#nice moment
rodpower78 · 4 months
*Lucy hugs Tim in the elevator*
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eshbaal · 1 year
A Nice Little Moment
I know I usually just shut up and post drawings, and certainly do not have the follower count for anyone to care to read a wall of text from me, but I just wanna share a little nice moment I had recently, and one I think might be nice for those with patience to read. Things have not been going well for me lately. For a while, really. A lot of things are feeling stressful, frustrating and hopeless, and this last weekend was definitely a moment where I had no reason to be in a good mood. On top of many other stressors that I don't need to go into, my long-struggling laptop - the one computer I own, the device I need to do not only all of my hobbies, but to do the very-rare-not-very-well-paying bits of actual work my otherwise worthless, unemployable ass occasionally manages to scrounge up, finally decided to up and die and refuse to charge normally unless the cable is held at an extremely specific degree, lest it immediately lose all charge in like fifteen minutes. It decided to do this at 2 AM, the very day before I had to go to a Bachelor party that I could barely afford to attend, thanks to my economic situation. A bachelor party I ONLY had the money for, due to being given a small salary recently that, let's be honest, I would have liked to spend on something fun or cool for myself. My lack of financial stability met that I, at the age of 33, had to take my mother up on her offer to pay for a new one - using her inheritance money from my recently deceased grandfather. Not something I am proud of - it feels rather infantilizing to have mommy buy you a new computer, after all, and again - I felt as if that money should be hers to spend on herself. Naturally, as a mother, she says she is happy to do this, and I have little choice but to accept unless I want to pay it off for like eight years, but I am sitting there feeling like a burden. So there I am - sitting up at 3 AM, desperately wriggling a charger cable as I try to panick-backup all my files onto a drive that keeps digging to absolute snail shit pace. I get up in the morning to head off to this Bachelor party that I have to worry about being too poor for if we do just about anything more than planned. The weather is gray and windy, making things not look great for our plans to play various games at a park. Despite me leaving in good time, the ONE train on that entire day that decides to mess up is, naturally, the one I am on - ensuring that I will arrive just a minute later than intended, almost entirely ruining the surprise.
So you can imagine me being very annoyed as I got off at the station - cold, sleep deprived, hair all a mess from the wind, worried about finances and feeling knocked down, constantly internally ranting about how I am nothing but a leech to my own mother, incapable of caring for myself, rejected by a working world that constantly reminds me I have nothing to offer, not even doing well with my creative endeavors online. All of these thoughts are going through my head, while desperately trying to remind myself to be in a good mood after all, because in a moment I will be seeing friends and celebrating all the things that are going well for one of them. Right as I am gritting my teeth, right as I am about to have to push yet another intrusive thought about my own lack of worth in the world away, a kid runs right by me, almost bumping into me. I look at where he is headed, and I see him run straight into the arms of a smiling older lady (a grandmother, I assume). And I not even exaggerating when I say that this was like the stuff you see in movies. Arms outstretched like a plane. Her on one knee. Both smiling. Kid practically leaping into her arms before they both get up, hold hands and walk away. It'd have been hilariously corny if it wasn't so genuinely sweet. That made me smile all to myself for the first time in a solid two or so days. Oh, and the weather cleared up and I had a wonderful time. Not a less expesive time, but a fun and memorable day all the same. Things still generally aren't going great. This little moment definitely won't stave away the things that bring me down for good, and I will likely feel many of the same things again very soon and go right back into the pit. But it was a nice little reminder that on occasion, nice little things do happen. Maybe not to you, right now, maybe none that fix anything, but they do. And they're worth keeping an eye open for, cause they really can make things better, even if just for half a day.
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evilhorse · 2 years
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I don’t have to prove myself any longer.
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lilactempest · 2 years
Young Kirby giving the rare snuggle
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Today, I had one of the nicest walks so far.
I had not been able to go on a stroll for a couple of days because lately it was raining deluge-like all day every day. But today, even though we reached 1 degree below zero, the rain stopped for a bit in the afternoon, and the sun decided to show up.
The countryside was stunning: refresh by the cold, reinvigorated by the rain and glittering thanks to the sunshine.
