#nick robinson x reader
oliskyesisdaddy · 9 days
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just started watching Damsel and oml how did I not know Nick Robinson was in it!?!?
this man makes me fold I swear to god
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supercap2319 · 3 months
"Why'd you do it?" Zach asked.
"Do what?" Y/N asked after Gray had successfully fallen asleep getting somewhere safe.
"You could have gotten away from that big dinosaur and left me to die, but you didn't. You came back. Why?" Zach's brown eyes were shining with emotion.
"I don't know." Y/N lied.
Zach got closer to him. "Yes, you do."
"I just didn't want you to get hurt." Y/N leaned into Zach's touch.
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generalkenobee · 2 months
Ok, why is no one posting about Zach Mitchell from Jurassic World?! HES SOOOOOOOO AND I FEEL LIKE NO ONE UNDERSTANDS
So if you feel the same maybe send me a request 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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dead-un-arrival · 2 years
Nick Robinson
Thanks, James 💖
You are an up-and-coming director who recently wrote and directed a major film that is coming out soon starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jennifer Garner. While you are on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” you start talking about your interest in other actors; Nick Robinson in particular.
Pete Davidson
Hangover Confessions 💖
It’s your birthday and you’re in love with your best friend.
Tom Holland
Tea and Hot Cocoa 💖
Tom attempts to take the next step in your relationship.
Sebastian Stan
The Proposal 💖
Sebastian realizes he’s ready to spend the rest of his life with you and you finally get a break from work. This makes it the perfect opportunity for him to propose. Featuring: Chris Evans.
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strniohoeee · 6 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris is struggling to come to terms with Y/N no longer being in his life. Stuck in the memories of the past, and having to fight with himself to see her again🫂
Warnings⚠️: None….I mean just heartbreak, so get those tissues ready😭
Songs for the imagine: Ooo Baby Baby- Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, All I want- Kodaline
Disappear suddenly and completely
[Play Ooo Baby Baby]
“Chrissss you’re here” I shouted jumping off of my bed and running up to my boyfriend
“Of course my love, I wouldn’t miss your birthday for anything” he said kissing me
“Chris it’s just my 22nd birthday it’s nothing special” I said looking down
“Of course it is! To another year of health and happiness” he said hugging me tightly
“You’re amazing. What would I do without you?” I said pulling him tightly to hug him
“The real question is what would I do without you” he said kissing the top of my head
“Mmm probably crumble to the ground” I said giggling
“Something like that” he said laughing
“Oh babe! I got you something” he said pulling away
“Chrisss why? You know I hate gifts” I said tilting my head at him
“Well I know, but I’d never show up empty handed on your birthday. Now shut your eyes” he said tapping my nose with his pointer finger
“Fineee” I said shutting my eyes
I heard him walk to my living room and my brows furrowed as to what he got me. Truly hating gifts, but Chris expressed his love through gifts, so I went along with it.
“Okay now open” he said standing in front of me
I opened my eyes to see Chris smiling brightly and holding a vinyl record in his hands. I looked down and my mouth dropped as my eyes went wide
“You didn’t” I said grabbing the vinyl from his hands
“Oh but I did” he said smiling
“Chris I’ve been searching for this album forever, and couldn’t find it well, not an original at least ” I said looking at the album. It was Smokey Robinson’s and The Miracles 1965 Going to a go-go album.
“Trust me I’ve been searching for this album for months, and I’ve had to hide it from you” he said looking at me
“How did you find an authentic album….these are so hard to come by” I said tracing my fingers along the cover
“Lots of dead ends and lots of people helping me, and by people I mean Nick and Matt searching for hours and looking for a receipt authentizing them” he said giggling
“You’re perfect. Like this is the best gift I have ever gotten” I said hugging him again
“Put it on” he said kissing me on the cheek
I walked over to my record player and put the vinyl on. Hearing the little scratch it does before playing the song, sending shivers down my spine. I loved my record player
“Oh my god this is my favorite song” I said clapping my hands together
Ooo Baby Baby started playing and I shut my eyes letting the music take me far away.
“Dance with me?” I asked him sticking my hand out
“Babeeee you know I don’t dance” he said getting shy
“But please it’s on my bucket list to dance to this song with the love of my life” I said pouting
“Alright fine” he said dropping his head and standing up
He joined me as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and his hands around my waist. We swayed to the music as I looked into his eyes.
“I love you, and I know I haven’t said it in a while” I said looking up at him
“You don’t have to say it, I know my love; and I love you too” he replied, smiling down at me.
“You’re the best thing that has happened to me” I said in a whisper
“I’m thankful I met you when I did” he said kissing my forehead
“I want to stay like this forever” I said looking up at him
“We can stay like this for as long as you want” he said laughing at bit
“If I could just freeze time I would” I replied
“I would too” he said in a whisper
I leaned the side of my face over his heart as we swayed to the music. Listening to the thumping of his heart as I smiled and let a tear slip from my eyes. God I loved him so much.
“Never leave me Christopher” I say in a whisper
“I would never” he said rubbing my head with his left hand
The song finished and we parted ways as I turned the music down. He walked over to my bed and sat down.
“Thank you again Chris” I said as I turned around
“Anything for you my love” he replied blowing me a kiss
I shuffled over to the bed.
“You okay baby?” He asked me as he began to scoot up on the bed
“Yeah my back just hurts today. I’ve been super busy” I said cracking my back
“Come lay down, and I’ll rub your back” he said winking at me
“I could never turn down one of your back rubs” I said winking back at him
I laid down on my stomach next to him, and he began to rub my back gently as I melted into his touch. Chris was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, and I truly hoped he knew that.
[Play All I Want]
Chris POV
I sat down in front of her, my heart breaking and tears beginning to fill my eyes. I mean I just couldn’t believe what I was going through.
How I just sat here with her infront of me…so close yet so far away. I couldn’t come to terms that this was my reality. Oh how badly I wish I could turn back the hands of time and really hold on to what we had…. I really took a lot for granted.
Reminiscing on our past memories whether they were good or bad, and wishing so badly I could go back to that. If I knew our story had a bad ending I would’ve held on to her a bit tighter.
It’s been two months since I last saw her, and looking at her right now was making me sick. Wishing I could kiss her lips again or hold her tight against my body and whisper how much I loved her. God this was painful….
Silence consuming us as I sat here not sure what to say, or what to do. Struggling to find my voice as I racked my brain for words to express to her.
“It’s been a while” I stated looking down
“I wasn’t even sure I would be able to come here today, but I knew I had to. Had to see you one more time to finally realize that this is over, and not something I made up in my brain” I said finally looking up
“Your mom came by my house two months ago when she came to pick up the last of your belongings ,and she dropped off a letter you wanted me to read” I said, looking at her….waiting for her to say something
“I was so fucking hurt that I left that letter on my dresser for two months. I mean I couldn’t even come to terms with us being over, and you not in my life anymore. I couldn’t bring myself to read it, but I knew when I decided to come see you today I would finally have the courage to open up the letter with you” I said shaking my head
“Well…I’m going to open it, and read it out loud because I want you to hear it for yourself again” I said picking up the letter and showing her
I sniffled and wiped my eyes. Running my fingers over the cover of the envelope titled ‘Chris<3’….. I almost chickened out, but I came here for her and to be able to step away from us and move on with my life
“Well here goes nothing” I said looking at her as I opened the envelope and pulling the letter out
I began to read out loud
Dear Chris,
To my sweet sweet boy oh how I love you so much. I’m so grateful for everything you have taught me in life, and for all the love you have shown me. Before you I was so depressed and felt like I had no meaning in life. But when you came along you showed me that life is beautiful, and I began to see in colors again.
I remember the first day I saw you I thought wow he’s so immature and annoying….but look at us we ended up together. I mean that wasn’t on my agenda, but love has a funny way of finding those who aren’t looking for it. I sure wasn’t looking for love, but here we are you swept me off my feet what can I say.
I can’t even begin to describe how you changed my life for the better. I know we had our ups and downs, and we argued a lot (you are very hard headed, and I know you’re thinking ‘no I’m not’ right now, but yes you are!). I know you would beat yourself up over a lot of things, but Chris nobodies perfect. However you were the closest thing to perfect! So stop beating yourself up my love.
You’re very hard on yourself, and I don’t think you realize how great you truly are. You’re so focused on being perfect that you let life fly by your eyes. Take a step back and just enjoy what you have! Please don’t take life for granted.
I remember when I first told you I was sick, and that I wouldn’t be around for a long time. I expected you to run and leave me, but you sat with me. And we talked…we talked about life, and we cried, and we laughed and most importantly you helped me live life. I know a lot of days were hard because I wasn’t feeling well. You were there to help me complete my bucket list, and that I will forever cherish even in the after life! And when it was getting close to the end you never stopped losing faith and you never let me think about death. With you I was alive….more alive than I’ve ever been. I want you to know that I fought for you, and if you’re reading this it’s because I lost my battle. However I need you to keep fighting in life, and if it’s not for yourself then fight for me okay!
