents their personal struggle*, doing the battle in breach as a sequence of character moments, etc.
(*weiss feels disgusted by what the SDC has become and wants to reclaim the schnee name -> she faces a white fang officer who loathes her for being a schnee; blake is torn up about not knowing how to solve all these big social problems and reeling with the emotional fallout of leaving adam’s white fang -> torchwick tries to push those buttons; yang feels rootless and hollow and worried her current outlook is unsustainable -> she has to fight somebody she literally cannot touch and her increasingly frustrated attempts to punch through get turned against her the instant she overextends.)
in early volume two it all feels a bit clunky and uncoordinated in part because the mech fight is still so stylized. the fights on the train and the battle in vale are less so; you still get those tightly-choreographed sequences, but balanced out with moments that are more raw and real—the fake-out “slow-motion killshot” that turns out to be just weiss’s time dilation catching up, followed by the lieutenant grabbing her face and yanking her out of the air, is a particularly effective example with the grapple being shot with the same intention as tyrian kicking ruby in the chest—and also just more grounded in who the characters are (weiss gets in trouble trying to be fancy, yang’s frustrated determination is both a strength and a weakness, blake takes torchwick down with brutal efficiency because she’s used to fighting people but she also lets him say his piece before knocking him out because that matters to her).
so like—waves hands—volume two sets the course that is followed in the latter volumes where the fights become increasingly less about style and more about substance. the style is very much still there, it’s just not The Main Event anymore. it’s garnish on fight scenes you can write robust character analysis about.
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ryuichirou · 8 months
So I haven't seen Lilia/Malleus headcanons...?
Thank you for waiting, Anon! Today is your lucky day, because I’m finally posting these…
I was so surprised when we got your ask and the realisation that we haven’t posted any Lilia/Malleus headcanons hit me. This is simply unacceptable.
That being said, I want to leave a disclaimer that we haven’t watched ch7 yet, so I’m writing these prior to knowing full context about what’s going on in the Diasomnia part of the story. Please keep in mind that I could miss some key things because of that.
We would also appreciate if you keep any possible comments or asks related to this topic spoilers-free.
With that out of the way, let’s dive into these two and their complex relationship~
Starting by stating the obvious: Lilia was Malleus’ first everything. First kiss, first lover and, of course, first crush. He is still deeply and rather possessively in love with Lilia, even though these days he’s acting more mature than he used to. Well…
Despite not acting as desperate as he did when he was younger, Malleus is still quite protective of his love towards Lilia; he is even romantic enough to consider that Lilia is the love of his life. He still remembers the excitement and the butterflies he felt every time Lilia arrived to the castle after being away for way too long.
Lilia, however, thinks that this is just Malleus still being young, overly emotional and also rather sheltered. He also loves Malleus very much, but he doesn’t like it when he starts acting entitled to his attention. Instead, he wants Malleus to get more new meaningful connections, to fall in love with other people, to date other people. This is one of the things he had in mind when they enrolled in the NRC.
While Malleus really tries to get more sociable and approachable (when he isn’t hiding from everyone and pushing others away, of course), when he enrolled in the NRC, he had an idea of this whole thing really different from Lilia’s. He thought that this is finally his chance to spend more time with Lilia……... which isn’t what happened at all. It’s their 3rd year, so Malleus doesn’t agonize over it too much, but he was a bit depressed during their first year.
The only reason Malleus still regrets that he didn’t get to be a part of the Music Club, well, other than the fact that he really enjoys performing in front of the audience, is that he would really love to be in a club with Lilia.
It sounds like things between them are kind of sour, but this isn’t 100% the case. Like I’ve already said, Lilia does love Malleus, so he likes joining him during his evening stroll sometimes, likes to tease him, likes having long conversations with him. And boy oh boy how much he loves to prank others together with him… they’re dangerous when they’re having fun together.
When these two are alone, the mood can get spicy surprisingly quickly. It’s like they were just talking about something random, and then suddenly they’re giving each other bedroom eyes. They flirt a lot, and when Lilia is in a flirty mood, Malleus’s mind goes completely blank. Yep, that’s enough angst, we’re moving to spicier headcanons now lol
Of course, Lilia knows all the right spots on Malleus’ body. He knows how to hold his tail just right, how to pull on his horns and how to grab his throat. He nibs on Malleus’ horns, and Malleus either scoffs or groans at that, depending on his mood. Lilia is never really gentle with him, but Malleus is also kind of bratty, so this is pretty normal for them.
Out of any potential lovers, Lilia would be the only one who isn’t afraid of disciplining and taming Malleus during sex. He puts his fist in Malleus’ mouth when he starts biting too much, he controls his orgasm and almost manhandles him, which is insane, considering their height difference lol but this isn’t Lilia’s first rodeo with this horse.
It can get quite intense when they have sex, because Malleus gets literally dangerous when he is overly stimulated both sexually and emotionally. The guy is shooting lightnings left and right while Lilia is fucking him. Which is super amusing, but such a headache for Lilia, because he has to keep it in mind…..
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creativenicocorner · 5 months
2023 Writing Retrospective
That time of, hehe, New Year again folks, to contemplate over the rollercoaster event that was my writing journey of 2023!
I'm surprised by how much I did end up writing more than anything! And how some projects bloomed larger than I would have previously imagined. I'd like to think I've improved as well, which is inevitable made by practicing of course. I'm happier with how I write, despite knowing it isn't perfect (then again nothing is lol)
Trying the NaNoWriMo for the first time really changed things up in my approach I think, I'd like to try giving myself more of a disciplined approach to writing a little every day, even if it's one word...but I also realized just how tired I felt after November...so a soft middle ground will probably have to be found. I might try to use the website for other projects and set the deadline for far longer than just a month...we'll see!
I am happy that I'm not as disappointed with my own writing as I was with it last year...perhaps that too is a part of my growth as a writer. Could I have written more? Sure, but I've been far more wary of pushing myself and getting burned out last year. I need to remember to pace myself, to be kind, and that sometimes writing is just loafing about and doing other things and projects - and then the next thing you know WHAM 200 words pop in your head!
Anyways let's look at those cold hard numbers!!
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2023 Total number of..
User Subscriptions: 17 Kudos: 341 Comment Threads: 61 Bookmarks: 81 Subscriptions: 70 Word Count: 107,804 Hits: 5,054
Top five hits/fics of 2023:
Glow Worms or rather: In the Depths of the Safflower Hills
Cold Green Tea and Colder Feet
Refrigerator Problem
Hand Rolled
Chapped Lips
2024 Goals
Honestly? To keep trying to make each new chapter / fic seem a little better than the last. Keep the progress going, while still remembering to be patient with myself (I'm not very patient with myself ^^;; )
I know I mention this often, but I'd like to attempt writing a multi-chaptered fic in its entirety before posting chapters...just once! Just to see what it is like. We'll see, we'll see... I'm not like in a hurry haha
I'd like to try and finish some of my Discworld Multi-chaptered fics...perhaps I'll use one of them in this theory, just to test it out. I'd love to get a new The Runaway's Gamble chapter out (or finish the fic this year, but I'm being soft with my goals this year) as well as get another Trial Runs and Errors chapter out (perhaps even finish the fic to start working on the next one in the Maurice and Lipwig series of shenanigans and adventures)
We'll see where my attention and heart takes me, cause it'd also be nice to get Glow Worms and Refrigerator Problem done
And yet I have so many other projects I'd like to jump into, like a Serizawa-centric serirei fic, or to finish Chapped Lips
I mean I know there's no rule in having to finish something before starting something else...technically I AM kind of working on them despite not posting anything...perhaps this is a way I could give that "finish the whole fic before posting it" a shot, or at least an attempt haha
I hope my quality continues to improve - but most of all I hope things become a little better.
If 2023 has taught me one thing, it's: let myself be surprised. And you know? I'd like to keep that energy moving forward into 2024
Thank you for reading this far!
I hope 2024 is kinder to us all than the last year, and we all grow and getting a little closer to our goals and dreams and happiness. Who knows where we'll be this time next year, hopefully it'll be a little better than today.
Anywho, stay awesome out there - don't forget to be kind to yourself and others.
And be safe
Best wishes!
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femdomliterature · 7 months
FemLit 0561 - 26 Kinky Sex Ideas for beginners that are super easy to try
Okay, first things first: Kinky sex isn't just about spanking.