It was simply beautiful and extremely peaceful. I was freezing outside, but the view warmed my heart. 
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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does anyone else feel weird & not good or is it just me
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shatteredsoul1998 · 3 months
oh ok!!
I'll keep you updated, in the meantime I'm happy to talk about my other creations! I have a good number more that I could name. I am more than happy to hear about yours more as well!
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squirmydonnie · 4 months
I finally got my first combo pack on Candy Crush
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lgbtlunaverse · 3 months
Fanon likes to portray Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji as being jealous of each other because they fear wei wuxian will choose one of them over the other. Which is ignoring the fact that at least in novel canon Jiang Cheng did not even fucking know wangxian ever got along let alone that lwj was in love with wwx until at the very end of the story (in cql canon he does go through a wangxian phase early on and gets very confused by their "breakup" during wwx's sunshot era) and that Lan Wangji is mostly filled with loathing towards both himself and Jiang Cheng for 'abandoning' Wei Wuxian and not being able to save him.
It also ignores the much bigger point that both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng are actually jealous of Wen Ning. And why wouldn't they be? That is who Wei Wuxian chose in his first life. He left the Jiang, told Lan Wangji to fuck off no he is not coming to gusu with you, and spent his days with his little-brother-shaped corpse bestie on his mountain in yiling. And then when he came back he immediately called him up the second he could string together more than two notes on a flute. Wen Ning is the real competition. (And he's winning)
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rodpower78 · 2 years
*Jake and Devon shaking hands*
Devon: I love you, Jake.
Jake: I love you more, Devon.
Devon: That's not possible.
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fairycosmos · 2 years
it is very childish and naive but i am still so shocked to see that so many people are just fucking outright mean
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Looks like they’ve just made you a de facto human being, old buddy!
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silvermoon424 · 2 months
For the first time in forever I'm actually feeling hopeful about the state of US politics. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz may not be as radical as some progressives are demanding asking, but for American politicians they are an absolute breath of fresh air.
With how the Republican party has been trying to recreate Nazi Germany, it's such a relief that we have Democratic candidates who are outspoken supporters of LGBTQ rights, women's rights, civil rights, etc. It also definitely helps that they're not completely tonguing Israel's boot.
If you're an American citizen and over 18, you have no excuse to not vote this November.
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lilybug-02 · 29 days
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Two comic pages in less than 24 hours? I think I'm loosing it.
Bug Fact: The Volcano Snail is a deep-sea snail that grows its own suit of iron armor — and thrives near boiling underwater volcanoes. Pictures Below
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Screw You, Snails are being classified as bugs in these Bug Facts.
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The worlds coolest snail. It even rocks red and black coloration.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Trapped in a vicious cycle of pining? Try gay sex! (More things to learn over at Tiger Tiger!)
#tiger tiger#jamis arlesi#remy bonnaire#Arno#through a series of unfortunate events I will be posting this after the update will be out so my timing will be more so:#“Alternate take on how that scene played out” Rather than my funnier “My prediction for how it will go down”#I truly think Remy would rather admit to crimes he didn't commit than confess he has a thing for men.#It would be funny! It would be so funny if this is how Jamis found out. Alas...Not yet...Not yet...#I do love the idea that Jamis completely overlooked the all the elder god horror to get right down to the question of 'HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM'#Remy knows him. Knows him carnally. Wouldn't you like to also know your captain better? In spirit and body and mind?#Jealousy looks good on Jamis. Now he just has to do something about it.#Poor Remy though...He love Jamis so much he'd do anything to prevent losing him.#Which entails never giving Jamis a chance of rejecting or accepting his feelings!#Meanwhile...Jamis is a bisexual disaster man who is at his *limit*.#(For the MDZS fans looking at this Tigers comic who still have no context:#This is like Lan Xichen finding out Jin Guangyao hooked up with Nie Mingjue after LXC spent all that time thinking JGY was straight.#Better yet. This is like WWX just starting to realize his crush on LWJ and then finding out he and JC hooked up in the time skip.#'Nice to know you're into men but why did I have to find out like this' moment.)#((Yes I am trying to bridge the gap between the fandoms I am in. Yes I am still on my propaganda train. Choo Choo!!!))
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