#next it was tdd LOL
akkivee · 3 months
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since hiphoppia and h era reformation are connected, i was thinking about what of rinka i’d like backbone to answer/emulate and a song based on these ideals i think would be fire
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shenji-yei-v2 · 2 months
honestly, as a dedicated rebirth+bunker fan, I barely visit the dark descent tag. maybe amfp, maybe justine. but the dark descent? nah. I mean once a month I look for it on Tumblr and I’m like « oh, headcanons. Oh, juliabeatrice animations. Oh, Alexander or Daniel. cool. see you next month ». And it’s over. it’s just a bit weird. my entire group of fandom friends usually sends the dark descent related posts in the chat and I’m like oh? something happens here? it surely does ofc. it’s just so weird to find yourself so uninterested in… like, the main amnesia series game, the first and the most popular one. it’s just so weird that back in 2015 I knew only Alexaniel stuff, memes with Grunts and Peediepie, and now I barely follow the tag of my current game series hyperfixation. Like I never even expected there could be amnesia game I love more than TDD. back in 2015 I was like « yeah Justine is short and AMFP is sad and not meme-able, so TDD it is, yaoi angst letsplays memes material », and now I’m like « what? There are other games besides Rebirth and the Bunker? What? There’s someone else than Leon de Vries? » lol. Its just surprising how much can it change for you as a game series fan in… ten years, who am I kidding, this game is a relic. I mean, in modern terms, when a mainstream dies in a week. Well, to conclude, it’s a pleasure to be in the same fandom with you guys who still make stuff about Alex, Daniel, Agrippa, Mandus and Justine, after all these years. I may seem like I’m a newbie (and it’s not bad honestly, I’m happy to see amnesia series receiving a new wave of hype after the Bunker’s release) but I’m actually here since 2015 and I’ve waited patiently for Rebirth’s release since the trailer, because I remembered how good was TDD and AMFP. and how good was the internet around these two games ten years ago. Maybe now it’s not the same and it won’t be the same, we won’t have impact shitty memes with Rebirth and Bunker’s characters, we won’t have funny Pewdiepie videos (man has a BABY, he became Rebirth’s protagonist himself lol, congrats tho), but we have a completely new era of fandom stuff. And it’s nice to see new people and old fans being brought together by the legend of why the hell Alexander was kicked out at the first place Frictionals are you kidding we wait for like 14 years already and you’re still silent about it what did he do did he fart during Empress coronation or what
anyways il ove yall hehe you’re cool thank you for getting old with me
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Suddenly decided it's time for my next... headcanon? theory? hot take? post, unsure which one this falls under
So the Shadow can seem pretty arbitrary considering everything we hear about it doing with Agrippa, Weyer, Alexander, Daniel, Tasi, and not showing up for Oswald at all. It's like. What is this thing's deal? Why does it do certain things sometimes and other times it doesn't? I wondered this myself for a long time, then I replayed TDD and there was a line of Agrippa's that made everything make sense
He talks about how different Orbs react differently to being touched by someone who's uninitiated, and then says this, "I was lucky. The Orb I found spared my life and returned to where I found it."
That was a big "Oooohhhh!!" moment for me. The Shadow doesn't have any consciousness or will of its own - it's the Orbs that do! The Shadow is just "the universe catching up with itself," an entirely dependent entity an Orb can summon and control only if it so chooses. And each Orb seems to have a different "personality," if you will
The biggest evidence for this is the entirety of AMFP obviously, but even in TDD you can see it pretty clearly if you compare Agrippa's discovery of an Orb with Daniel's discovery of an Orb -
"As I entered the underground chamber I could feel that I was trespassing. Because of my curiosity I did my best to fight these instincts and fetched the orb from its place. I scrambled out of the chamber and into the woods. I could sense something was following me, it bayed loudly as it closed in." The moment Agrippa sets foot in the Orb Chamber he immediately feels that he is not supposed to be there, and the moment he leaves it the Shadow is after him. This Orb did not want to be retrieved by him, but as Agrippa said, saw fit to spare him instead of having him killed
"I fell to the ground gasping for air, trying to focus. That's when I saw a faint blue shimmer. My weakened body was heavy to carry, but I managed to push myself towards the enchanting light. It was waiting for me. Enclosed in dark nothingness, I felt myself drawn to the mystic light." Daniel has almost an entirely opposite experience than Agrippa. He doesn't know the Orb is there and isn't searching for it - it reveals itself to him in his moment of need. Rather than feeling like a trespasser, Daniel feels invited in by the Orb. When he touches it, he's "spirited away" instead of having the Shadow set on him. My brother pointed out that Daniel was suffocating in the chamber, and the Orb kept him in the Other World, where time passes faster, until the others had broken in to get Daniel out. It seems it was trying to save his life.
Also much unlike Agrippa, and even unlike Herbert, Daniel never sees the Shadow at all after touching the Orb. It's not until Daniel falls headlong off a ship into the middle of the ocean that Daniel first encounters and is lifted out of the water by this unseen force. Once again, not trying to hurt Daniel, trying to save him. Agrippa is instantly hunted by the Shadow, and the Shadow torments Herbert and his men before closing in a very short amount of time after Herbert finds his Orb. It should also be noted that both Agrippa and Herbert had their Orbs reclaimed from them by the Shadow - Daniel only had himself reclaimed from the water lol
And now for the dreams. I often see people say that this is the Shadow trying to communicate with Daniel. But listen here to how Daniel describes his nightmares:
"As I write my thoughts are drawn to my nightmares in which a most disturbing sound calls to me. A sound defying description, a voice from the void."
We hear some similar language used by Oswald, who never encounters the Shadow but does intimately communicate with his Orb:
"I can only hear the voice from within that gentlest of stones. It sings to me and I dream of a great machine." (There's also a line of dialogue in-game where Oswald mentions the voice from the void part but I can't remember it right now)
Daniel is also communicated to in a dream that teaches him how to make something:
"I was awakened by an exhausting nightmare. Shaking and sweating I retired to the drawing room with a cup of tea. The relic pieces lay spread across the table as I'd left them. But somehow, I knew how it was supposed to be."
Rather than the Shadow, it's Daniel's Orb that's trying to communicate with him in these dreams
Sort of a side note but it's obviously very interesting that Daniel is able to mend Orbs, something that surprises Agrippa when Daniel says he can do it, and something that Alexander never attempted with all the long time he had Agrippa's Orb for. In all likelihood Daniel is the first and maybe only person in either world who's ever been able to do this
Anyway, it's already been said before about how the Shadow is clearly not after Daniel. He was in London for a month without ever encountering it. The night he mends the Orb is the very night that Sir William Smith is killed, someone who Daniel spoke to about the Orb pieces he had. Prof. Taylor, who Daniel asked about Mithraism, is also killed shortly after, and Dr. Tate who seems to have nothing to do with this except that Daniel wanted sedatives from him to stop the nightmares, which is how the Orb is communicating with him. I still like to point it out during all this because I think it helps to back up the fact that Daniel, like Oswald, has an Orb that likes him and in its own way is trying to help him
Another interesting thing is how the Orbs seem to sort of communicate with each other. Daniel has an Orb that is very nice to him, but Agrippa's Orb (which did not treat Agrippa very well) is also nice to Daniel. Daniel's own Orb has got some opinions about people. While it's nice to Daniel, it immediately summons the Shadow when used by Alexander, and even turns against Daniel when Daniel assists Agrippa, who we know is not liked by his Orb (also turns on him if he lets Alexander go through)
Tasi's Orb seems to be pretty neutral. It's just trying to get itself back to the Other World, where it's supposed to be. The Shadow never kills Tasi, it only tries to prevent her from leaving the Other World and takes her back there whenever she makes it to earth. Her Orb just wants to go home
Last note about all this: Those who can control the Orbs can control the Shadow. The only example we have of this really (besides some implications about Temaku in Rebirth) is that Weyer, who is known to have complete mastery over the Orbs, is able to get the Shadow to spit Daniel out when it consumes him
All of this is to say that the Shadow is more like a shared defense system that the Orbs can call down upon someone they don't like or that they deem "unworthy." The Orbs are what have consciousness, personality, and decision-making capabilities
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crehador · 1 year
do you have any fav icsm works, like fanart or fics ? -🪱 (lord the worm is so ugly when it isnt android)
oh so so so many lmao i could go on literally forever my doujin shelf is nearly at maximum capacity
i will try to limit myself to two or three things here (even though there are a bajillion talented lovely flawless smic/icsm artists out there who i love and respect equally)
dear lover by ann (tora link) will forever hold a special place in my heart, it's a simple little moment but very sweet and gets bonus bias from the fact that some of this artist's other work is what converted me to icsm in the first place
tanukitsu by chiho (tora link to book one) is like the icsm au that lives rent-free in my head forever, i genuinely love chiho's tanuro and samatokitsune nearly as much as their canon counterparts no joke
(links are just for reference/samples, these are older works so none are in stock)
i'll force myself to stop there or i would just keep going forever lol but that is just like the tiniest sliver of the pie
ok so this is really shitty because i cannot for the life of me remember who the artist is so i can't even try to find this specific piece but i can describe this little fancomic perfectly because i love it so much
it was a short little like 4-panel (maybe more than 4 panels i'm not sure) gag comic where the premise was like ichiro and samatoki are together but still keeping their relationship a secret
but one day after hooking up they left and grabbed each other's mic by mistake? so ichiro unknowingly left with samatoki's mic and vice versa, and had no idea... until!
