#next chapter I am determined to have some smut I can’t take this anymore
a court of wards and shadow
chapter nine
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series overview
summary: aelis and azriel's mission starts off on the wrong foot which leads to some unexpected confessions
length: 6.2k
warnings: (18+ mdni) angst, violence, descriptions of injuries, attempted assault, azriel's being moody again, kissing, no actual smut but azriel and aelis are starting to get horny for each other
disclaimer: this fic in no way represents any of sarah j. maas' work or ideas, it is for purely fictional/personal entertainment purposes
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the next morning i rise to find my leathers laid out across the top of a pack. i slip them on before sifting through the bag to find a change of clothes, some rations, and a few other things i’ll need for our several day mission. several days. with azriel. alone. i can’t help the little thrill that courses through me at the thought but quickly rein it in when i remember the way he wouldn’t look at me yesterday. 
i don’t know what shifted between us the other afternoon when i cried during our conversation, but a sinking feeling settles in my gut as i recall the way he’d been avoiding me. is that how he’s going to be for the next few days? the bit of excitement that filled me moments ago morphs into one of dread.
i try my best to shake it off as i lace up my boots and strap the sheath for my sword down my spine. by the time i secure the dagger that was also left for me to my thigh i have built a thick wall around my emotions, determined to not let them affect me. the mission is what’s important right now, not whatever seems to be going on with azriel.
i make my way to the training ring where i find azriel waiting with a pack similar to my own and adorned with his own selection of deadly weapons. he tilts his head slightly in greeting and simply asks “ready?” as he extends his hand to me. i take his hold, his rough callouses scraping lightly over my palm and offer him an affirmative nod. his shadows wrap around me in a gentle caress and a blink later i find myself standing in a forest i assume to be just outside the reaches of the day court palace’s wards.
dropping my hand without a word, azriel strides off, leaving me with no other option but to follow.
* * *
the day passes on in pained silence, the only words spoken between us being questions about directions and reminders to drink water. 
sometime around midday it starts to rain and despite the leathers keeping me somewhat dry, i feel as though the chill in the air has settled in my bones. or maybe it’s coming from this awkward distance that has developed between azriel and i.
by late afternoon, i can’t take it anymore, the silence suffocating me further with every passing breath. i stop in the middle of the narrow trail we stumbled across and shout in order to be heard over the pounding rain. “i’m sorry!!”
azriel freezes in his steps before whirling around to face me, eyes wide with alarm. after a quick scan of the surroundings reveals nothing, his expression shifts into one of confusion.
i continue as i walk towards him, my voice lowering as i draw closer. “i’m sorry for making you uncomfortable, especially right before our mission.”
“i’m sorry, i really am. i just thought….well it’s just that…..i thought we were friends, azriel.” i finally manage to blurt out. “and i’m sorry for making assumptions and for crying, but please don’t ignore me any longer. i can’t handle three more days of silence, i’ll go mad. it doesn’t even matter what we talk about, it can be about rocks for all i care, as long as you talk to me. please.”  
“aelis, i--”
“i just don’t get it,” i cut in, not allowing him a chance to speak. i know i should stop before i make everything worse than it already is, but between the freezing rain and the crushing silence i have suffered through all day, i’m just too weary and worn down to care right now. “when we talked the other day you were so encouraging….so caring. but then it was like…..it was like you just shut it off. one minute i thought we were friends, i thought we might have even--” i cut myself off before i say something i will truly regret. “but then you just, stopped. and you’ve barely looked at or spoken to me since. why azriel? why?” my voice cracks on the last word and i have to fight to keep the tears at bay. 
he opens his mouth to respond, but then catches himself. my frustration and devastation transforms into anger at his lack of a response and i close the remaining distance between us, shoving his chest as hard as i can. “why? tell me why az?!” i practically scream at him, the rain washing away the tears that are now flowing down my cheeks.
i go to shove him again, but he catches my wrist, holding my hands tightly to his chest. “because i care for you.” he murmurs.
“what?” i say, my brain not able to truly process what he just said.
“i care for you aelis. i care for you so damned much that i have been plagued with worry since you insisted we do this mission. i know you are strong. i know you are capable. i know that you need to do this for yourself. and i would never get in the way of that. in fact, i am so fucking proud of how far you have come.”
i choke on the sob that fills my throat, trying my best to remain quiet during his confession. whether he notices or simply feels compelled to, azriel strokes his thumb along the line of my wrist in a comforting gesture.
“but that doesn’t mean i have not spent every hour since absolutely plagued with worry. i have stayed up each night thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong, every possible way you could be hurt. and all for a mission that might not even be successful. i pleaded with rhys, begged him to find another way, but there isn’t one. so instead, i have to just be okay with subjecting you to countless dangerous situations on the off chance that you will be able to retrieve that damned book. and i can’t stand it. i haven’t felt like this, thought like this, acted like this since…..aelis, i feel as though i’m going mad.” i can feel his heart pounding beneath my hand that is pinned to his chest, but he continues on. 
“you were right when you said i turned it off. because i had to. i can’t think straight around you. and i can’t jeopardize this mission, i can’t jeopardize you because i can’t get my feelings in check. so i’m sorry that i’ve been distant, that i shut you out. it’s been killing me to not be able to talk with you. but if that’s what it takes to keep you safe, then i will remain silent until the flames claim me once again.”
i don’t respond, words failing me as i simply stare at him. his hair is slicked to his forehead from the rain and his eyes are filled with raw, unbridled emotion as he holds my gaze. finally, after an eternity that lasts only a moment, i find my voice.
“az.” his hold has loosened on my hands and i slip one free in order to reach up to his face. his skin is warm despite the rain and i can’t help but run my thumb gently across his cheek. his eyes flutter shut at my touch and i repeat the motion, reveling in the feeling of his smooth skin beneath my hand. 
“az,” i repeat and his eyes slowly open once more, immediately capturing me with his gaze. “thank you. thank you for protecting me, for always keeping me safe. thank you for allowing me to do this. for pushing me and encouraging me and reminding me that i am capable over and over again until i got to this point. and thank you for caring for me. thank you for caring for me in a way no one ever has.” the tears are flowing freely down my cheeks now, but i make no effort to stop them.
his eyes glisten as he stares at me, whether from the rain or unshed tears, i’ll never know. releasing his hold on my other wrist, he slowly reaches up to cradle my jaw between his hands. “aelis,” he whispers, his voice almost lost amidst the sound of the storm.
and then, before i can even blink, his mouth is on mine. his soft, plush lips press against my own for a moment before they part, inviting me deeper. i lose myself in the feeling of his mouth moving slowly with mine in perfect harmony. his tongue traces the seam of my lips and i breath out a moan at the sensation. 
thunder cracks loudly overhead and he pulls away, glancing around quickly before settling his gaze back on me. he rests his forehead against mine, chest heaving. after his breathing has settled he murmurs into the space between us, “i suppose we should try and find somewhere a little more dry.” his lips brush ever so lightly across my forehead and then he takes a step back, my body immediately growing colder at his absence.
i nod in response, my mind spinning too wildly from our kiss to form words. he gestures over his shoulder and we continue on down the trail in search of some sort of shelter from the rain. as we walk, i feel his fingers brush against mine every so often, momentarily chasing away the cold better than any fire could. 
* * *
after an hour or so of walking with no signs of any cover, we pause for a few minutes to rest and hydrate. the rain has let up significantly, but my leathers are soaked through by this point. i cannot wait to slip into my spare clothes that have been kept safe and dry inside of the charmed pack i’ve been lugging around all day.
i excuse myself for a moment before we continue on and slip off into the woods to find some privacy to relieve myself. i am just headed back when i hear a noise behind me. spinning around, i find two large males stalking towards me. i turn to run back to where i left azriel only to find two more males boxing me in. i try to scream, but a hand clamps over my mouth before any sound is able to come out.
“well, well, well, look at what we stumbled across here.” a voice hisses in my hear and my skin crawls at the sound. my pack is pulled away and tossed to one of the other fae before the male pulls my back against his chest, his arms wrapping around me in a tight band i cannot escape, no matter how hard i struggle.
“got anything valuable in here?” one of the others sneers before flipping my pack upside down and dumping its content across the wet grass. when his search comes up empty handed he tosses the pack to the side, kicking my belongings into a mud puddle in frustration. “not even a single copper to make it worth our time!”
“well i’m sure she has something that will make this worth our time,” the man behind me murmurs and i fight harder against the vice grip he has on me when i feel his hand start to slither beneath the collar of my leathers. one of the others approaches and begins running his hands down my body, laughing cruelly at my muffled cries. just as his fingertips brush my waistband, he is suddenly thrown backwards by a shadowy force. i am pulled from the male’s hold and before i can ever register what is happening, azriel has already slaughtered all four males and is standing before me panting, his expression one of pure rage.
“are you okay?” he drops his sword in order to grab both my arms, his eyes rapidly scanning my body for any signs of injury. “aelis, are you okay?”
“y…yyy…yes,” i stutter, adrenaline coursing through my veins. “i’m fine.” my voice comes out more steady the second time. i can feel him teetering on the edge of control with the way his hands grip my arms just a little too tightly and the way his eye flit wildly across the landscape behind me, searching for any other attackers.
“hey,” i meet his gaze and muster the most reassuring smile i can manage. “i’m fine now. i promise.”
i watch as his eyes close for a moment and he inhales deeply, his breath stuttering slightly as he lets it out. fear and rage still cloud his stare, but he nods in response before turning to help gather my supplies and put them back into my now soaked pack. 
he gives me an assessing look and mutters, “come one, let’s find somewhere for you to rest.” he hesitates for a moment before dipping his head to brush a whisper of a kiss to the top of my head. without another word he hands me my pack before retrieving his own from where he had dropped it to draw his weapons.
* * *
the rain that had settled down to a light mist picks back up into a heavy downfall over the next hour as we trudge through the forest. i am convinced we are going to have to spend a wet night on the freezing forest floor when azriel suddenly picks up his pace.
“follow me this way! my shadows found….” i don’t hear the rest of the words azriel yells over his shoulder at me as the pounding of the pouring rain drowns them out. i simply hug my soaked bag closer and rush after him, hoping that whatever his shadows found has a roof. we quickly reach a break in the dense woods and i spot a little cabin nestled amongst the trees on the other side of the clearing. i nearly cry in relief and pick up my pace, hoping whoever lives there will let us in, even if for just a few minutes of respite from the rain.
as i get closer, i notice the overgrown garden on the side of the house and the way the front door is ajar, hanging crookedly on its hinges. the cabin must be abandoned. azriel reaches the door a few paces before i do and holds up his hand, signaling for me to wait while he checks it out. as much as i don’t want to spend another second in the icy downpour, i also don’t have the energy to fight some cracked out faerie who might have found the broken down house before we did. azriel ducks his head as he walks through the doorway, disappearing into the shadows of the cabin. barely a minute passes before his head pokes back out and he waves me inside. 
i sigh in relief as i step inside and no longer feel the beating of the rain on my back. i glance around the small interior, noticing the cabin only consists of two rooms. the one i’m currently in has a stove tucked in the corner, some cupboards, and a single chair next to a space where i imagine a kitchen table would go. next to the fireplace that makes up the other half the space is a small hallway that leads to what i would guess is the bedroom. the lack of furniture and layer of dust covering everything confirms my suspicion that no one lives here. in fact, it looks like no one has lived here for a very long time. 
“it’s not much, but it’s out of the rain and clearly forgotten so we won’t have to worry about someone discovering us.” azriel says when i finish scanning the room.
“as long as i don’t have to spend the night out in that deluge i’m happy. tell your shadows thank you for finding this place.” a surprised look crosses his face and he stares at me strangely for a moment before giving me a stiff nod then turning to rifle through the cupboards. 
while he searches for anything left behind that might be useful, i stand and stare at the empty fireplace, unsure of what i’m supposed to do. after a few minutes i realize that all that walking had been the only thing keeping me even remotely warm for the last few hours. despite the roof over my head, my leathers are already soaked through and a chill settles deep into my bones from the lack of warmth in this room.
i wrap my arms around myself and try my best not to shiver. despite my efforts, azriel quickly notices my discomfort. 
“oh, i’m sorry. you’re absolutely soaked and the temperature is only going to keep dropping. i should have went and looked for something to start a fire with before rummaging through the house. i apologize. i’ll go right now. forgive me.”
he turns towards the door, but i grab his elbow to stop him before he can open it. “wait! please don’t apologize, it’s not your fault that it rained today and it’s certainly not your fault that it’s so cold out. we could have never predicted such a fierce storm so early into the fall season.” 
i hear a soft chuckle and my gaze skips across his face, finding a small grin and a slight twinkle in his eyes. “do you really think i view myself so highly that i believe i can control the weather?” a dimple appears on his cheek as his grin widens ever so slightly and i find myself transfixed by it. “i was not apologizing because it rained, i was apologizing because you must obviously be freezing and it was thoughtless of me to not consider how to remedy that first.” 
“also…” he pauses, his expression transforming into something much more serious while his eyes search my face. “nevermind,” he says after a moment, pulling his gaze from mine. “i’m going to go try and find something remotely dry to start a fire with. you should change out of those wet leathers while i’m out.” 
i nod politely, but my eyes betray me by glancing quickly at the sodden bag in my arms and azriel immediately notices.
“oh, right. of course.” he says stiffly, as if remembering the circumstance of how my belongings were thrown into the mud and rain.
“not a problem.” he strides across the room to where his pack rests against the wall. “here.”
he pulls a bundle out and extends it towards me. it takes me a second to understand his meaning, but when i do, i immediately resist. “no! azriel, those are yours.”
“so? you need to get out of those freezing clothes before you make yourself sick from the cold.”
“so do you!” i argue back. “you’re not giving up your only dry clothes for something that was my-”
“it was not your fault.” i take a step back at the tone in his voice and the darkness in his eyes. i know azriel is intimidating and cold, i’ve seen it before and i saw it again earlier when he slaughtered my attackers with no hesitation. but, i have never been on the receiving end of it. the ice in his voice is colder than the freezing rain and i can’t suppress the chill that rushes through me. 
his glare softens and some warmth returns to his voice, although a harsh edge still remains as he continues. “whatever conclusions you seem to have drawn that make you think that whatever happened earlier was in any way your fault, get rid of them. immediately.” the command in his voice is impossible to ignore and i find myself subconsciously obeying his instructions. 
“and as for the clothing situation, i have a solution for that. as long as you can give me one minute to explain without arguing.” his face has entirely transformed from just moments ago, the cold expression completely erased and replaced with humor and teasing. 
i open my mouth to respond and he raises his eyebrows slightly, a smirk tugging on the edges of his lips. i close my mouth and simply nod, glaring playfully but keeping quiet so he can explain. 
his smirk widens ever so slightly at my mock indignation. “i always bring several spare pairs of socks, so no worries there. and you can wear my shirt. i figure you’re small enough that it should be plenty long on you. and i can just wear my spare pants while my leathers dry.” my eyes widen slightly at the thought of az with just pants on and he chuckles softly as if he knows what just crossed my mind. “will that work for you?”
i swallow, erasing the mental image of him shirtless and quickly nod. he smirks playfully before handing me the bundle he attempted to earlier. “good. now you change and i’m going to find something to burn.” and with that he moves past me and out the door, trudging into the pouring rain.
i head to the back room and shut the door behind me. the room is bare except for a bed with a threadbare quilt on it and a small dresser with a broken handle. i begin to peel off my wet clothing, struggling as the soaked material clings to my skin. when i get down to my underwear i hesitate, unsure if i should leave it on or not. a draft moves through the house and i shiver, quickly deciding i will never stop freezing if i don’t remove all my wet clothing. 
a faint scent fills my nose as i pull az’s shirt over my head. it reminds me of a rainy forest, but not like the one we just spent our day traveling in. no, it’s like a forest right after a summer rain, everything smelling fresh and clean with just a hint of cedar and pine clinging around the edges. the dry cotton helps to ease the chill of my skin almost immediately. he was right. the shirt is so large on me it reaches past my mid-thighs and i have to roll the sleeves up several times in order to free my hands.
i pull on the wool socks and then gather up my soaking clothes before heading back into the main room. i’m surprised to find him already back inside, kneeling in front of the fireplace with a stack of wood next to him. 
“well that was quick,” i comment quietly, suppressing the urge to fidget as i realize that although the shirt covers plenty, i have more of my legs exposed than i have ever intentionally had out before.
“i found a woodshed out back. it has plenty of wood and almost all of it was still dry. i don’t know who built this place, but whoever did knew how to build a solid roof because both the house and the woodshed-” he stops talking as he turns to address me. i notice his nostrils flare ever so slightly as his eyes quickly rake over me, lingering on my legs for a moment.
i feel a blush creeping up my face as he stares. a rush of heat washes over me as i notice the look in his eyes. no one has ever looked at me like that. camden always looked at me like a possession, something he deserved simply for existing. but azriel is looking at me with what seems like awe, and maybe something else. i avert my gaze to the floor, embarrassed by his attention and feeling unworthy of the reverence in his eyes. 
after a moment that feels like an eternity, he clears his throat and continues speaking. “both the house and the woodshed are completely dry, not a single leak anywhere.” when i look at him again, his attention is fixed on the fireplace in front of him, his body turned slightly away from me as if he is using it as a physical reminder not to look at me again. 
“i’ll have this fire going in just a minute or two. it shouldn’t take long for the cabin to warm up.”
“thank you,” i mumble quietly while padding across the floor to sit in the lone chair. the wood is freezing, even through the shirt, but it’s better than standing awkwardly in the hallway while he builds the fire.
true to his word, the fire is blazing in no time at all, its bright flames illuminating the rapidly darkening room. 
i move over to the fire, taking the chair with me. i drape my wet clothes over the back of the chair to dry, while azriel digs through his bag for his dry clothing. i watch as he turns back towards me, clothing in hand. his gaze moves towards mine, but stops and fixates on the chair. an emotion i can’t identify passes over his face before his features harden. 
“i’m going to change.” azriel quickly moves past me to head to the bedroom and closes the door, never once looking at me. 
i sit on the floor, too stunned to do anything else. what just happened? i thought we had sorted through our issues earlier? did what happened with those nasty males set him off again? i sit and ponder in silence for a long while until i hear the bedroom door open again.
i shake off my confusion and unease and try to act normal.
any sense of normalcy immediately flies out the window the second i turn and see az. he enters the room and all i can do is stare. he’s wearing loose cotton pants that hang dangerously low on his hips. my eyes greedily scan the smooth expanse of his broad chest and lean abdomen, noticing every line and dip of his defined muscles. when he walks past me and lays his leathers out to dry, i watch the muscles of his back ripple as he moves. 
i need to stop staring before our situation gets more uncomfortable and weird than it was before he changed. i pull my eyes off of him and stare at my hands, unsure of what i’m supposed to do. 
i hear more movement and rustling, but refuse to look, knowing i won’t be able to resist the urge to stare at his body. after a moment a hand appears before me holding bread and cheese.
“it’s not much, but it will at least tie us over until tomorrow when i can find us something more substantial to eat.”
“thank you,” i reply softly while risking a glance up to his face. i find him staring at the wall, not looking at me and my heart drops. 
we eat our food in silence.
a little while after we finish i hear azriel clear his throat. “well we should probably get some sleep so we can get an early start tomorrow. hopefully the rain will let up by then. the room is probably warmer now that the fire has been going so hopefully you shouldn’t freeze while you sleep.”
i nod and then stand and start to head back to the bedroom, but pause when i don’t hear him following. i turn around and watch as he pulls the thin blanket out of his pack and begins unrolling it on the floor. 
“you’re not sleeping out here are you?” i ask, horrified by the thought of him having to sleep on the dirty, hard floor. 
“well, yes. i was.”
“no. no. absolutely not.”
azriel gives me a confused look before responding. “why not? i’ve slept on the floor plenty of times before.”
“you’re not sleeping on the floor when there is a perfectly good bed here!” 
“and let you sleep on the floor?” 
yes! i think to myself, knowing full well he would have been able to make it to a comfortable, dry inn tonight if it weren’t for me slowing him down.
“absolutely not! i can’t believe you think i would let you sleep on the floor while i take the bed!”
“well it only seems fair since-”
“i swear to the cauldron if you try to blame yourself for this too i am going to lose my mind.” the visible tension in his jaw reveals how hard azriel is trying to keep his frustration under control. 
“stop! just stop. i will not argue with you about this, aelis. whatever reason you have concocted in your head as to why this situation is your fault is silly. and i won’t listen to it. so just stop.” 
“okay,” i watch the tension in his body lessen slightly as i comply. “but i’m not sleeping in that bed if you’re sleeping on the floor.” his shoulders immediately lock back up again. 
“well i’m not letting you sleep on the floor.”
“fine, i guess we will both have to sleep in the bed then.” the second the words come flying out of my mouth i wish i could take them back.
azriel’s eyebrows raise questioningly for just a moment before he replies, “fine.”
i search his face for any signs that he is joking, but he’s completely serious. my heart starts pounding at the thought of both of us in the same bed. i have never ever under any circumstances slept in the same bed as anyone before, much less a male. i can’t believe i suggested it. almost as much as i can’t believe that he agreed. 
not wanting him to see the embarrassment written all over my face, i quickly turn and head into the bedroom. i hear him rise from the floor, grab the blanket, and follow.
unsure of what to do now that i have reached the bedroom, i stand awkwardly next to the bed and turn towards azriel as he also enters the room.
“after you,” he says while gesturing towards the bed, the edge of a smirk playing at his lips as he senses my unease. 
i stiffly turn and crawl onto the bed, moving as close to the wall as i can. the bed looked plenty large enough when i was standing next to it, but now that i’m in it, the space next to me looks much, much smaller. 
without hesitation, az joins me on the bed.
i watch as he struggles to position himself and his wings on his half off the bed. i never realized what an inconvenience having wings must be until now as he moves them yet again. after fumbling and readjusting for several minutes he finally settles on laying on his side, facing me, with his wings draped over the edge of the bed. 
"sorry," he says quietly, "sometimes it takes me a while to find a comfortable position when i'm not in my own bed." 
my eyes quickly scan his body. i notice how his feet hang slightly off the end of the bed clearly not made for someone of his stature. i look at his shoulders which are visibly tense from the weight of his huge wings hanging with no alleviation since there is no room on the bed for him to rest them. 
"you still don't look very comfortable," i say as my gaze returns to his.
“i’ve slept in much more uncomfortable places before.”
“so you admit you’re not comfortable.”
“well, i don’t exactly have a lot of options with wings and a bed this size.”
“i could always just sleep on the floor, that would give you more room to position your wings.”
“no.” his answer is entirely predictable, but i figured i would at least try one last time. at least this time i was able to get out my entire request without interruption before he shot me down. 
“well, still. i’m sorry you’re not very comfortable.” 
“like i said, i’ve slept in much more uncomfortable places. i’ll be fine.” and with that he spreads the threadbare quilt and thin blanket across us. they won’t do much to keep me warm, but they are better than nothing and the heat from the fireplace has warmed the room slightly. regardless, i doubt the chill in my bones will fully leave me tonight.
due to his wings, az has no other choice than to lay facing me. after just a few minutes, i roll over to face the wall, unable to lie there with him staring at me any longer. changing position does little to help as i can still feel the weight of his gaze on my back and the presence of his body so close to mine. i’m convinced i’ll never be able to sleep knowing he’s right there, but somehow, i eventually drift off.
* * *
the first thing i notice is the warmth. i’m so warm. i don’t know if i can remember the last time i was this warm. it definitely wasn’t anytime on this journey. i smile softly in my drowsy state, content at last now that the cold i couldn’t seem to shake from my system has left. 
after dwelling in the bliss of warmth for a few moments i start to notice other things. like how the surface beneath my head is hard. i must have rolled off my pillow at some point in the night. i start to slide my hand up to find the pillow, but freeze the instant my hand slides across bare skin.
my eyes fly open and all i see is smooth, tanned skin broken up by dark swirls and shapes in ancient patterns. my mind whirls as it tries to catch up and….shit. shit. my head is resting on az’s shoulder and my arm is thrown across his waist and, oh gods. somehow during the night, my leg ended up draped over the top of one of his thighs while his wing ended up wrapped around me. no wonder i’m so warm, i’m literally laying intertwined with az!
my only saving grace is that his shirt is so long that whenever i decided to roll on top of him during the night, it tucked between my thighs so my bareness isn’t pressed directly against him right now. 
i don’t know what to do. i can’t stay like this. if he wakes up and finds me practically straddling him i’ll die of embarrassment and humiliation. but if i move and he wakes up, same result.
after steadying my breathing for a moment, i slowly begin the process of removing myself from az’s body. i move slower than i thought possible, watching him for any signs he might be waking up. 
after what feels like an eternity i finally manage to get myself completely off of him and quickly roll over to face the wall again, letting out a sigh of relief as i do. my relief is short-lived as i feel the mattress move beneath me a moment before a strong arm wraps around my waist and az pulls himself closer, his chest flush with my back and his wing curling in around us.
my breath catches in my throat. what is happening. i listen carefully, not moving until i notice his breaths haven’t changed. he’s still breathing steady and slow. oh, thank the cauldron, he’s still sleeping. he must have just moved unconsciously like i did. i begin breathing again, but try to remain still, not wanting him to wake and experience the same fear and embarrassment i just did moments prior.
after a while my muscles relax as i settle into him, secretly enjoying the feeling of his arm around me and the warmth of his chest against my back. we continue to lay like this for several more minutes and i feel as though i might fall asleep again when he moves.
just slightly, nothing more than him readjusting. but, the movement pushes his hips tighter against my ass and my heart skips a beat. a moment later, he does the same movement again, but more purposeful. another moment later, again. warmth builds low in my core at the sensation. as he does the movement once more, i feel him harden against me and a rush runs through me.
i’m fighting every urge in my body to move against him, both thrilled and terrified by what is happening. 
all of a sudden i feel his entire body go tense behind me, like he’s frozen. i hear his breath catch and an almost silent curse leave his lips before he goes silent once more. i try to keep my body still and my breathing steady, not wanting to give away how awake i am in this moment. slowly, he pulls his arm off of me and carefully pushes himself away until the only thing touching me is the wing that remains slightly curled around me.
my back feels suddenly cold without his chest against me. confusion begins to cloud my mind as i run through everything that just happened. i have never reacted like that to a male. ever. i have always wanted to distance myself, to get it over with as quick as possible. and yet, when i felt az against me, i wanted nothing more than to move closer, to continue whatever he had unknowingly started.
i continued to ponder these thoughts and feelings over and over until sunlight breaks through the small window, signaling the start to our day.
thanks for reading and lmk what you think! i love hearing all your feedback!!!
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taglist: @lennaleen @mis-lil-red
©️ the-shadowsingers-whore - plagiarizing, reposting, and translating is not permitted
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fics [38] drabbles [13]
Thanks for dropping by! I want to note that I no longer write x reader and instead am writing bakudeku shipfic. So! By all means, read, like, comment on my fics here! But I can't recommend that you follow me unless you like bakudeku. Hope you enjoy your time here regardless! <3
character x character
Title w/ link | [rating] | word count | genre
ratings are bracketed: e.g. [g], [t], [m], [e]
[g] - appropriate for general audiences [t] - appropriate for audiences 13+ [m] - contains non-graphic adult themes [e] - explicit, 18+ readers only
🌸 = personal faves
characters x reader: no ship (1), aizawa (2), bakugou (12), endeavor (1), iida (2), kaminari (1), kirishima (4), midoriya (7), shinsou (2), todoroki (19)
Everything is in alphabetical order <3
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no ship
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.6k | hurt/comfort
The results are in and your class is all with you as you process the results
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aizawa x reader
Stress Relief | [e] | 3k | smut
There's a new regulation that forces you to take an extra class before you can graduate college. When you learn that Eraserhead is teaching the class, you’re a little more interested.
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.6k | hurt/comfort 
Aizawa reminds that you were prepared for this and, together, you can handle it.
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bakugou x reader
Can’t Find My Breath | [e] | 4.2k | smut 🌸
At the beginning of the day, Ground Zero was just another hero you wrote articles about. Now it’s nighttime and you’ve just left a bar together. Companion to The Rest with No Sound
Christmas Cold | [g] | 1k | fluff
You and Katsuki manage to make it to your parents' house for the holidays, but you've come down with a little cold.
Doing Something Right | [e] | 1.8k | smut
You’re pregnant and happily enjoying domestic bliss when Katsuki comes in, unable to resist you.
Frustration | [e] | 3.1k | smut
request. After a long day of work, Katsuki comes home frustrated and you, suffering from a different kind of frustration yourself, know exactly what will help you both.
Gorgeous | [e] | 1.5k | smut, hurt/comfort
ask. When you have a negative response to Katsuki touching you in a moment of insecurity, he intends to do whatever he can to alleviate your fears.
version 1: petite reader
version 2: curvy reader
Magic | [e] | 2.2k | smut
request. Katsuki comes home early and catches you...taking care of yourself.
Miniskirts | [e] | 0.8k | smut 🌸
After a long day, Katsuki takes a shower and his thoughts turn to you.
On the Job | [e] | 4.5k | smut 🌸
Super human society has a secret. Aphrodisiac quirks aren’t just of porn and fantasy--they’re common and too often fall into the wrong hands. When heroes get hit, someone has to be able to activate the quirk’s release condition. If they’re single, who might that someone be?
The Rest with No Sound | [t] | 8.5k | slow burn, fluff 🌸
Bakugou thinks that people who wake up not remembering where they are are idiots. This is confirmed when it happens to him, head aching from a night of drinking. Idiot. But when he looks over, and sees you there, he realizes he doesn’t remember anything. So he has to gather the scattered pieces from the day before to figure out exactly how he ended up with you. Companion to Can’t Find My Breath
Stay | [g] | 2.2k | hurt/comfort 🌸
ask. The last thing you want to do on a rough day is worry Bakugou with your problems. So you try to hide it. You should have known better.
Steamy | [e] | 2.7k | smut
request. You're a pro hero, rising in the ranks and, happy though he is for you, Katsuki's old jealousy begins to roil. After you've been paraded around all evening as one of Japan's finest, Katsuki finds himself feeling more than a little possessive, and can't help himself from taking you as his.
Steel and Lace | [e] | 3.8k | smut
The only one who manages to get Bakugou’s birthday right is you.
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endeavor x reader
When the Smoke Clears | [e] | 17.4k | slow burn, smut
Soulmate AU. After his battle with Hawks against Hood, Endeavor wakes up in the hospital to find that a young doctor saved his life, their quirk being able to counteract the negative effects of his own. His first thought is that he has to talk to you–you might be able to fix the drawbacks of his quirk. His second thought is oh no, not again.
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iida x reader
Broken Glass | [g] | 1.8k | fluff, mild comfort
request. In a quirk-related accident you find yourself surrounded by shattered glass. Worst of all, most of that glass is from every single pair of your boyfriend’s glasses.
Flotsam, Jetsam, Lagan, and Derelict | [g] | 1.5k | hurt/comfort
ask. Trying to hide a panic attack from your boyfriend isn’t easy when he’s right next to you. But you’re determined to suffer alone.
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kaminari x reader
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.4k | hurt/comfort
You share your unsteady hope with Kaminari.
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kirishima x reader
Silhouette | [e] | 1.8k | smut, hurt/comfort
ask.  Before a gala, you’re stuck in the mirror, caught on all your old body insecurities. Kiri comes in and loves you regardless.
version 1: petite reader
version 2: curvy reader
We’ll See | [g] | 6.3k | gen, light romance 🌸
demisexual!Reader. After a fateful meeting, you and Kirishima keep running into each other. And although he’s so nice, you fear the fact that he might be interested in you. Even though all you want is, for once, to let yourself be happy and maybe fall in love, you can’t seem to be able to.
What We Look For | [t] | 15.5 | slow burn
Last time, you and Kirishima became friends—nothing more, nothing less. The idea of being something more sounds nice. But you can’t. You just can’t. So you won’t. Whatever happens will be on your own terms. Sequel to We'll See
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.4k | hurt/comfort
Kirishima freaks out while you experience a numb calm. You meet in the middle.
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midoriya x reader
Bad Days | [g] | 1.4k | hurt/comfort
Izuku helps you get out of bed.
Sunlight | [e] | 2.1k | smut 🌸
request. An early afternoon in bed with your husband, Izuku.
Surprised, Just Once | [e] | 5k | smut
request. You were planning on just another predictable night out with the girls. What you got was much, much more.
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.3k | hurt/comfort
Izuku holds you close while you watch the results.
Multiple unrelated oneshots with Deku with an s/o with an eating disorder | ask
Gratitude | [t] | 1.4k | hurt/comfort
After having been with Izuku a while, you’re suffering a relapse and he helps you through with some gratitude practices on date night.
Picnic | [t] | 1.8k | hurt/comfort
Izuku surprises you with a picnic on your second date, much to your horror.
A Start | [t] | 1.2k | hurt/comfort 🌸
You ask Izuku for help when you realize you need it.
Trust Yourself | [t] | 2.3k | hurt/comfort
Shortly after moving in together, Izuku learns of your struggles and tries his best to comfort and encourage you.
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shinsou x reader
Passing the Night Stars | [g] | 3.2k | hurt/comfort
The party was neon and you needed darkness.
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.4k | hurt/comfort
Shinsou helps you prioritize yourself.
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todoroki x reader
All Dressed Up | [e] | 4.6k | smut 🌸
quarantine fic. It’s been months since you’ve dressed up, felt pretty, and felt seen by anyone. Your husband’s birthday is a perfect excuse to get all dressed up. And then take it right off.
All the Wasted Time | [e] | 3.2k | smut, fluff
Three months ago, you’d been ripped from Shouto’s side with something less than a love confession, something more than a show of feelings. Now that you’re back, you’re eager to make up for lost time. Siberia sequel, First Snow prequel
Bad Days | [g] | 0.9k | hurt/comfort 🌸
Shouto comforts you when your demons arrive unexpectedly.
First Snow | [g] | 2.2k | fluff
A year after the events in Siberia, you and Shouto are happily together, and it’s the first snow of the year. Siberia and All the Wasted Time sequel
On the Job | [e] | 3.4k | smut 🌸
Super human society has a secret. Aphrodisiac quirks aren’t just of porn and fantasy--they’re common and too often fall into the wrong hands. When heroes get hit, someone has to be able to activate the quirk’s release condition. If they’re single, who might that someone be?
You. Sequel to On the Job (Bakugou); can be read alone
Siberia | [e] | 13.8k | pining/angst, smut, fluff 🌸
On the field, you and Todoroki are rising stars amongst hero pairings. Off the field…you’re kind of in love with him. After a successful capture, you’re boss brings you in to let you know you’re being sent on assignment in foreign country…alone. Before you leave, you have to act. You’re not partners anymore, after all. And with a little liquid courage you do. Then, the next morning, you still have to leave. All the Wasted Time and First Snow prequel.
Worth it | [t] | 0.3k | gen
The morning after with your boyfriend, Shouto.
2021 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.5k | hurt/comfort
The stress of election day comes back swiftly during the Georgia runoff and Todoroki’s quick to notice.
all works below are within the world of the a spare heart series:
A series about a fem, American reader who had to transfer to U.A. partway through second year. You’re there to become a hero, that much is obvious, but why else did you come? And, more importantly, what—or who—makes you stay?
may, year two:
- reader finishes junior year of American high school early
- reader transfers to u.a. from the united states
The Meeting | [g] | 0.1k | gen
Reader meets Tokoyami for the first time. Sequel to first impressions from my wip list
Hollow Victory | [g] | 9.6k | gen, action
chapter 1 | chapter 2
You transferred to U.A. from America two weeks ago. No one has found out your quirk yet. Today, they’re going be meeting it head on and you have the advantage: surprise.
june, year two:
Illiterate | [g] | 2.1k | fluff, comfort
Being unable to read Japanese makes you feel so stupid. And who comes into the common room after midnight just as you’re about to cry? The boy who hasn’t spoken to you in three weeks.
The Offering | [g] | 0.4k | fluff, gen.
The Mission (Shouto POV) | [g] | 0.3k | fluff, gen., silly
september, year two:
Impetus | [g] | 2.1k | friendship
Ever since Shinsou found out what your quirk was, the two of you have been each other’s best friends and confidantes. But when he turns a casual training session into a tease over your supposed crush on someone in your class, that trust might just break.
january, year two:
This Clock Never Seemed So Alive | [g] | 1.2k | fluff, comfort
You and your boyfriend, Shouto, always walk to class together, but today you haven’t yet left your dorm. When he checks on you, he finds you awake, but curled on your side, suffering from period cramps.
The Questions (drabble) | [g] | 0.1k | gen.
The Sweetness (double drabble) | [g] | 0.2k | fluff, comfort
february, year three:
Between Fear and Guilt | [t] | 2.5k | light angst, comfort
You and Shouto only started being intimate a couple months back, but you’re already experiencing a dry spell. Today you’re going to figure out what’s up with your boyfriend once and for all.
fifteen years after graduation
Something Perfect | [e] | 3.7k | smut, fluff
After years of questioning if Shouto would ever want children, he’s finally decided that he really does. Overjoyed, the two of you decide to get started.
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lokislastlove · 3 years
Best Laid Plans (Fluffy Bucky x Reader) p3
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Summary: Bucky is determined to woo you properly, no matter how rusty he is at dating these days.
Warnings: Some smut at the end, oral (fr), Bucky has bad luck, but we love him anyway. 18+ only please.
This is my first attempt at Fluff, it is not my strength, to say the least, so by all means ignore this. @saiyanprincessswanie I wrote this for you, I hope you like it and with any luck maybe it brings a tiny smile to your face when you need it. 💕 Also remember this is fiction, I know Bucky’s arm is fancy as hell and has no flaws.
Chapter 3 -
🌹 The Third Date 🌹
The office is abuzz with rumors of your new romance. For obvious reasons Pepper never shuns coworkers dating, but does caution that she expects everyone to remain professional regardless of the outcome. Bucky is one of the most sought after bachelors in the building so naturally people notice when he fixes his attention on you. For the two days following your fruit-filled frolic in the hills Bucky is constantly around. He brings you coffee, flowers by the dozen every day, saves you a seat during the meetings, cooks you lunch and even brings Kal in to see you.
