#new vampire oc <3 <3 <3
wickdcreatures · 1 year
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rj tag drop !! (and also brief bio for now until my carrd is done!)
name: ruby june grace emerson. age: turned in '63 at 22, actually 82 years old appearance: bleach blonde hair, grey eyes, pale and gaunt features, tall and thin, knobby knees and sharp elbows. very 90's grunge inspired wardrobe (that era of fashion REALLY stuck with her) abilities: super strength, heightened sight smell & hearing weaknesses: sunlight (she can stand in sunlight but not for too long before her blood literally begins to boil. not a joke. like actually boil), decapitation, holy water, fire.
RJ, or ruby june, was born november 11th 1940 to a couple not ready for kids. her mom left the picture pretty early on, leaving her and her father in the middle of the night. times were tough and her father could barely scrape by, so when she was in her 20s, ruby june got a waitressing job to help make ends meet. despite her love of the alternative subcultures her father still loved and supported her, even when she came home one night, changed ---
she was attacked one night, on her way home from work. mauled by someone who made her a meal like a starving wild dog might eat a scrap of meat. when they had their fill of her, they muttered something about her being too pretty to waste. something was pressed to her lips, and everything went white --- pain like she had never experienced before surged her body, but when she came too everything was different.
her father passed in the 90's --- she had tried to turn him but didnt know how. now she is alone, traveling the country, finding meals where she can but never killing, because thats not her style.
☽ ruby june— in character. ☾
☽ ruby june— wardrobe. ☾
☽ ruby june— visage. ☾
☽ ruby june— musings. ☾
☽ ruby june— aesthetic. ☾
☽ ruby june— soundtrack. ☾
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birdietrait · 3 months
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elfie and nell
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karakuuls · 1 year
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whumpy-wyrms · 8 months
okay so vampire guy works at a morgue and feeds from the dead bodies but it’s never Enough. it keeps him under control but he does needs fresh blood once in a while. anyway this human guy dies, was brought to the morgue, and the vampire guy drains him of all his blood (as he does to every corpse) but this human died recently and his blood was fresher and tastier than the others. vampire leaves the dead human in one of those corpse shelves for the night (vampire guy lives in the morgue somewhere) and the next morning BOOM. the human guy is awake and alive and healthy as if nothing happened. immortality moment!! woah
and the vampire guy is like SWEET!!! new infinite food source of fresh delicious human blood!! now he doesn’t have to feed from those gross corpses anymore or go hunting and risk being killed by pesky vampire hunters.
but vampire guy still has to work at the morgue. that’s his whole business. that’s his home and how he needs to make money to buy food for his new human bloodbag (guy can survive without food but his blood tastes better when he’s not starving).
and it’s strange for the vampire guy sometimes. he’s always spending time around dead humans and this is the first time he’s gotten close to an actual live human before. and even though he’s keeping him captive, he still likes making conversation sometimes. it gets lonely being an immortal vampire who’s hasn’t had a close relationship in decades, and who’s instinct it is to suck the blood out of every human he meets. and since immortal human guy is trapped there and has nothing to do, he might as well talk to him. he’s lonely too and now just found out he’s immortal. he doesn’t wanna be alone forever
but obviously he hates being fed from by a vampire and desperately wants to escape. vampire guy kills him a bunch of times just because he Can. sometimes he drains him of all his blood when he’s extra hungry, sometimes he just kills him for disobeying or trying to escape to teach him a lesson. sometimes he kills him for fun, for the thrill of the hunt. dying is PAINFUL as fuck to the human. he hates dying even though he always comes back fully healed.
sometimes the human wants more things to keep him occupied so he’s not bored all day trapped in the basement of a morgue (or maybe he’s kept locked in a corpse shelf during the day, extremely claustrophobic and dark, with no way out, trapped next to a bunch of human corpses. who knows). but the vampire doesn’t wanna waste his hard-earned cash on buying his human silly unnecessary things just because he’s bored.
