#newsies request
ethereal-bumble-bee · 9 months
I don’t know if you do one shots based on songs or not but could you do one based on the song toxic thoughts by faith Maria with race?
Note: I love this request so much! This is literally one of my favorite songs, and it resonates with me to no end. It was so much fun getting to tap back into my memories of this song and apply it to Race’s character, so thank you so much for requesting!
Racetrack Higgins wasn’t a burden.
God, how he hated that word- burden. Some seemed to think that it described his entire being, and the lives of the people around him. Cheap labor, a day’s work- he was worth nothing else unless he was useful, serving only to fill New York’s crowded streets late at night when no one else dared to venture outside. The scoffs when he walked down the street, the dirty looks he got when he visited Medda’s theater… they all screamed burden at him, without ever having to say a word.
A few years ago, Race would never have believed that he’d care about all this. Survive, get some food, and find a place to stay; that was his agenda, and nothing else quite mattered- certainly not the opinions of the world he lived in.
He wasn’t quite sure why this had all changed so quickly. Maybe it was the strike, maybe it was simply growing up, but it was as if his mind had awoken one morning and decided that people’s thoughts mattered more to it than they ever had before. You’ve always tried, yes, but that’s not good enough anymore, he heard in the back of his mind. Suddenly, he had to be perfect, had to be ever-rising, or else he went to bed hurt and disappointed in himself.
It’s funny, how with insecurity comes hate. Despite his best efforts, Race found jealousy and scorn worming their way into his thoughts, picking apart not only his own actions but those of his friends, bitterly pointing out every fault it could get in its clutches.
A small part of him suspected that this worry was simply opening his eyes to what he’d been too blind to see before, but a larger part of himself always screamed wrong as soon as he tried to remedy himself. Whenever he tried to talk to someone about what was going on, something stopped him from saying it, and he left the room feeling frustrated and just plain upset. He’d never been the most articulate, sure, but it’d never been this hard to say how he felt. It was as if he’d morphed into a completely different person, the transformation relentless in its agony.
He tried to be worth it, he really did. He worked himself half to death most days, collapsing in bed with no energy for even a simple card game, and there were days that he had to pinch himself to keep his eyes open. He knew that it was eating him alive, but he didn’t care.
If he didn’t work, if he wasn’t useful to the men sitting on their asses and deciding his fate, he’d be nothing but a burden.
And, as he swore on his life, Racetrack Higgins could never be a burden.
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undescribed1mage · 9 months
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Lindsay Atherton, Lillie-Pearl Wildman, Clarice Julianda, Imogen Bailey, Kamilla Fernandes, and Bobbie Chambers in Newsies!: The Musical <3
🎥: @lasagnatrades
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theater-pridepicker · 6 months
The bisexual flag colorpicked from Jack Kelly from Newsies (West End)
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Requested by @itsgrapes-exe
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youaintnothinbuta · 5 months
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏��.
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲
October nights with Jack
“Looks like Jack’s got his hands full, huh?”
The boys notice a hickey on Jack
“You’re a terrible liar”
“You don’t need to put up with their nonsense.”
just a dream
“They won’t find us in here.”
“Who would’ve thought?”
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“Close your eyes. I will still be here when you open them again.”
“Have you been in pain this whole time?”
“Just cramps, I guess.”
“They’re kinda like mom and dad.”
“Why don’t we finish today’s papes together, huh?”
“I saw you up there, Romeo.”
“Oh, come on, Jack, help the girl out."
"So we wasn’t too good to be true?"
Jack Kelly boyfriend headcanons
Jack Kelly nickname / pet name headcanons
Jack Kelly boyfriend headcanons pt 2
“a little extra encouragement was all you needed.”
“Are you going to quit it with the teasing any time soon?”
“Do it, Jack, I fucking dare you.”
“Give me another one, sweetheart, come on.”
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𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬
“You always this distractible, Race?” - PART 1
“You always this distractible, Race?” - PART 2
“Feelin’ brave today, aren’t ya?”
“Why do we fight the way that we do?”
“Just five more minutes, Race, please.”
