beet1031 · 5 months
Endangering UNH’s Students: a Critique of PSC and NHYM
(Side note: I'm posting this because it's easier than making a whole website for one post)
Let’s get something out of the way very quickly; I am pro-Palestine. Not only do I want this horrible, awful genocide in Gaza to end, but I want Palestine to be freed from Israel’s tyrannical rule. So I’m not writing this critique because I disagree with either of these organizations politically. Actually, in terms of core values we agree on many levels. The reason I’m writing this is because I take issue with how the University of New Hampshire branches of the Palestinian Solidarity Coalition (PSC) and New Hampshire Youth Movement (NHYM) have been conducting themselves recently. To be honest, I’ve felt this way for quite some time now. But since no one was getting hurt, up until this point I’ve kept my opinions to myself. This, however, has changed. Now, thirteen people have been brutalized and arrested by the police. Eleven of those people were students at UNH. So suffice to say, it’s time to speak out. When it comes to their political campaigns, the PSC and NHYM have a huge issue with jumping the gun and antagonizing others. This issue has exacerbated itself to the point where now people are getting hurt. In order to understand the full extent of this issue, we need to go back to April of 2023. 
On April 26 2023, NHYM held a protest on Thompson Hall lawn. Their protest was against UNH’s Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS) department, whom they believed were ignoring the needs of students. And the visual aspects of their protest made quite a strong statement; the group made a wooden coffin, surrounded by signs talking about the number of students on campus who had taken their own lives over the past year. During this protest, they held a mock ‘funeral’ to honor the lives of those who’d passed as well as make a statement against PACS. 
At first, I was all for this. Hearing how many people had died, how few counselors there were, and all the other tidbits of information filled me with determination. I wanted to help, I wanted things to change. I went and helped them make a few posters, and got to know a lot of the people in this group. Most of them were students, and I must admit they were all wonderful people. At the time I just assumed that their protest was against PACS, even though I didn’t know all the details of what exactly was going on. So I didn’t think to question their methods. Then about a day or two after the protest took place, I realized that I wasn’t actually sure what NHYM was trying to do. So I asked a friend in the organization, “Hey, why exactly are you guys campaigning against PACS?” and his answer astonished me: “No, we’re not trying to go against PACS, we’re trying to work with them to inspire change”. 
Wait… what? If their goal was to work with PACS, then why antagonize them? Surely if the goal was diplomacy, then bringing a giant coffin and a bunch of posters saying “how many more students have to die” to PACS’ front lawn would be the opposite of helpful. And given the fact that the school tried to have the protest shut down, I think it’s safe to say the administrators of UNH did feel quite agitated. When you look at the policies NHYM was trying to change, it’s not like any of them were openly malevolent. If anything, most of the policies just made it clear that PACS was a severely underfunded department without the means to be as diligent as their students needed. With that in mind, it’s hard to think the organization would be opposed to hearing out students who have serious concerns about them. So again, why antagonize them? And why go after PACS, when the issues you’re addressing are actually the fault of whoever makes their budget? 
Not wanting to be one who complains without understanding the full story, I went to the next NHYM meeting to get their take on these questions. And to be honest, I was not comforted by their answers. First, I asked if the organization had done anything to try and reach out to the school before protesting. Their answer was nondescript, but I was able to get some information. They said that they had in fact emailed back and forth with PACS a few times, but had been told that there probably wasn’t enough money to implement the changes NHYM was looking for. The leaders of NHYM said that there was no hostility, nor an immediate shutdown of their concerns. Just mild dissent, and maybe a touch of disinterest. Sure, it’s not the greatest response in the world. But it’s hard to justify trying to turn the entire school against PACS based on that communication alone. Diplomacy takes time, but it goes a whole lot faster if the people you’re working with actually like you. 
Although this anecdote is not directly related to the May 1st protests, it does highlight the main issue that I believe is present in both NHYM and the PSC. The UNH branches of both organizations prefer to put diplomacy to the side for the sake of garnering attention and ‘making a statement’. And while power in numbers is a powerful tool when used correctly, there’s more to politics than just theatrics. As far as I know, after the initial demonstration NHYM did meet with PACS in person to discuss changing their program. And the good news is, the two groups were actually able to make some progress towards helping UNH students. So my question is, what was stopping NHYM from just doing that in the first place? 
May 1st: 
My critiques of the PSC and how they handled the protest on May 1st aren’t as harsh as the previous section, since they tried at least a little bit to protect students. But in my opinion, there were still a few things they could have done better. Now, let me make something clear: what happened on May 1st was still entirely the police’s fault. There was no reason for them to be as aggressive as they were, and the way they treated students was completely unacceptable. That being said, it’s the responsibility of whoever’s hosting a protest to minimize the risk of that protest going wrong. And the PSC did very little to try and prevent the thirteen arrests that took place. 