Not that spanking is off limits or anything, but kink includes a whole spectrum of behaviors beyond BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, and sadomasochism). It could involve anything from roleplaying, to blindfolds and feathery props, to having a threesome, or even pegging.
“Kink is a broad term that generally refers to sexual practices that are ‘non-normative’ in that they extend beyond typical or common sexual behaviors,” explains Michael Aaron, PhD, a certified sex therapist and sexologist in New York.
The biggest rule: If you and your partner are both interested in kinky sex, have an open conversation about what it is about kink that's a turn-on, and what you're comfortable trying, says Jenni Skyler, PhD, a certified sex therapist, sexologist, and director of The Intimacy Institute in Colorado. "Having a game plan and setting up a safeword is important,” she says.
From there, “take baby steps,” says Skyler. “Enjoy it, get acclimated, and then take a few more baby steps. Keep exploring until you find what feels good for you.”
Something that’s also important to note: Kink doesn’t have to be overly adventurous or extreme. If vanilla sex is more your thing, you can still embrace your kinky side and explore what works for you.
“The beauty of kink is that the possibilities are limitless,” says Elyssa Helfer, PhD, a certified clinical sexologist with the American Board of Sexology and AASECT-certified sex therapist and marriage and family therapist. “While some representations of kink involve elaborate outfits, expensive equipment, and renting out a dungeon space for a scene, for many kinksters, simply shifting language can be enough to turn a vanilla experience into a kinky one. It’s about adventure, creativity, openness, and fun.”
If you’re not sure where to start, read on for 26 expert-approved kinky sex ideas you and your partner(s) will love—but first, some safety precautions and communication tips.
How should I approach kink with my partner?
First, no matter what kind of kink you’re trying out, it’s always a good idea to have safewords, or non-sexual code words you can use (like “yellow” to pause or check in, and “red” to stop or end the scene). Try coming up with a few and practice using them during sexual situations, says Gloria Brame, PhD, a certified sex therapist.
As you venture into kinkier sex, Brame recommends asking your partner about their favorite kinds of porn, their fantasies, and their erotic secrets—and sharing your own. Before jumping into this one, make sure you’re both ready to have a non-judgmental outlook on what the other might disclose, she says. “The pressure is to listen with an open mind and learn more about who they are inside, sexually,” she says. “Your real goal is to listen for ideas that you could both safely act on and which you either don’t mind doing for them or actually would love to do to them.”
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If you and your partner(s) are curious about engaging in BDSM but not sure where to start, you can always take an online test to figure out your interests, and then compare answers. “Don’t assume that you know anything in the questions. Google is your best friend to look things up [while you answer],” says Courtney Padjen, PhD, LMFT, director and sex and relationship therapist at the Centre for Sexual Wellness. From there, you can move forward and think about how you want to incorporate these interests in the bedroom.
If you're interested in impact play—which can mean anything from spanking to flogging to using a crop or a paddle—you'll also want to familiarize yourself with necessary safety measures. “There are certain areas that you shouldn’t hit… even when it comes to something as simple as spanking. If you get more advanced, you might want to use [other tools],” says Padjen. Try going to an impact class, which will give you and your partner an opportunity to try intermediate-level toys in a safe and supervised space.
The same suggestion applies if you and your partner are interested in exploring a dom-sub dynamic. “Taking a course is definitely going to be a good teacher of what the possibilities are,” she says. You can find classes and workshops online or in-person at your local sex toy shop.
Ahead, 26 expert-approved kink ideas for your next sexy night in:
1. Grab a blindfold.
Chances are, you have a scarf, a sleep mask, or a tie laying around your bedroom somewhere—tying one on deprives you (or your partner) of one of your main senses, making all the others—touch, taste, smell, sound—all the more electrifying. “In doing this, you can experience pleasure in a different way,” explains David Ortmann, L.C.S.W., a psychotherapist and sex therapist in New York and California. Blindfolding also underscores a kinky power imbalance, he says, leaving your partner at the mercy of your touch.
2. Play with a simple restraint.
On that note, belts, ties, and scarfs can also be an easy, un-intimidating way to experiment with restraint (a.k.a. bondage). “Really, trying it out is as simple as using a bandana or scarf to restrain someone’s hands," Ortmann says.
You can also pick up a beginner's kink kit that includes things like blindfolds and fuzzy handcuffs, says Skyler. “Most sexuality stores sell beginner packages that also include things like a feather on a stick for sensation play or a soft flogger for spanking,” she says.
3. Go to a sex dungeon.
Before you freak out, BDSM dungeons can actually be a great place to observe kinky sex from the sidelines—the experts really recommend them. “Many local dungeons have beginner classes where you can practice things like rope tying and spanking,” says Skyler. This is also a great place to learn some kink safety tips.
But if you draw the line at the word “dungeon,” check out classes on kink that are offered by your local sex-positive sex shop to pick up some kinky tips in the bright light of day. Ortmann recommends The Pleasure Chest. “The people in there will treat you like you’re at Macy’s trying on a blouse—it’s very not scary,” he says.
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4. Start spanking.
Spanking can be a surprisingly intimate way to get into kink. “It can be something that’s actually bonding because it's tactile and involves skin-to-skin contact,” explains Ortmann. “But it also involves a power exchange.” Start light—a swat with your hand or a fuzzy padded flogger from your local sex-positive shop can be a good way to ease into things.
5. Play dress up.
Whether your fantasy is a silk French maid get-up, hot cop outfit studded with leather, or a fuzzy animal print catsuit, costumes can be a fun way to get kinky. “Something I might say is 'we haven’t played with clothing yet—tell me what would make you feel sexy and naughty to be dressed in and tell me what turns you on to see me in,'” Ortmann says. This can also be a great segue into role playing.
6. Talk dirty.
Good old fashioned dirty talk can be a great way to start playing with the power dynamics that are so prevalent in kinky sex. “There are things that we can say to our partners to push their buttons,” Ortmann explains. For example, some kink connoisseurs find that being called derogatory names during sex gets them off.
Just tread carefully. “If something is loaded, like the word ‘whore,’ you want to check in with your partner before you use it,” says Ortmann. “Learn which words are powerful for them in a positive way—do they want to be coaxed and seduced or ordered?”
7. Get wet (yep, as in pee).
“Urinating on your partner [or being urinated on] is more common than people realize—it’s a hugely intimate act,” Ortmann says. “It can be incredibly humiliating and degrading for the receiver and incredibly powerful for the giver.”
It’s not for everyone, but if this kink has you intrigued, get your feet wet (pun intended) in the shower, Ortmann advises. Next time you’re taking a steamy shower together, ask your partner how they would feel if you peed. “The safest place to start that is really in the shower—you’re going to be clean in two seconds,” he says.
8. Sit back and watch.
Voyeurism—giving your partner a strip tease, letting your partner watch you touch yourself, or simply enjoying being objectified while naked—is a more approachable kink. “It has a power dynamic but not a tremendous one,” says Ortmann. “It’s not so psychologically deep that you can’t just trade roles after 10 minutes.”
9. Use a mirror.
Full-body mirrors can have more than just one purpose. “Having sex in front of a mirror can be an introduction to engage in voyeurism or exhibitionism,” says Alejandra Lucatero, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in sexual health at the Hawaii Center for Sexual and Relationship Health in Honolulu, Hawaii. Doing so will not only allow you to get a view of the action from different angles, but you’ll also be able to see all the faces and reactions you and your partner have during sex.
10. Make a sex menu.
See a few interesting ideas but still shy about initiating? “I recommend couples use menus,” says Aaron. Here’s how it works: On your next date night, write down which kinky sex ideas sound interesting and have your partner do the same. When you’re done, swap menus and pick two things from each others' lists, Aaron explains.
“Now you’ve collectively chosen four items and need to collaborate on how to put a scene together,” he says. For example, come up with a story to role play that involves a little dress up, blindfolding, and getting spanked. “It can be a lot of fun sexually," says Aaron. "Plus, working together this way also improves the relationship and intimacy."
11. Try edging.
If you like teasing or being teased, then you’ll probably enjoy edging. ICYDK, edging is when one partner brings the other close to climax and then stops. The process repeats as long as desired, and often results in stronger orgasms. To test this out, Brame recommends bringing bondage into the mix. “Tell your partner that the only way they can be freed is when they beg for relief. Then, use your hands, fingers, lips, or any toys you like [on them]. Your goal is to get them excited and edge them,” she says.