until ichiro (with his brothers) gets into a rap battle and summons his speakers and of course it's SAMATOKI'S SPEAKERS that appear behind him and jiro and saburo are just fucking staring at him and ichiro is like ".........do you see it" and saburo being the brutal little shit he is is immediately like "WE SEE IT IT'S A BIG FUCKING COFFIN OF COURSE WE SEE IT"
(i'm translating very loosely because my memory is not perfect but i distinctly remember the words クソでか棺 like never in my life will i forget that lmao)
anyway there was also a little follow up panel where ichiro's speakers slammed down behind samatoki and jyuto was like screaming something at him (i remember this part less vividly but it was also very funny)
so after describing that one i just remembered another silly little comic that i love so so so much, alas i once again do not remember the artist and cannot find it but i swear it exists or at least existed at one point (many of these are ancient and some artists may have deleted/locked since then)
but there was this other comic that i think was for ichiro's birthday and the premise was basically like the year before samatoki had promised to throw him a proper birthday party (because it was still tdd era)
and samatoki made BIG PLANS for it, like a year in advanced he booked a fancy venue ordered an enormous custom cake (it was a huge fucking wedding cake looking thing i remember that very clearly) and so on and so forth
so then ichiro's next birthday rolls around but IT IS NOW BACHIBACHI ERA LMAO so when samatoki starts getting calls on the day of, to confirm his reservations and such, he's like "wtf" and then SUDDEN REALIZATION DAWNS and he spends the whole day scrambling to cancel everything because obviously he can't throw ichiro a party now
but he MISSES ONE THING and (i may be messing up some of the details here it's been a long time since i've seen it but) i remember the end being ichiro at his place being delivered a massive bouquet of red roses with a card that said something like "from your best friend samatoki" and ichiro just being like "....................."
good times
(eta: i could be wrong but i think i remember 'best friend' on the flower card being like literally 'best friend' in katakana which made it extra dorky and hilarious to me)
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pokeydapuppy · 3 years
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hi slug! i was looking at pics of ramuda for references just now and i remembered reading your thread on twitter about ramuda's habit of wearing shoes in doors and specifically on furniture, and i do agree that a large part of that may have to do with the fact that he's just new to like... "manners," but do you think his height could also be a reason why? i mean, he's already so short next to everyone else, and that's with his massive platform boots lol
Hmm, that's a good theory too! However, I don't think Ramuda is sensitive about his height. He usually voices his displeasure for the things that do bother him, especially when alone, but he's never made any comment that indicates he finds his stature annoying. If anything, he probably enjoys being smaller than most of the cast members because it means he can fling himself on them easier. Judging by how he acts around TDD and Fling Posse, he seems to genuinely enjoy physical affection a lot.
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
hello!! i love reading your works, tysm for writing them :)
i was wondering if i could request headcanons for tdd members where they take care of their drunk s/o, with she/her pronouns preferably
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Ichiro Yamada x reader; Samatoki Aohitsugi x reader; Ramuda Amemura x reader; Jakurai Jinguji x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
A/N: Not me saving one of the best requests for last lol if you don’t know - I’m in love with drunk headcanons so that you so much to whoever sent this in! I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted. Enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Ichiro Yamada
When Ichiro gets a call from your best friend that you’re plastered at a bar and need to be brought home, he’s already on his way
he’s more than happy to bring you back home and take care of you, and honestly he’s going to be so good at it
he’ll take part in your drunken shenanigans, running around the street or dancing and singing while also keeping an eye out for cars or other people
if you ask him to, he’ll stop by somewhere to grab street food for you
he strikes me as the type to be grabbing onto your waist the entire walk home if only to keep track of you so you don’t run away
once he manages to get you home, he’s already getting you to sit down and drink some water
and even though you might still want to drink and party more, Ichiro’s tone is gonna be so happy and loving that you won’t be able to say no
he’s gonna try to keep you up for a little bit, listening to your stories and asking you all about your night, knowing that the longer you stay up and the more water you drink, the less of a hangover you’ll have the next day
eventually though, he’s gonna suggest that you get ready for bed
and he’ll happily oblige if you ask him to sleep with you, especially if you use puppy dog eyes because you’re just so cute when you’re kind of sleepy and drunk like this
he’s going to let you borrow one of his sweaters and he’ll laugh when it gets stuck over your head and you can’t properly put it on
but he’ll help you with it and then pull you into his arms so that you can fall asleep faster
of course, once you fall asleep, Ichiro is already sliding out from around you and filling up your water, leaving it on the table along with some medicine for the next morning
I can also see him getting a bucket and frantically looking up how to make you lean on your side to make sure that you don’t throw up in the middle of the night
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
I’ve done some headcanons before for Samatoki taking care of you when you’re drunk, but I’m going to elaborate a bit more
he’s the epitome of hypocritical whenever you’re drunk because he’ll constantly be saying that you need to watch your liquor and be more careful
even though it was you taking care of his drunk ass not even a few weeks ago when he got plastered with Juto and Riou
I strongly believe that if you’re drunk - Samatoki is too because you’re drinking buddies and it’s always so fun to get drunk with your boyfriend
many crazy nights have occurred between the two of you drinking
but despite all of his annoyance and berating, he’s going to make sure that you’re safe
if your friends call him and tell him he needs to get you from the bar, he’s gonna speed over just to pick you up
and I can imagine you just laughing drunkenly in the passenger seat while Samatoki attempts to put the seatbelt on you
god forbid he has to wrap it around your chest, because you’re already flirting with him
“Wow, we haven’t even gotten home yet and you’re already feeling me up? You must really like me”
“Y/N, shut the fuck up, I need to buckle this seat belt in,”
he’ll find it absolutely hilarious whenever you say or do embarrassing things, but he’ll only let it go on for so long before he corrals you back to focus on getting to bed
like he’ll let you dance around the living room or tell him crazy drunken stories, but once it hits a half hour, he’s gonna be done with it and tell you that you need to drink water and lay down
he’s really only cranky about it on the outside - he actually really enjoys it when you need him like this because it makes him happy that you feel safe enough around him to call him when you’re drunk
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Ramuda Amemura
Ramuda thinks it’s absolutely hilarious when you drink
he definitely strikes me as the type to ask you a million questions and try to make you tell him things you normally wouldn’t say sober
I feel like he would usually be with you if you were drinking, but if you were at a friends house and came back drunk Ramuda would first be pouting that you didn’t invite him and then be sad that he’s not drunk too
I can imagine him seriously debating just drinking to get on your level, but then sighing and resigning himself to take care of you
he’ll be bouncing around asking you all about your night though, wanting to make sure nothing bad happened and that you were safe
definitely the type to take pictures of you when you’re drunk, but only keep them to himself because nobody else gets to look at your cute drunk face except for him
he’s actually pretty good at taking care of you because he’ll use his power of persuasion to get you to do whatever he needs you to do
you’re an emotional drunk? he’ll tell you that drinking water will help hide your tears and that washing your face will help too
you’re an energetic drunk? he’ll make a game out of who can change into their pajamas and brush their teeth the fastest
you’re a sleepy drunk? he’s just gonna pull you on the couch and kiss your forehead goodnight
he’s definitely gonna make you change into his sweater or something before bed because he strikes me as the type to need to wear clean clothes to bed at all times
honestly, Ramuda’s just good at getting people to do what he wants and this won’t be any different
he won’t try to keep you awake any longer than he needs to though, because he doesn’t really like playing babysitter and would rather just get you to bed faster 
I can imagine him forgetting to give you water and medicine, and then running to place it by your bedside the next morning 
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Jakurai Jinguji
Jakurai takes his job of caring for you when you’re drunk very seriously
considering that you’ve had to handle him when he’s drunk (and that’s a lot to handle) he thinks that it’s the least he can do to take care of you
and, of course, he’s incredibly good at making sure to take care of everything for you
I can imagine him picking you up from a bar and gracefully placing you in the passenger’s seat, nodding and humming along to whatever story you’re telling him in the moment
when he finally gets you home, he’s going to get you water and help you change your clothes either into your pajamas or some extra clothes of his
of course, being the gentleman that he is, he would never try to pull anything when you’re drunk
although he will think that you’re incredibly cute when you’re stumbling over your words and saying funny things to him
if you’re the excitable drunk, I can imagine him trying to calm you down and sooth you, letting you ramble and be over the top, but reminding you to drink your water or eat your food
Jakurai would then lead you into the bathroom, telling you to sit down on the toilet seat so that he can clean off your face
he’ll pretty much give you spa-treatment while you’re drunkenly falling half-asleep, washing your face with soap and making sure to do all of your nightly treatments so that nothing gets forgotten
once you’ve finished at least two glasses of water, Jakurai will allow you to lay down and get ready for bed
if you say that you’re not tired, he’ll say okay, but ask that you lay down anyways just to spend some time with him in a more comfy spot
he’s going to snuggle you in and make sure that you’re comfortable because his bedside manner is top tier
if you ask him to lay with you, he’s absolutely going to oblige, allowing you to snuggle into him before you pass out
he’ll make sure that you have extra water and medicine on the bedside table before preparing himself to go to bed as well
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kanri-tea · 3 years
Ageswap! AU
Some headcanons for a HypMic ageswap! Au
Except everyone's ages are all over the place lol.
Ichiro is 32, Jiro is 30, and Saburo is 27
Samatoki is 29, Jyuto is 25, and Rio is 26
Ramuda is 30, Gentaro is 34, and Dice is 34
Jakurai is 14, Hifumi is 22, and Doppo is 22
Sasara is 31, Rosho is 31, and Rei is 16
Kuko is 32, Jyushi is 31, and Hitoya is 14
Otome is 19, Ichijiku is 26, and Nemu is 23
Buster Bros!!!