Your Instagram if you were dating Racetrack Higgins
— Part 2
— Part 3
— Part 4
— Part 5
racetrack higgins boyfriend headcanons
racetrack higgins nickname / pet name headcanons
“You’re no less desperate than me.”
Fuck it out
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𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧
your instagram if you were dating Jeremy Jordan
your Instagram if you were dating Jeremy Jordan 2
first meet - Jeremy Jordan
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jasperscringepit · 1 year
Ayo, come get your blush @the-woild-is-y-erster
This was done VERY quickly, don’t ask me where this idea came from but mush drew this when they were both small, and blink has kept it the whole time.
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mushiimune · 1 year
May I please request some sleepy Javey art? Like maybe one falls asleep on the other’s shoulder and there’s a lot of blushing involved-?
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classic zzz sketch ! enjoy !
instagram || linktree
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somedayonbroadway · 6 months
Ok so: Oscar gets pushed into the semi frozen Hudson river by a gang of bored rich kids. Morris was held back by them until they decided they were bored and leaves. Morris get Oscar out of the water but doesn't know where to go that was near and warm because Oscar was experiencing hypothermia, they go to the Newboy Lodge House. How would the Newsies react?
I think it would go a little something like this…
Jack was putting the littles to bed when he heard the knocking on the door. He immediately went into protection mode. He stood up straight and rushed to the door, ready to peak out and fight off the bulls. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d tried to raid this place and take the boys for nothing. Race was behind him, ready to get the kids out if he needed to. But when Jack looked out through the crack in the door, he froze.
The knocking came again, harder this time. “Kelly! Open up! Come on!”
Race squinted. “Morris?” he asked.
Jack shushed him, reaching to open the doors. He was dumbfounded at the sight before him. Morris was standing there, holding a shivering, nearly blue Oscar against his chest. The younger boy was soaked to the bone and Morris had tear stains on his cheeks, but looked fairly dry despite the water dripping off of his brother. Morris looked up at Jack and Jack could see that the older boy had a bruise forming on his left cheek and a split lip. “S-some assholes pushed him into the fucking river… h-he can barely talk— I have nowhere ta take him,” Morris insisted.
The newsie looked over the brothers again. Oscar was definitely dazed. He didn’t even seem to know where they were. So Jack turned back to his second. “Racer, go get all the blankets we have. Get the littles into one bed to keep warm, Specs! I need water on the fire! Al, any extra clothes you can find!” Jack barked out before he rushed to help Oscar inside. He wrapped one of Oscar’s arms around his shoulder and Morris supported him from the other side.
They got him inside close to the fireplace and Jack helped lay him down, quickly taking out a pocket knife. Morris immediately scowled and grabbed his wrist, ready to fight but Jack looked up at him as his boys squared up behind him. “Hey!” he hissed. “We need to get him out of these clothes. I’m not gonna hurt him, okay?”
Race rushed back down the stairs with blankets and Morris grabbed him by the collar. Race gasped and immediately went wide eyed as Morris backed him into a wall. “Jack!” Race cried, not expecting the attack.
Jack raised his hands up in surrender. “Morris! What the actual hell?!”
The older boy’s eyes were watery. A tear fell down his cheek as he tightened a fist in Race’s shirt. “Don’t… I swear Kelly, I’ll—“
“No one is gonna hurt anyone, Delancey! Race brought blankets for Oscar, that’s all, I have ta get these clothes off of him before he freezes to death!” Jack hissed.
Morris tried to scowl through the fear, but he sniffled as tears began to freely fall down his cheeks. He shoved Race back as he lowered himself back down to his brother’s side. He slowly began to undress him, shoving Jack’s hands away when he tried to help. “Don’t touch him.”
Jack watched as Morris shakily unbuttoned Oscar’s vest. Oscar was trembling violently, his eyes trained on his big brother. “M-M… M-Mo—“
“It’s okay, we’re gonna get you warm,” Morris promised, stripping Oscar down to his undergarments until he could conceal the younger boy beneath some blankets. He then let Jack help wrap Oscar up in about seven blankets.