so sometimes he lets the human help him work. vampire guy owns the morgue and has no other employees, and only works at night to avoid sunlight, so human wouldn’t be able to call for help anyway. human guy hates being around dead bodies but it gives him something to do and he technically gets paid for it in a way. now vampire guy gets things done twice as fast and has more money and free time too. he buys his human the stuff he wants, like books or puzzles, and they sometimes play games together.
human was a nobody. he probably died from some freak accident and was brought to the morgue by the hospital. he didn’t have a family or any loved ones that claimed his body or set up his funeral. nobody came looking for his body to bury or cremate because Nobody cared that he was gone. and that just makes things a whole lot sadder because even if he does somehow escape the vampire, where’s he gonna go? he’s legally dead. Everyone thinks he’s dead. he’s supposed to be dead. there wouldn’t be anywhere to go or anyone to go to because he obviously can’t tell people he’s immortal, that would just cause more questions, and surely being experimented on by scientists would be worse than whatever he’s going through right now, right?
so human guy has to accept his life now, as an immortal bloodbag for a vampire who works at a morgue. his life is filled with blood and death, but there’s nothing he can do about it. maybe vampire guy eventually gains sympathy for him, and starts to feel bad for his pathetic excuse of a life. maybe they eventually become friends. or maybe the human stabs a wooden stake through the vampire’s heart. who knows
anyway these guys have existed in my head for nearly an hour and they don’t even have names but i am going insane over this holy shit???? RAUHHHH i’ve gotta make picrews dude i gotta draw them. new blorbos. new brainrot. i prommy i’ll still get tllr chapter 13 out today or tomorrow but WOAHH look at these new little guys they’re so silly
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spacegay-archetype · 3 months
I like thinking about my video game OCs more than I like actually playing the game
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autoboros · 9 months
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Pathetic guy yaoi featuring Kim and Acht (@istjury) (we are very normal about them)
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catella-ars · 1 year
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"I will simply tackle and threaten this well-armed person twice my size. Excellent plan, Astarion."
Rega and Astarion had a rocky start. And a rocky middle. It's a lot of rocks, okay.
Rambles and slight spoilers under the cut.
They were pretty at odds in the beginning, started to warm, cared for each other as allies, pursed some kind of a relationship that went well until they both ran into their own stumbles. We know Astarion's hang-ups, using his body as a weapon/tool and not getting attached, etc. One of Rega's is that they know they have a nice body but believe that their freckled, tattooed, scarred, pierced, orcish face is unattractive, so Astarion complimenting their face feels faker than the other parts.
The comic spawned from one of Astarion's greetings once you've started romancing him.
"I did miss that face," he purrs, reaching up to cup Rega's cheek. Their pleasure at his touch and attention is cut by the words. "That face." Nobody could miss that face. They give a weak laugh.
"Don't think I've heard that before..." They try to play it off as a joke, but it's too late. Astarion can see, feel them pulling away, brows furrowed in confusion. They try to explain without getting visibly upset. "Listen, you don't have to pretend to think I'm handsome or whatever. It's fine if you just like the sex." It comes out wrong, sounds bitter and cruel, but they can't help it. Why does a compliment make them feel worse? Like they're being used, or lied to? They both like the sex. It's not as if they're just going along with it.
"I, uh, I'm just gonna go to bed. Sorry." They turn away, head down. "Good night, Astarion."
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mojaves · 2 months
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did you miss him. bc i did. seb babygirl im free on thursday
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gwen-writes · 9 months
so... i couldn't stop thinking about how hilarious it would be if Astarion planar travelled to my roommate and i's dorm room accidentally (thanks Gale), and i wrote it. forgive any formatting errors, this is my first time posting fic-type writing to tumblr!
totally self-indulgent, silly fun. enjoy if you want!
