#new pokemon just dropped
contac · 4 months
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This is the funniest picture I've ever taken of Beauregard. He looks like a little two-legged dog munchkin or something!
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gaykarstaagforever · 9 months
The UK is home to the endangered (there, at least, stop building housing and using pestisides where they live, you bastards) Great Crested Newt
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mintjeru · 6 months
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"but there is nothing more beautiful and terrifying than innocence."
open for better quality | no reposts
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frokkie21 · 9 months
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The silliest goobers ever
And happy new year must all of our days be filled with maximum blorbo
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realpokemon · 2 years
Evolution isn't real. Arceus decides to replace your Charmander with a completely different pokemon.
keep talking. i want to hear more about this. do evolved pokémon also just materialize into the world. are there charmeleon eggs. what happens to the charmander, where does it go. how many metapod does arceus have to supply every day
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I got inspired by @/bloo-the-dragon 's art and made one of it myself
Y'all should check their comic it looks rlly nice
Also, bonus:
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Poor guy 's just as lost
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dualcosmog · 4 days
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0386 Deoxys
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mamanbou · 7 months
love that Legends is a full on series because now its just gonna be like every couple years one region's fans get a free perpetual angst fanart generator in the form of its protag being ripped away from their time and all their loved ones by God itself
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dipplinduo · 9 months
Okay, but post S&S D, are Juliana and Kieran going to hold a grudge against peaches in general?
Like, someone brings in a peach dessert or something to share, and they're just:
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💀💀💀💀 LMAO this is really funny because here they are loving apple shit and Kieran's just a fucking onion and now they're gonna hate fuckin peaches STOP-
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tokayfeathers · 1 year
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microwave-core · 1 year
I've been plagued by thoughts about the cooking skills of the champions for some reason and have no choice but to write them down so here you go. Blue strikes me as the type of person who has the potential to be a great cook but rarely ever puts the effort in. He just doesn't care too much for cooking. He has other things to do and he can get food somewhere else. That being said, if he is cooking for another person, than he is going to go all out because he is a try hard. Complimenting his cooking gives him the biggest ego boost.
Red is a microwave cooker, as in at least 90% of his meals are going in the microwave. Average meal consists of a cup of noodles and a mug brownie. It's passable, it works enough for him and that's all he cares about. Dude lived on a mountain for a long ass time, he doesn't need luxury, he just needs to get by. He has a male living space, I'm sorry.
Lance is pretty average. Your not getting anything incredible out of him, but you know it's never going to be terrible. He also seems like the kind of person to eat the equivalent of chicken and rice for every meal almost every day of the week. He's not against making something else or eating out, but he would prefer to just make something quick and move on with his day.
Steven is banned from the kitchen. This man will burn water. Anything he touches will be scorched in an instance. Don't ask him how it happens, he doesn't know, his hands just turn ingredients to dust upon making contact, and no amount of supervision or guidance can save him. The only reason he should be manning a stove is to be making Bismuth crystals.
Wallace is a great cook and also loves cooking. He will make a banger meal, every meal, every day of the week, and he takes pride in that. He loves to cook for other people, both to show off and take care of them. He is also the only reason why Steven hasn't died of malnutrition. If they ever get divorced, Steven is in danger.
Cynthia would be on the better end of average. Still not anything incredible, but, again, you know it's never going to be bad. But she definitely seems like the type who would much prefer to eat out at any and every opportunity, especially with company. She doesn't dislike the act of cooking, she just doesn't like how long it takes.
Alder is a grill dad. At every event-family gatherings, league mandated meetings, Ghetsis' court hearing-he is outside and he is grilling. He's got the kiss the cook apron and sandals and everything. Whatever he makes, it is going to be delicious, and you will almost defiantly be sent home with tons of leftovers. Man is just dad shaped.
Iris feels like she ranges between incredible and terrible. As in, she will either make one of the most delicious things you've ever had in your entire life or the worst thing you've ever put in your mouth, and there is no in between. It's entirely dependent on what she makes, like she has some recipes that are baller and anything outside of that is risky at best. Also seems like the type who would make really good ramen.
Diantha is also a great cook, but she rarely has the time to do any actual cooking. Girl is way too busy juggling the work of being both a champion and movie star to set aside time to cook. She's almost always going to eat out, mainly around Lumious City. She's practically a regular at every major café, as she constantly cycles between them for each meal of the day.