The other boys did as Jack had asked and soon Morris was holding fast to Oscar as Jack sat with them. Race was whispering with Albert about how poorly Morris had treated them after simply trying to help, but Jack knew better than that. Morris was scared. He wasn’t sure he remembered ever seeing Morris like this. “What happened?” he whispered finally.
The older boy scowled. “Some rich bastards think it’s funny ta push a kid into the Hudson.”
Jack bit his lip. “They hurt you too?”
“Don’t pretend like you give a shit, Kelly. I came here cause of Os, I wouldn’t have asked if I had anywhere else ta go. This don’t make us friends—“
“I get it, Delancey, Jesus Christ, I’m sorry I asked,” Jack insisted, standing up and walking over to his boys. “Get up ta bed. Now,” he said before turning back to the brothers who made his life a living hell. “Your welcome, I guess. Feel free ta leave whenever,” he muttered, headed towards the stairs.
But Morris looked down at Oscar and sighed. “Kelly,” he called, causing Jack to pause. “Thanks…”
Jack didn’t respond. He just sighed and rushed up the stairs.
Morris sniffled and hugged Oscar a little tighter as he tried to warm up the boy.
“Well… this was a shit night, huh?” Morris muttered to himself.
Oscar snored slightly and cuddled up a little more to his brother’s chest. Morris wasn’t exactly sure what to do. He’d never been the touchy feely type. But he managed to brush a hand over the boy’s hair and sniffle as he let out a long breath. “We’re okay…” he promised. “I’m so sorry, Ozzie, it’s gonna be okay…”
And he just kept repeating it over and over again, praying it was true.
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we-are-inevitable · 10 months
you asked for restaurant au requests so!! restaurant au javid?? and if there is a sauce-related incident i'd appreciate it?? (no pressure though!) - @pigeonwit
OHHH!! absolutely.
edit after writing: this got out of hand. i love them so so much.
That’s all the warning David gets before a body rounds the corner and rams straight into his own. He sees it first, a curly mop of blonde hair, a high-pitched yell, a tray flying out of hands— all too suddenly, David is splayed on his back on the kitchen floor, and all too suddenly, his white shirt is soaked in something chunky and wet.
Racer immediately kneels down next to him, eyes wide as one of the big pans they use to cook up all of the fries. “David! Oh, shit! Man, are you okay?”
“I— Yeah, I’m fine. Get me up,” David says, but as soon as he sits up, there’s a distinct pain in the middle of his back. He winces, and that must be noticeable, because Racer instantly starts asking questions.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, just—“
“No, you’re hurt, aren’t you? Fuck, I am so sorry, I didn’t know you were right there, I’m sorry—“
With a sigh, David grabs onto Racer’s shoulder, slowly pushing himself up to a standing position despite the blossoming feeling of ow currently pulsating through his body. “Kid, you’re okay, okay? You’re fine,” David says through gritted teeth.
Everyone in the kitchen is looking at them by now. David slowly turns to give them all a glance, noticing that something is missing— and just at that moment, Jack walks into the kitchen, smelling like cigarette smoke masked by a high-end cologne.
Jack stops just before the mess on the floor, taking it in with wide eyes, and he quickly looks up and makes eye contact with David. “What the hell happened?”
David sees the nervous look on Racer’s face, so he concedes and says, “It’s my fault. I was leaving and ran into Racer, I fell down and dropped the food. I’ll clean it up.”
“Clean yourself up first,” Jack comments, gesturing to David’s shirt, smeared with all sorts of colors: red and green salsa, garlic aioli, ranch and ketchup— a menagerie of condiments for a menagerie of burgers. “You didn’t get hurt when you fell, did’ja?”
“No, I—“
“He fucked up his back,” Race says from the side, and David gives him a nudge with his elbow. “He’s movin’ slow and it looked like he hurt when he sat up.”
Jack takes the information in, and gestures to the dishwasher. “I’ll give you a ten if you clean this up,” he says, gesturing to the pocket his wallet resides in, and the dishwasher responds with a curt nod. Turning to his linecooks, Jack nods to them as well. “Keep doin’ what you’re doin’. Rush isn’t startin’ for another twenty minutes, I’ll be back in ten at the most. Got it?”
“On it,” Specs pipes up, not even looking away from the task at hand.
