#ngl I'm in the BET train so this is like
cannibalhellhound · 4 months
I sprained my wrist in my sleep, so obviously I go draw something instead of resting 👍🏼 but it's not finished because it hurts and it's 2am
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Tommy is very happy watching his two favorite beings snoring in his couch!! So he must share with another favorite being aka Eddie (◕◡◕)
1. Curly haired Tommy is best Tommy.
2. Evan is a mood sleeping like that.
3. I gave Tommy a dog. As I usually do.
Her name is Nonni and she's a rescued fight dog. She snores as loud as Evan and by now Eddie and Christopher have many videos of those two harmonizing in their sleep.
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
OKay. So. Thoughts. Please excuse meandering. It's 7am and my brain is not yet fully operational.
Point the oneth: S1 has set up precedents of wounds getting infected, causing delirium and resulting in amputation (whether by colleagues or self-inflicted) in episode 6. It has also set in place characters in fevered deliriums seeing flashes of people/places that upset them - Stede seeing Mary with the letter, his father laughing at him with the murdergoose and a hostile Alma in episode 4.
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Point the twoth: Last we saw Izzy, he had his foot mutilated. This is not a man who would ask for help when injured, so I bet he doesn't do anything about the infection until it's too late because….
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Point the threeth: By the time we see Stede's training montage with him, Izzy has a wooden leg. In the scene with him and Stede fighting on the beach, he has both feet.
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Point the fourth: Bearded Stede is an idealised pirate: he's dressed like a showy pirate would be. He has leather trousers. He has a beard. He's masculine and holding his own in the fight on the beach.
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Point the fiveth: Bearded Stede has Izzy's sword.
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Point the sixth: We've seen that framing and expression before on Stede's face on only one single occasion.
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So my theory, as loosely mentioned yesterday, is now elaborated upon.
I'm now absolutely convinced that the bearded Stede, the dashing romantic hero-looking bugger, is all Izzy's heightened fever dream while he's delirious and infected.
He's reliving the moment that turned his life upside down: the day he ran into the man who "bested him at swordplay" and who his boss found "fascinating". He's disarmed, his sword is in the hands of the man who turned his life upside down when he "done something to my boss's brain".
And ngl, I am giddy with excitement that if this is Izzy's fever-dream, he's the one butching Stede up. Like sir, contain your fever-addled ravings! Some might even call them thirsty. If his fever dream involves Stede slashing his shirt to ribbons I will punch the air in glee.
And then, he goes to train said fellow and feels the need to slap him on the arse during said training.
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magicxc · 7 months
Pairings: Survey Corps - their dick sizes
Word Count: 857
Warnings: none
A/N: this is so self indulgent, it aint even funny lol. Please enjoy what I think the bois are packing.
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren - 9.5 inches
Phew I mean, this doesn’t take too much explaining…at least for me. Eren legit had the gall to wipe out 80% of the population so I can only imagine that he has the balls to match. It’s safe to say our boy is all bark and bite cause he’s absolutely backing up whatever the fuck he says. Needless to say, you need to be PREPPED before penetration.
Levi - 6.5
As my personal favorite of the bunch, daddy Levi is absolutely still working with sumn, okay!!! Let's not count our short king out the race. Matter of fact, I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that Levi is giving you THEE best seggs. As fun as size kinks are, let's be real, it hurts before it pleases. And 6.5 is like the perfect length to comfortably kiss your cervix. That stamina? His insomnia? The low, sultriness of his voice? Yeahh, you can kiss a good night's rest goodbye and your pussy will absolutely thank you for it. It’s been said that Levi is one of the best in terms of ODM use because of how quick he is while maneuvering the gear and the way it’s used is by the wearers shifting a lot of their weight to their pelvis for movement. Once again YOUR PUSSY WILL THANK YOU! 
Erwin - 7.5
Though the Commander stands tall above his peers, he has some muscle mass to him and therefore I consider him a girthy fellow. Keep in mind this is the same man who stared down Reiner in his armor titan form, all the while being short one arm. It's been said that the horses that the scouts ride are bred specifically to outrun titans but what they leave out is that Erwins horse is bred specifically to carry balls as heavy as his. Lmfaoo this man is BRAVE, just daring a mf to try some shit. And he absolutely carries that trait into the bedroom as well. 
Connie - 7.5
Connie has always given me goofball vibes. That “huh” ass mf was sorta the comedic relief to the show and it’s like omg you brought dick too?? Funny men be getting me ngl jksjsks. It’s been said that Connie views the Scouts training almost like a summer camp and while he made the top ten his competitive edge doesn’t really set in until he sees someone doing better than him lol. I genuinely don’t think dick size matters to him all that much so when he becomes sexually active and gets so much praise, it’s like ohh wow - new kink unlocked.
Jean - 10 inches
I'm willing to physically debate this lmao. This is probably the only thing he’ll beat Eren in, but I whole heartedly believe that Jean is packing a SCHLONG. He’s always stood above his peers throughout the show and as he ages, it’s more prominent. Tall and skinny men are literally always packing and those pencils wanna write in every book. Mans would absolutely put Mikasa through a mattress if given the chance.
Onyankopon - 8.5 inches
Even though Ony doesn’t get a whole lotta screen time, I can safely assume his length here. This is the same man who fucking DARED Floch to kill him AFTER witnessing him kill a few others for refusing to fall in line. You wanna talk about standing on business? Ohhh Ony’s your man through and through. Mans is always fighting for the greater good and even willing to sacrifice his life for the cause; it’s safe to say you’d bark if he asked you to. 
Reiner - 7.0
Ok hear me out, mans is GIRTHY. And 7 inches isn’t a bad place to be at all. Very rarely do those beefcake ass men have length, but that doesn’t mean they're lacking. In fact, I’ll take it a step further and guess that Reiners smeat curves left. CHANGE MY MIND. Any man strong enough to wield that heavy ass armor titan is absolutely knocking the cobwebs off that pwussy. Needless to say, prep is still a must.
Armin - 7.0
Its certainly the quiet ones that shock you the most. Have you ever interacted with a chill and laid back man? It's definitely a reason for that and Armin is no exception. Although I consider him the least experienced, keep in mind that he is a QUICK learner. Every contort of your face and shift of your body is all the notes he needs to take to properly learn how to work your body over. And soon, you’ll be able to mold him to your perfect sex partner. That, coupled with his sweet attitude and sincere personality; sigh that bitch Annie really struck gold with this one. 
Floch - 8.0
If you look up unhinged in the dictionary, you’d literally find a picture of Floch. Many can make the argument that he may be overcompensating for something, but I di-fucking-gress. Even though he can be a bit off the walls, it truly was for good reason and all in the name of his country and THAT, my friends, is big dick behavior.
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strqyr · 5 months
Ngl, to me, Ozpin is so, so interesting, but not just regarding his reincarnation and past lives (though those Are very interesting). Like,, it's said that Ozpin became Headmaster at a young age and was a 'prodigy'. And based on the information we have on his age, that being younger than Theodore who's in his mid-late 40s, it's so interesting to consider exactly HOW young he mightve been. I'm willing to bet, based on appearance and facts, that he was probably 37-39 when he died, maybe very early 40s at the oldest. N like. That says that at the absolute youngest, he was probably 20 when he became Headmaster, and like, 24 at the oldest.
Which is like. That's WILD to me? I'm sure it's more likely he was 22-24 when he became Headmaster, but that's RIGHT AFTER he would get his Huntsman license, if he got it all naturally. If his last incarnations circle had kids and They knew (I wouldn't be surprised, it'd be juicy), and they were in high places, it's entirely possible that he got into that position earlier than he should have, possibly Unwillingly. I'm sure it's not canon, but I feel like that's WAY juicier than just "He got into the Headmaster position on his own by his own choice". Besides, I doubt the KoV would've wanted Ozpin to get shoved into such a position, if we can base how he mightve been on how Ozpin acts (merge n all).
