#nic (@me-myself-and-my-fos)
canongf · 5 months
Congratulations on the car!!!! I have this belief that a car melds to a person’s personality, kinda like how often pets look/act like their owners. And I can’t wait to see how you’re reflected in your car (she already has your vibes) —Nic
thank you, thank you, thank you @me-myself-and-my-fos!!!!!
"she already has your vibes" makes me so happy because!!! she feels like me!!! the first time i got in i was like. oh! yeah! this is right!!! she's got her own little personality and her own little quirks and i love that, i can't wait to see how i'm reflected in her either!!! i'm so excited that she's mine and i'm so excited to make her mine!!! i've already ordered a sticker for the back windshield :)
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drjohndisco · 10 months
How are you feeling about the DW anniversary special? Tell me all of your thoughts and feelings —Nic
Thanks for the ask, Nic!
Long Version:
Okay. So. I do have issues with how they handled the Donna + Rose and the meta-crisis thing (the language was okay for 80% of the episode, but the reinforcing of the doctor's gender presentation at the end undercut it) and I do sort of wish that Ncuti could have gotten his own reactions to things without the connection to 14. But I'm excited to see what happened when Ruby's introduced. Also the TARDIS looks a bit boring and clean. My girl needs to be grimier!!!!! Let her be dirty!!!
However, overall, these episodes were fun and varied and I loved them (doll related panic attacks, aside.)
Ten and Donna are one of my absolute favourite dynamics on the show (and while I am a fan of her initial ending/the tragedy that it was) their happy ending made me cry. The love that is (and will) be packed into 14's healing journey makes me so emotional. Also. Their family unit is so funky!! (Which I guess makes my insert Rose's odd aunt?)
15 will be so brilliant!! He'll slay every single one minute of his screen-time!! (Will 100% not be able to concentrate whenever he's onscreen. He's so handsome.)
Hope this answered your question, Nic!
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proton-selfships · 10 months
Every time you reblog an Olivia post I’m like
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(via @me-myself-and-my-fos)
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canongf-archive · 2 years
I know you and Eddie like to sleep in, but if y’all happen to wake up at 7am, what’s a typical morning look like? —Nic
I LOVE THIS QUESTION @me-myself-and-my-fos!!!!!
a 7 AM morning for me & eddie looks slow and disoriented. it looks like the two of us dragging ourselves out of our room and to the kitchen with bedhead and crusty eyes and wrinkled pajamas. it looks like me going through the motions of making coffee, him going through the motions of pouring cereal. it looks like the two of us sitting, having breakfast, playing footsie under the table. it looks like us shuffling into a bathroom that is far too small for us both to get ready in at the same time but that we insist on getting ready in at the same time anyway. it looks like me knocking bottles over when i try to do my skincare routine and eddie zoning out while he brushes his teeth and not realizing that he's drooling toothpaste on the counter. it looks like us trying to get dressed and bumping into each other when we lose our balance putting our pants on. it looks like eddie asking me to smell him to make sure his shirt is clean. it looks like us hanging back and making ourselves late because we just wanna hug a little longer before we set off for the day. it looks very messy and disorganized but it looks very us. and we are happy with our mornings, regardless of what time they start, as long as we're doing them together.
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hyperionshipping · 8 months
idk if you’re taking requests but ❛ you are the peace i crave in this chaotic world. ❜ with Caleb? —Nic
"You are the peace I crave in this chaotic world." Caleb's voice was gruff, slightly slurred, a rumble. "Tricks you are--" his face contorted in thought, his tongue wetting his lips.
The tiefling leaned forwards, tail twitching, studying the wizard. "...I am...? What, sunshine?"
"You're light. You are--" Caleb waved his hand, and Tricks smiled. "--like the light for travelers. You are... always there for me, Tricks. Ever since you joined the party. You left what you knew."