“Okay, I can’t wait any longer. You willing to give me that second chance, tomorrow?” Bucky bursts into your office an hour before you leave Friday evening.
You gasp as the door slams against the wall and he cringes, “uh, sure. I’m free tomorrow. Should I just go ahead and wear my yoga pants?”
“Ha ha. Very funny. And no. I let Steve pick the date idea this time. Just don’t wear anything that you don’t want getting a little dirty,” he winks.
You let out a sigh, “wouldn’t it be easier to just tell me what we’re doing?”
“That’s no fun, Angel.”
The next morning you wake up to a text from Bucky, just like you have every morning since your first date.
Good Morning, Beautiful! Can’t wait to see you today. I’ll pick you up at 11am. 😀
Bucky has managed to make waking up a highlight of your day, something you never thought possible. Plus you got him to start using emojis, which Steve claims he will never forgive you for.
You choose some dark wash jeans and a V-neck t-shirt with a jacket and boots. Stylish but casual, you feel good, excited to find out what adventure Bucky will be dragging you into this time.
Your phone dings as you race out the front door and gulp when you see the bike again. God he looks good with it though, his light brown leather jacket highlights his olive skin and his dimpled smile has you swooning as you reach him. Determined to get a hang of this motorcycle thing you jump on back and cling to Bucky with a bit more confidence today.
Bucky reigns in his speed this time, and you find yourself enjoying the rush of the wind on your face and the warmth of him in your arms. To your shock Bucky leads you to a ceramic shop not far from Avengers tower, specifically for couples pottery class.
“Steve assures me that this is supposed to be fun and romantic,” Bucky says as you find yourself sitting next to him on a dirty stool with a spinning round table in front of you.
“Steve hasn’t been watching old romance movies again, has he?”
Bucky squints at you, “Actually, yeah but he said it had ghosts in it, and I got enough of those.”
You grab his hand and give it a squeeze before taking a deep breath, “Ok, let’s do this!”
It takes about a minute to realize what a terrible idea this is as Bucky curses under his breath and his arm starts making strange whirling noises.
“Oh shit, uh is clay good for your arm?” You ask, nodding at the way the plates of his metal arm seems to twitch and groan as the wet clay slide and congeal between them as they shift.
“Fuck,” Bucky curses as he shakes out his metal arm and you grimace at the worrisome noise it makes before it stops moving all together.
“Do you want to take it off?” you offer.
Bucky looks frustrated with a hint of panic as he sits there contemplating the best move. He still isn’t very comfortable going without his arm in public.
“Or we could just decide not to take Steve’s dating advice anymore and go back to the tower and get cleaned up?” You laugh and bump him with your elbow.
He scoffs out a laugh, “yeah. You know I used to be the one that was good at this stuff, I was the charming one who helped get Steve a date.”
“Oh is that so? Well I think you’re doing better than you think you are,” you smirk.
“Yeah?” He asks hopefully.
“Yeah, now come on Casanova,” you stand and wipe your hands on the towel nearby.
You can’t help but laugh as you follow him out the door, looking at the light gleam off the metal that isn’t covered in clay.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, it’s just… gonna be hard to convince me you’re not a complete mess after this one.”
You could tell Bucky’s confidence had taken a major hit, well three major hits to be honest. And while he constantly berated himself for everything that went wrong, you couldn’t help but love him even more with each blunder. And when he doesn’t insist you give him another shot after that disastrous pottery date, you seek out Steve’s advice.
“Do you think I should try to make a move? Ask him on a date maybe? Or is that insulting to … men from your era,” you finish awkwardly.
Steve laughs softly, “I think Bucky could use a sign that you aren’t willing to give up yet. You should give it a shot, as long as it’s what you want and not just out of pity.”
“Of course it’s not out of pity, you really think I’d do that?” you ask, trying not to get too offended.
“No, doll, of course I don’t. But that’s likely what he’s going to think.” He placates and gives you a knowing look before walking out of your office.
You push back your shoulders and pull out your phone to text Bucky.
Hey if you’re free tonight you should come over to my place. Maybe around 8pm? No dress code. 😘
🌹 The Fourth Date 🌹
Bucky arrives at 7:50pm that evening and you push the buzzer to let him in. You leave the door cracked for him and finish the final touches.
“Angel?” He calls as he knocks and you hear the door creak open. “Uh, hello?” His voice falters as he closes the door behind him and takes in the candles neatly arranged along a path of rose petals.
You hear him remove his heavy boots and call your name as he follows the path further into your apartment and closer to where you’re waiting for him. You shift nervously on your feet as you wait with baited breath for him to appear around the corner.
“Angel, what’s going..” His voice gets caught in his throat as he stands in your doorway and sees you waiting for him.
You’re wearing a simple nightgown, a silky robe and stockings. The thin straps and sleek material drape softly over your curves, enticing enough to make him pause but not overly revealing to be considered scandalous. You didn’t want to be too bold and scare him off too fast, or make yourself appear too desperate.
“Hi, Bucky,” you smile as you watch his pupils dilate and his chest strain against his shirt as his breathing gets heavier.
He clears his throat and his cheeks glow pink as his eyes flick up to meet yours, “uh hey, Angel. Am I dreaming?”
You laugh as you take a few steps toward him and he mirrors you, “I just thought that maybe I’d surprise you with a date, this time. If you’re up for it.”
“Well, I will admit that my interest is quite peaked already.” He jokes, his eyes roving down your body once more as he gently takes your hands and holds them out to get a better look at you.
You giggle and rolls your eyes, “Nothing crazy, just a simple movie date, and I have the perfect set up. Follow me.”
You pull him over to your bedroom window and climb out onto the fire escape, he follows closely, his curiosity climbing with each creaky step.
“You sure this is safe?” He asks as the stairs rattle under his weight.
“No,” you say simply as you reach the top, “but it’s worth it.”
Bucky’s eyes widen as he takes in the rooftop space that you’ve meticulously decorated for him. Strings of lights hang on the low rooftop walls. A large air mattress is tucked between the pipes and vents, facing a large projector screen. You made sure to add mountains of fluffy pillows and soft blankets to keep you cozy under the stars.
“This is amazing,” he mutters as he eyes the plate of snacks and bottle of wine waiting on the bed.
“I know, isn’t the view amazing? I’ve always loved it up here, but I didn’t know it had this much potential until now,” you remark as you look out onto the glimmering view of the city skyline.
Bucky’s fingers slip between yours and curl sweetly as he guides you over to the soft bed. He flops down and settles in before opening his arm for you to join him. You grab the remote and the wine and curl up next to him. Drawing up your legs and letting them rest against his muscular thigh.
“I don’t deserve all this,” he utters sadly as he watches you pour the wine.
“Steve said you’d say something stupid like that,” you laugh as he looks stunned for a moment. “So let me just settle this right now.” You take deep breath and let it out with a quiet huff.
“I have been the happiest I’ve ever been since you asked me out on that first date. I look forward to waking up every morning knowing I’ll get to see you and possibly, maybe, do more than just ogle you from afar. Oh don’t look at me like that!” You laugh and smack Bucky’s shoulder when he smirks at you and wiggles his brow.
“I know you think you blew it after our first three dates but all I remember is seeing a passionate man willing to chase down a dog through the mud, even if it meant embarrassing himself. I remember you saving me from a potentially fatal injury, and I remember a man so desperate to impress me that he took advice from Steve Rogers,” you bite your lip as you watch Bucky choke out a laugh at your jab at his best friend.
“You may think all of these moments are flaws, but honestly I wouldn’t want to change a single thing. So let’s just –” Your speech is cut off when Bucky’s hands are suddenly on the side of your face and pull you in for a blazing kiss.
It’s as though you’ve unlocked something in him as he devours you, his tongue trailing across your lip and delving into your mouth when you open for him. You moan as his hands slip down to your neck, his thumbs pressing ever so slightly on your pressure points before he pulls away just enough to kiss and nibble along your jaw. The pleasure and passion is dizzying and you feel your body bend to his will. Your hands grasp at his shirt as he nuzzles and sucks along your neck now, making his way to your clavicle.
The feather pillow braces your head as Bucky lays you down and hovers above you, his body heat warming you as the cool night breeze tickles over each spot he kisses.
“God, Angel, you have no idea how badly I want you right now. How badly I’ve wanted you for so long.” He groans against your chest, dragging his nose over the thin material between your breasts.
“Me too,” you breathe.
You push at the lapel of his jacket, trying to urge him to take it off. He sits up, fixing his eyes on you as he slowly strips off his coat and tosses it away, followed by his shirt immediately after. Your breath hitches as you let your fingers lightly glide down his stomach, feeling every ripple of firm muscle under his heated skin.
“Wow, the girls at work would be so jealous right now,” you kid.
“I’m almost offended that you think this is my best feature,” he scoffs gesturing to his stomach, his eyes glinting mischievously.
“By all means, show me more. I did come up here for a show after all,” you tease, tilting your head and biting your lip as you eye the growing bulge in his pants.
“Oh, I think I know how to keep you entertained,” he smirks and lowers himself over you, his hot breath leaving goosebumps on your skin as he dips lower down your body.
You look down as he pauses over your quivering center and lifts the hem of your dress up to reveal your lace panties. He growls lowly and hooks his finger under them, pulling them quickly to the side. You twitch as he blows lightly over your lips, the cool air hitting the slick arousal already pooling between your thighs. He chuckles as you grip the blankets tightly and he pushes his long thick tongue between your folds, circling your bud at the top. You let out a long moan as his fervor increases, the feeling of his rough tongue dipping into your dripping hole and then back up to flick over your clit is driving you closer and closer to the edge.
After the past two weeks of the most intense sexual tension you’ve ever experienced it doesn’t take much for him to have you squirming under his touch. Your toes curl and a broken scream echoes over the rooftops as you come on his hungry lips.
“You’re so beautiful,” he coos as your eyes flutter open and see him hovering over your face once more.
Your jaw slackens, pupils blown as you take in his debauched state, his tousled hair, lips and beard glistening with your come. You reach up and pull him down to you, tasting yourself on his tongue. You feel his metal arm fumble with his jeans between you as he pulls out his aching cock. Your eyes flick down in curiosity and you can’t help but gasp as you gaze at his veiny, thick length.
“You see how hard you make me?” He moans, fisting the base of his leaking cock.
You bite your lip, feeling an overwhelming desire to let him use you in any way he wants. Your body arching into him and your hips rolling desperately. Your submissive side blooming under his dominant tone.
You whimper and meet his eye, “fuck me, Bucky. Please.”
Your voice is soft and timid, nothing like the typical commanding confidence you have in your daily life, and it sends a thrill through Bucky. He latches onto your thighs and pushes them up toward your chest, exposing your cunt to him and he guides himself inside, moaning freely as your walls stretch to fit him.
“I’m never letting you go. My perfect, Angel.”
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nessinborderland · 4 years
Be Mine (08)
Pairing: Niragi x Reader / Chishiya x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Omegaverse
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: You were able to stay unbounded throughout your life. You didn’t want an Alpha; you didn’t need one. You would rather die than to give yourself to some random male. But the man that saved your life thinks differently.
Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Dubious Consent, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Finger fucking, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drama, Developing Relationship, Past Abuse, Scars, Death, Blood and Gore, Animal Death, Trauma, Bath Sex, Blood and Injury, Oral Sex, Dom/sub Undertones, Feelings
Notes: Here I am, back with chapter 8!! Be aware that there's a lot going on in this chapter involving abuse and trauma, so please proceed with caution. Hope you enjoy it! <3
AO3 Link        Masterlist
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He can’t believe his eyes.
The moment the bag was taken off to show the man’s face, he wondered if he was having one of his nightmares again. He barely has those anymore, but what else can this be? He refuses to believe he is here. It can’t be real; it makes no sense.
But it is real. It’s him, without a shadow of a doubt. He’s visibly older, once black hair now with streaks of gray, and deep-set tired eyes. But he could never forget that face; the face that has been haunting his dreams for years. He almost feels sick at the realization. Why is he here? What does he want? How? When? So many questions.
Then fear.
Is he here to hurt him? To hurt you? No, he can’t let that happen; he won’t let that happen. Memories come flushing in, and it’s like he’s a young boy again, with no means of escaping or protecting himself. He feels powerless, and it’s terrifying. After so many years trying to gain control of his life, making others fear him...he comes and ruins everything.
Then anger.
How dare he even be alive? In his mind, he killed him long ago. He was supposed to be dead, locked away in some shithole, away from him. But he’s alive and he’s here. The man looks at him with fear in his eyes, but they’re also eyes that don’t recognize him. It makes a fire run in his chest. After everything he has done to him, after all the trauma and scars he left on him? How dare he not remember? 
And then he feels you, on the back of his mind, surprised and wanting to approach him.
No. He has to get you out of that room.
“Y/N,” he says. He barely recognizes his own voice. His eyes are still locked on the man in front of him; he can’t let him out of his sight. His body shakes with the effort to keep himself under control, but he still lets his claws out. He needs to protect you. “Get out.”
“All of you, out!” he shouts, a growl forming in his chest. The man on the chair is shaking, looking more terrified by the second. Still not recognizing him. That angers him more than he would like to admit.
He hears everyone leave the room; everyone except for you. He glances over his shoulder, opening his mouth to order you out.
“I am not leaving,” you say before he can talk. Your voice trembles, but he can feel your determination. You know how he’s feeling, after all. It makes him hate this connection even more; you’re not supposed to see him like this. You’re not supposed to know about this.
“Y/N, I’m not repeating myself,” he takes a deep breath, “Leave… now.”
“But Niragi, you–”
“Niragi?... Niragi Suguru?” those words freeze him in place. That voice, saying his name, makes shivers of terror run down his spine. He looks down at the man, his wide eyes now filled with recognition.
That man knows who he is. He almost wishes he didn’t.
“Do you know who I am?” Niragi forces himself to ask, in a whisper so low you can barely hear it. He can feel you in the back of his mind, as tense and frightened as he is. But he can’t focus on you right now; not when the monster from his past just said his name.
The old man stays quiet for a beat, looking him up and down. Niragi knows what he must be thinking. When they last saw each other, he was nothing more than a shy and scrawny fourteen-year-old boy; now he’s over a decade older and taller, piercings all over his face. 
And he’s an Alpha. That is the most important change. One that the old man definitely notices.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” the man gulps, “Keiko’s boy?”
Niragi has to control his basic instinct to flee as he crouches before the older man, close enough that he can smell the pungent odor of sweat and cigarette smoke. It’s so disgusting and so familiar that he almost gets sick. He swallows the lump in his throat before talking.
“What if I am?” he says, in the most leveled tone he can. He can’t let him know he’s scared. He can’t let him get inside his head. “Why does it matter?”
“I– I just never thought I would see you again after all these years, I–” the man stutters, clearly nervous, “Is nice to finally see my nephew, though. You’ve...changed.”
“Nephew?” you ask. He can feel your surprise, followed by something close to realization. You’re starting to connect the dots. Niragi hates it.
“I’m not your fucking nephew,” he spits in the man’s direction. He can feel his blood starting to boil, claws tingling to dig into the man’s throat. “And you...you should be rotting in some prison cell, not here.”
The man laughs, a low and raspy sound that makes a shiver run down Niragi’s spine. He used to hate that sound. He finds out he still does.
“I’ve been out for years, son,” he says with a strained smile. Niragi knows he’s faking this sudden streak of confidence, but it makes him extremely uncomfortable. He knows that the man is trying to manipulate him. “And now that you’re touching the subject, it’s okay, I forgive you for your betrayal.” Niragi’s eyes go wide at that, “You didn’t know any better–”
“You forgive me?” he can’t believe his ears. But he knows something for certain; the man that calls himself his uncle is dead. “You forgive me…”
“Well, of course, I–”
It’s an exhilarating sensation, having the blood of someone he hates on his hands, claws digging through flesh like butter. But he can’t focus on the physical sensations for long; he’s too mad to see or feel anything but rage and pain. He can hear you calling for him, trying to stop him, but he’s too far gone.
“You forgive me?!” he screams as he keeps punching the man, now on the ground. “You forgive me for what, you motherfucker?! Do you forgive me for telling everyone what you did to me?! Do you forgive me for letting you touch me?! For letting you beat the shit out of me?! For leaving me with these fucking scars?!” He can hear you calling his name, begging him to stop, but all he can focus on is the man underneath him, bleeding and begging him to stop.
He doesn’t give a fuck; he used to beg too. To him, to his mom, even to God. He was never heard. No one came to save him.
So why should he stop?
“Niragi, Niragi, please stop!” he can feel your arms around his neck, trying to pull him back, your mouth close to his ear. His wolf would stop in any other circumstances, but not in this one. “Please, please, you don't want to do this, you’re going to kill him!”
“Get off!” he tries to shake you off his back, never stopping his assault. He can’t stop; if he stops he wins. He can’t let that happen. You keep your arms around his neck, telling him to stop, how this isn’t the way, how they can solve this together. He doesn’t want to hear it. “Shut up!” he marks his words with another punch to the old man’s face, “You don’t know shit!”. He doesn’t notice when you get off him.
But then you cry out in pain.
That makes him freeze, fist in mid-air. He glances at you, cradling your cheek as you lay on the ground by his feet, so close to the man he hates. The scent of your blood hits him like a truck.
No. No, no, no.
He gets on his knees in a second, totally ignoring the half-dead man behind you. You’re all he can think about, now. “Y/N I– I– I’m sorry– I– Let me see…”. You move your hand, showing the claws that mark your cheek. His claws. He did this. He hurt you; how could he hurt you? “I– I– I didn’t mean to, I–”
“I–It’s okay,” you say with a small smile in his direction. But he notices your shaking body, sees the tears running down your face, mixing with your blood on the wound he opened. More than that; he can feel how you’re feeling. He never felt like he wanted to die more than now. He can’t breathe. “Niragi? Niragi, look at me.”
He can’t see. He can’t think. He can’t speak. He can’t hear.
His whole body is shaking, violent tremors going through him as he tries to make it stop. He can’t see you, he can’t see anything but pure black. But he can smell the blood, sweat, and cigarettes, and he’s back to the house where it all happened. Back to the beatings and the abuse and everything else he didn’t remember it happened until now; but in place of his fourteen-year-old self, there’s you. He tries to scream; for help, for you, but he can’t hear his voice. It’s only himself and the dark.
Then it’s like everything explodes.
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You stayed in that room for almost ten hours.
Just you, a giant wolf, and a mauled body.
Ten hours.
You’re still in shock as you lay next to Niragi’s unconscious body. He has been like this for almost two days, and part of you fears he won’t wake up. You press your palm against his chest, wanting to feel his heartbeat. His body is covered in fresh wounds, skin so pale he almost looks dead. You can’t feel him in your mind anymore, but you know he has constant nightmares; so do you. What are you going to do if he doesn’t wake up?
What are you going to do if he does?
It had been terrifying. The screams, the blood, the emotions. Emotions you have never felt before; emotions you don’t want to experience ever again. That overpowering fear and anger and sadness almost made you want to tear your heart out. You know he is broken, but you never imagined it to be on such a scale.
And when he turned and you stopped feeling him... that was the most terrifying thing of all. Because that beast wasn’t Niragi; it was just an animal. A wrathful, terrified, damaged giant wolf. The human was locked inside, and you couldn’t reach him anymore.
The first time you truly feared Niragi was when he looked at you with those amber eyes; eyes that were not his own. 
You thought that that was it, the animal in him was about to kill you. But he acted like you weren’t there as he finished killing his abuser, tearing his body apart like a ravishing beast. You couldn’t stop yourself from watching the gruesome scene; you had to look. It was like you owned him that.
So you stared, sitting on the floor, tears streaming down your face as you cradled your bleeding cheek. Not even when the blood from the body reached your knees did you look away; not even when the wolf ripped apart the man’s head did you look away; not even when the wolf turned to you, muzzle dripping blood, did you look away.
You couldn’t.
After that, you just stayed there on the floor, covered in blood and so terrified you couldn’t move. The wolf had approached you, sniffed you, and licked your wound before laying down in front of you, unmoving. His eyes never left yours.
Until someone had tried to enter the room, time when he had growled, jumping towards the door to undoubtedly kill whoever dared to cross the threshold.
No one died, but after that, you could hear a commotion outside as people tried to decide on what to do next. You had heard Ann call your name, but you couldn't force any words out. Discussions on whether to kill him had made you scream at them to go away. And then it was silent.
When you tried to get up an hour or so later, legs cramping and giving up on you, the wolf hadn't moved; not until you tried to get to the door. He had grabbed you by your clothes then, pulling you to a corner like you were nothing but a rag doll, before laying in front of you, blocking your way out.
Hours passed until you heard a knock on the door. By that time you were starving, throat dry as the desert and skin itching from the dry blood. The wolf immediately started growling, raised hackles as he stared at the door; he knew who it was as well as you did.
A knock on the door startles you, interrupting your thoughts. You check on Niragi before standing up to open the door, limping from the now infected wound on your ankle; you don’t heal as fast as Alphas do, after all. Just like before in that room of nightmares, you know who it is even before you open the door. His scent is even stronger than usual, and you know why.
“What are you doing here?” you ask with a sigh as Chishiya stands in front of you. You look him up and down. His injuries from his fight with Niragi are almost healed by now, pink skin replacing what was open wounds not even two days ago. His expression is the same as always, but you see him glance over your shoulder at Niragi, a look in his eyes that you can’t quite place.
“He’s still unconscious, uh?” he asks, ignoring your question, “Do you think he will wake up?”
“What are you doing here, Chishiya?” you ask again in a raised tone. His eyes flash, but his expression doesn’t change.
“Just checking up on you,” he says with a shrug, “How is your cheek?”
“Do you think that I’m some kind of an idiot?” you snap. “Do you think that I don’t know exactly why you’re here?” you can feel your anger rising, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “You selfish son of a bitch! Just say you’re here because you can smell that my heat is approaching!” you practically scream in his face. You don’t care who might be listening, you’re exhausted. “Don’t just use some fucking excuse like you care about me.” You move to close the door, but his hand snaps to grip your wrist.
“He’s dangerous,” he says, pulling you to him when you try to get him to release you. “He’s reckless, he’s uncontrollable. Just look at what he did to you.” you notice immediately when his eyes change colors, and you have to control yourself not to let his scent fog your mind.
“Let go of me,” you say in a faint tone.
“I would never do that to you,” he says. 
And then he’s kissing you. 
The sound of your slap echoes through the hallway, and your palm stings like it’s on fire.
“Do you have any idea of the state he was in, down there?” you don’t control your tears now, too mad and tired to care. “The pain and suffering he went through? His trauma almost made me insane!” Chishiya just stares, lips in a tight line as he cradles his red cheek. “I don’t blame him for what happened. I know how he felt when he hurt me. He didn’t mean any of it.” you take a deep breath, cleaning the tears from your face. “If you show up here again and try to take me against my will, I’ll kill you.”
“You know you’re just trying to prevent the inevitable, right?” he says, tone cold as ice. He’s smirking; it makes you want to slap him again. “I don’t like to lose, Y/N.”
“Fuck you.”
He doesn’t try to stop you from closing the door, this time.
You immediately go back to bed, nuzzling against Niragi’s unconscious body as you cry. You don’t know what to do, how to feel, what to think. Your head hurts, your body hurts, your soul hurts. You just want him to wake up. 
“Please wake up,” you whisper in his ear as you sob, hoping for a miracle, something. “Please wake up. I– I don’t know if I’ll be able to resist him when he comes back for me. Please...I– I need you to wake up.”
Your body is like a ticking time bomb, and you can practically hear the clock as your heat approaches. It’s only a matter of hours. 
If Niragi doesn’t regain his consciousness by the next morning, Chishiya will take you; and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Next Chapter
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atalho-s · 3 years
Sweet Sugar
4 | Crosses
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pairing: tom holland x reader
warnings: swear words, underage drinking (not much tho, nothing descritive and nothing like “Skins” lmao), suggestive scenes in some chapters, not smut!! but minors be aware. Fluff/angst/drama/ Y/n and Tom being stupid teenagers with feelings.
words: 2.5 k
a/n: english it’s not my first language, Sorry for any mistakes! If you want to be tag on the next chapters, please let me know
Summary: Y/n, Harrison and Tom has always been best friends. Since childhood they’ve always been close, but what happens if after a break up with her first boyfriend, she starts to feel something more about Tom
PART 4! If you want to read the other parts click here
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I woke up the other day feeling a little better, which was good. I washed my face thoroughly, put on a pair of jeans, a Beatles T-shirt along with a jacket and left my room, ready for another week of torture.
- Good morning mom... - I was saying going down the stairs, but I remembered that she had already left for work. Which was good, because that way I didn't have to talk about the party.
I had my coffee, in the silenc  and soon after opened my phone, until I got on Instagram and saw that Tom had posted pictures of the party. The caption said: Thank you all! you guys are awesome! The photos from the party were great 😂
I was scrolling the photos, the first ones were all of us at the table, some were blurry of the people dancing... until I saw one of him with other people from school: Meghan was hugged him from the side making the peace sign with her fingers and he was kissing the top of her head. I sighed feeling my eyes fill with tears again. Okay, maybe I wasn't as ok as I thought.
I blocked my phone and put it in my pocket, taking my backpack and leaving the house, otherwise I would going to be late. I had to focus on school, not crying for silly things, I had to pay attention in my tests, that was more important than anything.
I went down the street and found Haz already waiting for me in the same place, I approached him and when he looked at my face, he made a pitying one.
- You saw the photos didn't you? - he asked and I nodded as he hugged me.
- It's alright Haz, I'll be fine- I said releasing him after a few seconds and he looked at me raising an eyebrow doubtingly - It's no big deal! By the way, I won't talk about it anymore, if we don't go now, we'll be late for school. - I said pulling him and we started walking.
- Okay... But just to close this subject, Tom sent me a message yesterday asking if you were okay and if there was anything wrong because you left early without saying goodbye.
- Hmm, and you didn't say anything right?
- Of course not! I just said that you weren't very used to drinking and that was all, and he believed... - Haz said and I breathed a sigh of relief.
- Good... He also texted me yesterday, he even wanted me to go to his house to tell me about Meghan.
- Well, whether way, he still thinks he's your best friend, nothing more than that...- Haz said, and I hated that he was right.
- It's true, and he's just my best friend, nothing more... - I emphasized the JUST- Did he tell you anything else about Meghan? - I asked and when Haz was going to answer I cut him - Never mind, It’s better if i don’t know. - I said waving my hand in the air.
- If you want it that way... - he replied. - Oh god you two have the same class today right? - he asked and I put my hand in my forehead. I had forgotten that I had English today for the first two classes and Tom would be sitting right next to me.
- I had even forgotten about that. But you know what? I'm going to stay there like a champ and ignore everything. - I said determined and Haz laughed feeling a little sad for me.
- Okay, I support that, but...- he was talking and I cut him again saying: shhh.
- No buts, and now enough of this subject, because we're already arriving. - I said and he rolled his eyes in agreement.
We arrived at the corner and Tom was already waiting for us as usual. He wore a blue sweatshirt and a backwards cap, black jeans and white sneakers. Obviously he was gorgeous as usual, which was ridiculous, but no sign of Meghan, which was good for now...
I tightened my grip on Haz's arm that I was hooked on and he smiled encouragingly. We got closer and Tom looked up from his phone, hanging up and putting it in his pocket.
- Hey strangers! - He said putting the backpack on his back, shaking hands with Haz and me with the usual kiss on the forehead. I lowered my eyes, smelling his scent and smirked. - You better y/n?
- I am, staying in bed all day yesterday did me good. - I said as we headed towards the stairs.
- That's good! And even better that now you have two classes with me- he said winking and Haz looked at me apprehensively.
- HA-HA, very funny. Too bad I'll have to pay attention in class and I won't be able to talk to you. - I said shrugging and Tom looked at me with an ironic face.
- Wow shortie, I felt rejected now. - He said pouting and I rolled my eyes. Of rejection I knew well.
- Well, I have to go because I have a presentation about geography, so, see you guys later? - Haz said when we arrived in the hallway, waving and looking at me discreetly as if he was saying: good luck.
- Let's go, grumpy face? - Tom said pointed for me to go ahead. I rolled my eyes looking at him, which he laughed and we went to the class.
I sat a little further back in my usual seat and Tom sat behind me. I was feeling claustrophobic, but it was only two classes, I could survive this. But when Mr. Ribbs came into the room and started talking, I lost all courage i had.
- Good morning students! Today the two classes will be more dynamic. As I know you had a difficult week, with so many papers and tests, I decided to leave these classes for you to go to the library and pick up any book to read and then give me a summary about it. - he was talking and I was excited, because I loved reading and I could still get my book and be quiet without having to talk to Tom, right? - But... I want you to do this in pairs. - wrong - Happy reading! - He said and everyone stood up forming their pairs and leaving the room one by one.
I felt someone nudge my shoulder and tooking a deep breath I turned around, seeing a smiling Tom.
- Good, reading... At least you like to read, because I with my dyslexia... - he laughed.
- Yeah good... it fit like a glove... Shall we go? - I said and we got up going towards the library. If Tom thought my way of talking was a little dry, he didn't react, which was good.
We arrived at the library and I was looking among the shelves for something easy and good for us to read.
- Y/n, darling... I have to tell you about yesterday - Tom started talking excitedly as he followed me through the halls. - After you and Haz left, a lot things happened...
- Hmm, I'm glad you had fun Tom. - I said a little disinterested picking up some books and looking at the synopsis.
- Yea! I had a lot of fun, but what happened was...
- Hey, how about we read Pride and Prejudice? It's one of my favorites, I think it's a good one, because we just need to read the main parts to refresh our memory. - I said, interrupting him.
-Yeah... Sure, I think it's a good one. - he said as I grabbed Jane Austen's book off the shelf and headed toward one of the tables.
- Shortie, how about if we read this outside? I think it's better than staying here, besides, we can talk better. - Tom said and I stopped turning around. Damn it, I was counting on staying there in the library anyway, so he wouldn't be able to say anything about the night before, because they were going to tell him to be quiet.
- Okay, good idea... - I said, giving up on to try to inventing another excuse.
We left the library and headed towards some tables outside. They were empty, except for a couple of couples scattered around the yard who had the same idea. I sat down and Tom sat next to me putting the book on the table and pulling out his notebook so we could write something down.
- So, as I was saying... We were on the dance floor, right, and Meghan and I were talking about the theater and other things, until... Guess what? - He started talking and I raised my eyebrow, while trying to distract myself with the book. - She said she thought I was cute and that I had a cute, sexy look. - He continued and I laughed ironically.
- So far so good, right... Until she just kissed me in the middle of the dance floor! - He said as if it were the most extraordinary thing in the world. Yeah, I thought with myself, I was there and saw everything, that's why I'm feeling bad and I can't even look at your face right now... I wanted to say it, but I just looked at him pretending to be interested.
- And mate, it was the best kiss of my life! We stayed together practically all night... Damn, I've dreamed about this so much since childhood...
- Good Tom, it must have been a really good birthday gift, right? - I said, looking at the book again.
- Yea! It was perfect...- he said and I could feel him staring at me. - Hey, you don't seem very excited about my little conquest... - he nudged me pouting and I looked at him.
- Nah, it's just that you guys are always hooking up lately, so I'm just not surprised...- I replied shrugging.
- Y/n Meghan is not just a hook up, she is an old passion, she is special - he said and I felt my heart ache a little while looking away. - You dont like her?
- It's not that I don't like her... I don't even know her, I just... I think she did it after you started getting more popular with the theater, because before that she didn't even look at you...
- That's not true, besides, people can change right? Maybe she realized that I'm not as bad as she thought before... I don't know... But as you said, you don't even know her, so I didn't understand you being mad like that. -he said scribbling in his notebook.
- It's not that I'm mad, I just... I didn't wake up very well today, that's all... 
- Yeah... But you don't need to project that to others around you, I thought you'd be happy for me.- Tom said and I looked at him ironically.
- Yeah, but there are days when we're not okay Thomas and not in the mood to be throwing confetti at every girl your friend kiss at some party. - I said and regretted it right away, it wasn't fair to him.
Tom looked at me in surprise, as I had never talk with him like that. Even as kids we didn't fight, why was I being such a bitch now? He took his things in silence and walked away leaving me with tears in my eyes.
I shook my head trying to get rid of what had just happened. I picked up the book and tried to read it, but I couldn't even get past the first line. Damn, why did I have to have those feelings? It wasn't fair.
I thought about going after Tom and apologizing, but I don't think he wanted to see me right now. A few minutes passed and the class was almost finishing when I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I turned in hopes of seeing Tom, but was surprised to see Steven standing up in front of me.
- Are you okay? I heard you fighting with Tom earlier, I never saw you guys fight like that, so I was worried. - he asked.
- I'm fine Stev, it was just a silly disagreement, nothing to worry about. Are you okay? - I asked trying to change the subject.
- Yeah, just studying a lot, you know, I have to go to business school. - he said and I agreed. Steven always wanted to work at his father's company, but for that he had to go to business school in Japan, because there was one of the company's units there and that's where his father wanted him to live. A lot of his family was Japanese, so he had an advantage with the language and culture. But that was one of the reasons we broke up, after fighting a lot about who was going to live where. - And you still focused on journalism?
- Of course, forever and always. - I said and we laughed, hearing the bell saying the class are over.
- Well, I have to go, I have to meet Elle, good luck with your essay. - He said pointing to the book.
- For you too. - I said smiling and he left towards the building.
I got up to get my things, scanning the yard with my eyes, but there was no sign of Tom. I sighed and put my headphones on, heading towards our tree. As I was already out there I ended up arriving first, so I sat down and played the song Crosses by José González.
I waited a few minutes and saw Haz approaching and I took off my headphones as I watched him sit beside me.
- So..How everything went? Where is Tom?-  he asked looking around.
- A disaster... - I said, rubbing my hands over my face. - We ended up arguing, I said some things without thinking and he left without saying anything.
- Oh y/n... I don't even know what to say, but did you confess something to him? he asked and I widened my eyes.
- No! Are you crazy? I told him I didn't trust Meghan, but in a rude way... - I said and Haz took a deep breath hugging me sideways.
- Well, you can't control your feelings...
- But I can control my tongue. - I said and we laughed a little. - How was it with Gracie? Did you guys talked today? - I said changing the subject.
- I talked to her a lot by text during class, I even asked her if she wanted to spend some time with us now, but she said she had to hang with her friends...
- Hmm. - I said putting my hand on my chin losing myself in thoughts as I watched the patio to see if I could see Tom. And after a lot of looking I found him. And there he was sitting on one of the benches near the building with Meghan hugging him, she with his cap on her head and the two of them were laughing and talking excitedly to each other. Until he gave her a kiss and she reciprocated.
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tchallasbabymama · 3 years
Ménage à Trois Chapter 8
Hey lovelies, here’s the next chapter of Ménage à Trois a day early! I’ll be honest, I only had 10 chapters mapped out for this originally, but I’m not really ready to let them go just yet so I’m thinking this story might end at around 13 chapters. We’ll see. 
Check out my masterlist to read my other stories, and let me know if you want to be tagged in anything! Enjoy 😘 
Word Count: 6594
CW: smut
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T’Challa sat back in his desk chair and let out a deep sigh. It had been a rough week trying to convince the US government to continue their cooperation without Theodore, but they eventually came around and “allowed” the liaison position to replace an ambassador. It didn’t help that Theodore had been bad-mouthing Zora and the king to anyone who would listen, and unfortunately, lots of people listened. That is until some of those photos of Theodore and his mistress were mysteriously sent to Mrs. Thompson’s phone from an unknown number. That shut him up real quick. However, some of the damage had already been done. Thankfully, Zora had no interest in working in the world of politics and could care less about her reputation among that crowd.
Not only had the week been difficult because of work, but T’Challa was also missing his lady. Zora had flown back to New York to pack up her life, and she would be back in about a week, but he couldn’t wait that long. By the time three days had passed, he was already getting antsy. “Is this what it is like when I go on missions?” he wondered to himself.
He missed her loud laughter and the twinkle in her eye when she looked up at him. It just wasn’t the same seeing her in hologram form; it wasn’t anywhere close to as good as the real thing. Despite that, he looked forward to her morning calls. She would call him as she got ready for bed and tell him about her day as she detangled her hair, and T’Challa loved watching the look of determination on her face as she worked her way through every curl and kink. Some nights it was hidden under a solid layer of clay, and he’d tease her about looking like Hulk in her green mask. He didn’t get to see her like that often, but he liked it, and he wanted more of it. Something about seeing her in that relaxed state made him want to lay his head on her chest and doze off with her, but, unfortunately, as her day was winding down, his was picking up. He smiled as he thought back to their conversation earlier that day and the words that almost left his mouth when they said goodbye.
“I love you.”
He almost said it. He wasn’t sure where it came from, but it felt as natural as breathing.
“Sweet dreams, Babygirl. I...will talk to you tomorrow.” He had caught himself right before the words came tumbling out, but she didn’t notice his awkwardness thanks to a yawn that overtook her as he spoke. When she ended the call, he sat there in a stupor, unable to wrap his mind around what had just happened. It’s not that he couldn’t believe he was falling in love with Zora, that was pretty easy for him to believe, but T’Challa was surprised at how deeply he felt the words as they sat on his tongue. They were his truth that even he didn’t know until that moment. He felt a warm glow emanating from within him as he thought about his feelings for her, but it was quickly tamped out by the looming anxiety of what he knew he had to do regarding his other truth. T’Challa had no doubt in his mind that he loved Zora, but he had been lying to her the whole time about who and what he was. She had been kept in the dark about his identity because of her ties to the U.S. government, but T’Challa couldn’t hide behind that excuse anymore. 
A call interrupted his thinking, and his mother’s image was projected into the air.
“Molo, mama.”
“Molo, unyana. Are you busy?”
“Not too busy for you.”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Change into something you can get dirty and come down to the garden.”
Ramonda ended the call before he could protest, and he chuckled, knowing she did it on purpose. The king stood and stretched out his body after sitting for so long, and he left his office to change into something a little less royal.
“How are you today, mama?” T’Challa asked as he kissed Ramonda’s cheek, interrupting the song she was humming as she watered her hanging flowers. 
“You would know if you hadn’t skipped breakfast,” she taunted with an eyebrow raised as he smiled sheepishly back at her.
“I did not skip breakfast. I just had it in my quarters.”