Like. Idk I feel like Ozpin, the life and the incarnation, is So interesting especially if all this is true? Plus Oz parallels Pyrrha so I feel like him getting shoved into a position he didn't initially want would only hammer that in more. I am DESPERATE for a rwby spinoff that focuses on STRQ and Ozpin 🙏
i absolutely need to know how old ozpin was exactly when he became the headmaster of beacon and it will forever be one of my biggest frustrations with rwby that they never give their adult characters exact ages like please, i need to know 😭
but just by doing detective work, it's like. okay, in the novels he's said to be the youngest headmaster beacon has had, but in the show it's said he was one of the youngest headmasters, no specific academy mentioned, so i don't think he was like. impossibly young? he's a licensed huntsman, so prodigy or not, he likely would have gone through one of the academies and graduating first.
now, my own little pet theory is that ozma doesn't reincarnate into warriors—take a look at his known reincarnations, and none of them come across as having had any training before he popped into their head—so i'm thinking that ozpin wasn't attending an academy when that happened, which also leaves the door open that he could have been younger than 17 when he did—meaning that in addition to pyrrha, he might also parallel ruby, the two people he chose in one way or another—and during that time not only was he training (and gaining the muscle memory from ozma), but he was also prepared for the role of the headmaster by the inner circle members the king of vale left behind (since he's mentioned as ozpin's predecessor).
he was also already the headmaster of beacon when team strq was on their first year, so i'm thinking he's like... maybe 2-4 years older than them? which would put him at early-to-mid forties at the time of his death (depending on how old team strq are), which would still put him as younger than theodore, who is in his mid-to-late forties, maybe early fifties according to yatsuhashi.
but hard agree on team strq spinoff. for me that has always been about more than just strq—though it goes without saying that's obviously where my bias lies lol—, it's also about ozpin and how he formed his inner circle around him because all of them—especially the headmasters—were like. his friends? these are not people chosen by his predecessor, these people were chosen by him and i need to know and see how that happened and how ozpin handled it all like did he go through the same awkwardness as oscar where people older and more experienced than him looked at him like he should know what to do??
there's just so much there to dig into and i must have it. please.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers reacting to a younger player calling them dad (long as hell version)
anon requested it n so it shall be!! ngl for some a the teams i simply googled "youngest player on INSERTTEAMHERE." ive never written formal fic for football so i apologize for this being iffy n also for the SHITTON of innacuracies theres bound to be. oh n also that everyone talks like a twenty year old american college student
"Thanks, dad," Warren said nonchalantly as Leo helped him up off the ground. He had stumbled a little and fell during the last part of training.
Leo only narrowed his eyes a little in response. Dad?
Poor Warren clasped a hand over his mouth, seemingly mortified. "I'm so sorry," he said, chuckling even though he didn't look like he found anything funny. "I guess I just- And then- Yeah I'll, uh, get going now." He scampered away not once looking back.
Leo got to thinking as me made his way back to the locker room. He's used to being called that; he has children of his own. But he's never considered a teammate of his as his own child. Sure, he was helpful, a mentor maybe, but fatherly wasn't how he would describe his behavior with his younger teammates.
There was only one thing to do, obviously. Ask a younger teammate.
When he got to the locker room he approached Neymar, who didn't notice him at first.
His friend's face brightened upon noticing Leo was there. "Yeah, what's up?" he asked, before taking a swig of water.
"Do you see me as a father figure?"
In response, Leo was met with Neymar choking and coughing. "NO, GOD NO-" he stopped to cough again and catch his breath. "WHAT GAVE YOU THAT IDEA?"
"Nothing, jeez, calm down."
"Woah, not like that, you could hurt yourself," Neymar told Bitshiabu. He was doing an new training excercise incorrectly, and the last thing PSG needed was a good player pulling or straining something.
Neymar took a minute to show him how to do it properly. "Thanks, dad," the seventeen year old said sarcastically. Despite the snark, he appreciated the help.
Neymar just laughed in response, but for the rest of traning the thought kept bouncing around in the back of his head. 'Dad? I was acting like a dad? Some of them see me as old enough to be their father?'
Well, he was a father, but that was different. His teammates were much older than Davi.
Oh, gosh, was he getting old?
Later in training, when he saw Leo, he grabbed the poor man by the shoulders without so much as a hello. "Leo. Do you think I'm getting old?"
In classic Leo fashion, he looked like he'd rather be anywhere than here, interacting with someone. "Well, technically we all are... You're older now than you were yesterday, so I guess you are get-"
Neymar let out an exasperated sigh, unhappy with that answer.
His next victim was Sergio, who's phone conversation he interrupted to ask him the question of the day.
"Do you think I'm getting old?"
"You interrupted my conversation with Lukita to ask me if-"
Damn. Neymar was gonna have to get hammered tonight. To prove he still has it in him.
"What about you, Milly? Any fun weekend plans?" Andy asked. Some of the team were talking about the plans they had for the free weekend they had coming up.
"You bet; I have a date with my new book and chamomile tea."
This earned him a few eye rolls, most noticably from Trent. "Aw, that's so boring! Robbo and I are hitting this new club Saturday night, aren't we, mate?" he reached across the kitchen island to fist bump his friend. "Surely you've got something more fun in mind."
"I might fire up the grill if the weather allows..." Milly started. "Oh, and I should probably get my car checked out; it's been making this weird noise."
"Yeah yeah, we get it, dad, you're boring."
Milly didn't hesitate. "I am nowhere near old enough to be your dad," he said with his typical snark.
"You do act like it though..." the previously quiet Alisson chimed in, peering at his friends from over his coffee mug.
"And you're no spring chicken either," Milly remarked, which shut the goalkeeper up. "Will you lot ever get bored of the 'James is old' joke?"
"Aw, don't be like that, mate," Andy said with a hearty laugh, putting an arm around Milly's neck and ruffling his hair. "You know it's just because we love you!"
Milly sighed. Yeah, he did know, he supposed.
"I mean," Alvarez said between passes. "You're practically his dad."
Kevin rolled his eyes for what was probably the third time during that conversation.
"Ah, shove it, you know I'm not that old."
"It's not about age," his younger teammate responds, accepting the ball Kevin passed to him. "You're always like... I dunno, dadish."
Kevin just gave Alvarez an absolutely bewildered look. "...Are you actually saying these words?"
"I'm serious, mate! You're always, y'know, taking him out for ice cream after training, making sure he gets home safe, whatever that means-"
Kevin brought up a hand to rub his temple. "Oh my gosh, I don't see him as my kid. Can't I just be nice?"
"Shove off," Kevin said playfully.
An amused grin crossed Alvarez's face. "Speak of the devil."
Kevin turned to see Erling walking up to the pair.
"Hey guys!" Erling said with a polite wave, and Alvarez waved back.
"You need anything?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah, actually," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you think you can give me a ride home after training? Jack drove me but he had to leave early."
"Of course, no problem," he replied without hesitation, and clapped a hand on Erling's shoulder for seemingly no reason.
Erling nodded happily in response. "Thank you, dad!" he said with a bright smile, before walking away as if what he said was completely normal.
It was taking everything Alvarez had in him to not start rolling on the ground with laughter. "What was that about not being his dad?"
It was actually Luka who started it.
Everyone entered the locker room very happy, fresh off a 44th minute goal from Rodrygo that had earned them the lead. The young player received hugs and claps on the back from pretty much every player. The attention was well deserved; the goal was a beauty, after all.
One of the last players to congratulate him was Luka. "Good job, hijo!" he said, hugging his teammate. "You were brilliant out there!"