Tricks grabbed Caleb's hands, brows knit together in a mix of compassion and pain. "I left The Gentleman because I needed change. Caleb, you taught me love. I would have left but you have always, always fought for me. Even when shit went south. Caleb, I'd do it all again just to stay with you."
Caleb smiled. Soft and small. He felt so warm.
"Fight together. That is what we promised each other."
"It is!" Tricks sniffled, blinking. "You remember that?"
"I would never forget it."
It was Caleb who squeezed Tricks' hands. Tricks looked down, then back up to Caleb.
"Tricks," Caleb said looking into his yellow eyes. "You are there for me every battle. Every town, every squabble. You always have my back. You speak with your heart. That's what makes you such a good bard. Your song comes from your heart."
"You're just saying that, sunshine." Tricks shook his head.
"Never. You are my... you are-- Tricks, mein Freund, your music is what makes you."
"I mean this. When you-- Molly. You sung the lullaby to him."
"You listened?"
"Ja. I did not mean too, you asked to be alone. But I heard. Never have I heard Infernal so delicately. I don't want to lose you, Tricks."
"I don't want to lose you either, Caleb. I promise you won't. Us, together, always."
"Untill death do us part," Caleb replied, hands holding tighter against Tricks'.
In the morning, he would only have the vaguest memory of the conversation. It'd bring a blush to his cheeks, and a pit in his stomach that he couldn't quite place.
But for now, Caleb was in love once again, the rumble of Tricks' purr lulling him to sleep, the warmth he felt spreading, blooming, as he exhaled deeply.
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kittyandco · 8 months
I don’t think I’ve ever asked, tell me about your relationship with Captain Barbossa if you don’t mind! —Nic (have a little crush on Mr Gibbs myself hehe)
@me-myself-and-my-fos I'M NOT SURPRISED AT ALL HE'S SO YOUR TYPE
BUT. UH. UM ksdkddmkkdmfd i'm fond of that old man
my s/i is sick of her life and simply tries to sneak onto the black pearl while it's sitting on the docks, deathly curious about what a life at sea would be like. she doesn't have anything to lose at this point, estranged from her family and bored with her "friends" (who she meets with more so out of obligation and to pass time. they're snooty and annoying but she loves the drama they get into). her family is wealthy, but she doesn't care about any of it at a certain point. refuses to get married, refuses to contribute to whatever scheme they have going. but she doesn't know what to do with herself, really.
of course, this gets her into trouble, but she's up for the challenge. i meannnn... the captain's pretty hot, right?
needless to say, she didn't know what she was getting herself into
i feel like i had more Plot but i can't remember it at the moment 🥴 but she's definitely there for all the events of POTC 1, since this all happens before that
it's basically: spoiled stubborn brat gets majorly humbled and finally gets to feel something thanks to a crew of undead pirates who love pushing her buttons 😭
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canongf · 6 months
Ooooh Eddie loves you sooooo much. He told me himself >:3 —Nic
(said while giggling and twirling my hair around my finger) that man is always running his mouth to whoever will listen
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canonslut · 8 months
Important question: would Eddie use a cock ring? —Nic
@spicy-me-myself-and-my-fos - this is one of THE most important questions i've ever been asked and the answer is YES.
i think he'd confess to me that he's always wanted to try one so we'd go to the sex store together and shop around, comparing the different kinds. we'd be giggly. he'd be giddy. and honestly... it'd be so cute. i love him. i love making him feel good. getting to try new things together and getting to see him experience pleasure is my favorite thing in the world!!!
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drjohndisco · 1 year
So far, what are your favorite Pike and/or Kirk scenes from ST: SNW? —Nic
Thanks, Nic!! I'm sure there's a whole lot more, but these are just the ones off the top of my head.
Kirk: (Note: some of these are listed as alt!kirk since he's only has 2 main timeline appearances):
Alt!Kirk playing chess with the strangers in Toronto for money.
Alt!Kirk not understanding how revolving doors work.