Kukui is pretty good, but is also a group cooker. He needs to be cooking with another person, whether that be his wife, or his pokemon, or one of his many adopted children, or his actual child. It doesn't matter, he just needs to be with someone to talk and mess around with. it's lonely when no else is there.
Hau only eats Malasadas. It is the only thing he has consistently eaten for years. The fact that he is still alive is a mystery. People close to him are constantly offering to eat out because that is the only way he will eat literally anything else. It's not that he doesn't like other foods, or that he's a picky eater, he just really likes Malasadas.
Leon is on the lower end of average. He can usually make a passable meal, but he's gonna miss sometimes. He's also never at home, so he rarely even has time to cook with to begin with. However, as a baker? He's nothing short of immaculate. Easily the best baker on this list. He would win The Great Galarian Bake Off every year without any competition.
Geeta is an enigma. Is she good? Is she bad? Incredible? Terrible? Only she knows. She's also the type who barely ever has time to cook to begin with, being the workaholic that she is. She probably hasn't touched a stove in years, and has very little desire to change that fact. Do not ask her to cook, she will not do it.
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vhalesa · 1 year
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Guess who went to the beach
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raisondetriment · 2 years
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dantelionwishes · 2 years
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leon laventon
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corruptimles · 1 year
What pokemon would your favorites of the mob psycho cast have, in your opinion?
anon I hope you're alright with how long this answers going to get because I sat down and went:
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because I LOVE assigning pokemon to characters
We all know Mob and Espurr are pretty much made for each other but I'm putting a read-more because this answer is embarassingly long
I deleted it earlier because I wasn’t sure if it was the correct idiom, but my friend warns that you've "opened a can of worms" here
A little context/worldbuilding before I get into the lists:
These answers are in the context of a Pokemon/MP100 crossover in which Seasoning City is an existing city in new region, or is expanded into its own region entirely. Other countries are not brought up that often in MP100 so those could be replaced with existing Pokemon regions instead. (I think only America is mentioned, which could be replaced with Unova)
(this is as opposed to, an isekai AU, or if you decided the characters are from Kanto or something)
I won't be creating Seasoning's pokedex by any means, but this means I won't be limiting Pokemon geographically (like I assigned TSV characters with mostly Unovan Pokemon because they're from New York)
There's still the exception of the type of environment/region being very significant to that Pokemon (aka some regionals, legends/mythicals, endangered, etc))
Regarding Psychics/Espers
Psychics or Espers already exist in the Pokemon world, but the actual differences between them and Psychic-type pokemon is not widely explored, nor the fact there are non-psychic types that can technically use psychic-type moves, or abilities associated with psychics (telekinesis, telepathy, whatever it is empaths got going on, clairvoyance, etc)
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There's also an unexplored difference between ghost-types and ghosts
but the point I want to make here is that I don't think psychic pokemon are absolutely necessary for an exorcism business like Spirits & Such, especially when psychic-types are weak to ghost-types in the Pokemon world, and MP100 espers usually have a natural shield against, like, possessions specifically
So we're going with Psychics/Espers being able to be exorcists, mediums, etc, with their wide variety of psychic abilities at their disposal compared to specific Pokemon with specific skillsets.
There's also more apparent leniency with the fact that Psychics post-gen III use both psychic-type and ghost-type pokemon on their teams, and you can debatably include hex maniacs and channelers as psychics or espers to a degree
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A human Esper could possibly perform exorcisms themself or with the aid of a psychic, ghost, maybe even fairy pokemon, or pokemon with those moves
This means that I'm wont be assigning MP100 espers with psychic pokemon just because they're both psychic, but I acknowledge they'd likely be drawn to each other eventually, and it's up to the character if they'd interact with ghost types
There's also if the city/regions's general consensus on ghosts is similar enough to MP100 originally, which mean they're not as normal to see around as other regions for one reason or another
Personal Preferences / Headcanons
It's Very fun to match Pokemon to a character in how similar they are but other times I also like to try avoiding literal matches like that, or ones that are too on the nose
(what pokemon a character would be could be very different to what they would have!)