"Gracias, papa," Rodrygo said, casual, even though he had never called him that before. "But it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't set me up for it!"
"Aw, aren't you the sweetest," said Luka, smiling proudly as he ruffled up Rodrygo's short hair beyond repair.
Rodrygo reached up in a futile attempt to fix his hair, and even though it wasn't said out loud, he got the feeling that he could call Luka that anytime he wanted.
Training had long since ended, and everyone was in the locker room, gathering their belongings and talking amongst themselves.
Luis and Kauan had been making small talk, with Luis telling his youngest teammate about some of his exploits and giving him some pointers.
"Y'know," Kauan eventually said. "You kinda remind me of my dad!"
Luis immediately burst into laughter, but it was out of genuine joy rather than condescension.
"Oh yeah?" he asked, not bothering to wait for an answer. "I'm not that old, kiddo. Now would your dad do THIS?"
Before his teammate could respond, Luis had taken Kauan into a light, non-painful chokehold n given him the strongest noogie he could muster, sending Kauan into a fit of giggling.
When Luis had mercy on the kid and let him go, Kauan needed a minute to catch his breath and compose himself.
Kuan gave Luis a sly grin. "Y'know, my dad does that to me all the time!"
It wasn't Gavi's day. Or his week, and it wasn't shaping out to be his month, for that matter.
He didn't know what was wrong; he just wasn't playing like his normal self these past few games. But the crushing blow was this game in particular, when he was subbed off in the first half due to his performance.
The atmosphere in the locker room after the game was still positive, however, as they had won. But Gavi wasn't participating in the celebrating and joking. He had changed and was just sitting by his locker, just... thinking. He hated sulking like this. He felt like he was being dramatic. Maybe he should go.
He didn't notice someone had approached him until he heard his voice.
"Gavi?" Robert asked, voice laced with concern. "What're you doing here all by yourself?"
The younger player just shrugged, blinking away tears that definitely weren't forming.
"May I?" Robert asked, gesturing to the spot next to Gavi on the bench.
Gavi just muttered a quiet "yeah," and Robert sat closely next to him.
Robert took a good look at Gavi, and for a moment he was reminded of his girls.
"You don't seem to be too happy with yourself," the man said.
"Can you blame me?" Gavi asked, trying not to sound sarcastic.
"Well, I understand. But I don't think you should be so hard on yourself," he put an arm around the young player. "You're talented, Gavi, and you're only going to get better from here. You just had a few rough weeks; it's not permanent. And I'm saying that because I really believe it." He smiled warmly at the young man.
Gavi would be lying if he said he didn't feel just a little bit better. He found himself resting his head on the other's shoulder.
"Thank you, dad. I mean- shit, I-"
Robert just chuckled in response. "It's ok, really, I'm honored," he said, holding the other just a little tighter.
"Hey, dad? Do you-" Vini shut his mouth quickly after he realized what he had just said.
Sergio was on him before the young player could even apologize. "I'm sorry?" he asked, feeling kind enough to at least give the young player a chance to explain himself.
"I don't know, I guess I just got my wires crossed, or something-"
"I thought so. Just don't let it happen again," Sergio said, sounding less angry and more just... irritated. And with that, he left.
Much later in the day, Sergio found himself at Luka's place eating dinner with his teammate, as was pretty much tradition after training.
"Y'know," the team captain said between bites of what Luka made him. "Those kids of ours are really improving. I mean, they were always talented but, y'know..."
Luka just smiled and kept his thoughts to himself. He knew if he made mention of Sergio referring to the young players as their kids, he'd deny it faster than you could say Madrid.
"Don't overwork yourself, Cole, I don't want you getting hurt," Pep said to the young player. It was Cole's first training back after recovering from an injury, so he was prone to hurting himself again.
"Sure thing, dad," Cole said sarcastically.
Pep simply blinked at the young man. He had been managing a long time and had been called many things by all his players over the years. But this was definitely a first for "dad."
After a few seconds of silence, Cole could tell that his attempt at a joke was not well received. He simply stared at the man staring back at him, waiting for whatever stupid prize awaited, and kind of hoping he would just die right now.
Cole's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Hm?"
"Uh... don't you think that's too exerting? You just said I should take it e-"
And without another word, Cole took off running. It wasn't until three laps in that he realized he never asked how many of these things he should do.
"We've won our last five matches," Darwin said.
"And it's raining outside, so traning will be, uh... Not as good," chimed in Harvey.
"And we promise to train extra hard tomorrow! Don't we, lads?" Cody asked, turning to his teammates, who nodded furiously in response.
"I still don't know if you can afford to miss it; training every day is important," Jurgen told the boys. There was a new movie out that the boys wanted to forego traning to go and see. Rather than sending one person to him to be The Negotiator, the boys thought it was better to approach him with their request all at once.
"But papaaaaaa!!" damn near all of the teammates chimed at once.
Jurgen clenched his expensive-ass teeth. These boys always knew how to get to him. He loved being reminded that they loved him and saw them as a father, as someone to be trusted and depended upon. He couldn't even remember when they started calling him that.
He loud out a long, overly-dramatic sigh.
In return, he received a chorus of cheers. An onlooker would think these boys just watched their teammate win them a penalty shootout.
In no time at all he was swarmed with hugs and "thank you, papa"s from too many of the boys to count.
The boys all stopped at the door when they saw their gaffer wasn't following them.
"Aren't you coming?" Alisson asked, eyes kind and welcoming.
"Do you want me to?" questioned Jurgen, looking at his boys' faces for signs of approval. Most of them just rolled their eyes at the suggestion that they didn't want him to join them.
Alisson approached him, took him by the arm, and dragged him to the door himself, Jurgen laughing while following him.
"Of course we do, papa."
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wazzappp · 6 months
Hey dude, I'm interested in reading the ghost rider comics. Especially Robbie's. Where can I start?
By the way I love your art and Aus. Thanks for inspiring me to write mine uwu.
Awwwwwww I'm so glad you're enjoying the stuff I'm making <3!! I hope your creative endeavors are going well.
Ok so you're gonna want to start with the original ANGR (all new ghost rider) run which went from 2014 - 2015. It starts with 'Engines of vengence' and then goes to 'Legend'. I've attached links to Amazon where you can buy either paperback copies or ones for kindle (hopefully it works fingers crossed lmao).
They're by FAR my favorite part of Robbies story (I'm such a sucker for orgin stories I'm ngl to you)
There's then a team up comic that I THOROUGHLY enjoyed which was 'Four on the Floor'. Lots of REALLY fun body horror stuff going on there highly recommend. Also has one of my favorite panels in this whole rec list. Also FUCK ME THE ART IN THIS OH MY GODDDDD HES SO CREACHURE HES S O CREACHURE EEEEEE!!!!
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(Growing pains. Holy fucking SHIT. I bet demonic puberty hits like a fucking train)
There's also a few holiday specials (valentines and christmas) that I've heard are good and I want to get my hands on as well as starring on some 'marvels voices' specials.
We don't talk about the avengers appearances. Unless we're stealing little parts of it and picking its corpse apart like vultures for the juicy bits.
There's also 'Ghost Racers' which I have yet to read despite having access to it I NEED TO GET ON THAT RIGHT AWAY CAUSE IVE HEARD ITS FUN LIKE REALLT REALLT FUN AGHHHHH.
Anyway welcome to the fandom!! I hope you enjoy reading my little guy who has suffered more than jesus <33
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can I request Yandere Gold please 🧎‍♀️
Yeah! I personally adore the Red and Gold art from Kawacy so I imagine Gold in that kind of design, ngl. I did not want to use fan art as my banner however so I threw something together ^^ Aged up as usual.
Thank you for feeding my brainrot. When I was younger Red and Gold were my favorite trainers and I've been playing classic Gen 2 lately.