“Mmmhm. Talking to Zora again?”
T’Challa playfully rolled his eyes and groaned. “Mama-”
“Don’t ‘mama’ me, boy. I already know,” she knelt down on her padded mat as she watered her fire lilies. “You know, in all the weeks she has been here, I have been able to spend very little time with her. Hopefully, that will change soon.” She eyed her son, and he nodded under her piercing glare.
“Yes, ma’am. I believe you will like her.”
“Oh, I already do. Zora is a lovely girl, T’Challa. You have chosen well, but then again, you always have had good taste in women.”
“Of course I do; I learned from the best,” he smiled at her as he crouched down and started pulling weeds.
“So, how is she?”
Ramonda smiled to herself as she watched T’Challa’s face brighten at the thought of her. 
“Zora is well. She is still wrapping up loose ends in New York, but she is excited about her new job when she gets back.”
“I cannot say I am surprised at her appointment. She seems perfect for the position.”
“She is, mama...she is,” he said with a far-off look on his face and a dreamy smile holding firm on his cheeks.
“I bet. Have you told her yet?”
T’Challa’s voice caught in his throat.
“No, not exactly-”
“I know, I know,” he rubbed the back of his neck, completely forgetting about the dirt on his hands.
“They have been here how long now, three months? You need to tell that girl before you make it worse than it already is. You should have told her the moment you decided you wanted to be with her.”
“It was not that simple.”
“And why not?” she asked with a hand on her hip.
“We went into this thinking there would be an end date,” he sighed. “Zora would leave soon and go back to America, so there was no need to get serious. She had already been looking for other jobs because she hated working under Theodore, but our relationship ended up blooming into this big, beautiful thing. It became more than I expected it to be, but now it might all come crumbling down because I have been keeping a huge part of myself from her. And M’Baku had to keep my secret, too...I do not think it will go well for either of us, but myself especially.” 
The king pulled the unwanted plants from the ground and roughly threw them in a large basket, taking his frustration out on the soon-to-be compost. Ramonda looked over at her son, and her eyes softened at the sad furrow in his brow. She reached out and placed her hand over his.  “Unyana, the longer you wait, the worse the outcome will be.”
“I just do not know how to come out and say ‘hey Zora, I have been lying to you this entire time’ without hurting her.”
“It might be inevitable, T’Challa, but that is not to say she will not eventually come around.”
“I hope so,” he sighed, and the two of them went back to gardening in comfortable silence. After a few more minutes of the hot sun beating down on them, Ramonda spoke again.
“So you said she is still seeing M’Baku?”
“Yes, and I believe things are going well.”
“Good for her. Does he love her as you do?”
“Yes, he-” A look of horror washed over T’Challa’s face while a smirk settled on his mother’s. 
“Do not look so surprised. You are always the last to know.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, everyone can see how much you love that girl. Have you considered a future for your relationship?”
“So diplomatic. Is this how I sound to everybody?” T’Challa chuckled. Ramonda lightly slapped his arm, and he gave in. “Alright, alright. Yes, I have considered it.”
“But it is complicated with M’Baku involved as well. Well, not complicated, but definitely something that requires a conversation.”
“A conversation you just now realized you need to have,” Ramonda said while slowly nodding along. “Well, your great-great-grandmother, Queen Asha, married both the River tribe and Border tribe chiefs. And I believe it was your great-great-great-great-grandfather, King Jidenna, who had seven wives.”
“That is entirely too many.”
“I agree, but what I am saying is do not worry about his relationship with her. It has no bearing on where yours can go. She would make an excellent queen and an excellent chieftess if I do say so myself.”
T’Challa smiled from ear to ear at the thought of Zora ruling beside him before looking down at his beads and noticing the time. He let out a deep sigh, having enjoyed his time spent with Ramonda but not wanting it to end so soon. His free time was over, and he had to get back to running his kingdom. He pulled the last few weeds out of the ground and carried the full basket over to the composter on the other side of the garden, dumping out the contents into the putrid container and shutting the lid tight. He waved goodbye to her as he walked back toward the palace, stuck in his head about how to tell Zora his secret. 
Ramonda sat back on her heels as he walked away, and she shook her head before turning back to her flowers and sighing. “T’Chaka, your son is a handful.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“I can’t see, T’Challa,” Zora giggled as he carefully led her out of the car and down the walkway of her new home. As part of her new job, she was given a choice between an upgraded suite at the palace or her own house. She sort of missed cooking for herself, so she chose the house. As much as she loved living in the palace, she had never lived alone before and jumped at the opportunity to get her Ari Lennox on. Besides, she could always stay with either of her boyfriends in their palaces whenever she wanted. 
T’Challa grabbed her waist to still her movement and pulled her flush against him, kissing behind her ear. “Are you ready?”
“Mmm, for what?” she asked as she bit her lip and wound her hips back on him. 
“Behave,” he rumbled in her ear, making her flood her panties. “Are you ready to see the house?”
“I’ve already seen it, baby; I picked it.”
“True, but you have not seen it like this.”
Zora felt his hands undo the sash, and as it fell away, her eyes slowly blinked open and focused on the vision before her. Her home was surrounded by a beautiful landscape of tropical flowers, and there was a swing to the right of the door. 
T’Challa held out his hand to her, and she took it, “There is more inside.”
Zora followed him into the house, and her jaw dropped. It was already decorated and furnished, and somehow it was exactly what she wanted, right down to the art on the walls. The plush teal velvet sectional was obviously the centerpiece of the living room, and she immediately walked over and ran her fingers along the soft fibers. She wandered into the kitchen and almost drooled when she saw that T’Challa had made sure it was fully stocked with her favorites. The six-burner stovetop caught her eye, and her wheels already started turning, bringing up memories of how she used to cook huge meals for her loved ones. She made a mental note to bring that energy to Wakanda and host some get-togethers.
She continued her self-guided tour with T’Challa on her heels and slowly made her way up the stairs and to her bedroom. T’Challa opened the door for her, and when she stepped through, her eyes became misty. 
“T’Challa...how did you do all of this? This is...this is perfect.” She walked to the four-poster canopy bed and sat down to test the mattress. “Yep, perfect.”
“Wait until you see the closet,” the king teased, laughing as Zora got up and ran to the closet doors. 
She flung them open and gasped, “T’Challa, you didn’t!” The closet had been expanded to fit her existing wardrobe and an entirely new wardrobe T’Challa had gifted her. She walked in and excitedly started flipping through the garments one at a time with a massive grin on her face. “This is too much.”
“Then stop smiling,” he walked closer and rested his hand on her hip as she continued to flip through the clothing rack. 
Zora turned around in his arms to thank him when she caught a glimpse of a full shoe rack on the other side of the closet. She damn near pushed T’Challa to the side and made her way over to the shoes in no time flat, picking up a simple pair of black stilettos and flipping them over to see the bright red soles.
“Holy shit, these are Louboutins.” She carefully placed them back as if they would break and turned to face her man. “How did you do all this? Everything is exactly what I wanted.”
���Keisha may or may not have shown me your “Home Sweet Home” Pinterest board.”
“Of course she did,” Zora laughed. When she stopped, her voice took on that smoky timbre it tended to get when she was aroused, “You know there’s one more thing I really wanted that I haven’t gotten yet.”
“And what is that?” He asked, closing the gap between them and tilting her chin up towards him. 
“We need to christen it.”
“How do we do that?” T’Challa captured her lips with his, and she melted into his arms.
“I want you to fuck me in every room in this house.”
“You haven’t even seen the home office or the meditation room yet-”
“I’ll see it later,” she reached up to undo his buttons, but he stopped her by grabbing her wrists in his hand.
“Don’t forget who’s in charge here.”
“I don’t care right now. Just fuck me.”
“You don’t care, eh? Alright, we will see,” he said as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
“T’Challa, stop,” she giggled out.
“Nope, you said you want me to fuck you in every room. Let us go where your neighbors can watch me slut your pretty ass out,” he said with a slap to the back of her thigh.
Part of Zora wanted to protest. She didn’t need her introduction to the neighborhood to be her getting her back blown out by the king, but those feelings were overridden the moment he reminded her of her position.
He took her back downstairs and toward the back of the house to a wide-open sunroom. She could see her new neighbors relaxing in their backyard, and her heart rate picked up when he set her down. What Zora didn’t know yet was that although she could see them, they couldn’t see her through the glass thanks to Shuri’s cloaking tech, so the thrill of possibly getting caught washed over her from head to toe.
“Take off your dress.”
“You do it,” she teased.
“Zora, I will not repeat myself,” he growled as he walked her back towards the glass wall. Fear flashed in her eyes for half a second before it was replaced by lust. He had a way of doing that to her that nobody else had ever done before. His presence alone made her tremble, and her body did just that as her back hit the glass. Despite how his dominance made her body melt, she still felt like putting up a fight.
“Then I’m not doing it,” she crossed her arms and looked up at him with a smirk.
“Take off the fucking dress, Zora. Now,” he grabbed her jaw roughly and made her meet his piercing gaze. She shuddered but held firm until his hand traveled up her inner thigh and zeroed in on her clit. Zora moaned as his middle finger applied the perfect amount of pressure while moving around her clit in circles. “No panties today...I see you wanted this. Do my fingers feel good on your pussy?”
“Mhm,” she moaned out louder as her teeth lightly clamped down on her bottom lip. T’Challa’s fingers experimented with different speeds and pressures, not letting her get too used to any pattern before they dipped down and collected some of her wetness. Right as her moans grew louder and higher, he removed his fingers and stuffed them down her throat.
“What does that sweet pussy taste like today?”
“Hmm, an orange creamsicle?”
“Mmm. Too bad I won’t be tasting it.”
“What? Why not?” she whined.
“Because you are disobedient. A good little slut would have taken off her dress and sucked my dick right here when I told her to, but you chose not to be that today. You decided you’d rather push my buttons than get fucked like a good girl,” he leaned into her ear, “but now I have to fuck you like a bitch out of line. You have clearly forgotten my rules and need to be reminded who is in charge here.”
Zora’s breath caught in her chest as the king yanked her head back by her hair.
“No traffic lights tonight, just the safeword.” He bit her ear. “Say it.”
“Sunset,” she whispered.
“Take off your dress,” he murmured between bites to her neck and shoulder.
“Uh-uh,” Zora shook her head and smiled mischievously at T’Challa. He pushed her into the wall and ripped her dress down the middle. Before she could protest, his hand was covering her mouth.
“You are only making things worse for yourself. Now, get on your knees.”
Zora had one more ounce of defiance in her and shook her head again, her words muffled under his large hand. Without saying anything, T’Challa threw her over his shoulder again and crossed the room to sit in a chair by the glass wall. He set her down, throwing her over his lap while she squirmed in his grasp. He held her down with one hand and slapped both of her cheeks with the other. 
Zora cried out as he rained blow after blow down on her, alternating sides and watching her ass jiggle and redden. He spoke between slaps, “What are my rules?”
“I do what- Ow! I-I do what you say when you s-say it.”
“I am to call you Sir unless you give m-me permission otherwise,” she spoke as her eyes watered and he massaged her cheeks to relieve the burning.
“And what’s the last one, Babygirl?”
“Bratty behavior will get me punished.”
His hands both came down on her backside, and she yelled out his name, forgetting herself. T’Challa growled and pulled her off his lap as he stood up. “On your knees.”
She obeyed, and her legs shook as she carefully knelt down and sat on her haunches with her hands in her lap and her mouth wide open.
“Oh, now you want to be a good girl?” T’Challa laughed as he unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor, freeing his already hard dick. He tapped it on her tongue as he teased, “Tired of being my bitch already?”
“No, Sir,” she said around the thickness of her tongue.
He grabbed her hair and tilted her head back before sticking out his tongue and allowing his spit to drip into her mouth. His tongue soon followed in a sloppy kiss. 
“Good. Now suck this dick.”
His grip on her hair tightened as her mouth enveloped him. Her long tongue flickered along the underside of his shaft as he carefully thrust his dick down her throat. Zora’s head swiveled up and down his length, taking every last inch like he had trained her to do. He held her head down when her nose reached his manicured pubic hair, and when he pulled her all the way off to see her face and his dick covered with spit, he couldn’t help but plunge back inside and fuck her face.
The wet sloshing sounds coming from Zora’s mouth were all that could be heard as T’Challa’s dick made itself at home in her throat. 
“Fuck, Babygirl, this throat,” T’Challa groaned, not letting up on her as involuntary tears fell from her eyes. He was used to that by now and simply ignored them as she looked up at him with her doe eyes. “You look so pretty like this, with my dick in your mouth.”
Zora moaned around him, and the vibrations made his toes curl.
“You were made to please me, and that is all you are good for. You are worthless without my dick in your mouth,” he pulled her head off his dick, marveling at the bridge of spit still connecting them. “Say it.”
“I’m worthless without your dick in my mouth,” she slurred.
“Good girl,” he chuckled darkly as his hand ran up and down his shaft while she looked up at him with hopeful eyes. “Not good enough yet, though.”
His hand sped up, and she could see his dick twitching, so she opened her mouth for him.
“Close that shit,” T’Challa seethed through his clenched teeth.
Zora shut her mouth, and shortly after, warm squirts of liquid painted her face as he grunted above her.
The next thing she knew, she was being pulled to her feet and her breasts were pushed up against the glass.
“All they have to do is look over here, and they will see you covered in my cum,” he whispered into her ear as he entered her from behind, “taking my dick like a good bitch. They can see how filthy you are.”
Her back arched as her hands pressed into the glass to steady herself. T’Challa’s hand found its way back to her curls and pulled her head back as his hips pistoned inside her. He licked a stripe from the base of her neck to her temple, tasting himself on her skin and making her shudder and clench around him. His other hand gripped her hip so tight it would probably leave a bruise as he pulled her ass back onto him. He wouldn’t even let her throw it back; he controlled every move her body made. He arched her back deeper, making her bend more at the waist. 
Zora’s eyes rolled to the back of her head when the hand on her hip moved down to circle her pearl again. She nearly lost her mind as his thrusts got deeper somehow, and his hips rolled into hers, stirring her insides, before removing his hand and going right back to his punishing strokes. Her already sore ass stung as his pelvis made contact, and his balls slapped her clit. He let go of her hair and grabbed both of her hips, fucking her deep as she screamed out for the heavens. Her body tensed up and released all over him. Her contracting walls almost brought him along with her, but his self-control was out of this world. T’Challa pulled out and turned her around, wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing her back into the glass as he thrust into her.
“T’Cha- Sir!”
He chuckled and whispered in her ear. “No, say my name Babygirl. I want them to know who you belong to. Who owns this pussy?”
“M-me,” she looked him in his eye and challenged him, wanting him to go harder. And he did.
T’Challa used gravity to Zora’s disadvantage and dropped her on his dick, meeting her thrust for thrust and going as deep as he could possibly go inside her. She screamed out, unable to contain her volume any longer. Her nails dug into his back, and the cool chill of the glass against her back reminded her of her possible audience, taking her over the edge.
“T’Challa, baby, my pussy-”
“Wrong. Whose pussy?” He smiled teasingly as she looked around the room, eyes unable to focus on any one thing. “Uh-uh, look at me. There you go, good girl. Now tell me, who owns this pussy, Zora?”
“Y-you do.”
He groaned in approval. “And what’s my fucking name?”
“King T’Challa!”
“Mmm, one more time Babygirl. Say it again.”
“King T’Challa! Mmmm, you’re gonna make me cum again.”
“Do it,” he slapped her thigh, “and tell me what I want to hear.”
His hips never faltered as her walls gripped him tight. Her voice was hoarse and uneven, but she was able to croak out as she came, “This is your pussy, baby.”
Hearing the words sent him over the edge right behind her, and the two of them stayed in that position, catching their breath and gazing into each others’ eyes warmly. Zora loved that about T’Challa. He could be as rough as he wanted to be, but he could turn it off with the flip of a switch and be tender with her.
“How do you feel?” he asked, his voice low.
T’Challa nodded and carried her back into the main house and up the stairs to her bathroom as she clung to him and buried her face in his neck. He set her down on the edge of the enormous clawfoot tub and started the water before disappearing out the bathroom door and reappearing a couple of minutes later with a cup of tea. He handed it to her and grabbed some bath salts, pouring them in as she sipped and soothed her aching throat. Once the tub was almost full, he helped her in and slid in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as she leaned her head back against his shoulder.
“Are you ready for your first day?”
“I think so. I’m still nervous about not being qualified.”
“Theodore was unqualified, but you are simply inexperienced. There is a difference. You will find your stride and do great things. I can feel it.”
“You better, you’re the one who hired me,” she chuckled as he wrapped his arms tighter around her and kissed her neck. “Thank you, by the way. For everything. The job, the house...for being you. Thank you.”
“You are more than welcome,” he said between kisses, making her giggle.
“T’Challa, I’m still sore.”
“So I cannot kiss you?”
“That’s all you get.”
“That is all I need.”
Zora had spent the whole weekend alone as she settled into her new home. T’Challa had to get back to the palace to get some work done, so he didn’t end up staying that first night with her. At first, she was upset he had to leave, but then she rejoiced in getting her place all to herself. She didn’t wear a stitch of clothing all weekend, and she spent most of her time dancing around her living room and getting in the right headspace in her meditation room. 
By Monday, she actually felt ready to do her job, something she hadn’t felt up until that point. Zora smiled at herself in the mirror as she adjusted the lapel on her favorite electric blue pantsuit and checked her outfit one last time before heading out the door. Thankfully, her home wasn’t very far from the palace, but T’Challa had gifted her with a hovercar to make her commute even easier. Before he left, he gave her a quick tutorial, and she picked it right up. As she slid in the driver seat and turned the vehicle on with her kimoyo beads, Zora smiled, thinking about how much she loved the Wakandan tech. “This is so fucking cool,” she mused as she ran her fingers over the dashboard. 
When she pulled up at the palace, she grinned at seeing her own parking space near the entrance. She got out of her car at the same time Akil, the River tribe elder, arrived for the council meeting.
“Molo Zora! Unjani namhlanje?” he raised his eyebrow at her, testing out her Xhosa even though he was a former wardog and spoke English fluently. Zora had always liked Akil since he was one of the few council members that were initially open to her being there. 
“Ndiphilile, Akil. And you?” she sent him a knowing glance with a healthy dose of playful attitude as he stepped out of his car.
“Bast woke me up this morning, and the sun is still in the sky. I cannot complain,” the older man smiled at her as they walked into the palace. “Are you excited about your first day?”
“I was nervous, but all that went away when I pulled up.”
“Because you saw me.”
Zora playfully shoved him as he cackled. 
“But seriously though, you will do well. King T’Challa would not have chosen you otherwise.”
Zora turned to smile at Akil and caught sight of M’Baku coming down the hall. Her smile widened, and he turned to see what had gotten her so happy, quickly understanding her change in demeanor when he saw the chief. Zora excused herself from Akil and made her way over to her man, giving him a chaste, work-appropriate kiss.
“This color looks beautiful on you,” he held her hand in his and made her do a spin for him.
“Thank you,” she giggled. “Want to come see my office?”
“Of course. I am sorry I could not make it down this weekend to see the house.”
“Can you make it to my housewarming tonight?”
“Of course.”
“Then don’t worry about it. You’re gonna love it.”
They got to her office, and T’Challa was already there waiting with her paperwork. She took a look around the room and noticed how different it looked from when Theodore occupied the space. The walls were a warm burnt orange, and the furniture was all hand-carved Jabari wood. There were pictures on the desk of her and her mom and some with her and Keisha. Her framed degree hung on the wall behind her desk above a full bookcase. She ran her hands over the titles from throughout the diaspora and smiled, already thinking of curling up on her couch with a few of them. The Wakandan language and history books caught her eye, and as she reached for one of the history books, T’Challa intercepted her hand.
“Before you do that, there is something I need to tell you, but now is not a good time. How about after your party tonight?”
Zora’s heart sped up, and he tried not to notice, so he pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.
“Everything is ok, I promise,” he said, ignoring how M’Baku narrowed his eyes.
Zora’s first day went by smoothly. She mostly just read over and signed her contract after the council meeting, where she was officially reintroduced as American Liaison. The council gave her a round of applause, and she felt a weight lift from her chest upon realizing they wouldn’t be against her appointment like she thought they would. Another weight stayed, though. One put there by T’Challa earlier that day. His words continued to echo through her mind, haunting her until it was time for her to go home. 
“There is something I need to tell you,” she mocked aloud as she packed up her things. She was frustrated and nervous, and she was thankful her housewarming party would be small and hopefully not too draining. 
The rest of the night ended up being a blur. She greeted her friends when they arrived and held a couple of conversations as she kept the food and drinks flowing, but everyone could tell she was in another world.
“You should not have said anything earlier,” M’Baku grumbled to T’Challa before taking a sip of his beer.
“Would you prefer her to read about it before I tell her?” T’Challa rolled his eyes. “Either way, this is not going to go well.”
“For either of us.”
“Not necessarily. It is my secret, not yours.”
“I do not think she will see it that way.”
T’Challa nodded, and his eyes trailed Zora as she went to the kitchen to pop open another bottle of wine. 
Zora needed to hide from the crowd for a moment, so she disappeared to the kitchen. Bahiti and Keisha had noticed her behavior and were concerned for their friend, so they followed behind her moments later.
“Is something wrong, Zora?”
“You’re acting kinda funny, and you normally love a party in your honor. What’s going on, sis?”
Zora chuckled. She was so in her head that she was missing a fun time with her friends. Her eyes swept over the dozen or so folks in her living room who had all come to celebrate her and her new home, and she suddenly felt a wave of guilt. Zora hadn’t meant to ignore her guests, but thankfully they had kept themselves busy. T’Challa and M’Baku chatted with Dakarai as Mandisa and Asha sat on the couch giggling over who knows what with a couple of people Zora had met in the dance class she had started taking a few weeks ago. The music set a chill tone for the gathering, and Zora thought it was nice getting to see her friends mingle with each other. Her friends from the dance class melded well with her work friends and the friends she made on her adventures around the country. Even with royalty and Okoye present, the vibe was relaxed, so Zora followed suit and put on a smile for the rest of the party.
Since it was a work night, people didn’t stay too late, and at around 10:30, Zora found herself cleaning up what little mess was left behind when she felt a hand circle her waist.
“Did you enjoy yourself tonight?” T’Challa asked, nuzzling his head into her neck.
“Yes, but I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more if you hadn’t done the whole ‘we need to talk’ thing earlier,” she rolled her eyes and tried to get out of his arms, but he just turned her around to face him.
T’Challa sighed, “We do need to talk.”
“Ok, then talk.”
“My sweet, let us sit down first-”
“No, I don’t like this. Somebody talk, now.”
“Zora, please sit. Trust us. Please,” he felt a lump form in his throat at the words, knowing what followed would surely break her trust in him.
She eyed them both suspiciously before taking a seat on her couch. M’Baku sat next to her, and T’Challa started pacing as he searched for the words.
“Not this pacing shit again,” Zora thought. 
“Zora,” T’Challa began, prompting M’Baku to grab Zora’s hand in his. “There is something I have not told you. Something very important. The only reason I kept it from you is because you worked for the U.S. government, and it is something I want to keep from the rest of the world for the time being, but now that you work for Wakanda, you need to know...”
Zora’s body felt like lead as she listened to his words and went over every possible worst scenario in her head. T’Challa’s deep breath unnerved her, and she braced herself for whatever came next.
“How familiar are you with the Black Panther?”
“The superhero?”
M’Baku rolled his eyes as T’Challa chuckled.
“Yes, the superhero.”
“Um, not very. He kinda just shows up, does his thing, and dips.”
“Yes, he is a very busy man.”
“You know him? Is that what this is about?” Zora rolled her eyes and sighed in relief. “You had me thinking-”
Just then, T’Challa’s suit appeared on his body, and Zora screamed, jumping back into M’Baku’s lap. Her hands were cupped over her mouth in disbelief as she stared at her boyfriend, the Black Panther, in all his suited-up glory.
“You...you’re- how?”
“It is a long story, but-”
“No, not ‘how are you the Black Panther,’ how the fuck could you lie to me all this time?”
“There it is,” T’Challa thought to himself. He knew the lie would overshadow the news.
“Zora, we went into this for just a good time. I cannot divulge this to just anybody-”
M’Baku shook his head to get the king to stop before he went too far, but he didn’t see it in time.
“Just anybody?!”
“Zora, that is not-”
“Then tell me this: if I wasn’t working for you, would you even tell me now?”
He hesitated, and Zora’s eyes blew wide open.
“So you can fuck me, but you can’t trust me unless I’m under contract?” Zora said as she climbed off of M’Baku.  “And you-”
“Zora, he was acting under orders. Please do not be upset at him.”
“I don’t give a fuck about your orders, T’Challa, and I don’t care that you’re the Black Panther. I’m fucking pissed because you two lied to my face for months.” M’Baku reached for her arm, and she snatched it back.
“I had to. I could not let Theodore or the Secre-”
“I wouldn’t have told them, and you fucking know it,” she snarled. “How long were you gonna keep it up? Since I was ‘just anybody’ would you have ever told me? Would you have even spoken to me after we left?” Zora’s mind was racing, and her breathing became shallow.
“Maybe you should sit down, Babygirl.”
“Don't call me that,” she said between breaths. M’Baku tried to put his arm around her, but she pushed it off. 
“Ok...ok. Zora, please come sit down.”
She listened, but not because he asked. She was getting lightheaded, and a cold sweat had started to take over her body.
“I need...you...to leave.”
“Zora, I can hear your heartbeat. We will leave, but you need to slow down your breathing. In and out, just like that,” he breathed with her for a few moments before the panic left her eyes anger filled them.
“You can hear my heart beating?”
“Y-yes, I-”
“Get out.”
“Zora,” M’Baku tried to get through to her, but it was no use.
“Get out. Both of you.”
“Get out!” she yelled, making T’Challa hang his head in shame. “Get the fuck out of my house, and if it doesn’t have to do with work, don’t talk to me. We’re through.”
“Zora,” both called to her, voices cracking with tears threatening to fall from their eyes. 
“Save it,” she turned and walked up her stairs before stopping and turning back to T’Challa. “I’ll need the next week off.”
“Anything,” he pleaded, bringing tears to her eyes. She wanted to trust them, but she never could trust a liar, and that’s exactly what they were. Nothing they said felt true anymore, and she questioned everything they had ever told her. She ran up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door closed before they could see her cry, and she held it in tight until she heard her front door close behind them. Next Chapter
Taglist: @dersha89​, @ljstraightnochaser​,  @maddeningmayhem​, @theblulife​, @motheroffae​, @love-mesome-me​, @toni9​
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Apple Of My Pie (7) — Jin
A Small Town Swoons story 
Chapter 7. 
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Buttercup)
Wordcount: 7.1k words
Genre: non-idol!AU, Baker/Café owner!Seokjin, University student!reader Flatmates!AU, Friends To Lovers, Fluff, slightest angst, smut
Rating: 18+ (NSFW content)
A/N: Hello my sweet poppies! Welcome to the Small Town Swoon Universe! 🥰✨
In this episode: Jin and Buttercup finally reunite, and although the real world tries to interrupt their small idyll, Seokjin has the strength to finally impose his needs and confess his feelings. The evening proceeds in the best of ways.
As I mentioned before, this episode made me write things I didn’t know I had in me. Also, this will be the final episode for their storyline, however you will see more of Jin and Buttercup on future stories, mostly in small apparitions here and there. I might come back to this story someday, maybe with some drabbles or some small headcanons, however, I think that now it’s time to let Jin and Buttercup live their special moments with in their own privacy and make up for lost time.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: this is filthy. There’s swearing and light alcohol consumption (wine at dinner, both are pretty sober afterwards). Now, about the filth. Degradation kink, breast worship (involves kissing, licking, biting, grabbing), breast slapping, nipple pinching, one (1) spank, foodplay involving ice cream (so mild temperature play), dom!Seokjin, slightly bratty!reader, grinding, masturbation (both male and female receiving), brief mention of oral (male receiving), cumplay, cumeating, creampie, unprotected sex (please don’t do like them. The right way to go about this would be to use condoms and/or dental dams until you and your partner get the results of the test and are 110% sure you’re clean. If you have any questions, please head to Planned Parenthood’s website, they have wonderful webpages about safe, sane and consensual sex, plus anything you need to keep your sexual health in check. If you can’t check their website, please feel welcome to reach out to me through DMs, I’ll try to help 🥰💜). Also reader is kind of excited about Seokjin being circumcised? And these two have a latent impregnation kink that will show up someday. There are slightly angst discussion about past partners and feelings, but nothing extreme.
Remember to vote for next prompt (check the link in my bio) and in case you need it, here’s my masterlist 💜
In case you need it, here is the music companion
Enjoy ✨💜
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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Seokjin woke up with the ringing of a phone.
He appreciated the warmth and weight next to him, half on top of him.
He looked at you. He allowed himself to do that only for a couple seconds.
Your phone was ringing, and he needed to pick it up before it woke you.
Your face had been so scared and tired when he first saw it at the front door.
He stood and picked up the call just in time.
“Oh, thank God, Buttercup where are you?” Jeongguk’s voice came from the phone.
“It’s Seokjin. She’s with me, at the apartment. She’s sleeping.” He replied, his voice gravelly after being under the cold rain and sleeping for almost two hours.
“She’s with you?”
“Yes, she’s here. She’s sleeping.” Seokjin repeated.
“Kim Seokjin. I am going to kill you!” Yoongi said, stealing the phone from Jeongguk. “We were all looking for her. Poor Jeongguk was in a panic. Are you stupid? Outright dumb? What is it, both your two miserable neurons decided to throw a strike today? Did they accidentally crash and perish? Did they finally decide to end their suffering?”
“Yoongi. Stop,” said Spice from a distance. “She’s safe, stop acting like an overprotective parent.”
“Is she okay? Is she hurt?” Yoongi asked.
“No. I found her here, taking her stuff away.” Seokjin said, his body tensing at the thought. “Is she leaving? What is going on?”
“She’s going to the cottage with Namjoon. They’re leaving on Monday.”
Seokjin rolled his shoulders before exhaling. “How has she been in the last few weeks?”
“A mess. Sad, miserable. And it’s your fault.” Yoongi spoke with vitriolic hostility in his voice.
“I’m gonna fix it, Yoongi. I promise.” Seokjin said, his voice extremely emotional as he looked at you. Your eyes were open and you had the tiniest smile on.
“Are you gonna talk to her? Actually confess? Tell her you love her and be done with all the insecure, selfish bullshit?”
“I’m gonna talk to her.” Seokjin replied, still looking at you. “I’ve got a bunch of stuff to come clear with. And I’ll tell her I’m in love with her. And that she’s not going to Namjoon’s. She’s staying with me.” He winked. “She needs to eat and regain some strength before she goes to the woods, if she still wants to go. I’ll tell her ‘Buttercup, I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you for four years.’” His voice broke. “‘I don’t want to spend one more day without you’, that’s what I’ll tell her.”
You were still incredulous, completely still under the blanket.
“And then I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend, and if she turns me down, then it’s alright. I’ll take it like a gentleman. I’ll let her be. But if there’s even a tiny, minuscule part of her that wants to say yes, then I won’t let her go until she agrees to become my girlfriend.” Seokjin explained, with determination filling his voice.
Yoongi got emotional. “Go tell her before you change your mind.”
“She’s right in front of me. She heard every single word.”
“Then I guess you have more important stuff than stay on the phone with me.”
Seokjin chuckled. “Hopefully kiss my new girlfriend, if she lets me.”
You didn’t even understand what was going on before you nodded energetically.
“She said yes. I gotta go.” Jin’s mouth shaped into a large, proud grin.
“Sure. Stay safe. I’m too young to become an uncle.” Yoongi teased with a snicker.
“Goodnight uncle.” Seokjin replied before closing the call.
Your stares stayed locked together as he placed down the phone.
His expression turned serious but kind. “You’re awake.”
You blinked and licked your lips. “I am.” You took a pause, inhaling. “And I want to kiss you.”
He mirrored your action, his tongue slipping out, wetting the seam of his mouth, directing your glance there. “I want to clear things up, before that.”
You closed your eyes, trying not to lose your patience. “What is there to clear up?”
“I just wanted to explain stuff. About Grace and all of the rest...”
From the insecure, agitated look in his eyes, you realised he was scared. You patted the sofa, inviting him to sit beside you. He followed your lead. “I’m listening.” You reassured him, placing your hand on top of his knee.
“When I started dating Grace, I was convinced I could never stand a chance with you. And though Yoongi insisted on the fact that you had feelings for me, I was too shy and too scared to risk it. And after living with you and being so… united. So domestic… I couldn’t handle my feelings anymore.”
You rubbed his arm comfortingly, sitting up, trying to reassure him, to heal him from all those months of insecurities and silence and denial.
“I tried to suppress them. And Grace looked so kind, so respectful. And she’s a beautiful young woman. I could see myself falling for her.”
You pressed your forehead against his shoulder. You still had to realise that such a gesture had a deeper, somehow different meaning, that from then on you were allowed to do that and more.
“But the closer I got to her — and the farther I got from you — the more it all felt wrong. And I don’t even know why I did what I did that Saturday — well Sunday, you know what I mean anyway. I think some part of me was angry because of Edmund or something, or because I thought that I could stop thinking about you if I found someone else to think about and that makes me an absolute idiot—”
You interrupted him. “Don’t hide from me. Ever.” You cupped his face and made him look at you. “You were hurt. And I took similar decisions. What I did with Edmund was somehow similar to what you did with Grace. It’s just that you two had feelings for each other while—” The idea of him being in love with someone else squeezed your lungs until you felt empty.
“I’ve never felt someone as deeply as I feel you, though. I’ve never felt so many things for anyone else beside you.” He said, his eyelashes fluttering as he looked at your lips.
“I love you.” You murmured. There were no other words you could use. “I’m in love with you and I’m not angry that you tried to forget and move on. It doesn’t matter that we fucked or made love to other people. I don’t care that you didn’t tell me. The only thing that matters is that you’re here now and I love you so much.”
He repositioned himself so he could look at you without getting a crick in his neck. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, soft and delicate, worried even.
“Because I couldn’t think about losing you. Because I didn’t even realise I was in love before you started spending time with Grace. Well, I knew I was attracted to you and that I considered you my friend, but I had never really allowed myself to consider I could have more. I was happy with what we had, and I never realised I could lose it, or that someone else could have it instead of me.”
He touched your hair.
“I was okay with what we had. Asking for more felt selfish. Like I was being greedy.”  You lowered your eyes, his gaze too intense for you to resist.
“I want you to be greedy, Buttercup.” He whispered, his hand cupping your jaw. “I want you to take all of me and not leave a crumb for anyone else.” His body felt closer, hotter. “I love you, Buttercup. And not in the friendly way. I love you in a very passionate, very hungry way.” His thumb traced your lower lip as he gazed at it heatedly. “Do you love me too?”
You nodded recklessly, almost snapping your neck. “I love you. In a very unfriendly, very sexy way.”
He smiled. “Good.”
His mouth lowered gently, reaching yours, his whole body inching forward until your eyes lost focus and closed. It was a good kiss. Not perfect but good.
Jin’s lips felt soft against your mouth, maybe a bit too delicate, still, definitely pleasing. With just a pinch of mischief, you pulled at his lower lip lightly, biting it delicately.
The growl he emitted had you smiling before you repeated your teasing move, drawing him in. He exhaled and opened his mouth, sucking your upper lip past his teeth.
That felt better than good, leaning to perfect.
What actually made it perfect was his body completely caving in as he manoeuvred himself on top of you, holding himself up with one hand as his hand explored your body deliciously, caressing your hair, your shoulder before reaching your waist.
Helpless and desperate, you pressed the tip of your tongue against his lower lip, pushing it into his mouth.
His hips pressed sinfully against your thigh as he groaned and tangled his tongue with yours.
You moaned and he whimpered in return, a growl vibrating deep in his throat.
His hand moved under your shirt, stopping abruptly.
Your stomach rumbled noisily, making Seokjin part from you. “You’re really hungry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Yeah.”
He hid his face into your neck, snickering. His breath tickled you. “You feel so good right here.” He said, snuggling closer. “But I have to feed you first.” His fingers dug into your sides. “You’re thin.”
Your nails raked against his back. “I had a bit of a hard time in the last few days.” You mentioned casually.
“Can’t have you like this.” He parted from your body, studying your face attentively. “Let’s get you fed.” He whispered, pecking your lips and standing up, heading to the kitchen.
“You’re kidding, right?” You stood up on wobbly legs and followed him.
He looked back at you. “Not at all.” Jin theatrically opened the fridge and lifted an eyebrow. “Chicken wraps. Salad. An abundant dose of ice cream. I need you sugared up.”
You looked at him with a pout.
“It’s the quickest meal I can arrange, Buttercup. We can have dinner in forty and then cuddle and make out. Dinner is non-negotiable.” He said, getting the chicken strips and the large tortillas, together with cherry tomatoes and cheese.
“Can’t we just… postpone dinner?” You said, too caught up in your grovelling to bring up memories of him and Grace in the kitchen.
“Why would we need to postpone dinner?” He asked, slipping some butter into a pan, together with some garlic, moving the chicken strips onto the pan and roasting them quickly with a random — and a very delicious-smelling — mix of spices.
You dragged your foot against the floor, trying to look demure. “You know why...”
He snickered devilishly. “We’ve waited for four years. One more hour won’t hurt you. Cut the cherry tomatoes, please.”
“Especially because we waited for years we should be forgoing dinner.”
He laughed. “I won’t have you fainting on me. Dinner, then whatever you want, Buttercup. Cut those tomatoes, you’re postponing the fun.” He said, adding a spoonful of chicken broth to keep the meat in the pan soft and tasty.
“Now I remember how insufferable you truly are.” You said, starting with the cutting.
He smirked. “You’re stuck with me from now on, doll.”
“I’m revoking the love declaration.” You muttered.
“Are you revoking your undying lust for me too?” He asked, turning towards you with a lopsided, cocky grin.
You just looked at him with the most insulting look you could muster before returning to the tomatoes.
“Such a good girl. Still cutting those tomatoes to get her reward.” He joked.
Once, this kind of nagging was absent minded, innocent and playful. Now it was outright sexual. Especially since the praise had a shiver running down your spine.