When you purchased me the Smokey Robinson and The Miracles album you made me the happiest girl ever. I know that you knew it was getting really bad, and I was at the end; but you never made me feel like I was dying. I’m thankful that you never treated me differently even though you were suffering on your own.
I know you said that after I passed you’d never date again because I was your soulmate, but I want you to move on in life. Keep me as a memory and a special part of your story locked away in your heart, but don’t close yourself off to love. When you find the perfect girl (which you will), and you get married my only request is that you dance to Ooo Baby Baby at your wedding! Make that promise for me.
Now I know you don’t believe in reincarnation, but I do and I promise you we will find each other again. If you ever hear Ooo Baby Baby just know that I am here with you. Don’t ignore it because it will be a sign of me.
I know you will be sad and in pain, but I want you to keep your head up and push forward in life for me. You will be okay one day. So once again thank you for always being there for my Christopher, and I hope to see you in another lifetime!
I love you with all my heart….till next time
I let out a shaky breath as I broke down sobbing. Closing the letter back up as I put it back in the envelope. Putting the envelope in my pocket.
Vigorously wiping my eyes and my nose as I broke down sobbing. I never cried in front of Y/N, and I’m sure she was looking down on me laughing as I tried to hide my sobs.
I inhaled shaky as I licked my lips and batted my tears away.
“Fuck man….you have such a way with words” I said looking back over at her
“Life is so unfair…I finally found the one thing I was so sure about in life, and just like that it’s swiped from my hands. If only we could’ve froze time” I said shaking my head
“I miss you…I miss you a lot. Most nights I wake up from this bad dream reaching over to grab you only to realize you’re not here anymore, and my bad dreams are a reality” I said swallowing thickly
“I know I always said I love you, but man if I could get one more chance to say I love you to your face. How your face would crinkle up and your eyes would squint at those words” I said laughing a bit
“God… I just I just miss you man. I’m not sure how I’m going to keep pushing in life, but for you I will” I stated as I fixed the flowers in front of her
“You were my best friend, and my soulmate. I’m going to miss our corny little hand shakes and our slow dances. You know I took your record player and the Smokey Robinson album. And I play it every night, often falling asleep to it. It brings me the same comfort your embrace would” I said as I looked at her
“Most mornings I wake up swearing I hear your voice, or smell your perfume. Hoping you’re going to walk through my bedroom door with bags of snacks screaming my name like you always did…..just hoping you’d wake me from this bad dream” I said licking my lips and wiping my nose
“But I think I’m going to go. It was nice seeing you, and I’ll be back more often” I said standing up
“You look beautiful” I said as I wiped the dirty and rocks off of her tombstone
“I miss you and I love you dearly, and I hope you’re doing okay” I said as I leaned down kissing her tombstone
“Until next time my love” I stated as I let my finger brush off her tombstone, slowly walking away.
I walked away wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath trying to gather myself. Unable to come to terms with having to walk away from the love of my life’s tombstone.
Never seeing her again was going to be the worst part of my life, but I always promised her that I would keep it pushing just for her.
My beautiful girl….oh how I missed her
5 months later
It had been a solid 7 months since the passing of my Y/N. It was still hard, but I was taking it day by day. Having my family and hers to keep me going in life. I still wake up from bad dreams searching for her, and that’s something I’m sure I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life.
I visited her grave every 2 and a half weeks. Just sitting and reminiscing with her about anything I thought of that reminded me of her, or memories we always laughed about. It truly helped me feel better about losing her.
Every corner I turned or everywhere I went something always reminded me of her. It brought a smile to my face but a pain to my heart. I began to believe that she was showing me signs of always being with me, and it made my heart flutter.
Three months ago a blue and black butterfly would always land on or near her tombstone whenever I was there. I swore it was just a coincidence, but when it happened every time I began to believe in reincarnation like she did, and started to think it was her showing me a sign.
Today I was heading to a flea market with my brothers to do some shopping. It was something they loved to do, but I cared less about. I tagged along because I hadn’t really been leaving the house. I figured I could use some fresh air
We were walking around when I decided to branch off from my brothers and look at some other things.
I landed on a booth selling old record players, and immediately my mind went to Y/N. Oh how she would’ve loved to be here, and I’m sure she would’ve bought one.
The guy was helping someone else as I was looking at the record players.
Suddenly I heard a record scratch and Ooo Baby Baby started playing. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my eyes went wide. I turned around and saw the record player in the far corner.
I walked over to it and looked down. It was an authentic 1965 Going To a Go-Go album playing. Just like the one I purchased my Y/N. A smile crept up on my face and I began to think about that night we shared dancing.
When suddenly something from the corner of my eye caught my attention, so I looked down. Tears came to my eyes when I saw a blue and black butterfly had landed on the record player. Not moving, just standing there with the wings spread.
I smiled and laughed a bit…she was right about reincarnation, and that I’d find her again.
“I love you” I whispered
And with that the butterfly flew over my left shoulder and was gone with the wind, and just like that it had
The End
YALLLL I BOUT NEAR CRIED WRITING THIS🥹🥹 I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it🤭🤭. Thank you all for the support, and I’m sooo close to 1,300 followers like WHATTT?? I love yall🤞🏽🥹🖤🖤
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 5 months
── Coriolanus Snow x Fem!Reader
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after mapping out most of the story, this is going to be a bit longer than i thought. although the games aren’t the sole focus of the story, i do want to show you the other tributes! i always appreciate when face claims are given to other characters because i like being able to put faces to names. note ~ not all will be extensively featured
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TAGLIST — if you’ve asked to be tagged and don’t see your user, it’s because I wasn’t able to tag you!
@czarinera | @qoopeeya | @user123454336780536 | @madamemaximoff06 | @ms-longbeach | @mizuki80 | @captainbabybear | @kuroosbby001 | @justacaliforniandreamer | @siriusly-rem | @missunicorn | @alllriseabove | @niki-is-a-thing | @iiuvchi | @firesunflames | @ashcosmo | @nilletellsstories | @hawkinsavclub1983 | @nyxsoleil-blog | @peachyafshawn | @coryoskywalker | @just-a-littlebit-of-everything | @ardentsnowfall | @tiaamberxx | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @foxevxid | @poppyflower-22 | @springholland | @prettyppetty | @katherineeekai | @regulusblackcore | @justaproudslytherpuff | @jklsh | @bogbutteronmycroissant | @tanyaherondale | @sunoosfavsposts | @moonlightfoxs-cantina | @vesperslumbers | @writersblockiskillingme | @becauseseaotters | @ennycutie | @edb954 | @hiraishua | @wearemadeofstardust0 | @phoward89 | @merlieve
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hutz224 · 1 year
Bathurst Masters Championships preview part 1
It is less than two weeks to the World Cross Country Championships and to date attention has been focused on the open races, especially in Australian circles and rightly so, because the team of McSweyn, Caldwell, Hoare and Hull is a genuine medal chance in the 4 x 2km relay event.
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But for older athletes, there is excitement surrounding the Masters events being held in conjunction with the Open championships. Holding the two events at the same time and venue is a new idea. Until now, Masters athletes were used to finding cross country races scheduled for the first day of the World Masters Track & Field Championships held every two years. This was odd scheduling, because running a tough cross country is far from an ideal preparation for track racing. It did, however, guarantee strong fields, which unfortunately can't be said for Bathurst. There are very few overseas entrants for the races, probably because for northern hemisphere residents, it's an awfully long way to travel for a 6k or 4k race, plus perhaps a 2k relay. The 100 Euro entry fee probably hasn't helped! But despite the disappointing roll up of foreign runners, there will be some great racing across the age groups. There are some world famous names among the entries such as Moneghetti, Creighton, Stanton, Froude (NZ) and Robinson (NZ).
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So let's look at the age groups 40+ and 45+, with apologies to the 35+ athletes, who I'm leaving out because I think that 35-39 is far too young to be considered a "Master" of anything! For present purposes, I'm ignoring the 4 x 2k relay events because pairings are as yet unknown.
The men's 40+ 6k race has the highest number of foreign entrants of any race on the program with six countries plus Australia being represented. The strongest overseas competition will likely come from Ben Bruce (USA), who is an elite steeplechaser and ran 2:27 in last year's Boston Marathon, and is the clear favourite to win. Shane Grund from Victoria has been in sparkling form of late (14:49 for 5000m in 2022) and will be close to the front. NSW runner Russell Dessaix-Chin is another elite runner, but current form is unknown. Victoria's Steve Dinneen (Vic) will give it everything and is a strong podium chance. Sweden's Martin Kjall-Ohlsson is another runner to watch. The women's 40+ field looks comparatively weak. April Lund from the USA is the standout with times of 35:19 for 10000m and 1:19.51 for a half marathon last year and should make it a USA double. Nicole Joseph (Vic) is a former Australian W40 5000m champion, but has been quiet since her win in 2019. The form of the other W40 competitors is similarly unknown.