Yandere! Trainer Gold/Ethan Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Jealousy, Flirting, Delusional behavior, Social isolation.
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- There's a few ways you could've met Ethan, or Gold. Either name works. I came up with three ways I personally liked.
- You both could've grown up together in New Bark Town.
- You met him after he became champion and defeated Red.
- or you met him in Alola, like how Red and Green/Blue are shown in Sun and Moon.
- Gold would also have a Typhlosion, maybe even Ho-Oh by the time his obsession starts.
- Game Gold doesn't really have a personality of his own.
- The only personality I could find was from the manga, depicting him as athletic, kind-hearted, hot-headed, and has a tendency not to think things through.
- Gold may be Obsessive, Clingy, Flirtatious, Caring, Protective, and Talkative towards you.
- I'll now explore the three different ways you two could meet.
- There's the classic way of knowing each other since New Bark Town.
- A very cute way of how your fates tie in together.
- Gold's just getting his Cyndaquil and you have a Pokemon of your own to play with.
- You two are just kids, not quite grasping the concepts of crushes or fate.
- Gold just thinks you're a close friend, you feel the same.
- You two did everything together like true childhood friends.
- Everything except going on a Pokemon journey....
- Gold tried to encourage you to come with him, to be a rival of his and grow stronger together.
- You turn him down, wishing to stay in your childhood home.
- "Come back and visit sometime, I bet you'll be a champion."
- "Really? Fine, I'll keep that promise. You'll wait for me, right?"
- "Of course, Gold."
- That's when you two leave each other to pursue different paths.
- You only meet each other again when you're both young adults.
- Gold has a full team, Typhlosion included.
- He's champion now, he beat Red and met the legendary Ho-Oh.
- Even now, he returns to you.
- Gold never forgot his promise... he never forgot you, either.
- You didn't forget him, right?
- "I'm back, (Y/N). Miss me?"
- Then there's the alternative where you meet sometime after Gold becomes champion.
- Doesn't have to be right off but you appear as a challenger for the best trainer in Johto and Kanto.
- This becomes your first meeting with Gold, who's impressed by your abilities.
- You fight well and battles with you feel thrilling.
- He's missed battles like this... so he tries to get closer with you.
- He wants you to call him often for Pokemon training, he is a pro at it after all.
- This way you end up growing as friends... and perhaps something more if it comes to it.
- He's flirting on the phone playfully, pestering you about when your next battle will be.
- You go from strangers to companions.
- Gold doesn't regret meeting you in the slightest, you're one of his closest friends now.
- You on the other hand, may not share the same sentiment.
- "Think about getting stronger recently? I'm always down to battle with you."
- Lastly, there's if you meet him in Alola.
- Red and Blue are there, it would be cool to see Gold there also.
- Being the champion of Johto gets tiring, a vacation is what he needs.
- That's when he meets you.
- You have a Pokemon of your own, one who gets along with Typhlosion rather well.
- You both find each other's company a nice addition to your vacation and grow close that way.
- It's cute to watch your Pokemon get along, it's nice to chat....
- This vacation is perfect, is it not?
- Nothing could ruin it....
- "Let's get something to eat, Typhlosion is getting a bit hungry."
- Now into his actual yandere behavior.
- Gold would be all about you.
- While Red is stoic and keeps it on the down low, or Blue thinks you also like him just as much, Gold is aware of how much he enjoys your company.
- He tries to express it to you, too.
- He'd probably give gifts and frequent phone calls to you.
- He brushes it off as just missing you, but is that really all it is?
- He'd probably be physically affectionate, too.
- All about hugs that catch you off guard, showering you in compliments.
- Friend or not, he adores your hugs.
- Gold would flirt, too.
- It's always playful, even when platonic.
- He just wants you to feel good.
- You make him happy, so he wants you happy!
- He's very caring but ignores the fact he may be causing you discomfort.
- In a way that may make him delusional.
- Gold would be protective and jealous about you, Silver can be rude and he feels Red may hurt you.
- Even though Red prefers to keep to himself....
- Gold also just likes the idea of being your closest, if not only, friend/partner.
- Gold is pretty extroverted and loves to talk to you.
- He wouldn't really kidnap and definitely not murder.
- He would try to isolate you socially.
- Often pulling you away from friends and sometimes family to keep you to himself a bit longer....
- Gold is more like a very talkative partner who just adores giving/taking your attention.
- Just try not to disappoint him too much.
- He and Typhlosion may have a hidden temper.
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frozen-fountain · 11 months
Get to know the fanfic writer
Thank you once again to @late-to-the-fandom for the tag. In turn I tag: @visualheresy, @laboradorescence, @oceangirl24, @bees-and-sunshine, @0nelittlebirdtoldme, and @hrh-spinach.
When did you post your first-ever fanfic?
All the way back in 2005.
First Character(s) you wrote?
That's for me to know and most of you to hopefully never find out.
Main Character(s) you're currently writing?
I'm alternating between Shadow (FFVI) and Cloud and Tifa (alternating viewpoints).
Character(s) you haven't written about before but plan to soon?
Well, he's been the secondary character enough times now that I really need to give Reeve his spotlight some time. Cloud's viewpoint also requires giving Zack and Sephiroth more of a voice than they've directly had in this project so far. And then my next longer project puts me in Setzer's head which... joy. But I think I've at least written a few lines for just about everyone in these ensembles at this point.
Fandom(s) you're currently writing?
Final Fantasies VII and VI.
Platonic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
Shadow and Baram, though ngl the relationship on the page has turned more ambiguous than I had in mind at the outset. Let's throw Shadow and Relm's not-relationship in there, too. More broadly I'm also getting into Cloud and Tifa's ways of interfacing with a whole village of faces old and new; it's been fun characterising them through different reactions to the same person.
Romantic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
Cloud/Tifa (messy), and I suppose Shadow/Relm's inevitably unnamed mother (barely romantic at all).
Your top AO3 tags?
Character Study, Post-Canon, and Romance.
Current platform you use for posting?
AO3, and Tumblr and Reddit for attempts at promotion.
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
Ooh, I really liked this part even though it's still unpolished:
“Ain't no ord'nary train on its tracks.” The fire outlines him in gold as he says it, makes darker the dark hole where another eye used to be. He cackles with his eyes on the woods as the train passes by, its lights making prison bars from the shadows of the trees. “That just gone by's the Phantom Train, on its way to the next life after this one.”
You scoff as the clack of metal on metal fades into the night and take another swig of your liquor. Some paint stripper stolen and not missed from a falling-down bar outside of Zozo. The woodsmoke-scented air is warm as tobacco and silent, now that the search has been called off. “Stories for kids and old folks,” you mutter.
He shakes his head, lifts his bottle. Pauses with his hand on the neck and no closer to his lips. “Not this one. And it was you and me put a few more faces in those carriages, you bet your ass.”
“You say so, buddy.”
He smirks, a red and sinister thing in the firelight. “Oh yeah? Then you tell me, Mr. Scholar,” and he nodded towards the tangled briar behind you, “where it gone and went, if it ain't passed outta this plane altogether.”
You turn your head and there is nothing. Only unbroken inky black and the hoot of an owl rustling in the treetops. A shiver racks your body as the forest slides back into place, as though nothing had ever passed this way at all. Shrugging it off, you drain your bottle. “The woods is dark. Awful lotta things can get lost in there.” A grin, and you toe the bounty by your feet with the flapping, ragged toe of your boot. “Worked out real swell for us.”
You pulled it off. The garrison abandoned you to the night some hours ago, their torches guttered and the strong arms of the law returned to their homes and leaving the darkness for the crickets. Another train passed out of sight a little lighter than it embarked, and you'd both be eating good when you made it to the next town. A day or two, no word of the hooded figures that held a driver at knifepoint, and no-one would ask questions with the right amount of gil dropped onto their counter.