Ichiro is a bit of a mess, but he's getting better. He used to be pretty bad, working as a debt collector for Mozuku, doing drugs, and drinking, etc., but thanks to his brothers, he's gotten out and gotten clean.
Unfortunately, during that period, his relationship with his son, Rei, turned sour and Rei ran away at a fairly young age. Ichiro has been trying to repair his relationships, especially with Rei, but Rei isn't interested or receptive at all.
Jiro and Saburo live together, Jiro as a PE teacher at a middle school and Saburo as a white hat hacker/computer security stuff.
Jiro and Saburo's relationship with Ichiro isn't the best, but after Ichiro started getting clean and shaping up, their relationship has improved enough to form a team.
Jiro and Saburo are aware of Rei's existence but haven't actually met him before.
Mad Trigger Crew
Not huge changes here, Samatoki still works with the Yakuza, Jyuto is still a cop, and Rio is still Rio.
Jyuto isn't quite as experienced in being a corrupt cop as canon, so Samatoki makes sure to cover for him whenever he stumbles.
Samatoki is a big brother through and through, so he keeps an eye out for both Jyuto and Rio. His relationship with Nemu is okay, though sometimes she thinks he's the dumbest fool in the world.
Rio is more than well-aware that his survival cooking is not for the faint of heart. He finds it hilarious how Samatoki and Jyuto stutter and flinch whenever he brings it up, as well as how easily they falter under his puppy eyes.
Fling Posse
Ramuda deliberately makes sure as little people know his actual age as possible
It's one thing for a 24 year old to act cutesy and call girls "onee-san," it's a whole other thing when it's a 30 year old, no matter how cute and small he is
Ramuda finds Jakurai small and cute, so he sometimes goes and harasses coo over the boy, though, there have been times where the cops have been called for suspected pedophilia.
He's free from all the Project lambda stuff since it got exposed years ago and after a long hospitalization, he's completely healthy. You might even run into another clone occasionally, though they're all split to the four winds, each having chosen to pursue their own dreams.
Gentaro still is a writer, though he usually wears normal clothes. Honestly, he's way too old to continue to wear a kosode and hakama everywhere. It is way too hot out, plus he's not in his 20s anymore, when he thought it was cool and unique.
Dice is Dice. He's a gambler, though he does make sure to keep enough money around for rent and food. He's old enough that he's not so dumb enough to gamble away everything. Plus, he doesn't want to worry his daughter, Otome. She's already pissed at him enough.
Dice and Otome have a fairly good relationship, though that might just have been a result of Dice being an attentive and easygoing parent and never having to live with each other. Otome cares a lot for Dice, though she hates his gambling addiction.
Everyone's pretty sure Jakurai is a mob boss or something. There's no way 14 year old should be able to live alone and be financially well off. Jakurai just smiles through everyone's suspicions, and since there's no proof, no one can do anything about it.
Jakurai acts like a literal angel, though, if you anger him, he might actually stab you (*cough* Ramuda *cough*). Jakurai, Hitoya, and Rei are friends, though no one knows how are when, they just are.
During the TDD era, Ramuda, Ichiro, and Samatoki acted a bit like pseudo-parents for him, though nowadays, while they do their best to keep an eye on Jakurai out of a sense of responsibility, Jakurai is content to ignore them.
Doppo and Hifumi are together and happily so. They still tell most people they're just roommates, due to Doppo's lack of confidence, but they're pretty content together.
Hifumi still works at a host club, though he does fumble sometimes from having less experience. Sometimes he doubts himself because he's not as old as his peers at the host club.
Doppo is just as self-deprecating as always, though there's a whole helping of fatalistic humor as well. His favorite way to relieve himself of stress is to hug Jakurai.
Both Hifumi and Doppo love Jakurai and really worry if a 14 year old living alone is okay. They like taking turns hugging and cuddling with the boy and Jakurai is somehow okay with it.
Dotsuitare Honpo
Sasara is in a pretty happy relationship with Rosho. They've moved past their issues in their youth and are now together.
They live separately, though that's mostly because of convenience for their workplace rather than because they want to
They planned to move in together soon, but their plans are put to halt when they meet Rei
Rei is a student at Rosho's school. He's not a bad student, just a bit inattentive and laissez-faire when it comes to others.
Rei helps them out of a bad situation and shows that he's good with a hypnosis microphone, but nopes out of the situation before either Sasara or Rosho can talk to him. He gets caught by Rosho the next day at school though.
Somehow, he gets roped into joining Dotsuitare Honpo, but there's a gleam in his eyes that tell Sasara that he's pretty pleased with the outcome.
When they find out that Rei lives on his own in a really rundown and small apartment, they freak out a bit and then try to make him move in with one of them.
It... kind of works? Rei still works on a near daily basis and insists on paying rent, but at least he's not living in a shitty apartment anymore.
Rei isn't used to people caring for him, having pretty much raised himself, and it shows. Any bout of affection is waved off with a laugh, light teasing, or a strained grin. When Sasara and Rosho find out that his dad is Ichiro, Sasara gets a little bit more than just mad at at his former teammate.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko is a full-on monk at the temple, having taken over the temple after his father's retirement. He met Jyushi there, who was praying for luck for his next concert.
Kuko has calmed down a lot since being a teenager. There's still bouts of anger sometimes, but he's mostly exasperated, especially at Hitoya. Kuko is super interested in Jyushi, but not sure how to make his intentions clear without startling the other man or inciting Hitoya's ire.
Jyushi is still a sweetheart, though he's not as permanently attached to Amanda as before. He's a very popular idol/music artist, primarily is visual kei, though he does do other things.
Hitoya originally was a homeless kid, though he did occasionally crash at Jakurai's place. His pride wouldn't let him do it too often, scared of becoming too reliant on the other boy or showing himself as weak.
Jyushi met Hitoya when he was in Tokyo for a concert. Somehow, he convinced the boy to come live with him. He took him back to Nagoya and that's where he's lived since.
Hitoya is very, very protective of Jyushi. He thinks Jyushi is too naive and air-headed for an adult, so he does his best to protect Jyushi from his stalkers and any other people that could hurt him. He's a bit of a hothead and comes off as overzealous and even hissing at people who stand too close to Jyushi.
Jyushi is very patient with Hitoya and thinks he's the cutest kid in the world, an opinion that Kuko very much disagrees with.
Kuko sometimes feels like apologizing to his father after dealing with Hitoya, because damn, was he ever this bad as a kid?
Otome is young, but she's not stupid. The world sucks and she's doing her best to make it a better place, especially for women. Being responsible for an entire country is overwhelming at times, so she's grateful for Ichijiku's help.
The men vs women agenda isn't quite as fervent as it is in canon, and Otome does her best to include all LGBTQ+ in her equality agenda
Ichijiku still hates men, but she softens a bit when it comes to Otome. The girl is young, but dang if she isn't doing her best.
Nemu willingly works with the Chuuoku, though she is very tired of her brother's dumbassery. Seriously, who actually calls themselves Mr. Hardcore without being embarrased?
Otome used to live with her mother, but she got sick of all the "being a lady" BS that traditional family spout and ran away once she was old enough. Dice being her dad, helped her settle on her own and sending whatever money has sometimes.
Once she overthrew the government, she has a steady home and paycheck, so she regularly sends money and visits him. Thankfully, the money is never spent of gambling because Dice finds it too precious to throw away like that.
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT HYPMIC POKE AU... imagine if the protagonist was jiro and saburo was his rival, they pick their starters from rei (who would be the equivalent of dr. oak on this au due to his past as a scientist). i imagine gym leaders would be second-line members, just imagine rosho's gym being a school, or battling jyushi in the middle of a concert. ALSO, the elite being the main-line members and the champion of the region being Ichiro himself.... this is just the tip of the iceberg of what i have for the au so sorry if it was too long!!
omg wait anon I absolutely adore your thoughts; it somewhat coincides with my own too!! This got a little too long with my rambling so I put it under the cut!
I never really thought of having a protag or that it'd simply be the reader or whatever, but having it as Jiro makes sense! I personally had the idea of Jiro and Saburo being characters one would meet or battle like rivals but the two are constantly fighting and trying to decide who's the stronger trainer and will succeed Ichiro one day. Feel like they'd ask random trainers to battle them to prove which one between the two of them is stronger lmao. Also this is literally just me adding my own thoughts into this so skip the rest of this paragraph if you want lol but I personally see Jiro as maybe a fire or fighting type trainer and Saburo as electric maybe and Ichiro as fire? See I was thinking that since in canon we see that Jiro tries his hardest to be like Ichiro and just recently he's starting to walk his own path it'd be similar as he'd try to be a fire type just like his older bro but then he goes through that growth and all and picks up on fighting type and actually loves it! Idk just my thoughts idk if it's entirely accurate but!!