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The M45 race is going to be a beauty, with several runners in similar form. I like Paul Mulholland from South Australia, who ran 15:43/9:19 for 5k/3k in the SA Masters Champs in March 2022. Julian Marsh (once Victoria, now living in California) ran 32:55 for 10k just yesterday, so he will fancy his chances. Nick Moore (NZ) has a similar 10k time from 2021. Jeff Chaseling from NSW had some very fast times from 3000m to the marathon in 2021, but not much since. Any one of these four runners could take the chocolates. Nathan Crowley (Vic) will be better suited to the 2k relay. It is a shame that neither Sinead Diver nor Belinda Martin will be there to dominate the W45 race, but I guess the other women will be glad of that. Again the women's field looks much softer than the men's, with only two overseas entrants. Anna Kasapis (Vic) is in brilliant form, and although 6k will stretch her, I think she will win. Another Anna will be prominent - Anna Thompson Munro (Vic) is a five times World Cross Country representative for Australia. Mainly based on their 1500m times, Katie Siebold (Vic), Melissa Oloyede (ACT) and Kriszta Kovacs (NSW) are all podium chances.
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I am sure that some of my highly educated readers will have other insights into the chances of the various competitors in the 40+ and 45+ races, and I welcome any comments that readers may have. Otherwise, stay tuned for part 2 of this blog sequence, where I will preview the 50+ and 55+ events.
P.S. Thanks to Scott Lawrence for his help with the statistics.
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flower-slut004 · 2 years
Maybe some nick robinson smut
Nick is into wax play. He'll have candles stored away for his pleasure.
He can get really handy too.
Rub his hands on your body as he thrusts into you
Total tease and top at the same time.
Loves teasing you to the point where you are crying and begging for release
"Such a pretty face" "That's my girl" "Wanna try that again?"
He likes taking photos (with a polaroid camera) so he has something to look at when you're not there
Nick loves it when he's balls deep into you and your legs are tightly wrapped around his waist
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angelzrose · 3 years
Beach Day
Requested by: @gpiggy98​
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1190
A/N: This request took me a while longer than I initially thought it would. Hope you like it! 😊
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Hannah lazed on the couch, carelessly scrolling through Netflix in an attempt to find something to watch. Her plan for the day was simple; relax and watch Netflix all day. She had even told her friends not to bother her today, as she just wanted to stay home and relax. However, just as she stopped on her favorite film, her phone buzzed beside her. At first, she ignored the it, but soon after her phone began buzzing again. She grumbled as she grabbed her phone and noticed the text messages on her screen.
Nick 🤪 I know you said that you didn't want to be bothered today, but I'm bored and want to hang out with my best friend. 🥺
C'mon Hannah, it's such a nice day today, we could go to the beach?
Hannah couldn't help but smile as she read the messages. Her and Nick had been best friends for years, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't see him as anything else. Lately, she had started noticing things about him that she hadn't before, such as how his eyes would sparkle when he'd smile. She couldn't pin point what specific event made her view of Nick change, but he had gone from being her best friend, to being someone she couldn't stop thinking about. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to say no to Nick, she turned off her TV with a sigh before replying to his text.
Hannah 😇 Fine, but I hope you realize that I have up my favorite movie for you. 😒
Nick 🤪 You're the best Hannah, I'll pick you up soon. 😘
Hannah blushed at his choice of emojis, before shoving her phone into her pocket. She proceeded to change into a bikini and slipped on a shirt and shorts over it, as well as pack a bag of beach essentials, before leaving the house and locking the door. Just as she finished locking up, she felt arms wrap around her from behind and lift her off the ground slightly. She squealed before scrambling out of the stranger's arms and whipped around, only to see Nick doubled over in a fit of laughter. "Gotcha." Nick managed to say through his laughter. Hannah fought the urge to smack Nick upside the head. "Remind me why I gave up my relaxing day for you, again?" Hannah groaned as they began making their way to Nick's car. "I'm going to go with the fact that I'm your best friend." Nick responded as they climbed into his car and he began driving towards the beach. "No comment." Hannah joked, as she turned to look at him as he drove. God, why does he have to look so good all the damn time? She thought to herself as she watched how he focused on the road as he drove.
When the arrived at the beach, Hannah grabbed her bag of beach essentials and the duo made their way down the beach making small talk, until they found the perfect spot to set up their towels and other essentials. Hannah had noticed how Nick was constantly stealing glances at her, but she opted to push the thoughts of him somehow feeling the same way she did out of her mind. There was no way he could possibly like her; the mere idea was impossible for Hannah to comprehend.
Once everything was set up, Hannah slipped off her shirt and shorts, leaving her in her bikini. She reached into her bag and pulled out some sunscreen, and began lathering herself in the it. However, as hard as she tried, she couldn't quite fully cover her back in the sunscreen, so she turned to Nick for help. "Hey, do you mind putting some sunscreen on my back, I can't reach?" She asked, holding the sunscreen out to him. He nodded before taking the bottle from her hands and went to stand behind her. Hannah moved her honey colored hair to the side to give Nick better access to her back. As Hannah felt his warm hands rub her back as he applied the sunscreen, she couldn't stop the blush that crept up her cheeks. She became increasingly flustered, which didn't go unnoticed by Nick. "You okay there, Hannah?" He asked teasingly, a small laugh escaping his lips. "Yup, I'm fine! Perfectly fine!" Hannah squeaked out, desperate for him to get his hand off her back so that Nick wouldn't get suspicious and find out about her feelings for him.
Once Nick finished applying the sunscreen to Hannah's back, she tried to change the subject. "Last one in the water's a rotten egg!" She exclaimed before taking off towards the water. Nick quickly jogged after her. "No fair, you could have given me a warning you know!" He yelled after her, which made Hannah laugh as she hit the water first. Nick hit the water seconds after her, and immediately began splashing her with the water. "That's what you get, cheater." Nick joked as he splashed her. Hannah giggled and began splashing him back. After a few minutes, Hannah conceded the water war. "Okay, okay! You win." Hannah laughed as she held her hands up in defeat.She ducked under the water quickly before coming back up. However, when she resurfaced, she was face to face with Nick, her lips mere millimetres away from his. 
Neither of them said anything; they both stared at each other. Nick noticed a lock of Hannah's hair had fallen into her face, and reached out his hand to tuck it behind her ear. The blush was evident across her cheeks at this point. The next thing Hannah knew, his lips were colliding with her own. The shock of the situation faded quickly, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. His arms wrapped around her waist, as he deepened the kiss. 
When they pulled away for air, Hannah's shock returned. "What was that for?" She asked breathlessly. "I've wanted to do that for so long, Hannah. I wasn't going to act on it, but after the sunscreen incident, I figured you might feel the same way." Nick replied with a shy smile. Hannah's cheeks turned even more red as she processed what Nick said. "You like me?" She asked incredulously. "Of course I do Hannah, you're practically my dream girl." Nick said as if it was the most obvious statement he'd had to recite. When he noticed that Hannah was still in shock, he continued. "I know we've been best friends for years, but I would really love to call you my girlfriend?" He asked, his nerves finally catching up with him. "I-I'd like that a lot." Hannah responded when the shock wore off. Nick's smile brightened immensely at her reply. "So does that mean I can kiss you again?" He asked as he pulled her close. Hannah didn't respond, she just leant up and pecked his lips. "Does that answer your question?" She joked. Nick grinned before pecking the top of her head. The couple spent the rest of the day at the beach, enjoying each other's company.
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fifteen types of kisses | nick robinson
Pairing: Nick Robinson x gn!reader
Wordcount: 2200
Warnings: angst and fluff, some mentions of sex and alcohol
a/n: English is not my native language so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes.
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1. the first
You are in his apartment. It has been month since you started talking, since the first butterflies appeared in your stomach and made it their home. The evening sun colors his face orange and golden and you think to yourself that he is almost to beautiful to be real. His fingers trace over your wrist and it is like tiny electric shocks are sent through your skin. You hope his heart beats as fast as yours as his hand reaches for your neck and pulls you closer, slowly caressing your cheek. Your eyes jump around between his lips and his eyes. Then finally, he scoots closer, his lips hover only inches over yours for what feels like forever, until you close the gap. It is just a soft press, but it lights up your body. You pull away again, but only a bit to look in his eyes, he smiles and you return it. His hand goes through your hair and you cannot stop yourself from giggling, before he kisses you again, quickly brushing your lips, but this time with more certainy.
2. breathless
Kissing Nick fills you with joy, you use every opportunity now that you are ensured your feelings are mutual. You both cannot let go of each other's lips, it is still so overwhelming. The first few days after admitting your feelings, you stay in his apartment to avoid any pressure from the media. You kiss constantly, often they are a series of short pecks, only parting to grasp for some air. Sometimes you have to smile because it is just so unbelievable.
3. heated
The afternoon heat and lack of clothes make you two hungry, hungry for love. You want more, more than kissing and softness. His hands grab the shirt you stole from him, pulling it over your head. You pull him closer by sitting on his lap. Your kisses get more passionately, maybe even angry, angry about the space between you two. There is bare skin, with hands tracing over it, tongues in each others mouth and throbbing hearts.