Often times I don't use the more popular pokemon either (like eeveelutions, sorry) unless it feels like that pokemon really works out for the character
It gives Pokemon ppl might not have thought of nor remembered a chance to shine
I also imagine if a character doesn't seem the type for competitive battling, they wouldn't have a 6-pokemon team, unless maybe they're the type for appearing strong, or under specific circumstances. Like petsitting or gifting. NPCs often have 1-3 pokemon if they're not strong league trainers. People with more would probably have lower maintenance pokemon
What pokemon could they have in their daily lives? What are they willing to take care of? If they do stumble upon a very specific Pokemon, how do I imagine they meet and how this influences their character? (for situations like this MP100 scenario, I like to impact the main storyline or characterization as little as possible if I'm not doing some in-depth canon-divergence or post-canon stories)
"What pokemon would your favorites of the mob psycho cast have, in your opinion?"
These answers may be tossed around or changed in the future but
Lurantis I deleted the post saying why, but trust me on this Helps with the everyday life. Got terrified when it was a Fomantis thinking it was a bug-type but turns out they're both scared of bugs
Nacli whether he found it by accident or actively sought it, he kept it thinking it'd help w the business (it... kinda does? but not really)
Greavard (temporarily) (a la Uu-chan)
Nickit, maybe I prefer this as a pokemon he could be instead of have; it's very on-the-nose so I'm fine either or
I specifically imagine that in this world, like in canon, Reigen didn't know that espers were real, or didn't take them too seriously, especially when Pokemon could be doing all the stuff on TV
Hatterene (temporarily) "gifted" by Toichiro, but returns to Toichiro after Serizawa's fight with Mob (you know why)
Wimpod been with him since his years in isolation, evolves during World Domination Arc (you know why)
After Hatterene is gone, he probably only has Golisopod with him during the adjustment period with S&S but I do think he might take in another Pokemon by the time of the spin-off
(Swadloon -> Leavanny evolution via friendship is very reminiscent to Seri's character development and fight with Mob but idk if it's too much for two Pokemon to evolve back-to-back for him. It could also be what he takes in later on instead. )
Hoothoot I have my reasons
Elgyem her first encounter with the extraterrestrial, sparking her drive to know more about aliens and alien pokemon
looks up stuff like Deoxys and Ultra Beasts stuffs
Espurr evolves after confession arc?
Poliwag, maybe someone helps him evolve to Politoed over the course of the series?
okay I referenced Espurr multiple times so this might be redundant at this point, but I don't actually imagine him with more than maybe two pokemon? He's a middle schooler who might not be up for the responsibility of multiple pokemon, especially with the stress of his own and Espurr's explosions. Maybe he tries training more later in the same way he tried the marathon?
I just looked up the Poliwag line and I love that the lines' shinies do not look that different to the original but shiny Politoed has Mob's aura colours lol
He's not part of the cast but
Herdier, or Watchog
yeah that's it
and they're not my favourites but some others I thought about:
Teru would have a full team, probably half left by his parents, which match his initial personality. He wouldn't be that close to them, but they're strong or rare and that's what's important until he's humbled later and actually learns to talk to them as companions He might not keep all the Pokemon by the end because he doesn't need to keep a reputation like that anymore, but has a select few strong ones that are strong because he actually trained together with them ^ the pokemon he'd have would still be very extravagent/gaudy in appearance though, like a Bruxish
Shou, and maybe Toichirou, may have Pokemon specifically from Unova or other farther regions because of Toichiro's travelling ^ Toichiro returning to Seasoning City is very Giovanni revealing to be the absent gym leader to me ^^Shou and Toichirou's teams could be styled in opposition to each other like Ghetsis and N. Shou spent so long preparing to be the protagonist against his father's plans, so
I firmly believe that Mob and Ritsu's parents would still be blasé about Pokemon like everything else that if either brother did come home with a legendary, they'd still be like "just make sure to clean after it. no battling in the kitchen"
it's not Reigen's, but there's a Fidough in the cafe above the office that he adores
Organizations like Claw, or the Rising Sun Spiritual Union would definitely employ a lot of psychic- and ghost-types for their needs
Dimple is either exactly the same, or the ugliest Gastly you've ever seen. I'd love to make a reference to the LOL cult and Yamask, but a fart cloud is a fart cloud
I have more but this list is too long so ppl can send another ask if they're curious about anything
final words: typing this was a nightmare because of how often I mistyped 'region' and 'reigen'
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 11 months
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Is it just me or—does Aliquis’ brother look like he’s from Blueberry Academy? 👀✨✨✨
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