He cackles and sits back, the joints of his elbows cracking as the wear and tear of the dash through the bracken sets in. “Think what you want.”
You humour him with a smile. “How'd those dear departed souls get the afterlife way back when, then? 'Fore trains was running? Answer me that.”
“Well, you know folk. Tale gets a little update every couple hundred years. Way back when it was a long road you gotta walk on, I guess. Little later comes a carriage with a pale rider to take you to the next world. Chocobos with fuckin' death rattles comin' outta they beaks. Go down south where it's marshland and they'll tell you to watch for the pass of the will-o'-the-wisp, 'cause that's the light that guides the ferryman and his dead cargo. Fella told me they got a big steamboat these days. You can see the ghosts hangin' off the sides and wavin' their ghost kercheifs when the moon is -”
“Shut the fuck up.” Another of his stories – always the biggest brute in the bar whose head he bashed in, or the tart with the biggest tits throwing herself in his way.
“I'm tellin' ya.” He chuckles then and raises his half-empty bottle to the sky. “Here's to progress!”
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kyusakku · 3 months
A big ole YAP session
Saw a post on ig where it said something along the lines of "If you were reincarnated as the character on your pfp in the Shibuya incident wyd?" (I have rayne ames on ig we ball)
Here's what I would do:
Firstly, there are many things to consider. The power systems are very different so this would hinge on the fact that I (as Rayne) may or may not be able to see curses.
In the case I cannot, I would have to Toji this shit and see if magic would be able to enhance my senses to the degree where I would be able to sense curses. (In the manga, Rayne was able to physically enhance his body to prevent himself from getting fatally wounded, I figure if I could specify which aspect of the body to enhance (like eyes for example) maybe I could work around it)
OR I can see curses cuz I'm not a normal human in THAT world (the jjk world).
EITHER WAY, regardless of which scenario plays out, we ball. My primary objective would be to prevent Gojo getting sealed. (And not dying cuz I respect Rayne too much to get him killed) This is assuming I get reincarnated as Rayne RIGHT at the start of the Shibuya incident, ie, when Gojo enters the first veil.
OKAY. First thing I'd do is find a radio tower and evacuate the citizens and try to get everyone out. One of the many things that weighed on Gojo's psyche was the constant death of civilians around him. If I could lesson that mental load via directly or indirectly it'd be pretty poggers. I would have to take into consideration Kenjaku's interference if he were to learn that I was trying to get in the way. I can see Kenjaku but I won't be able to see curses like Jogo or Mahito which could arguably overpower me as Rayne even if I used his summons. So going all out in the very beginning wouldn't be ideal.
Another thing I would have to consider is the effects of the veils. Seeing as I'm not a normal human from that world I can assume that the veils wouldn't work on me. So removing the veils altogether would be my next objective or current objective at this time if I'm unable to evacuate citizens. THE MOST IMPORTANT thing as of right now would be INFORMATION. This would involve directly contacting Gojo in some way shape or form. (Side note, I don't like Gojo like that, I'm a Sukuna fan. I love the complexity of Gojo from a character analysis standpoint.)
TO BE SO FR with you guys rn. I would be SWEATING, I would be nervous asf. LISTEN, i would have Yuki Kaji's voice and Rayne's resting bitch face, talking to the dude in a friendly amicable manner would probably be impossible for me in Rayne's body. I'd be so nervous talking to him I'm ngl. Even worse if he doesn't believe me. So from here, I'd have two options.
a) Accompany him into station B4.
b) Work around him.
a) If I were to accompany him into the station, that would imply that I would be fighting alongside him against a lot of curses that I may or may not be able to see. Not ideal since I'd probably only get in the way. The only bonus to direct confrontation with Gojo would be that I could relay information to him.
b) I would be evacuating the citizens trapped in the station around Gojo. Mimiko and Nanako brought a lot of humans into the station to aid in Kenjaku's plan as well as Mahito who came in on a train full of transfigured humans. One thing I could do is either stop Mahito (Partisan go brr), or slaughter every single transfigured human on that train (which would probably be my best bet if I can't see curses.)
At this point in time, Mahito is a formidable opponent where I cannot see myself beating him easily. It would likely be a battle of me vs my objective rather than actually defeating him, especially considering that I don't have any cursed energy, just magic from another world. While Rayne would definitely be a special grade level (comparing him to first grade sorcerers) he is not on a level where he could feasibly defeat/exorcise curses efficiently.
NOW Kenjaku. Would it be possible for me to obliterate Kenjaku? (If I had Rayne's combat experience.) I think yes. If I don't have any of Rayne's skills, probably not. While we're both ranged fighters, Kenjaku would have the upper hand with his millennia of combat experience even with my summons. He'd be definitely outmatched for sure, but his experience is something I'd have to consider, especially if he still has cursed weapons at his disposal. Overall, I think it's a big risk and from here it will get pretty messy.
I would have the options of either defeating him, or taking the prison realm from him.
I would likely go for defeating him in all honesty. Overwhelm him enough and his cursed spirits won't be able to keep up with the amount of Rapid Partisan, or black partisan the entire subway. Either way, everything is getting destroyed mkay?
Another option I considered was after killing all the transfigured humans on the train, going directly to Gojo and evacuating the people in station B4 because (again) I would like to prevent Gojo from getting sealed and that mental strain would likely be lifted by me taking out the civilians in the way of the fight. From here, I have a lot of viable options:
Intervene and simply knocking the prison realm out of the way during that minute assuming I'm able to break out of Gojo's domain expansion in time (unlikely but viable).
Inform Gojo of what's happening or what's about to happen (exposing Kenjaku's existence in Geto's body) so that he wouldn't be too shaken by seeing or hearing him.
Fight off Kenjaku until Gojo mentally recovers and he won't be so shaken by Geto's sudden appearance.
All of these are pretty viable (if this takes place after I get all those ppl tf out Hawks style with the Partisans). Aside from that, I would be getting in the way if I can't see curses.
NOW this is all just plan A. Plan B is to save as many of the characters as I can.
Helping Yuji fight against Choso, pulling Nobara out of the way of Mahito, entering Dagon's domain to help everyone there (thereby preventing Nanami's subsequent death). The one thing I would like to avoid is direct confrontation with Jogo because I'm NOT winning that fight tbfr. I have no idea how these characters are going to react to my actions and presence within this world so everything I do HAS to be well thought out and methodical. Running around Shibuya willy nilly is not an option because everything that happens within it I'm on a timed challenge here.
Some other side quests is to get a window or something and have them communicate all the events that are about to take place and exposing Kenjaku's existence and lifting the veils. One thing I considered is to use the subway's comms to tell Gojo everything. That would probably be the safest and most effective on getting information around.
Honestly, this would be much easier if I was Vanilla ngl. I know her moves, her experiences, and her power scaling down to the T. But I don't know Rayne's cuz Mashle is so unserious with it so I have to guestimate his powers and what they're capable of. I can make a second post about what I'd do if I was Vanilla instead but this originated from a shitpost so idk.
I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts and opinions. What would YOU do if you were reincarnated as your ig pfp RIGHT into Shibuya at the start?
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mofffun · 1 year
[Rambling] Rita + Yanma ep28
tbh i'm still on the fence if Rita-in-Yanma feels a wee bit ooc* but i've been telling myself it's their stress reponse. Bet they still have paperwork from last week's prison break.
*i don't like using this term casually because it feels like i'm closing myself off from learning a new side of this person.
The production blog said the director was aiming for an exaggerated impersonation from from the cast, so it's understandable Rita's most memeable traits are shown. In that regard I think Yuzuki played a more convincing Yanma than Aoto a convincing regular version of Rita. Or maybe my Yuzuki rose-glasses are too tinted 😅
Arresting people left and right can be very easily rationalized as trying to regain control by sticking to what they know best in a wildly free nation like N'kosopa. NGL I might've been projecting but I really wanted Rita to feel accepted and loved in N'kosopa instead of the two making a mess of each other's nation (ahem Watanabe Aoto you set me up). That said, their rivalry is somehow believable because it's the two of them?