Right now, the PSC is using the brutalization of students by police to fuel their political campaign even further. And of course, what happened during the encampment protest was awful. But there’s one piece of information the PSC is hiding from the public- they knew the police were going to show up. In his official statement about the event, President Jimmy Dean wrote “those guidelines, as well as repeated requests and warnings from university staff and police, were blatantly ignored”. What he’s referring to here is the fact that the school warned the PSC that doing an encampment would lead to police shutting down the protest. In the past, the PSC has always had to get a permit to do their usual protests. And while they did have a permit to be on Thompson Hall lawn from 5-7pm, they did not have a permit to be there past 7pm. In their press statement the PSC cites the fact that the UNH code of conduct doesn’t have any rules against setting up tents on campus, but that doesn’t change the fact that they knew the potential risks of their protest long before the event. 
There was absolutely no mention of potential police involvement in their advertisements for the protests. It is unclear whether the event had designated marshalls or professional peacekeepers who may have been able to deescalate the situation. During most protests, both of these people are usually marked in some sort of easily identifiable manner, such as reflective jackets. In the PSC’s defense, they did hold an optional teach-in about police safety before the encampment. But in a situation where you know the police will eventually come, why let this class be optional? Plus as mentioned before, it is unclear whether or not this professional was still around by the time the police showed up. Overall, given the gravity of the situation the PSC did very little to try and protect UNH’s students. They ignored the warnings of the administration, they withheld vital information from the public, and they did not organize well enough to minimize risk during their event. 
As I mentioned before, I’ve met a lot of the people on campus who work for the PSC and NHYM. I’ve participated in multiple of their events. I was even at the protest on May 1st. Everyone working for these organizations are very nice, very motivated people, and the last thing I want is for any of them to think that I take issue with them personally. Nor do I want to cause drama, so if anyone reading this knows people in either organization, please do not treat them any differently than you normally would. The only reason I’m writing this is because I know the PSC will continue to hold protests, at least until the genocide in Gaza is over. And I want people to know the potential risks of going to these protests, since the organizations hosting them seem to be ignoring them. 
Here’s the thing; these oversights I’ve mentioned do not come from a place of malevolence. Students on campus are angry, and want to fix all the issues going on right now. Not only on campus, but in the world as a whole. I’ve absolutely been there before. But unfortunately, sometimes you have to be willing to work with the people you want change from, instead of against them. This is something that is not represented in either the PSC’s or NHYM’s actions. And if they continue to carry on as they are, I’m afraid about whether or not more people will get hurt. If you’re a student at UNH, please take this into consideration. Whether or not you agree with me, I hope you’ll at least think about what I’ve said. 
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santoschristos · 26 days
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“Kabbalah is all about change. It isn’t about being proud of our good qualities: the wisdom is about transforming our darkness into light.”
— Yehuda Berg “First, we must know the names of the ten Sefirot: KHB, HGT, NHYM. These are acronyms for Keter, Hochma, Bina, Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzah, Hod, Yesod, Malchut. These are also the ten coverings of His light, established so the lower ones can receive His light.
“This is like the light of the sun, which is impossible to look at unless through a darkened glass that diminishes its light and makes it suitable for the eyes’ ability to see. Similarly, had His light not been covered by these ten coverings, called ‘ten Sefirot,’ in which each lower one further covers His light, the lower ones would have been unable to obtain it.” – Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)
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emilie-rae · 2 years
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ragond · 5 years
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Nestled in the small hollow of the tree curled underneath where its roots lie, the star sleeps and dreams of the sky....
So I’ve been working on this other big project (which is why I don’t have many updates) but in the course of it I did a practice sketch of a tree I really liked. Feeling art blocked and a bit frustrated I went back and fiddled with it and what was supposed to be something I would work on later turned into this. I’m actually really happy with the backgrounds I’ve been doing lately.
Oh, while this isn’t there (Yet) I DO have a store. Check it out!
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Cloud 12 Spa Review
Here's my Cloud 12 Spa review!
NHYM 2022 I don’t know about you, but the last week and a half has felt like an explosion of back-to-school, Queen’s-death, and post-pandemic chaos and stress: everyone seems on edge and overwhelmed, including myself. So, when Cloud 12 offered me one of their signature Deep Relief Kloris CBD Oil massages, it couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. Is it in the neighbourhood so I can fit it…
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virvendir · 3 years
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Draw-OC-tober Day 12
One cartoon-seagull was harmed in the making of this picture
Nhymbus is a member of team ZENITH and the lowest in the pecking order on the team, even though he is easily the tallest member, being a Kraken. Though no one on the team knows. He usually wears a gas mask while turfing and uses the Custom Dual Squelchers. As Kraken Nhym got some good endurance and can take a few hits more than usual. He also used to be Zyrrus punching bag, since Nhym usually is rather laid back. He knows he got the size and strength to punch someone into next week, but can't be bothered since he doesn't even feel most hits. Nhymbus doesn't take kindly to some skyrats trying to steal his wasabi fries, though!