(1357 words) and shoutout to my bestie "isolde" :) love u
IF YOU WANT MORE OF THIS, check it out on my ao3! gwen_writes
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A Vampire in New England
With a quick huff toward her candlewick, the smell of “warm luxe cashmere” was replaced with the pungent sting of smoke. Two clicks and the lamp was out, the two women crawling into bed and whispering among themselves. Sleep ached behind Isolde’s eyes, only allowing her a few more blinks before she was lulled into a dream. Fiora stretched and groaned in her cot, wishing she could sleep as easily as her roommate.
Fiora’s brows softened as she soothed herself with deep breaths, waiting for rest to overcome her. An incomprehensible roar shattered her resolve, glares of purple beaming in a flash of swirling magic. Her eyes couldn’t adjust to the light - she squinted and desperately tried to comprehend what was before her. The beacon dispelled just as soon as it had appeared, and Fiora willed against her paranoia to not panic at the sight of a figure in her room.
“I will never trust Gale again,” A smarmy voice hissed. The shadows allowed no outline of the thing on the floor, but she could see that it was sprawled out on her patterned rug. She was stunned into silence, glued to her sheets in place. Every nerve in her body was screaming for her to alert Isolde - who was remarkably still asleep next to her - to alert anyone. But who, exactly, are you supposed to call when a glowing force materializes in your room and dispenses a person in its wake?
Fiora turned her head to look at Isolde, telepathically pleading for her to stir. That was a mistake, notably, because she had caught the guest’s attention.
“Oh, hells,” Something glinted in the dim light, and she realized this visitor had weapons. “Am I going to have to kill you, or are you going to be ever so intelligent and let me walk free?”
Isolde shifted in her blankets. Fiora’s wide eyes darted between her roommate, then the unwelcome presence. Moments passed, and Fiora couldn’t manage any words out of her mouth.
“An answer would be helpful, truly,” Their voice was smooth and fulsome.
“Don’t kill me, please,” She blustered, more pathetic than she wanted it to be. “Just get the fuck out of my room - it’s fine.”
“Wonderful,” They said in a singsong voice. As her eyes adjusted, Fiora was able to make out more features now. White hair, distinctive red eyes. Not intimidatingly tall - they couldn’t be much taller than her. The figure turned sharply, but it suddenly went aflame with a string of profanity. 
“What the fuck!” Fiora jumped out of bed. If the sprinklers went off or something went wrong, she assumed this person wouldn’t hesitate to stab her. Isolde finally awoke, rushing out of bed in a frenzy.
“What! What? What!” She yelped, first giving a worried look to her friend and then looking at the blurry mass of fire. “Oh my god!” Isolde pushed her glasses onto her nose, trying to grapple with her surroundings.
Fiora was scrambling to unscrew her water bottle and douse the open flame, and in its light she could finally see the person. A man with sharp features, extravagant leathers, thick boots. He looked like he had just come from a Ren Faire. 
“What the fuck is going on!” Isolde started opening her water bottle to contribute. “Why is the room on fire!” “It’s a person!” Fiora unhelpfully explained, thoughts racing. She pushed past the flaming body, the fire licking her cotton pajamas, and opened the door. There was one open square on the man’s back, and with the miniscule amount of force in her body, she pressed both of her palms to him, and shoved.
He writhed on the ground, sparks finally deteriorating.
“Don’t even ask me anything, because I don’t know what the fuck is going on,” Fiora said to Isolde, exasperated. A laugh threatened to escape her lips, adrenaline coursing through her.
“I slept through a man appearing in our room?” Isolde replied, and the two women were transfixed by the charred man on their dorm hall floor, despite their better judgment. 
“My stomach hurts. I’m sweating,” Fiora hissed. “You should’ve seen it - it doesn’t make any sense. I was trying to fall asleep and this huge light showed up, and it was the loudest noise I’ve ever heard in my life, I swear to god. And then, he was just there! He was just… on our floor!”
“What do we do with him?” Isolde asked.
Fiora eyed her wildly, “What do you mean ‘what do we do with him?”
“He sounds like he’s magic, or something,” Isolde shrugged.
“He threatened to stab me before you woke up,” Fiora emphasized.