12. Get creative with unexpected sex toys.
If you don’t have certain toys, you can improvise using household items. A wooden spoon, a hairbrush, a fork, or even a spatula can work well. “Any of the above can suddenly become erotic if you use them sensually on your partner,” says Brame. “Some of them can also be used for spanking or applying pain to small targeted areas anywhere on their body they consent to feel some painful sensations.”
13. Try body worship.
Body worship can apply to your butt, breasts, feet, and more. Not sure how to set the scene? To start, Brame recommends that the worshiped partner sit in a chair or on the edge of a bed or couch, and while the worshiper kneels by the other’s feet to establish a power dynamic. “Body worship means kissing, sucking, or licking whatever part of the body turns you on,” she says.“Yes, that can also include oral sex if you wish, but make sure one partner is on the ground while the other is above, so you both can enjoy the power dynamics implicit in the position.”
14. Indulge in praise kink.
Regardless of the role you like to take on in the bedroom, hearing words of affirmation can feel amazing. At the end of the day, your partner wants to please you, and vice versa. And if one of you happens to have a praise kink, the opportunities to indulge in it are limitless. “These can range from 'I love how you do that' to simply saying ‘Good girl (or boy),’” says Brame. “Feed their souls by letting them know they are pleasing you, and you appreciate every sensation you’re receiving from them.”
15. Incorporate a little punishment.
Yes, it’s called punishment, but you can also think of it like “funishment.” “Start very, very gently if your partner is inexperienced,” says Brame. “Most [kinksters] prefer to give punishments in a playful way, so please don’t do this out of [real] anger or frustration!” In other words, make sure you’re level-headed when providing or receiving punishment. And remember, just like any other kinky act, punishment requires ongoing consent.
16. Try roleplaying.
For many people, roleplay can feel nerve-wracking and maybe even a bit embarrassing, but it doesn’t have to be. “Roleplay is your friend,” says Brame. “Make your partner call you by a name that reflects your chosen role, and cross the bounds of decency (for fun and mutual pleasure) by making them surrender to your erotic whims. Dressing for the role is optional but could be exciting for both of you.” Roleplay can mean pretending to be a teacher, nurse, or fitness instructor, depending on your fantasies.
17. Ease into objectification.
Yep, this is exactly what it sounds like: treat your partner like an object for your own pleasure. “This could be a footstool, or a table, or another type of furniture, but the most important part is the mind-bending aspect of them being unable to speak or make sounds (except for their safe word!) while you treat them as that object of choice,” says Brame. Additionally, you can incorporate some form of discipline by giving a light spank or pinch if they act out of their role.
18. Masturbate together.
People think of solo time when they think of masturbation, but engaging in mutual masturbation can take things to another level. “Masturbation is typically seen as something you do behind closed doors, away, or hidden from your partner,” says Lucatero. Watching your partner get off (and vice versa) can really intensify your experience, she adds.
19. Use toys in new ways.
Keep it simple with this one. For example, you can use a vibrator that may be primarily for clit stimulation and use it on your nipples instead. “Use a blindfold around a penis instead of a cock ring, or use Shibari rope for sensation play instead of a flogger,” says Lucatero. Using different textures to stimulate various body parts (so long as it’s safe to do so) can keep things interesting and exciting.
20. Have sex in different rooms.
The bedroom might be your go-to spot for sex, but sometimes, all you need is a change in environment. And no, that doesn’t mean you have to resort to car sex—although if that’s what you’re into, go for it! Try other rooms like the living room, the bathroom, or the kitchen, suggests Lucatero.
21. Watch porn together.
Sharing your favorite porn with your partner can be a vulnerable experience, but it’s a great way to introduce them to your kinks. And if you're concerned that porn videos won’t accurately portray your kinks, consider sending them your favorite kinky audio porn or erotic stories.
“[Your partner] may find it arousing, and one thing might turn into another,” says Lucatero. “Leave it on during sex and pretend you’re engaging in a threesome, foursome, or an orgy. Watch while you have sex, imagine them watching you, or use it instead of sensual music.”
22. Hit the record button.
Sure, a mirror can be great, but making a video and recording yourselves (with consent, of course) can allow you to tap into voyeurism and exhibitionism kinks even more. “Record yourselves, and pretend someone is watching. Later, go back and watch yourselves to continue the fun, or watch next time you find yourself in the mood and masturbate to it,” says Lucatero. This can be an especially useful suggestion if you don’t love the idea of watching porn but still want to have something to watch later.
23. Sext throughout the day.
If your flirting game is on point, you’ll love this idea. Spend the day texting your partner about everything you want to do with or to each other when you next see each other. Then, you can play out your conversation IRL.
“By connecting throughout the day and talking sexually to each other, you are creating a buildup and bodily tension that will naturally need a release,” says Janet Brito, PhD, an AASECT-certified sex therapist and the founder of The Sexual Health School. “After work, agree to meet at a bar to continue the flirty sexting, until you've created enough anticipation that you are ready to give in to sexual ecstasy.”
24. Pretend you're strangers.
This one is as straightforward as it sounds, but there are several factors you can play with. For starters, you can take it as an opportunity to put your best flirting skills to use. You might also find yourself putting in extra effort to seduce your partner. “If you have financial means [to rent a hotel], imagine that you are meeting for the first time, enjoying a night on the town and each other,” says Brito.
25. Have sex outside.
Having sex outdoors can feel adventurous and give you a fun, sexy adrenaline rush. Maybe you enjoy the underlying fear of getting caught, or perhaps you like the idea that someone might be watching. Whatever your reasoning, just be careful about accidentally breaking public indecency laws. If you're somewhere remote or close enough to a camping site, try breaking out a tent and getting it on there, suggests Brito. “In some states, having sex in public is against the law, but you most likely can enjoy some kinky sex in your tent. Of course, make sure you are mindful of your neighbors,” she says.
26. Attend a play party.
Play parties allow you to lean into voyeurism or exhibitionism, depending on your mood and the rules of the space you’re in. “You get to watch other people, and there are also some other parties where clothing may be optional in the play space,” says Padjen. Additionally, play parties are an opportunity to meet or play with other kinksters, learn from them, or simply socialize.
What about aftercare?
No matter what kind of kink you're trying out, aftercare is a must. It’s often done after a scene ends, or whenever someone safewords out of a scene. “While we often focus on the psychological and physical aspects of kink play, we cannot overlook the many physiological shifts that occur as well,” says Helfer. “Aftercare addresses all of these aspects, allowing room for tending to any wounds or physical concerns, managing emotional and psychological care, and gently regulating if an altered state of consciousness was experienced during the play itself.”
Aftercare can look very different from person to person, so it’s always best to negotiate the kind of care you’d like before engaging. Some people prefer a warm blanket and something light to snack on, while others prefer alone time or talking things out. Whatever your needs are, make sure to communicate them as much as possible to avoid sub-drop (that is, when uncomfortable or unpleasant feelings creep up after a scene). This can occur anywhere from minutes to days after engaging in play. Asking each other questions about what the experience was like will help with processing and ensure proper regulation.
Got it? Great! Now, go ahead and grab that blindfold.
(Source: womenshealthmag.com)
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republicsecurity · 1 month
Y88PZ Induction
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Y88PZ was led into a room containing a comfortable massage table. It was an unfamiliar experience, but he acquiesced and lay down. Soon after, another medic, 3EN6T, entered the room. Fully trained and clad in a snug red T-shirt and shorts, his shaved head and muscular arms attested to his physical fitness.
3EN6T introduced himself politely and began the massage. His skilled hands gently pressed vertebrae, loosened tense muscles, and used fragrant oil to care for and relax Y88PZ's body. It was a strangely pleasant experience, and Y88PZ found himself in a state of relaxation and tranquility.
After a while, he was asked to turn over, and 3EN6T continued the massage on the front. This included his face and scalp. The touches were gentle and soothing, and Y88PZ felt so comfortable that he gradually slipped into a restful sleep.
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As Y88PZ slowly awoke from his deep relaxation, he noticed that he couldn't move. His gaze wandered around the room when he suddenly observed the return of 3EN6T. In his hands, he held a mysterious device whose purpose remained concealed to Y88PZ at the moment.
With a serious demeanor, 3EN6T approached and began explaining the enigmatic contraption. His words echoed like a grim prophecy in Y88PZ's ears. With a calm voice, 3EN6T elucidated the significance of this moment. Y88PZ was informed that he would now receive his service identification code.