And Rei as the prof makes sense too omg. He's canonically a scientist I think too so him being a prof that studies pokemon makes sm sense, and there could even be a twist where he's not exactly a good guy but also not entirely a bad one y'know? Idk if that makes any sense lol
Ok but we literally had the same exact idea for gym leaders!! Great minds think alike 😤 I think the gyms/stages would be so neat too just like you said with battling Rosho in a classroom or Jyushi in a concert hall with all the colored lights and smoke machines (reminds me of Roxie's gym a little from black/white 2 actually!). Never really got too far into thinking about the gym leaders though but I have a few of my own thoughts as well that I'd like to share! I can see Rosho as a normal type gym maybe? I get Cheren vibes for some reason so idk but theres def more that can work for him. But I can see him as being one of the first gyms because I can see him trying to give guidance to new trainers, which ik is what all gym leaders are supposed to do, but I feel like, being the first one, he does so more? He could also like teach in a pokemon trainer school maybe but also be a gym leader too! Jyushi is somewhat difficult for me but my first thought was dark type though I'm not too sure if that's entirely accurate so tell me your thoughts on that! Haven't thought much of Jyuto though, but I see Gentaro as more of a ghost type (it took me a while to realize we already had a ghost type author though lmao) gym leader. Initially thought of Hifumi as like a grass type leader too (or maybe I'm just biased because I'm more of a grass and ice type and i love hifumi lol) and Doppo (ik he's a 3gumi but I so saw him as a gym leader) as a water type so the two complement one another and maybe it's just because I simply love their relationship but I can see their two gyms being near each other, like the next town over, and they'd often come to each others gyms and watch the other battle maybe! Idk i loved the thought and found it to be cute! Am not too sure where the rest of the 3gumi fall in but we'll figure something out lmao
Initially I had tdd as the elite four and didn't really have a champion in mind but I adore your idea of Ichiro being champion omg. It makes sense honestly, and the rest of the main line could be like the elite four, well, excluding one lmao. Ik in the main like games the elite four don't really get involved too much if I recall correctly but I can totally see them getting involved in events (maybe there's also an evil team or something) and helping others so I can see the protag meeting them early on as well! Honestly am also imagining the interactions between them as the elite four too and it's making me so happy lol. And Ichiro, although he's champion, travels around the region helping others and resolving conflicts like other champions too
Anyway this was long and rambly but I have a lot of thoughts just like you!! I'd love to continue to develop and discuss the au as well since I think it's just *chef's kiss* Thank you sm for your thoughts!! They were so nice to read and gave me some of my own ideas!! Thanks for sharing 💕
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bow-wow-wark-wark · 3 years
21. What characters get slept on? Who deserves more love?
I have no idea again.... lol I am not like in every corner of the fandom so I'll say mtc again. I feel like theres not that many mtc stans out there... where are you? Specifically rio and jyuto tho, I feel like most people like samatoki the most... understandable but I feel like all my boys deserve love... oh also the girls, tho I understand why not everyone is super into them lol they have like no content to their name.. it would be hilarious if they had like a chuoh girl hang out or something lol
22. Do you have any HypMic merch? What do you wanna get?
I have 2 posters!!! One is of the anime and the other of like all the charas and stuff.
What wouldnt I want to get lol? I would like to own a manga volume particularly from the tdd or bat/dh manga (or all of them 👀) I would also like to see one of the stage plays or own that live performance cd that came out. Also I'll find it hilarious to own one of their perfume bottles lol I would like to have anything I could get my hands on tbh.
23. About your favorite character -why do you love them?
Sjsjsisk this is going to be long balls again...
Ok so I'll do my favorites that I mentioned bc I dont have only one. So I love hifumi because I love his attitude, at the start i thought he was a little vain bc of the dont stop the party lyrics, and i like vain charas so I liked him on principle but then when it was a bit of a cover up it's like :0 i honestly adore bubbly, silly, loud characthers like him, I like how hes so efficient and positive and cute and like caring or when he gets carried away with things, i like that too, reminds me of myself in a sense. Hes just great and I admire his will power to fight over his fear of women.
Next jyushi, I love how hes like a huge cry baby and gets upset about small stuff, it makes me feel better about myself lol, besides its admirable how he also wants to fight and get stronger!!! How inspiring!! I love his vkey persona it's so cute!!! I love dramatic charas like him and I like how once in the presence of some one he know he just mellows down, its soooo cute!! I really love his normal voice, specially when hes like whining about something.
Next Otome, ok so I know i said jiro before and trust me i love him to death but ill do Otome 1st. Ok so i like how shes so short, and i like how distant she seems from everything, likes shes running the party and yet shes just like sitting... i feel like I like her more of in a story sense than in general characther wise, shes just surprisingly amusing to me like shes hilarious and shes also super pretty so yeah. Lol my love for her could be described by: girl hot and girl you're really weird. I see her under a stethoscope just like how she sees the people participating in the drb.
Ok last jiro!!! I also love his attitude, he's silly and passionate, friendly and a good brother. I like how he's a little "dumb" I find it nice. I like how despite how much he fights with saburo he cares so much for him!! All his songs slap and I really liked the bazillion ichiro references he dropped, I'm glad that his characther is moving on from idolizing him, good work to my boy!!
24. Drop a headcanon for your favorite character.
Hifumi: :0 gender fluid hiumi!! Gender fluid hifumi! He has adhd and ocd, I've also seen a post about how he could be autistic so why not? He likes watching asmr and made a channel himself that doppo watches religiously. He is a verbal stimmer. Less of a headcanon but a prayer but his sister is still alive (think of the wonders it could do for his chara)
Otome: shes a demi girl!! She and Rei fake dated for convenience and it was the worst period of their lifes (I know theres no chance where that would happen but I find it funny) I cant quite pick it but he feels weirdly neurodivergent to me so yeah.
Jyushi: nonbinary jyushi!! Hes also neurodivergent, I also think they're latine!! I think it would be funny if he wasnt that good at speaking spanish tho, lol rip to him.
Jiro: he has adhd, and is a a demiboy. I think it would be funny how now that he is getting over idolizing ichiro he had to come true and be like: ichi-nii I actually dont like this anime you like. Lol testing the BB bonds once more.
25. Do you like any of the side characters?
Mmmm yeah sort off. I like Urumi a bit, like shes an important person to Jiro and I appreciate her help in this recent drama cd, shes also really pretty. Ghhh it annoys me how much of a stereotype she is tho and how they treat her.... so mean.
I like Honobono a bit as well but she also does some things that irk me a bit.. Admittedly considering her crimes against hifumi I thought I would dislike her way more!! it's mainly bc I find her voice nice and her raps always pop off, the lyrics are always nice and she carries herself super well.
After that I dont think theres any other ones.. I havent seen the anime at all but those love alien bitches dont look that bad.
Cutting this again bc boy dont I talk to much, anyways, hopefully I'll be done soon ;)
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Moriarty 8 - 11 (FINAL) | HypMic 12 - 13 (FINAL) | Taiso Samurai 7 - 9 | Akudama 9 - 12 (FINAL)
Hopefully I’ll be able to get on to all that backlog soon, because...I don’t want it to keep accumulating and Skate-Leading Stars (first winter 2021 anime) already has an advance 1st ep. up...
Moriarty 8
(Moriarty 8 notes deleted accidentally…)
Moriarty 9
If you want a modern equivalent to the Baker Street Irregulars, then I’d suggest you look this way *jabs finger at Odd Jobs Yamada (from HypMic)*.
These CGI background horse and carriages are…kind of distracting…
I’m guessing back in those days, the Irregulars were better than Google at finding info…because Google didn’t exist until the internet did.
Moriarty 10
Just this ep and one more until the end…at least, until spring 2021.
Wow, the use of colour here is really striking!
White lilies mean…purity/chastity…?
I’ve never heard of “bending someone’s ear” until now. It means to talk to someone, especially to ask a favour or to talk at length.
Probatio diabolica: the devil’s proof. I didn’t even know that was a concept until now…(I never once studied law, as you can tell.)
“William” isn’t normally shortened to “Liam”…It’s normally “Will”…also, notice all the footprints on the floor…
Moriarty 11 (FINAL)
Last ep. before spring 2021.
LOL, kabedon.
The fishy thing about Brits is that they’ve named things across the world names from Britain. I know there’s a Doncaster which isn’t anywhere near Britain, for one thing…
Observe the weird finger-like marking made by one of the bloodstains and the scratches on the suitcase. The latter was probably forced open.
Considering the number of signs the killer left, he was clearly in a hurry…
Well, based on that shoeprint we can find the killer if we can find traces of blood on his shoe.
“Duram” (sic).
Ah! If it was raining in Durham, then there would be traces of mud on the killer’s shoes. I remember early on in Detective Conan Shinichi, then newly shrunk, deduced Agasa was running in the rain based on the mud on his pants…this is similar.
Chloral (hydrate…?).
The “washroom” (apparently a Canadian term, the British term is “water closet”) has privacy and a place to get rid of the evidence, to some extent.
What about the rest of Eddie’s clothes?
Considering there are still 5 minutes of the ep. left…there’s going to be some kind of stinger for the next season. I can feel it.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait…Director Holmes??? Y’mean, Mycroft?! That is a good stinger! See you next time.
HypMic 12
“Ever since I was born, there was never a time I’d felt I’d accomplished something.” – Aw, Doppo, sweetpea (<- this blogger calls people “sweetpea” when they’re feeling lots of moe feels for them). Please don’t say that. You’ve accomplished more than enough in your life!
…Oh, almost didn’t notice it until Hifumi hid behind Doppo and the angle changed to confirm the jacket was on the bed, but Hifumi doesn’t have his jacket on.
I think I saw a tweet that said something about a wall being wrecked (specifically “Wall: Ow…”) but I wasn’t sure of the context, so I saved it in my bookmarks…LOL, so that’s what it means?
Samatoki, I know you don’t like Ichiro…but please stop trying to preach what his 2nd character song says in the title…(i.e. Break the Wall, LOL)
Jyuto’s very much a “I’ll leave this problem to the other guy” guy.