4. after sex
Your chest feels heavy, your limbs are tangled with his. Nicks arm lies around your shoulders, painting doodles on your bare shoulder. His bedroom is dark. Your clothes form a trace from the living room to his bed. He softly whispers that you could order something to eat, his fridge is nearly empty because you haven't been out for four days. A stuffy silence hangs above us. You roll onto your stomach and press your face into one of the cool pillows to hide your red glowing cheeks. Nicks fingers tug a strand of hair behind your ear before he slowly places a kiss on your jawline. You turn your head to gift him a small smile and say that you would love to order some chinese food.
5. you look beautiful
It is the first time you see him on the red carpet. Nick warned you about the bright cameras and the rude photographers, that they will yell questions about his personal life even though his manager explicitly told them to ask Nick about the movie he filmed earlier this year. The atmosphere is even worse than you imagined, even though you wear pretty, ocean blue garments and stand on the side with his manager. You only watch him, smiling steadily and answering a few questions here and there. After a few minutes, he walks over to you, grabs your hand, kisses your cheek and whispers: "You look georgeous." His manager pushes you two out of sight, before anyone can take a photo.
6. in the dark
The theater is darkened and infront of you plays Nick's movie, but you hardly pay attention to it. The two of you sit in one of the last few rows and Nicks arm is thrown behind your seat. Your hands are interlocked, and so are your lips. You barely make any sounds. His fingers are touching your neck, while your hand lays on his pants. You wish there weren't so many people or any people at all. The risk to be seen turns you on and it shows in your glowing cheeks. If this was just a normal movie theater and not a convention, you would suggest to sneak into a bathroom stall. Everything around you blurres. He is the only thing that matters.
7. come to bed
It is late at night, probably already after midnight. You just stumbled through his apartment door, hands on each others face. He throws the keys to the sideboars where he usually keeps them but misses. You don't care, all you care about are his lips. God, his lips. Your mind is empty, there is only Nick. His jacket falls onto the wooden floor and so does his white shirt. Your lips don't let go off one another while he zips your dress open and lets his hand slide over your naked back. Your kisses trail down his jaw and neck, because you just can't get enough off him. Before he picks you up to carry you to his bed, he kisses you deeply as if trying to say everything with just one kiss.
8. morning
You are too sleepy to land the kiss properly, so instead of Nicks lips you kiss his cheek. He groans and turns over to nudge his face into you neck. Your legs are tangled around the blanket you share. He still smells like his perfume and you probably still smell like yours. Grinning, you place quick and soft kisses on his forehead and drape your arm around his body. He does the same and pulls you closer. You want to stay here forever.
9. angry
They got a picture of you two and now it's all over social media. Nick is furious and you are just as well. This was not supposed to happen. Other people shouldn't interfere in your relationship but there are articles all over the internet. His manager already called and said it would be better to end things. You turn off your phone to avoid any notifications. Nick tears his hair. Then you both yell at each other even though you are on the same side. There are tears in both your eyes.
"Does this mean goodbye?"
He grabs your face and kisses you hard as he shoves you against the nearest wall. You dig your fingers into his hips, harshly grabbing ahold of him. You both know the answer should've been yes, that would've been the rational one, the easy one. The kiss turns into a brush of your lips between unsteady breaths, until the energy is gone and the only thing left is the harsh truth.
"No," He repeats emasculated.
10. goodbye
Packing your bags makes your time spent together seem so finite. You really thought you could last, you thought you could keep this relationship a secret. But the photo of you and Nick at that event is everywhere. There are so many mean comments and people just interfering. Nick watches you as you place your belongings beside his door. There is a cap waiting downstairs to bring you to your own apartment. You try to fake a smile but at the same time, tears are rolling down your cheeks.
"Hey." Nick immediatly hugs you, stroking your hair. You smell his perfume and hope it's not the last time. Your hands cling onto his hoodie.
"I don't wanna go," You whisper. A cry escapes your throat.
"I know, I don't want you to go either." He puts his hands around your cheeks so his thumps can wipe away your tears. Then he leans his forehead against yours. Your noses touch and out of instinct, you close your eyes. The kiss is lingering and whenever one of you pulls slightly away, the other one kisses them again.
After what seemed like a small infinity, you are in the cap and leave Nick behind. Your heart is heavy.
11. post break-up
You are near his building. You ponder if you should just ring his bell, say hello. It has been three months and the emptiness every morning has almost become normal. Almost is good, right? It means you can get over him, right? At least that's what you tell yourself to feel better. So you avoid him and open the door to a bar instead. It is noisy and cramped, but they have alcohol so why not stay for a bit? You order a drink and stroll through the bar, watching people laugh and couples kiss in corners. The feeling of loneliness grows bigger and you wish you'd stayed home.
"Shit, sorry. Oh." Someone bumps into you and you almost spill your drink all over the floor. You want to swear until you notice it's Nick. Oh, god.
"What are you doing here?", He asks.
"I was just..uhm, I... I was in the neighbourhood and well, I guess I wanted to see you. Yeah." You look at him and cannot comprehend how you could ever leave him.
"You look good."
For a moment, you only stare at one another. You barely breathe. His eyes glide over your face, your body and back to your face. Time seems to slow down, your surroundings blurr, there is only him and you.
Then he puts his drink aside, cups your face and kisses you longingly. Your glass falls down as you embrace him, breaking into a thousand pieces while you, for the first time in months, feel whole again.
12. hello
Yesterday, waking up in his bed again seemed so far away. But now you are here, beside him, tangled up in light grey bedsheets. He has his arms around you, spooning you. Your bodys fit perfectly against one another, like two puzzle pieces.
"Hello," You murmur against his hand, before placing a soft kiss on it.
"Hello." He smiles against your neck. You giggle softly.
You wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.
13. i missed you
You prepare dinner in his kitchen together. His phone is playing a playlist yoz made all those weeks ago.
"What kind of pasta do you want?", He asks and holds up two different sorts of noodles.
"Those." You point at the left package and heat up the stove. He steps behind you to wrap his arms around you, kissing the spot under your right ear where you are extremely sensitive.
"I missed you," He whispers and kiss you once more.
"I missed you, i missed you, i missed you," He repeats and places little pecks all over your neck and cheeks.
14. comforting + i love you
After dinner, Nick talked to his manager over the phone to decide if you should make it public. Even though you don't want be judged over the internet by thousand strangers, you don't want to lose Nick again. So you post a picture of you in his arms on Nicks account. The positive comments outweigh the negative ones, but you're not used to this part of the internet. Tears build up in your eyes, but you wipe them away angrily.
"You shouldn't read those," Nick says and takes your phone away, distracting you with a kiss. Your noses boop together and you try to form a smile. Sniffling, you lay your head in the space between his jaw and his shoulder. He strokes your hair before sliding onto the floor in front of you, taking your hands in his to kiss each knuckle seperatly. Then he reaches up to hold your face and plants soft kisses on your cheeks and neck until you giggle and push him away. Your eyes lock for a moment and the world feels right, like this is where you are supposed to be.
"I love you," You say and mean it with every fibre of your heart.
"I love you, too." He comes closer to kiss you and a warmth you never knew before fills your body and mind.
15. christmas
Summer changes into autumn and everything dies except your love which ironically blossoms. Winter turns L.A. into a white concrete jungle full of christmas lights. For the first time in your life, you celebrate the holidays with someone who aren't your parents. Nick tries to stop you from turning his apartment -well, by now it also belongs to you - into a small winter wonderland, but you don't listen to his protests. You both invite friends over at christmas eve and dress up in silly holiday shirts and matching sweatpants.
By now, everyone is sitting around the coffee table in the living room, watching a christmas movie and unpacking presents.
"Can I show you something?", Nick asks you and you nod, whereupon he takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen where you hang up some mistletoes. He looks at you and you smile brightly.
"Close your eyes," He instructs and you do as he says. A cozy nervousness flows through your body as he puts something in your hand.
You carefully open your eyes again and spot a tiny, wrapped up packet. Without hesitation, you unwrap it and open the black box. A gleaming, silver key appears and you immediately recognize it as the key to Nick's apartment.
"Do you want to move in with me?", He asks and you nod, wrapping your arms around him.
"Yes, of course." A moment passes and you look up, giggling and pointing at the mistletoe above you two. He rolls his eyes, but grabs the collar of your ugly christmas sweater and kisses you. Heat fills you and your hands slide under his hoodie.
Someone hrumphs behind you. Awkwardly you let go of one another to let the person squeeze past you into the kitchen. You share a look with Nick and laugh.
"Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Nick."
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Thank you for reading & Happy holidays!
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messwithideas · 3 years
It’s Not The Same Anymore
Pairing: Nick Robinson x reader Words: ~770
[A/N: english isn’t my “mother language” so i’m sorry if there’s mistakes, typos, or it doesn’t make any sense, i’m sorry…]
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The air in the airport was awful. The airport shouldn’t be a place where you feel sad and depressive. It's the place where you should be happy that finally you’re getting out and have a good time in the other countries, experience new places and cultures and just relax. But this time was different. You didn’t want to let him go, and he didn’t want to leave you either. “Sweety, it’s time” your mom said and you gently pushed yourself out of Nick’s arms. 