“Don’t tease if you’re gonna make me wait.” You groaned.
He bent and kissed your cheek. “I’m doing it for your good, Buttercup.” He moved to your earlobe. “You’ll thank me later, doll.” He nibbled on the soft skin. “I promise it will feel so good, Buttercup.”
You stretched your neck to the side, offering him the expanse of taut, corded throat.
He grazed it with his teeth, drawing the purple-greenish line of your jugular.
“I bet you taste so damn good,” he murmured, sucking at the base of your throat.
“Jinnie.” You called delicately.
He parted from you abruptly. “Dinner. First, dinner.” He reminded himself. “Dammit, you’re such a tease.” He complained, picking up another larger pan to heat up the tortillas. He also added a light sprinkle of flour to the chicken, to give a creamier texture to the sauce made by the broth and the butter. Once the first tortilla was warm, he placed the chicken on top, mingling it with the tomato pieces and the cheese while you prepared the salad.
Dinner was ready in twenty minutes, the wonderful smell of spices filling your nostrils and making your mouth water as you sat and stared at your tortilla, waiting for Jin to sit down himself. He also added an interesting bottle of white wine to the mix, matching the chicken.
“Enjoy.” He exclaimed before digging in himself.
Your whole mouth was feasting at the taste of the food.
It could feast for something better, your hormones reminded you, but you let that slip.
Dinner was uneventful, the both of you too busy and hungry and tense to start a conversation.
While you were thinking about how to tell Jin you wanted him to ram you into the mattress and slap your tits, he thought whether it was okay for him to want sex already. Okay, technically you had been friends for years, but maybe you wanted to wait, go on actual dates, be a couple, in an official relationship before letting him make love to you.
It was pretty clear that any kind of conversation between such two people would evidently elucidate any semblance of doubt, but it would also be a minefield of misunderstandings and potentially very embarrassing bushes to beat around.
So you both stayed silent, completely oblivious to the lessons you had learned roughly an hour ago.
By the time he stood and prepared a small bowl of plain milk gelato, topped with his special wild berries sauce, doubt had nagged at him enough that he was ready to speak.
He placed the bowl on the table. A lovely royal blue bowl. It was his favourite. Maybe because it was his mother’s favourite. He sat down and patted his hands against his thighs. “Come here.” He murmured.
You obliged, settling on his lap contentedly. He took a spoonful of dessert, making sure that he got some sauce in it before offering it to your awaiting mouth. “Eat up, doll.”
You opened your mouth and enjoyed the refreshing feel of the gelato against your palate.
“I need you to listen to me, Buttercup.” He started. “I know we confessed our feelings and that we’ve been attracted to each other for a very long time.”
You nodded, watching as he offered another spoonful as soon as you opened your mouth.
“I just want you to know that I’m dying to make love to you tonight, but we don’t have to. It’s okay if you want to… I don’t know, get physically intimate a bit at a time, or if you want it to be something special, or—”
You interrupted him. “I want to make love to you too, tonight.”
Your eyes followed him as he licked his lips. “Shall we bring this to the bedroom then?”
Nodding you stood up, going for the living room and grabbing the comforter, walking down the corridor and looking at him from over your shoulder. “What are you waiting for?” You asked before disappearing into his room.
He shook his head in disbelief before grabbing more wild berries sauce. Maybe, hopefully…
He took the bowl of ice cream and a spoon, taking his time before entering his room.
You were already laying on his bed, head to toe a vision.
You had already removed your yoga pants and you were laying there in an oversized t-shirt.
“Tell me how you want me to treat you, Buttercup.” He asked, studying you as he took a mouthful of gelato to his mouth.
“Undress first. Then come here. Feed me that delicious dessert and then feed me your cock.” You said, completely unashamed as his burning gaze explored your naked skin.
“I won’t feed you my cock, sorry doll.” He said, placing the bowl on the nightstand together with the sauce. “I’ll need to suck on your pretty tits first.” He took off his sweater in a flash, your eyes reacquainting with his naked chest, bathing in the glorious width of it. It was really breathtaking, with its plains and slopes and dips.
“You’re gorgeous.” You murmured, looking at him while your hand went to your breast, palming it and teasing the peak while he took off his sweatpants. Watching the delicious shape of him from over his boxers had you moaning just slightly, whimpering weakly before your hand slid under your shirt to grab at your flushed, overheated chest.
Seokjin caught your wrist vigorously, pulling it out. “Those are mine to touch, doll.” He reprimanded you. “All mine.” He repeated, straddling your waist, pinning your hands up.
You looked at him with a wicked smile. This, this, was your best friend, the man you had loved for years. And here he was, pinning your wrists, ready to mark your breasts, to own them.
“Keep ‘em there.” He ordered, letting go of your wrists before stretching his fingers to completely hold your breasts, kneading them lightly to test the texture.
“Fuck, they're so soft.” His eyes closed as he felt them up appreciatively. “I can't wait to suck these.” He said, and his unashamed comment opened another new world to you. His thumbs found your nipples, rolling them under the plush pads of his fingers. “You like this?” He asked, looking in your eyes.
You nodded, stretching toward the bedside table and switching on the small lamp there. “Wanna see you.” You explained, looking at him, waiting for a reaction.
“Are you sure? You okay with me watching?” He asked, just as your eyes closed and your back arched, your breasts pushing against his palms, your throat emitting the shyest moan.
“Oh, you like this a lot, don't you, Buttercup?” He snickered, bending down to kiss your neck. “Let me hear how good it feels, honey,” He murmured, sucking at your skin gently.
“Please, I want my shirt off, Jin.” That's all you managed to say, squeezing your thighs together once you realised he wasn't giving you anything to grind against.
“You want me to touch your naked skin?” He asked, making you grow even more desperate.
“Please. Jin…”
He looked at your face. It was absolutely adorable as it scrunched up in disappointment, a lovely pout making your lips rounder, softer, plumper. He kissed them briefly. “Sit up, lovely. Let's take this shirt off.” He murmured with a deep baritone timbre.
The shirt was gone in a second, his mouth latching on a nipple before you could even take off the shirt completely.
His hips ground against your belly, his erection pressing hard against your navel while you laid back down, his front arching away from you as his mouth stayed attached to your chest.
“Please, gimme…” You tried to speak, needing something to ease the pressure between your thighs, where your throbbing clitoris felt unforgivably neglected.
“What?” He asked, parting from your breast and looking so blissful and confused, like he didn't even know what was going on, like your breasts had given him a total reset and all he could remember, all he could ever want and do was to stay there and suck, completely oblivious to anything but the object of his lust.
“Need you down there,” was all you managed to say, still too high from the promises of pleasure.
He grinned *hazily. “Down where?” He asked, teasing and unforgiving.
You exhaled and whimpered. “I need you between my legs.”
“Between your legs where, Buttercup? Don't be shy.”
At that you snapped. “If you intend to keep sucking my nipples could you please kindly press your thigh against my clit? I need to grind on something and you're being too fucking uncooperative.”
He laughed almost hysterically. “Of course, Buttercup. See, was it so hard to ask?” He commented, almost too patronising.
“You're making me want to shut your mouth.” You replied, pushing your hips up and finally meeting his hard thigh, giving a low moan.
“Too bad that would keep me from doing this.” He said, sitting up slightly, grabbing the spoon from the bowl and pressing the cold metal to your areola, spreading a thick layer of ice cream there while your hot skin made it melt and dribble down.
“Fucking hell.” You said, watching as his tongue slid out and collected the rivulet of cream that was dangerously rolling down towards the sheets, almost staining them.
His eyes found yours and he grinned. “Feels good?”
You nodded. “Do that again, please.”
He obliged, this time reaching the peak and sucking it, his mouth opening wide as he tried to suck away as much dessert as possible.
Your left hand went to his head, holding him against your breast while your right one went to his ass, pressing it down so that your pelvis and his met, grinding against each other deliciously, his mouth leaving the sucking motion to release a heavy exhale.
“You have the most beautiful tits I've ever seen and touched, Buttercup. They feel so soft and warm and good.” He murmured, so aroused it almost felt painful. “I love them so much.” He confessed, pressing them together and dipping his face in between, moving it side to side. “I love you so damn much, ____.”
He gave a few thrusts with his hips, before pressing his cock harshly between your bodies, your skin feeling so sensitive that you thought you could feel it throb against you.
“I want you inside.” You whispered, grinding into him in response. “Tell me you used a condom the other time.”
He nodded. “I always have.”
You nodded in reply. “You sure you’re clean?”
“I got tested before Grace. And she’s clean.” He said, slowing down at the mention of his ex.
You nodded. “I got checked after Edmund, for peace of mind. All safe.”
“Thank fuck.” He commented, biting the underside of your boob. “I can’t wait to feel you raw on me. If you’re okay with that.”
You confirmed, bobbing your head so energetically you thought it would detach from your neck. “Want to feel you cum inside.” You murmured while he bit his lip and got more ice cream, covering your other breast, the cold of the food and the spoon making you keen and purr. “Is this what you were doing while she made those sounds?”
He tutted and shook his head. “I’ve always wanted this with you. It would never please me as much with anyone else.”
You rolled your eyes. “Liar.”
He arched an eyebrow and stopped his licking and sucking motions, sinking his teeth into your flesh, eliciting a gasp from you, leaving his position only once he was sure he had left a mark. “What did you say?”
“That you’re a liar. That you like this more with me than with anyone else,” you replied, cocky and bratty.
Without thinking twice, he slapped your left breast violently, not even trying to be delicate.
You squealed, your whole body flinching before your fingers gripped the sheets tightly.
“You think I would do this with just anyone?” He asked, almost angry, the hard bite in his voice scaring you just a little.
He eyed the other breast meaningfully, placing his hand there but not slapping the full curve until you shook your head yes, giving him permission.
The second blow had you losing your mind completely, your cunt so sensitive that you felt a heavy gush of arousal drip out of your entrance. “No, Jin.”
“Grip the headboard and stay still.” He said, sitting up and tugging your panties down, the fabric almost ripping at the aggressive movements. “Maybe you don’t get how much you turn me on, Buttercup.” He grinned, looking at you finally naked in front of him.  “Do you know how many times I saw those perky nipples under my shirts? How many times I thought about covering them in any food imaginable?”
You shook your head. “Maybe I wanted you to lay me on top of the kitchen table and shove your cock in my cunt and bruise my tits all over.” You replied, batting your lashes innocently. “Maybe call me your dirty little slut. Throw in a couple spanks.”
He stopped everything he was doing, entirely frozen.
“Is that how you like it?” He asked, completely focused on your reply.
You licked your lips. “With you I might like that, yes.”
“You want to be my dirty little slut?” He asked, staring into your eyes, quoting your words exactly.
You inhaled and nodded.
“You want me to degrade you?” He asked again, settling between your legs and rubbing your thighs.
Again, you shook your head yes.
“What if I called you my cockstarved whore?” He said, slightly hesitant.
You smiled and closed your eyes. “Why don’t you do that while squeezing my cheeks with one hand and slapping my tits with the other?”
He snickered. “You really are a filthy animal, uh?” He slapped your breast and bent down to your face. “You want me to use you like a fuckdoll, mh?”
“Yes, please.”
“I need to stretch you first, though, love.” He said, softening for a second. “Now, out of our little game here, I don’t want to hurt you like that, yes?”
Your mind sobered up for a minute as you listened to him.
“Listen to me now, Buttercup. We need a safeword, love.” He said, touching your face. “You okay with colours? Green is good, yellow is slow down, red is stop.”
“I’m good with that.” You replied, trying to reach his face with yours. “Can you kiss me, please?”
His expression turned longing and fond before he took his time, making love to your mouth with his, his kiss so deep and demanding and passionate until he felt how wet you were against his thigh.
“You’re drenched, doll.” He said, smirking at you. “I want to feel your pretty hand around my cock, Buttercup. Stroke me while I stretch you, love.”
You nodded, your hands leaving the headboard lightning fast sliding into his underwear with speed you doubted you could muster in any other circumstances.
“Fuck, you’re thick.” You said once your fingers wrapped around him.
“That’s what the stretching is for, Buttercup.” He grinned as he looked down at you. His fingers slipped into your slit effortlessly, your inner muscles gripping him immediately.
“And you’re tight. So damn tight.” He replied, bending down to lick at your chest, suctioning your areola into his mouth, shaking his head, making your whole breast bounce in a movement that was too mild to cause pleasure, weren’t it for the incredible amount of arousal circling in your bloodstream.
“Please, Jin. Inside. I’m begging. Please.” You pleaded, stroking him, feeling how long and thick and hot he was, filled with ridges and veins. And he was circumcised. None of your previous partners were.
You explored the differences with your fingers, the lack of skin there so interesting and unusual.
“You like that?” He asked, gritting his teeth as he felt his cock flutter, a drop of precum leaving his slit.
You nodded as you caught his arousal, spreading over the soft, spongy tip, completely undisturbed by foreskin. “I want to see it.” You said before a long moan left your lips, his fingers hitting a sensitive spot inside you, rubbing it with slow movements of his index and middle finger, hooking them and pressing intensely against the smoothest patch of skin. “Oh, god.” You murmured, your eyes fluttering shut as he added his thumb on your clit.
“Cum on my fingers, Buttercup.” He growled. “Then I’ll let you see my cock. You need to cum first, though. Cum for me.”
While your hand stroked him lightly, absentmindedly, the rest of your body focused exclusively on the feel of his digits inside you. ‘I’m close’ was all you managed to say before your hips started following your high, your body becoming completely unresponsive to any semblance of control your mind tried to impose.
“Cum, love.” He said, and your whole being responded, your hand stilling, your breathing stopping, your eyes opening wide before closing again while ecstasy possessed you.
“Yes, love. That’s it. My filthy thing. Show me how you do it.” He spurred you on, watching your body contort in pleasure.
“Jin.” You whined, the first sound you managed to emit since you came apart for him.
“Yes.” He said, removing his thumb from your clit and adding another finger inside you, stretching you wide before you called a yellow.
He extracted his fingers and laid them flat against your mound. “I think I promised you my cock, uh?”
Grinning wildly, you agreed, trying to tug his boxers off. “I want it. I earned it. Give it to me.”
He snickered, cleaning his hand against your breast before collecting your taste and what was left of the gelato with the flat of his tongue. “How demanding.”
“I’ve waited four years. Can’t you just do me already?”
“We could have waited way, way less.” He said, taking the bowl with only a spoonful of molten ice cream, tipping it teasingly over your torso, drawing a line that went from your belly button to your mouth, which you opened wide, letting the liquid dribble in.
Seokjin stared in wonder, imagining something else spilling into your mouth. Once there was nothing left, he placed the bowl back on the bedside table, bending down and licking up the line of cream he had drawn, slowing down to make sure he didn’t leave too much of a mess.
By the time he reached your neck and chin, he was ready to explode with want, his whole body needing to claim, own, possess.
“Is my little slut ready?” He asked, lingering over your face. “Or does she need to learn some more patience?”
You shook your head, licking his lips. “Please.” You begged, your nails raking down his back.
“That’s a good slut. You’re begging for my cock?”
You nodded.
“And you’re so dumb for it you even lost your words?”
You nodded again, grinning.
“She’s the smartest little bean and still gets silly for my cock.” He smiled fondly, almost insultingly. “That’s my pretty fuckdoll.”
He laid down beside you, finally freeing his cock as he arched his hips off the bed and removed his underwear.
Your eyes focused on his dick immediately, the shaft so beautiful, covered in veins just like you had imagined when you had felt it underneath your fingertips.
“Dammit. It’s...” You bent over him, getting your hands on him, bringing your face closer to his crotch, wanting to learn every single detail by heart. “Jin.”
“What.” He replied before throwing his head back, his fingers going to the pillow and gripping it, his hand leaving the fabric to press his palm to his mouth.
You had teasingly taken his tip into your mouth, his skin feeling so smooth and hot, salty, your cheeks and tongue eager to squeeze him tentatively, feeling just how spongy his flesh felt.
He moaned sinfully. “You’re really hungry, aren’t you, my naughty slut.” His hand reached the crown of your head, caressing your head before pulling you off. “I wanna cum in your dripping cunt, Buttercup. Come up here.”
“What if I wanna blow you?” You teased, arching an eyebrow.
“Maybe I’ll let you do that for round four or something, come up here, let me fill that tight warm cunt.”
Closing your eyes, smiling slowly, you straddled his hips. “You’d better keep your mouth on my boobs in the process.”
He giggled. “Wouldn’t have it any different. Come here.” He opened his arms and you propped yourself on your elbows. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
You cupped his cheek and waited for him to kiss you.
He obliged. “Feels so good to taste me on your tongue.” He murmured, stroking your back.
“I haven’t even properly taken you in my mouth.” You quipped, slightly petty.
He smiled and grabbed his cock, placing the tip against your entrance. “I’ll make up for it.” He kissed your cheek. “Take your time.”
You nodded and lowered yourself slowly. Taking the first few inches was blissful, the lack of barrier making him slide easily.
“Fuck, it feels good.” He growled. “You feel so warm and tight, love. You feel fucking amazing.”
You purred as you took some more, the stretch becoming more difficult. Your inner muscles contracted, making you come to a halt.
“Holy fuck.” He murmured, his hips pushing in before he managed to control himself. “Sorry, Buttercup, so sorry.” He apologised as you flinched. He kissed your face repeatedly. “I’m so sorry.” He touched your cheek.
“It feels good, but I need to—” You took more of him. “Go slow.”
He nodded and felt your breast against his palm, hanging heavy, right there for him to reach and touch and fondle and suck. “Sure thing, love.” He looked into your eyes. “Tell me how I can make it better.”
You shook your head. “Just hold me, please.”
He wrapped you in his arms just as you took all of him, sitting on him. “Yes, ____. You are so perfect.”
You closed your eyes, breathing in through your mouth. Slowly, you started rotating your hips, feeling how his cock filled you, pulsating inside you. “Jinnie. I love you.”
“I love you too, Buttercup.” He spoke gently, assisting you as you started riding him, his fingers gripping your hips gently.
“You’re so hot.” You whined, biting your lip, watching as his face contorted in pleasure. “I love you so much,” you said with a whimper, your inner walls constricting around him.
“Stop getting tighter, it feels too good.” He whispered, chuckling in desperation.
“Don’t you wanna fill me up?” You looked at him, batting your eyelashes. “I want you to. Please.” You spoke through a pout, moving faster on him.
He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to keep himself grounded.
You slowly rose to a sitting position, leaving the warmth of his embrace. “Don’t keep me waiting.” You provoked him, spreading your tiny hands over his insanely wide chest, your nails teasing him just a little. “I know you want to watch me drip in your cum.”
He exhaled heavily before giving a deep, breathy laugh, like a short series of hiccups. “You think you deserve my cum, you dirty slut?” He licked his lips, observing your tits shake right in front of his face before slapping them, earning a moan from you. “You really like them slapped, uh? Let’s see if you like spanks too.” He taunted before landing a heavy smack on your ass, enjoying the squeeze of your kegels. “And that pussy likes to clench me so tight.” He grinned, watching as your hand reached your clit, your eyes closed, your hair messy around your face. “Yeah, touch yourself, Buttercup.”
Your gaze met his, your chest blushing as your high approached. “I’m close.”
“It’s okay, keep touching yourself, love. I want you to feel good, honey.” His hips thrust in from beneath, making the stimulation more intense.
“I’m cumming,” you whimpered, leaning even more into your hand as your angle shifted, his cock hitting all the right spots inside you.
As soon as your body crashed on his, Seokjin caught you, holding you close while his throbbing cock kept pistoning in and out of you, focusing on making your orgasm last as he started zeroing in on his own.
“Keep it up, love,” he growled sternly while he felt his restraint slip, “I’m gonna get my slut sloppy with my cum, then I’m gonna lay her on her back and keep it plugged inside her while I fill her up some more.”
You only sobbed and squealed as you felt him get absolutely wild, growling as he gave messier strokes before sinking in deep and staying there, his cock pulsating and spilling his release inside your sensitive walls.
“Goodness, fuck, love. Never had a cunt this good.” He growled, holding his position for a minute, both of you exhausted and breathing heavily.
“Are you really going to do that?” You asked as soon as you came to your senses.
He blinked. “What?”
“The flipping on my back and going for round two?” You asked, parting from him just enough to look him in the face.
“Am I soft?” He asked you, arching an eyebrow.
You squeezed him with your kegels, his lower lip disappearing between his teeth as he felt you get impossibly tighter. “No.” You replied, looking into his dark gaze.
“Then you have your answer.” He smirked before executing his power move, your back hitting the sheets while he adjusted himself on top of you. “Grab the headboard. Hold on tight.” He said before sliding out and snapping his hips forward, his dick hitting the deepest corner of your sex.
“Oh, damn.”
He chuckled ruthlessly. “Damn right.” He replied cockily, slamming into you again, setting a fast, angry pace, watching your lips open wide, his cock coaxing cry after cry from your throat. “Are you gonna cum for me again? Milk this cock with your juicy cunt?”
You nodded helplessly, arching your chest up, trying to get his attention on your nipples.
He bent down obediently, giving you exactly what you were silently asking, his tongue laving your left areola in lazy, teasing licks. “Touch your clit.” He commanded, feeling his edge come around.
While his cock kept ramming in and out of you, his mouth went to your throat, biting you, his neck contorting as he tried to pay more attention to your sensitive skin.
Your fingers reached your clit just as he sunk his teeth in the soft curve of your bosom.
“Jin, please.” You croaked, your hips meeting his while the room filled with the sound of skin smashing against skin, the headboard thumping against the wall, the feet of the bed scraping against the floor, his laboured breath interrupting once you felt his cock spill inside you again with the strange, pleasurable sensation of his cum spurting against your walls.
You whimpered, hoping you could still cum one more time, but ready to give that up, if need be.
“Come on, Buttercup. One more. I know you can.” He said, staying inside you, arching off of you and slapping your breast again. “I know you’re still hungry for my cock. Give me one more, my lovely little slut. Gimme more, love. I’m waiting for you.” He said, watching your fingers work your clit furiously.
“Again, Jin.” You whimpered, your voice breaking.
“This?” He asked, hitting again.
“Yes, Jin, Yes. Please, Seokjin.” You begged. “Please, I love you, please, make it good. Please, please, please.” You cooed and chanted, so lost in pleasure you felt your high peak and before it shoved you tumbling downhill, pleasure making you soar and precipitate, like a small bird in a storm.
“Oh, you’re cumming, Buttercup.” He observed delivering small hits to your nipples before pinching one, then the other, tweaking them energetically but carefully.
“Jin.” You whimpered in a long moan.
“Oh, yes, ____. It’s me love. You’re with me, love.” He said, just as you tried getting closer to him, your hand resting on your mound while your other arm wrapped around him.
“I love you.” You whispered, your breath calming down. “I’ll never stop saying it.”
He rolled the both of you on your sides, looking at each other.
“I love you too, Buttercup.” He whispered, bringing you closer to him. “We’re both so messy.”
“The ice cream got so sticky.” You complained sadly, giving him a tired look.
“We should shower.” He considered, kissing your lips.
“You really feel like standing up?”
He eyed you eloquently. “I haven’t even slid out of you yet.”
You hummed. “Don’t want you to.” You mused, nuzzling into him.
“We need to clean you up.” He said, stroking your hair fondly. “My adorable messy slut.” He said with the expression and tone of the most affectionate praise.
You purred under his touch, feeling something flutter in your guts. “Don’t say it if you’re not going to torture me afterwards.”
He chuckled. “Let’s clean you up and get some rest. I’ll give you round three if you behave.”
“And then I can blow you for round four?” You asked, eyes bright and inquisitive.
He outright laughed, the sound making you laugh too. “Maybe.” He said, cupping your cheek and pulling out of you slowly, grabbing his boxers to clean you up as delicately as possible before you both stood and walked to the bathroom.
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Seokjin woke up around five am, his alarm telling him it was time to get ready for Sunday shift. He would come back in time to make you breakfast — and maybe make love to you afterwards.
Switching off the alarm, he slid out of your grip, your arm thrown possessively around his waist.
He caressed your face before kissing your forehead and stepping away, knowing that it would take a catastrophe to take himself away from you if he lingered for too long.
Your eyes opened when the alarm stopped, watching his back as he disappeared into the bathroom.
When he came back, he was fully dressed, only his shoes and coat missing. You opened your eyes as he pressed his lips to your cheek. “Bakery?” You asked. “Don’t you have someone for the morning shift?”
He shook his head. “I’ve been considering getting some help. At least for a couple mornings a week.”
You hummed and nodded. “I can come along if you need.”
He denied. “Stay here. I wanna find you sleepy and cosy when I come back. Remember round five?”
You smiled and hid into the pillow. “Yes, please.”
He smiled along. “Good. Go back to sleep, Buttercup. We’re going on our first date today.”
Navi: Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7 (7/7)
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yuzukult · 4 years
effortlessly pt. 9 || jungkook & reader
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title: effortlessly pairing: jungkook x reader words: 5.0k genre: fluff, romance, school!au, smut some chapters notes: this is more of a self-realization chapter, less of the romance :) oc development & one more chapter left before an epilogue!!!! thank you all for your support and patience, i know i took a while with this one, mostly because i really wanted to take a break and write something else. :)
series: part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || epilogue 
Yura’s cheeks are stuffed with the pastries from the bakery that was recommended by one of Jungkook’s teammates, something you’ve been meaning to take her to lately but with your mind flooded with thoughts on your future, there hasn’t been much time to dedicate to her. 
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” She’s eyeing you quizzically, uncomfortable with your distraught gaze. “You seem like you have something to say, so spit it.”
“I’m sorry,” You blurt with an agonizing frown. “I’ve been a terrible friend.”
“Why do you say that?”
Pushing the plate of baked goods away from you, your body slouches in the seat. The aroma of the flakey croissant beside the in-house made strawberry jam wasn’t appealing anymore and your previous conceptions stole away your appetite. “You didn’t tell me you wanted to be a cook.”
She rolls her eyes with a soft smile, shoving the plate back toward you. “Eat, loser.”
“Oh, come on. Stop acting like you’re not mad at me. I had no idea you were even going through anything—���
“Idiot, I’m not going through anything. I’m also not trying to be a cook. I’m trying to be a chef.” She corrects you, tearing off a piece of the croissant and bringing it to your lips. “Now take a bite of this, it’s crazy good.”
Abiding by her instruction, you open your mouth for her to feed you, chewing the soft pastry as it melts effortlessly on your tongue. “Good, right?” You nod in agreement. “I can’t help but think that I could’ve been there for you when you needed me the most. You were going through something, you were just as lost as I am.”
“Well, don’t feel bad. I kind of knew for a while, but I wasn’t sure. Sometimes we have to go through things alone to learn more about ourselves. Then Jungkook asked if I could help him with your little date, so I offered to do a picnic basket. It was for practice, and he seemed to be okay with it. How was the omelette?”
“Amazing. Which is why I was upset that I wasn’t a good enough friend to know that you cook so well.”
“Oh, please. Stop exaggerating... but really though. Was it that good?” Her eyes lit up at the compliment, emitting a chuckle from you. “It was, Yura. I’m seriously so proud of you. I wish I knew about your talents sooner.” 
Yura’s kind and patient, the qualities in a friend that everyone searches for. She has developed into a person who you found yourself depending on, someone who you wanted to stay around to share both good and bad times. Knowing that you weren’t there when she potentially needed you only made you disappointed in yourself. It was your turn to return the actions she provided for you; it was your turn to be a good friend.
She’s rolling her eyes again, a smile appearing upon her lips. “I told you, this is nothing. I’m still learning things about myself, so don’t worry, you didn’t miss out on anything.” You don’t believe her, but you take her words nonetheless, because you promise yourself and to her that from this day on, you’d try harder to be a better friend to her.
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Walking out the café, a backpack slung over your shoulder, you glance at Yura who zips up her hoodie, snuggling in closer to the fabric to regain warmth as the night approaches along with the cool wind that blows in your direction. “Are you going to take the apprenticeship?” 
“How’d you even hear about that?” You’re surprised she knows this; there hadn’t been much exchange between the two of you since the last time you hung out. Yura scoffs, shaking her head as she fixes the straps of her backpack, strolling down the street beside you. “I’m your best friend, of course I know about it.”
“Jungkook? Hoseok? Which one was it that spilled?”
“Jungkook,” She confirms, a playfully innocent grin glued to her face. “But that’s besides the point. You got an offer of a lifetime, what does that mean for you?”  There's not much of a reaction from you, other than a slight shrug that you give her. It seemed great— getting an apprenticeship for a position that isn't for just anyone, but for you specifically. This was an endeavor that you never imagined yourself encountering. Goals and aspirations were a list to some people, especially Jungkook, but for you, that list hadn't been anything more than a title. So what did it mean to you, this opportunity that presented itself? "I don't know," You respond honestly, uncertain of what next steps to take. "I kind of am going through a dilemma." Yura raises a brow questioningly at you. "What is it?" You chew your bottom lip for a moment, trying to gather all your thoughts in a place before taking a deep breath of courage before exposing yourself to your friend. "Is it weird that I've been with Jungkook all my life, and now my so-called aspiration is on the same route of his?"
"Nobody is calling it that." "But if he's on the path of being a professional— what does it mean for me? Am I just a follower? Oh, Jungkook wants to be a professional swimmer, and now his girlfriend wants to do the same thing. How stupid does that sound?"
She shakes her head in disagreement, walking side by side with you along on the sidewalk, the sun slowly beginning to set whilst the wind makes its appearance again, sending chills down your spine. “Why does everything have to be about Jungkook? Why can’t it be about you for once? When you think of swimming, you think of Jungkook immediately, but why can’t you consider it being something you’re interested in?”
“Because Yura, I don’t know!” You exclaim, stopping in your tracks. It was hard, dreadfully hard making a decision that you weren’t sure of. You’re only in your teens, you think to yourself, at such a young age with the responsibility of making choices that may determine where your route is headed for the rest of your life. In all honesty, you want to cry; force yourself to shed all the tears even if you have to because the amount of pressure sitting on top of your shoulders was wearing you down.
You’re immensely grateful for the opportunity that just happened to land at your feet, but with a chance to do something big, you can’t help but feel that guilt eating you inside, wondering if this was truly what you wanted to do, and what if it wasn’t? Did it mean you took away the possibility of an experience from someone who yearned for it more than you did?
Yura ceases her steps, eyes meeting yours that were pools of pity. “It’s okay to not know. But you’re running out of time and have to pick what you want to do soon.”
“But Jungkook really wants me to do it.”
“Why do you care about what Jungkook thinks?”
Because Jungkook is the only person in my life whose opinions that I actually care about, is what you want to say to her, but it goes against all of the rules you’ve given yourself. You want to be independent, you want to be selfish in these moments that allowed you to, but at the end of the day, pleasing other people was a flaw you had never been able to grow out of.
“I don’t,” You lie, fiddling with the straps of your bag in between your nimble fingers. “I don’t care about what he thinks.”
She’s flabbergasted. “You absolutely do care. You care about what he thinks, and you’re afraid of disappointing him.” Yura says your name lovingly, in a tone that brings chills down your spine because she’s serious this time, a rarity in its form. “Please stop caring about what others think of you and make this decision on your own. There’s a chance that Jungkook won’t be with you at the end of this road, and you have to be prepared for it.”
“But it’s so freaking hard, Yura,” You finally admit, bending down to sit at the curb on the street. “I spent almost my entire life with Jungkook. My parents never approved of anything and weren’t ever happy with anything I did; he’s the one person who has supported anything I did and all I worry about is if he’s going to turn away like they did.”
“Did you just forget my existence again?” Yura interjects, sitting down beside you, giving you a slight nudge. “Listen, whether or not Jungkook decides to be by your side for this entire thing, I’m still here, right? It’s true, I can’t swoon you nor can I give you kisses because well, no offense, you’re not exactly my type—“ you snort, “—but I can be the friend portion here. You got me, you don’t need some boy you love, you have a friend.”
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How crazy is it that you’re living in a fanfic trope? Your best friend from childhood is your neighbor, your first kiss, first time, first kiss... the list goes on.
So when you’re walking in the direction of where he stands in the parking lot of your high school, Jungkook’s car parked alongside his other teammates, while he leans against the hood of his car with the guys crowding around him. He looks like every other main character of a romantic film; hair slicked back, changed out of his uniform and swim clothes, now in a t-shirt that’s tight around his frame paired with light washed denim pants with tears and rips that hugs his thighs so deliciously. The laugh that escapes his lips is melodic, melting your heart seeing how happy he looks just by being with his friends.
You’re going to miss the hell out of this if he’s disappointed in your decision.
Approaching the group, the guys holler at the sight of you. “Hey! You’re finally here! Jungkook refuses to leave without you, so we’ve been waiting around until you came.”
“Were you?” You ask, eyes meeting your boyfriend. “Are you waiting for something in particular?”
Jungkook glances at the guys before back at you nervously, palms getting sweaty. “Uh... how do you feel about coming with us tonight?”
“Where to?”
Hoseok snorts from behind, almost bursting into laughter at how anxious Jungkook is around you. It’s cute, really, because despite officially together, he still acts as though he’s pining over his crush on you. “Oh, come on, it’s not hard to ask, just ask her!” Jimin adds into the push by actually pushing him.
Jungkook stumbles closer to you, slightly breathless. “So... there’s this party tonight...”
You giggle— mostly because he seems as smitten with you as you are with him. “Jeon, are you trying to ask me to be your date to a party or something? Why are you jittery?”
He is. And he can’t help but feel like his heart quickens whenever he sees you in a skirt and your hair down, first few buttons of your uniform unfastened and blazer hanging off your arm. Even in makeup that’s been on for 8 hours straight, he thinks you’re pretty. “Yeah,” his response is airy, “I’m hoping we could set aside a sleepover and head over to Hoseok’s place tonight to blow off some steam. How’s that sound?” Chuckling at his lack of confidence in the question, you nod in agreement. “Okay, that sounds great. When are we heading out?”
Getting ready for the party proves to be one of the most nerve-wreaking things you’ve done in a while, including that apprenticeship offer. 
“Why why why are these jeans so tight?”
“This dress shows my belly rolls.”
You’re patting the fabric that’s wrinkled around your stomach region as you sigh when you see the sideview of your body in the mirror. “I should workout. Does Jungkook find this attractive?”
“And this skirt is too short. It shows my freaking underwear.” Bending over in the mirror to see yourself from behind, you grumble at the sight.
“Wait— turn over here, I want to see.”
“Holy—“ Flinching in the direction of the voice, you place a hand on your chest to ease your breathing; Jungkook sitting at his window sill, hair let loose, fresh from a wash, still dressed in his sweats. “You look cute in that. Twirl for me. Oh, and bend over too.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m not going to bend over for you, Jeon.” He frowns. “Why not? I want to see what color your panties are.” Just when you’re ready to drop the blinds on him, he has his hand out. “Wait wait wait, don’t close it. Wear those jeans you wore the other day. And that black t-shirt. I think you look pretty even in casual clothes.”
While searching in your closet for said outfit, he stays seated by the window, resting his chin on his arm. “So... can we talk about break?”
“Uh, sure,” You respond, only half paying attention as you’re shuffling through the tremendous amount of clothes you have, the space between your brows crinkling in focus. “What about it?”
“So... the team and I had these plans to go on a lake trip...”
“And it’s an all guys trip.” He finishes, finally getting to the point. “I know we talked about the possibility of spending break together—“
“You should go, Bub.” You interrupt, eyes soon lighting up when you find the shirt, then meeting with his gaze. “I think it’ll be good for you. We’re not going to be in high school forever and you guys might separate when you get to college.” 
Jungkook thinks he hit the jackpot with you. From your understanding nature, to your independence, support... all the qualities you had were stacked up on the pros pile for him. “You’ll be okay? Without me?”
He asks this question and it stings a bit. You know he doesn’t mean it in that way but you can’t help but think about it in that direction. There had been a lot of dependency on Jungkook throughout your friendship; hardship, accomplishments, direction of your dreams— he’d be there for all, guiding you and lifting you up. But did he think that you wouldn’t be able to be without him? 
“I’ll be fine,” You reply, attempting to hide the disappointment in your voice. Head peeking out the window, you grin mischievously. “Well, I’m going to get ready now... so...” Quickly backing away, you shut the blinds immediately, and Jungkook groans. “I wanted to see a show!”
Arriving at the party with Jungkook by your side is more than an accessory— he’s the main point of an outfit. You learn that he wanted you to wear that t-shirt just because he wanted to match with you, knowing that you’d oppose it but would be too lazy to even change afterwards.
“You guys came!” Hoseok cries, weaving his way through the crowd of people while having to raise his voice for you to hear. He has a solo cup in hand, liquid sloshing around as people push and shove around him. “Go to the kitchen! Grab a drink!”
To two of you do, eventually Jungkook being pulled away by friends, chatting up a storm with his face slowly growing crimson from his asian flush. Deciding that it was a night to enjoy yourself, you play around with the ingredients from his fridge, cooking yourself up a mojito.
“Are you making a mojito? Can I join and make myself one too?”
“Sure,” You grin, looking up at the stranger. “Help yourself.”
This girl is absolutely gorgeous. Hair jet black and straight, stretching to her lower back with skin milky smooth and makeup done effortlessly naturally, with a body so slim and appealing in her body-con dress, a sight for sore eyes, you’re suddenly boiling inside because you’re wishing it was you. You learn her name is Somin, a University student who attended your high school last year, friends with the swim team but you never met her before.
“So, what brings you here?” She asks, searching through the drawers for a knife. “You don’t seem like the type to go to parties.”
Rinsing a couple limes under the faucet beside her, you nod. “Yeah, I’m not. Got dragged here so I guess I’m left with no choice. What about you? Trying to get away tonight?”
She laughs, so feminine and light. “Actually, trying to get closer. There’s a guy I’ve had my eyes on for the longest time. His mom and mine used to be friends so I saw me occasionally. I mentioned that I was in love with him and he freaked and left. But! I heard from Hoseok that he was coming tonight, so I’m hoping I get to see him.”
“Ah,” You respond, mouth open while taking the knife from her hands, slicing the lime into pieces. “Well, I wish you luck. I know how that feels.”