When the Funi subs say “dame”, I think Samatoki is just referring to an “onna” (woman). It’s a bit of an odd choice, really…although I can’t go and interrogate whoever was responsible for it. I don’t have the authority or the contacts that will allow me to.
This is not the time for fighting one another!!!
Notably, in the manga, Jakurai was going to chaffeur Hifumi and Doppo to their place, but then he had to go to work and so they rode the train with their prize money. This “run from Special Forces” ending is better, I think, since people got grumpy at Jakurai for having to abandon them with the money.
“…permission to cover a story.” - Permission from…who?
*screams* I was thinking Tom, Rex and Iris worked for a foreign government! They work for Ichijiku – why didn’t I think of that?!
LOL, I couldn’t even tell what Tom was saying until I played it back…it’s English, just…said in a spot where you don’t expect it.
“…that scares me.” – This may be nitpicky of me, but osoreru is actually a derivative of osore (fear), so “it strikes fear in me”…? “It strikes fear in my heart”? What would sound right…?
Go, host mode Hifumi! (...but does that imply host mode Hifumi is the only “version” of Hifumi able to rap? Certainly, he was able to do Wrap and Rap without his jacket, right…?)
You can tell Tom still respects Jakurai after all this time because he (the former) calls him (the latter) “Sensei”. Also, this’ll be interesting, we haven’t seen many mics and speakers beyond the standard bad guy ones (depicted in both the anime and the manga).
My gosh! All I knew of this song was that m-flo, also responsible for Human Lost’s theme song (and notably they’re a hip hop group with techno influences), was responsible for this song. Man, this s*** slaps! It’s great! (Sorry, I’ve just never really had the chance to capitalise on all the info I gathered on EDM DJs when talking in terms of things from Japan…m-flo is basically the only act I know which does that, so I’m really excited…can’t you tell from how verbose I’m getting in this note?)
That’s interesting that Matenrou won and Tom still took the gold chair symbolism to represent him and the Secret Aliens as the victor instead.
Iris’s parts are awesome. M-flo has a female vocalist and so I’d assume Iris takes on Lisa’s (m-flo’s vocalist’s) parts.
…Hmm, Gentaro’s made a reference to the track “Me Against the World”, has he?...Maybe.
I’m not quite sure, but I think Ramuda said “majo” (witch) when he was referring to Beauty and the Beast in the English subs.
…gosh, what is up with that airhorn…? Still, next time is the last time. See you on Christmas…no, Boxing Day.
HypMic 13 (FINAL)
This is the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning…y’know, considering how stuff trended on Twitter, I’d say this anime’s gonna get a 2nd season, but you can’t really say that until it actually happens. I mean, Boueibu is much less popular than HypMic and that got a 2nd season…
This is the 1st episode where I woke up early enough to watch without spoilers and had no obligations to place over it, so…this is exciting, in its own sense, but in a sense, it could also be called “profoundly disappointing” because this experience is only available to me as of the final episode.
One of the tweets I saw a few weeks back came to mind – someone became interested in sakuga houkai (terrible animation, literally “animation collapse”) because of HypMic…I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing…
…Dude, you probably shouldn’t answer a call from someone who just revealed themselves to be a traitor last episode…*sweatdrops*
(Spoiler for rest of franchise) Hmm…Dice’s face is pretty straight. Assuming at this point we knew Dice was Otome’s son, this is a good poker face from him…!
This thing about gangs was mentioned in their profiles (although the words used implies they “went delinquent”), so it actually doesn’t surprise me.
I wonder if this subway exists in the mainline story…?
According to the next ep. preview I saw on Twitter, TDD will reform to take down the Secret Aliens. I’m not sure if that was a guess or whether that’s true, so I’m waiting for the shoe to drop on it.
Samatoki-san, not -sama. Hmm…
There was definitely the word “team” in Dice’s line, so it’s “what the legendary team was made of”.
…oh gosh…they’re still using that airhorn…?
Again with the play on “lonely thunder”. It’s a really fun pun, but one I’d like to see in the rest of the series more.
Notably, Iris’s rap in English missed the word “charisma” where it could have fit (unless I missed reading it the first time).
Note Samatoki does actually use the word “shinsensa” (freshness), so there’s no lie there.
I still love how much they went in on Rex’s theme, even in his raps.
Huh, that’s new. Never seen a tag team like this before.
It seems Tom’s signature is using a lot of English, which makes it easy for us English/Japanese pair translators.
Saburo didn’t actually say “Ichi-nii”, did he…?
…based on the rock intro, this is Rhyme Anima, the OP, or something that sounds similar. What I’d need to confirm this is the “nautilus” line and the “ends corruption” line, which are the OP’s two biggest tells for AMQ.
“rainmaking” – Hmm, another link from Gentaro to Rei. This might be a different part of Rhyme Anima (OP) that wasn’t used as the OP proper.
“this white light invites and heals” (<- paraphrased) – Sounds like Sensei, alright!
…now that (rainbow bit). That’s sakuga!
*a silhouette appears* - Oh nooooooooooooooo! Now they‘ve done it! They’ve included Rei! That’s more than enough spoilers to last a lifetime for y’all anime-onlys!
I wish someone would work on this collaboration between Saburo and Riou…
Hmm…what is the series endgame? Putting in Dice as the new ruler??? I mean, Dice is the worst possible politician ever. He’s far too lax about things.
*Nemu enters* - No! Nemu!
Not only is Iris a “ramen shop owner”, it’s Tom’s favourite food…No wonder ramen has significance to her.
…ooh! A new song! Update: I don’t know what this song’s name is, although it probably will become clear what its name is on the 13th. I’ll keep my eye on Twitter in case the answer is there.
…I knew it was far too early to say if there was an s2 – the DVD’s live events go until September 5th and the 2nd DRB finishes in March. That almost felt like a stinger right there. Oh well, I’m more than happy to call this anime a success, even if I would call it the worst of the arms of the franchise. All HypMic’s anime had to do was deliver fun, before anything else, and it delivered on that front. See you around!
Taiso Samurai 7
Anime burnout means I’m coming back to the anime after the day it finishes.
This dancing scene is kind of like the one at the start of ep. 2 of IWGP, except it has the owl to represent the setting as well as the dance stage.
Leo doesn’t seem to know kanji or katakana, only hiragana.
Even though this part of the anime is set in London, the characters are still speaking Japanese (lel…?).
LOL, Edward Scissorhands much?
LOL, these background gossips are like the Plastics from Mean Girls…haha.
…LOL, that’s not one of those dismounting moves, is it? It’s just kind of…jumping off the bar.
Lookit how Leo’s sticker is 90 deg. sideways from what it should be, haha.
I don’t think it’s true that Olympic gymnasts have never failed. Like other people at the top of their game, they’re probably failed millions of times, but only outside the view of most of the world. Persistence and passion are what’s key to becoming the best at what you are, no matter what field you’re in.
Now Aragaki’s what I call a “determinator” (see TV Tropes on what that is).
Taiso Samurai 8
Notably, the word used for “clothes” is specifically for Western clothing, like dresses.
Well, now we know why Leo can do those stretches…
They’ve clearly sped up the dance here, but…it’s basically the same sort of movements Yuri on Ice used to suck me in. I’m here for it!
Leo seems to be the type who tries to push away his worries by distracting people (including himself) with other things…I see. I didn’t have much of a grasp of his character beforehand.
Britney! F*** you, Britney!
Ah, that must be the (a?) fabled owl of Ikebukuro. I’ve never actually been to Ikebukuro…the closest I got was Akihabara (to memory) and even then, that was for electronics, not anime…so I’ve never seen the owl statue I’ve been talking about close up.
Rei does kind of look like her mother like this.
Ah! Rei and Kitty have a pair look now! “Twinsies”, they call it.
Amakusa’s head is located right next to Leo’s butt, so I end up staring at it…LOL.
The Hoover mission.
“I <3 Ninja”, LOL.
LOL, “Nyapoo!”
*sighs* The problem with being multi-talented is that you’re going to be told to one day put one passion above the others, even if you don’t want that.
LOL, you can be a ninja with this WikiHow article. (I was looking for Kitty’s quote, but found that instead. It seems to be a quote from one of Tomoyo’s movies.) Update: I was right.
There’s a movie in the back where the title is “Black Rainmaker”. (Tomoyo, I presume) Mifune is the 1st person credited.
Considering this is 2003…you won’t be on Mars in 2013, Kitty.
Wow, a tape! That brings me back to 2003, indeed.
Charlie’s Angels…so that’s what the tape was.
LOL, a shoebill.
“blade in your heart” – That would refer to the character for “ninja”, which has a blade over a heart. Y’know Kiss Shot Acerola Heart-Under-Blade (from Monogatari), yeah? Like that.
…you might think emails were out of place in 2003, but a virus from an email caused me to be an avid reader and that virus was unleashed around the late 90s – early 2000s.
LOL, Kitty’s cat belt buckle.
You said it, Rei. You said it.
Taiso Samurai 9
Lausanne, Switzerland.
I noticed one of the boxes at the start of the OP says “Horizontal Bars”, rather than some random name to make the boxes look like they were discarded.
Someone encoded the video funny…
LOL, BB’s getting possessive of his territory.
Fuku-chan the fukurou (owl) in Ikebukuro…LOL.
LOL, randomly there’s a skeleton with a hat in the background of Britney’s clinic.
Notably, one of the wall hangings says “heart” on it – alternatively, “soul”.
Notably, Atlanta was the 1996 Summer Olympics…there is no 1997 Lausanne Olympics, as far as I know.