  His smile was happy but also miserable, so was yours. “We will talk every day, okay?” you said while a tear was running down on your cheek, and Nick nodded with a sniff. Your mom started to walk to the gates and you knew this was it. “We will see each other soon, I promise” your eyes started to get wet again and so did Nick’s. He quickly threw a kiss to your lips and now you were walking away from him.   You mom had got a new job from Europe, and there was no other choice than move with her to the other side of the world, because you were too young to live by your own and none of your relatives weren't around. It was just you and your mom.  It was hard to tell Nick that you’re moving far away and you’re not gonna see each other so often anymore –you had been dating over 2 years and both of you thought you’d found your soulmate, the true love. But Nick understood how important this job is to your mother and you coming with her. Luckily, the internet has been invited so you don’t have to play pigeon post.
  It’s been 6 months since you moved to Europe and you’d told to Nick that you’re gonna visit him soon. But soon was never coming. You didn’t have time and money to fly back to US, and your mom didn’t have time and she didn’t allow you to travel by yourself across the world.   The long distance relationship started to get a little bit frustrating when you and Nick never found a good time to talk and it was getting a little bit dull to always ask “How was your day?” “Is everything there well?” and so on. Of course, you were missing Nick and he was missing you, a lot. Both of you had cried yourself to sleep, hugged a pillow at nights wishing you would be next to each other and remembering all the good memories what you had together and imagining what you would be doing in this moment if you were together.   And all of this started to make you think. Even you both promised to each other that you’re gonna get this long distance relationship to work, you started to think twice and you even asked help from your mother and she just said “Whatever feels good and it’s best for you. And you can always stay friends…?”   So, one day when finally you both had time for each other, you talked things through and when you said the most awful words ever “I’m not sure is this going to work anymore”, you found out that Nick had been thinking the same.   After a long discussing, you both decided to stay as friends from now on, and you felt how a huge rock had rolled down from your heart. But for Nick, it was awful. It felt like his heart would’ve been ripped in pieces.   When your call was over and you had said goodbyes to each other, Nick was staring his room’s wall and started to feel how he was full of emotions but feeling numb at the same time. And as he was staring the wall, all the memories of the two of you started to come inside his head and felt how a tear dropped down from his eyes, and it didn’t take a while when he felt how his lungs was getting empty from the air. He burst into tears and the crying didn’t stop.   Nick loved, and still loves, you so much. He wanted to spend his entire life with you. He had planned everything; the house, the pets, the trips, the wedding, everything. You were his best friend, partner in crime and true love. And now everything had taken away from him. Even you’re still best friends, everything isn’t the same. Everything hits different from now on. He can’t kiss you anymore. He can’t hold you anymore. He has to show his love to you from different angle, from the best friend angle, not the boyfriend angle.
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jinxfirebolt18902 · 4 years
Real? - (Nick Robinson Imagine)
Words: 1.029 Summary: Nick finds (female) reader asleep and thinks about how much he loves her. In the morning it’s her turn.
GIF: mine
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The keys clinking against each other along with the sound of the lock when he opened the door didn't reach her ears. He noticed the living room of the apartment was dimly illuminated. The table lamp faintly shone on the white couch. There is where he perceived her silhouette immediately. A smile escaped his lips the moment he saw her. She had fallen asleep. Her right hand holding a pencil, a few papers were next to her on the couch and others had fallen over the floor. On the table it was her laptop, with a Word document opened and half paper blank. The warm light fell on her nose and on her lips, forming shades and highlighting her shape; her hair looking even blonder with the yellow light. She was absolutely stunning, and she literally wasn't doing anything. He hadn't realized but he got himself staring amazed at her sleeping.
He quietly got closer, bent a bit to try to read a few lines, his tongue licked his plump lips unconsciously as his eyes followed the black words. Those lines only made his smile grew wider. She was amazing in every sense. Not only her beauty was simply breath-taking but also her heart and her mind were flawless. Could it be possible to love someone that much? She was so pure and kind. Sometimes he couldn't believe he had met her. Every little moment like this reminded him daily how lucky he was to have her company. If someone asked him to say one reason why he loved her he wouldn’t be able to answer with less than five, even if he tried. His head turned to her again, taking in the sight. A heartfelt sigh escaped him.
Silently Nick went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then he put on his bedtime clothes, which were an old pale blue t-shirt and clean boxers. Quietly he made his way to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. He emptied the glass as his hips rested against the counter. His eyes couldn’t leave her.
After admiring her some more he eventually decided to take both of them to bed. Before getting her, he went to prepare the bed, moving away the covers and sheets. Once that was settled, he got back to the living room and thought about how he was going to do to move all the papers, the pencil and the computer without waking her up. Apparently, she was really tired cause Nick managed to put everything aside and lift her in his arms without complication. Once he set her under the sheets and got himself comfortable next to her, he delicately peppered kisses on her cheeks, forehead, nose and lips.
A sunray filtered through the beige curtains hit her face, slowly waking her up. When her eyelids opened the light changed her irises colour and she turned around to look at the sleeping boyfriend. The sunshine also illuminated him but only his forehead and hair so he hadn’t been woken yet. She took a moment to admire her sight. His brown locks made her wanted to drown her fingers through them to feel the smoothness. Then her gaze went through the lines on his forehead skin towards his eyebrows and then to his closed eyes. Next her eyes kept going down his beautiful nose and parted lips, which looked extremely tempting. His cheeks were pale and his breathing calm. A smile grew on her face as she reached his nose with the tip of her finger and slide it down in a caress. The tingle waking him. When he opened his eyes slowly, he looked at her.
—What? —his voice sounded raspy and hoarse; he closed his eyes again as the sun was starting to reach them.
—Wake up… —she pouted.
—Why? —he answered with his eyes still closed.
—Cause I miss you. —he opened one eye only and arched its eyebrow.
He closed it again and repositioned himself facing the ceiling. —So?
She gasped. He turned his head to actually look at her and couldn’t contain his smile. —Don’t give me that look! I missed you too but when I got home you were already asleep and I didn’t wake you for it. Quite the contrary in fact.
She laughed. Her body turned and got closer, half of it over his. She leaned her head on her hand and stared at him. And he stared back.
—I love how much the sun suits you.
She snorted and rolled her eyes. —Cheesy.
—Hey I’m trying to be romantic here. —he pouted. She smiled, genuinely. —I know. I love you Nicholas John Robinson.
It was his turn to roll eyes. —Isn’t my girlfriend romantic?
They both laughed and kissed. Her eyes though, set anew on his facial features. Silence reigned. Her fingers run through his hair satisfying her burning desire. His glare also focused on her face but mostly on her lips. Minutes passed till she spoke breaking the morning silence again.
—You make me feel real.
He frowned. —What?
—We live life through events and meals and duties with time, hours, days, minutes passing by. We almost never realize what’s going on, we never stop and think… I’m here. —her eyes left the invisible point on the wall and stopped on his eyes. —I'm right here, standing and breathing and my blood is running through my veins and my lungs are working the air in and out. —her hands moved up and down her arms as indicating the blood inside them. —We… we don’t live the present as we should… But when you do it’s like… it’s like reality hits you. From one second to another you look around you and you look at your hand and you become conscious of reality and present. You realize you’re alive and that you are real. And you… you make me feel real.
After a long second of silence, he grabbed her neck and pulled her against his lips into a heated loving kiss. He couldn’t get enough of her. When the kiss broke, his eyes connected with hers and whispered.
—Let’s be real together then...
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oneshots-heaven · 4 years
“The Deal“ - Part 2
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The secret deal you made with your college and friends’ rivalry Nick finds its trouble along you two trying to have a date and some bad luck at lacrosse games. Was the deal worth all the drama it brought or was it just a stupid idea?
Warning: swearing, drinking, physical fighting Nick Robinson x Reader Second part of ”The Deal“ - read what happened before (x) 
Halsey’s voice was blasting through your room as you picked out your favorite jacket from your closet, laying it ready on your bed to grab it later. A frustrated groan came from the small bathroom that was connected to Lily and your little apartment. The two-bedroom apartment was the best luck Lily and you had as it was much bigger than the usual dorms around the campus and had a bathroom included.
“What’s wrong?“ you called out, checking your make-up one last time in the small mirror on Lily’s vanity.
Lily stormed out the bathroom, aggressively tying up her hair to a ponytail. “My hair won’t curl,“ she exclaimed. “Why now? I wanted to look my best tonight.“
“Relax,“ you told her, stepping closer to her and tried to fix her hair by pulling out a few strands to frame her face and tightening the rest of the pony. “You look as pretty as always. And no matter what, Dylan will appreciated it.“
“You’re sure?“
You smiled at her, nodding. Lily’s mouth twitched to a smile too, in response.
“Why do you guys even want to spent your half-year anniversary at this party?“ you questioned her.
It had been half a year ever since Lily and Dylan started dating and were cheesy-worthy celebrating their half-year-anniversary tonight, however their plans weren’t going to the movies or eating at a nice restaurant. No, instead they wanted to go a party with you, especially after you were so down for it. What they didn’t know, was that you weren’t excited to be able to celebrate with them together, but to do things in your own interest.