The way he dances with Una in the musical episode!! Yeah, she spins him first, but the fact he has to reach up to meet her arms is so cute!! Also, the way he sounds during all of his songs.
Alt!Kirk not knowing what a meme is.
Alt!Kirk offering La'an in the dorkiest way possible ('I'm your superior officer and i'm ordering you to eat this hotdog.'), and then buying himself another one when she doesn't eat it.
He's so soft with Uhura when he's hallucinating. He tells her exactly what she need to hear, and is so protective of her.
His speech to Uhura about death (it made me cry for a solid five minutes.)
Just. Every instance is his (mostly unintentional) heart eyes!!
His first meeting with Spock!! (And also the way he was watching him play chess with Chapel with the softest smile on his face.)
There's also something about the way he holds himself, both in the other timelines and main canon.
One of his first scenes in discovery is essentially a power point presentation of his achievements. He's so bashful the entire time, it's cute.
He cooks!!! (And!! At one point they get kidnapped and then he gives their captor lessons while Una formulates an escape plan. Iconic.)
This isn't a moment, but man, his outfits are so good...(My favourites being his green dress uniform an the trench coat from s2e2.)
The entirety of the episode where they get put into a fairytale!!! His counterpart is so silly, and it's so fun to watch!!! (Big. He's an idiot, I can't not fuck him vibes.)
The lower decks crossover episode has him essentially become a tired dad.
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proton-selfships · 4 months
Re: the Wednesday oc f/o
So I decided he’s going to be a warlock named Damian Gaunt and we met at Nevermore when he was transferred there after he accidentally set fire to the mage school he was going to. After graduation he works for a magical agency that basically handles permits and licensing for magic users and beings not of this world (demons/angels/eldritch horrors). I don’t have a whole lot for my s/i but I’m going to be an Addams (Fester and Gomez’s younger sister) —Nic (@me-myself-and-my-fos)
Oooh, that's such a cool idea for an OC, Nic! I love the expansion on the worldbuilding of the series. I always headcanoned "outcast" as regional dialect, so maybe they'd be called mages or warlocks and have a more magical view of outcast phenomena in other places!
And canon doesn't really go much into how people with supernatural powers are handled outside of the school setting, so the idea of there being like, customs for otherworldly beings entering their world would be a fun take! Also plays a lot into an idea I've had that it could be a shared universe with other series, namely Beetlejuice ever since Wednesday's actress got cast in the new sequel coming out. I dunno, the idea of the afterlife basically having a BMV always seemed like it'd fit the magical realist and dark comedic tone of the series, and a place that gives permits to eldritch horrors gives me that same vibe!
It looks like our S/Is would be family, too! Fester is my S/I's uncle by marriage so I'd be your niece LMAO
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canongf-archive · 1 year
I know I sent you a whole thing in dms about Bernard but I don’t think you understand. I’m swooning. Full on racing heart, butterflies in stomach, flustered at the thought and sight kind of swooning. He’s one of the original f/os. I’ve had a crush on him for forever, I just never talked about it. But I also hadn’t really thought about him in so long, and then he reappeared in the Santa Clause tv show. It feels like rekindling a relationship with an old flame and falling in love all over again —Nic
@me-myself-and-my-fos - this message makes me so happy. so so so happy. overwhelmingly happy. i can't even tell you how happy. the feelings you're feeling, the racing heart, the butterflies in your stomach, the swooning, it's so pure and genuine and it's exactly the kind of love you deserve... and with that!!! it's the fact that he's stayed with you this whole time, like he knew you had something special together and he knew you'd always find your way back!!! like fate!!! i'm going to cry. love is sooo real. 🖤
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astralshipper · 8 months
It’s nice to see you back, Astra! Hope you’ve been doing okay —Nic (@me-myself-and-my-fos)
hi nic!!! it's so good to see you!!! im alright, just need to get back into things that comfort me for different reasons and self shipping was always rlly helpful. i hope youre doing alright!!