Where I felt most out of place was when Rita pulled down their mask to smirk at Jeramie after the team's first defeat in act 1. I could still get behind "let's train, and beat that guy" but Judge, are you being a little too delighted to be able to take on N'kosopa's crime boss?? Guess I'm falling into the flawless-ification of my blorbo. They can be a bit indulgent in arresting people, as a treat. It's Yanma's face now anyway, who cares if anyone sees that.
(another point I saw pointed out last week already was, Aoto rolled his eyes during Rita Scream, but Rita always screamed with their eyes shut.)
I think another angle is Rita allows themself to be a bit indulgent, a bit less impartial, BECAUSE they are using Yanma's body now. Maybe they are trying their best to hold up to Yanma's persona as well, and the mass arrest was AFTER that failed. They were trying to find a gym but the subjects just wouldn't leave them alone lol. It definitely would drive them crazy how unsensible devoted the N'kosopans are for their Prez after he sent them to jail lol.
+ i need to figure out the timezones and propose WHEN during the day they switched. Because that's definitely not like Himeno waking up since they don't want to build new bedroom assets. My bet is Rita WAS snoozing curled up on the court bench 😏 (their eyes were just too heavy on the way back... just for a while I'll just sit for a while...) Yanma's probably up catching up on the tech development the past two years. It's not exactly like his "palace" has a window that tells what time it is outside right.
But one thing I really appreciate is Yanma zipping the mask back on after act 1. Off screen, it's every fan asking for more unmasked Rita time and I'm sure Yuzuki wants that too; On screen, since Rita said the Moffun is something they asked for, the two must've contacted over phone before they all met up at Gira's. So if concealing their face is so important and I'm sure Yanma would've been happy to comply, if not under a little help from a contempt charge, that means Rita allowed him to stay unmasked and Yanma zipped it back up out of respect after the initial teasing (if not also out of praticality of Gokkan's cold 😆) - no wait. wouldn't it be more likely Rita zipped it back up after they said his body is useless 😆 wait there're too many if's!!
Besides the stress of not being in your own body, the fast pace and high technology of N'kosopan life might've messed them up a bit too. In the most straightforward interpretation of Rita's confusion when asked to pass a cable in the movie and the general lack of digitalization in Gokkan, it shows that Rita is probably unfamiliar if not bad with all those flashing neon lights. At the very least, the background noise of snowfall versus yankii brawls is already very different 😣
all aside, team wings, as much fun as the actors were having, IS the C-plot this week. I have faith next week's gonna pick it up (precedent being 13→19 and 18→20) or at least have balanced screentime each nation (like ep10, 25). Shiokara and Morfonia are the more eye-catching reatiners and if Wings already had beef over who to arrest and release, the attempted regicide charge is only gonna further worsen the relationship between the two countries?! I said these two forget it the next day like playground fights but it's not that easy this time now. Who could guess Shiokara's "internatioal incident!" murmur came true 😰
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batmanshole · 1 year
hey, i'm wanting to move to canada from the uk in the next couple years. you mentioned public transport isn't great – do you know if there any areas/cities where it's more accessible? i will likely never be able to drive lol
hi anon!!
it really depends what you're looking for :-) montreal actually has a REALLY good subway system, but the problem is the entire fucking city is like... super inaccessible to wheelchairs / strollers / other mobility aids. if that's an issue for you then uhh montreal might not be the best bet :( especially downtown. which SUCKS because montreal is SUCH a cool city and i actually like it more than toronto LOL.
public transit in toronto is... scary. the subway isn't as good as montreal and rent/cost of living is WAY worse. toronto is scary as fuck im ngl and idk how good the busses are? i know there's streetcars sometimes but also the GTA is huuge so it might depend where you are
ottawa has decent busses, but that might just be because I'm used to them. the rail line is TERRIBLE here though. like the company did not make them good enough to withstand the canadian winter 😭 it's not too bad but they DO have a website where u can plan your trip and that's pretty useful.
winnipeg does NOT have a subway system, and idk how good the busses are either. almost everyone i know there drives.
there are trains between cities, but those are like actual trains lol.
i can't really say much for western canada, and my experience on the east coast has been favourable but the cities there are also a lot smaller.
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uhohbestie · 5 months
hey besties i have fanfic-themed but not directly plot-related questions! well, mostly
question 1) do yall have any favorite zombie media? was there anything in particular that yall are drawing on for your fic?
personally i've been scared of zombie movies all my life lol but because of tamn i've finally been trying to finish the world war z audiobook? (the last time i tried getting thru it was pre covid which has been. a weird experience) it's fully voice acted and i like it so far! super different from the 2013 movie with brad pitt
question 2) :3 do you guys think you'd be up to talk about the no-apocalypse au where scarian get to have a normal breakup someday? :3 it doesn't have to be now or anytime soon but i'd be into hearing about it!
anyways hope yall are having a good day lock and key ^_^
These are some really REALLY good questions!!!
for starters! for me (Lock) I actually didn't start watching zombie media until Key introduced me to it! We watched the Korean series All Of Us Are Dead together, and then followed it with Last Of Us (the tv adaptation) and the first seasons of The Walking Dead, so I've have a very curated window into zombie media (actually! We watched Walking Dead as research for TAMN, because Key wanted to make sure I understood what hordes of zombies in cities look like!)
As for Key's zombie exposure (lol): I (Key) WAS BIG INTO ZOMBIES GROWING UP!! Constant zombie media consumption--probably one of my earliest hyperfixations ngl I feel like what we're drawing on while we write TAMN is an amalgamation of all our favourite bits from the things we've seen together, as well as some of my favourite formative zombie medias while growing up.
The Walking Dead Season 1 remains like, one of my all-time favourite seasons of any television show ever, so that's definitely a big influence. (Some of the later seasons get a lot less of my love LOL) The Korean movie Train to Busan is also a popular one you may have heard of--I'd definitely recommend giving that a go if you're okay with zombie media that veer on the side of tragic. When The Last of Us (Part One) came out, it quickly became my favourite zombie-oriented video game, though a lot of its predecessors (Resident Evil series esp.) really gripped me (even though it took me ages to play-through cuz they would scare the shit out of me LMAO) Its TV show is also an excellent adaptation, so if you're not into playing it or watching a Let's Play, the show is a good bet! The UK series In the Flesh was also an interesting look into After™ the apocalypse, and though it was cancelled after it's second season, it's also worth a watch for a fresh perspective on zombie media. 28 Days Later was an excellent movie and ofc Dawn of the Dead is a classic. And then the usual comedies like Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, etc.
I saw World War Z as a movie but never read the book! I should def give it a try--idk why I never did! God, honestly I could ramble about zombie media forever if given the chance 😂 None of this even begins to cover the sheer amount of zombie comics I read. I was very much a "webcomic" era kid, so a lot of my favourite old original zombie comics are either offline now or I simply don't remember what they were called anymore, so I have no way to track them down :( I did recently enjoy the webtoon Boyfriend of the Dead as a light-hearted, humourous read, but there were a lot of gripping, nuanced, plot-heavy original comics like a decade ago that I loved and I wish I could link. ANYWAYS. I'LL STOP MYSELF HERE AND LET LOCK ANSWER QUESTION NUMBER 2 LMAO
HI IT'S LOCK. I'M BACK. Now, as for a non-apocalypse Scarian scenario, we've actually thought about this a LOT! One of our favourite things to do is make an AU, and then multiple "what if one key things was different" spinoffs of the same AU.