Like all young men serving their duty, he traded his civilian name for a five-digit alphanumeric code. The words of 3EN6T echoed in Y88PZ's ears. "During your service, you are not allowed to speak or inquire about private names."
Y88PZ's gaze followed the movement of the device as 3EN6T gently brought it to his chest. The machine started its work, and Y88PZ felt the slight burning pain of the needle imprinting ink into his skin.
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Once the tattoo on Y88PZ's chest was complete, 3EN6T approached and began gently massaging the fresh tattoo with a soothing cream. The gentle movements and the pleasant scent of the cream made Y88PZ relax a bit as he absorbed the moment in silent acceptance. Once the cream was evenly distributed, 3EN6T took a foil and carefully taped it over the fresh tattoo. The foil served to protect the skin and facilitate optimal healing.
Amidst the silence and immobile posture, another medic entered the room, his red jumpsuit with a cord marking him as an instructor. Despite his young age, he too sported the shaved head that was part of the paramedic uniforms. It was the first time Y88PZ heard his new code—a reminder that he was now part of a collective whole.
Y88PZ couldn't help but voice his curiosity, "Why was everything so gentle, sir?"
The instructor looked at him, his eyes reflecting a mix of experience and duty. "Son, the Paramedic Corps is more than just control and demands. It's a caretaker, a guardian for its members. It's the ultimate welfare state, ensuring not just discipline but also the well-being of its recruits. ... The gentle approach helps you adjust to the regimented structure, eases the transition into a life where discipline and care go hand in hand. It's not just about molding soldiers; it's about shaping individuals who can thrive within the collective strength of the Paramedic Corps."
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aurelian-university · 1 month
Season 1
1a: Starting Point
Zephyr Masden loved nothing more than spending his afternoons chilling on the golden beaches of Plymouth. He had been surfing for his entire life, pretty much. And by that, I mean since he and his family first moved here, which was back when he was seven, and his younger brother Caius had just turned six. Their father taught the two boys how to surf that summer, and they continued this activity ever since. Sometimes, their other friend Rowan would show up and join them. And when Rowan moved away with his family, they’d hang out with the other local Kai (Kailan Kobe, who worked at the ice cream truck. Nice guy).
Zephyr and Cai couldn’t be more different. The juxtaposition between them was striking, like night and day colliding on the canvas of life. 
Zephyr preferred to go with the flow. He was this carefree, laidback individual that just went wherever life seemed to take him, much like ocean waves that he’d often ride. Pulling him through the vast endless waters of his world, with him doing little to control where he lands.
Caius, on the other hand, never allowed any external factors to cause any ripples in his world. He created the waves and moved himself through the ocean of life. He was the “smart” brother. He was studious and disciplined. He got great grades. He was sensible and kind. He never got into trouble. All the teachers in school loved him… Zephyr couldn’t say the same thing about himself, unfortunately.
Cai always had an idea of what he wanted his life to look like. He had dreams and goals, and he’d actively push himself, working hard to get himself there.
In terms of how they went about life, they had nothing in common. But they were the best of friends nonetheless. Zephyr loved his brother more than anything. They had a strong and special bond. 
They did everything together growing up. They especially loved to surf together, and spend time on the beach. They each had their own unique surfing styles - Zephyr’s was like freestyle dancing with the ocean’s whims, while Caius, with his naturally analytical mind, had taken to surfing with an almost scientific precision. Both brothers spent years mastering the art of  harnessing the raw power of the water as they surfed. They were the yin to the other’s yang. Two halves of a perfect, harmonious whole.
But that was before Caius had to leave for AU.
Aurelian University was a fairly new educational institute. Zephyr didn’t know too much about it… but he did know that it was located on a mysterious island in Europe somewhere. And that it was relatively hard to get in… not that you needed to be a genius or anything, but you could tell they were rather picky with who they accepted (on top of having the grades, they also made you sit a bunch of entrance exams?). It was all very suspicious. Even the fact that the island itself is nowhere to be found on most maps added to the mystery of it all. Some people wondered if the place even existed.
Zephyr should have applied for university last year. At least, that’s what everybody told him. And pretty much everybody in his class had done so. But it just didn’t feel right. And sure, he didn’t get the grades to apply to the few university courses he did find interesting, but that wasn’t really anything to do with it. He just wasn’t interested in going to university. He never really had been.
Zephyr never really liked school. He wasn’t good at it. Not like Cai.
The weeks leading up to Caius's departure were tough. Zephyr kept telling himself he should be happy for his brilliant brother getting into such a prestigious school. But the thought of the endless summers spent surfing together coming to an end filled him with melancholy.
Zephyr tried not to let it get to him when Caius left for that weird university on the mysterious island. He really did. But deep down, it stung.
They had been inseparable growing up. Surfing buddies and best friends through thick and thin. No matter how different their approaches to life were, they complemented each other perfectly. Zephyr was going to miss having his straight-laced, logical brother around to balance out his carefree spirit.
The last day was by far the hardest.
"You better not forget about me when you're off becoming some big shot professor or something," Zephyr told Caius as they surfed the morning before he left.
Caius just laughed. "As if I could ever forget you, bro. Don't worry though - we'll always have the ocean between us."
Those words didn't provide Zephyr much comfort.
He and Mum dropped Caius off at the airport later that day (Dad would have come as well, but he had to go to work). As he watched his brother's plane take off, he felt unmoored, like the ocean had swept him out too far with no shore in sight.
The first few months without Caius around were really difficult for Zephyr. He tried to spend as much time as possible out in the waves, surfing until exhaustion replaced that aching loneliness. But even the soothing rhythm of the ocean seemed off without his brother riding beside him.
In the past, Zephyr could always count on Caius to ground him when he felt too adrift. Now he had to find his own anchor. Slowly, through cherishing little routines like prepping his surfboard or watching the sun rise over the beach, he started feeling steadier.
He spent more time with Kai and the usual beach crowd to keep his spirits up. Though it wasn't the same as having Caius around, at least he had good people to remind him that his free-spirited way of riding through life didn't have to be a completely solitary journey.
Zephyr knew he couldn't just tread water while his brother moved on to bigger things. He had to dive forward and pursue his own passion - allowing the ocean's perpetual motion to carry him towards his next adventure, wherever that might be.
Beach cleaning.
That's it. That's his latest adventure. His new life purpose.
I mean, he already spends every day at the beach. It's practically his second backyard. He may as well clean it, right? It started with just picking up litter he'd see during his daily surf sessions. He simply wanted to make the place a bit more tidy. But it grew into a habit, which grew into a deeper interest in the state of the environment.
For a while, Zephyr found purpose in beach cleaning and environmental activism. Seeing the harmful impacts of pollution and litter on the ocean he loved so much sparked a fire in him. He started organizing regular beach clean-ups and awareness campaigns in the community. Zephyr soon got passionate about preserving the pristine beauty of the oceanfront that meant so much to him. He started organizing community cleanups and lobbying local businesses to cut down on plastics.
At first, his parents were relieved to see Zephyr so passionate about something positive. "It's great that he's finally applying himself to a cause," Mum remarked one time. "I'm proud of you. It's so great to see you care about more than just catching waves."
However, Zephyr's zeal began verging into obsession. Before long, Zephyr's environmental crusading verged into extremism. He became that annoying militant vegan who wouldn't shut up about carbon footprints and zero-waste living. He started showing up at town halls and protests, ranting about unethical corporations. He was getting increasingly outspoken and never failed to call out anyone who so much as dropped a candy wrapper on the beach. He started getting into heated confrontations with beachgoers over using plastic straws or styrofoam coolers.
"Dude, chill out! It was an accident," Kai had to defuse one situation where Zephyr was berating a kid for spilling a can of Diet Coke.
Zephyr's tunnel vision when it came to environmental purity made him seem erratic and confrontational. His parents and friends grew worried about him.
"Dude, chill out. It was never that deep. You're taking this too far," Kai told him one day as Zephyr was berating him for selling ice cream in non-compostable containers.
"We're all for protecting the planet, but you need to find balance. This obsession is getting out of hand," his dad cautioned.
Zephyr just brushed them off, convinced he was righting the course for the environment and humankind, as well as himself. After all, he never felt like he had a true reason for being before - aside from things like surfing, he was never really good at anything. He never felt like he had a purpose in life, and that feeling only intensified after Cai left. This is all he had now.