“Because Dylan and I have been trying to drag you to every party and you never wanted to go. Now you do, so we need to take advantage of that.“ she explained, checking herself one last time in the mirror. “Besides, I didn’t want to do something too cheesy, or else, maybe Dylan will get sick of my clingy ass.“
You shook your head, “He probably won’t. He’s much more clingy than you are.“
Lily chuckled, turning around to you. For the first time, she seemed to notice the effort you’d put on to look decently. “You look stunning,“ she gasped. “Since when do you dress up like that? That eyeliner is a killer.“
Shrugging, you tried to brush it off. “I just felt like it.“
Lily grinned brightly. “Well lady, then feel like it more often.“
You push her forward to the door, grabbing her jacket and purse and your things to finally leave. “Come on, Dylan is probably waiting for us.“
* * * * *
Your heart raced as you walked besides Lily and Dylan to the frat house, in which the party was being held at. It had been only a week since you had sworn to a deal that you still weren’t so sure about, but there was no way you would back up from it.
This morning, you had hoped that Lily would want to do something more romantic, meaning that you could go to the party on your own, but now that she was so keen on going with you, the hiding game was on again. On top of all bad things, Dylan announced to you that all the other boys from the lacrosse team were meeting you there. Meaning you needed to be very good at hide and seek.
You hadn’t heard any from him the past week. After he had the idea of the deal, the two of you were interrupted by a drunken pair that was trying to find a room for themselves. Leaving separately, you had nothing but his word, and when you woke up the next morning, you wished you would have at least asked him for his phone number. Now you had another chance as there was another party at his frat house.
Others greeted you by just handing you their cups as you entered the house. This frat party was non different to all the other parties, the people were turning into groups again. There was alcohol everywhere, as well as the heavy bass music that followed you everywhere you would go in this house.
Dylan greeted the others from his team as you put the cup you’d been given down on a table, surely not drinking out of it, and skimmed through the crowd. It was no secret that you were only looking for him. Let alone, the thought of seeing him again was driving you insane. Every fiber of your body was desperate to be with him, to feel his touch, to hear his furious sighs and those beautiful moans.
You cursed yourself in your head. You weren’t doing yourself a favor, thinking about any of this.
“Wanna get something to drink?“ Lily asked you, grabbing your arm and glancing slightly uncomfortable around the crowd. Without at least a little alcohol, she seemed to survive no party, so you decided to do her a favor and try and find the kitchen together with her.
The kitchen was filled with people who stood around the mass of alcohol, pouring themselves something new into their cups every two minutes. Lily let out a happy sigh, grabbing a cup and pouring in it the next best thing. For a moment, you felt the need to question her doings, but you didn’t, instead you let her return with a grin on her face back to her boyfriend.
You didn’t see any of the Creek’s boys anywhere, at least not the ones who played on the lacrosse team, that’s why you followed your best friend back to Dylan. The boys all had their cups already, expect our drivers.
“Have you seen Robinson?“ Dylan suddenly asked one of his teammates, causing her heart to drop right to your stomach.
He shook his head, “No, but he’s probably somewhere around here. That’s his frat.“
Intrigued by the question why Dylan was asking about Nick, you dared to ask, “Why are you looking for him?“
Dylan put his arm around Lily. His face switched from happy to miserable. “Just some quarterback stuff.“
You raised a brow, but Dylan ignored it and rather concentrated on his girl. Alright, if he didn’t want to talk, you were sure that Nick would—meaning if you ever found him. You lamely excused yourself by Lily to go to the bathroom as you walked into the busy crowd of the living room to look after him.
People danced all around you, or more likely were grinding on each other. Others were playing beer pong or talking loudly. You looked around, hoping to finally find him, as suddenly a voice yelled over the music, “Hey you,“
You looked up, catching Nick leaning against the railing surrounded by his teammates, looking down at you from the second floor. His gaze was fixed at you as he put the cup to his mouth to drink. Feeling thrown back to the last party where the two of you made the deal, you simply starred at him. His mouth twitched to a smirk, and you couldn’t help yourself but to grin back at him.
A simple nod from him made you move toward the stairs to walk upstairs to him. Your heartbeat was racing with every step. You had no idea what Dylan could’ve possibly want from Nick and you knew that your friends were down there, who probably would hate to find out about this deal,  as well as his all of his teammates but all that was on your mind now was Nick. You only cared about Nick and seeing him again.
Your eyes were fixed on Nick as you walked toward him. It took all of you to calm yourself. Although you had made a deal with him, you had no idea if he still wanted it.
What a week without any notice can turn you into.
“Hey,“ you simply said, in return to his earlier.
“I didn’t know you’d come,“ he replied, “but I’m glad you did.“
Ignore the weak knees. It’s stupid.
“Yeah, I came—with the entire team.“
Nick sighed, yet he kept up the smile, “Wanna go to my room to talk?“
You followed Nick through the long hallway of different rooms until you reached the last one, which he opened up with a key. “Don’t want anyone hooking up in my bed,“ he explained, making you quietly chuckle. No one else was allowed to hook up in his bed, besides himself—and last time, he did it with you. If there wasn’t someone else since then.  
You quickly stopped yourself from thinking about that and rather took the time to look around. The last time you were in this room, you had too much to drink and something more important to do than to look at the things around. It was simple decorated, but there was definitely more effort behind it than a usual frat room.
“So,“ he said it too long, “how have you been?“
You turned back to him, glancing at him while awkwardly pushing your hands into your tiny jeans pockets. “Good, been studying. A lot.“
For a moment you hesitated, thinking about being honest to him, but you wouldn’t give into that. “It’s exam season.“
“Yeah maybe,“ he replied, “but that’s not the reason, isn’t it? So, why?“
“To get my mind off of things.“ you admitted, sighing. This got him right on the hook, you could see it in his face, how it lightened up and how he was trying his utter best not to smirk at what you just said. “I never said that it had anything to do with you.“
Nick stepped closer to you. “But I’m pretty sure it does.“
It was ridiculous how he could stand there, being awkward and shy for one second, and in the next moment he turned into this confident, charmingly cocky version of himself the next. But of course, he was right. It all had to do with him, and you hated to admit it. You hated how power he had over you, although he hadn’t done much to gain it.
Suddenly, he grabbed you by your waist, pulling you closer. In surprise, you put your hands on his chest, glancing at him wordlessly, and he surprised you even more as he said, “If I’m being honest, I couldn’t stop thinking about you either.“
You smiled at him, ignoring how the pace of your heartbeat and everything surrounding the two of you. Now, you were just dying to feel his lips on yours again.
Nick bowed down to you, having his face so close to yours that you could feel his breath. Your body was screaming to be closer to him, begging you to finally close the little distance. But Nick’s body seemed to be screaming after yours too, as his lips crashed onto yours.
Grabbing his shirt, you pulled him closer, intensifying the kiss. His lips were just like you remembered them. His hands slid down your waist to your hips, grabbing them hard to pull them against his. Your bodies moved in perfect sync, as if they had always belonged together.
It was so easy to stop caring about everything else. You didn’t care about the fact that your best friend and her boyfriend were downstairs, probably looking for you. No, in fact, the thought of might getting caught thrilled you more than you liked to admit. The thrill overcome you so much that you let go of his shirt, stripping down your jacket, letting fly somewhere onto the ground.
Nick broke off the kiss, breathing heavily. You glanced at his plump lips and his reddened cheeks. It was just the breath of a moment before Nick grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his shirt as well as you did, revealing yourself to him in one of your best bras that cupped your breasts just right.
“Fuck,“ he let out, “I almost forgot how beautiful you are.“
It was a silly comment, but it boosted your confidence immensely. You stepped closer to him, which he happily greeted by pulling you back against him. Nick put his warm mouth on your neck and let it wander towards your ear as he exhaled deeply against your skin. As you stretched your neck, you gave him more space to place his soft, yet daring kiss all over. He sucked on the spot he figured out you liked, making you grab his arms hard and even lured a soft moan out of your mouth.
Suddenly, the door flew open, revealing one of his teammates. “Hey man—holy shit,“
Your eyes widened, feeling frozen for a moment before a shriek escaped your lips and you pushed yourself ashamed behind Nick.
“I’m sorry, man, didn’t mean—“
“Just go,“ Nick told him off, having him leaving Nick’s room the second after. He turned around to you, touching your cheeks to make you look up to him. “Well, that was embarrassing.“
You were confused between wanting to yell after him or laugh at this entire situation. “Didn’t you lock the door?“ you asked him, pressing your lips together not to laugh about this.
Nick looked away in embarrassment. “Will you believe me if I say I forgot at the sight of you?“
You narrowed your eyes. “No, not really.“
His mouth twitched to a cute grin. “But it’s the truth.“
“Maybe we shouldn’t hook up when the entire team is here.“
“Perhaps we shouldn’t,“ he agreed, taking his shirt that you held up for him. The two of you got dressed again, quietly chuckling about it. “But this time, you won’t leave without giving me your number, will you?“
* * * * *
You walked out of the library as your phone buzzed in your jeans pocket. Awkwardly, you tried to handle carrying the books in your arms as you pulled out your phone, expecting to see the photos Lily wanted to see you. After a few drinks at the party, Lily told you that she would have loved it if Dylan had taken her to their favorite spot for a date but she didn’t want to be the one to ask him.