We're gonna put this under a read-more, in case you'd like to keep the "what if" a mystery forever, but to sum up:
In an alternate reality where Scar and Grian break up and then the zombie apocalypse doesn't happen........ they stay broken up! Scar gets what he longs for in the fic: time away from Grian to hurt and grieve and heal with the support of his close friends who care about him.
It takes him a while until he feels ready to date again, but Scar does eventually start a new relationship with someone he knows really well, and has loved and trusted for a long time. They get engaged and start planning their wedding..............
............. and then Grian comes back and says he's sorry, that he misses Scar, that he was wrong, and that he doesn't want to be without him. And Scar................... takes him back.
It's-- listen, it's not the best possible outcome! But we're basing heavily on the Life Series Scarian dynamic, which is itself incredibly nuanced and complicated and tragic and a little bit "you're both bad for each other." It's part soulmates, and it's part codependence, and it's partly killing the person you love with your bare hands alone in the desert, and how that guilt ends up haunting you into every other subsequent timeline. Grian's not the best person for Scar as he is, and Scar's not the best person for Grian, but they want to be with each other, and unfortunately that desire often overrides common sense.
As for what happens after that.... we don't know yet! It was a thought experiment we worked through and ultimately realised "oh, it's WAY better for them that the zombies DID happen in the long run, 'cause without them this would be awful." (Not that the zombies are great, but woof......... Scarian, c'mon.) In this version of events, they lose a lot of friends when Scar takes Grian back, and the isolation suits Scar poorly. It takes them a much longer time to work through how to be good for one another. If the zombie apocalypse was good for anything, it was forcing a reckoning of what they wanted and how to get it--the only other option was death. Without that hanging over their heads, it takes Scarian years to reach any sort of resolution, which (no spoilers but) takes TAMN!Scarian a much shorter amount of time to get to.
Hope that answers your question! The 'what ifs' are our favourite, so we love to ramble about them hahaha <3
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
YOOOOO I THINK I HAVE REVELATIONS OKAY I THINK IM ONTO SOMETHING. ltm literally made me sit my ass down and write hANDWRITTEN NOTES not even the english syllabus during high school made me study a text like this
okay okay first off i think i have a clearer idea of the whole timeline of events. SO FIRST UP - completing ignoring father's backstory and the secrets that led up to all of this - bug's birth mother dies when bug is born -> murdered by her father as it's implied that bug's biological mother is the first of his victims in his attempts to maintain title of chief. plus the attendants helping her die so if that doesn't spell out fishy idk what does
then daia comes to learn of the secret, i'm thinking this is way before she gets killed, because she had wanted bug to enjoy her childhood esp with the 'looming uncertainty' of her father's intentions. which means she had known all along and had attempted to rectify the issue as best as she could by loving bug and giving her the best childhood. i'm not sure what leads daia to confront bug's father that particular night, but that's what leads to bug being forced to kill daia
now THIS IS WHERE I CHANGE MY THEORY. originally i thought that this incident bug's father twists to place the blame on bug, which leads to her punishment. BUT NO a year passes between daia's death and The Incident. something ELSE happens which leads to (as punishment im assuming) bug gaining her eye scar and yun his back scar, because we know that they get those injuries the same day. it's not daia's death that directly resulted in their injuries,,,,,, maybe yes the start of the avalanche, but it took a year
i'm also going to place a bet that bug, at the very least, was punished publicly when the incident occurs because she has memories of being dragged by her hair to the centre of the camp. PLUS in chapter 2 yunho has memories of 'being held back as a body cried in front of him. her cries still rang in his head. her blood still stained his skin'. ngl originally i was like omg is this someone else that's important to yun that we haven't been introduced yet like DID YUN'S MUM ALSO GET MURDERED OR SOMETHING. but now i'm thinking that the 'her' in the memory really is just bug and he's recalling that night he watched bug get punished. which also kind of makes sense when it's linked to him recalling when he truly felt pure terror 'when he'd been unable to protect you as you had him. when he felt fear humming in his chest and pushing him forward to step between you and a knife intended for your skin' bECAUSE at first he is forced to watch but adrenaline and raw need to protect bug enables him to take one of the blows ->>>>>> WHICH LEADS TO THE SCAR ON HIS BACK.
also im going to guess that fire or heat of some kind was involved in the incident, because there are actually so many times in ltm where bug's ptsd trauma relates to a 'searing hot knife pressed against the skin', 'ignore the heat of flame', 'lick of fire against your skin' and also yun not putting more blankets on bug even though it's cold because he knows what kind of memories it will bring up. which also runs along with the lil theme you've got going with fire being in integral scenes of her healing process and as a motif for same
and then this whole incident also plays a part (if not the main reason) for bug training and entering the trials. because FREAKING CHAPTER 1 had hinted at it all along and my brain just filtered it right out of my system. 'after that particular night, you had trained long and hard for this chance'.
now there's still the whole mystery surrounding bug's father's secret, The Incident itself, and what actually happened that led to yun's banishment. I SWEAR THEY'RE ALL CONNECTED BUT I CANNOT WORK OUT HOW. BUT i really do think that it's got a lot to do with bug's gender, maybe even her identity as the first-born child, her father's title as head chief. my brain is shutting down now it's out of fuel from this rapid thinking. YOU CAN EVEN TELL FROM THE LACK OF EMOJIS I PUT INTO THIS ASK HAHAHAHAH THERES NOT A SINGLE ONE. this is how you can tell i mean b u s i n e s s
okay loren signing out for now bc shes tIRED
ok ok I finally have a chance to answer this theory update xD loren and her theories are always SO amazing so I hope you enjoy her big brain :}}
also!! she literally sent me photos of the pages of notes she took and I literally ??? almost cried fr :"DD that was SO cute and made me SO happy you don't even know <3
ok so first,, bug's bio mom and her death is def important so I'm glad you picked up on it ;)
and!! you are definitely on the right track that daia learned of the secret quite a bit before her death,, she did indeed want to protect bug as much as she could by keeping the secret and trying to give bug the best childhood possible :")
next! yes at least a year passes between daia's death and the incident in which bug and yun get their scars,, so there definitely is something else that causes the avalanche to finally collapse ;)
the incident that is referenced in chapter two,,, yes yunho is referring to bug in that moment -- you're definitely on the right track connecting those points ;)
and fire is important! there are so many instances in bug's past that have to do with fire and the way it was used against her :(( so it is a recurring image that is good to keep track of >:D
yes yes!! all these instances are connected!! and they will all be revealed soon!! and the gender part of the theory will also be very important too ;)) your theories come closer and closer every day my dear!!
hehe I love love LOVE reading your theories my love <33 thank you for sending this <3 I hope you're doing well and drinking lots of water!! I can't wait for you to read the next chapters xD
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il3x · 10 months
callbringers ch14 (dropped today!!) spoilers
@thesternest liveblog rambles! i'm pretty much just saying this to you, might make separate posts out of the analysis points when the other readers catch up to them.
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Or loss, if you're Ashelyn.
ooh [kicking feet] i'm gonna have to picrew Ashe with her white hair streak soon!!
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i love how she describes him jyhtsdfgyhjk. gonna start calling him "that terrible king"
ashelyn's nobility training coming back to prop up her masking :3 that's a neat detail, and it's gonna make her Losing Herself To The Mask/dissociation moments soooo much worse hehe. worm tangent, I suspect Lisa Wilbourn went through a similar thing with learning to school her expression as Sarah Livsey...
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ASHEEEEEE😭😭😭 disconnect between emotions and body/actions, speedrun! magrias really is handcrafting her Issues as well as his own huh
oh magrias is SO fucking slimy. horrible bastard. terrible king indeed. god, that speech...
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ough. can't say I'm surprised though
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[me who's been daydreaming about an Ashelyn Gets Mind-Controlled Into Killing fic for a while] hmm...