He got more and more reckless in his pursuit of his cause, trespassing onto private beaches to do cleanups and once even trying to chain himself to a bulldozer demolishing the last undeveloped plot of beachfront. He got into a lot of trouble for that, but it could have been worse (a fact that didn't seem to reassure his parents all that much).
One night, about a week later, Zephyr's mum and dad tried voicing their concerns to him one last time. "We think it's great you've found a passion, but you need to find a healthier middle ground, son," his mom said gently to him.
Zephyr instantly got defensive. "Are you kidding me? The planet is dying! If no one makes changes, what kind of world are we going to end up leaving behind?"
"Your mother and I just want you to have... some direction in your life beyond this," his dad attempted. "You shouldn't put every once of your time and energy into this one thing. You're young, and you should have a life of your own and be able to have different experiences and-"
"Oh, so now caring about the environment isn't good enough 'direction'?" Zephyr fumed. "At least I'm doing something meaningful instead of just drifting aimlessly!"
The tense conversation devolved into a heated argument. Mum looked pleadingly at Caius's empty chair at the table, silently wishing that her more level-headed son was sitting there with them.
Well, all of them wished Cai was here. But he's not. Not anymore...
"You're ridiculous, mate," Kai told Zephyr after having to retrieve him from jail. Again. Long story.
"I have said it before, and I'll say it again - you need to chill out!" he went on. "This obsession with trying to single-handedly save the world is getting out of control!"
Zephyr opened his mouth to protest, but Kai cut him off. "Don't even start, dude. I'm all for protecting the environment, but you're taking this way too far. You need to find some balance in your life again."
Zephyr slumped in the passenger seat, knowing his friend was right but too stubborn to admit it. An uncomfortable silence stretched between them.
Finally, Kai spoke up again. "You know, I think deep down this is all still about missing Cai."
Zephyr's head whipped around at the mention of his brother's name. Kai gave him a knowing look.
"Ever since he left for that weird university, you've been... not quite yourself, mate. I think you're using this environmental crusading as a way to try and find your purpose, but it's just a band-aid for the real issue."
Zephyr couldn't argue with that. As much as he championed his causes, they hadn't truly filled the void Caius's absence left. He missed his brother - his surfing buddy, his voice of reason, his other half.
"Maybe..." Kai began carefully. "Maybe it's time you went and saw him at this Aurelian place. Get your anchor back, you know? It's time for you to go on a quest to figure out what you really want from life. So go. Go visit your brother at that university, and get yourself some perspective."
The idea of reuniting with Cai after months and months apart quickly lifted Zephyr's spirits. But then practicality set in. "How the hell am I supposed to get to that island, assuming it even exists? I don't have the money for that."
"Well, you'd better start figuring it out then!" Kai grinned. "Do your research, get a job or something to save up. Having a goal to work towards might be exactly what you need right now instead of just...endlessly raging at the system."
Good idea, Kai.
As soon as Zephyr got home, he started scouring the internet for any information about Aurelian University and its mysterious island location. The findings were...perplexing to say the least.
The university's website provided little in the way of concrete details, displaying only vague philosophies about "unlocking the boundless potential of the mind and spirit" through "holistic education transcending limits." Conspiracy theory message boards claimed Aurelian was a front for everything from military experiments to druidic cults.
The most useful lead seemed to be mentions of a privately chartered flight that departed from a remote airstrip in northern Scotland, intended to shuttle new students to the island at the start of each semester. But even finding the exact departure location proved challenging.
Zephyr spent weeks deep down a rabbit hole of research, corresponding with amateur sleuths who had dedicated alarming amounts of time to cracking Aurelian's secrets. He started working part-time jobs to squirrel away savings for the potential travel costs and whatever other expenditures gaining access to this place might require.
His parents were relieved to see Zephyr's obsessive energy getting redirected towards a more positive goal for once. Though they questioned his efforts to essentially stalk Caius at his university, they didn't balk too hard after witnessing how much more balanced he became.
Zephyr was finally regaining his drive and sense of purpose - no longer just aimlessly crusading, but actively working towards something meaningful. Or at least, he hoped a reunion with Cai would help ground him again and provide some clarity.
After several months of planning and preparation, Zephyr managed to uncover the coordinates for the remote Scottish airfield that hosted Aurelian's ferry flights. As Zephyr headed towards his grand adventure in this strange new world that was the enigmatic island university, he couldn't help but feel a stirring sense of excitement for what awaited him. He scraped together enough money for a one-way ticket, ready to take a leap of faith in search of his brother...and maybe some answers about himself in the process.
Surprise! Only 8 months late lol. Here is the first chapter/episode of AU! What do you think will happen next?
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forgottenyear · 10 months
[tw: CSA, this does not end well, sorry]
[for your own safety, maybe do not read this one
i am only posting because i will delte it and erase the memoryotherwise[
In my ongoing avoidance of a certain subject that I keep bringing up, I will write about agoraphobia instead [do not believe it], since it has come up several times in the last day, and my filters have better sense than I do and are still sleeping. (I got maybe two hours of sleep.)
Today’s agoraphobia danger is low. In the past, it has been so extreme that I could barely contain my panic when someone stood talking between me and my bedroom.
I have had so many appointments over the last few months that I am desensitized.
Okay, that is all I have. Next.
Last night’s discovery, that everyone was so certain we were gay that they assumed our years-long heterosexual relationship with the girlfriend was a platonic friendship, is still surprising. Still more surprising that we never pieced it together before.
The whole situation with the mother visiting overnight has always been confusing but would not be in this new light.
My best friend in my life and I had a platonic friendship that everyone just assumed was sexual (hetero). My friend and employer and I had a similar platonic friendship. I also had a platonic friendship that my partner assumed was sexual (and also assumed was hetero). There were so many men, at that time, guarding against me moving in on their women that I began to joke that if I was getting it as often as everyone suspected I was, maybe I would not have started going blind (I am not) (I really hope I am not) (going blind, I mean, although getting it often would probably be far more surprising).
I have written that I go about friendships wrong, and I guess everyone assumes I am making moves. We have consented to sex with only four people in the life of this body (although two were never brought to completion because of a cruel joke of an allergy).
All roads lead back to the horrible subject.
I am not hypersexual. Not the way so many people appear to have seen me. Those who would act only with my consent have mostly all been disappointed by my cluelessness. My self-image is that no one would want me, and I have been disappointed by my cluelessness too often, when people have as much as said they wished I had made a move before the moment had passed.
Those with whom I have been sexual have made the moves that I do not. (both consensual and non-)
But so many people think (or used to think) I am always dtf.
This leads to the question, was the appearance of hypersexuality (and precociousness) a result of the way we were abused during development?
For reasons I hope are obvious, I am not into the domination and discipline thing from either side of that particular coin. I cannot do even the milder playfully rough stuff. I cannot function in a power imbalance. Which makes it all the more difficult to deal with the thought that I tend always to be the follower. I worry about what others assume about me. About my meekness or slowness and how that may coincide with my appearance of being dtf, to give others the impression that I want to be dominated.
I think, after what I was able to write before I wandered into the tangent of discovery, last night, that there are enough surrounding memories that lack purpose if the horrible thing I am not thinking about happened. I have not approached this subject from this angle, or not successfully before last night.
The most telling is the lie for which we were punished – a lie that a young child should not know to tell. (I do not know exactly what the lie was, but only that we were punished for it.)
We did have an issue with keeping secrets. The concept took a long while to sink in. This may be why the parents needed to assassinate our character so thoroughly. To punish us so severely for lying.
This may also be why the one form of abuse was replaced by the other. That it was too dangerous to continue the first, and too dangerous to allow us to develop any degree of self-confidence thereafter.
When the father died, I was surprised that conservative propaganda was still being forwarded from the parents’ email to mine. Only then did I realize it had been coming from the mother all along.
The most severe beatings came from the father. But the father was mostly away with work, so the most frequent beatings came from the mother. It was the same for neglect and emotional abuse.
I have a memory of an incident with the mother when we were sixteen. We were told this was medically necessary because we were recovering from chicken pox. That she needed to take our temperature a certain way, but there was more to the act than was necessary. We have assumed that our perceptions were distorted because that was around the time we matured. We were assured this was medically necessary, and it is not something I am in the habit of questioning. To suggest this was abuse is to deserve punishment for lying.
I need to stop here, about the past. I feel chaotic.