“Wait!” She exclaims, nudging you as you wince, startled and almost cutting yourself by her sudden action. “He’s coming!” Looking from the cutting board laying on the island counter, your eyes trail up to see the familiar figure walking toward the two of you as Somin waves eagerly. “Jungkook!”
She’s in love with Jungkook? When the hell did she know him?
“Oh, Somin!” He greets, smile so wide from the amount of alcohol in him. “I didn’t know you were here. I see you’ve met my girlfriend.” Well, how awkward. Somin turns to look at you, mouth agape, shunned. “Girlfriend?”
“Yeah!” He’s almost yelling in your ear now, rounding the counter to pull you close with a hand on your waist. “The love of my life. Isn’t she so cute?” Your lips tug into a painful smile, apologetic toward Somin. How is it that every female you encounter just so happens to be so in love with Jeon Jungkook?
You can’t even blame them, in all honestly. He’s handsome, generous, has a car and can drive, a freaking athlete, and he can sing. This guy was the entire package and he hasn’t even graduated high school yet. Forget high school girls chasing after him, Jungkook already had college girls swooning and it’s left you wondering what it’d be like once the two of you head to University.
That night home, you drive. Deciding to spend the night taking care of him since he seemed totally wasted, you’re on route to his house while pondering deeply about the events of the night.
“What’s going on in your head, bubba?” Despite the amount of slurs that slip from his mouth that night, he’s oddly stable.
“Bubba?” You laugh at the new nickname. “Uh, just some stuff.”
“Be honest?” He asks, looking over at you with glassy eyes as his head is laid back against the seat. “I wanna hear what you’re thinking about. I like hearing you talk.”
Licking your lips, you’re having an inner debate on whether or not to let Jungkook in on your thoughts. Succumbing to his request, you sigh because communication is important in a relationship. On the bright side, he might forget about this conversation tomorrow anyways.
“The girl earlier tonight? Somin? She told me she was in love with you.”
“Huh?” He seems just as surprised at this new information. “That’s crazy. We used to hang out during Sundays when my mom would force me to go to church. Then I got old enough to decide if I wanted to go or not.”
You hum, stopping the car at the red light. “Well, it had me thinking. We’re going off to college soon. What does that mean for us? You’d have girls dropping at your feet, completely smitten with you. What if I end up at another college?”
“We’ll figure it out then. But I know how much I’m in love with you, whatever you do and wherever you go. I’ll be sad if I can’t follow you or you follow me to college, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you.” Although he’s slow when he speaks, he finishes off what’s on his own mind before drifting off into slumber before you could even chime in a response.
A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
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It takes a lot of soul searching.
You’ve spent a week away from everyone— Yura, your family, everyone, even Jungkook. He thinks he did something wrong but you assure him that he hasn’t, rather that you needed some time for yourself. Coincidentally enough, that week was break; Jungkook and his teammates had a vacation planned and Yura picked up a part-time job at a bakery anyway.
Maybe it’s the breeze from the salty sea, the humidity sticking to your skin or the taste of the strawberry ice cream that hits your tongue, but the air feels lighter here. Inhaling in the fresh aroma the beach brings, it brings you back to when you came here last time with Jungkook and he professes his love. It brings a smile that tugs on the edges of your lips, a memory that you would never forget, your first love reciprocating his feelings for you. 
“Oh, did you drop this?” 
Quickly turning, you realize that what was in the hands of the person in front of you is your wallet—how irresponsible do you have to be that you dropped your wallet and didn’t even notice? “Oh my gosh, fuck, it’s my wallet!” You call out, grabbing it from their grasp before meeting eyes with them. “Thank you, I wouldn’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t find it!”
The person waves you off, a grin drawn across the face of a male, cheeks so supple and milky smooth. “Think nothing of it. Be careful though, there’s a lot of pickpocketers around here.”
You nod in agreement, lips pressed in a straight line, slightly disappointed in yourself. It’s like he reads your mind because he then says, “It’s okay though. It happens to the best of us.”
“Can I at least get you something for not robbing me? And my fate being that you so happen to not be a pickpocketer?”
The guy laughs; something about the warmness he radiates makes you trust him, fraternizing with this stranger with qualities of a sweet friend. Something about Junmyeon makes you fearless, trusting him enough to propose the idea of treating him out to anything for being a good samaritan. 
You learn that his name was Junmyeon, and he’s way older than you in comparison, but he has a lot of words of wisdom to share. After a lot of convincing, Junmyeon takes your offer for a cup of coffee—iced please, he begs, and in exchange, he in addition, tells you about his life like a middle-aged man.
He’s only 29.
“You’ve got a couple years ahead of me,” You begin, and it only sparks Junmyeon to raise a brow at you questioningly. “I’m stuck in a dilemma. How did you know what you wanted to do in life?”
Junmyeon chortles, mostly because he finds it interesting that you seem to think he has his shit together. The both of you had decided to take your cool drinks out on one of the benches on the boardwalk that faces the water. “You realize that I’m just twenty-nine right, not ninety-two?” You blink in confusion at his light-hearted joke, watching the sunset behind him. He continues on, “It means that I’m not that old, kiddo. I’m a bit older than you. And despite what you think, I don’t have my shit together.”
“Well, what did you do?”
“Well,” He starts, imitating your own words against you, “for one, I graduated college at the age of twenty-three. With a degree I didn’t end up using, by the way, and decided that the best thing for me at the time was to follow this girl that I was head over heels with. That being said, it didn’t end very well. Fast forward to today, I’m back in school trying to get my PhD... in a completely different field than what you’d expect.” Reminiscing back to his past mistakes, he shakes his head in disbelief. “There are just things you should be selfish about, and it took me a while to finally get that.”
“How did you decide on those things? And how do I decide what I want to do?”
“Well, for one, if you’re really hesitant about it, you probably don’t want it.”
And that’s when it hits. 
A day at the beach alone, meeting a stranger who finds your wallet and gifts you words of advice was more of a helpful trip than expected.
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“You... got really tan?”
“You can be honest. I know I’m more red than tan.” You stifle a laugh, watching from his bed as Jungkook enters his room with his bags, waddling around to unpack his belongings from his trip. He’s in so much pain, and not to mention crimson red like he’s Santa’s suit, mostly from forgetting to put on sunscreen despite the many exchanged texts reminding him to remember to put on SPF. Turns out the entire team was burnt as well.
Browsing through a magazine that you found on his bedside table, you smile at the sight of your boyfriend wincing while sitting on the carpeted floor, attempting to unzip his duffle bag. “I didn’t know you were still shy seeing me. You’re all red and blushy.” You joke, leaning over to tap his nose, only for him to groan in agony. “Baby, I love seeing you, but I’m resenting asking you to come over.”
You gasp in feign surprise with a hand on your chest in exaggeration. “Jeon Jungkook, you couldn’t possibly mean that, could you?”
He throws a dirty t-shirt at you in hopes it lands on your face, and lucky for him, it shoots his target.. “Bullseye,” He says, content with his shot. “I worked out in that, just so you know.” Grimacing and tossing it back at him, he lets out a chuckle at your disgust. “That was horrible. It reeks.”
“Speaking of horrible, I couldn’t believe we didn’t spend the break together. I know it sucked without me. How was your week away?”
You roll your eyes, opening a drawer to drop the magazine back into it. “You’re the one who made plans, lover boy, with your group of other boys. But it was great, I think I learned a lot of things about myself.”
“That’s a step in the right direction. What’d you do in that time?”
Where to even start? Do you tell him about Junmyeon? What about the weather down the shore—humid and sticky, just how Jungkook likes it— or maybe that funnel cake you got to try that was so sweet and melted on the tip of your tongue? Or would that defeat the purpose and he’d be sad he missed out on that?
“I met someone,” is the words you manage to formulate out of your mouth, and the expression on his face is distorted in shock. “Oh— wait, not like that, I just met someone at the beach and they became a friend.”
“Scare a guy to the point of breaking his heart, why don’t you?” He’s stopped to listen to you in the midst of packing, attention fully yours. “So, what about this friend?”
Leaning against the bed frame, you take a moment to let your mind sink into your thoughts. There’s a lot to unpack, more than what’s in Jungkook’s duffle bag that’s similar to a clown car, but you want to do this right. “He gave me some life advice. He’s a bit older and gave me some guidance that could help me on what next steps I should be taking.”
“Does that mean you’re ready to make a decision?”
You chew on your bottom lip. In the end, you know that whatever you choose is solely based on your happiness but you can’t help but worry about what Jungkook thinks. “I think I am. What do you think I should do?” Maybe you should test the waters first.
He wrinkles his brows in perplexity. “What do you mean?”
You shrug at this question. “What do you think I should choose?”
Jungkook stops pulling things from his bag, eyes locking with yours and you feel your chest tighten at the serious shift in the atmosphere. “You’re not really asking me this, are you?” Now you’re the confused one. “What?”
“I don’t care what you choose. I mean, I care, but I don’t care as in I won’t be upset if you rather do one thing over the other. Is this what’s bothering you? Do you feel guilty about all of this? I told you, I’m always here for you, even when I’m trying to drill that into your head it seems like you don’t get it.”
“So if you said that you didn’t want the apprenticeship, I wouldn’t be opposed to you going another route. Vice versa, same result. We’ve been together our entire lives, it would take a lot for me to actually upset with you. I just need you to be honest.”
Your heart swells. If anything, that’s all you really wanted— his support.
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Sitting in the seat that you presumed that Jungkook had sat in when he’d gotten his offer, you feel slightly uneasy finding yourself in this situation. The room is filled with cases of books, most that you’ve never heard or seen before; the unfamiliarity churning a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. There’s even a fireplace in this office, a portrait of what seems to be one of the founders of the university that hangs over it, and a fuzzy... bear rug that lays in front of it. 
The recruiter closes the door behind her, striding to her desk before settling down in her large swivel chair that only seems to make her look even more powerful than she was already. 
“So,” She begins, straightening the pile of papers on her desk. “You’re here to talk about the offer?”
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Touch Me, Tease Me | Part 3
Genre: Smut, slight angst
Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: It’s time to make the hard decision: which of the three boys will you choose?
Warnings: femdom, mommy kink, soft dom, but also a bit of hard dom, praise, overstim, chastity, pegging, choking, degradation.
A/N: So I said I’ll make this into 3 chapter but I decide to write just the one lol this is divided into three parts for each of the boys. once again not edited yolo
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You hear faint strumming as you near his bedroom door. It stops once you push the door open and your sight falls on him sitting on the couch with his guitar in hand. As soon as your eyes meet, he looks away, jaw clenching as he starts to play on the guitar again.
You sigh, closing the door behind you and making your way to him. "How long are you gonna sulk?"
"Depends. How long are you gonna ignore me and spend time with them instead?" He mutters softly, “I thought they were the ones getting punished.”
"Don't be so melodramatic, baby." You sit down next to him and lean towards him to give him a kiss but he turns his head forwards and your kiss lands on his cheek instead. You feel a sting in your heart as you pull back, and ask sadly, "You don't even want to kiss me anymore?"
"Of course, I do." He answers readily, "It’s just… Am I not enough for you?"
"What are you talking about? Of course you are, angel."
"Am I? Because I genuinely don't understand why I have to share you with two other guys unless I’m not good enough for you on my own."
“Don’t do this, Xiaojun.”
He puts the guitar to the side and stands up, looking down at you with frustration, his intense gaze pining you to your seat. “Why the hell not?”
“I’m not ready yet.” You hesitate.
"Well, get ready. I can't handle them touching you anymore."
"Xiaojun... if I have to choose between the three of you,” You start, already dreading your next words, feeling your heartbeat at the bottom of your throat, “It might not be you."
His face hardens at your words. It was a little scary. You’ve never seen your angel so stone-faced. "What?"
"Don't you remember that before this all started, me and Hendery were almost a thing?"
"So you’re choosing Hendery?" His voice rises.
“That’s not what I’m saying. I don’t know who I’ll choose.”
He scoffs, "Unbelievable."
"It’s not fair to the other boys if I don’t give them a chance."
He glares at you, gaze burning you up. Stepping forward, he tugs you off the couch and pulls you in a kiss that was as intense as he is, wrapping you in a fiery desire as his lips devour yours and his tongue presses into your mouth.
"I refuse to lose you to them." He murmurs against your lips, eyes opening only slightly to stare into your own but even that feels like it’s enough to incinerate your soul.
You push him onto the bed and start taking off your clothes, feeling the heat of his eyes touching every part of your body that gets exposed, making your flesh smolder under them. You feel too hot in your skin. He ignites a fire in you that he won’t quench, only feeding the flames more and more until they scorch you down to your bones and leave you bare for the taking. You needed to save yourself from those eyes.
Strutting towards his closet, with the weight of his eyes burning onto your back, you pick out a thin scarf and come back. When you go to wrap the cloth around his eyes, he falters, his eyes simmering down into a cooler appeal.
“I don’t want to.”
You hush him with your lips, not saying anything as you tie the scarf around his eyes and he resigns with a sigh into the soft kiss.  
You strip him next, breathing a little easier now that his eyes are covered and you can appreciate the rest of his body without feeling like you’re in danger.
He was always on the thinner side, but lately he’s been bulking up a bit, feeling concerned about his frail frame. He wished to be more like Lucas, big and strong and manly--all qualities he thought people found admirable. But you couldn’t care less. You loved Xiaojun in whatever shape he came in. It’s the fire in him that pulls you in and all you wish for is for it to keep burning for as long as he lives.
Once he’s completely naked, you push him to lay down on the bed and climb on top of him,   taking his cock in your hand. You hardly need to stroke him, but you do just to make him feel some of the burns he’s inflicted on you. And he does, his hands jumping up as if to grab you before they sink into the sheets, his lips falling open in hushed little moans that sound all the more precious for how quiet they are.
When you lick your hand and move it down to rub the wetness over the sensitive head of his cock, he can’t hold in the gasp that escapes his lung.
“Please.” He was so wrecked already, having been deprived of your touch for too long in his opinion, ready for you to take all of him.
“You hurt me, angel.” You lean down to kiss his lips and he doesn’t shy away his time, merely pouting at your accusation. “How can you doubt how precious you are to me?”
You kiss along his jawline, slow and deliberate, drawing the flames from his body. He gets hotter the further down you go. You feel more than hear his moans as your lips meet his throat, the vibrations tingling your lips as they suck down on his skin. You mark his chest in red, hot bruises, and as you reach his dick, you find it just as red and hot.
Wrapping your lips around it, you hear him let out the loudest moan he has tonight. It’s as sweet as any sound he’s ever made, and you move your mouth up and down his length eagerly, seeking to draw even more noises from him. Swallowing him down, you tear out a moan of your name from his lips.
“Yes, angel,” You praise, jerking him slowly, “ I want you to hear how good I make you feel.”
You feel his hands in your hair as you go down on him again, his fingers digging into your scalp as you take more and more of him down your throat. Forever your good boy, he obeys, letting out the sweetest melody of your name laced with his beautiful moans.
“I need you so much.” He croons, writhing under you. “I need you. Please. Please.”
You are the one in control here but you can never deny him whatever he wants. It’s like he has an inexplicable pull on you that entices you to need to take care of him. So you pull back and sit up, situating his slicked up dick against your entrance.
“Is this what you want, Xiaojun?”
“Yes.” He looks downs at you without seeing, “Please, take me.”
You slide down his dick, letting him fill you up slowly, enjoying every inch of him until he’s all the way inside you. “Can you feel me around you, angel?”
He nods, hands fluttering over your thighs as his breathing gets harder.
“I want to hear it. Say it with those same lips that hurt me so much before.”
“I’m sorry, mommy. I just need you so bad…” He confesses, gulping as you start moving over his length. “and I want you to need me too.”
“Oh, angel,” You sigh, riding him faster, his dick filling you up so good. “You have no idea how much I need you.”
You do. You really do, but the problem was, you could say the same about them all. The three of them were all so differently amazing. They were so unlike each other but so similar in their genuineness. You wish you hadn’t started this and had just gone along with Hendery. It was easy back then, but now that you got to know the three of them so intimately, you were stuck. And whatever you choose, someone is gonna get hurt, least of all you.
Xiaojun’s hands trail up to your waist and he pulls you down towards him, wrapping you in his arms closely as his hips push up against yours. With your face so close to his, you can’t help but admire how the emotions seemed to flow purely over his beautiful features. He was like an open book and that scared you a bit. He had so much goodness in him that you sometimes felt overwhelmed with the need to protect him, even from yourself. You were terrified of hurting him and ending up being the reason he loses that something that is so pure about him.
“Please, kiss me.” He whispers, and your lips are on him, smothering him with the feelings you were too afraid to speak out loud. Resting your forehead against his, you let him control the pace as he thrusts up into you, and you're content to just watch the pleasure adorning his face.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" You whisper reverently, lacing your hands in his when he seeks them out. "You're the most beautiful human being I've ever laid eyes on."
"I-I…" He stumbles, lost for words, and you hush him. "You don't need to say anything. I just wanted you to know."
You pin his hands to the bed and use them as leverage to sit up and start bouncing on his cock, determined to make him feel as good as he makes you feel.
"Ah--you're gonna make me cum, mommy."
"Do it."
He shakes his head, "No, want you to cum first."
You smile softly at him even though he can't see it, and let go of one of his hands. He immediately pushes it between your bodies to get to your pussy, his fingers stroking your clit urgently.
"Please, cum for me." He pleads as if begging for his own release, and you can't deny him, your pussy clamping down on his cock as you head falls in the crook of his neck, and you moan into his ear, "You too, baby. Cum with me."
He didn't need you to tell him, he was already cumming from the feeling of your pussy contracting around him, coaxing him to release his seed inside you with a loud groan.
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He’s nervous, you can tell even if you couldn’t practically feel his heartbeat pounding through your back and thundering in the chambers of your own heart. You crane your head back to kiss his neck but that only makes him more nervous, sucking a sharp breath in as his large hands grip your thighs. So you rest your head back on his shoulder and look at his face. He looks at you out of the corner of his eyes, gulps, and looks back at the movie playing on the screen.
“What’s wrong, my prince?”
“I just want you to enjoy this. Are you enjoying it?” He looks back at you with eyes even wider than they normally are, his voice rising in worry at the last part.
“I am.” You reassure him, pressing another kiss to the angle of his jaw then nudging your nose along the small strip of skin towards his ear. “But I would enjoy it more if you just relax, okay?”
“Ok.” He nods slightly, sucking in a deep breath that hardly goes in before it rushes out. “I can’t. I’m too nervous.”
You chuckle lightly and turn around his lap, facing him and cupping his cheeks in your hands. “Let me take your mind off it then.”
You kiss him slowly, your lips molding to his as you coax him to relax. He responds, opening his mouth to capture your top lip between his and pulling it between his own, his breathing starting to slow down as his hands wander up your body.
“You’re so pretty.” He confesses, pulling back to take your shirt off, happy to see you bare underneath. He wastes no time in palming your breasts, breath coming out in a rush as he plays with them.
“And you’re so handsome.” You gasp as you feel his thumbs rolling over your hardened nipples. Tangling a hand into the hair at the nape of his neck, you pull ever so slightly on them to grab his attention. “Be a good boy and put your mouth on me, okay?”
He nods eagerly, hardly needing you to push his head forward before he’s engulfing one of your nipples in his mouth, kissing it like he would your mouth. You feel yourself growing wetter as his mouth works, sucking and licking your breast, and you start grinding down onto his thigh. He looks up at you, a glint sparkling in his big eyes as you feel one of his hands slither down the small of your back to grab your ass, using his grip on you to help move you along his thigh.
“What a good little prince.” You moan, brushing his long hair away from his face so you can stare into his eyes. He pulls back from your breast with a light pop, replacing his mouth with his other hand to rub the slick saliva in circles around your nipple while he tenses his thigh and grinds you harder against it.
“Shit, you’ll make me cum if you keep doing that.” You throw your head back, your hips swiveling over his thigh, chasing your release.
Eager to have you cum, he puts his mouth back on your other breasts while he keeps massaging the now neglected one. With your combined efforts, it doesn’t take long for you to cum on his thigh, soaking through the thin layers of your panties and shorts.
You push his head back onto the back of the couch and stroke his face with your hand. “Such a good boy.”
“I want to be your best boy.” He proclaims, kissing the inside of your hand. You kiss his mouth, hoping you could hide the sadness in your eyes from him.
“Stand up.” You order, getting off him so he can get up, and sit yourself down where he just was. Ridding yourself of the rest of your clothes, you order him to do the same. Once his shirt is off and his shorts and boxers are at his feet, you take his cock in your hand.
"You’re so big, baby."
The corner of your lips curl up when he moans at the compliment, “Yeah, you like hearing me say that?” You ask, your hand teasing up and down his length. “You like how you fill me up so good I can hardly take it?”
He bites his lips and nods, whimpering when your fist circles his head. You smile wickedly, “Lets see how many times you can cum today.”
He groans, “No, please. Haven’t you punished me enough?”
You scowl at him and he immediately regrets his words. “So you think I’m being unfair?”
“No, it’s just--”
“You think you could just disobey and disrespect me and get away with it?”
“I thought you wanted to be good for me.”
“I do. I am!” He insists, “You can do whatever you want to me.”
You grin, “That’s what I want to hear.”
It is a ritual at this point--since Hendery disobeyed you because he thought you weren’t giving him enough, you decided to just give him everything and see how well he can take it. By now, you had found out all the little things that drive him insane and make his toes curl and you took advantage of that knowledge every day, exhausting the poor boy.
He likes when you lick the tip of his cock lightly while you maintain eye contact with him. He likes when you swirl your tongue around it like it was a lollipop, and when it is slick enough, how you pump it shallowly while your tongue makes its way down the rest of his dick. He likes when you take his balls into your mouth while your pumps grow longer and firmer until you’re stroking his entire length while sucking on his tight balls.
And just like that, slowly and teasingly, you work him until he erupts over your fingers. Hendery struggles to hold his weight up on his shaky knees. You don’t help when you bring your sullied hand to your mouth to lick off the cum dripping over your fingers.
“You’re so easy.” You laugh as his cock twitches back to life. You help him along, stroking it to full hardness, amused at his little whimpers of pain at the overstimulation. He’d gotten so much better at taking it. He used to thrash and whine when you overstimulated him before, but now he just grimaces and takes it like a good boy.
When he’s hard again, you pull him back onto the couch so that you’re laying on your back and he’s hovering over you. That’s another thing he liked, being on top and having you between his arms even if he’s not the one in control.
You open your legs wide for him to get between them and grab him by the hair. “Come on, my prince, make me cum on that big cock of yours.”
He groans, “You don’t play fair.”
You laugh lightly at the familiar phrase, taking in a bigger breath as he slides himself into your pussy. Now it was your turn to wince; it always takes a little while for you to get used to how long his cock was, and Hendery always showers you in kisses in the meanwhile, moving his hips ever so slowly, practically torturing himself as he barely moves inside you trying to get you used to his cock.
You distract yourself by focusing on kissing his neck, but that just makes him whine. “Stop. You’re making me want to fuck you harder and you won’t like that.”
His words and deep voice make your insides burn up and you feel your pussy clench around him, impatient to take him. “Who says I won’t? Come on, fuck me hard, handsome.”
“Oh, thank you.” He spills out, grabbing your ass and pounding into you. You’re not ready for him to be so rough but you gave him the go ahead and you love watching him lose himself in you. It doesn’t mean you can’t get something out of it though. “Remember, you must make me cum on your cock.”
His face falls as he realizes what your words mean exactly. Jaw set, he angles his thrusts in a way to hit as deeply inside you as he can without hurting you, knowing that’s the way you like it most. It’s a smart strategy to get you to cum before he does, but ultimately, it’s hopeless as your moans of pleasure and praise for him only serve to work him up.
“Yes, just like that, baby. You’re so good for me, aren’t you?” You pull him into a kiss, smirking as he lets out a long moan into your mouth when your pussy clenches around him. “You won’t cum before me, right?”
He shakes his head, eyes squeezed shut as he focuses on hitting that spot inside of you that never fails to make you cum.
“Oh, fuck.” You grunt, feeling yourself getting close. Wanting him to cum first, you wrap your legs around his waist and trail your hands up his chest, your fingers working on rubbing and pinching his nipples while your legs force his hips into deeper, slower thrusts that have your pussy squeezing around every inch of his cock.
“You’re doing so, so good, my prince. Making me feel so good.” You moan out exaggeratedly, knowing it drives him crazy. “Bet you wanna cum, don’t you? I know you can’t take it anymore. You just wanna blow your load so deep inside my pussy, it would knock me up.”
“You’re mean.” He whines, his hips picking up speed as he starts cumming, and he looks so cute pouting through his orgasm.
“You know you can’t stop yet.” You tease when his hips start slowing down and he lets out an even louder whine. “You’re a mean, mean lady.” He groans, his pace growing faster again as he tries to make you cum before his dick turns limp.
“Just like that. Good boy.” You coo, using your feet that were still locked around the small of his back to help him fuck you. “You can do it, baby. I’m so close.”
He nods, doubling down on his efforts and pounding into you like crazy until you’re spasming around his cock. To your surprise, you hear him groan as his cock twitches inside you one last time, a small spurt of cum coming out.
“Wow, you came again? Good boy.” You stroke his back as he collapses on top of you, demanding you make it up to him.
“Of course, my prince. I’ll take such good care of you.” You kiss the top of his head, already planning a night of pampering for him.
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Out of the three of them, you find yourself spending the most time with Yangyang. Not only because he was incessantly following you around and begging for your attention, but because spending time with him was so effortlessly mindless in a way being with the other two boys wasn’t. You didn’t have to think much or worry about being the kind of person who deserves his love. Yangyang didn't expect anything of you, and in a way, you found him more assertive than the two older boys. He didn't wait around for you to find the time to include him in your life; he included you in his.
He would sit beside you while you worked and narrate the game he was playing like it was some kind of sports match. He would talk your ear off about his latest fixation until you had no choice but to respond to him. He would demand you stop and watch some anime or another with him if he thinks you'd been working for too long. He would show you all the news dances and raps he'd learned and coerce you into giving him compliments. And if all else fails, he would just lay his head on your lap and play with his phone while you worked.
You'd think you'd be annoyed by it but it was actually kind of relieving in a way. Yangyang didn't wait for you to contemplate if you wanted to be with him or not; he came to you and if you didn't want him he would just leave and come back later. It was much easier than having to reach out to him yourself.
And the youngest was insatiable, growing even more so after you’d locked his dick up in a chastity cage as a punishment for what he did. So now he was always all over you, his mouth on your neck or his hand under your shirt, anything to get you hot and bothered enough so you'd maybe take the cage off him and fuck him. And that’s precisely what he was trying to do right now.
“Mommy…” He moans out, voice muffled around the fabric of his hoodie stuffed in his mouth as he ruts against the pillow situated between his legs.
“You can fuck that pillow all you want, baby. It’s not gonna make you cum.” You say nonchalantly, knowing the cage around his cock will prevent him from getting enough stimulation, but also knowing he wasn’t doing it to cum; he was trying to seduce you and he was doing a fucking good job of it.
Yangyang knew how to make you weak. He’s like the bratty child that always gets away with shit just because he’s so cute, and you can’t deny how good he looks with his hoodie pulled up to his mouth and his hips humping that pillow, all while he looks at you with the cutest puppy-dog eyes and makes the prettiest little sounds for you.
“So fuck me, mommy.” He retorts, the hoodie falling from his mouth and covering part of his chest. You move down the bed towards him and pick up the hem of the hoodie, pushing it in his mouth again. “Yeah? How much do you want it?”
He tries to spit out the fabric so he can speak but you grab his jaw, keeping his mouth shut around it. “I didn’t say you could drop it.”
He moans, eyelids covering half his eyes as he fucks his pillow faster. He says something that you can’t quite make out but it doesn’t matter.
“You’re such a stupid slut, baby.” You smirk, loving how worked up he’s getting from your words. “How about this, I’m gonna fuck your ass and we’ll see if you’re horny enough to cum inside your little cage, how does that sound?”
He hesitates for a moment, a little scared, but his arousal quickly wins out and he nods.
“Good. Go grab mommy’s cock.”
He jumps off the bed, moving to retrieve the box where you keep the strap-on and coming back in no time.
“So eager.” You laugh, taking your clothes, Yangyang’s eyes never once stray from your figure. “Get on your back.”
He obeys right away, pulling his legs to his chest and giving you easy access to his asshole. With a smile on your face, you lather your fingers with some lube, making a show of it and watching how he gulps down in anticipation.
The first finger goes in easily, as it always does, and it doesn’t take long for you to be able to add a second finger, pumping the both of them in and out out of his ass smoothly, your thumb rubbing the patch of skin between his asshole and his balls, knowing that always gets him really worked up. He closes his eyes, getting so caught up in the pleasure, and that’s when you stop.
You ignore his whine and lie down on the bed, gesturing for him to lay beside you. With the two of you on your sides, front to back, you ease the strap-on inside of him. Once it’s all the way inside, you grab his right thigh and drape it over your waist, lying on your back and having him half-laying on top of you. This way--with his thigh in your hand and his legs spread wide, you’re able to fuck him deep and fast.
“Is this what you wanted, baby?” You question, biting down on his shoulder lightly, making him yelp.
“You could fuck me harder.” Comes his insolent reply. He squirms in your lap, working to fuck himself on your cock.
“Fucking slut.” You hiss, letting his thigh fall so you can slap his dick inside the cage. “I’m being so nice to you and you can’t even show some fucking gratitude.”
“Maybe I’ll show some gratitude if you actually make me cum.”
“I think baby needs to be shut up now.” You growl, hand moving up his body to wrap around his neck.
“Hah, you’re so weak.” He mocks, only slightly breathless. So you tighten your grip on his throat. “Don’t push me, brat.”
“You can’t even fuck me right.” He wheezes, “Maybe you should unlock the cage so I can show you how to properly fuck--”
Your hand tightens around his throat for the last time, cutting off his blood supply for a second. “You’re a danger to yourself, brat.”
You let go of his neck and he gasps to get the air in. You grab his thigh once again and pull it up, pounding your hips into him and making him keen. “Now, is this what you wanted?”
“Fuck, yes! Keep doing that--I’m g-gonna cum.” He clutches the sheets with one hand and throws the other back to tangle it in your air, bringing your face to the crook of his neck and you take advantage of it, sucking and biting harsh kisses into the sensitive skin. “Cum, brat. Cum in your cage like the hopeless slut you are.”
“Ah--ah--mommy!” He cries out, his body jerking in your hold as his orgasm racks through his body. You bring your hand to his mouth to shut him up but he’s still too loud even with your hand over his mouth. You feel wetness on your fingers and you crane your head up slightly to find out that he is crying.
Quickly, you pull out of him and take the strap-on off, rushing to scoop him up in your arms. “What? What’s wrong?”
“It hurts!” He babbles, grabbing onto you. “It still hurts so much. That didn’t help at all.”
You can’t help but laugh, your grin growing even wider as he sniffles and pouts at you. “Serves you right, brat.”
You hold his face tightly in your hands and kiss his cheeks until he stops crying. Then you take the necklace holding the key to his cage from around your neck and use it to unlock it. You remove it from his cock gently, and take off his soiled hoodie. “Come on, let’s clean you up. That’s enough punishment for you.”
He grins at you and you narrow your eyes at him, confused. “What?”
He shrugs, “You’re just so predictable.”
You scoff, offended. “Am not!”
“Yes, you are.” He says, shit-eating grin still on his face. “And you’re stupid too.”
Now it’s your turn to pout, crossing your arms over your chest and huffing. “And may I ask why?”
“Because you’re going to choose one of them, and that’s dumb.”
Your arms drop to your sides. “You don’t know that I’ll choose one of them.”
“Unlike all of you, I’m not dumb. I know Xiaojun and Hendery don’t see me as competition, and you don’t either. But let me ask you this, who are you spending most of your time with? Who do you run to when you get overwhelmed by how needy they are or how much they require from you? I may not make your stomach fill with butterflies and shit like they do, but you’re dumber than I thought if you think that’s what makes a relationship work.”
You feel your chest tightening up. Who gave him the right to be so cocky? You won’t sit here and let this brat lecture you like he has everything figured out when you don’t even know where to start.
“Fuck you. Clean yourself up, bitch.” You throw the key at him and stand up, hurrying out of the room and away from his smug expression.
A/N: choose your fighter lol the member who gets the most votes will end up with the reader
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Small Gods: Lost Objects - 1
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Lost Objects:  A Thor Fanfic
Lost Objects Masterlist | More Small Gods
Buy me a ☕  Character Pairing:  Thor x F!Reader
Rating:  E
Word Count:  1831
Warnings: Angst, PTSD, Grief (smut on series)
Synopsis: Thor has lost a lot in a very short period of time and he’s worried about losing himself too.  He goes to the one person who understands loss.
A/N: Reader is a minor god. 
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Chapter 1
Thor was lost.
He had been for a while now, though it was hard to measure.  Partially because he had lived such a long, long time and most of it had gone by without much disrupting his enjoyment or general world view and then all at once it was just one thing after another and he couldn’t quite seem to catch his breath.
Perhaps it had begun to lose himself back when his father had first banished him to Midgard.  He had certainly felt lost for a while there, but usually, he looked back at that as the start of finding who he truly was.  Becoming worthy of Mjolnir and meeting Jane had been so significant, even when he had been forced to destroy the Bifrost and watched his brother fall to what he had thought was his death, Thor has still felt himself.
After that, it was one thing after another.  A barrage of pain and loss and he couldn’t keep up with it.  His mother, his brother, his relationship, his father, Mjolnir, his friends, his planet, his brother again, half of the universe, more of his friends.  Somewhere in all that loss and grief and guilt, he’d lost his direction and that core feeling of who he was, and he didn’t know what to do so he could stop feeling all this pain.
Then, in one single moment of clarity, he thought of you.
Midgard was not a world of gods.  Gods would visit, of course, Thor himself favored the small blue planet, but the line between science and magic was large, and rarely were gods born on the planet.
Yet sometimes the magic would seep through.  Maidardians liked to pray even when they didn’t know they were.  They would wish for certain things or give worship to them.  If enough did, then a god would be born.  They were minor deities and rarely held much power.  Yet they served their function and grew with the population's devotion.
None were prayed to quite as often as you.
You were not an easy person to track down.  Thor knew that he had to find you in the last place he looked or else it would be not at all.
So he started at the finish.  Going to the last conceivable place on the planet you might find a minor deity and announcing loudly that he would give up looking after trying the small cabin on the side of the hill.  Just as he put his hand on the door handle it swung open and he was greeted by you.
Along with the cable knit sweater that was three sizes too big, spotted with holes, and frayed at the hems, you wore a pair of jeans that were obviously someone’s favorite but based on the fit, that someone was not you.  You had a pair of mismatched socks on your feet, a single fingerless glove on your left hand, and a ring on every finger on your right, most of them the engagement variety.
You looked up at him and smiled.  “Thor,” you said warmly.  “Are you lost?”
He smiled, trying to put on the brave face he wore for everyone.  He was strong after all.  The strongest Avengers.  If he showed weakness, then he’d be someone who wasn’t Thor, the god of thunder.
“Yes,” he said.  “No.  That is… maybe.”
You stepped aside and he ducked his head under the door frame and entered your cottage.  It was impossibly large inside what had seemed like a tiny building.  It was cluttered in the sense that a hoarder who hadn’t left the house for fifty years except to bring more things in, is cluttered.  There were stacks of parcels that were addressed to other people, baskets full of socks that lacked a pair, toys, and pacifiers that looked sad and weathered, bowls sat on top of every flat surface full of jewelry in many shapes, sizes, and styles.
Thor wound his way through until he found a couch.  It had seen better days and he had to move a one-eyed teddy bear to take a seat.
“Can I get you a drink?  I have tea or coffee?  Not much else I’m afraid,” you offered.
“Coffee,” Thor said.  He wasn’t sure he really wanted it, but he was grateful for the opportunity to get his thoughts in order.
The sound of you puttering around in the kitchen was the only sound at all.  Thor thought of all the things he had lost and exactly why he had come here.  When you returned he still wasn’t quite sure what he was going to say.  You handed Thor a mug.  It was black with the silhouette of a penguin on it with the words ‘LINUX, open mind, open-source’ written on it.  You had a teacup, it was floral and had gold around the rim.
“The coffee is Kopi Luak,” you said as he took the mug from you.  “It was confiscated in New Zealand customs and ended up here.”
“Kopi Luak?”  Thor asked.
You shook your head and sat down beside him.  “The beans are passed through the stomach of an animal called a Civit before being harvested and roasted.  I can’t say I approve of the process, but I am limited to what passes through here,” you explained.  “Now, what is it you’ve lost?”
“My brother…”  Thor said, the word coming out quickly like it was determined to jump its place in his mental queue.
“Oh, Thor,” you said, putting your hand on his.  “I deal with lost things.  People?  They are above my jurisdiction.  The prayers for lost people are more for your realm than this one.”
Thor sagged and put his cup down.  He ran his hands through his hair the pain and frustration he felt almost overwhelming him.  “There’s been so much.  Too much.  My whole family.  My friends.  Asgard is gone.  I don’t know where to go or what to do.  I feel lost and I don’t know how to find my way back out.”
You took his hand.  His large palms dwarfed yours.  “Thor, I am a minor god,” you said.  “What you have been through is awful and if I could help I would, but I deal in socks and loose change.  Your identity is yours.  You still have it.  It’s here -“ you touched his forehead and moved your hand to his chest just above his heart.  “- and here.”
Tears pricked Thor’s eyes and he wiped them away in frustration. “I don’t want to feel this way anymore.”
“That I can understand too well,” you said.  You wrapped your arms around him and very gradually he let himself sag into your arms.  “You are very young,” you said quietly.  “It is a large burden to carry.  Can I give you some advice?  I can’t promise it will be good.”
“Please,” he said, his voice cracking with the desperation he felt.
“Grieve, Thor,” you said.  “It isn’t weak to love people.  It isn’t weak to feel pain at their loss.  Let yourself have your sorrow.  Feel it.  Let it out.  I am a god on a planet of mortals.  I have lost more than has ever come to me.  They were your parents and your brother.  Your friends.  Your home.  You loved them all and now they are gone.  That is terrible.  It’s terrible, Thor.  They didn’t deserve that and neither did you.  Grieve.  Feel sad.  Cry.  Wail.  Scream.  If you don’t experience your grief, you lose more of yourself than you can possibly know.”