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YOU WERE RIGHT I DO LIKE THIS CHICK :DD < me when people are mean to my blorbos in compelling ways
also i would not be surprised if luan was experiencing taylor-esque passive suicidality, ngl. she's certainly Gone The Fuck Through It. anyways i respect the determination [tips hat]
back to ashe - I think the epithets she gives magrias in her inner monologue ("that tyrant", "that terrible king") are a way of reminding herself who he is and what he's done. staying focused on him as an enemy, while everything around her tries to convince her he's her leader. she needs this to centre herself and vent her anger, when she can't express her emotions or have her perceptions validated externally.
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Oh, shit, wait - what was that Magnie song you sent me ages ago? Character prediction, the other Scholars working with Magrias will catalyse a crisis of faith for Magnie. I think she'll either leave the Scholars, or drastically change/reform them.
OUUUGGHH I LOVETHE ATTENDANTS PLAYS. loveeeee this. ashelyn channeling her (Reversed) Manipulation <33
"this was a much bigger picture than a few attendants and she could not let them burden her if she wanted to free her country" hm. storing this line. i don't think she's wrong for it but it could be the start of something.
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you SLANDER my daughter??? you tell LIES and MISINTERPRETATIONS?? can't really blame you. but damn how did that one happen
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Ohhh I Like This Girl
luan<3 storing for future analysis reference
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ashelyn on "what it's like to be a noble":
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GOD. FUCK. GOD. THIS IS WHY SHE'S SO COMPELLING. BEING MAGRIAS' PUPPET QUEEN IS THIS TURNED UP TO 200. ashelyn really is worm-esque in that she has the worst day of her life and it makes all the problems that lead up to it infinitely worse... anyways, yeah, bet she hates Aiven extra for that one.
[rubbing hands] is this the bastard we discussed? :3333
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luckily, if he IS the bastard in question, I might have the honour of having (indirectly) orchestrated his demise already >:)
i love how you've done him BTW. there are already some juicy characterisation snippets which may lend themselves to analysis once I've seen more of him. like he totally fits the description of Bastard but you took that and elevated it and [chef's kiss].
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cookiescr · 2 years
Thanks I’m literally harassing all my friends about this stupid visa and when i finally get it, it’ll become a national holiday jsjsjsjs rn I can’t sleep bc I’m nervous about tomorrow
Yeah I started with it and visit some courses, so it’ll be a long road until I actually finish. Brain already gave up tho
You just need to visit your gf and bet you’ll see snow, it’s fun but pls don’t touch the yellow one. Or who knows, maybe climate change will make it snow someday over there too 💀
Yeah kinda it’s the same process as painting digitally but at the same time it’s completely different. But nothing goes over doodles on paper during school, best treasured memories
Yes ok im a Flight attendant mainly, but I’m also working in the on board kitchen as a flying chef because I got extra wine sommelier and business class service training which makes me basically a bootlicker but at least I don’t have to interact that much with ppl as the others due to my assigned position. Ngl idk if I regret doing this or not cause I’m missing out on juicy gossip from the expnomy crew 💀
Yeah pilots are obsessed with fitness they spend most of their layovers in gym. Except for the old married ones they either drink and eat or hide in their rooms. Either way most of them are so boring and they don’t even earn good anymore to see past the dull personality
hslakdjsa i think as you sent this I'd just fallen asleep but hell yee celebration when ur visa gets processed
how lond does it usually take to finish masters is it like 4-6 years as well :0 or is it like a take your own pace thing?
I'm thinking of like uhh starting patreon properly after the trip and try to see if it can be like a proper income thing that i can pay taxes for so i can finally travel around askdla like i wanna make a snowman with my gf hhhhh or snowball fight. Also that would be kinda scary asdkjla
oh damn ye the back of my notebook was always full of doodles like I still kinda remember my teacher writing a little note at the back of my notebook complimenting a shitty drawing but it stuck with me
job mystery solved 😎 also that's dope like for some reason I never thought there would be like a chef on a plane like it never crossed my mind lkajsdal
dang i thought pilots like earn a lot or something
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kellykadesperate · 2 years
okay so now that i'm all caught up and i've been forced to watch each episode every week as it comes out - as the lord intended but still my brain is not wired like that anymore lmao - here's my rundown:
gregory eddie is a treasure and i love him. that man and his deep voice, Whew. he deserves the world, i'm so enamoured by him lmao i like how he really is kinda stoic most of the time but it slips when he's around someone he likes (cough janine) but also like, that high five with barbara was one of the cutest things i've ever seen, his interactions w the kids are adorable and that man is already so far gone for janine, the way he can't help but smile when she cracks a silly joke, his whole face softens.... once things start Escalating in that department i'm gonna die
ms barbara howard is a Treasure, i both love and respect her, she's so endearing sometimes and she has the biggest mom vibes, janine wanting to get hugged by her is a Mood
melissa is incredible, i looooove her bond/alliance with barbara, love how she takes no shit, love how she has so much love and cares a lot about her job - also loved how hot she looked in that scarlet witch costume in the latest ep she was so right about that
i relate to janine so fucking much lmao i really like how they strike a balance between showing how she wants to make things better but she goes about it the wrong way sometimes, and that doesn't absolve her from taking responsibility but it also doesn't make her a bad person per se. i love her fuzzy cardigans, her outfits scream teacher every time, she's so cute and tiny. i bet she's fucking terrifying if she got like, Really pissed off
jacob is that perfect embodiment of an annoying white liberal lmao heart in the right place but whew learn to shut up sometimes. his side glances to the camera are perfection, i love how he so clearly wants to be friends with gregory and gregory begrudgingly allows him to try
ava is both annoying and smart, incredibly sharp and has some of the best jokes imo. i love how she cares about all the teachers despite mentioning at least once an episode that she doesn't lmao
yeah so i love this show and i will now dutifully wait every week for a new episode ✌✌ (sorry about this being stupid long btw)
OMG!! Never apolgoise, i love talking about my silly little show!!
mr eddieeeee!! no but seriously can you imagine you apply to be a headteacher, fail, then come in as a cover teacher role and realise that the only reason you have not got the headteacher job is because of blackmail. like! It’s insane. i love how goofy he can be and like you say when he slips a little and looks at the camera like BRUH what is going on. he’s such a good outside pov character in the first few episodes, he’s like ???? janine hi :) ???
and barbara and melissa are the ultimate work wives. I love them so much and how totally over all the insane drama they are, they just rock up like cool another day another disaster
janine!! i love her so much and yes the outfits lmaooooo, the belts are just … so unnecessary and cute bless her. It’s weird because being a teacher myself she reminds me of like me when i was doing my training. just so optimistic and wanting to change lives lol but i love how they do touch on why she is the way she is re: mum issues and stuff like yes she’s overbearing at times but also !! hello she’s trying to change the world. let her.
honestly her and gregory’s slow burn situation is driving me insane but it’s just so <333 cute and wholesome and i love how they’re so trusting with each other and have little interactions which put them both at ease
jacob’s line about teaching history but living in the present lmao. and when janine is like stop talking about your work in africa and ZAK. i love jacob so much he’s honestly just the right side of annoying
ava is my favourite character ngl she is ………. Everything. i feel like you can’t help but stan her and think she is just insane but also iconic?? every single line of hers has me dying and AGAIN like they showed that she does have layers re: her grandma. she’s just constantly vibeing and slowly destroying the education of hundred of children but she’s having the time of her life so let’s keep it up. i am so intrigued about who was the headteacher before her too? like did melissa and barbara have a heart attack when she started? give me this information lmao
honestly like i LOVE how good all the characters are, and how they are all just so funny and relatable in some ways. there's 22 episodes this season so it's running up until february!!
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