With that done, David watches as Jack reaches out, then sighs at the feeling of Jack’s hand on his shoulder. They walk slowly to the manager’s office- a larger room off to the side of the kitchen, with a couple of comfy chairs and a place for staff to eat their food.
“Don’t bother Charlie with this, please,” David says, head lolling just enough to look at Jack. “I’m fine, really.”
Jack clicks his tongue a few times, then pulls out his keyring and unlocks the door. “Charlie ain’t here,” He murmurs, pushing the door open and leading Davey inside, only to lock the door behind them. “He’s runnin’ up to the bank. Register’s almost outta change for customers.”
“Ohhh, okay, makes sense,” David nods, then takes in a deep breath. “So… can I go, if he’s not here? I have tables I need to check on.”
“They can wait. Your health is more important than a table,” Jack says like it’s the easiest thing to understand, and Davey wants to agree, but he never knows. A few good tips could be the difference between eating and not.
But he doesn’t bother arguing with Jack, because that’s never gotten him anywhere in the past.
Jack, after rummaging around in a locker for a moment, comes back to Davey with a clean- albeit wrinkled- white shirt. He sets it down on Charlie’s desk, and walks back to David, and suddenly, there’s a tenderness in his eyes that wasn’t there before— a carefully concealed care. Jack cups his cheek, and leans up to press a soft kiss to his forehead.
With that, Jack makes gentle work of untucking David’s shirt, working the buttons open until he can push the fabric off of his shoulders.
David gulps, and says, “I wish you were undressing me in a different circumstance right now.”
That quip gets a grin in response, Jack looking up at him with bright eyes. “Turn around, you dumbass.” And who is David not to comply? He turns, feeling Jack’s hands on his back. “Hm… It looks a little red,” He mumbles. “You sure you feel okay?”
David hesitates, then nods. “Yeah, I just… I guess I’m taking it slow today,” he murmurs. “If it gets worse, I’ll call out tomorrow. Racer owes me a covered shift anyway, I’ll talk to him if I need to.”
“If you’re sure,” Jack says softly, kissing the back of David’s neck. He then gently turns David around in his arms, running a hand through his hair. “Make sure you let me know if you need to go home, okay? I got a lotta sway over Char.”
David just grins and leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to Jack’s lips. “I’d rather go home with you,” He says softly, then sighs, grabbing the shirt off of Charlie’s desk. “I need to go check on my tables. I’d love to stay in here and have you all over me, but…”
Jack rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t all over you. I was makin’ sure you weren’t hurt,” He defends, though his smile is more than telling.
With a shake of his head, Davey finishes buttoning his new shirt, tucking it into his belt. It’s a little loose on him- it’s likely Jack’s- but he rolls the sleeves up and smiles in Jack’s direction. “Thank you, ahuví,” David says, and gives Jack one last kiss on the lips before they both walk towards the door.
“Ready to hate each other again?” Jack asks, and David squeezes his hand three times. They both walk out, discarding the dirty shirt into one of the trashcans in the kitchen, and David walks back to the front of house with a new smile on his face.
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walkman-cat · 1 year
Race for the request?
hey anon! sorry for the wait wbwbw. here’s racer!!
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toffyrats · 1 year
humbly beggin on my hands and knees for some sprace and or javey🙏🙏
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here you are 🫵😀 i’ve had this idea for a while so! yeah
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theater-pridepicker · 7 months
The bisexual pride flag colorpicked from the Newsies (2017) poster!
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Requested by @ethereal-bumble-bee
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noxexistant · 1 year
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that’s his concentrating pose
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epic-mick · 2 years
Hi!!! i love your art and im also a huge epic mickey nerd (played the game too many times lol) anyways if ur taking requests, could you draw mickey and oswald in newsie outfits?
When you say newsie do you mean THE Newsie newsie or newsie’s newsies-
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The theater kid in me thinks it’s this
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mushiimune · 1 year
HIII for the doodle request umm davey but he's wearing jack's bandana. also have a great day!
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wenitsiyoh · 3 months
(shyly) does anyone here rp newsies literate
looking to write as davey in some good old javey
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