Akudama 9
I watched the part where it glitches twice and I can’t quite figure out what that circular symbol is…maybe it’s Hacker’s symbol…?
Ah! Only now they properly confirm Swindler used to work in the Seal centre.
“Life that never dies is defective.” – Doctor
Does that mean Doctor is actually older than she looks, due to plastic surgery…?
Marker? What marker?
Apparently that flower is a cherry blossom…according to Detective Conan.
…I know this anime wasn’t made in America (it wouldn’t be “anime” otherwise), but Anime Feminist is going to have a field day with this one…if they haven’t abandoned it already due to their idea of morals.
…now I can even see parallels between HypMic’s authorities and Akudama’s. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.
“Why did this have to happen when I’m chief?” – Sounds like…basically every authority during COVID and BLM, to be honest.
See? Akudama likes the S word. I told you.
I haven’t watched The Shining, but reading the synopsis, you can figure out why Cutthroat is the way he is…sort of.
How does the iconic quote go? “Heeeeeeeeeeeere’s Danny!” (or something…?)
They even copied the iconic eye shot! There you go!
Way to take a guy out (with the door, LOL).
…with all this killing, I can see why Akudama Drive was only in one magazine now. (Then again, HypMic was in basically all of them and that also has a tonne of problems…)
Akudama 10
万死 literally means “10000 deaths”.
That police chief is such a mood, LOL.
I can see why people didn’t recognise Swindler, but Courier never changes his look, so…uh…
You can’t become a police chief without a sense of justice, no?
“Since when did you know that I’m not-“ - *facepalms*
Is this what they call an “ass-kickin’ Christmas”? (LOL)
Y’know, Sister, you could just do the whole “wherever you are, I’m also seeing the same sky as you” thing some other anime do.
Notably, there are shide (the paper strips) and a rope over the vault…they really do treat the shinkansen and its immortal children as a single god, huh?
Hmm? They don’t care about Sister anymore? Just Brother? (Somewhere along the way, the priorities must have shifted.)
In the end, the best ship is Brawler and Hoodlum (lel).
Akudama 11
One more ep after this. I’m gonna miss this anime, even if it was crazy over-the-top and I didn’t finish it until after the day it ended.
I think the scariest scene in all of Akudama Drive is the one where the “cleaner” tosses the girl aside.
“This nowhere place!” – Around this time, the bunny and shark’s shirts say “morning”/”afternoon” (shark) and “evening” (bunny).
The blue bird of happiness…literally. That character on the birds is the one for “happy”.
…LOL, that one glitched Courier looks more like Cutthroat.
Hacker’s drone matches Courier’s head angles, LOL.
I guess if you think you’re falling in Kanto, you’re falling in Kanto and if you think you’re floating (like Courier did), you float. I always liked that concept.
War Games. Now the title makes sense!
…but they can be together if they stay here in Kanto as vessels for the citizens? (That sounds mighty antagonistic of me, but…that logic does compute.)
Maybe swindlers play games with the truth…? (What an interesting concept.)
“Just fine.” – I think Hacker needs a “This is fine” meme.
“We can hear your heart talking.” – It means something like “We can hear you spouting your true intentions.”
“…worth every last penny…” – That’s a weird thing to say for someone whose life got changed by 500 yen…Just goes to tell you how American the subbers can be sometimes.
Swindler’s smug face is so good, LOL.
Akudama 12 (FINAL)
This episode isn’t named after a movie. It’s named after the anime itself.
The TV says “Please watch away from the TV”, i.e. stand back from the TV while you watch.
“They came and stole the offerings…” – At this point, bunny’s shirt says “freedom” and shark’s says honpou, meaning “wild, uninhibited, rampant, extravagant”.
…where did Shikoku come from? Is that where Swindler and Sister landed after they tried going to the moon?
Ohh! That Christian imagery! That’s scary!
Is Akudama Drive a tragedy? No, I think…on the contrary, it’s a story of hope.
LOL, “s*** guy”.
I thought the girl had a bomb. Turns out she has a gun, which is…far worse, come to think of it.
Instead of red characters which say things about the situation, now Shark and Bunny have Hacker’s symbol on them.
There’s no way anyone who wasn’t immortal would survive the attack Courier took…
…why is it that falling over represents vulnerability in children in all of these stores where a war has happened and/or there’s a chase? Hmm?
Wow, Sister did everything with heels on…?!
Anyways, that was a fun time. See you next time!
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akkivee · 1 year
Tumblr media
yesterday i remembered they posted a sneak peek of ichiro’s page in the next guidebook and since i was feeling kinda insane then, i decided to compare ichiro’s about summaries and it looks like it’s changed a little bit!!!!
the old summary talked about his compassion and sense of justice, him looking after his bros and his rivalry with samatoki but in this new one, it looks like they’ve replaced that info with stuff about rei and true hypnosis mic!!!!!!
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astro-break · 4 years
Thoughts on the third ep of Hypmic Rhythm Anima (as always, spoilers beware but not only for the anime itself but for future things covered in the Drama CD and the Manga. If you’re an anime only, those are marked with a *)
Right off the bat. Super disappointed that it isn’t a MTC episode. I wanted an MTC episode. :((((
Still got my MTC crumbs this week tho and I think I can hold out until next week which hopefully will give me the MTC episode I so desperately want (Yes, i have a division bias and i’m not afraid to show it)
Jakurai entertaining kids are just so cute. I think its very very precious.
* Also. What kind of doctor is Jakurai anyways? So far we know that he’s a councilor/therapist (helps Doppo w/ his anxiety), a pediatrician (he helped a kid), a family doctor (I think i might be wrong on this one), a surgeon (In the FP vs MTC manga he’s shown preforming surgery), a hitman/assassin (:/ yeah evil line records seems intent on retconning this one), a battle field medic (he’s state to be one during WWIII) and now he’s getting called into the orthopedic (things concerning the musculoskeletal system) and gastroenterology (working w. the digestive system) department, two things that have nothing in common with each other. And I’m sure I’m missing some. There is no way in hell this man can do all that he’s 35 for fucks sake. You’d be old and grey before you could learn and complete the credentials needed to work half of these jobs
Nice to now that theres some hints of jakurai’s past. I have a feeling that we’ll be seeing more of the detective later in the story, esp for Matenrou
Doppo being overworked as usual *sigh*. When will the man ever rest? Never... Though im a bit skeptical as to why one of his co-workers calls him doppo. this is a work environment, usually he’d be called “Kanonzaka” for the least amount of informality. seems sus to me. Though his depiction of his insecurities is nice
I love how his first reaction is to call Hifumi and as him if he’s killed anyone. Peak bromance guys. 
Honestly Doppo’s method of trying to calm down is nice but not at all effective. He has the right mindset of calming down and letting his body breath, but the way he goes about it is... eh. 
Tom and Iris’ argument is hilarious and I really want to see more of them and Rex! Can’t wait to see what happens with these three new characters
Iasdgfjsd;flkasjdflkasdjfkasdlvn ajsdk, MTCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
fsajghasdf i love them asdhfoiksldjfasdfj riou’s food looks so so so so so good omgggggg
Samatoki respecting the fuck outta Jakurai is amazing and I never get tired of their father-child kind of relationship (yes jakurai is a dad to TDD fight me.)
The Riou and Samatoki interactionnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah my heart!! they know each other so well and play off each others strengths. its so cute and I love how Samatoki knows his teammates well enough to know when to play each of his pieces. He isn’t just some brute who speaks through his fists, but he does use his head too. I think this is one of the reasons why he’s also high up on the Yakuza ladder since he’s not only brawny but also brainy
ah yes, Jyuto kneeing a bitch. just what I needed to see on a stressful friday thank you for feeding me
I love MTC, im very happy with the MTC crumbs. Since MTR showed up in BB’s ep last week, i really really hope that next week’s ep will be MTC
There it is. Jakurai’s “Jitsuni Kyoumibukai” line
lolololololol the sound effects for MTR is hilarious. Though please give Doppo a break, man deserves it
Jaku’s hair man. its beautiful
Again, please give Doppo a break, he deserves with the 4 joints that they attacked
They say 3 times, but they attacked 4 places?? Did they not report one of them?
Ahhhhh the DoHifu interaction on the temple grounds is both hilarious and cute. Though I can’t help but feel bad for Doppo
* Huh, Jaku did you get that from your hitman days loll
Oh man host mode. Though I like how Doppo recognizes when Host Mode is  a legitimate shield that Hifumi needs and is willing to give him that shield when he needs it. God I love their dynamic]
wow... yet another female stalker for Hifumi... very original. This is pretty similar to the stalker girl from the manga and CD
Lol callback to when Doppo was in the toilet and trying to calm down. 
pffft the girl is so weird. I can’t stand her or Uwabami. 
The plot is so convoluted holy shit. Is this a drama now? (I’ve never watched any c-dramas or k-dramas so I’m the furthest thing from a voice of authority but this seems like a drama show plot lmao.)
This is just a drama at this point lol. Misunderstandings, plot twists and cheesy shit all over the place. Its a badly written and hilarious drama thats for sure
Someone please write a fic where instead of the hypmic universe, the boys are all in a tv drama show plot and their hijinks bc it would fit perfectly. please
Ah, Doppochin snapped~ He’s very interesting once he gets fired up and thats when I really really like MTR. Don’t get me wrong, I love them normally but its when they get down to it that really makes me squeal in delight
Oh! So i think each character gets their own personalized intro w/ their speakers, not just the leaders. Thats honestly so so so cool. The 3D didn’t get in the way of the sequence and was really flashy and smooth. I love how they show the transformation and reveal of the mic and speaker. Honestly the Anime has so many good takes on thigs that aren’t touched on often in the franchise.