His Kraken heritage also grants him immunity to almost all poisons/toxins, so it isn't uncommon to see him munching on the spoiled leftovers from the fridge in the flat he shares with his team-mates, Zyrrus and Nebula. That shrimp salad? Let's just pretend those shrimps are green because of some wasabi, alright? Despite that habit, Nhymbus inherited his mothers amazing cooking skills. So if he can get his hands on fresh ingredients, he will cook up a 5 star dinner.
One day he runs into a 'stray kitten' in a dark back alley. That squid girl Kristin (belonging to @lord-evell) went right at him, though he wouldn't budge. Having nothing better to do and with some drama going on at his teams place, he decided to let her drag him along with her.
He ends up enjoying her company greatly, but he is pretty sure Kristin appreciates his cooking skills more than his company sometimes.
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cuangangbuong · 5 years
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Yêu xa quả thực rất khó khăn.... Yêu một người ở xa, là một điều khó. Yêu 1 đứa con gái sáng nắng chiều mưa như em, lại càng mệt mỏi.
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kissed-by-fire · 5 years
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This is how it starts. Just a trip to see the city-folk’s decorations she tells him. Just a moment to see all the beautiful colors and decorations. It’ll be a learning experience she assures him, a moment to listen to the city-folk’s traditions; to see how they mourn the loss of the ones whos names they can’t recall. The entire way he grumps, mutters bits of complaints under his breath as they make their way through Gridania. Despite the dark event being remembered via this celebration? It’s rather lively. A few mourn, crying for their lost loved ones, but most carry on like it is a average day. Hells some even flat our celebrate that they’d lived through the tragedy those years ago. It’s a testament that the world is healing. That what was once a open bleeding wound has now begun to close. For some? It still festers. It’s written on their faces and showing in the way their shoulders slump. For most though? They have allowed their scabs to form and a many have allowed them to mend entirely and oh does it shine off them and when he finally realizes this the grumping and complaining eventually dies down; replaced with one quick softened smile. It is from then he follows like a good guard, ever a few steps behind the micro-marton that flitters around the city-state taking in seemingly every little detail. No flower, game, decoration, none of it is missed by her wide Doe-eyes. No bird tweeting, conversation, or song from a person is not unheard by her overly large ears. It is in this, in her and her full willingness and enthusiasm to learn about this celebration with open arms, he finds further relaxation. By the time they return to the Manor its twilight and the sky is barely clinging to it’s last shades of purplish hues before it’s descended into a blanket of black and twinkling stars. It is in this moment Nhym has her final enthusiastic conversation about the holiday with a local Serpent guard that Mik’a finds himself smiling ever so slightly at the woman. It is in this moment, with the most outlandish background of massive balloons, chocobos, glittering crystal topped pillars, Mik’a realizes how lucky and thankful he is for this routine that always drives him mad at first. It is in this moment, he admits, he wouldn’t change it for the world.
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praise-nhaama · 6 years
Seeking RP Contacts - Nhym Nswala (Mateus)
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Name: Nhym Nswala
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
Race: Miqo’te Keeper of the Moon
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Hair: Long and to the small of her back. Its a mousy brown with natural highlights of a light brownish blond. Holds a slight wave, and is usually tied half back, left loose, or in a ponytail. She always has flowers in it.
Eyes: A chestnut brown with distinct flicks of gold. Often wide, and attentive. Referred to as doe eyed.
Height: Roughly 4′11″
Weight: Roughly 105lbs
Build: She’s very thin with little fat likely due to her strict diet of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. She’s got a bit of muscle on her bones, but nothing that would indicate she’s any sort of fighter, or that she’s done a lot of hard work in her life. Its most noticeable in her legs as she often runs.
Most notably her ears, tail, and a good portion of her skin has white speckles upon them naturally. I.E. On her cheeks like freckles, the sides of her neck, on her shoulders, her sides, along the base of her tail and outwards toward her bum, and along the sides of her thighs and calves.
Anyone whose familiar with the Shroud, or even frequents or lives there.
Keepers (Specifically Shroud Keepers). If you’re so inclined to do so, you may know of, or heard of the Nswala. A docile, and neutral clan. One of pacifists who try to avoid conflict, and are often known to flee at the first sight of danger. Known as the ‘Clan of Deer‘. 