Being the good friend that you were, you gave Dylan a heads up. Some boys were ready to lay the world in front your feet, but they didn’t have the ability yet to see what was going on in their girls’ head.
Lily was over the moon when he asked at the party for the date, explaining that the party was great but a date would be even better. Since then she was stressing herself what to wear and had asked you if she could sent you some options while you were studying at the library.
Your arms almost let go off the books. The message wasn’t from her.
FROM: Nick
Are you free tonight?
Your heart doubled its beat. It had been almost a week since you last saw each other. Although you had finally exchanged numbers, it hadn’t been easier to see each other. In-between studying for exams and his lacrosse practices, there was no time to fit in a secret date. That was the first hurdle, after that you would have to find the perfect lie to tell Lily, knowing that she was going to be all up your business if there was the slightest possibility that you might have a date.
You held in for a moment. Lily would be out with Dylan tonight which meant you didn’t have to make up a good white lie.
TO: Nick
FROM: Nick
Meet me 8 pm at the campus parking lot
Staring at the booty-call like message, you didn’t know what to feel. But what did you expected? A heartfelt invite to a date? No, this was what secretly dating looked like, and perhaps felt like—like pure confusion. Now not alone Lily was having trouble with finding an outfit but you did too.
* * * * *
You stood in the parking lot like an idiot, feeling embarrassed by being all dressed up when you hadn’t even a clue for which car you should look out for. What was even worse was the nervous feeling of unknown. You had no idea what he had planned. Maybe he was coming around not even having a plan, maybe he just wanted to hook up another time.
Fuck, you had no idea what you were even doing here.
This was College and when you’re in College, you do stupid things that you possibly regret your entire life or laugh about it when you’re older, right? Overthinking was your worst enemy, because just now you realized that you barely even knew Nick. Besides knowing the rivalry of your respective friend groups, you only knew him physically better than most people. But you had no clue what his favorite color was or what he was even studying. You knew nothing about him as a person.
Just as you tried your best to calm down, a car drove onto the parking lot and came to stop right next to you. You breathed in deeply, before leaning down to the rolled down window.
You wanted to greet him, however, any words got stuck in your throat as you looked at him. Nick was smiling calmly, yet confidently at you. He looked like he had gotten fresh out of the shower as his hair was slightly curly and messy at the top where it was longer. The dark blue hoodie was complimenting him better than you’d ever imagine.
”Hey, sorry I’m late.“ he apologized, leaning over to open up the door for you to get in the car. ”My roommate, Mitch, was keeping me up with his endless stories.“
At least, he was honest why he was late instead of lying and telling you that the traffic was fault. You got in the car, sitting rather awkwardly next to him in the passenger seat. Why did you have to overthinking every single thing yet again and make things awkward?
Nick seemed to notice the strange tension too, asking, “You okay?“
Unlike other boys you had dated in the past, he had never tried to make you believe something else that wasn’t true. From the beginning, he and you had been nothing but honest to each other about your intentions. You guessed that feelings counted to that too. Being weird about your situation now wouldn’t help it at all.
“Look, I know this going to sound stupid since I agreed to this—“ you held in to find the right word, “unusual commitment, but—“
“You’re don’t want it anymore?“
“What?“ you glanced perplexed at him, needing a few seconds to get what he was thinking. “No, no, not at all. I just… I was just asking myself what we’re doing here. I don’t know you at all, yet you still make me want to take off your clothes right now.“
The grin on Nick’s face only widened, hearing you express your frustrations. “But I thought that was exactly what we’re trying to do. To get to know each other. I mean, beyond our overly insane bodies.“
“You did not just say ’overly insane’, did you?“
”I did, because it’s the truth.“ he replied. “Why do you worry, Y/N? Look, I won’t hold it against you if you don’t want to get to know me.“
“No, I want to. Trust me. I’m just overthinking.“
Nick flashed you a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ve been thinking a lot too.“ he told you. “You seriously don’t want to know how long I needed to bring myself to just text you.“
You raised a brow, not quite believing what he had just told you. “The infamous Nick Robinson can be insecure?“
He started the motor of his car again, murmuring, “Believe me, he can. More than he likes to admit.“  
In this very moment, you weren’t worried at all. Not even about where you would even go. You breathed out, feeling the tension leaving your body. You trusted Nick—no overthinking that, and  now looking at him, the thing you suddenly wanted the most was to get to know the Nick underneath all the lacrosse fame and crazy rumors.
* * * * *
You watched the street lights fading the side-view mirror as Nick drove you two through the city until you came to a stop. You hadn’t talked much during the drive and instead you had listened to the music from his phone, feeling like you were already getting to know him by the different songs he had in his playlist.
Pushing yourself up in the passenger seat, you looked around. Nick had parked his car in a completely empty parking lot. You eyed him closely.
”You’re not going to hurt me, aren’t you?“
The question was as quick out of your mouth as you had thought of it. Your glance met Nick’s, who was shaking his head. ”No, I am not.“ he said, softly. “To be honest, I didn’t know if you wanted to go out or rather keep this between us a secret from the public. So, I tried to meet the middle. Come on out.“
You unbuckled your seatbelt, jumping out of the car. Nick walked around his car, opening up the trunk, only to return with blankets and a basket. You eyed the basket in his hand and then looked back to him, questioning.
A shy smile formed on his lips. “I was thinking of a picnic. If you don’t want to—“
“No, Nick, stop. Your idea is great. I haven’t had a picnic in forever.“ you assured him quickly, taking the blankets from him.
Nick took the opportunity of now having a free hand to grab yours and pull you with him. Smiling  brightly him, you let him lead the way over from the parking lot over to the dark facade. When you walked around it, you noticed where you were standing.
“Is this the Creek’s lacrosse field?“
Still not letting go of your hand, he pulled you to the benches. “Yes, sorry if it’s cheesy, but I thought it would be a good place, given that I can technically show a place that’s important to me.“
“Good thinking,“ you said, putting down one blanket on the bench for him and you to sit comfortably on.
Although one might find this idea was too easy of an idea, he had put a lot more thought to it that you had expected him to do. In all fairness, you hadn’t expected anything as this between him and you was confusing enough. You only had these short moments with him before, never getting the chance to truly get to know him, which kept you day-dreaming and hoping. You wanted more from this, you didn’t know what exactly but right now, your heart wasn’t satisfied enough.
Nick started unpacking the basket, telling you what he brought, “Since we’re already being so honest, I can’t cook for my dear life. That’s why I made us sandwiches and bought some fresh strawberries. I have some toppings and bowls too. I also got pudding, if you like that.“
He stumbled over his words under his breathe, trying very obviously to hide the cause of his red cheeks.
”Are you still nervous?“ you asked bluntly, much out of curiosity.
He put down the packed sandwiches. ”Is it that obvious?“
”A little bit,“ you laughed. ”But why? Whenever I saw you before, you weren’t nervous at all. What’s so different now?“
”I don’t know,“ he replied, laying down the food between you on the top of the basket. ”This just feels different. This isn’t texting or meeting each other half-drunk at a party, this is us, sober with a clear head, one to one. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been on an actual date, so now I honestly feel a little overwhelmed.“
He glanced at you so sudden that a shiver ran from your fingers to your head, tingling on your body. ”I don’t have the need to impress you or be someone I’m not, somehow. I just want you to get to know you. That’s what I want, I wanna know everything about you.”
”You can,“ you said, ”as long as I get to know the Nick behind all the lacrosse hype and rumors.“
Nick laughed wholeheartedly, handing you a sandwich. ”There are rumors about me?“
Taking the sandwich from you, you answered, ”Oh, tons! You wouldn’t believe what let alone some girls said to you at the last game.“
”What did they say?“
“I’m not going to tell you. It will only push your ego. I didn’t even know you or heard any rumor, until I knew who you were. Then you were suddenly everywhere I went. My best friend’s boyfriend and his team talked about you. The girls in the library, or random people at our campus café. People do know your name, Robinson.“
You took a bite from his sandwich, being surprised by how good it was. He may not know how to properly cook, but he could make a dang good sandwich.
”Robinson now, huh?“ he teased you, followed by shuddering his shoulders. ”I don’t know, I guess people like to talk.”
”Don’t you ever hear things about you? I’d go crazy if I knew people talked about me.“
“You don’t like being talked about you? What a disappointment. People should talk about you all the time.“
You frowned at him, shaking your head. “Smooth, Robinson, smooth move.“
Earning a smile from him, you both ate your sandwiches. Sitting there on the benches while watching the sun setting over the lacrosse field, you found yourself randomly at a place of peace. The hectic from the studying of the past weeks had vanished as well as the heavy feeling of not knowing what that between Nick and you was.
You still hadn’t an answer for your last question, but right now, you didn’t feel like you needed one. Sitting here with him was enough.