The rap was honestly fire this time around. I love it and have replayed it almost 20 times. According to the ending credits its called Welcome U which is so cute for such a funny and badass song. The strong base beat and imagery were so strong and included a lot of homages to things that really matches both Shinjuku, Matenrou and the lyric’s themes and they’re really small but important details! The humor was on point without sacrificing any of the amazingly cool elements and the three distinct styles of rap were integrated in such a catchy melody!
EG) the verse All Year Round features a quick shot of the four seasons and the things most prominently associated with each season. Spring has cherry blossoms and flower viewing, Summer has festivals, Fall and Winter have food that corresponds to events that happen in those seasons.
Doppo’s line of “The flea counters w/ a bite” is so so so cute bc he’s got a little w at the end and thats jp chatspeak for a laugh and skjdfhsdjfkslad adorable
Hifumi picking up right after and asking if Doppo is okay is just. Goals. And his gratutious english works really well and is super smooth! Very very good
Also the small homage to The Champions with Hifumi’s “Jump around” line and the format where Hifumi takes separate lines than Jaku and Doppo. Its a brilliant way to sneak these references in and they’ve kept that theme going from last episode
Foreshadowing with “We’re the true leader, Matenro!” Nice touch there lol.
Lol of course its attempted murder. Still gotta keep this PG 13 even though theres swearing abound
The ending w/ mimimi..... leaves me kind of torn since i don’t like how it ended but they did provide some nice advice. i guess
lsdf;jsalkdfjsldf Hifumi please you’ve known Doppo for over 25 years, you should know better than anyone what his charm points are. and shouldn’t you be the one who understands Doppo’s appeal? smh
SCREEEEEEE THAT TITLE OF THE NEXT EP. if its an MTC ep i will scream even more bc asudhfsdkjflasd A friend in need is a friend indeed this is just pushing my Poly!MTC agenda isn’t it
Final thoughts:
Please please please let next week be MTC please please please
DoHifu are goals, both romantically and platonically
The rap was fire and I’m going to keep listening to it on repeat. First ep was a bit of a disappointment in terms of CGI and raps but these latest two eps are really picking up the slack! I really hope they continue this for the next two!
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rantheon · 4 years
hypmic: thoughts
as of 25/3/2020 (i have not updated this since then but my feelings are roughly still the same)
might as well get this out of the way since matenrou’s album is out. half to prepare for the 2nd drb, half to organize my thoughts from 1.5 years in the making
that said, i talk about everything that comes to mind so this is just gonna be a dump of random thoughts :>
no it’s really long
aight so
the main part of hypmic is the music, which is pretty good, all things considering. each division has their own style of music, and each character, their style of rapping. this makes for some really fun and sick combos during the rap battles
i’m really floored by the seiyuus, they’re really trying hard and doing a great job
it’s also really nice that they bring in different composers? and no two songs sound too much alike or similar? it’s just a lot of effort put into the music and i’m all for it
hoodstar is my fav all-stars song. it’s so funky and fun? i could listen to it forever
ngl survival of the illest is a close second. i was not expecting to like it so much
plot… exists. that’s really all i can say about it-
listen. i’ll give them A for effort. i appreciate what they’re trying to do, continuing a linear storyline through the drama tracks and revealing bits of backstory in the manga. TDD era was lit af and the whole chuuoku endgoal + all the character interactions and revelations is pretty interesting
it’s just… predictable? like, very predictable? so much that it gets boring and old really quick? at least throw us a curveball, kr
there’s also the issue about how canon stuff are in exclusive (limited) drama tracks that can be difficult to get but that’s just Marketing so whatever, let’s move on
maybe they’ll drop some extra lore in the arb game, we’ll see
oh right, alternate rap battle
pretty cool game i guess? i was really only interested to try out the rhythm game, which i did, and it kinda... sucks. or well, it’s not bad but it’s not a contender against games like cytus, lanota, voez, etc. the beatmap’s a bit off and weird? i’ll just SS each song before i quit ahaha
but if you’re interested in more hypmic boys.png & a more casual rhythm game then go for it
here’s a (kind of) hot take: there’s so much content released that it all feels. saturated
i do love and appreciate the new content! but it’s just... a lot
i mean, you got new albums, manga, hypmic radio, stage plays, the arb game, the anime that’s supposedly out this year- and all of this within the span of about a year? it kinda feels like they’re riding on the popularity to just. try everything
good for them though, more Marketing strategies
mad respect to anyone who managed to stay sane for the past 6 months
i mean it’s not necessary to keep up with everything but with how active the fandom is, it can feel pressuring. especially when everyone’s screaming or yelling about angst or whatever
on that note, hot take #2: the fandom is intense. but not so much in a bad bad? it really depends which circle you step into and most of the ones i’ve seen have people that are super kind and lovely!
but it’s mainly intense and loud, it’s a slight tinge of entitlement going around in some circles, most if not all are very vocal about crying and everyone’s just screaming
but hey, the amount (and quality) of fanart and translation content etc is amazing & i always give my appreciation and love to them
with that stuff out of the way, hmm i’ll just ramble about something
like divisions
buster bros!!! is cute. good bro vibes. it’s also really lovely to read about how jiro and saburo didn’t like ichiro in the beginning, and now they’re willing to do anything for him? good stuff. they also have really good songs and i have equal love for all of them, but ‘ore ga ichiro’ remains forever undefeated with ‘requiem’ right behind. saburo’s probably my fav bc i can’t say no to smartass lil shits :’D
i will give my everything to mad trigger crew. the angry yakuza sison, the megane cop in leather and the military dork who loves to cook can have my soul right now. they fit my ideal types so well :’D not a big fan of their songs except ‘dead pools’ but i love listening to them on the drama tracks
hard to describe into words how i feel about fling posse. i love them very much, their character tropes are up my alley (i have a soft spot for gremlins, liars and gamblers) and nothing can ever top stella. but it’s kinda difficult to root for them? kinda? they’re the mystery division, you know? tied together with secrets and hidden pasts. even when i first got into hypmic, i wondered how they even got together lol. they do have cute moments though! and i’m eagerly waiting for them to open up to each other.
...ramuda ;;;;;
matenrou was my first. i got into hypmic bc of division battle anthem and the group with a gray wolf as their insignia. despite everything, they’re so… chill. jakurai has such a calming voice, doppo and hifumi yelling in the background of songs is so iconic, and they just want to have a good time. being giddy over assassin jakurai is just a perk, i swear-
dotsuitare hompo has nice songs. osaka dreamin’ night was catchy and tragic transistor was buckets of fun. but as a group, i don’t really… feel anything for them. they give me vibes of a plot device to progress the story along (sasara for samatoki, rei for BB/chuuoku) and there’s not much for me to get attached to. maybe in time! roshio having stage fright is really endearing, and sasara has the prettiest fanart ngl
i love bad ass temple!! if i wasn’t already into hypmic, this is the division that would make me dive in. i love love funky sounds, i’m really into their solos, and their dynamic? the “tired exasperated uncle taking care of two brats” vibes? kukou’s fangs? jyushi’s extra-ness? hitoya’s weird outfit? their entire drama track?? amanda?? i just love them
these next ones probably doesn’t count lol but i’ll say it anyway: i love the dirty dawg. ‘TDD legend’ remains to be one of my my go-to comfort songs. the drama between the four is both funny and sad, though it makes sense why they split up. at least they have their own groups now
not really into mad comic dialogue but i think they’re neat! they have nice fanart too
everyone hates chuuoku for ruining lives and that’s valid but. i want to know more about them? they’re obviously the Big Bad but seeing things from their perspective would be really interesting. and i’m genuinely curious about how chuuoku works: the inner workings of the district, how they handle giving out permits, the standard of living beyond the wall & for the women who chose not to, the clone factory
putting aside the music and plot, hypmic has the weirdest merch?? in what other fandom can you get a hypmic-themed bathtub, toothbrush, underwear, face masks and hotel rooms?
✧:・゚*~ only in hypmic ~*:・゚✧
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valkavavaart · 4 years
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no one asked but i wanted to do all of this in one sitting lets go.. this is long im sorry
1. favourite character 
jyushi, kuukou, ramuda.. i will not pick between them
2. least favourite character 
jyuto.. also saburo but he’s growing on me
3. favourite division
nagoya, baby!
4. favourite buster bros member
legally adopting jiro.. thats my boy i love him
5. favourite mtc member
rioooOoOOoOOoOoOoOOo i dont care the other two but like id give my life for riooOoOOOo
6. favourite matenrou member
doppPOOoOOOoOOOoo but also dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there...
7. favourite fling posse member
r a m u d and a.. whos that
8. favourite character song
UMMM drops and moonlight shadow both slap...?
9. favourite rap battle
its gotta beeeeee battle battle battle? i dont rlly listen to them much i just think abt the art where ramuda and jakurai are like face to face except we KNOW ramuda is barely like 5′0″ and jakurai is a big tall 6′4″ish man so how are they this close is ramuda sitting on his knee?? is jakurai kneeling?? is ramuda on a box
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10. favourite tdd member
again.. ramuda lmao.. like esp tdd ramuda his outfit is so cute hes just so tiny..