The memory I just wrote about carries the same confusion and feelings of shame for thinking what I just thought, the same as when the (female) doctor pulled my underwear down to check for lumps. The doctor did not ask or explain what they intended to do. It was arguably medically necessary (there was a CAT scan from just four days earlier). But it could have been done without exposing half of the genitals. It could have been done without exposing any.
My first instinct was to defend their actions. My first feelings were confusion and shame.
I hate this body so much.
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voguefitness · 22 days
Experience the Best of Abu Dhabi Fitness at Vogue Fitness
Introduction to Vogue Fitness
Welcome to the ultimate fitness haven in Abu Dhabi, where passion meets performance and goals become reality. Vogue Fitness is not just a gym; it's a lifestyle, a community, and an experience like no other. Get ready to embark on a journey towards your best self at the best gym in Abu Dhabi - Vogue Fitness!
State-of-the-art Facilities and Equipment
Step into Vogue Fitness and be amazed by its state-of-the-art facilities and top-of-the-line equipment that will elevate your fitness experience to a whole new level. The gym boasts modern cardio machines, cutting-edge strength training equipment, and functional training areas designed to cater to all your workout needs.
Whether you prefer sweating it out on the treadmill, pumping iron in the weight room, or engaging in dynamic group classes, Vogue Fitness has everything you need for a diverse and effective workout session. The spacious layout of the gym provides ample space for members to move freely and comfortably during their training sessions.
From high-quality dumbbells and kettlebells to specialized functional training tools like battle ropes and TRX suspension trainers, Vogue Fitness is equipped with a wide range of gear that allows you to challenge yourself and achieve your fitness goals. With an emphasis on quality equipment and well-maintained facilities, every visit to Vogue Fitness promises a premium fitness experience like no other.
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Variety of Classes and Programs Offered
Looking to spice up your fitness routine? Vogue Fitness gym in Abu Dhabi offers a diverse range of classes and programs to cater to all levels and interests.
From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions to yoga, boxing, and strength training, there is something for everyone. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or a seasoned athlete wanting to push yourself further, Vogue Fitness has got you covered.
With expert instructors leading each class, you can rest assured that you are getting top-notch guidance and support every step of the way. The dynamic class schedule allows you to mix things up and keep your workouts fresh and exciting.
Whether you prefer group classes for the energy and motivation they provide or one-on-one personal training in Abu Dhabi for a more tailored approach, Vogue Fitness has it all. Get ready to challenge yourself, have fun, and see real results with their variety of classes and programs!
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At Vogue Fitness, our team of trainers is not only experienced but also highly qualified in various fitness disciplines. Each trainer undergoes rigorous training and certification to ensure they provide top-notch guidance and support to all members.
Our trainers are passionate about helping individuals reach their fitness goals, whether it's weight loss, strength training, or overall wellness. They tailor workouts to suit each person's needs and abilities, ensuring a safe and effective training experience.
With diverse backgrounds in sports science, nutrition, and personal training, our team brings a wealth of knowledge to every session. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in the fitness industry to deliver exceptional results for our members.
Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or an athlete aiming for peak performance, our experienced trainers are here to motivate, educate, and inspire you along the way.
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Success stories and testimonials at Vogue Fitness are a testament to the incredible transformations that have taken place within its walls. Members share their journeys of perseverance, hard work, and dedication to achieving their fitness goals. From weight loss to muscle gain, each story is a source of inspiration for others on their own fitness journey.
These testimonials highlight the impact of the experienced trainers who provide personalized guidance and support every step of the way. The sense of community fostered at Vogue Fitness shines through in these success stories, as members cheer each other on towards reaching new milestones.
Members rave about not only the physical results they've achieved but also the mental strength and confidence they've gained through their training sessions. Whether it's overcoming self-doubt or pushing past limits, these testimonials showcase how Vogue Fitness goes beyond just physical fitness – it's a holistic approach to health and well-being.
Joining Vogue Fitness isn't just about getting fit; it's about joining a supportive community where your success becomes everyone's celebration.
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At Vogue Fitness, you'll find a range of unique features that set it apart from other gyms in Abu Dhabi. One standout feature is the incorporation of cutting-edge technology into workout routines, providing members with data-driven insights to optimize their performance and progress.
Additionally, the gym offers specialized recovery services like cryotherapy and sports massage to help members recover faster and prevent injuries. The focus on holistic wellness extends beyond physical fitness to include nutrition counseling and mental health support.
Vogue Fitness also hosts exclusive events such as fitness challenges and workshops with renowned experts in the industry, keeping workouts exciting and motivating for members. The community atmosphere at Vogue Fitness creates a supportive environment where members can connect, share goals, and celebrate achievements together.
With its innovative approach to fitness, personalized attention from expert trainers, and vibrant community spirit, Vogue Fitness truly stands out as the ultimate destination for achieving your health and wellness goals in Abu Dhabi.
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Conclusion: Why Vogue Fitness is the Ultimate Destination for Fitness in Abu Dhabi
Looking for the ultimate destination for fitness in Abu Dhabi? Look no further than Vogue Fitness. With its state-of-the-art facilities, top-notch equipment, and a wide range of classes and programs, Vogue Fitness offers everything you need to achieve your fitness goals.
What sets Vogue Fitness apart is its team of experienced and qualified trainers who are dedicated to helping you reach your full potential. Their personalized approach to training ensures that you get the guidance and support you need every step of the way.
But don't just take our word for it - hear from the success stories and testimonials of those who have transformed their lives through Vogue Fitness. Their inspiring journeys speak volumes about the effectiveness of this fitness haven.
From group classes to personal training sessions, Vogue Fitness caters to all levels of fitness enthusiasts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, there's something for everyone at Vogue Fitness.
Q: What sets Vogue Fitness apart from other gyms in Abu Dhabi?
A: Vogue Fitness stands out due to its state-of-the-art facilities, diverse range of classes, experienced trainers, and personalized approach to fitness.
Q: Are there any success stories or testimonials from members at Vogue Fitness?
A: Yes, many members have achieved their fitness goals and transformed their lives with the help of the dedicated trainers at Vogue Fitness. Check out our website for inspiring success stories!
Q: Can I try a class before committing to a membership?
A: Absolutely! Vogue Fitness offers trial classes so you can experience firsthand the high-quality training and supportive community before making a decision.
Vogue Fitness is not just a gym; it's a lifestyle that promotes health, wellness, and personal growth. Join us today and experience the best of Abu Dhabi fitness at Vogue Fitness!
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zenruption · 3 months
Treefort Roaming 2024 - Wednesday and Thursday
It’s back, that time of year when the music permeates all of amazing downtown Boise for five days. Yes, it is my favorite time of year and so far it hasn’t disappointed.
This year is a bit of a different approach. Instead of just roaming, I am much more disciplined as my time is far more limited. Being a dog dad means tons of dog love but also a lot of responsibility, so the 12 hour days at Treefort are no more. It’s a worthy trade-off.
Still, there have been a few surprises that one can’t help but come across while enjoying one of the best festivals in the U.S.
Let’s start with Wednesday.
With my dog, Brahms, in mind, I didn’t head out quite late and only stayed a few hours, but those hours were filled with several great acts.
While heading to the Treefort Music Hall, I found myself diverted to something that just sounded fun. And it was. The Boise Brewing stage is a super cool stage that has had some excellent acts. Buddy Crime is undoubtedly such an act.
A single musician, Louisville, Kentucky based Buddy Crime is backed by prerecorded hard thumping electro-pop to which he adds his lyrical and guitar skills. He’s high energy, puts out some incredible sarcastic vocals, and keeps the audience moving. The crowd was absolutely engaged and I look forward to seeing him again someday.
While I truly desired to stay late and see excellent Boise musicians, Magic Sword, it’d be an early night with only one more act on tap, Neko Case, at the main stage.
Neko Case has been labeled as “alt-country” or indie-rock,” but she defies the labels, becoming almost otherworldly and emitting a chilling vibe in songs such as “Hold on, Hold on.” With haunting sound and lyrics, she grabs you, and you can’t walk away mid-song. Her long career in music has yielded a large amount of work, and she deserves your listen. Check her out on your music service.
An annual tradition is watching the first Gonzaga NCAA Tournament game at the excellent Owyhee Tavern while eating a steak. Afterward, it was past eight, and it was time to get out there.
While I only caught the last three songs of Australia’s Blusher at the Treefort Music Hall, it was a blast, making me wish I’d been there for the whole thing. An electro-pop infused experience from three female amazing singers made it part girl band and part high energy indie. Let’s just call it what it is, a ton of fun.