“I am the strong one,” Thor said.  “I can’t show such weakness.”
“There is nothing weak about experiencing your emotions,” you said gently, your fingers tangling into his hair and massaging his scalp.  “Besides, who do you need to be strong for now.  It is just me here, everyone else is gone.”
He wrapped a large arm around your lap and he started to cry.  It started small and silent, his tears just running down his cheek as he pressed his face into your lap.  Soon he was crying in big wracking sobs.  He cried for his mother and his father.  He cried for Loki.  For Jane.  He cried for Heimdal and Fandral and Volstagg.  For Asgard, the home where he grew up and had so many happy memories.  He cried for the people he couldn’t save and for the ones he did that he let down when he didn’t have the strength to lead them.  He cried for dwarves on Nidavellir and for Mjolnir the weapon they had forged him and was like a friend in of itself.  He cried for Natasha and Tony.  And for the fact that one day he would lose all the rest too.
You held him, never once telling him to quiet.  You just let him cry in your arms, your fingers moving over his scalp and caressing his hair.
As the tears slowed and then stopped he felt a strange sense of relief.  He didn’t feel better, but lighter perhaps.  He sat up and wiped his eyes.  “Thank you.”
“You have nothing to thank me for,” you assured him.  “Come; there is something I have which might interest you.”
You got up and he followed after you.  You led him past more parcels and piles of letters.  They started to appear yellowed with age and as he wound through the room the artifacts got older too.  Barrels of spice and coins from countries that no longer existed.  Looms of silks that had been damaged by saltwater.  You stopped at a table.  It was remarkably bare except for a piece of velvet draped over a small pile in the middle.  You lifted the plush fabric and revealed a pile of broken metal and what was clearly the handle of Mjolnir.  He knew it better than he knew himself. The length that was too short due to Loki’s meddling.  The intricate scrollwork on the cap that held the leather strap he used to keep hold of it.  The dark wood with the silver swirling up its length.  It was his hammer, broken but his.
“Each time you prayed that it could be returned more of it came to me.  There is still some missing but if you want you can stay.  Pray for it at night and I think together we can repair it,” you explained.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?”  Thor asked as he ran his hand over Mjolnir’s handle.
“It would be an honor,” you said, putting your hand on his shoulder.  “It’s been a long time since I’ve had company and it’s never been from someone of your status.”
He turned and looked at you, a frown forming on his face as you smiled up at him.  “I am not a king.”
“I’m not sure that’s true,” you said.  “But if you believe it is, then you are one step closer to finding what you’ve lost and I guess I can help after all.”
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sfb123 · 4 years
Sapere Aude - Part 4
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
I introduce one original character in this chapter, all characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, allusions to smut (but nothing graphic), discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Word Count: 2,954
Notes: My only real note for this one is to make sure you’re sitting down. Other than that, enjoy!
As always, one love to my pre-readers @texaskitten30​ & @txemrn​ (who is also always down to hear my crazy ideas, thanks for fact checking references to books I didn’t read!). And thank you @twinkleallnight​ for my moodboard! 
Tags: My tag list is below. If you would like to be added or removed, just let me know!
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“Mommy, I don’t want to go to my lessons today. Can’t we play instead?” Eleanor pouted and threw her shoe across the room.
“Baby girl, you need to go to your lessons, and mommy and daddy have to go to work.” Riley knelt down to her daughter’s level and brought her in for a hug. “I know sometimes lessons can be boring, but I promise if you’re a good girl, we can talk daddy into a game of maze tag when you’re done.”
“Pinky promise?” Eleanor pulled out of the hug with a hopeful look in her eyes. 
Riley lifted her hand, pinky extended, and moved it toward Eleanor. The princess did the same and linked her pinky with her mother’s. They each kissed their thumbs before separating. “Now go get that shoe, Thomas is waiting outside to walk you downstairs.”
Thomas had been a member of the King’s Guard for a few years. He had been mostly tasked with general details, and would regularly accompany the family when they required extra security for their outings. It was during those outings where Liam and Riley saw how good Thomas was with Eleanor. He was able to take the parts of a public life that would seem terrifying for most adults, let alone a five year old, and help her navigate them as if they were a fun game. They saw the care he took for their daughter, as if she were his family, and decided that he would be assigned as her permanent detail. 
As soon as Eleanor saw Thomas standing by the kitchen counter, she let go of her mother’s hand and charged toward him. “Tommy!”
“Good morning, Your Highness.” He grinned and caught Eleanor before she collided with him, lifting her up and spinning her in a circle. 
“Thank you for walking her down this morning Thomas, Liam is dealing with a last minute call in the study, and I still need to finish getting ready.” 
“Of course ma’am, all in a day's work.” He gently placed Eleanor back on the ground, and bowed as Riley approached. 
Riley gave Eleanor a hug and a kiss before Thomas escorted her out of the royal quarters to attend her lessons for the day. Once the door shut, Riley returned to her bedroom to finish getting ready. It had been a week since she had accepted the invitation to join the Via Imperii, and she hadn’t heard anything from them about what that meant, or what to do next. She wasn’t sure if she was now a member, or if there was some kind of hazing or initiation ceremony that she would need to partake in, but she was sure she should have at least heard something by now.
The same day Riley accepted the invitation, Liam met with Bastien and ordered a full sweep of both offices, as well as their private quarters. He made sure to instruct Bastien not to remove anything, just to report on what was found. It was determined that their offices, as well as the study in their home were bugged. Liam was relieved but, after everything sunk in a bit more, he realized they should have been more vigilant before speaking so openly about what Riley had uncovered. 
In addition to the sweep, Liam spoke with Bastien about the Via Imperii, and told him about the conversation he had had with his wife the night before. Bastien said that he had been recruited to join many years ago, but after Jackson Walker’s death, they rescinded the offer. The only information Bastien knew was that they were an international organization whose mission was to keep world leaders in check. When his membership didn’t happen, he tried to do some research on them, to gather intel for Constantine, but he couldn’t find anything. Like they didn’t exist. This was deeply concerning to both of the men, no group that is out to do good works so hard to stay anonymous. 
As Riley stood in her closet picking out her dress for the day, she felt Liam’s arms wrap around her waist. “I don’t want to go to work today. Can’t we just go back to bed?” He trailed light kisses down the side of her neck. 
“Like father, like daughter. I swear, if you throw your shoe across the room, I quit.” Riley chucked as she turned in his arms. 
“You had a hard time getting Eleanor on her way this morning?”
“I had to bribe her. We owe her a game of maze tag when she’s finished for the day.”
“Hmm...that shouldn’t be a problem. But only if I get to play with you alone first.” His kisses turned more heated.
“Liam, we have to get to work. We have a whole kingdom to run.” Riley tried to push him away, but he only pulled her tighter against him. 
Liam’s lips gently brushed her ear as he whispered, “You know, as King and Queen, the more children we have, the more stability it means for the monarchy. If we stay up here and play the games I have in mind, it could technically be considered working.”
Riley was just about to give in when there was a knock on their bedroom door. They both groaned and pressed their foreheads together. 
“I’ll get that. You cool off. You’ve got a meeting with Rashad in 20 minutes.” She kissed him quickly, as she removed herself from his arms and walked away.
Riley opened the door to find Mara on the other side. “Good morning, Your Majesty. Can I have a word with you in your study?”
They entered the study, Riley motioned for Mara to sit as she walked around the desk and sat behind it. Mara didn’t have to say anything for her to know what this was about. She was about to receive her marching orders from the Via Imperii. She was nervous, no question, but telling Liam seemed to lessen the anxiety. She knew she wasn’t alone in this anymore. “What can I help you with, Mara?”
“I have received word back from the Via Imperii, there will be a small gathering this weekend to welcome you into the society. You will be formally inducted at that time.”
“Ok, where will this gathering be held?” 
“I am unable to divulge that information at this time. The only information I can provide you is that you will need to plan to be in Valtoria for the weekend. Leaving the palace Friday morning, you will return on Sunday night. His majesty’s schedule will be arranged so that he is unable to travel with you.”
“And Eleanor? I’m assuming she’s not on the guestlist, but she will need to travel with me.” Even if she was on the guest list, there was no way she was going to bring her daughter anywhere near this mess. 
“Of course, it is fully expected that the princess will be traveling with you. That is why you will be leaving out of Valtoria. The house staff will be on hand to care for her while you are at the event.” Mara stood from her seat before continuing, “We will need to leave for Valtoria by 10AM Friday, the event will begin at 6PM that night.”
Riley walked Mara out of the office and paused before she headed down the hallway to her bedroom. “Thank you Mara, I will make sure Eleanor and I are ready to go. If you’ll excuse me, I need to finish getting ready. Please return to your post, I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
When she returned to the bedroom, she told Liam about the conversation that she had just had with Mara. It was then that Liam filled her in on the phone call he had taken earlier that morning, (not so) coincidentally, it was Francesco inviting Liam to Italy to partake in some trade agreements the same weekend that she would need to be in Valtoria. Of course Liam was concerned for his wife, she was being whisked away to some mystery location, and neither of them had any idea what was going to be done to her. However, he also held a great deal of concern for his daughter, who would be alone in Valtoria. What if their end game was to get Eleanor alone and something were to happen to her? The two most important people in his life, the centers of his universe, were going to be left without him and vulnerable, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
Liam suggested one of their friends travel with her to Valtoria, that way someone from their inner circle would be there to protect his family if needed, and there was no question who Liam’s choice would be. He invited Drake to lunch where he asked him to escort Riley and Eleanor to Valtoria for the weekend. The royal couple had agreed not to tell anyone else about the Via Imperii just yet, so Liam simply told Drake that he didn’t want his family traveling alone. Since Riley would frequently invite her friends for ‘slumber parties’ at the palace when Liam had to travel without her, this didn’t seem like a particularly out of character ask, so Drake agreed without hesitation.
On Friday morning, Liam escorted his family to the vehicle waiting out front to take them to Valtoria. Drake was helping the driver load the bags in the back. He nodded at his friends as they came into sight, then quickly went back to what he was doing to allow them some privacy for a goodbye. 
Liam bent down on one knee, so that he was eye-level with his daughter. “Now Eleanor, I trust you are going to be a perfect little Princess for your mother and Uncle Drake while you are in Valtoria?”
“Always daddy!” She placed her small hands on her father’s cheeks and pushed them together. 
Liam chuckled in return, and pulled her into a hug. “Wonderful. I love you angel, I will see you in a few days. Why don’t you go see if Uncle Drake needs some help so that I can say goodbye to mommy?”
As Eleanor ran off to the waiting car, Liam stood and took both of Riley’s hands in his, stroking her knuckles with his thumbs to soothe her. “How are you feeling?”
“Terrified. I don’t like one single thing that is about to happen.” Riley’s voice wavered as the reality of the weekend began to sink in.
“I know it is an intimidating situation. But you, my Queen, are the strongest person I have ever known. I have no doubt that you will be fine.” He pulled her into a tight embrace. “And you will come home, and we will work together to figure out how to stop all of this. Just like we always do.”
Riley sighed deeply into her husband’s chest, trying to memorize this moment to draw back on when she was away from him. “I love you Liam. So much.”
“I love you too, Riley”
They both pulled back, Liam resting one hand on Riley’s cheek, wiping the stray tears away with his thumb.They were not afraid of facing another enemy, they had defeated their fair share in their short time together. However, when they fought those enemies, it was always together. They drew from each other's strengths, and would compensate for each other's weaknesses. This time, Riley would have to do the fighting on her own, while Liam sat alone, waiting. It was similar to the battle they fought during his engagement tour to Madeline, but the stakes were much higher this time around. They both knew this, and it made it that much harder to part ways. 
They leaned in and shared a deep kiss that expressed all of their feelings in that moment. As they pulled away, Liam gave Riley’s hand one final squeeze. She wiped her eyes and got into the car where Drake and Eleanor were waiting for her. Riley watched Liam through the window until he was completely out of view, then she turned and faced the seat in front of her, sniffling a couple of times. 
“Mommy sad?” Eleanor reached across the seats and touched her mother’s hand on the center armrest.
“No baby, mommy’s not sad, I’m just going to miss daddy while we’re gone”
“Jeeze Brooks, get a grip. I know you guys love each other, and are all but surgically fused together, but it’s only a couple of days.” Drake chimed in from behind them. 
“Yea, thanks Drake. Helpful.” She brushed off his comment, the hurt evident in her voice. 
“Hey, I was just joking around. You guys are ok, right?” 
“Yea, we’re fine.” She nodded towards Eleanor to signal that she didn’t want to have a heavy conversation in front of her daughter. “It’s just been a while since we’ve been separated for more than 24 hours. We’ll survive.” I hope. Drake bowed his head in understanding and patted her on the shoulder. The rest of the car ride was mostly silent, Eleanor sleeping for a majority of the drive. 
After settling in, and a quick mother-daughter walk through the gardens, it was time for Riley to leave for the Via Imperii induction event. She went into Eleanor’s playroom to say her goodbyes, making her best effort to hide the emotions that were running rampant inside of her at that moment. There weren’t many people who would have been able to see the worry and panic deep within Riley’s eyes, but Drake wasn’t just anyone. He was one of her best friends, and had been with her through so much already that he could tell that wherever she was going, it was not someplace she wanted to be. And it was much more than the average mother not wanting to leave her daughter. Between that, and how she acted after they left the palace, he knew something serious was going on with his friend. He made a mental note to check in with her tomorrow. 
As her car pulled up to the large estate where the ball would be held, Riley looked out the window, reaching through the recesses of her mind, trying to match it up to one of the pictures in the many history books that she had studied in her journey to become Queen. She knew it looked familiar, but she wasn’t able to place it. “Mara, this place is gorgeous. Where are we?”
“Welcome to House Fierro. This is the Via Imperii’s base of operations in Cordonia”
“Wait, House Fierro as in Hunter Fierro?” Riley had learned about Hunter, he was personally appointed by Queen Kendra Rhys as heir to the throne, and became King-Regent of Cordonia after her assasination.
“Yes ma’am. He was Cordonia’s first Via Imperii member, he donated his family home to them.” As the car came to a stop, Mara exited and walked around to the other side, opening Riley’s door for her. 
Riley entered the estate, paying attention to every last detail, looking for anything worth reporting back to Liam. However, there was nothing that particularly stood out, it looked just like every other fancy party she had attended since she arrived in Cordonia. She made note of the faces she recognized, mostly minor palace staff members, a couple of members of the King’s Guard, including Thomas, Eleanor’s personal guard. Great, they’re still trying to take my daughter away from me. In addition to staff, she also recognized a lot of faces that she knew she’d seen before, but couldn’t place. Aside from the members she was already aware of, there was only one other notable person she recognized. Donnie Brine. A local paparazzo that had been on hand to cover all of the Royal events and functions. He was no Ana De Luca, but he was definitely popular with the people. 
As she walked around the ballroom, she shook hands, made pleasantries with those she knew, and was introduced to those she didn’t. She would ask leading questions to try to understand people’s roles, or try to get some information of their plan for her, without coming off as too eager to gather intel. She didn’t get much information, it seemed this was merely a mixer, not so much an official ‘plan the fall of King Liam’ meeting.
Later in the evening, Riley stood in a back corner with Mara, evaluating the scene in front of her. “This seems like an awfully small group for a major worldwide organization.” She whispered to her bodyguard. She really expected a better turnout, considering the build up she was fed. 
“This is just the Cordonian chapter, Your Majesty. Each territory occupied by the Via Imperii has its own chapter, with its own leader. Rest assured, there are many more members around the world.”
“So who is the Cordonian leader?” Riley tried to act casual, she didn’t want to come off like she was just phishing for information, which is exactly what she was doing. 
Mara nodded to the front of the room, where a woman started to approach the podium. “That’s her, she’s about to give the opening remarks.”
Riley’s eyes followed Mara’s as she watched the older woman step up to the podium and clear her throat. She could have sworn that this woman looked familiar, maybe she had seen her around the palace. Perhaps their paths had crossed during one of her Royal appearances. Then it hit her, she knew where she had seen that face before. She immediately got dizzy and felt her legs start to give out underneath her.
Queen Eleanor?
Then the room went dark.
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Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @cordonianroyalty @queenrileyrose @shewillreadyou @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @annarenee355 @burnsoslow 
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Devil’s Backbone
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Devil’s Backbone
Chapter 7 
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+
Warnings: Smut, violence, past flashbacks of sexual assault, and descriptions of torture. Racial hate, and forced abortion. Not Tony Stark friendly.
Relationships: Bucky/OC, Steve/Natasha, Billy/Wanda/Grant, past Clint/Laura, and Sam/Sharon. Eventual Clint/Yelena, and rank/Karen.
Summary: In the aftermath of the Blip, Bucky struggled to find his place among the world and the Avengers. However, when he is sent on a mission to Madripoor to investigate a young woman, he starts to realize that maybe his past isn’t too far behind him. Co-Written with WalkingPotterGirl14.
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Natasha wanted things to go back to how they were with Steve before the Accords and before her miscarriage. There was a part of her that felt like she was betraying Alexei, Melina, and Yelena by loving Steve, but the other side wanted to retire from the spy life. Wanted to retire from everything. She was tired of the jobs, of keeping secrets from the people she considered family. She didn't even hate Bucky or resent him anymore, unlike Alexei, Yelena, and Melina. She just wanted Steve and the rest of this to go away. She wanted life to feel remotely normal again. She didn't want to lie anymore to any of them. Everyone had been lied too so much. She was only added onto the drama. Natasha ran herself a bath, pouring in her jasmine scented bubble bath, mixing it with the water. She sighed tiredly, trying to settle into the water, when she felt her phone vibrate. As she looked at it, she saw it was a text message from Melina. 'I need to talk to you, Alexei and Yelena tomorrow in Zagreb, Croatia urgently. It's about her!' The text message said cryptically. Natasha felt a sense of dread wash over her at the text. 'I'll need to make an excuse to Steve, Tony, and the others first,' she texted quickly. Melina replied four minutes later. 'We are your family, Natalia, not them!' Melina had messaged back furiously. Natasha closed her in frustration, breaking down in tears at her dilemma.
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"Whoever hired that team to assassinate the mystery girl really wants her dead. Tell Barnes and Carter to get a blood sample from her so we can test it for DNA. Maybe she's in the international database," Fury recommended sternly. Everyone nodded but Tony shook his head. "We need to send someone else to watch over Barnes, Fury. I personally believe that he's compromised. His judgement is skewed because he's convinced that this girl might be the dead girl from the files. Who knows what he might have done with her if she was in the Red Room," Tony insisted harshly, causing most of the people to look at him in disapproval. "We can't send Belova or Romanoff? They've been sent on a mission in Zagreb, Croatia to track down a few remaining Flag Smashers. Who else can we send?" Grant asked quietly, his face bruised from his fight with a Flag Smasher during a mission in London, Great Britain. "Send in Steve. He's become really good at working undercover and Bucky trusts him," Sam suggested diplomatically. It couldn't be him, seeing as the Smiling Tiger was in Madripoor. Ross had an expression of disdain, while Tony was cold but grudgingly agreed to the arrangement. "Try not to mess up, Capsicle," Tony said coldly, before walking out of the conference room. Steve sighs a bit before nodding. "I can do that. I'm sure Bucky hasn't gotten super far. I could help him out together."
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Morgan Stark was determined to make her daddy happy. He'd been sad ever since Captain America's best friend, Bucky Barnes, had been pardoned by the government and found not guilty at his trial. Her dad had gone into a rage, shouting that Barnes was a monster and anyone on Steve's side was to blame for Thanos winning. So she was going to somehow make him smile again. She was going to build an AI, like he did. She already had a name picked out for him as well. Her dad had explained to her that he had created Ultron to protect the world. Maybe she could do that again, and somehow bring him back to make not only her daddy happy but the world happy. All she knew was that she was tired of hearing him fighting all the time with the Avengers and she wanted to somehow change that. Maybe a new Ultron could do that? She had found his memory core not that long ago. Maybe if she followed his blueprints from years ago…she could, do it? She didn't want any more arguing or yelling…all she wanted was for this to end. So that was that. She was going to do it. One way or another. Daddy had a lab always near him. It would be the perfect time to do it. Maybe they could finally figure out how to end all the fighting. Maybe she'll be the cause of it. Daddy would be happy. They would see they were wrong about him. Somehow.
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When Steve had arrived in Madripoor, it looked the same as it always had from before, with bright lights and big neon signs drawing in anyone from a mile away. However, his eyes were more focused on trying to get to Bucky's place. He had talked with Sharon about where to go and she had directed him willingly, leading him towards midtown where a lot of the higher ups in the crime world lived. It was also where the mystery woman lived, apparently. Hopefully they would be able to get through to this quickly. He had knocked on the door, and for a moment there was silence. He had been expecting that, considering Bucky was most certainly not expecting anyone to come by and greet him. But he slowly opened the door, and when he saw it was Steve his eyes widened.
"Where the hell did you come from?" He asks as he lets him in, giving him an embrace. When Steve stepped back, he closes the door behind him, turning to Bucky. "Lot has happened at the base while you were gone," Steve states with a raised brow. "I'm not longer in charge of the Avengers. Ross gave it to Tony." Bucky's brow raises. "You're serious?" "He did. They were upset about our choice in operation of sending you here." Bucky lets out a long sigh, going to sit on the couch at that. "We defended you the best we could, but at the end of the day, they had the last call. Sam suggested I come over here to fill out their needs." Bucky's brow raises once more. "Which are?" "Keep an eye on you." Bucky feels himself groan before standing. "How the hell am I ever going to be an Avenger in their eyes?" He asks, his voice rising a bit in anger. "Everything I do now, even after all the amends and everything I've done, it'll never work…all I want is to prove myself. I know I'm a piece of shit but…I'm fucking trying." "I know you are, Buck," Steve says gently, letting his hands rest on the man's shoulders. "I know you are. And trust me, we all see it. There are some that are just stuck in their ways that I don't believe are going to change soon. Those are the ones that, when they do inevitably open their eyes, they'll see the most change in you." Bucky snorts a bit. "That one of your little political speeches?" he asks. "No," Steve answers, shaking his head. "Trust me, I highly doubt I'm going to be doing much more than you are here. If anything, while I know how to stay undercover, if I get recognized here, it's game over." He gestures to you. "At least with you, not a lot of people know your face. Even this girl doesn't." He glances over at Bucky's hands and notices there seemed to be dried blood on it. "Speaking of that…" Bucky glances down at his hand and feels his cheeks turn red. "It's not on me, I swear – Maria wanted to interrogate the men that came, and she ended up killing them. Turns out they were sent by a woman named Melina Vostokoff. She wants to end the woman for some reason." "Well, we knew about the attack but your…hands?" Bucky sighs a bit. "I went over to help her a couple of days ago after she was attacked. Try and get more info on her. I guess I just didn't clean off all the blood afterwards." He looks up at Steve and shakes his head. "She is a mystery woman…definitely likes to keep her identity a secret." Steve nods before going to sit down next to him. "I want to ask you a question, and just respond the best you can." Bucky nods. "Are you sure that you don't know her from back then?" Bucky sighs, swallowing a bit. "I…feel like I do." He glances back at Steve. "If you saw the way she moves, and what she had – I mean, she's like a carbon copy of Nat but she's ruthless. She even had some of the same weapons. She had to be trained in Red Room…but I can't recall her for the life of me. That's why I'm trying so hard to figure out if she's truly Ana or not. Maria seems like a reasonable name but…don't know." Steve nods quietly. "Didn't you and Nat have a thing back when you were there?" Bucky quietly nods. He didn't like to think about it often. There was so much pain involved in everything there. "Do you think you might have known this girl like that?" "I genuinely can't remember," Bucky answers honestly, glancing at him. "At this point, all I'm looking for is for some way to figure out if she's truly who she says she is. Maybe after I can search more." Steve sighs but nods. "We got a lot of work ahead of us, then."
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Natasha had waited patiently, her arms crossed against her chest with Yelena. It seemed it would take hours for Melina and Alexei to arrive, but when they did, it felt like ages. "You two are worse on time than I am, and that's say something," Yelena mutters. "Quiet, you two," Melina states, looking between them. "We have a serious problem, and I believe you two know what it is."
Natasha and Yelena exchange an uneasy glance, as they look at Alexei who thankfully didn't know what was going on. If he found out Melina had been lying to him for all these years then things would get bloody. "Why did you call me here, Melina?" Alexei asked suspiciously. He hadn't aged well, and it was clearly showing. Despite having the Super-Soldier, it was a far weaker version than the one Bucky and Steve had running through their veins. The woman ignored him as she drank from her glass of red wine, her eyes cold and emotionless. Sometimes Natasha wondered if the woman did genuinely care about her and Yelena, like Alexei did, or if she was just using them. "I believe that despite our best efforts to purge the Red Room, it still exists. Over in Madripoor, a young woman killed the Power Broker, before taking over the city. She's killed several people who tried to break the new rules she implemented as some shot way of a moral code. I refused to acknowledge the bitch, and I tried to kill her…but she defeated me," she said sourly, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "What did you do, Melina?" Natasha asked warningly, praying that the woman hadn't compromised Bucky. If she had, then Steve would go ballistic and raise hell if Bucky were hurt. Not to mention the others. Her surrogate mother regarded her with a cold expression that would have terrified anyone else. But she wasn't frightened of her anymore, not after seeing what she was afraid of. "I hired a death squadron to kill the little whore. She won't survive against them," Melina said confidently, causing Natasha to stare at the woman in shock, before her gaze breaks. Fuck. She had enough and was about to leave, when Melina grabbed her right wrist in a tight grip. "Remember where your true loyalties are, Natasha. I don't want you to end up like her…who chose HIM over us," Melina said meaningfully, her grip tight. Natasha nodded coldly, ripping her arm away and started walking back to her car, refusing to be intimidated. 'What have I done, god?' She thought bitterly, climbing into her car, and turning on the heating.
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Ana had cleaned up her apartment after she disposed of the bodies. She had dumped Diego's body in Low Town, knowing that someone would post it on the internet. The other three remaining bodies had been dealt with. She hated the Red Room and what they had done to her. but at the very least the teachers knew how to teach all of them in how to dispose of a corpse after killing the individual. She used a luminal torch to see if any bloodstains remained, relieved when she didn't see any. Despite being near people, she desperately wanted a few furry companions. She needed something to keep her company, other than the people she would meet. She wasn't naïve. Ana knew that they would be targets but she wouldn't let anyone hurt them. She was going to ask X-Con Security Consultants if they would be willing to install security at her house. She decided to take a shower and rest up for the night. She wasn't taking any chances now, considering that Melina had tried to kill her twice now. The older woman still thought she was the same, useless, naive, and helpless little girl all those years ago. She sighed heavily as she trudged upstairs, taking off her bloody, filthy clothes and threw them on the floor. There was no salvaging them. She'd burn the clothes tomorrow. She stepped into the en suite bathroom, turning on the hot water, as she looked at herself in the full body mirror. Scars decorated her body, mainly on her chest, her right arm and some were on her back, and left leg.
Bullet wounds, knife wounds and there was a faded scar on her stomach. She touched it hesitantly, feeling a strange sense of heartache and loss for no apparent reason.
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Bucky had gone into the Brass Monkey club, taking Steve with him as they saw Sharon was there. She gestured for them to join her, as they went to a table at the back, where they wouldn't be disturbed. "So, I did some asking around and apparently the woman calling herself Maria Kapitonova is using another woman's name. This is the real Maria Kapitonova. And she's been dead for the last six years, Bucky and Steve." Sharon explained grimly, showing them a photo of a young woman with red hair, brown eyes, and a scar on her throat. Bucky had known that the woman was using a false identity, but this just proved it. Deep down, he knew that she closely resembled Anastasia. Maybe they were related? "So, she's using the identity of a dead woman whose been dead for the last six years. What else have you got, Sharon?" Steve asked intrigued. They were finally getting a fresh lead. "Yeah, I was hoping you'd ask me that question. I did some digging, and Fury emailed me these files that he and Hill found at an abandoned HYDRA base in Voronezh, Voronezh Oblast. Turns out, HYDRA and the Red Room were both working closely together on a project," she said meaningfully. "Something we should talk about elsewhere." Bucky and Steve got her point and left with her to go to her house, leaving behind the bar. Once they arrived, Sharon continued from where she left off, and handed them copies of the files, closing the door behind her. "The Red Room and HYDRA discovered that the girls at the Red Room who had the Super-Soldier serum were far more able to carry a child of the Winter Soldiers. There are lists of names who were chosen for the program. The project began in the 1990′s, and a lot of the pregnancies resulted in the women dying from complications due to the babies developing quicker than a normal baby," Sharon explained gravely as Bucky read the file. He recognized a few of the names, but felt his blood run cold when his eyes drifted to two familiar names. 'Red Guardian and Black Widow - viable pregnancy. Scans confirm that Vostokoff is carrying twin daughters. No complications detected so far into the pregnancy. Vostokoff has confirmed that she has suffered no cramping, or any sign of miscarriage.' "Holy shit, Steve. What if Alexei and Melina were the parents of Anastasia and her twin sister?" He asked quietly. Steve's expression was of grimness and concern. "That's more than likely, but Natasha never mentioned that Alexei and Melina had kids," Steve said hesitantly. Bucky knew the man didn't want to think Natasha had lied to him again. "There's more. On the second page, according to Dr Lyudmila Kudrin, only three women survived carrying the pregnancies to full term. Vostokoff ended up giving birth on June 18, 1995. It says here that she delivered two twin girls," Sharon said wearily, causing Bucky to frown. Bucky read more of the file, feeling his stomach roll in disgust, seeing that the project had been a partial success. They had put the project on hold in order to try and create more of the Super-Soldier Serum. He felt a cold sensation run down his spine, as he thought of Ana then. Maybe she was Alexei and Melina's daughter…possibly.
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When the rest of the team had heard back later on what Sharon had discovered regarding the mystery woman, that had sent them on a trip to try and figure out who exactly her family was. Having Sharon reveal that there was actually a twin sister to the girl was an amazing lead. So, one of the Avengers took it into her own hands once she heard that – namely, Wanda. She knew what it was like to lose a twin, and if the young woman that they were looking after really did lose one, there was most likely a hole there that would never be filled. The least she could do is find out if they were right.
After that, they had searched all over the internet, from typical shit to the dark web, trying to see if they could find some sort of league to get them in the right direction. And soon, it wasn't long before they discovered something. The last name Liukin was associated with a Russian cemetery. Instantly, Wanda had assembled the team to fly to where it was, Fury agreeing to it nonetheless considering that it was for a mission. Thankfully the quinjet was quick enough to get them there a little faster than the normal airtime. Even so, arriving had Wanda shaking to see if this was real. They had showed up to the cemetery, stepping in and searching for her name. And it wasn't long before they did find it. Wanda had stood in front of it for a moment, feeling Clint let a hand rest against her shoulder. 'Angelina Aleksandrovna Liukin.' This was it. This was the twin. They were right. They had looked all over to see if there was even a possibility of another Liukin, but funnily, there were none under the names they were looking for. It was mainly strong Russian names that had been attached to it. "I can't believe it," she whispers, looking down at the grave, kneeling down. "There's a lot more to this woman than we realize…she was buried so deep." Clint sighs softly before nodding. "Sometimes that's the case with these things, but…this is good in a way." Wanda looks up to him. "Now that we know for sure that she exists, we have a DNA match-up. She is most likely in the International Data Base if she was dead. We were able to find her originally. If we can somehow get a blood sample from Maria, we can see if she's really Ana or not." Wanda stands, pulling her jacket around her tightly. It was still freezing cold here. "Don't you think that's a bit…sketchy? I mean both Steve and Bucky are there. I don't know how they're going to just get a blood sample off of her." "I'm sure they can figure it out," Clint assures. "We have two of the best super-soldiers in the world. They're not that dumb." "They're also not that smart," Wanda mutters. "True," Clint chuckles before helping her stand. "Come on, let's take some pictures and get this to Fury."
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As had been expected, they had gotten the proof to Fury as quickly as possible of the life of Angelina. And as they had expected, Fury had requested to Bucky not that long after to somehow get a blood sample from the mystery woman. To which both Bucky and Steve had sat down for hours, trying to figure out the best way to do so. Because who can just…do that? Eventually, though, they had settled on something that might spurt up one. "How about you just take her out on a date?" Bucky's brow raises in response. "You're serious?" "Yeah, why not? I mean, there's a high probability that you'll most likely get attacked because she has so many bounty's out for her right now. It's the best option you have that's legal in our eyes." He shrugs a bit. "Or you can just attack her mysteriously." "No," Bucky instantly states. His quick response surprised Steve a bit. "I mean, I…I don't want to hurt her more than she's already been hurt. You can tell from a mile away that she has gone through some shit." "Okay…don't worry, we won't do that," Steve reassures him, rubbing his back. "But we still need to get that sample, one way or another…I believe you'll be able to do it" Bucky sighs a bit before glancing up at him. "I haven't been on a date since the 1940′s." Steve snickers. "I think you'll be fine."
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After their conversation, it wasn't long before Bucky had asked Maria to come with him on a date, something he had surprisingly been quite nervous to do. Again, it had been so long since he had done something like this, but he knew that it was needed for what they were planning on doing. And she had agreed after a little bit, deciding that they would head out to a smaller restaurant in Madripoor, one that wouldn't attract so much attention. When he had come to pick her up at her apartment, he had waited downstairs for her to come. When she arrived, he felt his mouth drop slightly. You know, it was getting really damn hard to do this mission when the subject was so goddamn gorgeous.
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honeyoongiah · 4 years
JJK | Wolves | pt. 1
Pairings: Jungkook x Ina (reader), Wooyoung x Ina (reader)
Genre: Gang! JJK, tattoed JJK, angst, smut, fluff
Words: 2,1k
Warnings: explicit sex, cursing, violence
Summary: After Inas relationship with the influential Wooyoung broke off, she tried finding someone on he Eastside who was willing to remove her tattoo for her, but no one wanted to help. Drastic situations require drastic solutions she thought and made her way to the Westside.
A/N: Surprise, I am back! At least i hope this will get me back on track with writing (: enjoy the first chapter 
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"You knew this dress would get me distracted huh?", he groaned into her ear while pressing her body against the table. "Well, let's say I thought about that possibility.", she answered with a cheeky grin. "You spent way too much time with your friends Woo, I need attention too."
"Well here you have it." His hand wandered over her breasts, kneading them harshly until a moan escaped her mouth. "But they're more than my friends, this is business." Ina rolled her eyes at his words. "Shut up and fuck me.", she demanded, knowing that her tone most likely annoyed the shit out of his dominant side.
As expected, her boyfriend wasn't fond of that and grabbed her chin. "You don't tell me what to do.", he answered, shoving one of his legs between hers and forcing her to move against it. Ina whined, rolling her hips against his thigh to feel at least something. "Please Wooyoung I need you I've been waiting for this all day."
"Finally you remembered how to talk to me.", he let out a chuckle before turning her around and pressing his lips against her neck. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Ina just nodded, her hands holding onto the table for some stability while Wooyoung pulled her dress up and gave her a little spank. "God just fuck me.", she whined "Please."
A cheeky grin appeared on his face. He sure loved it when she was begging for him. "I won't make you wait anymore baby." He quickly pulled her panties down and opened his belt, not wasting a second without being inside of her anymore. "Fuck.", Ina breathed out. "You love it when I fill you hm?", her boyfriend grinned, moving hard while grabbing her ass.
As much as she wanted to talk back right now, to make him lose this cheeky grin, he was totally right. Ina couldn't do much but moan in pleasure when he pushed her body down on that table and hit just the right spots that made her knees tremble. "Fuck you're so tight baby.", he groaned, grabbing a fist full of her hair to pull it.
"W-Wooyoung ah.", she moaned in response, her nails scratching on that table as she wished it was his back instead. Just as he thrusted harder, making Ina almost reach full bliss biting her lip in anticipation, they heard a knock.
"Not now.", he grunted, holding a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet, not ready to stop just because someone could get in. "Uhm but Woo, the appointment you made, he's here now."
"Ah shit.", was the last thing Ina heard before he pulled his pants back up, searching for his phone in the room. "Are you for real right now?", she asked him, not just slightly angry about his behaviour. "I'm sorry babe but this is important for us. You know how it is."
Ina rolled her eyes and pulled her dress down after getting her panties into place. "Yeah sure I know how it is, it's always the same and I'm sick of it." Not much to her surprise, she gained a laugh. "And still you're here with me, begging me to fuck you."
"You can be such an asshole."
His gloves were already right next to the needle, everything cleaned up properly and sterile. "Don't worry, it won't hurt as much as everyone says. Don't listen to Hoseok in particular, he can't even deal with being pinched.", he said with a warm smile. "Ah shut up!"
The girl chuckled and then nodded, her face still revealing that she was nervous but determined to do this. "I'll be gentle and quick and you can tell me whenever you need a break." - "O-okay." He put the gloves on and started to rub a tiny cloth on her arm to make that spot sterile.
"The golden wolf is so nice to girls, just never to his hyungs.", Hoseok complained. "That's not true, I bought you Tacos yesterday and you said I am the best.", he grinned at him. The girl chuckled again, visibly feeling more comfortable when they joked around.
"I'll start now.", he said, already focused on the spot that he'll put his art on. There was no way he would ever make a mistake on a humans body. Carefully putting the needle on, he began to tattoo the ink into her skin. "And? Does it hurt a lot?", he asked and looked up to check if she was fine. "It's okay! I can handle it."
She gained a grin in response. "You're very brave Maya. I'm glad we have you here now." - "Hey stop flirting with her don't make her uncomfortable!" The golden Wolf just raised an eyebrow without looking up, his eyes never leaving the needle. "I am not flirting I'm just welcoming our newest wolf."
Maya smiled happily at his words. "Thank you so much for this. You don't know how much this means to me.", she said with a drop of sadness in her voice. For a minute that lasted like an eternity, the room got silent. Just the dull sound of the needle echoed through the tiny tattoo studio.
After he finished up the symbol on her arm and put film over it, he looked into her eyes with a sad smile. "We know. Having the little sister of him here means a lot to us too. I'm happy you chose to be a part of us."