“But what if he’s a wizard?” Isolde whined.
“Oh my god, I can’t,” Fiora started laughing. 
“Nothing cool ever happens, this could be, like, something crazy that we might miss out on!” She bargained.
“Okay, so what do you suggest we do with him?” Fiora crossed her arms. The cold air from outside of their dorm was tickling her bare arms.
“We should help him! He’s burned to a crisp!” Isolde gestured to the limp man, who was still groaning on the floor.
“If he’s a wizard, he can heal himself,” She narrowed her eyes.
“You’re telling me that a wizard just showed up on our doorstep from a portal and you don’t want to know where he came from, who he is, every single thing he’s ever done in his life?” Isolde tempted.
Fiora gave her a long look, “You’re so right.”
“Do you think he’s knocked out?” Isolde looked upon the man.
“I doubt he would survive that,” Fiora reasoned.
“Okay, each of us takes an arm, and then we pull him back into our room. University Police will nab him if they find a sleeping man outside our door.”
As they kneeled down, hands going under the man’s shoulders, his eyes cracked open and he cut through their plans.
“Lay one more finger on me and I will have your head on a stake,” He threatened. Isolde was faster to jump away than Fiora, like a rabbit in the grass with a snake.
“I told you he was violent!” Fiora hissed.
“He’s a wizard!” Isolde defended.
He pushed himself onto his elbows, scowling, “That is insulting. I am not a wizard.”
“What are you, then?” Isolde’s eyes widened with alarm.
“If you must know,” He smiled easily, as if he hadn’t just been scorched moments prior, “I am a magistrate from Baldur’s Gate.”
“Where the fuck is Baldur’s Gate?” Fiora frowned.
“Faerûn,” He threw up a hand like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Uncultured little thing, you are.”
“Why would a magistrate show up in my room from a magic portal?” Isolde’s eyes narrowed. “You’re just a civilian officer. You can’t be that important.”
“Yeah,” Fiora dogpiled, “And why did you catch on fire?”
He chuckled, rising to his feet. Fiora was right, he was barely taller than her. The cracks on his skin from the burns were slowly fading, but bruises peppered his face. A handsome face, Fiora thought.
“Both of you are very inquisitive,” He complimented, which made Fiora’s stomach curdle. He suddenly seemed much less helpless, and much more like a sneering wolf.
“If you answer our questions, we can help you get back to.. Baldur’s Gate, or whatever it was,” Isolde was uncharacteristically bold. The man raised a brow, considering the offer.
“And where are we now, exactly?” He surveyed their surroundings, and it was clear that despite his blind confidence, this man was very, very lost.
“The United States. New England. Our college dorm,” Fiora offered simply. The man rolled his eyes, not to them but almost to someone in the sky.
“Gods, Gale, I’m going to fucking kill you,” He cursed in a sing-song voice under his breath. He blinked a few times, looked to the ground, and then met their gaze again.
“I’m Astarion,” He raised out a pale hand, “you are?”
“I’m Fiora,” She didn’t take his hand, anxiety still going rampant in her veins.
“Isolde,” The red-haired woman smiled and took his hand, shaking it gently.
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gluskincasual · 2 months
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yuttikkele · 10 days
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these are all like stereotypical halloween monsters :D
this time we got the vampire Darcy, werewolf Maddox, and zombie Zadie!!
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vampz-on-the-block · 6 months
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i'll love you, always, unconditionally. till the end of time, my love.
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hacksawboy · 27 days
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some of us r sane and the rest of us spend 5 hours drawing their tf2 ocs
i was gonna do more but um. no. not right now. another day mayhaps.
anyways i finally finished vampire medic and i also designed scene scout which was an idea i never talked about but ive had in mind for a bit xD yeah i hope u enjoy :)
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mac-rat-art · 8 months
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It ain't cold til white boys wear pants instead of shorts
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honeysulani · 9 months
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arinmoss · 4 months
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also a few of my oc's as pixel sprites all hanging out on some random ass sidewalk hehe :3c
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