Look for Blusher to be touring the U.S. this next year, as they told me they just got their visas and will be living in L.A.
Things mellowed quite a bit with French Cassettes, but they are a phenomenal band putting out their own harmony-driven pop, with a sound best (but very loosely) compared to Vampire Weekend. Check out their pre-release song, “Benzene.” It’s fabulous.
Then there is Karina Rykeman, who recently dropped her debut album, Joyride. There’s nothing like Karina. She is an incredible bassist, her guitarist is phenomenal, and her lyrics are silky smooth. In many ways, I felt like I did when at a Khruangbin concert but without all the reverb.
Karina is high-energy and keeps everyone dancing, and the crowd loves her. Listen to her track “Joyride” right now!
And that’s it. It was another early evening with absolutely amazing bands. This is why Treefort is incredible; you’re constantly discovering new music to fall in love with.
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authorsebooks · 3 months
Debt-Free Living: Strategies for Financial Freedom
In a world often dominated by financial pressures, pursuing debt-free living is a beacon of economic freedom. Escaping the shackles of debt provides peace of mind and opens avenues for wealth accumulation and realising life's dreams. This article will explore key strategies for achieving debt-free living and unlocking the path to financial freedom.
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Be good… GOOD being an acronym for “Get Out Of Debt”
Understanding the burden of debt on your future financial success is crucial to getting out of debt. Debt is a formidable obstacle on the journey to economic well-being. It weighs down your ability to save, invest, and enjoy life, especially with the constant pressure of high repayments. Adopting strategies to eliminate debt is a critical step toward achieving financial freedom.
1. Create a Detailed Budget
The foundation of debt-free living begins with a comprehensive budget. By tracking income and expenses, you can identify areas for potential savings and allocate funds strategically. A well-structured budget facilitates debt repayment and fosters disciplined financial habits.
2. Prioritize and Tackle High-Interest Debt First
When working towards debt-free living, it's essential to prioritise high-interest debt. Targeting debts with the highest interest rates first minimises the overall repayment cost and accelerates progress towards financial freedom. Implementing a debt repayment strategy, such as the debt Snowball or Rollover method, can be a powerful tool in this journey.
3. Embrace a Minimalist Lifestyle
Cutting unnecessary expenses and embracing a minimalist lifestyle can expedite becoming debt-free. Evaluate needs versus wants, sell unused items, and redirect funds towards debt repayment. A minimalist approach not only aids in debt reduction but also promotes a mindset shift towards mindful spending. Remember, being frugal now means you can be extravagant in the future.
4. Negotiate Lower Interest Rates
For those with substantial credit card debt, negotiating lower interest rates can significantly alleviate your financial burden. If you’re eligible for a lower-interest rate loan, you may be able to consolidate all of your high-interest loans into one smaller monthly payment. Alternatively, contacting creditors and expressing a commitment to debt repayment may result in reduced interest rates, making it easier to pay off the principal amount.
5. Build a Contingency Fund
Establishing a contingency fund is a vital component of debt-free living. A financial safety net ensures that unexpected expenses like medical emergencies or car repairs do not lead to additional debt. Aim for three to six months' living expenses in your emergency fund.
6. Seek Professional Guidance
Debt can be one of the most stressful things in life, and if you find yourself completely overwhelmed by debt, please don’t ignore it. However bad it may seem, there are professional organisations that can help. Consulting with a debt management company or credit counsellor can provide valuable insights and strategies for debt management. Professionals can offer personalised advice, negotiate with creditors on your behalf, and help create a realistic plan to eliminate your debt.
7. Cultivate a Long-Term Wealth Mindset
Beyond achieving debt-free living, cultivating a wealth mindset is pivotal for sustained financial success. Most of our debt comes from a straightforward act. Spending! So, if you can change your spending habits and create a whole new mindset about money, debt can become a thing of the past. With a simple change of focus, you can move from debt burden to Building a prosperous future.
MONEY ON AUTOPILOT: Your Roadmap to Financial Freedom
This has been a glimpse into the transformative journey of debt-free living. The book "MONEY ON AUTOPILOT" delves deeper, providing readers with "7 Simple Strategies" to take control of their money. The book also offers free access to an interactive Wealth Programme, giving you your own Budgeting App and Debt Reduction App designed to reduce your debt most efficiently using the rollover method mentioned in section 2. It also explores the significance of creating your own personalised wealth plan that paves the way for financial freedom. 
This is not just a guide; it's a roadmap to financial independence and fulfilling your dreams. Embrace these simple strategies and embark on your journey to a debt-free and financially secure life.
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harrywatson2 · 9 months
Tiny Steps, Big Learning: Montessori for Toddlers
The toddler years, between 18 months and 3 years old, are a time of incredible growth and development. Montessori educational methods are uniquely suited to support toddlers during this critical stage. The Montessori approach recognizes that toddlers are driven to explore, learn and practice life skills through purposeful work. Montessori classrooms facilitate this natural curiosity and independence.
Montessori environments are thoughtfully designed for toddlers. Activities and materials are child-sized and accessible, allowing toddlers to do things for themselves. Classrooms have designated spaces for practical life skills, sensory exploration, language development, and movement. Toddlers choose activities based on their interests, developing concentration and self-discipline. Specially trained teachers observe each child’s development and introduce new activities when appropriate.
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Several key factors characterize Montessori for toddlers:
Practical Life Skills: Toddlers love to imitate adult activities like washing dishes, preparing food and buttoning clothes. Montessori allows them to practice real-life skills, building coordination and self-esteem.
Sensory Exploration: Playing with sand, water, colors and textures stimulates toddlers’ senses and cognitive development. Montessori for toddlers provide open-ended sensory experiences.
Movement: Toddlers learn through moving their bodies. Montessori environments have space for walking, climbing, dancing and obstacle courses to develop motor skills.
Language Development: Naming objects, reading books, and singing songs in a Montessori classroom expands toddlers’ vocabulary and pre-reading skills. While toddlers are busy exploring and learning, they also absorb key social and emotional lessons. Montessori toddler communities promote sharing, cooperation, and respect. Multi-age classrooms allow younger toddlers to learn from older peers. Toddlers gain independence, confidence, and the joy of discovery. Montessori nurtures the whole child during the magical toddler years.
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bristefreelanceservice · 10 months
Exploring Transdisciplinary Innovation
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Transdisciplinary innovation is a relatively new concept that has been gaining traction in the business world. It involves the integration of multiple disciplines, from engineering and marketing to product design and customer experience, to create innovative solutions to real-world problems. It seeks to move beyond traditional boundaries to bring together the best minds and work together to create something truly remarkable. This article will explore the benefits of transdisciplinary innovation and investigate the possibilities of what it can bring to businesses, organizations, and individuals.
Expansion Through Exploration: Exploring the Benefits of Transdisciplinary Innovation
Transdisciplinary innovation offers numerous benefits to businesses that are willing to expand their horizons and take risks. It allows for the pooling of disparate knowledge to create real solutions and tangible value. Here are some of the advantages of transdisciplinary innovation:A Unique PerspectiveTransdisciplinary innovation allows practitioners to take their problem-solving skills and look at the issue from a completely different angle. This provides a much-needed breath of fresh air when attempting to break through stagnant processes. In addition, by breaking down the barrier between departments and having multiple disciplines come together to work on the problem at hand, a deep level of understanding can be created.A Fresh Take on ThingsTransdisciplinary innovation enables organizations to pull from different areas of expertise and come up with ideas that would have otherwise been out of reach. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities, as the diverse range of viewpoints can generate groundbreaking solutions. Furthermore, bringing together people from various disciplines encourages creativity, allowing for innovative and creative solutions.Increased ProductivityBy cultivating a culture of collaboration among the different disciplines, transdisciplinary innovation can help increase the productivity of a business. When workers are able to combine their distinct talents and resources, they can find ways to work more efficiently and faster. This makes it easier for organizations to stay nimble and adapt to changing markets quickly.