Tears gathered in Mayas eyes, just a blink away from falling down. "Of course. He was so happy here. He was thankful to be a part of the wolves every day of his life." He nodded, thinking back to the shared memories. "You're officially a wolf now. Welcome to our family. You'll never be alone again."
With every minute that passed while Ina sat in his room waiting for him, she grew more angry and felt simply dumb. Their priorities weren't the same, all he thought about was this stupid gang stuff so he could feel like he was in charge. Every cell of his body was filled with his immense ego and once again Ina started to think of what the hell she was doing this for.
Her fingers tapped on the couch, her eyes searching for something interesting to kill the time but it wasn't much to look at. The couch she sat on, a small table in front of it, a comfortable black chair and the big table she got fucked on without getting the release she needed.
It was a small room that Wooyoung used as an office to meet his partners and clients at. It wasn't the first time for Ina to sit and wait here until her boyfriend found some time. She got sick of it. Sick of waiting for him, sick of being sexually frustrated, sick of being treated as if she was his toy that he could play with anytime. Even though the last part sounded hot to her, it was far away from hot if it was your daily life.
Ina grabbed her bag and walked out of the room, looking around for where Wooyoung could be. The building wasn't too big, so it shouldn't have been hard for her to find him. She walked straight to the conference room, where she expected him to be, and opened the door without bothering to knock.
A woman with a light blue dress sat right next to her boyfriend, her hand on his chest while he was caressing her thigh with his. "Are you fucking kidding me now?", Ina raised her voice. Wooyoungs eyes widened when he realized who just came in. "Didn't I tell you to wait in the office?"
"Am I your fucking dog?! Did you ditch me so you can fuck her here instead?", she screamed, not wasting a look at the woman who got visibly embarrassed by this. Her cheeks got red when she grabbed her purse to leave. "Hey no wait-", Wooyoung said, trying to convince her to stay, but she already disappeared around the corner.
"Well congratulations you fucking ruined my meeting.", he said with an angry tone, his eyes on Ina now, but she just laughed. "This is what you call a meeting? Are you always fucking with other women when you have a meeting?"
Wooyoung sighed, highly annoyed by this conversation. "I didn't fuck her and I was not about to, I just flirted with her for the business. I wanted to get her to agree on my deal and sometimes that's what I need to do, don't act like a jealous kid."
Ina was perplexed. Her mouth was open, but her brain couldn't decide on what to say first. She didn't believe that he wouldn't have fucked her for his gang and that said it all for her. "We're done. I'm done with this bullshit I'm done with you,", she said in a cold voice that surprised him and almost surprised herself.
"Don't say that baby you know you need me.", he answered in a softer tone while he reached out for her to pull her close. "Not even now you can tell me that you need me or that you love me. The only thing you truly care about is yourself, your gang and your money."
Ina could tell that these words definitely hit a nerve, because Wooyoung never looked at her with that amount of anger in his eyes. "Ah is that so? What about you then?! My money didn't bother you when I bought you pretty dresses and when I went on vacation with you you ungrateful bitch."
"Excuse me?!" - "Admit it the only reason you didn't leave already is because I have money and you need a good fuck.", he snapped, grabbing his wallet out of his pocket to throw his banknotes at her. "There you go you greedy slut take what you want and leave."
"Fucking asshole.", was the last and only thing she said to him before turning around and leaving this building as fast as she could. She heard him shout "You'll come back eventually baby!" before the door fell shut behind her.
"No I'm dead serious, there is no one on the Eastside that is willing to help me.", Ina whined on the phone. The rain was falling down like crazy, Ina thought they feel like little rocks hitting her body. "I asked like four or five studios already, but they just send me away! No matter what I am willing to pay, they don't care."
"Ah, do you think this is Woo's fault?" - "Who else than him could be at fault? The Eastside fucking loves this dumb asshole.", she grumbled in frustration, her hair dripping and sticking onto her face. "Everyone looks at me like I'm their enemy. This city hates me."
She heard her friend sigh. "Things got really messed up for you lately huh?" Ina laughed at her friends words. "You could say it like that, yeah. I need a new job, I'm going through a breakup and my ex rules over the city I live in. Wonderful, I love my life."
"I just don't get why he refuses to let anyone get your tattoo removed? Isn't he happy that you don't want to be associated with them anymore?" Ina thought about it for a second. "Well no because one: he wants to make life hard for me and show me that I'm nothing without him and two: he wants me to come back to him."
She hurried under the roof of her next target, the last tattoo studio on the Eastside. "I'll hang up now, please hope with me that they're willing to help me.", Ina exhaled deeply and said goodbye to her friend before entering the studio.
Under other conditions she never would've come here. It was her last choice since this studio didn't have the best reputation and now that Ina saw it herself she must say all the rumors were true. It was sticky and looked dirty, no other customer was in here. But she was desperate.
"Hello?", she asked nervously. "Is it open here?"
"Oh sure it is.", a deep voice answered and soon after a middle aged man walked out of the other room. "How can I help you?" Ina thought this wasn't a bad start, maybe she could get him to remove it for her. But before she could even open her mouth to speak, his facial expression changed. "Get out." He must have recognized her now. "No please wait I really need your help.", she pleaded, but he didn't care at all.
"Get out of my studio before I get in big trouble because of you.", he hissed and pushed her out. "Fuck!", Ina shouted, kicking into the door before walking through the rain again. "What else am I supposed to do?", she asked towards the sky and shrugged. No one on the Eastside was willing to help her.
"No one on the Eastside..", Ina thought again and stopped walking. A new idea planted itself into her head, a risky idea she admitted. She had no other choice, she thought, as she made her way to the Westside.
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
Descent Pt. 2
Masterlist of other Chapters: Here Crossposted to Ao3: here
Part [1] Part [2] Part [3] Part 4: [4] Part [5] Part [6] Part [7] Part [8] Part [9] Part [10]
I’m so glad y’all are enjoying the food so far, please take some more of it. Let me know if you want to be added to a taglist or anything like that. For now, let’s enjoy our favorite angel doing ... not very angelic things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Pairing: Simeon x Reader Wordcount: 5,000 ish Genre: Luxurious Smut Tags: Voyeurism, mutual masturbation Summary:   With the first chapter behind him, there's still something missing in Simeon's writing, and he needs your help to figure out what it is.
True to his word, Simeon had the draft he promised in your email inbox within a few days. You were surprised. He seemed to be struggling so much when you last saw him, you really expected him to take a little more time. Regardless, it was to your benefit since it meant you had more time to edit. 
Even if it was just the first chapter and a little bit after, you were surprised at the speed in which he jumped to the lewd scenes. It wasn’t surprising considering sex was the focus, but you would need to teach him how to reign in his enthusiasm. By the time you were finished reading through the draft the first time, your whole face had gone hot. The explicit details he wrote out only brought your mind back to what you had acted out in that sunroom just a few days ago. It was a direct translation of your actions to text. Sure, Simeon was new to the genre, but his talent as a writer still shone through. 
Despite the roughness of the draft, the publisher approved it as acceptable proof of progress. They greenlit the whole project and you were more than excited to email Simeon and let him know the good news. Just as you had come back from the meeting with the executives, your phone chirped with a new message.
You laughed at how short and crude the message was. For someone who spent most of his time on a computer writing; he was absolutely hopeless with any other form of technology. Shaking your head at how someone like him had gotten so far in life barely knowing how to send a text, you packed up your things and made your way to his place. You did have a few notes about his first chapter to give him, anyway. 
Simeon hated being deceptive. He hated how quickly he had started to rely on that image of you in his brightly lit sunroom to fuel his writing and for his own desires. He was ashamed to ask you to come over again; but he was repeating the same motions in his writing, he needed new visuals and you were the only one he could trust. In reality, his request was a thinly veiled request to see you perform again. He was able to complete his work so quickly after watching you. Researching video clips and online articles gave him some fuel, but nothing got him so fired up as watching a scene unfold from you. 
It was a strange obsession he was still wrapping his mind around. He had to be careful, the temptation you possessed was absolutely dangerous. Simeon had to reassure himself that he was ancient and knew his way around humans with how long he had studied them. He needed to convince himself that he would never sully a human body, no matter how much he wanted you. His title, status and reputation as an angel were the most sacred parts of him. With so many years of writing experience, surely he could write a proper sex scene without actually ever having to fuck you.
It didn’t stop him from being nervous. No matter how many fail safes he came up with, he knew that you were effortlessly enticing him to be joined with you. He had to be vigilant. It would be the ultimate test of his will and his determination. Both for his career and his soul. He would see it through, he knew he could. No material experience could be more important than his angelic status. Right?
He paced back and forth in the foyer of his home, gnawing on his nail while he waited for you to arrive. It had taken him half an hour to find the right words to text you. Simeon glanced at the phone in his hand almost every ten seconds, hoping you had replied. He knew you had a meeting, but it should be over by now and you should be arriving at any moment. You hadn’t answered him which made him antsy. Usually you would have at least told him you were coming over. He could only hope that you were just eager to see him as he was to see you again.
He didn’t want to admit how he had fallen asleep with his hands down his pants the past three days, dreaming about your sweet voice as you came and called out to him. He didn’t want to think about how many positions he had imagined you being in. Simeon didn’t want to dwell on how many scenarios he came up with just to have you reenact them for him. Some of the scenes delved so deep into his darkest desires that he was scared to even admit he thought about them. 
But he wanted to see them play out. 
The doorbell barely finished ringing and he was already flinging opening the door to let you in. “I’m guessing the meeting went well.” He said with a bright smile to hide his nerves. He was already set up in his sunroom. During the time you were gone, he had brought a small folding desk to the recliner. The cable for his computer had also been moved so he didn’t have to worry about the battery being drained. You instinctively went over to the couch lined up against the wall but he stopped you. Instead of letting you lounge like you did the last time, he offered you a chair across from his makeshift desk instead. He refused to make eye contact as you made yourself comfortable. 
“The meeting went as well as it could,” you said while taking out the envelopes that contained his work. “They like everything so far, but it’s still rough and needs a little bit more refinement, and I have to agree with them.” 
You glanced up at him and noticed him fidgeting with his fingers while he kept his face calm. “So, what needs to be fixed up?”
You flipped through a few pages and showed him the paragraphs of smut he had written. The color drained from his face as he was face-to-face with the obscenity of his work in physical form. “So, it’s not bad. But I can tell it was your first time. There’s something missing about the partner. I can’t place it, but it just feels… flat? Like I can’t tell if they’re feeling anything from the exchange or what.” 
“Ah… Oh… Hahaha. I see… That explains a lot.” 
You raised a curious eyebrow at his comment. “Does it?” You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned back in the chair. It seemed as though Simeon was just at the verge of another great discovery about his writing and you were rather intrigued about what his thoughts were. 
“Yes. I was struggling to write this next scene and I just… couldn’t figure out how to convey the partner’s feelings. It’s frustrating. I should have all the resources that I need to make it work.” He gestured at what he had written and bade you to take a look. 
It was always fun to see his work in progress. With the partially polished scenes and unfinished sentences, it was like you got to see the inner workings of his brain. What he had in front of you was a far cry from the more polished work you were used to, but the overall flow of action was much better than the travesty you had seen last time. However, you could see the exact point where he started to struggle. As he said, there was a lack of feeling behind the words. 
“Ooh… So this is the part where you need my help again, huh?” 
Simeon covered his face with his hand. “I’m ashamed to ask you to assist me with another scene.” 
You smiled softly, reaching over and ruffling his hair. “Well, I’d be the world’s worst editor and manager if I refused to help you, right?” 
“You don’t have to…” 
“But I want to.” You reassured him, while getting up from your seat to start stripping. Truth be told, you were waiting for the next time you got to see him so hot and bothered while working. Something about how focused he was on writing and not what his body needed made you want to push him further, see just what it took to get him distracted. “But you know… I’m sure you’d get more out of it if you experienced it too. Sometimes, just watching isn’t enough.”
Simeon felt his heart drop to his stomach from your suggestion. You were putting into words all of his desires and what he had craved ever since the last time. If he didn't have his wits about him, he knew he would have taken you up on the offer. The temptation of knowing how it felt to be in you while you moaned had piqued his curiosity and he longed to experience it. “I… Uh,” he stuttered, trying to wrap his mind around how to reply. 
You dragged your finger up his thigh, pausing right at his crotch and waited for his reaction. He was so cute with his eyes wide, lips slightly parted and his brain short circuiting from your advances. You wanted to devour him and see him crumble under your fingers. “You what?” You encouraged, moving the focus from his crotch upwards, your finger skirting the soft sweater he wore and up to his chin. You tilted his head upwards to meet you eye to eye. “You want to write the best novel… don’t you?” 
“I do…” He breathed, unable to take his eyes away from you and his mind struggled to keep up with how quickly you had taken control of the situation. He needed to wrestle some semblance of calm back in his favor if he wanted to continue getting what he wanted without you suspecting his obsession.  “In order for me to do that, I need you to show me how…” He trailed off, cheeks flushed warm from thinking about his lewd request. 
“How what? Come on now, you asked me to fuck a pillow last time, how is this going to be any worse than that?” you teased. Much to your delight, he became more flustered, his gaze dropping to the floor and he mumbled to himself. You let him get over his shyness, waiting patiently with his chin balanced at the tip of your finger. 
Please uhm… Please show me how you please yourself… for this next scene.” He managed to save himself from falling completely into your trap, specifying exactly what he needed you to do. You were so alluring and so close to him, he had almost asked for the unforgivable. 
You smiled, letting go of his chin and stepping back. “It’d be so much easier if I had some toys to do that… but I guess I’ll show you since you asked so nicely.” You planted a kiss on his forehead before undoing the buttons of your blouse. 
“T-toys?” Simeon squeaked. He had seen them in video clips and read about them in reviews when he researched; but it never occurred to him that you might want to use them. 
“It’s okay if you don’t have any. I can always settle with this…” You teased, walking over to him and fondling his crotch. “In fact, I would prefer this over anything else.” 
You were close enough to see his pupils dilate and notice how his breath hitched as you touched him. He pulled away from you, hiding behind his screen and pretended to be busy with opening a new document. “I… I need to write.”
“But that’s the problem…” you whined, pouting that he pulled away but you didn’t press the issue any further. Watching him squirm was so satisfying; and you hadn’t even done anything yet. “You were writing the last time and you had the same problem, so stop writing this time and get into it.” You suggested. 
“I can’t.” he shook his head vehemently. “I can’t do it. No.” 
You sighed, putting your hands on your hips and looked at him. You never pegged him to be the kind of guy who waited until marriage to be intimate, but it seemed like he was alluding to the fact that he was saving himself. If he wasn’t, he was at least being very reserved for the type of content he was writing. “Fine, we don’t have to do it,” you conceded before going back to stripping yourself bare. “But feel free to help yourself to whatever you need for inspiration.” You winked, looking down at his crotch and he hastily crossed his legs when your gaze lingered. 
He was so cute. You couldn’t tell if he knew exactly what he was doing. It was hard to expect someone so beautiful and of his age to not get intimate when the chance arose. Part of you wondered if it was because you weren’t desirable to him outside of your little acts. Dwelling on that thought made your chest hurt in bitterness and you shoved that to the side to focus on helping him instead. 
You flopped back down on the chair, spreading your legs and resting them on the arms of the chair so that Simeon had a clear view of what you were about to do to yourself. Having him watch everything you did so close to you aroused much faster than you expected. “Well, time to get to work.” you said nonchalantly. 
You closed your eyes, imagining Simeon joining you in getting nude. You imagined what it would be like for him to reveal his skin a little at a time in a playful strip tease. He always wore such bulky and cozy looking sweaters, it made you wonder just what kind of body he was hiding underneath all the layers. You started at your breasts again, squeezing them together and playing with them to aid in the fantasy. 
In front of you, Simeon was typing up a storm. In your mind, it was his hands at your breasts, playing with your nipples until they were perky. You thought about him latching his soft lips around your nipple, licking at the sensitive skin there until you squirmed and moaned his name. You were careful this time to make sure you didn’t accidentally call for him when you really got into it. You weren’t in a rush to experience that embarrassment a second time. 
He could see your folds progressively get wetter as you touched yourself and wrapped yourself in a fantasy he had no access to. Recalling the last time, Simeon wondered if he was occupying your mind again. This time, he was much more aware of his body’s reactions to the scene in front of him. There was no way he could ignore the pressure growing in his pants. No matter how much he focused on the document in front of him, he could feel his desires bubbling and threatening to spill over. 
It was different this time. You were sprawled out in front of him, moaning softly and panting. Your head rested on the back of the chair. With your eyes closed and your mouth open slightly in an “O” you looked absolutely angelic. He wanted to join you, his fingers stopped typing and he was once again frozen, watching the performance in front of him. 
You noticed he stopped typing much sooner than the last time and smirked a bit, cracking open your eyes to see his precious face staring at you in wonder. “Like what you see?” You asked coyly, sliding one hand down from your breast to your pussy. You spread yourself wide so he could see exactly just how wet you were. 
Simeon only nodded, entranced with the way your folds glistened and he could smell your arousal from where he sat. He licked his lips holding onto his fraying desires as best as he could. Control yourself. You can do this. “Y-yes…” His voice came out thickly, as if his vocal chords refused to work properly. 
You giggled, loving how riled up you were getting him and slowly rubbed your slick slit with your fingers. You moaned, the pleasure your fingers gave you was much better than riding a pillow. With just a quick glance, you noticed he had uncrossed his legs and was sporting a rather impressive tent in his pants. “Well, I’m glad that you’re not bored.” you teased much to his dismay. 
His hands flew to his crotch, covering himself and he tried to will his boner back down to no avail. You giggled again, pulling his attention away from his arousal. “It’s okay, I would have been disappointed if you didn’t get turned on by what you’re seeing.” 
“I uhm…” 
“It’s okay.” You reassured him again. “Feel free to join in however you want. It only makes it all the more fun.” 
Simeon gulped, torn between work and pleasure. He put himself in this predicament, he needed to figure a way out of it. He needed relief and he needed to write. The two sides of him warred as he scrambled with his fizzling brain to figure out something. An epiphany dawned on him when he heard his phone go off. 
“Spam?” you asked when he fumbled with the incoming call, trying to silence the ringtone. “Or were you expecting someone?” 
“Ah.. uhm… spam. I think.” He confirmed once he managed to figure out to disregard the call without picking it up. The next thing he needed to figure out was how to get the camera working and recording. You wanted to help him, but with one hand covered in fluids, you weren’t sure if he wanted you touching his phone. 
Eventually with a little vocal coaching on your end and a lot of fumbling on his side, he got it to work and propped the phone up to start recording what you were doing. If he was going to get relief now, he needed to at least have proper reference to go back to later. 
“Wow… you are so much kinkier than I thought.” You joked, causing Simeon to cover his face in shame, but he didn’t try to argue. There was something about having everything recorded for later that only added to the sexual tension in the room. 
“It’s for research…” He mumbled more to convince himself than to explain to you what he was doing. 
“Right… research.” 
He moved his hands to mirror your own. One at his crotch and the other at his chest. It was difficult to hide your disappointment when you saw he wasn’t about to expose himself. His hand slipped under his clothes to touch and tease at his skin. You could see the barest hint of his abs peeking out from underneath the oversized sweater and you practically drooled at just the little bit of skin he showed off. You couldn’t help a small pout, frustrated at how unfair it was that you were putting in so much work for him and he could just so cutely masturbate alongside you. 
The frustration disappeared the moment you saw his eyelids flutter clothes and he let out a soft moan. It was the most beautiful sound in the world and it was infinitely better than anything you could have imagined. His blue eyes lidded with pleasure were only opened to a sliver as he urged you to continue what you were doing. 
With the camera rolling and the very vision of sin in front of you, you were more than eager to get back to getting off. Your finger found your clit and you rubbed it in the way that always made you see stars. “Hmmm, oh yeah…” You groaned, flicking your finger side to side before circling the little bundle of nerves. You were undoubtedly going to ruin his furniture again, but you didn’t care. 
Simeon watched the way your fingers moved and he mimicked everything you did. His hand under his shirt pinched and rolled his nipple between his fingers. The sensation made him hiss from the initial pain but that was quickly replaced by pleasure which sent jolts of bliss straight to his aching cock. He bit his lip, repeating the motion, drowning himself in the sensation over and over again. 
The scent of your essence was thick in the air. It felt like you were surrounding him with every breath he took. You were invading his every thought and infecting everything he thought was pure. But the freedom you gave him and the gratification that came with it was intoxicating. He couldn’t get enough of your breathy moans and the wet sounds of your fingers toying with yourself. 
His own hand in his pants pumped his cock in time with the motion of your fingers. At one point you had done the most lascivious thing and slipped a finger inside of you. His eyes widened as the digit disappeared and reappeared covered in your slick. His cock twitched in his hand in jealousy. He wanted to be buried in there, he wanted to feel your heat surround him. But all he had was his hand to satisfy him. 
Simeon was heavily panting now, working up to a frantic pace in his pants as his hand stroked his length. It was cramped and uncomfortable; but he couldn’t bear to expose himself to you. Surely that would be too much for you to see; and he wasn’t sure if he could control himself if he stripped alongside you. 
“Mmm, I’m getting close.” you groaned, rolling your hips to meet your fingers and you teased your clit further, feeling your body tense in preparation for your climax. “What about you?” 
“I… Uh.. I’m…” Simeon, stuttered, not able to process how close he was. It was so different from all the times he relieved himself alone. He just had to keep going until he was done. But with you in front of him, he wanted to do it together with you. Seeing your soaked pussy right in front of him made him more excited than he ever had been. “I think I’m close…” 
You laughed at his naivety. “You think?” You teased. Perhaps you needed to up the ante a bit. “Come on… come with me.” You beckoned and pressed two fingers into your tight hole. 
He blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend what his hormones were doing. Seeing your fingers being engulfed by your pussy, sliding in and out slowly while you moaned right next to him was pressing all the right buttons in him. He could see you stretch to accommodate your fingers and he was entranced by that. Without warning, he gasped, his grip on his cock tightened as he came. “Oh … I’m… I’m sorry…” He panted. “You just… that was… Uhm..” 
“Too hot for you to handle?” You asked, now working yourself faster. The face he made when he came all of a sudden was so hot. You would definitely think back on it during lonely nights. Simeon’s breathy moans, the way his skin glowed with a thin sheen of sweat from exertion. It all added up to be a breathtaking image. 
“I...Yeah…” You could see the faintest hint of red on his cheeks and smirked, satisfied that he was enjoyed himself just as much as you were loving every moment you were in front of him. 
“Good… I guess it’s my turn then.” You said and went right into the motions of getting yourself to climax. Locking the image of Simeon’s “O” face in your mind, you finger fucked yourself closer and closer to completion. 
You could feel your inner walls tighten and you were just at the edge of no return when you felt Simeon’s firm hand pull your fingers away. Whining loudly and glaring at him, you were about to berate him for ruining your good time until your entrance was filled with his own slender fingers. “Let me help you…” He said, his bright blue eyes were lit with a determination you hadn’t seen before and the fire behind them was such a turn on. 
For someone who had just been so bashful about being intimate with you at the beginning, Simeon sure was being bold now. You didn’t say anything, not like you really could. Your capacity to form coherent words disappeared when his slender fingers entered you and mimicked the motions you had shown him. He was a fast learner, able to have you shivering with little to no effort. It was hard to believe just how he had a sudden switch in personality, but it was beside you to figure it out now. 
You were free to call his name. After all, he was the one touching you now. “Oh… Simeon.” you moaned, panting and once again ramping towards your climax. This time, he was in control of the pace and the intensity of what got you off. He curled his fingers in you and you cried out loud when he brushed past a sensitive spot in you. He was so gentle and so precise, it was mind blowing what he picked up just from watching you. 
“You’re close… right?” He asked sweetly. You looked at him and the intensity in his eyes was only made more obvious against his dark skin. The tone of his voice was in direct contrast to the laser focus his gaze had on your most intimate parts. Just the dichotomy of that alone inched you dangerously close to your climax. 
Then, his thumb pressed against your clit and your world exploded. It was just the last bit of stimulation you needed to go over the edge. You clutched onto the arms of the chair while you rode out the high on his fingers. A mixture of curses and his name fell from your lips as you breathlessly tried to ground yourself. Your inner walls clenched around his digits and Simeon continued to slowly slide them in and out of you, marveling at the sensation of your pussy milking his fingers. 
You kept seeing stars at the edge of your vision with every extra pass he took. You wanted to tell him to stop, but he was too engrossed in his ‘research’ to really pay any of your protests any mind. Eventually, he pulled his fingers out of you and you sighed in both relief and disappointment. 
Simeon looked at his glistening fingers, holding them to the light and observed the slick essence that coated them. It was almost a little embarrassing to watch him be so intrigued by your fluids that you needed to distract yourself by getting dressed again so you didn’t have to look at him. While you had your back turned, Simeon experimentally licked his coated fingers and by the time you were fully clothed, he had fully cleaned them off. He looked at you and licked his lips. “Research.” He said nonchalantly with a shrug. 
“Right… research.” you said, already getting hot and bothered again at what you had just witnessed. This man will be the end of me. “Do you think you’ve gotten all you need for your next scene?” 
“Hmm….” He nodded sagely, remembering to stop recording. “I’ll have to review everything, but I think I know where to go from here.” 
You smiled good naturedly and pat his head gently. “Don’t overwork yourself.” you said gathering your things. Once again, it had gotten late and you had to regretfully leave to ensure you caught the last trains home. “Call me or text me  if you need help again, okay?” 
“Oh, of course. I plan on it.” He smiled at you and your heart melted a little, but there was a devilish nature to that smile that had never been there before. “I’ll finish the next chapter probably in a week and send it to you.” 
“I can’t wait to see what you come up with. I’m sure it’ll be great, as usual.” You grinned, feeling giddy after such a great climax as well as knowing that Simeon was able to continue working. It would definitely be good news to report back to the publishing house and keep them off his back as he worked in peace. 
He let out a soft laugh, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. It was a shame that he was already back to his usual innocent self. You wouldn’t have minded seeing more of that sex god who showed himself a few moments before. “Well, I’ll do my best to not disappoint. I have a lot to learn.” 
“I’ll be sure to help you in any way I can.” You said. Looking down at your phone, you gasped noticing the time. “Shit. I gotta run if I don’t wanna walk all the way home tonight. Text me if you need anything!” You yelled, halfway across his home and stumbling to get your shoes back on. 
When the door slammed shut, the silence that surrounded Simeon was deafening. He had been able to hold out on taking you, but it didn’t mean he hadn’t gotten a taste of what it was like to sin. The uncomfortable dampness of his cum clung to his leg, but he barely noticed it. Instead, he was focused on the file on his phone. The recording of what transpired that afternoon. 
Taking a shaky breath, he resisted the urge to press play. The scent of your arousal and the taste of your essence were still too fresh in his mind. He needed to clean up. He needed to work. He needed to research and plan for you. He sighed and started to make his way to the shower. If he needed relief, then at least he could take care of it there and not in the mess that was his soiled pants. 
As the sun sank past the horizon and gave way to night, the light within his soul waned and the darkness he had pushed aside grew. After a taste of sin, it was only natural that he would crave more until it consumed him. 
And it felt heavenly.
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kazuharem · 4 years
“Partners in Pleasure” ↠ Lucien x MC [SMUT]
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AO3 Link: here
Pairing: Lucien x Female MC (Pre-Eternal Winter Lucien if you squint)
Part II of the “Forgive and Forget” Series. This is “Forget”
Part I: here (I strongly suggest reading this first if you haven’t)
◦ CH. 21, 24, and after (?) ◦ Lucien’s “Dumbstruck Date,” “Hiking Date,” and “Gloomy Date” ◦ Lucien’s phone calls “Promise” and “Origami Class” ◦ Lucien’s Rumors & Secrets “Beneath the Iceberg”
Other Warnings: Rough/oral/unprotected s&x, fingering, edging, begging, jealous!Lucien
Genre: Angst, Smut
Description: Lucien gets jealous of...Lucien and proposes an addition to their cooperation
Summary: “Did 'he' touch you like this? Your 'Lucien?'"
Word Count: 8,500
Author’s Note: This has been inspired by my frustrations with “Gloomy Date” (I am not okay). Also, I heard Taylor Swift's "Illicit Affairs" and thought it sort of fit the setting for this. (I don't actually know anymore, this game has ruined me, ok). 
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters, plots, artwork. They belong to ELEX and Paper Games. Lyrics of “This Love” and "Illicit Affairs" belong to Taylor Swift. Like always, lines taken straight from the plot have "*" in front of it. Please enjoy (and cry with me)!
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
“Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else Look at this idiotic fool that you made me You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else
And you know damn well For you, I would ruin myself A million little times” 
Lucien gazed at his computer screen. After knowing that his research would come to fruition in three years, he had been throwing himself into work. Ever since the Queen had agreed to cooperate with him and get information together, Lucien had been working endlessly. Even though getting the Queen’s cooperation meant having access to a shortcut that many would absolutely kill to get their hands on, he had been hesitant about using the Queen’s genes. A part of him didn’t want her to become something of a lab rat in his research. He frowned slightly. Focus on work, he told himself sternly. Stop thinking about her. But it was useless. These past few weeks, she had been popping up unbidden in his thoughts. He would often wonder if she’s doing alright, whether she was safe or not. It was one of the reasons why Lucien hadn’t contacted her ever since they had gone hiking that day. That had been well over a month now. His fingers paused on his keyboard. He couldn’t shake off the feeling of déjà vu. Sighing, Lucien took off his glasses and pressed his fingertips to his eyelids.
A series of images appeared before his closed eyes. An elegant bar in a classy hotel suite. A small stage with a microphone. A text unanswered: *<Come to our team party in 3 days at the Petrichor. I want you to come, but I understand if you’re busy> A question asked: *“Who is most important to you and why?” A song shared between two lovers.
A groan broke the still, midnight air. These visions made no sense to Lucien. They weren’t concrete enough to be pieced together, but he guessed that it was from the other ‘him.’ That made absolutely no sense since they were in two completely different timelines. How could these memories appear in his head if the two timelines were independent of each other? Lucien shook his head and closed the graphs on his computer. He then opened the folder labeled “Memory.” It was still empty. Frowning, he typed a series of sequences and waited. An error message popped up and his head dropped into his hands with a sigh. He knew a lot of his questions would be answered if he could retrieve the lost Dream Test data. But for whatever reason, nothing he tried seemed to work.
Lucien gazed at the moonless night and his thoughts wandered back to that day she had purposefully lured him out to Ultima Bioresearch Center. He recalled the forlorn expression on her face as she stubbornly told him *she wanted to learn about the Queen’s existence, despite him telling her that the truth will bring nothing but destructive repercussions.
*“With truth always come pain and suffering. I will not run from it. Someone important to me told me this and that he would be with me along the way. I believe in him.”
His fist unknowingly curled into a tight fist. He still didn’t know why he had felt so angry hearing her speak about the important person in her life. Why should he care?
And then later, she had showed no regard for her own safety, but worried more about him being hurt.
*“My instincts led me here. Because someone once told me to trust my instincts when in danger.”
And then he remembered the way she had reached for him when he had slipped, causing both of them to tumble down the hill.
*“I couldn’t leave you injured alone.”
She’d rather both of them get hurt than Lucien getting hurt alone. Lucien’s lips curved up in a small smile, “Silly girl,” he mused aloud to the silent room, a hint of fondness creeping into his voice. He stared at his reflection off the dark computer screen, still displaying that error message. What’s gotten into him? It was like her innocent smile had taken root within his heart making him addicted and hopelessly so. The feelings stirred up the urge to protect her, to want to keep her safe.
He didn’t know if the word uttered was directed to the girl or to himself.
His phone lit up, catching his attention, and he gazed at the screen. Lucien smiled unconsciously; it was like his thoughts about her had physically manifested into this text message.
*<Haven’t we agreed to cooperate? We should at least exchange information on a regular basis>
He chuckled at her aggressiveness and was about to reply when suddenly a sharp pain pierced through his chest, leaving him gasping for breath. Setting the phone down, he managed to grab a recording pen from his drawer before doubling over in pain. Responding to her would have to wait.
The next morning, Lucien invited her to a bookstore near her home. She was right. They should exchange information on a regular basis. One month had been far too long and Lucien could hardly admit to himself that he did missed her.
He hesitated and added: *<It’s okay if you’re not. I’m going to spend the whole day there anyway. You can come look for me anytime you have time>
Glancing at the clock, Lucien sipped his coffee and flipped through the pages of the book he was holding. He had no doubt that she would come.
After an hour or so, he sensed her presence and lifted his head. And there she was, throwing the world into faint colors. There was a nervous look on her face, but that steadfast determination was always present. She looked tired, but Lucien had never felt such sudden happiness at the mere sight of her. Lucien watched her approach and saw the image of him and only him reflected in her beautiful eyes. That observation filled Lucien with some sort of pride and his heart swelled. He was the only one in her eyes. As she was for him.
He smiled at her as she pulled out a chair and sat down across from him. They made small talk before a waiter brought over the food he had ordered.
*“Have something to eat first,” Lucien invited, nodding at the waffle and ice cream.
Her face tightened, *“I’m not hungry.”
Still so stubborn. Lucien wanted to laugh. Instead, he started cutting the waffle for her. *“It’s okay to be angry at me, but don’t starve yourself,” he said, handing her the cutlery. Lucien could see the hesitation in her eyes as she gazed apprehensively at him. He chuckled. *“I won’t know how to share these interesting stories with you if you keep starving yourself. Before you came, I was reading a very interesting fairytale about a…” He intentionally trailed off.
That did it. Her eyes widened in interest. *“A what?” She asked curiously despite her reservations.
Lucien smiled again and pushed the plate closer to her as an answer. Resigned, she began eating quietly as he watched her. He enjoyed watching her, seeing her eat drew up inexplicable emotions within him. How domestic. He wanted to laugh at himself. Moments where he felt entirely content were rare and they only occurred in her presence. He was never one to enjoy such simple pleasures. Silly girl, what did you do to me?
She finished and looked up at him. He smiled approvingly and was about to say something when he felt that familiar sharp pain in his chest.
No! Not now! Of all the times, why does it have to be now?
His fists clenched as he tried hard to hide the pain that was threatening to bow him over.
Her eyebrows drew together anxiously. *“Are you okay?” He should’ve known that nothing would escape her gaze.
Struggling to keep the pain down and reassure her at the same time, Lucien sucked in a shuddering breath as he gave her some stupid excuse. She didn’t need to see this. And he didn’t want her to see him like this, didn’t want her to worry about him. Lucien was also afraid that if his EVOL were to go out of control, he could hurt her. He needed to leave before that could happen. *“I’m afraid I can’t accompany you today.” He stood up to leave when she grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back into his seat. His eyes narrowed as his body trembled. *“You want me to stay?”
*“I just want to take you to the hospital,” she bit her lip, worry evident in those eyes.
*“You’re putting yourself in danger for stopping me like this,” Lucien could barely hold himself up as he grit out those words. It was getting harder and harder to breathe by the second.
Silly girl, have you no sense for your own safety?
She stared defiantly at him, *“If the danger is from you, I think I can handle it.” She reached out to grab his arm. “Don’t underestimate me. I am Queen.” Determination blazed in her eyes. It was the first time Lucien had heard her state her title with such fierceness. “I’m not going to sit here and ignore what’s happening to my partner.” Lucien staggered to his feet as sweat poured down his back. She steadied him. *“Come back with me if you don’t want to go to the hospital. You need a safe place to rest. I’ve helped you twice, so can you at least trust me once?”
Lucien wanted to chuckle at her words. She always had her guard up around him, always appeared so reserved. It was her who didn’t trust him, yet she was blatantly asking that he trust her. Very well, he would place his trust in this silly girl. He nodded slowly as he carefully gathered the books.
*“Since I’ve promised to share with you some interesting stories... I can’t go back on my word,” he answered her questioning glance and handed her some of the books. “On the way back, you can see if any of these books interest you.” She appeared indifferent, but the turmoil in her eyes proved otherwise. Lucien frowned slightly but had no time to dwell on that matter as he lurched forward, the pain becoming more and more intense.
*She allowed him to lean on her shoulders as she dragged them to her apartment. The moment she opened her apartment door, Lucien stumbled over to the couch, loosening his tie. He tried to take in breaths as he shuddered, nearly bowed over with pain. Seeing how worried the girl looked, Lucien grabbed her wrist and tried to reassure her.
*“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked, thick concern lacing her voice.
*“…I never thought…I’d become the one who always needs protection…when I’m with you,” Lucien gasped out, still holding tightly onto her wrist. And it was true. It was she who had saved him from getting stabbed by Hades. It was she who had tumbled down a hill together with him for fear of him getting hurt. And now, it was she who had brought him back to her apartment so that he could be in a safe place.
She bit her lip anxiously, not knowing what to do or say as her hands clenched nervously.
*When Lucien felt the pain subsiding, he reached out to pat her head. “I’m alright now,” he tried to console her. Silly girl, don’t worry so much about me.
She stood up shakily and exhaled. “Let me get you some water,” she murmured.
*“Thank you,” Lucien said softly when she came back. Her forehead was still creased with worry and Lucien felt a different pang in his chest. It seemed that he always managed to put her in some kind of pain. *“I’m alright now. But you still look quite nervous.” He sat up slowly.
*“Do you…need anything? I have some painkillers,” she offered, still watching him with concern. “Or…Let me take you inside to get some rest?” She added hesitantly.
Lucien stood up slowly and she grabbed him to lead him to her bedroom. He held on tight to her.
*“Rest here. I’ll be reading outside,” she said quietly and turned to leave, but Lucien didn’t let go of her.
Much too trusting.
The feelings of wanting to protect her overwhelmed him and he tugged her hand, pulling her onto the bed.
Shocked, she gaped up at him.
*“I’m really worried about how you react in the face of danger,” Lucien spoke up, his voice was low. “You shouldn’t let your guard down in front of a new partner you just met.”
So naïve. So innocent.
She struggled to free her hands, *“Let go of me,” she glared up at him.
Ignoring her futile attempts to escape, Lucien continued, *“What makes you so sure that you can handle it?”
The girl didn’t answer and glared angrily at him.
Sudden movement near the window caught Lucien’s eyes. A flock of paper origami butterflies hanging in strands above the bed fluttered in the wind, almost as if they were taking flight. Lucien loosened his hold on the girl underneath him, letting her go. He quickly moved away from her. There was the tiniest bit of shock that passed across his gaze before it was steeled away behind stormy eyes.