In my defense, I can work with anything, but these are literally the most likely. All...or most Nswala have the trademark white speckles. You might notice them, recognize them, and engage. Or, perhaps you’re just curious.
I'm looking for some long term RP with people who are looking to make connections, and follow through. She’s very easy to work with, and if you’re interested, don't be afraid to approach, or send me a tell if you see me around. Obviously the idea of making new friends OOCly as well is welcomed, and greatly appreciated.
In Game: Nhym Nswala, Kalah Kaprei, T’lani Buwi, Z’vette Ahji
Here is also a good idea!
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cutetanuki-chan · 3 years
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Commission for Nhym
commission info
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arodabi · 2 years
For the ask game - quirrel and hollow from hollow knight?
Quirrel has the vibes, but i could not vibecheck hollow bc i don’t know anything about hollow knight and i can’t tell who hollow is sowwy
Every time i see anything from that game tho it makes me think it’s like secret of nhym for magic needle spiders
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bitchfitch · 3 years
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Day 3 and 4s theme ended up being purple!
i have a third that i didn't finish in time bc the line work is killing me lmao,
bear belongs to @0luna123
nhym belongs to @drawnecromancy
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squaffle · 4 years
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Mik'a  &  Nhym  done for @she-who-walks-in-dreams &  @kissed-by-fire Thank you again! --
Commission Info | Twitter | Ko-fi
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lord-evell · 3 years
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Splatober day 12
Running to the front when the battle starts, it's Kristin from team Greenfield! Her favorite part of turfing is splatting people, and if she can camp, she will camp!
She is small and scrawny but she won't hold any punches back!
Kristin is really energetic, and doesn't socialize much. Her single mother kept her away from other people, and treated her like her own little doll. As Kristin grew bigger her mother eventually had enough of Kristin not being her perfect little girl so Kristin lived alone for a long time. On her free time she roams the backstreets to find someone to pick a fight with.
When it comes to food she ain't really that picky and would give no second thoughts to pick up a barely eaten burger from a trash can. "Food is food" is her motto. She is always hungry.
One day she meets Nhymbus in a dark alley (belonging to @virvendir ) and no matter what she did, he wouldn't even budge. Annoyed, yet excited to find someone challenging to break, she "kidnapped" him and locked him inside her apartment (more like Nhym being bored and went along with it) causing lots of drama for both their teams. But Kristin learned to enjoy his company.
I'll present her sisters in the coming days.
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virvendir · 3 years
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Draw-OC-tober Day 27
Claudia is a kraken and the mother of Nhymbus. Shw is a great cook and owns her own little restaurant back in OctoValley, where she also serves 'Kraken Cuisine' if you know what to ask for.
She has a warm and caring personality, often offering an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on for her friends and family. Nhym learned how to cook from her, but the two occasionally argue what the right way is to prepare certain dishes.
Serena is a close friend of hers since their school days together.
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The Forest Children Present: The Breakers Brawl
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The Forest Children is a traditional Keeper of the Moon community located on Mateus but is open to anyone on the Crystal datacentre. More information about the community including how to join the discord can be found here. Our events are open to anyone over the age of 18 ic and ooc who wish to learn more about Keeper of the Moon culture or simply wish to enjoy the festivities, no matter their race.
This moon, we will be honoring Rhalgr, Breaker of Worlds, and God of Destruction. To celebrate we will be hosting The Breakers Brawl, an unarmed brawling competition. No magic and no weapons are allowed. The event is open to all miqo'te from traditional clans or tribes and one representative from each tribe or clan can participate. Spectators from all races are welcome to come and watch our competitors as long as they remain respectful. Eight spots are available for competitors and sign-ups are first-come, first-serve. We will also have several prizes available to our lucky winners including:
First Prize: Choice of Dalamascan Shirt or one (1) piece of Southern Seas attire Second Prize: Hunting Hawk Third Prize: Road Sparrow Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth: A shout out and thank you for participating.
Event Date: August 29th 2020 Event Start Time: 5 PM Pacific/7 PM Central/ 8 PM Eastern Event Location: Southern Thanalan (x 17.5, y 40.3) Server: Mateus Server
If you are interested in signing up, please make sure to read our rules here and fill out our sign up form here. Combat scores during the event will be available here for those interested. Please feel free to contact our admins Nhym Nswala (Nhym#1263) or Mik'a Nswala (kosmic#1837) on ig or on discord if you have any further questions.
@mooglemeet​ @crystalxivrp @mateusrpcalendar @ffxiv-crystal-rp @crystal-rp-ffxiv
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