Uncovering Possibilities: Investigating the Potential of Transdisciplinary Innovation
The potential of transdisciplinary innovation is nearly limitless, and businesses are starting to take notice of its potential. Here are some of the possibilities that can be unlocked by leveraging transdisciplinary innovation:Rapid IterationIntegrating multiple disciplines into the innovation process allows businesses to rapidly iterate and try out new ideas quickly. This helps create a cycle of innovation that moves the organization forward and keeps them ahead of the competition. It also allows for quick feedback and testing, which can lead to greater understanding and insights.Sustainable GrowthTransdisciplinary innovation can help companies create sustainable growth and lasting value. By looking for creative solutions, companies can create products and services that stand out in the marketplace and differentiate them from the competition. In addition, working with a diverse range of industries can lay the foundation for a long-term approach to growth.Innovation-Driven OrganizationsTransdisciplinary innovation helps to create organizations that are truly innovation-driven. By integrating multiple disciplines, organizations can create an environment that encourages creativity and encourages people to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of what is possible. This helps generate the kind of innovative products and services that can drive a business forward.
In conclusion, transdisciplinary innovation offers a wide range of advantages and potential for businesses. From providing a unique perspective to unlocking sustainable growth, transdisciplinary innovation has the potential to revolutionize the way organizations approach problem-solving and create innovative solutions. Transdisciplinary innovation may be a relatively new concept, but the potential for success is certainly there. Read the full article
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summergimurne · 10 months
A review of Textual Rivalries by Gilad Elbom
Textual Rivalries offers a rich, sweeping, and stimulating synthesis of kabbalistic and glossematic hermeneutical practice centering around three historic “textual rivals”: the Hebrew scriptures, Talmudic texts that expand on and interpret these scriptures by way of midrashic interpretation, and the Kabbalah. Elbom considers the New Testament in the same genre as other Talmudic literature, and he skillfully brings early Christian apostolic and patristic literature into dialogue with Jewish tradition.
Even within each of these traditions, scholars have detected several distinct and conflicting voices that pose interpretive challenges. Early in the book, Elbom uses Deuteronomistic scriptures (especially Judges and 1 Samuel) to reveal fascinating pro- and anti-monarchy sources woven into the same narratives. Elbom then explicates midrash as the ancient hermeneutical practice by which these contradictory streams are interrogated and imaginatively resolved. Midrash, however, while offering possibilities, rarely settles anything. Through explorations of polarizing figures in Jewish thought, a midrashic interpretation could naturally lead either to dismissal of these figures or toward placing them firmly in the prophetic or rabbinical tradition. For example, Elbom provides an overview of kabbalistic midrashim of Cain and Abel that would argue for Cain's place among the prophets as a flawed but repentant man who spoke face to face with God. In viewing Jesus through the lens of Judaic thought, Elbom shows that Jesus prefigured post-Temple practices, devaluing the Sadducees' more literalist observances that served to place large burdens on the “unclean,” i.e., the poor and disadvantaged. In declaring the underprivileged clean and forgiving their sins, Jesus became an important figure in a larger movement, led by Yohanan ben Zakkai, to value the power of textual practices (e.g., prayer and the reading of scripture) over Temple sacrifices.
The final two chapters explore Kabbalah more explicitly as an interpretive system similar to Hjelmslev's glossematics, the goal of which is nothing less than the repair of the world. Instead of limiting scriptural interpretation to the search for the “one true meaning,” whether that is through a conservative grammatical-historical methodology or a late modern historical-critical one, Elbom urges a kabbalistic/glossematic approach by which readers fearlessly explore all interpretive possibilities, opening them for contemplation and discussion. To Elbom, to treat scripture as if it were a well-argued scientific paper reduces its inherent potential and borders on the blasphemous. Glossematic and kabbalistic approaches reveal that scripture infinitely generates new interpretations, and its power to do so should move us to awe and reverence for it as a vehicle of the divine. Acknowledging the openness of these sacred texts should also lead to an endless conversation among humanity and between humanity and God, serving as an impetus for the pursuit of universal justice. Engaging with the text with our whole minds, hearts, and selves is among the most crucial of spiritual disciplines.
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Finding the Personal Trainer Course Most Suitable to You
The worldwide move to have a sexier body, healthier and more active lifestyle has brought about the demand for fitness institutions, and therefore personal trainers are always sought after. It is estimated that four out of ten people go to gym to get a good shape, to build body and tight muscles, and many other reasons. The demand for fitness is greater than ever and the fitness industry is booming.
If you have ever considered a fitness training career, read the guide below on how to find the personal trainer course most suitable to you.
1. A personal trainer course should be favorable with your budget.
There are a lot of personal trainer courses available, all with varying costs depending on the level of knowledge that you will acquire and the equipments or fitness facilities that you will use. Generally, the price ranges from $50 even up to $5000. You will have to work within your budget, Make sure that there will be no hidden costs or fees.
Obviously, a pricey personal trainer course is more complex and at a higher level than those with little costs. If you want a cheaper course, then settle for easy courses first and then just upgrade to a higher level until you complete the whole personal trainer course.
Brain Measures is one of the only online accredited courses that brings you reasonable prices, and great quality; so you don't have to worry about getting a lesser education while staying within your budget.
2. Consider the place, time, and regularity of your personal trainer course.
There are lot more questions while finding the best personal trainer course. Will the course allow you to take it at home? Or are you required to go regularly to the fitness center? Will the course you are about to take be favorable in your daily schedule and commitments? Should you go everyday or only every weekend? Are you taking up the course alone? Or are you with a group?
This set of questions should be considered first before taking up a personal trainer course. If you currently have a full time job, or have children at home, it may be much more convenient to take the course online, and study when you have the time. It could be early in the morning, when the kids are taking a nap, or later at night when everyone is in bed for the night.
3. A personal trainer course should match your interests.
Personal trainer courses vary. In the early years, courses only involve basic exercises such as cardio and resistance fitness trainings that will prevent common illnesses like heart and cardiovascular problems. But today, a modernized approach has been developed and the courses have become detailed, specialized, dedicated and flexible.
It is important to choose a personal trainer course according to your interests. If you want to involve mental and spiritual disciplines in your course, try the Yoga personal trainer course. If you want to help teens get the weight and shape they want, try the weight management course. You may also want to take up the aerobics personal trainer course, even dancing and sports courses, all according to your interests.
There are a lot of available personal trainer courses in the fitness industry. If you want to become a professional in the field, find the personal trainer course most suitable to you. Always consider the costs, place, time and regularity, and of course your personal interests. With Brain Measures, you can study on your own time, and receive your certification in less time than with traditional training. You can be on your way to your lucrative new career in as little as a few months!
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June 21- Bye Bye At Least Now
When You’re a Jet
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Bye Bye For Now Jets
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You’re a Jet all the way
Group 1
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Group 2
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At the Gallery in Krakow
Group 3
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Computing Power and AI Report
AI Reading Brainwaves
Create Smooth Videos With Frame Interpolation
How to make frame blending effect
Frame Average Node
From Lev Manovich:
(AI theory note 28)"AI and the history of digital culture."Generative AI media (2022–) is the fourth major effect of the gradual emergence of a giant digital universe of cultural content (the web). It was born in 1993, when the first graphic browser started popularizing the web. During the 30 years that passed, we see many effects, including these 4:1. The first effect is the switch from categorical, hierarchical and structured organization of information (exemplified by library catalogs and early web directories) to search engines in the late 1990s. There is so much content that organizing it in conventional ways is no longer practical, and search becomes the new default. (Note that search is based on a prediction of what will be most relevant to the user as opposed to giving you a precise answer. AI today is also predictive...)2. The second major effect that interests me is the development of data visualization in first part of the 2000s - another attempt to deal with new data scale. It emerged as a new hip cultural field in 2005-2006. If search attempts to find the most relevant items in the giant data universe, visualization tries to show it as a whole.3. The third effect is the emergence of "data science" as the master discipline of the new era at the end of the 2000s. (While most methods data science uses have already been available for decades, the rapid increase in unstructured data in the 2000s motivated the development of data science as the key new profession of the data society.) My own version of this stage - "cultural analytics" research, 2005-2020. And of course my main method for this research is data visualization but applied to media (images, film, etc.)4. The next, and certainly not the last, major effect of the growth of “digital content society is generative media (GenAI) in the early 2020s. If data science focuses on finding patterns, relations, groupings, and outliers in big data, and if data visualization tries to summarize it visually, generative AI (i.e. particular  machine learning pipelines) approaches “big content” in a different way. It allows the generation of new content with statistical properties related to existing content. Moreover, this new content (texts, images, animation, 3D models, etc.) can interpolate between existing data points, thus creating new content that goes beyond a summary of what already exists. Thus, we move from probabalistic search to probabalistic media generation, 1999 - 2022. 
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