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jocelynships · 9 months
I was just thinking, and I could absolutely see your and Ray’s kids or even grandkids being ghost hunters but in a very Ryan/Shane The Watchers type way and I think it would be hilariously silly —Nic
I’ve never seen The Watchers! So I guess I gotta look up what those characters are like lol
But I have. Started to develop a fan kid for my ship with Ray lol. Her name is Sarah Lydia Stantz, but goes by Lydia instead of Sarah (yes I got the names Sarah from Labyrinth and Lydia from Beetlejuice I love those movies lol) and she is a HUGE nerd when it comes to supernatural stuff.
Idk if I want to make her goth lol, but she’s very cheerful, gets along great with kids and animals (she’s gonna become an aunt figure to the kids from Afterlife), and I think she would know about the Ghostbusters bc she would have a good relationship with Ray and my S/I lol (idk about the others, Egon she wouldn’t remember bc she would have been really little when he took off and I don’t remember if everyone else stayed in touch but we can make an AU where Egon never ran off and everything was fine and happy shush)
And she’d probably try and start doing her own ghost hunting stuff herself.
But she’s very much a nerd in the same way her parents are. Maybe she got a PhD herself, wanting to follow in her dad’s footsteps? Gotta develop more about her, but Ray and my S/I are both complete and total dorks, so Lydia 100% is too.
Now if she has kids herself? Not sure. I am playing with the idea of her being a single mom (Ray and my S/I would of course help her out with the kids), but also her just being the fun aunt to the Afterlife kids and being good friends to Callie and Gary is fun on its own too! (of course, Callie would be very cold towards her at first due to everything, but they become good friends. After all, their dads were at one point)
Anyways. This ramble got long whoops but yeah, Lydia 100% has a huge interest in the supernatural and paranormal, and wants to follow in the footsteps of her fathers and honorary uncles!
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hyperionshipping · 8 months
House seems like the type to keep his pills in a pez dispenser to give them some ✨ style ✨ —Nic
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dracwife · 1 year
What current f/o thoughts are on your mind? (via @me-myself-and-my-fos)
heyyyy nic!
well. i have Many Thoughts Always Head full. as wel know ive got my vamps on the brain lately but! im working through ideas for my lotr s/is as well<3 what i NEED to do is fucking come up w tags for them all!!!!!!
of course w drac ive had a couple of cute, domestic drabble ideas. mostly been just kinda daydreaming like laying around with him, maybe hes reading to me or something. and i just get to lay against his chest and maybe he wraps his cape around me and just absentmindedly rubs my back and talks to me<|3 ugh.
i have. so so many lotr crushes. idk. i have solid ideas for sarururu. many of them involve idrhil being an absolute menace in his kitty form. causing issues on purpose. [ falls asleep on the war table just to inconvenience you ]
ive also been working on a solid idea for thrandy as well, im thinking hes got a more "this is my cute trophy druid wifesband if you so much as look at him incorrectly i will slaughter you where you stand hope this helps" kinda vibe w idrhil. lots of hair braiding and being gentle and thran spoiling him and "i love you dearly but you give me a heart attack every other day please god stop sneaking out and coming back covered in spider goo" tee hee
god that was so long. and i think probably the most ive ever gushed on this blog. whaddahell
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kittyandco · 9 months
Do you and Hans celebrate Christmas? If so, do you have any traditions? If not, do you have any general winter tradition? —Nic
@me-myself-and-my-fos 🥺 thank you for asking!
hans and i celebrate, yes! we use this time partially to keep to ourselves, though, as we're understandably estranged from our families. someday we'll have friends to invite over and host. (we live in arendelle now oops i wonder how that happened 😐)
so it's a lot of relaxing and just keeping to ourselves. we don't want anyone bothering us about anything. we're off limits, except with each other. we've had enough chaos
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