11. your otp
UMMMM i like getting into a lot of ships?? id say my favs are probably like.. gendice or riodice maybe?? and ichikuu.. rn im like rlly into hitoya/jakurai too i want those old men to hold hands (i wanna draw them but idk any good poses for old dudes who r also boyfriends)
12. your notp
anything involving saburo uMmMMmm.. im not rlly a fan of samatoki/ichiro & tdd era samatoki/ichiro ESPECIALLY rubs e the wrong way.. i also dont rlly like jyushi/hitoya or kuukou/hitoya they just rlly rub me the wrong way
13. how did you get hooked on hypmic
ok so on twitter all my friends and the artists i follow got rlly into fire emblem three houses and i didnt own a switch at the time but i was like "cool i'll like find a bunch of artists that draw this and i'll UHHH maybe get hyped for it idk" and one of the artists was riryou_ on twitter who was posting like mochi blyeth and i was like omg so cute... and they spoke abt like hypmic a bunch too and i was like "oh i vaguely know what hypmic is (based off of all the samatoki memes and sasara fanart i’d see), maybe i should get into it??" then they like posted jyushi and i was like "oh he looks so dumb i need to know more" and i HEARD jyushi and i was like "actually he's adorable and i love him!!" bc i have a soft spot for like.. crybaby chuunis, and then downloaded the game and was like "wtf!!! where is jyushi" and thats why im here..
14. a character you identify with
im not assigning myself a hypmic kin!!!!!!!!
but i’ll pick doppo bc 1. never trust a doppo kinnie and 2. i too need a therapist
15. favourite character design
KUUKOU was designed specifally to cater to me here is exactly why
-his hair. i cant draw it but i like it
-hes like >:3 all the time 
-he has?? fucking fangs
-cat boy energy
-the like contrast of him being a monk and then him also just being a little bastard.. love that
-i like his jacket
-his dumb fucking boots..
-he comfy
-radiates chaotic energy
-one of his eyes is usually like slightly squinted?? i dont know why he does that but i like it
-he wont hesitate.. bitch
-i forgot this was supposed to be like based on his design and went on a long ass ramble abt his personality but like sshhh you wont see that.. delete
-piercings... the big one looks like a stretcher? i like that
-his speakers that look like the dragon w the bell are cool
-again short king rowdy boy
-he has long eyelashes and wears eye makeup.. thats cute..
- >:3
16. a character you'd cosplay
again kuukou looks comfy but thats a lot of layers.. itd be rlly warm right..
id say maybe jiro! ichiro would be my next choice idk i like their jackets
17. a character you thought you'd like + 18. a character you thought you'd dislike  
ok so i just put these together bc like actually.. before i got into hypmic when all i rlly knew was vague fanart of the characters and that jyushi is my man i did a tier list to like get my opinions on them down.. and sometimes i look back to it and im like.. AHAH...
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as u can see i was on board for jyushi as soon as i got here... but i thought sasara and kuukou were rlly neat and like i figured i'd like ichiro bc mmm... but honestly im not that big on ichi SFGKHDLF...
meanwhile in the bottom tier... jakurai, jiro, dice, rosho, ramuda, hifumi... the irony that i actually rlly like all of them... rosho took a while to grow on me but he's really good.. meanwhile hifumi probably still isnt a character im like SUPER into but i do like him..
heres my current tier list tho LMAO
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19. buster bros or mtc?
hnn.. its gonna have to be buster bros...
i like jiro and rio a lot and dont rlly care for the other 4 but like.. i think i like bb and their dynamic and find them more sympathetic than mtc lmaoo... like ichiro went through a lot for his bros..
samatoki also went through a lot for nemu but hes stinky as hell and i think he's stupid. but i will not write an essay on that.
20. fling posse or matenrou
fling posse BABYYYYYY i love those funky little lads.. i like matenrou a lot too but like fp just appeal to me a lot more and i rlly love their dynamic.. i could talk for days abt fp...
21. mtc or matenrou
matenrOUuUuuUUuUUuu again i do not care mtc aside from rio.. i dont rlly have strong thoughts on matenrou lol i like their friendship tho :)
22. favourite hypmic seiyuu
saito soma or takaya kuroda.. saito soma bc i generally love his voice and also he voices other favs of mine (yamaguchi hq, 2wink from enstars..) and takuya kuroda bc im literally a simp for kazuma kiryu from the yakuza series,
also ive been insulting samatoki so far but i actually like his va like the man has the range?? between voicing samatoki hypmic and leo enstars?? HELLO????
23. a song you didn't like
basically anything by mad trigger crew SBJFGKJHLDSF the only song i actively remember by them is whats my name.. i only play it for rio..
UMMM otherwise i guess like??? new star.. sucks bc i actually rlly like saburo's va but i feel like he doesnt rlly get the best parts/songs...? that being said i like songs w him in it so
24. a hypmic headcanon
ummmmmmm i cant think of anything lol snnzzz.. i saw the hc that ramuda was the one that like dyed jakurais hair and it was so cute..
25. favourite solo song
wasnt this already a question or can i not read.. whatever my brain is like gya gya gyaran gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gya gya gyaran bam
6. favourite mc name
they all fucking suck LOL
evil monk is very literal and i like that. i also like that 14th moon ties into jyushi's name and everything..
UHHH i guess doppo cause its literally just his name LMAOO and i think doppos a cute name
7. the most attractive character
i know i said that kuukou is designed to appeal specific to me but gentarou? pretty boy. love to see it thank you saito soma. also tdd era jakurai.. maybe its just cause i like the manga art a lot but... dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there
28. a kink
29. favourite life quote & 30. favourite rebuttal or punchline
i dont wanna give a serious answer to either of those so on a completely unrelated note, i think abt this a lot
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pokeydapuppy · 4 years
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The groups I’m cheering for this DRB ovo
Pfft, I am suuuuper late
But my final thoughts!
As you can see from above, I want BB, M, and FP to win. I only realized that I just needed Samatoki in there to be TDD haha Honestly a bit disappointing that I didn’t but lemme explain myself for my reasons.
While I do love the new divisions (I’m a hard DH fan tbh lol), I mostly wanted to focus on how it would affect the story and then the group’s performance. Since the start, before the lives, I wanted to support BB, M, and MTC. As you can see, It’s been changed from MTC to FP X”D 
(Black Journey is too powerful imo it has me rolling every time. Though ramuda’s first beginning aprt definitely caught me off guard and that lil intro had me laughing. That chorus??? Freaking <3<3) 
Buster Bros, I think I only got around to talk about the first two groups never the next two pfft. As much as I would like to see our favorite comedy duo win, I really want them to beat their father and get a sense of victory as well. I won’t forget the fact that they were the first to go first DRB rip   Re:Start is ultimately better than Wara Osaka in my opinion, even if its tacky dance lives rent free in my mind and I think about them often lol. Jiro’s Aniki is going to take some time to get used to, but I think that development (all of them, save Ichiro tbh ??) in the drama track has pulled my heartstrings and they’re adorable.
Hmm, honestly when it does come to M vs BAT, my sibling has had me conflicted many times. (She’s also the one that converted me from MTC to FP blame her lol) It’s true- if BB is going to win, wouldn’t we want a Naughty Busters like reunion? If we aren’t going to get it from DH and MTC that is. Kaigen and RIP are also superb compared to Tomoshibi... (it was a good song I swear- just come on, BAT had more energy this time around XD It fit the hype I was looking for in the 2nd DRB) Rip for Kuko’s scream that isn’t in the actual recording only in the live ashdjkk. If he doesn’t do that future lives still Imma be sad lmao. Anyways I don’t think the “champions” should just go afterwards either. Also les make that inferior complex worse ehhhhh jkjk Also, overall I just feel like M’s popularity and that Drama track might secure them that win. I think the plot might be cleaner then?? Of course, it’s all debatable and Im sure that if either team won, the story could still develop just fine.
Dear goodness, Jyuuto’s part in Hunting Charm actually haunts me. Anyways, Fp doesn’t deserve to lose, what was that one joke floating around about the pink one getting it. Please. Just let them trick or treat form other clones, he doesn’t deserve this ajhsjkkk While as much as I think Samatoki deserves that win and revenge for Nemu (Also potentially meeting her?? But ig he doesn’t have to win to have that opportunity) I feel that FP’s stronger bond and passion to live might push them for that win. 
As for the versus songs themselves-
Ohhh dear Most favorite to least favorite:
Reason to Fight - Light Shadow - Joy for Struggle
I’ll be honest, for the amount of hype that I had for the 2nd DRB, DhvsBB disappointed me... In the sense of energy of course- I still find it a heckin good bop. But I think what I wanted was just them spitting fire at each other, just fire XDD It was cute- their lil manzai and joking, but I think it would’ve been cooler to throw heat in there. Seemed more to DH’s vibe than a mixed battle vibe. 
Now the other two songs, much like the past DRB songs were LIT. I absolutely loved them. That banger part in Reason to Fight that makes me throw my hands in the air to go with the beat (Yall know it lol) is killer. Doppo’s scream -beautiful as always (but also Jyushi’s and kuko’s lol)- including just the raw energy I felt from Light Shadow was absolutely phenomenal. 
I honestly wish there was more anger(?) in Dh and Bb But I also get why it didn’t lol Either way, although they're like my top favorite divisions, that’s my reasoning. I’d chat about the Drama tracks too, but tbh I haven’t seen the translations yet so I don’t wanna spread misconceptions lol 
This has gone long enough- Imma try and throw up some more art of hypmic though. I had this done a couple days ago but just wanted to post it anyways. You can sort of tell the rush because while I made some of the top transparent I didn’t erase the overlay LOL 
Also I had 2/3 BB icons done, but I really want to post the three of them together... Hopefully I’ll pull myself up soon to finish Saburo pfft
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