You talked about anything you could come up with. What your families were like, what you wanted to be as a kid, if pineapple on pizza was a crime or not, continuing fighting about pineapple on pizza. Together you shared the strawberries he had picked, which were some of the biggest you had ever seen. They were delicious, especially with the chocolate topping he had brought along.
The sun had set over the field, only leaving between the lights of the streets that barely shone near you but it was still warm und quiet around you.
You had your head laying in Nick’s lap, looking up at him. ”Did you always wanted to play lacrosse?“
”I started out in Middle School, continued on in High School and then I just didn’t know a world where I didn’t play lacrosse. I like it, although I hate the constant fighting in-between the matches. You would actually believe it’s far worse at a match, but it isn’t. It’s worse at stupid parties and other public events. Everyone starts to think too much of themselves, as if being a good lacrosse player suddenly makes you some kind of celebrity. It’s just shitty nonsense.“
You pressed your lips together, not knowing what to say. This was how you even got in this position the first place. The rivalry between the Creek’s and your college was enormous, giving that the two College’s were only a town apart. Lily’s boyfriend Dylan and his team hated Nick’s team, and somehow Dylan had a special dislike when it came to Nick.
It was silly that you feared being with Nick. Deep down in your heart, you knew that you already cared too much about him and wanted to be with him. Nonetheless, whenever you spent a second thinking about this small possibility, a crushing fear overcame you. Dylan wouldn’t approve it, so what the hell one might think. What did Dylan had to say about your relationship?
You didn’t care what he had to say, however, you knew how much Lily loved him. She would do anything for him, even if it was him telling her not to be your friend anymore. The lacrosse team were your friends. Those were the people you’ve spent your summer days with whenever you couldn’t go home. It were the guys you protected at parties when you had a or two drink too much. It were the guys who built up your tent during your weekend trips.
Being with Nick meant risking losing all your friends. Was that worth it?
You reached up to his cheek with your hand, caressing a moment later. It was so dark around you, you could barely make out his expression, yet you could still see the confusion written all over his face for the breath of a moment. He then gave in, leaning into your hand.
There was so much you just wanted to say to him. You wanted him to understand why you were so torn, why you couldn’t just hold his hand and walked to the next party. You wanted him to never leave.
Suddenly, you heard voices coming close to you, shrieking in Nick’s lap. Instinctively, he held onto you, keeping you from falling off the bench. Not trying to make much noise, you sat up again, glancing at Nick who seemed as caught off-guard as you were. The voices became from the behind the benches, right from the parking lot.
”I can’t wait to bust their asses next week. They fucking deserve it.“ a voice exclaimed, followed by  various spray sounds.
Yet again, you looked over to Nick who looked fuming. Holding his finger onto his lips, he signaled you to be quiet before he started to move further up the benches until he was right at the top.
”Be quick, Jackson. We still need to drown that fucking field.“ you heard a familiar voice. It had already daunted on you who the person behind the many voices were.
Quietly, you climbed over the benches to get up where Nick was standing. Looking down the wall, your suspicion was proven to be right. Matt and the others from your college’s lacrosse team stood in front of the training building, spraying on the wall.
“Yo G, isn’t that Robinson’s car?“
The other guys stopped spraying, turning around to Mitchell who stood right by Nick’s car.
”Fucking hell, it is.“ Jackson said. “Mitch, might as well give his car a good spray too.“
“I’m gonna bust their asses.“ Nick said, angrily, turning away from you.
Instantly, you grabbed his arm. ”You can’t go down there.“
”Why not?”
“Because there are six guys who all hate your fucking guts, Nick. What do you want to do? Have a chat with them? Or better, getting beaten up?” you whisper-yelled at him.
But Nick wasn’t going to be stopped. He freed his arm from your grip, only saying, ”I’m not going to let them win either, Y/N.“
Leaving you behind on the benches, he thundered his way down the steps, not caring a bit about what could possibly happen. You knew Gavin, Mitchell and the others well enough to know that they didn’t care either. Whatever Nick would do, they wouldn’t be feared, especially not by Nick on his damn own.
You looked down at Gavin and the others, fearing what was about to go down. Nick was absolutely insane to run into them, catching them by their illegal doings. But what would you do? Just stand there and see what happens to him?
You ran down the stairs of the benches, trying to catch up with Nick, however you were already too late as multiple voices resounded.
”Hey!“ you heard Nick yell, causing you to run even faster.
”Is that Robinson?“
”That’s mother-fucking Robinson.”
“The fuck do you pieces of shit want here?“ Nick spit out, sounding totally different what he had just said earlier. You stopped in your tracks, distant enough to still see what was happening without being seen.
Nick stood without fear right in front of Mitchell who towered like a giant over him. Mitchell smiled amused down to him, probably knowing that he was having the upper hand in this situation.
”We were just having a little fun, nothing more.“
“Little fun, huh?“ Nick questioned, no backing up. “So, spraying other’s property is your definition of fun.“
”Yeah, I think so. Isn’t it, boys?“ Mitchell asked, looking in the round of his group. ”What are you gonna do? Call the police?“
Gavin and the others laughed at their quarterback’s comment. Your heartbeat picked up so fast, you could almost feel it getting stuck in your throat.
In-between gritted teeth, Nick replied aggressive, ”No. I’m gonna beat your ass at the game, like a fair player, but if you’re so keen on it, I will do it right now, right here.“
You wanted to yell at the top of your lungs at Nick for being so stupid. As if it had been an invitation, Mitchell’s boys came closer, surrounding Nick at last. You didn’t know them as brutal guys, yet again if you were being honest, you didn’t know them at all. You only knew the nice facade they kept up to have a good reputation at your college.
“Very confident, Robinson. Actually, I admire you, it must be hard to be that stupid to think you have a chance against six guys.“
”I ain’t scared of you.“
”Maybe you should be.”
Mitchell’s words were as quick as his fist had snapped forward, hitting Nick directly on his nose. Stumbling a few steps backwards, he kept himself up on his feet. Falling on the ground would be his worst mistake. Nick was quick to hit back, however, Mitchell was only waiting for him to fight back.
This wouldn’t end well, no matter how it would end. There were only bad options.
Gavin was about to hit Nick in his back, making you lose all your nerves. He stopped, letting his fists down, looking right in your direction. Mitchell had grabbed Nick by his collar, doing just the same, staring over to you.
You had yelled out their names to make them stop hurt Nick, revealing yourself in the process to them. In your head, there were thousands screams, signaling you that once you would go further into the light, it was over. Mitchell and the others would put two and two together, realizing that you were here with their rivalry, Nick. You would possibly lose Lily, you would lose all your friends, but you didn’t care.
You couldn’t let them hurt him.
Walking over to him, you pushed aside every worrying thought in your head. There was only one thing you cared about now.
”Mitchell!” you yelled. ”Let him the fuck go!“
”Oh shit,“ it came out of Gavin’s mouth as he realized that the voice in the dark had been yours. Mitchell looked equally shocked to see you there. As it seemed, it was crystal-clear how pissed you were as he let go of Nick’s collar, pushing him away. You stepped closer to Nick, wanting to shield him from Mitchell.
A dry laughter escaped Mitchell’s lips. ”You’re kidding, right? The fuck are you doing here, Y/N?“
You felt your lungs tightened, there seemed to be no air to breathe anymore. The anxiety inside you was suffocating you, but the words still came out of your mouth. ”I was on a date, until you asses decide to ruin it by coming here and doing the fuck know I. Spraying on walls? Since when are you guys that damn childish?“
”Maybe I should ask you since when you’re playing on the wrong side?“
His glare was colder than ever. You hold it, not daring to look away now. He was not winning this.
”That’s none of your fucking business what I do, Mitchell. Take your fucking dogs and leave, before I bust all your asses and you’ll be sorry for.“
Mitchell nodded derisively. “Okay, whatever you want. Just know you’ve played yourself, Y/N.“
Without another word, the boys grabbed their stuff and jumped into the cars, leaving the parking lot with roaring engines and squeaky tires. You stood there still with tears forming in your eyes. The cold night wind suddenly hit you hard, as if everything you’ve ever had just left.
You blinked away any coming tears, quickly wiping those away, which were already rolling down your cheeks. Turning around to Nick, you saw his running bloody nose.
“You need to go let that checked.“ you simply said, breathing in deeply. “Go sit in your car and hold onto your nose. I’ll grab our stuff and drive you to the next hospital.“
“It’s fine.“
You looked at him, this time meeting his wordless glance. “That wasn’t a question. Go.“
Turning back around, you wanted to go back to the benches to grab his basket, the food and the blankets. However, Nick’s voice was keeping you from moving for a moment.
“Are you okay?“ he asked you, sounding sincere.
“Yeah, sure.“ you replied, walking away to the benches.
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avenging-fandoms · 4 years
if you have any nick robinson requests, please send me some!!! i haven’t written for him in forever :((
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stinkyelf · 4 years
✨❤️Nick Robinson❤️✨
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ohmylanes · 5 years
Nick x New York City.🗺🍎
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