*“Sorry,” Lucien muttered, his voice was solemn and tinged with regret. He had almost lost control. How did that happen? *“What happened to me was completely unexpected,” he began hesitatingly. Trying to compose himself, he continued, *“I feel that I should formally apologize to you, in all aspects… And I’m also thankful for your trust and for you taking care of me.” She wasn’t looking at him. Lucien swallowed. *“Did I…scare you?”
*“Just a little,” she replied quietly, finally turning to meet his gaze. He couldn’t read her expression. It was closed off, but within her eyes, there were swirling emotions which looked like they might break through the surface if Lucien pushed her just a bit.
*“When did I scare you? Was it when I wasn’t feeling well…or just now when I…” he trailed off.
*“When you weren’t feeling well,” she cut in. Her gaze turned sharp, *“Before today, I thought you were at least capable of taking care of yourself.” Lucien could sense disappointment in her voice.
He smiled wryly, “I see that I have let you down.”
She eyed him cautiously, but her expression still contained traces of worry. *“So, you have no intention of telling me what happened to you exactly?”
*“As a matter of fact, I never intended to hide anything from you since the beginning,” Lucien answered honestly, *“Before I handed you the key to the Black Cabin, I tried to explore its secrets. As a result, there were some effects.” He saw her brows crease and spoke up hastily, *“But don’t worry, they are gradually fading away. Their frequency and duration are both decreasing. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a few days.”
There were still worry between her brows. Lucien had an urge to press it out, but he didn’t. “This one month you’ve disappeared for…” she began slowly.
What a strange girl. She knew he was dangerous and yet she was constantly worried about him.
*“I had other matters to attend to besides dealing with the side effects,” Lucien interjected smoothly. A breeze blew in, sending the paper butterflies flying again. Lucien moved off the bed and finally turned his attention to them. *“Did you fold them?” He asked quietly, fingers brushing across the delicate creatures. “So pretty,” the words slipped out of his mouth of their own accord.
And suddenly Lucien had a vision of paper cranes hanging in strings, just like these butterflies, against a window in which gray rain beat down upon.
“Why are you being gentle to me again?”
*“A very interesting question. But, before answering you, I also want to clear something up. Each time I push you away, why do you keep coming back to me?”
A singular paper crane came into mind, with a tearstain blot mottling its wings.
*“That’s my answer. But the process of achieving this takes time and patience.”
As fast as the vision had appeared, it was gone the moment Lucien tried to grasp onto it. His eyes widened imperceptibly. Where did that come from? The voices that had whispered the words…It was no doubt his voice and hers. But Lucien did not recall those words ever leaving his mouth. And yet, just like the dream he had, he felt an intimate familiarity. Is this…could this be the missing data from the Dream Test?
Not noticing his confusion, the girl stood up and closed the window. Silently, she began untangling the strings next to him.
*“Can you teach me how to fold them when you’re free?” The question slipped out of his mouth before he could even think about it.
*Her fingers froze. “No…” her voice was hushed, shaky with unshed tears. “I don’t think you’d be interested in such meaningless stuff right now.”
Did she used to fold these with the other ‘him’?
Lucien paused, “Right now?” He asked, smiling as he reached out to help her. *“If it’s something ‘he’ likes, I’ll probably be interested too.” Lucien’s voice hardened. There was emphasis on the “he.” It didn’t take a genius to figure out who he had meant.
This was entirely ridiculous. Why was he feeling this way? There was no need for him to feel like this. After all, this was him from another time, another dimension.
She looked at him in shock, speechless.
Lucien chose his next words carefully, *“You are the Queen, so maybe you can stand on a higher dimension and see the truth that I can’t,” he smiled wryly, “So I believe that you have your reasons for every word that you say and every choice that you make.” He finished untangling the butterflies for her, but a certain one caught his eye. “Something seems to be hidden in this origami butterfly?” His fingers caressed the extra thick butterfly. “But I suppose I’ll find out when the time is right,” he said resignedly.
Lucien pulled away and reached to button his shirt before her soft voice stopped him.
*“Do you…do you like paper cranes?” She asked, staring at the butterfly that contained her note.
Lucien froze. Did she know about his vision?
Before he could reply however, that same tearstained paper crane appeared in his mind’s eye. This time with some faint writing on its wings.
*“I wish Lucien and I forever…”
*”For every forever that you wished for, I’ll be there. I promise.”
*“Paper cranes?” Lucien heard himself asking. “Yes, they also have a beautiful design,” he answered distractedly.
“*Maybe we can start with them. I’ll teach you,” her eyes met his squarely for the first time. There was the usual pain in her eyes. The pain of being forgotten by everyone. By the ‘him’ from a different time. But this time, there was something else.
And it was beautiful.
For the first time, Lucien could see golden sunlight filtering lazily through the window. Vibrant and warm.
And somewhere, at the back of his mind, he wondered, was this how the other ‘him’ felt as well? Was he able to see these indescribable colors that lit up the world so brilliantly?
He also wondered if the other ‘him’ had let her go. The lone butterfly that had brought color into his world.
Lucien smiled when he processed her words. “Did I hear that right? So you will teach me how to fold origami?”
*“I’m sure you’ll master it soon. Maybe you can even teach me afterwards. After all, you look like a renaissance man,” she allowed herself to crack a tiny smile.
Lucien chuckled, *“Although I’m glad to have given you that impression, I probably don’t have as many areas of expertise as you think. If you’re interested, you have plenty of opportunities to slowly discover them,” he offered.
She hesitated, “As partners, maybe we can…”
*“Get to know each other more and build a stronger relationship?” Lucien finished for her. “Well, I’m glad to do so,” he smirked.
She eyed him, *“I find it hard to imagine that you’d want to learn origami seriously,” she admitted after a beat.
*“That’s why I said we should get to know each other better,” Lucien replied steadily, smiling. He finished buttoning his shirt when suddenly a thought ran across his mind.
How well did the other ‘him’ know her? Did she, perhaps…love ‘him’?
He paused, his fingers stopping on his tie and he frowned. He did not like the sharp stab of jealousy that ran through him. Love? Lucien wanted to scoff at himself. When did love exist for him? But he couldn’t deny that there was a certain yearning that pulled him to this strange girl. It wanted-he wanted to get to know her, wanted to know how she was able to spill her colors upon his monochrome world, wanted to know every little thing that made her, her. He wanted to experience the things she had done so with ‘him’.
“I have a proposition, if you don’t mind,” he was speaking before he knew it. She looked at him with clear questions written across her face. “Since you expect me to take care of myself, I would think the same expectation should apply to you. And lately, you haven’t looked well. I can only imagine that on top of dealing with everything that has happened so far, you haven’t had the time to take care of yourself. And I think that the events that has happened took quite a heavy toll on you, mentally and physically. After all, the responsibility of safeguarding precious memories is quite a task on its own. So I would like to offer a proposal, an addition to our cooperation.”
Lucien could hardly believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. They had been brought upon directly from the intense yearning.
She was watching him curiously and Lucien sighed internally. He had already started…
“Once we’ve gotten to know each other better, I’d like to offer the presence of my company to you,” Lucien continued. She tilted her head, a confused look in her eyes. He smiled at that and explained, “What I mean by that is because the ‘Lucien’ that you knew must have provided you with a lot of comfort and I’d like to do the same for you. He may have existed in a different time and dimension, but he is still me. I can’t promise that ‘he’ and I will be exactly the same, nor can I promise to do exactly what ‘he’ did. How far things go, how physical, how intimate, will be entirely up to you.”
Her eyes widened and there was a faint pink blushing her cheeks, “Wh-why?” She stammered and fidgeted nervously, eyes skipping away from his gaze.
“Since you are the Queen, you have certain powers. You’re able to access the Black Cabin, which allows you the ability to see across time and space. You have the power to see the different worlds that I can’t. Maybe by utilizing this power, you can bring some parts of the ‘Lucien’ that you know,” Lucien said thoughtfully, tapping his chin. “I’ve been having some strange dreams, as of late. Ones in which the contents are unfamiliar to me and I have no recollection of. However the characters in my dreams are very clearly ‘my’ memories. Tell me, how is it possible for me to have memories of events I don’t recall happening? These dreams and visions have occurred more frequently in your presence. I believe it to be a manifestation of your powers. As Queen, you have the power to connect timelines. So maybe, you have the power to bring ‘him’ back, the ‘Lucien’ from the time and space that you knew.” Lucien concluded.
She looked shocked with his revelations and he could see the glimmer of hope shine ever so brightly in her eyes. “What’s in it for you? What do you get out of this?” She asked hesitantly.
“Me?” Lucien’s smile widened, “Since my plan involve the Queen, I believe understanding all of the Queen’s powers and abilities is absolutely crucial. After all, I need to account for all possible outcomes. If I can witness this power, it will be very helpful indeed.” Seeing how she was still speechless, Lucien finished fastening his tie. “You’re welcome to give my proposal some thought,” he added gently. *“The story I promised you will have to wait until next time. After all, I’ve bothered you enough today.” *He headed for the door when suddenly he felt a tug at the hem of his shirt.
*“I don’t want my partner to fall for no reason,” her voice was soft, but there was a firm warning behind her words.
Lucien understood immediately. *“Okay,”
She nodded, but still not letting go of him. He tilted his head in question. “And about your proposal…” she began, cheeks coloring slightly.
“I told you that you are welcome to have some time to think-”
“I accept,” she cut him off, squaring her jaw and staring him in the eye.
Lucien stilled. “Alright,” he said after some time. *“From now on, I’ll start to think about ways to keep the promise between us. Fulfilling your wishes will always be my top priority.”
“There’s one more thing,” her grasp on his shirt tightened, “I’d like to put it into effect. Your proposal. Starting now.”
Lucien’s eyes widened with shock. There were rarely, if any, instances where he was rendered speechless. He searched her eyes to try to gauge her thoughts only to find a steadfast determination. And something else. Desperation, perhaps. His brow creased, “But my proposal only entails that once we’ve gotten to know each other better,” he said finally.
Her jaw clenched and the fire in her eyes seemed to blaze, “I think I’ve gotten a pretty good idea of what you’re like. And apparently you already seem to know every one of my thoughts. I’d consider that to be ‘we’ve gotten to know each other better,’” her voice was hard.
“Are you sure? Just to let you know, I’m not a gentle lover like your ‘Lucien,’” a wry smirk was playing about his lips.
“You weren’t-” she stopped herself and shook her head, “Gentleness is not what I need right now,” she said instead. Her face reddened at her words, but she didn’t loosen her grasp on his shirt.
“Oh?” Lucien was undoubtedly amused, “I’m not one to hold back though.”
“Good,” the word was a hiss out of her clenched teeth as she reached up to grab Lucien’s tie.
“Don’t hold back,” was all Lucien heard before she pulled.
The kiss was not gentle. Their lips crashed harshly, and their teeth knocked together as she pressed herself desperately to him. Her hands fisted his shirt and Lucien responded in kind, biting down on her lips. He drew blood and she moaned breathlessly into his mouth when the metallic taste spread around their battling tongues. She wrapped her arms around his neck, anchoring herself to him. Lucien’s hands settled on her waist to steady them. Her knees trembled against the onslaught of Lucien’s relentless tongue and Lucien picked her up effortlessly as he walked them over to her bed. She bounced slightly on the bed when he threw her down and turned to look up at him, breath catching in her throat. His eyes were dark and unfathomably cold, like twin pools of violet onyx that could swallow her if she weren’t careful. But she didn’t want to be careful. She wanted to fall, wanted to lose herself in those eyes that were so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. Reaching for him, her fingers impatiently fumbling at the tie he had fastened earlier, she slammed her lips against his once more.
And it was like a rubber band had snapped.
She tore at his shirt, not bothering with the buttons. Once his chest was bared to her, she broke away with a harsh gasp before raking her nails over his skin. He shuddered at her touch, breath coming out in a sharp hiss. He shed his shirt and his hand caressed the nape of her neck before tugging on her hair, exposing the smooth expanse of her neck.
“My turn,” Lucien murmured, his breath ghosting over her throat. His tongue washed over where he could feel her pulse beating erratically and he bit down. Smirking against her skin when he heard her whimper, he sucked hard on the bite. His fingers danced teasingly along the hem of her blouse before yanking it over her head. He ripped off her bra and skirt before she could even blink and began mapping out the contours of her body with his lips.
Blood pulsed through her ears, drowning out all other sounds. It felt like she was drowning. But she didn’t want a life preserver, no she didn’t need one.
Ever since she had come into this winter world, ever since discovering she had been forgotten by the world, she had felt so lost. Even after Shaw had warned her what was to come, she was still not prepared to lose the very things that had brought light into her world. She could handle Victor, could handle Kiro, and could even handle Gavin not knowing who she was. But when she had walked through the doors of the research institute to peer into the ever familiar eyes, only to be met with cool eyes that had gazed upon her with the expression of meeting a stranger, something within her had broken. He didn’t remember her. Lucien didn’t remember her.
And since then, every meeting they had together, she had tried to reclaim the broken pieces of her within him. She had held onto the hope that somewhere in this time and in this dimension, maybe, just maybe she could find whatever it was she was searching for.
Lucien, upon noticing that she looked distracted, took one of her nipples into his mouth, and bit down. She jerked in shock. “Lu-” she clapped her hands against her mouth before the name can slip out.
No. This was Ares, this was a Lucien who had never met her, never shared all those memories with her.
The man in question paused his ministrations. She watched as his eyes narrow into hungry slits, violet eyes nearly dark as the night. The expression on his face was cold and calculating.
“Hm,” there was a noise of discontent and she held her breath as he crept closer to her, lithe like a panther, and just as dangerous. She fell against her pillow as he caged her in, large hand encircling her wrists to pull her arms above her head. “I wonder,” he started conversationally, but there was an edge underlying his words, “If ‘he’ kissed you like this?” He didn’t give her time to answer, however, as he dove in and attacked her lips mercilessly. With his other hand, his fingers circled her breast, tugging, pinching. She moaned helplessly against his urgent mouth. “Tell me. Did ‘he’ touch you like this? Your ‘Lucien?’” He snarled the name. There was a sudden ripping sound before he plunged his long, tapered digits into her. She arched against him with a broken whimper. “My, my, you’re already so wet,” the man whispered silkily, as if making a mere observation, “And I’ve barely started.” There was a dark promise behind his words, and she squirmed at the thought. He smirked, letting go of her wrists while curling his fingers inside her.
Her mouth fell open with a gasp, “Oh!” His lips attached themselves to the hollow of her neck as his fingers continued to move inside her. There was a fire starting in her, blazing slow and hot deep in her belly, and it was spreading along her limbs. She clung to him, hanging on for dear life, her nails leaving red crescents in his back, when he hit that spot. “Please,” the word left her mouth in a cracked whimper.
The fire grew hot and intense and the noise in her ears crescendoed into a roar.
She was so close. Almost there. Yes. Yes. YE-
And suddenly, nothing.
All sensations stopped.
She opened her eyes to see him sitting back on his heels, serenely licking his slick fingers.
“You-” her voice was hoarse.
“Yes?” He raised a casual eyebrow as he popped his fingers into his mouth slowly.
“Wh-why did you stop?” She blushed, her voice had never sounded so needy.
Taking his fingers out with a light pop! sound, he smirked at her, “I’d like to take my time, you see,” he leaned down and whispered lowly. “It’s more fun that way,” there was that same cruel grin and he moved out of reach before she could pull him in. She scowled and heard him chuckle. The sheets rustled and there was the tell-tale clink of a belt being undone. She slowly sat up and raised her head to watch him free himself from the confines of his pants.
Her breath caught. His cock was standing proudly at attention, curving upwards towards his stomach. There was a shiny bead of white at the tip. Just how she remembered.
The minute he kicked away his pants, she leaned over and slotted her lips over his engorged, leaking tip.
“Ungh!” his hips jerked forward in surprise before he regained control of himself. She raised her eyes to look at him and when she did, she slowly took him in her mouth, little by little until he hit the back of her throat. He threw his head back with a low groan. She bobbed her head, hollowing her cheeks. Her hands came to stroke him where her mouth couldn’t reach. “Ah,” he croaked, his breathing was labored. Spurred on by this, she began to suck him with relish. She continued this for several minutes, gradually increasing her speed when he suddenly wrenched her away, pressing her down with his weight. “Enough,” he hissed as he bit down on her lip. She swallowed into their kiss, his eyes were nearly black. The look on his face was almost feral. “Shall I have a taste as well?”
Before she could respond, he had already slipped between her legs, looking up at her.
“Did ‘he’ taste you like this?” He whispered, puffs of hot air hitting her aching core. A wet tongue ran across her folds, hot and heavy. He watched with a satisfied smirk as she arched off the bed with a needy sigh, fingers digging into the sheets. Her thighs clamped around his head as he traced blazing patterns with his tongue. “So sweet,” he breathed, before delving his tongue inside her.
She could feel the familiar fire build up again, the pressure threatening to knock her over. She wanted to fall off the edge, wanted to see stars burst across her vision, wanted to lose herself.
Her pulsed quickened, her body tightened. So close. Just a little bit more…
And suddenly that wicked tongue was gone.
Her head fell back onto her pillow with a tortured groan, jaw slack. Her fingers fisted the sheets. There were actual tears of frustration in the corner of her eyes.
She heard that familiar, cruel chuckle before a long finger slid into her. She almost sighed with relief, but he didn’t move.
“Please,” she couldn’t recognize her voice, tinged with such desperation.
“Please, what?” His voice sent electrifying tingles throughout her entire body and she trembled. Squeezing her thighs together, she tried to get some form of relief. A large hand forced her legs apart before she could. “You need to be more clear with your requests,” he whispered, tongue swiping lazily across her inner thighs. “What do you want?”
“I…I want to come,” her voice was hoarse, close to tears. “Please. Let me come.”
“Hm,” there was a musing sigh, “I don’t know if I can allow that,” he moved his finger slowly out of her, chuckling when she tried to push her hips upward to meet him. “You see, this was supposed to be your punishment.”
Slack-jawed, she stared at him. This Lucien-no Ares-was indeed ruthless. “Wha-what?” She moaned breathlessly as his finger dipped inside her excruciatingly slow.
He kissed her wet folds gently and her head fell back again with a whimper. “You have invaded my dreams ever since we met,” he growled. “Not only that, but my thoughts as well. I always wondered, if a certain silly girl was staying out of trouble, if she was safe, if she was doing well,” as he spoke, he rocked his finger into her, stoking the flames within her once more.
She struggled to breathe. Between his words and his damn finger, she couldn’t even think straight.
“Don’t you think that requires some sort of punishment?” He asked and slipped another finger into her. “Making me worry about you, silly girl.” With those words, he curled his fingers and his tongue washed over her sensitive nub.
Her body was instantly ablaze.
He increased his speed as his tongue circled her nub, sending her head spinning. “Please,” she whimpered as she ground her hips against his face. “Please…”
“That does sound tempting,” his voice sent delicious vibrations throughout her, “Shall I let you come?”
She nodded vigorously, “Please,” she pleaded, feeling that ever familiar tightening sensation in her gut, like a tightly coiled spring, ready to snap any time.
“I think I prefer that you come when I’m inside of you,” he smirked and removed his finger. Her head thrashed about in pure frustration. “Patience,” he spoke softly as he came up, pinning her underneath him. “It’s more fun this way. You’ll see.”
She gasped when she could feel his cock pulsing against her entrance. “Please…”
His lips attached themselves to her neck. “What do you want, silly girl?”
“I want you!” She screeched, trying to grind her hips against him. “Take me! Please! Fuck me!”
“Did ‘he’ fuck you like this?” He growled against her ear before slamming into her without warning, finally pushing her off the precipice that he had been mercilessly teasing her on.
All of a sudden, she was flying, weightless. Mere atoms floating in the vast galaxy not tethered to anything. Sweet release filled every crevice, every inch of her. The waves of pleasure that crested and crashed upon her robbed her of any conscious thought except for Lucien, Lucien, Lucien.
She was whole again. Complete. No longer broken.
For a moment, she could believe that it was the Lucien who had woken her up on the lazy mornings in which by some stroke of rare luck, both of them were not busy. The Lucien who had smiled so tenderly at her before whispering a “Good morning, butterfly,” leaning in to kiss her and pressing her gently against the satin sheets. The Lucien who had mischievously grabbed her when she went to his office to drop off some lunch and then later, had bent her over his desk with a “Be a good girl and try not to make any noise,” ghosting over her ear. The Lucien who had slammed her into the wall with a dangerous “Tell me,” hissed angrily through clenched teeth when she was asked about the most important person in her life. The Lucien who had tortured her so ardently that very night as he grit out a “You don’t want to make me jealous again, kitten,” before thoroughly ravaging her. That the Lucien who had looked at her and held her like she was his entire world had come back. And for a singular moment, as she came back down to earth, she allowed herself to believe it. 
“Lucien-” she cried out, reality merging with the man in her dreams. 
He froze. That had been the first time since they met that she had uttered his name. He had been observing her, watching her unravel with pure pleasure, pupils blown out with bliss. Filled with great satisfaction, he had struggled hard to keep his hips still, a monumental task with him still buried deep within her. He knew she was still searching for pieces of the other ‘him’. And as she climaxed around him, her walls fluttering and clenching him (so much that it physically pained Lucien), he hoped that he was able to give her a little bit of comfort.
He hoped that she could find whatever it was she had lost. Or at the very least, he hoped that she could find a little bit of the person she missed so much within him.
There appeared to be another image of her superimposed onto the panting body in front of him. “Ares is not completely Lucien, nor is Lucien completely Ares,” her image seemed to be saying to him. “As long as you’re Lucien or the part that is ‘Lucien’ exists, I will love you. I love you, Lucien.”
A guttural groan escaped from him and the last remaining strands of his self-control, as well as his sanity, snapped. He grabbed her hips, fingers pressing down hard enough to leave bruises. His hips pulled back and slammed into her, making her shriek, her eyes rolling back from pleasure. “Say it again,” he growled, throwing her leg over his shoulder so he could go deeper. “Call my name. Tell me who is making you feel good like this. Say it. Say. My. Name.” Each word gritted out through tightly clenched teeth was accompanied by a savage snap of unforgiving hips.
“Good girl,” he panted as he reached between her legs to stroke her roughly in time with his thrusts. “Let me hear how good I make you feel.”
He was going to erase any other traces, any other thoughts of other men from her. Even if his rival was himself from another time. But at least, in this time and space, in this moment, she was his.
Her hands came to grip his shoulders, her grip vicelike as he drove without abandon into her. Coming from her mouth were breathless permutations of his name punctuated by the sweetest moans. She held on tight, nails leaving scarlet furrows in his back as his thrusts drove her closer and closer to the edge. She could feel it. Her impending destruction.
“Please, please, please,” she chanted as if offering a prayer to whatever deity that will bring about her absolute ruin. “Lucien, please.” Her leg slipped from his shoulder and she wrapped them around his waist, pushing him deeper within her.
“Come for me,” he snarled, hellbent on his mission to completely annihilate her. Obscene wet sounds of skin meeting skin filled the air.
Suddenly the coil in her stomach sprung free, fire and electricity mixing in a deadly cocktail across her skin. Every single synapse in her body was firing mini fireworks. She was blown apart into a thousand pieces, only to be put back together by the man furiously pounding into her.
Stars. She could see stars. Streaking white across her vision, blurring out everything.
There was a ragged groan and Lucien’s hands dug into her hips, spilling hot and heavy into her. He panted as he stilled. And then his eyes widened in shock.
For the world was painted in brilliant colors that he had never seen before. The gorgeous faint pink flushing her entire body. The gilded yellow of the afternoon light that spilled into the room. The soft blue of the clear sky. The verdant green of the tree standing guard just outside her window. It was like someone had put on a filter on the world, the saturation of hues he had never known about thrown into vibrant clarity. His breath caught in his throat; his eyes thoroughly dazzled. He gazed down at the utterly wrecked girl underneath him. She had made all this happen. Whatever divine power she possessed was able to bring light into his forsaken, dismal world. Or maybe it was just because it was her.
He was not going to let her go now. The only color in his world.
Trembling as her body started its descent, she opened her eyes to find everything hazy. There were tears on her cheeks. Whether it was from the mind blowing explosion or because she missed Lucien so much, she didn’t know.
But there was Lucien right in front of her, smiling down at her in that familiar, tender way. “Silly girl,” he mused fondly, thumbs brushing her wet cheeks. A hand landed on her head gently, patting her in a way that only Lucien could. “Don’t cry.”
“Lucien, don’t-don’t go!”
She heard a sigh of mild exasperation. “My little fool,” the familiar affectionate nickname pricked at her eyes and she closed them to hide the tears. “I won’t go anywhere. I’m always here.” Light kisses rained down on her eyelids, her cheeks like the delicate flutter of butterfly wings.
Something extracted itself gently from her body and she opened her eyes again to look into the familiar violet eyes. Only this time, there was no warm tenderness within them.
“Lu-Lucien?” she croaked.
“Sorry,” he murmured, a hint of regret in his voice when he noticed how she seized up after he had pulled away. He looked down at the mess of red and purple blotches blossoming across her skin. “Did I hurt you?”
She shook her head silently. “You said you weren’t gentle, and I believe I told you to not hold back,” she said finally, turning her head to look at him as he began to get dressed.
A small grin unfurled, “Indeed. Can I assume that we will be continuing our…’cooperation?’” He buttoned what he could of his ruined shirt and waited.
“Yes,” she said as calmly as she could, but her cheeks betrayed her, blushing bright. Maybe she shouldn’t have tore his shirt like that.
“Very well,” he seemed to be oblivious to her internal struggle, “I’ll look forward to our next cooperation. I do believe I have troubled you enough for today,” his gaze swept across her still naked body and he smirked. “After all, you must be tired.”
She coughed and quickly covered herself. Lucien chuckled as he threw on his black overcoat, pausing before the paper butterflies. A long finger touched one gently. “I hope you can teach me all the beautiful things,” he finally said quietly. “And all these beautiful memories that you shared with the other ‘me’…” there was a touch of sorrow in his voice. “I hope you are willing to share them with me as well.”
Her eyes widened. “You said you only cared about the Queen,” her voice trembled. “So, why…why would you be interested in past memories?”
“Yes, it’s true that I care about the Queen’s powers and potential,” Lucien nodded, finally turning to meet her eyes, “But currently, I’m far more intrigued by you.”
“Why?” He repeated thoughtfully, “I guess you can say… I once believed the world to be rather bleak, if you will. I thought the world only consisted of black and white, and that the other colors didn’t exist. Somehow, you were able to change my mind and showed me that the world contained far more colors than I previously have believed. I am very interested in how you were able to accomplish that.”
There was a sharp intake of breath as she stared at him. She remembered a certain story Lucien had told her in what seemed like ages ago. A story about an artist and a butterfly. It couldn’t possibly be coincidence. But did she dare to hope?
Lucien smiled wryly, “But like I previously mentioned, there will be plenty of opportunities for us to get to know each other, so there’s no rush for me to find out the reason. And if one day…you find that the burden of shouldering these memories alone becomes too much to bear…” his voice became impossibly soft. There was the slightest pause of hesitation. “I hope…that we can create new memories together. And I hope that these new memories will be beautiful ones as well. *Maybe…we can start over…as long as you’re willing to. A fresh start.”
She gazed at him. This man had destroyed her in more ways than she could count. But if she had a choice, she would let him do it again. The pain of being forgotten faded into the dark recesses of her mind. If she could still love Lucien after his betrayal, maybe she could also love this new Lucien in this time as well. She was willing to believe that their love could transcend time and space. That their love was bound by fate. She wanted to believe that she didn’t imagine the flash of panic in his eyes that day at the Ultima Bioresearch Center when she had blocked a shard for him. She wanted to believe that the warmth she had felt when they had gone hiking wasn’t meaningless. She wanted to believe that the little bit of hesitation she had seen just then revealed that Lucien, this Lucien, wanted to create new memories with her. The beautiful memories that they had shared…would be precious keepsakes of the past, and nothing more. She would hold these close to her heart, but maybe…it was time for new ones to come in. After all, the man had burrowed himself so far deep in her heart that there wasn’t room for anyone else. Deep inside, she knew that *as long as the person before her was still Lucien, she was destined to be attracted to him, destined to fall for him-no matter what timeline, no matter what world. As long as there was ‘Lucien.’
“I’d like that,” she finally murmured, her voice hoarse.
She watched as he smiled, and she could believe that the faint tenderness suffusing his violet pupils was there. She could believe that she didn’t imagine the bit of relief in his next words.
*“Okay. Next time, I’ll set aside a whole day to learn origami from you.”
“Tossing, turning, struggle through the night for someone new And I could go on and on, on and on Lanterns burning, flickered in the mind only you But you were still gone, gone, gone Been losing grip, on sinking ships You showed up, just in time
This love is good This love is bad This love is a life back from the dead
This love left a permanent mark This love is glowing in the dark These hands had to let it go free And this love came back to me”
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
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Fanfic art drawn by: @kwella-kw​
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
For more of my work: 📖
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jettingtothemoon · 4 years
Rescue You; chapter 4
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➳ pairing: hector x witch|reader ➳ genre: fantasy, angst ➳ warnings: violence, swearing, smut, mentions of rape, slavery, spoilers for seasons 1 thorough 3. ➳ word count: 2213 ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ summary: In which y/n, a witch from Dracula’s court, tries to save the forgemaster from his fate.
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10
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Forgemasters and Magicians
Another day passed and yet again, nothing had changed. The mercenaries were training all day, preparing for the battle to come; the vampires were asleep all day; and Hector was working at his forge.
It was the late evening when you went to see him but still a few hours until dusk. You entered quietly but, instead of sitting in your usual spot, you waited by the door until Hector noticed your presence.
Cezar was sleeping, snoring softly in front of the fireplace which was for once alight without you being the one to light it. Hector continued to hammer away for a while longer before finally putting his hammer down and turning to face you.
He didn't speak and the silence lingered a little too long and so, instead of asking him verbally you simply beckoned him to follow you with one simple movement of your finger. Hector seemed hesitant to follow at first and glanced over to his sleeping dog before slowly walking over to the door.
When he reached the hall, closing the door to the forge softly behind him, you smiled and linked your arm with his. As expected, he was confused and wary of your actions but didn't resist nonetheless.
He walked with you until you reached that faraway tree and, instead of simply releasing your gentle grip on his arm, you grabbed his hand and pulled him down to sit with you. Though, he was quick to pull his hand away once the two of you were seated. He still hadn't said a word since you arrived and it was clear he was still pondering over what you had told him the night before.
"What are we doing out here? What do you want from me?" His voice was timid yet there was still a trace of something stern.
You sighed and sat forward as you made an attempt to take his hands in your own but, as predicted, this time he only moved away.
Nevertheless, you continued, "I want to help."
Again, he looked at you as though he didn't understand. He didn't, couldn't, believe that you actually wanted to help him. No matter how much he wanted to he just couldn't. He had been made a fool of too many times and he wasn't about to trust you the same as everyone he had foolishly believed before.
"You're a magician but you've always been more focused on your forge and your necromancy. I can teach you how to protect yourself with magic," you explained, hoping that he would at least be able to hear the sincerity in your voice.
He leaned back against the tree and let out a deep breath. "It won't protect me from them, nothing will."
"It won't be able to protect you from them, no, but it will be able to protect you from anything else that threatens to harm you."
He chuckled dryly, "Then it isn't worth it. Nothing could harm me as they do."
You felt your chest tighten at not only his words but his attitude. He really believed he was beyond saving, that nothing could protect him from them anymore. He believed it to the point that he didn't want or need protection from anything else. He believed that if something else was to harm him, he would allow it. He wasn't scared of it anymore, death. He was only scared of them, of her.
"What I teach you may not be able to protect you from them at the moment but I promise you I will find a way to free you and, when I do, you will need what I am going to teach you. Until then, I will do my best to protect you but I can only do that if you trust me."
He was quiet, more so than before, and he continued to play with the ring on his finger as he thought.
After a moment, he bowed his head. "I'm sorry. I don't think I can."
With a small nod, you reached out again and this time he allowed you to take his hands into your own. "We'll work on it. For now, let's teach you some magic."
His expression remained unchanging but his mood seemed to lighten ever so slightly. He didn't even attempt to pull away this time and allowed you to slip his gloves from his hands.
"Much better. Now, look at your hands and envision a flame. Feel its warmth, the heat running over your skin. See the flicker of the light, the shadow it casts on your fingertips." You released his hands and watched as he began to focus.
You could see he was trying, even if it was only to entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, you really were trying to help him. You could feel the magic in him just dying to burst out. It was a shame that he never learnt these things before, maybe he would have ended up somewhere else instead of here with a slave ring on his finger.
Even you could feel the surge of energy coming from him but then, nothing.
"It's no use. I can't do it," he huffed, his gaze still cast down.
"Yes, you can. You just have to believe you can. Try again," you took his hands and cupped them with your own, "Feel the magic within you, call it forward. Close your eyes and focus on it, on the energy. Picture the flame, feel the flame."
He did as you instructed and closed his eyes. His brows knotted and you could see the determination within him. No matter how helpless he felt, he still had some fight left in him.
You were the first to see it, the spark, the flicker of light that ran across his fingertips. Not long after, he opened his eyes wide and stared at the flame in his hand.
"I- I did it." He sounded completely bewildered. The man who could reanimate the dead and forge devils from hell was amazed that he could create a tiny little flame in his hands.
"See, I told you. You just have to believe in yourself more. Usually, you use darker magic but that doesn't mean you can't tap into this side as well. We'll make a proper magician out of you yet," you declared proudly with a grin.
You caught the glimpse of a smile that danced across his face for a moment, only for it to vanish soon after. "I need to go back."
"Come on Hector, the day is over. Your work is done until tomorrow."
"I know, I just- I need to go back. She- She'll-" He was already walking away as he spoke, his words as rushed as his movements.
You followed behind, refusing to leave him alone as you had done time and time before. Never again, you wanted to be by his side every time someone or something tried to harm him. The last time you left him alone he wasn't the same the next day, you couldn't leave him now.
"Who are you talking about? Carmilla? Lenore? What else could they do to you?"
He slowed to a halt after you mentioned their names, her, name. Though, you were not entirely sure which of the two had him hanging his head down so low. He was ashamed of something, though you assumed it was simply because of the mess he was in. He blamed himself for his current predicament but there was more to it, he was hiding something.
"Just- Just stop worrying about me. Stop giving me hope." Hector's voice once again sounded shattered, just as it had so many times before.
He ran a hand through his hair before he began to walk again, his pace quickening ever so slightly. He seemed desperate to get back to his forge. He still didn't trust you but you couldn't stop. You wanted to give him hope because he needed hope, he also needed to know that you were being sincere and that you really meant everything you said.
That was why you followed him all the way back to his forge, stopping him just before he could open the door by placing your hand on his shoulder.
"I'm not going to leave you again, I promise." You felt him tense and relax all at once because of your words.
He still wasn't sure about you but you were sure about him. You were not going to act against the council of sisters until you had a stable plan but you knew that you would do anything to keep him safe, even if it would put you in danger.
With a creak, the door opened and you found Lenore sitting inside petting Cezar. Her eyes glanced over to where you stood, scanning over Hector briefly only for her heavy gaze to land on you.
"Hector, dear. Where were you," she spoke directly to him but her eyes didn't once leave yours.
His head remained low, eyes trained on the ground by his feet and he breathed in to speak. Only you cut him off before he could, "He finished his work so I asked him to help me with some chores, I hope you don't mind."
Her eyes softly moved over to him and she raised an eyebrow before locking eyes with you again. "Not at all, but I require his assistance now so if you wouldn't mind-"
"Actually, I was hoping to speak with you regarding Hector. I'm sure that whatever you need him for can wait, or maybe I could assist you after we talk?" You decided to test your luck and even cut her off before she had finished speaking.
You knew she was growing irritated, though she was doing well at not showing it physically. The only way you could tell was from the feeling you had, your magic sensing a snippet of her emotions. Still, she remained composed and answered you, "Trust me, only Hector can assist me with this, but I suppose it can wait for now."
She put Cezar down and walked over to the two of you. Hector, with his head still hanging low, stepped to the side to allow her to pass but she lingered near him for a little too long.
Seeing how tense he grew gave you the answer you had been searching for, Lenore was the 'she' that he kept referring to. That much was obvious but you were still unsure of exactly what she was doing to him. There were no signs of torture or beating but something was clearly very wrong.
Without another word, the two of you left him there to continue your conversation elsewhere. She led you through the castle until you reached the room you had been to many times before. Taking a seat around the large, round table, she sighed and crossed one leg over the other. "So, what is it about Hector that you wish to discuss?"
"I want to teach him."
Again, she raised an eyebrow at your words. "Teach him what?"
"Magic. Only a little bit but if you allow me to train him I will be able to use his magic to fuel mine. Use him to become more powerful, to help me when the time comes to take over that town," you explained, hoping that she would agree.
"Why not just use one of our magicians? Surely they would have the same effect?" she stated, clearly disliking your proposition.
You shook your head. "Hector is a forgemaster and a necromancer. His magic is stronger than theirs, even if he doesn't know it yet. Besides, he won't ever be able to use what I teach him against you. Can you say the same for your magicians? Are they really that loyal to you?"
Lenore hummed in thought for a moment, finally considering your proposition seriously.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt, but you cannot train him while he is working, we still need him to work the forge. We still need the army he is building," she concluded with a smile, once again acting as if the two of you really were on the same side.
You would never be on the same side as her, not while she was hurting Hector. Nor while she was working with Carmilla. You would have to sway them, deceive the deceivers, if you were to ever have even a chance at freeing Hector. And so, you would continue to put on a smile and aid the vampires for as long as necessary.
"I can train him at night, that way it won't get in the way of his work and you can watch over his training if you please."
Lenore seemed not to like the idea of Hector spending most nights training with you, though you still didn't understand why. What did she have over him? Just what assistance did she need from him?
"Very well, if he will be of use to you then train him. Carmilla will not care as long as she gets her army. Just know this, Hector belongs to me." Lenore's words sounded more like a warning and, for the first time since you had arrived, she was showing her true colours.
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10
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